Razor Ch. 05 free porn video

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As a parent, constant worrying about your children was part of the job description, were they happy, doing okay in school, did they have friends and on and on. But knowing that something was wrong, really wrong, in their lives created a new sort of worry. It made working and sleeping difficult and it made thinking about other people’s problems almost impossible.

And then, the revelations about my sister, sweet Wendy, and the uncorking of that particular bottle of repressed feelings made the simple acts of living and thinking absolutely and utterly painful. Since a therapist who was completely consumed by his own painful past and worrisome present wasn’t a very good one, I decided to cut my days short. Annoying, all-seeing Mary’s appointments were the first to be cancelled. I wasn’t proud of that decision, but in the end I felt I had to. She’d already caused too much of a disruption in my everyday life, and I needed normality, stability, calm… and… world peace!

The twins were both of them bored out of their minds after a week at home, and I reluctantly let them go back to school after a long monologue with quickly spoken words from Zelena’s side. She’d apparently rather have every single class with Ms Roberts than stay at home one more day. And Alanna had nodded and told me that if they didn’t go back to school Zelena would probably start disassembling the furniture using kitchen knives and forks, and for my information, she would have done it already if she’d managed to find any tools.

So, I let them go back to school and nervously watched them in the afternoons and evenings to see if they were okay. According to Alanna my attempts to learn if something was wrong and my questions about school was borderline obsessive. Zelena just looked at me, smiled a crooked smile and said ‘daaad’ most of the time.

I didn’t like their pale silence and too serious expressions, so different from their usual quirky cheekiness and at the end of their first week back in school I waited for them to get home, anxious to see if they were ok. I had decided I wouldn’t let them go back again, I just wouldn’t. If I had to worry about them one more day I would die standing by the door, waiting for them to come home, more stressed out than on those previously too long mornings.

I wasn’t prepared to greet the two happy girls who came tumbling in through the door and I stared at them, mouth probably wide open. I blinked and stared, stared and blinked, and saw my daughters fall to the floor, laughing at their poor soon gray-haired father. I was lost for words. What could have possibly created that change in them?

A few minutes of giggling later, Alanna sat up and wiped her eyes.

‘You looked just like Ms Roberts did about half an hour before lunch!’ she said still gasping for air ‘When the headmaster came to get her in the middle of our science class. You both looked like some sort of owl and frog combination…’

‘I’m still sorry I missed that,’ Zelena said with a frown ‘she looked more like a deer when she passed me on her way to the headmaster’s office…’

‘Not as much as that shell-shocked assistant who had to step in after the headmaster came back and told us that Ms Roberts wasn’t coming back’ Alanna said with a sigh.

‘What, wait, how?’ I said ‘Where were you then, Zed? And she’s not coming back, Al? Details, please?’

‘They didn’t give us any details,’ Alanna said ‘but they were going to contact all parents as soon as possible.’

‘And, are you both okay?’ I asked, thoughts whirling.

‘Just as long as they find us a good science teacher this time around, I’ll be fine.’ Zelena said.

Alanna nodded and I hugged them close and kissed the tops of their heads. My darling girls, safe from harm, or at least as safe as my worried papa heart would ever consider them to be. I wondered what had made the headmaster and school board reconsider? Perhaps my desperate attempts at getting the school to listen had been successful after all?

The phone call from school came the day after but the information I was given was frustratingly non-informative. Ms Roberts had to be let go because her and the school’s opinions about teaching were too far apart, and a couple of other sentences that really didn’t say anything at all. I tried to get a straight answer to my question if her treatment of my girls was the reason they decided to get rid of her, but I only got a repetition of the official reasons once more.

Weeks passed and the girls grew happier and I grew much less worried. I still kept my eyes and ears open and I suspected that my overprotective ways would continue for some time, to the annoyance of my kids.

I thought about Mary, what she had told me about herself and what she had said about my sister more often than I would like to admit. When the acute pain of remembering had passed and I’d been able to process my memories and feelings some, I realized I’d been unfair to cancel her appointments. But I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing her just yet, there was something about her that pulled me apart and put me back together again all in a jumble, with some pieces missing. I had picked up the phone a couple of times to call her and tell her I was sorry for not being able to keep my promise, but I only ended up with the phone in my hand staring unseeingly in front of me, with images of my sister swimming in the tears that collected in my eyes.

