Parlour Maid
- 3 years ago
- 20
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I really wanted to try to help Mary process her past, it had almost become an obsession of mine, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was still worried that her problems would become my problems, but after a couple of sleepless nights it was clear that my conscience wouldn’t let me walk away, not this time.
It wasn’t just the story of her miserable life that pulled at my heartstrings, it was her complex personality, the way she managed to become such a caring person despite being so thoroughly broken on the inside. And god forbid it, but there was something about her that pulled at other parts of me too. Even with her awful choice of clothes there was something fundamentally feminine about her. She wasn’t exactly beautiful, it was more that she was shining from some sort of sensual inner light. I couldn’t really put my finger on it, there was quite frankly just something about Mary.
But at the same time as she drew me in, what she was, the way she had lived her life, made me pull back in horror. I knew that my very strict upbringing had a lot to do with my reactions, I hadn’t completely freed myself from my father’s influence it seemed. It made me really angry at myself, that I couldn’t separate the essence of a person, the being, from the life choices that person had made, the doing. The constant measuring of people’s true values was just too exhausting…
I looked at my wristwatch and realized it was soon time to meet her again, the woman who sent my thoughts spinning and brought my emotions up, down and up again. I could feel tension growing in my shoulder and neck area just thinking about meeting her once more. I stood up and moved my arms around to remove some of that tension, with a quick promise to myself, to make an appointment at the nearby massage parlor as soon as possible.
I literally jumped when I heard a terrible crashing, screaming, metal grinding sound from the street below and I ran up to my window to see where the sound came from and what had happened. It seemed a silver colored car had crashed straight into a concrete fundament just two houses away on the other side of the street. I ran back to my phone and called the emergency services. After quickly telling the woman on the phone about the accident, address and a few other details I walked back to the window.
I had stood by that window many times and let my thoughts wander after a long workday, and the picture of the outside world that met me now was both very familiar and strangely unfamiliar. The traffic had stopped completely in one direction and flowed slowly by in the other, people were standing by or running up to the wreckage, it was both calm and chaotic. The muffled sound of relative silence through my window sent shivers up my spine, it felt like an omen, the calm before the storm.
The sound of sirens helped settle my nerves, the help was coming, finally. I looked at the people who had gathered around the car, realizing that only a few seemed interested in trying to help and that the rest of them seemed intent on documenting the accident with their phones. It was times like these that made me despair upon the nature of humans, how could social media and the instant publishing of interesting pictures be more important than trying to help a fellow human being?
I saw a dark-haired woman stand by the driver side door of the car, first reaching her hands in through the broken window, probably to see if the driver was doing okay, then turning around, seemingly intent on blocking the view of the phone waving insta-maniacs. There was still some hope for humankind, I thought, all it took was one small act of human kindness, one tiny seed of compassion and love.
As I saw an ambulance and a police unit approaching the wrecked car I looked at my wristwatch again. It was three minutes past the time when Mary usually came walking through my door, but if I knew her right she was probably down there somewhere, trying to help in one way or the other.
I kept looking and worrying about the driver of the car. I hoped he or she was doing alright and I wondered what had happened, what had made the car hit the concrete wall at such a strange angle, was it because of a technical malfunction of the car, a seizure or some other acute illness, mobile phone fiddling whilst driving or maybe even drugs? I suspected I would never know.
A firetruck arrived at the scene and within minutes the car was opened up like a giant can of tuna. The medics started working fast, fixating the seemingly unconscious woman’s back and neck, then preparing to lift her out of the car, and that’s when I realized I knew who she was. I turned away from the window and ran out of my room. She was down there alright, she just wasn’t her usual helpful self, this time it was she that needed the help of others.
I ran down the stairs, out of the building and across the street. I was met by organized chaos, with people nervously standing around watching, talking, some even crying, and firefighters, police officers and ambulance personnel going about their business in a well-choreographed dance. Everyone was just doing their job except a young police officer who was standing slightly to the side, face pale, hands shaking. The dark-haired woman who’d been standing by the car blocking people’s view was talking softly to the young man and she put her hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture shortly before she walked up to the ambulance.
I quickly walked up to the ambulance too, stupidly called out ‘Mary’ and the kind woman turned towards me.
