Keeper Ch. 06 free porn video

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January 1

~5:50 P.M.~

‘Pizza’s done.’ John said absently as the kitchen timer went off at the same time Blue’s cell phone rang. He stood, looking down at her as she fumbled the tiny phone from her pocket. ‘Do you know who it is?’ he asked when she hesitated with her phone in her hand, thinking about the odd calls and texts she had been receiving.

‘It’s Detective Banks.’ she murmured before pressing the answer button and holding the phone to her ear.

John watched her warily for another second as she answered, then went into the kitchen to make sure their dinner wasn’t burning.

As he slipped on the oven mitt and pulled the hot pan out of the oven, he frowned. It wasn’t nearly the type of dinner he wanted to treat Blue to, certainly not showing off any of his cooking skills, but it would have to do. They had already discovered that neither of them had much in the way of food, considering they were both leaving the next day. They’d both already rid themselves of anything that was going to spoil. And when the question of going out to eat had been raised, Blue had voted for staying put and John had wholeheartedly agreed, and so John had pulled a frozen pizza from the freezer.

He could hear the murmur of her voice coming from the living room as she talked to Detective Banks. Of course he would provide her with the same privacy that she had to him when he was on his phone earlier. Not that he wasn’t itching to know everything that was being said. He concentrated- hard- on getting the pizza dished onto the plates he’d pulled from the cupboard, a bottle of wine and two glasses ready, and two tapered candles stuck into holders.

Since he’d planned to set the seldom used dining room table for their meal, he had to leave the kitchen to carry the items out and past where Blue was standing and still talking. She didn’t turn away from him as she talked, like someone wanting to keep their conversation private would have.

On his second trip from the kitchen to dining area, Blue was ending her call and setting her cell phone on an end table near the couch. John raised a brow, indicating his curiosity.

She crossed her arms-and damn but he loved when she did that because it plumped up her already generous breasts underneath the soft looking sweater she had on and had the power to distract him from whatever it was that was going on at the moment, and Jesus, if she did that without the sweater…

He may have been distracted by her chest, but she was distracted by the table, judging by the smile on her face and the glow in her eyes as she watched him light the candles.

‘John, you didn’t have to do this.’ She laughed softly. ‘But I like it. Pizza and wine by candle light.’

She moved to where he was standing by the chair he had pulled out for her. Instead of sitting, she surprised him by slipping her hands around his waist and tilting her face up to his. He felt her breasts brush upward against his torso as she raised herself up on her toes, her intention perfectly clear. It was an invitation he wasn’t about to turn down. Obliging, he bent his head and leaned into the soft kiss that was waiting for him.

‘I guess I’m a bit short for this.’ she whispered, smiling against his lips. He straightened to his full height and looked down at her through his eyelashes.

‘I’m not complaining. But we could get you a box to stand on.’ he teased.

Blue sat down and watched, bemused, as John gallantly poured the wine.

‘I’ve never had pizza by candle light.’ she told him as he took the chair opposite hers. ‘Come to think of it… I don’t think I’ve had any dinner by candle light.’

‘Seriously?’ John was somewhat taken aback by this, but thinking it could work to his favor. ‘Well obviously the past men in your life were severely lacking.’ He was only half kidding. Really though, what kind of idiots were they that they didn’t treat this woman to something so simple yet elemental to romance as a candle lit dinner?

Blue blushed at his comment, looking everywhere but at him. She looked uncomfortable with his teasing, and he began to wish he hadn’t said anything, until she spoke.

‘Detective Banks… you know, the phone call just now?’

John nodded and began on his slice of pizza, silently encouraging her to continue.

‘She said she doesn’t think the tampering of my car has anything to do with Jackson… um, my ex… or the strange texts and calls I’ve been getting. The police are following a different lead. It seems one of the other women who’s car was broken into has a jealous boyfriend, who was at Cuddy’s with her last night, and they were heard arguing about his supposed cheating. He was witnessed stomping out, in a rage, without her when she tried to make him jealous by threatening to leave to go see an ex boyfriend… well, they think he was the one who disabled the vehicles. He wanted to keep her from leaving. Anyway, this guy disappeared. They’re looking for him.’

