Cybertherapy Ch. 03 free porn video

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Thanks to Lily, my friend and editor for more hard work to make my story better.

Chapter 3

The progress he’d made with Killerbitch only made Ben realise how little he’d achieved with Cathy. Why had he made her the topic for Killerbitch’s story? It’d happened in a moment before he’d thought about it. In his desperation he’d picked the first subject that came into his head.

Meanwhile Cathy continued her abuse, he cooked her meals, and cleaned whilst she ate and inevitably slept. He did notice she seemed to have stopped thinking up a new daily insult. Probably she had run out of ideas.

Whilst polishing the units in the living room he came to a drawer that would not close, the contents seeming awkwardly wedged. When he pulled it open he found photos, the drawer full of them, each in an elegant frame. Curiosity overcame his scruples and he carefully lifted them all out.

They were pictures of a young family: Cathy’s family. A wedding group, some holiday shots, a formal photograph of her with a man and child, her husband and son Ben assumed, and one which particularly caught his eye, a candid portrait of Cathy smiling at something out of shot, her striking beauty such a contrast to the sad broken woman he knew.

Returning the pictures to the drawer, he was careful to put the portrait on top. For the remainder of the week he returned every day to check that everything was safe.

Every evening he spent researching good writing technique, even practicing by writing some short pieces of fiction. By Thursday, he found he not only knew a great deal more about writing — he actually enjoyed doing it. When the email arrived with KillerBitch’s story, he opened it eagerly. To his inexperienced eye it seemed well written and it was well after midnight he finally finished his editing, returning it to KillerBitch with a brief email.

It was time to take KillerBitch in a new direction.

Friday evening, he sat at his computer, wondering if his deception had passed the test. As six o’clock arrived, he had to remember the character he was playing. How long could he keep this up? It was so unlike him.

KillerBitch: Hello.

CareBear: That was a fairly good start.

KillerBitch: Thank you. The editing seemed to make a difference. I may have been hasty in some of what I said.

CareBear: A concession from KillerBitch, amazing. What did you think of the subject?

KillerBitch: It was different.

CareBear: Made you think eh?

KillerBitch: Yes.

CareBear: What did it make you think?

KillerBitch: I don’t want to talk about it.

Ben paused. Why should she be so afraid to talk? She was graphic enough in her stories. He decided to press her.

CareBear: But you will.

KillerBitch: No.

CareBear: Oh I think so.

KillerBitch: I can’t.

CareBear: Oh, so the tough KillerBitch isn’t so tough now?

KillerBitch: I miss it, alright?

CareBear: Miss what?

KillerBitch: You know.

CareBear: No. Tell me.

KillerBitch: Sex. Happy now you’ve made me say it?

So she was frustrated. How could he use this? He needed more time.

CareBear: I’m happy you’re admitting your needs.

KillerBitch: Why are you tormenting me?

CareBear: Because I think it’s time you faced your pain and dealt with it.

KillerBitch: What do you want me to do?

CareBear: Write a romance. A real love story about a man and a woman who care about each other. Take a look at Oleandergirl. Your story will have several chapters and you have a week to complete the first one.

Romance writing was the complete opposite of everything she normally wrote. Ben wasn’t surprised when she didn’t reply.

CareBear: Do you have a problem?

KillerBitch: No.

CareBear: Do you understand what you are to do?

KillerBitch: Yes.

CareBear: Then do it by next Friday.

And before she had a chance to respond, Ben signed out of chat and email.


Cathy fell back on the pillow. What was she getting into? What did this man know? She’d felt afraid and yet now he’d suddenly turned to romance – it seemed a complete change from everything he’d said so far. Had she misunderstood him? She was confused, uncertain about whether to carry on with this.

After thinking for a few minutes, she picked up the laptop, she might as well get started before her mother arrived.


She had a name for Ben now, ‘the chubby chef’. It seemed to hurt him and she whilst was pleased she’d found a chink in his armour at last, she’d felt oddly uncomfortable seeing the sadness in his eyes. Whilst he’d stood up to her taunts, she’d begun to respect him – and hated herself for it. He was such a wimp, so why did his face come to mind when she tried to picture the man in her story?

Damn the man, he had her so confused. She actually caught herself saying thank you to him when he brought her lunch.


KillerBitch: Hello.

CareBear: You’ve done well again.

Thank God. He liked it.

KillerBitch: You approve then?

