Brandy’s Ranch Ch. 01 free porn video

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Copyright by ProfessorR ©

by Prof. Richard W.

(formerly of the University of ____________)


RANCH HANDS – part one

Dean turned slightly, as his rising penis was blocking the view of Keira’s anxious face. Her apprehension showed, perhaps not just because she was the newest girl in Brandy’s Ranch, but also because of things she had said to him not too long ago.

‘Ironic, isn’t it?’ he mused as he readied a condom on the nightstand. ‘She’s wondering if I’m angry and I’m wondering if I’m up for her after this week.’ It had been quite a week. He slid into bed and Keira opened her mouth to speak. Dean touched his finger to his lips in a shushing motion, smiled, and stretched out. His strong right arm drew her down, and instead of issuing apologies or explanations, her lips took in his filling manhood.


SATURDAY: The flight

The plane was in the air and the seatbelt light was off. Dean switched on his laptop. Normally, as a retired agent for a small and underfunded U.S. government intelligence unit, he would not have done this in the tight confines of airline coach seats, but perhaps he had grown careless. Anyway, when he thought about it later, the rare appearance of an empty center seat made his viewing seem more secure. And – at first – it was just text on his screen. The young woman in the aisle seat was listening, eyes closed, to the headset music.

It was a letter from me that he was reviewing, a request and an explanation. You will remember Brandy Adams from the case titled ‘Sound Experience’. She had achieved one of her objectives, opening ‘Brandy’s Ranch’ in a Nevada county where well-regulated prostitution was a constitutional right, almost as important to the locals as the Second Amendment. But she was trying to raise the standards – and as a businesswoman, the income – of the industry by introducing new concepts. Brandy’s Ranch bordered on a lake, had a work-out gym, and a cook who turned out great meals. And, it had the feature that led to the invitation to Dean.

Each of the girls’ rooms in what were called ‘pleasure pods’ had a computer linked to Brandynet. Of course, for those who needed inspiration, there were a variety of pornographic resources in the Favorites list, but what Dean was to launch was the customer satisfaction survey. Brandy’s idea was to use SurveySimian to rate the customers’ experiences and their potential interest in returning, trying new services, etc.


A few weeks before Dean had headed west, Chloe Demeter and I had joined Brandy and Rick, her new right-hand man, for a few days. Chloe, prize-winning photographer, had been assigned by a leading website to document this new-mode brothel. In the late afternoon and evening, Rick and I had to stay clear of the customers, but in the morning I enjoyed joining him on his maintenance rounds. Even compact florescent light bulbs need replacing eventually, especially with so many on all night.

‘Brandy needs someone knowledgeable to test the SurveySimian system,’ he remarked one morning as I helped him shore up a broken bed leg. ‘You’d be good at that.’

‘I don’t think I would be the right man. I never told you, but I’m sort of ambivalent about prostitution.’

Rick had a quizzical look.

‘I mean, I wouldn’t knock a man or woman for it, but it never appealed to me.’

‘I see. We run into that here in Nevada, too. The sheriff stops by some mornings for coffee with Brandy and me, but on First Responders Night he’s home with his wife while most of his off-duty deputies are down here taking advantage of the half-price special. [Brandy foregoes the house share of the charges, but her girls receive their normal 50%.] Did I tell you that the paramedics are the fastest?’

‘No, you didn’t…’ and our conversation drifted away to other topics, including Rick’s progress in dealing with his PTSD.

Rick and I watched from the porch of Brandy’s ranch house on the hill above the rest of her property as the SUV’s and limos from Reno cruised into the dusty parking lot. Some of the men edged cautiously toward the lounge chairs at the lakeside, others walked confidently as though they had been there before. Brandy welcomed them, chatted with returning customers, answered nervous questions from the new comers. Then, she waved toward the girls’ rooms and they came out in bath robes. When I first saw this, I was puzzled, but one by one, they slipped out of the robes, revealing their well-exercised figures in a variety of bathing suits. One was topless – ‘that’s Caitie, she’s something of an exhibitionist’ commented Rick. I remembered that Chloe had mentioned her as one of the girls who was willing to be photographed for the more erotic photos in the website series.

