Razor Ch. 05 free porn video

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As a parent, constant worrying about your children was part of the job description, were they happy, doing okay in school, did they have friends and on and on. But knowing that something was wrong, really wrong, in their lives created a new sort of worry. It made working and sleeping difficult and it made thinking about other people’s problems almost impossible.

And then, the revelations about my sister, sweet Wendy, and the uncorking of that particular bottle of repressed feelings made the simple acts of living and thinking absolutely and utterly painful. Since a therapist who was completely consumed by his own painful past and worrisome present wasn’t a very good one, I decided to cut my days short. Annoying, all-seeing Mary’s appointments were the first to be cancelled. I wasn’t proud of that decision, but in the end I felt I had to. She’d already caused too much of a disruption in my everyday life, and I needed normality, stability, calm… and… world peace!

The twins were both of them bored out of their minds after a week at home, and I reluctantly let them go back to school after a long monologue with quickly spoken words from Zelena’s side. She’d apparently rather have every single class with Ms Roberts than stay at home one more day. And Alanna had nodded and told me that if they didn’t go back to school Zelena would probably start disassembling the furniture using kitchen knives and forks, and for my information, she would have done it already if she’d managed to find any tools.

So, I let them go back to school and nervously watched them in the afternoons and evenings to see if they were okay. According to Alanna my attempts to learn if something was wrong and my questions about school was borderline obsessive. Zelena just looked at me, smiled a crooked smile and said ‘daaad’ most of the time.

I didn’t like their pale silence and too serious expressions, so different from their usual quirky cheekiness and at the end of their first week back in school I waited for them to get home, anxious to see if they were ok. I had decided I wouldn’t let them go back again, I just wouldn’t. If I had to worry about them one more day I would die standing by the door, waiting for them to come home, more stressed out than on those previously too long mornings.

I wasn’t prepared to greet the two happy girls who came tumbling in through the door and I stared at them, mouth probably wide open. I blinked and stared, stared and blinked, and saw my daughters fall to the floor, laughing at their poor soon gray-haired father. I was lost for words. What could have possibly created that change in them?

A few minutes of giggling later, Alanna sat up and wiped her eyes.

‘You looked just like Ms Roberts did about half an hour before lunch!’ she said still gasping for air ‘When the headmaster came to get her in the middle of our science class. You both looked like some sort of owl and frog combination…’

‘I’m still sorry I missed that,’ Zelena said with a frown ‘she looked more like a deer when she passed me on her way to the headmaster’s office…’

‘Not as much as that shell-shocked assistant who had to step in after the headmaster came back and told us that Ms Roberts wasn’t coming back’ Alanna said with a sigh.

‘What, wait, how?’ I said ‘Where were you then, Zed? And she’s not coming back, Al? Details, please?’

‘They didn’t give us any details,’ Alanna said ‘but they were going to contact all parents as soon as possible.’

‘And, are you both okay?’ I asked, thoughts whirling.

‘Just as long as they find us a good science teacher this time around, I’ll be fine.’ Zelena said.

Alanna nodded and I hugged them close and kissed the tops of their heads. My darling girls, safe from harm, or at least as safe as my worried papa heart would ever consider them to be. I wondered what had made the headmaster and school board reconsider? Perhaps my desperate attempts at getting the school to listen had been successful after all?

The phone call from school came the day after but the information I was given was frustratingly non-informative. Ms Roberts had to be let go because her and the school’s opinions about teaching were too far apart, and a couple of other sentences that really didn’t say anything at all. I tried to get a straight answer to my question if her treatment of my girls was the reason they decided to get rid of her, but I only got a repetition of the official reasons once more.

Weeks passed and the girls grew happier and I grew much less worried. I still kept my eyes and ears open and I suspected that my overprotective ways would continue for some time, to the annoyance of my kids.