CareBear: Yes, I’m just returning it to you now.

She waited for a couple of minutes for the email to arrive. Surprisingly he had done very little editing.

KillerBitch: You haven’t changed much.

CareBear: It didn’t need changing. You write romance better than that other nonsense.

Killerbitch: Why is it nonsense?

CareBear: Oh come on, unbelievable stories with unbelievable characters that you only wrote to antagonise the readers. Read the story you’ve just started again. The characters seem real, the story is feasible and you have written it with some empathy.

KillerBitch: So what’s next?

CareBear: First you publish the chapter on, then you start writing chapter 2.

Publish it! She hadn’t expected him to say that. What if more people started writing to her? How could she deal with friendly emails? Did she want to be friendly? Her head was spinning, filled with questions. Tentatively she typed a response.

KillerBitch: Why do I have to publish it?

CareBear: Because I want you to see how others react to the story.

Her worst nightmare, facing the reaction of others. All her other stories had been written to antagonise the readers so she could control the reactions. This time the story was from her soul and she was scared people would see her for who she really was.

KillerBitch: If people write to me, must I answer them?

CareBear: Not yet. We’ll talk about it again when you’ve written some more.

Why had he changed? He hadn’t been like this last week.

KillerBitch: Why are you being nice to me?

CareBear: Why shouldn’t I?

KillerBitch: You weren’t the other week.

CareBear: I just observed you could write better and now you’ve proved I’m right.

Some strange creep on the Internet praises me and I like it, Cathy thought. What’s got into me?

KillerBitch: It seems so sudden.

CareBear: Not really. If I’d just asked you to write a romance you would have sent me away with a load of swearing and abuse.

Cathy hated to acknowledge the truth of his words.

KillerBitch: Maybe.

CareBear: No, definitely. Now at least you will talk to me.

KillerBitch: Yes.

She paused for a moment. The most important question was still waiting to be asked. Though she feared his answer, she had to know.

KillerBitch: You said you knew things about me. What?

CareBear: We can talk more about that next week. For now just get on with what I asked you to do.

Before she had a chance to type again, he had closed the connection.


It was odd thought Ben, but suddenly KillerBitch seemed much more vulnerable. Her aggression had gone and her story suggested a passionate, sexy woma
n lay behind the façade. He’d been aroused by her story — although he would never have let her know that. It was a particularly erotic romance. If she had modelled the heroine on her own desires, then she was very sensuous. Maybe she had been punished for a crime of passion — attacked her lover, or her cheating husband.

Idly his thoughts drifted to Cathy, perhaps her aggressive attitude also hid another personality? He would try to be more understanding and not let her jibes upset him. Maybe he could reach her in time just as he had with KillerBitch.

Next morning he went for his fourth session at the gym he’d joined. Stung by Cathy’s ‘chubby chef’ taunts, he’d started taking a closer interest in his diet and was surprised to find he’d actually lost three pounds during the week. He was beginning to feel good about himself.


Cathy had been grateful her mother cooked her meals at the weekend, at least the food was comparable with Ben’s. She hated the way her parents refused to blame her for anything that had happened. Their sympathetic understanding had been frustrating. But suddenly she was beginning to feel pangs of guilt about her poor behaviour. What was happening to her?

Now, late on Sunday night, she was thankful when they had returned to their home, she didn’t have to deal with her conflicting emotions. She picked up her laptop and returned to the story. Drawing on her memories of the happy times with Sean, she recounted the passionate encounter between her heroine, Emily, and her hero, Paul. The memories stirred feelings she’d thought had been lost.

How she missed Sean’s touch on her body. His strong hands could always bring her to the brink of orgasm. He would caress her breasts, pinch her nipples until the slightest pressure between her legs would be enough to bring her to a shattering climax. Even as she thought about him she could feel her body reacting.


She was waiting apprehensively as usual on Friday evening.

KillerBitch: Hello.

CareBear: Well done. I’ve just sent it back to you.

Her laptop beeped as the message arrived. She opened the attached document file and found no changes at all to her words.

KillerBitch: Did you even read it? You haven’t done anything.

CareBear: It didn’t need anything — it was a good piece of writing.

KillerBitch: Thank you.

Once more she felt a child-like pride in having pleased him. Yet she found herself having to remind herself to be wary. She knew nothing about this man.

CareBear: Are you enjoying writing this story now?

