Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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Dear Ms. Joan, Curator of "Joan's Library of True Adventures in Extra-Partner Sex"...
I never thought I... of all people... would be writing to you. But I am, because I have just enjoyed a summer of crazy fun sex with my husband and other men... and just me with other men. Wow! My god, I never thought I would do the things I have done. But, I am glad I did, and I just have to tell you about it.
A bit about me and my husband first. We both had been married before we met, and we married three years ago. I am now 29 and have two kids from my first marriage. My first husband was an abusive jerk. That's why I divorced him. I was single for nearly two years before I met Clark, my dear husband.
Clark is 32. His first wife was killed in an automobile accident five years before I met him. They had no children. From our first date, Clark and I just "clicked." Yes, I had a few sexual liaisons while I was divorced (until that time my first husband had been my only sex partner). And, Clark admitted to a variety of sexual activities while he was single.
We had been married about a year when Clark first made a comment like, "I'd love to see you share that beautiful body of yours with other guys." At first, I could not believe what I heard him say.
Upon questioning him, he admitted that while he was single he had been invited to join a few couples in "bedroom fun," and found what he called "MFM experiences" exhilarating and mutually rewarding. Upon further questioning he explained that most of those couples were friends, where he was a friend of both the husband and the wife, and they had often socialized before they invited him to join them in their "bedroom fun." He said that some of the other couples were people he had met while traveling.
At first I could not believe that those other guys would just let their wives have sex with him. I thought maybe they were affairs behind the husbands' backs. But Clark assured me that "in every case" the husbands had either been present, or were fully aware that he was being intimate with their wives.
It took me a while to wrap my head about what he had told me. I began thinking about his comment that he would like ME to share MY body with other guys, and silently I questioned whether or not he really loved me. I thought that surely a man could not fully love his wife if he thought it was OK for her to have sex with other men. We talked about it a lot... particularly while we were alone in our bedroom and having sex.
Clark pointed out that I obviously loved sex (we usually made love several times a week), that I loved to wear sexy clothing when we went out, and that I had garnered the approving stares and whistles from a large number of men while we were out, or at the beach. He assured me that he loved it when he saw other guys casting "lustful" eyes toward me. At that point I told him, "that's fine, but I am NEVER going to have sex with another man... you are enough for me!"
The truth is that I have always enjoyed the attention shown me by other men. It has always been good for my ego, and I never discouraged it. I have a respectable shape, and Clark always calls me "beautiful." Who am I to challenge that? But, I had never given any thought to actually having sex with any of the men who "came on" to me.
My confidence in Clark's love for me returned. I just thought my husband's ideas were a bit far out, but I could tell that he cherished me as much as ever.
Sometime after that Clark was trolling the Internet and found your web site. He began printing out various stories he found on your site. Then, when we were alone together at night in bed he gave them to me to read out loud as he sucked my breasts or went down on me. Obviously my libido was in high gear while I read those stories, and soon I found myself genuinely interested in those reports from couples who seemed relatively normal, and yet they were reporting on situations where husbands invited other guys into the sex life they shared with their wives.
I began asking Clark for more details about the times he joined another guy in making love to the other guy's wife. He was pretty candid with me. Like in the stories on your site, Clark stressed that when two guys shared a bed with one woman, it was all about increasing the woman's pleasure (Clark is strictly heterosexual). He assured me that he and the husband always came away well satisfied too... but that the women consistently told him they enjoyed the sex in ways they never did when it was exclusively one-on-one sex with their hubbies.
One evening Clark got a phone call from an old friend who was calling from the other side of the country. They talked for a while as I put my kids to bed. When we met up in our bedroom, he said the friend was the male half of one of the couples he used to "party" with. He said his friend (Tony) and his wife (Annette) would be calling back in a few minutes so he could introduce me to them on the phone. To be honest, I was a bit flustered.
The phone rang as we were getting into bed. Clark answered the phone, and I could tell he was talking with a woman. Soon Clark handed the phone to me. I didn't know how to handle the conversation.
Annette introduced herself and congratulated me on "snagging" Clark. She said that she and her husband considered Clark a very special friend. Then, hesitantly, she began to tell me that some years ago she and Tony had invited Clark to spend the night with them... and that as the evening wore on they all ended up in Tony and Annette's bed. She waited for my reaction.
