A Wife Has To Be Nice To Her Brother In-law free porn video

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To understand my predicament you have to understand one
thing: I love my husband very, very much. I would do
anything to make him happy. We’ve been happily married
for six years. My husband, John, has his own business
and recently he gave his older brother Ian a job.

Ian has been abroad for the past three years. He was
living with his girlfriend in Denmark but they split up
and he decided to come back to England. John has always
worshiped Ian and at once offered him a job and our
spare room. This was the first time I had met Ian and he
seemed pleasant enough.

It’s easy to see the family resemblance but whereas my
husband is as open and honest as daylight, Ian has a
more crueler and secretive cast to his features.
Although they both work together they don’t always go to
work together.

One of their major clients lives in the city about an
hour’s drive away and likes to have either early morning
or late evening meetings. This means that around three
times a week my husband has to either leave at seven in
the morning or come home around eight in the evening.

Yesterday was one of the mornings he had to leave early.
He tried to get up without disturbing me, as usual, but
I was already awake. When he noticed he came back to
kiss me and with very little persuading returned to bed
to make love to me. The only thing in our marriage that
isn’t perfect is our sex life. For some reason my
husband can’t bring me to orgasm.

We’ve tried various different methods but now we just
accept it. Sometimes he helps me use a vibrator or
watches me masturbate but it’s become that we just
accept that he is the only one who will orgasm. I don’t
mind since it feels pleasurable and I love giving him
pleasure. Once John had left I was still turned on so I
got my vibrator and used that to bring myself to climax.
We try to be quiet about our lovemaking as Ian is in the
next room but he has never said anything.

I was almost asleep again when I felt a cool draft as
the covers were lifted. For a moment I thought John had
returned for some reason but when I rolled over I could
see in the dim light creeping under the curtains that it
was Ian lying next to me in the bed. I was still
befuddled with drowsiness and before I could react he
was laying on top of me.

The feel of his naked flesh on mine quickly brought me
to a realization of the situation and I tried to push
him away. He grinned at me and hooked his hands under my
shoulders and let me struggle. His weight was pressing
me down into the mattress and I couldn’t move him. Even
worse, the more I struggled, the more I became aware
that he was aroused.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“That’s a stupid question,” he said. “What do you think
I’m doing. I’m horny and I’m bored with jerking off. I
want a nice juicy cunt so I came in here.”

“B-but I’m your sister-in-law!” I said. “You can’t do
this to me.”

“Who’s going to stop me?” he asked. “There’s no one else
here. You can scream if you want but I don’t see anyone
breaking in to save you. And as you can see I’m much
stronger than you.”

“If you rape me I’ll report you to the police,” I told

“Well you could do that. But how is John going to feel
if you do that?”

“What do you mean?”

“I think if you claim I raped you John would be
devastated. His wife and his brother. And he wouldn’t
know who to believe, especially after I tell him how you
seduced me. Even if he does try to believe you he would
never be sure. I would, of course, describe in great
detail how you came, something you never do with him. Oh
yes, if you tell him I think you might just ruin his
life.” There was nothing I could say. Every word was

“Don’t you care about John?” I asked at last. “You don’t
really want to hurt him like that.”

“I won’t be the one hurting him, you will be. I just
want to fuck. If you don’t say anything, no one will get

“Except me.”

“Oh I’ll make sure you have a good time,” he said, and
then he kissed me.

It wasn’t a nice gentle kiss like John’s kisses are.
Instead he ground his mouth roughly against mine,
forcing his tongue into my mouth. He pushed his tongue
in and out of my mouth while his hips pushed against
mine in a similar rhythm. I tried again to throw him off
and this time I managed to get him half off me. I tried
to scramble out of the bed but he caught me and threw me
back down. He grabbed my knees and forced them apart,
wedging his torso in between my thighs.

I could feel some of the coarse hairs around his belly
button tickling my clit. With my legs splayed his skin
was pressed against my pussy. I was still wet from the
orgasm I had had with the vibrator and I knew he could
feel it. I pushed and thumped him with my fists but he
ignored my struggles and grabbed my breasts. He wasn’t
any more gentle with them than he had been with my
mouth. He squeezed and kneaded them but to my shame my
nipples grew hard. He twisted them between his fingers
and I gave an involuntary moan. He began sucking them
each in turn into his mouth, occasionally blowing across
them first.

The warm heat of his mouth felt so good I soon forgot to
struggle. He would cruelly graze my nipple with his
tongue, then gently swirl his tongue across it. The
sensations he produced were so pleasurable I was moaning
and tugging at his hair to encourage him and I was
instinctively thrusting my hips against him. He paused
and looked triumphantly at me and I realized what I was

“You’ve got great tits, sister-in-law,” he said. “I’ve
been looking at them for ages wondering what they would
be like. They’re not massive but they’re just the right
size. And you’ve got the biggest nipples I’ve ever

I began to fight him again, even shouting and screaming
for help. He just laughed and started squeezing my
breasts again, nipping and biting them and trying to
suck the entire mound into his mouth. He even squeezed
them hard together and tried to get them both in his
mouth at once. Although he was being rough he was still
somehow giving me pleasure and it was difficult to keep
resisting him.

Taking me by surprise he suddenly turned round and knelt
over me. His head was now between my thighs and his cock
was swinging in my face. It looked so different to
John’s Ian’s was noticeably shorter and thicker and a
much darker red in color. At the thought of it plunging
into me I felt a thrill of mingled terror and
anticipation that produced a flood of moisture between
my legs. The next moment I stiffened in shock as Ian’s
mouth dived on my pussy and began sucking and licking.
His hands were on my thighs, forcing them wide apart so
I was completely open and at his mercy.

He didn’t show any mercy though, as he relentlessly used
his tongue, first on my clit, then in my cunt. He
flicked and swirled and jabbed with it, and even used
his teeth on my clit in a similar fashion to the way he
had treated my nipples. I was still shouting and
thrashing around on the bed but I no longer knew if it
was from fear or pleasure. Then the mindlessness of an
orgasm swept through me and my body shook under a
torrent of pleasure such as I had never known. I was
limp when it had gone but Ian hadn’t finished with me

He turned back around and, grabbing my hips, thrust his
cock deep into my cunt. I don’t know how to describe the
sensation. He seemed to fill and stretch me. I could
feel him throbbing deep inside me and it seemed to echo
the tremors still shaking me. He began to relentlessly
thrust into me, seeming to go deeper each time. I could
feel another orgasm beginning as he fucked me harder and
harder. Then I came, my back arching off the mattress. I
was dimly aware that he was coming to, pumping deep
inside me.

He collapsed on top of me, both our bodies trembling and
covered in sweat. At last he stood up and walked out of
the room, leaving me sprawled on the bed.

When he had left to go to the office I had a long shower
and changed the bed. I tried to forget what had happened
but the remaining tremors in my body wouldn’t let me. I
knew I wouldn’t say anything to John, or the police. I
had no proof and I was too afraid that John might ask me
at some point if I had enjoyed it. He can always tell
when I’m lying so I wouldn’t be able to deny the
pleasure I had found in being fucked by his brother. So
I have been pretending that nothing happened. Until
tonight. John has another early morning meeting tomorrow
and Ian just whispered in my ear:

“I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning,
bright and early.