KillerBitch: Yes, I’m surprised.

CareBear: Why?

KillerBitch: I hadn’t expected to feel like this again.

CareBear: Like what?

KillerBitch: Romantic. Sexy.

CareBear: Why not?

KillerBitch: Because I’m not.

CareBear: But why not?

KillerBitch: Because I don’t look sexy.

CareBear: Maybe who you are matters more than what you look like?

KillerBitch: No. I’m not sexy any more.

CareBear: We’ll see.

Cathy was beginning to feel uncomfortable about the conversation. She needed to change the subject.

KillerBitch: What do you know about me? It’s worrying me.

CareBear: Sorry about that. I don’t actually know anything. I just said it to make you take notice.

With a huge sigh of relief, she fell back on the pillow before almost immediately resenting him for making her afraid.

KillerBitch: That was cruel. You scared me.

CareBear: I’m sorry. But it worked, didn’t it? Whilst you were distracted by that fear, you not only talked to me but wrote stories you wouldn’t have considered before. And from those stories haven’t you found out something about yourself?

What had she learnt? She thought about her feelings, something she hadn’t done for a long time. Perhaps it was getting easier to like people again. Trying to be hateful seemed so much effort now. Had he really done all this just to make her face her own fears and anger? Why?

KillerBitch: I don’t know. Possibly.

CareBear: Come on KB, be honest.

KillerBitch: All right then, yes. Perhaps I don’t have to be so spiteful.

CareBear: Was that so hard?

KillerBitch: I’ve had a hard time, I told you about it.

CareBear: Yes, but everyone is entitled to forgiveness, whatever they’ve done.

KillerBitch: I don’t want forgiveness.

CareBear: Don’t confuse forgiving with forgetting. People may not forget what you’ve done but they can forgive it.

KillerBitch: What are you saying?

CareBear: No-one can hold on to their anger forever. It will just destroy you. Whatever you may have done, I’m sure that there are people who care about you and they don’t feel angry with you any more.

KillerBitch: But they should. I can’t forgive myself.

CareBear: Who cares about you?

KillerBitch: No-one.

CareBear: Think again.

Yet again, before she could reply, he had signed out, leaving her to think about his words. She lay back against the soft pink pillows, confused once more. Why did he have to be so right, making her face things she didn’t want to face? He was as bad as that bloody Ben. She’d wanted her parents to hate her, and tried to punish them when they wouldn’t. Now she was being forced to confront the unjust way she’d been treating them and it made her uncomfortable.

Did CareBear have a point? Who did care about her? Her parents? They spent so much time with her, she’d thought it was just loyalty to their daughter but maybe they did care. But no-one else. Sean’s parents must hate her for killing their son. Her aunts and uncles would surely not be so forgiving. None of her friends came to visit any more. The only person who kept coming back was that wimp Ben.

Ben. He put up with everything she threw at him and came back with a smile. She hated him and yet he seemed to care about her, there had to be something a bit odd about him. Maybe he was like the submissive she’d written about. He never seemed submissive though, behind that irritating smile he seemed to have pride. He kept the house spotless — although she’d never actually seen it, but her mother was impressed. He cooked wonderful food, he never let her browbeat him, he just accepted her abuse and met it with an even temper.

And what was CareBear’s motivation? Why was he doing this? Could it be he actually cared as well? Who was he? What was he? She’d thought he was just some creepy pervert but he seemed more genuine now. Was it an act? She didn’t know what to think any more.


Ben was bewildered. He seemed to be getting close to KillerBitch but that wasn’t supposed to happen. At the same time, despite some peculiar lapses when she was polite to him, he felt Cathy was still aggressive, making him despondent, doubting he’d ever be her friend. He was glad he was meeting Dave — he needed to talk.

The pub was noisy as it always was at lunchtime on Saturday. That suited Ben, it was actually easier to have a conversation without being overheard. Dave returned to the table in the corner of the large bar with two pints of bitter.

‘OK, mate,’ he said, putting one of the glasses down in front of Ben. ‘What’s bugging you this week?’

‘You won’t believe it.’ Ben looked apprehensively at his friend. ‘I really need you to listen to me. I know you like to take the ‘mick’ but right now I need you to be understanding.’

Dave’s smile faded. ‘You really have a problem, don’t you?’


‘The bitch in bed?’

Ben smiled. ‘No. But a bitch anyway.’

