Lazy Sunday Afternoon
- 4 years ago
- 25
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‘How is it that every semester you always count the days until your next vacation only to spend that vacation time sitting around doing nothing and almost waiting for college to start up again?’ Mindy said, throwing a magazine to the ground.
‘I know’ agreed Sally, ‘Even the television seems to plot against us. During term time you get all the great shows enticing you to abandon your studies and watch them instead yet as soon as you have empty evening after empty evening praying for something to remove even twenty two measly minutes of tedium, what is the best thing two hundred and seventeen channels can come up with: America’s next top Barista and yet another season of Kitten Idol.’
‘There hasn’t been a truly talented kitten on that show since 2009 either.’ Added Jojo idly filing her nails. It’s like they want us to go outside and do something active.’
‘Well then why don’t we go out and actually try doing something active then?’ suggested Mindy
‘The weatherman said it might rain later though.’ Said Jojo
‘That was in Miami!’ replied Mindy,
‘The storm could change course.’
‘And travel two thousand miles in three hours? Do you actually realize how far away Miami is?’
‘I suppose you are right, but I still don’t want to risk it. I just got my hair done this morning it would be criminal to ruin it.’
‘How about the cinema?’ suggested Sally, ‘I heard that the new Adam Sandler movie about a guy who adopts an ostrich that grants wishes is supposed to be quite funny, maybe not Rob Schneider funny but…’
‘Hair.’ repeated Jojo interrupting and pointing to her head before pointing towards the window ‘Rain.’
‘The rain is in Miami!’ screamed Mindy in frustration.
‘Okay, okay.’ Said Jojo, ‘How about we all just sit here and talk about something a bit more interesting than rain and Adam Sandler?’
‘Fine,’ said Mindy calming herself down. ‘So Sally, was that creepy guy on the bus again today?’
‘Yeah. That’s the third time this week, it almost makes me want to walk to the store.’
‘What guy are you talking about?’ asked Jojo.
‘Oh for the last couple of weeks there’s been this guy on the bus who just keeps staring at me and Mindy. He’s a real pervert and doesn’t even try to hide it.’
‘That’s horrible!’
‘What do you expect from a freak?.’ Added Mindy, ‘I expect he’s one of those sad little men who has never had a real girlfriend so just tries to freak out any attractive women he sees. And we just happen to be on his bus route. It’s creepy, but I don’t’ want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he can get a reaction from him.’
‘So we both just try to ignore him.’ Continued Sally.
‘I think I’d try to rip him a new one if I ever caught a guy perving on me in public.’ Said Jojo
‘But that’s what he wants us to do?’ argued Sally, ‘He wants the attention and I have no intention of giving him any extra material to use in one of his wank fantasies.’
‘I’m surprised you never see him when you come here.’ Said Mindy, ‘You can’t miss him. He stares like a teenager who’s just spotted his favourite celebrity crush.’
‘Maybe I’m just lucky.’ Suggested Jojo, ‘Besides he wouldn’t want to try that shit with me. I’d make him regret.’
Mindy and Sally both let out a snort of laughter.
‘Oh would you now?’ chuckled Mindy.
‘Yeah, I bet an indignant 120 pound girl would really put the fear of God in him.’ Added Sally with a snigger.
‘You’d be surprised what I can do if pushed.’ Replied Jojo,
‘You and what army?’ giggled Mindy
‘Don’t need an army’ replied Jojo, a wicked smile crossing her lip, ‘Just need this.’
Jojo pulled something green, shiny and on a string out of her purse and held it up for the two girls to see.
‘So you plan to bribe him with trinkets from a Christmas Cracker?’ asked Sally.
‘Oh this isn’t a trinket. This is a Venus Emerald. It’s very rare to find one except in one small town out in the middle of Whoknowswhereville.’
‘Emerald?’ commented Mindy ‘so it’s an expensive trinket?’