I’m getting hard already.”

I wish I could believe he was joking but I don’t think
he is. I’m afraid he’s going to fuck me again tomorrow
and there’s nothing I can do about it.


I lay awake all night, trying to think what to do. I
couldn’t help remembering the last time my brother-in-
law had raped me. I’d tried hard to forget it had ever
happened but it had been difficult. Now he was
threatening to do it again. I had to find some way to
stop him.

The alarm went off at six and my husband rolled out of
bed and went to the bathroom. By the time he returned I
had come up with a plan. He was quietly getting dressed
when I startled him by saying, ‘John, could I come with
you this morning?’

‘I’m sorry, baby, did I wake you up?’ he asked, ‘I was
trying to be as quiet as I could.’

‘No, I was already awake.’

‘Oh, OK. Now what’s this about coming with me? You
couldn’t come to the meeting. What would you do for half
an hour? Just sit in the car?’

‘Yes, or go for a walk or something. I just thought it
would be nice to have some time together with just the
two of us.’

‘It does sound like a nice idea. If you’re sure you want
to I’d love it. You’d best get a move on though, I have
to leave in ten minutes.’

By the time John dropped me back at the house I was
feeling very pleased with myself. I had had a lovely
time with my husband and I had foiled any plans of Ian’s
to rape me. Hopefully he would get the message that I
wouldn’t co-operate with his perverted scheme.

The two men returned home together and I could tell at
once that Ian was furious with me. The first chance he
got to speak to me alone he grabbed my hair and pulled
my face close to his.

‘You are going to regret avoiding me this morning. You
are going to regret it very much.’

‘I’m not scared of you, you bastard.’ I told him.

‘Well that shows what a stupid bitch you are, doesn’t
it.’ he snarled, and he cruelly twisted my nipples
before pushing me away. I tried to tell myself he was
just threatening me because he was annoyed but I soon
found out he meant every word.

About three days later I was just finishing dusting the
sitting room when I heard the front door open and close.
It was about the time the men usually returned home from
work so I headed to the hall to welcome my husband. The
next moment my brother-in-law came through the sitting
room door and grabbed my arms and bent me over the back
of the sofa.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ I cried, trying to
struggle free.

‘Where’s John?’

‘He’s had to go into the city for a meeting. It’s just
you and me, babe.’ Ian told me.

I tried to struggle even harder but it was impossible.
He shifted me so that my feet were no longer on the
ground. All my weight was on my stomach which had the
sofa back digging into it, making it hard to breath. He
fumbled open my bra and pulled it and my top over my
head and tangled them around my arms. The he pushed my
skirt up around my waist and ripped my knickers off. I
tried to kick him but he just forced his way between my
thighs so I couldn’t get the right angle. He then
smacked me hard on my exposed bottom. I cried out with
the pain, which made him laugh and smack me several more
times. When he stopped my bottom was stinging and I was
gulping back tears. He reached forward and grabbed my
hair, twisting my head so he could look into my face.

‘That’s your punishment for avoiding me. Don’t do it
again. Now guess what’s going to happen.’ For a moment I
had a wild hope that he was going to let me go. He must
have been able to tell because he gave a loud laugh.

‘I’m going to fuck your brains out bitch.’ he snarled.
He let go of my hair and grabbed my legs, pushing them
apart. He used his thumbs to spread my pussy lips wide,
then he drove his cock into me in one brutal movement. I
was completely unprepared and it felt like he was
ripping me apart. I screamed and tried desperately to
get away but it was impossible. He pulled back and
slammed ruthlessly back into me, chuckling when I
screamed again.

He reached forward and found my breasts and began
squeezing and pinching them in time to his relentless
thrusts. I could hear myself crying and begging him to
stop but all I was conscious of was the feel of his cock
stretching my cunt as he pounded away.

To my horror I began to feel tendrils of pleasure,
beginning from my breasts and rapidly spreading to my
cunt. Some part of me was enjoying being used like this.
I tried to fight it but it just seemed to intensify the
feelings that were a strange mixture of pain and
pleasure. I didn’t know whether to be relieved or
disappointed when he came.

I lay across the sofa back, exhausted and ashamed. I
could still feel small twitches through my muscles and
knew that I had almost come. I felt Ian pull out of me
then heard him walking round the sofa. He grabbed my
hair and pulled my head up, thrusting his cock in my

‘Clean me up.’ he ordered.

‘What?’ I exclaimed, unable to believe he meant it. His
cock was still semi-hard and covered with cum. My hands
were still twisted up my back and entangled in my
clothes and my feet were off the ground so I was
helpless to move.

‘Lick my cock clean, bitch. You’d better hurry or some
of it’s going to drip on your sofa. Won’t that make a
nice stain?’ To my horror he was right. I had no choice
but to comply with his orders. I had occasionally given
my husband a blow-job but it wasn’t something I
particularly enjoyed. Reluctantly I began to lick at
Ian’s cock, cleaning the juices off.

The taste was just as bad as I remembered but it soon
became obvious that Ian was enjoying it very much. His
cock gradually became hard again and soon he was holding
my head still and thrusting it into my mouth. He pushed
harder and further until it felt as if I was going to
choke. I moaned and tried to pull away but he was
holding me too tightly. My moans drew his attention
though and he stopped.

‘I was getting a bit carried away there wasn’t I?’ he
asked. ‘I’m glad you stopped me. After all we’re not
finished yet.’ Before I had chance to comprehend what he
was saying he had walked back round the sofa and pulled
me to my feet. My legs were weak and trembling and I
staggered and had to hold onto him to steady myself. He
took advantage of my momentary dizziness to completely
remove the rest of my clothes and drag me into the hall.
He pushed me up against the closed kitchen door and took
his own clothes off.

‘Just to make sure you understand the situation, I’ll
explain a few things for you. I’m still horny and I want
to fuck again. However since I’ve just come it’s going
to take longer this time for me to get off. Your husband
is going to be coming through that door in just over
half an hour. I’m not stopping until I’ve come.

‘So unless you want the first thing your husband to see
when he walks through the door is his beloved wife and
brother fucking like rabbits I suggest you do everything
you can to bring me to orgasm.’

To my horror I realized he was serious. I tried to think
of some way out of my predicament but I was trapped.
‘Please don’t.’ I whispered, ‘please.’

‘Begging isn’t going to change my mind but it my turn me
off, you don’t want that after you did such a good job
of sucking me off do you. Come on, let’s get fucking.
After all time’s ticking away.’

Reluctantly I co-operated as he lifted me up against the
door and slid his cock inside me. I wrapped my legs
around his waist and clung to his shoulders as he
supported me by holding my bottom. To my shame it felt
wonderful. My cunt was still slick with his cum so he
slid in easily. This time the stretching felt wonderful,
like I was being completely filled.

With my back braced against the door we began to move
together. I could feel the pleasure start up again
inside me and struggled to hide it. My clit was pressed
against his skin and every movement rubbed against it
with occasionally a stray hair adding an extra
sensation. I closed my eyes and tried not to moan with

‘Give me a tit.’ he ordered me. Flushing with
humiliation I used a hand to push my breast close to his
mouth. He smirked at me, enjoying my embarrassment,
before attacking my nipples with his mouth. He wasn’t
gentle but he was through, tugging it deep into his
mouth before using his tongue and teeth on it.