My father and sister had never agreed on anything. Where one thought religion was the answer to everything the other one believed it was what caused all the bad things in the modern world. Where one person accepted only two types of love, the heterosexual love of married couples and the love of and for God, the other person stated that all forms of love must be respected and cherished.

The discussions and arguments were plenty until that final day where Wendy told father that she loved girls and as a result got excluded from the family. I had always thought she’d really just said it to provoke, not because she actually was a homosexual, but after Mary’s words I had to face the fact that it was true. It really didn’t bother me as much as the niggling thought that Mary probably was a girl-loving-girl too.

The fact that I still had thoughts about Mary, niggling or not, bothered me even more. I kept seeing her in my mind, the way she had looked when she stood by the window with sunshine caressing her hair, her eyes wide and sad. Her colors had been so strong, so vivid and her song had been so full of love and sorrow. In that moment I had seen, heard and felt her in a way I had never seen, heard or felt anyone before. Right there and then she’d seemed like an angel, and I had wanted to reach out and touch her. I had wanted to tell her she didn’t need to be sad, that she wasn’t alone anymore…

My strangely upsetting thoughts about Mary was interrupted by the creaking sound of a floorboard in the hallway outside my room and then a tousled-haired Zelena walked in.

‘Hey,’ I said ‘why aren’t you sleeping?’

‘I woke up from a dream with a question that needed answering.’ Zelena answered with a yawn.

I was used to the almost too grown-up way my daughter had of speaking, and I had to constantly remind myself that she wasn’t even a teenager yet. She threw herself down beside me where I was sitting on my bed with an unread book in my hands.

‘Is our mother alive,’ she bluntly asked ‘and if so, why haven’t we met her?’

I had been dreading the day they’d start asking about their mother for years, and I was frankly surprised it hadn’t been sooner. I had decided to tell them everything when I thought it was time for them to know, constantly pushing that time to the future, at a much later date.

‘I suppose I should tell you about your mother, but Alanna should be told at the same time, don’t you think?’ I answered hoping for a few more hours.

‘S’ok… I’m coming,’ a tired and grum
py voice from the hallway signaled Alanna’s arrival.

She walked in with sleepy eyes, her hair in simple braids, preventing the tousled look of her sister’s, and threw herself down on her stomach on the foot of the bed. Zelena threw her a pillow and she settled in on her side looking at me with her wide blue eyes, so similar to my own.

‘First of all, there are several reasons why I haven’t told you about your mother, but the main one is that the story is a pretty sad one, and it might make you upset, okay?’ I said whilst trying to organize my thoughts and words, hoping that I could tell them the story without hurting them.

‘Just get on with it,’ Alanna grumbled ‘need to sleep.’

I smiled at her and nodded slowly, still sorting the facts from my feelings.

‘Your mother, Helen, and I got married when we were pretty young, I was nineteen and she was eighteen.’ I started ‘We met in church where both of our families gathered every Sunday and I liked her quiet beauty and her calm ways.’

‘So she was just like me then…?’ Zelena said with a laugh.

‘Just let him finish so we can go to sleep…’ Alanna grumbled.

‘After we got married we moved into a small house that her parents gave us, right next to their own house, a really stupid idea but since money was short, we were both still in school after all, we complied with her mother’s wish to ‘keep us close’…’ I continued.

‘Keeping us close really meant keeping a close watch, keeping us company and keeping us occupied with her thoughts about how we should run our household.’ I said hearing the bitter tone in my voice ‘There’s a lesson there if you care to listen? Never live close to any of your parents, it’ll never go well, trust me!’

Since there were no interruptions from either of them I kept going.

‘Of course Helen was the one who was told off for doing things wrong more often than me, but it seemed she took it all pretty well, she was always the same calm woman that I’d married, always perfectly put together, never a hair out of place…’

I stopped to draw a breath and let go of the old frustrated anger I always felt when I thought about those days.

