The Chastity BallThursday Chastity s Lesson
- 2 years ago
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“Wendy, I’ve told you before. You are NOT going out
without a bra on, and that’s final,” said Wendy’s
mother, Bea, as she caught her daughter sneaking out
of the house for school. One glance at her daughter’s
tight school blouse had confirmed that her
fourteen-year-old daughter had not put one on, again.
“Oh mom, c’mon, I’m late for school!” complained
Wendy, looking down at her own chest – was it that
“Not my problem. I told you before that you’re not to
go to school without one.”
“Aw, mom, no-one will know!”
“Wendy,” sighed Bea, she’d been through this argument
many times, “I told you before – you’re a big girl
now. You can’t go out like that, it really does
“I’ll put one on tomorrow, promise. It’s just that
I’m late now,” said Wendy trying to get away.
“No!” yelled her exasperated mother and grabbed
Wendy’s arm. Pulling her back into the hall she
closed the front door firmly.
“Look!” she said, pushing Wendy in front of the hall
mirror. “Can’t you see?”
“See what?” said Wendy in an annoyed, bored tone.
At that moment, Mark, Wendy’s younger brother came
through the hall on his way to school.
“Nice tits!” he said, cheekily.
“That’s enough of that!” called Bea at his retreating
back. Mark slammed the door noisily.
Wendy sulked in front of the mirror. Bea tried a
conciliatory tone. “Look Wendy, it really does show.”
She pulled Wendy’s tight-fitting school blouse in
slightly at the waist making her breasts stand out
even more. The nipples poked the material into small
peaks. Wendy was large breasted, like her mother, and
her breasts, that months ago had seemed like puppy fat
were now becoming all too apparent as she slimmed
“It’s my body – I don’t have to do what you say!” spat
back Wendy.
This made Bea angry – she had tried being nice with no
“Wendy! You are NOT going out without a bra and
that’s my final word!” she yelled.
“Screw you!” hurled back Wendy.
Bea looked at her daughter, shocked. Her daughter
stood before her, chest thrust out defiantly. She had
never heard her daughter use such language or that
tone on her before. Enraged, she lashed out and
slapped Wendy firmly across her breasts with her open
hand. Wendy screamed in surprise and the stinging
pain but was so angry with her mother that she slapped
her mother back. Bea had not yet dressed and Wendy’s
hand slapped her straight across her large breasts
that were covered by nothing except the flimsy
material of her night dress. The slap caused tears of
pain to run down her cheeks. Bea was livid.
“How dare you slap me young lady!” she roared and made
a well-aimed slap connect with Wendy’s breasts again.
Wendy clutched her chest in agony before launching
herself at her mother with fury. Grabbing handfuls of
her mother’s ample breasts she squeezed the flesh
hard, making her mother gasp with pain as she pushed
her back against the wall. In retaliation, Bea
reached out and grabbed her daughter’s breasts,
tearing open the buttons of her school blouse in the
process and exposing the smaller, but well-formed
breasts of her daughter.
Now mother and daughter engaged in a battle of will
versus pain. Staring defiantly into each other’s eyes
they kneaded, twisted and pulled at each other’s
breasts as pain seared through their bodies.
Eventually, due to her superior strength, Bea began to
get the upper hand. Sensing near victory she pushed
her daughter to her knees by her breasts and leant
over her, victorious. Wendy, sensing that she was
about to lose her grip on her mother’s jugs, leant
forward and bit into the flesh dangling before her.
He mother screamed in pain.
“You vicious little bitch!” she screamed and released
her grip on Wendy’s young breasts immediately.
Wendy savoured her moment of victory over her mother
and bit harder into the tender breast whilst
simultaneously reaching up and tugging viciously on
the exposed nipple of the other. Her mother now
sobbed in agony, begging her daughter to release her
tender breasts from her clasp. Wendy was unsure
whether to trust her mother yet and held on a little
longer but once she was certain that her mother had
given up the fight she let go and stood defiantly in
front of her, her own sore breasts pointed naked and
proud in front of her.