There was silence on the phone for a few moments, and then I admitted that Clark had told me about his times with them. There was a sigh of relief at the other end of the phone after I revealed that I knew of those times in the past. We talked some more, and Annette told me that she and Tony did not consider themselves Swingers, she said they just occasionally enjoyed bringing another guy into their shared love life. "You are a luck gal," she said. "As you know, Clark is a very skilled and thoughtful lover."
I had to smile as I said, "Yes he is." Then Annette handed the phone to her husband. As Tony told me about the many non-sexual things the three of them used to do together, Clark was nibbling on my pussy. When Tony finally got around to telling me how he loved watching my Clark "deep fuck" his wife, an orgasm overtook me, and for moment I could not talk.
After Tony hung up, Clark looked right at me and said, "What do you think, hun? Did they sound like weirdos, or normal friendly people? I had to admit that they sounded quite normal to me... and they certainly were friendly.
Clark rolled on top of me and his dick slid inside me. As he gently pumped me toward another orgasm he said, "Honey, if the opportunity ever presents itself, I would be totally OK with it if you had sex with another guy." I am sure I said something like, "Don't be silly," but he went on. “Babe, I think sensual gals like you should experience sexual variety... like Annette does. All I ask is that you tell me all the details later." I didn't respond.
Over the following weeks Clark gave me more printouts of stories from your web site. Sometimes I read them alone, and sometimes I read them aloud while Clark stimulated my body. I confess, the idea of... as Clark had said, experiencing "sexual variety" started to stimulate my imagination.
Clark periodically repeated his claim that it would be OK with him if I had sex with another guy, and he even seemed to suggest that he would regard my reports on such "adventures" as highly erotic for him. I usually refrained from commenting.
Fast forward two months... to last June (2018).
Clark came home from work and informed me that he had to make a business trip to Austria... and that he wanted me to travel with him. He said we could extend our stay into a two-week vacation alone. That sounded wonderful to me.
We made arrangements for my folks to watch our kids, and I was able to take time off my job. By June 14th we were in the air and on our way to Vienna!
I had been to Europe on two earlier occasions; once to Switzerland for a short vacation trip while I was single... and once with Clark to Germany shortly after we were married. I loved both trips, and was looking forward to seeing the many cultural attractions of Vienna.
As a sidelight, during those two earlier trips I learned first-hand about adult nudity being commonplace in many European spas. While in Switzerland I had occasion to use the spa in the hotel where I was staying. The pool area was quite normal by US standards. Everyone wore swimsuits. But, when I retired to the sauna (still wearing my swimsuit) I was startled to find several other folks inside the sauna were totally nude... men and women, of various ages. By my third day there I finally broke down and "did as the Romans do". I quickly learned that nudity in those places was no big deal. There were no sexual overtones.
While traveling in Germany with Clark we both decided to "do as the Romans do" in several of the saunas and steam rooms we visited. To ourselves, we laughed about the "European openness", but we eventually became comfortable with such situations.
When we landed in Vienna we took a cab to the hotel Clark's company had booked for us. It was very nice! We took showers, went down to the in-house gourmet restaurant, had a great meal and a few drinks, then we decided to head for bed. Clark had a business appointment early the next day.
Clark and I had breakfast together the next morning, and I told him I would check out all the tourist brochures in the hotel lobby while he was at his business meeting... so we could plan what we wanted to do while in Vienna. He kissed me goodbye, and I thumbed through the brochures on display, taking several back to our room.
Back at the room I picked up the hotel directory and learned that there was a roof top swimming pool and spa in the building. I decided to take a swim.
The hotel provided plush robes for guests, so after I put on my rather skimpy bikini, I covered myself with the robe for my journey down the hall and up the elevator to the pool.
The spa/exercise/pool area was quite luxurious. The lady at the desk took my room number and told me all the facilities were free to guests. I saw doors leading to "Spa", "Massage Services", and "Dressing Rooms". The lady directed me up one more flight of steps to the pool.
A man was swimming laps in the pool when I arrived. Otherwise the place was empty. I put my robe and towel on one of the lounge chairs and stepped into one end of the pool. As the man reached my end of the pool he stopped, looked me up and down, smiled and said, "Welcome to my pool". He extended his hand to me (I noticed it was rather large), and said, "Well... it is not really MY pool... but welcome anyway. He went back to swimming laps as I did my own form of swimnastics. I noticed that the guy was a few years older than Clark... but very handsome and in good shape.