‘All right. You’ve got my attention now. Start talking.’

‘I’ve sort of met someone.’

‘How do you ‘sort of’ meet someone? You either meet them or you don’t.’

‘Well I haven’t actually seen her. It’s someone I met on the ‘net.’

‘The Internet? Come on Ben, you’re not that daft.’ Dave was smiling
at him.

‘I really think she’s genuine.’ Ben began to worry, perhaps Dave wouldn’t be serious.

‘She could be anyone. Look around this bar, she could be one of the ugliest women here.’

‘Why does it matter what she looks like?’ Ben was irritated. ‘Didn’t you see Shallow Hal?’

‘That was just a film.’

‘No!’ Ben hadn’t intended to be quite so vehement. He took a breath. ‘It’s not just a film Dave, it’s a way of thinking. Why should it matter how someone looks? It’s the person inside that you have a relationship with.’

He paused for a moment then went on, ‘Anyway I’ve been emailing and chatting to her for a few weeks now and I think she’s someone who’s had a bad time and now needs an understanding friend.’

‘Sympathy wouldn’t be a good way to form a relationship.’

‘Not sympathy, understanding. I think I’ve got her to break out of the shell that she’d built around herself.’

Dave looked puzzled. ‘How can you tell?’

‘She’s more easy going in the things she writes now. Softer somehow. Funny, when she started she was almost as bitter as Cathy.’

‘Well what’s her name?’

‘I don’t know her real name. She calls herself KillerBitch — so you can guess what she was like when I first encountered her.’

‘And where was that?’

Ben blushed. He hadn’t considered being asked that. ‘Um… Er… I … I’ve been reading some stories.’

‘What? I could hardly hear you.’

Despite the noisy crowd in the bar and the loud music playing, Ben hated to speak any louder. ‘I’ve been reading her stories.’

‘Stories? What kind of stories?’

This wasn’t what Ben had had in mind when he started the conversation. ‘Um… Erotic stories.’

‘Erotic stories?’ Dave shouted gleefully. ‘You’re becoming an old perv.’ He burst into gales of laughter.

‘Please Dave,’ Ben pleaded. ‘I wanted you to listen to me.’

‘Sorry mate. But honestly…’

‘I know, but I was only trying to find out what Cathy was reading.’

Dave’s eyes opened wide. ‘The bitch reads it as well? Bloody hell.’

‘I just wanted to understand her better.’ Ben finished his pint. He wanted to end this conversation. Waving his empty glass at Dave, he asked, ‘Another?’


‘All finished, dear?’ her mum asked, picking up the tray.

‘Yes thanks Mum.’ Cathy looked at her mother’s smiling face and for the first time in many months, smiled back.

Her mother froze for a moment. ‘Cath, are you OK?’

‘Yes Mum. I’m fine,’ she said nodding, meeting her mother’s gaze without aggression.

Gloria looked bemused. Cathy thought she was probably wondering whether her daughter was having some sort of emotional or mental breakdown.

‘I don’t understand, Cath.’

‘I’ve been thinking about things, lots of things. I know I’ve been a bitch.’

Gloria hesitated. ‘You’ve been through a lot,’ she said diplomatically. ‘Daddy and I understand.’

‘Can we talk for a while?’

A beaming smile split her mother’s face, lighting up her eyes where tears began to form. ‘Of course we can, darling.’ Putting the tray on the dressing table, she sat on the edge of the bed.

‘I’m sorry Mum. I’ve been horrid to you and Daddy and you don’t deserve it.’

Gloria took her daughter’s hands. ‘I’m just so pleased to see you smile.’

Mother and daughter sat silently together for what felt like several minutes, before Gloria spoke again. ‘What brought about this change?’

‘I don’t know.’ Cathy thought for a moment. ‘No, that’s not true. He made me think about the people who care.’

‘Who? That nice man who comes in every day during the week?’

‘Ben?’ She chuckled gently. ‘No. He doesn’t make me do anything. He’s too nice.’

‘You make that sound like you don’t think he should be nice.’

‘No. Not really. But he never argues, never gets angry. I tried so hard to make him hate me but it didn’t seem to work. He just smiled and kept coming back.’

‘Do you really hate him?’

‘No. Not any more. In fact I found I’d started to be polite to him this last week, although I don’t think he noticed. You know, I think I’ll try to be friendly to him on Monday. That’ll give him a shock.’ She smiled at the thought.