‘Yes it’s best you two get all you fun and jokes in now’ smiled Jojo, ‘seeing as soon I’ll be the one having all the fun. Well, maybe not all the fun…’
‘Whatever.’ Said Mindy, ‘Why don’t you just show us how your little plastic emerald supposedly works.’
‘Oh it’s a real Emerald. Found near the site of this great lake but I digress… the Venus Emerald simply works as thus:
‘If I hold the stone up to the light like so, and then instruct anybody watching to say, I don’t know, take off their bras and panties then… well why don’t we find out?
At first Mindy and Sally just laughed at their friend’s silliness. Jojo seemed so dedicated to her little emerald joke that it almost felt like she believed what she was saying. But soon the laughter turned into gasps.
It was Mindy who noticed it first. She looked over at her friend Sally to realize that she was actually starting to remove her bra.
‘Mindy! What the hell are you doing!’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Why have you removed your bra?’
‘I haven’t! That’s crazy. But wait, are those your panties on the floor.’
‘Of course not! Well… wait a second! They are! Jojo, what the hell is going on?’
‘You wanted to see how the Emerald worked’ replied Jojo, her innocent tone betraying her clearly devilish intentions.’
‘But this is impossible!’ cried Sally, adding her panties to the small pile in front of her which contained the pair’s other three undergarments. ‘You can’t just order people to undress and they obey.’
‘With the Venus Emerald I can. I can and will order you to do all sorts of stuff and you will both obey happily.’
‘Like hell we will!’ said Mindy. ‘Come on Sally, let’s get out of here.’
‘Call us when you stop being crazy’ agreed Sally as both girls got up to leave.
Jojo waited until Mindy had opened the front door before responding, ‘And stop right there.’ She ordered them, you didn’t actually think I was going to let you just walk away did you?’
‘Jojo, please just…’
‘And no more talking unless I say you can.’ Interrupted Jojo, the girls’ protests immediately going silent.
‘Now why don’t we remove the rest of those pesky clothes eh?’
The two girls turned to go inside and undress but Jojo had other ideas:
‘I didn’t say go indoors! I think it will be more fun to undress outside in the sun. Like you said Mindy, the nearest bad weather from here is in Miami.’
Both Mindy and Sally’s expressions changed to ones of horror as they powerlessly began to strip out on the front porch. With their underwear already accounted for indoors it wasn’t long before the girls were standing over a second pile of clothes before them.
‘Now don’t go covering yourselves up like that.’ Said Jojo, ‘Keep your hands by your sides. Let’s give any potential passers by a thrill.’
Mindy and Sally glanced nervously don’t both directions of the thankfully empty street. Jojo continued with her fun:
‘What shall we do next girls? I know I’ll give you a choice. Option one: we stay out here on the porch and you fuck the next ten people that walk by. Option two: we go back inside and have some fun just you two.
‘So what’s it gonna be? I’ll allow you to answer either Option one or Option two.’
‘The two girls stood in silence and looked at each other. They both dreaded what plans lie in store inside but it had to be a better option than staying outside. With a final glance over at her friend, Mindy meekly muttered the words: ‘Option two.’
‘Good choice.’ Said Jojo and she ushered her friends back indoors.
‘The Venus Emerald has other functions,’ began Jojo once everybody was back in the living room. ‘For example, if you hold it up about ten centimetres in front of somebody’s eyes a
nd order them to stare into it for twelve seconds, they become insanely horny for as long as the Emerald’s owner wishes them to be.’
Jojo smiled at Mindy, ‘Why don’t I show you?’
Mindy wanted to run, but she couldn’t. She wanted to close her eyes or look away but she couldn’t. All she could do was obediently stare into the green abyss that Jojo held up before her. She heard Sally begin to count to twelve at the behest of Jojo.
At first there was relief as Mindy felt nothing change as the seconds ticked by. – Seven: nothing. Eight: nothing. Nine: Still nothing. Ten: Still nothing. Eleven: Still nothing. Twelve: Oh my living sweet Jehovah I need to fuck now!!
