8. Other People’s Hearts Ch. 14 free porn video

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Oliver didn’t know how much longer he could take the routine of staying at Sylvie’s house. It had been almost two weeks and he felt like he was suffocating.

Sylvie was so depressed and it really wore on him. In less than 24 hours he had gone from the blissful happiness of life with Lindsay to the dark and gloomy cave of despair with Sylvia.

He felt so guilty for what he had with Lindsay. Just thinking about her brought on waves of guilt that made him feel sorrowful and slightly nauseated. How could he have been so happy when Sylvie, the woman he had loved and cherished for so many years, was in so much pain?

He was glad that Lindsay was the woman she was. She was strong and capable and would carry on without him for a few weeks. When this was all over they would pick up where they left off, because that was the sort of person she was. She wasn’t so shallow as to hold this against him.

He knew in his heart that she missed him as much as he missed her, but he didn’t make a big deal of it. He thought it would be easier on both of them not to dwell on what they were missing out on while he was away. It was only a matter of time before they’d be together again.

Thankfully Sylvie hadn’t taken anything too stupid, so she wasn’t brain damaged and her nervous system appeared to be fine. He thought it would just be a matter of getting her on the right dose of the right antidepressant and she would regain her equilibrium and be able to return to work.

He took her to see his psychiatrist and she returned with a prescription that he had filled and made sure she took every day. He also took her to see a psychologist who the psychiatrist recommended.

Oliver never used psychologists himself but he had the benefit of a supportive extended family. Sylvie wasn’t that close with her sister or parents and she didn’t seem to have any other friends riding in to save the day, so he figured it couldn’t hurt for her to talk to a professional.

So far, nothing was helping. She was still the blank zombie that she’d been when she woke. Apart from going to work, she did all the things that you would expect she might do – she drove her car, bought groceries and cooked, did laundry, cleaned the house – but her eyes were blank, as if she were a robot programmed to do those things.

She hardly spoke to him. The only way he knew how she felt was because she had articulated it so well in the note she had left him when she tried to kill herself.

‘It’s too difficult to continue,’ she had written. ‘What is the point in putting one foot in front of the other if you have no desire to be where you’re going?’

Oliver knew their break up was a large part of why she had fallen into this depression. He felt guilty, but he didn’t know what he could have done differently.

After two weeks of staying with her he couldn’t take it anymore. He called her and told her that he was going to take a night shift and then went home after work.

The house was empty. He waited for Lindsay to come home. The sun set. It was past their usual dinner time.

He got sick of waiting and drove out to the stables. He could see the lights on in her apartment as he parked in the gravel.

He heard voices as he climbed the stairs and stopped at the door to listen.

‘What about King?’ Lindsay asked.

‘It’s a possibility,’ a male voice replied. ‘He wouldn’t be top of my list though.’

What the fuck?

‘Who would be top of your list?’

Oliver didn’t wait to hear the reply. He opened the door.

Lindsay was in her pajamas sitting at the kitchen table with a pen and paper. ‘Oliver!’ She jumped with surprise.

Rush came sprinting and barking towards him until she recognized him, then she started whining as she weaved between his legs

On the couch lazed a lanky black guy who looked vaguely familiar. ‘Hey.’ He stuck his hand up in a casual greeting.

‘What’s going on?’ He asked Lindsay, the pounding of his heart audible in his ears.

‘Jake’s staying here for a while. We were just talking about the horses.’

‘At nine o’clock at night?’


‘In your pajamas?’

She narrowed her eyes. ‘Yeah.’

‘I’ve been waiting for you at home.’

‘Sorry. I haven’t been staying at the house for a while now.’

Oliver’s surge of adrenaline turned into anger. ‘You’re staying here… With him?’

Lindsay got up and strode towards him, annoyance clear in her eyes. She took him by the arm and marched him out of the apartment and down the stairs.

‘Jake aged out of foster care. He doesn’t have anywhere else to go,’ she said in a hushed voice.

That’s where he’d recognized that guy from. He was one of Lindsay’s stable hands. ‘You have somewhere else to go. Why aren’t you at the house?’

‘It’s depressing to stay there alone.’

‘Well, it’s not safe for you to stay here with that guy. Either chuck him out of your apartment or stay at the house.’ Oliver was so pissed off that it came out as more of a command than a request.

