A Teen Forever 1 free porn video

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A PRE TEEN FOREVER Pt 1 BY BERTHA I am Bart. When I was ten years old I stopped growing due to an unusual condition. My Doctor told me what it is called; it is a complicated name but is better known as the Peter Pan Syndrome. My Doctor says that I may never grow another inch nor will I look any older than I do now, or did then. Although this condition is rare there are many who have it, it stops one from growing physically, but not mentally. I have an older brother by three years who, for as long as I can remember, used to wear my mothers clothes when we, he and I, were alone. At about the same time we found out about my growth problem he had me dressing up also. We were caught and instead of our mother getting upset, she allowed us to continue dressing. For awhile I would get some of his female hand me downs until they got too big for me. After that, my mother would buy me girls' clothes of my own. I know that she got a lot of my things in a thrift shop but I didn't care; I just wanted to dress up when I wanted to, as my brother did; but he could look like a teen age girl while I would always be a little girl of about eleven or twelve. I took the name of Carol when a girl. My brother and I both would only dress on weekends and sometimes after school. This has been going on for over six years and we both were set in our ways. When my brother, Adam, turned sixteen he started dressing as a girl full time, he changed his name to Eve and went to school as Eve. He even started going out with boys and has had a few boyfriends over the years. When I was sixteen I asked a girl in my class to go out with me; she laughed in my face and told me that I didn't need a girlfriend; I needed a baby sitter. Whenever I got really upset, as I was then, I found relief putting on a dress or such, it made me feel better and an eleven or twelve year old girl doesn't have the problems a sixteen year old guy had. When dressed as a girl I immerse myself in the role. so as soon as I got home I put on a favorite outfit of mine, a uniform skirt from a local private girl school which I got at a thrift shop. I liked the uniform but knew that the girls who had to wear them hated them, oh well. It was easier for me to pass because I really didn't have to do anything but put on girls clothes while Adam had to use padding and stuff. All I really had to do was fix my hair and put on a bit of lipstick, I was quite adept at that. I went to the park just to pass time until mom came home at six o'clock. I was sitting on a bench by the lake watching the ducks and feeling sorry for myself. I was crying because of how I was treated earlier; I guess I should have been used to it by then, but how do you get used to constant rejection? I had no friends because everyone looked at me as a little kid due to my small size. The guys didn't want anything to do with me because I was too small to do anything with them, and the girls looked at me as a pesky little brother. Where was I? Oh yes; I must have been crying, because some kid came up to me and asked if I was alright. I wiped my eyes and looked at him. He was about 12 years old and sitting on a bike. I told him I was alright. We started talking and I am not even going to pretend I remember what we talked about. We talked for about a half hour or more when he asked me if he could buy me an ice cream. I accepted and we rode on his bike to the shop and he bought a couple of cones. I guess he thought I was a girl his age and I was responding as if I was. He rode me home with me sitting side saddle on the bar in front of him. I could feel his arm around me as he held the handle bar. I showed him where I lived. We arrived as my mother was pulling into the driveway. He asked if he would see me again and I told him I usually am there, at the park, on Saturday mornings; at about noon, he said he would meet me there. By the way, his name was Brad and he was twelve years old. Mom asked me about him and I told her that we just met. She started teasing me about having a "Boyfriend." "Mom," I said, "What is the matter with you. I am a sixteen year old boy; what makes you think I would want a twelve year old boyfriend, what makes you think I would want any kind of boyfriend?" The next two days at school were a bit bad because the girl I had asked out and some of her friends teased me, but I really didn't care anymore; I just ignored them like I always do. Saturday morning I was up early. For a reason I'll never know, I started looking forward to seeing Brad again. I had not even thought about him until that morning. The weather was getting warm so I dressed appropriately in a white dress and braided my hair. I watched TV with my brother in the morning; he was dressed as a teenage girl. I sure wished I could dress as age appropriate as he could. Immediately after lunch I walked to the park and saw Brad sitting on the bench where we met. We just walked and talked for awhile; getting to know each other better. It was a few weeks before I realized that he thought of me as his girlfriend; was I? I felt good being with him because he didn't tease me, why should he; he thought I was a cute girl and, to tell the truth, I thought he was cute. We would hold hands and he sometimes he would put his arm around my waist, I liked when he did that. I did not make any connections about this until he asked me to go to the movies with him one day. "Why would I want to go out with a twelve year old guy?" I asked myself. "Because you like being with him, and you like him. He makes you feel like someone, not like the kids in school who make you feel like a nobody; that's why." I answered myself. So I accepted and I had my first date ever. I remember that date vividly. I wore a denim skirt, dark pantyhose, and pink panties and, for the first time ever, a white training bra which I stuffed with just enough tissues to give me "Teeny Titties" as the girls called them. I wore a Mickey Mouse tee shirt. I noticed that his ears were just over my breasts, a coincidence, I assure you. I had mom fix my hair for this special day, and she sprayed me with a bit of perfume. I was as nervous as a school girl on her first date. (Isn't that what I was, in a manner of speaking?) It was a matinee so Brad picked me up early. Mom and my brother demanded that they meet my "Boyfriend.". I guess my mind was in young girl mode that day because I was not prepared for what happened, not that anything bad happened; I just was not prepared. I forgot that Brad was a pre teen on his first date. Brad and I took the bus to the movie, he paid my fare. He held my hand all the way to the theater and sat so close to me that our bodies touched. Outside the movie he must have seen some of his friends because I saw him straighten up a bit and walk more proudly, and he held me tighter. As soon as the lights went out he started kissing me lightly. He kissed well but not like he knew what he was doing. Not that I really knew what I was doing myself. Even at my age, 16, I never had a date so I didn't know how to act, either as a boy or as a girl. When I mentioned to Adam that I had a date he asked me if I had any experience. I told him no so he taught me how to kiss. Adam had a boyfriend and had always had one. He, Adam, was eighteen and would be graduating high school in a few months. He is the one who got me started dressing, I told you that; but what I didn't tell you is that he wanted to be a girl, had been taking hormones and this summer, he was going for gender reassignment. He always treated me as if he was an older sister. He showed me how to kiss and how far to let a boy go but he sort of forgot that I was going with a twelve year old boy who had as little experience as I had. I think if I used what he showed me, Brad would go running out of the theater, so I toned it down considerably. I let Brad kiss me and I kissed him back; there was even a time or two when I felt his hand on one of my breasts, I wonder if he got more of a thrill than I did. Brad took me home and kissed me goodbye but invited me to his birthday party the next weekend. He said there would be some of his friends, boys and girls, there. I assumed that they would be his age. I had absolutely no friends and figured maybe I could meet some people that I could hang out with; even friends so much younger than me could be a plus, so I accepted. At school that week I tried to pay attention to what the girls did and how they talked about boys. As with my brother, I knew I would have to tone it down to a more age appropriate level, but I learned some things. When I started getting ready for Brad's party I was in just my panties, pantyhose and training bra when I thought I would ask Adam if I could borrow some of his jewelry, he had this thin gold necklace with a gold heart that I liked. I went to his room, he was just about to go out, again I wished I could look like he did. I told him what I wanted and he showed me where he kept his jewelry. "When did you start wearing a bra?" he asked. "Just last week." I told him. He told me to wait a minute and walked over to his closet and took out a small box. "Here, these may help. I used to use them when I was younger. I opened the box and saw several sets of fake boobs of different sizes. He took the smallest set and helped me place them in my bra. Looking in the mirror I saw that now I did indeed look like a twelve year old girl. Mom was busy so I asked Adam, who went by the name of Eve, to help me with my dress, it buttoned up the back and I always had trouble with stuff like that. He helped me with a little make up and brushed my hair, I know I looked good...but I still looked like I was twelve. We showed mom how I looked. She said I was beautiful. Brad said I should be at his house at three; it was ten of so mom said she would drive me the five blocks to his house. I picked up his gift, an unopened game cube cartridge that I got for Christmas and had two of. Brad met me at the door and I gave him the gift with a little kiss. There were six other kids there, three girls and three boys' not including Brad and me. I saw that they were hanging in