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Chapter One

Joyce never failed to make his heart jump whenever he saw her and he made it a point to see her as often as he could. They worked in the same building and on the same floor and nothing made his day more complete than when he could have coffee with her. She wasn’t aware of his feelings for her but she liked him and saw him as a good friend. She was seeing Larry Fister on a pretty regular basis and it hurt Aaron when he saw them talking. He knew he couldn’t have her but that didn’t stop him from dreaming about her. If he couldn’t have her at least she could be his friend and they could talk. They even lived close to each other, almost within walking distance. That didn’t help Aaron any and in fact it was almost like a tease to him. She could be so close to him day after day or night after night but in the end she still wasn’t his girlfriend.

They saw each other from a distance in the hallway. As they neared each other they both smiled and Aaron said, ‘Hi Joyce.’

‘Hi Aaron, on your way to a meeting?’

‘Just coming from one actually. I haven’t seen you for a few days.’

‘I’ve been buried in my office.’

‘Could I talk you into a cup of coffee at Drake’s after work?’

‘I’d like that but I won’t have a lot of time.’

‘I’ll meet you there then like the last time.’

‘Sounds good, see you then.’

Aaron was at the restaurant early and waited patiently for his favorite booth. When he saw her enter he stood up and waved to her. Once again they shared smiles and he waited for her to slip into the booth before sitting back down. ‘You look really nice today Joyce.’

‘Thanks. So how have you been?’

‘I’m doing okay, how have you been?’

‘Fine. Are you still working on your paintings?’

‘Some. I’ve been trying my hand at charcoals and pencil drawings lately.’

‘How is that going?’

‘Pretty good.’

‘You never have shown me anything you have done though.’

He almost blushed and said, ‘No I just do it for my own pleasure. I don’t want to put people in a position of feeling like they have to compliment me even if they don’t like what I do.’

‘Bring one to work sometime and I promise to be truthful. I’ll tell you what I think.’ Then she smiled and added, ‘But I’ll try to be gentle.’

He laughed and said, ‘I’ll think about it, how’s that?’

‘Okay but I really am interested.’

‘Thanks. I’ve been wanting to try doing something in clay too.’

‘Is there any art form you can’t do?’

He just smiled and said, ‘I’ll let you know after I’ve tried clay and marble, oh and chainsaw carving.’

She laughed and put her hand on his saying, ‘Now I’m serious. I’m surprised that you didn’t go into some profession involving art though.’ He could feel her hand on his and he wanted to kiss it.

‘I was going to be an art teacher but I decided I just didn’t have the patience for that and to make a living selling my work…well I’d likely starve. Besides I don’t know if it would be fun for me if I was doing it for profit.’ Aaron changed the subject when he asked her, ‘You still seeing Larry?’


‘How long have you been with him now?’

‘Oh…I don’t know, maybe three months.’

‘So is it serious?’

‘I thought so at first but now…I don’t know I guess. I mean he’s a nice guy and all.’

‘Oh I hear a but in there.’

She smiled and said, ‘Yes but I won’t go into that. How about you?’

‘Me? No I don’t have anybody.’

‘Why not, you’re good looking, charming and funny and obviously talented.’

‘You don’t know if I am talented yet.’

‘I just know you are. I just know there is a very special woman out there for you.’

‘I think so too actually. In fact I know there is. The question is will we end up together?’ Aaron sipped his coffee and then said, ‘You have a birthday coming up pretty soon right?’

‘Now how did you know that?’

‘I guess you mentioned one time and it just stuck in my mind.’

‘I’m very impressed and flattered that you remembered.’

‘I remember the important things.’ She just smiled at him not sure what to think of what he said. That was about the most personal thing he had ever said to her and it had no more than left his mouth than he was wishing he hadn’t said that. He was so afraid that she would shy away from him the next time he asked her to coffee. After all she did have a boyfriend.

To his great relief she took his hand in hers and said, ‘Thank you Aaron that was so sweet.’ They talked a few more minutes before she said, ‘I better get going.’

