- 2 years ago
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Abby had little difficulty in getting to this point on the B3227 from Taunton heading towards South Molton, and guessed that somewhere on this road she should see a sign indicating her turn. Yet as she drove further and further into Devon she became uneasy that no such sign had revealed itself. Navigation became more of a problem as she drove deeper into the countryside, signposts, when you could find them, indicated a destination which then received no further mention at all upon succeeding signs. High banks on either side of the road meant that she had little clue as to where she was, the only point of reference was the ribbon of road unwinding ceaselessly and vanishing under the bonnet of her car and the occasional signs for some oddly named village or hamlet. As she passed through villages such as Wiveliscombe and Bampton she wondered if she had gone wrong, and seeing the sign that said South Molton was just five miles further on, decided that indeed she had gone wrong. Swearing mildly under her breath Abby was giving thought to turning round and retracing her path.
Suddenly she caught that breath, there was the sign. Leaning gently against the high banks that enclosed the road with a vigorous growth of Ivy as camouflage, she would have missed it had she not been driving slowly looking for a place to turn. It was a peculiar sensation, and her heart was beating furiously as she made the turn. A name that had previously existed only in hearsay and on a map was now fact. Her mother had mentioned the name a few times without thinking, but would not be pressed on its significance. When her mother had died, Abby was nineteen, there was no reference at all to the name in her personal effects, which were few, there was no birth certificate, and the only official document she could find was an out of date Passport, giving the birth area as South Molton. Abby’s history consisted of just her Mother’s death certificates, and her own birth certificate. Abby now realised that she could have obtained a copy of her mother’s birth certificate, but as is the way of things she had not thought logically at the time. She would repair this oversight as soon as possible. She wondered why her mum had a passport, as she had never travelled abroad.
Combe Linney, as Abby spelt it was not even marked on her road map, and she had to resort to the Ordinance Survey to discover the location, again there was no place spelt Linney, but there was a Combe Lyney, near South Molton, and she assumed that this had to be the place. Its sum total consisted of two black oblongs, and a round dot with a cross on top, presumably indicating a church. There were no A or B roads that ventured anywhere near the place. If this wasn’t the back of beyond, then it was pretty close to it.
The mystery could not be investigated immediately as Abby had after her mother’s death, to consider the business of life, a job, somewhere to live. Her mother had left her little, but a stubborn trait that helped Abby survive the numerous jobs she took in the financial and insurance trade, making tea and coffee for surly men and women who viewed her simply as the office gofer, they would have been surprised if they had known that Abby did not merely put their drinks in front of them, but closely studied what they were doing. They didn’t know because Abby was invisible, unimportant, not even missed when she left to go to a better job, using all she had learned to pack her C.V.
She was twenty-five when she started in the City as an equity trader, the years of watching and learning standing her in good stead. She would not say that she was a brilliant trader, there were many more that could turn Sixpences into Sovereigns at the drop of a hat, but she was intuitive, and with no family to call upon her time was content to work all hours to achieve her goal. In a business where employers counted the hours almost as important as the success, she was regarded highly.
The commitment to her work had left a gaping hole in the rest of her life, particularly the social side. Starting early, and rarely getting back before nine or ten p.m. left her too exhausted to explore the nightlife that abounded about her. The one indulgence was her flat, a rather luxurious two bed roomed apartment in a block in Kensington, reasoning that with all the hard work and hours she put in, she deserved a base where she could relax comfortably. A fleeting affair with a co-worker that fizzled quickly when his wife became suspicious, was the extent of her forays into anything that could be called a social life, but then the skills that she needed for a social life could not be described as highly developed, lacking the experience that would enable her to discern those who would care for her, from those who would simply use her.