‘Do you know Mary then?’ she asked with her eyebrows lifted.
‘Yes, she was coming to see me… when she…’ I answered, hearing the distress in my own voice.
‘Then you should go with her to the hospital,’ she said with a decisive nod ‘I need to get my car out of that mess over there, and then I’ll come too!’
I realized that she thought I was Mary’s partner, boyfriend, husband or something like that and I didn’t stop to correct her. I just jumped into the ambulance, took Mary’s pale hand in mine and started praying, silently reflecting that it was the first time in years that I asked the lord for a miracle, at the same time imagining Mary’s dry laughter at the idea if it all.
* * * * *
I woke up with a silent, panicked scream, then desperately tried to figure out where I was and what had happened. My mind was sluggish and I had difficulties sorting old painful memories from the somewhat painful reality. I was lying in bed and I couldn’t move, but I wasn’t tied up. My senses were off, I couldn’t smell anything and when I tried to see there was just darkness. The only thing that seemed to be working was my sense of hearing.
I wanted to laugh but it seemed I couldn’t. I had once been told that your sense of hearing is the last thing that abandons you before you die and I had thought it was complete bullshit, but perhaps there was some truth to it. Then I realized that destiny, divinity or just life was laughing at me. Hadn’t I just recently been thinking that my perfect partner would be a blind person who couldn’t feel the state of my scarred skin? It seemed sort of fitting that the all-seeing eye would have a sick sense of humor, at least when trying to communicate with a reluctant bastard like myself. What was the idea of it then? Was this a sign that I had to learn to love myself, before it was too late?
I remembered it then, my drive through town, my calm contemplations of a life that had turned out pretty okay in the end, then the car crash and the darkness. I had been unconscious, I didn’t know where I was, I couldn’t move, and I felt panic rising in my body again. Death had come a bit too close, a bit too fast, I hadn’t checked all the boxes on my long list yet. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t go until it was all done, until I was damn well ready.
‘But I’m not done yet…’ I whispered to myself through dry and chapped lips.
‘What’s not done yet?’ a soft voice
‘William…? Life, and all sorts of things related to living…’ I whispered softly in answer.
‘So tell me?’ William said, also in a whisper ‘I can help…’
‘You’ve got two strong arms… so you can help…’ I whispered back, attempting a small smile.
‘Well, the spirit is willing at least,’ he answered with a soft laugh ‘and, no offense, but I think that mental strength might be what it takes…’
‘Okay,’ I whispered ‘then first, how long have I been unconscious, what kind of injuries do I have and are they giving me any type of drugs, painkillers or calming medications? Why can’t I move, see or smell anything?’
‘You’ve been unconscious for close to two days, you hit your head in the car crash and broke a couple of ribs and I don’t know about the medications…’ he answered quickly ‘I should go get a doctor to answer your questions…’
‘No, stay, just a few more minutes…’ I whispered, yawning ‘I need to sleep, please stay, just for a little while?’
‘I’ll stay for as long as you need me to,’ he answered softly ‘sweet dreams…’
‘Are made of this…’ I answered in a soft whisper before I fell asleep ‘who am I to disagree…’
* * * * *
She fell asleep in the middle of a sentence and it made me remember the way she had fallen asleep in my office a few weeks back. She still looked as calm and peaceful as a child, despite the bruise on her cheek and the paleness of her skin.
I suspected that I had been sitting there for too long, because the sleeping version of Mary was starting to look more and more like my daughters, Zelena in particular. It was the shape of her eyes, when they were closed, the size and shape of her mouth, her decisive chin. When she was fully awake, it was the eyes that pulled you in, but when she was sleeping it was possible to really see the rest of her. And her face was looking more and more familiar.
I felt shivers run up my back and I quickly shook the thought off, the world couldn’t be as sick as that, could it? I was interrupted by the door opening softly and a familiar dark-haired nurse walking in, followed by a young man carrying flowers in his hands. I couldn’t tell what kind of flowers they were, but they were beautiful and smelled like sweet summer.
‘She’s not yet conscious,’ the nurse said softly to the young man ‘but we’re hoping she’ll come around soon.’
‘Actually, she woke up shortly just ten minutes ago…’ I said softly.