I thought about Mary, what she had told me about herself and what she had said about my sister more often than I would like to admit. When the acute pain of remembering had passed and I’d been able to process my memories and feelings some, I realized I’d been unfair to cancel her appointments. But I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing her just yet, there was something about her that pulled me apart and put me back together again all in a jumble, with some pieces missing. I had picked up the phone a couple of times to call her and tell her I was sorry for not being able to keep my promise, but I only ended up with the phone in my hand staring unseeingly in front of me, with images of my sister swimming in the tears that collected in my eyes.

My father and sister had never agreed on anything. Where one thought religion was the answer to everything the other one believed it was what caused all the bad things in the modern world. Where one person accepted only two types of love, the heterosexual love of married couples and the love of and for God, the other person stated that all forms of love must be respected and cherished.

The discussions and arguments were plenty until that final day where Wendy told father that she loved girls and as a result got excluded from the family. I had always thought she’d really just said it to provoke, not because she actually was a homosexual, but after Mary’s words I had to face the fact that it was true. It really didn’t bother me as much as the niggling thought that Mary probably was a girl-loving-girl too.

The fact that I still had thoughts about Mary, niggling or not, bothered me even more. I kept seeing her in my mind, the way she had looked when she stood by the window with sunshine caressing her hair, her eyes wide and sad. Her colors had been so strong, so vivid and her song had been so full of love and sorrow. In that moment I had seen, heard and felt her in a way I had never seen, heard or felt anyone before. Right there and then she’d seemed like an angel, and I had wanted to reach out and touch her. I had wanted to tell her she didn’t need to be sad, that she wasn’t alone anymore…

My strangely upsetting thoughts about Mary was interrupted by the creaking sound of a floorboard in the hallway outside my room and then a tousled-haired Zelena walked in.

‘Hey,’ I said ‘why aren’t you sleeping?’

‘I woke up from a dream with a question that needed answering.’ Zelena answered with a yawn.

I was used to the almost too grown-up way my daughter had of speaking, and I had to constantly remind myself that she wasn’t even a teenager yet. She threw herself down beside me where I was sitting on my bed with an unread book in my hands.

‘Is our mother alive,’ she bluntly asked ‘and if so, why haven’t we met her?’

I had been dreading the day they’d start asking about their mother for years, and I was frankly surprised it hadn’t been sooner. I had decided to tell them everything when I thought it was time for them to know, constantly pushing that time to the future, at a much later date.

‘I suppose I should tell you about your mother, but Alanna should be told at the same time, don’t you think?’ I answered hoping for a few more hours.

‘S’ok… I’m coming,’ a tired and grum
py voice from the hallway signaled Alanna’s arrival.

She walked in with sleepy eyes, her hair in simple braids, preventing the tousled look of her sister’s, and threw herself down on her stomach on the foot of the bed. Zelena threw her a pillow and she settled in on her side looking at me with her wide blue eyes, so similar to my own.

‘First of all, there are several reasons why I haven’t told you about your mother, but the main one is that the story is a pretty sad one, and it might make you upset, okay?’ I said whilst trying to organize my thoughts and words, hoping that I could tell them the story without hurting them.

‘Just get on with it,’ Alanna grumbled ‘need to sleep.’

I smiled at her and nodded slowly, still sorting the facts from my feelings.

‘Your mother, Helen, and I got married when we were pretty young, I was nineteen and she was eighteen.’ I started ‘We met in church where both of our families gathered every Sunday and I liked her quiet beauty and her calm ways.’

‘So she was just like me then…?’ Zelena said with a laugh.

‘Just let him finish so we can go to sleep…’ Alanna grumbled.

‘After we got married we moved into a small house that her parents gave us, right next to their own house, a really stupid idea but since money was short, we were both still in school after all, we complied with her mother’s wish to ‘keep us close’…’ I continued.

‘Keeping us close really meant keeping a close watch, keeping us company and keeping us occupied with her thoughts about how we should run our household.’ I said hearing the bitter tone in my voice ‘There’s a lesson there if you care to listen? Never live close to any of your parents, it’ll never go well, trust me!’

Since there were no interruptions from either of them I kept going.