Her closest friend was Roz, a glamorous woman who lived in the same flats, who described herself as an Escort. Abby could guess what that euphemism concealed, but not being judgmental thought none the less of her for that. Roz had been helpful to Abby, advising her on dress and make-up to fill the void left by Abby’s mother, a woman who had little knowledge of these feminine arts herself, but then holding down three cleaning jobs would have given her little time to acquire, or require, these talents. The help of Roz and Abby’s chequebook allowed her to assume a confidence she didn’t always feel.
Abby was quite tall for a woman at five foot eight, and had inherited a slim figure, which seemed to maintain itself no matter what junk food she consumed during the hectic working day. Light brown hair that she described as Mousy, but Roz insisted was dark Blonde, cut short for ease of maintenance, level brown eyes, and a full mouth, that smiled easily. She would never describe herself as beautiful, and most days her looks were secondary to working efficiency, but on the couple of occasions that she had been out with Roz to parties, and under Roz’s tutelage had put on the ‘Glam’, she had been subject to lots of male attention. The problem was her social skills could not stretch to flirting, and with the appropriate responses not given the man soon lost interest, and she returned to her flat alone, with no prospect of that situation changing. She lived and worked in one of the most vibrant cities, yet stood on the outside, an onlooker, unknowing of the rules that would let her join.
This situation did not bother her too much, although sometimes she looked wistfully at those who seemed to have so much going on in their lives. If she had ever been part of the social whirl, and was then excluded it might have given her some pain, but what you have never had, you do not miss. Spare time, the little that she had, was spent reading, usually books about the Industrial revolution which had become her hobby, and watching the Discovery channel on Sky. Holidays had been a luxury she could do without in her need to pursue a career, consisting usually, as in this case, of a few snatched days, alone and exploring some place that had been significant in the industrial past, the mobile phone ever to hand in case she had to return. It had taken all those years before she finally decided to try and resolve the conundrum.
Now she was just a few miles from somewhere that could be very important or of no consequence at all. As she drove a prick of fear came to her mind. Was she doing the right thing? The old adage was now forefront in her head. Be careful what you wish for, as your wishes may sometimes become true. Was she about to turn over a stone that had something ugly underneath? Hesitancy and fear almost overwhelmed, and she let fate make her decision. If there was somewhere she could turn round easily, she would do it and forget this obsession. If there was no chance of turning then she would go on.
The road was so narrow that any vehicle coming in the opposite direction would involve one or the other reversing in difficult circumstances for some distance, she hoped it would be the other. It wound its way tortuous
ly between high banks, never letting her have a sight of anything more than fifty yards ahead, until it emerged on an embankment just a few feet above a marshy area. Another of those old road signs declared that the embankment was unsafe for any vehicle over 30 cwt. Abby could just remember from her schooldays what cwt. meant, one and a half tons! The embankment rose to a bridge spanning a river, dropping back down the other side to a few more yards of embankment, then plunging back into the high banks and starting to climb. Just before her view was cut off she noticed to the left, a series of brick arches, carrying some other form of transport across the marsh. Beyond the banks was a forest of mixed trees, some deciduous, some conifers of unknown types, she recognised Beech grown so tall that it arched over the road, creating a tunnel of foliage.
The road was obviously used but rarely, with a detritus of mud thrown from the corrugated tyres of tractors covering the crown, that rich soil supported a good growth of grass that brushed the underside of her car. Streams seemed to prefer the road to their normal courses as her tyres splashed through water almost every yard of the way. The lane climbed gradually, ascending into a valley she could not see. Then out of the trees a rock built abutment reared at the side of the road, another set back a little could be seen on the other side, no deck connected them, the railway, for she felt sure it would have been a railway, long gone. Possibly, she thought, the reason for the low viaduct she had glimpsed across the marsh. The road continued to climb, but more steeply now climbing out of the forest, although the high banks still hemmed the road. Occasionally, a gateway to a field would afford her views of the stupendous Devon countryside, with irregular small fields lying seemingly at random over hills of varying height as if a patchwork quilt had been thrown carelessly over an unmade bed. To the southwest they stretched away to the foothills of Dartmoor, and to the northeast to Exmoor, only fleetingly glimpsed.
