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I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, so I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story.

Crystal’s Chandeliers

The first time I saw Rocky I think it was just after I had turned seventeen. At the end of the road we lived in, there was an old house with an even older blacksmith’s workshop in the garden facing the road. The house was known as ‘The Forge’, but it had been many years since anybody had actually worked in the blacksmith shop. Or ‘The Smithy’ as the decrepit old sign said.

Old Mr Walker, who’d lived there ever since I could remember, passed away that Christmas time and for quite a few months afterwards the old house lay deserted. Then one Saturday morning I think it was, the whole street was woken up at an unearthly hour by the roar of a powerful motorcycle. I looked out of my bedroom window to see who had disturbed my slumber and saw the motorcycle parked outside the Forge house. Someone dressed all in leathers was sitting astride the machine, apparently studying the old house.

I was fascinated. We didn’t live in the part of town where you expected to see ‘ton-up boys’ as my dad called them or ‘filthy rockers’ as my elder sister always referred to them, very often. Slowly the guy removed his crash helmet and got off of the motorcycle. Then he went over to the house and let himself in with a key. It was obvious he was meant to be there.

I hurriedly got dressed and dashed downstairs, to tell the family that someone was in the Forge house. I needn’t have hurried. When I arrived in our lounge, it was immediately apparent that they had all heard the motorcycle arrive. Actually, my dad was already on the telephone to a neighbour, saying things like, ‘We don’t want that type living around here.’

My mother informed me that the word had gone around, that Mr Walker had left the house and workshop to his grandson, who was reputed to be a member of one of the local motorcycle gangs. From the look of him I’d got, I would have said, that was most probably true.

Over the next couple of weeks skips (dumpsters) appeared in the garden of the forge, it was obvious that the house was being cleared out. There were one or two motorcycles outside of the place most of the time, but I didn’t actually see anyone working, as that must have been done whilst I was at college. Only on the weekends did I see anyone around and everyone I did see were always dressed in leather gear.

The local rumour mill got to work and word went around that the house was being converted into a clubhouse for the gang. Very quickly a protest committee was formed and petitions got up. But nothing really happened. I did hear some vague threats to burn the place down, but I’m sure that was all hot air.

I think the greatest achievement of that committee was to complain about the noise of the motorcycles coming and going, either early in the morning or late at night. And even then I think they had trouble finding a couple of people with the guts to actually go over there and complain. From what I heard, the delegation who eventually went to the house were completely taken aback by the politeness of their reception. After that day, the motorcycles didn’t come down the road at weird hours anymore, they apparently went around the long way, along the town by-pass instead.

It was funny really, although dad made it plain he didn’t like the ton-up boys being there, he did say that when they were riding their bikes along our road, they were driving with a lot more care than some of the motorists did, who regularly used our road as a rat-run short cut to get to the by-pass.

Actually, one morning I was walking down to the bus stop on my way to college, when I saw Rocky and his friend stop a car that they must have considered was going too fast. As I passed near, I heard Rocky telling the driver to drive more carefully as there were young children living in the street who were usually walking to school at that time of day. Then I heard Rocky say, ‘You knock one of those little tykes down and I’ll break your f-ing neck.’

I don’t think I ever saw that car use our road again. Not surprising really, Rocky, who really wasn’t all that tall, had the appearance of being very muscular.

As the months passed, work started on the outside of the house and then on the old Smithy building itself. One weekend all of the overgrown flowerbeds in the garden were dug up and new turf laid instead. At dinner that evening, my dad said that was so they could park all the motorbikes on the grass. But mother surprised us all.

‘No, I don’t think so, dear. Stuart isn’t much for gardening, he just wants to run the lawn mower around once a week.’

My dad – well, all of us really – were completely taken aback that mother even knew that the guy’s name was Stuart. But mother went on to explain that Sylvia Richards who lives a couple of doors up the road, had a puncture in her car a few days previous. She had no idea what to do about it and had asked some of the neighbours for help. Unfortunately the only people who had been at home were other housewives, none of whom had any idea about how to go about changing the wheel.

A little group of them were standing by the car, discussing which garage to call out to change the wheel, when Stuart and his friend came over and changed it for Sylvia almost before anyone could say anything. Then they had refused the payment that Sylvia had offered them.