‘Of course Helen was the one who was told off for doing things wrong more often than me, but it seemed she took it all pretty well, she was always the same calm woman that I’d married, always perfectly put together, never a hair out of place…’

I stopped to draw a breath and let go of the old frustrated anger I always felt when I thought about those days.

‘Nothing seemed to shake Helen’s calm until the day my mother-in-law started talking about grandchildren. A year after we’d gotten married and there was still no sign of a baby. I can only imagine what she said when I wasn’t around, but the result was fierce activity in the baby factory, until I one day found Helen sitting on the floor of the bathroom, crying, with a pregnancy test in her hands, still not pregnant despite everything. I couldn’t stand to see her cry so I suggested that we go to the doctors and run a few tests to see if there was something we could do about it. I didn’t realize what would happen if the tests showed that there was actually something wrong…’

I looked at my girls, worried about the next part of the story.

‘The tests showed that your mother had a severe case of tubular blockage, and that she would never be able to have children.’ I said, my quickly spoken words turning into a whisper in the end.

‘But how?’ Alanna whispered before turning silent.

‘A couple of rough years followed where Helen grew depressed and things started to more or less fall to pieces. I tried my best to be supportive, whilst struggling with my studies and trying to come to terms with my sister Wendy’s death.’ I continued, struggling to tell them what had happened as simple facts, as stripped from all of my mixed emotions as I possibly could.

‘I just couldn’t stand all of the darkness and despair around me, so I tried to fix things by ‘solving the problem at hand’. I found information about Helen’s condition and different types of fertility treatments, I looked into adoption, I did basically anything to try to help her out of her depression, the only way I knew how to, very hands-on, by trying to fix what I thought was the cause of her sadness.’ I said, my voice now bitter from remembering the inept way I had tried to help her ‘I didn’t hold her in my arms, I didn’t tell her it was okay, I didn’t say I loved her, I just… tried to sort things out.’

I shut my eyes and shook my head, I didn’t know if I should blame the stupidity of youth or the fact that I was still preoccupied with my own sorrow after my sister’s death, but I hadn’t handled that situation good at all. But, since the result of my ‘fixing things’ efforts were lying and sitting beside me at that moment, the final result hadn’t been a complete disaster.

‘Long story short, after concluding that a child was a priority for my wife we agreed on a fertility treatment using eggs from a donor, because there weren’t just tubular problems but also hormonal ones… but that’s perhaps more information than you need.’ I added ‘The first attempt was successful and Helen was so happy to know that she was expecting not one but two children.’

‘But you’re still our dad aren’t you?’ Zelena asked with a worried frown.

‘I did donate the other stuff needed for your conception, yes…’ I added with a dry voice ‘And even if I hadn’t, I still would have been your dad. See, I believe that it’s the loving connection and the efforts and responsibility you feel that makes you a father, not the genetic material…’

‘But studies of our closest relatives, the apes, show…’ Zelena started.

‘Nope, no apes, Zed, not tonight,’ Alanna said with a laugh ‘let him finish, please!’

‘I started working to make money for my growing family, a strange ‘need to provide’ thing growing inside of me as you two grew inside of Helen.’ I continued, getting to the real hard bits of the story ‘But one day when I got home from work I found Helen crying on the floor of the bathroom again after she’d had a discussion with her mother. Finding out that another person’s eggs had been used to create the babies inside her daughter had been a shock for my mother-in-law, and she’d told Helen that she wouldn’t consider them her grandchildren, because frankly they weren’t…’

‘Like one of them apes then…’ Zelena muttered before getting shushed by her sister once more.

‘The happiness that Helen had been feeling instantly turned to sadness and anger. And in her anger she turned against me… and you two.’ I whispered and looked at them ‘And when you were born she didn’t want to know you, she didn’t want to take care of you, and I had to care for you from day one. And I truly loved you from day one, I want you to know that.’

I hugged Zelena close then leaned over and put my hand on top of Alanna’s head.

‘I love you so, so much!’ I whispered to the both of them ‘And no matter what happens I always will! In a few years you’ll probably hate me for it, when you start inviting boys over that will be instantly thrown out of the house, but still…’

‘Yeah, yeah…’ Zelena muttered after Alanna had said that she loved me too ‘but what happened to our so called mother then?’