John glanced up from his meal. ‘Why’d he damage more than just this woman’s car? Were there any witnesses?’ He couldn’t help asking. There was just something that didn’t set right with him about it.

Blue took a sip of her wine and shrugged as she set the glass down. ‘Throwing suspicion off of himself by vandalizing random cars along with his girlfriend’s? I don’t know. Detective Banks didn’t tell me much else. Except… though she doesn’t think it’s enough now for official police involvement, she suggested that I should keep a log of any new texts or calls that worry me, and call her personally if I need to. If my ‘situation escalates’, she said.’

John was quiet for a long moment, staring down at his plate. Blue was about to ask him if he was no longer hungry when he looked up at her, his eyes reflecting the flame of the candle nearest him.

‘This Jackson guy. Is that who was on the phone last night at Cuddy’s, when I found you in the hallway? You were upset by a phone call.’

Blue lifted a shoulder, her turn to look down at her plate, until he reached across the table and rested the tips of his fingers on the hand she had lying there.

‘Yes, that was Jackson. He… I guess he was drunk. He was just… angry. It was really nothing.’ She slipped her hand from beneath his fingers, instantly regretting it but not willing to put it back.

‘Drunk and angry.’ John said the words condemningly. ‘Was he often drunk and angry?’

Blue looked up, a little bit startled at John’s tone, but his expression was carefully blank. ‘No, it wasn’t a usual thing. But I’ve learned that when he is, it’s a bad combination for him.’

John’s eyes narrowed. His jaw clenched. Definitely no longer carefully blank. ‘Has he ever hurt you?’

‘No, no. He had never once raised a hand to me. He’s… not the hitting type…’ Blue trailed off weakly. John’s expression told her he didn’t completely believe her.

But it was true, Jackson never had hit her. There was the tell-tale bruising on her upper arms for a while, after he had grabbed her and held on too tightly when she had told him she didn’t want to see him any longer. He hadn’t really hurt her. But then there was the words he had spoken. Words that, yes, did sting.


She realized she had been just sitting there, staring blankly at John’s chest. Avoiding his eyes and his questions.

‘Look, it doesn’t matter. He cheated on me and I caught him and after I listened to his ‘excuses’, I told him it was over. In fact, it gave me an opportunity to end it, because I had been thinking of doing so already, even before the infidelity. I was surprised he wanted to stay together anyhow, considering some of the things he said about… well, it just wasn’t working out.’ She looked away as if embarrassed that she had said that much, then back at John with a raised chin and tightly shut lips.

After a moment, her face relaxed and she picked up her wine glass. ‘So, what time i
s this poker game?’

John took the change of subject, if reluctantly. He raised his own glass and lightly touched the rim to hers. ‘We’ve got an hour. Anxious?’

‘To lose?’ Blue laughed. ‘No. Not particularly anxious to see Orley in his underwear, either.’ A sudden devilish urge came over her, and she held her glass to her lips. ‘Now, you, on the other hand… say, if I were to get lucky and win a hand or two against you…’

‘Well, I’ll tell you, darlin’…’ John drawled, holding her gaze. ‘That would be lucky for you. ‘Cause I’m not wearin’ any.’

Blue choked on the sip of wine she had just taken, while John leaned back in his chair with a raised brow and a smile.


‘What kind of music do you like to listen to?’ John raised his voice so Blue could hear him from the kitchen.

She looped the damp dish towel over the bar on the wall next to the sink, the last of the dishes now dried, something she had insisted on doing as John washed them. While they worked they talked casually, comfortably, and as she was finishing, he had gone into the living area. Blue watched him now from the doorway as he stood in front of an impressive stereo system.

‘All kinds, really.’ she answered.

‘Gangsta rap?’

‘Well… no. Not that so much.’

‘Eighties hair bands?’

Blue laughed, loving the boyish sparkle in his eyes as he looked over his shoulder at her. ‘Um. No. Not that either.’


‘You’re making that up-‘

‘Gregorian chant?’

‘Yes, sometimes.’

‘Kabuk- what?’