As the opening ‘t’ of twelve reached Mindy’s ears her entire body betrayed her. Everywhere and everything felt like and orgasm waiting to happen and despite her better judgment, a hand was very quickly embarking on a journey down south.
‘Oh no you don’t you naughty girl.’ Said Jojo, noticing Mindy’s intentions. ‘You can’t be having all the fun. We have to wait for Sally to get horny too.’
Sally’s eyes went wide with panic. She had just seen what had happened to her friend and was desperate not to fall foul to the same fate, no matter how inevitable it seemed that she would do.
‘But I tell you what I am willing to make a deal.’ Continued Jojo, ‘I will put both your fates in your hands: If you choose to, I will remove all of my control over the pair of you and we can just forget that this ever happened. However if you prefer, I we can horny her up right now like you are and have some real fun. What do you say?’
Mindy’s body was shaking with the desperation to satiate her horniness but to Sally’s relief, Mindy found herself able to force out the reply: ‘L…l…let, h…h…her, g… go.’
Jojo smiled. ‘Oh no, you have to hear the arguments for both side first. You can make your decision afterwards.’
If it weren’t for the controls Jojo had put on her, Mindy didn’t know if she would have been more lightly to scream out of anger with Jojo’s games or out of frustration for being unable to frig herself silly. She just knew she was frustrated to a point she could not believe and just wanted Jojo to stop screwing around and end this.
‘Now I don’t think I need to do much arguing for the case to letting you both go. I think you already have an opinion on that. But let me explain the pros of choosing the sexier option.’ began Jojo.
‘Look at Sally. Isn’t she hot? Wouldn’t you just love to know what she’d be like? You must have thought about it. This is your chance.’
Jojo walked over to Mindy, putting a hand on her shoulder. ‘Thanks to the emerald’s power, you would blow each other’s minds. Sex would never be the same again. That’s got to be worth considering and besides I think deep down you want to try. Think about how horny you feel now, just sitting here not able to touch or hold anything.
‘Think how terrible it would be to feel this way and not be able to do anything about it.’ Jojo felt the muscles in Mindy’s shoulder tense up. ‘Oh don’t worry, I promised I would relinquish my power over you if you chose that option…
‘However, I didn’t say anything about the emerald’s power. And the horniness you are feeling is all the emerald. What’s more the emerald has the power to lock that lust onto one person so that only they are able to relieve your hunger and make you cum. That person is whoever uttered the number twelve to put you under the emerald’s power. I think you can remember who that was.’
Mindy’s mind was melting. She just wanted Jojo to stop talking and let her free herself from these games but this new information and sneakiness of Jojo had hit her like a train. She couldn’t betray Sally just because she needed sex but, but how could she ever function in the future if only Sally, sweet, fun-loving straight Sally could ever make her come?
‘I can see you are starting to weigh up both options in more detail now.’ Said Jojo, ‘I think it’s time for my closing argument:’
Jojo knelt behind Mindy and reached a hand other the naked girls shoulder and down towards her pussy and began to rub with gusto. Mindy let out a shriek of pleasure and Jojo laughed.
‘Oh I know it feels good Mindy, but it will never be enough. Only Sally over there can bring you the exquisite pleasure you desire.’
Mindy’s body quivered and shook but Jojo was right, she couldn’t orgasm.
‘Why don’t you try it yourself?’ suggested Jojo and in a moment Mindy’s hands were frantic in assaulting all her favourite, tried and trusted spots in the quest for relief.
Nothing was working though. Mindy frigged and she fragged and tried everything in between but all it accomplished was to make her more and more desperate to cum. She needed to cum, the desperation had consumed her and all her mind, body and soul wanted to do was climax.
With a breathless, defeated sigh, and to Sally’s horror, Mindy chose the second option. ‘Please Jojo, I need to cum. I have to. Make Sally be like me.’
Jojo smiled as she heard Mindy’s decision. ‘We both know you made the right choice. Now all you need to do to have everything you ever wanted is on my signal, count to twelve.’