‘I blame myself for not seeing, for not understanding that your mother was seriously ill, that she was suffering from some sort of postpartum psychosis. But then again, I hadn’t been told about the bipolar disorder she suffered from, or that the reasons behind her calm, perfect appearance actually was carefully balanced medications. Medication that she stopped using when she was told she was pregnant, because she didn’t want to hurt her babies.’

‘So, hurray for her,’ Zelena muttered ‘and where is she now?’

‘She’s in a private clinic far away from here,’ I answered ‘that her parents are paying for and will keep paying for if I promise to keep myself and my kids away from there.’

‘But you’re still married?’ Alanna asked, her eyes growing even bigger when I nodded in answer ‘Why are you still married?’

‘Getting divorced is especially complicated when one of the spouses is considered mentally ill. And I’d rather spend my time and money on you than on useless battles with laws and la
wyers.’ I answered, my voice as tired as my mind.

‘But what if you meet someone and want to get married again?’ Alanna asked, the deep compassion she always felt when someone was being mistreated shining out through her sad eyes ‘What if you fall in love?’

I laughed and shook my head. I wasn’t planning on falling in love and I made sure I wasn’t in that particular type of harm’s way.

‘I really don’t think that’s going to happen,’ I answered ‘but if it happens I’ll have to try to make the best of that situation don’t I?’

We sat and lay in silence for a long while, all of us probably thinking about different aspects of my story. It wasn’t a bad kind of silence, just contemplative and strangely restful at the same time. I kept my own mind away from memories of Helen’s last days at home and her strange erratic anger and general mood swings. I tried to think about later memories, about moving away from the house and my mother stepping in to take care of the kids so I could go back to work. And of course, all the memories of my daughters growing up. Twelve years had gone by so fast, and I suspected the years ahead would pass even faster.

‘Dad,’ Zelena interrupted my thoughts ‘You know that Alanna looks like you, right?’

I nodded and looked at her, certain that I already knew where she was going with her questions.

‘And that must mean that I look like my mother, my real mother that is?’ she continued ‘And I wanted to know if there’s any way I can find out who she is?’

‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, Zed,’ I answered ‘the egg donation was made anonymously, and there’s no really good way to learn who she is. There are sealed donor registers I suppose, but I haven’t ever looked into it. Like I said, the genetic material isn’t the important aspect of parenthood.’

‘You always tell us that nothing is impossible dad.’ Alanna added with a yawn.

‘A father always appreciates being reminded of the things he’s said to keep his girls going in times of great ‘ohh, it’s too difficult’-ness…’ I muttered with a smile and a pretend-frown.

‘I’m off to bed…’ Alanna said with a raspy voice ‘Zelena, come on, you can investigate donor registers tomorrow…’

I stared after them as they left my room and for a while I wondered if I should get up and tuck them in, but I’d been told they were way past the tucking-in-age and I decided against it. But then again, something had made Zelena start thinking about her mother, and I wondered what that was. I stood up and walked after them into the big bedroom that they still happily shared.

‘Zed, what made you start thinking about your mother all of a sudden?’ I asked Zelena as she settled back down in her own bed.

‘It was just a thought,’ Zelena answered with a yawn ‘I couldn’t quite figure out why a completely unrelated woman would come to our school with a bunch of lawyers and make sure that Ms Roberts was fired, that’s all. I dreamt that she was our mother, woke up and thought I should ask…’

I nodded, trying to make sense of what she was saying.

‘Zed, this unrelated woman, what did she look like?’ I asked in a whisper.

‘That’s the thing dad, I don’t understand why I dreamt about her, she didn’t look like me either,’ Zelena answered softly just before she fell asleep ‘her hair was just beautiful, gold and red…’

I kissed her and Alanna’s foreheads on the way out before I returned to my own room and my own bed, the book I was supposed to read completely forgotten. A woman, with gold and red hair, had come to my children’s school and made sure that Ms Roberts was fired. A woman who knew too much about too many things perhaps? A woman whose name was Mary?