‘Nothing seemed to shake Helen’s calm until the day my mother-in-law started talking about grandchildren. A year after we’d gotten married and there was still no sign of a baby. I can only imagine what she said when I wasn’t around, but the result was fierce activity in the baby factory, until I one day found Helen sitting on the floor of the bathroom, crying, with a pregnancy test in her hands, still not pregnant despite everything. I couldn’t stand to see her cry so I suggested that we go to the doctors and run a few tests to see if there was something we could do about it. I didn’t realize what would happen if the tests showed that there was actually something wrong…’

I looked at my girls, worried about the next part of the story.

‘The tests showed that your mother had a severe case of tubular blockage, and that she would never be able to have children.’ I said, my quickly spoken words turning into a whisper in the end.

‘But how?’ Alanna whispered before turning silent.

‘A couple of rough years followed where Helen grew depressed and things started to more or less fall to pieces. I tried my best to be supportive, whilst struggling with my studies and trying to come to terms with my sister Wendy’s death.’ I continued, struggling to tell them what had happened as simple facts, as stripped from all of my mixed emotions as I possibly could.

‘I just couldn’t stand all of the darkness and despair around me, so I tried to fix things by ‘solving the problem at hand’. I found information about Helen’s condition and different types of fertility treatments, I looked into adoption, I did basically anything to try to help her out of her depression, the only way I knew how to, very hands-on, by trying to fix what I thought was the cause of her sadness.’ I said, my voice now bitter from remembering the inept way I had tried to help her ‘I didn’t hold her in my arms, I didn’t tell her it was okay, I didn’t say I loved her, I just… tried to sort things out.’

I shut my eyes and shook my head, I didn’t know if I should blame the stupidity of youth or the fact that I was still preoccupied with my own sorrow after my sister’s death, but I hadn’t handled that situation good at all. But, since the result of my ‘fixing things’ efforts were lying and sitting beside me at that moment, the final result hadn’t been a complete disaster.

‘Long story short, after concluding that a child was a priority for my wife we agreed on a fertility treatment using eggs from a donor, because there weren’t just tubular problems but also hormonal ones… but that’s perhaps more information than you need.’ I added ‘The first attempt was successful and Helen was so happy to know that she was expecting not one but two children.’

‘But you’re still our dad aren’t you?’ Zelena asked with a worried frown.

‘I did donate the other stuff needed for your conception, yes…’ I added with a dry voice ‘And even if I hadn’t, I still would have been your dad. See, I believe that it’s the loving connection and the efforts and responsibility you feel that makes you a father, not the genetic material…’

‘But studies of our closest relatives, the apes, show…’ Zelena started.

‘Nope, no apes, Zed, not tonight,’ Alanna said with a laugh ‘let him finish, please!’

‘I started working to make money for my growing family, a strange ‘need to provide’ thing growing inside of me as you two grew inside of Helen.’ I continued, getting to the real hard bits of the story ‘But one day when I got home from work I found Helen crying on the floor of the bathroom again after she’d had a discussion with her mother. Finding out that another person’s eggs had been used to create the babies inside her daughter had been a shock for my mother-in-law, and she’d told Helen that she wouldn’t consider them her grandchildren, because frankly they weren’t…’

‘Like one of them apes then…’ Zelena muttered before getting shushed by her sister once more.

‘The happiness that Helen had been feeling instantly turned to sadness and anger. And in her anger she turned against me… and you two.’ I whispered and looked at them ‘And when you were born she didn’t want to know you, she didn’t want to take care of you, and I had to care for you from day one. And I truly loved you from day one, I want you to know that.’

I hugged Zelena close then leaned over and put my hand on top of Alanna’s head.

‘I love you so, so much!’ I whispered to the both of them ‘And no matter what happens I always will! In a few years you’ll probably hate me for it, when you start inviting boys over that will be instantly thrown out of the house, but still…’

‘Yeah, yeah…’ Zelena muttered after Alanna had said that she loved me too ‘but what happened to our so called mother then?’

