Lady Rochester Ravished free porn video

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I had been in South America for a bit making a few quid doing a bit of surveying like, but I got homesick and when I heard of this estate and mansion up for grabs at a knock down price I couldn’t resist.

Time to put me feet up an enjoy some peace and quiet or so I thought. Trouble was I didn’t have time to become settled in me new place before the visitors started arriving. Just to make our acquaintance or so they said. They knew I were a widower and me lad were not wed. That was the attraction.

My son Bob was a fine strapping lad, good at book learning but a fine engineer too like me self I like to believe. He had me missus looks not mine, lucky lad.

Lady Rochester and her daughter came one Thursday, completely unannounced. “Oh I do believe your gardens are magnificent this time of year,” Lady Rochester explained.

“Not any more,” I said, “They had twenty gardeners, I sacked the bloody lot on em, lazy bastards.”

“Oh you are a plain speaking gentleman,” Lady Rochested simpered.

“Bloody has to be to survive in Gateshead,” I agreed, “Anyroad round, Why are you here?”

“We thought the gardens,” she repeated lamely.

“Bugger the gardens,” I surmised, “Thee was looking to marry the wench off to me lad wasn’t thee?”

The older woman looked shocked, the younger one simply blushed.

“No secret we got brass,” I agreed, “And from what I hear you lot’s on your uppers, hardly a pair of Gold Chandeliers between the the lot of you.” I were guessing, I didn’t know em from Adam.

Lady Rochester coughed, “Er well we do have a slight.”

“My idiot brother keeps gambling,” Miss Rochester explained, “Unless I marry well we will all be in the workhouse Mr Stephenson.”

“Well said lass, I likes thee,” I confessed, “No shilly shallying, calls a spade a bloody shovel, I’ll call our Robert and you can have a chin wag.”

I went out on the porch and bellowed, “Bob, Bob!” at the top of me voice. I last saw him on the steam mower mowing the lawn. He could more in an hour than twenty lazy bastards could do in a day.

He were down by lake, Steam mower were parked up simmering and he were in the lake with the water up to his waist, bare chested like..

“What you doing,” I shouted down to him.

“Summat blocked the bloody sluice gate,” He said, “Bloody lake’s overflowing again.”

“Well leave it there’s a wench here want’s to marry thee,” I insisted.

“Well she’s lying, it’s not mine,” he shouted back.

Lady and Miss Rochester were behind me though I didn’t know it.

“No lad thee don’t understand,” I shouted.

“Agghh, that’s got it,” He shouted and the water started gurgling and surging. He started for the bank and we could see he were in his underwear, and it had gone see through like leaving nowt to the imagination.

Miss Rochester bushed again. Robert wasn’t in the least put out, He grabbed his pile of clothes, tucked them under his arm and headed for the house.

“I never fucked her, the kid ‘ent mine and I’ll not marry her,” he insisted and then he saw the ladies.

“Oh, I thought you meant a village wench.”

“No,” I explained, “Lady Rochester were passing and wanted a look at gardens with a view to marrying off her daughter.”

“Ah, right, pleased to meet thee,” he said and went to shake their hands, forgetting his own hands were filthy. Lady Rochester shied away but Miss Rochester’s eyes were fixed on Robert’s crotch.

He looked at he, a vision of loveliness in her crinolines, her mousy hair shinig blond in the sunlight, her crisp white over skirt shining like the gowns of an angel.

“Clearly!” Lady Rochester gasped as Robert’s member stood up like a tent pole stretching his under wear to the limit.

“Oops, sorry,” Robert apologised.

“Don’t have time for wenching our Bob, he’s wedded to steam engines,” I explained, “Steam mower, steam machine for clothes washing, all sorts of gadgets.”

Robert stood there like a lummox tongue hanging out.

“What’s up lad, cat got your tongue?” I asked.

“Yes, yes I’ll marry her,” he agreed.

“Don’t be a wazzock, thee hasn’t said a word to the wench,” I sighed “Come on back inside lets have a chinwag.

“As long as she’s pure and not in family way I’ll marry her,” he added. He were besotted but he still weren’t no fool.

“Mr Stephenson my daughter’s innocence is not something to be impugned.” Lady Rochester insisted.

“Well thee wanted an offer and the lad made a fair one,” I replied.