‘She woke up,’ the nurse said a bit too loudly ‘and you didn’t think to call a nurse or a doctor?’
‘Well, she woke up, talked for a while, then fell asleep again…?’ I answered.
‘We need her awake to know more about her injuries!’ the nurse said and lifted her hands up in a desperate ‘what kind of an idiot are you’ gesture.
‘I’m sorry’ I said, and I really was.
I studied the young man who had walked up to the foot of the bed. He stood there looking at Mary, his eyes dark and thoughtful. I recognized him then, it was the police officer from the day before, the one who’d seemed shaken by the scene at the crash site.
‘Do you know Mary then?’ I asked him and he looked up at me with a crooked half-smile.
‘I’m not sure you can ever really know Mary…?’ he answered softly.
‘Yeah… you do know her alright…’ I said with a small smile.
He walked up to the table by the bed and placed the flowers there, accidently spilling some water on top of the notes that I had carelessly thrown there when Mary had woken up. He hurriedly picked the papers up to save them from getting drenched. He started to reach his hand out to give them to me when it seemed he saw something on one of the lists, the shortest one, the one with the songs she had sung to me. He stopped his movements so he could read it all through, then he wrinkled his forehead and looked at me. His face turned almost as white as Mary’s and I could see emotions playing in his eyes. I saw confusion, anger and then sadness, before he handed the papers to me and whispered ‘congratulations man’. With a few long steps, he ran out of the room and left me, the nurse and Mary. When the door closed behind him there were two conscious and very surprised people left in the room, both of us wondering what had happened.
* * * * *
She loves him, those three simple words kept echoing in my mind as I ran out of the room. She loves him? She loves him! It had been right there, in black and white, on that paper. It wasn’t a particularly difficult code she’d been using either, probably because she was trying to communicate with an idiot. An idiot who hadn’t called for the doctors when she woke up, an idiot that hadn’t been able to understand what she’d been trying to tell him. An idiot… that she loved…
She’d been singing those songs to him, the lucky bastard. She had used her wonderful voice and the perfect words of those songs, and he didn’t have a clue. The note had said it, with question marks all around it, ‘songs that Mary sang when she told me her story’.
Her story, told in songs, like she’d been doing with that singer-songwriter that Eric couldn’t stop talking about. She’d been strumming her own pain, telling her own life with her songs, and I wished I could have been the sole member of her audience. I hadn’t known it, but then all of a sudden I did. It was madness, but it seemed I loved her. And she loved… him.
The list of songs, they were all so very… Mary, a strange but perfect mix. It’s a sin, Lovefool, Only the lonely, Valentine’s day, Everybody hurts and Universal child. They were all sad, with deep meaning if you listened long and well enough. Some of them had a whispered sort of hope in them, but… there was no hope for me. The songs spelled it out – I-LOVE-U – and… she loved him. I spent a second wondering why she hadn’t spelled out YOU, when LOVE was spelled out in full, it didn’t seem like Mary somehow, but then I realized I really didn’t know her well enough to make assumptions about… anything.
I walked out of the hospital, my mind filled with thoughts of things that could have been, that never had a chance to become. Sometimes life really did suck ass…
* * * * *
When I woke up again I felt more like myself, my senses were all there, if not yet fully, and when I slowly turned my head just a few degrees I saw the slightly unfocused image of William sitting by my bed, sleeping. He had a notebook and some papers in his lap and the top paper had something written on it, it looked like some kind of list. I turned my head a bit more and realized that someone, probably William, had bought my favorite flowers, and I wondered how he knew…?
I found the remote for the bed and pushed the button to lift the head of it, so I could sit up. William woke up and looked at me with tired eyes. I wondered how long he had been there.
‘I’m glad that you’re here,’ I told him with a small smile ‘but what about your kids?’
‘The girls are with their grandmother,’ he said with a small smile ‘and according to all sources, they’re doing just fine.’
‘What day is it?’ I asked, afraid of his answer.
‘It’s Monday, and it’s been three days since the accident.’ he answered ‘And I’m supposed to call for the doctor when you’re awake, otherwise a very decisive nurse, and close friend of yours, will have my head for sure.’