Eventually the guy got out of the pool and said, "Have a good day". I noticed what I later learned was a French accent.
About 15 minutes later I decided it was time to check out the spa. I thought some relaxation in the sauna would help relieve some of the kinks from travel the day before. Down the stairs I went... and through the door marked "Dressing Rooms". A door at the other end of the room was marked "Spa Entrance". No one was there, so I stripped my bikini away, put it in a locker, grabbed my towel, and headed through the door to the spa... totally nude... like I knew others would be.
I passed the exercise area where a couple of older women had their towels draped over the seats of stationary bikes, and were sitting there peddling away. They hardly noticed me as they chatted away. A young couple was sitting in the hot tub, apparently also nude. I saw a couple guys open the steam room door and enter. Through the steam I saw two younger women who were sitting nude on one of the benches.
I found the sauna and pulled the door open. To my surprise the man from the swimming pool was sitting on one of the lower benches. I greeted him, put my towel on the opposite bench, and sat down. He reached his hand across and said, "My name is Andre... what's yours?" I gave him my name and started to look away. That's when I noticed Andre was studying my nude breasts (they are C-cup with big nipples, and have virtually no sag).
"I see you are checking out parts of my body that were covered up at the pool," I boldly said to him. Just as boldly he replied, “Yes, they are big... and lovely!" About that time I glanced down to see a rather large dick lying between his legs. So, I decided to keep up the repartee. "Now that your full body is exposed, I see that you have something pretty big yourself". (I couldn't believe my own boldness!!!!)
Andre let out a hearty laugh. His large hand moved to his manhood and he stroked it gently while saying, "I would love for you to see it when it is fully awake". I blushed. There was silence for a few minutes. We were still alone in the sauna, but someone could have come in at any time. I finally broke the silence by saying, "I'd like to see that thing when it is 'fully awake'." Again, I could not believe I said that. I must have been influenced by Clark's encouragement to be more sexually open... and the stories on your web site. After speaking those words I turned away until I heard Andre say, "I just happen to have a few hours of free time. If you will come to my room, I think my sleeping giant would like to wake up and meet you."
Thoughts of my husband's words some weeks earlier started floating through my head... "if the opportunity ever presents itself, I would be totally OK with it if you had sex with another guy," and "I think sensual gals like you should experience sexual variety... like Annette does." The thoughts brought a smile to my face. I think my smile encouraged Andre.
Andre told me his room number... and repeated it a few times. Then he stood up and said he was going to return to his room. He assured me he was traveling alone... and he said he hoped to see me in a few minutes. Since he was standing, I was staring directly at the thick man-meat between his legs. He made no attempt to cover himself.
Slowly I looked up at him and (to my surprise) I heard myself say, "I have to go to my room first. If I decide to come, I will be there in about 15 minutes." He turned and left. I could not believe what I had told him... but his body and his rather sizable manhood had gotten my pussy wet and my mind churning.
A few minutes after Andre left I picked up my towel, went to the dressing room to gather my bikini. I didn't put it on. I wrapped it in my towel, and wrapped myself in the thick white hotel robe. Carrying my towel and bikini, I headed back to my room... still remembering Andre's room number, and wondering if I would dare accept his offer.
Back in the room I dialed Clark's cell phone. To my happy surprise, he answered. After some quick "hellos" I blurted out, "were you serious when you said it would be OK with you if I had sex with another guy?" There was stone silence on the other end for a moment. Then I heard his words. "Baby, if you have found a guy with whom you want to have sex... do it. It is absolutely OK with me. Just tell me all about it later when I get back there... and... enjoy yourself!"
We told each other again how much we love each other, and then we both hung up. I sat there thinking "should I?" Then I put my towel and bikini on the bed and headed for the door... wearing only my robe. No one would know I had nothing on underneath. I confidently walked down the hall.
Room 419. There it was. I knocked. Andre opened the door, stepping back behind it as he did so. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist. He smiled when he saw that I had really come... and he closed the door behind me.
As he stepped up to me his towel fell to the floor. He scooped the robe off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor too. He was visibly pleased to see I was nude before him. He used each of his large hands to cup and fondle my breasts as he bent over and gave me a gentlemanly kiss. Then he slowly sank to the floor in front of me and began to lick my pussy and clit. That just naturally caused me to spread my legs a bit to give him more room. I just stood there, eyes closed, and enjoyed the sensations between my legs.