Insufferably arrogant and annoying Mary, what the hell was I supposed to do with her? The way she had dug herself into my mind and into my life, helping out where no help was asked for. Who did she think she was? I didn’t need her help, I wanted her as far away from me as possible and I sure as hell didn’t want her anywhere near my daughters.

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One of the issues we needed to work out as we traveled was what Angie would be doing while I was writing. I encouraged her to be independent in her explorations but, in the evening, she was often left with nothing to do. “Can I read what you’re writing?” she asked one evening. “I suppose so,” I said. “I have to warn you, though, that my second ex-wife read the first novel I wrote and laughed all the way through the first page. The operative word there is ‘ex’.” “You write...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 13

If everyone experienced WAR! There would not be another one! The general and his wife along with their four adopted kids came over. They would be watching the house and kids while John and Jenny were gone. The house was a madhouse with kids hugging and laughing. John and Jenny slipped out the front door. John sent a final text to the Admiral and got “All Clear!” When John and Jenny opened their eyes after the transport, it was cold and windy. The chill factor was way below freezing. Come...

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Joani s Pickup At The Scarlet Tree

Following her pickup of a handsome, young Black Man at the Scarlet Tree Bar and Grill, Joani took him to her house where they both drank far too much champagne. One thing led to another, and after much suggestive talk Joani found herself wearing only a g-string, black thigh high stay-up stockings and black high heels. She then coached her young Black Man how to suspend her by her cuffed wrists from her bedroom's ceiling hook so that her feet just touched the floor. Once this task had been...

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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 9 Free Love

Clayton was awoken by a sound, an intense, low frequency rumbling that shook his bones. At first he thought it was some kind of earthquake, but as he came to, he realized that it was coming from an adjacent recess. They were deep enough to hide a prone human from view, and so he sat up to peer over the lip, trying to work out what was going on. In the gloom he could make out the back and shoulders of a Krell, moving slowly, rhythmically. It must be Sleethe, the mating call was coming from...

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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 14

“You’re going to bend over the desk Rose,” growled Janice “your decision is about whether you do it with your panties on or off.” “It’d be sexual assault if you took my panties off!” Rose objected. “It was sexual assault that you were perpetrating on my teacher,” Janice advanced menacingly. Rose still wasn’t moving. “And now you’re being quite properly admonished,” Janice leaned down to speak into her ear, “in front of witnesses. Understood?” She looked round so we all nodded...

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Free Spirited 5Paying to Stay 1998

I spoke to Stacy on my first night while Melissa was out working and learned a few things. I tried to continue with schooling; but found it so difficult. I found it really hard concentrating at school so I dropped out of the subjects that gave me a headache. English, Science, and Home Economic were the ones I ditched; but I continued with the rest. Stacy told me “I have been living here since I was 14 and I am 19 now. I have been a hooker since the age of 15 and been on drugs since I was...

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office affair

I sat in my office one morning when me new p.a knocked to report for her first day. she was a short petite dark ebony woman aged 26 looked like she had a very toned body as her fomal dress hugged her body tightly to expose a perfect round ass as she walked away.i leaned over my desk to catch the last sight. Sitting back i was mesmerized. I ran through the cv the interviewer brought me. Her name was nozi. had a few years experience on the job. as the day passed we sat down talking during tea and...

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The Luckiest Brother Ever

Hi guys….This is mathan aged 24 from Chennai….This is my second fantasy story in Indian sex stories….This story contains 3 characters me, my own sister priyanika and my neighbour sister swathi….I hope you guys enjoy by stroking your dicks and girls by rubbing your pussy…. Without wasting any time lets go into the story…. I am mathan, 24 years height of 6 feet working in a private company… The next character is swathi (32-28-34), my neighbour whom I see as my sister… She is the same age as mine...