Mindy waited as Jojo walked over and head the emerald up in front of Sally’s eyes. ‘Now’ She ordered.
Like Mindy before her, Sally had her misplaced optimism to resist snatched away from her as soon as Mindy made it to twelve. In an instant Sally was as desperate as Mindy to fuck and fuck and fuck before changing things up a bit by fucking even more.
Jojo’s eyes flicked from one friend to the other, contented with a job well done. With a simple wave of her hand, she gave Mindy and Sally permission to pounce upon each other.
Mindy and Sally went at it like a couple of tipsy sorority sisters that had just discovered how awesome girl on girl can be after years of disappointing dick after disappointing dick. The feel of each other’s body was a revelation of ecstasy and perfection. The pent up energy built up from Jojo’s ‘persuasions’ meant that Mindy was quickly the first to cum but Sally was not far behind.
Louder than a couple of cats fighting over who gets to sit on a fencepost, screams of sex reverberated around every room of the house as the girls fucked their way through the living room, bedroom and bathroom. The smiling Jojo following them on their travels, dangling emerald in hand and reinforcing their need for every kiss, stroke, suck and bite.
Later again the girls were back on the ground floor and fucking in the kitchen. Mindy and Sally fucked over and over looking into the shiny emerald that Jojo was dangling above them. Sweat and pussy juice soaked into the kitchen table in equal manner as the orgy of moans and oohs continued into its 4th hour.
The girls’ other housemate Eric popped into the kitchen briefly but upon seeing that the girls were in the middle of something, decided just to make a quick beef and mustard sandwich come back later. Mindy and Sally didn’t seem to notice any of this and just kept fucking. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Eric knew there was no place for him in this particular story.
Eventually, after what felt like days, but was in fact merely hours, the three girls were back sitting in the living. Mindy and Sally naked as the day they were conditioned and Jojo sat between them idly playing with her favourite green toy.
‘That was…’ began Mindy gasping, ‘It was… What the hell just happened?’
‘Nothing that hasn’t happened at least every Sunday for the past six month or so.’ replied Jojo.
‘What!’ Screamed Mindy and Sally in unison.
‘Oh don’t worry, it’s just a small business venture of mine. This company sends me this emerald and in I produce home movies of girls fucking each other all over the house. We stream the events live as well as produce DVDs and videos and they take thirty percent of the profits. In six months y
ou two have earned me about a hundred grand.’
‘You put us on the internet!’
‘Yes, and your stars! The hottest new duo of the year. They may even buy you off me and make you in-house talent if things continue like this.’
‘You put us on the internet! People just watched us do… how could you do that?’
‘Easy, for the money. And you two don’t need to worry because in a few minutes you won’t remember any of this conversation or what happened here today.’
We’ll never forget this. You’ll never do this to us again!’
‘We’ve had this conversation before about thirty times. Mindy.’ Said Jojo calmly ‘And the simple truth is that you will forget this, I will do it again and things will continue like this until your fans get bored.’
‘You can’t screw with people’s minds like this.’
‘Can, have, will do many times again.’ Reiterated Jojo, ‘Just look at Eric, today was about the fifteenth time he’s walked in on all the fun and every time he does all that happens is that he suddenly feels compelled to make a sandwich. It is conditioning.’
‘You’re insane.’
‘Nope. Just insanely rich. Oh and one final thing before you forget, if anybody approaches you in public and brings up that you are porn stars you will just nod, giggle, flash your tits and then kiss each other passionately before forgetting all of it and just believing that what happened was some creepy guy was staring at you. Now get dressed so I can wipe your memories.’
Pissed but still under Jojo’s control, the two girls got dressed making sure to follow Jojo’s commands that they alter nothing from how they were dressed before.
‘Now when I clap my hands to you not remember anything that happened today. You will believe that we all went to see that Adam Sandler movies and it was meh. The main character was a bit too goofy and none of us understood why she would want to be with him. We will then go out for tacos even though I am the only one who likes them.’
