Amnesia Ch. 03 free porn video

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My continuing thanks to Erik Thread for his skillful and insightful editing. He helps make this a much better and readable story. He is a very patient man. Any errors are, of course, mine.

Martin Polikoff pushed into the tavern just before two-thirty that afternoon, rushing through a late summer downpour. He spotted John and the woman sitting in the far corner of the room, away from everyone else.

‘Thanks for coming, Martin,’ John said, rising from his seat. ‘This is Nina Milano. She’s from Westport, Connecticut. She’s pretty sure she’s my wife,’ he grinned.

Martin held out his hand and smiled at the woman. She was nervous. The first thing to do was confirm her identity.

‘Mrs. Milano, I’ve been working with John since he woke up in the hospital and we’ve been having no luck at all establishing his identity until you came along. Please understand that I’m not here to interrogate you, but the circumstances surrounding John’s case reek of foul play. I’m a cop. I’m naturally suspicious, so excuse my questions if they sound like I don’t believe you. I need to be certain of the facts. Understood?’

‘Yes … understood,’ the woman said, calming down.

‘The first thing I’m going to need is some proof that you are who you say you are. Pictures of you and John together would be very helpful. References that identify John and you together. Family photos would be good. Particularly older ones. Can you do that?’

‘Yes … I’m sure I have a hundred of photos of us together. I have his passport with his picture too. When do you want them?’

‘I’d like to send someone to your home to get them as soon as possible. When will you be returning?’

‘I don’t know. Tomorrow, I suppose,’ she said, looking to John.

‘Fine. I’ll have someone from the Westport police drop by and pick them up. If anyone asks, we’re still searching for John … Tony, I mean. Please don’t tell anyone you’ve been in touch with Tony. We still don’t know what’s going on and we have to be careful.’

‘Of course. Tony said the same thing. I won’t mention this to anyone,’ she promised.

‘I have another question. Why did you come to the precinct station to ask about your husband and not give them any details?’

‘I don’t understand.’

Polikoff produced the picture taken by the security camera. ‘Isn’t this you?’

Nina examined it carefully. ‘Yes, it does look like me. But, I was never in a New York City police station. I know I called several people in the N.Y.P.D., but I never did go to see anyone. I couldn’t get anyone interested in looking for Tony. I had the Westport Police fax them their missing person’s report. That’s as far as I ever got.’

The detective sat looking at the woman, studying her face and her reactions as she talked.

‘If it’s not you … then who is it?’

The woman shrugged, not looking at the detective. He decided to carry on.

He spent the next ninety minutes talking to Nina and Tony. The questions were largely directed at Nina. He asked her about her husband’s background and where they came from.

When he had explored all his avenues of investigation with the woman, he once again apologized for grilling her. Nina smiled her understanding, claiming she was grateful for his thoroughness and willingness to help. She admitted that she hadn’t expected to find Tony, but by pure luck she had discovered him in the outdoor market.

Tony had remained silent for the most part, concentrating on the detective’s questions and Nina’s answers. When the interview was concluded, he slumped back in his chair, letting out a long sigh. The meeting had been very intense.

After Polikoff had left, John turned to Nina.

‘Have you got a place to stay tonight?’

‘Yes. I booked into a hotel uptown.’ She studied him for a moment. ‘Are you going to stay with me tonight?’ It was a hopeful question.

‘No. I’m sorry, but I’m not ready for that. Today has been a big shock and I don’t think it would be a good idea just yet. I’d like you to go home tomorrow and find the pictures that Martin wants. I’ll call you. I have a new life here and I can’t just abandon it.’

‘But Tony … you’re my husband. I need you back with me, in our home, with our children. Don’t you want that?’

‘Of course, but … it’s not that simple. Give me some time to work this out, Nina. You’ve found me now, so you can stop worrying about that. But I have a lot of lost memories to recover. It isn’t as simple as just going back to my old life and picking up where I left off. There are too many gaps … too many things to learn. I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you, but ….’ He stopped, gazing at the woman before him.

‘I guess I understand, Tony. But … please … please … come home soon. I need you. We need you. We’ll help you remember. I promise,’ she begged.

He nodded. ‘Just give me a chance to get a grip on things. We don’t know if I’m still in danger – and that would mean that if I’m in Westport, you and the children might be in danger too. I can’t let that happen.’

She sighed and closed her eyes, covering her mouth with her hand. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She nodded her understanding. It may not have been what she wanted, but she appeared to understand.