“Oh don’t be so ridiculous,” she retorted, “What do you want, written confirmation from a physician?”

“Them lying bastards, not likely,” I replied, “We wants to see for us selves.”

“Mr Stephenson!” Lady Rochester gasped.

“Won’t take a mo, lift thee skirts lass and let’s have a look see.” I suggested.

“Mama,” the girl questioned.

“No, the very idea,” Lady Rochester snapped.

I’d had a gutsfull, I summoned me butler. “Oi Cartsairs, get your lazy fat arse in here pronto,”

“You hollered sir?” he replied.

“Give our Bob a hand to spread wench’s legs so we can see if she’s pure,” I commanded.

“Indeed sir,” he replied and the daft bugger grabbed Lady Rochester and started to push her to the ground.

“Not the old trout the kid,” I shouted, “Bugger me what do you use for brains?”

“How dare you!” Lady Rochester snarled, her breasts heaving and her face red with anger.

Next thing Carstairs had Miss Rochester lofted and neatly laid on the chaise longue, that's like a posh settee thing.

“Ohhh the indignity,” she protested, but her eyes were rivetted on our Bob’s cock.

Like most folk back then she never wore no knickers, well they can’t pull em up with all them layers of skirts and that so it were pretty easy to take a look see and check her peach.

Our Bob pulled her skirts up and peered at her quim. Daft sod hadn’t a clue what he were looking for, so I had to peel her lips gently apart for a look see.

“Mr Stephenson, please!” Lady Rochester protested.

“Ah there it is our Bob,” I said, “One hymen, she’s pure lad.”

“Can I fuck her dad?” Bob asked, “Only me cock feels like it will burst.”

“Might as well lad,” I agreed.

“Mr Stephenson.” Lady Rocester appealed.

“Wait your turn!” I joked and Carstairs helpfully lifted Miss Rochester’s legs right up so her feet were beside her ears so Bob could get at her.

He gently eased the end of his cock against her soft pink quim. “Don’t fart about give it some welly,”

I said.

He thrusted and slipped off, bloody near buggered her by accident. He tried again, and again. “Guide his cock in lass or we’ll be here all night,” I suggested.

She tried to guide hs cock but that failed.

“Stick a couple of fingers up and ease her a bit,” I suggested.

“Worse than fitting piston rings in steam washing engine,” he observed but he stuck his thumb deep in poor Miss Rochester’s parts making her squeal.

“Ohhhh!” she gasped.

“And again, try the big un,” I counselled suggesting he tried his cock again.

He tried again, and with Miss Rochester guiding him he somehow inelegantly mounted her. His pink ass wobbling it reminded me of a Boar Pig rutting with a sow.

“Right lets give the young ‘uns some space,” I suggested, “Thee ‘en t offering no dowry obviously so we’ll get local vicar to tie knot on cheap after service three weeks next Sunday.”

“Mr Stephenson, my daughter is a lady of breeding and deserves the finest nuptials,” Lady Rochester protested.

“Then her father can bloody pay,” I insisted.

“He’s dead you fool,” she replied, “Dead this ten years, my useless spendthrift son is Lord now and between you and I I do believe he is bankrupt.”

“You poor cow,” I commiserated.

“We could be cast out on the street,” she said.

“No no husband, no nookie for ten years,” I surmised.

“No, indeed, if you must be so crude,” she snapped.

“So them tits an’t had no lips on em for ten year?” I queried.

“Longer than that, Gerald preferred serving wenches,” she admitted.

“So why didn’t thee dress like one,” I asked, “My Sandy used to dress like a Princess sometimes when I were tired and her fancied a portion.”

“Sandy?” she queried.

“Alexandra my dear wife, her expired carrying our Bob.” I explained, “But that’s a crying shame letting a rack like that waste away, you want to let them puppies out for a run every now and again.”

“Mr Stephenson, I must protest!” Lady Rochester protested.

“Ah shut your rattle woman,” I said, “You know you want me lips wrapped round your nips sucking away till your juices flows and I rams me meat deep up your cunt!”

I grasped the front of her gown and forced it apart allowing her magnificent tits to spill out. I knelt before her and kneaded her left tit with me mouth sucking on her right nip.