Into the sun-warmed water they plunged, splashing about, tossing a beach ball, dumping handfuls of water on each other. The surface and shallows sparkled in sunlight, the deeps were heated by mysterious thermal springs.

‘Taylor, there, the one splashing everyone by slapping her hand on the water, she’s bisexual. Very popular.’

‘With who?’

‘Oh, some of the customers, and when she’s in a two-on-one the customers don’t notice if the other girl is uneasy about it, as she’s having so much fun it’s… infectious.’ I thought he should have used a different word, but then that is my bias coming through. The girls disappeared behind a screen while the heightened lust drove the eager customers to adjust their requested services upward. The swimming line-up, Brandy had found, was worth thousands each warm night.

‘She started that as Italian Night,’ Rick explained. ‘It was in honor of the Italian premier, I don’t remember his name, but he invented Bunga Bunga parties. We had some of the girls tossing big bowls of spaghetti and tomato sauce at each other.’ I winced. ‘Yeah, you’re right, it was easy enough for the girls to get cleaned off – and Jennifer, she’s the MILF in the group, had her john lick it off. He paid extra to shower with her afterward! The real problem was cleaning up the furniture next morning.’ I was learning that everything had a price, but making the maintenance man unhappy went over the limit.

Later that evening, with the quick jobs departed and the girls bedded down for overnight with the big money guys, Chloe and Brandy joined us in the ranch house in front of a snapping fire log. The light flickered magically on their faces and I glanced at Chloe, wondering if she had learned any things with the girls that might come up tonight when we hit the sack. I knew I would be happy just being with her, but curiosity was getting to me. And what was the whispering about between her and our friend, the madam.

‘I need your help, Richard,’ Brandy said. She explained, in more detail, how she wanted to start the SurveySimian software with someone who could evaluate the survey fairly. And she wanted her girls to feel that it was fair, with the first results from someone who knew what they were talking about.

‘What if I start out with seven and a half minutes with some 19-year old Marine?’ Rick imitated whining Kaylynn. Brandy gave him a stern look and then laughed.

‘Yes, she can be a bitch,’ Brandy admitted, ‘but she was right. We need a master cocksman ideally.’

‘That’s not me. I’ve always had some connection with the women I’ve been with.’ I sounded stuffy, I suppose. Chloe winked at Brandy. I supposed at the time that Chloe was kind of apologizing for my puritanical approach [yes, the Puritans believed in meaningful sex].

‘Let’s go to bed, Richard.’ Chloe’s face was flushed from the warmth of the fire, or was it from within? I happily took her hand as she led me down the hall, away from the awkward conversation. I was imagining all sorts of possibilities and was enjoying the gle
am in her eyes. I noticed my penis stirring within my clothing, as if it was teasing me with bits of pleasure in its desire to escape into adventurous territories.

We embraced, long and hard, and then I began to unbutton Chloe’s blouse. It wasn’t bodice-ripping, I thought I was being slow and sexy. But suddenly, a husky female voice behind me disagreed.

‘Let me do that,’ Taylor offered in a catlike purr. Chloe grinned. So that was what the female whispering had been about earlier in the evening! Dressed in a gold-trimmed oriental robe and slippers, Taylor moved catlike, reaching around me so that her breast pressed against me while her hands took over the unbuttoning – and the caressing of Chloe’s breasts.

I can’t report everything that happened – my mind was a bit fogged. I did remember the menage a trois etiquette rules, I guess – to ‘come with the one you dance with’ – because Chloe and I are still on good terms. I vaguely remember Taylor sliding to one side and letting Chloe kneel over me. I definitely remember finding the strength from somewhere to deliver powerful strokes deep into Chloe’s soul, and have a cloudy recollection of Taylor riding behind her, her hands skillfully stroking Chloe’s most tender places. Chloe was sighing. As my excitement climaxed, happy tears and joyful vocalisms came from her half-parted lips.

