Kim Possible a Teen Titans
- 3 years ago
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The scene is Titan Tower on the arc of the bay on which Jump City stands. On the twelfth floor, in the roomy lounge, around a large table, sits three teenagers. The first is a tall and lean girl, with thin wiry arms and thin though shapely legs, her breasts are surprisingly large and rounded given her slender frame. Her crowning glory is a magnificent mane of copper red hair.
Her outfit is minimal and revealing; consisting of not a lot in truth! Thigh boots, the briefest of micro skirt, a wide belt clasps her narrow waist. Elbow length but fingerless gauntlets sheath her arms, one thin bicep is circled by a metal ring, and her bounteous bosom is restrained by a crop top that leaves her flat belly bare. She has no navel! Her entire outfit is a mix of dark and pale blue.
This is the meta teenage hero Starfire; the Tamaranian princess and former heir to the throne of that world. Both her companions are also teens and also much more than human.
The girl with the bizarre coiffeur, that divides her pinkish hair into two horns, is the reformed teen meta criminal Jinx. She wears a long sleeved mini dress of black and blue and thick soled black boots. Slender like Starfire her breasts are firm though less spectacular than the currently gloomy Tamaranian.
The third occupant of the room, still nibbling at a slice of pizza, seems the odd girl out since she wears a white blouse, a mini kilt, knee socks, sports shoes, and a vest bearing a school badge. She is more slender than either of the other two girls; possessing a boyish though slightly rounded figure. Her hair is a river of gold that parts in the centre and hangs almost to her waist. This is Terra another meta; and now restored to human life from the form of a stone statue.
Pioneering work by The Batman and Star Labs has returned the teenager to her living form ... And school sadly for her! Her normal outfit is, one must say, somewhat dykish! Her usual attire, away from school, is thick soled boots like Jinx's, shorts with many patch pockets, heavy gauntlets like a welder or construction worker, and a crop top which also reveals a flat belly. But she does possess a navel being earth born. Starfire, face wreathed in the aforesaid gloom sighs deeply.
"I have tried so hard to entertain and amuse friend Raven but nothing seems to have worked. None of us Titans have managed to change her ways. Cyborg invited her to drag races and monster truck meetings. Beast Boy offered to take her to the zoo! Robin asked her to attend an opera but she declined that also. I have attempted to involve her in Tamaranian festivals and she remains aloof. I am sad for my friend but I know not what more to do!"
Jinx, only recently a guest at Titan Tower, speaks first.
"Look SF she's what, thirteen or fourteen? She's a teenager like the three of us here. What does she do for fun? I mean we're sitting here eating pizza and drinking fizzy drinks that make us burp. That's what girls do! We have sleep over's and show off our new clothes and we go to visit malls. What does Raven do for fun?"
Starfire's gloom seems to deepen!
"She remains in her suite, reads books, and meditates!"
Terra sighs deeply and turns to the puzzled Jinx.
"She's right Jinx baby! Rae's idea of a good time is to sit in a lotus position, float two foot off the ground, and repeat "Azerath Metrion Zinthos" with her eyes shut! That's how you are when you're raised by a group of psychic monks and nuns of Azeroth! We thought after she defeated her demon dad Trigon she might lighten up but no such luck."
Their conversation is interrupted by the warbling of a phone. Starfire floats from the sofa she was seated on and soars across the room to pick up the handset.
"Titan Tower! Starfire is speaking to you! No I regret the Robin is not here! Am I able to be of assistance?"
Her eyes grow large and round and she presses the mute button on the phone as she turns to the other two metas.
"It is the Madame Rouge asking for permission to enter the Tower and speak with me!"
Terra sits bolt upright at the mention of this notorious international meta criminal.
"I thought she was still in gaol?"
Jinx grins and looks tough!
"I zapped her with a hex good style when she went too far and tried to get me to kill Kid Flash so she doesn't scare me! Besides if she thinks she can take three top metas like us she's delusional! Bring her up here and if she wants trouble she can have all she can handle!"
Nervously Starfire un-mutes the phone and speaks into it as she presses a button unlocking the main ground floor doors.
"Please take the lift to the twelfth floor Ms Rouge and we will be waiting for you!"