Detective Sergeant Martin Polikoff phoned Muriel Bartlett’s apartment promptly at eight the next morning, almost asking for Tony before remembering to call him John.

‘Good morning, Martin. I expected your call.’

‘Yeah. So tell me … what’s changed?’

‘I’ve begun to get more of my memory back. It was happening throughout the day, especially when you were interviewing Nina. I have a lot of new information for you. I was going to call you to set up a meeting. There’s a lot you need to know.’

‘Does Nina know?’

‘No. And that’s intentional. I’ll explain when I see you. This afternoon OK with you?’

‘Yeah … sure … two-thirty?’

‘See you then,’ Tony said, signing off.

Martin arrived at two-fifteen. Tony smiled as his friend entered the tavern.

‘I didn’t think you’d be late.’

‘I’ve been waiting a long time for this. I brought my pocket recorder. I don’t want to miss anything.’

‘Well … where to begin. First things first. My name is Anthony Milano, but almost everyone calls me Tony. I am forty-four years old, and my birthday is December 11th. I am married to Nina Novak and I do have three children. I have a home in Westport, Connecticut and I am financially very well off. I have a summer home on Nantucket Island and we vacation in the Caribbean in winter.

‘I am Vice President of Carbutt, Mellows and Davidson … or at least I was when I was last there.’ He paused at that point.

‘So far, that confirms what Nina told us yesterday.’

‘Yeah … well … that’s where it gets interesting,’ Tony said, pausing again. He seemed to be gathering himself.

Martin sat quietly, waiting for his friend to continue.

‘Nina and I … we weren’t getting along that well in the last year or so. I was working hard and had a lot on my mind, and I guess I wasn’t paying very much attention to her. I began to wonder if maybe she was falling out of love with me. Maybe even having an affair. Anyway, I hired a private detective to find out if she was cheating on me. I didn’t have the time or the energy to fight with her about it. I just wanted to know, and I could make up my mind what to do about it when I found out.’

‘So, what did you find out?’

‘Nothing. He said there was no evidence that she was having an affair with anyone … male or female.’

‘So, now you know she wasn’t cheating.’

‘Yeah. I’m not surprised, I guess. That wouldn’t be like her. If she’d had enough of me, she’d have said so and we’d have split.’

‘What did you do with the report?’

‘I scanned it into my computer. Unfor
tunately, Nina told me the F.B.I. has taken it along with all my business and personal files.’

‘OK, I’ll check with my contact at the bureau and see what I can find out about your computer.’

Tony nodded. ‘Thanks … I’m going to have to explain it to them anyway. I’m sure they’ve found my buried files on what was going on at CM&D. It’s one of the reasons I’m sure someone is out to get me.’

‘You better explain.’

‘Yeah, I guess I better,’ Tony sighed. ‘About six months before my ‘accident,’ I started to get the feeling that something was going on at the company that wasn’t kosher. I was seeing trades that didn’t make sense and they were being handled by the same guys. So, on my own, I decided to have a look at what was happening, intending to report to the president if I found some irregularities.

‘What I found was something that was hard to believe. Three of the senior V.P.’s were running a scam on a raft of small and medium sized investors, and the numbers were staggering. When I started to put the facts together, it ran to over half a billion dollars. It knocked me flat. I had no idea this had been going on,’ he paused.

‘Who were these guys?’

‘Conrad Blyer, Elliot Stainsby and Aaron Mahon. They are all long-timers at the firm.’

‘What did you do?’

‘I did what I thought was the right thing. I got a meeting with the president, Stanton Mellows, and told him what I had uncovered. He was pretty upset with me … thinking I had to be wrong. When I finally convinced him that I was serious, he said he’d handle it. He said he didn’t want me implicated and he was sweating about bad publicity.’

‘Did that sound right to you?’

‘No. It didn’t. The very first thing you do in a situation like this is call in the S.E.C. or the law. You can’t bury five hundred million dollars. I decided to cover my ass. I called a contact I had at the S.E.C. and told him of my suspicions, but I didn’t have any hard proof to show him. I promised him I’d get back to him when I had something. That’s the last I remember. A couple of days later, I was in hospital, wondering who I was. Except, it wasn’t a couple of days. It was weeks. That’s it.’

‘You know what the implications of this are, don’t you?’

‘Sure … the president could be in it up to his neck.’