He pushed the button and I looked him over once more. He was tired, but it was more than that, he seemed fidgety and not quite himself. He kept glancing towards the door, as if he was both waiting anxiously for someone to walk in and dreading it.
A nurse came walking in and William drew a deep breath at the same time as he let his shoulders relax. He was nervous about meeting someone who could walk in at any time it seemed. Probably someone who worked at the hospital, maybe that same someone who had promised to take his head off. Elena, of course, she did have a temper on her too, it wasn’t
really a good thing to get on her bad side.
A doctor walked in just moments later and started poking at me whilst asking questions and reading and taking notes on a thick pile of paper.
‘We didn’t know about your condition when you came in, we’ve only just got the file from your doctor, but to tell you the truth we haven’t done much, except for patching up a few bruises and keeping you hydrated.’ the doctor said with a dry, professional voice.
‘What condition?’ a soft voice from the doorway asked.
I turned to look at Elena, who was standing by the door and when I looked back at the doctor he was staring at me with a question in his eyes. I nodded, this was not the time to hide from the truth. They might as well be told now as later.
‘She was diagnosed with leukemia a couple of months ago…’ the doctor answered.
‘No,’ Elena said, her voice loud and hurt ‘because if she would have had leukemia, then she would have told her friends, wouldn’t she? She would have told them because she knows they care about her, she knows they love her!’
‘I love them,’ I said slowly, looking at my friend ‘and that’s why I didn’t tell them. Why should I burden them with my problems, when I only want them to be happy?’
‘Because that’s what friends do,’ Elena cried ‘they tell each other important things, they lean on each other, they care for one another…’
‘Yeah…’ I whispered and looked at William ‘I’ve never been very good at leaning on anyone… perhaps it’s one of those fundamental flaws in my general makeup I’ve been talking about…’
‘I have to call Sean,’ Elena said and started walking out of the room ‘he needs to know, Rose needs to know…’
‘No,’ I answered, my voice sharp and rough ‘you will do no such thing!’
She turned back and looked at me, shock written all over her face.
‘No, you will not tell anyone!’ I said slowly ‘Remember that talk we had about hospital ethics and privacy rules?’
She nodded and I could tell my words were hurting her, mentally and physically.
‘I don’t want Sean, Rose and the rest of them to know.’ I whispered ‘I just want them to be happy. I want life to go on. I’ve worked too hard…’
I stopped my pleading words and turned my eyes on William again. I could tell that he was angry and disappointed in me. His eyes seemed to say that I was being unfair, and I knew he was right, but I just couldn’t…
‘I will not tell them,’ Elena answered ‘it might kill me not to, but I won’t’.
She left the room and I felt tiredness wash over me. The doctor started talking again, but I didn’t hear him. All I could think of was the hurt expression and tears on Elena’s face as she left the room. I didn’t want anyone to hurt because of me, and I hadn’t done a very good job to prevent it. I woke up from my thoughts when the doctor’s tone of voice became distinctly angry. I looked up at him and I could tell that he was upset.
‘… and after they were unable to find a donor, you said you didn’t want any of the suggested treatments. Basically you decided to slowly kill yourself. And then killing yourself slowly wasn’t good enough, you decided that crashing your car into something hard would be much more to your liking?’
‘What?’ William said, his voice loud and shocked.
‘I read about all of the suggested treatments, and all sorts of experimental treatments, and I calculated my chances, they weren’t good. And after agonizing what treatment to choose, which way I should go, I realized that… I couldn’t…’ I said softly ‘because… I’d rather be me without medicines and drugs, than me, heavily medicated. I’d rather go quickly than live a few more painful months as a drug company test animal. As for the car crash, no, I had not decided to kill myself.
The doctor muttered something that sounded suspiciously like a few well-chosen curse words before he left the room.
‘So,’ William said, his voice surprisingly sharp ‘you are dying, and that’s why you came to me? To help process your past, to prepare for your future? To settle the scores and ask for forgiveness?’
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xmoviesforyouI'm the son of a troubleshooter for a multinational firm, my dad's the guy that gets sent in when everyone else has failed. He goes in, straightens everything out, and then moves on to his next assignment. I've traveled the world, seen things other guys my age couldn't imagine, and never stayed in one place long enough to make real friends. Dad's working his way up the corporate ladder so he gets moved from one place to another on a regular basis, often fixing problems but also opening...