groups, the girls together and the boys together. I went and joined the girls after Brad introduced me around. After admiring each others dresses we, the girls, drifted out to the patio where we played girls games. I had no idea what twelve and thirteen year old girls played so I followed, as I always did; I was a follower. Counting me, there were three twelve year old girls and one thirteen. As of today, with it being Brads thirteenth birthday, all the boys were thirteen. I played jump rope with the girls then we started talking about boys. All my life I had been a follower and a watcher so I knew how to conduct myself at the party. After a few games and gabbing, the party started. There were the usual games where the boys and girls teamed up, I thought I would be teamed up with Brad but he kept going to Betty, the only thirteen year old girl, and a guy named Lionel kept choosing me. Naturally, there was the old "Spin the bottle" game and as it always works out; every boy got to kiss every girl at least once. When Lionel kissed me I was stunned for a second; I could swear I felt his tongue trying to enter my mouth. I felt odd enough being kissed by every boy there, all four of them. Another thing I noticed was that Brad seemed more interested in Betty than in me. This became evident when it was time for me to go home. Brad just said so long; Lionel asked to walk me home. He started out holding my hand. As we passed the park between my house and Brad's he walked me to a bench where we sat and he started kissing me. I knew I was right, he tried again to shove his tongue in my mouth as we kissed, and this time I opened my lips enough to let him. It was about a half hour later when we finally made it to my front door. As we kissed goodbye I reached my hand between us and rubbed his privates through his pants; I felt him tighten up and then relax. We held that kiss forever. When we parted, he asked me if I would like to go to the end of school dance his school held every year. All the school in the area held them and I always wanted to go but, as mentioned earlier; I could never even get a girl to even talk to me, let alone go out on a date with me; now here I was being asked out by a boy who was almost three years younger than me and who thought I was a girl. I thought for a long time, at least three or four minutes; running all the pros and cons through my mind; at least I would be going to a dance with someone, even if he was a boy, and younger than me, and as a girl, but I liked the way he kissed. "OK. I'd love to go with you." I said. He kissed me again and went skipping down the street. When I went in the house there were several messages flashing on the answering machine. The first was from my mother telling me she would be real late tonight because she was working. Another was from Adam telling me that he would be home about midnight and the third was from Brad telling me that now that he was a teenager he no longer had time for a little girl, he was now going with Betty. I was a little pissed at his message but I think I had a new boyfriend in Lionel. I watched some TV, heated up something for supper, more TV and got ready for bed. I wore a tee shirt and shorts but I left my bra on so I looked, and felt, like my girl self. I wanted to talk to my brother about something that I thought was important so I waited up for him. He looked beautiful when he came home, I did have to wait ten minutes or so for him to say goodnight to his boyfriend, Chuck. Adam had been living as a girl for almost two years now and had been taking hormones to help him develop as a girl. He went to school as Eve. His boy friend knew all about him, and me; he had seen me many times as both Bart and Carol. Adam finally pulled himself away from Chuck and came in the house where I was waiting for him, (Adam is scheduled for Gender reassignment this summer and until then I will refer to him in the masculine most of the time.) he was a bit surprised to see me up so late. "Hi sis," he said when he saw that I was wearing my bra under my tee shirt, "what's up? Shouldn't you be in bed?" "I have to talk to you." I explained to him. He sat in a chair and I sat on his lap. I told him about Brad dumping me and about Lionel wanting to take me to the end of school dance. Adam invited me to his room so he could get out of his dress. I unzipped it for him and he undressed to his bra and panties. The only thing that spoiled the picture was between his legs and that would be taken care of soon; in my case it really didn't make much difference because mine stopped growing when I did so there was not much there but I do sometimes wear a panty girdle. He threw his dress on his bed. I picked it up and held it against me and stood in front of his mirror, I saw a little girl holding her sister's or mother's dress against her. I slipped it over my head and over my body. I kept it on as we talked even though it was far too large for me. "Do you want to go to the dance with...Lionel, right?" "I think so, at least I would be going somewhere with some one. I met some nice kids at the party and I wouldn't mind hanging around with them even though they are so much younger than I. At least I can have some friends." We sat on his bed like two sisters and talked for a long time. I did tell him that I wanted to be just like him; I too, wanted to live as a girl. I knew that if I did, I would always be a little girl but I felt that I was nothing as a boy and I don't think it was my size that dictated my wanting to be a girl, although that was a factor. It was almost two o'clock when he suggested we get some sleep. I took off his dress, we kissed goodnight and I went to my room, the next thing I knew it was morning and mom was shouting that breakfast was ready. At breakfast I told mom what I told Adam last night, and more. School would be over in three days, the dance was the following Saturday. I told them both that I wanted to be a girl full time, like Adam was, and I wanted to start Wednesday, right after school. Mom saw nothing wrong and Adam seemed thrilled, I think he wanted a little sister. Mom kept asking me if that was what I really wanted. I told her that it was. We all agreed that I could. She asked if Adam had any extra pills (hormones) that I could start taking, she said that they would not help me grow up any but they may help give me a female body, even if just a young female. Adam said he had plenty and that morning at breakfast I took an important step to, hopefully, the new and improved me. Lionel called and asked if he could see me later. I said he could come over in about two hours. Mom and Adam wanted to meet him. Adam came to my room to help me get dressed; he said he knew how I felt because he had gone through much the same thing when he started dating. I did not correct him or mom when I wanted to tell them that I was not really "dating" Lionel, I was just hanging around with him; and going to my first dance. Adam helped me pick out a cute skirt and top. I liked the way my new breasts looked under the top, maybe I could pass for thirteen if I really tried, that would be cool because Lionel was thirteen. Mom and Adam gave Lionel the third degree when he came to pick me up, it was embarrassing to me, and I assume, to Lionel. He took me to the arcade where a lot of the teens hang out. We met Brad and Betty there and joined up. There was a bit of nervousness at first due to Brad and I just breaking up and already I had a new "boyfriend" but then, he had a new girlfriend. I wanted to bust him a little so I was all over Lionel, touching him and holding his hand and yes. Kissing him; I became a teen "slut". I did everything but have sex with Lionel just to show Brad up. Betty was playing the game by being just like me with Brad. When we told them we were going to the school dance they said they would see us there. Betty turned out to be OK. She asked me what I was going to wear. When I told her I didn't know (and I didn't) she said she would gladly help me pick out something, or go shopping with me to get something. I thought that was nice of her, I thought we were going to be enemies because all I ever heard from the older girls; the ones my (real) age, was that one is not friends with her ex-boy friends new girl. Lionel and I went home and he stayed for supper at my house. We went for a walk around the block where we kissed and I let him feel my breasts a few times, he let me feel him up between his legs, which I liked, although it was through his pants, which was good enough for me. During the week I asked mom if I could get a new dress for the dance, she said I could because it was my first and a girl should have a new dress for her first dance. Betty and I talked over the phone and she said she would pick me up at my school on Wednesday, the last day, and I could go with her and her mother to look at dresses. I had to do some quick thinking because I could not have her meet me at my school for obvious reasons. I had already told her that I went to St. Rita's, a private girl's school. I know I could have just told her to pick me up at my house but I was not thinking about so simple an answer, I loved the uniforms the girls at St. Rita's wore; I had one myself and meeting her there would give me a chance to wear it. I was wearing it that day when Brad picked me up. My high school and Betty's junior high both let out the last day at noon, St. Rita's had a full day. I knew this because I always wanted to go to St. Rita's. I knew a lot about the school because every year I would get brochures and knew the names of the teachers and all about the school layout. I would get out of my school at noon, go home for awhile; change into my school uniform and get to St. Rita's in time to meet Betty at three o'clock. Those last three days at school all I heard from the girls was the school prom, what they were going to wear and how far they were going to let their boyfriends go that night. Wednesday when school let out everybody was hugging and telling each other how much they would miss each other over the summer, except me. I went home and had lunch. At two o'clock I started getting ready to meet Betty at St. Rita's. I put on