‘That’s what it looks like. In fact, if I checked with my F.B.I. contact, I’ll bet he and the three V.P.’s are under investigation. I doubt charges have been laid yet, but they would probably be facing some serious time if charged and convicted. You would be a key player in their trial.’

‘You think they tried to get rid of me?’

‘That’s the way it’s starting to look. They probably wouldn’t do it themselves … they’d hire someone to do the dirty work,’ Martin sighed. ‘Do you know what they did with the money?’

‘Not that I can remember. I’m still trying to pull all the pieces together. I imagine it’s in some offshore account. The Caymans or something like that. It’ll be on my computer if I did know.’

Martin leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful look on his face. ‘What to do … indeed,’ he said to no one in particular.


Polikoff picked up the phone on his office desk and punched in the number. ‘Frank Lafayette, please.’

After a minute, there was a response. ‘Lafayette here,’ came the slightly accented voice.

‘Jesus, Frankie, you still sound like some redneck from Baton Rouge,’ Martin laughed.

‘Yeah … well you still sound like some Polak from Brooklyn,’ the man shot back.

‘Hah! Well, enough of these warm heart-felt greetings. I got a problem and I need to talk to someone I can trust at the Bureau. You game?’

‘Yeah, I suppose. What’s this about?’

‘You remember me checkin’ on a John Doe that turned up in the hospital last year. No I.D., but didn’t look like street people?’

‘Yeah … I recall somethin’ about it,’ the man answered, still sounding cautious.

‘I gotta name for him now and it’s big. I need to talk to you before the shit hits the fan. Your people are going to want him bad. He’s a whistle-blower on a big-time scam. I don’t want the poor bastard trampled by the powers that be, you get me?’

‘OK. Let’s meet somewhere and you can spell it all out. Then, maybe … maybe I can help,’ the agent said with emphasis on the maybe.

‘How about Lorenzo’s at seven. I know you like his Cajun Shrimp Fettuccini,’ Martin laughed.

‘Yeah … the best of both worlds … Pasta and Cajun. See you there.’

Polikoff was waiting for Lafayette at a booth in the back of his favorite Italian trattoria. The big man entered the restaurant and went directly to the table where Martin was sitting. They had met here before.

Francis ‘Frank’ Lafayette was huge, six foot five and bordering near three hundred pounds. He loved to eat and it showed. His gut hung precipitously over his belt. His sport coat was open and Martin doubted it could be buttoned.

Frank was a trusted contact in a very untrustworthy environment. Interdepartmental feuding between the N.Y.P.D. and the F.B.I. was legendary, especially at the top end. Political visibility counted as much as catching the bad guys.

Frank eased himself into the booth, reaching out to shake Martin’s offered hand.

‘We haven’t been here since that last time we were running the local ‘Wise Guy’ wannabes off,’ Martin smiled.

Frank nodded. ‘Yeah. It’s been a while.’

They exchanged catch-up information on their personal lives for a few minutes. The waiter took their order for a beer and their meal. It was time to get down to the heart of the matter.

‘John Doe is probably a guy named Anthony Milano. That ring any bells?’ Martin asked.

‘Nope. But that’s not a surprise. You said he was a whistle-blower. Those names don’t get knocked around the department unless they make the papers first.’

‘He’s a V.P. at Carbutt, Mellows and Davidson. Does that help?’

‘Yeah. I know there’s an ongoing investigation about a big scam, but not much more. Where does Milano fit?’

‘He figured out what was going on and went to the president to let him know. The next thing he knows, he’s waking up in the hospital and can’t remember who he is or anything else. That was a year ago. I ran the trail as hard as I could in my spare time. The guy’s a good guy and I was trying to help. I kept comin’ up empty. Then … a couple of days ago, this woman shows up out of the blue, sits down with him and tells him she’s his wife.’

Martin paused to let Frank get a mouthful of pasta.

‘She legit?’ Frank asked, still working on the pasta.

‘So far. I’m working on getting some proof, but I don’t get any feeling that she’s trying to run a con. They live in Westport and I’ve got the locals picking up some stuff from her to prove what she claims. He’s nervous about her, but … I don’t know. I don’t get any bad vibes from her. The only strange thing I gotta tell you though …,’ he paused.

‘A woman that looks just like her came into the precinct a couple of months ago and was asking about someone who might be her husband. She didn’t leave her name and she didn’t have a picture. The desk sergeant remembered my looking into the John Doe thing and he told me about her. I got the security camera photo and showed it to our guy. He reacted to it, but said he didn’t know who it was. Just someone that looked familiar. Anyway … she plops herself down in front of him the other day, and he says that it’s starting to come back to him now.’

