Little Sister Pt 05
- 4 years ago
- 59
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Peeling apples, Jess Jason, looking down the driveway, called, ‘Mom Billie’s coming up the driveway now and she’d got someone with her… a guy.’
‘What guy?’ Nancy asked, coming into the kitchen.
Her younger daughter didn’t know and so didn’t answer.
‘I asked you a question.’
Not answering, Jess smiled and continued peeling while looking down at the couple and wondered if they were together for sex.
‘God you’re insolent,’ snapped her mother and Jess said, ‘You are so bossy.’
‘Go to you room!’
‘Stop over-reacting mom. Billie will be inside in a minute introducing you. Then your curiosity will be sated.’
‘How can you sate curiosity?’
‘Mom go and greet your favorite daughter.’
With her mom gone, Jess booted the kitchen computer used mainly for diary appointments to be flagged, storing names and addresses on a database and storing recipes on a database.
Her mom’s question had made her less sure about her usage of sate as in sating a curiosity. She smiled as the web-based dictionary gave her one meaning ‘to satisfy a desire’.
Jess selected through loaded family photos on the home computer network, found one of Billie nude as a three-year-old. She made it the desktop background and left the computer running and smiled.
She finished the apples, left them in a bowl of water with a plate over them to keep them under the surface to stop them turning brown. Her grandmother had taught her that last summer when she was there on vacation. Jess cleaned away and then went out to look the guy over.
‘Nick this is my younger daughter Jessica.’
‘Hi Nick, common usage says it’s Jess.’
‘Then Jess it is Jess,’ he smiled.
‘Yes Chicago actually.’
‘What do you do?’
‘Nick is an attorney in our Chicago office,’ said Billie. ‘He’s here to relax, not to answer unnecessary questions.’
‘I’ll get drinks. A beer for you Nick?’
‘Please I’ll help carry.’
‘There’s no need Nick, Jess can managed,’ Billie said but he replied that he’d help.
He followed Jess to the kitchen and she hit a button to wake up the computer. The visitor looked at the desktop background image and said, ‘Oh I see that Billie has a wicked little sister.’
‘How do you know that image is not of me?’
‘There would be no other reason for such an image to be on the desktop. What will she do when she comes in and sees it?’
‘Scream and run after me and say she’ll murder me.’
Nick, who was tanned, tall, broad-shouldered and handsome although had a scar running mid-cheek to his mouth, said, ‘You appear to be an exciting young woman. Billie said on the way here you recently dropped out of college.’
‘I suppose technically that’s correct. I have a bachelor degree in business management and decided to have a year off before continuing with my studies. My family expected me to go at least one rung higher. I haven’t managed to find work yet.’
Nick smiled. ‘If you come to Chicago I probably could find you work through clients.’
‘That’s a lovely offer but you know nothing about my expertise or ability to fit in with a team.’
‘Billie said you are a natural in everything you do, that you are brilliant. In that case I suspect business studies at college bored you stupid.’
‘You know too much Nick. Are you seducing my sister?’
‘That’s a project under action and that’s all I’m saying.’
Jess, wondering how he got his tan, said, ‘Billie is bossy but a high achiever and like mom is tough on other people but having babies will bring her into line.’
‘Is that a recommendation in respect of your sister or a warning?’
‘It’s your choice. You appear intelligent. Take these two wines in before my sister thinks you’re out here seducing me.’
Billie came in and said, ‘I thought you two couldn’t find the refrigerator and … what the hell. Jess you bitch!’
‘What’s the problem?’ said Nick. ‘I asked Jess who was that in the picture and she hesitated and admitted it was her.’
‘She said it was her?’
The attorney replied expertly, ‘She asked me how I knew it wasn’t her. Is it you?’
‘Yes it’s me when I three. She put this on-screen to embarrass me. Why did you lie to Nick?’
Nick jumped in before Jess could answer. ‘Conscience I suspect.’
‘Jess doesn’t have a conscience Nick.’
‘She also was telling me why she’d dropped out of college.’
That made Billie focus. ‘Why?’
‘Because she was bored stupid and decided to take a year off from study.’
Billie who’d warned Jess she would find business studies dull, looked really surprised and said to Jess, ‘You just told us you’d quit.’
‘Yes and that’s all you guys wanted to hear before slamming into me.’
