Moving On free porn video

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I stood staring at the casket being lowered into the ground. I could hear the quiet roar of traffic and muted conversation in the background as the friends and family left my wife's graveside services. My children Alexander age 21 and Chelsea age 20 stood on each side of me. We were wrapped in each other's arms and in our sorrow. I felt them shaking as they quietly cried along with me. Unfortunately their sorrow was much greater than was mine.

I knew I should be more upset at Joan's death but, in a warped, perverted way I was pleased it had come to this. At least this way I was spared the pain and suffering of a divorce and the financial disruption it would have entailed. A divorce you ask? Well, yes. You see the night she died in a traffic accident was the night I found out I was married to a lying, cheating slut.

I let out a wavering sigh and remembered once again the happiness of our early years and how my marriage spiraled out of control over the last two years. Joan and I had been going steady our last year of high school and first year of college. We became intimate and we found we both loved to fuck. We almost lost our scholarships the first semester of college because we took to the party scene and sex so well. Oh, sure we had to live in the dorm but we still found a way to be together nearly every night. Like the young sexual beings we were we found a place to screw several nights a week.

Joan wasn't on the pill. Our birth control of choice was rubbers. Occasionally when she thought it was safe we would go bareback. We both preferred the natural feeling of unprotected sex. I asked many times for Joan to go on the pill but she refused because she did not want to take a chance of her parents finding out. As is normal, a time or two a rubber broke. We never did figure out if she got pregnant because of a broken rubber or if one time she wasn't "safe" like she thought she was. Whatever the reason, she did get pregnant and we elected to get married. Since she had to care for the child Joan did not finish college. I continued and promised her she could return to college to finish her degree after we were settled and the kid was old enough for day care.

It seemed like a good time for Joan to return to college never came. Finally when Alexander was a college freshman and Chelsea a high school senior Joan enrolled in college once more. She took to it like a duck to water. It was as if she had never quit, she immersed herself in the class work and, unfortunately, she decided to experience the entire college experience. She made friends that were slightly younger than her all the way down to our children's age. If they were "good people" she took them into her circle of friends. As the got more and more wrapped up in the college social scene she began to change. She was no longer my loving stay at home wife. She began to treat me with disrespect and got upset when I complained about all the time she spent away from home in the evenings. She began to come home later and later and many times she was drunk and her clothing was mussed. Joan became distant and resented social outings with our friends or for my job.

Oh, sure, she had a reason for being late coming home on non-class nights as well as nights she had classes. According to her, she had to study in the library, she had a night course then afterwards she and some of her friends went to a local hang out to discuss the class. She needed to unwind, etc. I guess I was like most cuckolds. I just didn't see the signs of a cheating slut. All I knew for sure was our sex life went from full ahead to dead stop within about a year of her returning to college. She always had an excuse—too tired, headache, has to get up early the next day and so on. I got laid maybe once a week if I was lucky and then it was as if it was just a favor she granted me.

Literally my world came crashing down on a Thursday evening. Joan had a night class that should have ended about 9:20 p.m. Considering the distance we lived from the University and traffic she should have been home no later than 10:15. I finally gave up and went to bed without her at 11:30. Of course I was angry. She had promised me she would stop staying out with her friends, that she would come home early—HA!

My doorbell ringing awakened me at 1:20 a.m. Before I got to the door someone began pounding on it. "OK, OK," I yelled as I grabbed my pants (I sleep nude), turned the bedroom light on and stumbled toward the front room. "Who is it?" I asked. Finally I reached the door and flung it opened. I was angry, expecting to find my drunken wife wanting in and unable to get her key into the lock once more.

I stopped in shock when I saw a police officer standing on my porch. I looked further out through the opened door and saw a black and white sitting in my driveway. The officer flinched back then he asked, "Mr. Rowland?"


"Is your wife Joan Rowland?"

When I nodded my head yes the officer continued, "Mr. Rowland I am afraid I have some bad news for you. The van your wife was riding in this evening was hit broadside by a semi truck. I am afraid she and the three young men with her died in the accident. The semi driver had apparently been drinking and ran a red light at a high rate of speed. I'm sorry sir. Are you alone sir or is there someone you can call? I"

About that time my daughter Chelsea came wandering down the stairs. She was dressed in her robe and was rubbing sleep out of her eyes. "Daddy, what is it?"

The officer looked at her then he said, "Sir, I'm sorry. If you would stop by the station in a day or two the accident report will be ready. We will also need you to view the body for verification at your earliest convenience." He tipped his hat and said, "Ma'am. I'll just leave you folks now. Once again, I'm sorry."

I stood in the door watching the police car back from my driveway then accelerate away. I felt the tears running down my cheeks and then Chelsea wrapped her arm around me and guided me back into the house. After I told her what had happened we sat together in the living room crying.

We dozed sitting together on the couch. Finally about 6 a.m., I shook myself and began to make plans for the next several days. I called my son at his apartment, then Joan's parents and my parents. I also called the funeral home and made arrangements for them to pick up the body. I was still in a state of shock but was beginning to function somewhat. Before I had much time to think of the implications of my wife's death a man from the funeral home called. He said they could not pick up the body until after I had positively identified it.

I called to make arrangements to view Joan's body. While I was talking on the phone I remembered the officer had said Joan was killed riding in a van. I called the police to verify that she was not in her car. I also asked about her purse and other personal effects. The officer told me they had no personal effects of Joan's. The records showed they had identified her tentatively based upon a medical warning bracelet she was wearing. After I had identified Joan's body my daughter and I went to the university and drove around until we found Joan's parked car. I gave Chelsea the spare key. I waited until she had the car started then drove off toward my home with her following.