It was all I needed to send me over the edge. My hips
moved faster and my nails dug into his back as I
orgasmed. My cunt clenched around his fat cock and I
could hear myself gasping and shouting out loud.
Gradually the spasms slowed and I opened my eyes to see
Ian smirking knowingly at me. He was still hard and he
kept thrusting away. He removed a hand from my bottom so
I had to cling even closer to him and began to massage
my clit.

‘You are such an easy lay.’ he said, make me flush with
shame. ‘Give me that other tit, let’s see how quickly
you’ll come again.’ Even as I compiled I could feel my
insides tightening again. It felt like only moments
before I was coming, shouting as he thrust in time with
my spasms. My orgasm lasted even longer this time and
still he hadn’t come.

This time when I had finished he pulled out of me and
went to sit on the stairs. He beckoned me over and made
me straddle him. He pushed on my hips until I lowered
them enough to impale my cunt on his fat cock. We were
right next to the window and anyone coming down the path
would have a clear view of us. At the back of my mind I
knew time was running out before my husband came home.

My whole body seemed concentrated on the waves of
pleasure that were centered on my pussy. I didn’t need
much encouragement to begin to ride him, sliding his
cock in and out of my eager cunt. He had easy access to
my breasts and I encouraged him with little moans and
gasps, as he played with them, thrusting them deeper
into his mouth. The rougher he was the more I seemed to
enjoy it and I came twice more before eventually he
grabbed my hips and came himself, thrusting savagely
into me.

I lay against him as the sweat cooled on our bodies and
the full shame of my behavior hit me. I scrambled up,
collected my clothes and ran upstairs to the bathroom. I
was scrubbing furiously at my body when Ian strolled in.
He was naked still with his clothes draped over his arm.

‘Well bitch, I told you I’d teach you a lesson. The next
time John goes to work early I expect to find you laying
in that bed with your legs wide open ready to be
fucked.’ He turned and walked away leaving me ashamed
and desperate thinking how to escape from this


After my last humiliating encounter with my brother-in-
law I’d tried to avoid him. I felt violated and ashamed,
especially about the way I had responded to him. My
husband noticed I wasn’t myself but I fobbed off with
the excuse that I had a touch of ‘flu. Then, just to
complicate matters, my husband made love to me one night
and for the first time brought me to orgasm.

Our love-making was nothing like Ian’s assaults on my
body and my orgasm was on a fraction of the ones I had
experienced with Ian. Nether-the-less it was special
because it was with my husband. He was so pleased and
proud that he had at last managed to give me an orgasm
but a little voice at the back of my mind wondered if
Ian’s rape had contributed something to this.

I knew if John ever found out about Ian raping me that
would be the conclusion he would draw and it was one
more reason why I could never tell him about Ian’s
attacks. Neither was there any possible way I could go
to the police without John finding out. I wasn’t
physically strong enough to fight Ian off. I began
working out every day at the gym to try and build muscle
but Ian was taller and heavier than I and it was
unlikely I’d ever be able to win against him.

I casually suggested to my husband that I should start
taking self defense lessons of some kind. He wasn’t
opposed to the idea until we went to look at some of the
clubs. They all seemed to be in rough areas and more
geared towards teaching people to injure each other
rather than defend yourself. Then Ian heard what we were
looking into and offered to teach me the basics at home.
He claimed to have taken classes in several different
martial arts for several years so that was the end of
that idea. I was still trying to think of a way out of
my situation when Ian attacked again.

I hadn’t realized that John had another of his early
morning meetings until I heard the front door closing
and realized he wasn’t besides me in bed. I was still
half asleep and it hadn’t sunk in before the bedroom
door crashed open and Ian hit the light switch.

Dazzled by the sudden light I was too busy shielding my
eyes to fully comprehend the situation by which time Ian
had tossed the covers aside and had my t-shirt pushed
over my head. He attacked my breasts like he was
starving and they were the first food he had seen in
days. I began struggling and thumping him but he easily
brushed my blows away and continued. Already my body was
responding, my nipples hardening and my insides

Desperately I brought my knee up with all my strength.
It caught him in the stomach and he momentarily rolled
off me, gasping for breath. I somehow scrambled out of
the bed and half ran half fell down the stairs. I heard
Ian’s roar of anger and could hear his feet thudding
down the stairs behind me. I fled into the kitchen and
grabbed my biggest knife from the block on the side.

I whirled around and as Ian came towards me jabbed it at
him. He stopped and quickly stepped back out of reach.
For a moment things were at an impasse. I held onto the
counter-top while I tried to get my breath back, the
knife gripped tight in my hand. I could see him thinking
but I was totally unprepared for what he did next. He
took a step forward until the knife tip was resting
against his chest and grinned at me.

‘If you want to use that knife, go ahead. However you’re
going to have to seriously injure me to stop me fucking
you. In fact you’ll probably have to kill me. How are
you going to explain that away. And even if you just cut
me you’ll still have to explain to John why. If he asks
me you know I’ll tell him the truth, or at least my
version of it. Is that really what you want?’ I started
at him like a memorized rabbit. If he had attacked me I
would probably defended myself with the knife in the
heat of the moment. But he had calmed the situation down
and made me look at the consequences.

‘Come on decide!’ he demanded and moved my hand so the
knife was resting against his throat. ‘Either kill me or
put the knife down and come upstairs.’

Feeling more trapped than ever I slowly put the knife
down on the counter and let him lead me back to the
bedroom. There seemed little point in resisting him when
he pushed me down on the bed and dived between my legs.
He used his mouth on my clit and cunt but somehow my
whole body felt numb with despair. It felt as if he was
doing it to someone else and I was just watching.

He didn’t seem to notice and soon he positioned me on my
hands and knees and began fucking me from behind. He had
barely started when the sound of the front door being
unlocked jerked me back to an awareness of my
surroundings. For some reason John had returned. I
couldn’t let him walk in and find me being fucked by his

I quickly pulled away from Ian and hurried into the
hall. John must have heard my footsteps and he put his
head round the corner of the stairs and looked up at me.
I leant over the banister, striving to appear normal.

‘Morning darling,’ John whispered, ‘I didn’t mean to
wake you. Can you believe it, I forgot my briefcase.’

‘Won’t you be too late for your meeting now?’ I
whispered back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ian
quietly walking towards me. I tried to concentrate on
John’s explanation of how he had phoned to explain and
the meeting was still on. Ian had reached the hall and
sunk to his knees besides me. He put his hands on my
thighs and began forcing them apart. I tried to stop him
but I was more concerned with John not noticing
something was wrong. I gave some reply to John’s
explanation but most of my attention was on Ian.

He had succeeded in opening my legs and was now using
his tongue to torment my cunt while his fingers played
with my clit. I tried to concentrate on what John was
saying but it was so difficult. I wanted to squirm and
moan and the pleasure being generated by Ian’s assault
on my pussy fizzed through me. Then to my alarm I
realized that John was coming up the stairs to kiss me
goodbye. I leaned further over the banisters to kiss him
so he wouldn’t come to the top and see what his brother
was doing, even though this gave Ian even more access to
my pussy.