‘I blame myself for not seeing, for not understanding that your mother was seriously ill, that she was suffering from some sort of postpartum psychosis. But then again, I hadn’t been told about the bipolar disorder she suffered from, or that the reasons behind her calm, perfect appearance actually was carefully balanced medications. Medication that she stopped using when she was told she was pregnant, because she didn’t want to hurt her babies.’

‘So, hurray for her,’ Zelena muttered ‘and where is she now?’

‘She’s in a private clinic far away from here,’ I answered ‘that her parents are paying for and will keep paying for if I promise to keep myself and my kids away from there.’

‘But you’re still married?’ Alanna asked, her eyes growing even bigger when I nodded in answer ‘Why are you still married?’

‘Getting divorced is especially complicated when one of the spouses is considered mentally ill. And I’d rather spend my time and money on you than on useless battles with laws and la
wyers.’ I answered, my voice as tired as my mind.

‘But what if you meet someone and want to get married again?’ Alanna asked, the deep compassion she always felt when someone was being mistreated shining out through her sad eyes ‘What if you fall in love?’

I laughed and shook my head. I wasn’t planning on falling in love and I made sure I wasn’t in that particular type of harm’s way.

‘I really don’t think that’s going to happen,’ I answered ‘but if it happens I’ll have to try to make the best of that situation don’t I?’

We sat and lay in silence for a long while, all of us probably thinking about different aspects of my story. It wasn’t a bad kind of silence, just contemplative and strangely restful at the same time. I kept my own mind away from memories of Helen’s last days at home and her strange erratic anger and general mood swings. I tried to think about later memories, about moving away from the house and my mother stepping in to take care of the kids so I could go back to work. And of course, all the memories of my daughters growing up. Twelve years had gone by so fast, and I suspected the years ahead would pass even faster.

‘Dad,’ Zelena interrupted my thoughts ‘You know that Alanna looks like you, right?’

I nodded and looked at her, certain that I already knew where she was going with her questions.

‘And that must mean that I look like my mother, my real mother that is?’ she continued ‘And I wanted to know if there’s any way I can find out who she is?’

‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, Zed,’ I answered ‘the egg donation was made anonymously, and there’s no really good way to learn who she is. There are sealed donor registers I suppose, but I haven’t ever looked into it. Like I said, the genetic material isn’t the important aspect of parenthood.’

‘You always tell us that nothing is impossible dad.’ Alanna added with a yawn.

‘A father always appreciates being reminded of the things he’s said to keep his girls going in times of great ‘ohh, it’s too difficult’-ness…’ I muttered with a smile and a pretend-frown.

‘I’m off to bed…’ Alanna said with a raspy voice ‘Zelena, come on, you can investigate donor registers tomorrow…’

I stared after them as they left my room and for a while I wondered if I should get up and tuck them in, but I’d been told they were way past the tucking-in-age and I decided against it. But then again, something had made Zelena start thinking about her mother, and I wondered what that was. I stood up and walked after them into the big bedroom that they still happily shared.

‘Zed, what made you start thinking about your mother all of a sudden?’ I asked Zelena as she settled back down in her own bed.

‘It was just a thought,’ Zelena answered with a yawn ‘I couldn’t quite figure out why a completely unrelated woman would come to our school with a bunch of lawyers and make sure that Ms Roberts was fired, that’s all. I dreamt that she was our mother, woke up and thought I should ask…’

I nodded, trying to make sense of what she was saying.

‘Zed, this unrelated woman, what did she look like?’ I asked in a whisper.

‘That’s the thing dad, I don’t understand why I dreamt about her, she didn’t look like me either,’ Zelena answered softly just before she fell asleep ‘her hair was just beautiful, gold and red…’

I kissed her and Alanna’s foreheads on the way out before I returned to my own room and my own bed, the book I was supposed to read completely forgotten. A woman, with gold and red hair, had come to my children’s school and made sure that Ms Roberts was fired. A woman who knew too much about too many things perhaps? A woman whose name was Mary?