Lindsay folded her arms across her chest. ‘I’ve known Jake since he was ten. He’s a good kid. He would never hurt me.’

‘He’s not a kid, he’s a man, with all of the equipment and desires that men have.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Jake isn’t attracted to me.’

‘Are you fucking stupid Lindsay? When was the last time you looked in a mirror? You’re not obese anymore. Men want to fuck you now. ‘

He knew it was the wrong thing to say as soon as the words left his mouth. Lindsay’s eyebrows rose and she looked away.

‘Sorry.’ He reached out to touch her but she moved away. ‘Lindsay, I’m sorry. That came out wrong.’

‘So I just recently became fuckable. Good thing for you Oliver.’

‘No.’ He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. ‘God, this is the last thing I need right now.’

Lindsay’s eyes shot up to his face. ‘What you need? What about what I need?’

He chewed on his lip as he looked at her. It was a fair question. She had been nothing if not patient and the days were starting to drag on.

‘What do you need?’ He asked as gently as he could, given his agitated mood.

She shrugged. ‘I don’t know. It would be nice to know if I still have a boyfriend.’

He sighed. ‘Of course you do. We’ve been through this. I have to stay at Sylvia’s place until she’s no longer suicidal. She stood by me through two depressive episodes, what sort of person would I be if I didn’t help her through this?’

‘Doesn’t she have someone else to help her? Why does it have to be you?’

‘She doesn’t have anyone else. I’m the reason she’s here. Her whole family is back in California.’

‘So she should go back to California then.’

‘It’s not that simple. She has a career to think about.’

‘Was she thinking about her career when she took all those pills?’

Oliver sighed again. This was getting them nowhere. ‘Lindsay,’ he rubbed up and down her arms. ‘Please, just trust me. I’m doing everything I can to get out of there as soon as possible. In the mean time, please stay at the house?’

She stared at him for a long moment, hostility clear in her stiff demeanor. ‘Fine… But just so you know Oliver, you don’t get to disappear from my life then show up unannounced and tell me how or where I should live.’

He agreed just to end the argument.

They drove separately back to the house. Even though he was itching for contact with her he wasn’t expecting any. He would be surprised if she let him hold her while they slept.

But when he got out of his car she was waiting for him at the front gate. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against him.

‘I don’t want to fight with you Oliver. I just want things to go back to normal.’

He squeezed her tight. ‘I know. I do too.’

They went straight to bed and wer
e naked in seconds. Lindsay grabbed at his body with a hunger he hadn’t seen in her before. She wanted it rough. ‘Harder,’ she kept on urging him. Finally, he sat back on his heels and drilled her harder than he ever had before. She threw her head back and moaned, ‘So good Oliver, you feel so good.’ She reached for his hand and placed it on her breast. He squeezed and pinched and she gasped and moaned and that is how she came, in a bucking, moaning heap of lust.

Oliver couldn’t climax that way today. He bent over her and slowed down so that he could feel her properly. He kissed her mouth and caressed her curves and let the feeling of her carry him away.

Afterwards he held her close and told her that she had always been beautiful to him. ‘I’ve always wanted you like this,’ he murmured to her. ‘Ever since I first got to know you.’

‘Mm,’ is all she said before her breathing went deep and even and he could tell she was asleep.

The next morning he woke with Lindsay’s bare butt cheeks grinding slowly against his erection. When she realized he was awake she rolled onto her stomach and lifted her butt into the air, like a dog in heat. He moved behind her and slid his aching cock into her slippery, wet vagina. He massaged her pert little butt cheeks as he watched his brown penis sliding in and out of her pink little hole.

Afterwards they went jogging, showered and ate breakfast together as usual, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Even though they were in a relationship and they had openly declared their love for each other, he couldn’t help but feel like the sex they’d had was just that – sex. He didn’t feel like they’d made love. He didn’t feel any closer to her.

It wasn’t because she had wanted it rough last night, and he didn’t think it was because they were about to part ways.

It made him feel nervous.

When it was time for him to go he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

‘I love you, Lindsay,’ he whispered into her ear.

‘Do you?’

He pulled away from her in surprise. ‘Of course I do. I love you with all of my heart.’