Edwina took responsibility for supper that night, which is why Cary was free to spy on me using the outdoor shower. According to Michael’s memories, Connie was extremely vigilant about keeping her little sisters away from her son while he cleaned himself up outside. That level of attention was more than enough to make Cary want to know why Connie was obsessed about hiding Michael’s body from them. When I thought about it, Connie’s strict code of behavior assured all three of her sisters...
It was a very short time later when another young man approached the table. "Hello, would you like to dance?" he asked me. "Are you sure you mean me. I'm kind of old for you," I said. "I like hot older women. Besides you look like you can uh dance," He said smiling suggestively. I thought about it really hard for about half a second, then I stood and followed him onto the postage stamp sized dance floor. There were about half a dozen other white women in the place, and they were all...
The secretaries got spanked and that turned Bonnie on. It also made Dean Perkins very hard. Spanking Julie’s cute tush can do that to you! Then after the crying girls were sent on their way, mascara running down their faces and hands holding their scorched bottoms, Bonnie needed a poke real bad. With the front of the dean’s pants being pushed out, who was better to ask? “Bob, I need it now, can’t wait till later. But how do we do it with me in this tight business suit?” Lucky for Bonnie,...
Today the stunning teen Alessandra Amore comes to Private Gold, Drive into the Night for an amazing debut scene as she is joined by stud Alberto Blanco for an intimate anal fuck that she’ll never forget! Watch alongside the horny voyeur Leila Clairemont as Alessandra reveals her sexy figure before heading down on her knees and warming up with a hot sloppy blowjob. Then enjoy all the quality action on as she spreads her legs and ass for an intense anal pounding, moaning,...
xmoviesforyouBy : Devteen Hi everybody, i am back with the third part of my story “AFTER TUITION CLASS”. After that incident in the pond i became a slave for my friends. Because shyam & sandeep said all the things even i masturbated looking at my moms body, to joy and others. They started to talk dirty about my mom and sister even i was near them. But they acted decently in front of my mom and sister calling them aunty and chechi. But they usually call them “vedi(bitch)”. Even hearing that i didn’t...
IncestPorter felt the world dissolve around him into utter disorientation. A terrible static grated his ears but he had no hands to stifle the sound. The world blinked rapidly for a moment of stomach churning effects and then the view turned black or blue. Every object in the universe was bleeding fractals that raced across his vision in an order that escaped his ability to grasp. He tried to count colors; they zipped away. He tried to imagine structures of geometry but anything remotely...
This is my second story. I had some very great response emails for my other story and I’m glad to share another one here. I’m 25-year-old female and this happened two months ago. I have a wild desire to show my cleavage in public. I’m currently residing in Boston on a work trip and I’ll be here for the next 6 months. Since I’m outside India and I already had some fun in a movie theatre with my sex partner, I wanted to share this one too with you all. So going on to the story. I woke up to the...
The first time was a surprise. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen that night, I just wanted to get over my nerves.You see, I had fantasized about sucking a cock for a long time, but I had never had the guts to really pursue it. I went to a gay bar just to get over the anxiety of being in the situation. I figured that I would have a couple of beers, get an idea for the environment, and just reach a comfort level before going home.I sat at the bar, nursing a beer, looking around. There were...
Hello all iss readers this is ronit again,,this is a story how i broke my virginity,,i was 17 then and we used to stay in a colony,i used to hav maths tution from a mam named anupama,her nick name was anu.from frst day ythis babe errected me,she was married wid 1 daughter of 5yrs n her husband was in bank,,she used to stay beside our flat and was very i was weak in maths i used to often go to her house,anu was vry good lookin wid a height of5.5,60kgs,fair,she had a figure of...
Two days before finals was Charlene’s birthday. We asked her what she wanted, she said “All of you and everything.” It’s wonderful when you can get a woman exactly what she asks for. The five of us took turns giving her oral sex. Valerie retrieved Charlene’s vibrator from her purse and got to work on Charlene’s quim. Seth and I each took a nipple and made love to it. Charlene guided Jay’s cock into her mouth and slowly took it in and let it out. After half an hour and three orgasms, Charlene...