Most of my energy must have gone into Chloe, because all else of that unexpected pleasure that I recall was Taylor easing my condom off and expertly disposing of it. Chloe and I kissed wildly and then I fell into a deep sleep. Hours later, I awoke beside Chloe. Taylor was stirring on the other side of her. She had been sleeping with one arm across Chloe’s shoulders. Our surprise partner winked at me as she rose, sinuously reclaimed her robe and slippers, and vanished through the same passageway that she must have used to join us.

At breakfast – which tasted better than ever – after the teasing remarks about what big appetites Chloe and I had that morning, I explained that I knew just the man to test every girl in Nevada, if necessary. Much as I had to admit enjoying the free sample, my prejudices were still mine.

And that is how – a couple of weeks later – my friend Dean ended up on the plane winging toward Reno and Brandy’s Ranch. I remembered his hilarious story about hiding out in a Bang-kok brothel for a fortnight while an outraged Singapore businessman hunted for him, something about seducing the man’s mistress and getting her to steal back from the businessman the stolen plans for some U.S. electronic gadget. I had heard that Dean had retired, and was pleased to learn that he would take the assignment. Neither of us knew that it would become more complex.

‘It’ll be a nice vacation. No pressure, no expense sheets,’ I told him.

‘Well, I’ll probably put pressure on myself. Sex everyday for a week? I haven’t done that since…’

‘Yeah, I know, Bang-kok!’

‘Well, actually, more recently than that.’ Dean grinned. ‘But it’s still classified.’


The plane’s engines droned on. Dean scrolled through the copy of Brandy’s business plan that I had attached. And then he came to the attached web pages that pictured each of Brandy’s girls with a curriculum vitae that included career goals, education, hobbies, and her sex work specialties. All of the boxes were filled out, except that at the end there was an empty box with notes describing a bright new face who would be joining Brandy’s team soon. Dean was impressed, scrolled the pages up and down, and momentarily forgot about his seatmate.

‘Please! That may appeal to you, but why do I have to look at your pornography?!!’ The young woman had awoken from her drowsy state. Dean realized that he should have been more discrete. Still, he felt that her comment about a screen view that required leaning toward him was overly strong.

‘It’s not pornography, it’s a catalog for a bordello.’

‘Well, I’m glad that you clarified that! How is that different?’ She turned frosty. Dean liked the way her blue eyes flashed daggers at him. He wondered if her question was just rhetorical, but decided to take it seriously.

‘It’s a lot more honest than pornography. Pornography just sells a false image. Prostitutes sell a real experience.’

Dean decided that she had meant the question as rhetoric, but had taken his answer more seriously than she had wanted to. For a moment, Dean had fingered the entwined images on the medallion in his pocket from the School for Social Expression [really the School for Sexual Expression, but he was used to filling out training warrants for young agents who took classes there under its public name]. He thought about how it would feel to watch her going into a trance, and then being able to ask her about her feelings. And, as he looked over her trim figure, it was easy to imagine suggesting successfully that she join him in bed to discuss those feelings. But something told him to behave, as she turned away and closed her eyes.

He snapped the laptop shut and leaned back in the seat as best as one could. For a moment, he let himself remember the days when pretty stewardesses kept coming around offering treats, pillows, cigarettes, liquor. And, perhaps more, as he fondly recalled. Now, he was unlikely to be interrupted by a flight attendant for any purpose. Was his age beginning to show, or was it their age? Maybe their staff cutbacks?

The retired agent snapped his mind back to the task coming up. He went over the catalog again, reviewing what he had learned. Jennifer was a MILF, her photos demonstrating that time, weather and gravity could be dealt with gracefully.

‘Benjamin Franklin was right,’ Dean mused, trying to recall the famous cocksman’s quote about his preference for older women. Franklin’s portrait had greeted the few visitors to the headquarters of Dean’s agency, as perhaps the first U.S. agent to successfully enjoy sexual adventures overseas on behalf of the taxpayers.