Bea clutched at her reddening sore breasts, scooping
one up to examine the damage left by Wendy’s vicious
mouth. She felt a little faint as the waves of pain
receded. Wiping away a tear she said, “You were
always biting me when you fed from these too.”
Wendy suddenly felt very guilty at what she had done
to her mother. The woman who had given birth to her
and had fed her at her own breast.
“Oh mom, I’m so sorry….” she started, looking down
at her mother’s exposed breasts that were reddening
from the pummelling they had received at her hands.
Instinctively she reached out to touch one, to make it
feel better, but her mother flinched away as she
reached out.
“Oh mom, I’m not going to hurt you any more. I just
wanted to make you feel better!”
Slowly, cautiously, Bea dropped her hands from her
sore and aching breasts as Wendy reached up to gently
hold them. She gently stroked the area that she had
bitten, her face wincing with imagined pain at the
hurt she had just caused. Bea smiled and reached up
her own hands to cup her daughter’s tender breasts and
gently stroked the red streaked flesh better.
Bea grinned broadly. “Look at us,” she said and Wendy
had to laugh at the ridiculous sight they made in the
mirror – mother and daughter, stroking each other’s
bruised and battered breasts.
“Come on,” she said, “Go and sit down and I’ll get
some ice – you can’t go to school like that!”
While Wendy went and flopped on the sofa, Bea went to
the kitchen and fetched some ice that she rolled up
inside a cloth. All the time she felt a strong
throbbing ache from her own breasts.
Kneeling beside Wendy she first told her to remove the
ripped school blouse she was wearing. Wendy winced as
she tried to undo the remaining buttons so Bea helped
her daughter with it, undoing the buttons down to her
waist then finally pulling it off her arms, leaving
her daughter’s chest fully exposed. Gently she put
the ice-pack to her daughter’s sore breasts and dabbed
at the tender teats very carefully.
“Ooh!” shivered Wendy. “Thanks mom. That feels really
great – why don’t you try it?”
She took the cloth from her mother’s hands and,
slipping the ripped night dress from her mother’s
shoulders, tended to her breasts with the ice-pack.
Bea hung her head back, letting her long hair slide
down her back and enjoyed the sensations of the
ice-pack being gently moved over her full breasts.
She could not prevent her nipples from becoming taught
under the sensations, causing a frisson of pleasure
and pain. Bea had thick, long nipples and in
hardening they tugged at her breasts. Wendy giggled
at the sight of them erecting under her ministrations;
they were like two independent creatures. Playfully
she brushed the back of her hand over one nipple,
enjoying the rubbery feeling and the way it bounced
back into position. Her mother winced at the
“Ouch! That’s really tender right now!” she
“Sorry mom,” said Wendy. She looked down at her own
nipples which had also hardened into two tight little
nubs, but they were nowhere near the size of her
mother’ immense teats. Wendy felt slightly envious
and wondered if her own breasts would ever be as large
as her mother’s. She suddenly had an insane desire to
suckle at one of the rubbery teats and wondered if it
was a hangover from when she was a baby. Did all
children have a secret longing to suckle at their
mother’s breasts again? She dismissed the idea from
her mind and went back to dabbing the ice-pack on her
mother’s breasts.
“Mom….” began Wendy, coyly.
“Yes dear? What is it?” answered her mother vaguely,
eyes still shut.
“Ummm, can I ask you something…?”
“Anything….” breathed Bea.
“Uhmmm…. Do I have to go to school today?”
Bea opened her eyes and looked at her daughter
sharply. Glancing at her daughter’s exposed breasts
she saw that they still looked red and sore from her
punishment of them. She felt a pang of guilt.
“Well, no, my dear. But just for today until those
get better.”
Bea closed her eyes and hung back her head again.
Wendy grinned happily and continued ministering to her
mother’s throbbing breasts.
