Turned Into A Slut Ch. 02 (Timmy Learns About Cock free porn video

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I woke in the morning to Jennifer sucking my cock. She had pulled the sheets off the bed and was kneeling between my legs, licking up and down the shaft. Every few passes she would let it slide into her mouth and wash the head with her tongue. Her other hand was busy teasing at my anus, sliding a little in to massage my prostate. I sighed in pleasure and Jennifer lifted her mouth off my dick.

"Good, you're finally awake. It's almost noon and we have lots to do today."

"What about the blowjob?" I asked gesturing towards my hard dick that she had left.

"Oh don't worry about that, there will be plenty of that later, we have to get going now. I have everything ready in the bathroom for you so get up and get in there," she said, pulling on my hands, struggling to get me out of bed. I reluctantly rolled out and stumbled sleepily after her.

"Here babe, sit down on the toilet. If you are gonna pretend to be a girl you might as well start peeing like one too," she teased, smiled as I flushed red with embarrassment.

"Look Jennifer, I know we had fun last night but I don't really think we should, you know, continue with this," I stammered. Sure last night had thrilled me and I'm pretty sure it was the biggest orgasm of my life but I wasn't at all sure I wanted to be a girl for her.

"Ahh, is Tiffany having second thoughts?" she taunted. "Well I took care of that for you already. If you didn't notice last night I recorded everything we did on video and uploaded it to my computer this morning while you were still sleeping. So, unless you want your friends to see you spreading your ass for me and loving every second of it, you better do as I say. Besides, I was there too and I know you had the biggest orgasm of your life. I did too after all!" she patted my face as I sat there in stunned silence, my mouth hanging open. I was shocked that she would use anything like blackmail to get what she wanted. Especially from me, her boyfriend!

"That's, that's... blackmail!" I squeaked out at her.

"Hmm, I guess technically it is, but it's not like I'm forcing you to do anything you don't want to do baby," she said, as if that made it all right. I suppose in her mind it probably did. "Now quit your complaining and spread this cream over your legs. It's a hair removal cream and will make you slick and smooth like girls should be.

"Fine," I said, defeated.

"I think you meant to say, "Yes Mistress"," she scolded me. "Or would you like me to squeeze these?" Her hand was cradling my balls. I winced as I remembered the little squeeze she had given me last night.

"Yes Mistress," I said, looking dejectedly down at the floor. Jennifer's eyes were filled with laughter as she watched my humiliation.

She helped me spread the cream over my legs, getting all the places I missed. Then she made me bend over as she spread it around my asshole and butt. Lastly, she used a pair of scissors to trim my pubic hair down before spreading a little bit of the cream around my dick and balls. I sat on the toilet as instructed and waited for the tingling sensation she assured me would come.

"We are gonna have so much fun today," she said excitedly. "Let's hit up the department store at the mall first. Well, I'm kinda hungry so I guess lunch, then we get to shop for some clothes." She glanced at her watch. "Three minutes left."

"Jennifer, can we..." I started to say.



"You said Jennifer, not Mistress. You will address me as Mistress when we are in private from now on or I will punish you," she spoke matter-of-factly.

I paused for a second, considering what she said. "Mistress, we can eat at the food court in the mall if you would like.

"Sure!" Jennifer said. "Oh, also, after the department store, I have a surprise for you!" she giggled excitedly, hopping up and down.

"Mistress, my body is all tingling now."

"Alright, wait another minute."

After a minute had past I jumped into the shower and sat under the spray, watching all the hair on my body wash down the drain. Then Jennifer handed me a bottle of shaving cream and a razor and told me to shave my armpits and face. When I was done I got out of the shower and dried off. I went back to her bedroom where I found her lying some clothes out on the bed.

"Since this is your first time, I think we will go a little easy on you. I got some stylish sneakers for you so you won't be wearing heels yet. Also, I bought you a nice pair of tight jeans. I know you secretly want to wear skirts but I think it's a little too cold out there right now for that. Here, put these panties on." She handed me a pair of pink panties.

I was shocked at how they felt as I pulled them up my smooth legs. They clung tightly to my butt and encased my dick in their soft, smooth fabric. I was embarrassed to find myself rock hard already.

"Hmm, we can't have that now, can we? Let me see if I can do something to help you," Jennifer said as she knelt in front of me. She pulled my panties down and licked the tip of my cock teasingly. Then, before I knew what was happening, she wrapped her hand around my balls, squeezing them slightly while holding a bag of freezing cold ice up to my crotch. I admit I let out a most unmanly screech as she did this but I guess it was in keeping with character now.