But Dean also found himself reviewing the mental images of Taylor, Caitie, Kaylynn, Jessica and Chrysta. Already, he was forming some ideas about their personalities, but he would be rating them as professionals. Caitie’s photos had been the most explicit. Kaylynn posed in a baby doll outfit, looking spoiled. Taylor looked like she swam every day, in great shape, but without the gym muscle bulges that some athletic women acquire. Jessica, perhaps an African-American, was an artist and Chrysta was a budding intellectual, based on their academic backgrounds, favorite books and hobbies. And then there was the open box for the new addition to Brandy’s team. She was expected to arrive before the week was out, so Dean would be busy for each of the six nights he would be in the Silver State.


SUNDAY: Caitie

Dean and the paying customers found chairs and recliners by the lakeshore. Some of the men were in Reno for a convention, so had egged each other on to try a visit to Brandy’s Ranch. It was some sort of techie gathering, and he made a mental note of the website that some discussed. One of the younger men in the group had never been to a Nevada ‘ranch’ before, but had learned more about it through the web than one of the older men who claimed to be a regular on these convention side-trips. On the other hand, they had beaten the rush by arriving a day before the convention, the older man had worked out a package rate with Brandy the old-fashioned way, by phone. The billing, of course, would be for a special seminar. It would be, the group leader smiled, an ‘educational expense.’ Brandy had offered him her list and he chose ‘Hard Lessons Coming – Course 202’ as the ‘business course on economic trends’ for his firm’s auditors to check.

Dean was fascinated watching them work out who was going with who. Or was it whom? His grammati
cal musing was interrupted by topless Caitie perching on the arm of his chair. The others were paired off and filing down the path toward the pleasure pods.

‘I guess it’s just you and me now,’ she purred. She leaned over as if to whisper something, letting her breast graze his arm. She paused to look for a reaction, Dean realized that she was nervous, but trying to project an air of bravado. He said nothing. She wiggled her flame red swim bottom at him. The flashy gold stripe down the side caught the light. Some men seemed ready to drool at that sight, she told the other girls later, but the retired intelligence agent made no move.

‘You’re here to rate us, aren’t you?’ So that was it, he thought. The rumor mill had been at work. The underdressed blonde’s exhibitionist tendencies had already expressed her insecurity. Now she thought that her work was being inspected. Dean still said nothing.

He looked deep into her eyes, his face expressionless. Caitie looked back, challenged, wondering, a bit apprehensive, barely noticing that her swimsuit bottom – which had so quickly dried in the Nevada desert air – was becoming wet on the inside. Nor did she notice that her stiffening nipples gave away her unexpected desire for kisses as the couple’s copulatory gaze stretched out to seeming infinity.

Dean began to speak in low, measured tones. Other sounds were distant, but he encouraged her to notice how relaxing they were: the slight breeze in the trees, tiny waves lapping at the shore, giggles and some music coming from a far corner of the pleasure pods. It felt only natural to fall into deep rapport with Dean. Utter relaxation as she drifted off – she thought for just a moment. Dean, of course, as he debriefed Brandy and me later, did not need to explain the post-hypnotic suggestions he was offering.

‘Time to get to work,’ Dean said as he took her hand. Somehow, as the walked toward her room, that did not seem offensive. And why, she wondered, was she so turned on? This was just another guy. Get his pants off and suck him and/or fuck him! She tried to tell herself that, she admitted later, but instead she yearned to have his power penetrating her. Barely into her bedroom, she stripped off her swim panty and pressed herself fully nude against his clothed body. He looked down into her glowing eyes and smiled as she nuzzled herself against his growing hardness. Stepping back, he admired her wet, blonde curls for a moment before they were pressed firmly against him again.

Caitie’s desire for Dean’s sex completely erased her insecurity. And, she was enjoying her femininity now, instead of thinking of her work as a grind. Confidently, she slid a hand over his chest and down to his pants zipper. The sound of the zipper going down its track was good to hear now, reminded her of her boyfriend long ago. As Dean’s organ emerged from its captive briefs, like her boyfriend, she thought, he’s just a normal guy. Then Dean whispered something in her ear – ‘look again.’