Later that day the doorbell rang. Bea opened the door
and recognised the woman immediately, it was Wendy’s
teacher, Ms. Brahms. She was not smiling.
“Hello Ms. Brahms, what can I do for you?”
“Do you mind if I come in?”
“Certainly not, come in and have a seat. Coffee?”
“No. Thank you,” said Rachel Brahms coldly as she
stepped past Bea and entered the living room.
When they were both sitting Rachel came straight to
the point, “Mrs. Lee, where is Wendy?”
“Oh, in bed – she’s not feeling well today.”
“Are you sure she’s really ill?”
“Oh certainly, I… I examined her myself. Why do you
ask?” said Bea, leaning forward.
Rachel Brahms glanced down at Bea’s full breasts that
surged into a cleavage in her low cut top. She
couldn’t help noticing the red marks and this
distraction flustered her slightly.
“I… I wanted to check with you as Wendy’s taken a
lot of time of school this year and I’m worried about
her performance. Also, there was a more, uhm,
personal matter.”
Looking at Rachel, Bea could see she was somewhat
uncomfortable. “Oh? And what would that be?”
“Well, it’s a bit delicate, but could you ask Wendy to
wear a bra to school in future?”
Bea flushed. It was one thing for her to tell her own
daughter to wear a bra but she resented this young
teacher coming to her house and telling her what her
daughter should or shouldn’t wear. She snapped.
“What’s the matter? Can’t keep your eyes off them
Rachel’s eyes, which had once again slipped down to
examining Bea’s enticing cleavage, flicked back to
Bea’s face and for a face-reddening moment Rachel
thought she had been talking about her looking at
Bea’s own ample breasts. When she twigged she was
horrified and stammered out an explanation.
“Oh… oh no, I… I didn’t mean that at all! I
simply meant that your daughter’s, uhm, well, breasts
were a distraction to some of her classmates.” Oh
dear, thought Rachel, this isn’t going at all how I
imagined it.
Bea sat up straight. She had noticed with contempt
that Rachel had been ogling her own breasts.
“I’m not so sure – you’re not exactly well stacked are
you?” she said, cruelly referring to the small bumps
in Rachel’s top. “Maybe you’re jealous. You
certainly can’t seem to take your eyes of these,” she
added, thrusting out her own full bosom.
“I… I wasn’t!” stammered Rachel, blushing crimson.
“Really?” said Bea and in one swift movement she had
unfastened her top and her unfettered breasts sprang
Rachel could not help but gawp at the magnificent
sight of them. For the second time that day Bea felt
inordinately proud of her breasts.
“I… I have to go,” muttered Rachel, reluctantly
tearing her eyes from Bea’s chest and standing.
“Fine with me,” said Bea.
Rachel rushed from the room and let herself out.
As the door slammed Bea burst out laughing and Wendy
joined her from the other side of the door where she’d
been listening to the whole thing. Ellen too was
topless; her breasts still felt too sore to be
“Oh mom, you were simply BRILLIANT!” she squealed and
hugged her mother tightly.
Naked breast to naked breast the two women embraced
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Introduction To set the scene, I am a middle-aged, married, businessman who also happens to be a part time transvestite. That is I like to dress like a woman and experience sex with men, other transvestites, crossdressers and women. I do NOT want to be woman, I don't stay dressed as a woman all day every day, nor am I interested in sex with men unless I am dressed as a woman. I used to consider myself a 'crossdresser' until a few years ago. To explain; that means I used to dress in female...
I woke this morning from an amazing dream with cum filled briefs, the spent cum matting my pubic hair and using my seed i began to stoke my already rigid cock to the memory of the dream I had just had about MissRach and Le Petit Gateau. My dream had evolved from selling ice-cream from an ice-cream van to old ladies and sexy nurses, before getting arrested by a traffic warden for not being dressed appropriately. I was only wearing socks and shoes and now, the cuffs around my wrists as i was...
