The Perfect Family A Thanatos Tale
- 2 years ago
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Teen Fuck Toy – A Thanatos Tale – Part One
Author's Note: This fictional tale contains images of torture and humiliation.It is meant for an adult audience that can tell the difference between fantasyand reality.
-- Cerberus
In a quiet section of Manhattan, a large anonymous brownstone serves as arest home for some members of the Thanatos Society who are too old to carefor themselves. While the residents are wealthy enough to pay a staff to carefor them at their homes, in their declining years they prefer the camaraderieof those who share a predilection for the suffering of young women.
Unlike the spartan sterility that characterizes most publicly funded oldfolks home, this private establishment, known as Far Horizons Lodge, is extremelyluxurious. On the top two floors of the building are a dozen suites. Each onehas a large bedroom, a sitting room with fireplace and a fully equipped bathroom.The ground floor of the building contains administrative offices, a large communaldining room, the kitchen and a game room with billiard and card tables. Anotherroom has been turned into a mini-theatre. While each private suite has itsown thirty-two inch high definition television system, this room has a hugeplasma television connected to the latest high-tech sound system. As well asDVD and videotape machines, the television system in the home has a uniquefeature. A satellite dish on the roof picks up and unscrambles direct transmissionsfrom the Thanatos Manor. Residents can watch what goes on in the Manor's infamousTheater of Pain. The old men can also see the young students of the ThanatosAcademy of Sexual Slavery practicing their lessons. In addition, the Lodgecan receive signals from a variety of brothels run by the Thanatos Society.The basement of the old folks home has a large swimming pool that many residentsuse as part of their physiotherapy regime. The underground level also containsa fully equipped torture chamber.
Like other high-end homes for elderly people, this one has a doctor, nursesand physiotherapists on staff. Part of the staff consists of six Thanatos "facilitators".These rather large and muscular men maintain security in the home and assistthe older residents in the pursuit of their common hobby – torturingand humiliating helpless young women.
Currently, there are ten men living in the home. Each one has his own personalslave to look after his every need. Most of these women are in their earlytwenties. The tight silver collars tightly clasping their throats serve toset them apart from the regular staff. That and the fact that they are oftenforced to wear bizarre costumes not normally seen in old age homes.
Occasionally a member of a resident's family will send a fuck-toy to thehome for all to enjoy. Let us now join one such toy named Eva on her firstvisit to this malevolent residence.
It's early Sunday afternoon when a large yellow taxi pulls to a stop in frontof the Thanatos Lodge. The back door opens and Eva steps out. The cabby getsout of car and retrieves a large suitcase from the trunk. The fact that a NewYork taxi driver actually hauls his ass out of his seat to help a passengeris a testament to Eva's beauty (and to the generous tip she had given him).He offers to carry the suitcase up the steps of the building to the front door,but the girl flashes a dazzling smile and tells him that it's not necessary.Eva stands for a minute watching the cab pull away. She is aware of the admiringglances of the pedestrians who pass her on the street. She is an extremelybeautiful young girl and has grown used to appreciative looks. Her naturalflaxen hair is tied into two long braids that frame her heart-shaped face.Her flawless skin is a translucent peach color. She has large, round cornflowerblue eyes and a small upturned nose. Her full, red lips break into a wide girlishgrin, revealing perfect white teeth. On her ears are small pearl button earrings.On the fourth finger of her right hand she wears a small gold ring. A capital "T" withan S-shaped serpent entwined around the vertical shaft of the T Engraved onits surface – the symbol of the Thanatos Society. Eva's wearing an outfitmakes her look younger than her fifteen years. A blue ribbon in her hair isthe same color as the ribbon woven into the bodice of her pale yellow knee-lengthdress. White stockings caress the curves of her slender legs. She's wearingwhite, flat-heeled shoes. The young girl is a picture of innocence. In hermodest and conservative outfit, Eva looks like she is returning from a Sundaychurch service. As she continues to catch admiring glances from the peoplepassing by, many of whom no doubt wishing that their teenaged daughters dressedas conservatively as she did. Her smile widens as she wonders how these peoplewould react if they knew that she was one of the most depraved pain and cumsluts ever to have graduated from the Thanatos Academy of Sexual Slavery.
Eva lugs her suitcase up the steps that lead to the front door of the Lodge.As she climbs a gust of wind tugs at the hem of her dress. The teenager triesto imagine what the passers-by on the street would think if the breeze gustedhard enough to reveal that she is not wearing panties. Eva announces her presenceby rapping loudly with the large brass knocker fixed to the center of the door.Almost immediately, it is opened by one of the facilitators. He smiles andsays in German accented English "Good afternoon, Cunt-Eva. You may call meMaster Karl. I trust you've had an uneventful flight up from Texas."