Mindy glared at Jojo with hate burning in her eyes:
‘You will never ever get away with… *CLAP* … who wants tacos!’
‘I do! I do!’ squealed Sally.
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Subject: MOM/SON Stories: 5. Friday Afternoon 1-12 - [1/1]From: [email protected] (Sookan)Date: 1997/04/****t------------------------------------- Friday Afternoon Part 1Bobby sat on the commode in the plush upstairs bathroom with athin, well-worn magazine of grainy photographs of nude women inhis left hand and his K-Y jelly-lubricated erection in his right.As he stared at a waist-to-head picture of a particularly sexybrunette with...
A n October Afternoon. It was a slow in the office that early October afternoon so Wendy left early for the day. Pulling into her driveway, she saw her son Brandon’s car which meant he'd already picked up his younger sister, Brittany, from high school cheerleading practice. Once inside the house, Wendy kicked off her shoes then went to the kitchen and found the kid’s books on the dinette but, no evidence of the usual afternoon...
Incest“Remember that heavy petting we had last May at Loew’s Paradise?” My girlfriend Michelle Hanley asked me that as we sat in one of the lounges at the City College of New York.“Petting? I'd call what we did mutual masturbation. We both came, obviously.”She laughed at that, “Yeah, I was using a 1950's euphemism.”“It actually, I think, covered a whole range of behaviors, from fondling through the clothes to literally, as I said, jerking each other off.”“Well, with us, it was definitely the...
Straight SexMy friend Chris told me about this wild experience he and his wife Angela had last weekend. (It’s just a weird coincidence that Chris’s wife Angela shares a name with our little waitress playmate from the last post). Chris and his wife are both in their early forties like us, and Angela is still pretty hot. She’s about five-four with a good figure. She has medium length, light brown, maybe a bit blond-ish hair, and has kept really fit. Her tits aren’t too big or too small, and she has very nice...
“ ... so she ended up wearing both dresses. Pearl and I figured that together they created a decent layered look – it’s what all fashion-conscious three year olds are wearing these days,” I said. “Well that explains that little mystery,” Mum laughed as she slowed the car to turn a corner. “Oh! Speaking of mysteries – I wanted to thank you for taking all those grotty clothes out of my school bag and putting them in the wash,” I said. “I was all set up with the gas mask and the tongs ready to...
SATURDAY AFTERNOON I met her when TA, was 19 years old, she had already been in a bad, and very abusive marriage, she left, and lived for a short time on the streets. That is where I had met her, she offered me anything I wanted for $50.00. I gave her a hundred, told her to get into the car. We have been together for the last couple of years. Now, she seems to be my shadow, as we are always together, I was 61 in November of this past year, and people are always asking if she is my daughter or...
Being married and bi, when your wife doesn’t know you like to suck cocks, means you don’t get to play as much as you would like.I found I was bi several years ago when my wife had a number of medical problems and our sex life was more restricted than usual.It was then that I found the enjoyment of man to man sex, especially sucking cocks. The directness of the play, each knowing what the other wants and how to please him really appealed to me. It was direct, immediate, not subtle and very...
BisexualSATURDAY AFTERNOON I met her when TA, was 19 years old, she had already been in a bad, and very abusive marriage, she left, and lived for a short time on the streets. That is where I had met her, she offered me anything I wanted for $50.00. I gave her a hundred, told her to get into the car. We have been together for the last couple of years. Now, she seems to be my shadow, as we are always together, I was 61 in November of this past year, and people are always asking if she is my daughter or...
ExhibitionismTim and Abbie head to bed. As they undress and climb in together, Tim broaches a topic that has been on his mind since this afternoon. With everything else that had happened, it had been pushed aside, but now he wanted to understand.“Abbie, when you soothed me this afternoon, besides talking to me calmly, you did something which I don’t quite understand,” Tim starts.Abbie smiles and pulls Tim to her, his head on her breasts as she strokes his head as she talks. “You mean with the latex gloves...