She laughed again as she walked closer to stand at his side. ‘I’ve been known to listen to Gregorian chants. Depends on the mood I’m in, but you never know what kind of music will go best with a painting or other type of art project I’m working on.’ She shrugged, amused by the look on his face. ‘I like much of the contemporary stuff that’s out there now. I like Nineties Alternative. All kinds of rock. Some classical. Symphonic. Psychedelic sixties. A bit of country. A bit of folk. A bit of metal. A bit of-‘

John held up his hand. ‘I get it, I get it.’ he surrendered jovially. ‘Sweet Baby Blue Waters is a woman of diverse musical tastes. I like that.’ He turned back to the stereo, missing the purse of her lips at hearing him use her full name. Or perhaps he’d meant to miss it.

She watched as he flipped through some musical selections. ‘What kind of music do you like?’ she asked, just before the soft strains of a country love song flowed around them. She recognized it as the song that had been playing in his truck, just the night before, when they had kissed. Her heart gave a thump at the thought that he had remembered and chosen it purposely.

He turned and held her gaze for a moment before taking her hand. ‘I like music that will let me do this-‘ he answered, guiding her to the middle of the room and pulling her close. Holding her hand against his chest, his other hand found a home at the small of her back, and he began to lead her into a slow sway, moving gracefully along with the music. ‘Mmm… let’s see.’ he murmured. ‘I like modern country. Classic country too, if I’m in the right mood.’ He spoke quietly above her head, and she felt his breath stir the hair along her forehead, as if his mouth was nearly close enough to kiss her there. ‘Classic rock, definitely. That’s a staple. Oh, and Springsteen.’

‘Springsteen isn’t a type of music.’ Blue said to the small open v of his shirt, where she could actually see the faint beat of his heart at the base of his neck. Crazily, she wanted to touch the tip of her tongue there. The skin, in that little dipped section between his collar bones, looked so warm and smooth and…

‘Lady,’ John rumbled, making his Adam’s apple jump, and of course she noticed that because it was right above that lick-able spot, a signature of manliness so close in proximity to a spot that had a vulnerability to it. ‘The Boss is a musical genre all his own.’

She wanted to giggle. Oh, good gravy, she was reverting to a giggling teenager around him…

The music swelled on an upbeat and he swung them into a turn. The movement caused his hard thigh to nudge slightly between hers, and he took that opportunity to bring her closer, the large, warm hand at her back gently snugging her against him. Her giggle turned to a soft gasp that stuck in her throat. No, definitely not a teenager. Woman. All woman.

They moved together silently until the song ended, and when the music switched seamlessly to another slow tune, John released her hand to settle both of his at the back of her waist. Immediately she raised her arms to curl them over his wide shoulders and around his neck. The action made her body fit even closer to his. John’s breath rushed out as her soft, generous breasts pillowed firmly against his torso. Blue sucked in a breath as she felt his hardness against her stomach. He was aroused, and completely unashamed of it.

The thought of pulling away only briefly crossed her mind, and even then she ignored it. Even so, John’s hands moved… one to the upper curve of her buttocks, the other slipping up and underneath her soft sweater to sear the skin of her back with it’s warmth… fingers spreading and palms flattening to hold her, as if he was afraid she was going to move away.

‘No coats.’

At the sound of his words, Blue finally looked up from the dark, checked flannel material of his shirt. His head was bent towards hers, the topaz color of his eyes glowing like fire. She knew what he meant. Didn’t she, just that afternoon, wish there were no heavy layers of their winter coats between them? Swinging her gently still in time to the music, his eyes closed briefly as the movement made his hips push and brush closer.

Blue nodded in silent agreement about the coats. Words didn’t seem necessary. Turning her head, she settled her cheek against his chest. That seemed necessary. She could hear his heart beating, his breath entering and exiting his lungs. When he spoke again a moment later, she heard his voice rumble beneath her ear, even though it was in reality only a breath of a whisper.

‘You’re so soft.’

His fingertips made exploratory little circles on the skin of her back, palms still flat.

If she was soft, he was just the opposite. Hard plains and slopes of muscle, in addition to the obvious erection against her belly. Blue felt a rush of sensation between her thighs as she let her mind wander, the slick wetness telling her that her body was ready for what John was definitely ready for.

Opposites, yes. Soft and hard. But fitting. Complementary. So perfectly. How would they fit together if yet another barrier of clothing was gone? If they were skin to skin, warmth against warmth, soft and hard…

They moved slowly through two more songs, traversing at a snail’s pace around John’s living room. He kept them pressed together seamlessly. All the while she was aware of his arousal branding itself against her stomach, though he made no demands on her other than keeping her close.