When we arrived home Chelsea and I searched the inside of the car for Joan's purse and books. When they weren't there we opened the trunk and found several items—many which should not have been there. Joan's purse was lying neatly in the trunk on top of the carefully folded dress she had worn to class the night before. When we opened her purse we found several unused condoms. Later that day, to pass time I began to clean out the car and found three used condoms under the front seat. I was beginning to become upset, nay angry.

Occasionally Chelsea drives our car to college instead of her small pick up truck. My first thought was she had entertained one of her boy friends in the back seat and let him discard the used condoms in the floor. I backed out of the car with the damning evidence in my hand and yelled, "Chelsea! Come here a minute please."

When Chelsea came into the garage, her eyes still red from crying I turned to her and snarled, "How do you explain these?" and shook the condoms in her face. I watched it turn white, then red as I resumed speaking. "I thought ... No; I hoped we had raised you better than this. You know rubbers aren't the best form of birth control. I know your mother told you the trouble you can get into using them. How could you take a chance like that?"

Chelsea stood looking at me in shock, then her face broke down and she began bawling once more. Through her tears I heard her say, "Oh, Daddy, how could you even think I would do something like that? I am on the pill and do make a new boyfriend use a condom but I would NEVER leave them in Mom's car!"

"Are you telling me these aren't yours? You borrowed the car last weekend. Who else could... ?" I felt my stomach clench and I became nauseous. I stopped speaking and stood looking at my daughter. She was staring into my eyes and I saw the same thought hit her too. Her hand came up to her mouth as she flushed once more. "OH," she said. "Oh, no, no Daddy it couldn't be ... Maybe it was Alex. He uses Mom's car sometimes."

The rest of that day and the next were filled with phone calls and visits from family and friends. Our out of town family began arriving for the services. Finally, I called the police station and found the accident report was ready. I told my family I was going for it and Chelsea looked up from her conversation. "Wait Daddy. I'm going with you."

I started to tell her no, that I wanted to be alone but she kept talking, not letting me get the statement out. "NO Daddy. I'm going. You don't need to do this alone and besides ... Well"

When we got to the police station and told the female officer what we were there for she got a sad look on her face. She turned and went to a file cabinet in the back. She took an envelope from a file and walked back to the window. She placed the envelope on the counter and held her hand over it. She looked at my face and said, "Mr. Rowland I don't know how much you've been told about this accident but..." She took a deep breath and let it out then continued, "You really shouldn't look at this report at all if you don't have to. Just let your wife go and keep the good memories. For what it's worth I'm sorry sir."

I stood there confused for a moment then pulled the report from under her hand. "Thank you Officer. We'd been having some trouble but we loved each other deeply. Of course we will have the good memories of our life with Joan."

The officer gave me a pained look and turned back to her desk as Chelsea and I walked out of the station. When we got into my truck I took a moment and opened the report. The first thing I saw was a stack of photographs. The van was a mangled mess with the cab of the semi resting on it, the front bumper just about where the center seat would have been. I turned to the next picture and caught my breath. I felt my stomach clench and I let out a deep sob.

Chelsea turned to me and said, "Daddy, what's wrong?" I shook my head and tried to stuff the pictures back into the envelope. I was crying so hard I was having trouble breathing. I felt my stomach roll and I began to feel my breakfast trying to come up. I let the envelope drop and just got the door opened when my stomach began emptying itself onto the parking lot.

"Oh, nooooo," I heard Chelsea moan. I finished throwing up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I turned back into the truck in time to catch my daughter as she grabbed me in a hug and began crying.

We now knew why Joan's dress had been folded in the trunk of her car. The pictures and the write up told the whole sordid tale. Joan had been in the back of the van. She was found with no clothing on and neither of the two young men in the back with her was dressed either. She had bitten one young man's cock almost off when the semi impacted the van. The other man and she had been trapped in the wreckage. He was found still trapped between her thighs. Tests showed Joan had semen from all three of the men inside her. I guess that explained why we found a neatly folded pile of her clothes in the trunk of her car along with her purse. We had wondered why they had been there when we searched her car after bringing it home. We had finally decided she had kept some clothes in the trunk in case she got dirty or something. Now I knew the truth. She was dirty but not in the way I had suspected.

There was no indication of foul play. It appeared Joan had voluntarily entered the van with the men. At first the police had assumed Joan might have been forced into the van. During the investigation, they had found several witnesses that had seen her leave with the three young men. They had apparently left the class at the mid class break. She had been flirting and talking to them for several class periods. Two women testified that they overheard her agree to go with them for "another romp". Two other people had seen her strip in the parking lot and enter the van after locking her clothes in the car. They said the men had dared her to do that. They had told her they thought she did not have the "balls" to go for a naked ride with them.

Our family was devastated first by Joan's death and now even more so by her slutty behavior. I had known she was unhappy with her life but I had no idea she had became a slut. When I thought about her behavior I became scared for my own health. I didn't know how long she had been sleeping around and I was scared she might have given me a disease. I made a note to get checked for STD's immediately.

Thankfully I did not have to worry about my job. I owned and operated a small construction company so I didn't have to worry about work too much. I had a good management structure and my friends at work stepped in and kept the jobs going right and on time. I was a mess for several weeks. I was angry and lashed out at everyone.

I was so angry with my wife and at the three boys that had been fucking her I sometimes screamed out wishing they were still alive so I could hurt them more. Hell one of them was only 19—younger than our son! The others were in their early 20's. I wanted to hurt someone but I couldn't very well do that because they were all dead.