Lindsay’s big honey brown eyes stared up at him sadly. ‘Except the part that still loves Sylvia.’

‘What? No.’

She shook her head. ‘Don’t kid yourself Oliver. You wouldn’t be doing this if you didn’t still love her.’

He didn’t know what to say. He felt responsible for Sylvia, but he didn’t think that meant he still loved her.

‘You’d better get going,’ Lindsay said. ‘Who knows what she could be pulling out of the medicine cabinet at this very moment.’

He sighed. ‘Come on Lindsay, how many times do I have to explain this to you?’

‘She saw you through two depressions?’


‘Right. So, after this you still owe her one.’

He gritted his teeth. ‘No.’

She turned her head to the side. ‘That’s not very good accounting. Why don’t you owe her another depression?’

‘Lindsay, you’re being stupid. Once this is over I never intend to see or talk to or have any contact with Sylvia ever again.’

She stared at him for long seconds. ‘You promise?’

‘Yes. I promise.’

‘What if she tries to kill herself again?’

He tried not to react to that horrible thought. ‘Somebody else’s problem.’

She nodded. ‘Good. Because if you ever do this again I will leave you.’

He cringed. ‘Okay.’

It wasn’t exactly the little vacation away that he’d been hoping for.

Sylvia was drinking coffee and reading the news on her laptop at the kitchen table when he walked in.

‘Morning,’ he said to her.


He felt her eyes on him as he boiled water and made a cup of tea.

‘Do you still have that girlfriend?’ She asked.

He was sick of trying to make life easy for her, so he didn’t lie. ‘Yes.’

‘Lindsay… You spent the night with her?’

He looked over at her tiny form, hunched cradling her coffee mug. ‘Yes.’

She nodded. ‘Is she good in bed?’

He rolled his eyes. ‘I’m not going to answer that.’

‘She’s pretty.’

He gritted his teeth. ‘Yes.’

‘Nice boobs. I always knew you wanted bigger boobs than mine.’

He sighed. It was the first conversation she had initiated and it had to be about this. ‘It has nothing to do with boob size.’

She dropped her head. ‘I know,’ she said quietly. ‘It’s about loyalty.’ She started to cry. Her delicate little shoulders shook as she gulped and sniffed.

Oliver sat at the other side of the table. Even though it was really awkward, he was relieved that she was finally showing some emotion. It showed some progress. ‘Sylvie, you made a mistake. That doesn’t make you a bad person.’

‘Just bad enough that you can’t forgive me.’

‘I have forgiven you, but I’ve moved on. It’s too late for us.’

She nodded slowly without looking up.

‘Do you think you might go back to work next week?’

She looked up at him with red rimmed eyes. ‘God no. I’m never going back again.’

‘You’re going to resign?’ He asked, surprised.

‘Ollie, I had an affair with my boss that ended badly. Do you have any idea what sort of hell work is like for me?’

Oliver helped her to resign. He drafted the letter and she signed it. He went to Paul to get a written recommendation for her. The creepy old bastard turned one edge of his lip up when he realized who Oliver was. For a moment it looked like he might refuse to give her a recommendation, but that changed when Oliver mentioned the possibility of a sexual harassment lawsuit. Within the hour she had a glowing recommendation singing her praises as a physician as well as an individual.

He convinced her to move back to California. He organized a moving company to pack up the house and transport her car out to her mom’s address in Fremont. He booked the plane tickets, took a few days off work and flew out with her.

She cried as they left Denver. ‘I had such high hopes when we moved out here Ol,’ she said as she leaned against him in the plane.

‘I know Sylvie. So did I.’

At San Jose airport he rented a car and drove her up to her mom’s house. He helped her to update and send out her resume and to sieve through the hundreds of cragslist adds for apartments to rent. He booked her in to see the psychiatrist he used to see when they lived in the Bay Area and made sure she went to the first appointment. He helped her to take delivery of her car and made sure the movers showed up to move the furniture into her new apartment.

By the last day with her he was exhausted. He said goodbye in the parking lot of her apartment building.

‘So this is it then?’ She asked.

‘I guess so.’

She moved to hug him and he didn’t back away the way he usually did. Her tiny body was like a wafer against him.

‘Thank you for everything Oliver,’ she said through tears. ‘I’ll never stop being sorry for what I did, and I’ll never stop loving you.’