I felt myself shiver. Was I cold... since I was nude? Or was it the delightful things Andre was dong with his lips and tongue. Clearly it was the later. I put my hands on Andre's head and encouraged him to continue his ministrations. Then my shiver turned into a full-blown shake as the wonderful feelings between my legs shot to my head.
Andre caught my shaking body and lifted me to the bed. Until then I had not noticed... but his "sleeping giant" had awakened. It was pointing straight out, firm and thick. I had to inspect it up close. I rolled to the edge of the bed, reached out to take hold of it, and nudged Andre closer to me.
At that point in my life I had seen and played with a few different cocks, but clearly Andre's equipment was exceptional. I brought my face closer to his cock... and began to lick its head, then down along its sides. I heard Andre moan his approval. Then he pulled back, pressed me onto my back in the middle of the bed, and said, "It is time for your pussy to meet my 'little man'."
Andre climbed onto the bed and spread my legs. 'Gawd,' I thought... 'it was about to happen! I was about to have sex with someone other than Clark!'
He leaned over me, and I felt his hand reach down to guide his 'little man' toward my opening. As he pressed against me I felt the head of his cock slip inside. I admit it... it felt great! I mean REALLY great!
"Are you OK," he asked while studying my face. "Yes," I confidently responded, "push it all in." He did... slowly. I felt so full when he bottomed out. "Still OK?" he asked. "Oh yes, I sure am", I responded. Then he started pumping. At one point the room went dark as streaks of pleasure shot throughout my body and numbed my brain. I don't know how many times I came, but I know Andre went on pumping me for some time.
Finally I felt him increase his pace, and I knew I was about to receive some French cream. I had momentary comforting thoughts about the birth control pills I was on... just as Andre let loose within me. I felt totally filled... and sated.
That afternoon Andre and I explored a variety of positions as we fucked and licked each other. Finally I told him I had to go. I put my robe back on and said goodbye as I left his room. He said, "I'll be looking for you back at the spa tomorrow.
Back at our room I showered and used the hotel bidet. Still nude, I lay back on the bed and fell asleep.
About 5 PM I awoke to find Clark looking down at me... with a big grin on his face. "Yep," he said, "you look like a woman who has been very well fucked." I blushed, bent forward and kissed him. He yanked his coat and tie off and lay down next to me. "Did you enjoy yourself hun?" he asked as he showered my face with little kisses.
Having never before done what I did that day, I had a hard time opening myself to Clark... but piece by piece I told him all the details of my day. "Hoorah for you," he finally said, as I concluded my report.
Then he surprised me. "I'd like to meet this Andre," he said. Getting no actual response from me he went on, "Give him a call and see if he wants to join us for dinner." "Really?" I asked. Really!" he replied.
I went to the phone and dialed Andre's room. To my surprise, he answered. I had barely said hello when Clark took the phone from me and said, "Hey Andre... I am Clark, your afternoon playmate's husband. Thank you for treating her so well. I can tell she loved every minute of your time together." There was a brief silence while Andre must have said something. Then Clark said, "Andre, we would love to have you join us for dinner. Any suggestions on a place to go?"
When Clark hung up he said, "It's all set. Andre will meet us in the lobby at 6 PM, and he says he knows a great little restaurant nearby." Now that was not a turn of events I had anticipated.
Clark and I got freshened up and dressed. I wore a rather short skirt, blouse with a low cut neckline... and (gulp) no panties or bra. Andre was waiting for us in the lobby. The guys greeted each other like old college classmates. I couldn't believe it. Andre surveyed my outfit with an approving smile. We got a cab and were soon at the restaurant Andre had chosen. We were sitting in a small circular booth with me in the middle.
The dinner and wine were delicious. During the dinner I felt my husband's hand caress my bare leg under the table, and I noticed Andre enjoying the view down the front of my rather open neckline. As we finished dessert my hubby said, "Andre, if you have recovered from this afternoon, we would like to invite you back to our room... so you and I can BOTH ravish and pleasure my beautiful wife." I just sat there... not saying a word... until Clark said, "You'd like to have both of us play with you... wouldn't you babe?" What could I say, after spending the afternoon with a man other than my husband? How could I say no? Why would I want to say no?