Insufferably arrogant and annoying Mary, what the hell was I supposed to do with her? The way she had dug herself into my mind and into my life, helping out where no help was asked for. Who did she think she was? I didn’t need her help, I wanted her as far away from me as possible and I sure as hell didn’t want her anywhere near my daughters.

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Eight months ago. Under the covers of his bed the small figure of eight years old Zax could be made as he lay, bitter. He was angry with his mom, angry with his dad, resentful toward Mr. Ogler, cursed half the kids in his school and hated himself. It was the outcome of a typical bad day for Zax, and he was currently grounded for fighting. Waiting to Dane with Serah near the school's gate at the end of the school day, to go back home together, four third graders passed them by with bored...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Lauren Phillips Tickets To The Asshole Parade

When you break up with someone, all ties should be severed. Lauren apparently didnt get that memo. She hits up her ex Chad to try and get the concert tickets he had bought for her birthday. Chad is not feeling it at all, and is kind of annoyed. Lauren continues to beg and chad gives her an ultimatum. Take her pants off and maybe she can earn them. Lauren was expecting to get her pussy fucked and go see a band, but turns out those tickets were for chad to fuck Lauren right up her asshole! Her...

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Mommys BoyChapter 6

Willy stripped naked while standing in front of his mother, his hard cock standing straight out from his sparse pubic hairs. Betty motioned for the teen to sit back against the headboard of the large bed. “Now Mommy’s Boy, tell me all about your date.” She said as she admired her son’s large erect penis, which was standing at attention like a little soldier, helmet and all. Betty still sitting on the bed slightly turned to face her son who had his legs slightly spread enough for Betty to...

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Roses video Chapter 8 Kate And Rose talk

POV: KateI lied down on the bed. "Wow, Lil and Maria are like sexual angels. I just great sex with them yesterday and I feel like I'm having the biggest hangover of my life. I can still walk, but they warped my mind. I feel completely depleted, and I can barely think straight too. I feel just how I did the day after I had sex with Rose. My whole world seemed to turn upside down, and now I just don't know what to think. Although, I do know this: it was too good to just cut myself off from her. I...

4 years ago
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Halley Gets a Little Medicine

I woke up to four things. 1) My phone alarm going off. I had expected that. 2) Pounding on my door. I had also expected that, but not so soon. 3) Yelling. It was a holy racket outside my apartment door. That I had not expected, and was not happy about. 4) An indescribable pain in my right leg. That was also expected, and I couldn’t do much about it. I reached for my phone and turned the blaring alarm off, knocking over a half full plastic cup, which spilled water all over my fake wood floor....

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Fervour of the Past Complete Story

[NOTE: I though it wise to put this story in one place for ease of reading, especially when it's set in the same setting as my upcoming story. This version contains additional editing to grammar/spelling, prose and consistency.] Fervour of the Past by Tegeli PART I: Corset CHAPTER 1 The old tramp freighter wheezed from the relief of completing the long voyage over turbulent seas. I was more than glad to get off. While I splurged my last funds on a private cabin, it had...

2 years ago
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Turning the College Freshman

I was a college freshman the first time I ever did anything with a man. The individual was a senior, and a friend of mine since we were kids. He has since come out as being gay, however, I still maintain being straight (despite what the rest of this story will show). We frequently hung out together outside of school and on the weekends and were very close. Often, our topics would drift to a sexual nature and he would ask me detailed questions about our experience. He let it be known that...

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Private Alice Wayne Tits And The Law Of Gravity

Even the biggest geniuses need to relax and the great Isaac Newton was no different… After a long hard day’s work Isaac (Clarke Kent) is intrigued by the incredible chest of teen Alice Wayne as she reveals those huge natural tits inspiring him to discover the law of gravity. And of course there’s no better way to celebrate this huge discovery than with a good hard fuck as Alice heads down for a nice sloppy blowjob and some awesome titty fucking before spreading her legs and enjoying a proper...

4 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 28

The evening Menak was released from the hospital they all took the tube to Tokyo, and from there to a banquet hall in the Tokyo Hilton-Sheraton hotel, for a press conference to release the findings from the first two stages of Pina's researches. They were met by Professor Enchiku Hamimoto and the Prodigies of Pina's cosmology team. Though the rest of Pina's team were well known to the Green Band, Professor Hamimoto was not, and he as well as they were suitably impressed and respectful...