John smiled as my breasts swung towards him and he
caressed them gently as he kissed my mouth. It was too
much and I couldn’t help giving a moan. John was
surprised and pleased by my response and gave each
nipple a gentle kiss. I moaned again as my nipples
hardened and Ian intensified his actions on my pussy.
John nuzzled my breasts some more, whispering the
intimate things husbands and wives say when they’re
making love, before kissing me again. I kissed him back
desperately, aware that I was close to the edge of

‘I wish I could stay and play,’ John whispered
reluctantly, ‘but I’m already late and I have to go.
We’ll go to bed early tonight and fool around, OK. Now
you’d better hurry back to bed before we wake Ian up.
Think how embarrassed you would be if he came out here
and caught you with no clothes on.’

He gave me one last kiss and caress of my breasts,
unaware that his brother had two fingers pounding in and
out of my cunt while he sucked on my clit. I didn’t know
if I was glad or sorry to see John go. The moment the
door closed behind John Ian stood up and pushed his cock
into my dripping cunt. I braced myself against the
banister and met every thrust. I dimly heard our car
start up as the first wave of orgasm hit me. Ian came
too and collapsed against me.

I could feel him laughing against me but I was beyond
caring. Even though I had just come it wasn’t enough.
When Ian pushed me to my knees and shoved his cock in my
face I didn’t hesitate. I went to work licking and
sucking, needing it hard again. I didn’t make even make
token resistance when Ian led me back to the bed and
pulled me on top of him. I rode him like a wild animal,
grinding my clit against him and impaling my cunt
repeatedly on his cock as orgasm after orgasm hit me. At
last the orgasms grew shorter and I collapsed on the
bed, hardly aware of whether Ian had come again or not.

‘Well you’re starting to get the hang of this fucking
business, aren’t you.’ Ian said, sounding very smug.
‘Are we going to have an end of this fighting me off

‘What do you mean?’ I asked wearily.

‘Well I’m getting tired of having to fight you before I
fuck you. I want you to do what I say from now on
without arguments or resistance. If you don’t I’ll tell
John exactly what happened today. I’ll tell him that
while he was kissing his beloved wife I had my tongue up
her cunt and five minutes later we fucking each other

‘I’ve had enough of you and your threats.’ I said,
dredging up some defiance from somewhere. ‘Go ahead and
tell him what you want. I’ll tell him you’re making the
whole thing up because you’re jealous of our happiness
after the mess you made of your relationship. I think
he’ll believe me.’ Ian slapped me hard across the face,
knocking me across the bed. He grabbed my hair, pulling
me close to his face.

‘Listen you little bitch, he’ll believe me. I could hear
every word he said to you, include all his little pet
names for your tits and your cunt. How are you going to
explain that away?’ He had trapped me again with his
logic. Still I was trying to think of a way out.

‘You want me to let you rape me without fighting you?’ I
asked slowly while thinking as fast as I could.

‘Is it still rape when you enjoy it so much like the
slut you are?’ he asked, sneering at me.

‘If I don’t want you to do it then it’s rape.’ I snapped
back. ‘What do I get out of this deal?’

‘Apart from me not spilling the beans to John and about
five or six orgasms every time we fuck? What else do you

‘I’ll co-operate on the condition that you move out
within a month.’ I told him. Once he was no longer
living here I knew it would be easy enough to make sure
I was never alone with him again. It was the only way
out of the situation I could see.

‘I think I can live with that. You be my sex slave and
I’ll be out by the end of the month. Deal.’

‘Deal’ I agreed.

‘OK. From now on when John goes to work early I expect
you to crawl into my bed and wake me up by sucking my
cock. The first thing I want to see when I open my eyes
is your pussy. Got it? No more arguing and fighting, you
just do what I say from now on. Now come suck me clean,
I’m going to be late.’ Hoping desperately that I had
done the best thing possible I obeyed.


I didn’t know how to look John in the face when he
returned that evening. When he suggested we get an early
night all I could see was the smirk on Ian’s face. My
face still felt sore from when Ian had slapped me and I
was so tired. It was difficult to raise any enthusiasm
for more sex. John made love to me slowly and gently. He
stroked his hands along my body, each touch a gentle
caress reminding me how much I loved him. Afterwards he
held me close and told me how much he loved me and I
knew I was so lucky to have him. For his sake I could
endure his brother’s abuse for four weeks.

Nether-the-less I was dreading the next time my husband
had to go to an early morning meeting. It didn’t happen
for a few days and the tension of waiting got to me. I
was irritable and spent long hours down the gym trying
to work my tensions away. Eventually John told me one
evening that he had an early morning meeting the next
day. I saw the self satisfied grin on Ian’s face and
wished wholeheartedly I could slap it away.

I lay in bed pretending to be asleep as John got dressed
and left. I waited until I heard the car start up and
pull away before reluctantly going into Ian’s bedroom.
He seemed to be asleep but there was no real way to
tell. Following his instructions I crept into bed
besides him. I knelt across his shoulders and felt
around under the covers until I located his cock.

It was soft and wrinkled. I sucked it into my mouth but
it was difficult to keep it in because it was so floppy.
Fortunately it started to get hard. I concentrated on
sucking it, sliding it in and out of my mouth as it
hardened. I heard Ian give a small grunt, then his hands
were on my bottom and I knew he was definitely awake.

It was hard to breathe under the covers and I had to
keep swallowing hard so I didn’t dribble onto him. He
was pushing my hips, urging me to move faster. He was
thrusting upwards with his hips, driving his cock so far
into my mouth I started to gag. His hands were between
my thighs, his thumb rubbing my clit and a finger
stabbing at my cunt. I could feel myself starting to get
wet and respond to him. I didn’t want that. I went to
work faster on his cock.

I sucked as hard as I could and ran my tongue around the
head. Pre-cum was oozing out of it and it tasted
horrible but I kept going. I was hoping that if I made
him come soon enough he wouldn’t have time to get me
aroused. My breasts were grazing against his stomach
each time I lurched forward and the friction against my
sensitive nipples was exquisite torture. My legs were
starting to tremble and I was finding it harder to
resist when I felt his body tense.

I knew he was about to come and tried to pull back but
he put one hand on my head and the other on my back and
held me down while he thrust his cock deep into my
mouth. I felt it jerk as he came and my mouth was
flooded with his cum. It was thick and tasted even worse
than the pre-cum. I struggled to get away but he held me
there until he finished coming. As soon as he released
me I sat up, spluttering and trying to spit out the cum
I hadn’t swallowed. It had overflowed all over my chin
and neck leaving a sticky trail.

For some reason Ian seemed annoyed instead of pleased
that I had obeyed him. He grabbed my hair and pulled me
close while he shouted at me.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing, bitch? You
swallow all my spunk and say thank you. I don’t ever
want to see you spit it out again. Do you understand? Go
get something to clean up the mess you’ve made. You’ve
got it all over me and the sheet.’