When we were back in our room my hubby came up from behind me and cupped his two hands over my thinly covered breasts. He bent over and kissed me as Andre watched. Then Clark removed his hands to begin unbuttoning the back of my blouse while saying, "Andre... its your turn to play with her magnificent boobs".
Andre stepped forward, cupped my breasts with his hands, and kissed me on my neck. Removing his hands for a moment, my blouse fell away, and I felt Andre fumbling with the zipper on the side of my skirt. My husband had done his job. He began to strip away his own clothes.
Andre had opened my skirt enough for it to fall to the floor. He was on his knees, kissing my pussy. I felt his tongue work its way around my clit and slip between my pussy lips. Clark had put soft music on the radio. He came up behind me again, this time totally nude, and held me tight against his chest as he again cupped my breasts and tweaked my nipples. I love that!
Andre moved away to remove his clothes. By the time he returned Clark and I were lying on our sides, facing each other on the bed, kissing and fondling each other. Andre laid his body behind mine, tight against my back while kissing his way through my hair and along my neck. I felt that "little man" of his rising to the occasion. I reached back and stroked it. That's when it dawned on me to reach forward and stroke my hubby's cock at the same time. That was kind of nice... having a hot hard cock in each hand!
Without getting into all the details, over the next two hours my dear husband and Andre took turns sucking and fucking me. I especially loved it when Clark held me in his arms and necked with me while Andre screwed me from behind... until he filled me with more of that French cream.
Over the following days we did lots of things with Andre. We learned that he is separated from his wife, is fairly well to do, and travels a lot. The three of us joked and got along very well. Clark was not jealous even one time! (that improved my self confidence level a lot). One evening the three of us were up at the spa again, sitting in the sauna. Clark said, "Andre, I want you to fuck my dear wife right here. I'll watch the door and let you know if anyone comes this direction". Andre didn't have to hear that suggestion twice.
I stood up and leaned over, supporting my nude body on the upper bench. Andre slid his "little man" right between my legs and up inside me. I felt wicked, letting myself get taken in such a semi-public place. When Andre felt my body shake he knew I had had an orgasm. Rather than pumping himself to orgasm within me, he said, "Clark buddy, my turn to watch the door as you pump your pretty wife to another orgasm." They switched as I stood there, and I quickly felt my own hubby's cock pumping within me. Another orgasm overwhelmed my body and I almost fell to the floor. Both guys laughed and said, "We'll get ours when we get back to the room". No one had interrupted us.
We put our robes on and soon were back in our room. Another three hours of sweaty three-way intimacy drew more orgasms from me, and big loads from both of them. That night Andre spent the night with us.
When our time in Vienna was over we said goodbye to Andre and vowed to meet him again someday.
Since our return in late June, Clark and I have had many hot conversations about what we did in Austria. On three occasions this past summer Clark made arrangements for the kids to be with their grandparents again, and on each of those occasions he invited a different male friend to join us for some threeway play. As McDonalds says, "I'm lovin' it!" I have gotten much more at ease with my own body and its potential for pleasure.
Clark tells me that next month Tony (remember him) will be visiting our city for a week, and Clark has asked him to stay with us in our basement guest bedroom. Clark feels we can play there after the kids go to bed. I am looking forward to meeting Tony, and letting Tony 'meat me!' My goodness... I am getting bad! But... as I said... I'm loving' it!
(Name withheld at writer's request)
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The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a story a few years...
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Pleasures at Dressing Manor - part 5 of 7 by PRIM The story so far: Young teacher Miles Johnson receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his spiteful stepmother is keeping him prisoner and dressing him childishly. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who secretly feeds Miles the feminizing drug Fem-Agra, so that he becomes addicted to girls' clothing and suffers embarrassing changes to his body, before accompanying him in his bid to...
Blond ballet beautySix years her senior, almost seven in fact, I always drive Leah to her lessons.The young yummy blond beauty loves her ballet classes much more than her school.Twice a week I watch her practise, slowly also becoming a bit of an expert at it.Back home she often asks me to help to adjust positions in her daily exersizes.I love to watch her get better at it all. I second her longing for some support.Her only birthday wish is a full wall mirror in her room, to help her practise.I...