With her grip around my balls I couldn't do much more than whimper as she held the ice to my dick. When my dick was as soft and limp as it was gonna get, Jennifer pulled out a plastic device I had never seen before. It was shaped like a limp penis and structured like a cage. "This is a chastity device, my sweet Tiffany. I got it for you because I know that little sluts can't be trusted to keep from touching themselves every moment they can," she said as she slipped it over my limp penis, adjusted the rings so it was tight behind my balls and locked the cage with a little lock. "There, now we won't have any unsightly bumps showing up in your jeans and you won't get all hard whenever you see cute guys walking by."

She stood up and kissed me on the mouth. "Mistress, I don't get hard when I see guys," I protested. "This is hurting me, do I really need to have this on?" I asked her.

She stroked my face lovingly. "Yes Tiffany, we need to keep your little dicklet safe in there. Plus we wouldn't want anyone accidentally mistaking you for a man," she laughed as she said the last part.

"Jennifer, I don't like you calling my dick a dicklet or clit, it really hurts my feelings," I told her. I was still that thinking this was all just a game and I didn't want her to know I secretly got a thrill every time she belittled me like that.


I whimpered in pain, shocked that she had just slapped me. "MISTRESS," she yelled. "Next time it will be your balls and don't forget about the video." For a second I thought should was going to do it anyways but she suddenly seemed to relax. She smiled and I felt as if she had forgiven me and all was right in the world.

"Baby, if I didn't care about your feelings I wouldn't have put you in my panties with a cock cage on! Now, if you want to ever have any pleasure from that little thing you call a cock again you better be on your best behavior from now on, I have the only key after all!" She giggled, gesturing to a key that was dangling on a chain around her neck.

My pulse raced and my dick lurched, sending a wave of pain through me as it pushed against its confining cage, as I looked at the shining key nestled between the gentle swell of her breasts. I gazed down at the floor as she turned away and walked over to the bed. The last wall of resistance had fallen and I was now her slave. She picked up the jeans and threw them to me. I caught them and put them on, wiggling a bit to get them over my hips. They were very tight and really made my ass pop out. I looked down and sure enough, the chastity belt kept my cock from showing more than a slight bump.

Next Jennifer brought over a bra for me. It was a pink push-up bra with little black polka dots all over and a little black bow in the center. I put it on over my flat chest, struggling to do the clasp in the back. Jennifer giggled at my attempt before helping me out.

She brought over two objects next. They were flesh colored and sort of cone shaped. I realized they were breast forms when she pulled my bra out and slipped them inside. "These should give you a nice little slut rack you can tease all the boys with."

After a few adjustments she stepped back and I looked down at my chest. The forms gave me nice B-cup sized breasts. I was oddly aroused at the sight of them even though I knew they were fake.

I knew Jennifer was still in control of my whole life from now on and I was starting to feel better about my predicament now. Though I still had my private reservations about dressing as a woman, I had to admit that the clothes did feel great on me. Jennifer handed me a shirt to put on.

"This shirt will go great with your jeans and really make your boobs stick out! What do you think?"

It was a black shirt with a sparkly rose decal on the front in a very Goth/Punk Hot Topic style. The back of the shirt had slits cut horizontally down it and I knew anyone walking behind me would be able to see the straps of the bra I was wearing and my smooth back all the way down to the pink panties peeking out above my jeans.

"It looks hot Mistress," I smiled shyly.

Last, Jennifer brought out a long black wig. She dabbed a little adhesive on my head and settled the wig into place, letting the bangs d**** over my forehead and combed out the back so it fell smoothly down past my shoulders. The adhesive, she told me, was very strong but would dissolve when washed with a special shampoo, though sweat would not affect it at all. I reached up and tucked the sides behind my ears and flipped a few strands over my shoulder.

"You're a natural at this!" she teased as she helped me brush the hair into place. I blushed at her praise. "Alright, last thing we need to do is put some light makeup on you." She sat me down in front of her vanity and began pulling out the items she would need.

First, she applied a foundation that gave my skin an even tone. Next, she grabbed some eye shadow and began deftly applying a dark purple shade over my eyes with a black frame on the edges. She grabbed an eye lining pencil and sketched it on, highlighting my eyes, making the stunning blue pop out.