‘You suspicious?’

‘Well … normally … yeah. Except the first person he calls is me. And he spills out this story about the stealing going on at his company. On top of that, when we found this guy, it looked like someone had tried to whack him and screwed it up. He says he still can’t remember anything about what happened that day. His wife, if that’s who she is, says he went to work just like
he usually did and never came home.’ Martin stopped and leaned back, finishing the last of his beer.

‘You show the wife the picture?’

‘Yeah. Claims it isn’t her. Never been in a precinct house, she claims.’

‘What do you think?’

‘Maybe just a look-alike. Don’t know. If the wife checks out, we’ll have another mystery on our hands,’ Martin mused.

Frank Lafayette sat quietly, digesting both the food and the information.

‘Witness protection?’ Frank asked quietly.

‘That’s what I’m thinkin’.’

There was another silence as Frank also leaned back, signaling the waiter for two more beers. Martin sat silently, waiting as his friend was thinking.

‘You know this case is big news right now, right?’ Frank finally asked.

‘Figures. Big money, big glory,’ Martin snorted.

‘You got it.’ Another pause. ‘You say the wife is in Connecticut?’

‘Yeah … Westport. They have three kids, one upstate in Cornell and the other two in Westport private schools.’

‘How much of his memory has he got back?’

‘Hard to say. He still doesn’t remember what happened the day he disappeared, but he remembers diggin’ up the shit on the company guys and loading it all onto his computer. He said he had a contact at the S.E.C. and he gave them a ‘heads up’ just before it all went black.’

‘I take it we’ve got the computer?’

‘According to the wife, yeah. I’m sure that’s what would have tipped your people. He said there’s some encrypted files buried in there that have the evidence on what they were up to.’

‘If it was there, we’d find it,’ Frank said matter-of-factly. ‘What about the S.E.C. guy?’

‘Don’t know. Thought I’d talk to you first. My concern isn’t the money. This guy, whoever he is … John Doe or Tony Milano … he’s a good guy. I’m trying to keep him from gettin’ hurt. You know how things work, Frankie. The big boys don’t give a shit about who gets burned along the way as long as they get credit for the collar.’

‘I wish I could say you were wrong, but …,’ the big man paused. ‘Let me see what I can find out. In the meantime, you got this guy chilled?’

‘Hiding in plain sight right now. Nobody’s touched him in the last year, so unless the wife is out to do him, he should be OK.’

‘And you think the wife’s OK?’

‘I sure as hell hope so. John … or Tony … has been careful. She was told both by him and me not to let anyone know she’d found him. Anyone includes the kids, the housekeeper, family … anyone. She doesn’t know where he lives yet, so I’m keepin’ an eye on him and his place to make sure someone isn’t following him.’

Frank nodded. ‘Not much else to do, but stay close to him. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to him. I’ll call you tomorrow. See if you can get the name of the S.E.C. guy from your friend. Thanks for the meal,’ he grinned.

‘Shit … how did I know that was going to happen?’

‘What the hell, Marty. I got a wife and five kids to support. You don’t even have alimony payments any more. You should be grateful,’ he laughed.

Martin threw down two twenties as they walked out of the restaurant onto the sidewalk, shaking hands and going in opposite directions.


Nina handed over the pictures, the passport, and a copy of their marriage license to the plain-clothes police officer. All of it was in a sealed manila envelope with Martin Polikoff’s name on the front. The officer thanked her and left without opening the envelope.

She opened her cell phone and called the detective on his cell.

‘I gave the officer the envelope. It was sealed with your name and precinct number on it.’

‘Good. Exactly what I wanted you to do. Thank you. Has anyone tried to contact you?’

‘No. I’m going to call Tony. I want to keep in touch with him now that I’ve finally found him. Is that OK?’

‘Yes, but don’t use your home phone and make sure no one hears you. Understood?’

‘Of course! I don’t like all this secrecy, you know. I hate that I have to keep this from my children and family.’

‘I’m sorry about all this, Nina,’ Martin said quietly. ‘I know it’s hard on you. But, it’s about making sure you and Tony and the children are safe. We just don’t know enough to take any chances for now. Just bear with us for the next little while. I’ve got some people trying to help. I’m hoping I’ll have something for you soon. OK?’