‘Thanks for having coffee with me Joyce.’

‘Thanks for asking me, I’ll see you at work tomorrow.’ As she left she thought about sweet Aaron. He was one of the nicest men she had ever known. He popped into her thoughts later as she was driving to Larry’s house and she wondered how it was that they had never gotten together as a couple. Maybe he really wasn’t interested in having a significant relationship. But then there was that reference to her birthday. She didn’t know what to think. At least she had him as a friend.

She left Larry’s house early saying she had a long day coming up and needed the extra rest. The truth was she just wanted to be alone. She didn’t know why and it wasn’t like she had things she needed or wanted to do either. It was getting late and she was about half asleep as she leaned into the corner of her couch. With her eyes about half open she realized she was experiencing a strange sensation. Like gentle fingers combing through her long hair. She let her eyes close and just enjoyed the feeling as she let her imagination run free. She was just sure she could feel a hand brush down the sides of her face like they were brushing her hair back. Then more soft caresses on her head as she imagined her hair being gently pulled back. When all of those sensations stopped she opened her eyes and smiled before getting up and going to bed. It may have been a dream but at least it was a sweet and soothing dream.

Chapter Two

Joyce thought about her sweet dream several times over the next few days. It was a puzzle to her because she was certain she wasn’t asleep, but there was no other explanation for that sweet experience. She just hoped she could have that dream again soon or at least one as nice as that one.

It was just a few days before her birthday when Aaron came to her office and this was something he had never done before. Joyce was surprised to see him standing in her doorway tapping on the frame but managed to say, ‘Well Aaron this is a surprise.’

‘Hi Joyce, got a minute?’

‘Of course come in.’

‘I don’t want to keep you from your work. I was hoping you would have time for coffee or a drink after work. Sort of a birthday drink maybe.’ She had planned on stopping at her favorite store to shop but she said, ‘I’d like that.’

‘How about the Lighthouse?’

‘Sure, want me to meet you there?’

‘Okay, just give your name to the hostess. I’ll get us a booth and be waiting for you.’ He paused and then smiled and said, ‘Well I’ll see you later then.’ She sat there looking at where he had been standing. She realized he was almost blushing and seemed restless. Joyce just smiled and looked through her doorway in a reverie of sorts before she pulled herself back to reality and went back to work.

Before she left work she checked herself in the bathroom mirror and did what she could to freshen her face and touch up her hair. It took her less than fifteen minutes to get to the Lighthouse and give her name to the hostess. When Aaron saw her coming he stood up and smiled and before she could sit down he kissed her cheek. That alone was something new for both of them and though pleased Joyce was surprised by the gesture. She ordered a cosmo and once again Aaron told her, ‘You look so fresh and nic
e, like you just started your day.’

‘Thank you Aaron and thank you for the kiss,’ and they made small talk as the two of them enjoyed their drinks. Then Aaron said, ‘I have a birthday present for you.’

‘Oh Aaron you shouldn’t have done that.’ He reached down next to him and handed it over to her and watched her face. The nicely

wrapped package was about eighteen by twenty four inches and no more than a couple of inches thick. ‘May I open it now?’

‘I’d like you to.’

She smiled at him and said, ‘I can’t believe you did this, you are so thoughtful.’ That was all she could manage to say. The last of the paper fell away and she just stared at it.

Aaron said, ‘You said you wanted to see some of my art work. I hope that’s okay.’ She still didn’t speak but continued to stare at her gift. ‘If you don’t like it or want it…’

‘Oh no, Aaron it’s wonderful. How did you ever…I don’t know what to say.’ He saw a tear slip down her cheek as she continued. ‘It’s like I was there sitting for you. I’m…I’m speechless.’ Aaron had done a charcoal sketch of Joyce from memory. He had sketched her before but he wanted this one to be special so he did a new one for her. Joyce continued saying, ‘It’s almost like I’m looking in a mirror.’

‘So it’s okay?’