‘Well if it wasn’t him, who? One of the nurses?’

‘A man on the internet. At least I think it’s a man,’ she said with a wry smile.

‘You think! A man on the Internet? Cath, I don’t like to be a fussy mother, but are you sure this is a good idea?’

Cathy saw the concern in her mother’s face. ‘Don’t worry mum. I’m not totally silly. I wouldn’t tell him anything about me that would tell him who I am. He doesn’t know where I live or my name.’

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The sweet fragrance of coffee filled the air. Normally they would have their $5/cup designer coffee, but this trip was far from being normal. Actually, that is a misnomer. It is everything about being normal. At least what normal used to be like. It was about two people connecting with nature, connecting with each other, and connecting with how life used to be. No electronic devices to distract from the objectives. No contact with the outside world. Oh that did not sit well with Cindy’s best...

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انا شاب تونسي عمري 28 سنة كنت منذ ايام دراستي في الإعدادي و عمري 14 سنة أتحرش بزميلتي في الدراسة أثناء الوقوف في الصف لتحية العلم أو اثناء انتظار الأستاذ امام القسم كانت لحظات التحرش تستمر لمدة 15 دقيقة احيانا كنت منذ أن أراها قادمة تلبس الطبلية(زي البنات) و هي ملتصقة بترمتها الكبيرة اترك لها مكانها امامي فتأتي طواعية و أبدأ بالتقرب منها رويدا رويدا حتى يلمس زبي مؤخرتها و يدخل في فلقة ترمتها كان شعورا رائعا يجعلني اكمل يومي الدراسي الذي يبدأ 8 صباحا و انا سعيد و كنت اتحسس ترمتها بيدي و انزل...

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Too Many SecretsChapter 15

They began Sunday with a very pleasant brunch at their hotel. They had been quite late getting up, as neither of them had set an alarm, and the blackout drapes had kept the sunlight out of their room. It had allowed them to get up in the morning fully refreshed. After they finished brunch Dawn made phone calls to her parents and her brother, for no better reason than that she could. As she explained to Matti, over the years that she had been apart from them, she had often been tempted to...

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Island Girl Chapter 1

Mark Reynolds needed a change. His divorce finally over, he wanted to put as much distance between him and his past as he possibly could. The divorce was an ugly one, neither party won in this war. And whatever ‘love’ that remained on Mark’s part was destroyed in the fighting and bitterness of the divorce. But that was over now and Mark just wanted to move on. His job had been very sympathetic to his marital situation, and had given him the time off he needed for the multitude of hearings,...

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Meri Girl Friend K Sath 4 Day In Mount Abu

Hy friend ye story meri paheli story hai iss pay or may iss k regular reader hu story reade krte karte muje bhi likh ne ka man hu va to likh ta hu jo koi bhul ho jay to sry.. Mera nam Chintu patel hai or may Ahmedabad Gujarat ka rhene vala hu may 21 sal ka hu or may eng ka student hu may body se hata katha hu meri hight 6 feet hai or dekhane may smart hu meray lund ki size 7 inch lamba or 3 inch mota hai.. Ab may mer gf ki bat krta hu uska nam Nisha hai or vo meri clg may meray sath padti hi...

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Late Rent Payment

I’m in my early sixties and still in decent shape. The family and I had been talking about moving from our current home to one we own on the far side of our property. Though it was only about a hundred fifty yards across a field, the move would solve several problems for us. That home has larger rooms and much easier access for our wheel chair using family members. It is also much closer and has easier access to our two and a half car garage with attached barn. The garage has become more shop...

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Considering how much Eddie seemed to enjoy humiliating Bob and me during that day’s forced blowjob, I was sure he would do exactly what he said he’d do: come by every day for a fuck or blowjob until Bob repaid his money. Sure enough, right around mid-day the following day the phone rang. I answered it hesitantly, “hello”. Of course it was Eddie. “Hey, Colleen! Good girl. You picked up. I was wondering if I needed to come by and do a repeat performance with you and your husband to let you know...

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FLAMESChapter 7

We got to our front door, and I said as I opened it, “I have a proposition for you, Mrs. Flame!” “I love being called that ... sorry, go on Hubby!” I took her hand and we sat on our sofa, when after a moment of thought, I said, “First, based on where I would like to live, the Indiana Pacers are my first choice. Let’s wait until I am a Junior here at K-State. That year, after our KSU season, I wait to see where I am rated, amongst all college players, including those who had already...