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My Neighbor Angie Pt1

As my wife Krista and I backed from the driveway, our new neighbor-to-be came bouncing out of her house to say hello. Although a co-worker of Krista’s, I had never met Angie. A slim, bubbly red-head with a raspy southern voice, she immediately hit my soft – and hard – spots. We hadn’t even made an offer on the house but I knew we would and that Angie was a must-do. We bought the house and moved in about six weeks later. After a long day of unpacking, Scott and Angie invited us over for a...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 63

As his sisters and brothers sat around in a circle in the barn, Eli told them each detail, each thought and each incident that happened on his trip. They asked many questions and he took the time to answer and explain it to them. The Young Bucks and the six Crow girls laughed as he told them about his Grandma and how she helped him take out the kidnappers. They knew too, as they watched their brother talk; this was what had changed him. He had killed four men and a woman. Then he told them...

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The Passion of Agnes Part 3

The keyhole was wide. What occurred in the punishment cell, which Abbess Clarissa eccentrically called the Misericord, was the stuff of constant gossip among the lesser sisters, but what I now beheld made me gasp in awe.The room was peopled with four naked female bodies.The Abbess, her unleashed red hair falling in crimson tresses along her sensuous back, held a whip in her hand. Without her habit her ample charms were for the first time fully visible.Genevieve held a chain which attached to...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 6

“Elisabeta...” the soft, sinuous voice snaked its way through her head. Lisa stirred, and sharp agony answered the slight movement she’d tried to make. “Wake up, my darling Elsa,” the loving, venomous voice whispered again. “I’ve a surprise for you.” “S’prize?” she murmured, still half asleep. “Whaz’it?” She took a breath to try and wake up more so she could see her new gift. A piercing agony speared her deep inside her lungs as she tried to inhale. “Ahh, yes!” she heard Vlad gasp with...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 178 Bet Two

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 (Continued) I couldn't pretended to answer it while it was still ringing because it would still be making the ringing sound and I didn't know whether the casino's video cameras picked up sound as well. If they did, my making that mistake would be far too suspicious. I looked at the display until I saw the disconnect. I pretended to thumb the "Answer" button and then I said, "Hello, sweetie. Are you held up somewhere?" "In the casino. Where?" I turned and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e3 Aliya 30

Series 2, Episode 3: Aliya Coffee coloured skin, slim and sultry. She’s a Pakistani woman with long, straight, jet black hair framing a pretty face then draping over her shoulders. She has black eyes and a ring through one nostril. Her full lipped mouth is never closed, either hanging slightly open with a sexy little pout, or wide open with teeth bared as she grins/silently laughs at the slightest source of amusement. We meet her standing outside a large restaurant, wearing (or almost...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Hua Saccha Pyaar Part 2

Hi dosto mera naam Anurag hai aur main apni real life story ”Bhabhi ko hua saccha pyaar” ka dusra part leke aaya hu. Sabse pehle toh main aap sab se maafi mangna chahta hu, mujhe pata hai maine 2nd part batane mae bhut deri kar di par main bhut busy tha jis vajah se aage ki kahani nahi likh paya. Pichle kahani ko bahut logo ne pasand kiya ab main ki incidents ke baare mae bataunga. Sabse pehle toh jinhone isse pehle ki kahani nahi padi unke liye ek short description de deta hu. Yeh story ek...

2 years ago
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I fucked your mother in a train

On a lucky day, I got on a train to travel to a distant country, the train was severely crowded, and there was no free seats are why I have decided to stand next to one of the windows to escape the crowds. I saw a mom a beautiful woman standing beside the window, her hair black and have a soft smile Reservation. In addition, age 47 years ((it was your mom)) and have a beautiful ass and breasts are fantastic. I thought for a moment, it is possible that these women want a man to give her some...