He rubbed her back. Truthfully, Lindsay had been right. There was, and would probably always be, a little part of him that loved Sylvie, but he didn’t tell her that.

Instead he said, ‘Be strong Sylvie. There is a new life out there for you, one which you can be happy in again.’

He tried to sleep on the flight back to Denver but he couldn’t stop thinking. Was it wrong of him to love Sylvia?

The love he had for her was nothing like what he felt for Lindsay. He had a quiet little murmur of affection for Sylvie that was born out of years and years of shared memories. He didn’t want her in his life, but it was important to him that she be happy in hers. Was that really so wrong?

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How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 10 Jar of Hearts

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 10 Jar of Hearts -I Don't Know Whether to Kill Myself or Go Bowling- My proposed sleepover dominated the conversation during lunch. The biggest issue was how to spend our time. Shelly had half a dozen movies she wanted us to see. Abby, who'd recently discovered K-pop, wanted to watch DVDs of boy bands gone 'Gangnam style'. Brett pushed for us to do each others hair and nails. From where I sat they were simply three voices in...

4 years ago
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Destined Hearts

Camryn O’Connor took a sip of her strawberry daiquiri and stared across the room. There was a thin crowd at the small bar Camryn had found–called The Rusty Bucket. No surprise since it was Valentines Day. Camryn imagined that most everyone was either tucked away in a booth at a fancy restaurant or cuddled up in front of a fireplace with their lover. Everyone except for her and a few other lonely New Yorkers. Tonight was supposed to be a fabulous night of carefree drinking and sexual activity....

3 years ago
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The Dead Kid Returns Part 5 Breaking Hearts

The Dead Kid Returns; Chapter 5: Breaking Hearts Beth was absolutely devastated. Her attempt to help the girl inside the new kid had gone horribly wrong, and now the new kid hated her. She dragged her broken heart to school the day after it happened, and the new kid wouldn't even look at her, much less talk to her. Beth even tried waiting at their favorite reading spot, but the new kid didn't show up. Worse, when Beth tried to see the girl inside the new kids boy body, the pain she...

2 years ago
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Three of Hearts

Three of Hearts "Him?" My wife Sarah looked across Shady's bar, where the bearded man moved slowly, squeezing in between tables. He was a handsome man, early 30s with short-cropped hair. He was tall, with dimples and brown eyes. You could imagine him at a department store, spraying cologne at passing customer. I watched him walk, considering the possibilities. He approached a table, then leaned down and kissed a blonde woman on the lips. He turned, and then he kissed a black...

2 years ago
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Broken Hearts

Their guests gathered today ranged from friends and co-workers to some of Claire's clients. Ben and Claire never expected everyone to accept their invitations and were pleasantly surprised when they ended up with a full house of forty people. Some of the more confident guests were in their swimwear, enjoying the pool on this sunny, hot day, while the conservative individuals stayed in the shade and mingled. Ben had an ulterior motive today; his mentor from the fire department had finally...

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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

2 years ago
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Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. **************** I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it did the experience...

2 years ago
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Ruined Hearts

This is from the book Ruined Hearts, and it is not sex based, but it may seem like it at the beginning. I will continue this as a story. Let me know how you like it. Again it’s not sex based, but it may seem like it now. The fact is that when my mother died she left behind something. Something that threatens to take over, and end my life. For this very thing it’s only one, but it hurts every day. It aches constantly to find something, someone that was taken from me...

1 year ago
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Kingdom Hearts

(Author note- Added a kingdom hearts 2 thread in Tranverse town section) You are sitting on the beach relaxing. You remember the long adventure you ounce had in a distant land. You lay next to Kari your true love "I'm going to go for a swim" She says laughing. She runs into the water and dives in. Suddenly the water turn black as oil. it forms a black hand and grabs here. It takes her down into a portal. You run to get her. Monsters come out of the ground. A keyblade forms in your hands. Kari...

2 years ago
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For Markie hearts You drive me wild hearts

You and I finally get to meet. You jump off the road runner shuttle and I jump into your arms, giving you the biggest hug and the sloppiest wettest kisses ever. I say lets throw your things in the house and I’m going to show you a good time. I’m wearing my sexy black latex outfit with corset and your wearing leather pants and black pvc shirt. We drive downtown to LA to the Bondage ball. Your like shit I didn’t know we were going here....why didn’t you tell me...I said no worries you look fab...