1 year ago
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GinnyChapter 2

I had just challenged two of the football team who were trying to force themselves onto the girl who was my lab partner and demanded to know what they thought they were doing. The one leaning against the wall turned and looked at me and then said, "Nothing that concerns you, Braniac, so if you know what's good for you will just get on your way." He then turned to Ginny and said, "Come on fat bitch, you are not going to get a better offer. Who else is going to offer to show you a good...

4 years ago
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If the Spirit Is WillingChapter 2

Bill walked into the den, and plopped down on the couch. He needed to think. The creature walked over and stood next to the TV, her ghostly bare feet ignoring the bean bag chair. Bill glanced down, wondering briefly what would happen if she became solid while inside an object like that, then glanced up at its face. Once again her eyes were vacant and unseeing, as if it had never happened. Hell, maybe it hadn't. "Hey, Bill." He swung his head over to look at Betty. She was lounging in...

1 year ago
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Teaching her a lesson

John finished a little later than he had hoped from the office. He was a little tired and could eat something. He had only being sitting in boring meetings for the afternoon, but it did drain him mentally and physically.He crashed through the door to here laughter coming from the kitchen-diner. He walked in to find Stephanie, his wife chatting and laughing with her best friend, Monica. “hi Steph, how’s your day, hi Monica. What’s for dinner baby?” “Oh, not really had time for that honey, been...

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 57

Mistakes are made everyday. An executive rather high up the ladder of a British recording company had a daughter who, suffering from access to an excess of money and possessing a slightly wild nature, decided that an American Education might be just the thing. A phrase often heard in the United States, “Don’t let the University get in the way of your education,” sounded like a motto she could whole heartedly embrace. Besides, no British University was beating a path to her door with...

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Wide Open PlainsChapter 2

My next stop was at the county courthouse to collect my bounty and to pick up a set of wanted posters. I only took the posters with pictures; the posters with only a written description were not good enough for a positive identification, so I just didn't bother with them. I rode (I'm in the West, remember) the 400 yards to the nearest saloon and ordered a beer. This one did taste a little better than the last one that I had, but only slightly; however, I did wonder if it was worth the 3¢...

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Cant Buy You LoveChapter 6

Todd read the piece of paper I had given him. It was a copy of the bill of sale for the ranch. “I won’t believe it until I hear it from Mr. Holland,” he said, balling up the piece of paper and throwing it at me. “Suit yourself,” I said. “You can call him if you like. If you want to work, I’ll continue your pay at the same rate you agreed to with Mr. Holland.” Slim had taken the news much easier. In fact, Todd’s reaction had caused a smile on his face. “Hey Todd,” Slim said. “Ever changed...

1 year ago
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S*X WITH MY NAUGHTY STEP MUM … (21+) … Part 1 I interrupted. “This is how it’s going to go. Firstly you can toss the covers off you as you won’t be needing them. Then you can call Charles and tell him he won’t be needed. Then you will come to me on this chair where I will spank that little ass of your red. Then I will have my way with you, and that fucking sexy ass of yours.” She dropped the covers knowing she was caught. “Yes James.” she said without a...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Special

Anniversary Special By NorthernWolfShe was comfortable until he shortened the rope raising her tied wrists higher up her back which pulled her shoulders back and tightened the loop around her neck. Bent at the waist and forced to her knees her large breasts hung freely allowing him to wrap the base of each one tightly with a black leather thong. Narrowing the base of her tits forced them to bulge as they began to deepen in colour. The latex hood encasing her head covered her eyes and left only...

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Missing Her Man

Things had been crazy lately and needless to say just a bit out of the norm. Again she had found herself at home caring for her sick new baby. It had seemed that the baby was sick more than not. So she and her husband were doing the best they can with their work schedules to care for the baby. But the abnormal schedules had really been a pain in the normal day to day routines and both the mother and father were tired. It seems that it had been a long time that they had spent some good quality...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 38 Soft Smooth Skin

“Huh! Why me!” complained Bjorn with a real look of surprise on his face as he eyed each one of the five females standing before him in one of the dorm rooms of the Communal Dormitory of Camp Starkers. Two of those lovely females were already now completely naked and looking very good indeed. The young Polly Legett had just stripped off completely and was now standing totally naked before her choirmaster and five other members of the Redsands First Congregational Church Youth Choir. Her...

