Stranger Ch. 03 free porn video

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He had called her the next day, just like he promised. They had a short conversation about nothing in particular, and he told her he would swing by around 7 on Saturday to take her to dinner. Rosalie had never fallen for a guy so quickly before. Alistair was sweet, attentive and so good looking it made her nervous. She could barely wait till Saturday, just wanting to feel his silky smooth lips against hers again. She smiled to herself and she thought of their date. Saturday couldn’t come fast enough.


Looking into the mirror in the hallway, Rosalie checked out her appearance for the last time. He had mentioned he was taking her to a nice restaurant so she had chosen to wear a teal silk dress which was cut perfectly to accentuate her curves. Her waves were pulled back and swept up into an elegant hairstyle and with the slightest bit of make-up, she looked stunning. At 7 on the dot the door bell rang. Rosalie grinned at his punctuality. Opening the door, she bit her lip nervously when she saw him. He was wearing a smart white shirt that bought out the colour of his eyes, and beige pants. He looked effortlessly beautiful. He smiled at her softly and gently pushed her backwards into her apartment. He kept his hands at her waist and then slowly ran them down her body.

‘You look amazing, I’m speechless.’ He said leaning down and tilting her head slightly so he could whisper breathily into her ear, ‘You have no idea what I want to do to you right now.’

She felt shivers run down her spine and her eyes shut slowly and she felt the passion in his words. She felt his tongue trace a line across her jaw and sighed as he began to lightly press kisses along her cheek. Reluctantly she opened her eyes and gently pushed him away. Pouting he began to reach for her again, but she quickly moved out of his reach.

‘If I don’t stop you now we’ll never make it to dinner,’ she said, surprised at her own self control. Grinning cheekily at her, he winked, ‘Would that really be so bad?’

She rolled her eyes in mock exasperation and grabbed his hand and began to pull him through the door.

She turned to lock the door behind her and suddenly felt Alistair’s hands hold her waist firmly and push her against the door.

‘Alistair!’ she exclaimed.

Facing the door, she could not see him but felt his silky smooth lips grazing the back of her neck. She moaned quietly when he pushed her hair away from her back and began trailing kisses down her spine.

‘Alistair… stop…’ she whispered quietly, ‘We have to go to dinner.’ She felt his breath tickle her ear when he spoke, ‘Is that really what you want?’

She found herself struggling to answer the question while he sucked gently on her neck and collarbone. He stopped as suddenly as he had started and turned her around quickly. Feeling a bit dizzy she placed her hands on his chest to steady herself. He was looking down at her with a slightly crooked smile on his face and she felt her heart beating rapidly as she looked into his eyes. He took her hands and interlaced his fingers with hers and pulled her towards the doors.

He had booked them a table at an elegant Italian restaurant that she had mentioned she wanted to visit. Touched that he had remembered this, she couldn’t help but smile broadly at him as he drove them to the restaurant. He grinned widely back at her and once again, she felt her heart skip a beat. Every look, every touch from him excited her, and she found herself falling head over heels for this man.

Once they had settled down at their table, she looked at Alistair and found him deep in thought.

‘Hey… are you okay?’ she asked him gently, stroking the back of his hand.

Her words seemed to snap him out of some sort of trance and his lips curved into a familiar smile.

‘Sorry I’m fine. I was just thinking about us. I just want you to know I really like you. A lot. And I just wanted to make sure you knew that. Because even though we haven’t known each other for that long, there’s something about you. And I like spending time with you to getting to know you.’

She could tell he was nervous by the way he seemed to fumble with his words. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

‘I like you too, Alistair. More then I’ve liked any guy in a while.’ She smiled at him reassuringly and he seemed pleased with her response.

When the waiter came over, they ordered their food as well as a bottle of wine. While they waited for their food to arrive, they carried on a conversation about their lives, work, friends, likes and dislikes. Even though she’d only known him a short while, Rosalie felt like she knew him better then she’d known anyone before. She could read his expressions, and when he felt sad or happy, she felt it too. She felt a bit intimidated, as she had never been this intense about anyone before.