The music stopped. So did they. He only held her, and she could feel his breath flutter the hair at the top of her head, hear and feel the heavy thud of his heart. She’d had her eyes closed for several minutes now, and was reluctant to open them.

‘God Almighty, Blue… I want you so much, baby.’ he breathed.

Blue shifted and leaned her upper body back to look up at him, the movement drawing a low grunt from his throat as her belly pressed tighter into his groin. Instantly she was concerned about his comfort.

‘Sorry…’ she began, pushing her hands against his rock solid chest so she could move away from him, give him room.

Hands on the upper slopes of her hips, he brought her right back. ‘This isn’t a complaint.’ he growled. He searched her eyes, looking for any sign that she was offended. Finding nothing of the sort, his hands slid down her buttocks to grab her r
ounded cheeks and lift, at the same moment his mouth took hers.

Blue found herself on her toes, her arms back up around his neck, wound tightly. Several long, breath stealing moment later, John lifted his head, tilting it back to look at the ceiling.

‘Ohhhhh… hell.’ He puffed out a sharp breath, drew a cleansing one in, let that one out. ‘Orley.’

‘I’m not Orley, I’m Blue. I’m surprised you can’t tell the difference.’ she joked, purposely, trying to break the spell that had her still throbbing between her thighs.

He barked out a laugh and released her, his fingers lingering with hers before reluctantly letting her go entirely. ‘Sweet Baby, if I ever get you and that old coot mixed up, I’m in deep trouble.’ Settling his hands on her shoulders, he turned her and marched her to the door. Abe came running when he whistled a short, sharp note, and pranced impatiently while John helped Blue on with her coat. ‘We’re already five minutes late, but how about we walk over?’ He smiled wryly. ‘We’ll walk slow. The cold air will do me good. Can’t have Orley see me hobbling bowlegged, he’d never let me live it down.’

Blue blushed hotly as she buttoned up, watching John shrug into his own coat. ‘Maybe the cold will… um… help me too.’ she found herself admitting softly.

That stopped him. He stared at her, one arm in his coat sleeve, one out, and then he was reaching for her again, only to be stopped by the overly happy dog that jumped between them.

‘All right, all right, we’re going.’ he groused, but grinned and swung open the door, letting a blast of cold winter air in.

His hand at her back, he led her outside and down the porch steps. The night was silent and still, the cloudless sky sparkling with brilliant stars. As they turned onto the road toward Orley Green’s house, Blue looked up at her companion.

‘I’m not so sure about this. Are you sure you want me along? I really don’t know how to play poker, I’ve never done it before. Not even those on-line games.’

‘That’s okay. I don’t mind if you lose.’

Blue flipped a hand toward him and smacked his shoulder. He retaliated by catching hold of her hand and tucking it into the crook of his arm. A retaliation she could live with, she decided.

‘Be prepared to lose your shirt, Ms. Waters. And your shoes. And then your pants. Ooooh… and I can’t wait for when you lose your bra…’

Blue’s laugh trilled into the night air. ‘You just don’t quit, do you?’

‘Never.’ John murmured, tightening his arm on hers. ‘Quitting isn’t part of the plan.’


~8:20 pm~

Keeping her face oh-so-carefully blank, Blue glanced around the worn, wobbly card table at the two men seated with her. Orley stared back at her, his thin lips moving around the chewed-on cigar in his mouth as his yellowish teeth worked the unlit stogy. The only expression on the old man’s deeply creased and lined face was one of faint daring. So did that mean he had a good hand, or was he bluffing?

Attempting to size him up while still appearing casual, Blue lifted the cigar she held in her own hand and placed the end into her mouth. A second later she was removing it and poking her tongue over her lips, barely resisting the urge to spit out the taste. She glanced up just in time to catch John quickly arrange his expression from amusement to casual disinterest, his own cigar stuck into the corner of his mouth.

Tradition. That’s what she was told it was. Tradition to have the cigars during this neighborhood poker game. And the hats? That too. Of course Orley’s ratty old brown felt pork-pie hat was something that was always on his head. It was the same one, Blue was nearly positive, that she had seen him wear back when she was a kid. Judging by the condition of it, he probably bathed and slept with it on.