I kept putting off making a doctor's appointment for the STD test because I was embarrassed to do so. Finally my children made an appointment for me and took me to my doctor. After the test results came back I found I had Gonorrhea. Oh, I know I should have gotten the tests as soon as I thought about diseases but I just didn't. I had been hurting and burning for several weeks when I urinated but I just thought my cock was a little raw. It had been so long since Joan had let me make love with her I had begun beating off once more. When I did that I squeezed pretty hard and I thought I had hurt myself since it hurt worse when I squeezed it.

One day about three weeks after the funeral I was sitting in my living room drinking and looking over the accident report. I was wishing once again I could make someone pay for my pain when I had a brainstorm. I couldn't make my slut wife or her lovers pay but I could get to the trucking company for taking that option away from me. I decided to see if I could file a lawsuit against them. When I contacted a lawyer he almost cackled with glee. It seems that particular trucking company made a habit of hiring marginally competent drivers. They had a history of accidents and traffic violations. He thought that would help any case we brought against them.

I told him to file the lawsuit and we were off. Of course it drug on as these things do but finally it was over. Almost two years after the accident I was almost 3 million dollars better off even after the attorney took his 30%! My life was still in the shitter but at least I now had the means to build a really nice shitter! Life was the pits, I didn't enjoy my work any longer and I couldn't stand to be around the house my wife and I had built for ourselves.

I finally decided I was going to just chuck it all and take off. I know, I was running from my memories and hurt but so what? My son graduated from college with a degree in Construction Management in late May. He had been working part time in the company for years so I decided to turn the daily management over to him. I let him and his new wife live in my house rent free, contingent upon the guesthouse being always available to me. My daughter had her own apartment in the walk out basement. She stayed in what had at one time been meant as the maid's quarters. I made it clear she could continue living in her basement apartment until she decided to move on. I had legal papers drawn up outlining living arrangements, jobs, salary, responsibilities and so forth. I had no idea when I would come home or where I would go so tried to cover all bases.

My daughter was taking a degree in business administration and worked part time in the company also so I felt safe leaving. Three weeks after college ended I loaded up my new F250 Super Crew Powerstroke 4X4 and took off. I had no idea where I was going, when I was going to get there or how long I was going to take doing it. I had a small 26 foot fifth wheel trailer with everything I needed inside. I suppose the hippies in the 1960's would have said I was trying to find myself. I hauled my little 650CC Motorcycle on a rack I built at the rear of the trailer.

Since it was early summer when I left I turned my nose north and drove. It was amazing, the farther from home I got the more relaxed I felt. The first day I drove 12 hours and only stopped for fuel and other necessaries. The second day was the same then I came to Rapid City SD. I had never been there and I fell in love with the Black Hills. I found a nice little camp ground and settled in.

Every day I would get up to see the sun rise. I would leisurely drink my coffee while I enjoyed the morning then I would have a late breakfast. Mid morning after it warmed up a little I would take a ride on my bike. If I saw a pretty place I would stop and enjoy the view or hike down a trail to the view or ride my bike to the view. I took many scenic rides on my bike enjoying the Black Hills. I especially loved the little town of Keystone SD. I rode the train between there and Hill City several times and explored both towns very well. There were sure some beautiful women running around there also. A couple of local wineries made some outstanding wine. I probably bought and drank way too much of it but so what?

In the evenings I would either go to town for supper or to a bar or I would cook in camp and have a few drinks with my three traveling companions—Me, Myself, and I. Occasionally while I was walking around the camp I would stop and visit with other campers. Sometimes someone would stop at my site and visit also. I was surprised how many of the campers were permanent travelers. Many of them had no home, only their trailers or motor homes. WOW. They all seemed so happy. We exchanged stories. At first I was reluctant to talk about Joan but I finally just said my wife had died in a traffic accident and I had to get away to heal. Many times I was never asked for more details about her and rarely about my children. It worked for me and allowed me to somewhat bury the pain. I spent three weeks in that campground then decided to move on. I kept going west on I 90 and came to a small town named Sturgis SD. Oh, you've heard of it? Well, I found out the bike rally was almost upon us so decided to stay. I found a nice place to set my trailer up and began to establish myself.

I stayed until the end of the rally and whoo hooo did I finally begin to have fun! By the time the rally was in full force I had learned how to deflect the comments about the small size of my bike. Of course I suppose my willingness to provide my new friends with beer and some of the lovely ladies with a bed to sleep in helped also. I had to leave just to rest up from all the pussy I had managed to tap. I still wake up dreaming about all the lovelies that paraded around the camp showing off their wares. I just wish I had not felt I needed to use condoms when I fucked those women. Several times when I took a woman into my bed I could see someone else's sperm draining from their still red swollen cunts. Hell, I was almost afraid to even kiss them and tried not to but I sure fucked them when I could.

Was I ashamed of my actions? Oh, hell no. I was no longer married and as far as I know neither were the "ladies" I bedded. They were willing, I was willing and if it hadn't been me between their legs it would have been someone else. I was even tempted to take a couple of them with me but common sense prevailed and I ignored the comments and hints they gave me.

I continued west on I90 and fell in love with Montana also. I stopped several times in western Montana, again meeting some wonderful people in the campgrounds. One campground in particular comes to mind. It was near a small town called Rock Springs a little east of Missoula. They were having a Testicle Festival. There were cowboys, cowgirls, bikers and their bitches as well as regular folks like I was. As the night wore on and the beer flowed the tits came out and the pussies went on display, just not as flagrantly as at Sturgis. I only stayed one afternoon and night. I got to see a wonderful wet T shirt competition in the afternoon. I must admit all I did that night was watch. The women were not as beautiful as some I saw at Sturgis and I was sexually sated from my week at the Bike Rally.