"God you have the longest eyelashes," she said as she brushed on some mascara. "Any girl would kill to have eyes like yours." I could tell she was jealous of my eyelashes and I'm not ashamed to admit the knowledge made me happy.

She gave my lips a dark reddish purple color with a lipstick that made my lips swell up slightly. Last, she used some tweezers to even out the bushy eyebrows I had, forming them into delicate arches that gave me a permanent, girlish look of surprise.

"There," she said as she let me look at the finished product in the mirror. I was shocked to see the face of a beautiful young seductress looking back at me. My eyes had a hypnotizing look to them and my lips looked like they were dying to wrap themselves around a nice hard cock. "I think we are ready to go now!" she squealed and pulled me up into a hug. My cock strained in its cage when I felt our breasts bump into each other. "Here is your purse," she handed me a small pink and black purse that tucked up under my arm. Your socks and shoes are over there. I'm gonna pop into the bathroom and when I come out we're gonna be off!"

While she was gone I slipped on the ankle socks and sneakers. For the first time I realized that I had the perfect body for this. My slender built looked very feminine in these tight clothes. All I needed was curves in the right places, which the breasts forms helped with, and I totally looked like a smoking hot sexpot. I was suddenly very eager for our shopping trip to the mall.

On the way to the mall Jennifer let the car's top down. I was glad for the adhesive used to hold my wig in place because the wind was blowing my hair around like crazy. Jennifer was laughing and joking the whole time, teasing me about my looks and occasionally running her hand up my legs. It must have looked to anyone driving by that we were simply two girlfriends out for a good time.

We pulled into the mall close to two o'clock. We were both very hungry by this time and our first stop was the food court. I started to head over to the burger stand but Jennifer grabbed my hand and guided me to the salad stand instead.

"Nope, sexy ladies like us don't get to eat greasy burgers. We're gonna have some salads!" she smirked at me. I was thankful that she let me have chicken slices on my salad because otherwise I would have been starving after lunch too.

The whole time we were there, Jennifer kept coaching me on how to act like a woman. She told me to eat slowly, keep my tits pushed out and my shoulder thrown back. I felt like a soldier marching along but for the sexy hip sway she encouraged me to try by placing my feet one in front of the other when I walked.

I was feeling very sexy by now and shocked myself when I would smile and wink at some of the cute guys that were checking me out as they walked by. I took secret thrill in winking at the cute girls too. Jennifer noticed this after the 3rd or 4th time I did it.

"You little tease!" she scolded me. "You have no intention of getting any of these guys or girls off, yet you still flirt back with them! You are such a little slut." I tried to protest but she ignored everything I said.

Jennifer took us to our first destination, a department store, and guided me back to the women's section. We tried on shoes first and after putting on what seemed like a million heels I fell in love with a pair of 3 inch black ones with an opening for the toes to peek out. I knew that with a little red nail polish I could pull off a stunning look. We browsed through the lingerie section after that. I picked up a dozen panties and a few cute bras too.

Next we looked at skirts. Jennifer had me try on a few and model them for her. We settled on a short, blue plaid miniskirt that just barely covered my butt and let my panties peek out whenever I bent over. She took great delight in making me strut around where people could chance by with my chastity belt just barely covered.

As we were browsing through the clothes, Jennifer grabbed a young man who was walking by and asked him for his opinion on my outfit. He told me he thought I looked pretty fucking hot. I batted my eyelashes shyly at him.

Jennifer told him he should take a closer look when he turned to go. He paused, looked at me with a questioningly. I looked at Jennifer, scared, but the look in her eyes told me I should go along with it. I shrugged my shoulders slightly in invitation to the man. He walked closer and started to look me up and down. I could feel his breath on my neck as he walked around me, lightly running his hands up and down my sides.

I could tell that Jennifer was getting turned on by the way she was biting her lip. She looked around, noticed that no one was around, and then pushed us both back into one of the changing rooms. She knelt in front of the man, pulling me down with her.

"Ever wanted to get your dick sucked in a changing room?" she asked him. He just nodded, a stunned look on his face.

When she started to undo his pants I knew I was about to get my first lesson in cocksucking. I began to freak out but Jennifer was expecting this and started rubbing my back, whispering reassuring things into my ear.

"Don't worry baby doll, you're gonna love his cock. Just take it into your mouth like you've always wanted to. All you gotta do is worship it with you lips and tongue," she told me. By now she had his cock out and it was already half hard. It was much bigger than mine. My caged cock throbbed harder at the sight and I knew my jaw was gonna hurt after this. Jennifer brought my hand up to the man's dick. She showed me how to hold it and stroke it up and down.