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My best friends dad round two

I woke up to an empty bed. Had last night really happened? Had I really fucked my best friend’s dad? Questions ran around my head, as I began to think back to how it even started. I pushed myself up and felt a cool breeze making my nipples turn hard. The window was wide open. I pulled myself out of bed and walked over to the window. I was completely naked and the breeze felt amazing against my body, as the wind blew softly, causing the curtains to brush against my body. I closed my eyes and...

3 years ago
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Skin Deep The Dance Chapter 10

Chapter 10 A Dance of the Home Coming Queen Terrence Michales sat in the corner of a small Rouston pub, shadowed in the darkness of the back of the room; hiding from a past, he had all but sealed away in some safe cold place in his mind. He had kept it safely locked away until that God-damned dream. He looked at the glass of vodka on the table before him. He was not a frequent drinker but when it came to hard times, he could hold his own. If he drank much more he was going...

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The GlimpseChapter 4 Advice

I had just touched down from a test flight. I went up to test the Bleed Air System for the new engines we were trying out. All and all it worked, but not within the parameters specified by manufacturer. I was in debriefing with the engineers, production managers, supervisors and the Flight Director, my boss. We were finishing up when the door opened and my boss' secretary walked in and whispered to him. He stood up and casually dismissed the meeting asking me to stay behind. After everyone...

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Lost Trail Cabin chap 6

Lost Trail Cabin (chapter 6) Since they are dressed up tonight, they drive to the Saloon. After parking Jake moves to Nancy’s side of the car to open the door. As Nancy moves to get out of the car, she gives Jake a little tease by pausing with her legs apart. Just long enough for him to notice her panties, and then she moves her legs back together as he helps her out of the car. Jake was quite aware of Nancy’s actions, as he felt the familiar stirring between his legs. Nancy playfully asks,...

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The CompetitionChapter 9 Valencia Valley

The knot of people standing to the side included Mr. Gregg and four women. Mr. Gregg was profuse with his admiration of the efforts of both swim clubs. "Mrs. York, ladies of the girls' swim team, let me introduce you to Principal Fabian of Buchanan High School, the senior athletics instructor Miss Penelope Strathroy, the chair of their Home and School Association, Mrs. Margaret Phelps, and the captain of the volleyball team Miss Leona Sharpe." Principal Fabian started the ball rolling,...

4 years ago
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My Evil Twin Chapter 8

We rode in silence, until we got almost home. I had been thinking of how I could get past mom and dad without them smelling pussy, cocks and dog cum on me. I couldn’t let them get close to me because they would ask so many questions. I needed a shower. “Mandy, I need a shower as soon as I get home. If I get close to mom and dad, they will smell me and ask a lot of questions. I need sneak past them without them wondering why. Please help me.” I begged. “No problem slut. I have it all figured...

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Back Trouble

I'd been laying on the grass for two hours, at least. I didn't know for sure, though, because I wasn't wearing a watch, and even if I had been, I wasn't able to move my wrist into a position where I could see it without causing myself excruciating pain. My back had gone out again, or something like it. The last time this happened was when I bent over to grab a fallen branch on the driveway a few years ago and collapsed to my hands and knees in pain. I couldn't stand up again, but I...

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Controlling SisterChapter 3

If you've followed my story through the first two chapters, you would know that my name is JP, short for Jean-Paul, and when I was 14 I found I could control my older sister Marie's body. Not mind control as in I told her what to do and she did it, but I actually took control of her body and I could move and feel it as if it were my own. A side effect of this ability was that she had no memory of the experience afterwards. As you can expect, it didn't take long for a horny teenage boy...

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I could not help myself

one summer afternoon she came up to me in her skimpy 2 piece bathing suit and asked me to rub her down with some sun tan oil.Boy did that sound good.She was asking me to rub her down.As I put the lotoin in my hand she laughed andsaid NO DADDY NOT THAT WAY SQUIRT IT ON ME THEN RUB IT DOWN.So thats is what I did.First I went to her back and squirted some on and rubbed it in.God she had soft skin and her little ass looked so good.I said we got to make sure we get around the stap on her top...