After that conversation continued for another minute and was going nowhere Nick said diplomatically, ‘Shall we join your mother?’
Twenty-six year old Billie looked exhausted after entertaining Nick for three days before he returned home. The family didn’t discuss her appearance and lack of energy but Jess was pleased for her sister.
Three days later Nick Mace called her.
‘Hi,’ she said in surprised. ‘Got your mojo back yet? You left my sister looking like a gutted fish.’
He ignored that and so she said, ‘How did you get my unlisted cell phone number?’
‘At your home. It was on the wall beside the kitchen telephone.’
‘Oh clever boy.’
He asked wasn’t she interested in knowing why he was phoning her?
She replied no but said she guessed he intended telling her.
‘I have secured a job offer for you.’
‘What sort of job offer?’
‘Isn’t it usual to first say thanks for making the effort?’
‘That’s only politeness. You are self-assured enough to not require petty accolades.’
‘God you’re tough.’
‘Please get on with it. Time is money to you.’
Nick sighed and gave her a number to call and said goodbye but waited for her response.
‘Thanks for not disappointing me Nick. I didn’t think you were a taker and thought you might do something to find work that might interest me. Please marry my sister. You’d make a great brother-in-law. Bye.
She heard him say ‘Jesus’ as she cut the call.
Although it was only approaching 10:30 in the morning, Jess drank a vodka on the rocks. She didn’t wish to sound edgy when making the call.
‘Amelia speaking.’
‘Good morning. I’m Jess Jason. Nick Mace called and…’
‘Yes I understand. I’m Nick’s mother. Has he told you what this is about?’
‘No not a word Mrs Mace and I didn’t press him knowing that he’d an attorney and that’s a fee-based occupation. When he was talking to me privately during work time I was aware he was eroding his fee-charging potential and so kept the call short.’
‘How interesting you should know such detail when you’re not an attorney. But Nick did tell me he thinks you are extraordinarily bright.’
‘Well I trust he hasn’t over-sold me.’
‘Knowing my son I would think not. My sister in Charleston, South Carolina, is in a bit of a mess. She was widowed recently and has not been coping well, emotionally I mean. There’s nothing wrong with her mentally, it’s depression. Whenever I or my husband or Nick spend time with her she appears quite okay but when we go the weepiness and desire to become a recluse return.’
‘So you want me to live with her as a paid companion?’
‘I was getting to that.’
‘Well I got there first. Yes I’ll do it.’
‘But you know nothing about my sister and her situation and the terms and conditions …’
‘It sounds better than sitting around here. I haven’t been to South Carolina.’
They talked another fifteen minutes, Amelia doing most of the talking.
Amelia asked what salary did she think
would be appropriate. Anna was very wealthy.
‘Two grand a week plus all found plus agreement that I get some time off.’
Amelia said she would get Anna to contact Jess and took her postal address.
Jess, who soon would turn twenty-two, didn’t mind the thought of being a companion to an old lady for that kind of money. And with the woman being wealthy the apartment wouldn’t be pokey or drab.
Three days later a letter arrived for Jess and she told her parents as she left the dinner table that evening, ‘I’m off to pack. I have a job in South Carolina and leave in the morning.’
Nancy arrived in the bedroom suite with coffee and said, ‘This is so sudden.’
‘Yeah want to hear about it?’
Jess’s mom handed over the coffee and sat down with her coffee knowing her youngest daughter was about to sate her curiosity. She often did. Nancy smiled remembering she’d only recently learned that term about sating curiosity from Jess.
Jess arrived in Charleston next day and looked as directed when emerging from the exit for arrivals for an African-American wearing a dark suit and holding up her name neatly written on whiteboard.
‘Hi Mr Holliday I’m Jess Jason.’
‘Aw Miss, you are so young.’
‘That’s only because I haven’t had time to become older.’
He showed a mouthful of big very white teeth. ‘You funny lady call me Tom.’
‘Will Mrs Hester allow that?’
‘I’m not saying. These days Miss Anna is up and down about what she thinks.’
‘So what does she call you?’
‘Well then Tom, take me to the apartment.’
‘What apartment?’
Jess sighed and said where Miss Anna lived.
‘She lives in a house, a very big house and you are being put in the guest quarters.’
Jess looked at him closely until he said he didn’t lie.