"Yes, I did. Thank you," she replies as she steps into the foyer of the home.
Eva has been sent to New York for a few days by her owner Arthur Smith whoseeighty-three year-old father, Luther, lives in the residence. Normally, shelives on the younger man's large ranch where she is the second youngest ofa stable of ten slaves.
As the facilitator leads Eva through a second door into a large corridor,she has time to admire the décor. On the wall to the right is a portraitof the Marquis de Sade, patron "saint" of the Thanatos Society. On the oppositewall is a watercolor picture of a very small girl being fucked from behindby a very large dog. Eva notices the signature of the artist. She is impressed.Several of his less controversial pictures hang in the Museum of Modern Art.There are several narrow side tables along the corridor. They are made of thesame dark gleaming wood that panels the lower half of the walls. Eva stopsto look at some of the small statues that sit on the tables. She is particularlyattracted to a ten inch high Lladro sculpture of a tall man standing with hiscock in the mouth of a beautiful girl. The artist has captured the moment ofclimax on the man's face. Eva smiles when she notices that the sculptor haseven fashioned a porcelain line of sperm running out of each corner of thegirl's mouth. On another table is a what appears to be a Royal Dalton statuette.She remembers seeing this type of statue in her grandmother's home before shewas sold to the Thanatos Society by her mother. Grandma's statue was of a womandressed in eighteenth century finery carrying a basket of pink flowers. Theone here is somewhat different. One of the characters is indeed a young womansimilar to the one her grandmother owned. However, this one is stripped tothe waist. She kneels with her back to a man dressed like a Victorian Englishgentleman. He holds in his right hand a finely crafted cat-o-nine tails. Lookingclosely, Eva notices that the sculptor has painted what looks like blood onthe whip. The tiny woman's back is criss-crossed with dozens of welts and bruises.
On the wall above the table is an oil painting. It is typical of familiarhunting scenes in which with men on horseback, surrounded by a pack of hounds,ride across the English countryside in pursuit of a fox or stag. Only in thispainting, the target of their pursuit is a naked girl. She is cornered againsta large oak tree by the hounds, one of which has sunk his fangs into the pinkflesh of her thigh. The artist has been able to capture the look of pain andhorror on the young woman's face.
Eva tears herself away from the picture and catches up to Karl. He stopsin front of a door near the back of the building and knocks softly.
"Come," says a deep feminine voice. Karl opens the door and ushers Eva intothe office of Dr Evelyn Grower, the Director of the Thanatos Lodge. This distinguishedlooking middle aged woman is a physician with a specialty in geriatric medicine.She is also the nastiest dominatrix in Manhattan. Currently she is wearingher "doctor" outfit – a white smock over a tailored suit. She looks atEva and smiles.
"Thank you, Karl," she says. "Please take Eva's suitcase up to Mr Smith'ssuite. Be quiet when you get there for the old fellow's taking a nap."
Turning her attention to the teenager she says, "We've been expecting you.Since Mr Smith and most of the other residents are currently napping, we havean opportunity to get acquainted. Have a seat."
The fifteen year-old sits on a wooden chair in front of Dr Grower's desk.She sits demurely with her legs modestly crossed and her hands folded on herlap. A picture of wholesome innocence.
"Any problems finding the Lodge, my dear?" asks the older woman.
"No Ma'am."
Are you hungry?"
"Not really, Ma'am. I ate on the plane."
Like many experienced travelers, Eva eschewed the normal fare offered bythe airlines and brought her own food aboard the plane. She would have enjoyedwhat was offered in the first class section in which she had traveled. It'sjust that her Master ordered his staff to prepare a special box lunch for her.The teenager got some odd looks from the flight attendants as they passed byEva's seat and smelled what she was eating. On the pullout tray in front ofher was an egg salad sandwich on white bread. Beside it was the cup from athermos that was filled with what appeared to be a thick strawberry milkshake.What made this meal different from the millions of school lunches packed bytypical fifteen year-olds were the special ingredients that Smith insistedthe chef use when assembling the meal. The egg salad had been prepared witha quarter-cup of stallion semen instead of mayonnaise. The "strawberry" milkshakewas indeed made mostly of milk. However, it did not come from cows, but fromsows. The cook achieved the pink color of strawberries by adding the menstrualblood of some of the slaves. Eva had chocolate chip cookies for dessert, exceptthe chocolate chips had been replace with dead fire ants. As she chewed, theacid in the insect's bodies burned the insides of her mouth. She finished hermeal with a special treat -- a single cream-filled bonbon of white chocolate.She bit it in half to reveal its creamy centre. Eva felt very honored for herMaster had contributed his own cock snot to the ingredients of the candy.