She gasped, she didn’t know whether to scream, or hit me away or just enjoy the moment.

She gasped.

I took me pen knife from me pocket and slipped it down the back of her gown. The thin fabric parted easily as the razor sharp blade went downwards.

“What are you doing?” she asked un necessarily as I hacked through the cords on her corset releasing the constriction.

“No we mustn’t,” she gasped.

I dropped me breeches and pulled her ruined gown towards me baring her upper body.

“Thee knows thee want’s to,” I said reassuringly.

“No!” she protested but her resolve were waning with every suck upon her nips. “Oh very well if you must but quickly then, before anyone sees.”

I didn’t need no second bidding. In a trice i had her sat on the edge of an armchair’s seat with her legs spread, her ruined gown round her ankles. I stood before her ready to drive my member firmly into her moistened waiting cunt,

Her moistened lips opened like the petals of an exotic flower on a summers morn as she grasped my member and guided it within her.

It eased in so soft and smooth like pulling on an old glove, nice and not too tight but a good fit, comfortable and then she grasped me buttocks and pulled me against her.

“Do it!” she urged.

I guessed she wanted a good creaming and I was ready to explode so I gave her what she wanted, me pent up spunk gushed out making her gasp with pleasure. “Ooooooh” she sighed.

“Thee needed that badly didn’t thee lass,” I observed, “It’s not right passionate woman like thee going without.”

“No,” she said, “Oh lord why did I let you do that.” she asked as I climbed off her.

“Thee’s a woman and weak, thee body rules thee mind,” I explained.

“And you?” she asked, “I suppose your member rules your mind?”

“Well I don’t ravish everything on two legs like some blokes,” I admitted, “Cook does me a service every now an again, but she’s barren like thee.”

“I most certainly am not barren Mr Stephenson!” she snapped as she struggled to pull her ruined gown around her.

“Oh bugger me, I thought!” I gasped.

“Well think again sir,” she demanded, “Have you a seamstress of anyone who can help with this?” she asked as she regarded her gown with desperation.

“I’ll have me housekeeper have a look,” I offered, and I bellowed “Carstairs, find Lady whatsit a smock or summat, she tore her dress!”

Carstairs must have been watching us as he answered immediately, “Certainly Sir.”

He plodded away. I looked at Lady Rochester, “I don’t know what come over me,” I admitted, “I don’t make habit of ravishing the nobility.”

“You obviously mistook me for a member of the lower orders then,” she suggested.

“Nor in middle of the day,” I confessed, “But by heck that were best fumble I had in ages.”

Carstairs returned with a crisply laundered servant’s smock, grey with no buttons or laces it simply went over her head.

Lady Rochester slipped it over her head and allowed her gown to fall to the floor. Her looked daft as the smock only came just below her knees and the underskirts came to her ankles.

“Thee looks bloody daft, slip thee underskirts off,” I suggested.

“Only if you promise not to ravish me again,” she agreed as she eased her underskirt off.

“Better not make promises I can’t keep,” I replied, and added, “Bugger off Carstairs.”

She looked quite comely in a smock, womanly not false.

“Er that was the best, well the only, fumble as you call it, I have had in years,” she admitted, “Oh what have we done?”

That’s when Bob and Miss Rochester turned up. Her was blushing crimson, he looked proud as punch.

“Mama, what happened.” Miss Rochester asked.

“Her fell in pond,” I said as her said, “I spilled my drink.”

“Likely story,” Bob said knowingly, “You didn’t waste much time.”

“We had a connection,” I explained.

“That’s one name for it,” Bob agreed.

“No Lad, we have like a shared,” I grasped for the right word.

“He tried to ravish me and for my sins I did not resist,” Lady Rochester admitted.

“Oh Mama, was it lovely like Bob and I?” she asked naively.

“Yes darling, it was lovely, if a tiny bit uncomfortable as we used an armchair.” Lady Rochester admitted.

“Ah well we’ll use the big bed in master bedroom next time,” I agreed, “And maybe stables the time after.”

Lady Rochester smiled shyly.

“You randy old sod,” Bob laughed

“Yes well I ain’t dead yet,” I challenged.

“No there is plenty of life left in him, I can attest to that.” Lady Rochester admitted.

Bob and Miss R went off somewhere and we was alone again.