Mother said Stuart – as she took to calling him – was very polite, friendly and helpful. From that day on, mother would never stand for any nonsense being said about Rocky or his friends, who mother from that day on called ‘the boys’. Mum and dad were to have a good few set-tos over that in the following few years.

My mother was the only person I know who called Rocky by his given name, Stuart. Just about everyone else came to know him as Rocky. Not that Rocky had much to say really, in the following months, I was to find out he was a man of very few words.

It was some weeks later that I came home late from college one Friday evening to find a police car parked outside our house. When I went inside, I could hear quite a few of our neighbours talking in our lounge. Some of their voices were raised, mainly I think those of my mother, Sylvia and a couple of the other stay-at-home mums.

When I enquired what was going on, I discovered that Rocky had sent letters to every house in the road informing every household of and inviting everyone to a house warming party he was holding on that Saturday evening. I’ve got to admit I have never heard as much rubbish talked, as I heard that night. It was going to be an orgy. There were going to be drugs there and even that, whilst everyone was at the party enjoying themselves, all their houses were going to be burgled.

It was when someone said that, that the policeman perked-up and said that not only had the local crime rate gone down, since the bikers had been about, but petty vandalism had decreased in the local area as well.

Someone said something about them not shitting on their own doorstep. But the policeman was quick to say that he didn’t think the bikers had any connection with local burglaries or vandalism. He thought that just by being around the area, the boys had scared most of the more unsavoury characters out of the vicinity. Even the local school had reported that the trouble they’d been experiencing with suspected drug dealers hanging near their premises had ended.

Then another person pointed out that less traffic was using the road as a short cut lately and those that did appeared to be driving more carefully. I was pretty sure I knew the reason why that had happened. But they didn’t want to listen to someone who they considered a child. Shortly after, that meeting broke up in complete disarr

Rocky’s housewarming party did go ahead on the Saturday night as planned. There were a lot of motorcycles and cars parked in the road that evening. But I don’t think the party was any noisier than many of those some of our other neighbours had held in the past. Actually I think it was a lot quieter than some.

To father’s disgust and annoyance, Mother, Sylvia and a couple of the other neighbours went over to the party, just for a little while. I think it was more to show the flag than anything else, they didn’t expect to be very welcome guests of a lot of youngsters, as they put it. They came back saying everybody who had been there had been very pleasant to them and that the house had been really nicely modernised. I would have loved to have been allowed to go along as well that evening, but my father wouldn’t hear of it.

Unfortunately for dad, Rocky’s new interior décor in Forge House had given my mother some ideas for some changes she decided needed being made to our own house. Dad wasn’t too pleased about that, as I think it was to cost him a good few thousand pounds over the following few months, before mother was completely satisfied with the result.

Things quietened down quite quickly after the party. My father’s, and some of the other neighbours’, fears about the Smithy or Forge house becoming a gang clubhouse proved completely false. Rocky lived there on his own, although there were very often some of his friends visiting.

About a month or so after the housewarming party, I was taking the dog for a walk one morning and, as I passed the old Smithy building, I could hear hammering coming from inside. There was also a strange smell in the air that I couldn’t recognise. The Smithy door being open, I looked inside and saw Rocky stripped to the waist, working at the old forge that he had fired up. I didn’t say anything and left before he saw me.

I’ve got to say the sight of Rocky swinging that hammer, sweat pouring off his rippling muscles did something that I found completely unexpected to my libido. The picture of him working returned to me as I lay in bed that night. I think that was the first time I masturbated to thoughts of anyone other than film stars or my favourite pop-idol.

The following day when I took the dog for his walk I went past the Smithy again. This time I stood and watched Rocky working for quite a while. After I’d been standing there for sometime, Rocky looked up at me, gave me a smile and said, ‘Good morning, young lady!’ then returned to his work.

Over the next few weeks, Forge house developed, firstly, wrought iron gates and railings along the front perimeter. Then a couple of bench-type iron garden seats appeared on the front lawn, quickly followed by a table and chairs. Finally the decrepit old Smithy sign was taken down and replaced by a new one and the neighbourhood learnt that Rocky had been intending to reopen the old blacksmith’s shop all along.