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Unwillingly Seduced Part Six

*(To recap, click this link for the previous installment [ ] or start from the beginning [ ])*It had been three days since my punishment began.Not allowed to touch myself. Not allowed to have sex with anyone else. Nothing. And he had built me up to an orgasm, only to deny me the release.He hasn't called me. Texted me. Or even emailed me. Nothing.I ache all the time now. It's at the bottom of my...

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A boy and his female cousin share an awkward first time experience while watching a movie in his room

Many years ago, my cousins were staying over at our place. I was pretty young, around 18 years old at the time, and as a horny teenage boy I was always looking for something to turn me on. My cousin was only a year or two older than I was. These were my mother’s sister’s kids and they had been visiting my parents from a nearby city. Late one evening, I was in my room watching caddy shack, the old Bill Murray comedy movie about golf that was very popular at the time. My cousin came...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 16 The Pirate Base

Beth slowly rose up to stand in front of both the groups who were seated around the usual table, waiting expectantly. She looked at Jason and started speaking. “Firstly, I would like to say how sorry I am about what happened to Razza. We saw on the surveillance in the room what was occurring, but it took us ten minutes to assemble our forces to take the building. Razza was clearly heroic, diving in front of Jason to save him from being shot. Jason your powers are singularly...

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Winter In New York

Copyright© 2007 Victor Echo This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's disturbed imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead, undead or mostly harmless, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Truth be told, my first visit to New York was in the early 1970's when I was five years old. I do not remember any of it. I barely remember my second visit near...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 22 San Francisco

-- SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2008 -- The sky outside was dark and gray, not only because “foggy” is the standard daily weather forecast for San Francisco, but it was still quite early, way too early for any reasonable 23-year-old to be awake on a weekend morning. At this hour, the sun had not yet cleared the horizon, its rays not yet angled properly in accordance with simple geometry to shed any light on the floor-to-ceiling windows of our apartment’s great room, and even then they would need to...

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Swim Coach Chap 10

I left Matt’s house that night feeling more emotions that I’d ever felt in my life. After the first time we’d made love I left Matt feeling nothing but a simple euphoria. When I left that night I felt some of that elation, but also a confusing mix of worry, happiness, desire, anxiety, and self-doubt. I think I was beginning to worry that Matt’s desires and the things he was asking of me were a bit too much for me. At the same time though it felt so wonderful to be wanted like that - to see...

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A Family Of Incest Part 5

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in this story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated (). This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. I am currently working on my SON MOM AND AUNTS series and appreciate all the love sent to me via email. Samantha: After the incidents of...

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Sex with Virgin School Girl

Hi friends this is Rahul here again I hope you would have like my previous story which encourage me to tell the real incident which happened to me few months back. as I said the previous time that I work in a company in Bangalore as a wealth management advisor so I used to travel a lot once I got a call from a teacher of reputated school in the city for he had to do his investment I went to school to meet him and as I entered the school my veins started pumping hard as it was only girls school...

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Rough BoyChapter 5

My veteran buddy drove me to work again. His wife said hello as I got into the front passenger seat. I gave my buddy a questioning look; he shrugged. The wife was chatty without any expectation of a response. It fit my needs since I wanted to think about Charlene. I'd conked out by the time Elizabeth came back with Bobby. The couple left without waking me up, which suited me fine. I didn't know how to react--maybe thinking Bobby was the father would be best for everyone, if there was a...

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With a flip a switch, 4 bright florescent lights flickered to life, drowning out the single bulb that has been casting a weak light over the room. A girl in a cage set in the corner of the room turned her head away from the brightness. He walked over to the cage, there was no need for a lock. The girl crawled out, the stiffness in her movements evidence of the hours spent in the small cage. No words were spoken, she knew what was expected of her. On all fours, eyes downcast, she waited. Hooking...

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BrideChapter 15

Well it's fair to say that the burgers were done! When we'd finished laughing, we gave up the idea of eating and concentrated all our energies on rather more hedonistic pleasures. Jill started it by announcing that she was hot and needed to take something off, but couldn't decide what! After a quick, whispered consultation with my mother she decided that it had to be the panties, "Trouble is though Tommy" she posed with a finger between her lips, "I just can't be bothered to do it...