“Can I kiss thee?” I asked.

“I am surprised you ask, you ravished me without permission,” she retorted.

“Well just trying to be polite,” I replied.

“In that case you may,” she agreed, “Does the forgoing mean we are to be engaged to be married?”

“Bugger engaged I reckon we should just tell folk we’re wed, like common folk do,” I suggested.

“Yes, it might be awkward,” she agreed, “But perhaps just a quiet wedding in the chapel in the village?”

“Fair enough,” I agreed, “Three weeks for Banns so does three weeks this Sunday suit thee?”


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Lady Catherines Fall

I arrived at Allerton Hall unannounced, dressed in the classic style of a landed Gentleman while riding in a tolerably smart carriage pulled by a matched pair of Greys, driven by one Mr Barrington from Devonshire who had become my friend masquerading as a coachman.The Earl Howarth's Butler rushed out in agitation crying "Are you expected sir, only His Grace is away at the whipping Sir." His Grace indeed, as if he was a Prince or Archbishop not a mere Earl."Oh! Then direct me pray," I requested,...

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Lady Mauds Desire

Wilton Hall had been her family's ancestral seat for over five hundred years and the current incumbent family member Lady Maud Hamilton had no intention of that ending on her watch! Time however was getting on and at 36 she was aware that she did not have many fertile years left to produce an heir. Having accepted that her husband, even though he had tried, was incapable of providing what she needed Maud had reached the conclusion that she had to consider other options. Her marriage to...

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Lady Cecelia Ch 03 Pt 03

a continuation of this tale The scene: At dawn Lady Cecelia and her entourage have been led to the palace of Agincourt accompanied by counselors for Lady Cecelia, a counselor for William of Edenbridge to enable a parlay with King Phillip’s apanage and regency of the estate, some knights and servants to the Court. Among them was a Lord of the house surrounded by wards and vassals of the house of Dauphin. In attendance to this audience were Ladies of the Court among them Lady Yvette, niece to...

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Lady CharlotteChapter 9

Jenna had masturbated three times last night, each time forcing the ivory dildo between her thighs and each time clinging to the hard rod as if it were a real prick. She had an orgasm each time, but she was left wanting more. She desired to feel a man between her thighs. She barely said anything to Lord Michael, the carriage carrying them off to the mysterious location of the Flagellation Society. But she saw the way he looked at her, his eyes almost able to see through her clothes at her...

1 year ago
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Six Swapping Back 1 Burt Harper had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach when he woke up next morning in Mavis's bed at the Dog & Pony. It wasn't because he was thinking about anything in particular that was troubling him but more like... more like he'd had a night crammed with nightmares that he couldn't now remember. He lay for a while, trying to piece the images he still had together but he couldn't. All he had was a vague sense of alarm; an...

4 years ago
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Seventeen

One Last Day 1 Ann woke up from a deep sleep on his straw pallet, the sun shining through the crack in the hay barn door and into his eyes. He groaned, rolling over, then brightened and sat up, realising what day this was. It was the last day. Finally. Just one more day as Burt and he would be back in his rightful body. He would be the lady of the manor once again! It gave him such an overwhelming sense of relief to think that... as well as a moment of regret. Being Burt had...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty One

Bred That Way 1 Burt was snatched cruelly from a deep sleep by Harry's bellowing voice from outside at the front of the stables. "BURT! Get down here now you ignorant fool!" "What? Yes! Sorry sir!" He clambered out from under his blanket and got to his feet. "Burt, you great wazzock! You've overslept! Get down here now and scrape this horse shit up before I tan yer ruddy hide and make ye do it without a shovel!" Burt hurriedly put his clothes on, anxious to get out...

3 years ago
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Lady Victoria Part 2 Her Ladyship gets her just reward

LADY VICTORIA - PART 2 - Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through. At...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty

Indefinite 1 Burt was relieved it was Sunday. It meant he didn't have to put in a full day's work. He got the morning off to attend church. He'd slept a lot better on his pallet in the hayloft and the aches he'd had from going back to hard labour after a fortnight of growing soft had all but gone. He actually felt fit and strong again and caught himself enjoying it before he reminded himself that he didn't like anything about being a man. He hated every element of it. He wore...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Nine A Chance of Escape 1 Ann opened her eyes. There was no sound in the warehouse in which she was being held. She lay still, listening, moving her gaze from upper right to upper left, trying to pick out the least scratch or murmur. But there wasn't any. She got to her feet silently from where she'd been sleeping on the cold floor. Her arms were bare, her dress shredded round the shoulders. She looked awful and the fact that these men had done this to her...