‘No it’s not okay Aaron it’s breathtaking, thank you so much. I can’t wait to take it home and hang it up.’ She put her present down and came around to his side of the booth, knelt on the seat and kissed him softly. ‘Aaron I never dreamed you could have such talent. I wish…I don’t know how to thank you.’

‘Just knowing you like it and having you kiss me is thanks enough.’

‘Is the rest of your work this good?’

‘I don’t know. I will admit to spending extra time on your present though.’ Joyce gave him a second soft and brief kiss and then returned to her side of the table. For the remainder of the time she was with him she kept looking over at her picture.

Joyce hated to leave him but she finally said, ‘Aaron I have my appointment to get my hair done but I hate to leave. I don’t feel like I’ve thanked you enough for my present. You even signed and dated it.’ Aaron left money on the table and walked out with her. Before they parted Joyce gave him one last quick kiss and said, ‘That’s a small show of my appreciation.’ Aaron just stood there and watched her put the present in the backseat and then got into her car. She smiled and gave him a wave and he waved back as she pulled away. Aaron just stood there and touched his lips remembering her kisses. In the almost three years that he had known and dreamed about her that was the first time she had ever kissed him.

Joyce drove carefully so her portrait wouldn’t be damaged and endured her hair appointment. All she wanted to do was go home and study her living room and decide where to hang her gift. She remembered his comment that he was glad she enjoyed it and then

something about her kiss. Did something as simple as that mean that much to him or was he just being a gentleman?

Joyce took her time studying her living room and ended up removing one of her other pictures and hanging her portrait there. Over the next days she would find herself looking at it often as she tried to figure out how he could capture her in a way that made it look almost like she might move inside of that nice oak frame. Her hand went to the side of her head and she felt her hair as she looked at the picture and smiled. She noticed how he captured her hair where she had the habit of brushing her hair back behind her ear.

The next Thursday Larry was over he saw her portrait and asked, ‘Where did that come from?’

‘That was a gift from a coworker. He’s a fantastic artist don’t you think?’

‘I don’t know. I don’t think that looks so much like you.’ Joyce just looked at him but let the subject drop. She knew it was very well done and he was just jealous. When Saturday came Larry called her and said, ‘Let’s go to Comstock to that steak house.’

She only paused a moment and said, ‘I’m feeling just a little punk Larry. I’m going to take a hot shower and just read myself to sleep and see if I can shake this off.’ He had just assumed that she would say yes so he was a little surprised by her rejection.

After a moment he just said, ‘Oh…well okay then.’

‘I’ll call you the first of the week. I’m sure I’ll be feeling much better by then.’

‘Yeah okay.’ Joyce didn’t know if she really was feeling punk as she had claimed but she didn’t feel like going out or being with anybody either. After a light dinner she lingered over a cup of coffee and then went for that hot shower she had intended but turned it into a long soak in the tub instead. With only one small light on she leaned back and rested her head on the rim of the tub, closed her eyes and let the magic of the hot water work on her. She let herself almost float and her mind wander until the water started to cool and then got out and toweled down. She looked at herself in the mirror as she used the blow dryer and brushed her hair out letting it drape down her back. As she looked at herself she remembered her portrait and without so much as a robe she wandered out to the living room and dropped onto the couch and looked at the charcoal drawing. She put her feet up and just let her whole body relax and her head drop back onto the high back of the couch and stared at her gift.

It was so subtle at first. An almost imperceptible sensation near her neck and above her right breast. It was like a warm and gentle caress. Like a loving hand that was lightly touching her as it stroked from her neck down to the top of her breast. A loving and sensual sensation that made her close her eyes. She even put her hand up there for a second in response to the sensation to prove to herself that she was indeed alone in her apartment. Again that long gentle touch and this time it drifted down and over the outer margins of her breast before stopping. Then again but on the other side and this time it touched more of her breast. She licked her lips and kept her eyes closed as she leaned back and welcomed the unexplainable feeling. Joyce sighed and moved slightly to get more comfortable but didn’t want to miss any of those touches. A moment later she was being caressed again and this time it slipped over her left nipple and then down below her breast. Without realizing it she had arched her back slightly in response to this wonderful experience. She wasn’t even aware that her nipple stiffened slightly or that her breathing had changed. She was also unaware of the passage of time because where her mind was time wasn’t important. The long gentle caresses continued and both nipples were hard and begging for more and her breathing was faster and shallower. Then they stopped.