The express lift wafts its way fast to their floor and the doors slide open. Into the room stalks a severe but madly attractive woman. Laura De Mille, alias Madame Rouge, is a tall woman with superb legs and fabulous breasts. Her features are harsh and angular though fascinating to study. A chiselled jaw, wide mouth, high cheekbones, and a blade of a nose, combine into a stunning face. Her silky sable hair is cut off at her jaw line and trimmed into a fringe just above her arched eyebrows.
In her scarlet micro dress, thigh boots, and opera gloves reaching well above her elbows, she positively sizzles as she sways across the floor. Her narrow waist is cinched with a wide belt of black and silver!
"Halt and come no nearer miscreant! What deeds of evil are you planning now?"
The woman shrugs and holds up her hands.
"Starfire my young darling I want no trouble. I'm legally out of prison and part of my release is to bring you this."
One hand holds a thick manila envelop and her arm extends perhaps twelve or fifteen feet to hand it to the startled Starfire before it snaps back to its normal length. Ripping open the thick paper the Tamaranian pulls out a sheaf of papers and scans them rapidly.
"You have been granted parole for cooperating with the legal authorities, and part of your parole is that you reside here in Jump City and report, not just to a parole officer, but to the Robin and the Teen Titans?"
"That's right darling! I blew the gaffe on one of The Brain's secret laboratories and the police, with a few meta crime fighter guys and gals, scooped up a fair few wanted meta crooks. So here I am free as a bird!"
Glancing at the table Rouge's face lights up.
"Pizza! You got pizza! Got anything to wash it down with?"
Starfire is just too friendly and basically too nice a person to refuse food even to a super crook like the Madame!
"We have cans of Sugar Rush Cola and Martian Dew Ms Rouge!"
"I was thinking maybe coffee darling not teenage tooth rot stuff!"
"Humph! We Titans do not drink coffee but over there in that cupboard you will find a jar of instant decaff we keep for our guests!"
Refusing to be put off by a mildly chilly reception Madame Rouge is soon settled on the sofa next to Starfire, chomping pizza, and gulping hot black coffee.
"So you see darling I'm legit and won't cause you any problems but I have to report here every two weeks to one of the Titans and tell you when I find a job. My address is on the paperwork you've got along with my phone number."
She stops talking and looks around at the three serious looking teens.
"Well I didn't expect a parade but for three nice meta babes you don't look too pleased with life!"
"It is not because of you formerly evil meta! We are concerned about our friend the Raven!"
"Oh you mean the ice queen? Little Miss Steel Panties! What's her problem?"
"The Raven seems to not enjoy the pleasures that we do and we find we cannot seem to bring her happiness no matter how we try. She will accept none of our invitations to accompany us to fun locations. I fear we have run out of ideas!"
Rouge ponders a while, tugging at her nose; which stretches out perhaps six or seven inches.
"What you need to do is have a sleepover or a slumber party here and what Miss Frigid needs is a good slice of lady loving! An all girls together session with bring her out of her shell!"
Jinx smirks at the idea while Terra grins knowingly at the evilly smiling Rouge. Starfire, in contrast, looks blank!
"And what friend ... er perhaps not friend, Rouge, do you mean by lady loving?"
"Hey Star darling how old are you?"
"I am 27 zorthogs by Tameranian reckoning but why do you ask?"
"Well what's that in Earth time darling?"
Starfire wrinkles her brow, counts on her fingers, and screws up her eyes.
"I am fourteen years and eight Earth months by your counting but what does that matter?"
"Well my sweet and innocent Starfire you appear to be kinda clueless about sex!"
"I have read all about the birds and the bees of Earth! And I am fully aware that when a human man and woman mate the egg and sperm can unite to provide a human baby nine months later. Babies are so cute!"
Rouge winks at Jinx and Terra in turn before turning back to the still confused Starfire.
"Starfire sex is fun and it ain't just for making babies! And sex also ain't just for mommies and daddies. Mommies and mommies can have a wonderful time together!"
Starfire goes cross eyed trying to figure things out.
"You mean two ladies can mate here on Earth?"
Rouge rises in one smooth motion from where she is sitting and extends six feet of arm to take Starfire's hand in hers.
"Have you got your own rooms here darling? If you have then come with me because talking won't explain things. It is time for a little practical lady loving lesson!"