She blinked and sucked in her breath. As Dean’s cock began its inexorable rise, it was growing to exactly the size of the largest one that she had ever taken in. Of course, she did not understand that she was imagining that swelling sword via a post-hypnotic suggestion – Dean had learned over the years to overcome his vanity and not get carried away with that suggestion, lest he frighten women. They would imagine him exactly fitting. He WAS guilty of pretending to struggle to get the condom on over his supposedly engorged giant. He had not, he confessed later, rid himself of all bad habits.

Usually, Caitie had to call on her experience with drama classes once her john was inside, but as she admitted later, she could not remember any of the lines that she usually delivered. In those delicious moments, her subconscious took charge and carried her upward on waves of pleasure. Sensitive to her responses, he let himself go as she climaxed, but only tumbled to her side after the last tremor had shaken her.

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We heard from Alex and Yaromil, with instructions for us to keep the $50,000 for bringing the two together. The grandfather was so upset because Yaromil did not make Alex sign a pre-nup that he had a heart attack. Alex insisted on having a pre-nup drawn up, doing as she asked Yaromil had one written up and Alex signed it in front of the grandfather. Then Yaromil handed his grandfather a new will that left everything to Alex upon his death; moreover, if they split or divorced Alex gets half of...

4 years ago
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The HummingbirdChapter 3 Back at the Ranch

The next week was a miserable one for Scott. He couldn't get the Hummingbird off his mind. There it was again: "Hummingbird". He didn't even know the girl's name. Every day Scott thought up four or five more things he'd have liked to ask her. Calling her was out of the question first he lived too far out in the boonies to have a phone and even if he had one he still didn't have the girl's number. He guessed he could go into town and call the restaurant, but then what would he say if...

2 years ago
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Lonesome Willow Ranch

Marina and I have been seeing each other for a week. I have learned about why she left Russia, seeking to make more money outside Russia. She is well-educated, but did not have access to a wide-ranging job market. Jobs in which she could put her skills to use are abundant outside Russia. She had a desire to see and experience the customs and traditions of a new culture. Russian men lack chivalry, they treat their Russian women with indifference or disinterest. Russian men are inclined to...

3 years ago
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The Dalton Girl Ranch

Main Writing Guideline: This story is set in rural Colorado, where a mother and her daughters are struggling to keep the family ranch running. Hit hard by the drought, they are deeply in debt and were forced to sell almost all of their animals. Depending on their choices, they would have to go through various difficulties to get back on their feet. All of the Dalton women of various ages are proud and independent cowgirls with a prudish outlook on sex. But they will learn that in order to...

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at the Ranch

Sherin parked her ass in the driving seat and wound down the window. She gave a rueful smile at the two men standing on the drive, her eyes taking in the formidable bulges that were tenting out the front of their shorts."Sorry I have to go, boys," she said, "but I should be back in a few days, if mom's all right, of course.""Honey," Sherin's husband Terence replied, "you don't have to apologise. It's not your fault your mother's not feeling well.""Certainly isn't, mom," their son Jason replied,...

2 years ago
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The Dalton Cow Girl Ranch

Main Writing Guideline: This story starts in rural Colorado, where a mother and her daughters are struggling to keep the family ranch running. Hit hard by the drought, they are deeply in debt and were forced to sell almost all of their animals. Depending on their choices, they would have to go through various difficulties to get back on their feet. Paige, the eldest, for example, went into the big city to find out how she could earn money. All of the Dalton women of various ages are proud and...

3 years ago
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Cougar Ranch

Dayton, Texas 1887 The orangish-red flames crackled inside the fireplace of the old ranch house that night. The ranch house was built for four people to live in, but only three lived in it at the moment. Everything inside was quiet, except the crackling of the fire and a man with a gray beard at the table. The man wasn't really old. He was only in his late fifties, but his wife was only in her late forties and his son was only ten. Both mother and son sat across from him at the table as he...