the full, official, uniform, including the blazer, which I hardly ever wore, and walked to the school. They were just getting out when I got there. I went in the back door, walked down the hall to the front. I had never been inside before but I knew the layout from the brochure. As I walked the hall some girls who I had never seen, and of course they never knew me, wished me a happy summer. I waved to them and wished them the same. This was fun because I was not invisible there as I was at my real school. I was anxious to get outside so I started to run a little. "Just hold it right there, young lady," I heard, I stopped. A harsh looking nun stepped in front of me. "Just where are you going in such a hurry? Young ladies do not run." She admonished. Her name tag said she was Sister Mary Francis. I knew from the brochures she was the assistant principal. "I'm sorry sister," Is all I could come up with. She stared at me for a minute. I was sure she knew I wasn't one of the girls from that school. "Well, seeing as it is the last day, I will let you go. If it was any other day I would have you stay for detention. Now go...and walk. If I see you run I will make you stay." "I'm sorry sister, thank you, it won't happen again." I said and walked out the front door. Just inside the door I saw a table with papers on it and took one of them. I read it while waiting for Betty. It was a list of things the girls would need for next semester; I put it in my back pack and forgot about it. Betty was late so I stood there and a girl started talking to me while we waited. A few of her friends stopped and talked for awhile and they went home but not before making me feel like I was someone. I wondered if mom would let me attend this school after vacation, ...just a thought. A car stopped and Betty called me over. I got in and was introduced to her mother. We stopped at my house so I could change. Betty's mother said we could go to the mall ourselves; Betty had a charge card so she could get what she wanted. I would just look for a dress and mom and I could come back later for it. I had never gone shopping for girls clothes before and did not know what to do but I did know that girls tried on more clothes than they bought, even girls as young as we are. In my room I changed from my uniform to a tee shirt and shorts, I was a bit nervous as I did because I was undressing in front of a girl; not the best idea for a sixteen year old boy to be doing in front of a thirteen year old girl. I just turned around so she could not see any little bump in front off my panties. My penis stopped growing when I did, but in my mind I could see a bulge there even though there was not, I was really as smooth as she was, almost. I would like to mention that I had never even had an erection, but I did have feelings there at times, especially when Lionel kissed me. At the mall I saw several students from my school but they never even looked at me, just like always. Why would they want to look at a twelve year old girl? And if they did, they would never make the connection between her and that little pipsqueak in their class? I think not. Fortunately we went to different dress shops, they, to the teen shop and us to the pre-teen shop. Betty seemed to know exactly which dress she wanted, I, on the other hand, had no clue. She took me into the dressing room with her while she tried on the dress. I was a bit embarrassed when she stripped down to her panties and training bra. I helped her zip up her dress and straighten it out; I often did this with Adam when he needed help. Her dress was so cute but when she talked me into trying it on I did not like it on me, it just wasn't right. When I stripped to try it on I was again a bit embarrassed that she would see something she shouldn't, but that didn't happen. I think we could stand side by side in our panties and bras and there would be very little difference. It was over a half hour before we found a dress for me, I liked it and it both fit me and looked so good on me, I knew that that was the one I was going to get later tonight when I came back with my mother. It was lilac. It came to well below my knees and was sleeveless; it had a scoop neck and a flimsy overdress. It really looked good on me and it felt so comfortable. I knew as soon as I tried it on that it was the dress for me. We walked around for awhile window shopping and just getting to know each other. Betty told me that she was a bit nervous being my friend at first because she was now going with my ex-boyfriend, I told her that I didn't care; and just to bring home the point, I told her that I liked Lionel a lot better; and that he was a better kisser than Brad. I now had something I always wanted, but not in the way I wanted; I had a girlfriend. Betty bought some shoes to match her dress, and a purse. (I had to remember that when mom brought me later to get my dress, shoes and a purse). She called her mother to pick us up when we were finished. Her mom came and dropped me off at my house, we (girl) kissed goodbye. Later that night mom and I went back and bought my dress and accessories, mom also bought me some jewelry and a starter make up kit. I told her that I had been taking Adam's hormones for the past five days and that I wanted to be a girl all summer...and that I wanted to attend St. Rita's next school term. Mom said that I should not be taking Eve's (I still called him Adam and referred to him as him, and would until he had his operation; mom referred to him as Eve, and in the feminine since he started living full time as a girl four years ago.) She did say that I can live full time all summer and as far as going to school she used the pat answer; "We will see" but she did say she would make an appointment to see our family Dr. and get a legal prescription for hormones for me. Our family Dr. was quite familiar with both my problem and Adam's and always worked with us, as long as it was legal. As far as we could see, just off the top of our heads, the only problem would be my attending school at St. Rita's; if she decided to let me. Saturday morning I went over to Betty's house. She said that some of her girlfriends would be there and that I could bring my dress if I wanted to because they all were, to show each other. I wore a pair of parachute pants and a red sweater. In the past two days mom and I put most of my boy clothes away except for a very few items that I could wear if I absolutely had to be myself at sometime. I had almost enough clothes to spend the summer as Carol, I say almost because a girl never has enough clothes. Some of the girls from the party last week were there and a few that I had never met. It took me just a few minutes to feel comfortable with them, not because I was worried about being found out; that never even entered the equation; I was nervous because I was meeting new friends and I was not used to that. Maybe being a twelve year old girl had its up side, I do know that I had never felt so much a part of a group... that I belonged. We all showed each other our dresses and tried them on to show how they looked. After the first two or three times it didn't bother me in the least seeing almost naked twelve and thirteen year old girls. Betty's mom served lunch for us all and about three o'clock she chased us home to get ready for the big dance. It was the first time any of us were going to such a fancy affair. I was ecstatic when we all girl kissed goodbye. At that splitting up I had been kissed by more girls than all the times in my life combined. At home mom and Adam helped me pick out everything I was going to wear that night. Adam couldn't help too much because he had to get ready for his Senior Prom, I had seen the gown he was going to wear and quite frankly I was a bit jealous because it was so pretty and because I knew I would never have the body to wear something like that. A light purple training bra and matching panties and, just to give me a thin (girlish) waist, a cincher, and panty hose. When I put on my dress I saw that I did have a better body; the cincher gave me the illusion of hips. My dress was not really tight but sort of hugged my body a bit at my hips. Adam let me wear some of his gold jewelry. Mom did my make up, not too heavy; just what a twelve year old girl would wear to a fancy dance, fixed my hair and sprayed me with some perfume. I put on my white 1 1/2 inch open toed shoes and was all ready. Checking myself out I realized that I should have painted my toe nails when I did my fingers last night because I could see them through the open toes of my shoes. My date picked me up before Adam's. He, Lionel, gave me a flower and mom took some pictures. She even got one of him kissing me as he handed me the single flower. He said we had to leave right away because his mother was going to drive us to his school where the dance was. (Remember, we went to different schools, me, to the high school and Lionel, to the Jr. High School; which was almost all the way across town) She dropped us off and told Lionel to call so she could pick us up after the dance. I felt a little out of place being with a bunch of pre teens and just turning teens but at least I was at a dance with a date. As soon as we walked in there was a dance in progress so we hit the floor right away. After the first dance Lionel and I looked for someone we knew. I hoped that Betty was there and she was, with Brad. I danced a few times with Lionel, a few with Brad and even a few with some of the other guys, and even two with Betty. I realized that I enjoyed dancing with the guys, especially when we danced the slow ones when they held me tight. There was this one guy who, when we danced, would hold me tight and, with his hand on my ass, push me hard against me; I loved that. His name was Nick and I heard in the girls' room, that he liked me and he was there stag. During one of our, Nick and I, dances, I think I felt something hard against my groin. It took a few seconds before I realized he had a hard on. I looked up into his face and saw the biggest smile ever. I smiled back and started gyrating my hips to show him I was aware of it. I let go one of his hands and reached between us so I could