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First time becaming a sissy bitch

Hey guys im a 24 year old boy-girl and i felt like i needed to post about it in some place, since i was young back at highschool after gym class some guys would mock about my size wich is really really small and thin, and they would call me horny names like size queen, sissy bitch, but most of them did that just to humiliate me the funny thing was i got so excited that sometimes i had to lock myself in the shower so they wouldn't see me going hard (i was a little ashamed back them) but after...

3 years ago
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My Sisters Girlfriend Part 3

Excitement and exhaustion from losing my virginity to Kelly, instantly turned to panic. Kelly jumped off me and quickly put on her bra and panties, slipping her white lace top back on, too. I leapt off the bed, scrambled around for my clothes and, without putting them on, quickly ran next door to my room and closed the door. Seconds later, I heard Tina climb the stairs and enter her room, greeting Kelly, who had stayed in there, with what sounded like a kiss and a giggle. That was too close, I...

2 years ago
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I have two Aunts who live nearby and they were in need of some help painting thier house. I was finished with school and didn't yet have a summer job lined up so I welcomed thier generous offer to come stay with them for two weeks to do some painting, I could really use the money they offered. I packed a bag and drove up to thier house, it was only about thirty minutes away. Upon arriving I greeted Liz and Betty and we sat with a cold drink and talked for a while catching up, I hadn't seen them...

2 years ago
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Family Of My Slaves 8211 Part 1

This story is real but added a few things to spice up the story. Slow narration ahead. This story is not a gay story. It’s all about how I come across a gay and came to know about his needs and about his wife and daughters. How I satisfied them. Read the full story to know more about it. Every Monday I travel by bus at 4 am early morning to my workplace which is 4 hours from my home. Generally, early morning buses are less crowded. One day when I was traveling in such a bus, a guy came and sat...

Gay Male
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 47 Changing Relationships

April 13, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “You decided against church tonight?” Jessica asked when Kara and I joined her in the ‘Indian’ room on Saturday morning. “Yes. Father Basil called to invite us, but it just doesn’t do the same thing for me that it used to.” “But you’re giving to them, right?” “On Jesse’s behalf, yes. After the financial mismanagement, they’re hurting. Normally they don’t accept gifts with strings attached, but the Bishop was OK with mine, given the circumstances.” “That...

2 years ago
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Blacken Vacation

My two-week vacation had just begun alone in The Dominican Republic without my husband Carter. While I was happy to be on vacation, I couldn't really believe I was here without him.Our fight started when Carter came to me two days before we were to arrive in The Dominican. He nervously told me we would have to move our vacation because he needed to go on a business trip the same day we were to leave. The fight ended with me angrily telling him I was going without him.Here I was in my hotel...

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I Hope You Dance Ch 08

Martin watched the students and their escorts whirl around the dance floor. Though he was pleased with their promise, he felt empty inside when he should be as proud as a father. For some of these students, this dance marked the end of their time at Silverglen and within the next few days, they’d be heading out on their own and he had helped every single one of them along. But the hole in his heart belonged to one of the matriculating students. Chantal. The look of betrayal on her face haunted...

2 years ago
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Move In Day

" Shhh, Laura, enough of that," I whispered in her ear, " Why don't you make it easy on yourself and stop struggling. So you and I can have a little fun." Suddenly, she feels herself being spun around and the hand is again placed over her mouth. With her back against the wall, she can now see her captor. Dressed in black, I run my eyes up and down her hot sexy body. Her breath quickens as she wonders what I want. " If I remove my hand, do you promise not to scream?" I ask. She nods...

4 years ago
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Sir Arthur Saxbys Legacy

2002 "It was 1960, but I can remember as if it were yesterday." Phillimore puffed at his pipe, but it had gone out. Another match flared and he held it to the bowl, sucking and gurgling interminably until a satisfying billow of smoke finally rose fragrantly past the rows of rusty leather books to the yellowed ceiling. "1960. Arthur Saxby sent for me in his office. I was a junior in the Company then, and of course, all I could think was 'what have I done wrong this time?' But it seemed I...