"Don't forget the balls honey, men love to have their balls played with. Gently massage them to coax that cum out. Make sure you are playing with the shaft at the same time though," Jennifer instructed between mouthfuls of cock. The man was groaning the whole time and precum had already started to ooze out of the head. "Here baby, it's your turn to give it a try," she said, gently pushed my head towards the cock.

I tentatively opened my mouth and swallowed the head of the dick. It was soft and warm and I marveled out how it felt on my tongue. I ran my tongue all around the head, keeping my lips sealed and tight on the shaft. At the same time I stroked up and down, slowly squeezing the shaft, marveling at how hard it was, yet how it was covered in the softest of skin.

After I had got used to the feel of the head in my mouth, I slowly let my lips slide down the shaft. At first I could only take a few inches in my mouth but with the man's hand behind my head and Jennifer pushing on the back of my throat I was able to stuff a few more inches in. My gag reflex kicked in and I coughed, gasped for breath.

"Are you ok in there?" someone outside asked.

We all froze for a moment before Jennifer called out, "Ya, I just had something in the back of my throat." The man snickered at her pun and I blushed.

"OK," the voice said uncertainly and we heard footsteps hurrying away. We all breathed a sigh of relief. Jennifer quickly push me back towards the cock.

"Hurry up and finish sucking him off, she probably went to tell a manager or something."

I renewed my efforts to bring him off, rapidly jerking the shaft as I pumped my mouth up and down. I loved the feeling of his cock in my mouth. It felt wonderful and I didn't want to stop making love to it. I could feel him starting to cum when his balls tightened up.

"Take it all, swallow his cum you little sissy faggot!" Jennifer whispered in my ear, her hands stroking my ass. The man and I both groaned together as he shot his load in my mouth. I gulped down his cum as it splashed jet after jet into the back of my throat. "That's the cum of a real man you are swallowing sissy." Jennifer said to me. I could only groan in agreement. Hastily the man pulled up his pants, tucked his shirt in and hurried off. Jennifer helped me rearrange my clothes, telling me the whole time how I was a natural cocksucker and how I looked so hot sucking that dick. She made me kneel between her legs and lick her clit until she came less than a minute later. I asked her to let me out of the cage so I could cum too but she just giggled.

"I'll let you cum later little cocksucker. I got something special planned for you now." We quickly gathered our stuff and left the changing room.

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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Let Timmy Johnson tell his story in his own words: Introduction Hi Everyone. First off, "Timmy Johnson" is not my real name. So, don't try looking me up in any catalogues or registers. When I was born, too long ago to think about now, my loving parents named me; Timothy Andrew Johnson. But, for some reason, ever since all those changes, they call me Timmy. I suppose, after all these years, I'm okay with that. ...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 5

Weeks later. They woke him from his exhausted sleep. He had been dreaming of Beevis fucking his ass. He was fully erect. Beevis smacked his erection with a crop as Butthead gripped his upper arms from behind. "Go soft!" Beevis ordered him. "Yes sir." Timmy thought about clubbed seals, dead babies, anything to lose his erection. It worked, but took a few minutes. Beevis smacked his cock until he was soft. Then Beevis ordered him, "Grow hard!" and smacked him until he did, fantasizing...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 6

Weeks later They woke Timmy as usual and made him get hard and soft, as usual. Chained by his nose ring, they took him to the bathroom and then to breakfast. He was enjoying the Tai Chi and the exercise. His body was changing. He moved smoothly now and he was lean and getting sculpted from the weight lifting. He ran five miles everyday. The soreness from the vasectomy was long gone. He knew he should be outraged that it was done without his consent, but obedience had been caned into him and...

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Timmys Prison Cavity Search Ch 04

After Sheba pumped her spunk into Timmy's suck hole and had him swallow her load, she shaved him smooth and hairless like a woman should be. She then dressed him up in a patchwork of lacy lingerie similar to the way Madonna used to dress when she started her career. She even put a bow in his hair and had him put on the lacy fingerless elbow length gloves. A lacy garter held his fishnet stockings thigh high for a nice sexy effect. There was no need for a skirt or panties. They wouldn't be on...