go between us and rub it with my hand. It felt so hard and I could feel him spasing when I rubbed it. The floor was crowded so I knew we wouldn't be missed when I led him off the floor and into one of the classrooms. I never thought I would do something like this but I did. Remembering all I had heard from the girls in my class, I sort of went by the numbers, I got him alone; opened his fly and took it out of his pants. It was easy too see that he was as nervous as I was, maybe even more so. I kissed him, French Style, while I held his naked penis in my hand. I started rubbing it and squeezing it till I felt him jump; I knew I had just jacked a guy off. I stepped back, looked down at my hand wrapped around his now limp cock and did what I had heard so many girls say they did. I knelt and licked it clean. I put it back in his pants which was difficult because it seemed to have a life of its own and just would not cooperate, but I finally got it in and zipped him up. I used to hear the girls at school talk about putting it in their mouths and doing it, I wanted to do that to Nick but I was too scared; I did, however enjoy what we did. The taste lingered for quite awhile and I soon felt I wanted more but the chance did not come; at least not that night. "We better get back. They will miss us." I said. I thought we were gone for a long, long time but the same number was still playing when we re- entered the dance hall. Had all that happened in so short a time? I guess so. He asked if we could see each other again, I told him I had a boyfriend but took his phone number just in case. We stepped back out of the room for a last kiss where I almost choked to death on his tongue, where did a thirteen year old boy learn to kiss like that? He might have been thinking, "Where did a twelve year old girl learn to do what she just did?" I found my way back to Lionel and stayed with him for the rest of the night. Laying in bed that night I could still taste Nicks cum in my mouth, not an actual taste but like when you see a delicious looking piece of food you can taste it. I wondered if I would ever be able to taste it, or some, again. Adam was not home yet so I would have to wait to tell someone about my night, I didn't feel this was something a "girl" told her mother about. It was late morning before Adam came home, mom was out shopping. I followed him to his room and as I helped him out of his dress I told him everything, and I mean everything. I sat on his bed holding his dress on my lap as I talked. He cheered me on and said he saw nothing wrong with what I did and gave me a few pointers, things I could not ask the girls at school about; that is if they would talk to me, which they never did. Adam's boyfriend came a little later to go out again. I was in slacks and a silver tube top. He, Charlie, told me I was cute and remarked that I looked good with my small boobs. I think I told you that Charlie, Chuck, knew about Adam and about me. He had seen me a few times and was always respectful to me. He kissed me when they left. Almost fleetingly a thought raced through my mind, "what if I grabbed his big man sized cock through his pants." So far the only ones I grabbed were small pre-pubescent ones. I wanted to talk to both mom and Adam about the plans I told you about for a final approval. I wanted to spend the entire summer as Carol and attend St. Rita's school and when I was old enough, have my wiener cut off just like Adam was going to next week, only mine was not even worthy of being called a wiener, more like a "Vienna Sausage." I called Lionel and asked him to come over to my house so we could watch some TV, and, I hoped, make out a little. I adjusted my (fake) boobs a little in my tube top which was tight and I didn't need a bra although I would have rather worn one but it would not look right. I had been taking pills for a little over a week now and saw no difference yet, oh well. Lionel was wearing shorts and a tee shirt. We had a soda on the patio then, when it was time, went inside to watch the TV. As soon as we were sitting next to each other he had his arm around me and was kissing me. He could kiss but I think Nick was better. I moved his hand, which was hanging in front of my left boob, on to my boob and let him squeeze it. I hoped he was enjoying himself because I was planning on both of us having a lot of fun. He was wearing a pair of those large, loose, shorts that the guys like so much. I reached over and put my hand on his leg and pushed the pant leg up to almost his hip. I could feel him tighten up. "What's the matter, haven't you ever had a girl do this before?" I said looking at him with a smile. "Sure...lots of times." He said lying through his teeth. It seemed forever before I was all the way up and in his pants, I found out he was not wearing any underpants. He turned and looked at me when I grabbed his penis and started rubbing it. I was getting hot, at least as hot as he was. I French kissed him as his prick kept getting harder and harder. I pulled it out through the wide leg of his pants. I lost control of myself and went down on him. I put my lips around his small, but swollen penis and started running my tongue all over it. I sucked and licked and started moving my head up and down on it till I felt his cum explode at the back of my mouth. I got off him and savored the taste of his hot, sticky, cum; it was delicious. Looking at Lionel I saw such a strange look on his face, almost fear. "What is the matter?" I asked him through the cum in my mouth. "Er...nothing, but I have to go. I just remembered. My mother wants me to mow the lawn." He stood up, fixed his pants and practically ran out the door. I guess I was right when I thought he was lying about going this far with a lot of girls before. I took a drink of soda and realized I still had his cum in my mouth. Obviously, I was the first girl who ever went that far with him, actually not even, because I am not a girl, yet. After several calls during the week to him and him not answering, I assumed we had broken up. No biggie, I would call Nick, I knew he would love to go with me. Oh, by the way; I did have that talk with mom and she agreed that I could do what I wanted, and she would see what she could about me going to St. Rita's. The same week I broke up with Lionel, Adam became my sister, Eve. She stayed a few days in the hospital. Mom and I went to visit her every day, as did her boyfriend Chuck. I liked Chuck and I know he liked me, he was always paying me compliments and treated me nice, he knew that I had my growing problem and that I was a guy. I would like having him for a brother-in-law (He and Eve were planning to get married soon after the operation, possibly before the end of summer.) I wore pants when we picked Eve up at the hospital. I could not wear a skirt or dress all the time, no girl does. Like a girl though, I wore tight clothes. I did graduate to a slightly larger pair of boobs though and my tight polo shirt showed them. During my visits to Eve, I told her that Lionel and I broke up, and how. All mom knew was that we were no longer together, kids do that a lot. Mom made an appointment to see my Doctor and ask him if he could prescribe pills for me as he did for Adam, I mean Eve. Living up to my promise to myself about spending the summer as Carol, I wore a dress to his office. Mom and I asked him if taking the pills would help me develop as a girl. He said that he didn't know but they would at least make me more like a girl than a boy; as for making me grow any older; not a chance. The most I could hope for is smoother skin and perhaps some small but real boobs. I could live with that. He did tell me that they would make my penis even smaller, it was almost non existent having stopped growing when I did. About all it was good for now was a place to piss through. Remember, I was really seventeen and never had an erection; as much as I tried. About a week after Eve came home she was able to get around so mom took us out to a fancy supper, us was Eve, me, Chuck and his brother, Hal. Hal knew that I was a boy, just like he knew Eve had been a boy. I wore my prom dress. Hal was my (real) age, seventeen and he was my "date" for the night. He treated me like a girl but as a girl my own age, not an eleven year old. It was quite different talking about "grown up" things with someone. During the meal Chuck proposed marriage to Eve, she accepted. Actually, they knew that they were going to get married eventually but not when. Tonight they made plans. They would be married just before Labor Day. It would be a small ceremony with mostly friends and Chuck's family; mom, Eve and I were the last of mine. Hal was going to be the best man, mom, the matron of honor and I, a Junior Brides maid. I guess I was excited but again, I would be acting the pre-teen, a role I relished, but there were times I wish I could be a bigger girl. Hal treated me like a big girl that night but I still felt like a little one, until he kissed me good by. I had never been kissed like that before. His tongue cleaned every part of my mouth and then some. He held my hand a lot and had his arm around my waist and when we danced he kept rubbing my ass. That night I learned what it is like to be a big girl. I did my usual playing with his cock but it was different playing with one that large and lively. I kept thinking all night what it would be like to have one that big in my mouth, the very thought made me salivate. That week was an exciting one, I had a sister, and I started on my way to be a girl, like Adam/Eve. I was treated age appropriate, we filled out papers to have my name changed to Carol, and, I got a new boyfriend. Yes, Lionel said I was too wild for him. I called Nick and asked if he would go out with me. Nick had a reputation, even at that early age, thirteen, of being a lover and knowing how to treat a girl. I too, was getting a reputation of being a bit wild; I loved it. He took me to a movie where we did not see much of the movie. In those days there was a rule in the theaters that if you were alone and under thirteen, you had to sit in the "Children's Section" where there was a matron to watch the kids and try