I hurried into the bathroom and returned with tissues
and a cloth. He glared at me while I mopped up as much
as I could from the sheet and wiped his body clean. When
I disposed of the tissue down the toilet I took the
opportunity to clean myself up and brush my teeth to try
to get rid of the lingering taste. I didn’t realize Ian
had entered the bathroom before he grabbed my shoulder
and span me round to face him.

‘You don’t learn do you, you stupid cow. I didn’t say
you could clean yourself up. And I told you that you
have to be grateful when I fill your mouth with spunk,
not try to get rid of it. I’m going to have to teach you
a lesson.’

He grabbed hold of me and dragged me back to the bed. He
sat down and pulled me face down across his knees. He
forced one hand between my legs. His fingers found my
clit and began tweaking it while his thumb easily slid
into my cunt, which was still wet from his earlier
attentions. Then he began smacking me. Each time his
hand landed on my bottom he thrust his thumb deep inside

The wave of pain from my bruised skin was strangely
echoed by the wave of pleasure coming from my pussy. I
moaned and squirmed not knowing which hand was causing
the strongest sensation. My breasts were pressed against
the bedcover and as I squirmed my nipples hardened,
adding to the sensations colliding in my body. The blows
on my bottom were hard and stinging and I knew my skin
must be red. I didn’t know if I was trying to pull away
from the smacks or if I was trying to push down on the
thumb. Inevitably an orgasm hit me and I screamed as it
shuddered through my body.

Ian pushed me off his knee as I collapsed limp and
exhausted. I was half knelt on the floor, half-lying on
the bed. He crouched behind me and positioned his cock
against my pussy lips. Then he plunged into me, his
balls slapping against my clit. He kneaded my sore
bottom as he pounded his cock into my cunt and I could
hear myself whimpering. I had forgotten just how fat his
cock was and how it stretched my cunt. He shoved his
hands under me and found my breasts.

The way he kneaded them as they were squashed against
the bed was painful so I raised myself up on my elbows.
He gave a grunt of satisfaction and went to work on my
breasts. He pulled and pinched my nipples roughly but
perversely by body enjoyed it.

Another orgasm hit me and I bit hard on my lip to keep
from yelling out loud. Still he hammered his cock into
my cunt. I could hear my pussy juices squelching as he
rammed in and out and feel them trickling between my
swollen lips and clit. Another orgasm took me and still
he kept going. At last I felt him stiffen and jerk
inside me. It was enough to trigger another orgasm for
me and our gasps and moans mingled together as our
juices mingled in my cunt.

He pulled off me and gave me a final slap on my reddened
bottom. He pulled on a dressing gown and went
downstairs. I could hear him watching TV while he ate
his breakfast. I crept into the bathroom on trembling
legs, cursing my body’s betrayal. I went back to my own
bed and curled up on top of the bed, hating the quivers
I could still feel inside me.

Ian came upstairs and found me there.

‘Come on, I want you to wash me,’ he ordered.
Reluctantly I followed him into the bathroom and stepped
into the bath with him. He turned the shower on and
pulled me under the spray. ‘Get your tits all soapy and
rub it onto me,’ he ordered. Obediently I worked up some
lather and worked it into my breasts. Then I began
rubbing his body.

My skin was still sensitized and the combination of the
slick soap and his rough body hair drove me crazy. I
moaned and pressed myself close against him. He guided
me around his upper body, clearly enjoying himself. I
used the soap to renew the lather then he pushed me to
my knees. I ran his legs up and down my cleavage with
his co-operation. His foot was between my thighs and I
realized I was grinding my pussy against it. Ashamed I
straightened up. I began to stand again but Ian made me
sit on the side of the bath. He placed his cock between
my breasts, squeezed them around it and began thrusting.

‘Lick the head,’ he groaned as he pumped. Each time the
fat purple head popped out from between my breasts I
swiped my tongue across it. The flow of water from the
shower and the soap from my skin combined to combat the
taste of the pre-cum. His thumbs were rubbing across my
nipples as he regularly squeezed my breasts in time with
each thrust of his hips. I found myself thinking that I
would have to try this with John and immediately felt
ashamed. I wasn’t supposed to enjoy Ian’s treatment of

Before I had a chance to sort out my confused thoughts
Ian jerked me to me feet. He looped my knee over his arm
and pushed me up against the wall. His cock slid into my
eager cunt and I braced my free foot against the bath
rim as he settled into a steady rhythm. With my legs
wide spread my clit was fully exposed to the friction of
his skin. His mouth was on my nipples, the heat of it in
contrast to the cool water pattering down on us from the

An orgasm crashed through me and I lost control, bucking
wildly against him and yelling out loud, my nails
digging into his shoulders. As soon as one orgasm died
another started and I writhed helplessly against him as
his thrusting cock caused one after another to twist my
body until eventually he came and at last stopped. I
slid down and sat on the bottom of the bath as he
finished his shower, lacking the strength to move. By
the time he got out and started toweling himself my
breathing had slowed to its regular rhythm.

‘Well you’re starting to get the hang of being my sex
slave,’ he said smugly.

‘I’m keeping my end of the bargain,’ I reminded him. ‘I
want to see some evidence that you’re keeping your end.’

‘OK, I’ll phone some agents today. Are you sure you want
me to go? Who’s going to teach you how to fuck if I’m
not around, hmm? Who’s going to make you scream when you
come for the twentieth time?’

‘John and I don’t fuck, we make love. And you can make
me come as many times as you like but you’ll never know
what making love is like. All you know is fucking. I
feel sorry for you.’

He glared at me. ‘You’re a fucking bitch. I don’t give a
fuck about ‘making love’. Just make sure you spread your
legs whenever I tell you.’ I was pleased I’d annoyed

‘Yes master,’ I drawled sarcastically, and laughed as he
stamped out of the bathroom. I might have agreed to let
him fuck me but no one said I had to be nice to him. I
just hoped he didn’t take his revenge next time John was

Same as A wife has to be nice to her brother in-law Videos

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To My BrotherInLaw

Hi all readers, I am Artika and I am 27 years old, slim,fair and have a nice structure of 34c-28-36. I want to share you some of the events that made me fall for my brother in law (my elder sister’s husband [jiju]) and loose my virginity to him. My sister was married when I was in my final year of my college. The next year my nephew was born and I also completed my degree. Since I took a break after college days, I went and stayed with my elder sister to help her with the baby who was 6 months...

1 year ago
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Losing my virginity to my brother in law

100% fiction! Hi all readers, I am Artika and I am 27 years old, slim, fair and have a nice structure of 34c-28-36. I want to share you some of the events that made me fall for my brother in law (my elder sister’s husband [jiju]) and loose my virginity to him. My sister was married when I was in my final year of my college. The next year my nephew was born and I also completed my degree. Since I took a break after college days, I went and stayed with my elder sister to help her with the baby...

First Time
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Experienced The Real Pleasure Of Sex With Brother In Law

Hi Readers, I am Sanjana, 24 years old. I got married in Jan 2012. I was married into a well educated well to do business family settled in Mumbai. We are basically from Gujarat and my in laws settled in Mumbai about 20 yrs back. Everyone in the family are very well educated, all are much matured. We have a very good family environment and I am a very happy and satisfied girl. This is a true story of my life and would like to share my experiences with all readers. I am sure all of you will...