John had a hat too. He had insisted on detouring by his house on the way to Orley’s, and had run in and come quickly back out, carrying a black Stetson cowboy hat and a plastic sack full of something unknown. He sat at the left hand corner of the rickety table from her now, his hat settled firmly on his head, the brim pulled low to shadow over his eyes and damn, but he looked amazingly sexy.

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Well I thought would end on part four, but my perverted mind forced me to take in another step. Will try but no promising this will end the story. We decided to call it a draw on the losing side so we both had to go through with the punishments and as humiliating as it was, it was also very exciting. I was picked to go first and Dawn choose for it to happen in the middle of the day. The distance I had to crawl was one hundred yards front door to front front door and another 40 yards. As I was...

3 years ago
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Sales TeamChapter 2

When I woke the next morning, Holly was already up. When she heard me she yelled, "Fifteen minutes and the pancakes and sausage will be ready." It was a lazy Sunday. We walked about three miles around the city for exercise and then after a late lunch I took her to the swimming pool. When she took off her light swim robe I saw her new swimming suit. Her broad shoulders and bare chest highlighted her breasts, which were barely concealed by her black top. Her stomach was flat. Her suit bottom...

2 years ago
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Up in Vermont The toys of winter

This is a true story from the days I lived in New York and had this ‘thing’ with Adrian. oops, I should at least change his name, but what are the chances of him reading this site or even remembering me, or the things he did to me 5-6 years ago???    It’s 5 to 6. I walk to the corner watching my steps on the frosty sidewalk. I pull my hat down and my scarf up, not only to protect me from the glacial wind, but to make sure no one recognises me when I get into your car.

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Choices For The Gay Boy

Choices For The Gay BoyBY: Londebaaz Chohan Previn Singh Arora; a college aged boy; simply could not believe the liberty, he was in as he spent couple of days in the dorm room of his college in this country. It was amazing that he could be as much a gay, bottom or top or versatile as he could enjoy. There was no ‘gay checking police’ anywhere nor his roommate boy or any other boy in the dorm had anything to do with it and the always nudging parents; he was glad, to be far away from both of...

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The Wifes DareChapter 6

The family and I spent the succeeding days skiing as a family and going snowmobiling and touring the area. At times it was just Alexis, Katrina and I, seldom just the two of us but that was okay, and I was here to meet the family and be judged and hopefully accepted. I also accompanied the family to a couple of very elaborate Christmas parties that were part ball that their friends held in very expansive mansions. Several apparently affluent young men were present that were clearly startled...

1 year ago
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The DefencemanChapter 9

I woke up Wednesday morning with a body burrowed up against me and it took a minute to figure out what was up — besides me. Vicky was spooned up next to me with my arm draped over her while hers was over top of mine holding it close to her. Big Mike was trapped between her butt cheeks and was definitely appreciating his surroundings. I glanced at the clock and saw it was only five thirty so there was no rush to get up, except I really had to go to the washroom. I tried to pull my arm gently...

2 years ago
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Fucking Deepika In Pondy

Hi all, thanks for your feedback for my previous story…. Any girls contact me for a nice chat or physical relationship. I was introduced to Deepika by my colleague she is her sister. Initially, I had a normal chat with her later by seeing her photos I got aroused and wanted to fuck her badly. So I made a plan to take her to pondy as she hasn’t been there. She readily accepted but she was putting too much scene that she is not interested in any physical activity just coming with me for fun and...

3 years ago
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Holiday Fun Pt 3

HOLIDAY FUN 3Not read parts 1 & 2 yet? You need to ?Holiday Fun part 1 Fun Part 2 next morning we were woken to the buzzing of Deb’s phone somewhere in the room. Deb jumped out of bed naked and started searching for her purse, her ass pointed in my direction as she bent over to pick her purse up from the floor, her tight puckered ass looking fantastic and her...

2 years ago
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helen slut

Helen lay in bed her husband asleep next to her she smiled to her self about the days events . She played through all she had done with her builder that day her mrs average the cum slut . After dropping the k**s of Helen raced home her heart beat faster as she saw his van there . " morning " Helen beamed and went in to kiss him . He turned his cheek away " don't get me wrong luv your nice and it was a bit of fun but that's all let's face it your married " he then looked her up and down almost...