2 years ago
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These Girls Can PlayChapter 15 Back to the Ranch

When the party was over, and everything was packed into the truck and on its way back to Willits, the seven of them got into a limo and rode the few hours to the ranch. The ride was a bit more subdued than the party and it seemed like there was a big letdown now that they didn't have any place to go, or a show to play for a couple months. When they got back to the ranch, it was 3am and the adrenalin had worn off hours ago. They all dragged themselves into the house, and went to their...

1 year ago
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The Family Ranch

Summer was quickly approaching, and my twin sister Lucia and I were excited. We were going to spending a month at our uncle’s ranch in sunny Southern California, a full continent away from home in Virginia. It hadn’t been easy getting permission from our parents. Although they gave us a variety of reasons for not wanting us to go, my sister and I suspected that the main one was left unspoken. About a month ago, mom and dad finally relented. On the day our vacation began, Lucia and I were...

4 years ago
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Rural Road to Ranch

Her stomach growled and she glanced at the box she had packed for lunch and decided she would find a place to picnic. About 10 minutes down the road she found a spot with a few picnic tables next to a rushing creek. Two cars were parked there. One at the far end of the picnic area, a couple was eating at that table at that end. The other car was parked at the other end and she could see the guy had his hat pulled down over his eyes napping the afternoon away. She parked close to the seconf...

3 years ago
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The Lazy S Ranch

The Lazy ‘S’ Ranch  Note:(The young ladies who attended Lady Victoria’s College ranged in age from 18-22 years of age.) Mel (Mr. Berstein) was certainly satisfied with the two young ladies he acquired at the auction. Liam his chauffeur brought the stretch limo up the circular drive and then opened the door for Mr. Bernstein and the young ladies. Mr. Bernstein told Liam to take them out to the Lazy “S,” Melville’s ranch for the weekend. As they drove across the countryside Lois was, so excited...

3 years ago
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The Reno Fantasy Ranch

You are Clarabelle Chastain. Three weeks after turning eighteen, your father dropped dead on the job. Tragic, right? It gets worse. Dear old dad was a great guy, but terrible with money, which means you're not only losing your dad, you're losing your house and just about everything else. If you'd gotten some scholarships, you might have been able to go to college, but those fancy universities didn't think you were college material. It's not that you aren't smart, you've just never applied...

1 year ago
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Ella and the Magnificent 7 Life on the Ranch

M7 Ranch Mr and Mrs James Stoneman and family had spent 3 weeks getting settled in. The first week they all had fucked Ella to their maximum capacity. They all had gotten time to lay her and fuck without rushing to cum. They all got as many quickies as they wanted, when they wanted. James let them have her and she freely gave. Everyone had position and responsibility, and the most important being to know that little Ed was Ella's official Baby Boy. James and Ella had decided that the boys...

2 years ago
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The Ranch

The ranch was completely silent as the girl crept downstairs, one hand gripping the rail. Her heart was thudding and her mouth had the dry feeling of terror, which made her swallow and try to salivate. She shivered in the thin nightshirt and padded on towards her uncle's study. Opening the door she was relived to see the familiar humped shape of him under his blankets on the makeshift bed. He turned suddenly and leapt up on one elbow. His voice was alert and he looked wide awake."Becky, what...

2 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 13 The Horse Ranch

"And you're sure everything is okay with you personally," Dr. Lewis said as he sat on the edge of the bed with Susan on his lap and thrust his cock in and out of her pussy as Amy kneeled between their legs presently sucking Susan's clit but prepared to drink up all the juices when the mixture was ready. "I think I've said things couldn't be better several times now," Lana said blissfully (thanks to the pussy sucking she was getting herself from Katrina) but still annoyed at having...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 34 Moving to the Ranch

Lil and I closed up the house for a month after Lexi graduated and we helped her move to Bloomington. Casa del Fuego was in their new home which meant the upper level of the barn was occupied by dormitories and the sewing room. They had to do some schedule shifting because they couldn’t have sewing machines running at the same time they were filming in the studio below. We left them to figure out their systems and went to Italy. Liliana’s mother was still alive, though her father had passed...