While they were deciding what to have for dessert, a shadow fell over the table, and Rosalie turned in her chair. Looking around, she saw a tall, elegant woman looking down at her distastefully.

‘Hi Alistair,’ the strange lady drawled. ‘Natalie, it’s a surprise seeing you here,’ came Alistair’s smooth response.

Although he came across as nothing but courteous, Rosalie felt his posture stiffen slightly when he spoke to her. He no longer had the teasing friendly tone he had been addressing her with earlier.

‘Yes well Jonathan insisted on taking me out for dinner on our anniversary. It’s been so long since I last saw you,’ Natalie carried on primly, ‘And who’s this lady that you’re with?’

Rosalie felt Natalie’s eyes glaring down at her, seemingly unimpressed with what she saw.

‘This is Rosalie… a friend. Rose, this is Natalie,’ Alistair said quickly. ‘A friend you say? I tell you, Katie will be most pleased to hear that you’re… making new friends.’

Rosalie felt Alistair prickle at Natalie’s words, and she excused herself to go to the bathroom. Pushing open the door, her thoughts began to take over. Who was Katie she wondered. Maybe an ex-girlfriend. Rosalie had not liked Natalie one bit, she felt she was being judged. She shuddered slightly at the woman’s cold attitude and hoped that when she went back out, the woman would be long gone. And Alistair had said that she was just a friend. Rosalie felt so confused.

Composing herself, she opened the bathroom doors and peeked out. Seeing Alistair alone once again, she felt brave enough to go back to her table.

When she sat down she saw him looking at her with pleading eyes.

‘Please let me explain,’ he began nervously, ‘I hope I didn’t offend you by saying you were just a friend, I mean, obviously you mean more to me then that.’

She raised an eyebrow at him but remained silent.

‘I guess I better start in the beginning,’ he said, ‘Katie was my girlfriend, well fiancée technically. We were together for 3 years when I asked her to marry me. At the time I thought that was what I wanted but as time went on I began to see her for what she really was. She was selfish and cold and only cared about her own happiness. When I found her in bed with one of her colleges a few weeks later I immediately called off the wedding. But Katie didn’t believe that I didn’t want to marry her and went a bit crazy, refusing to leave me alone and constantly ringing me. She calmed down after a while, but when she heard I started seeing someone else a while later, she came back, claiming she’d always loved me and how sorry she was. She had always been a bit obsessive but I guess seeing me with someone else brings out the worst in her. Every time I try to date someone else, she tries to ruin my relationships. Natalie, the bitch you just saw, is her best friend, so I didn’t want her to think we were together. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.’

He looked so sad and broken she felt her heart break a little as well. She reached for his hand and held it tightly in he
r own.

‘What are you apologising for? You didn’t do anything wrong, honey. I’m glad you trust me enough to share that with me though. ‘I just didn’t want you to think that I wasn’t acknowledging you as my girlfriend. Which is what you are to me. If that’s okay with you,’ he added in a hurry.

She smiled at his awkwardness, his cocky confidence disappearing suddenly. He seemed so vulnerable she just wanted to reassure him that everything would be okay.

‘Of course I want to be your girlfriend,’ she said with a smile, ‘And don’t think I’m going to let any psycho ex of yours come between us!’

She saw his cockiness return in the grin he flashed at her, before tucking into the desserts he had ordered for them. When he reached over to steal a bit of her ice cream, she slapped his hand out the way and he shot a sad puppy-dog look at her. She laughed at him and felt truly happy that he was now hers.


Rosalie shivered as they left the restaurant, feeling the cold wind whip against her skin. He noticed her tremors and placed his jacket across her shoulders. She smiled at him before kissing him softly on the cheek. She felt him turn into her kiss, but moved away before he could make something more out of it. He held her hand as they walked back to his car, gently caressing circles into the back of her hand with his thumb. When they got to the car he opened her door for her before taking his own seat and she could not help but feel pleased at his chivalry. Their drive home was mostly silent, but not awkwardly so. After a while she noticed he was not heading in the direction of her apartment so she tugged on his sleeve incessantly until he looked at her.