Its position on the corner by the main road was obviously the perfect location for passing traffic to see the samples of his work that Rocky placed outside, because very soon, it became apparent that Rocky was inundated with work. Lights could be seen burning in the Smithy windows very late most evenings.

It was surprising how quickly wrought iron gates and railings became a necessary fashion accessory for the houses in our road. It very soon developed into a classic ‘keep up with the Jones” competition. And guess what? My father, who had been one of the loudest to shout about Rocky and his friends being there, had Rocky make the largest gates in the road for our house. Not that dad ever bothered to close the things.

Every-time I passed the building I would stop to watch Rocky at work through the ever-open Smithy door. Often I would go there without the dog just to watch him work. I was truly fascinated by not only him, but what he was doing. Often sparks would be flying as he hammered the red hot metal.

One day he called me inside and handed me a large hammer, then placing a red-hot strip of metal on the anvil, he told me to hit it. The hammer was heavy and although I swung it with all my strength I didn’t make much impression on the metal.

‘I’m not strong enough,’ I told him.

Rocky laughed and told me it wasn’t how strong you were, it was getting the knack of holding and swinging the hammer properly as well as developing the accuracy of your blow.

After that day, I would go to the Smithy a couple of evenings a week and during the days most weekends and holidays, to watch Rocky working. I got to know most of his friends. Nearly all of them had motorbikes. They all had nicknames of one kind or another, some of them quite strange, but I was to find out they mostly related to their characters or jobs in someway or another.

There was Doc who apparently was a wonder at maintaining motorcycles and cars. Fish turned out to be a championship swimmer who swam for the country sometimes, I gathered he’d only just failed to make the Olympic team. Brief was a solicitor and House (god, he looked as big as a house!) was a builder. And then there was Prof, who seemed to be a fountain of knowledge, a little older than most of the others, he was to prove a great help to me with my college work.

I never did get to the bottom of Rocky’s nickname though, or how he’d come by it. It wasn’t as if he was into rock music. He seemed to be much more into American Country music than anything else, and that was the kind of music playing in the Smithy most of the time. As I told you, Rocky was a man of few words and for some reason I never got up the courage to ask him where his nickname came from.

I quickly became Pen or Penny to everyone, mainly because I nearly always had a note book and pen in my hand. I liked to write poetry and short stories, so I was always jotting down ideas or thoughts that come into my head. Oh, my real name is Crystal, or Chris to most people. Where mum and dad came up with Crystal, I’ll never know. I suppose they thought it was different and a good idea when I had been born.

Rocky obviously knew my name because one of his favourite jokes was to put on a song called ‘Crystal Chandeliers’ when I arrived at the Smithy. But I don’t think any of the others got the joke. Rocky wasn’t the type to tell them, it was a kind of private joke between him and me.

It was such a shame that I didn’t take a lot more heed to the words of that song at the time, not that Rocky or I knew what was going to happen in the future.

As time went on, Rocky taught me how to hold and swing a hammer properly. Not that I was ever very good at blacksmithing. He showed me how to tell when the metal was at the correct temperature. And after he’d helped me make all the separate parts, he showed me how to put an ornamental planter together, which I gave to my mother on her birthday.

That planter was to cause a real ruckus at home. Dad made a comment about how much it must have cost me, Rocky’s stuff wasn’t cheep. But then I let on that it didn’t cost me anything, as I’d made it myself. My father was pretty quick on the uptake and, quickly putting two and two together, he suddenly realised that I’d been spending a lot of time in the Smithy with Rocky. And then he went completely bananas.

My dad told me I shouldn’t go anywhere near Forge house, the Smithy, or Rocky and his friends. Dad went on and on about them all being drug taking criminals, who would most likely rape (actually dad said ‘take advantage’ but his tone said ‘rape’) a young girl like me at the drop of a hat.

My mother wasn’t going to stand for dad saying that about Rocky and jumped into the argument on my side, by saying that Stuart and his friends were nice boys who wouldn’t do anything like that. Yes, she said, they dressed in leather jackets and rode motorcycles, but they were always courteous and even the police officer who had been at that meeting they’d had over the housewarming party had said that they w
ere no trouble. She actually went on to say she’d often seen the police in the Smithy drinking coffee with Stuart and his friends.

Mum and dad didn’t know that a couple of the local policemen had motorcycles themselves, and if you could call it a gang, then they could certainly have been called members.