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You Wont See Me

Ralph plunged his cock into Debbie's pussy as she buried her face in a pillow conveniently placed on the large sofa. This muffled her moans of pleasure as Ralph demonstrated remarkable stamina and control. As he fucked her, he ran his hands over her ass and back, enjoying every inch of Debbie's voluptuous frame. "Jesus! Your ass is perfect, Debbie," groaned Ralph. "Your skin is a smooth as glass." As he spoke, his hips kept a steady rhythm. "Hmmmm," was Debbie's only response as she...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Bridgette B Gia Derza 09242019

Gia is caught sneaking her new boyfriend into the house once again! This time Step-Mom Bridgette catches her. And she had a much different approach than Gia’s dad did when he tried to break into her bedroom while Gia and Rob were having sex. Bridgette invited Gia’s new boyfriend D to stay for dinner so they could all get to know one another a little better. Turns out Lil D is much sneakier than Gia’s last boyfriend Rob, and finds a way to bring mom and Step daughter back together. After some...

4 years ago
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Louisiana Lessons Part One

It had been a long bus ride but I was now in Louisiana. The Greyhound bus was slowing at it approached my destination bus station. Looking out of the window I could see Cousin Lee Anne waiting for. My word she had grown since I had last seen her. She was a girl then and now a well endowed young teen girl with tits that were just bursting to escape the confines of her low cut blouse. She had long black hair that hung loose to her almighty breasts. As I stepped down from the bus she ran to hug...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Emily Willis Sami Parker Slumber Party With Stepdad

Emily and Sami are having a sleepover. Some playful pillow fighting quickly turns into something a bit more playful when Sami starts rubbing her best friends tits and lifts up her tank top. Feeling mischievous, she suggests they go poke around Emilys stepdads room to see what they can find. Rummaging through her stepdads nightstand, the teens come across an old homemade DVD. They huddle around Emilys laptop and their mouths open wide with surprise when they see whats on it. The girls are so...

3 years ago
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Ridhi Mami Ko Movie Dikhane Ke Bahane Highway Paar Unka Gangbang Kiya

Hello friends,my name is Rahul Kumar Sinha,age 20, and I am 5 feet 8 inch tall with gym body,I am from gaya.Mein nit patna me Cse ka 2nd year ka student hu. Nits me home state walo ko hostel nahi milta hai.Aur mere mama ka ghar college ke najdik hai to mai unhi ke ghar rahne laga. Mere mama ki saadi 2 saal pehle hui hai aur abhi tak koi bacha nahi hai. Meri mami ka naam ridhi hai,jo delhi se hai, age 27,unka height 5 feet 6 inch hai wo dekhne me bilkul anushka sharma ki tarah lagti hai,delhi ke...

3 years ago
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Miranda It Had Been a Very Long Two Years

She left me two years ago for another man. To this day, I still think about how she just walked out without giving me any explanation at all. Since then, I have not seen any other women. None. That is because of two reasons. One, I am scared that another would do what she did to me, and two, well, I am still in love with her. You would think after two damn years I would be over it. Well, I’m not. Every day that goes by, I still think of Miranda. I still see her long wavy dark brown hair flowing...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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TripinChapter 28

"Well I expect that inside this office you and Sam can hold off anyone till the cops get here. The police station is only three blocks away. So, I guess I would do better interviewing the people at the welfare hotel, and then the street friends of Ansel. Maybe I can at least get a lead on him," Royce suggested. "Sounds good to me," I agreed, "but I want you to record every interview. I know it sounds like I don't trust you, but I don't trust you." I did smile when I said it. "Ms....

1 year ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ko Satisfy Kiya

Me Arjun.Delhi se hu, meri age 25 year me hauz khas area me rahta hu. This story me jo hotty ke bare me batane wala hu uski age 24 year.Uske assets h 36-32-38. Wo like ek south ki mallu aunty jaise the. Uska name poonam h. Mera dost Jaipur rahta h. Jyada time waste kiye bina me story pe aata hu. Ye chudai story 1 year pahle ki. Ek bar me kuch kaam se jaipur gaya. To waha mera dost rajesh rahta tha. Mene usse phone karke pucha kaha ho tum. Rajesh bola ghar pe hi hu. Me bola thik h me aa raha hu....

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The Old Chandelier

The reception room was elegantly decorated. Above me stood a high corniced ceiling and a candelabra chandelier. To my left, if I had been able to observe it, was a fireplace and imposing mantelpiece. The carpet was Paisley type weave of blue and beige and the wall paper Herbert Morrison. Behind me was a wood panelled screen that enabled the room to be opened into a still larger one. This screen normally functioned to allow the adjacent space to serve as an office. As such,...