4 years ago
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Thailand Lady of the night

So this happened a couple of years ago when i was on vacation in Thailand. This is 100% a true story. For reference i am about 5’8” around 180lbs fair skin black hair with a athletic build body. Im not the hottest guy around but definitely attractive and can get a girls attention.So one night around 10pm i was wandering around the streets just to see what goes. All the normal foot traffic is gone at this point only the party people and clubs are open. Im not really into the club scene so i...

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Welcome Home Daddy A sissy fantasy

Oh DaddyThat was so exciting for me to find the nipple clamps you told me to wear. It was painful at first, but then I thought of you coming home to find me wearing them made the pain lessen. I wanted to play with myself so much, but you had told me I was not to cum into you gave me permission, so I contented myself with bringing myself to the edge but not allowing myself to cum. It was agony, but a delicious, erotic, and sublime agony. I hear the door open and I quickly drop to my knees ready...

1 year ago
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Deeds Ch 04

The next morning I told Dee that I was going to stay home all week, as I have to finish paper work on the new client. She took it well. I also asked her to take a few days off and spend some time with me. I wanted her to know what she was going to miss in the years to come. I wanted her to taste luxuries that she had never known. I wanted her to know what she was throwing away. Every time that she would think back on our days together the only question I wanted her to ask was ‘How could I be so...

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The Company Presidents Driver

CHAPTER 1 For five years chief accountant Radford Hart had been on call as the president’s driver when the president met VIPs at the airport and returned them there. Occasionally the president and driver would take the VIPs to the Kempthorne Alpine Resort and stay overnight. The president Luke King was a self-drive guy so the company didn’t employ a chauffer for Luke although he was entitled to one. Radford didn’t find the task onerous. It got him out of the office and he often learned...

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Secrets and Discoveries

Kat left work half an hour early. It was a Friday after all... and in any case, her boss hadn't been in all day meaning she'd had to teach his undergraduate tutorial class. The poor life of a 30-something university researcher. There was another reason she was leaving early. She almost broke out in to a run as she was approaching her car. She wanted to be out of there as quickly as possible and she didn't want to be seen doing it. The reason for leaving a little early was simply so she could...

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My Obsession

My Obsession - By Stats Why did it have to happen to me? My crossdressing should never have been a problem to anyone. For years I appeared only in the empty streets and only when it was dark. I would not have gone outside except that I just couldn?t get over the thrill of being a female, feeling the summer breeze on my nyloned legs, being forced to walk in short steps because of my high heels and tight skirt, feeling the jiggling of my false breasts on my chest, having my long...

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bus journey

She was in her early sixties, though to look at you would never guess. Not slim, not fat she was what you could call a trim lady. Very pretty in her youth she had matured into a very elegant woman who showed grace whenever she walked into a room. Five foot three with luxuriant long dark hair her dark brown eyes gave off an air of knowledge that was sensuous in it's own right. She had been very content with life having married in her late teens to her first boyfriend. They had grown...

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First Time for Everything Part 2

So Matt and I finally had some incredible anal sex (thanks in part to quite a fair share of wine). He thought it was hot, and of course so did I. However, it's been two weeks and here we are, back to vanilla sex as usual. I was at least slightly disappointed when he made no attempts to relive our sexy first time giving anal a whirl. I had given up hope and started to think that this was an isolated incident until today. "Don't work too hard during that Pilates class you're running this...

1 year ago
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The retirement house for women

The rates of her hospice were very expensive, the building was downtown, the food was nice, they had resident doctors and nurses, a cinema, and rooms are very clean. I went to visit my granny once a week or less, I liked her hospice mainly because it hadn’t the typical smell of other retirement home, a sort of piss and drugs mix. Sometimes my grannie told me about some “extra” activities involving guests like her, still attractive, busted and with a certain degree of cognitive impairment, her...