TransWhew! I thought, it's hot! Stepping inside the large Bookstore, I paused for a moment to wipe the sweat off my face. The cool air begins washing over me. It's so nice and cool in here, I thought as I started indulging one of my favorite pastimes—book browsing. I saw her come in a couple minutes later. Being one of the first really hot days of summer, she was not immune to the heat anymore than the rest of us. She had a fine sheen of sweat on her face. Her dark hair was just starting to...
Robert - Wednesday after lunch We finished our lunches a few minutes before the bell rang indicating that we would need to go to our first afternoon class. I remembered something I had thought about asking Patricia before all the excitement this morning. "Would you want to go out to eat with me after the game Saturday afternoon?" I asked Patricia. "Only if you will go with me to the football game." She replied. Now all I needed to do was think of someplace we could walk to. "Do you...
It happened one sunny afternoon. Tom lived in a one bedroom flat along with his wife Jackie in a quiet cul-de-sac in a country Village. Tom did not work very often he was a carpenter and worked for several building firms as and when required. His wife Jackie was a nurse worked in the local hospital mostly afternoons but did some nights as well, They had a healthy sex life and were very satisfied with each other however just lately they had been talking About adding some Spice into their sex...
Erotic FictionChapter One “Now can we go to the mall” was the first question as soon as I got in the car, rapidly followed by “Are we gonna stop for lunch?” and by “Did you like our show and blow!?” which provoked gales of laughter out of the two of them. “Slow down,” I replied “I don’t know where you girls come up with this stuff, but yes, I loved your show and blow. Who wouldn’t like getting a blow-job from one of you!? And I’m guessing that you two have had sex together before, ‘cause that was so...
Of all the times for Mo to call I was thinking, being at the time deeply involved withy Gregg. But it was Sunday afternoon and she probably thought, being a nice day, I was out in the garden or something. I loved gardening but loved what hubby and I were doing much more. How was she to know Gregg (my husband) fancied a quickie- but it was turning out to be much more than that, Gregg’s excuse (as if he needed one) was to make a baby, that is what we both wanted but it was hard going getting...
It was Sunday afternoon, and I was ready. The apartment was neat and tidy again, and my laundry was clean, damp, and bagged by the front door. When Steve left last night, I wasn't thinking clearly enough to ask him what he would be wearing today, so I had no clear idea what I should wear. Indecision - I hate that. I settled for my burgundy cord pants, a sleeveless plaid ruffle top, and brown penny loafers.Now, all that I needed was for Steve to call. Mmmm. Steve. I was looking forward to...
Oral SexAfter he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma. She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids. Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten. She is on page fifty of the...
Love StoriesAfter he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma. She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids. Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten. She is on page fifty of the...
Love StoriesMy cunt felt a bit sore, but I had been totally satisfied a while before.I came out of the bathroom and looked how messed up the bed sheets were. It looked like somebody had fought a wild battle there. I pulled down the towel and started to get dressed. I needed to get back home to my beloved hubby. Victor would be worried about my absence.My Black Master was there lying on the bed, staring at my naked body as he stroked his hard dark cock. It was shining in the shadows, still coated with my...
Learning AfternoonBy: Londebaaz ChohanThomson had just discovered masturbation as a great relief for all sorts of tension and for the needed magazines with pictures to induce fire to the thought of jerking off, he decided to go to the bookstore. This was his first visit to this store but he had heard that they carried a great selection and in huge quantity as well. For the ease of every one the store was well known for not asking any ID at the entrance or for purchases. Thomson appreciated it...
Obviously, I shouldn’t have watched. It goes withoutsaying. Any decent person would have gone about their businessand not stared, slack-jawed for well over an hour. Evenif I can’t actually name anyone I know who would actuallyhave walked away, I still know I shouldn’t have watched.It was spring. I was home early, windows open, reading abook in my room upstairs when I heard my neighbor’s wifechatting outside with another woman. Claire is a lovelylady about thirty. Blonde, if not naturally thenin...