She drove carefully not wishing to rush headlong into any problems the way might present. The lane continued to twist and turn, passing even narrower lanes, which vanished between the hedgerows within the space of a few yards, unmarked on her map, and unsigned by the local council, as if their purpose was a secret, known only to those who had business in these parts. She felt she should have reached somewhere by now, and pondered the comments that had been made to her that West Country miles are longer than miles measured elsewhere in England, possibly she wasn’t in England any more. As she drove round yet another tight bend she caught her breath, for suddenly the vista of the Valley opened before her, and equally as suddenly the lane disappeared from in front of her car. She braked urgently.
The road now descended, at an impossible angle, so steeply that Abby felt it would be safer to abseil down. An ancient road sign leaning, drunkenly into the hedgerow, its black and white pole pitted with rust, the sign at its top, surmounted with a once red triangle informed her that the hill was one in four. ‘That’s never one in four,’ she informed the sign, ‘that’s vertical.’ Locking the automatic into low gear, she tentatively started the descent. The whine of the engine rose to a crescendo, dying away as she used the brakes and then rising again as she let the car run against the brake of the engine. At the very least, she thought, anyone approaching the hill from the bottom would hear her, and not attempt the climb until she came past. At last she reached the bottom and broke out of the hedgerows and trees, onto the valley floor. There had been nowhere to turn at all, so fate had decided for her.
The lane followed the valley for some distance, passing a few small Cob cottages, each attended by barns and outhouses. The small, undulating fields upon which cattle grazed, seemingly unfazed by the passing of her car, just merely lifting their heads for a moment to look incuriously, and then returning to their patient cropping of the grass. The banks were not so high now allowing a better view of the surrounding country. The Valley was not flat, but undulated smoothly, rising to small coppices, and hillocks that fell gently down to the river which flowed at the valley bottom. The road and the river kept a sort of company, the road having more sense of direction although it still could not be called straight, as it traversed many small hills and side valleys, while the river meandered. Sometimes it was completely out of sight and then abruptly returned those same small hills and side valleys brushing it aside in its journey along the valley bottom.
Another of those old road signs with the red triangle appeared, this time warning her of a junction. Negotiating yet another bend she came upon the junction. No white lines in the road to observe, just another lane of presumably equal importance, or equal unimportance joining. The road seemed to veer to the right so she went that way, at the last minute noticing a faded sign showing left for Combe Lyney, one and a half miles. She couldn’t believe it, all that way and only two and a half miles covered! The stories were true, West Country miles were longer than English miles. As she was committed to the right hand road she carried on and immediately drove over a slight hump. On top of the hump set into the road were railway lines, once covered by road stone, but now revealed by the traffic, which over the years had thumped across them wearing away the tar and grit surface. Abby had been very interested in History at school, particularly the Industrial revolution and the urge to explore such artefacts of the industrial past was never far away. Impulsively she determined to have a look at this one, stopping where the lane seemed a little wider and switching off the engine.
Leaving the car she took her first breath of the Devon air, her head swirled with its effect and she almost staggered, a glorious rich soup of scents enriched with oxygen assailed her senses and as she breathed deeply filling her lungs with the potent mixture she felt as if she had grown an inch. At first she was astonished by the silence, but as the engine noise which had accompanied her for the last two hundred odd miles faded from her ears, she realised that the silence was punctuated, no accompanied by the gentle rustle of the river and the chatter and flurry of birds. The day was typical of late March. The sun was there but often hidden by the clouds, which hurried over the valley. When they broke for a moment, she could feel the warmth that the sun promised, but too soon the clouds ganged up and became overcast once more. The birds that she heard seemed to time their chatter and flight to coincide with the sun’s brief appearances, as if they were unsure whether it was the right time to be nest building. Most confusing for them she thought. Getting out of the car had also brought their bluster to a momentary halt, and as she moved a scatter of small birds burst out of the hedgerow into a brief flight, only to disappear just as suddenly back into the hedge, a few yards further away.