4 years ago
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Alessandra Autobiography 4 All Alone Photos

Alessandra, all alone, masturbates more and moreAlessandra, is she attractive in your eyes? She is super critical about her bodily beauties. See her three photos.Alessandra's social situation gets another big blow, while she desperately tries to stabilize. As an autistic teen, she has to attend weekly meetings with a psychologist in a group of other younger people suffering similar setbacks. Lovely looking Linda Love is her only close friend from their youngest years in the same nice new...

2 years ago
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Farm Girl Having Some Fun Pt 2

I didn't even notice when Tony let go of my wrists, but suddenly he was there between my legs. I just lay there helplessly, letting him do as he wanted, too exhausted by the ordeal with his father to offer any resistance. He slid his cock up and down along the lips of my now cum covered cunt. He grinned nastily at me from between my legs and then grunted as he pushed forward, driving his meaty cock inside me, shooting it past my tired cunt lips and up into my belly.His cock wasn't as big as his...

3 years ago
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Souls Found

She was the quintessential girl next door, eighteen, blond, blue eyes, and a body that most forty year old women would kill to have. Rachel was finally free of the petty drama of high school and spending her summer preparing for her freshman year at college. She had a job at a small dress shop where she had been working after school and on weekends for the last two years. She had also done her fair share of babysitting since she was fourteen. She had been on the cheerleading squad, made out...

1 year ago
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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein 8211 Part 6

Urvashi ki first chudai…. Reena ko din mein chod kr khoob maje liye.Sham ko bas urvashi ko chodne ka plan tha.Sham ko main soya hua tha.Tabhi mere kamre mein urvashi chay leker aa gai.Wo mujhe dekh kr muskrai.Usne hum dono ki sari chudai dekh li thi. Urvashi-lo jiju..Chay..Bahut thake huye nazar aa rahe ho… Raj-bas aise hi.. Urvashi-didi aap se koi jyada kaam to nahin krwati? Raj-nahin..Bas aise hi..Reena kahan hai? Urvashi-wo to naha rahi hai…Kya baat thi? Raj-kuchh...

3 years ago
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Executive Decisions

Mia did up the button of her suit and looked in the mirror, her cleavage was showing nicely and she looked hot. Mia smiled to herself, time to make a good impression. Mia was a 34-year-old woman with shoulder length brown hair and light hazel eyes, her cute button nose was perched atop a pair of full ruby lips. She checked herself out once more and smiled. She was wearing a black corset top that pushed her breasts together and up. She wore matching trousers and a matching jacket on top. To...

Love Stories
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FilthyPOV Havana Bleu Mean Latina StepMom Gets What is Coming to Her and More From Big Dick StepSon

My Step-Mom has the worse attitude she treats both my Step-Dad and I really bad. I need to have a special talk with her, I am over her telling me what to do thinking she runs the place. I confront her in the bathroom and tell her today I’m gonna get what I want. She threatens to tell my Step-Dad but I am gonna snitch on her, I know she hasn’t been faithful and I have no problem telling my Step-Dad about it. I tell her I want to see her sexy body as I jack it, but I quickly realize I...

1 year ago
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You Must Remember ThisChapter 13 Smoking Is Hazardous To Your Heath Lisbon January 1942

As Ilsa passed him the glass Clegg noticed her cigarette case on the bedside table. It was identical to Tereza's. Clegg wasn't sure why he hadn't noticed it before. The bright red enamel shone like a beacon. Then he realised. When he had left the room it must have been face down, its gold, engraved face lying upwards. Ilsa had obviously moved it for some reason. As he lifted the glass of champagne towards his lips he suddenly realised why. He looked across at Ilsa and saw her watching him...

2 years ago
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Allure Airlines

Senator Rachel Feldman watched as a nude flight attendant strutted past her. Her eyes lingered on the contours of the woman’s ass, the way her buttocks ballooned out of her G-string thong. The flight attendant’s naked back was a ribbon of silk, left bare by her blonde hair which was twisted in a bun. Except for a white scarf around her neck, there was nothing to hide her perfect C-cup breasts. Oh, those pink nipples, those tender, warm bosoms. Rachel smiled to herself as she remembered the feel...