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Krista 01

Krista watched her best friend Ashley hug her boyfriend Todd and then kiss him lightly on the lips. Krista sighed out in anger. It just wasn’t fair. She was the gorgeous one and she saw Todd first, so why did plain Jane Ashley get to have him, enjoy him? He was to die for in that punk rocker way. And Ashley didn’t appreciate him that way. A guy like that deserved to be fucked…a lot. And Ashley was a virgin. She tried to give Todd head once but failed at it miserably. Krista shook her head at...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 61

The scene in the suite when the guys returned was something that would be burned into Andy's memory for decades, he was certain. There was no circular staircase for the young women to descend – and given the brevity of their dresses, Andy found that to be a particular shame. Instead they exited Anne and Camille's sleeping quarters at the back of the hallway in pairs – one from each room. Regan and Elizabeth came out first and walked side-by-side toward the adults and the...

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Three Years of Bliss

Three Years On by Sally Mander I write this to chronical my life over the last three years. In retrospect, it's been the best three years of my life. This first chapter sets the scene, so, if you're looking for the juicy bits...skip this part. It is relevant however, to understand what got me to where I am. I've been married to the love of my life for 15 years now. She's an attractive woman with a great personality. We love each other dearly and talk openly about any subject. ...

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FreakMobMedia Virgo Peridot Brings That Ass Back

I know you’ve all been waiting for the return of Ms. Virgo Peridot, well today is your lucky fucking day!! I linked up with Virgo after not seeing that big ole booty in a while, and tbh i don’t know who missed who more! She stuffed my entire dick down her throat and also sucked my balls so damn hard they almost popped off. Of course Virgo got super nasty and ate my ass. After pounding that big booty, she rode my dick until I exploded inside of her. I want her to bring that ass back...

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Eros University Chapter 2 The Blonde Seductress

On his first day at Eros—a secret university of dark desires, forbidden pleasures and carnal delights—Enyo meets his ravishing blonde teacher, a foxy redhead in skimpy schoolgirl’s uniform, and is seduced by his wickedly hot counselor…all in 24 hours! Chapter 2: The Blonde Seductress The blaring beeps of my bedside alarm-clock forced me awake. ‘Why did I have to sleep so late last night?’ I groaned, sitting up on my bed with the white blanket disarrayed over my lap. ‘Oh, right,’ I remembered...

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Pizza Delivery 2 BBWs Pizza Boy BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I have only been delivering pizza for a week. I need to make some extra cash, to pay off some school loans. I was still waiting to here back on some other applications, I put in last week. The store owner called over the loud speaker. "Buck! Pick up! Two large pizza to go." he yelled. I looked at my watch. It was close to 6pm.. The start of the rush hour. "Hey! You make delivery and get back here. Business picking up." said the owner in a very bad Italian...

2 years ago
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Liz 3

Saturday’s weather was all that the forecast promised. Liz and her c***dren, Laura and Robbie, arrived around noon. Laura is 18, slim with her mother's looks. All the confidence of a modern young woman. Robbie, is a shy boy of 17, tall and quiet. I told them that as I have lived in Europe where nudity is accepted in spas, beaches etc. I like to be naked particularly in the summer. I went outside, took my shorts off and settled on recliner. I had already got some music going and six bottles of...

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I Am the Exhibit Chapter 6

I left to the now familiar sounds of two women exploring each other’s bodies and enjoying the discoveries.I, however, was taxed.  So taxed that I didn’t think I’d get an erection for at least a month.  I'd fucked two girls at the same time.  I’d listened to them fuck each other.  I’d seen the two girls go down on each other, even.  And still, I was spent.  It happens.  Sometimes it happens early, sometimes late, but I was physically spent.  My cock couldn’t handle much more, if any.I walked...

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Viswanathan8217s Sexual Journey 8211 Revenge Sex

Note: All characters in this story are 19 or above when they participated in any sexual activity. A man from Viswanathan’s friend circle would not recommend going over 120 kmph on even the best highways of India. Well, a few months ago even Viswanathan himself wouldn’t have dared to go beyond 80 kmph, on any road. Today he was zipping through the light traffic on National Highway-66 at 140 kmph. He doubted whether he ever wanted to meet any of his friends again or go back to his old life...