As Rouge tows a bemused Starfire out of the room Terra and Jinx stare at each other and burst into laughter at what is about to happen.
After some passage of time a dishevelled but grinning Starfire almost limps into the room with her arm around Rouge's waist and occasionally nuzzling the severe beauty's neck. Twin red spots burn on the cheeks of her pixy-like face.
"Oh friends Terra and Jinx the Madame Rouge was MOST instructive! Have you ever experienced this "lady loving" she teaches? I found the lesson mightily pleasant and would have more soon! We must introduce friend Raven to this practice quickly and I am sure we can, as the Madame says, hatch her from her shell! Madame also said I am a "fast study" at lady loving and that I'm a "real hot fuck"; or so she told me."
Rouge stretches lazily and with a look of satisfaction on her face.
"That's bring her out of her shell baby not hatch but yeah you're an amazing fuck so now you need a few more babes for your orgy er I mean party! You two are in aren't you?"
As one it can be heard from Terra and Jinx.
"Oooohh yeah!"
Jinx grins like a Cheshire cat!
"We'll ring around and see who we can rustle up. How about Bumble Bee?
"Good idea Jinx! The Bee's pretty much up for anything!"
Next Terra makes a suggestion that surprises even herself.
"Madame Rouge you'll come won't you? You could be like our den mother?"
Rouge smiles a sexily evil smile that would have a nun spreading her thighs and begging for sex!
"Sure will girls so you just ring me when you got things set up!"
With an impossibly sinuous swaying of her hips, that has all three teens ogling her, Madame Rouge ambles over to the lift and departs. Now plans are afoot and phone calls to be made Starfire leaves for the roof, and fresh sea air, after her brief but wonderful exertions with the flexible Madame Rouge.
Soaring out onto the flat roof and its helipad she sits to watch the sun setting over the bay.
"Hello little sister I see you look more pleased with life than the last time I saw you!"
Spinning as she rises Starfire's jaw drops before she recovers and speaks.
"Blackfire! Sister! How are you here? You were consigned to the dungeons of Tameran for attempting to seize the throne!"
The young woman before Starfire has a startling likeness to her younger sister though her mane of hair is a silky black and her body is lusher and fuller. Her outfit is identical to her sister's though appropriately black and a darker blue.
"The ruling council decided I had suffered enough and released me so here I am visiting my baby sister."
Starfire bristles and her eyes glow dangerously. Glow literally since Tamaranians can project energy beams from their eyes!
"If you have come here to cause trouble older sister then remember I have defeated you in single combat once and can do it again!"
Blackfire's smile to her sister is honey sweet!
"Dearest sister I am a changed woman now. All I wish is to enjoy myself here on Earth and have fun like I did last time I visited!"
"Well in that case sister ... Wait you're here to have fun? Older sister have you experienced that which the Earthlings call lady loving. Coupling with one of our own sex? I have and I have found it an amazingly pleasurable thing! We are planning what humans call a sleepover or maybe it's a pyjama party, I get confused with Earth ways sometimes, to amuse the Raven. And we intend much of the lady loving that night. Would you care to join us?"
"Oh by the gods of Tamaran my little sister is fucking women! About time too sis and I'd love to be there when we all bring Raven to the boil!"
"Well then older sister let us fly into Jump City centre to the "House of Pizza" and "Al's Hamburger Home" to make the order for our refreshments for this great occasion!"
The two busty beauties soar off into the darkening sky side by side.
Meanwhile further parts of the plan are in progress deep below Titan Tower where Robin trains ruthlessly in the combat centre.
Performing three back flips and a cartwheel the Boy Wonder avoids a series of slashing blades and lands besides a combat robot to flatten it with his staff. Spinning in a flash he karate kicks a second before drop kicking a third in its head. Practice done he bows to the fallen bots and turns to find Terra waiting for him and offering a towel with which to wipe his sweating face.
"Robin us girls were wondering if you boys would do us a really big favour?"
"Of course I can't speak for the others Terra but if I can I'll try to talk them round. What is it you want?"
"Well Robin we were planning a slumber party on Friday night and we were wondering if you boys would mind being out so we can be just all girls together."
Robin's easy smile is both charming and gracious.