Hello friends imera name amit hai aur me iss ko pichhle 3 salo se padh raha hu. mene kayi kahaniya padhne ke baad muje bhi apni ek real story aap sabko share karne hi khwahish huyi is lye aaj me aap sab ke samne apni real story leke aa raha hu.aap sab ka jyada time na lete huye me ab apni story pe aata hu. meri age 32 years ki hai aur me dhikhne me sidha sada ladka hu. ye kahani aaj se 4 saal purani hai. jab me 28 saal ka tha tab ye ghatna mere sath huyi thi. mera ek friend hai malik jo mera...
Kitty Carrera fucked up. She dented her stepbrothers car, and hes never going to let her borrow it again. But just as hes about to tear her a new one, he walks in on her showing off her ass to the webcam. He confronts her, but somehow, when she starts rubbing her pussy for him, all his concerns melt away. The next day Kittys playing her stepbros drum kit, but she has about as much musical talent as a naked mole rat. He walks in on her to tell her off, but cant control his hard on. She notices...
xmoviesforyouI'd always wanted to go to the U.S. Just anywhere over the pond, really. I'd only been abroad when I was too young to remember it. So when the opportunity to move to Atlanta, Georgia, for the remainder of my studies, I bloody well took it. The campus wanted students with qualifications as good as mine, so they invited me, and even offered to pay for the plane ticket. Honestly, when I received that letter, I was flabbergasted. I called up to agree to move over there from dreary, bleak...
Samantha looked forward to celebrating Christmas this year. Despite her joyous sprit, she was also lonely. Randall, her husband of 25 years, had just passed away last year from cancer and Katya, their 24-year old daughter, was away in New York at college. Her large, cozy house was decorated with Christmas lights and everything. Christmases with the two of them were always joyous and fun because they were all together. When it comes to Christmas, she loved the holiday parties, the shopping, the...
If we met up, I want the sexual tension to be so thick that I can't stand talking to you without picturing myself inside of you.. If you aren’t entirely comfortable with me at that moment and it made you a bit nervous I’d ease the tension by massaging your shoulders. Working my way down your back I’ll familiarize myself with each and every one of your curves. Noting all the spots in which you were most sensitive, cataloging them to know exactly where to grab or rub past to push you just a bit...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Vick was arriving home after an unusually good day of work. He parked his Porsche in the driveway of his million-dollar home as it beeped the sound of the automatic door lock. He got in the house and wanted to just hang out with some friends tonight. He ordered a few pizzas and got some beer and vodka from the basement. He called his childhood friend Tom and told him to bring the parents by and they’d have some fun. Vick had always wanted ass from...
IncestHer First Toy With a name like John Dick I always got a lot of ribbing from other folks, but once I got alone with a female and revealed myself, they will tell you that the name was very fitting for me. But only the ladies that I could get mentally into and establish a real friendship with were privileged enough to experience another tool of pleasure that I also liked to employ. Even though I was born with long thick dick, I also liked to use vibrators and dildos as tools of pleasure with...
Michelle's Story - Part 22 "Mommy, mommy, mommy!" called Michael, all in a fluster. "What is it?" asked Liz. They were just leaving the clothes store when Michael had noticed Robert's sister looking at clothes in there. Robert and his mother couldn't be far away. "Robert, he's here!" he gasped. "Where?" asked Liz, now starting to look. "I don't know," he replied. "But I saw his sister!" "Ok, keep calm," said Liz. "Sally, Carol. We need to get some distance between us and...
Jane stepped out onto the back deck of the cabin and sighed. The sun was shining and the air was warm, but an occasional breeze kept it from being too ungodly hot. Still, Jane thought, with skin as fair as hers it would be best to put up the umbrella. No sense getting a sunburn and giving Tom one more reason to ridicule her. She quickly tried to push thoughts of Tom out of her head. After all, she’d come her to escape his constant disdain. After years of trying so hard to be the perfect wife,...
Review this Story Thisstory has been edited by Chksng19. Any errors in grammar, punctuation orspelling are either an intentional part of the story or the result of MadLews mucking about with the text after it was properly edited Authors Notes: This is a work of fiction and all characters are entirely fictional.If you see yourself in this story you are sitting entirely too close tothe monitor. The fictional characters in this story are all at least 18 years old,even Larry. Some may feel the...