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Bikini Beach The BrotherinLaw

This started as a quickie piece. It didn't finish up that way. There is, by the way, no relationship between this story and my recent (and forthcoming) Altered Fates stories. * * * * * Bikini Beach: Brother-In-Law By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 Lynette Dorsey was working at the sink when Carter Dorsey came into the kitchen. He stood by the door for a minute, watching the way her slender body moved and how the early evening light made her dark blonde hair seem to glow. He held...

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The brother Inlaw

Day 1I was really horny and Little Dicks brother cam to visit us. He lives a few hours away and rarely visits. Little dick was working late, so I told my brother In Law I was going for a dip in the hot tub. . I wore my pink bikini into the hot tub,,, He joined me a few minutes later. We talked a while,, he knows how sore my shoulder is because of an injury I had. I kept rubbing it, and pretending to try to line my sore spot up to the jets. I rubbed it more,, and sighed,,, he asked me if I was...

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Cousin Helps Brother To Fuck Her SisterInLaw

Hi, Ram again with another incident! This happened a few months ago. I was in Bangalore attending a meeting and my phone rang. It was Buddi; my aunt’s married step-daughter whom I had fucked (). I ignored it. Later, when my meeting got over, I checked my phone. My cousin sister had left a message saying, “Can we talk?” I rang her phone and she disconnected the call. So I left a message saying, “Sorry! Was in a meeting. What is this about?” It was 2 pm and I received a call from my cousin...

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Hamida Is Back 8211 Part 2 BrotherInLaw

Welcome to the next part of my new story. ~Story starts~ After 2-3 years into their marriage, Hamida had given birth to four kids. This was when Arav said, “My love, I think this is enough for us.” Hamida was happy because now she could return to their crazy sex life, like before, although she never said that to Arav. ~Sex starts~ They returned to having sex like rabbits. Almost every night, when all of their kids were asleep, they would have sex. Sometimes, as Hamida breastfeeds a baby, Arav...

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Sex With Brother In Law

I have a younger brother-in-law[my wife’s younger brother] aged 19 yrs who got admission in engineering college of my city. My father-in-law dropped him in my house as he could not get accomodation in a hostel. His name is krishna. He is young fair & handsome.First day I took him to his college on my bike. The college was around 15 kms from my house. As I was driving and he sat behind me he casually placed his hands on my thighs. Whenever a speed breaker or a bump came on the way his hands are...

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Wife Swapping with Brother in Law

Hello, my name is Patrick. I am 35 years old. I am married to wife of 12 years, Samantha. I met my wife while we were in college. Samantha is my age and after a few years of dating we got married. I have always been attracted to bigger women. Not fat, but just healthy. I love big breasts and a nice round ass. For as long as I can remember I felt that way. That's what drew my attention to Sam. She is very pretty, with long blonde hair, blue eyes and really nice big double D's. She has a small...

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Wife husband and Fatherinlaw

I got laid off 4 months ago and my wife and myself had to move in with my father-in-law. I then started working at his gas station until late at night. One night I returned home a little early and saw my wife coming out of my father-in-law's bedroom in her bra and panties. She seemed surprised but told me she was very horny and had been waiting for me. She took me to our room and had sex with me. A few days later, I woke up in the middle of the night. My wife was not in the room. I heard some...

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Fiona Murphys Last FlingChapter 2 Fiona Spanks Her BrotherinLaw

The morning after her lovely surf copulation with the nice gentleman from the end of the beach, Fiona decided it was time for her to attend to her brother-in-law Reggie before he became too obnoxious and difficult. Her sister Iris was still in bed and Reggie was in the kitchen when she came down the stairs wearing a beach towel over her bikini swimsuit. She could see the lout leering at her from the other side of the table. Fiona turned away and opened the refrigerator bending all the way...

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Brother in Law

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My Peeping Brother in Law

MY PEEPING BROTHER-IN-LAW My name is Adriana, and Im married to Sam, who is in the Navy. We are both 29 yrs.old, and, have been, married for 2 years. Sam has a much younger brother, Scott who is now 20. When we were first married, we lived in Portsmouth, which is about 50 miles from our family homes, where Sam was based. Scott would, occasionally visit, and spend a weekend with us. Because I am alone so much, in the flat, I dont close doors as much as most people. One Saturday night, when Sam...

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Brother in Law

Brother in LawNancy knows her sister Dianne is out of town for a couple of days in a business trip, but she drives towards her sister’s house, it was around 9 pm, she was dressed slutty, short tight dress, light material with low cut top, push up bra showing most of upper parts of her big sized tits, intentionally leaving a couple of buttons unbuttoned.She knocks at the door, her brother in law opens the door, he was alone at home as she expected, and wearing a pair of shorts only, as it was...

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flashing wife to ex brother in law

In 2016 I caught my wife sexting with a guy she knew from years back, he was her exhusbands brother. He lived 5 hours away from us so I know they didn't hook up. And this is the story on how it started and how I hacked into accounts and got to have fun with it in the end. Some may say im crazy and other will say good job. I had fun and would donit again if need be.She had been taking sexy pics for weeks but wouldn't send them to me. I asked who was she sending them to and she said no one. I...

1 year ago
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My BrotherinLaw

My Brother-in-Law Erica Wright September 2, 1997 (All the set-up anyone needs: My brother-in-law was spending a few days with us between flights. The family as a whole had thought this was going to be the trip that he finally announced what we had all suspected for years, that he was either gay or bi-sexual.) My wife works nights and gets home around 9:00am. I leave for work by 6:30am. I got up to get ready for work and tiptoed past my sleeping brother- in-law. I went down into...

1 year ago
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Cheryl and her brother satisfy each others needs

While I sit here expecting my own expose video to be posted soon, I am reminded of how many teen girls are fucking and are on the internet, the mixture of wild hormones, and the deepest need for good sex, are driving them into uncharted, sexual exploits.Cheryl, was not long into her teens, when her slightly older brother walked into the kitchen, where she sat having breakfast.Both parents worked so they were alone for that early part of the morning. One look at him and it was obvious he had an...

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My Sweet BrotherInLaw

Hi, I am Neelima, I hail from northern part of India, after my marriage I am in Bangalore. I am aged 33 years. I am a house wife and I have two kids. I had marriage in my younger age so I have two sons of age 16 and 13. My husband is a civil engineer working in Dubai. My husband is a very nice person by heart but he is a bit greedy person for money and wealth which I could not change his character so he always would prefer to work in Dubai so he can earn more. I look mid aged women; I have...

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Brother In Law

"So, where the fuck is your sister, James?""She won't be back for several hours, she needed to go see our mom.""Oh, so do you want to wait for her here? Have a beer, maybe? Do you drink beer?""Yes, of course, why?""Well, I thought... never mind. I'll be back."Was Tom asking that because I was gay, maybe? The guy was a bigger moron than I thought, surely thinking that I was some kind of fairy only drinking Cosmopolitan cocktails. It's beyond me how my sister can be with him, putting up with this...