"Your Master tells me that you graduated first in your class from the Academy," saysDr Grower.
Eva blushes and nods her head modestly.
"You must be very proud."
"Oh, I am," says the fifteen-year-old.
"Wonderful. By the way, that's a lovely dress, my dear," continues the olderwoman.
"Thank you. Master bought it for me at Saks Fifth Avenue in Houston.
"Stand up, girl, and turn around."
Eva obeys.
"Take off your dress."
Without hesitating the girl unbuttons the back of her dress and lifts itover her head. She places it on her chair and stands in front of Grower.
"Lovely," she murmurs.
Indeed, Eva is a five feet two inch vision teenaged beauty. She stands proudlybefore the older woman. Sheer white stockings enhance the curves of her longshapely legs. They stop midway up her thighs and are held up by a lacy whitesatin garter belt. Dr Grower's eyes widen and she grins. A blue satin cordruns from a ring sewn into the front of the garter belt to a tiny gold ringthat pierces the girl's clitoris. The cord is just short enough to stretchthe sensitive nubbin of flesh so that it is pulled out from the protectivelips of her hairless cunt.
"Turn around," orders Grower.
Eva slowly turns, revealing a lovely back and even lovelier ass. Dr Growerappreciates the two dimples in the girl's lower back. Her buttocks are firmand tight globes. The flesh of Eva's back bears the wonderful faint scars ofnumerous floggings. Her Master stopped beating her a month ago so that herwounds would heal in time for her visit to the old man. In the center of herleft buttock is a tattoo. The words "Thanatos Academy" have been needled intoher once perfect flesh with black ink. The words form an arch. Across the gapat the bottom of the arch is a tattoo in red ink of the year that Eva graduatedfrom the school of slavery. Dr Grower is impressed. It appears that the girlgraduated when she was only thirteen. The tattoo surrounds a scar. A red-hotbranding iron had been used to burn the emblem of the Thanatos Society intothe firm soft tissue of Eva's buttock. The emblem is identical to the one thatthe girl wears on the ring on her finger. Dr Grower remarks that she's sorryshe wasn't present at Eva's branding adding that she found the smell of burninggirl-meat delightful.
The Director tells Eva to face her again. She slides her gaze up from thegirl's pussy, past her belly button and concentrates on her breasts. Eva iswearing a punishment bra. It fits tightly over her small hard titties. Growerorders her to remove the garment. Eva reaches behind and undoes the clasp.She peels the bra away from her tits. The inside of each 32B cup is coveredwith hundreds of tiny hard rubber spikes. Because they are rubber, they don'tbreak the creamy skin of her breasts but are sharp enough to cause constantpain. Right now, her skin is not so creamy as it is covered with hundreds ofangry red welts. As Eva stands serenely before her, Dr Grower notices a flashof silver on the girl's right nipple. "What's that?" she wonders and risesfrom her chair to approach the teen for a closer look. She bends slightly toinspect the girl's fleshy nipples. The pink nubbins stand out proudly fromtheir small round aureoles. Each nipple is half an inch in length and a quarterinch in diameter. Directly in the center of each is the silver head of a needle.Dr Grower pinches the head of the needle in Eva's left breast and begins topull. The teenager gasps as the older woman draws more than an inch of steelfrom her tit. Squinting, the dominatrix is delighted to see that the shaftis not smooth. It bristles with near microscopic burrs. Consequently, tinypieces of Eva's red tit meat adhere to the needle. Blood begins to leak outof her torn nipple. Despite the excruciating pain, the girl remains silentalthough tears erupt from her blue eyes. Grower continues to draw out the needleuntil it comes free of the girl's tit. It is two inches long. Looking closer,she can see that the point of the needle is actually a tiny barb. Eva standswith her hands clasped behind her back. Blood slowly streams down the undersideof her breast and flows slowly toward the top of her garter belt. The teenagedslave remains quiet. However, the tears that continue to leak down her cheekssilently attest to her suffering. She is trembling and perspiration coats herbody. The dominatrix considers Eva's silence to be a challenge. She is determinedto make the girl cry out. She dips her forefinger into the small stream ofblood and reaches up to rub blood on Eva's full lips. Eva stands still, herlips glowing crimson with her own blood. With an evil grin, Dr Grower graspsthe head of the needle that remains imbedded in the slave's right nipple. Thistime she pulls it out a quarter of an inch and stops. Adjusting her grip, shetwirls the needle as she slowly pulls it out. As the shaft turns, the tinyburrs and the barbed point rip at the meat of Eva's tit. The girl moans softly.The needle is half way out. Dr Grower is delighted to see that this time manymore tiny bits of the girl's flesh adhering to the shaft. The blood flows morequickly from around this needle than it did from the first one. As the maliciouswoman continues to twirl and pull, Eva breaks and howls with pain. However,she remains standing. Encouraged, Grower pushes the needle back into the girl'stortured tit. She saws it in and out. With her other hand she plucks at thethread that runs from the girl's garter belt to her clitty. For three agonizingminutes the sadistic older woman pushes and pulls at the needle while pluckingon the clitty cord as if it were a harp string. Amazingly, Eva begins to feelan orgasm growing in her pussy. Pain and pleasure swirl together in her twistedmind. Her cunt is getting wet. Soon clear, warm girl-juice leaks out of herpussy to run down the insides of her thighs, wetting the lacy border of herstocking. By now the top edge of her white garter belt's waist band has becomestained with her blood.
