Amnesia Ch. 07 free porn video

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Thank you, Erik Thread, for your excellent editing and helpful suggestions. I am grateful for your patience and skill. Any errors are, of course, mine.

The celebration was brief. Tony had no sooner gotten off the phone from hearing Martin tell him that the arrest had gone down as planned when two well-dressed men arrived at Amnesia!

‘Anthony Marino?’ a tall, middle-aged man asked.


‘I’m agent Thorson and this is agent Pellegrino … F.B.I.’ he said succinctly, both showing their I.D.

‘I’ve been expecting you,’ Tony said with a grimace.

‘Is there someplace we can have some privacy?’ Thorson asked.

‘Not really … it’s a tavern,’ Tony shrugged.

Thorson sighed and then, ‘Would you mind coming downtown with us? We need to talk to you.’

Tony nodded. ‘Fine. I want to get this over with and get on with my life. I’d like to phone my wife and let her know what’s happening. As far as she knows, someone is still out there that may want to harm us.’

‘Of course. Why don’t you make that call and we’ll wait here. We’ll give you a ride to the office and back again,’ Thorson suggested.

Tony turned to the bar. ‘Carl, would you get these gentlemen some coffee, please.’

He pulled out his cell phone, thumbing in the pre-set number as he walked back into the kitchen.

‘Nina … it’s over,’ he said when she answered the phone. ‘They’ve arrested the man that tried to kill me.’

‘Oh, thank god, Tony. I was so worried. Now we can be together again. Can I tell the children?’

‘Yes … you can tell everyone. In fact, I wish you would. I’m heading down to F.B.I. headquarters to make a statement. I don’t know how long I’ll be, but if you can take care of letting our family and friends know I’m back among the living, I’d be grateful.’

‘Of course. I can’t wait. The children will be so excited. I’m excited,’ she gasped.

They talked for several minutes before Tony interrupted, ‘Babe, I’ve got to go. The F.B.I. guys are here and I have to go downtown with them. I’ll call you as soon as I can.’

‘Take care, Tony. I’ll have lots to do calling everyone. I’m so happy that it’s over.’

Tony signed off and headed out of the kitchen to the table where the two agents were finishing their coffee.

‘Thanks for being patient, guys. I appreciate it. We can go anytime now.’

‘Not a problem. Beside, this is the best coffee I’ve had in a long time. I hated to rush it,’ Pellegrino grinned.

They left through the front after Tony let Carl know he would be gone for the day and Eric would be in charge of the kitchen. Martin’s son, David, would be in after school to give Eric a hand with the dinner crowd. Earlier, they had prepared a number of heat-and-serve items to keep the lunch crowd under control.

The interview took place in a pleasant, air conditioned room with comfortable chairs and a large table. The two agents that had picked him up remained in the room until two more joined them.

‘Mr. Marino, this is agent Bilecki and agent Van Hoote,’ Thorson said in introduction. ‘They are from our forensic accounting office.’

Tony stood and shook hands with a very attractive blonde woman and a bookish, shy man. The woman, in her early thirties, had a firm handshake, while the younger man, Van Hoote, offered a limp, damp hand.

‘Nice to meet you,’ Tony greeted them.

Agent Bilecki took the lead.

‘Nice to meet you too. You’ve uncovered a major crime and luckily gave the information to someone in authority before you were attacked. That made a big difference in our investigation. Your contact at the S.E.C. came to us when he learned of your disappearance. He told us what you told him and we went from there.

‘Your notes were very comprehensive. You’ve handed us exactly what we need to charge and convict at least the three men you have named in your files. You’ve been very thorough and it’s made our work so much easier. We are confident we will get convictions for fraud and a number of other financial statute violations.’

Tony acknowledged the compliment with a nod and a smile. ‘When will you be charging them?’ he asked.

‘I think the indictments will be handed down in a week or so,’ Bilecki offered.

Tony nodded.

‘Can you tell us what led you to suspect these men?’ she asked. Her partner was furiously scribbling notes despite the fact that there was a recorder on the table.

Tony admitted he hadn’t recovered all of his memory, but indicated he had noticed a number of odd transactions that raised his interest. When, on a hunch, he followed the trail of one transaction, he saw a number of irregularities and that opened what he described as ‘a whole can of worms.’