Well, here I sit in a large college lecture hall that holds perhaps 400 students. This hour there are but about 75 s**ttered about in the semi-circle elevated rows. A TA drones on and on in review for next week's test. I know the material well and am only here to observe an older female student that is somewhat attractive. I usually wait to sit in the row she chooses and plop down about a dozen seat away. The curved rows let me see when she moves to the edge of her seat and her skirt stays,...
A sexy afternoonA some might know I am a trained masseur. It is a pleasure to pamper my client with my variety of strokes, and to see them gradually relax on the table under the caring guidance of my hands and arms. A few of my clients have fallen asleep during the treatment, and I see this as one of the best compliments that I can get.On the other hand (literally), I am a sucker for the feminine body with its curves and the softness of its skin. I do get turned on by the feel of her body as it...
Well the next afternoon I was back at the Thompson house to "Feed the cat" again. Yeah, right! I was there to spy on freshly scrubbed Jessica who I'd seen fucking her boyfriend yesterday! I quietly snuck into the house and the kitty saw me right away. She rubbed my leg and got her reward of canned cat food and then I made my way towards the back of the house. I saw Jessica's boyfriend's motorcycle outside so I figured she would be out by the pool and too busy to notice me. I was right. ...
As we walked in the partial shadow of the buildings, I strode, one foot in front of the other with my arms out, balancing on the wall while he walked on the flat ground beside me. “Hey, careful” he laughed, extending his fingertips to steady me by my hands. I jokingly retorted, turning my head toward him. “Oh, shut up! I’m perfectly capable of walking on a little wall like this.” I slowed our pace, not looking away from him, and him not looking away from me. My heart skipped a beat, and I'm...
Love StoriesHi friends. This is Vikki here once again with a yet another incident. Girls/aunties/MILF’s who know me are already in touch with me on and for others, this is Vikki here from Bombay, 30 yrs old average build with 6 feet height and 7 inch drilling machine. I have fun during the afternoon as lonely ladies are free and so can I remove time as I am married too, so fun happens only when spouse is busy. Coming back to my latest pleasurable incident This incident happened between me and my net...
Had a day at the races yesterday. Sitting opposite me in the sunshine was a woman, I guess early 50s, quite attractive, well made up. She wore a shortish skirt that I hoped I would be able to see up but she kept her legs tightly closed. I kept looking at her and I think that she soon realised I was looking at her skirt. We smiled at each other and I looked dowen at her skirt and nodded. She then realised what I meant and slwly parted her legs but not wide enough to see her panties.I mouthed the...
Today is Sunday and he came back on Friday night, he watched my videos but I hadn't followed his instructions well enough, i had not been hard enough on myself. This is an account of my Saturday afternoon.12 noon on the dot - he walked up to me, lifted my shirt and bra over my head (without undoing it), squashing my tits against my rib cage and lifting them so high until my bra came off. There I stood in my jeans and no top and he looked at me and handed me 16 rubber bands, telling me to put...
Authors: xelliebabexThe Australian summer lingered long into March and with a final burst had turned the sun's full power into creating a hazy, humid heat wave that wilted every living thing in that part of the world. Kira was dripping with sweat, and her shirt clung to her as if she had just entered a wet T-shirt competition. She groaned setting the last of the boxes onto the floor in the kitchen. She could see movement through the window that looked out over the back yard, and she moved...
She said her name was Annalise. We met at the Greyhound/Amtrak station on Canal Street. She was a true native of New Orleans. To be accurate, they were called coon asses. She was dropping quarters in a cigarette vending machine when she tapped me on the shoulder. “Hey, Mister, do you have change for a dollar?”I looked up from the newspaper that I had found on the bench. Her smile was hypnotic, her tee-shirt, damp from sweating in the ninety-eight degree weather. It was obvious that she wore no...
Straight Sex