Roman Pleasures What the history books say : 'Sex and violence were as closely coupled in the ancient world as they arein the world of today. After Ovid's death the great Colosseum was built whichbrought the two elements to a nadir of depravity. The insatiable public wasable to see not only killings, but re-enactments of mythical couplings betweenbeasts and humans. The one of 'Pasiphae and the Bull' in which the bull waslowered in a harness on to the poor female victim may have been a type of...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor - part 1 of 7 Chapter 1: Who can help poor Lyndon Blonding? Dear Mr Johnson, I am writing this letter to tell you about my stepmother, Vera, and how she has kept me away from school for the past two weeks. I am not allowed out of the house; in fact I am imprisoned in my bedroom with the door and windows locked. Not only that, sir, but my stepmother has taken away all my clothes. I have to wear a little short sleeved white shirt and pale green...
Hai dear friends, this is Asha again with my new story. And thanks for a huge response above my last story. “My brother’s servant made me slave”. This is a secand part of the same story. Please reed and send me your feed back at A heavy sound of metal gate Brock my nap. I open my eyes and watch the time at wall clock. It’s 8.30 OFFFFFFFFF my god it is almost 45 minute before usman and ordered me to “Khana pakana”. I hurriedly go in bath room and wash my face and after pee. i wash my cunt and...
There isn't a married man alive who would not jump at the chance to enjoy sex outside of marriage, at least that's my opinion. My name is Rob, 48 and have been married to my wife, Jodi for twenty years. Jodi is a very attractive woman, she is 46 5'8", 128lbs 36C-24-36. She has firm tits for her age, a nice round ass and shoulder length blonde hair. I make my share of comments, in regards to other women, just so Jodi will know what I am thinking about. I am the type of guy who would definitely...
She first noticed the man at cheerleader practice around November, but didn't pay it any mind as lots of horny guys showed up to watch the girls shake their rumps. The only thing was, he seemed after a couple of practices to concentrate mainly on her. He looked to be around twenty-five and wasn't bad looking but much too old for her she thought. She was not going to be one of those girls that took some old dude to prom like she had heard about with other girls. He stopped showing up at practice...
Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...
Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...
Straight SexFor the next two hours Deen simply jerked the life out his dick till he thought it would get disengaged from his crotch. He had seen his sexy Mom getting her breasts sucked and crushed by his younger brother while carrying on a conversation with his Dad. Her naked, well curved body was thoroughly felt and she had squeezed and mashed her dripping cunt to an orgasm in obscene horniness. The last lingering image of his juicy mother for his jerk off was of her heaving, voluptuous, fully exposed...
IncestHer husband’s disgusting behavior last night had left Manya more than just annoyed despite the fact that it facilitated some licentious sex for her neglected body. Now after being subjected to some cursory kisses and gropes he had sped off, leaving her naked and anguished all over again. He never seemed to display the remotest tinge of remorse for having left her high and dry at his boss’ party and now showed absolute callousness in announcing that he was leaving that evening for a week. The...
IncestThe four youthful marauders left her door and Manya shut it with a mixed feeling. She was relieved that they left before her husband came out of the bath. Yet she felt a tingling in her loins and an ache in her breasts from all the pawing and mauling that she received with almost her full consent. The simultaneous pressure of four pairs of hands and one dick on her extra wholesome body under the pretext of festivity did its own things to her bodily responses and right now she had lost all the...
IncestWhile peeing, she let out a shudder of relief as some of the accumulated horniness found alternate release. But only some of it. Stepping out and in the same scant attire she moved to the main door to collect the morning milk. Opening the door, she bent to pick up the milk and in the process her full breasts spilled out to form a delectable cleavage. From the corner of her eye she saw the milkman’s bicycle parked in the compound and realized that he was still around and was perhaps waiting for...
Me,Swetha and manasa By: ram Hello friend’s hope you all are having a nice sexy times. I and my cousin Swetha are good friends. We use to go out and enjoy. We use to play games and I use to press her boobs as and when I get chance. This continued, one day Swetha told me that she is going to her friend’s house in Mumbai. And told me to joined her. I said I can’t come, because it was at the time of New Year I enjoyed my Christmas with nice party with my friends and don’t want to celebrate my New...
The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya's body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure c***d, his breath carrying the odour of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...
Deen’s head was reeling and his heart was pounding. What he had seen shocked him to start with. He saw an unruly man, dark and powerful, manhandle his beautiful mother, pump into her pussy roughly, mash her fleshy body all over and finally spew his hot cum deep inside her belly. And all along she not only liked it but loved and craved for it. The fact that she didn’t mind going through it with her son in the house made his heart beat faster with the realization that his mom was indeed a lusty...