I moved on the next morning and by late afternoon I came out of the mountains. I decided I didn't like the country I was driving through very much. I put the pedal to the metal and roared off toward Seattle, WA. OH, my, I spent another month just sight seeing around there. I camped on the beach for several days, then went up Mt. Rainier and camped again. I was decompressing, I was forgetting my pain and it was great.

Finally I decided to move south and drove down highway US 1 and 101. If I saw a place I liked I stopped. It took me another 6 weeks to get to San Francisco. I stayed there for a few days then moved south. For some reason southern California did nothing for me. There were a lot of beautiful women and on the beaches they displayed their wares for all to see. Something about their attitude left me cold. I found them uninteresting and 'fake' so I headed east along I 10. Oh, my. BORING. That part of the US consisted of miles and miles of miles and miles. Finally I arrived at one of my all time favorite cities—San Antonio. Joan and I had loved the river walk and even with the memories of her it elicited I enjoyed my week there. I found more excellent food and beautiful, willing women.

I met one young lady that rapidly wormed her way into my heart. She was part Hispanic and worked at the camp ground I parked my trailer in. She checked me in and for some reason we hit it off exceedingly well. The evening I checked in I was sitting under the awning of my trailer when she walked down the road in a tiny little two piece swim suit. Her parts were all there on display and she was perfect. I estimated her age at about 22 or 23. It later turned out she was 27. She was about 5'7' tall and about 125 pounds. Her black hair was almost shoulder length and her smile lit up the evening when she saw me.

The little minx sashayed up to me and said, "Whatever are you doing here in this heat? At the very least you should be at the pool cooling off. I know for a fact it's nice and cool. If you don't like the pool a lot of us go down to the river and swim there. The pool's cleaner though."

"I know it's hot here but I was just enjoying the sights. I will probably make it to the pool soon. I really needed to decompress after the day's drive."

"Well hurry on down. The water's great and there's usually some nice folks to visit with." Maria gave me a nice smile and turned back toward the center of the camp and the pool about 75 feet away from my spot. I watched the very enticing wiggle in her ass as she moved away. She walked about twenty feet then turned slightly and looked over her shoulder at me. When she saw me watching she smiled and moved onward. Perhaps there was a little more wiggle in her walk this time.

I sat watching Maria until she was out of sight. I rose and went inside to change into my swim trunks then followed her to the pool. When I got there Maria was swimming, floating really, in the deep end. There were two younger children in the shallow end with a plump woman I assumed to be their mother. One older couple sat beside one of the tables reading.

I dove into the water and swam a quick three laps then got out and retrieved my pool chair. I jumped into the water and climbed into the chair. It sank under my weight until just my shoulders and head were out of the water. I leaned back and opened my beer then watched Maria. She quit floating and turned to face me. Her feet could barely touch the pool floor as she moved closer to my position. The water was surprisingly cool in comparison to the air temperature. As she came closer I could see her nipples tenting the front of her swim suit.

Maria walked up to my chair and rested her arms on the arm. I was disappointed because this caused her breasts to be hidden behind the plastic arm. She rested her chin on her arms and looked at me. "You're not very energetic are you? I don't see many men sitting in a floating pool chair."

"No I suppose not. I used to own and operate a construction firm. I was on the go all the time and found this chair was a great way to enjoy the water, stay cool and relax when I had time to take off. I guess I still use it for that reason. I can sit in the water and just relax while I watch people. It makes it easier to talk and still stay cool too."

Maria and I talked for over an hour before she had to leave. I found out she was the owner's daughter and had just finished a degree in Business Management. She had been married but her husband drank and whored around so she had divorced him. She had moved back home to help her parents until she decided what she wanted to do with her life. Her parents were semi retired and she was trying to decide if she wanted to operate the business for them or go into business elsewhere. She liked the relaxed atmosphere of the camp but the earnings potential was less than she could have elsewhere.

The next two days Maria and I became closer. She was easy to talk to and a lot of fun. I found myself telling her about my marriage and how I had finally just turned my business over to the kids and took off to forget. We discussed her desires and dreams. I had noticed on my trips away from the camp that there was no store or fuel station for some distance. In addition to the camp, which was a large one, there were several homes nearby. I suggested she and her parents might want to open a small store that sold fuel. Maria became excited about the prospect and we discussed feasibility studies, surveys, to see if the idea was viable.

That evening when we left the pool Maria followed me back to my trailer. I don't know when we did it but we were holding hands partway back to my spot. Maria looked up at me and moved next to me. She let my hand go and wrapped her arm around my waist. I did the same to her.

We stopped outside my door and she turned to face me. She moved closer and I felt her breasts rub against my abdomen. Her arms went around my waist and she stood slightly on her tiptoes to give me a gentle kiss. Nothing was said. She opened my door, took my hand once more and pulled me gently into my trailer. I followed like a sheep to slaughter. It was as if I had no willpower. I followed this beautiful creature into my home in a daze.

Maria pushed the door closed behind us and watched my face as she first removed her top, then the bottoms of her swim suit. I stood staring in awe at the goddess that was displayed before me. I opened my mouth to speak and she placed her fingers on it. When I closed my mouth she grabbed the waist of my swim suit and pulled it down. Without thinking I stepped from the suit. Maria smiled at me once more and sank down before me in a squatting position. She reached for my rampant cock and gently bent it down. She kissed the head then ran her tongue around it. She cradled my balls in one hand and licked up the bottom of my cock, once again circling the head with her tongue. This time she took most of it into her mouth and began jacking me as she licked and sucked.