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My ex husband my brother in law

I had maintained friendly relations with my sister-in-law & when I heard she was in the hospital, I landed up to see her. I was also hoping to meet the rest of my ex-family. I work as a hostess in a catering firm & as I was planning to go to work from there, I landed up in my working clothes. I dressed up in a spaghetti blouse with ample cleavage showing, a nearly see-through white/silver sari. I had no petticoat below but had worn a kinky panty, which all my clients had loved. It was made up...

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Aunt Rose Blackmails Her Cheating Brotherinlaw

I guess that most people will think me terribly shallow and hypocritical for using my Brother-in Law Charles with such a callous veiled threat to blow the whistle on his cheating ways with the teenaged babysitter that I occasionally use myself as well. Of course, I used the sexy Mimi Brown for tending my two pre-teen girls when Mark and I managed to get a free night for dinner or drinks or both at the same time. I didn’t really hate Mimi for her sluttish ways, but I was no fan either because...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

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Wife Motherinlaw

My wife, Valerie, is a well educated woman who is 49 years old. She is known by many in our small community and respected by all. She sings in the church choir and volunteers for many community events. Val likes to say that she is "respectable". I have tried to get her to surf the net and look at porn but she has no interest. Our sex life is OK but nothing out of the ordinary.While she is almost 50, she has kept herself in good shape. She is 5'2" tall and weighs 140 pounds. Val wears a 34D bra...

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Fucked Brother And Widowed Sister In Law

Hi, my name is Bhargav I am from Gujarat and currently living in thane (umbai) I am 20 years old, 5’8” with above average looks, good body and 7.5” tool. My bro got married 8 months ago with a beautiful woman named Sushma (name changed). His wife comes from a well to do family; her family includes her elder sister and her mother. Her elder sister is 32 years and she has been widowed since the last 2 years (her husband died in an accident) bhabhi father also passed away a few years ago. I and...

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Helpful Brother in Law

By: AWC Nora, the sister in law of my elder brother looked beautiful, smart and sexy but also drained out. She was almost 26, married for close to two years and had no kids. As a matter of fact, it was known to everybody that they were trying very hard but had no success so far. I was visiting my brother and Nora had also come for the same reason of attending the birthday party of her sister in a few days. Unfortunately, her husband was out of the country for a big meeting and so she had come...

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brother Mother In Law

brother & Mother In LawSummer was right around the corner. I arrive to my girlfriends house to hang out with her family.The only thing different this time is that she will not be there. She is on work duties whichrequires her to travel. The same time I get there her brother and mother get back fromswimming at their pool located in the middle of their apartment complex. We all step inside andit wasn’t the hottest point of the year yet but good enough. I noticed their moms nipples showingjust...

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Alethas Brother in Law

My first story is called the markusv67 collection which is text I pulled from the fdhypnovideo yahoo group that username: markusv67 wrote. I also put my own entry into that yahoo group. It is another testimonail of how a hypnosis video sold by that yahoo group enriched my life. What I did not tell the yahoo group is that my testimonial is 100 percent fictional. I would like to continue this story. My mind is going in a million different directions on where to take this story. Should...

2 years ago
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Family Life Ch25 Cuckholding brotherinlaw

Three weeks had passed since David had had his fun with Eve, during that time she had given him a wide berth, preferring to use her own car than risk a repeat of the attack she had suffered. Despite that, David had noticed her watching him a few times, especially when he was stripped to the waist, washing the Rolls, he had noticed her hiding behind the curtain of the bedroom, looking down at him, he wondered if she was playing with herself as she watched. He would give her a good show, flexing...

1 year ago
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Made A Bitch By My BrotherInLaw

Hi guys I am Prachi, 27 years old working lady…. I used to live with my husband in Mumbai..We were having a very happy life…Sex life was also very good..Until my husband’s cousin brother visited us to stay with us he had no other place to live… He was elder by my husband…My husband was 29 and arvind…My husband brother was 37…And a divorced man.. .I use to hear from our family members that he is an alcoholic and used to beat his wife after drinking at night…So I assumed that it was the reason...

2 years ago
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Pimped By BrotherInLaw

By : Anahitagarwal Hi everyone, this is Anahita, 25 yr old housewife, and I would like to tell you how I got was pimped during a marriage by a cousin of my husband. It happened about 6 months ago, when Rohan (the brother in law) was visiting town for the marriage. Being a 2nd year IITian, he had maintained himself quite well and was a 5ft10in muscular smart guy, who could have got anyone with his looks itself. It started in the pre marriage party, which involved some drinking and dancing. My...

2 years ago
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Wife and SisterinLaw

I recently told you the true story of my sweet teenage sister-in-law and how I took her virginity. Since that time, Karie and I had been fucking regularly for the last six months. We both knew that it was wrong and felt guilty about it but we were addicted to each other. Forbidden fruit always taste sweeter. The sight of her firm teenage tits and her tight snatch was more than I could resist. Karie had tried dating boys her age and fucking them, but she always came back to me because she said...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

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Fraternity Brother To Sorority Sister Chapter 28Return To Tallahassee

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 28 Return to Tallahassee Mercifully for Beth her week in Charleston ended. She felt like she had survived a very difficult test and she wanted to celebrate. As they were heading back to Tallahassee Beth looked at Aaron. She knew what she wanted. "We had a good visit in Charleston. I think we need to celebrate. There is a nice Embassy Suites in Savanah. Let's stop there for the night. We can enjoy the Manager's Reception and the...

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My father in law and Mother in law

I wish you guys enjoy this true experience of mine..My inlaws are from a village in Andhra. I am around 30 y.o. During December I was going to a village beyond their village. I decided to stop over for a night. I went to their house around 3 pm. Now to describe my in laws. My father in law is around 58 and my mother in law was around 45. My father in law is pretty young looking for his age. And my mother in law is awesome. She has got that flowing body and clean features with a dusky skin...

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Brother in law

Introduction: Brother in law comes to town, and has his way with his brothers young new wife. He swiftly grabbed me up and threw me over his shoulder. Jeremy put me down!!! I screamed, beating my fists into his solid back. Although he called me fat quite frequently, he seemed to have no problem throwing my 135 pounds around with ease. At 22 years old, and 250 pounds of solid muscle I would think no different. Shut up fatty. He mocked me calmly, continuing to walk down the hall towards the...

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Preacher Slut Dresses from Preachers Daughter Seri

If you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...

3 years ago
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Being Sissy To My Brother In Law

Jenny knows I love to wear her sexy undies and lingerie but obviously apart from her it was a secret kept from everyone else. One day while jenny was out, I was feeling particularly randy so went to our bedroom & rummaged through her panty drawers. My hand felt the smooth shiny material of a pair of red satin tanga panties and I immediately got a twitch in my flaccid cock. Satin are my favourite. I thought maybe a pair of stockings would be good too. These were in the wardrobe drawer and on...

2 years ago
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Being Sissy To My Brother In Law

Jenny knows I love to wear her sexy undies and lingerie but obviously apart from her it was a secret kept from everyone else. One day while jenny was out, I was feeling particularly randy so went to our bedroom & rummaged through her panty drawers. My hand felt the smooth shiny material of a pair of red satin tanga panties and I immediately got a twitch in my flaccid cock. Satin are my favourite. I thought maybe a pair of stockings would be good too. These were in the wardrobe drawer and on...