The car appeared new, a mid-sized black Mercedes. Tom drove well and pointed out landmarks after being told Jess had never been to the city before.
‘Where do you come from Jess? To the north I think.’
‘Manhattan Island.’
‘Is that in America?’
‘No Canada.’
‘If we joke like this Tom, we’ll never know what each other is talking about.’
‘I have a sister who lives in Greenwich Village and have visited her and her family three times.’
‘What does she do?’
‘Paints like Miss Anna.’
‘The truth now Tom.’
‘Miss Anna paints what are called landscapes. Her paintings used to sell for big money but she stopped painting when Mr William got sick and then died. He’d become very wealthy as an international art dealer, selling modern American paintings mainly in Europe and Russia. My sister’s husband was his agent in New York and now operates the business that he and two investors purchased from Miss Anna.’
They arrived in Brickyard Plantation at Mt Pleasant inside thirty minutes, bypassing the city center, at the two-level home that Tom said was twelve years old.
‘We have water not too far away on three sides of us with the ocean beyond barrier islands just over that way,’ said Tom but we don’t experience the trouble some areas have from hurricanes.’
Hurricanes? Yes she was in South Carolina, Jess thought. Where she lived it was rare to experience anything worse than hurricane warnings.
‘There’s Miss Anna coming out to greet you.’
Jess was surprised. The elegantly-dressed, slender and rather beautiful woman appeared no older than forty.
‘Jess darling,’ the brunette waved to the tall and curvy blonde. ‘How lovely to see you. I’ve been looking so forward to your arrival. Amelia believes you appear to have the personality to pull me out of my depression.’
‘Are you on medication for that?’
‘Yes and sleeping pills.’
Jess left that for the moment. But after they’d toured the house and sat for coffee, served by the young African-American woman called Lily who, was shy and smiled ever so sweetly, Jess said, ‘I need to ask you something Mrs Hester.’
‘Please call me Anna and think of this place as your home.’
‘Thank you Anna. If I am to work effectively on you I want you to come off your medication for depression and your sleeping pills, either abruptly or gradually but not too gradually.’
‘Well before I decide anything I must consult my physician.’
‘How old is he or she?’
‘Dr Robson is in her mid-thirties. I changed from old Dr Reynolds after the death of my husband. I always though he over-prescribed medicine.’
‘Good and that’s my view about older medics too. May I come and explain to Dr Robson what I’m expecting from you.’
‘Yes of course. And what am I to expect from you?’
‘A build up in physical activity, probably a big change in diet and lots of laughter.’
‘I rarely find reason to laugh these days and I no longer exercise. People said I married my husband for his money and I suspected for a time that I had. But although he was nineteen years my senior he was a most generous man in spirit and I came to love him dearly and now I miss him so.’
‘Well that’s fine but we will have to find how to persuade you to let go.’
‘I’m not getting rid of his things…’
‘You won’t have to until you are ready for that. But most things will have to be stored away.’
‘I don’t know if I will tolerate that.’
‘We’ll see.’
Anna looked steadily as Jess. ‘Are you planning to beat me?’
‘I hadn’t thought of that but if you are a masochist…?’
‘Good gracious no. I’m surprised you even know that word or feel you can change me.’
‘I know a little about many things and then what I think I need to know I find out. When we visit Dr Robson I’d like ten minutes to talk to her alone.’
‘About me?’
‘Very well. You appear to be very thorough. And Anna please believe me, as far as I’m aware everyone who really knows me appears to think I’m a lovely person.’
‘Are you?’
‘A great question Anna. The answer is yes. When did you last tour Florida?’
‘I’ve only been to Miami but several times.’
‘Well when I hear you laughing and singing we’ll tour Florida. I’ve longed to do that.’
‘Well don’t expect to be doing that anytime soon.’
‘Anna Hester, please behave yourself. Making negative statements like that do you no good at all.’
‘Jesus,’ Anna said in surprise and smiled when Jess burst into laughter.
When the housekeeper came in to collect the coffee tray, Jess said, ‘Lily would you please remove all of Mr Hester’s personal things from this room and store them away carefully. But please leave that painting of him untouched.’
Lily looked at Anna.
‘Miss Jess is here to try to make me better Lily. Do what she asks.’
‘Um Miss Anna?’
‘Yes Lily?’
‘Is Miss Jess old enough to know what she is doing when your doctor and those two psychologists have failed to return you to happiness?’