She waited and then opened her eyes and moistened her lips again as she looked around the room. She felt excited and restless but confused. Was she drifting off to sleep and dreaming again? She took a deep breath and walked around the apartment as she tried to gather her thoughts and then slipped on her silky pajamas and robe and read until she was ready for bed.

Chapter Three

All day Sunday she would look at the couch and remember being naked and leaning back as phantom hands caressed and teased her. Just remembering those soft caresses made her smile and yet made her want more. Monday was like any other day at work and when she saw Aaron she thanked him yet again for her portrait. Then at the end of the day she did a rare thing. She stopped for dinner and then was ready to just go home and get out of her work clothes. She tossed her purse in the chair and went to her bedroom and stripped to her bra and panties, but then for reasons unknown to her she took them off too and after grabbing a cookie in the kitchen went to the living room. She smiled at her portrait, which was becoming something of a ritual for her, and dropped onto the couch. She put her feet up o
n the coffee table again and leaned back. It wasn’t a conscious process but somewhere in her mind she was hoping she would experience those magic touches again. For some reason her favorite position on the couch wasn’t comfortable for her so she turned and stretched out on the couch and bent her right leg up slightly and looked to her left to her picture before she let her eyes close. She moved her head slightly to get more comfortable and then took a deep breath as she relaxed. It didn’t even occur to her that this was the second time she had lounged nude in the living room, something she had never done before the arrival of the portrait.

It didn’t seem that she was going to be visited by those sweet sensations this time but she was still content to lie there for a little longer. The first touch made her take a quick breath but her eyes never opened and she slowly let her breath out and submitted herself to the experiences to come. It was just like it had been Saturday night. Long slow caresses but this time they might start at her neck or upper chest and then slip down over her breasts or they would come up from her sides and then over or very close to her breasts. It was a sweet torture for her. A tease like none she had ever experienced before. Then for the first time she felt fingers touch just her right nipple and a soft pinching motion that made her squirm and moan softly. She was having trouble keeping still but her right leg stayed as it was with her knee raised slightly. Her breathing was faster as her left nipple was treated to that soft pinch and her breast was bathed with attention. Her mouth was open and her moan had a whimpering sound to it as she suffered through yet more teasing. She tried to tell herself to just get up and escape the teasing but she couldn’t seem to make that happen. Then from her nipples the hands moved down between her breasts and didn’t stop until they were past her belly button. She was holding her breath as that happened and moved her hands like she was trying to join that hand that was teasing her so much. Her hands stopped then and resumed their position by her side as two phantom hands moved over the area just below her breasts and down until they were right at her mound. She couldn’t help but mumble, ‘Oh God,’ and tip her hips up to meet the invisible hands. Then with a few more strokes up to and just touching her breasts they stopped again. Joyce almost cried in sweet frustration at the loss. She lay there for some time in a futile hope that more would be coming but it was over. Joyce wasn’t prone to touching herself in a sexual way but she was so very close to doing that very thing right then. It took her quite awhile to settle down after she put on her pajamas but she was finally able to relax enough to sleep.

Larry called her after work Tuesday and suggested, ‘Let’s go over to Nightspot and get a drink.’

‘I think I’ll pass Larry.’

‘You still sick?’

‘Not sick really just out of sorts.’

‘You been to the doctor?’

‘No I don’t need a doctor. I’ll be okay, I just need some time.’

‘Joyce is there somebody else?’

‘No of course not.’

‘Okay. I’ll call you in a few days then.’

‘Okay. Sorry.’

Joyce fixed some dinner and made herself try to relax in the kitchen as she ate and sipped her iced tea. She gave that up, cleaned up her mess and went for a quick soak in the tub again.