The argument about me mixing with Rocky and his friends went on most of the evening, with my mother and myself on one side and my dad and sister on the other. To be honest, it put the complete kibosh on mum’s birthday celebrations. But by the end of the evening, I’d told my dad that I was eighteen and old enough to choose my own friends. If I chose to be friendly with Rocky and the rest of them, I would be and there was nothing he could do about it.

My father didn’t like the idea at all, and my sister said I’d probably finish up an unmarried mother or something.

But I’d like to make it plain to everybody who reads this that I’d never had any of Rocky’s friends say or do anything that could remotely be construed as a sexual advance to me at any time I’d been there. Yes, there were odd occasions when the boys did make veiled comments about each other’s girlfriends and I’d overheard them say things like one of them had scored with some girl the night before. I’m not retarded, I knew what scored meant. But they never said anything like that when they knew I could hear them

I continued to spend a lot of time in the Smithy, much to my father’s disgust. Not only did I find watching Rocky at work fascinating, but it was relaxing being over there as well. I’d sit in the armchair Rocky had put in the Smithy, I think just for me to sit on and jot my little stories in my book. Rocky didn’t really say much to me except thanks when I made him a cup of coffee now and again.

That summer I left college and got a really boring job, working as a clerk come receptionist, come everybody’s dogs-body in the office of a factory near my home. I hated that job as I had very little to do but the filing or sitting out in reception on my own for most of the day. It did however give me lots of time to play with my poetry and writing. But the atmosphere was really depressing and not conducive to inspired writing, not that I ever thought I was any good at writing anyway. It was just my hobby.

Although he always seemed to be working and he said very little, Rocky was nice company to be with. I enjoyed the time I spent in the Smithy much more than my days at work. After I’d gotten to know him quite well, I asked Rocky a couple of times if he’d give me a ride on the back of his motorcycle, but he turned me down flat. Obviously my father had said something to him, because Rocky would just say, ‘Your father wouldn’t like that!’

After I’d asked Rocky a good few times to give me a ride on his bike and he’d refused, I tried some of the other guys. I really wanted to know what doing the ton felt like, they talked about it all the time. In the end, Prof said he’d take me out on his bike, I could wind Prof around my little finger when I tried really hard.

So the next Sunday morning, I was waiting in the Smithy for Prof to arrive when one of the other guys, Poke (don’t ask) turned up with his girlfriend, Janice. I saw Rocky call Janice over and talk to her quietly for a couple of minutes. Then Janice came over to where I was sitting.

‘Yeah, Rocky’s right, we’re about the same size. Come with me, Penny!’ Janice led me into Rocky’s house where, to my utter amazement, she started to take off her boots and leather trousers.

‘Well, don’t just stand there Penny, get those jeans off. If you’re going on a motorcycle, Rocky wants you to be wearing the right protective gear, so I’m lending you mine for this morning. Those jeans won’t do you any good if things go pear shaped.’

‘But Prof’s a careful rider. He told me he’s never had an accident!’ I said.

‘Accident or not, Prof and all the rest of us all wear our leathers whenever we’re on the bikes. It’s far better to be safe than sorry. Now try these for size.’ Janice said holding her leather trousers out to me.

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Crystal ClearChapter 14 European Tour Old and New Friends Threats and Deception

The envelope had a wax seal across the flap embossed with the script letters 'NR'. On the front, written in bold letters, were the words, "To be opened only by Jim Mellon." An usher brought it to me at intermission time. I thanked him and went to tip him, but he said, "Oh, no sir, the young lady handsomely tipped me to deliver this to you personally." I figured it was some not-so-subtle fan mail. The green room door opened and a stage hand yelled into the room to Crystal and me, "On...

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Crystal builds a college fund

"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...

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Crystal Passion Ch 08

‘Wherever it is we’ll be tomorrow, it won’t be Kansas,’ Crystal announced when she’d returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. ‘And it most certainly won’t be Kansas City.’ ‘No need for ruby slippers then,’ said Thelma. ‘So, if we’re not going to Kansas, where are we going?’ Andrea asked. ‘Weren’t we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?’ ‘It isn’t only Kansas we won’t...