"I'm sure that won't be a problem Terra. Cyborg has been upgrading the "T" car so him and me and Beast Boy can drive into Jump City and patrol around and check out the car!"
Next stop for Terra is the door to Raven's rooms. When she raps on the door a huskily attractive voice calls out.
"Who is it and what do you want?"
"It's me Terra! Can I have a few words please Raven?"
Terra calls her by her full title of Raven rather than the more familiar Rae as the two teens have somewhat of a history of spikiness between them. Now the door swings open so let us take a look at the semi reclusive Raven.
For some reason she gives the impression of being short though she is of average or slightly above average height for a thirteen or fourteen year old teen. She seems to be thin or maybe frail but a closer study gives that the lie. Her calves and thighs are sleek while her rear is nicely rounded. At first glance her breasts appear immature but are in fact high and full and almost as large as Starfire's!
Why is this? Perhaps it is to do with the air of stillness surrounding her or that she is "centered" like a martial artist. Who knows? She is however a striking figure in her uniform. Dark blue ankle boots, a skin tight black and long sleeved leotard, and her cloak. The deep blue cloak seems to swirl around her as though it has a life all of its own. The cloak's cowl leaves her face in shadow. She wears items of jewellery that add a little colour to her sombre appearance.
Around her waist hangs a loose chain of gold hued metal links set with large red stones. A brooch with an identical stone fastens her cloak and on either hand she wears a fingerless gauntlet or bracer similar though smaller than those Starfire affects. The back of each of these deep blue metal ornaments carries another of the red stones.
Her skin, where it can be seen, from calves to the curve of her hips, and her face where un-shadowed, is alabaster white. As smooth as porcelain and untouched by sun or any blemish.
"I hope this is important because I'm reading a very good book!"
Even a powerful meta like Terra is a little nervous of the sombre Raven and chatters somewhat.
"Really? What's it about?"
Not that she cares she just speaks without thinking!
"The fall and destruction of the Argonath Empire at the hands of my late father Trigon!"
"Oh well that's nice but I really came to ask you to come to our sleepover on Friday night. It'll be fun Raven!"
"I don't know! I don't socialise much and these things never end well for me!"
"Please Rae baby we've got Bumble Bee coming across country for it so couldn't you just spend a little while with us?"
For a long moment the dark teen ponders before speaking.
"Very well then Terra though the use of "Rae baby" did not influence me. I shall attend on Friday!"
Once the door swings shut Terra skips off along the corridor sniggering while in her rooms Raven gazes at her reflection in an antique full length mirror.
"I don't know why I said yes. It'll all end in tears. Not my tears though!"
Friday Night
Clad in her customary outfit Raven stands before her mirror brushing her lustrous blue black hair. Grudgingly she admits that Starfire was right that this shorter style suits her more, and then changes that thought to "is more comfortable and efficient", since she hates admitting she cares about her appearance.
Can't you just admit that Starfire's right and you look much prettier with your hair that way.
The reflection in the mirror is still Raven but this Raven's outfit is snow white and her voice is heard in dark Raven's mind.
You look great so why don't you go down and join your friends?
I'm not good at parties and things like that. Maybe I'd better stay here and meditate!
Maybe it's time you go and do wild things and have fun?
Dark Raven's smooth cheek shows a brief tic beneath her eye.
I can't risk losing control! If I lose control I might let Trigon into my mind and soul and hell would follow
White Raven heaves a sigh and shakes her head sadly.
Mind sister you KILLED our father Trigon! He's gone for ever!
Dark Raven's fists are knotted and her nails dig into the palms of her hands.
Yes I did and what kind of monster kills her own father?
The white Raven smiles in sympathy.
Sister remember what you said when you stood against him? White like I am you were and you said "You are not my father! You were never my father! Fathers love their children!" That day you were never stronger or more certain when you destroyed our demon sire. The time for hiding in shadows is long gone so go meet your friends.
Dark Raven looks down and when she looks up again her reflection is her normal dark and sombre self. But she has the ghost of a smile on her lips.
Perhaps it is time to mingle and perhaps tonight I will leave off my cowl and let people see my face unguarded.
When she quits her rooms is there a faint spring in her step and an even fainter sway to her hips?