2 years ago
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Lady Blackrook Victorian Adventuress En Pointe

[email protected] Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack Lady Blackrook?en pointe!The Forests of the Carpathian Mountains Urging his horses on the coach driver steered the carriage through the darkness of the forest. There was still snow on the ground and the gibbous moon shone from a cold cloudless sky its reflected light helping the driver to find his way, he light from the carriage lanterns being pale and ineffectual. Behind the screens on the carriage windows sat a...

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Lady Kavanagh

Lady Kavanagh sized up the situation in the way one might expect a well-educated woman to: she was not in control. What’s more, she was acutely aware of the fact! ?Fuck,? she muttered. ?Fuck, fuck, fuck.? ?Are you mumbling, ma’am?? Asked her youthful chauffeur, at least 15 years her junior. He was standing directly behind her and, although she could not see him, she was certain he looked menacing. ?No?. ?Good. You don’t look so posh with your fat ass stuck in the air,? remarked her driver. He...

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Lady Penelopersquos Party

Lady Penelope sat in the voluptuously comfortable and cradling arms of the headmistress’s chair and gazed at the screen of the computer. It showed a CCTV image of the corridor outside the room. There was a line of chairs, stiff upright and uncushioned, lined up against a wall. Two of the chairs were occupied by a pair of nervous looking schoolgirls.“These are the two you’ve selected for tonight?”“Yes, your ladyship. I have been training them for several weeks. I am sure they are ready.”“They’d...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Five

"I Am Who I Am" 1 Lady Ann woke up feeling extremely grumpy. She'd just had what had to have been the worst night's sleep of her life. She'd staggered home pissed in the early hours of the morning, vomiting several times on the way home and then had to make her bed up when she got back to the hay barn above the stable. As a mere stable hand, Burt wasn't given proper lodging. Now she was living his life she literally had to roll out his thin straw mattress every night and put it...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirty Four Servant & Lady 1 Ann had a delicious breakfast in the hotel dining room, sitting quietly thoughtful with Richard. "Ann dear, you seem of dour disposition today," he said. "Are you alright?" She smiled quickly and falsely. "I'm fine, thank you darling. Just considering what it will be like to be home. So much... has changed since I was there last." "Indeed it has my dear. You're soon to be married to the most eligible bachelor in England. Your life...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Eighteen

An Unwelcome Change of Plan 1 "Burt" woke up at the crack of dawn and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been right swell to get away from his life as a prissy stuck-up lady but, despite some reservations, he'd more than had enough of being Burt and looked forward to becoming one of the quality again. He'd loved the carousing and the fights and he loved shagging that tart Mavis, but the plummeting drop in status had been horrible, knowing that everyone looked down on him; even the...

2 years ago
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Lady Kavanagh Part 1

Lady Kavanagh sized up the situation in the way one might expect a well-educated woman to: she was not in control. What’s more, she was acutely aware of the fact! “Fuck,” she muttered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” “Are you mumbling, ma’am?” Asked her youthful chauffeur, at least 15 years her junior. He was standing directly behind her and, although she could not see him, she was certain he looked menacing. “No”. “Good. You don’t look so posh with your fat ass stuck in the air,” remarked her driver. He...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Three

The Note 1 The next morning Ann was startled to wake from a deep and satisfied sleep at the crack of dawn. With no glass in the windows it was freezing and the dawn light shone right in her eyes through the open hayloft entrance. The straw mattress underneath her was little better than sleeping on a board; not like the silk sheets and thick mattress she was used to. It took her a moment to realise where she was. And who she was. Her head was fuzzy from the previous night's...

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Lady Emilys Guardian

Mr. SingerI sat quietly at the office desk, gazing out of the large window at the snow-covered grounds of Wainwright Hall. The sloping acres were spotted with trees, now bare in the mid-winter chill. I had made Wainwright Hall my home for the past 12 years, but I still marveled at its beauty all year round. In the spring, the hills were covered in yellow and white wildflowers, and the trees were lush and green. Beyond the hills there was a small valley and a pond, a pleasant place in the warm...