‘I have no idea Lily. My sister has sent her.’
‘Pardon me for saying this Miss Anna, but if it had been Mr Nick who sent Miss Jess I would have been more confident about the decision because Mr Nick has an aura. I know because I’ve seen it, twice.’
Anna looked at the housemaid with interest. ‘Is that so Lily? In that case you should be told that my nephew met Miss Jess when he visited her home with her sister and he told his mother about Miss Jess.
Lily smiled. ‘Miss Jess will make you better Miss Anna.’
‘God what was that all about?’ Jess asked when Lily had left the room.
‘Folk around here like Lily with ancestral links stretching to Africa think a little differently to European-linked Americans. Whether they have powers is a matter of debate. Most people like me tend to accept people are entitled to believe what they want to believe. You are at liberty to read into what Lily said and believe whatever you wish but please just
don’t tell her she’s talking nonsense.’
‘I won’t. I have a special attachment to my maternal grandmother. She unquestionably appears to possess some sort of force and several times I’ve thought I’ve been on the verge of seeing her aura when I felt it was there.’
‘Well Jess you are not alone about that. When I was young I often saw my mother’s aura, or at least I believed I had. I feel like a drink, an alcoholic drink. I take it I’m allowed alcohol?’
‘No more than two moderate alcoholic drinks a day should be fine.’
‘That’s all I have anyway, even when I’m really blue.’
They chatted and Jess said, ‘Are your paints and paint brushes ready for use?’
‘Yes because I work in oils when I do paint. I suspect you know I won’t paint so you’ll be asking me to teach you in the hope of rekindling my interest?’
‘You are too smart for me Anna. I was told you painted wonderfully but had stopped painting. Yes it could be therapeutic for you to instruct me. I took painting at high school for three years as my art option.’
‘Right we’ll start in the morning. You have an appointment in ten minutes.’
‘I have?’
There was no answer from Anna who walked from the room, not looking back.
Ten minutes later Lily came into the room where Jess was reading.
‘Young Mr Harlow is here to take you to tennis Miss Jess.’
Jess thought all this intrigue was beginning to get at her. It was time to challenge it.
‘And who is Mr Harlow?’
‘He’s the son of one of Miss Anna’s friends.’
‘And what is this about tennis?’
‘Mr Harlow and his sister Aveny and her boyfriend will be playing tennis with you.’
Jess said firmly, ‘And why wasn’t I briefed about this Jack?’
‘I suspect because you didn’t ask but that is a matter for you to discuss with Miss Anna.’
Jess threw up her hands and sighed.
‘Tell the guy I’ll be five minutes.’
Fortunately Nancy Mason, Nick’s mom, had told her to take tennis apparel and footwear with her because tennis was very popular with many of Anna’s friends.
The blond good-looking guy of about twenty stood smiling and said hi Jess.
‘Good afternoon Mr Harlow.’
‘It’s Jack. The plan is two games of tennis and you then have dinner with us. I understand you just arrived an hour or so ago.’
‘Yes and I’m sorry I kept you waiting.’
‘Females do that to me all the time but it’s rare to receive an apology. Shall we go?’
They approached the dark green sports car.
‘Do you know what this car is?’
‘I guess is your mother’s Porsche 911 Carrera S Cabriolet.’
Jack stopped, and looked amazed. ‘I thought you might guess it was a Porsche but…’
‘I do know a bit about cars. You are about twenty so wouldn’t be able to own a new car like this unless your parents were stupid. If it were a guy’s car it would be yellow, or red or black I think. And that left me to conclude it was your mother’s car. This is scarcely rocket science Jack.’
‘I was told you were a little different.’
‘Who told you that?’
Jack remained tight-lipped but grinned when Jess said, ‘If it was Lily I’ll screw her tits off. Tom likes me would not have bad-mouthed me. Let me drive.’
‘God Jess mom would have a fit.’
‘I thought you’d be chicken.’
He appeared nonplussed and then said, ‘Of course you may drive.’
Jess drove sedately like a granny. But when Jack pointed up ahead to a house on a hill and said, ‘The drive is steep so don’t lose revs.’
Jess saw a group of people on the lawn beside the tennis court and decided to make a grand entrance.
She drove across the sidewalk, shifted into second-gear and began the ascent at a speed too fast for Jack.