to keep the noise down. When I went on a "Date" with my boyfriends I could sit in the adult section because most of my boyfriends carried their school IDs to prove their ages. When I went alone and as me, Bert, I had my ID so I could sit with the adults but if I went alone as Carol, no ID, so I had to sit with the kids; which is the reason that Carol did not go to the movies alone too much. Fortunately Nick and I sat with the adults which made it easier to do what we wanted to do, make out. It never happened but I think if we made out in the Children's section we would be in a heap of trouble. As it was, it was difficult enough getting my hand in his fly to play with him. We were, after all, surrounded by adults. I did manage to get my hand all gooey, if you get my drift. Labor Day was approaching, that meant Eve and Charles were getting married, and school was starting. We could see no way of me going to St. Rita's so I dropped that idea, at least for the time being. St Rita's was a private school and the tuition was a lot more than mom could possibly afford. About a week before the big weekend Nick called me and said he would meet me in the park at "our place". Our place was a group of trees and bushes where, all summer; three days a week or more, we went and I would suck him off until he was dry. I looked forward to those days; I loved his cock in my mouth and the taste of his salty cum. When I got there he had three of his friends with him. I was a bit disappointed because I had not had him in almost three days; I needed a fix. He told me that he wanted me to do his friends too. This was new because I had never done more than one guy at a time. Nick convinced me that it was no different than doing him three or four times. He was right, I guess. It would be a challenge, four different guys in a row. They were all thirteen and I knew them all from seeing them around town; I knew too, that they were Nicks friends except for one who was Nicks younger brother; he was only ten, I wondered if he could even get a hard on. He couldn't, no matter how I tried. I did Nick first. Just for fun, I didn't swallow like I usually did, nor did I spit it out, I wanted to see how long I could hold his and if I could hold the other guys too. It didn't work. I was working on my last guy when my mouth got too full of saliva and delicious juice that I had no choice; I swallowed all that heavenly nectar. I must have worked on his brother for ten minutes or so, I licked it, kissed it, played with it, all to no avail; there was no way I could get it hard. I let him play with my breasts, still nothing, so I gave up. I put my tee shirt and bra back on. I had been on those hormones all summer and had some nice breasts; small but the guys liked them. By Labor Day everything was ready for Eve and Charles' wedding. We had our gowns ready; the final fitting was the Tuesday before. It was not a big church wedding nor was the reception that big but was did hire a hall and had the J. P. perform the wedding there. The night before the wedding Hal took me out on a real date. My first with someone my own age. We managed to find something of Eves to fit me and didn't look too bad but it seemed the most I could do was to look like a pre teen trying to look dressed up like an older girl. He took me to a fancy place where we had a great time dancing. I think I had the best time ever that night. I wanted him to sleep with me but he stayed on the fold out couch in the living room. He would be staying all weekend, three days and if I played my cards right I knew I could get him to sleep with me at least once. That morning things were so hectic around the house with people coming and going. Eve, mom and I, had appointments to get our hair and make up done. Eve had packed her honeymoon stuff days ago; they planned to leave immediately after the reception. Finally, I was able to put on my Jr. Brides Maid gown which had been hanging on my bedroom door all week. To tell the truth, I had tried it on every day for a few minutes but this was the first time, not counting the fittings, that I would wear the entire thing, waste cincher and crinolines, shoes; et al. I must say I thought I was beautiful. Just for the record, the only ones who knew about Eve and I not being Biological males were Charlie's parents; and of course, his brother who was my partner at the wedding. He was gorgeous in his tuxedo; I felt so good holding his arm as he walked me down the aisle to stand in our places next to Eve and Charles. The wedding was beautiful and I danced with almost all the ushers and a few of the male guests. I kept wanting to spend all my time with Hal but tradition made me, and mom and the other Brides Maid; there was only two, mom and a friend of eves, had to dance with the guys. I didn't really mind, I loved being held by so many guys. About midnight I was really beat and asked Hal to take me home. He drove me and I sat right next to him on the drive home. I asked him it come to my room and help me out of my gown. I got to my panties and bra while he sat on my bed and watched. I hoped I could get him to sleep with me; I wanted to see what it was like sleeping, and hopefully having sex, with a guy more my own age, actually a year older. I saw his eyes flicking between me and my bed. "Does he want to sleep with me?" his eyes said yes so I took the next step. I told him to wait while I, as the saying goes, "slipped into something comfortable" I went to Eve's room and looked through some of her sexy nighties. I found a see through Baby Doll nighty that might work. I knew it would be bigger on me than on her but when I put it on it fit, more like a shorty than a Baby Doll but it did the trick. Back in my room Hal was in just his boxers. I was right, he wanted me. I approached him in as sexy a manner as I knew how. He took me in his arms and kissed me as I have never been kissed before. We played with each others penises and he sucked my tits. I got a bigger thrill from him sucking on my tits than my non respondent prick. I went to my knees and took his big, manly, prick in my mouth. His almost filled my mouth, not like the little ones that those little boys had. He came all too soon in me and, as always, I held it as long as possible. I became a woman that night but I did think he was going to split me in half. I was so sore for awhile but before the night was over I allowed him up there twice more. We fell asleep in my bed in each others arms. We slept with each other every night that weekend. Mom said nothing when she came home from the wedding a few hours later and saw us in bed together. I was sorry when Hal had to go home but he promised we would see each other again, and we did; he came every holiday weekend for the next year then met a girl and stopped coming. He married but I was not invited to the wedding. The first day of school I went to St. Rita's just to see what it was like. I thought I would be thrown out my first class but I wasn't. Have you ever been in the right place at the right time under the right circumstances? Well, it seems I was that day. A few days before, I bought some school supplies from the list I found in my backpack. The first day I put on one of my school uniforms and went to school. My intention was to just hang around a bit with the girls in the school yard at the beginning and end of the day. That is not exactly what happened. I have no complaint with the results. I hung around the school yard until the bell rang. I got caught up in the rush to get into the school and found myself in the hallway. I started to leave when one of the nuns stopped me and asked where I was going. I told her I didn't know and she took me to the principals' office. The principal asked my name and I told her, Carol Lawrence, I wanted to give her a fake last name but my real one slipped out. I told her that I just transferred from another school, I made up a name and I was in the seventh grade. She looked through her papers and couldn't find mine (what a surprise). Again I though I would be told to go home until the papers arrived, not so. She filled out papers using information I made up on the spot. I was given an ID and a class schedule. "These will do until your other papers arrive young lady. Now if you will go to your first class you can get started. Welcome to St Rita's school for girls Miss Lawrence." I stood outside the office wondering if I should go to class or get the hell out of there. I had wanted to go to this school for years and now, through a simple mistake, I was a student there, and would be until they checked up to find out about what happened to my papers and realized that there was no such school as I had named and if there was, no record of Carol Lawrence existed. I went to my first class. For some reason that I will not even try to figure out, they never followed up on me and I went there for an entire semester. I was the only boy in a school of three hundred and fifty girls, (at least to my knowledge; there may have been boys like me, boys who lived as girls, but the possibilities were slim and who cares,) and I guess I should be in heaven, I was, but not for that reason, as you might assume from reading this far; I was more interested in boys than girls. I become an A student because I already learned much of what they taught when I was younger in my regular school and for the first time in my life I had some girlfriends, not lovers, friends who are girls. I did have to deal with girls who were so much younger than I was but what the hell, I enjoyed every minute of it. I did develop a girl's body thanks to the hormones but they stopped at about a twelve or thirteen year old girls body; I guess I was fated to be a preteen all my life. I realized that my thinking was now in the preteen girl range. I thought, spoke and acted like a pre teen, probably because of the constant exposure. I was, in reality eighteen by then. I had several boyfriends that year and every one was younger than fourteen, actually, only one was fourteen, the others thirteen and one twelve and every one added to my reputation of being a slut. I am not counting my brief encounter with Hal; that somehow didn't seem to count.