He spent over two hours with the forensic pair, going over anything else that he might remember. Their concern apparently centered around whether they had identified all of the improper transactions, or were there more. Tony told them he didn’t know.

When they finished, the two special agents rose, and once again Bilecki thanked him for his efforts and assistance before leaving the room.

Tony sank back in the comfortable chair and let out a sigh.

‘I know what you mean,’ laughed Pellegrino. ‘That stuff can wear you out.’

‘I’ve got some lunch coming, Mr. Marino,’ Thorson said amiably. ‘We’ll take a break and then we can get back at it. In this case, I think we might have some information for you as well.’

The chatted quietly over the lunch after it arrived. Someone had gone to the trouble of ordering some very nice smoked meat sandwiches on rye with dill pickles, coleslaw, and, ironically, Pellegrino water.

Thorson was interested in his amnesia and the affect it had on him. Tony noted that his case was unusual in that it had been over a year before he regained any significant part of his memory. Still, there were frustrating gaps, but he had adapted and accepted that perhaps he would never completely recover everything.

‘Do you remember anything at all about the day you disappeared?’ the agent asked.

‘No … nothing,’ Tony said, shaking his head.

‘Well, we do have some information that you don’t have. Apparently, you brought in some work clothes and changed in your office. You were going down to the basement file storage to look for something, according to your secretary.’

‘Huh! Joanna remembers that, eh. I guess those were the clothes I was found in.’

‘Yeah … she remembers what you were wearing and it matches what the N.Y.P.D. noted when you were found. When she told us that, she let us into your office and we found your suit and shirt hung up in the closet. Your wallet and security pass were in it, so no one had disturbed it. We have it here, and we can return it now. We’ve gone over it carefully, but can’t find anything of use to the case.’

‘I guess the credit cards are useless. I’m sure my wife would have cancelled them by now,’ Tony mused.

‘Yeah, when we checked them, there hadn’t been any activity on any of them from the day you vanished. We figured something had happened to you based on how much use you made of those cards. When you didn’t reappear over the next months, we were pretty sure you were dead. Someone had twigged to your uncovering the fraud and tried to take you out. Lucky for you, they were amateurs,’ Pellegrino jumped in.

‘Listen guys, there’s a cop … a detective … that helped me out a lot. He was the one who let you guys know I was still alive. He kept me safe and put a lot of his own time in on trying to find out who I was.’

‘What’s his name?’ Thorson asked.

‘Are you sure he won’t get in trouble?’ Tony asked warily.

‘No … not from us. If he catches any flack it’ll be from his own people. But I do have a question. How long has he known who you are?’

‘His name is Martin Polikoff. I told him right away, a
s soon as my memory came back. So he’s known for … a few days,’ Tony hesitated, shrinking the time. In fact, Martin had known for weeks.

‘Well, it’s nice to know that not every cop in the city hates us,’ Thorson chuckled. ‘Our main objective is to get a conviction on the three or four people who pulled off this scam. We will try to get a federal charge of conspiracy to commit murder on the guy we picked up today. That business took place across state lines and that should give us jurisdiction. The main thing is we want to make sure this guy is in jail to stay.’

The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur as the two agents went over the details of Tony’s story a step at a time. By the time five o’clock rolled around, Tony was bushed and both Thorson and Pellegrino look pretty tired as well.

‘Well … that’s it for now, Mr. Marino. You will be notified when we want to have you come in to go over the testimony you’ll give at the trial. It’s a kind of rehearsal just to make sure you know what questions we’ll ask and what to expect from the defense attorneys. All three of these guys have their own lawyers, so you may be cross-examined three times. Right now it looks like that’s going to be some time yet. These cases take forever to get before a judge and jury.’

‘What about Stanton Mellows? I’m damn sure he’s involved somehow,’ Tony said.

‘We think so too, but so far none of the others have said anything about him and forensics haven’t found a paper trail. However, they are working on it. That funny little guy, Van Hoote, is apparently some kind of genius at sniffing out these deals. If anyone can find something, they say it’ll be him. In the meantime, if you happen to remember anything more that relates to this case, please contact us.’

The three rose and waited as Tony walked into the hallway of the office. ‘Thanks for your cooperation and good luck, Mr. Marino,’ Thorson said. ‘We’ll be talking to you sometime in the future. Keep us informed if you leave the state for any reason. We’ll need to be able to contact you if there are further questions.’