IncestHi friends, indru kathaiyil puthithaaga thirumanam aagi naangu maathame aagum pennai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar manikandan vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan oru MNC niruvanathil velai paarthu varugiren, en sontha oor salem aanal chennaiyil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu work from home velai thaan paarkiren, en nanbanin thangaiku thirumanam nadaka irupathaal ennai nanban veetirku azhaithaan. Naan avan veetirku 8 varudam munbu...
I am one of the reader of iss since many years & fan to iss. Thank you iss for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Please share your feedback or discussion or anything you want to talk email me at: My name is rahul. I’m from hyderabad. As usual a b.Tech graduate. I’m 23 years old. This incident happened last year summer when my 10th class batch has arranged for a reunion 7 years after schooling. We booked a resort and invited all the faculty that taught us during the...
“I’m sorry Toman in almost all cases it is true that ghosts cannot exist on this plain. In certain cases when a death is so horrific and quick the essence of a person can latch on to another. In this case it was father. I thank you father for holding us as long as you have. I know it has taken a supreme effort on your part.” “We?” I almost shouted. “What in the hell do you mean we?” Even as I watched another weaker apparition appeared. “NO!” I almost screamed as I took off running. I felt...
The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya’s body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure child, his breath carrying the odor of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...
IncestThere was a knock at the door and I had just slipped out of the shower and had put my stockings and suspender onready for my first appointment. I looked at my watch and wondered who could it be as my first client wasnt due for20 minutes. I quickly put a towell around me and opened the door. It was the postman. Mrs M I have a recorded deliveryfor you can you sign here. I leant forward to sign and my towell slipped revealling my stocking clad body and my large 36Ebreats. "Oh I am sorry" I...
Naci and I had been here almost the whole time after our narrow escape. I had finally started trying to strengthen Naci though it was slow going. She had power there was no doubt about that. It was just that her defenses were so weak. Plus there was the fact that she was so untrained in most defensive tactics. I sighed as I had Naci again try to stop a bolt I sent at her. Shaking my head I saw that she held it great at first. Then she seemed to lose her resolve a few minutes later. A...
I am Priyansh, a 19-year-old boy with a 5.5-inch uncut black dick. This story happened in my college time when I and my friends were there for a sleepover at my place. Now coming to the friends, we had Manav, the sexy hunk gym enthusiast, and hot guy. Then Shivam, horny fun and skinny guy. Then Ujjaval, not as a hunk as Manav but fair looking and a handsome face and chiseled body. Finally, there was Harshil, a typical single blackish guy with naughtiness stuffed in him. Now, coming to the...
Gay MaleINTRODUCTION:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn.The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...
Intorduction:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn. The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...
Hi friends mera naam dev hai aap ne shayad meri story exotic train journey sister padi hogi mein is bar fir se nayi story k sath hazir hun yeah story meri girl friend or uski best friend k bare hai. Mein 12 class mein padhta hun hun meri girlfriend bhi meri class mein hai uska nam khushboo hai vo ek average looking girl hai par uska figure bhot accha uske boobs 36 k hai waist 28 ki hai or hips 34 k hai uska figure bhot sexy or curvy hai or uski best friend ka naam simran hai simran bhot hi zada...
Tommy was totally enjoying sucking on her sweet breasts. Each time he lightly bit down on her nipple she would tighten her grip on his hair. He could feel her heart beating so hard that he thought it would jump out of her chest. Since Amanda hadn’t had a shower since they went swimming Tommy could taste the chlorine on her skin. He didn’t care though because right now that was one of the best tastes that Tommy had ever had in his mouth. But he knew that something better was just a...
Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally we exited the portal landing a lot softer than we had in all the previous landings. Smiling at Naci when we landed she kissed me then went to set up the camp. Waving a hand a chair appeared before me as I stretched out my hands projecting the bubble to hide...
I stared at the mage with an opened mouth though I wasn't about to drop my defense, no I knew better. I had done that with the only friend I'd had in school when he tried to take what he could from me. This of course seriously pissed me off. The end results being that he was dead I was alive and the entire council was now after me and Pops. I looked hard at the mage before me, I could actually feel his power damn how in the hell was I keeping him at bay. Shit this one had serious...
Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ Morganna's sobs were almost the only sound in the clearing next to Mordaf's village. How could this be possible? Merlin was far more powerful than any other mage she'd ever seen. The only exception was Toman, though...