Dr Grower is delighted. She continues to torture the girl, sawing at hertit and plucking at her clit rhythmically. "My goodness," she says mockingly.You've got tears leaking from your eyes, blood leaking from your nipples andpussy juice leaking from your twat. I'll have to remember to give you somethingto drink later so you don't get dehydrated."
Eva can hardly hear the woman's evil taunts. Her body is racked with multipleorgasms. Waves of pleasure radiate from her cunt just as waves of pain pulsatefrom her tortured nipples. A true pain-slut, the teenaged beauty's mind blendspain and pleasure together into a series of sweaty, pulsating crescendos. Tooweak to stand, she falls to her knees. The needle is ripped from her breast.Dr Grower stands triumphantly over the crying girl as the crashing orgasmsbegin to subside. Eva slowly calms down and, being a well-trained slave, remainskneeling. The older woman notices that rivulets of blood continue to ooze fromthe girl's tits, especially from her right nipple. With a nasty smirk, sheremarks that it's a good thing that she is a physician for she knows just thething to stop the bleeding. Returning to her desk, she opens the center drawerand takes out two small elastic bands and a small brown glass bottle. She goesback to Eva and tells her to stand up. The girl obeys and stares at the olderwoman with wide fearful eyes. Reaching for a paper tissue on her desk, Growersays that she'd better disinfect Eva's wounded titties. She opens the bottleand pours some of the orange-brown liquid onto the tissue.
"I know that most doctors use antibacterial gels on small wounds but I prefertincture of iodine." She dabs at Eva's left nipple with the soaking tissue.The teen gasps and more tears overflow her eyes as the liquid burns into hersensitive flesh. The doctor then doubles up the tiny elastic and slips it aroundthe base of the nipple. She does the same for the poor girl's right breast.Again it feels like someone has set fire to her wounded nubbins. Standing back,Dr Grower admires her work. As the older woman returns to her chair behindher desk, Eva stands trembling. Tight elastics dig into the base of both nippleswhich quickly begin to ache and swell. They throb painfully in time to herheart beat. The girl knows that the only way for her to find relief would beto masturbate but she dares not do so without permission.
"Yes, I know it hurts, Eva," says Dr Grower. "But your blood will probablyclot in about ten minutes. You can take the elastics off then. Meanwhile, Ithought of a way to take your mind off your nipples. Come here."
Eva walks around the desk while Dr Grower stands up and slides her chairback. While the teenager stands quietly, the other woman slips off her smockand hikes her short skirt up around her waist. Like Eva, she wears no panties.The girl looks at the Director's cunt. Thick purple lips peak out from a bushof black pubic hair. Grower adjusts her high tech chair by removing the armrests.She then tells Eva to sit on the floor in front of the chair. She is to faceaway from the chair.
"Lean back and rest your head on the seat of the chair," orders the dominatrix.
Eva obeys by arching her back and placing the backof her head on the seat. She stares at the ceiling. Grower pushes the chairtowards the desk forcing the girl to scoot forward on her bum until she issitting on the floor in the footwell of the large mahogany desk. Eva knowswhat's coming. Suddenly the sight of Dr Grower's pussy blocks her view of theceiling. The woman has mounted the girl's head as if she were getting on abicycle. The older woman lowers her cunt onto the fifteen year-old's prettyface until Eva smells the rank spermy odor emanating from it. The girl seeswhite flecks of dry semen coating the older woman's labia. She also noticesthe string of a tampon dangling from the dirty cunt Dr Grower's crotch is soclose to Eva's pretty face that the end of the string tickles her lips.