‘I have a home in Connecticut and a summer home on Nantucket. Do I need to let you know each time I go there?’

‘No … we have those phone numbers. Just keep us informed if you plan anything other than your normal routine.’

With that, the two shook hands and Tony walked with Pellegrino to the elevators. The younger agent would drive him back to the tavern where Tony would call Nina to let her know what his day had been like. He would be equally interested in hearing from her when she spread the good news that he was alive and well and living in New York City.

‘Oh, Tony, I’m exhausted. I’ve been on the phone all day, talking to family, friends, answering questions about what happened. The newspapers haven’t called, so that’s something. People I’ve never met have called to wish us well. Word travels fast when my relatives get a hold of it,’ she laughed.

‘You mean Mama Novak likes to talk,’ he chortled. ‘Why, I’d never have believed it.’

‘All right, all right. That’s enough,’ she chided. ‘Mama wants to talk to you as soon as you can call her. She was in tears the whole time I talked to her she was so happy. Dad’s pretty happy and relieved too. The kids are jumping up and down and I think I’d better give them some Valium in their supper to bring them back down to earth. I know they want to talk to you. Can you do that now?’

‘Of course!’ He waited as he heard the commotion in the background. He talked to Nadia first and then Jared. He told them they would see each other on the weekend when their mother brought them to New York. After their excited conversations, they handed the phone back to their mother.

‘Bring them to the city this weekend, Nina. I want to see them. I’ll arrange to take Saturday off and we can spend it together, getting to know each other again. Book two rooms at the hotel. We’ll visit your folks on Sunday. It’s going to be a great weekend.’

He phoned Mama Novak after he hung up with Nina and she was once again in tears of joy that her much-loved son-in-law was alive and well. With the children coming to the city that weekend, she quickly arranged a Sunday dinner for the whole family. It would be Tony’s chance to re-connect with everyone together and allow him to explain what had happened in the past year as well as their plans for the future.

His last act before heading for Muriel’s apartment was to tell Carl what was going on and confusing him by letting him know his real name was Tony Marino. Carl just shook his head and apologized in advance for all the times he would be calling him John.


Friday night fights! That’s what Tony called it, smiling, but grumbling aloud that it had to stop. The problem was simple. Trying to mesh a sixteen-year-old daughter with a thirteen-year-old son in the same hotel room was a non-starter. Nina didn’t think it was funny. The noise of their arguments was seeping through the otherwise quiet of the room. The culprit was the adjoining doors between the two rooms.

Nina had gone in shortly after ten to ‘read the riot act,’ but the affect was only worth a few minutes of calm before the war broke out again. It was Tony’s turn. Nina expressed her hope that the long-absent father would be able to bring some peace and order with the two teens. After calmly explaining that they had a big weekend ahead of them and patiently listening to each of their complaints about the other, he crossed his fingers in hope.

As they lay in bed, Tony was still smiling while Nina was quietly steaming.

‘Damn those kids anyway,’ she said in a loud whisper. ‘How are we going to get through this weekend with them constantly at each other’s throat?’

Tony rolled on his side, his hand cupping her exposed breast. ‘I have a suggestion. Why don’t we send Jared off to your parent’s tomorrow morning. I’m sure they’d be delighted to have him there and will find plenty to keep him occupied. Nadia can stay with us. I bet she would jump at the chance to do some shopping with you.’

Nina rolled on her side, facing her husband. ‘You are one smart cowboy. There will be some peace and quiet around her tomorrow night and you and I can quietly celebrate.’

‘Does that mean I have to wait to tomorrow night to celebrate?’ he frowned.

‘No … never again, my love. I’m never going to waste another moment that I’m with you. I learned a very hard lesson when you were gone. Very hard.’

‘What did you learn,’ he asked.

‘I learned I can’t live without you. I was dying without you. A day at a time … a piece at a time. Dying.’

Tony kissed her softly as she gazed mournfully at him.

‘What did you think when I didn’t come home that night? That first night.’

‘Oh, Tony, I don’t want to go there. It’s over now and I’m so relieved. I don’t really want to dwell in the past.’

They lay silently, Tony’s hands caressing Nina softly, almost absently in the dim light. The noise from the adjoining room had finally ceased.

After a long while, ‘I thought you had left me,’ Nina whispered, almost inaudibly.

‘I thought you had given up on us and left. I’ve never felt pain like that. I was wandering around without any sense of purpose or hope. I thought my life was over.’