She didn’t give it a second thought anymore. She dried off from her bath and came out naked. It was her new routine now. She didn’t know how much longer she was going to be able to stand the teasing but at the same time she didn’t know if she could make herself stay away from her phantom lover.

She paced around her apartment but it didn’t help. She suddenly felt the hands touch her again and she was quickly lying on the couch in her knee up position and her eyes closed. The hands neglected her breasts this time and seemed to concentrate on her lower belly and her hips. It felt so good but it wasn’t pushing her into her sensual and sexual nirvana again. She sighed and just let the experience flow. She found it relaxing and yet sexy as she pictured the hands having free access to her nakedness. She had to wonder how she would be responding had there been a person attached to those mystery hands. Larry was an adequate lover but he never spent a lot of time caressing her or seeing to her emotional needs and desires. This phantom lover was just the opposite. She was being teased and caressed until she wanted to scream but there was nobody there to make love to her. She realized she wanted and needed both. She needed the loving, caressing and teasing as much as making love.

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Stocks BlondesChapter 2 Dinner with Detective Handsome

I need new car tabs because I foolishly let mine expire at the end of the year. I could have had Cinnamon do this if I was thinking. Fortunately, Detective Handsome let me off with just a warning ... and dinner. Starting the New Year right Jordan’s party was really okay and the oyster stew wasn’t bad either. He hobbled around on his boot cast and Cinnamon was there to support him if he teetered. I think they hooked up last night. They were very cagey when I asked what they ended up doing...

1 year ago
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Gay sex with Mustafa the handsome

Mustafa was the best looking waiter in the hotel. He was dark, classically handsome and had eyes that drew me in and made me weak. There was a theatrical element to him as he was always over-correct, very formal and over-acting his role of waiter. He walked with a confident and sexy swagger. His trousers were a little tighter than those of the other waiters and they seemed to be of a different cut altogether. They hugged a pert and rounded bottom which I could barely take my eyes off. He was...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1The whole thing seems so bizarre when I think about it. I am a 53 year old women, happily married to a wonderful man. We’ve been married for over 23 years and have two c***dren, a girl 20 and a boy 18. It was a second marriage for both of us and my husband has three older c***dren from his previous marriage.My daughter Cara is a Junior in college and is living at home, but she comes and goes like the wind. My son, Tim, is a senior in high school and just the best k** you could ever...

2 years ago
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Adam has Lost the Use of His Hands

"Can I go home?""Yes, but you will need help, twenty-four hour help. Have you got it?"I hesitated before giving the doctor a firm "Yes."However when he had left the room I wasn't sure who would be looking after me. An hour later mother arrived."Hi Adam, is the pain any better?""Hi mum, a bit.""Did the doctor say how much longer you are going to be in hospital?""I asked him."Mother interrupted me with "When?"I smiled and said "Let me finish, I can come home now."She gave me an even bigger smile....

4 years ago
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No Hands

No Hands Day 1 Mark sat down on the couch with his Aunt Tracy. His mother's sister was the younger of the two siblings somewhere in her mid thirties, Mark could probably work out her exact age based one what he knew of his Mom, but it really didn't matter, twice his age at least. She still looked young though, flawless skin, long dark hair that tumbled down her head in naturally curly waves. His Mom and her sister shared the same coloring but his Mom had long since cut her hair to...

2 years ago
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Home Helping Hands

“Hey Andy, what about this one!” John threw the paper to Andy who was slumped on the sofa watching daytime TV. “What am I looking at?” “The wanted ads – somebody wants a home help” Andy sighed. “Oh great – basically a cleaner. That’s not gonna go far to getting a deposit for my own place, is it?” “No – look at the ad. It says the job is 7 days a week, so there is live-in accommodation. You get a job, money and a roof over your head. Perfect!” “I don’t know. Sounds kind of weird. I mean, who...