In no time I was near an explosion. I put my hands gently on the side of her head and began gently thrusting. I felt my cock swell slightly and my balls draw up. "Maria, Honey. You better stop. I'm gonna..."

Maria looked up at me and smiled as well as she could without taking my cock from her mouth. Her eyes twinkled. She continued sucking, tonguing and jacking my cock until I could stand no more. I groaned and thrust toward her. I felt my cock throb and the accumulated seed of nearly a week burst forth. Maria swallowed repeatedly as I spent myself in her wonderful mouth. Her hand cradling my balls disappeared and I heard her moan. I looked down to see her frigging herself. I backed away from her and collapsed into a chair as she screamed and fell back onto the floor. I watched as her cunt throbbed and she worked through her orgasm. A river of clear liquid ran from her pussy down her ass cheeks to puddle on my carpet.

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Although I have been happily married for well over thirty years, I have known for many years that I have feelings for the male sex but have always been very confused over my true sexuality. My wife and I used to have a good sex life but in recent years, this has become almost non-existent as she finds it so very difficult these days.With more or less no sex life now, this set me on a different path in that, although I love my wife so much, I need to relieve my sexual desires. As a result, I...

3 years ago
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Barbaras red lips for me

After having a wild sexual meeting with my Boss Barbara at her office; I got even hornier than ever.I left her there at her desk and locked myself in the ladies room.When I got home late in the evening, I still was horny.I went to have a warm shower and shoved again my naughty fingers deep inside of my soaking wet cunt.I fingered myself until I fell to my knees, screaming my pleasure like a bitch in heat. My body shivered with no control and my shaky legs could not even support my own weight.I...

3 years ago
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The Case of the Dragon ToothChapter 3

The Watcher cleared everything out of his room. It didn't take long. He didn't have many possessions. He wiped down the room. It didn't take long and it never hurt to be careful. He left a note on the table saying he had to leave because of a family emergency and would not be back. He also left money for an extra week for the trouble. He knew no one would be complaining to the police. Things were packed away in his van and he was on his way out of town by 3 PM, carefully staying within...

2 years ago
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Caught out at the party

We were invited to a BBQ at the weekend to watch the Euro’s football at a work friend of my husbands. It was billed as a pool party but the weather and to be honest the crowd attending weren’t exactly the hottest shall we say so my new bikini didn’t even get to make an appearance. The hosts however were lovely people, a youngish Irish couple Mike and Oona. It was Mike who worked with Olly my husband, and he was quite the host with the gift of the gab and a handsome face as well. He wasn’t the...

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Hair and Now

This story takes place in my Twisted universe. Hair and Now By Morpheus School was finally out for the day and I let out a long sigh of relief. Schools in the town of Spiral were different than schools anywhere else because of all the Twisted everywhere and the cool tricks you could see at any time. But regardless of that, no matter where you were, a school was still a school and it was always great to finally leave at the end of the day. My name is Jon Andrews and I'm a...

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RockmanChapter 26

Ged spent the remainder of the week arranging songs with Gerry Frobisher, and eating with him and his wife each evening. On the Friday, Robin came to visit. "You've phoned Cassie," she said as soon as she sat down. Ged looked at her in surprise. "No," he said. "I realised after you went that I've not got her number. She's got mine but hasn't tried to contact me. I've been quite busy you know with these pieces for Gerry." "But you can find her number?" came the...

1 year ago
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Nobody really knows why Pirate Cams bears the name it does. I mean, when you're going to put "cams" in the name of your website, it is expected that most of your content on the website is going to revolve around webcams, but trust me, it does not. I mean, sure, the lads at use cameras to record their content, that's true...they have no choice after all. It's not like we can use voodoo magic to record porn or something, yet, but I bet PornHub will do that first, rather than some...

Free Porn Download Sites
1 year ago
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Very good sex with daddy twice

I managed to drown out the noise of the party, as I pulled my blanket over my ears and fell into a sleep. My parents were what you now call 'Swingers', which I thought meant trendy people. I was young and completely ignorant about sex, so I never realized it meant having sex with others like minded people.I awoke with daddy's hand shaking me under my covers, and when I responded I could smell the alcohol off of him, my room was still in darkness, and he was stroking me as he slurred what it was...

1 year ago
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If This World Were Mine

The angel Pyriel stood on a rooftop above the city of Boston. He looked at the city, a beautiful city teeming with life. One of the abodes of humanity. He had seen many in his time and would see many more before the task was done. The task of watching over humanity. He stood there, a magnificent being among a world of lesser creatures that were nevertheless the favorites of the Creator. The world of Man often stands on the brink of destruction and the angels often inspire people to stop...

2 years ago
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Guy gets some from Victoria Justice after a date w

I had only been working on the set of Victoria Justice's new show "Eye Candy" for a couple of weeks when I noticed that Victoria already seemed to be taking a shine to me, always smiling flirtatiously at me and asking me what I was doing later.Well, as any man would do when a girl as sexy as her is making it clear that she would be interested in pursuing things with you, I asked her out.And much to my surprise, she said yes, so we agreed to meet for dinner and drinks at an upscale place in the...

2 years ago
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BreederChapter 10 Rush Week

Rick was in love. Or it sure felt that way at this moment. Haley, the slim blonde university coordinator, guided Rick, by stroking his enormous erection, into a dimly lit room. In the background Rick could hear his mother's screams of terror turn into the guttural moans of pleasure. The sound only served to make Rick more aroused. Rick watched the woman as she guided him over to a bed. Although she dressed conservatively, her look came across in a quietly sexy manner. Her blazer both...