Tony pulled her closer to him, holding her tightly. ‘I’m sorry, Nina. I know I made you feel that way. I don’t know how I can apologize enough for the misery I caused you. There isn’t any excuse I can give you. I can only ask for your forgiveness.’

‘It’s over now Tony. We don’t have to worry about it anymore. We can start again and make our life better. We’ve promised ourselves that we’d do that, haven’t we?’

‘Yes. I’m never going back to where I was … in my head. Whatever happened to me was the catalyst that brought the realization that I couldn’t live that way. You’ll never have to worry about that or me again. I promise,’ he said,
kissing her passionately.

They made love again. Slow, careful, sensuous love. They murmured endearments to each other and touched and kissed and nibbled their way to a blissful union. Nina would have tears now and then at the most unexpected moments, but they were tears of happiness and relief.

Sunday was a raucous, happy celebration in the Novak household. Magda had invited Martin, but he declined, saying it was strictly a family gathering. Mama Novak was virtually dancing around the kitchen and living room as she had her family together. It wasn’t enough that Tony had been found alive and well. There was also the reconciliation of Nina and Magda. She had every reason to be joyful and she and Papa wanted everyone in the family to know it.

When a very tired Nina, Nadia and Jared climbed on the train early Monday morning, they had already said their goodbyes to Tony and the grandparents. The children would miss a day of school, but Nina would accompany them the next day to explain to the teachers just what had been going on in the past weeks.

On Sunday afternoon, the family had discussed just how they were going to approach the matter of moving back to New York. Nina would leave the children in the care of Mrs. Martinez for Tuesday and Wednesday night. She would return to the city to look for a permanent home for the four of them, returning on Thursday afternoon. Back to the city on Friday evening when the grandparents would look after Nadia and Jared while Nina and Magda continued the search for a home.

This became their routine for the next three weeks while Nina searched in vain for a suitable home. The prices in the city were even more outrageous than when they lived here years ago and she was beginning to despair that they would find something they would be happy with.

‘Why don’t we sell Nantucket?’ Tony said one evening. ‘We hardly ever go there. I’m sure we can get a very good price for it. You know we’ve had offers before without even listing it.’ Nina didn’t argue with his logic. It had been over two years since anyone had been in the island summer home.

‘I’ll call the agent we used before on Monday,’ she said. ‘Selling our home on the island will be a step toward leaving the past behind us.’

It was Tony’s turn to provide Nina with a surprise. They were sitting in the tavern at a table they now thought of as their own. It was a small, quiet, mid-week crowd and they could talk in privacy.

‘I think it’s time I tell you about my plan for the future, Nina,’ he began.

‘Go on.’ She was paying close attention.

‘I want to open my own restaurant. About this size, not much more. It will be a bistro, rather than a tavern. No bar, just food service with a liquor license.’

Nina nodded without comment.

‘I’ve been thinking about a period décor. You know, big booths with tuck-and-roll upholstery. A few tables. Period decorations. A Wurlitzer. Maybe even a small dance floor. Kind of a fifties-sixties theme.’

‘Do you think that will work? Won’t people be expecting a burger place or some trendy menu?’ Nina questioned.

‘Not if I do it right. In the right neighborhood, it would be a place to go for good food, a good time and you wouldn’t have to get a second mortgage to enjoy a nice evening. The food will mostly be traditional North American fare, but with a few specials thrown in from time to time. If I’m going to experiment, it’ll be at Amnesia! first. That crowd is a little more accustomed to my unusual dishes.’

‘How are you going to be in two places at once?’ Nina asked, now bearing a look of concern.

‘I won’t. I have an idea that I think Mr. Leung will go for if my hunch is right. Muriel or Eric could replace me at Amnesia! while I get the new place up and running. If we’re doing well after the first six months, I’ll swap him 20% of the new restaurant for 20% of Amnesia! That way we both have a stake in both operations. I want them both to be successful, so I can’t abandon one in favor of the other.’

‘Do you know where the new restaurant will be?’ Nina asked, still cautious.

‘No … not yet. I’ll be looking for a likely spot that’s not too far from our neighborhood. I’m not interested in the Broadway dinner crowd. I want the local people and their friends. I’m not in this to get rich and famous. This is what I want to do and that other stuff is of no value to me. We don’t need the paparazzi and the other hangers-on to make it work.’