2 years ago
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Wedding BetChapter 11 Weekend at the Ranch

I had expected that Mitch and Tali would head home sometime late on Saturday night, but when I got up Sunday morning the ‘Ranger Car’ was still in my driveway. They were somewhere in the house, no doubt in one of the bedrooms. I’d get to do my ‘mental health check’ with them face to face. I started the coffee and turned on some relaxing music on the patio when Mindy and Kent appeared. They were newly showered but still displayed that ‘freshly fucked’ magic glow. Mindy was wearing a bikini...

1 year ago
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Sex on a horse ranch

Bubba was a lonely boy. He lived with his mother on a horse ranch in the sand hills of Nebraska. There were no girls for miles around. He spent his time fishing and hunting. One day Bubba mother Doris told him that her sister was coming to live with them for a while. Bubba liked the idea of another woman around, even if it was his moms sister.His moms sister was arriving by train Tuesday. Bubba drove his pick up truck to the train station to meet her. He was told that she would be a tall blond...

3 years ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 21 Getting Settled at the Ranch

It was a much bigger house than I had expected. I'm not sure of how many square feet, but it was well over two thousand. Outside, near the pool, was a storage shed, currently locked. I had no idea how big the property was, but I could find that out from the Cummings at my leisure. The more I saw of our living quarters, the more I was happy with my decision. I thought about going for a swim, but decided I might postpone that for now. Harlan would be back for dinner and I was sure he'd want...

2 years ago
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A Visit to the Ranch

We had a long weekend off from school and I needed to get away from the stress of school life. So, I decided to take a break and head up to my grandparents and spend some time relaxing at their house. I called my grandma and she said everything was ready for my visit. I made the 4 hour drive and was relieved when I finally pulled up the drive of their modest 4 bedroom ranch house. I was greeted in the driveway by my grandfather's beautiful golden retriever, Duke. After a few well deserved...

3 years ago
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Jennys Kitten Ranch

The place isn't what he'd imagined. There was a tall fence around the property--- to keep peeping toms out he surmised. It looked almost like a house, only with more bedrooms than normal. He thought about how strange a place looks when you view it as someone that works there versus when you take a wrong turn trying to find a bathroom in some restaurant and wind up in the kitchen. Or how the once routine kitchen when you go back years later, somewhat familiar but no longer a place of...

2 years ago
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Spanking on the Ranch

I grew up dirt poor on a small farm that never did well. My daddy was a good man who taught me to work hard and get more out of life than he did. Sometimes he taught me by what he said and did. Other times, he taught me by taking me over his knee or put me over the bed and gave me his belt. Through our church, I got a position at a large and very profitable ranch. In those days, boys would apprentice at such places and, if they did well, be given a position. I was a strapping boy of twenty,...

4 years ago
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A Visit to the Ranch

Introduction: A confession: I was fucked by Grandpa Any sort of feedback appreciated! Its my first retell -sorry if it is so long. We had a long weekend off from school and I needed to get away from the stress of school life. So, I decided to take a break and head up to my grandparents and spend some time relaxing at their house. I called my grandma and she said everything was ready for my visit. I made the 4 hour drive and was relieved when I finally pulled up the drive of their modest 4...

3 years ago
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A day on the ranch

A day on the ranch Rough_riding_tender_cowboy Dust rolled up from the pick-up tires as it tugged a rusted horse trailer down a winding South Dakota back road. The sun was already high in the sky as the rancher headed out to check the water supply and some fences in the north pasture. As the truck bounded across another cattle crossing, a late model red mustang convertible came into view parked to the side of the path, top down and empty. He stopped to see if he could find any sign of the...

2 years ago
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My Uncles Ranch

Its late May and school is getting out for summer break finally next year marks the start of college but who cares about that. I’m excited to do the basic summer fun like hangout with my friends go to movies and of course get in touch with my shemale side. When I get home my parents right away tell me how my father’s friend’s wife and daughter are going to Europe for the summer and how he would love to have me up there to keep company. Now I’ve known and grown up to view him like an uncle but...