2 years ago
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Muemen opened his eyes and lay enjoying the familiar and constant roll of the sea. The hazy gray light of early dawn seeped into his dark cabin through the cracks and edges of the door and thin brown curtains of the lone, paneless window. He rolled from his hammock and stretched his stiff muscles, scrounged through his bare pantry for a quick breakfast of blue tubers and a few sardines, and sat himself at his small table before the window. He peeked outside as he ate, the sun had not yet broken...

1 year ago
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It was the dream that she loved and hated; her greatest fantasy that would never come true. Yunami was stretched out on the bed, naked beneath the sheet pulled up just above her breasts. Her auburn hair was scattered around her head on the sumptuous pillows like a halo. The sheer curtains hanging around the bed allowed her to see the rest of the room but hid her from the eyes of her approaching lover. She watched as Daeghen walked towards the foot of the bed. He was naked, his body sculpted...

1 year ago
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Jacobs is a muscular build guy, long blond hair and has a tanned complexion. Though he is an absolude playboy, yet many gals would risk anything to know him. But, though lots of gals surrounded him, he didn't quite liked anyone of them. However, there is one girl, he totally was damn mad about her. Her name was Cynthia, 4 years younger than him, red haired, and petite breast. She loved to wear sports bra just everywhere. Her tight long jeans showed her madly curved shape and the outline of her...

1 year ago
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Smother High

The terms lad, youth boy, etc are meant to be vague and do not denote any specific age. Smother High by mike_3121 [at] hotmail [dot] com Young Debbie Anderson lay on her bed. She was totally relaxed and, like most young girls, she didn't want to get out of her warm comfortable bed. With a slow sensual grinding of her hips she pressed down on her prone victim. She had him down in a 69 smother position with her legs spread wide apart. His young chest was pressed to her stomach and she could feel...

Erotic Fiction
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Stepbrother Sleepwalking Surprise

--- "Fuck me!" Nicole couldn't believe it; she had slipped on the icy path leading up to her house, her ankle had twisted painfully, and then she had heard (and felt!) the crack of her wrist as it hit the pavement. She was overwhelmed by dueling pain sources. "Mom! MOM!" she cried out desperately. Finally her stepmother and stepbrother Cam came out and helped her inside. --- 4 to 6 weeks, the doctor said; that was how long she'd have to remain bedridden unless her family practically...

1 year ago
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My First Job in an Old Peoples Home

When I was young I had always wanted to be a Nurse, being a strong 18 year old male without formal schooling it was always going to be a battle, I had been turned down by all hospitals offering student programs but was told if I had a few years in aged care it would look favourably on my next application, so I went to a few different nursing homes looking for a job.Finally a small nursing home gave me a start, it was one of those that don’t spend a lot on the clients, young and keen I was taken...

4 years ago
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Stepbrother Sleepwalking Surprise

“Fuck me!” Nicole couldn’t believe it; she had slipped on the icy path leading up to her house, her ankle had twisted painfully, and then she had heard (and felt!) the crack of her wrist as it hit the pavement. She was overwhelmed by dueling pain sources. “Mom! MOM!” she cried out desperately. Finally her stepmother and stepbrother Cam came out and helped her inside. 4 to 6 weeks, the doctor said; that was how long she’d have to remain bedridden unless her family practically carried her...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Exceeds To Fucking

BROTHERLY LOVE EXCEEDS TO FUCKINGBy: Londebaaz ChohanLou, was hitting the youth faster than any boy of his age would. He already had a real thick bush under his arms, decent growth on his chest, arms and legs and a really jungle dense growth above and under his beautiful cock. Talk of his booming youth, he had already started jerking; and spilling teen but mature CUM brewed by his larger than a large egg sized seed makers. He did not know of having been sanctified with bigger, thicker dick than...

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Stepmothers Love part 2

Stepmother's Love, part 2 By: Malissa and Gang Waking up slowly I felt the urge to pee again. This time it wasn't as urgent as the one in the middle of the night. Looking at the clock I saw it was almost seven am, I could hear my Mommy in the next room putting my brother down for his after feeding nap. I knew her next stop would be my room so I tried to lay there like a good girl and wait. Finally she came in and saw me watching the door. "Madison are you ok?" "Yes Mommy but...