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Crystal the Campaign Volunteer

I was working ate in the campaign office along with about three volunteers. I was in charge of a Get Out The Vote effort for a local candidate and we had been brain storming things for weeks with staff. One of the three volunteers was a college-aged girl named Crystal. Crystal had an engaging smile and the only thing bigger than her smile was her heart and her boobs. I had secretly stalked her Facebook photos after she added me as a friend. I had hopes of determining a little more about her...

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Crystal ClearChapter 4 Separation New Careers and New Playmates

"Ellen will be your very special assistant. She'll be your script girl, check your makeup, help you go over your lines, and keep you on schedule." Crystal smiled at me to be sure I thought I'd be taken care of, "And, of course, she'll keep you warm in bed, and she's promised to remind you that I love you even though I'm six thousand miles away." She laughed at her innuendo abd then whispered, "And I've left instructions that she's supposed to fuck you senseless at least once a...

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Crystal ClearChapter 25 Jim Romances Crystals Mother Kim

I'm sure most of the population think that music and movie stars have chauffeurs everywhere they go, plus a huge entourage who wait on their every need. Not true! I personally drove the crowded SUV across Tennessee from Nashville to a rural suburb of Knoxville where Crystal and Ellen's parents lived. With Crystal and me also were Ellen, Claire, PJ, and Nadia. We were all in a jovial mood, laughing and even singing Christmas carols along with the radio. The back of the car was so full of...

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Crystal Passion Ch 11

Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...

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Crystal ClearChapter 17 Getting Out of Russia and a SexFilled Thank You

The Moscow concert and premiere of Crystal's film The Naked Truth had gone off without a hitch. The worry I'd felt over those events before paled in comparison with the angst I felt over having to check out of the country with Russian immigration and customs carrying a contraband iPod with a terabyte of highly classified Russian data on it. I tried to calm myself by recalling one of the missions I'd had in Russia when I was a Green Beret. My squad had done a HALO drop into the edge of the...

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Crystal ClearChapter 32 Crystal Clear Again

Not surprisingly, I found a few residual women in my bed on Tuesday morning, and we made love again. After that, we all showered, having some sexual play in our shower room, dressed, and then had a light breakfast. I felt like a kid waiting for Santa Claus to arrive, just knowing I would get my favorite and most wished for present later that day – Crystal! The clock slowed to a crawl. I kept looking at it, trying to see how fast 5:30 p.m. would arrive. It wasn't coming fast at all....

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Crystal PassionChapter 11

Nobody should approach me if they want a fair, balanced and informed opinion of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Most of what I discovered about the city was well after the Crystal Passion tour and what we saw was probably unrepresentative and, to be honest, not especially attractive. It was a town very much in the shadow of the somewhat larger city of Charlotte, 25 miles away and mostly only glimpsed at as we drove by on the relatively new Interstate 485 which also took us past Charlotte Douglas...

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Crystal ClearChapter 9 Recovery From an Awkward Moment Crystal at Play

I looked at the pretty young woman and pondered how to answer her question, 'Mr. Mellon ... err, this is delicate ... I don't know how to put this ... but, well, ... do you have a child ... by a woman who lives in Greenville, Ohio – a baby about seven or eight months old?' I practically choked out loud. I did indeed have a child I'd fathered in Greenville, Ohio. Crystal knew too, but other than the baby's parents no one else should have figured out the lineage of that child. Crystal...

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Crystal Passion Ch 03

However much I admired Crystal’s song-writing skills when I was playing in her band, I didn’t really dwell much on the meaning of her lyrics. Certainly not with the intense attention to detail as Polly Tarantella. She quotes from Crystal Passion’s lyrics as if it was poetry and uncovered depths of meaning in them that had never occurred to me. I suppose it’s natural to think you might glean everything about Crystal’s philosophy of life from her lyrics, especially since she never explicitly...

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Crystal ClearChapter 15 A Blackmailer Confronted Loving Friends and Detectives

By the time I called room service for lunch, four nearly nude women sat engaged in various activities in the living of our suite at the Hotel George V in Paris: Crystal was reading a script she'd been asked to consider for our next movie, if she liked it then I'd read it next; Jill had started to read a Clive Cussler book on her iPad; Helen sat near a corner of the room practicing various yoga positions au naturel; and Margo, naked except for her thong, alternately worked on her computer or...