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The Alpha Challenges 6

“Now that’s a nice sight to wake up to,” Orion rumbled. Megan slowly opened her eyes. Orion was watching her sleepily, his normally alert features softened by the haze of sleep. He slid his hand up her side, cupped her breast, thumbing her nipple, before cupping her cheek and leaning in to give her a brief peck. “I have mint leaves in the draw,” Megan said sweetly. “For the morning breath?” “Mm-hm.” She felt Elvin snort against her back as his arm snuck around her,...

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BangBros18 Dixie Lynn Secret Shower

Dixie Lynn is trying to enjoy a shower, but when her stepdad, Danny, gets a call from wor, he’s gotta jump in. He interrupts her shower and runs in naked to wash off. She can’t keep her eyes off his dick, she pokes it, which freaks Danny out at first, but she promises she won’t say anything to her mom. He throat fucks her just the way she likes it, and then they begin to have some hot, steamy, shower sex. He fucks her hard in multiple positions until he busts out a huge load...

2 years ago
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The GiftChapter 23

As the saying goes, "Time marches on." And so it did. With my new venture launched, it was already looking good. Both my directors had contacts with civilian companies, who contracted our services. Oh, it was not all that inspiring a beginning, for others. But it was a nice start in our eyes, anyway. It was named Confidential Security & Investigations. Or CS&I for short. Also, my decommissioned missile silo was finished. Most capabilities were restored to, or exceeded, original...

3 years ago
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The AuraChapter 7

Chris drove toward Carmen’s bungalow. She sat beside him wearing one of her long skirts and a long sleeved, white satin blouse with ruffles on the bodice and cuffs. On her lap was a white hat, its brim a fraction of the size of the one she had worn when Chris first met her. “I’m glad we went to Roger’s party,” Chris remarked. “I’m glad we went also,” she replied, “and, I’m glad it’s over.” “It looks like you started patching things up with your brother.” “Started, yes. We had a chance to...

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1962 was an interesting year. First of all early on Didn,t think I,d graduate from high school,or see many more days because Nikita Kruschev had based nuclear missiles in nearby Cuba and President John Kennedy was prepared to,push the red button if the Russians Didn,t withdraw their infernal weapons of war! Welcome to the Height of the Cold War! Fortunately Kruschev despite his lunatic raving had advisers who had enough sense to get those damned rockets out of Havana and back to Moscva! One...

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Midlife Ch 03

There were only dying embers left in the fire pit as the breeze off of the lake picked up making Maria shiver in Peter’s arms. ‘Better get you inside.’ Peter broke the silence. ‘It gets pretty cold at night at this altitude.’ Maria sighed, ‘Okay.’ They didn’t move for a moment, enjoying the warmth of each others bodies pressed together on the wicker sofa. Peter liked the way Maria’s body felt in his arms. She was so soft and pliant. He pressed his nose to her hair and inhaled. She smelled...

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Trying anal

Mari had been dating Rick for about six weeks and could only get him to have “normal” sex. She had hinted to him that she liked to experiment and he told her that he liked things just the way they were. He seemed to blush a lot whenever she brought up the subject of sex.Mari would not give up. Rick was such a stud and had the biggest cock she had ever ridden. She wanted to experience that cock in more than just her pussy, which was the only place he would put it.One evening, Mari prepared...

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The girl I met at the bar

The bar was quite empty that night, expect for the woman sitting alone in the red dress. My dress was longer than hers and was a dark shade of black. I slowly walked over to her and sat down, ordering a drink. “Hello” she said, “What’s your name?” “What’s yours?” I said, smiling and taking a sip from my drink. “Luciana” she said, smiling back at me and waiting for me to say something. “I’m Lily” I said, looking down to observe her short dress. “Well, it’s nice to meet you” she said, in a...

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The Fall And Rise Of David Beckman Chapter 3

Monday morning we were both up early. It was 5:00 AM and I was fixing breakfast while Erica showered and finished her packing. When she came into the kitchen, she smiled at me and she actually blushed a little. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. Erica kissed me and said, "I slept wonderfully." "Coffee?" "Yes, please... Oh, before I forget, here is the itinerary for my trip." Erica handed me the one page document and I set it on the kitchen counter. I looked at Erica again and smiled....

1 year ago
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Date with an Internet Granny

I suppose some of you may have tried different Internet dating sites. I have, and occasionally it works out although most of the time it seems like the women are looking for a millionaire with movie star looks, even if they are morbidly obese and have a face that would stop a clock. Whatever, I keep a profile on a few 'mature' sites as I'm in that category. A couple of years ago, I was surprised to get a 'hello' from a lady in my area,said her name was Rita, she was 69 years old, and my...