Noticing the girl's revulsion, the woman explains that she knew that Evawas arriving so she made a point of not bathing when she awoke this morning. "Notonly that, but just before you arrived," she continues. "I had Karl and hiscolleague fuck me. So I'm full of cock snot. I want you to suck it out of me." DrGrower's crotch only an inch or two from Eva's pretty face. The dominatrixorders the girl to grab the end of the string with her teeth. The teenagerdoes so and Grower raises herself up until the soggy tampon slides out of hercunt and onto Eva's face. Even opens her mouth and the disgusting cylinderfalls on the floor. The thick warm cock slime of the two facilitators floodsout of the woman's pussy and plops wetly onto the teenager's lips and intoher mouth. Her lips and tongue are coated with the white goo. Eva eagerly gobblesit up and licks her lips. She uses her tongue to capture a large pearly dollopof sperm that has fallen on her upper lip, just below her nose. The Directorrests her elbows on her desk and lowers her pussy onto the young girl's mouth.Poor Eva forces her tongue deep into the woman's love channel. She tastes theolder woman's cunt juice. She stretches her tongue to its limit in order tolick and titillate Dr Grower's fat clitoris. Eva works quickly. She must breaththrough her nose. Unfortunately, that lovely upturned organ is buried in theolder woman's asshole. The dominating woman puts all her weight on Eva's face.Eva didn't graduate with honors from the Academy without good reason. In lessthan five minutes, her skillful tongue brings the good doctor to a series ofthundering orgasm. The woman is an ejaculator. Every time her body climaxes,she squirts her hot cunt juice onto Eva's face and into her mouth. When herclimaxes subside, Dr Grower remains firmly seated on poor Eva's face.
"Remember when I said to you that you must remember to rehydrate?" asks thewoman. "Well here is your opportunity."
Dr Grower, with her snatch glued to Eva's mouth, releases a stream of acridpiss into it. The surprised girl gulps hungrily because she knows that spillingeven a drop of piss would serve as a good excuse for more punishment. Aftera few moments the torrent subsides. Eva takes a deep breath as soon as Dr Growerlifts herself from her face. The girl quickly stands up. Her face is soakedwith the older woman's pussy juice. Fortunately, the tips of Eva's breastshave stopped bleeding so the Director removes the elastics from the girl'snipples.
She tells Eva to go to adjoining bathroom and wash her face. The girl returnsand puts her clothes back on except for her punishment bra. In a few moments,she becomes again, the picture of conservative teenaged innocence. She sitsdemurely before Dr Grower who has readjusted her own clothes and put her whitesmock back on.
The Director of the old folks home looks at her watch and remarks that theresident's will probably be waking up soon. As soon as she says this the silenceof the home is shattered by the high pitched scream of a young woman. Dr Growersmiles and says that apparently some of them are already awake. She lifts thereceiver of her phone and tells Karl to come and fetch Eva and bring her toold Mr Smith. The facilitator silently enters the room and Eva stands up. Sheis about to follow him out of the room when Dr Grower tells her to wait a minute.She turns and faces the doctor.
"You look so fresh and innocent," says the older woman. "You are the veryimage of fresh faced teenaged beauty -- an All-American girl. Under differentcircumstances, I'm sure you'd be on your high school's cheerleading team."
Eva blushes at the compliment. "It's kind of you to say so, ma'am," she sayssoftly.
Dr Grower picks up the two needles that she had pulled out of Eva's nipples. "Ithink I'll keep these as a souvenir of our meeting, my child," she says.
Karl knocks softly on the door before he enters.
"Take young Eva here to the television room," says the Director. "She canwait there while you go up to see if Mr Smith is awake. In fact, if he is sleepingwake him up. I'm sure he'll be delighted with the little fuck-toy his son hassent him."
----------------- End of Part One
Author's Note: This story is a Thanatos Society fan fiction - it's been a few years since Cerberus gave us one of his genuine stories, so this is just my addition to the canon. It is very extreme and probably not to your taste.0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0(Narrator): Thank you for purchasing this new release DVD from Thanatos Movie Productions - Prissy's Sweet Sixteen. If you have seen any of our other productions, you will know that it will involve the degradation and torture of an...
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So you all remember Latoya, the singer who looks like Misty Stone? Well, we were supposed to go camping with friends, but they pulled out. So, having the weekend free, me and Latoya opted to go hiking. Latoya showed up at my house dressed in jeans, a half shirt, and she was wearing one of those old plaid shirts the grunge freaks wore in the ninties, only she'd cut the shirt down and cut off the sleeves, turning it into a vest. I wore jeans and a Poison shirt. For those that aren't aware exactly...