3 years ago
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Who Said What Quiz

"Hello, and welcome to 'Who Said What ?'...the not-for-family-or-wimps Game show where contestants have to correctly guess the identities of the conversationalists.I'm Kat and I'll be your host this evening. So, let's get this show on the road without further ado... Put your hands together, folks, and give a big 'Who Said What ?' audience welcome to this evening's contestants, Mr. D.P. Gumby and his wife's young sister with whom he's been secretly working the family vegetable allotment and...

3 years ago
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My little Perverted Niece Part 2

RecapOn part 1 I explained how I saw my niece on my wife side at her mid teenage year with provocative clothes and when she was 19 years old, she caught me on my back yard smoking weed and lead me to share with her. I used this opportunity to introduce sex discussion, which finally I learned she already got me looking to her and she confessed that she was deliberatively trying to arouse me and she knew she can success with me knowing my weakness.Sensing stars were well aligned for me, that lead...

1 year ago
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MontysPOV Carmel Anderson Red Lingerie

I thought we’d do something pretty chilled, i really didnt have a lot of energy left from so much fucking while she was here & getting blown off course on a pedalo really killed me lol So she put on some sexy red lingerie, i wasn gonna have her just suck me to completion but had to have her sit on my cock then get in doggy on front of me to back on by cock as i stayed sitting down, her asshole lookes so inviting i fingered it while she backed onto mem i did try get it int there guys !...

2 years ago
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roomate secret

He came to drop his stuff in his room after my last roommate drop from the program i had received txt and emails telling me i would get a new roomate from the University administrationhe was a bit on the chubby side , taller than me and dark skin as night I watch him get his stuff in and offered some helphe was cool. he went to get some beer after we finished and went staight to his room , one of the box i moved had made me curious the sissy word with a sharpen on the box side made me too...

3 years ago
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Swinging turned me bi

After our first swinging adventure with a single guy (see earlier story), we decided to find a couple to swap with. Mary was a bit nervous about seeing me with another woman, but we had set up some code words tha would let me know if she didn't want me to fuck her. Well happily we didnt need to use them.We emailed back and forth with Erica & Peter for quite a while and we all got comfortable enough to finally get together. They were only in town now and then so it was hard to set up a...

3 years ago
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The ImamChapter 11

DEATH 19th of Safar 1436 (December 13, 2014) It’s hard to say whether the Imam spotted the speeding taxicab as it approached. He could have moved out of the way. He could have returned to New York. He could have led his small following at the mosque and perhaps could have been a great spiritual leader for his people. Death, however, no matter the age, must come as a course of life, and death inevitably must be accepted. Arguably things may work in cycles: death as a movement towards a...

1 year ago
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Captains ChoiceChapter 11 The Beginning of the Rest of our Lives

Robert Samuel Hamelin was born very early on the morning of July 1st, Canada Day. He weighed in at 7lbs 5ozs and exhibited a dark head of hair and a healthy set of lungs. I had hoped for a son, but knew I would welcome either son or daughter. The gods had chosen to bless us with a son and the family name was now no longer in danger of dying out. I had been with Ardele through the mercifully short time after her water broke and when her contractions began near midnight. When they brought him...

2 years ago
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The Day My Secret Was Discovered

My wife and I have been happily married for four years. She is the dominant one in this marriage. Just recently I have discovered how much I enjoy wearing women's clothes. I love how the panties feel between my ass cheeks. The silkiness of the nylons on my legs as I slide them causes an erection every time. My wife had no idea until one day when I had Friday off from work. As soon as she left for work, I went to our bedroom. There, I quickly stripped off my t-shirt and shorts. Glancing at the...

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Colony By Wolverine The blonde haired angel strutted her stuff through the department store. Her large hips and large, but perfectly shaped behind, wiggled in her tight black sweats, threatening to burst forth and show what the guys who laid eyes on her would just love to see. Her tight shirt clung just as tight to her torso, allowing everyone to see her precious, perfect C cup breasts, and shoved that gorgeously white cleavage out for everyone to see. Her belly button dared to crawl...

3 years ago
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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XX

“The Harder They Fuck, The Creamier They Cum”, with Bella (based on an art by 100evthepronger), Serge Leonard (based on an erotic art) and Don (based on an Douglas art)Bella: Serge Leonard: Don (the bottom one): “So, what the guys would like to do today?”“We came here to see you, my darling. You are the one that we want”This was a small part of the chat that happened at a regular house at a midspring afternoon where a middle-aged woman named Bella was about to enjoy her time with two fellow...

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A Meeting of TV Girlfriends Part 01

A Meeting of TV GirlfriendsBy kara1970tv2Part 1 - The meeting of 2 friends and future loversI spent my day getting ready - shaving all over, showering, and cleaning myself inside too. A close shave and then moisturised fully. My outfit was set - black holdups, matching red & black satin bra & knickers (a thong maybe), black PVC midi skirt (or optional mini-skirt), and a dark lacy blouse. Black patent stiletto heels. Jewellery included rings, bracelet, watch, and earrings. ...