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"Oh no, oh no no no!"This was the third time in as many days that Christy had found herself in this situation: rushing to the bathroom with an intense urge to pee, fearing she may not make it in time. The first time she'd been lucky and managed to get to the toilet just in time to go, the second time she wasn't as lucky but had at least managed to get her pants off and only wet her panties. This time, however, as she rounded the corner towards the bathroom she was dismayed to see the door...

3 years ago
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Russian Woman

drunk, horny, older lady. A woman with brown eyes, a thick accent, short black hair and beautiful saggy handfuls of breast. Smoking outside the local pub drinking some whisky and she recognizes me. We chat for a while, small talk. I had recently broken up with my ex whom tore my fragile emotions of love .. However, it's not all doom and gloom. I walk her home and she invites me inside, it's very utilitarian and quiet. She'd lost her husband some years prior and I think she needed some hot,...

2 years ago
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The Transforming Tyrant

Prologue In the big city of Circovia, Illinois, crime doesn’t take a break. The year is 1935 and the once-thriving city has fallen into disrepair and neglect. Shops that shone brightly with neon lights are now boarded up and dark. The places that remain in business aren’t welcoming to strangers, with reinforced doors and shady looking owners sitting behind the registers. Police cars survey the dark streets for ne’er do wells, but everyone knows that the officers aren’t the ones running the...

1 year ago
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Ellen Steve

He pushed her inside with a forceful kiss and she could already feel the expectant boner in his pants pressing up against her. He pulled himself to her and met her tongue with his. Ellen was already quite damp from her anticipation and now, with Steve right in front of her & the pressure of his erection against her as they kissed, she became even wetter with the knowledge of what was soon to cum; that his hard-on would soon be servicing her every need. After closing the front door, kissing &...

4 years ago
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A Fucking good time Chapter 2

It was an odd thing to do, really, the blonde had no idea how she had been convinced to do this. Perhaps it was because she had managed to get her brunette friend to share a stall with her. And maybe another factor was she was in control. Now, she loved the feeling of a man dominating her, but sometimes it did get old. Sometimes. She glanced over at her slutty dressed companion, not that she was in any position to complain. The blonde was wearing a low cut, black shirt, with her bra shoving her...

2 years ago
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For the Weekend pt2 A quiet night

Soonafter John and Kenny finished cleaning up, Lacy returned home. They all talked for a little bit and decided to go out for dinner. Conversation around the table is nothing unusual, just small talk between bites. John can’t help but notice the flirtatious looks Kenny sends his way when Lacy isn't watching. He tries his best to avoid her, but it’s too much. His mind wonders about earlier that afternoon. He needs to have her again. The rest of the night is pretty boring. After dinner the...

3 years ago
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Poonam A Women With Lots Passion And Love 8211 Part 1

Hi am jack..Jacksparrow..Of course you guys know its a fake name.Well this is my first story am not a writer and am not a hardcore reader of this site.One of my friend showed me this site and she use to read this site regularly.Yes you guys read it rite…..She’s my good friend pooja…This story is not about me and pooja..Pooja is my good.A friend with benefits.Shes very nice sweet and bold.Shes damn hot and sexy also.Shes from delhi.I had lots of encounters in my life.I don’t if am good in bed or...

2 years ago
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Polaroid Club Book IChapter 7

Cindy sat dejectedly on the living room couch staring thoughtfully into a martini glass. Her head whirled from the fifth one she had drunk since arriving with her husband and the Taylors. The talk was lively around her; the other three in a similar, lightheaded condition from drinking, though not saddened. She hadn't wanted to be part of the foursome tonight, feeling worse than she had when Ralph and Norma had taken her and Howard to dinner at The Gandydancer. She had pleaded with Howard...

3 years ago
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My Futa Family

"Shhh! We can't wake her up!" your mom whispers. You, your mom, and your older sister were standing outside your little sister's door, ready to surprise her. It was her 18th birthday, and pancakes were about to be served in bed. "We know, we know! Come on, let's do this!" Sam whispers, smiling with anticipation. You smile back at her as you slowly open her door, allowing space for your mom with the pancakes and your sister with the plates and forks can get through. You all slowly creep towards...