1 year ago
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Lady Serpentine

[NOTE: Unfortunately this story was brought down by hasty editing, so in order that it's not left malformed, I have re-edited it. This was not just a proof-read, but there isn't anything new to those few who have already read it. Enjoy.] Lady Serpentine by Tegeli PART I - Refugee of Fire CHAPTER 1 The inland sea lapped against the galley hull, no louder than the man's last wheeze. I removed my dagger from the gushing chest and stood upright to make sure nobody had noticed the...

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Lady Cecelia Ch 02 Pt 01

In the decade preceding the glorious victories of Henry V on the fields of France and long before he’d come of age, an ill-advised excursion to those same fields by his father Henry the IV resulted in unforeseen disaster and the capture of 5 English earls, eight hundred Knights and two thousand good esquires. As was the custom of the day: The Dauphin of France and his lieutenants, those who had captured without injury English warriors, held them in trade for English gold crowns. Repatriating...

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Lady CharlotteChapter 10

The dinner started off tense, Lady Charlotte first meeting the men that were important in her daughter’s lives. Lord Michael had tried to explain them to Lady Charlotte, but she had a hard time grasping the reality that her young daughters were now women. This at a time when she was still trying to fathom and find the boundaries of her relationship with Lord Michael. Lady Charlotte scanned the men, starting with Lord Roger Bigod. His family was one of the richest and most powerful. Lord...

2 years ago
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Lady Ariadne Punishes

The events in this story are true. They happened over 10 years ago, but it’s still a very fond memory. “Lady Ariadne” and I remain friends, though not a couple. My girlfriend, Ariadne, and I practiced S + M with me usually in the dominant role. When I spanked her just right, she orgasmed, a tremendous turn on for both of us. On the occasions I was the submissive, I’ve always hoped to come while being spanked. Ariadne and I had the best sexual couplings either of us has ever experienced. At the...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Four

You Have to do the Right Thing 1 Lady Ann Neville opened her eyes very quietly, without moving any part of her body, feeling the warmth and the comfort of this opulent bedroom; the silk sheets with a terrible poignancy. When she next went to sleep it would be on a rolled out straw mattress in a hayloft open to the elements, rats crawling through the shadows only yards away from her. And she wouldn't have this lovely soft slender body anymore that felt more comfortable and real...

2 years ago
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Lady Sally Blackrook Victorian Adventress 2 Tormenting Technology

Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack  ([email protected]) Tormenting Technology! Lady Sally Blackrook looked down at the sabre tip pressing firmly against the front of her bodice.  It had been a short fight and from the beginning she knew that her chances of killing or incapacitating the five armed men were low if not virtually non-existent despite her prowess with a blade. Still several of the men nursed wounds to their arms and faces, her own blade coloured with their...

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Lady Ariadne Punishes

The events in this story are true. They happened over 10 years ago, but it’s still a very fond memory. “Lady Ariadne” and I remain friends, though not a couple. My girlfriend, Ariadne, and I practiced S + M with me usually in the dominant role. When I spanked her just right, she orgasmed, a tremendous turn on for both of us. On the occasions I was the submissive, I’ve always hoped to come while being spanked. Ariadne and I had the best sexual couplings either of us has ever experienced. At the...

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LadyMan Love pt 3

I found something more last time here in Da Nang, a male who was a female, or trying to be: Bo, who worked in the hotel I stayed at, and she gave me a taste of the future with another – perhaps better person – and indirectly introduced me to a new world, new lovers, my first glory-hole, and a new passionate lifestyle, and I was back for more…. I had left Da Nang last time after having been delayed by a tropical storm for an extra two days, but in those two days I had a whirlwind –or even...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Five

Ever More Obsequious 1 The woman who would one day soon be the wife of Lord Richard Hurley, woke up early with a delicious smile on her face. She had a long hot bubble bath, loving the luxury of it then ate a tasty breakfast with her grandmamma out on the balcony, chatting excitedly about ideas for the wedding. Ann felt entirely happy; satisfied in a way she didn't remember ever feeling before, as though not only was life perfect for her now, but it always would be perfect...

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