4 years ago
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The Lake House Pt 01

Hey guys, here’s a story I’ve been working on, it’s only Chapter 1, so the rest is still coming. But let me know what you think, and if I should continue the story. Thanks! The family trips up to the lake had been legendary back when I was little. Two weeks of doing nothing but fishing, swimming, boating, and laying around in the warm sun. But we hadn’t been here since I’d been 14. Everything else had taken importance: work, summer activities, that kind of stuff. But now that I was 18 and...

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A Risk I Take For The Chemistry

The first time I laid eyes on Amanda, I was visiting this Church party in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I met this guy named Peterson Alexandros from the island of Barbados and he invited me to his Church. How Peter and I met is an interesting story. I was grabbing a quick bite inside the Rideau Shopping Center food court, and noticed this well-dressed, thirty-something Black guy with a light-skinned brat, his son Miguel. We ended up talking, and for weeks afterwards, Peter would...

2 years ago
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Night In With Lynn

I'm already aroused just thinking about what's to come. I hear footsteps on the other side of the door, dead bolt unlocks and the door swings open. We've been chatting for months now, getting to know each others' wild, dirty, perverse sides. Now I get to meet her. Usually I'm good with words but the moment I lay my eyes upon her, words escape me. Beauty doesn't justify her true looks, gorgeous is an understatement. Sexually arousing, erotically stimulating is just what she does to me. ...

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Moti Babita Ki Virgin Chut

Hello guys how are you all, I am back with another story but let me introduce myself first; I am a 23 years old Gujarati guys with well-built physic. I am an engineer and currently working in Ahmadabad. My hometown is Valsad. This story is about me and one of my neighbors, her name is Babita, and she is from Delhi but has been living here for 15 years. Let me tell you a little bit about her. She is a bit fat and short, dark in complexion, not a very attractive woman. She is 32 years of age and...

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08 TogetherChapter 26

Flashback – Ben and Jack – The trip to hell ... Ramadi We finally made it through Fallujah and I assumed I would have a breather, but once again I assumed incorrectly. If anything the fighting was worse than ever and the fuckers were further away which made them harder to hit. I glanced at my ammo, realized I was almost out and yelled, "Jack, I need more ammo!" I didn't hear anything (not that I could hear much with all the shit that was going on) so I ducked inside and saw that Jack was...

4 years ago
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A Little Help From My Friends

  CindyThe weeks went by.   Julie and I would go out to dinner or drinks once or twice a week.  The vanilla times with Julie made me realize I was falling in love with her and no matter what she did to me I had to be with her.  These nights almost always ended with me on my knees servicing her.  Sometimes she would release and stroke my desperate cock but most of the time she ignored it.  A few times Julie would not invite me in.  She would give me one of  her smoldering kisses and bid me on my...

2 years ago
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Laura the StarChapter 12

The first of the Mastiffs, wanted a second go at me but I gave a subtle shake of the head and Arek immediately shepherded the five dogs out of the cage. How he communicated with them by not being able to speak, onlyt by a grunt and finger gestures was a marvel and I told myself I would have to find out. The dogs obeyed him immediately. This Dane was the biggest one and he was in no great hurry to claim his bitch. He had already done that and the way he looked at me and sort of swaggered...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Lina Luxa 2 Moving Men With BBCs DP Young MILF

Young MILF Lina Luxa is filling her pink pussy with a massive black dildo when shes interrupted by one of the Black men moving furniture into her new house. Of course, Lina planned the entire situation out and aims on replacing the black dildo with two real Black cocks. As soon as the moving man sees Lina with her legs open, hes powerless to do anything but place his BBC inside of her holes. Minutes later, the second moving man who also happens to have a BBC joins the fun, and soon Lina is...

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Would you like Two of me

Would you like Two of me? This takes place in the very near future&hellip,.. &hellip,.Im Lisa, and I took a big step and secretly put a clone and robotic combination of myself together. My company thought it was just the latest robot girl I had created. I waited for just the right guy to test it on. I finally found what I was looking for. He was handsome, sexy and young. Perfect&hellip,. ——— &hellip,Ron&hellip,. &hellip,I received information about a company wanting someone to try out their...

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