‘Where are we going?’ ‘Back to my place,’ He said grinning devilishly at her.

His wicked grin sent electrical waves through her body as she thought about their evening together. She was sure she wanted to be with him, but she could not help but feel as though they were moving at an alarming pace. When he pulled into a driveway, she gasped at his impressive house. It was huge modern detached house, purely white with a long driveway big enough for 2 cars. He fumbled with his keys slightly and she snickered at him. He spanked her lightly on the ass for laughing at him and pushed her into the house. Her jaw dropped as she saw the interior. It was obviously a bachelor pad — all stainless steel and extremely minimalist. He had very few personal items around the place, and it was extraordinarily tidy for bachelor’s house.

She stood in the doorway to the living room, glancing around. It was around the same size as her whole apartment. She felt arms snake around her waist from behind and heard Alistair whisper in her ear, ‘So what do you think?’

She turned to face him in his arms, her mouth still wide open. He laughed at her softly and smoothly pushed her jaw back up to close her mouth.

‘When can I move in?’ she asked him with teasing glint in her eyes.

He let out a loud melodious laugh and led her into the living room. He led her over to the expansive leather sofa and sat down heavily, tugging her with him. She landed on the couch next to him and rolled her eyes at the playful look on his face.

‘This is quite a place you’ve got,’ she said, looking around. ‘I didn’t know computer technicians made this much, or I would have dated one a long time ago,’ she said teasingly. He shrugged at her, ‘When my parents passed away they left me and my sister quite a large fortune.’

She studied him, and saw a slightly teary look in his eyes. She wrapped his large hand in both of hers and bought it up to her mouth. She lightly dropped a kiss on each of his knuckles before meeting his eyes.

‘How did it happen?’ she asked quietly. ‘Car crash,’ he explained simply, ‘One day they were here, the next day they weren’t. It’s been tough but me and Claire had each other so it made it easier to get through.’

Rosalie sensed it was hard for him to talk about so she changed the subject quickly.

‘Do I get to see the bedroom then?’

He smiled cheekily at her. ‘I thought you’d never ask.’

Taking her hand again he pulled her off the sofa. He led her up the wooden stairs and through the door right at the top. Pushing it open, he walked into the bedroom pulling her behind him. Rosalie stepped onto the plush cream carpeting and curled her toes against its softness. He spread his arms out, welcoming her to his bedroom and grinned crookedly at her. She looked around the room. Despite having a large king sized bed in the middle, with white silk sheets, he also had room for a large flat screen TV, DVD player, and the newest Playstation, neatly tucked away in the corner. He also had massive white wooden wardrobes and a large mirror that sat just opposite his bed. She saw another door which she assumed led to a bathroom.

‘It’s oddly clean,’ she commented, ‘For a mans house anyway. Were you expecting company?’

She raised an eyebrow at him knowingly and he laughed out loud.

‘I only bought you up here so we could play some games or watch TV or something’, he said widening his eyes in fake innocence.

Sitting down on his bed crossed legged, she looked back at him, equally innocently. ‘Fire it up then.’


An hour or so later she was curled up on the bed laughing at his concentration as she beat him yet again on the wrestling game they were playing.

‘Its okay,’ she reassured him when she had beaten him once again, ‘My brother had a game very similar to this and I practised like hell so I would get to play with him and his friends.’

He threw down the controller in anger and crossed his arms, refusing to talk to her.

‘Aww stop throwing a strop, I promise I’ll let you win next time,’ she said teasingly.

Before she could comprehend anything, he had lunged towards her, throwing her back onto the bed. He rolled over her so she was pined underneath him and took his wrists in his large hands holding her down. He smiled mockingly down at her. When she struggled against him, trying to get free, he let out a loud laugh, and gently bent his head to nuzzle at her neck.