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Stepmothers Love part 3

Stepmother's Love, 3 By: Malissa and Gang My two friends followed me to my room in silence. To tell the truth I was more than just a little bit afraid of their possible reaction to what I was about to show them. Standing next to my bed I reached behind me, sliding the skirts zipper down after unfastening the button at the top. It fell to the floor, fanning out around my feet. Next I pushed my pantys down to my knees, my gaff barely visible against my cream colored skin. I bit...

2 years ago
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Stepmother Knows Best

I know it sounds kind of pathetic when I tell people I'm twenty-five years old and still living at home, but it really isn't my fault. After graduating high school I had drifted through a number of meaningless dead end jobs before finally deciding to go back to college part time. My life certainly wasn't what my dad hoped for, but he has always let me make my own choices. While my family has a lot of money my dad firmly believed in people standing on their own two feet, meaning once I...

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Motherhood A Tale of Love

Preetha's eyes went heavy as she was leafing through the pages of the newly arrived magazine. It is happening to her often these days, a side effect of having too many valiums for sleep. She can't sleep at night, and throughout the day, a spell of gloom and drowsiness hangs heavy over her like a shroud. Her cell phone was buzzing with vibration on the table beside the bed, it must have been Sayani from her office. She has been calling so many times, don't they realize she won't be going back to...

3 years ago
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I look at myself for the last time in the mirror before going downstairs. A long white semi transparent robe if you look at closely. I open the robe, tight top hugging my big melons, panties tight on the crotch digging into my pussy and making me squirm at every step I take. My silk booty PJs giving me goosebumps around my butt. I quickly wrap my robe and head down. I see my stepbrother, rob, stepfather and mother sitting having breakfast. "Come Mia, sit darling", my mom says and i sit next to...

1 year ago
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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Hotel Hearts

Chapter 1     At last winter was over and spring had begun, even though the air still had a small bite of the cold that had hung around longer than normal. I wasn’t here to see it but was told that in only two weeks all of the forest and bushes in Altoona Pennsylvania had turned a deep, healthy green. I had come to Altoona on a work crew working for a Wind Energy Company and quickly fell in love with the lush country side. The work I had come to do sucked but when I was off work I spent most...

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Frantic Beating Hearts

She's ultimately a female version of myself, except she's very tiny like my mother. We both have dirty blond hair (mine falls in my eyes, her's falls to her waist), and grey blue eyes. But I know her eyes, delicate and feminine, circled by the black lace of her eyelashes. She's stunning and she knows it too. She's not beautiful in they way a sports illustrated model is with big tits and ass. She's got a tiny body with delicate B cup breasts and a round firm ass atop a set of legs, the...

2 years ago
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Frantic Hearts

She's ultimately a female version of myself, except she's very tiny like my mother. We both have dirty blond hair (mine falls in my eyes, her's falls to her waist), and grey blue eyes. But I know her eyes, delicate and feminine, circled by the black lace of her eyelashes. She's stunning and she knows it too. She's not beautiful in they way a sports illustrated model is with big tits and ass. She's got a tiny body with delicate B cup breasts and a round firm ass atop a set of legs, the...

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Queen of Hearts

(Romance) An office romance is dealt an important hand by love.* * * * * * *Thursday's temperatures wavered between cool and warm. I waited impatiently for the finale of a sudden downpour before opening the window near my desk, to coax the outside in, to cleanse the stuffy office air, to linger near for the cool, damp breeze to finger my warm, dry face. April's weather was not on my list of favorites since the renewing season and I parted company last year. But that changed today—the long...

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Open Minds leads to Open Hearts

Kyle, who was 32 at this time, and Carrie 30, had been together over 8 years, living the last six with each other. Kyle wanted to marry her but Carrie did not feel the need for a stupid piece of paper saying they were together. That always sat uneasy in the back of Kyle’s mind, but he never mentioned it to Carrie, who can be a bit selfish. Carrie, was the typical blond hair, blue eyed babe you see on any beach in Florida. Great tan, killer body. Always in need of attention from anyone who was...

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