1 year ago
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Naked Holiday With My MotherChapter 3

We saw her waiting at the terminal as soon as we got out of customs and although I knew she'd be meeting us, I still felt a thrill in my groin knowing that if things went how mum thought they would, I'd get to know my Aunt a whole lot more intimately! I made myself scarce when we arrived home and left mum with her sister while I went up to my room to unpack, it was about half an hour later when I heard a knock on my door and shouted for whoever it was to come in, "Anne and I are just...

1 year ago
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Brothers Slave

It all started one day when my boyfriend and I were hanging out my house one day. We were in my room and me being the tease that I am sat on his lap and started grinding my ass into his cock. I could tell that he was getting so horny because I could feel the bulge poking me. I told him that it looks like we have a problem to take care of, reaching my hand down to rub the bulge in the front of his pants. So I got up and led him into the bathroom. I got down on my knees and he sat down on the...

3 years ago
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The Power of a Teenie Weenie Polka Dot Bikini

"Can I see it one more time, Alexis?""Yeh," I reply pulling back my sheet. "Are you going to miss it?" I ask, hoping she isn't.My girlfriend, Carrie, reaches her hand to stroke my small cock answering, "A little. I loved sucking you. You know that. But, I am excited to touch your new parts."I watch as she handles my cock and leans down to plant a gentle kiss on its tip. Seeing this, I suddenly feel a twinge of sadness."Hey Carrie, if you don't mind, could I have a few minutes...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 10:Jake and Bobbi step out of the house when they hear the shriek. Not knowing where it came from or why, they stop on the porch and listened. They didn’t hear anything more, but they were surprised to see Matt’s truck next to the new pole barn. They understood Matt to have left a few minutes ago. It wasn’t just an understanding, they heard his truck crunching on the dirt and gravel as it moved down the slope and down the valley. But, there it was. Jake was just about to go to the new...

3 years ago
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Heathers Hiding

“Oh you bastard that fucking hurts like hell!”“We’ll have no more of that foul language Mrs Reid, you’ve agreed to be punished and punished you shall be.”After only the second stroke Heather Reid knew she was in trouble. A further ten was quite unthinkable, but that was what she had agreed to – twelve strokes of the tawse across her bare bottom and thighs as an alternative to being reported to senior management, an action that would almost certainly result in her dismissal. It was so unfair....

3 years ago
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MasterbuilderChapter 6 Wilbur

To transport Wilbur, Alfred had to take himself back to the other world of course. It was unthinkable to meddle with Wilbur's life without consulting with him beforehand. "But he will come, I am certain of that. No matter how long it takes us to set it all up, I will only be gone from here for five minutes. And then we will both be down at the beach. But you wait up here, we will make our own time." He went into the cave to boot up his laptop, muttering softly. I just pottered about...

1 year ago
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Mistress Caroline part 2 My Training Begins

It had started off as a normal meeting, or so I thought. Now I was under the control of a powerful and very forceful woman. I couldn´t understand why, but I was responding to her every whim and part of me was enjoying it, no matter how strange her requests were. Mistress Caroline snapped her leash onto my collar and said softly, ‘Get up J.’ ‘Yes ma´am,’ I replied as I got up and stood before her. She stood very close to me and looked me up and down, “I see my cock is resting, waiting for...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Laney Grey Making Bad Decisions

Laney Grey is all about making a sex tape, but her partner, Charles Dera, is a doctor. He can’t let anyone see that! He wouldn’t want to get in trouble or anything. Laney insists, and knows how to manipulate him into doing the naughty things she wants to do on camera. She caters to his ego, and starts to strip for him, right outside at the pool. She cannot wait to get her lips around his cock, while he films her. Things begin to heat up and he seems to worry a whole lot less about...

2 years ago
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My Telekinetic Girlfriend

My girlfriend, Mina, means everything to me. She is, in my eyes, the perfect woman. She is smart, funny, easy to get along with, and drop dead gorgeous. She is something special, and not just in my eyes. We had been dating for about a year before I found out, and it really threw me through a loop. My girlfriend had been hiding a huge secret from me, but now that I know about it, I wouldn’t have things any other way. I actually love her even more, if that is even possible. You see, about a year...

2 years ago
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First time with Samantha and Alex

So Alex was on her stomach on a chair, she had fallen asleep working on her suntan as me and Samantha we playing in the pool. Now we had been going out for about two months now and had basically done everything but sex. We were both virgins at the time so were vary excited to do it for the first time. Samantha’s mother was home but inside the house and hadn’t bothered us so me and Samantha thought the coast was clear to start making out. I thought Samantha’s hand would find its way to my...