1 year ago
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Home Coming

My name is Tom and I am serving in the military. Having been away on duty for the last eighteen months, my kit bag was packed and I was waiting for the troop bus to take me to the plane so I could go on leave and spend some long overdue quality time with my family. The rest of my platoon were talking about their family, wives, girlfriends and children but I was single and going home to my parents, sisters and brother whom I had not seen since I left to go on tour. My family and I were very...

2 years ago
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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 25

As is common in a wedding, the groom is usually nervous about making a lifelong commitment to another person. It is traditional for the best man and the groomsmen to calm the nerves of the groom through the expedient measure of making bad jokes or recalling embarrassing moments of the past. Neither Magus nor Oscar, Leland’s father, were big on tradition and took upon themselves the task of calming the nerves of the groom. The best man and groomsmen stood around listening in disbelief to the...

3 years ago
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Mum and her curvaceous stockinged legs

Mum and Dad had gone out for the night and I waited up for them so I could see my mum in a drunken stuper. She had a great pair of curvaceous legs which she liked to show off on nights out wearing short skirts with stockings and high heels. She would come in and sit on the armchair with her skirt riding up her thigh to reveal her stocking tops. While dad was upstairs getting ready for bed I'd go over and give her a kiss while resting my hand on her stockinged knee. That was enough for me to go...

1 year ago
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TeacherFucksTeens Christiana Cinn Tiffany Watson The Big Game

Christiana Cinn is picking up Tiffany Watson and Rion King for the big game. Rion is ready, but Tiffany isn’t. When Christiana goes upstairs to check on her, Tiffany is mostly naked! She agrees to let Christiana live out her dreams and try on a cheerleading uniform, and soon both girls down to their thongs and comparing their boobs. When Rion comes upstairs to see what’s taking them so long, he spies the girls massaging one another’s tits. He steps in after Christiana offers...

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behind the wall

June 12th 2024On the bright clear sunny day in the middle class suburbs of USA comes walking a stubborn yet fragile, small sized blue haired woman down the pathway of Ever Green Park.Headphones in, head facing the sidewalk not paying the slightest bit of attention. *bumps into figure walking opposite directions*"OUCH!" Said the blue haired woman.. Bumping into the unknown feminine figure. "Oh no miss, my apologies! please forgive me I was looking at my phone!" Said quickly by the Feminine...

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10000 Housewife Party

This is a true story, i am a middle aged women that has been married to my wonderful husband for close to 40+ years, my name is Diane and i live in beautiful Queensland Australia. There is a trend going around at the moment in Australia which is called $100.00 Housewife Fucks, it's basically where Housewives offer their body to strangers for sex for a $100.00. We were running a bit short on money and i decided to talk to my hubby about this trend, i said i would like him to organise...

3 years ago
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The Secretary

Author : Kshitiz Genre : office Hey guys thnks for your mails…….never thought that i will receive such a warm response…… is another one from the delhi boy kshitiz………read and enjoy……..dnt forget to leave comments on ISS and on ………………. Kunjal had been working for Kshitiz for a week. He truly had been a little leery of hiring such a young beautiful woman as a secretary. Not that he didn’t think she could do the job he needed, but he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t wind up in the middle of a sexual...

4 years ago
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Seducing the boss

Karla was very excited. Today was the day. What she has been wishing and planning for many years was going to happen today. She is going to seduce her boss! She stood in front of the mirror admiring her naked body. Her hands went up under her firm, high-placed boobs. The smooth cones of the boobs shivered slightly as she squeezed them. She moaned as her fingers traced over the bumpy surface surrounding the hard, throbbing mushrooms like nipples. The body she saw on the mirror was gorgeous....

2 years ago
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This is a true story, nothing added in and nothing left out.I arrived in the Philippines for the first time in March to see my Internet Girlfriend who's a lot younger than myself but who just seems to feel that I am the best thing since sliced bread !!! go work that one out.The weather was humid as it always is in Cebue and I was met at the Airport feeling very worn out from the long trip over from the States by Mylie along with her verey sexy looking cousin Indie, now being greeted after such...