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A Girl For Daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always had a massive crush on my 18yo sister. At first I thought it was ok, normal even. I thought that it was usual for a younger brother to look up to and admire his big sister in that way. But, as I grew up, I realised that it was simply brotherly pride or admiration that was my reaction when looking at my sister. It was lust. I started to feel jealous of her boyfriends for what they could do to her. I found myself seeking out reasons to hug...

2 years ago
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The Entrapment of Ceri Part 2

Over a week had passed since Ceri had stayed with Sara. She'd kept Sara's panties, unwashed and in her own drawer. She felt odd, every time she went near them, she could feel an urge, a want that she couldn't explain. The aroma, although fading, was unmistakably Sara's.She was being stupid, they were just a dirty pair of knickers belonging to another girl. She decided to keep them a little while longer though. In case she wanted them back, no other reason. She had no reason until a text...

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Summers Fantasies

Summer?s FantasiesBy Tappy McWidestanceEditor?s Note: This story was written for a very special woman who confessed her fantasies to me through several role playing phone calls. As usual the names have been changed to protect the guilty. I hope you enjoy it as much as she did.My name is Summer. I am in my early 30?s, single with brown curly hair and curves in all the right places. I am not a rail thin model type, but I blessed as I am with an ample chest and I still turn heads whenever I show...

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A Wonderful Life

It looked like being the best Christmas ever, I'd driven down from where I worked in Scotland and it had taken me five hours. But as I pulled into the garage and she walked out of the connecting door, I knew it was all worth while!The large double doors slid down behind me and she flicked on the garage lights. She wore a white sheath dress that fitted her like a second skin and as I took her into my arms I could feel her beautiful, lithe body beneath it.I ran my hands down over her pert little...

Wife Lovers
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Cruise Ship Poker

So what a glorious day. I was on a large cruise ship that I had paid top dollar for and I had a suite close to the top of the boat and it was spectacular. Now I was always planning on taking this trip with my wife but a few years ago she decided to move in with a buddy so after the divorce and settling all the bills it took me some time to save and put away and finally I paid for this sweet suite and I was on this cruise by myself. Yes it sounds a bit boring but nothing in my life is ever...

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Dorm Room Blow Job

One evening my wife was in the library on campus. She saw a guy from her biology class she thought was very cute. She told me he was shy, exceptionally shy. She went to the table where he was studying by himself. She sat down at the table across from him, made eye contact and said hello. He responded politely, but uncomfortably. She saw his eyes move from her eyes to her full tits which were thrusting out from her tight clinging t-shirt. She asked him a few questions about their biology class,...

3 years ago
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Met a guy in a bar one night. I saw he was looking at Alexa all night. I went off to the loo and he came over to her and slipped her his phone number. Said he had been looking at her legs all night and loved her stockings. Asked him to call her. She told me awhat he had said when I got back and as we went out to the car she gave him a big smile. The car park was dark and I got her to text him to come out to the car. He said he was worried that I was waiting to beat him up. She reasured him that...

4 years ago
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My fantsy

I move to join you on the bed with my feet at the head so we are in a 69 position and stuff your dick in my mouth. You groan as I lick and suck just the head to show your appreciation. I then pull your dick out of my mouth and lick the entire shaft and cleanly shave balls as you reach over and start to fondle my already hard dick. After giving your balls a nice tongue bath I lick my way back up your shaft and take you back in my mouth. As I start to lick around the head and suck on the head...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 1 Kenshin Himura Battousai

One hundred and forty years ago, in the whirlpool of Kyoto violence that began with Perry's landing in Japan, there was a warrior called Hitokiri Battousai. This man, who paved the way for the new Meiji era with these bloody battles, disappeared at the conclusion of the bloodshed. With the passage of time he became a legend, known simply as "the strongest." And so our story begins, in Tokyo, in the year 1878-- (A man is walking through the streets of a small town at night. He is short,...

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BlackValleyGirls Arie Faye Nerdy Black Teen Trades Brains For Blowjobs

Arie is a nerdy Black Valley Girl who was so caught up in her school work that she missed her bus home! Luckily, her neighbor Bambino was driving by and she was able to ask him for a ride. Just as she was about to get in Bambino accelerated off and Arie was left by herself to walk home. What a dick! Arie got home kind of sad, but when she checked the mail she got her grades and of course it was a 4.00 across the board. Just as she was celebrating, Bambino came over. She nearly slammed the door...


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