He cringed but manfully said nothing.
At the top of the driveway the flat area was covered in white gravel chips. Jess slowed and tapped the gas pedal to turn 180 degrees without sending too much gravel flying, neatly slid into park just ahead of the line of other vehicles.
The watching crowd was dead silent until a middle-aged woman, in a white cocktail dress and floral turban and gorgeous sunglasses, said loudly, ‘At last my new car has found someone who can really drive it.’
Conversation buzzed.
‘Jesus,’ Jack said. ‘I might have crapped myself.’
‘Perhaps I should have told my mom has an elderly 911 and I thrash it,’ Jess smiled. ‘Go and change your briefs.’
‘I was only joking Jess. Please….’
‘Don’t say anything? Of course not. I’m not a loudmouth.’
Jack grabbed her tote and in one hand and took Jess by her hand and led her to the woman wearing the turban.
‘Mom this is Jess Jason who arrived from Chicago earlier today to be Mrs Hester’s companion.’
Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...
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BisexualThe next week or so is calm. A couple of evenings each week, Tim and Abbie spend cleaning the house and washing clothes. They are doing it in the evenings to have the weekend to work in the yard and play more. But the task of keeping up the house while both are working is rather time-consuming. Abbie does not complain, but it only took an hour or so for her to clean her apartment weekly. She sent most of her clothes to the dry cleaners so there would only be one or two loads needing doing. ...
TransKristine knew for as long as she could remember that she was different and this made her ashamed. The doctor and her parents all thought she was a strange anomaly that shouldn't be. But still her parents never kept this from her and raised her as a normal child. They let her know of her "special condition" as soon as she was old enough to understand. But now she is reaching an age where she is exploring sexually and is about to discover just how special she is. Kristine is a shy, well built...
It began as something to pass the time, to have fun , flirt and maybe play . After so many years of being alone and empty inside I found this site through a friend.. Ther were a number of woman to whom I was sexually attracted to and would love to have an encounter or two with. Then , accidentally I stumbled along this profile , she quoted I'm here for the porn , don't cam and won't meet . If you don't like this then delete me. Wow, I thought her photos were so sexy, and the girl has...
This is something of a taboo subject, but it is real and continues to happen everyday in our lives. In this story I shall try to explain why women do this, I have done it and will tell you how I felt before, during and after, and if I will continue to do it, but please, if you wish to comment please do so after the story not in a private mailing, as I dont really like that.Please read on and see if you like my theme and the fact that we do it.1. If you look carefully at pet lovers, what is it...
Something Different Monthly Interview Something Different Monthly InterviewThe magazine titled "Something Different" focuses on people, places and things that are out of the ordinary. Their interview with Super A, as printed in their April 2005 issue has been posted here with all parties consent. ??????????????????????? Something DifferentToday we are interviewing Super A.? Tell me Super, what makes you different?Super AToday is an anniversary for me.? Eight years ago today, on March...
To start things off, let's get one thing clear. I've always been a cross dresser, at least since I was around ten. You know the age where you recognise the difference between men and women's clothes and understand the somewhat forbidden nature of wearing something not made for your sex. Ever since then, and ever since I learned what transgender meant, I've had trouble identifying as trans. I've always said that to be transgender I would have to be completely unhappy in my male body, and...
This is part two of my story. It's stand-alone and complete but does make occasional references to the first part - "Taking the Plunge." If you haven't read that, then I recommend you do so in order to add proper context to this one. If you don't want to read it then "Nicki" was the friend who gave me an impromptu makeover at a dinner party and started the trans fire burning deep inside me. Pete was my former drinking buddy and the guy who took my female virginity! Anyway, when...
The first thing that you notice is the walls, the floor, (you glance upward into the darkness) perhaps even the ceiling, are of a tightly fitted flagstone, smooth and unbroken; and your immediate impression is that you have been transported somehow to another place; one of a barren, rocky landscape bathed in perpetual dusk. This is quite a contrast to those elegant rooms you had seen in the rest of the house. Only moments before you had been in the midst of a wonderful party filled with...
Once she left, I filled my time by watching movies that she never wanted to watch while getting drunk and smoking some weed. After I lost interest in movies, I started on the porn. For the first time I was watching full feature porn movies on the TV in the living room and really got into them. Later that night, I was still slowly rubbing myself and watching new films. I got my laptop out now and started to hit some cam sites and XXX story sites. Eventually I found myself on a site to find...