4 years ago
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Desirees Star Ch 10

Desiree woke the next morning to the sound of pots banging and the smell of bacon frying. She stretched in the bed and stumbled to the bathroom before going into the kitchen. She refused to look at her cell phone. When she was finished in the bathroom, she shuffled into the kitchen where she watched her brother cook. She sat down at the table and thought how amazing Scott was. Candy, his ex, was missing out on a lot. The woman her brother decided to marry would be the happiest woman on the...

3 years ago
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My Fat Bitch Of A Teacher

The other day i was sat in my maths lesson and i was fantasizing about my bbw teacher and just hoping that one day i would be able to squeeze her big fat juicy ass and give her a great rimjob, about half way through the lesson she was bending over me to help me with my work ( i knew what to do i just wanted to see her luscious tits in my face ) while he was leaning over i was staring at her breasts and she could see me looking but she just carried on and gave me a wink and a little smile so of...

1 year ago
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Crotch War

It all begins here. An epic battle between 150 girls and 150 boys. Each side going for the most tender bits. The Girls looking to squash each set of balls they come across. The Guys aiming to bust every cunt in sight. ( Maybe attacking breasts to get there) The last side standing being the superior gender. It's open field. Bikini girls of varying shapes and sizes on one end various guys in speedos on the other. A shot rings throughout the air and both sides charge at each other.

2 years ago
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One for Good Luck

This story just jumped into my brain from another dimension. It does tie in to the existing Dots and Dashes series - kind of - but later, not right now. Feeling lucky? My sexual adventures don't always start with a phone call. Sometimes, they cross my path in person at full speed. I was exiting a revolving door at a drug store after replenishing my supply of brown and red licorice twists. A husky woman burdened with five shopping bags plowed into me. I staggered backwards, saved from the...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Demi Lopez Fathers Day Freakout

Demi Lopez is a daddy’s girl by heart! She not only loves her father for how kind and supportive of her he is, but he doesn’t mind dropping a few dollars to help her out with anything she may need. That’s why this father’s day Demi went all out to show her papa how much she cares! When she goes to give him the most perfect present of all time, he responds to her with disdain! One of her dad’s buddies sent him a link to Demis slutty website. Her little whore secret...

2 years ago
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Carry on My Wayward Son

It had been a great week of celebrations and rowdy parties around camp and tonight had been more of the same. I was walking through the cabin when I heard a noise and went to investigate. I looked into the den and got a glimpse of a young woman sitting naked on mans lap bouncing up an down. I looked away and then noticed the pants in a pile at their feet as my Son’s pants. I looked away and closed the blanket door as I walked on. I smiled to myself in the knowledge that he was maturing, as it...

3 years ago
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Wet dreams

I was walking down the street casually gazing at everything around me, then all of a sudden I hear a screach and a car pulls up next to me. Faster than I could react a muscular, tall man that towered above me jumped out of the car and put a cloth up to my mouth and before I realised what was happening I took a huge breath through shear panic. As I felt myself become drowsy the tall man caught me as I collapsed, and in some strange way I felt comforted by his large hands and strong veiny arms;...

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The GrownUp Schoolgirl

The GROWN-UP SCHOOL-CHILD by "c.c." Oddly enough my problems started when I became unexpectedly rich. I always knew that my father came to America from England when I was just a child, and that some of our relations were wealthy, titled or both, but the full extent of our relationship never occurred to me until years after my parents' death, when I was informed that I had fallen heir to a title, estate, and a considerable fortune -- in England! I am -- or was -- a very...

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Jamie and Tinas Journey

In order to understand the journey, you really do need to have to read Jamie and Tina’s beginning, but I hope these two stories have touched those people out there who have that triangle of life, where decisions need to be made, and I am here to tell you with the power of prayer, and the love of that special someone you can get through.’ Please vote or leave comments if you wish, I hope you enjoy. * After Tina Lee and I left Milwaukee, I knew I had some serious work to do in order to clean...

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A DameChapter 3

Special thanks to my editor, erkthread he takes my rambling story and makes it and enjoyable read for your pleasure. There wasn't anything special about her. Yet, there was something about the way she moved. Her hair wasn't long and flowing, the kind she could flip over her shoulder and call attention to herself. Yet, her hair was pretty - dark brown, glossy, thick, heavy, and almost straight. The texture was such that it made a man's fingers itch when he thought about running his fingers...

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