3 years ago
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A day on the ranch

A day on the ranch Rough_riding_tender_cowboy Dust rolled up from the pick-up tires as it tugged a rusted horse trailer down a winding South Dakota back road. The sun was already high in the sky as the rancher headed out to check the water supply and some fences in the north pasture. As the truck bounded across another cattle crossing, a late model red mustang convertible came into view parked to the side of the path, top down and empty. He stopped to see if he could find any sign of the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 14 Back to the Ranch

The lead vehicle stopped with its headlights illuminating the body. Under Seth's direction, the second vehicle moved up on the left with the headlights illuminating the area to the left of the vehicles. The third vehicle was directed to move to the right of the lead vehicle, and aim the headlights to the right, illuminating the field. Seth, Brennan, Pete and BB were out of the vehicles almost before they were completely stopped. Seth and BB both moved to face outward and cover the flanks....

1 year ago
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These Girls Can PlayChapter 8 The Ranch

Heather and Bob awoke early, so they gently exited the bed without disturbing the others, showered quietly and got dressed. They left a short note telling the others where to find them once they got up and dressed. Then they went out for coffee while the other three girls slept on. In the elevator on the way down, Heather took Bob's arm and put her head close to his shoulder. She looked up at him with a big smile and let out a heavy sigh. They stepped out of the elevator and headed towards...

1 year ago
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At the Ranch

" No, no, no," I said, rising up over her and pinning her wrists to the floor. " I told you not to touch me." She pouts, her lower lip lush and full. Her hips rise off of the floor as my hardening cock slids against her slit. She gasps as the head glances over her clit. I tease her, my shaft gliding across her sensitive flesh. I lean down, my lips opening against hers. My tongue sliding into the silky softness of her mouth and tangling with hers. She moans into me, begging for...

3 years ago
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Reunion time at the ranch

Part 1.When you live in the country, as we do. And come from an i****tuous family like mine, family reunions are so much fun!My wife and I were in bed Friday morning, and we were laughing and talking about how much fun we were going to have this week. You see our family reunion lasts all week long, and this year was no exception. We were talking mainly about our twins who were of age to party with the grownups. We've watched them bloom into beautiful young adults. My daughter Cory now stands...

4 years ago
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The Ranch

When Ben first saw Val, she was a street whore. She was so young only sixteen and so pretty. Her body was developed and he could not take his eyes off her. He picked her up and drove to a vacant lot. He told her to get naked as he wanted to see her sexy body. As she stripped he began to touch her skin. She had nice round tits and as her panties came off she was shaved and bald. He told her "Unzip my pants and pull out my cock. Then lick me first then suck me down deep in your throat. Get on...

2 years ago
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The Pony Ranch

She pushed the document across the table to me and without hesitation I signed it. There were of course doubts in the back of my mind but these were overridden by my longing to me owned. I handed the document back realizing belatedly that that might not have been anything like the original document she had emailed me. From her bag she produced a pink rubber bit gag and handed it to me. I knew she wanted me to put it on, but here in the diner! I looked around nervously whilst she...

2 years ago
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Texas TerrorChapter 5 Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

Steve awoke to the very pleasant feeling of a blow job. He accepted the administrations knowing, even before he had gone to sleep, that I would not be there when he awoke. He knew me that well from the years we had hunted men as a team, until he had decided to settle down and have a normal life. That so far, had bored the shit out of him. He looked down his chest to see the red hair of my wife hiding most of what she was doing to him. He couldn't hide his approval and was soon fully erect,...

4 years ago
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Wild College GirlsChapter 2 The Horse Ranch

The following day we all gradually awoke to a blissful morning, the smell of sex still in the air, probably emanating from their hot stuffed pussies. I had awoken a few times during the night to some squirming and moaning. Both girls were having erotic dreams throughout the night, stimulated by the huge intruders. Excited like two small girls on Christmas, both girls wanted me to take the temperature of their beer cans like I said. I complied and retrieved an electronic thermometer and a...

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