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Sex in The Desert

Note : This story is completely fictional! For many years , I lived and worked in a very little village called Mawa, on the high mountains of Atlas at The north of Africa, my wife died some years ago , left me living with my mother Nadia and my daughter Nadine, of course manners and habits in these countries are very strict, so women are not allowed to walk outside unless they are covered from toes to head, nothing revealed except the 2 eyes, sometimes only one eye to look , but inside homes it...

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Malan MothersChapter 23

"Indeed I did, General. And from the other ladies as well, who had similarly borne a Malan child. Were you aware that all the army – uh – "volunteers" – were rewarded with a million dollars for their service to the nation?" "Umm ... no sir. I was not aware of that fact." "There was a lady from the RAF who also took part, and she was similarly recompensed by the USA." "Is that so, sir?" "It is, General Mackenzie. When it comes to our USAF officer – the one who disappeared to...

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Tess and Josh

Chapter 1: Trouble Tess met Josh at the most unlikely of places: a baptism. Tess had only come because Liz had begged her to. She had blown off a party that she’d much rather go to, but sometimes you just had to do family things. Liz was her cousin after all, from her father’s brother Peter, and once they had been the closest of friends, and it was Liz who was getting baptized. Tess had gone searching through her clothes looking for something demure enough to wear to a baptism, and had only...

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Imagine So Far into Woods part 2

Exhausted, you have long since ceased your struggles. The spanking continues, gentle slaps on tender flesh. Now that resistance has ceased the spanking is gentle again, more symbolic of your utter submission than true punishment. I follow each slap with a tender, erotic caress on your vulnerable pussy. You begin to moan. Soft moans are punctuated with short, sharp gasps as a slap interrupts the caress. Caress... Spank. Moan... Gasp. Louder moans as tension builds, the muscles of your stomach...

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Hard Stabling

The man made his way down one of the narrower hallways, where both sides of the corridor were filled with empty stalls that had once held livestock. The pens weren’t very long or wide, and they were barely high enough to reach his knees. The walls and gates of the cages were made up of thick metal bars, set in a checkered pattern of vertical and horizontal stripes that formed squares. The holes were wide enough to let small animals squeeze out. The man had no idea what had been kept in the...

4 years ago
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The Village part 3

Mico had been with his woman five years producing six babies. He was a hero but much time was wasted for breeding with the woman carrying babies much of the time. He loved her large tits always full of milk. He sucked them himself to taste the liquid. Her nipples hd grown large and long from the babies sucking constantly. Several babies had been conceived as he fucked her with a c***d attached to her tit. He started the fucking after the bleeding stopped after birth. This meant fucking her...

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Man About the House

Channel 1. Dog show -zzap Channel 2. Women's Tennis -zzap Channel 3. 11 o'clock News -zzap Channel 4. Made for TV movie The screen blacked out Nothing good was ever on TV anyway, Dave should've expected as much, especially as this was eleven o'clock in the morning on a weekday. Dave kicked his feet out and scratched his head. He remembered his boss's words. "Don't worry about it Dave, if you're unwell, take the day off." Now, lying naked on the couch in front of daytime TV, it seemed only...

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No More Whores ReduxChapter 3

Three days. That’s how long I was at my place alone. Three days to get work done, to recover from my intense orgasm with Brittney. I still did my workouts, though my muscles ached while they recovered. While on my nightly jog, I ran into one of the prostitutes that I sometimes visited and only said Hi to her. Just wasn’t interested in that tired old baggy body. Then again, it’s not like the whole experience hadn’t left me in cold sweats at times. I updated my passport, though where would I...

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The CureChapter 39

The days that followed for the Empire and its forces were tense. A series of clashes between their allies and enemies on the far borders kept Fleet Command, along with its adjunct FleetInt, busy. The dead area on the border of Gershonian space was now sealed and a series of scouts sent in to keep an eye on the spheres; though currently only the original remained, which appeared to be turning the system into an armed fortress, in so far as you could turn such a vast area into any sort of...

2 years ago
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Wife blows stranger in truck

I received a call from my wife while she was sitting at a bar in Sarasota. She told me that this older guy was hitting on her. This didn't surprise me because she is very outgoing, vocal, chatty and has a lot of tattoos. She is 38 and he was 50-60. She said he wouldn't leave her alone. He bought her a few drinks and they did shots together. She said they were having a good time. To her surprise he whispered to her and told her he needed to get off and all it would take is for her to suck him...

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