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The Holidays Guest

Based Upon the Short Stories: Accidental Introduction to Animal Sex Parts 1 & 2 by Susan N. Hi. My name is Hailey and I live in Connecticut. This story took place over the most recent holidays. Rock is my brother in law's dog. I had sex with him. My God, I just said that, didn't I? My brother in law's name is Henry. My husband's name is Mike. Mike is two years younger than Henry, the oldest of the four Whitfield children. I'm 38, two years younger than my husband. Rock is six or...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 636

Ship’s Training Mission for the Miadax Crew The Hunter, Impulse Engines Down, Snuggled to An Asteroid in the Oort Cloud Some 7000 AUs Outside the Ticichi System. ... The lights went out, and the red emergency lighting activated throughout the ship. The First Officer had already instructed the AI to maintain power to the frigate’s weaponry and the Bridge’s sensors. He wasn’t worried about sounds in space — there were none — but he was worried that the onboard electronics and sensors would...

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Justice and Audrey The After Party Surprise

The night had been so incredible for the young couple. All the awards and attention had them high on excitement and their own press. It didn’t even matter what the media was saying about them, good or bad, they were the hottest twenty-somethings in the world and they knew it. For six hours they smiled and waved and shmoozed and pretended to care about the millions of dollars in chaos swirling wildly around them. Without a word, they both trembled in anticipation of the moments when they could...

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Going to a Party

We arrived at the party late as we always do. The host greeted us at the door and invited us in and showed us the bar and finger food. My boo Adrian was dressed in a hot low cut black dress, very short and with her 6 inch stiletto heels she looked like I was paying her big bucks to be on my arm. Only I knew she was not wearing any panties and was bra less. You could see the outline of her nipples through the thin black material. As we walked into the high rise apartment, heads turned not...

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Family Affair

Family AffairDon Abdul (c)For a 20-year-old, Damian looked a lot more mature. At 5'10'' tall, he had an athletic figure, which he kept in good shape by playing baseball and working out in the neighborhood gym. Although he acted just like any twenty-year-old in many regards, there was something different about him, he had fantasies about older women. His fantasies about the mature woman were a lot more intense than most boys his age would ever feel. Damian had a burning desire for one particular...

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Older Woman in Coffee Shop Complete

EARLY YEARS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the age of 15 James came across a box filled with pictures of his dad's old girlfriends. Even though clothing and hairstyles had changed over the years, James found most of the girls to be attractive, and since James was adept at researching and stalking people online, he decided to look up some of his dad's old flames. To his surprise, each girl he researched revealed the same shocking...

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Lawn Mowing Story

I have an unusual relationship with my Mistress, Mistress Susan. I know this because another Mistress told me so. I was seeing a professional dominatrix, Mistress Linda. Mistress Linda tried to understand my urges, and I usually was satisfied after a visit with her, but something was missing. On what turned out to be my final visit, I told Mistress Linda exactly what I wanted. Mistress Linda was surprised. ?I’ve never heard of anyone wanting to do that before! I’m not interested, but I might...

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Not Your Usual Vacation Part 2

Erica sat on her back porch reading the morning papers with a cup of coffee by her elbow. It was still early, and the morning mist hung around where the sun hadn’t reached it yet. The smell of freshly cut grass came from the neighbour’s yard, and the sound of his lawnmower was what had woken her up on that Sunday morning. She read about war and tragedies, corruption and mayhem around the world. It made her think back to the island she had been to a year earlier and what had happened there....

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Call Me Daddy

‘Owen! Oi! Get your ass down here!’ Owen winces at his stepdad’s booming voice and looks at Quinn with troubled eyes. She flashes a long sympathetic smile as her friend gets up on his feet and holds his hand out to to help her up. Quinn clutches it tight and he pulls her up to stand in front of him. ‘Does he always talk to you like that?’ she asks. Owen shrugs. ‘Only when he’s drunk and with his asshole friends,’ he says, picking his jacket up from the coat hook and slipping it on. ‘He probably...

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NuruMassage Kleio Valentien Dirty Cop

When police officer Eric Masterson pulls over masseuse Kleio Valentien on her drive to the spa, he saunters to her open window and says he saw her talking into her cell phone while she was driving. He warns her the ticket will be very expensive. She gives him a friendly, flirty smile. She’s wearing an embroidered NURU spa robe on her way to work. When he asks about NURU, she invites him to drop by for a massage. She encourages him to come see her for a stress release, that he must need it...

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Getting Stuck In An Elevator

At first it bothered me to have some 50ish or even 60ish guy staring at my breasts all the way during regular meeting, but gradually I began to find it a bit of a turn on. I began to look forward to these meetings and started wearing sexy lingerie underneath my tight business blouse, jacket and skirt. Frankly I got off on watching these old farts panting their way through marketing meetings, gaping at my thighs or low cut blouses, while all the time pretending to be interested in profit...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 26 The Honourable Tony

Tamara Ruiz-Costa walked slowly, trying to synchronise her steps with those of her stepsisters, Patricia and Megan Maxwell. The twins were bursting with pride and happiness. Tammy knew that this was their day too. They had been working Henry and Josie for almost three years to bring about this wedding. Before them, her father was leading Josie Maxwell along the aisle of the village church and to the altar where the minister was waiting for them. Henry and Josie sat on the two chairs facing...

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Roomies part 1

The three of us had been roommates for about a year. AJ, Jim and I usually got along pretty well. But AJ and Jim had a thing for each other. They tried to hide it, but I could tell. I thought she may have quietly liked me, as I swear I’d catch her looking at the bulge in my pajama pants every now and then, but neither of us ever made a move, so I assumed Jim was her choice. It didn’t keep me from checking out her ass in her pajama shorts or her nipples when she wore a skimpy tank top around the...