DRAFT DOGER ON THE RAG - A BUNNY'S TALE By: Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2000 *********************************************************************** **** Draft Dodger on the Rag - A Bunny's Tale is the direct result of three different ideas coming together to form the bases for a single story. It all started with a suggestion from Mindy Rich for me to use some or all of the photos that she had posted on the Original Fictionmania from the made for TV movie A Bunny's...
THE WITCHFINDER'S TALE By Dr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DIn the garden of the cottage, as the birds sung in the trees and the summer morning warmed the soil, the young girl sat on the grass and looked again at the baby son who slept in her arms. Her husband sat beside her, still with a look of awe in his eyes. His mother came out to the garden and joined them, she smiled at the way her son was so stunned he could produce such a perfect child. "I never thought you would be married by...
I had this friend called Mhairi. She was a hot little thing. Long blonde hair. Slim with nice hips and a great ass. Mhairi was 17 at the time when this happened.She would come and stay at mine for a few days at a time as she did not get on with her parents.Mhairi was a bit of a slut and had slept with a lot of guys. She had been fucked by even more when she was drunk. She had a big drink problem and just could not stop once she started. When she got a drink in her she just wanted to...
At work, things are completely normal. Ashley knows mine and Emily’s arrangement and is respecting it, both of us capable of being casual. Besides, I think she wants my girlfriend more anyway.Ashley and I are texting back and forth throughout the day, the rest of the office none the wiser. I tell her that Emily wants to try fooling around with her, and she’s ecstatic. I ask her if me being there would be a problem, and I’m glad when she says she doesn’t mind. I also tell her I don’t know how...
ThreesomesMy name is Jack, better known to all and sundry as Jack the Rat, with another enthralling tale of my lusty adventures. I am a sea salt with years of experience of the high seas and the lowlifes that populate it. I have been at sea so long that when ashore I have problems walking a straight mile. Me dad was a second mate on board an old tramp steamer, and when me ma passed away, me dad took me into the service and left me brothers with an aunt in Bristol. Me aunt was a right river, and me...
Teen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...
Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...
Chapter Eleven – Claiming Her AssThe next several weeks went without much incident. Eric spent much time as he could at home teaching protocols and rituals to Cass. But there were still times when she was at home alone for her to practice. It went well for the most part. He gave her encouragement and praise when she accomplished a task well, and punished her when she made mistakes or breaches in the things she’d learned. They both fell into a smooth rhythm. Eric continued to be amazed with his...
In 2008 the bad economy had been devastating to many families. It also made it hard for high school students to get decent summer jobs. My father told me that he would buy me a good, used car, but I needed to work to pay for the insurance and upkeep. I started looking for a job in March, hoping to be able to start at the beginning of June.My name is Katy, and I live with my parents, Robin and Ed, in a suburb of Cincinnati. I turned sixteen in April and was going into my junior year of high...
InterracialBy JIMMY 07/05/12 Mark awoke to the sound of breaking glass. The 5 foot 10 Italian stud arose immediately. He didn’t have to think, listen, or take the time to wake fully. His house had burglar bars on all the windows and doors with one exception. Just yesterday, Mark had removed the bars on the first floor bathroom window to repair a leaking sash. He knew the sound had come from that window. He slept nude and had woken with a massive aching erection. He didn’t bother with...
My name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...
TabooAlmost a fairy tale Chapter 1- The beginning "In what a mess I'm involved in", I though. There I was, half naked and surrounded by two large and well armed guards. Close to me was Elisabeth, my lover, and together we did wait for our executioner, the mighty King-Wizard Wolf. My name was Richard. I was born in an untypical peasant's family. My father had been educated to become a monk, but was expelled from the monastery after the other monks discovered what he had been doing...
TEEN 4 EVER - PT. 2 By BERTHA Bert, now Carol suffers from a rare condition known as Peter Pan Condition in which some sufferers stop aging during pre or early teen years, they never grow any older looking. The events depicted here take place during Bert/Carol's second year as a girl at St. Rita's School for Girls. It will be narrated in Carol's own words. I'm Bert; I'm eighteen and am better known as...
Teen Fire &Teen Frost????this story contains bondage, torture and sexual explicit content. The story is for entertainment purposes only. It should only be read by persons of legal age and in areas where this material is legal? the bottom line adults only?all persons portrayed in this story are 18 years of age or older this is a work of fiction?. if you don't understand that seek help.Teen Fire and Teen Frost are my creations please do not use without my expressed permission this is the first...