4 years ago
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The Great Shift Healing Hands

The Great Shift: Healing Hands By Johnny Girl ([email protected]) I stared down at my hands. My hands. I still had trouble believing they were really mine. They were long and slender and delicate and feminine, wearing rings and bracelets, the fingers tipped with sparkly purple fingernail polish. These weren't the hands I was familiar with. They weren't the rough and strong and calloused hands I'd been so dependent on; they were weak and soft and smooth and small and useless...

4 years ago
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Mary Lost the Use of Her Hands

"How is my favourite Daughter today?""A bit better than yesterday."I always call her my favourite even though she is my only c***d. Normally it makes her smile, but not today. I guess she is in too much pain."Have the Doctors said anymore about your hands?""Only that they are not as badly burnt as they first thought, and that given time they will heal OK.""That's great news, I was really worried.""Me too, but this pain is a bitch, though it is easing off. They have given me stronger...

3 years ago
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Mehendi On Vidya8217s Hands

Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Mangalore, Karnataka and presently working in Bangalore. The following new story of mine is Completely a FICTION and is not inspired from real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to Enjoy my Latest Fiction Story……. The incident i am going to narrate to you all happened during my cousin’s wedding function in my village. The function was attended by all my family members. I had put leave from my work for 10 days and attended the...

2 years ago
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Big Hands

It was an accident! Really! I was a late bloomer. Walking out of high school at the end of my sophomore year, I was as flat as a board. Okay, I did have a couple of minor mounds on my chest but at age sixteen, I was definitely considered to be as flat as a board. I always kept a low profile at school wearing baggy clothing. Unlike Billie Eilish, I had nothing to hide. All that changed during the summer.By the end of June, my minor mounds were definite hillocks. They ached and when I touched or...

4 years ago
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It was all about the hands

We were laying contentedly in each others arms, emotionally and sexually exhausted, when she dropped her unwelcome bombshell. “I don’t know how to say this Rob, I’ve being trying to for a while, but we are going to have to stop all this- and I mean a clean break from today.”“What…why?” I exclaimed, automatically hugging her beautiful warm body even closer to mine. My mind was racing, wondering what had prompted this devastating revelation. Had I done something wrong? Was she bored or fed up...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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His Hands

(my first time out here. Please be patient. Was watching a lot of vampire movies.. LOL) I dream of his hands holding mine, but mostly I dream of his hands on my body, stroking and caressing my throat. That sharp, metal, nail, dragging, ever, so, slowly, across my jugular vein, and down my neck, towards the valley of my collar bone. I can almost feel it now, as it slips diagonally past my tattoo, and traces an invisible line across my chest, mounting the hills of my breasts with slow...

4 years ago
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Tall dark and handsome

I was bored. I can’t believe I was spending my summer vacation like this. Working at this store called Vanity, who hardly anyone came into during the summer. All the girls were out on vacation to beautiful California or somewhere else gorgeous. I was jealous, but I needed the money if I was ever going to go to California next summer. It sucked, during school time a lot of girls came in with their boyfriends and while the girls tried on clothes, the boys secretly hit on me. Since the girls were...

4 years ago
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No Hands

No Hands!They play a game where he is in charge, but there are not losers.The rules are simple. No hands. You sit quietly in the chair and cannot touch my cock or balls with your hands. I will do all the work. You can touch yourself all you want, but not my cock or balls. You can touch my ass or my legs or my chest or my nipples, just not my cock or balls. Oh yeah, and no talking. OK? Good! Let's get started. I like the office chair because the height is adjustable. We can lower it all the way...

Straight Sex
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The artists hands

I don’t normally take the bus, I used to think public transport was purely for the great unwashed, and perhaps I still think that.But beggars can’t be choosers, so I get the bus, among the great unwashed. The rain is pelting against the windows, and even though its early afternoon, the sky is ominous.The seats are cheap plastic, look-a-like leather, and my skirt has risen and now my arse is stuck to the filthy surface beneath me.I would move, but there is a young guy with a do-rag (it looks to...