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The Old Reality Bar and Grill PropLittle Timmy the Time Machine

Character sketch / Design notes. "Little Timmy" is a character in the various ads and sketches being put together for the Detroit 2015 campaign. It is a hand brushed pain job old refrigerator with various hockey team stickers, a Molson's decal stuck to the door, a Canadian flag decal and a bumper sticker for Barnaby Canada on it: "Barnaby! Home To The Future!" is what it reads. "Little Timmy" is the type of thing you'd find in any guy's garage that works on cars, or back stage at...

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Uncle Timmy takes controlPart3

It was a big old rolled back,horsehair stuffed sofa and manys the time when I was a bit younger I'd straddled the back playing at horsies.I wasn't straddling the back now...I was laid over it with my arse in the air and Uncle Timmy pulling down my wet pants.I'm thinking I'm gonna get what I always wanted now,but I still feared a baby and what that would do to mammy and daddy.They would disown me for sure and I would be shamed forever.Surely uncle must have a rubber on him....surely he...

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Uncle Timmy Takes ControlPart 1

Before coming over we lived in a village outside Middleton...I say village but it was two houses either side of a road really.It would take mammy and daddy about 20 minutes into town for the shopping or the cinema or whatever.When they went out for the night I would babysit.I don't know if it was that daddy was a civilised man or that mammy had trouble inside but unlike others we knew,there was only me and the baby and a good few years between us too....Nice peaceful house.Hahahaha.I came home...

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Madge and Timmy Resistance is futile

Madge & Timmy : Resistance is Futile When mrs. Madge Dubois told my mum she could cure me of my nasty habbits and unwanted behaviours, she didn't tell her she actually considered being an unruly adolescent boy an especially nasty habbit in itself... And now, after almost two years under her matronly supervision, she says i'm almost cured....Meanwhile mum and dad had gotten divorced and as mum moved away to live with her new boyfriend and my dad had no time to take care of a...

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Teaching Timmy

‘Timmy, what’s the problem?’ He blushed and lowered his head until the tip of his nose was almost in his cereal bowl. ‘Nothing Mommy.’ She tightened the tie around her silk dressing gown and walked over to the breakfast bar. ‘You’ve had your hand inside your pajamas ever since you came down to breakfast. There must be something wrong.’ ‘It’s my ... my ... my thingie ... it won’t stop itching.’ ‘Let me see.’ ‘Mom!!!!’ ‘Look at me, son.’ Timmy raised a reluctant face, but couldn’t meet her...

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The Making of Rosie Chapter Two ldquoTimmy becomes Ro

The Making of RosieBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a young boy and his whore mother. The young boy has sexual desires for his slut of a mother and also longs to be like her. This is the second instalment documenting his journey to becoming a shemale whore. (Fb, M+F, prost, whore, size, tv, toys, creampie, strap-on, ws) Chapter Two “Timmy becomes Rosie”Tim woke up at nine o’clock with his morning hard on tenting the duvet and his mum at the bedroom door looking sexy as ever...

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Big Timmy The College Years

(The following is a work of fan-fiction for an erotica author who was very inspirational for me when I was starting out, ‘Big’ Timy Donehy. If you would like to hear me reading it aloud, please feel free to contact me) ‘Mrs. Divine?’ he asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. ‘For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it’s ‘Ms’. I am unmarried.’ I’ve known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I’ve busted their balls down to a size nothing in no...

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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson part 2

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name...

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Timmys Tagebcher German

Timmys Tageb?cher Timmys Tageb?cher------------------------------ Kapitel?bersicht: I) Auf der Schule??????????? - Kapitel 1: Der Spion??????????? - Kapitel 2: Die Dusche ??????????? - Kapitel 3: Der Hausmeister ??????????? - Kapitel 4: Das erste Mal II) In der Klinik??????????? - Kapitel 5: Die Anw?ltin ??????????? - Kapitel 6: Die Klinik??????????? - Kapitel 7: Die Maschine III) Im Jugendheim:??????????? - Kapitel 8: Die Leiterin des Jugendamtes    Kapitel 1: Der S...

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Uncle Timmy takes controlPart 2

....My young cunny instinctively and spontaneously tightened on his finger which he almost immediately pulled from me in surprise,standing and spilling me onto the floor in the process."Aaah! Fuck you" says I...."Why you dirty little...." says heHe raised his hand to me again as I rose to my knees before him and I found myself face to face,as it were,with a large bulge in his trousers.My mouth fell open and my cunt gave a little leap.He saw the half smile on my face and knew what I was thinking...

