- 4 years ago
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I’ve anticipated this for so long, since the very first time we met in that chat room. You were different, but I didn’t know why at the time. I was immediately attracted to you. As our relationship grew, we would chat for hours, about anything. We’d make each other laugh, cry, think. We challenged each other with our conversation, but never alienated each other. We accepted each other, all of each other, talking about difficult personal issues. There was so much trust, which is odd considering we’d never met, all of our stories could have been fabricated, and neither of us would have known. But we accepted that risk, and then almost dismissed it. I kept it in the back of my mind. Way back, tucked behind the stories I’d heard of bad things happening to Internet friends.
We will finally be together. After so many months, we will actually meet. I will feel your arms around me. Touch your skin. Take you in my arms and hold you close. I will be able to hear your heart beating. To smell you…how much we take that sense for granted! But to smell your skin…to take a deep breath and smell your essence! My heart skips a beat when I just think of it!
I’ve shared so much of my intimate life with you. My husband has enjoyed that too, in an egotistical sort of way. I love my husband very much. He is such a special, wonderful person. But I suspect the reason he gets such a charge out of sharing me over the Internet is because it makes him feel better about himself. It’s an ego thing. He is an amazing, generous lover, but this ego thing…
You’ve seen my husband make love to me, and I’ve seen you stroking yourself as you watched us. Did you imagine it was you with me as we did this? As he entered me, I’d glance over at the camera to look at you, as if I were looking right into your eyes. Did you see me doing this? When his mouth was on my pussy, licking me and making me cum as I pulled his head into me, did you see me looking at you? While he was on top of me, cumming inside me, I grasped the sheets below me, and looked right at you. You were with me all those times.
And now, we are about to meet. My husband gave me the plane ticket for my birthday. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was the most generous, unbelievably dear thing he’s ever done for me. This is how much he loves me. The only string attached to this trip is that, when we are together, we must be online with him. I agreed to this. It’s only fair.
I need the vacation, after the past few years. It’s been difficult, and I’ve juggled so many things. Too many things. To have a vacation—one week—all to myself (well, and you!), is heavenly. I don’t mind solitude—I relish it. It’s what I need to rejuvenate my soul. And that’s exactly why my husband has done this. That is the kind of person he is. He knows that, even though he cannot empathize my need to be alone, he respects it, and has acted to help me get that time.
My eagerness to be with you consumes me as I board the plane. I cannot believe this is happening. Am I dreaming? I must be. But no, I’m not. I find my seat, and it feels real. The seatbelt clasp is cold and hard. The sun streaming through the window onto my face is warm. My heart beats so hard, I fear every passenger can hear it. This is real.
I open my book and try to lose myself in it to avoid losing my mind on this cross-country trip. It is torture, knowing that the next person to embrace me will be you, but that I must wait the 3+ hours until I get there. I am reading Walden, and it’s no use. It reminds me of you, when you quoted it to me during one of our first chats. I am hopelessly lost in thoughts of you. I close my eyes, and I see your sweet face, and beautiful eyes. This is how I’ve shared my days with you since our first chat. You are with me so often during my day. I take you everywhere with me, close to my heart. I cherish our friendship more than I could ever express in words. You are so dear to me.
The plane takes off, and I feel so free. When the flight attendant comes by, I get a glass of merlot, and sip it slowly. I am no connoisseur of wine, so it tastes good to me. I look forward to sharing wine. and many other things, with you.
About an hour after takeoff, I fall asleep, Walden open on my lap. It was worth a try, I suppose. Sleep is good, though, because I don’t believe I’ll be getting much of it during this week. When I wake up, my book is closed and has been placed on the empty seat beside me, and someone has draped a small blanket over me. When I realize where I am, my heart starts beating wildly again, and I feel energized. I feel my cheeks flush with anxiety and desire for you. I am so nervous to meet you. I know the PC cam doesn’t show an accurate representation. I know you haven’t seen all my freckles, wrinkles, stretch marks, or flab. And I fear that you will be disappointed when you see me.