1 year ago
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Fucking with lady coligue

Hi Friends,Im Sandeep(Name changed), 35 years old working for a MNC in Aurangabad.I want to share my experience at Europe during my stay.Every year our company sends me to Europe for technical Upgradations. Im Visiting our head office since 2003.In our department my German lady coliegue Barbara becomes friendly with in few days.She is 31 years old, brown hair and un married and most beatiful woman i saw. She is having good height of 5 F 10In. where im At 5 Feet 8 Inches. She is having Great...

4 years ago
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What she cant get at home

The doorbell rang halfway through the morning, and i knew exactly who was ringing it.On the other side of that door was a young, recently married woman called Tilly.I had met her on line, got chatting with her and it turned out, after a little coaxing, she was very inexperienced in the art of love making.She had only been with one man, her husband, who she had met and fallen in love with at university, and now they were both happily five years married, well educated people with their own...

2 years ago
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With My Step Mom

I was 18 when my mother died and my family was shattered, my father went into depression and lost interest in life, many people consoled us and at one point my father treated in the hospital for nerve breakdown, there were lot of relatives who proposed a second marriage for my father, but I was not very convinced with the idea, but seeing my dad's mental state, I gave in. By the way, I am a guy of 18 now, studying in college, my dad is 42 years, employed in marketing division of a cosmetic...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving Dinner at Grandmas

       Mother quietly went into her sons room while her daughters dressed in their Sunday’s best.  She took a quick look and picked her eldest, the only one big enough for the whole family.  She woke him up by taping on his shoulder, careful not to wake the others.  The son was gleeful that this year was his luck; she always said they were too big to bring them all.  Today, he’s been invited for thanksgiving dinner.?Males are dumb, of that there’s no doubt.? The girls got in the pickup, and he...

2 years ago
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Incest Fun In South India

I was in deep sleep, and I suddenly woke up by the sound of shower and wondered who is bathing in my bathroom. But I realised that it was my mom, she sung whenever she bath. Our house was fully occupied by our relatives, as we have engagement function for my sister. It’s the reason why she came to bath here. I again tried to sleep, but my mind changes after I seen the cloths she bought to change. If I was correct she is going to change her dress here. Soon I took my blanket and checked for any...

4 years ago
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An Erotic Detail

This was written by my husband (I can't write this stuff, I just read it) he was at work and came across a couple of female co-workers talking about romance novels and how detailed they can get and that they are only as good as they are because women write them.  Well, he decided to insert foot and told them that a man could write that stuff just as well as a woman.  So his co-workers dared him to prove that a man could so he had to write something for them, this is the result. let me know what...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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A Cloak Of LiesChapter 6

"Camille, you should rest." The words came from a great distance, prying into her thoughts as she stared at the awakening day. She was tired—having slept little in the night—and her body was wracked with pain. Leaning heavily against the window frame, all she could think of was how to get out and what Niko was doing. "Camille?" She turned her head to see the sleepy-eyed Lorette gazing at her from a few feet away. The woman's face was a study of concern, pale and watchful. "I think...

1 year ago
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Ruining Your Wife

I love screwing married women. And finding couples who want to screw is easier than you might think. I go to hotel bars outside the city, and look for couples where the husband is spending more time than his wife checking out the guys in the bar. Before I make my move I always make sure they're wearing wedding rings, to make sure they're married. I strike up a conversation with the husband, and maybe have a drink with them — it doesn't take long to find out whether the wife is available. I...

2 years ago
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Missing Cats and Found KittensChapter 11

I didn’t say a word. Frankly, I was at a loss for words. I mean, there was so many things speeding through my mind at that point, coherent thought was not on the menu. By now, he had reached me. I sat there watching him pull on my leg, babbling that I was his savior. Close behind was a group of kids. None of them looked older than 19 or 20. I could tell that they were in bad shape. Hanging onto each other. Several of them were weeping. Using my best command voice, I called out, “alright,...

2 years ago
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Making Milk for You Part 2

We'd established a routine. I'd wake, my breasts over-full and painful, the skin tight and hot. You'd suckle me, drawing out the sweet milk and providing sweet relief. By the time you finished your cock would be hard and leaking. Then it was my turn to suck and lick until you filled my mouth with your hot cream. Afterwards, I'd shower and use an anal douche before inserting my plug. You insisted that I wear the plug most of the day, and use a douche or enema regularly. As promised your cock was...