‘Let me go!’ she exclaimed angrily.

He chuckled at her again. He tilted his head to the side and looked down at her, his eyes scanning over her face then down towards her breasts. He licked his lips in appreciation, and then chortled again as she pushed uselessly at him. He released her wrists and ran his hands down her arms, until he reached her breasts. Slowly he brushed his thumbs against her covered nipples and she moaned gently and arched into him. He continued to run his hands up and down her waist and then winked at her when she moaned a little again. She bought her hands up and gently cupped the sides of his face before pulling it down to her own. She reached her head up and kissed his lips once, twice and a third time. Suddenly he pressed her further into the bed and kissed her roughly, biting at her lower lip and tugging it into his mouth. He sucked on it for a second before releasing it. Then he lightly ran his tongue over the curve of her full lower lip and pushed it against her closed mouth until she parted her lips slightly. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and massaged her tongue with his. She moaned into his mouth and slipped her hand round the back of his neck and pulled his head down a little more. He alternated between kissing her softly and hardly and it drove her crazy. Every time she felt the hot wet pressure of his tongue against hers she felt herself shiver with desire and she knew that she wanted more. She slid her hands down the sides of his body until she found the ends of his shirt. Slowly, she slipped her hands into his shirt and felt his toned, muscles stomach beneath her fingers. She groaned at how he felt, hard and warm and lightly skittered her fingers across his stomach and up his chest. Her palms rubbed against his chest, feeling the lithe
muscles twitch under her touch, as he moved against her. He let out a deep groan and broke their kiss, lifting himself off her body. He stood at the end of the bed looking down at her, and she pushed herself up on her hands.

‘Is something wrong?’ she asked timidly, scared she had done something to upset him.

He continued to stare down at her tenderly and slowly sat back down on the bed next to her.

‘No baby, of course you didn’t do anything wrong,’ he crooned reassuringly to her, ‘I just don’t want you to feel like we’re moving too fast, I don’t want to rush things between us.’

She felt her heart warm at his words. He was only thinking about her. How had she ever met someone so sweet and caring? She knew she felt strongly for him, and although she didn’t want to move too fast, she wanted more then just kissing him.

Rosalie stepped off the bed and stood in front of him. He looked back at her curiously. She turned around to face the wall and took a deep breath. Feeling very self conscious, she reached behind her and unzipped her dress. She let it drop off her body and heard his sharp intake of breath as he saw her near naked form. She turned back around to face him and kept her eyes down, unable to look him in the eye. His eyes darkened lustfully and he could not keep them from her body. She stood in front of him in just a delicate looking violet lace bra and matching panties, with stockings and a garter. Unsure what to do he knelt on his bed directly in front of her. He lifted her face up until her shy eyes met his. He saw how nervous and scared she was and gently kissed her mouth until she began to feel her reservations fade away. He reached around her body and held her close to him, feeling her warm skin silky smooth beneath his fingers. He pulled her down to the bed until she was underneath him again and looked over her perfect figure once again. Her gorgeous body and apparent innocence had him harder then he had ever been before, his erection feeling almost painful as it strained against his pants.

Before he could do anything Rosalie had slid her hands back into his shirt again and was raking her fingers over the hard plains of his chest. Removing her hands she reached for the buttons on his shirt that was acting like a barrier between them. Agonisingly slow, she undid each button carefully before slipping the open ends of the shirt off his shoulders and gasping in blatant appreciation at his perfectly toned body. She could feel the strength of the muscles under her fingers, and could feel them moving as he moved, but he did not look overly built. Instead his body looked hard and perfectly sculpted.