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Teen Londe Aur Ek Londiya

Me Churu k pass village me rahti hu aur competition k taiyaari kar rahi hu. Meri do friends ki nokari lag gai aur ek ki to shadi bhi ho gai. Hamara ek common friend hai Rehan jo 21 saal ka lamba aur patla sa smart ladka hai. Wo bhale hi taxi driver hai lekin usne 9 month pahle hum teeno ko pahli baar choda tha tab se me use Raaza hi bolti hu. Ab me us se shaadi karna chahti hu lekin mere ghar wale taxi driver se shaadi nahi karenge is baat ka mujhe poora pata hai kyuki mere papa ki gaon me...

1 year ago
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Teen Fuck Toy A Thanatos Tale

Teen Fuck Toy – A Thanatos Tale – Part One Author's Note: This fictional tale contains images of torture and humiliation.It is meant for an adult audience that can tell the difference between fantasyand reality. -- Cerberus In a quiet section of Manhattan, a large anonymous brownstone serves as arest home for some members of the Thanatos Society who are too old to carefor themselves. While the residents are wealthy enough to pay a staff to carefor them at their homes, in their declining years...

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teen big black gangbang hairy facial young te

i like to share my story with you folks out there my name is leo i live on the ouskirts of ny city im a lawyer and live in a house with my 2 great friends simone and phil the story i am about to tell you happened about 4 years ago i have to go into every detail because it is a fucking amazing story.......lets begin ... im 27 years old black male job own my house in my spare i love picking up white teen girls to take photos and hopefully fuck them on film its my own private collection iv had...

2 years ago
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Teen Femdom

My wife had passed away about a year and a half ago and my sex lifehad deteriorated to masturbation. Most of the time I utilized theever growing collection of magazines and material that I woulddownload from the internet. Occasionally I would be treated to a showby my next door neighbor's k**. Kim was a senior in high school and areal knockout. Her mother was japanese and had passed on acaptivatung look to her daughter.On this particular friday, Kim had gotten home from school and...

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Teen sex story

The girlfriend who has her friend hang around. I was the teen boyfriend to two girls, Lisa the girl next door and Bonnie the girl down the street. For years we were on and off BF / GF and took turns between them. One understood that the other was the one for this time period. Little background, Lisa had been with one guy and thats me. I introduced her to sex a few years back. She listened to me with her mom and wanted to try it. Her mom was not so understanding. I was her sex toy in my very...