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Tiffany My Teenage Slut

When I walked in, Tiffany was laying on my bed. When she had asked me what she should wear I told her to surprise me. She was dressed in the classical plaid school-girl uniform complete with an unbuttoned white blouse that barely covered her C cup breasts and her tight tummy on display for my viewing pleasure. Her legs were bent at the knees with white thigh-high nylons that came up and over her knees, covering her perfect long legs. The sexiest part was her plaid skirt that strategically...

2 years ago
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Family Sucks A LotChapter 10

Dianne came home from shopping early one afternoon and was walking down the hallway to her room when Andy's bedroom door opened. He had just finished lifting weights and was heading for the shower stark naked except for a towel draped around his neck. "Ah!" he grunted in surprise. Dianne scanned his athletic nude body. She deliberately let her eyes drop to his crotch, where his cock jerked and twitched with excitement. She looked back into Andy's startled face. "Well," she said, her...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 6

Hello readers, welcome to this beautiful journey. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Thanks for your feedback for the previous parts of the story. Let’s enjoy the journey. Next day was a Sunday so I didn’t worry to wake up Ayesha, I let her sleep well after her first orgasm of the previous night. She woke up around 10 a.m. and got ready. Mr. Husband had not returned home so we were the only two for the breakfast so we were on the dining table. I was in a kurti and leggings whereas...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Lacey 07022018

Blonde, blue-eyed waitress and yoga devotee Lacey is just 19 years old so we can to forgive her surprising emotional response after her casting when we ask her if she thinks this porn business is for her. “I don’t think so”, she says as a tear rolls down her cheeks, disappointed with herself. That’s an odd response considering she did quite well during the casting. Nice body (minus the tats, of course), compliant, reasonably adept at sucking dick, and takes the butt plug...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 7: TRAINING TO BE A BITCH AND SLUTSettled into their new home was wonderful. There was so much to do around the house, the yard and the other building where Nikki just felt it was meant for something eventually. She busied herself everyday organizing and reorganizing parts of the house. Hanging pictures, running into town for rugs and accents to provide decorating touches. In the front yard she envisioned areas for flower, shrubs to accent the outside. This was a lot of hard work which...

3 years ago
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Chris and Kim pt 01

So this is the first part of a story, hopefully it is readable! It starts off slow but everything starts small ;) Monday: "Hey man, I havn't heard from you in a while" Kim said as he answered his phone, adding with a laugh with, "I was wondering if you got hit by a car!" "After my week, I really wish I had been. Some days, man some days. So what have you been up to? He replied. They talked for a half hour catching up on the last few months before it became pretty clear from his tone of voice,...

8 months ago
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Tutor4K Montse Swinger Guy Poured Pheromones on a Hot Spanish Dame to Pump Her Full of Cum

When I was a young, pimply teenager, I often dreamed of a miracle potion that would turn me into an object of lust for every bitch. Something like a magic deodorant that would make all the beautiful women run to the smell of it. Yeah, like the ads. Those days are over, I learned how to fuck women without any magic. But when I got my hands on a whole bottle of aphrodisiac, I couldn’t resist. I remembered my pimply youth and decided to experiment. And now I have to wear a cast on my poor...

2 years ago
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Cindy and MeChapter 9

The powder-room door opened and Cindy emerged, pausing to examine her belly in the mirror. "Flat tummy," she remarked. "I'm always so much flatter after an enema." "How are you feeling, Babe?" I asked "Mmm ... Wonderful ... mellow ... relaxed." "It's amazing how good an empty colon feels." "Yes, it is. More people should experience it." "How's that little bunghole doing?" "No worse for the wear." She approached me and ran her hand along my cheek. "I know you take...

1 year ago
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Older Men Younger Urges

Older Men & Younger UrgesIt was an odd thought for a girl who had travelled the universe, gone through space and time, but the engagement party of Clara's friend, clearing out the local pub and filling it with music and shouted conversation, was proving too lively for her. She thought to go outside to clear her head, but first she ducked into the bathroom.There was a grimy feel to the inebriated air and pounding music, enough to make Clara sweat, and she wanted to quickly wash up before she...

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