Alistair gripped her sides in his hands and twisted them until she was sitting across him, straddling his hips. She placed her hands on his hard chest and ran her fingertips across his hard chest. Leaning down she kissed the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply. He smelt amazing. Like fresh water, and slightly woodsy like trees, and extremely manly. His smell alone was intoxicating. She pressed kisses along his neck and collarbone. Then, slowly moving down his body she paused over a flat nipple before licking it lightly. He shuddered beneath her and she smiled slyly to herself. Moving further down his body, kissing her way as she went, she eventually got to his trouser clad legs. She gasped quietly at the enormous bulge that she could see straining beneath his trousers. She kissed the bulge lightly before unbuttoning his pants and tugging the fly down. She got off his body so she could pull his trousers and boxers all the way down. Once he was fully naked, she straddled his calves and licked her lips nervously as she looked down at his fully erect member. He was larger then average, but slightly thinner as well. She reached out and gently ran her finger down the length of his cock. He moaned at her touch and his hands gripped the bed sheets as her hand wrapped around the base and slowly stroked up and down. As he writhed on the bed, she increased the pace of her hand, gliding it up and down his shaft faster until he let out a deep groan. She stopped and glanced down at him, his breathing was fast and erratic and his hands were fists around the bed sheets. He opened his eyes slowly and saw her looking at him, her hand still on his cock. She grinned widely at him before bending her head down and softly licking the plum purple head of his cock. It tasted slightly salty but felt smooth and hot under her tongue, which encouraged her to lick him from the base all the way to the head. She glanced up at him from under her eyelashes and saw that his eyes were screwed shut in deep pleasure.

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Just a Friday Night Ch 02

After spending the morning getting more ‘acquainted’, we decided to go out and grab some lunch. I take her to this cute little cafe in one of the alleyway’s that spread out over Melbourne CBD and decide to get to know this blonde goddess better. We’ve already established our ages, she’s 22 and I’m 24. She knows I work in Finance but I’m still yet to determine what she does. ‘So, Hailey, what do you do? Work? School? Bum around?’ I ask, as I play with my salad. She laughs. ‘Not much really,...

2 years ago
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mujhe meri friend ke brother ne choda

hii iss reders i am sonia apni pahli story likhne ja rahi hoo us se pahle mein aap ko apne bare mein bata doo meri age is time 23 years hai or mera figure 36/28/36 hai ab mein story per aati hoo yeh baat tab ki hai jab mein 11th class mein padhti thi meri ek best friend thi nisha hum roz ek sath school aate jate the or sham ko kabhi mein or kabhi vo ek doosre ke ghar ja kar padhte the us ke ghar mein uski mummy or uska bhai or nisha he rahte the us ke papa nahi the mughe bhi us ka bhai bahut...

3 years ago
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Sindhu Aunty Lends 8220Ass8221 To Gay Boys Party

Hi everyone. This is Jiva here and this is a fictional sexperience. We had recently moved to this apartment that has only 2 flats per floor. As we were shifting things in, I noticed an extremely hot aunty in the house opposite ours. It was already peak summer. The aunty was all in sweat wearing a sleeveless nighty. She was extremely fair and had huge boobs and ass with a cute belly. A typical desi aunty. After putting things in our respective rooms, we decided to make something to eat. We...

1 year ago
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Private Ariana Van X Wet Memories

Ariana Van X and Charlie Dean like to enjoy a quieter life at home these days, however today it’s time to reignite the fire and spice things up as they recall their first date and remember their favourite sexy game! Watch the fun unfold on Private as this super, sexy babe gets down on her knees for a passionate blowjob before spreading her legs to offer up her sweet pussy for a taste. Then enjoy Ariana in action as she puts her incredible curves to work and fucks, rides and grinds her way to a...

1 year ago
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Cum drenched Mom in the middle BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....BBBBTSI woke around 1pm. It was the first day of my summer vacation. My parents had left early in the morning. They left some money on the kitchen table, the night before.. They were leaving for three weeks. I could not get time off from my part time job. I worked about 4hrs every Sunday at a gas station. I told them I might pick up more hours now that school was done. My parents were happy. I only took the part time job, so I would not have to go to...