I’m a straight 35 year old white male. I have been happily married for almost 10 years now. My wife and I have a great sex life and she is always down for trying new kinky things I come up with in bed. One day she took a trip to visit her family that live out of state and she was going to be gone for 2 weeks. I had mixed feelings about her being gone for that long. On one hand, I wouldn’t have to hear her giving me a hard time about not getting something done but I would miss her.Once she left,...
“Stand up, take down your trousers, no take them off completely”. I did as she told me and stood in front of her dressed in a t shirt, underpants and socks. “So you… “Stand up, take down your trousers, no take them off completely”. I did as she told me and stood in front of her dressed in a t shirt, underpants and socks. “So you think it is a good idea to read filthy books and abuse yourself with your mothers underwear? This was the hot summer of the...
First TimeHow is this night different from all other nights? ***** It happens every Passover: Ben Glazer breaks the 10th Commandment: thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife. Passover is the Jewish festival celebrating God’s deliverance of the ancient Hebrews from bondage in Egypt. The wife in question is Mindy Setrin-Greenwald who is married to Sam Greenwald, Ben’s third cousin several times removed. Ben, thirty-seven and never married, has had his lustful eyes on Mindy since she was a high school...
“Let’s do something different,” he said. “Different like what?” I asked. “You know, in bed.” I turned to him and he had that glint in his eye. “What did you have in mind?” I asked. The last time we tried something different a bunch of teenagers caught us in flagrante having sex in the park near our house. It was highly embarrassing to say the least especially since we both are respected college professors. Naturally, I was leery this time. “Well, nothing too crazy,” he started. ...
Some things never change. Like the way Mom and Dad went at each other, for the example generating this story. You would think, end of the work week, Friday night would be worn out for the folks. This became true, only to the extent that they wore one another out. Every weekend of my growing up went like that. Every morning of the weekend, Mom would be up, making breakfast, humming and singing snippets of pop songs from her youth. Dad would always be really hungry. We'd all do our stuff until...
The machined road stretched into the distance until disappearing at the bend. Jake's perspective reduced the post and wire fences on either verge, to a vanishing point, reflective of the last ten months of his life. It was as if he had vanished, faded from notice. Army life had taken his individuality from him until he became nothing more than a bit part in a greater machine. The hay fields were just turning brown. June was flitting away. What green was left, would soon be uniform yellow...
I had met her online. She was a fan of my writing. My name is David, and I write erotic stories for Lush Stories. I am also a D/s Master and live the Life with my submissive. So my BDSM stories are written with first-hand knowledge of what I'm talking about.I got an email from Hannah and she told me she had just finished reading my story, "Welcome Home, Master". She told me she loved how I had made the relationship between the Master and submissive in the story so warm and loving, and yet so...
BDSMI guess I have always known I'm attracted to men. At school, my friend Ronnie used to try to put his hand down my trousers on the school bus. At the time I fought him off, but as I've aged I think back and wonder why. As was usual for people in the sixties and seventies I grew into heterosexual relationships, got married and had children. None of which I regret; I love my family dearly but I have often wondered how it might have been different.As I got near to being fifty that curiosity...
Gay MaleAna searching for something different A week after having been fucked wildly by his brand new black lover Jerome, Ana told me she was absolutely horny and my hard rock white dick could not be enough for her to calm down.She then told me we could try something new and different in an adult book store that some of her friends had mentioned as an interesting experience…. She finally convinced me to try it.We arrived at the bookstore and began to look at the video section. There were a couple of...
WIZ TV -- Something Different by Regal (based on WIZ TV, created by Eddie Glover) "And.... we're clear. Commercials are rolling. Three minutes." "Okay," replied Randolph as he relaxed and looked over his notes. Randolph Blake was one of the wizards recruited by Kevin Munson when the WIZ network was first started. Much of the time he worked behind the scenes, but he did have the right looks and manner to appear in front of the camera when needed. "Two...
William (Bill) Evans was nearly ten years old when he began to realize that he was different from other youngsters. He was in the fourth grade in grammar school and was making excellent grades. His teachers were thinking of letting him skip the fifth grade. Bill found that he could read others thoughts sometimes. Bill was cautious at first, he knew that if his gift was discovered by others he would become a novelty, considered weird, and even perhaps an instrument used by his government. Bill...