3 years ago
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Teen Love To Sex With Neighbor

Hi to all ISS readers. I’m Nikhil a cool, well placed middle-aged guy working for an mnc based in Bangalore.I travel to all the main metros on work regularly.Please mail me at with your comments after reading my story. I stay in a multistoried apartment block on the 14th floor with my family. We have our neighbours the ahujas living across in the next flat. They have a real cute and sexy daughter Dipti who was in class x but she was 18. Now let me describe Dipti – fair, long straight waist...

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Teen White Daughter Fucks Black Neighbor and Boss

In 2008 the bad economy had been devastating to many families. It also made it hard for high school students to get decent summer jobs. My father told me that he would buy me a good, used car, but I needed to work to pay for the insurance and upkeep. I started looking for a job in March, hoping to be able to start at the beginning of June.My name is Katy, and I live with my parents, Robin and Ed, in a suburb of Cincinnati. I turned sixteen in April and was going into my junior year of high...

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Teen and MILF Have Quickie Sex at Work

My name is Jimmy, and I had just turned sixteen years old at the time the events in this story occurred. I live with my parents, Dale and Betty, and younger sister, Melanie, in the town of Huntington, West Virginia, which is on the western side of the state, right next to Kentucky.My father is an auto mechanic, and my mother works in her hair salon in our modest home, in a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of town. We’re a blue-collar family and, like most of our neighbors, are likely...

Quickie Sex
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Teen Porn Stars

Teen Porn Stars I am a high school mathematics teacher while my wife is an English teacher. We both teach the ninth grade where the students are all about fifteen to sixteen years old. They are freshmen and are the small fish in a very big pond. For some it is hard to adjust to it because just last year in junior high school they were the big fish in that very little pond. My wife and I run a little porn studio in our basement too. It is for a very select clientele, the kind that...

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Teen High School Locker Room Sex

Introduction: The true story of how I lost my virginity aged 15 to my high school boy crush in the locker room showers. This is the true story of how I as I teenager I discovered my true sexuality (bi) with my teen boy crush in high school gym class. I have changed the name of the beautiful boy who made it possible, but the rest is completely and utterly true. From the age I about 13 I began to feel attracted to boys in my class. I still hated the idea of looking at gay porn on the web, but I...

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Teen Tease

As Sarah awoke and began her day she was sooooo excited to be at the beach and away from her conservative parents... she was a gorgeous but extremely sheltered teen who although she had blossomed a beautiful set of tits that were perky solid B cups they looked like C's od D's on her extremely petite frame... Sarah was toned and sexy but had the look of a much younger teen as she stood just over 5ft tall and weighed around 105lbs soaking wet.... Even in school she had often been teased for being...

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Teen Titans The Ultimate Challenge

The Amazon Jungle, the largest tropical rainforest that compromises almost half of Brazil, also houses an abandoned base amidst the high humidity and temperatures. The Brotherhood of Evil once used it to create a battery of sorts to power their 'Quantum Generator', a machine capable of creating black holes! A destructive power of the cosmos was in their leader, The Brain's control. Fortunately, for the world's sake, the Brotherhood, and nearly all of the villains the Teen Titans faced, were...

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Teen Titans Uncensored

Welcome to The Teen Titans Uncensored Chyoo Story... How this works is simple... You play a Supreme Being, similar to the Watcher in ways. You have decided to possess one of the citizens of Jump City, in order to have some fun, at the expense of the local superheroine and/or supervillaness society, by inexplicably causing them to have a very much more arousing experience over a period of anything from a few days to the rest of their natural life. You have decided on a target, from the groups...

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Teen on the Train

Teen boys cross country train traverses more than state linesI was a naive boy of 18 and not a gay bone in my body. I was taking a 60 hour train ride to see relatives. This was before the advent of air travel for the general populace. I had a sleeper unit in a nearly empty traincar. A personell switch for the final overnight leg gave me time to score a six pack with some fake ID. The porter responsible for my car busted me about 20 minutes in on my youth ticket and laughed, saying if I...

2 years ago
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Teen helps Latina MILF

Let me preface by saying I’m a skinny, white, 18 year old male. I’m not particularly tall - average height I guess? My style is kinda rocker/skater/alternative, with longish hair.I grew up and spent most of my teen years in Greenfield Massachusetts, which has a rural, small town community vibe.Anyway, last year, my dad found a new job in downtown Boston – so we moved to a suburb just outside of Boston, Winthrop. It is a nice coastal town – quiet and clean compared to other cities surrounding...

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Teen Butt Fucked and USED like a WHORE

This is a story about when I was just starting high school and didn't know any better!I still wasn't old enough to even get a learners license to drive a car and had never really had any sexual experiences at all except by jerking off in the bathroom at my mom and dads house. I would take a couple of copies of my dad's porn mags, go in the bathroom and jerk off to the pix. One time, I even tried eating my own cum just to see what it tasted like...LOL!Anyway, one day, I was at the house and...

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Teen boy meets Young Girl

This is a continuation from my previous story "MILF & Young Teen Boy"In that story, Jerry spent the afternoon with his best friend Brads Mother, and a very heated afternoon at that, in this story Jerry is about to meet another member of his best friends family, his younger sister! read on to hear what happens, Jerry is also a lot more confident in the end.Jerry had been thinking about Miss Anderson ever since they had spent the afternoon together, and now he had to return to the house to...

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Teen boy meets Young Girl

This is a continuation from my previous story "MILF & Young Teen Boy"In that story, Jerry spent the afternoon with his best friend Brads Mother, and a very heated afternoon at that, in this story Jerry is about to meet another member of his best friends family, his younger sister! read on to hear what happens, Jerry is also a lot more confident in the end.Jerry had been thinking about Miss Anderson ever since they had spent the afternoon together, and now he had to return to the house to...

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Teen Din Uncle Ke Saath Part 8211 2

Hi friends, this is Manav again from New Delhi with another imaginary story. It’s a pure fiction but with a hope that some day the whole of events I am narrating will come true in my life. Thank you all for liking the first part of my story In my last story, I narrated how my uncle had fucked for the first time. In the last part I told you how I saw my uncle fucking a neighborhood boy and then in the night I got fucked by him three times. He had asked me to come next day early in the...

Gay Male
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A widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...

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Teen Cousin Brothers Explore Each Other 8211 Part 2

Disclaimer : All characters in the stories are fictional. The story has teenage incestual relationship between two cousins and extensive homosexuality. If your name is same as one the character it is a coincidence. If you are against any of the above please do not read the story. The ideas for this story are taken from many as I’m regular reader to many of the blogs. For any comments and ideas : Email – Recap : Two teen cousins explore homosexuality and give each other oral pleasure. We woke...