She walked back to the level crossing. The rails ended abruptly either side of the road, presumably the scrap men didn’t want the cost of resurfacing the road to recover just a few pounds of scrap steel. At one side stood a weather-beaten solid post, easily one foot square, the remnants of white paint still clung stubbornly to its side, yet gaping regular holes in the face proclaimed another purpose. Abby reasoned that this must have been the post for the level crossing gate, and searched for its twin on the other side, but that was nowhere to be seen. Where the lines had been though, was easy to spot. No one had bothered to reclaim the land here, unlike the more urban areas, where the price of land made such a task economical. Westwards the line had curved away, following the valley. Eastward the railway bed became much wider, as if there was s
omething more important for the railway to do, and about four hundred yards away were some old buildings.
There was no gate to prevent her so Abby wandered along the way, uneasily at first as if she expected someone to come out and shout at her for trespassing, but more confidently as she made progress and no such challenge came. The way was almost choked with Bramble and Nettles, and footing was sometimes hard to find. She discovered that the bed was a series of undulations about fifteen inches apart, and wondered why, until she stepped on to an old and crumbling piece of wood, which was where one of the dips should be. She then realised that the undulations were the result of the old rails and sleepers being lifted from the ballast. The way was becoming more difficult now, and after almost tripping over a loop of wire half buried in the old ballast she decided to retrace her steps. Warm from her walk, she opened her car thankfully and turned on the air-conditioning. Shortly her temperature returned to comfortable, and she drove on, finding a place to turn around and then following the sign for Combe Lyney. The lane was now allowing her a much gentler route, without the sharp bends of earlier, and she could take more notice of her surroundings.
This was lucky, as otherwise she may have missed the overgrown lane leading off to the right, and the small finger sign, which announced STATION in pitted letters. In two minds whether to explore or not, she stopped the car. Again impulsively she decided to investigate and ventured up the approach. It was only short, and soon she found herself in a small yard. She gazed around. The yard would have once been cobbled, but now all that remained was some evidence of the hard-core, cratered and broken, with weed and brush that sprang through the cracked cobbled top helping to complete the task of reducing the top surface to gravel.
The station stood forlorn in front of her, a single storey building, built with rugged local rock. The building consisted of two gabled ends, joined by a single storey building running between them. The gables contained a single window each, whilst the joining part contained just two windows and two doors. The windows were all barred with planks nailed across. Next to the window in the left-hand gable hung a Board with the heading ‘GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY’. Below was a space, which Abby assumed from the tattered remnants of paper pinned to it, would have been for notices.
To the left of this gable was a double wicket gate, hanging open, set in a diagonally slatted fence that extended off to the left for ten or so feet before vanishing into overgrown shrubs and bushes. To the right of the station building about one hundred yards away was a house, built in the same style as the station, but two storied, with a steep roof. Projecting from the roof was a chimney, the bricks laid in a twisted style like legs on an antique table, and topped with tall terracotta chimney pots. Abby was certain that this house would have been for the stationmaster, who obviously lived on the job. Like the station, all the windows were boarded up. Beyond this house the remnants of a gravelled track leading off towards some more buildings about two hundred yards away, these she recognised as those she had seen from the level crossing.
Abby locked her car and walked slowly toward the gate, she looked round cautiously for anyone who would question her presence here, but the place was deserted. Emboldened she negotiated the hanging gate which half blocked the entrance and walked onto the platform. The platform side of the building was very different. The Gables were deeper and the gable ends had shallow bays with three narrow windows. Between the gables there was a large porch. She didn’t venture in as the winds, rain and the seasons had combined to fill the place as a natural lee with piles of rotting leaves. There was also the suggestive rank smell of animals. To the right as she stood facing the station building, and beyond the wicket gate was a simple wooden structure more like a large garden shed, but with an awning stretching out over the platform.