When I wake up, my cock is in Emily's mouth. I smile down at her.“Good morning.” She hums around me, giving me sad eyes. She's still not happy that I'm leaving. “I'll be back before you know it, and this dick will be all yours,” I say while she sucks me.I rest my hand on the back of her head and leave it there for a while. She keeps her mouth on me the whole time. It's one of the many ways she willingly gives me control of her. If my cock is in her mouth and my hand touches her head, she isn't...
SwingersJust some notes: -I do some research, but I do it in the spare time of my spare time, so I took many poetical liberties in the description of the past. -I'm no adept of metaphysics, but the interpretation I gave for prophecies as powerful spells look logical to me, perhaps someone had that idea already before. -There is sex, of course, but the main focus is on the concept of personality, what defines "us". This is the main theme of all my stories. Almost a Fairy...
Teen Fire & Frost ....Sadist Sorority SlaversKara and Tara Bishop AKA Teen Fire and Frost were investigating several disappearances at the state university campus: many freshman girls had gone missing since the beginning of the school year, prompting the super heroines to investigate. The investigation revealed that all of the missing girls had recently pledged the same sorority. Tri Kappa was known to be the most difficult sorority to pledge, their members were the richest and the most...
Chapter Sixteen – The Abyss Eric made his way home from Rose Noire alone. When he made it inside he went straight to her room. He saw the discarded outfit she’d worn to the club. The room looked like someone had left in a hurry. He hadn’t really expected her to be there but he had held out some hope that he’d be able to catch her and talk this through. He went back down to the great room. He made himself a stiff drink and sat down on the couch. Somehow, it felt colder and emptier without her. ...
Chapter Sixteen – The AbyssEric made his way home from Rose Noire alone. When he made it inside he went straight to her room. He saw the discarded outfit she’d worn to the club. The room looked like someone had left in a hurry. He hadn’t really expected her to be there but he had held out some hope that he’d be able to catch her and talk this through. He went back down to the great room. He made himself a stiff drink and sat down on the couch. Somehow, it felt colder and emptier without...
Her fingerless hands had healed now, and the skin on her stumps where they had severed her legs at the knee was hard and calloused and she was able to discard the child's boots she used to wear if she kept away from the Tarmac. She liked an early morning dip in the river and would wallow in the mud banks to get a nice coating of mud to avoid sunburn. She was getting fat, not from pregnancy, Her friend and surgeon Mr Stephens had seen to that, but from eating scraps, she was so scared of...
Stephen Bartell couldn’t believe his luck when a young and exceptionally good looking nude African American girl came up and stood by his side. From the other side of the glass walls Stephen had often found himself following this girl with his eyes as she worked through her moves to Miss Wei’s instructions. This young girl had just such an amazing figure. From the rear view her shapely legs traveled up and merged with two truly gorgeous butt cheeks. Stephen could only imagine what those butt...
This is the tale of a witness to the events chronicled in the tale of Miss Pepperidge, parts one and two. It occurred in the world of Templeton College, so compellingly described by Charles Petersunn. This tale is told with the approval and support of author Petersunn. == == == == == == == == == == Mai Corn stumbled a little as she walked from her plain-sight hiding place to her room. She wasn’t drunk. Indeed, she hadn’t had anything to drink all evening. But she was excited, more excited...
Long long ago, in a sleepy little kingdom deep in the woods, a lone cloaked figure came riding slowly into the village. This quaint village sat at the base of a very big hill, at the top of which sat a large imposing castle, which in turn protected the village. The village was quiet and dark and the rider was curious as to why. It looked charming enough, but there was a sense of foreboding and dread that permeated the whole town. The figure rode slowly through town, stopping at a small market...
Fantasy & Sci-FiTHE WITCH HUNTER'S TALE copyright 1998 by Scott K. Jamison The fire crackled merrily as the travelers finished their song. The Adventurer turned to the Witch Hunter, flashing his slightly maniacal grin. "It's your turn to tell a story tonight, my friend." The Witch Hunter set down the stake he'd been whittling. "I suppose it is, at that. Any requests?" "Something with sex in it!" called the Cat. The Maiden pouted. "Do you think of anything else? *Can* you...
A Hunter's Tale By Scrambler J Copyright July 2000 Hunter's Tale Chapter One My name is Mike Dayton. I'm a Hunter for the Guild, yesterday was my 39th birthday and I've been a Hunter for the last twenty-five years. I stand six foot five, two hundred and ten pounds of solid muscle. I've got short blonde hair and light green eyes. What is a Hunter? Simple, we are those that stand between humans and the nightwalkers. No, I don't just mean Vamps, or vampires...