1 year ago
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A Slut Learns Her Place

Looking up from my computer, I realized I was alone in the office once again. There was a deadline looming, and Id been working my ass off. But judging by the empty desks all around me, I seemed to be the only one willing to put in the extra hours to complete the project. I suppose it was my own problem. I wasnt your average paper pusher by any stretch of the imagination. With my long, tousled blonde hair, blue eyes, and slim hourglass figure, its easy to say that Ive never been taken seriously...

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Story Five Cum Slut Learns a Secret

After my six-hour trip to the adult theater my aunt and uncle let me sleep in late on Saturday. I awoke to my uncle's cock pressing its way past my lips interrupting my dream of a large black dick. I opened my mouth wider to receive my uncle's cock, he used my mouth until he was completely hard then maneuvered himself between my legs placing them over his shoulder. He pressed his dick to the opening of my ass and drove his hips forward driving my breath from my lungs. "Not so rough...

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Holy shit," was the only utterance from my wife as I now took the cock in my mouth with total abandon, letting it slide as far down as I could without gagging. I was demonstrating to Laurie just how good I was at sucking cock and if there had been any doubts, they were totally erased now."Like I said, I question whether he's bi or just out an out gay now," Steve teased. "He simply can't get enough of my cock. He loves sucking down my load and really begs to have his ass fucked," Steve...

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A few weeks ago, I attended a training conference in Hilton Head, S.C. The company I work for has multiple locations throughout the southeast and paid all the expenses to the four day program. They were willing to pay at least half of the accommodations or all of it if we were willing to share a room with another company employee. All other expenses, including meals, were paid for as well as a small daily expense account for entertainment.I'm 28 and my wife and I just purchased our first home a...

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Steve Learns just What a Slut He Married

Steve and Joni Franks get married and honey moon in the islands. After two weeks they return home and Steve comes back to work. The guys all k** him about being pooped out cause of all the fucking. Steve takes it in but I can see something is not right, so I ask him about it. He tries to put up a front but I'm better then him so he findly gives in and tells me it all. It seems that Joni is not to into sex in general, he said when ever he tried she pushed him away. He tried to force her but...

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Louise Liebes 1 Learns Loving


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A Cumslut is Born Chapter 2 Tied Cockslave

Julian shivered with the thought. He had never been tied up, but all he could think about was getting that beautiful cock and balls in his mouth. He had no choice but to trust Tonya, if he wanted to taste that sweet man-stick again. "Yes, yes please!" "Hmm hmmm," Tonya chuckled, "I am going to call you cumslut from now on." The name didn't surprise Julian. He suspected that he would become one, if given the chance. He loved cock in his mouth, more than he imagined he would. His first time was...

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Lovely Looking Leah Learns Love 1

Blond ballet beautySix years her senior, almost seven in fact, I always drive Leah to her lessons.The young yummy blond beauty loves her ballet classes much more than her school.Twice a week I watch her practise, slowly also becoming a bit of an expert at it.Back home she often asks me to help to adjust positions in her daily exersizes.I love to watch her get better at it all. I second her longing for some support.Her only birthday wish is a full wall mirror in her room, to help her practise.I...

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Jason Learns to be a Cumslut Part 3

Gay Adult/Youth This is the third part of my first contribution to a web site, so I would love to read what you think and what you'd like to see happen in future parts. drivercolt (at) ya hoo (dot) com The early part of the story is largely true, (Or close to it). After a while my imagination took over and rather than just writing what happened to me when I was a youngster, I added to the story to make it more fun to read and take a feed from my debauched imagination. Apart from...

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The Bitch Learns More

The Bitch Learns More... by Steve Zink from Morpheus' story From earlier... the conclusion to The Bitch, by Morpheus Corey pulled out a cigarette, holding it very femininely in his hand as he lit it, took a drag and blew the smoke out to the side. He smiled in satisfaction, deciding that maybe his new life really wouldn't be so bad. He had a fantastic job with lots of power and influence. It gave him the perfect way to finally get even with his Dad. To turn the tables. Of...

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Lori Learns a Lesson

Lori Learns her LessonIt was towards the beginning of the Northern Californian school year, as Lori was tidying up the classroom after the children had left for the day.  She taught the very youngest children, and today, being the first day of the school year, had been hectic. The last of the children, and some mothers, had departed. She was looking forward to going home to her bachelor pad, kicking off her shoes, putting her feet up and  downing a cool beer. Just then, a female face appeared...