Gay Male
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Teen Aunties Ko Jamkar Choda

Mai apko bata du ki meri pahli story ko kafi logo ne padha or muje uske liye bahut share mail bhi aye. Jo naye reader hai unko bata du ki mera name jay hai 23 year handsome ladka hu or mai gujarat ka rahne wala hu. Mai bhi is site ka bahut time se reader hu to mujhe bhi apni story likhne ka sokh hai.Main ne apko pahle hi bataya ki muje aglee story k liye bahut sare mail bhi mile hai to unme se ek mail sweetyhappy ka bhi aaya. Ye story aaj se 6 mahine pahle ki hai. To unho ne muje baat karna...

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TEEN ASSPLAY My night with Angela

My sister, Sarah, recently turned 18 and ever since we moved to this new town she has turned into a bit of a socialite. This doesn't bother me at all because there is a constant stream of incredibly hot girls sleeping over. What makes the situation even better is that my sister doesn't mind me being around when they're over.Last Friday is a night I won't easily forget.Angela, my sister's new best friend, came over for a night watching DVD's. I had often stared at her incredible body and had...

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Teen Flashers Therapy

TEEN FLASHER'S THERAPY"You are deep in trouble, young lady," Brad heard his wife Lyn saying to his daughter, as she dragged her out of the car and into the house. "Go ahead and tell your father what you've been doing!"Ashley was a gorgeous looking 14 year old. She's always been a sweet little girl, smart, cute, well behaved, mommy and daddy's pride and joy. Lately, however, ever since she started filling out, growing curves, and turning quite rapidly into a stunning young woman, her personality...

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Teen Talk

This is taken from a real Teen Talk episode... well not really! "My name is Doctor Greenburg... and this is teen talk! Hello caller you are on the air." "Hello Doctor, this is Tawny... I'm from Boise Idaho." "That's nice Tawny, what seems to be your problem." "Well you see doctor it started about two weeks ago when my current boyfriend caught me you know with another guy." "Go on my dear" I said. "Yes, well Curt the guy that I was banging when my real boyfriend Todd came in...

4 years ago
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Teen Katies DiaryPart 2 The Gathering

It took a few months, but everything was falling into place. I had been in contact with dozens and dozens of Katie's fans from her website after I hacked into her computer. She was pretty gullible and ran a 'joke' file I sent her. It was a custom program, not detectable by normal scanners. It gave me complete access to her system, although it was a little unstable. It didn't take long for me to find her diary. It was labeled "Katie's Diary.txt" and sat right in her Documents folder. I...

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Teen DaysChapter 13

I thought I would add another experience from my younger teen days. This relates to another fun time that I enjoyed with my elder brother Tony and some random builders watching us. Tony had been living in his own flat for a little while and we had continued having our regular fun sessions whenever we could get time together. On this occasion there were a group of workmen doing some building repairs on the block of flats opposite Tony's. I had been popping in to see him after school for...

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Teen DaysChapter 14

I have been asked to share a few more experiences from my youth and teen days. Following on from the fun I had with my two older admirers in the bus shelter, I thought I would share more fun times I had with other men and boys during my mid to late teen years. At 16 I had a relatively steady boyfriend, was still having regular fun with Tony my brother, had kept up my infrequent fun with Jim and Alf and also had a few one night/flings with a succession of other guys. One of these men was a...

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Best Girlfriends Forever

Best Girlfriends Forever Chris falls in love with his new roommate Shannon, who is transgender. Shannon falls in love with Chris too, but she already has a boyfriend and instead wants to be 'best girlfriends forever'... * * * Chapter 1: "Just two more questions." "Sure," I responded cheerfully. It seemed like Shannon and I were connecting which was great because I desperately needed a cheap place to stay. And besides, who wouldn't want someone as cute and beautiful...

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The call from Mistress Andrea made my day. I hadn't seen her for over a week and was looking forward to playing with her & having my chastity finally removed. You should know that Mistress and I have known each other for many years and have I always enjoyed being her sissy sub. Lately she has been training me to be more feminine in appearance. I have been required to buy woman's stretch pants and blouses for daily wear to work, and always have fresh manis and pedis and mascara on at...

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Teen Transvestite in Public Loos 1970s TRUE STOR

A small northern town, on the outskirts of Manchester, this small smokey place was quite unassuming. It’s people went about their daily lives in the normal busy body way. The town had about 50 shops, and the High Street was always quite busy and not like it is today. The small town even boasted a tiny Woolworths store, something that would just not happen these days, but mid 70’s it was commonplace. On the back of the High Street was a very small and very dated public ‘swimming baths’, and next...

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A Footslave forever

A Foot Slave ForeverSeptember 18 2012 My first introduction to the female foot occurred when I was about 11. My parents were off on a “second honeymoon” and I was staying at my Aunt’s house for a three-day weekend. She had two girls who were close to my age. Patty was two years older, blonde and very attractive; Janice was a year younger, dark haired and very aggressive. They didn’t have a guest room and I was given the choice of sleeping downstairs on the couch or in the girl’s room. The...

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Teens on the Run

Lexi and Brandi had hatched a plan to get Lexi's mom's boyfriend to come over and then get compromising video of him with one or both of the girls. They had dressed in the sluttiest outfits they could come up with, and had gotten the boyfriend, Jack, to come on to them, but then they got carried away with the sex, and failed to get any video. When the boyfriend reported the incident to Lexi's mom Terri, he had left out much of the sex, but reported on the dirty outfits the girls had worn,...

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Teens Love Black Cocks

I’ve been watching a lot of TikTok lately, and I think it gives a pretty skewed view of what teens love. Watching those mini videos, you’d think all they’re into is lip-syncing, viral dances, and the weakest pranks the world has ever seen. The movies at Teens Love Black Cocks give a more intimate look at their most primal, lusty desires. Specifically, I’m talking about all the premium interracial teen porn they’re putting out.TeensLoveBlackCocks.com has been pairing horny teenage sluts with the...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Teen DaysChapter 12

I thought I would share another experience from my teens. Sorry its been a while but I have been very busy lately and haven't had the time to complete any more experiences. I have already shared how as a teen I teased, and then had some oral fun with the Asian shopkeeper I used to work part time for. Following my leaving working in his shop, I would, from time to time pop in to buy stuff. I got a real thrill from seeing him and his family in the store. Them being totally unaware of how...

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Teens Love Huge Cocks

If there’s just one thing that everyone can agree on, it’s that Teens Love Huge Cocks. Young sluts and their lust for enormous schlong have been the subject of countless songs, made-for-TV specials, and TED talks. Believe it or not, they’ve also made a number of pornographic films sharing the same theme. TeensLoveHugeCocks.com is a paysite focusing on those titular teens and their whacky, sexy adventures.Tight Teens and Cute Sluts, FUCK YES!I’m raging hard pretty much as soon as I load the...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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PussyBoy Forever

I've always been the type of man into really feminine boys. I like skinny little twinks who want to be fucked and roughed up by a real man. Nothing makes me harder than a pussyboy begging to ride my hard cock and moaning "Daddy" as I slide in and out of his tight hole.I'm 6'-2", solid muscle and proud of it. Little fag bitches go weak when they see how big my arms are and picture how hard I could fuck them. When I finally get them on their knees and my hard 9" thick cock is in front of their...

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