Hie all, this is Sravya penning down my experience again in ISS. Lemme give you a brief introduction about me. I’m actually from Hyderabad but studying in Vizag and let’s keep the rest of my personals in private. Thanks everyone for the appreciations for the previous two fantasies. Both of them and this present one include a set of common people. So go through all for a better understanding. I’m providing the links above. 1....
IncestMy Life's Tale Hello all you good people. This is a tale from a client. I will let Kim tell his tale. I was in our doctor's office. My mother and my twin sister Alexandra were with me. So was Sgt. Winston of the Sheriff's Department. I got in a fight and got a black eye. My opponent got a set of cracked ribs and his face smashed. I won the fight. Sgt. Winston asked me, "Kim why did you beat up Mr. Kimble?" I said, "Joey started messing with me, so I gave him what he needed...
Trapped in a Fairy Tale By Carleton Vincent At the beginning of this tale, I was an eighteen-year-old boy named Shane Fletcher. I was basically pretty happy with myself the way I was. I was a perfect straight-A student and I was about to graduate high school with high honors. This academic success had earned me a full scholarship. I was headed for the university with the best computer science program in the state the next fall. With all of this going for me, I figured I...
A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 5, A Twisted Fairy Tale "So how much are your vouchers worth then?" an excited Monique asked me when we got on the bus into town. "We got ?100 each" I replied. "I can't wait to see what clothes you pick out for yourself." "What do you mean? And who says that I'm going to spend them on clothes?" I asked. "Come on" she said "You are the girliest girl I have ever met, including the snobby clique from school. Of course you're going to spend them...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to posting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Beggar’s Tale by Night Owl(Story Content:...
TALL TALE TALL TALEby Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected] (MF, Bond) *?? *?? *??...
She’s late. Martin had prepared everything. He had carefully considered what to say, arranged with Damien to not disturb them and made a comfortable cuddling spot in the hay. Now he just needed Alyssa to show up. He even had his special aid. As he thought about it, he felt into his pocket. It was starting to melt. She’d better come soon. He decided to store it in the hay. “Martin?” The feint whisper came from downstairs. “Martin?” “I’m over here.” He called back. It was getting dark and...
AnalPRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TO ALL MEDIA OUTLETS FROM: BREEDAMERICA SUBJECT: NATIONAL TEEN BREED WEEK National Teen Breed Week is fast approaching. Young teenagers throughout the country are enthusiastic about the upcoming celebrations. Countless young people are giving up bad habits such as smoking, drinking and drugs in order to improve their chances of conceiving, having problem-free pregnancies and healthy babies. They are also improving their diets and exercising more. Sales...
Introduction: Fuck Toy Part 3 Work was now a hell of a lot more interesting. Dan had requested that I be transferred to the marketing department where he could get his hands on me whenever he wanted ( and he wanted to a lot). I was now working as his PA, which meant I got a pay rise and spent a good amount of my working day on my knees sucking on his thick cock or bent over the desk getting it in the ass. It was no secret around the office that I was Dans little slut, in fact Dan would...
I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the superheroes, aliens and monsters that struck me as being unrealistic; it’s the fact that a bunch of teenagers left alone in a tower every weekend don’t have more sexual attraction to each over. This is what would really happen at night in...
I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the superheroes, aliens and monsters that struck me as being unrealistic, it’s the fact that a bunch of teenagers left alone in a tower every weekend don’t have more sexual attraction to each over. This is what would really happen at night in...
You tell me to be naked and in The Position when You arrive home from work. In anticipation of Your arrival, i place suction cups on my nipples, training them to be erect and elongated, as You have trained me to do to please You. I follow with an enema and then shower, ensuring that all of my holes are fresh and clean shaven for Your inspection. Ten minutes before You are due home, I remove the suction cups and place clamps on my now distended nipples. The clamps are attached to the mouth...
I had been with Brett several times now after our first time together. ("Older boy turns me into his CD sex toy" story) sucking his cock and making him cum was all I could think about. I loved pleasuring him, I loved the way it made me feel being with him. I also admit, I loved the attention of an older, popular, handsome boy.Brett liked me to dress up in feminine, girly panties and bra. From the moment I first slipped on a soft, silky thong, I loved the way it felt and how it made me feel. So...
This is a story about when I was just starting high school and didn't know any better!I still wasn't old enough to even get a learners license to drive a car and had never really had any sexual experiences at all except by jerking off in the bathroom at my mom and dads house. I would take a couple of copies of my dad's porn mags, go in the bathroom and jerk off to the pix. One time, I even tried eating my own cum just to see what it tasted like...LOL!Anyway, one day, I was at the house and...
Introduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...