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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 26

"Mama! What are you DOING in there?" Terence roared, thumping on the bathroom door. "I'll be out in a minute!" Louise called, wiping her self down with a bath towel. She'd been in the bathroom for a considerable period, what with the shaving, and trimming her pubic hair, and the shower ... One bathroom for the four of them could get to be inconvenient. Throwing on a light robe, she breezed out the door, "Sorry!" "Thought I was gonna piss myself!" Terence grunted, rushing through...

3 years ago
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Ich lernte meinen Freund kennen

Es fand eine Party statt, auf der alle Schüler unserer Schule eingeladen waren und bei der die Rußlanddeutschen und Südländer etwas mehr in das gemeinsame Leben eingebunden werden sollten. Ich, wie meine Klassenkameradinnen sagten, eine kleine, geile Schlampe von fast 17 Jahren, sehr hübsch, gewellte, schulterlange, schwarze Haare, schwarze Augen, einen kleinen, festen Busen, Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und wirklich sehr wohlgeformte lange Beine, bei einer Größe von 1,73 wog ich damals 55...

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BecChapter 37 Sunday Over A Rainbow

I returned to my senses long enough to roll to the side and throw up. I felt the urgent need to roll because otherwise my vomit would have gone all over Tara’s lovely velvet dress. I felt Nana’s firm hands guiding my head over a bowl and I think Tara was holding my hair out of the way. I lay back on Tara’s velvet-covered lap and tried to figure out what was going on. My eyes had been closed the entire time. I didn’t need to open them. I knew what I would see and I wasn’t ready to deal with...

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Appointment By Card Only part three

Posted: July 20, 2014 - 09:28:52 amBruce panted in a mixture of fear, disbelief, and anticipation, his balls and anus tingling as he was gently tugged by the leash up the stairs; the beautiful mature form of the woman before him keeping his cock rock hard. Wicked smiles from passing madams and clients alike fell on the couple, but Bruce was oblivious to everything else but his superbly dominant captor now. They passed many rooms, walking to a frosted glass door at the far end of a corridor;...

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Juniper JonesChapter 7

It turned out that Mary Jane Jones (I still chuckled every time I uttered that name) was more than pleased to invite me to dinner. I was to arrive at seven p.m. for dinner at eight. Franklin was to entertain me with old war stories while she and Juniper prepared our meal. When I arrived, Juniper greeted me at the door all cheerful and friendly. I received a little hug and a kiss on the cheek, after which she led me into a very large room where Franklin was watching Jeopardy! on a big-screen...

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Charity Auction

There’s this Charity Auction that changes his life. The actors in this script are of legal age, but may portray maturing young adults. This is a work of adult erotic fiction and contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If you’re under the age of consent where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it is illegal to obtain adult literature where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it’s entirely legal for you to read sexually explicit material, I hope you...

5 years ago
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Cop Stop

Over the years she just got used to relying on them again and had fallen into a routine. They demanded she let them meet their granddaughter as often as possible. It would have probably been easier for her if she moved back in with them but she had friends and obligations in her current town and could not drop everything to go back home. Instead she compromised and drove over and hour one way to see them whenever she had free time. Despite the fact that it was not actually all that late, it...

2 years ago
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One good turn part 2

In the morning after Anne had visited Tony in the middle of the night breakfast was a quiet affair both Tim and Tony were looking quite sheepish while Anne was trying to keep the grin off her face. After breakfast we moved up the river to Mannum only about a half hour trip but with four now on board I needed more food to last us to Morgan. We tied up in the park and I told Tony he was going to help while Anne and Tim looked after the boat as their were some k**s there I had learnt the last...

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Crystal Passion Ch 12

Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and was...

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Second ChancesChapter 10 More Fun

"Sandy dear, isn't that incest?" "Not really. Do you remember that little chat we had when I was twelve?" "Oh yeah. I had almost forgotten about that. Does Greg know?" "Yes I told him the whole story when he brought up the subject of incest." Sandy and mom spent the next hour embroiled in girl talk of no consequence and border-line unintelligible conversation. Jean even got on the extension and joined in adding her 'two-cents-worth'. So it was official. Sandy was determined to...

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