“WHAT?!!! I thought it was a trick!” I said as the apparition of my mother stared at me... “I’m sorry Toman in almost all cases it is true that ghosts cannot exist on this plain. In certain cases when a death is so horrific and quick the essence of a person can latch on to another. In this case it was father. I thank you father for holding us as long as you have. I know it has taken a supreme effort on your part.” “We?” I almost shouted. “What in the hell do you mean we?” Even as I watched...
I wanted to show off my wife to other men. I wanted them to catch her boobs from behind, kiss her navel, smell her armpits, lick her clitoris, sleep with her, hug her. I fantasized hiding and watching them secretly while they did all that.When we travel together by train, due to the wind her saree goes off place and her navel is exposed. Though I see it I wouldnt tell her. I wanted other guys to look at her body. She falls off into deep sleep during the journeys and her palloo comes down...
I heard Pops in my head. Pops told me. I was almost shouting at him in my mind. Just then I heard more movement down the trail. Moving back I soon saw several younger males moving toward the village. One in particular drew my attention, Malak with his one arm in a sling. Moving past only a few gave me a heated look, though Malak's could have melted metal. Stopping before me he growled, "You will regret not killing me outsider! Your days here are numbered I shall make...
My name is Janet and I've been married to Joe for three months now. I'm 18 and, while not a virgin when we wed, had virtually no sex experience beyond petting and a couple of times when a young boy friend pumped my vagina for a few seconds. Maybe there was some pleasure then but it was too brief to tell for sure. Joe, on the other hand, is 23 and, as he lovingly told me -- not bragging, just informing his true love, had considerable experience with all kinds of sex with tens of girls and even a...
Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ I was pissed as hell. Other than my mother Drenna and Morganna I could remember nothing else. Hell, they told me that I had lived in this village before though I still had no memory of it. It had taken almost a week for...
I had just started to make enchanted motions in the air as several glyphs appeared. Nodding I tried to push more power into them as the glyphs grew brighter. Panting I was crawling as fast as I could toward the opening, just a little more and then they would be safe again! “Toman!” Damn if that didn’t sound like Naci. Good she’d follow me. Again I pushed as hard as I could, but suddenly feeling a sticky wetness on my leg. Looking down I smiled; I was bleeding again, at least I knew I was...
"Before I go Pops I thought I might do something to help these people." I told all of them. Concentrating I stretched out feeling the bubble then I felt it as it started to expand toward the village. Within moments I felt it start to spread over the entire village then beyond to the other side. Pops shook his head as he felt that the bubble was as strong as before. "Well done Toman! This should help to hide all four of us." Merlin was nodding also, "remember Toman the third...
"You wondering how they are going to justify sending a hunter?" I heard pops breaking my train of thought. "Yeah pops that had occurred to me. We are going to have to leave Pops; I can't endanger the rest of the tribe like this." I told him a little afraid that the hunter would kill everyone just to get to me. Shaking his head Pops started to chuckle a moment. "Really Pops I fail to see what is so damn funny!" I yelled at him. "Toman you have far more control than your...
Naci and I emerged from the Teepee that Pops and I had shared. Making our way out of the village towards the bubble, we entered seeing Pops, Merlin, Mordaf (aka Tall Bear) and my mother. “Before I go Pops I thought I might do something to help these people.” I told all of them. Concentrating I stretched out feeling the bubble then I felt it as it started to expand toward the village. Within moments I felt it start to spread over the entire village then beyond to the other side. Pops shook...
The Bitch Learns More... by Steve Zink from Morpheus' story From earlier... the conclusion to The Bitch, by Morpheus Corey pulled out a cigarette, holding it very femininely in his hand as he lit it, took a drag and blew the smoke out to the side. He smiled in satisfaction, deciding that maybe his new life really wouldn't be so bad. He had a fantastic job with lots of power and influence. It gave him the perfect way to finally get even with his Dad. To turn the tables. Of...
Lori Learns her LessonIt was towards the beginning of the Northern Californian school year, as Lori was tidying up the classroom after the children had left for the day. She taught the very youngest children, and today, being the first day of the school year, had been hectic. The last of the children, and some mothers, had departed. She was looking forward to going home to her bachelor pad, kicking off her shoes, putting her feet up and downing a cool beer. Just then, a female face appeared...