1 year ago
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My horny wife and a black coworker

I was in charge of maintenance in a manufacturing company I was called by and often at night to make repairs. One night my wife wanted to come with me with you had no problem with, while I was in making repairs I noticed one of my black coworkers heading out to our car the next thing I knew they were driving off. I noticed where they were going so I ran over to observe what was going on there in the front seat kissing like a pair of young lovers then they got in the backseat he started fucking...

4 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 25

Considering the number of times, someone’s pointed a gun at me over the last few years and my enhanced reflexes, I would have said I was ready to deal with situations like this. In fact, I’d done alright in nearly the exact situation, once before. This time, however, I froze. Maybe it was because I was coming down from the adrenaline high of everything that had happened, or maybe because, in my head, Richards had been neutralized. Either way, when I saw the end of the barrel explode, I froze...

2 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 19

I woke up groggily in the middle of the night with my lip and hands throbbing. I got up after moving Vicky to the side and went to the washroom and then took a couple of aspirin with a glass of water. I got back to bed and fell asleep quickly. I woke again to the alarm buzzing and reached over to shut it off. It was only five thirty but I knew I should get up and get going to be at the arena for six thirty. I showered and shaved and slipped back in to bedroom to grab some comfy travelling...

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Jim had trouble concentrating. His mind was to preoccupied with everything that was going on at home to pay attention to the ramblings of his history master. His father had run away with his secretary and left him and his mother alone. It wasn't as if he had abandoned them into poverty or anything like that. They had a nice house with a pool; his father had been a successful barrister; his mother had been working part time and had saved so they weren't short of cash. They were perfectly...

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Mother gets married2

Hi folks m back with the second part of my story. Well in previous part as u know my mom sunita got married with my uncle sunil and gave birth to my sister. Further there sex life was going on as ususal. My mom now used to wear mangalsutra and bangles daily, she now used to take more time in dressing. She started wearing sleeveless blouses with transparent saree and use to wear it below her navel point as my step dad loved it that way. She looked great with her new hairstyle. Mom and dad both...

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The Tinder Instagram Date

Hello everyone! I’m Alex working in an mnc. I’m an average looking guy with decent height. Any feedback, please mail. To Okay now let’s get to the indian sex story. This story is about a girl . The name of the girl is Monica. I saw her profile in tinder and swiped right. But I never got a response from her. But I did find that her Instagram account was linked so I followed her there. I then dm’d(direct message) her a couple of times but I didn’t get any response. I thought I’d try once more...

1 year ago
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As I approached her Nguyet shifted her position spreading her legs slightly revealing more of her lacy panties. That did it for me; I began to form a mental image of her naked on her back with a hard cock ramming into her. " Can I get you anything?" I barely hear her say though by the inflection in her voice I recognise that it's a question directed at me. " Hmm... oh, um, a club soda?" I answer. Nguyet slides off the island then heads to the refridgerator. I was staring at her swaying...

3 years ago
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Making a webslut

This is not a story as such, rather it is a history of how I made my wife into an unaware web-slut.I'm sure that many other guys have gone through a similar process, and I'd like to hear from you if you'd like to talk about it.At first, my wife was reluctant about me taking photos of her naked, but with some prompting she eventually relaxed a bit, and I slowly began to get a small collection of her porn pics. Of course photos are of no value unless they are to be viewed by others, and so I...

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Hikers beware

When you go hiking there's a few things to remember. 1. There may be large carnivorous a****ls, 2. There may be snakes, 3. Always have protection. Ok with this advice we go to the story. My ex-husband and I loved to go hiking and camping and rappelling when we lived in Alaska. We would always go to the area around Turnagain Arm. One afternoon we were just out messing around, wandering the trails, basically just having fun. As we were walking along I noticed he was getting further and further...