My best friend Andy and I shared many interests. Most of them we could tell others, but there was one thing we had in common we had to keep to ourselves. Both of us lusted for our moms. The only difference for us was why we lusted for our moms. While Andy was a total ass man, I was a tit-man all the way. I love huge tits. Big boobs, enormous breasts, whatever you want to call them. I think the only person I knew more obsessed with tits than me was Andy’s cousin Mallory. Just like Andy my mom...
Carmen told Claire that she had a date with Ryan on Friday night. Claire had no problem with her pet dating. Carmen knew from experience that Claire could bring her so much pleasure and contentment, so it was decided that all dates and any sexual activity needed to be directed by Claire. “The last time you went out, he sucked your titties?” asked Claire Carmen nodded. “Has he played with your pussy?” Carmen head shook no. “Have you played with his cock? Carmen's face remained blushed, and her...
BisexualThis is another story written for Jack, my former Mentor. Jack wanted me to explore the idea of tit torture? In this story, i use the physical equivalent of safe words, as i was taught by my Mentor, and although Master Falcon has given me safe words to use, I have never felt the need to use them with Him. This topic could be debated at length, i imagine. This story also mentions the use of nipple clamps with teeth, which can be dangerous if used in the wrong way. When i wrote this, i had not...
"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos," Raven chanted slowly. She was hovering in the air with her lags crosed inward. Her focus was on her center, and properly channeling her energies. Or, at least, it should have been. The Titan was putting in more than her usual effort, but flashes of emotion kept bursting across her mind. Boundless joy, overwhelming confidence, righteous fury, fiery lust. With each of these flashes came images of Starfire: her bright, green, eyes and soft, peach-toned, skin. Struggle...
FapTitans gets right into it. I typed the URL into the bar and a few seconds later a cowboy chick appeared on the screen. She’s wearing historically accurate cowgirl attire: a wide-brimmed hat, six-shooter, badge, and leather vest-bra that barely hides her massive, perfectly round titties.“This is a monster,” she says. “Click on it until you defeat it and get the rewards.”I assume she’s referring to the level 1 Yapping Orc on the right side of the screen. He’s a big, ugly, pig-faced...
Best Porn GamesAF: The Titanic By Bashful and Julie Randal and Sarah Witherspoon were arguing again. Randal wished that his sister would find a man who met her high standards and get married, then his life would be much easier. Sarah was complaining about his choice of steamships now. The siblings had just spent 6 weeks in Europe and Great Britain. They were to return to America and Randal had booked passage on board the Philadelphia of the American Line. Now Sarah was upset because he had...
Once I arrived the girl started stripping down to swimming underwear and then got into position to start the perverse tournament. I rolled out the camera. It was basically a sequence of physical challenges that would get you through a lot of pain and suffering in order to get five thousand USD prize. The first one was a water slide into a mud . Then there was climbing up staircases and jumping from one hook floating in the air to another. They were giant and each was more difficult...
For quite some time I had seen the friction between Carmen and Lisa get worse with the occasional jibe and accidental bump until one day when Carmen finally had had enough and shoved Lisa into the wall of the club we were at. I stepped in between the two and told them that this had gone on long enough and it was going to be settled once and for all. I made arrangements for the two to fight it out in the ring and set up a date for this to happen. Dress would be bra and panties and protective...
Clergyman raised an inviting hand toward the fat middle age man and smiled. "You look like a good proficient fellow". It was hard to say if he was mocking the man or recognize something in him, which to everyone else but the fat man seemed very unlikely. "Haha ... See, son, among all the people here, it is your father that a professional fighter deemed a worthy opponent". The fat man told to the boy beside him who also shared a proud smile of been the son of the only man Clergyman called...
Que dirais-tu de me montrer cette jolie petite soit que tu portes sous ce ce petit chemisier et sans attendre ma réponse il déboutonna un par un les boutons de mon chemisier dévoilant les contour de ma poitrine où la couleur de mon soutien-gorge rouge vif était apparentEt le pire fut quand je sentis le creux de sa main absorber mon sein droit assez fortement , et là malgré ma colère je ressentis une grande bouffée de chaleur dont je ne pouvais pas dire si elle était causée par la honte et...