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Crystal Passion Ch 10

I guess it should be obvious to just about everyone simply by having a look at an atlas, but it came as something of a surprise to me, to realise how big America actually is, and we were only travelling from North to South down the Eastern United States. Almost every single one of America’s states is bigger than England, and some are bigger than France or Germany, but when you travel across Europe you know for sure when you’ve left one country and entered another. In America the differences are...

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Crystal PassionChapter 8

"Wherever it is we'll be tomorrow, it won't be Kansas," Crystal announced when she'd returned from the hotel foyer after what was originally intended to be a routine phone call to Kai about the tour itinerary. "And it most certainly won't be Kansas City." "No need for ruby slippers then," said Thelma. "So, if we're not going to Kansas, where are we going?" Andrea asked. "Weren't we supposed to be travelling from there to Chicago, Washington and New Orleans?" "It isn't...

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Crystal PassionChapter 9

If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you'd use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren't online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...

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*** This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors. *** This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ‘Phoenix Rising’. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ‘Phoenix Rising’ and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one… As you wish, it’s your experience not mine… *** CHAPTERS. CRYSTAL A job with prospects. CRACKED CRYSTAL A service with no prospects. LEAD CRYSTAL The...

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Crystal ClearChapter 1 Jims Life Restarts After His Road Trip

My meditation was broken by the almost inaudible sound of a footstep nearby. I sensed an animal; but instead of jerking my head around to look I remained absolutely still and slowly opened my eyes. From my right side, a fawn moved into the clearing with me – light brown with white markings, large dark eyes full of curiosity. The pretty animal knew I didn't belong, yet obviously didn't fear me. It approached and sniffed at my ear and cheek. Not too far away, I heard the heavier footfalls of...

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Crystal ClearChapter 11 Sauna Stories and Concert Tours

Edie Gerst and her editor published the story about my baby, Summer, George, Crystal, and me on Thursday. They carefully picked the day of the week, because that's the day most of the tabloids get to the newsstands, so it would be a week before they would be able to catch up with the scoop we'd given the Dayton Daily News. By the time they would be able to write about the story, it would be old news, and depending on what else happened during the week, including what flying saucers landed...

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Crystal PassionChapter 6

"We've been invited to her home!" an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby's public phone booth. "Whose home?" I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel's most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I'd been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist...

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Crystal PassionChapter 14

Both Crystal's and Judy's parents preferred that their daughters be buried rather than cremated so the final moments of the funeral weren't of two coffins sliding inside a furnace and being incinerated. Instead a procession of hearses snaked out of the funeral home and wound through the roads and avenues of Rock Hill to Crystal's final resting place at the Forest Hills Cemetery. I was a mess of sorrow and tears during the whole drive. The brief respite I'd had from my grief by the need...

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Crystal Rush 145000

A lot of hate is thrown on boredom, but without boredom, where would humanity be? Boredom has been the impetus behind many of man's most significant accomplishments. Along with sex, it's one of our primary guiding motivations.From Boredom to WhoredomNothing is worse than sitting around with nothing to do. Why do you think we all masturbate so fucking much. It's the easiest solution to having nothing to do. Boredom can even lead a bitch to discover porn, and that's precisely what happened to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Crystal Passion Ch 02

In her best-selling biography, Polly Tarantella makes clear that she ranks the most significant days of Crystal Passion’s life as those from when she arrived at JFK airport until her fateful last day on American soil. It’s probably not surprising that an American writer asserts that Crystal’s few weeks in America should be her most important. Although Polly interviewed me for the book and we continue to exchange e-mails, there’s a lot in her account I don’t really recognise. And this is even...

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Crystal ClearChapter 26 Crystals parents initiated Kim as a Mellon Girl

We dozed for a long time, drifting in and out of a pleasurable nap brought on by the soporific afterglow of the pleasure we'd just completed. Not unexpectedly, I had dreams of a sexual nature. I held Kim's naked body against me; our spent sex organs nestled together at our groins, and my hand cupping one breast. Behind Kim, her daughter Crystal lay naked and tightly against her mother's body; one arm wrapped around and cupping Kim's other breast. Ellen had spooned behind me; her erect...

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Crystal builds a college fund Revised

"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...