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Light sparkled from the huge chandelier and reflected from the thousands of diamonds encrusting the women in attendance. While an orchestra played softly from one corner of the room, tuxedo clad waiters with white gloves circulated silver trays of champagne and caviar. A small circle of Cabinet members talked quietly with the President. A long string of black limousines was still pulling up outside and passes were being checked against the guest list. Suddenly there was a perceptible pause...
I was on-line chatting, yes hot chatting, Sen- suous Erotic Chat!! I was so turned on, so excited. I could feel an orgasm building deeply within. He had taken me right to the very edge and just held me there for so long, not allowing me that final pleasure. I am sure my neighbors next door could hear me as I moaned, groaned, swore a lot! I could only type with one hand as the other one was quite busy. Actually, I am getting rather good at typing one handed! Thanks to him! ...
I don't own the characters and concepts in this story. The characters, plots and setup are from the American TV series and the settings and characters are owned and copyrighted to the respective owners of the Power Rangers licenses, no claims are intended by me. I do claim ownership of what is left of the story after the copyrighted elements Saban owns are extracted from this story. (The mind swap concept for this episode came from the original Japanese episode redone in America...
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Good Morning Darling, It is 11.00am here so I guess you have just sat down at your desk and are getting into your first cup of coffee of the day. One part of me wishes that I was there with you. Has Janice been in yet asking how my sister is and when will I be back? Perhaps you should tell her the truth. I can just picture her face after you have said to her, ‘Well actually Janice, Julie is in Turkey getting fucked by her lover who has an enormous cock’. LOL I bet she wouldn’t believe you!...
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McKenzie asked her stepson Robby to clean up the house while she was gone but comes home to him sleeping on the couch stoned off his ass. Robby soon gets a phone call from his father to go apologies to his stepmom which he gladly agrees too. When he finds her he walks in on her masturbating and she has no problem with it in fact the apology she is looking for involves him giving her a kiss on the lips, the other set. Lucky for McKenzie Robby is good at apologizing in multiple ways (Doggy,...
xmoviesforyouYou have entered Millie's Vast Expanse, a wondrous empire of the twisted and bizarre. Where things can be turned upside or sideways in a single beat of your heart. Can you feel that little tickle in your soul, that deep-seated fear of embracement? There she is the little girl that makes your life a living hell. She walking up to you, oh God no, she has the mischievous smile on her face. There's a sadistic twinkle in her eyes as she drags you into Millie's Vast Expanse and it will be 7th and...
“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend. She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again. “How are you?” she asked. She couldn’t believe he was back in town. Stepping out on to the...
“I have a real nice gun safe here, Clint. Would you like to use it this weekend?” “That would be real nice of you,” Clint replied. “I’d be much obliged, Ma’am.” He wanted to see it and she smiled. The safe was in her tent. The square canvas tent, of the style used by the 1850s to 1870s military officers, left the floor as a grass-covered carpet. She lifted the tent flap so that Clint could bring his weapons inside. Janie was very familiar with this tent, having camped many times. She...
I woke up around 4 laying naked on my bed, the balcony door was open letting the afternoon sun shine in and it was quite warm. I got up and stood by the door looking out, Jeans door was shut so maybe she had ventured out but I was sure I would catch her at some point. I needed to eat so thought I would nip down and see what was available. I threw on a clean pair of shorts and tee and headed off downstairs, Sam was in the bar sitting at a table doing some kind of paperwork, her cleaning kit down...
Her Mother (my elder sister Julie) being a single parent often required a baby sitter for Nicola for which I always offered my services, this allowed me access to Nicola's panties that she had been wearing that day. I would go to the bathroom almost as soon as I arrived, unable to resist the smell and taste of a young innocent virgin. I would rummage through the laundry basket until I found a pair of Nicola's worn panties, sometimes they would still be moist and warm where she had just...