As a little k** I learned to punch my sister in her tits. As her tits started to develop I found out that they were very sensitive and that it hurt her even more. So of course I did it more often.When she was thirteen and I was f******n she was already into a 30-B bra and growing every day. Our mother wore a 36-DD bra. I know because I keep track of things like that.I liked tits but the bigger the better. Then Dad left us for a chick that only wore a 34-A bra and she had to pad that.Well at...
Jane's 40th birthday came and went. She wasn't happy about it. It's pretty hard to make any woman feel good about themselves except by just accepting them as they are, which I did, but she still felt she was getting old. I'm in my mid fifties now. I would love to play with a 40 year old woman!! When Jane turned 40, I was 30. I haven't seen her since 2004, when she was 51. She didn't look a lot different. She would now be 65, and I often wonder how her inch long nipples turned out, and whether I...
Hi, my name is Jonny. I am a twenty eight year old lawyer from Toronto. I work for a large law firm and specialize in divorce cases. I must say that this is a really good way to meet some extremely interesting people. Despite my young age, I have come to be very well respected by my colleagues. I have started to get a large number of cases directed to me due to my high success rate. Because of this, I started to really get stressed out. Being only 28, I really did not want to suffer a nervous...
Chastity's Corner By Chas The draught is a little chilly on my thighs. I think that's what gets me -- that cool breeze that gets up my skirt, letting me know exactly how exposed I am. When I'm standing on my corner (or occasionally sitting, when it's time for a smoke break), there's always something to remind me of my vulnerability. A lot of things can happen on the street. I do what I can to protect myself. Part of that is letting prospective customers know that I'm not quite...
Chastity's Vacation with Mistress"Are you dressed yet?" Mistress whined as I looked longer than she wantedto slip my skirt and tank top on. It really shouldn't have taken a long time,but I got distracted with the view. It was only the parking lot but so manycars and people we're roaming around in it. We we're staying in a casino resort;it was a beautiful place with murals everywhere. As soon as I got my skirton and heels we were out the door. Slightly embarrassed by my clothes becausethe tank...
This story is a reply to Daniellex 's story "My Tit Wank Fantasy". With Danielle's kind permission I have tried to offer the male perspective of the same events. I suggest you read hers first. I shouldn’t be doing this. I mean, I’ve only spoken to you once. That day. The day you moved in across the hall. The first thing I saw was your bum. You were bending over, placing the box down as you delved in your bag for your keys. For all I know I could have been drooling like the bulldog in those old...
MasturbationGINA’S RETRO TIT TORTURE Back in the late seventies my ex-wife spent a few weeks in the LA area. This was a couple years before we met and were married. Her older cousin had an apartment there and invited her out west, she was told there was a lot of work in movies and modeling and should get there as soon as she turned 18. Turns out the cousin was actually working for a sleazy escort service and Gina found out when she arrived...
This story is based on an exchange of emails with Diannaromo, a big titted filthy whore MILF exhibitionist on this website, where we discussed a gangbang fantasy.Here are some of the messages the massive titted filthy bitch was sending me as we played out this fantasy and I was talking her through her a*****ion:“Oh fuck... keep going baby I'm so wet now” …..“My pussy is so wet you could stick your dick in dry and fuckme” . …“Oh I need this so bad”“Oh baby that's hot”“Oh please keep going!...
My Husband Asked Me To Do Him A FavorMy husband and I recently made plans to celebrate my soon to be 30th birthday this coming weekend. He booked in advance, a large suite at our local Marriott where we would check-in on Friday night, checkout on Sunday. I was looking forward to it, until! My Husband came home from work Monday night with a problem related to his new construction company. My Husband has a crew of eight black guys working for him renovating a small apartment complex here in...