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Altered Fates The Bitter Bridegroom

(Authors note: This story was inspired by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af023.jpg) ALTERED FATES: THE BITTER BRIDEGROOM By BobH (c) 2002 It was going to be the wedding of the year. Hollywood's new golden-haired wonder boy Tom Hudson was marrying supermodel Gina Carter, and the press couldn't get enough of them. It was a pairing that had synergy, they said, one in which their combined fame and glamor would be greater than the sum of that which...

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PureTaboo Penny Pax Divorce Bait

Rich businessman Dick Chibbles wants to leave his wife Penny Pax but doesn’t want to pay the price of a costly divorce. He hires actor Karlo Karrera off Craigslist to seduce her into having an affair so he can use it as evidence of adultery. But the actor he has hired is actually a con-man, who sees a greater opportunity to extort the man out of his fortune … using his mistreated wife as a pawn. Karlo meets the woman and shows her all the messages he has been exchanging with her...

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Pauls Birthday

“Did I hear the front door go?” asked Paul. He walked from the shower and into the bedroom. He was busy drying his toned body with a towel as he padded across the carpet. He left wet footprints. “I’ve been waiting for you,” purred Mona. Paul grinned at his wife. “It really is my birthday,” he said. “You look… wow… you look beautiful.” She knelt on the four-poster bed, clutching one of the dark wooden poles with both hands. She played with it suggestively, running her hands up and down the wood....

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Watching Her

John watched her from his window every day. Her apartment was a floor above and across the narrow alleyway, so he was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen. fortunately for him, her kitchen just so happened to have a large window positioned at just the right height for his viewing pleasure. She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimes just panties. He often dreamed of tying her up with rope. In his fantasies she would be his - helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. He...

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Dont ShoutChapter 10

Black Rock Farm – 10 years later Caden Sathie had needed to direct the taxi driver for the last part of his journey home. The car jerked along the gravel drive, and Caden had been almost surprised that his phone key-code still worked on the gate. He paid the taxi driver, took his little executive suitcase from the boot and watched the car drive off, thankful to get back to civilisation. Black Rock farm house hadn't changed and Caden was astounded to find that coming home after all these...

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Love You Harini

My name is Sameer I’m a big fan of this site. I’d like to share one of my experiences with my colleague. Let me give you a little background of things. I work in one of the top IT companies of India and has a huge campus in Delhi NCR. My dream of getting laid while in college couldn’t be accomplished and I’m always thirsty to finish off that goal. Although I’ve had a steady girl friend in college she would only let me do basic stuff like kissing, hugging etc. I wouldn’t even get to base to. I...

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Will You Love Me in the Morning

First of all, so you don't get the wrong idea, my name is Brent Wilson. No, I'm not a Brad Pitt or a Matt Damon. Not an Arnie kind of guy either. Not too skinny or to bulky either. I'm a plain looking, nondescript fella you would pass on the street and then wonder if someone had really walked by you. Scruffed up, mildly dark brown hair, not quite morning bed-hair, but nearly so. I never can keep it in place. I don't like gels or perfumes for guys ... cologne... 'Man Scents' they call...

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The Massage

I wanted to surprise my lover with a full body massage. I got to his home an hour before he was to arrive. I went up to his bedroom and lit a few candles. One of the candles had a vanilla scent, which made the room smell good and inviting. I brought out the massage oil that I picked up from one of those stores exclusively for body lotions and sprays. This oil’s scent was more masculine, and I knew that he would like that. I went back downstairs and started to place the cards at strategic...

Straight Sex
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Second Time Around

Second Time Around By Saint Ein I had been married before so I wasn't surprised when, after the honeymoon, Charlene, my new bride, started sounding more like a wife than a sweetheart. Women must have some built in switch that changes them into rulers of the house. When we were dating she never complained about what I ate. When we went out I ordered my favorite steak and she always fixed one of my favorites when I went to her apartment for dinner. But after the honeymoon she...

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Aunt with REM Behavior Disorder

I read a lot interesting stories here about Aunt and cousins. I found out that many are similar with my life. Today, I have read a good story and i reminded me of many things. Some of your story reminds me my youth, because i was raised in fester families and with grand parents. So i mixed with too many adults in early age and taste sex very early.Just didn,t have mom, i sexed aunties. At the age of 14 when my aunt changed furniture and we had to sleep on floors on mattresses, until we got...

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Me and my step dad and my sister

I guess you know, I had sex with my step dad. I had a story about it. It is true, but some was made up. I decided to tell what happened and I guess why I still let him fuck me.My dad past away when I was 10. My mom met Mac a year later and soon they got married. Mom was happy again and Helen and I was happy as well.When I was 12, I use to play with the neighbor boy, he was 14. Jonny and I was good friends. We were at his house playing in his room. His dad was at work and his mom was home....

1 year ago
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The Aerie

Stevie dropped his bike on the lawn and ambled over to the porch, plopping his skinny butt down next to me. "What's up, Toph?" "Exactly nothing! Two days into summer vacation and I'm so bored it hurts. What you been doin'?" "Me? I'm dodging my mom. She's been after me to clean up the garage. Have you seen that thing? The only way that place is ever gonna get clean is with some gasoline and a match." "Yeah? I dare you." "Har, Har! Get real! I'm too young to lose my cherry to a...

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The Quarry

The quarry is a mystical place that really exists, where young people go to watch nymphs swim naked and bask on granite heated by the summer sun. I lived in northern Vermont with my brother. It was a very rural area. There weren’t many jobs—in the winter it was mostly working in the woods cutting trees for lumber or pulp, or on the railroad laying rails at thirty below with the wind whistling through the cuts. In the summer it was working on farms. Family farms—mostly dairy. It was summer...

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