CHAPTER 1 Upon arriving home from work one Friday afternoon my wife informed me that the kids would be staying the weekend at some friends house, and that she had made some special plans for us. She then went on to say that she would be gone for a couple of hours and that while she was gone I was to shower and to shave myself from head to toe. Then I was to get my ‘special clothing’ from storage and neatly arrange them on the bed. You see, for years now I have enjoyed cross dressing and while...
Luke was pleased with the way his boys were turning out. Dick was going to be the intellectual one. He knew that already. In fact, he thought it might be kind of nice to have a lawyer in the family. He had always been a little worried about Dan. Things seemed to have come too easily to his handsome first son. Dan had grown up with the adulation of high school cheerleaders and football groupies. Though he had won a football scholarship to college, he had never paid much attention to books. As...
As Bernard was half-dragged from the rickshaw by Liu Wei, he found himself on the pavement outside a brightly painted shop front which declared itself “The Sunrise Tea Parlour.”. Smartly dressed business women hurried in from the street and out again clutching paper cups of their preferred infusion as they set off for their work. None took the slightest notice of Bernard as he was hustled towards a side door. Behind the door, a flight of stairs led up to a corridor and then on to a small...
It was a Sunday morning and I usually get up late on Sundays but that day, my uncle and aunty were leaving for their native place. So, they woke me up before leaving. Aunty told me to look after the house for that day. Pinky, her daughter my cousin)would be there as she was not going with uncle and aunty. Aunty had already instructed Pinky what to cook for lunch with sleepy eyes and I bid them bye and went to sleep again. I was about to sleep, Pinky entered my room and said bhaiya, uthiye naa....
IncestIntroduction: My name is Jesinta Jovanoski. I am a 16 year old school girl, who is thinly built at (32-25-34), my breasts havent developed like most girls my age and was a B-cup. I am a brunette, with past my shoulder straight hair. Currently I have a live in arrangement with the school Vice-Principle aka Mr. Anderson aka VP. Also I have started experiencing a new relationship with my boxing trainer, Jim Broadbent aka Jimmy. Going to the Gym I woke up some time after 1:00pm, naked and with a...
This is a real incident that happened to me. I belong to a small town. I have three members in my family. Me (Rohan 25), my mom (Sonali 45), and my dad. My dad works in a travel agency. This incident happened in January 2020. My dad got an assignment abroad. They were paying hefty money so my dad decided to go. It was for a year. Due to a logistics issue, he could not take my mom with him. She had to live alone. I was working in Delhi. So everyone decided that she will stay with me in Delhi. I...
IncestHere is my experienne with my maid servant aunty aged 50 yrs. I am a Software developer working in a software company at Trivandrum.When I was at the age of 25 my mother was sick ( pressure, Asthama etc. etc ).I alone have to take care of my mother since my brother was in Kuwait. So I planned to employ a old lady to take care my mother’s health and treatment.Finally I got one maid servant name RemaDevi aged 50.She had 3 daughters , 2 of them got married.All the expennses incured for the...
Clint Elliston My sixteen-year-old cousin’s pussy clenched on my dick as we stood in my dormer window of my attic bedroom peering down at her backyard. From my window, our backyards, side-by-side, could both be seen. Melody shivered, letting out a gasping, sighing moan as we watched in shock at our mothers kissing. Our mothers. Sisters. They were kissing in Aunt Vicky’s backyard, sitting beside the pool, both older women in bikinis catching the last rays of the setting sun. And it wasn’t a...
Chapter 1The year was 2002, it was summer and I wanted to take a canoe camping trip. There was no one I knew who would go with me except one.Betty and I had met on the internet on a dating site. I had looked at her profile where she had posted a picture of herself. I looked at that picture and she looked like an old schoolmarm from the early 1900s. I read her profile, she had stated, “If you are looking for a real woman then look no further.” “Humpfff,” I thought to myself, ‘I’ll bet. She is...