2 years ago
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Noras Tale 7 I Take Levi in My Hands

I could feel it moving in my grasp. Levi’s hand lay on top of mine, and underneath the stack, I felt it twitching against my palm. Even through his jeans, I could feel how hot and hard it was. I squeezed it a little tighter, watching Levi’s face for his reaction. His breath hitched, and he closed his eyes in a drawn-out blink. This made me smile so wide my cheeks hurt. “A little impatient, aren’t we?” he said in a breathless voice. “I’ve been waiting nearly a week to get my hands on you,” I...

3 years ago
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Helping Hands

Next month I shall be sixty-seven years old. Before then there will be the fifth anniversary of the day my darling Dorothy was taken from me. A merciful release, said people who had known of her illness, and so it was. I still think of her, of course, and that is why I cannot help feeling just a little guilty about the turn my life has taken in the intervening years.Sex was never that important to Dorothy. At any rate, not once our early ardour had dwindled. And somehow I suppose I just adopted...

4 years ago
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Helping Hands

Next month I shall be sixty-seven years old. Before then there will be the fifth anniversary of the day my darling Dorothy was taken from me. A merciful release, said people who had known of her illness; and so it was. I still think of her, of course, and that is why I cannot help feeling just a little guilty about the turn my life has taken in the intervening years.Sex was never that important to Dorothy. At any rate, not once our early ardour had dwindled. And somehow I suppose I just adopted...

3 years ago
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The Hands

At the edge of my consciousness, the thought that something was wrong flitted through my mind then slipped away. For a moment I thought I couldn't move. That thought also dissipated, and I was unable to perceive its gravity. No idea lasted long enough to make me nervous. I was trapped in a deep, comfortable fog. But as it slowly lifted, my mind meandered, and the questions drifted in and out, without being adequately answered. Am I asleep? Have I been drugged? Why do I feel sore all...

3 years ago
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In Your Hands

@@@@@@@The restaurant, her choice, was as fine as she'd said it would be, and the play, my choice, was as good as the reviews had promised. Her dress, black and slinky, teased me all evening, with her shoulders and back semi-hidden under a filmy shawl, and the skirt slit up to just there... She had learned that part of me rapidly and well. We had learned each other actually, and surprisingly. A short stroll from the theater had brought us to a bar for a drink and dessert, but the tastes of the...

Straight Sex
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Time In Her Hands

This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Copyright (C) 1998 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author. TIME IN HER HANDS. By: Maryann It was one of...

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Farm Hands

It was hard to wake up in the morning. Beyond the fact that she wasn't a morning person and didn't drink coffee, there was a silence to her surroundings that she wasn't used to. It had been years since she had worked the family farm and the physical stress was taking its toll. Yet, there it was, the alarm clock announcing to anyone in ear shot that it was time to get up and start the day.Sadly, she was the only one within earshot. The point was driven home even more poignantly after she...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Helping Hands

It had been several weeks ago when, albeit in some way my own terrible fault I had decided to cross the road while on my way to college, and was struck by a car that I didn't notice. Although I survived, I ended up with two broken legs, fractured wrists and severe bruising. Over the next few weeks, as I rested up in hospital and recovered the best I could, I eventually was released into my family's care with my arms bandaged up and in slings, and one of my legs still in plaster as it hadn't...

1 year ago
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My Fathers Hands

100% fiction! There was something about my father’s hands—something that captivated me. Soft, dark hair dusted the area just above the knuckles, and thick veins stood prominent beneath the weathered skin. His fingers were large and strong, yet quick and clever. They were hands equally capable of crushing or caressing. Hands that ___ one moment and charmed a violin the next. Powerful hands; gentle hands. The hands of an artist—the hands of a carpenter. I spent most of my childhood watching those...

2 years ago
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Mr Big Hands

The night began with Kelsey arriving in a sexy bumblebee costume, blue eyes bright underneath her glasses I would soon drunkenly rip off. She was magnificent, wings bouncing with each careful step in her four-inch heels. We both admitted our nervousness, and soon broke out the Patron and hastily drank, following each shot with awkward bites of lime that became stained and grotesque with red imprints. We didn't plan on this, we just wanted to go dancing like all insecure, underage girls. But...