John started to sit back in the Lazy-boy and watch more TV until Bill came, but decided it was better not to get into that habit. Instead, he started to make Brenda a list of the items she was supposed to pick up. He was almost finished when Bill knocked on the door. John let him in, and he joined John at the table. Looking over what John was writing he asked, “Is that the list of hardware and software she’s picking up?” “Yeah, I thought it’d help her to know what she should be...
It was Friday night and, as usual, Julia had worked hard all day at being the virtuous wife. She had tried not to fantasise, as she did on most other mornings during the week, and had not fingered herself or even opened the drawer where she kept her vibrators, a dildo and a number of other kinky and exotic sexual devices buried under her stock of pretty lingerie. She had avoided any contact with good-looking men and sweet young boys. She had worn slacks and flat shoes and had stayed...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I had noticed that over the last few days that my daughter Susan had not been her normal self. She seemed withdrawn and distant. Therefore I wasn’t too surprised when she came into the lounge that Saturday night, and wearing her night shirt, sat on the couch beside me and said “Mom can I ask you something?” I had just been sort of curled up wearing just my bath robe and relaxing but I’ve always got the time for my daughter if she upset or worried....
IncestWith that business out of the way, I drove out of the neighborhood, which can be hot with cops. "What's your name?" I asked, and told her mine. "Erica," she replied, then asked, "What are you looking for?" "I have a motel room nearby," I answered. "Would you like to go with me? We can discuss the details when we get there." "Sounds good," she replied. A few minutes later I pulled into the parking space in front of my room and got out. She followed me into my room. I had carefully...
Nicole was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers as she waited for her ten oclock appointment with Dr. Corbin!!! She paged through three or four magazines without ever really reading any of the articles, and when the receptionist called out her name, she practically leaped out of her chair while following a nurse to the examination room!!! How are you today, the nurse asked while they made their way down a long hall, you seem a little bit nervous!?! Does it show that much, she replied...
Introduction: Dave and Catherine had come to a point where they were beginning to get an understanding of each other. “I need a shower and a shave if I’m going to be able to stand next to myself, much less go out in public,” I said to her as we lay on the bed. I was idly twisting her long black hair around with my fingers.“I’ve been in it … bet we could get both of us in there if we were real friendly.” She smiled up at me.“That sounds like something I should know about this rig. Let’s give...
--Jamie came in as my parents were packing to be ready to go, and my brother was gone. I was still a bit pissed so I just sat there playing on the computer with my dirty blonde hair pulled back. --Jamie smiled at me and said, “Don’t worry Lisa, we’ll have lots of fun. We can do anything you want.” I just shrugged and said my goodbyes then went to my room. --I changed into more comfortable clothes which were shorts and a tank top. I was pretty happy with my body at this point because I was...
A Year Ago - part XVII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigations. Please find some time to review the first phases of her story. The delay of nearly a year cannot be excused but I hope the many readers will enjoy the re- start of Sara's adventure. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The story covers the changes that Sara experiences with Angelica later that first night. MadQuill Review: Sara has been...
Hamesha ki tarah aaj bhi bus me bohot bheed thi. Khade hone ke liye bhi jagah nhi thi aur log lagataar andar ghuse ja rhe the. Main hamesha ki tarah hi bus ke beech me rod ke paas khada tha. Main yahi rukta hu, ye soch ke ki koi maal aae aur main uski gand aur chuccho ka maza lu. Gand sehlana to rozka kaam tha,kabhi mauka mila to chut me bhi apna sparsh chor deta hu. Lekin aaj main bohot udas tha kyuki bus me koi bhi maal nhi thi. Sab laundeaur budhe the. Mere aaspaas bhi sab ladke hi the....
An email to my wife that I just happened to read one morning after she had left for work, is what led me to open an account on instant messenger and that's what led me to log into interracial chat rooms. What I discovered there was almost beyond belief. I knew I had to check it out but how. I knew she went there, she being my wife of thirteen years, Miranda. Miranda is five nine around a hundred and fifty pounds now that may sound like shes a lot over weight but shes really not, shes fairly...