Foreword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post The Price of Beauty, which is, in its own way, a love story. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PRICE OF BEAUTY by: TOXIS Miranda...
Hi. My name is Jordan, and this is my story. In a little over a year, I went from a lonely divorcee to a contented woman with a manservant. I had no idea it was possible to enjoy life like this. I guess I should start at the beginning. I'd been divorced for a few months. I was getting a little old for stripping, so I thought I'd try my luck as an escort. I found a nice agency to work with, and after a few months I'd built up a nice client list. I was doing ok. I made enough money to pay the...
I want to thank those who have reviewed my work , positive or negative. You may direct comments to me directly at [email protected] but I'm behind a firewall and cannot return. Gail & Trace were both in clothing sales, he in sports, she in lingerie. Helping her with inventory awakened in him a desire, one he didn't even know he had. Gail knew the signs and was very helpful. Aunt Jan's visit just added more fuel to the fire along with some interesting history. Will...
The following morning I awoke as normal, but was surprised to see that I still was wearing The Humbler, handcuffs, and the ring gag. However, when I moved my wrists behind my back the cuffs popped open. Next, I reached behind my legs and pulled on The Humbler. It, too, popped open. Lastly, I removed the ring gag and got ready for work. Naturally Monica was not awake yet, so I left her a brief note before making the journey into my office. Most of that morning all I could think about was how...
[All characters are age 18+] Sorry for not giving an update for so long. My gimp son and I are still here and having fun together since our last update. Sadly, the experiment to expand his chest with hormones didn't work out the way we thought. Needless to say, the milking machine has been sitting in storage collecting dust. I was so discouraged by this setback that I couldn't bring myself to give these updates anymore. And I promise, my girlfriend Christina and I tried everything on...
Have you ever been hypnotized by these booties? Because damn, Kristy’s ass has me looking double! Today we have the gorgeous Kristy Black in the studio looking to show off that big bodacious booty she has back there. We knew that it was going to be so hot that we said fuck it, lets get her to show off that bangin’ ass she has, play some tunes and we won’t say a word — and that’s exactly what went down. Kristy showed off her tight body for us until our boy Angelo...
xmoviesforyouThe Story of Adam & Eve’s Dog Adam and Eve said, ‘Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you anymore. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us.’ And God said, I will create a companion for you that will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will...
Who ever goes to work thinking "today my life is going to completely change forever". I certainly didn't think that when I got up this morning. I thought I was heading for another typical day at work, full of boring meetings and sipping coffee. Little did I know... My day started like any other, 5 mile run at 6AM, shower, get dressed and headed to work. The only twist is what I'm wearing under my clothes. I love to wear girl's panties. I wear them all the time to work, and today is no...
Defeated in a Female Naked Challengeby Tracie-LouiseLast week I was at the house of my boyfriend, Mike, and decided to set him a bit of a saucy challenge- I bet him that he couldn't help but get an erection the next time he saw me naked. He accepted this challenge, so we stripped off and climbed into a warm bath together.The endeavour he put into winning the bet was self-evident, but, despite his best efforts, his manhood eventually and inexorably began to rise- much to my delight! I decided...
Year of the Oar By Clare Seven Part 1 ?Name?? She asked me again as I glanced about the drab office. ?Justine?Justine Laing. It?s written on the form.? The large bespectacled woman looked up from the pink form in front of me, her manner betraying the fact that she was having a bad day, in a bad week, perhaps in a bad life. ?Thank you Miss Laing,? she replied, her voice dripping with venom. ?Now,? she continued. ?You are out of work yes? And what was it you?ve been doing?? She glanced at the...