Interlude in Jump City
The "T" car cruises smoothly along the main drag of Jump City and pulls up at the red of the traffic lights. Robin seems to be totally relaxed and perhaps meditating Raven style whilst Cyborg is concentrating on his driving and the performance of the new improved vehicle. In contrast Beast Boy's eyes are everywhere and he can scarcely sit still. Each time a scantily clad girl or woman strolls past he drools a little more. Then his eyes fix on the front of a liquor store opposite.
"Guys look!"
Outside that store, clearly the worse for drink, are three curvaceous women. Women not teens! One of them, petite but stacked, with greenish skin and dark red hair, swivels her way to the driver's window.
"Nice car guys! Got room for three available ladies and the beer we just bought?"
Robin eyes her critically.
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Premium Teen Porn SitesI opened the door to her, she stood there in front of me with her boyfriend, “is this the house with the party?” she enquired, “yes” I replied as she brushed by I couldn’t help but think how young she was, surely she wouldn’t be interested in a balding middle aged beer bellied man like myself, I was there with my wife and another couple. We had invited several other swingers with the intention of having an anything goes sexual orgy. I sat next to her she was huddled on the sofa with her...
Teen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...
Bikini Beach: Teen Angel ElrodW A young man blames himself for the accidental death of his sweetheart. His futile attempts to escape his guilt have put him on a path of self- destruction. A punk girl takes him to Bikini Beach, and he gets a new perspective, and maybe, a second chance. Notes: This story uses a few characters from Ellie Dauber's "Purse Snatcher" and "A Punk's Story" (Ed, Ken, Mel, Frankie, Tina, and Felicia). They are friends of...
Every man has his own set of features that attract him to a bitch the most, but some things are universal. For example, everyone loves a nice set of perky tits, no matter the size. Big, small, medium, gigantic, it doesn’t matter. Ladies obsess about titty size, and men have preferences, but in the end, every titty is a great fucking titty.A smooth ass that separates itself from the back is another treasured feature. Once again, men have their size preferences. Some like a big fat ass that...
Teen Porn SitesWhen we last left Cal, he had just pleasured one of Mountain View Mobile Home Park's many MILF's, the lovely Kelley, or as he had affectionately renamed her, “my dirty little fuck princess.”She was one of the girls of Mountain View that he had his eye on, the other was another teen that was a friend of Kaylee's and likely in her classes in the local high school. He knew it was a little dangerous to be fucking two high school girls who probably knew each other, but what the fuck? The worst...
TeenMe and my oldest teen son's first encounter. Part One.As promised this is my first attempt at writing.This story series is all about my taboo experiences. This first part is about my morning first-ever time sucking and later fucking with my virile hot randy Eighteen-year-old son.On my profile page, I created a post explaining the background. For those that have not read that I have included a shorter version of it here so new readers who have not read my first post on my profile will fully...
The drive home was extremely difficult for Chase. He had missed the worst of the rush hour traffic, but his head was spinning from so much Kali making it difficult to concentrate on driving. Added to that was the distraction of his balls throbbing, trying to make up for so many ejaculations, and his overly sensitive cock hardening and softening in the leg of his pants. He was so tired that he wished he could just go to bed. Arriving home, he ended up parking down the street from the house....
How often do you find yourself creepily staring at a hot young piece of ass and wishing that you could fuck every hole in her body? Yeah, you know the kind I’m talking about. The ripe bitches that just turned 18 or are in their early 20s. Their bodies are in the prime of their lives, and they are super naïve, but still, somehow not enough to believe your bullshit.Let’s get fucking real for a second. You don’t stand a chance with these goddesses. So the next best thing is watching them do some...
Live Teen Sex CamsPorn offers us something no woman ever could, perfection. Let me rephrase that. Porn offers you something you could never have otherwise. Perfection. Physically perfect women exist, but you won’t be fucking any anytime soon. Let me rephrase that. You will never be fucking any perfect woman.If we are talking about you getting laid, the uglier, the better. At least as far as chances of your approaches working go. Fortunately, your brain is so full of porn you can close your eyes and pretend you...
Teen Porn SitesHi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...