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Melia A Feminist Learns

Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II   Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II (Below, when it suits me, I shall write what I? know to be true in the third person, omniscient voice.? I, of course, usually prefer the first person as it privileges my own voice. But as Master, I assume Melia and know her thoughts and being.? Sometimes the third person can say more about ownership than any other because of its omniscience.) (Victor)  ------------------------Melia woke out of her fitful sleep.? Forced...

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A slut woman learns what fun can be had with her dog

Well, another Friday night and no date. Ever since I kicked Bob out to the curb my sexual appetite has been satisfied by my trusty dildo or my fingers which ever I was in the mood for. My name is Ellen and I am an attractive (at least I think so) woman of 35. I have a petite build and size 34 B tits. I have shoulder length black hair that I keep straight, no curls. Bob and I had an active sex life but his was more active than mine and when I found out I kicked his cheating ass out the door. I...

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A Cumslut is Born Chapter 2 Tied Cockslave

Julian shivered with the thought. He had never been tied up, but all he could think about was getting that beautiful cock and balls in his mouth. He had no choice but to trust Tonya, if he wanted to taste that sweet man-stick again. ‘Yes, yes please!’ ‘Hmm hmmm,’ Tonya chuckled, ‘I am going to call you cumslut from now on.’ The name didn’t surprise Julian. He suspected that he would become one, if given the chance. He loved cock in his mouth, more than he imagined he would. His first time...

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Carol Learns About Spanking

Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One:  Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears.  Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill.  And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month.  Last month it was more than $200.  Now it was more than double.  When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences.  And, she...

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Anastasia Learns to Submit

Anastasia Learns to Submit By Anastasia Messier I was getting very anxious for the next week to arrive. Thoughts were rampant through my head as to what my wife might have cooked up in her devious mind. I know she had shared at least fifty to seventy five different scenarios when trying to guess my fantasies, but nothing would prepare me for what I was about to experience. I had never been dominated before. So we were getting ready to get into uncharted territory. She would...

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Daughters Slut Trainign 12 Daughters Slutty Fun

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twelve: Daughter's Slutty Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah Kimmy's braces flashed as she beamed at me. She lay atop her father, the nineteen-year-old girl practically glowing after having her virginity popped. My own pussy was so juicy from watching. I had such a delicious orgasm capturing the entire event on my camera phone. I set that on the nightstand as I headed to the bed, my...

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Saras Slutwife Chronicles Part 2 Becoming Mikes Slut

Introduction: Meth + Wife + Friend = A Real Live Fuckfest CHAPTER 1 A little more than a week had passed since Id watched my wife Sara getting fucked to death by JRock, one of our tweaker friends, it was her first time fucking a black man, & my first time wife sharing – and we both loved it. J-Rock brought Mike to the apartment to introduce us, Mike was an MMA fighter, occasional enforcer/protection for higher ranking local Blood members, and, perhaps most importantly, he had been released...

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Slut9Chapter 18 SLuT Slave

Saturday, December 23rd. Lunchtime. It was lunchtime by the time Dave and Olivia left the bedroom, having completed the first half of their impromptu testing of whether a woman who had been dosed with SLuT9 would secrete Serotoxin, one of the two active ingredients of all the SLuT formulas, and, if so, would it cause a reaction in her partner. Both Dave and Olivia were relaxed, smiling, and freshly showered. They had already planned to do the second part of their testing where Dave would...

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Wife Learns Pleasures of Twoman Sex

A trip to Europe provided the opportunity for this wife to take action on her hubby's oft-repeated suggestion that she experience a new man. The following true report is being shared with the writer’s permission by Joan Vegas: Wife Learns Pleasures of Two-man Sex Dear Ms. Joan, Curator of "Joan's Library of True Adventures in Extra-Partner Sex"... I never thought I... of all people... would be writing to you. But I am, because I have just enjoyed a summer of crazy fun sex with my husband...

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Wife learns how too Suck Cock

My name is Janet and I've been married to Joe for three months now. I'm 18 and, while not a virgin when we wed, had virtually no sex experience beyond petting and a couple of times when a young boy friend pumped my vagina for a few seconds. Maybe there was some pleasure then but it was too brief to tell for sure. Joe, on the other hand, is 23 and, as he lovingly told me -- not bragging, just informing his true love, had considerable experience with all kinds of sex with tens of girls and even a...

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