Then I go through 7 years with a new Wife and I stopped anally r****g myself that whole time, until that marriage ended in divorce and that's when I started living by myself and masturbating a lot in my free time that I don't have my k** with me and I found myself once again in that same adult book store I first visited when I was 18 but now I'm forty and starting at a 6"/ 1 1/2"er.Within the next year or so of fucking myself raw, I have 6", 10", 12", and a MONSTER BAM dildo that's 13" by 3 or...
Chapter 14. Just as we were getting ready to shower the Master came back into the bathroom with 2 "E" and told us to "take these". We both swallowed them down with water and I filled up the enema bottle with warm water. As I was about to insert the nozzle up my arse Eric asked if he could do it for me. I bent over and he pushed the nozzle up my arse and started squeezing the tube forcing the water up my arse. After it was emptied I sat on the toilet and discharged the contents. He did this 4...
Emily was pretty, but she didn't think so. Her breasts were small and she was only 5 feet tall. She didn't know that everyone could see how sensual and exciting she was. Her blue eyes flashed under the swath of dark hair. She had a longing in her body. She was pretty much of a loner, and during her first year in college, she could only think of her brother, handsome, athletic, a year behind her, her elegant mother with her long blonde hair, and her distinguished father, a bit distant, but...
Incest8 Lynn When I entered on my calendar the flight to San Diego to meet with the CEO of a biotech company started by former researchers at the Salk Institute, the phone call I both dreaded and anticipated came within a few hours. And when I flew into San Diego on a beautiful January day that denied the possibility of Boston’s winter, Jefferson was there to meet me. He was wearing tan slacks and a coffee colored short sleeved silk shirt that drew tight across his broad shoulders as he took my...
A few words to the reader: I wrote this a long time ago, so it's not my style of writing. I based some of the character on people from my life and actual experiences. I dont have spellcheck on my computer so shut up about grammer and the like. I might write more, but it depends on the comments BELOW. I am still working on my Life of RandJr, but my work was erased, so....yeah. Enjoy this in the mean time Chapter 1: The Gift "With great power comes great responcibility," a...
Extensions1.Through their twenty-five years of marriage Ted and Joan had enjoyed a successful and varied sex life. Joan allowed Ted his kinky side and often went along with and enjoyed erotic dress and a little bondage. She knew that Ted had wishes for more but had always kept their experiences within her own limits. She was well aware that tonight would stretch those limits but had agreed with Ted that a little indulgence might be fun. Over the years Ted had purchased all manner of sexy things...
My girlfriend's daughter has been staying with us since separating from her husband. Today I came home early from work and as I walked in the door I could hear moaning. I walked down the hallway and could clearly hear the sexy moans coming from my girlfriend's daughter's room. I could hear her saying oh yes and my dick got instantly hard. I walked up to the door and listened to her getting herself off and started thinking about her rubbing her sweet little cunt and Iicking the cum off her...
Bit of a nonsense stroke thing Owning the high street high tech store in a private capacity with competition from the big multi nationals, Edna Crosby was doing well. Business through personal service ... in the nicest possible way, was thriving and the 51 year old, acrimoniously divorced mature woman from the rough area of town had built the business up with her ex husband, proving to be the brains behind the idea. This had led to bitter conflict at the office and at home, then she had caught...
I was sickened with how I had been feeling. I would fantasize about being with Julia. Julia was our nanny. She was young and beautiful. Just the kind of girl who needed attention. She had been living with us for the past few years. She was more than just a nanny, because she took care of me too. I slowly was falling in love with her. My wife was a doctor who had been working in Africa for the last few months. I never wanted to cheat on her, but my urges were becoming much stronger. I was alone...
CheatingOn this day, it was when it all started for me. After puberty, the only people who had seen me naked, were my mother, sister and the people at school or gym when we took a shower together. However, none of my neighborhood friends had seen me naked, because I was in a private school and they all went to the school in our own district. At this stage in my life, I didn't shave my pussy, and I had enough hair so my pussy was hidden from view when I walked around in the nude. I was a little...