“Yeah I can’t wait for this party,” Lindsey said as she got into her dress. Lindsay and Kathrine lived together in a house they rented and tonight was going to be their big Christmas party, they had planned it for months making lists about who they would invite and what sort of party they would hold. “How do I look Kitty?” Lindsay asked as she showed off her tight fitted white dress she was going to wear for the party to her friend, who smiled, as she looked her over. “You look great...
This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...
Teen girls are the best. I like teenage girls because they’re hot, tight, and too naïve to understand that I’m not really a casting agent. You love them because the last time you ever spoke to a woman other than your mom without having to pay for the privilege was in high school, so somehow you’ve deluded yourself into believing that young girls might like you and might have sex with you. Only one of us is truly correct, but we both agree where it counts—teen girls are the best.But if you’re...
Teen Porn SitesSome prude cunts might try to talk shit about men's obsession with young teen pussy, but I'm not a prude cunt. I'm a lude cunt. The kind of lude cunt that loves to watch a babysitter's pussy get destroyed by a lonely father. The kind of lude cunt that loves to watch school girls be anally punished for being late to class. The kind of lude cunt that picks up young hitchhikers and offers them a ride in exchange for their virginity. That's just the kind of guy I am.The World Depends on my CockI...
Premium Teen Porn (formerly YourPorn) is quite a mouthful for a porn site, don’t you think? I mean, of all the site names they could have picked, these fuckers decided to do away with the vowels from Sexy Porn to give you a porn site whose name you can’t even pronounce! Anyway, I think you are here because your horny little prick knows that I can direct you to a great source of smut to rub your schlong too. Well, your small porn-addicted brain is spot-on on that one.Don’t let the name deceive you;...
Teen Porn SitesAh, the world of teen porn! The tightness of the pinky pussies you will find in these 18-year-olds. That's what you get when everything is packed in its place. All you can imagine are the sweet sensations rippling down your spine as you see these little sluts walking down the street in their shapely bums and recently sprouted boobs. Few things slap harder than a teen pussy. After all, these bitches are just learning how it feels to have their meat pockets full of hard cock. What they lack in...
Teen Porn SitesBy JIMMY 07/05/12 Mark awoke to the sound of breaking glass. The 5 foot 10 Italian stud arose immediately. He didn’t have to think, listen, or take the time to wake fully. His house had burglar bars on all the windows and doors with one exception. Just yesterday, Mark had removed the bars on the first floor bathroom window to repair a leaking sash. He knew the sound had come from that window. He slept nude and had woken with a massive aching erection. He didn’t bother with...
WARNING: This story is only intended to be read by those of legal age. This erotica contains themes of torture, abuse, non consent, and is not intended to be replicated in reality. This is a total work of fiction. Teen Girl Biography: Megan Summers is an 18 year old student of Godfrey High School. She gained superpowers in an accident involving a mysterious rock. Her powers include flight, super strength, super resilience to injury, superhuman endurance to pain, and a healing factor. She has...
BDSMLive Jasmin Teen! There’s nothing quite like watching a camslut fuck herself silly and doing the very same shit you asked her to do moments before. It’s fucking thrilling. You don’t get nearly the same experience out of any other form of porn. With camwhores, you can interact with them, ask them dumb-ass questions, tell them to flash their tits for money, or you can even take these babes backstage and have them watch you jerk your cock for 30 seconds until you bust a nut. It’s a whole different...
Live Teen Sex CamsMy name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...
TabooI don’t review torrent sites nearly as much as I’d like to, but they’re a bit of a dry sell, if I’m being honest. Everyone knows that for all the smut on the internet, you could just cut out every middle man and go to a torrenting site to find yourself the uncompressed source files for any smut flick known to man. You might not find what you’re looking for on your first pass, but by the second search, you’ll narrow down to the right file and be on your way to masturbation central. RarBG is one...
Teen Porn SitesNote: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry.Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...
Love StoriesGoing back to my younger days……. I was dating this girl called Leigh, she was 2 years younger than me and quite immature for her 18 years but her real blond hair, fit body with quite large very firm tits and good looks made up for the dumb blond conversation she liked. She would visit me and regularly stay over at my 3rd floor bachelor apartment which I shared with a male friend who just used it as a bolt hole when he and his girl were arguing.Anyway, the sex with Leigh was as good as she...