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Crystal The Hot Neighbour

Crystal always had me fascinated from a young age. The eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Clifton nextdoor, she was older than me by about 5-10 years. She was more mature than the rest of us k**s growing up, but still cooler to hang out with than the grown ups when our parents would get together for one of the many neighbourly BBQs on their back deck. We had a close relationship with the Cliftons. I was about 4 or 5 when both our families had moved into the street about the same time. The summer...

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Crystal The Hot Neighbour

Crystal always had me fascinated from a young age. The eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Clifton nextdoor, she was older than me by about 5-10 years. She was more mature than the rest of us k**s growing up, but still cooler to hang out with than the grown ups when our parents would get together for one of the many neighbourly BBQs on their back deck. We had a close relationship with the Cliftons. I was about 4 or 5 when both our families had moved into the street about the same time.The summer...

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When my dad passed away last year, I wanted to come home and be with my mother. But mom insisted that I finish the semester. College was important to both my parents. I did come back for a few days for the services. Mom and dad had a modest savings account and dad had a pretty good insurance policy, so we were ok financially, at least for a while. The first few days back at school were difficult as you can imagine, but I called mom almost every night to be sure she was ok. When the semester...

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Crystal PassionChapter 2

In her best-selling biography, Polly Tarantella makes clear that she ranks the most significant days of Crystal Passion's life as those from when she arrived at JFK airport until her fateful last day on American soil. It's probably not surprising that an American writer asserts that Crystal's few weeks in America should be her most important. Although Polly interviewed me for the book and we continue to exchange e-mails, there's a lot in her account I don't really recognise. And this is...

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Crystal PassionChapter 3

However much I admired Crystal's song-writing skills when I was playing in her band, I didn't really dwell much on the meaning of her lyrics. Certainly not with the intense attention to detail as Polly Tarantella. She quotes from Crystal Passion's lyrics as if it was poetry and uncovered depths of meaning in them that had never occurred to me. I suppose it's natural to think you might glean everything about Crystal's philosophy of life from her lyrics, especially since she never...

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Crystal PassionChapter 4

It's often assumed that because I've been cast as Crystal's best friend, I'm also the one who knows most about her childhood or at least about her life before she became a musician. That's just not true. Her husband Mark knew Crystal's family far better than I ever did. Mark was never really a close friend. In fact, I regarded him rather more as a rival. Neither Crystal nor Mark were jealous lovers but that wasn't what it was like for me, although I accepted Crystal's sexual...

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Crystal Clear

Crystal Clear Crystal Clear.Written byGemma Swallow AKA Tainted Angel "She knew that she was out of her depth; she was usually self assured, confident, controlled. She was proud of her ability to handle herself well, people saw what she wanted them to see, that is not to say that she was deceptive she had just got used to dealing with things alone. If she was honest with herself she was a bit of a control freak. It was safer that way. She always thought that she would like to have a man...

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Crystal ClearChapter 10 Babies Horny Dads Playful Wives and a Loving Reporter

Edie, the pretty reporter from the Dayton Daily News, appeared nonplused. "You ... err, how can I ask this delicately ... you conceived a second child last night?" She looked between Summer and me about a dozen times in ten seconds. Summer spoke directly, not being evasive in any way, "Yes, exactly." "How do you know you're pregnant? You can't tell for sure for at least a couple of weeks." "I can," Summer replied with great certainty. "I knew it the second he ... the second his...

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Crystal Passion Ch 13

There’s a lot I simply can’t remember that happened in the following few days we were stranded in Rock Hill. My attention was almost entirely focused on my overwhelming sense of grief. I was completely disconnected from the many events swirling around me. I guess I was hoping that Crystal might still be alive and would magically appear from somewhere. And when it was established that Crystal had been murdered at almost exactly the time that Judy Dildo made her brief appearance at the Penitence...

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Crystal ClearChapter 27 Filming and Sex in the Alps

The powers that be at Sony Entertainment had decided that Wengen, Switzerland, would be the perfect place to film the outdoor ski scenes for our movie Downslope. The small ski town was serviced by a rack railway system. The massive and famous Eiger rises spectacularly in front of the town, a well-known part of the Alps. Ski slopes of all varieties and difficulties left from the town, with a wide variety of transport to return to home base once some end point had been reached. Crystal and I...

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