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Midnight Sex Chat With Gorgeous Indian Babe Neha

Hello, friends. This is Virender from Delhi. You can call me Viru and this is my first story on this site. I had read many stories on this site for a long time. One story caught my attention very recently. It was about the camgirl. Even I had tried to have an erotic conversation with girls through many of the services available online. So, after reading the story about the hot cam girls in the Delhi sex chat, I thought of trying it once. But I come from a Punjabi family and you know, how...

2 years ago
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12 Days

Day 1 - 12-13 “Here.” Joey handed Seto a wrapped gift at breakfast. “It’s the First Day of Christmas. Open it.” Inside was the picture of a smiling, dark-haired man wearing a 1970s leisure suit. He was leaning against a tree with white blossoms. “What is this?” “It’s a Partridge in a Pear Tree.” Joey grinned. “A what?” “Oh, come on! That’s David Cassidy. Keith Partridge? The Partridge Family? Geez, TV here sucks! He’s sitting in a pear-blossom tree.” “I see.” Seto sipped his coffee. “Very...

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Jimmy Gets Replaced

Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually m*****ed by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 276

This one is compliments of Beryl Phil's Story - Possibly the Funniest Clean Story of the Year The pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for answered prayers. Suzie Smith stood and walked to the podium. She said, "I have a praise. Two months ago, my husband, Phil, had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn't know if they could help him." You could hear a muffled gasp from the men...

3 years ago
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Kat looked both ways and crossed the street, she hugged her coat in desperation to keep the cold off her bare skin underneath. She had been instructed to wear nothing but her snow boots and a coat. She turned into the alley and bent over slightly putting her hands against the cold brick wall the coat flew open making her shiver. Knowing that if she did something about it she would be in trouble. Kat stood in the cold with her hands against the wall for what she guessed was about 25 minutes....

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Aprils Fool Keeps His Promise

The laughter stayed for much longer than I thought it would considering I hadn’t joined in. I thought to myself, “Are these fuckers really this damn brainless, especially my wife?” As I turned to walk away, I finally heard their laughs wain a bit. By the time I picked up my suitcases and reached the door, all forms of celebration had ceased. As the door hit me in the ass I heard my wife yell, “Oh come on Clive, it was just a joke.” Only steps away from my car there was desperation in her...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 191

We made it to London in time to check in at the accommodations supplied by the government for VIPs. It was a Five Star + accommodations. I showered as did the rest of my family and put on a fancy evening gown by a world famous designer. My family and I were going to be treated to a state dinner by Prime Minister Attenborough - another strictly political affair. In the UK - as elsewhere - the political standing pecking order determined who was invited. You gained supporters in high places...

4 years ago
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Powerless to Temptation

Hi guys, this is my first time writing so go easy or else! Seriously though, let me know what you think. Any feedback is good. Had a lot of fun writing it.So let me bore you quickly with the facts about myself.I'm 22, a student, standing 6 feet tall with an average build. I have a big perky bum that hugs to my clothes and escapes the cover of some of my more tighter boxer shorts. It dangles with a peachy characteristic and looks as though it was made to be caressed. My cock is 6 inches, medium...

1 year ago
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My Son My Lover Part 2

Saturday morning at 7:30 am I woke up to my son asleep in my bed and I smiled and gave him a little kiss and he had a half a hard on and want to the kitchen to start breakfast and at 8:00 am my son woke up and want to the bathroom and I put his breakfast on a plate and he came to get his breakfast and we ate are breakfast and I got change in another outfit and want back to the kitchen and the time was 8:45 am and my son come in the kitchen to get a drink and his cock go hard as he saw me and...

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Wilhan Dragonslayer a Ring Sword SagaChapter 9

"Are you sure of this Beldaru? I couldn't get this sword to work before, why should it obey me now?" "Because you, Eadul, are descended from kings. He is just some northern farmer who found a sword in the woods. If it is one of ours you will be able to master it, and if it isn't, there is no reason that you can't master it then either. He did. That man was lying to you about how the magic works, and so were the priestesses. They don't want men to think that they have magic in them --...