1 year ago
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Playing Dangerous Game with my Brotherinlaw

A couple of years ago, the poor health of my parents required me to leave my husband and kids for a couple of weeks to travel away from home. My parents live in the same town as my trip was unhappy, it allowed me to spend some time with them as well. My sister Barbara and her husband Nick are much older than me by about 15 and 20 years. I was 35 at the time of this trip. I developed a womanly figure in my very early teens. I am a green-eyed blond with a petite but voluptuous figure, and most...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

2 years ago
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Mother In Law Asked To Fuck My Father In Law

Hello readers, I am Sultanasinha, aged 36 male from Patna back with 50th story. The story has been sent by Latha to be published on ISS. If you like, the story, please send your comments via mail or The story, which I am going to narrate, took place after four years of my marriage. My first child was 2 years old at that time. Our small family consisting of yours truly, husband and a baby was staying at Bangalore. Husband’s parents visited us and decided to stay one month with us. I was still...

3 years ago
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Gallaghers IslandChapter 4 Gallagher Meets the Female HeadHunters

After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...

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Part 23 8211 DP With Brothersinlaw

It is recommended that readers read Part 22A and Part 22B before you read this, to keep with the flow of excitement as well as to know the background of the main characters; viz. Vani, me among others. Vani writes her experience with editing and reviewing assistance from me. I hope our readers have gone through Part 22B of our experiences. Then in August 2015, the unimaginable happened. I am writing this since I am so excited about the whole episode even now. I was enjoying my time with Jiju...

2 years ago
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The Rakshasas HeartChapter 4 The Rakshasarsquos Heart

Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I strode through the corridors of the Ziggurat, my men at my back, armed, armored. Death was in the air. The future promised blood and violence. My nipples were hard as my purple sari whisked against my thighs. Juices dribbled down my legs. My heart, my dear Lucy, marched at my side, naked and unashamed, her light-brown hair bouncing about her shoulders. She smelled excited, too. Eager. She was...

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brother in law1

I couldn't stand my brother-in-law. He wasn't a bad guy, but quiet guys who hardly ever talk just freak me out. And that sure was Mark. He's married to my wife's sister who caused all the trouble. She thought it would do Mark good if I spent more time with him - help him feel more comfortable in the family. I obviously want to make my wife happy so decided to see if he wanted to go camping with me one weekend. Even if we didn't get along or he was just quiet, at least I'd get to do something I...

2 years ago
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I had been married about two years and already my husband was no longer interested in sex. We made love about once every two weeks. I had been looking at the sex sites for a lover. I wanted a man that was endowed and needed a lot of sex. I planned to meet him in a hotel for about eight hours of good hard sex. I had posted a nude picture and had looked at several nude men. I finally found a guy who was married and very endowed and his wife hated sex. Just looking at his huge cock made my pussy...

1 year ago
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My Peeping Brother in Law

My name is Melanie, and I’m married to Dave, who is in the Navy. We are both 29 yrs.old, and, have been, married for 2 years. Dave has a much younger brother, Scott who is now 20. When we were first married, we lived in Portsmouth, which is about 50 miles from our family homes, where Dave was based. Scott would, occasionally visit, and spend a weekend with us. Because I am alone so much, in the flat, I don’t close doors as much as most people. One Saturday night, when Dave was away, I decided...

3 years ago
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Pimped by her brother in law

It started in the pre-marriage party, which involved some drinking and dancing. My husband being a very shy man, was sitting at a corner holding the drink, while I was dancing around on the floor. Rohan and his friends kept my company most of the time, and he kept on passing me diluted vodka as time passed by. We got pretty close like this and there was a lot of touching while dancing, which I thought was accidental.On the marriage day, I was wearing a pink saree with golden borders, short...

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Hasina The Naughty Bitch

Hasina lay stretched out on her bed wearing nothing but a yawn. It was a scorching hot summer day, not to mention boring. Hasina was wondering how in the world she was going to make it through a whole long, hot summer without a man.Hasina, a petite 20-year-old brunette, was home for the summer and separated from her boyfriend, Munna, who'd had to return to his own home town hundreds of miles away. Munna had given her plenty of steady loving over the past three months, and Hasina missed it...

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Herman to Hermione

Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....

1 year ago
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Wife Rode her Brother

Note : This story is completely fictional! We had spent the day around the pool and in and out of the hot tub. That evening after a few drinks while in the hot tub we decided to strip down and enjoy the water in the buff. That was the first time my wife ever saw how huge her brother was. His cock was at least 10 inches long limp. I could see the look in her eyes and knew she was intrigued. It was late and our daughter and the wifes brothers daughter were in bed in our daughters bedroom. After...

3 years ago
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My Brother8217s in Law

I was always a popular and beautiful girl. I’m not saying that out of conceit just out of fact. My parents started entering me in beauty pageants when I was 10. My most recent accomplishment was coming in 2nd in the Miss Teen USA competition in my state. Just getting ready to turn 18 next month it seemed to me that my whole life and future was bright. To say that I was naive would not be fair, maybe a little sheltered though. I never really dated, never had time, always too...

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Wife Fucks Her Younger Brother

Introduction: I told you about wife fucking her older brother. This is when she did her younger brother. In My Wife Fucks Her Brother I told you about the time Sue fucked her older brother. This is the true story of when she fucked her younger brother. My stories may not be as racy as some of the fantasy stories written on this site, but truth usually is milder than made up stories on what one would like to happen. By the way in all my stories the names have been changed to protect the...

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another mother in law

Let me describe my mother-in-law Grace. My mother-in-law is 42,shoulder length blonde hair, 5 foot four inches and 115 lbs. Mymother-in-law Grace has an hour glass figure. My mother-in-law has verynice legs. My mother-in-law has a beautiful face, and lovely green eyes.My mother-in-law Grace is also a very sexy sensual smoker. I was about 25when this happened. I was staying at my mother-in-law's house on vacation.It was summer and most of the family were spending time outside. ...

2 years ago
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Indian Store Room With Father In Law

Store Room With Father In Law My name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four c***dren, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my c***dren and myself. Though I have four c***dren with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once...

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Brother in law

I was staying with my sister and her new hubby. I was only out as a CD for a few mos. Well she had to go away on a long business trip. I was alone with my brother in law Bob. He never knew of my panty surprise.The 3rd night alone we smoked some MJ and drank wine.We watched a romantic movie with sex scenes.We sat very close and my green dress hiked up a bit.I never had total sex with a real man. Bob touched my naked leg. It was a bit too friendly so I pulled down my dress. I then noticed he had...

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sleeping with Father In Law

My name is Deepti, a house-wife aged 24. I reside with my husband and our one c***d, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my c***dren and myself. Though I have four c***dren with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once a week, I do satisfy his husbandly...

3 years ago
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Store Room With Father In Law

My name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four children, at Chennai in India. We are a middle class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good care of my children and myself. Though I have four children with him, yet somehow, my private relations with my husband is not so fulfilling. That is because, unfortunately, my husband is a physically weak man. He is short, thin and very timid in nature. Though at least once a week, I do satisfy his...


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