She had always been different, and for most of her life she had been larger than everyone else. As a result, she had only had sexual relations three times in her long life. The first time was when she was quite young. It was only the second year after her body was able to produce a child. At that point she was not overly large or different enough to be unattractive to her cousins. She accepted the advances of a large suitor, who she knew was wrong for her, but her body had a need that she...
My stomach took a sharp dive. straight down. I did the only thing I could thing of. "Oh, hi Paul. I'd like you to meet Lori," I indicated the brunette kneeling on the floor, "and Kim.", who was actually Lori, and whose ass my dick was currently stuck in, "I'm, um, just showing the ladies our fine dorm facilities. They, uh, really like it here. They like it SO MUCH that I'd like a little privacy, that I may more fully appreciate the depth of their gratitude for them the aesthetic...
She sat alone shivering, her clothes gone and forbidden. She looked about the unfamiliar place, unable to gather any comfort from it's distant atmosphere. She looked down at her feet. the unforgiving material pressed into her flesh, causing her toes to tingle and eventually go cold and numb. How dare she think of removing the wreched shoes that bit into her tender feet. She would not remove them. Could not remove them. Her body screamed at her to rip them away, but her mind forbid her. She...
Hi guys! My name is Sapna and this is my story in ISS. A little something about me, I am currently 25 yrs. old and working in Mumbai. I am from a nuclear family from Himachal. I am 5’ 8” tall and have an athletic built. Now about the story, so the incident happened when I was in 12th grade. Mr Kapoor was father of my then bff, Soniya. He was about 40 yrs. old then and I was about 18. He was a gym trainer, so he was in quite a great shape and he was bestowed with a tall, fair and hot body. I and...
Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man’s ability to generate red bl**d cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the bl**d of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...
Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man's ability to generate red blood cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the blood of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...
Here we are at the precipice of, yet, another happy holiday season and, after so many of us have looked forward to and experienced the excitement of Christmas as children, we had the fun and the joy of buying toys for our children, and, later, were allowed to spoil our grandchildren with generous gifts. Now that we are older and mired neck deep in a poor economy that threatens to ruin the holiday for too many of us, a holiday season that used to be fun, has suddenly become a tiresome chore, a...
It was during my college days. I am Neeraj. I am a pretty attractive guy. 5ft 9 in tall. Athletic. Broad on shoulder and chest. My body is pretty tight as i work out often. I have a bit of abs as well. I haven’t ever had to struggle much for girls. I had lost virginity to a high school senior when I was in class 12. Since then I had fucked many chicks. In college too I had many girls swooning around me. There was this girl in another branch. Arushi. She was stunning in a very unique way....
I checked in at the reception desk, handed over my charge card, signed the form and took my room key card. As I rode the elevator to my room I thought to myself that I was getting tired of all this constant traveling. I had three clients to see tomorrow and catch another plane to Memphis at six in the evening. I had to find something else. This job's constant traveling had cost me my marriage and now I had trouble even dating with my erratic schedule. One phone call from an upset client and old...
Gay MaleThis story is a work of fiction based on actual events. For your own safety, it is not recommended that you try this at home. Activities such as those described herein could lead to injury and or disfigurement. Not that my warning will actually stop anyone, but I feel better having written it.[/i]Sometimes I get sexually bored.I'm married. I love my wife. I love having sex with my wife. I love eating her pussy, licking her tits, eating her ass, fucking her pussy and especially those special...
When I look back, this evening was very different indeed. It wasn’t a strange night, friends round for a very relaxed meal, a couple of drinks, a small amount of herbal medicine and some great conversation and laughter.Tod and Steff had been friends for years, well 10 years at the least. We did quite a lot of things together. Our k**s played together, and to some extent we shared our fears and dreams. We all felt very comfortable in each other’s presence and to all intense and purposes “We...
Waking Up Different By Superconductor Darkness. Pain. That smell - burning? Electrical? Need to wake up... Head's heavy - something brushing against my neck... need light... "Jo?!" "Jo!" "Josie?" "Where are you?" "JO! If you can hear me make some noise!" Still can't remember what happened... I was working on the machine...then light...then nothing. I feel so strange... "Dammit!" Why can't I walk straight? Here's a flashlight, finally. "Jo!...