Friday couldn't come fast enough! Amber and I had made plans to go for dinner and drinks and for her to spend the night at my place. I picked her up and could hardly contain myself when she got into the car. She wore pink nylons, short black dress that rode up when she got into my car, pink garter belt, pink silk thongs and high heels. She leaned over for a kiss and we ended up in a grope session right outside her place. She finally pulled away and said we should go before someone from her...
Caught wife showing off to the teen neighbor This story was inspired by and for Kwen54.It was a beautiful summer Friday afternoon, and the boss told us to take the rest of the day off. I got home a few hours earlier than usual and entered the house, made my way the kitchen, and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Making my way across the kitchen I glanced out the patio door and saw my mid fifties wife Wendy completely naked, legs spread on a patio recliner facing the neighbors treehouse. At first I...
Im Live Teen! Imagine jerking off to live naked Riley Reid or Alexis White and enjoying chit-chat with them while you are at it. Damn it! That’s a fucking dream come true. Formerly, horny studs took risks by looking for the best strip clubs – which are, of course, very crowded – to go and peep at the girls on the poles, and if they were lucky enough, they would get a chance to jerk off unnoticed in the filthy bathrooms. A fucking unsatisfying experience, I say! Besides, in most cases, you have...
Live Teen Sex CamsHi, I belong to Mumbai and my name is Prince. My age is 23 years and I work for a corporate firm here. I am quiet decent without much fantasies. After reading the story please do give me your reviews on (please note there is a twist in the spell. Kindly note the proer one) .There are no proper shifting timings for me depending on work I leave from office. One day it was 1am as I left from office. I was waiting for bus at bus stop but there wasn’t any bus coming since it was very late and the...
We’re back on Streamate, this time looking at my favorite of all the sections on the entire site – the Teens! There is a healthy supply of legal teenage girls willing to shove dildos up their asses on camera for free, and most of them can be found right fucking here under the Teen section. Naturally, there’s a lot of cross-contamination with other categories like big tits, great ass, jerk-off instructions, and so on because that’s just how tagging systems work. They allow you to get more...
Live Teen Sex Cams“Hi I’m Mark, I’m your neighbor next door and I was wondering if you guys have any sugar? I’m asking cause I’m too lazy to drive to the store for my wife” Mark says, Sarah seeing this as a grand opportunity smiles as she let’s the tall neighbor in “Yeah let me grab that for you, come in. You’re lucky, my parents just left me about now.” “Yeah? Good thing I knocked” as Mark watches the young teen sway her hips as she walks over to the kitchen bending over to grab the bag of sugar from the...
Teen Fire &Teen Frost????this story contains bondage, torture and sexual explicit content. The story is for entertainment purposes only. It should only be read by persons of legal age and in areas where this material is legal? the bottom line adults only?all persons portrayed in this story are 18 years of age or older this is a work of fiction?. if you don't understand that seek help.Teen Fire and Teen Frost are my creations please do not use without my expressed permission this is the first...
The opportunity was now when her dad left for work and her mom went out with her friends on a Saturday morning. Sarah being the young brunette with brown eyes slim, given braces for humility, and petite build at a mere height of 4’10. Puberty being her best friend gave her a nice bust of C cup tits and a small yet firm ass. As she was watching porn off her phone getting off to it, she couldn’t help but freeze at the sound of the doorbell ringing. She peeked around the hallway corner as she...
Unless you are super into mature types – and there’s nothing wrong with that – I think it would be safe to say that just about everyone above the age of puberty enjoys the sight of a pretty young lady. I know even gay guys who have excellent taste in nude nubiles. Well, since nearly everyone does, it only made sense to revisit a tube that I’ve written about before, ePorner, only this time focusing on all of the teen porn they host.Naturally, This Tube Hosts Thousands Of Teen VidsThis will not...
Teen Porn SitesMy name is Jimmy, and since I recently turned forty-two years old, I’ve been thinking about my first sexual experience, that happened shortly after my sixteenth birthday. I’m happily married now, to my lovely wife, Sarah, and our daughter has just recently moved away to college. I consider myself to be a normal, heterosexual man now, but I still remember when Matt, a good family friend who was forty-two at the time, taught me the joys of being bisexual, and sucking one another’s cocks.Matt is...