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Mr Big Hands

Introduction: Honestly, Im never this much of a slut… Looking back, it was definitely too much makeup. The outfit could have been a little less bisque, and the black stilettos could have easily been replaced with flats, or simple boots. But it was all a key part in the confidence-building mindset I required. My lips were too red, and my face was like glass, porcelain, caked in Chanel concealer and lightly powdered in Sephora. I, was unstoppable. The night began with Kelsey arriving in a sexy...

3 years ago
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Beneath His Hands

Molly's voice echoed in the candlelit bathroom, her off-key words bouncing from the tiled walls. The scent of gardenias filled the air, drifting from the emptying bath behind her. With her face scrubbed free of makeup and her body relaxed after a long soak, this was one of her favourite parts of the day. The boys were in bed. Housework done. Her time to finally wind down at the end of it all. She pulled her robe closed and belted it at the waist, smiling at the thought of the fresh sheets and...

Straight Sex
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No Hands

I like the office chair because the height is adjustable. We can lower it all the way down so your face is at the level of my cock when I stand in front of you. You can sit comfortably and not have to be down on your knees. You have on a set of a white see-through lace bra and matching panties. I’m in blue nylon spandex type boxers. Tight, silky and very stretchy. We are both fresh from the shower and smelling nice. You have a hint of fine perfume and I have dabbed just a bit of Stetson...

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DNA Time On His Hands

DNA: Time On His Hands Just a little short story set in my DNA universe I've been working on. You don't need to have read the main DNA sequence or the other DNA side story to understand what's going on here. For those of you who are wondering, I have started work on DNA III. This story is copyright 1998 by Stephanie. All rights reserved. You may repost or store this story on your website as long as the work is not altered or charged for. As always, this is...

4 years ago
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His Hands

His hands were large and soft. That was always the one thing I remembered most about him. When we would lie together he would run his hands up and down my torso. Caressing me gently, warming me all over slowly. In those moments I would sigh and snuggle closer to his hard body. Yet now when I turn over he is not there, just a cold empty bed to caress and comfort me now. My Trent is gone away. I huff and turn over, imagining he is still beside. I imagine how it felt to sleep with him for the...

3 years ago
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His Hands

His hands were large and soft. That was always the one thing I remembered most about him. When we would lie together he would run his hands up and down my torso. Caressing me gently, warming me all over slowly. In those moments I would sigh and snuggle closer to his hard body. Yet now when I turn over he is not there, just a cold empty bed to caress and comfort me now. My Trent is gone away. I huff and turn over, imagining he is still beside. I imagine how it felt to sleep with him for the...

Love Stories
5 years ago
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The Niggers Hands

***AUTHOR’S NOTE: My lovely white husband used to be a cook at a nationally-known franchise here in Florida and he came home early from work one day, telling me that he had quit. When I asked why, he told me that an elderly woman had come in and asked if there were any ‘niggers’ in the kitchen and that she wouldn’t eat if anyone Black cooked the food. The manager told my husband, the only white cook, to cook this woman’s food, instead of telling the woman that she should leave. My husband quit,...

4 years ago
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Helping Hands

Liz sighed, watching an especially amorous young couple who had obviously forgotten they were on a public beach. He was gorgeous, and as much as Liz would have liked to live vicariously through the redhead he was pawing for a few minutes, she blew her whistle anyway. The pair looked more than a little embarrassed when they finally realized after the second tweet that the whistle was meant for them. Shaking her head to toss her tawny curls, a few of which were sticking to her lotion-covered...

2 years ago
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Helping Hands

Liz sighed, watching an especially amorous young couple who had obviously forgotten they were on a public beach. He was gorgeous, and as much as Liz would have liked to live vicariously through the redhead he was pawing for a few minutes, she blew her whistle anyway. The pair looked more than a little embarrassed when they finally realized after the second tweet that the whistle was meant for them. Shaking her head to toss her tawny curls, a few of which were sticking to her lotion-covered...

Group Sex

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