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EpigraphyChapter 2 Back in Office

There were over 200 e-mails waiting for me in the office. I did not go through all of them before my first office hours of the year. As usual, there were last minute course changes, questions about last semester's grades, and so on. None of those were as annoying as department memos. As in "all computer equipment and supplies over $25 has to be approved in advance by the department head or his assistant". Argh! I had been a bit of a prodigy, and was currently the youngest Assistant...

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The Delivery Part 2

DeliveryPart 2Steve arrived promptly at ten fifteen. I had the lights dimmed appropriately and was sipping a glass of white wine. I had changed into something far more sexy and comfortable. A black lace thong, and bra with matching garter belt attached to sheer black stockings with black stiletto high heels, and my long red wig. My long sheer black negligee completed the outfit. It was a very elegant look if I do say so myself. The guest bedroom was already prepared, but I was so horny I...

1 year ago
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Prequel of 8216My Daughter Anu8217

Hi finally I am back after a long time. The last story I posted was ‘My Daughter Anu’. By the way coming back to the story, it’s not a real story but purely my imagination. Now if you like it please enjoy!!! Here it goes. ! It was about the time when I was in college. We have 4 members in our house, my mom, dad, a younger brother and me (Suchi). We were living just like an average family in a rented house. There was 1 room, hall and a kitchen and the bathroom was attached in the hall. I am...

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Putting Friendship to the TestChapter 7

Vicki and Brittany were giving us a ride back to school. We waited at Ronnie's house, with Janice fussing over us like we were going off to war or something. I told Ronnie about what happened at Sarah's house, leaving out the part about how fucking him had messed up Susie's head. Ronnie said I was crazy for not banging Sarah while I had the chance. I also told Ronnie that I was going to break up with Vicki. "Oh, shit. Don't do it until we get to State or we'll be walking," Ronnie...

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My Mother has a surprise

100% fiction! [Due to some symbolic error this is revised story of my previous posted story "My Indian Shemale Mother"] The Morning was so gray with clouds free that, when I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing at 8:00 AM, I barely realized it was morning. Groaning, I pulled my blankets closer to me, turned over, and tried to go back to sleep. No 19-year-old boy likes waking up for high school at seven in the morning, but i's even worse on December 21st, two days before Christmas vacation...

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Sneha parinayam

I always wanted to marry my mom and make her my had been my dream since 8 years. But it could never materialize since i never had enough courage to ask her. Before before i get into this long story i would like to describe my mother’s name is sneha. She is 39 years old and got married at a very young age of 18.she is 5’4 and weigh 56 kgs.she has a relatively small but cute pair of boobs.i can never call her to be a bomb shell because she never cared to dress attractively.further...

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Tell me

He woke up with a shock. It was still dark out, no indication of the time or where he was. The glowing light from the tv made it difficult for his eyes to adjust. He couldn’t remember anything before he went to sleep.  I got off work and then… Suddenly there was a little rustling next to him and a hand fell across his lap. He looked over with a sigh and laid back down. He pulled her closer until her back was pressed up against his chest, nuzzling through her hair to kiss her neck.  He...

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my dirty taxi driver

i have a dirty secret and i just have to share it with someone.....i'm a married woman and have been having filthy rotten sex with my taxi driver. he picks me up on nites out with the girls, from work and any where i need to go. i cant keep my hands off him when i get into the car. i've seen how he looks at me when i get in and it drives me wild. my pussy throbs when i know he's collecting me and i go into the toilets and play with myself till i come theen lick my fingers clean. i love sucking...

1 year ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Twelve Sanchez

Time Stands Still Chapter Twelve: Sanchez By 1:00 p.m. "Detective Sanchez, I'm Renee Franklin. Bob down at the desk said you were handling the Traci shooting." "Welcome and nice to meet you. Yeah, as the new guy, it's my job to catch all the big time criminals. I get to start from the bottom up." "Well, starting with a dog shooting is pretty much the bottom. But, I'll bet if you do well, you might move up to cats next." Sanchez laughed and smiled. "If you...

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