I grab my purse and head for the bathroom. It’s occupied, and so, I have to wait. Waiting, waiting, waiting! This waiting is driving me crazy! But I suppose I’m getting good at it, what with all the practice. After a moment, another passenger steps out of the bathroom, and it’s my turn. I freshen up, as they say, brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. After touching up the little bit of makeup I have on, I go back to my seat. The pilot’s voice then announces that we will be landing in the next 20 minutes, and I am sick with nerves. Every muscle feels like jelly, and my heart is in my throat. I feel as if I could cry. My face must be beet red. This is not how I pictured myself looking when we first met! I imagined myself sauntering over to you seductively, looking perfectly gorgeous. Now I’ll have to crawl to you, my face red and tear stained. I laugh to myself at that thought, and start to feel better.
I peer out the window as we begin our descent, and so many things rush through my mind. How could I be doing this? How did this all happen? How did I get to this point? I try not to judge myself, but it’s difficult not to. My eyes fill with tears—tears of regret, sadness, nerves, and joy. I mop them up as best as I can, and gather my things together. The sun hides behind a veil of clouds. It’s there…I can feel its warmth and see a faint glow, but its full brilliance is dimmed. This allows me to see its outline behind the cloud. I feel reassured.
I see the ground coming closer, and a runway in the distance. The landing gear moans in release. We are almost there. I am so close to you! My stomach churns, and my nerves send chills down my spine. I am so nervous. What if I can’t find you? What if you’ve been delayed? Then what do I do? Ugh…my self-doubt could ruin this moment. I won’t let it. I resolve to be confident and strong. If you’re not there, then I have a week all to myself. That won’t be so bad. It’ll be good, actually. I need the peace and quiet.
With a thud and a screech, the plane lands smoothly, and I am across the country from my family and husband, about to meet the man who has been my lover for months. How can this be? He’s never touched my skin, yet he’s reached a place deep within my heart. Our souls know each other.
And the plane stops. The flight attendants give us permission to release our seatbelts and gather our belongings, but I’m already at the exit. I cannot linger here, hesitant to meet you. I must plunge in, and do it. The door opens, and I walk down the narrow hallway to the gate. Many faces greet me, and I search the crowd for the face I love. I pause, scanning the gate, but do not see you. My heart sinks, as I worry that I’ve been duped—that this has all been the ridiculous fantasy of a bored housewife, and that no one as wonderful as you would find me desirable.
That’s when the world stopped turning, and everything stopped. There you are, standing to the side of the crowd. You’re leaning your shoulder against the wall, head tilted, just watching me. Your sweet smile tells me everything I’ve worried about doesn’t matter. I run to you, into your arms. We kiss, and I am
home. The tears come fast, and I can’t stop them. To feel your lips on mine, and your arms pulling me toward you. We are spinning, spinning, spinning. As we kiss, both of us crying now, and oblivious to onlookers who try avert their gaze but can’t, we feel a link…a wholeness that up to this point we’ve never felt. We haven’t spoken a word to each other yet, but it’s almost as if we don’t have to.
I take your face in my hands, and kiss the corners of your mouth. And then I turn your head and kiss your left temple, your scar now visible to me. I hold my lips to it, as if I could heal it. It doesn’t scare me. You pull me to you, and we hug, holding each other so tightly, I can hear your heartbeat. I don’t know how long we stood there.
I look up at you, smiling, and breathe ‘Hi.’ You look down at me and smile, stroking my cheek, and then tracing my lips with your finger. ‘Hi,’ you say. I am so hungry for you, but I don’t want to ruin this sweet moment. I sense you feel the same way. This is the moment we will remember forever. You place a finger under my chin and turn my face upward. You look into my eyes, and take my breath away. Then you lean in, and kiss me—a passionate, hard kiss. My lips open to give way to your hungry tongue. Your hands cradle my chin, and then push my hair back to caress my shoulders as you kiss my neck. I have my hands on your back, and I stroke large circles all over. My hands drop to your behind, and rest there. And that’s when we realize that we need to leave the airport right away, or something’s going to happen right then and there. You grab my hand as whisper gruffly, ‘Let’s go, sweetheart.’
I am staying at a hotel near your apartment. You bring me there, and carry my bags to my room. You stop at the doorway. ‘I’ll wait for you downstairs. Get yourself settled, and meet me in the lobby. You must be starving, and I’ve made dinner reservations.’
I protest, wanting you to join me in my room immediately. But you want to talk with me first, spend time seeing each other and holding hands. ‘The anticipation,’ you say, ‘is almost as fun as the act itself.’ How valiant of you. I cannot argue with that, and retreat to unpack.
‘Okay, give me 15 minutes, then,’ I say, and we kiss. I close the door, and sigh. This is too good to be true. When I turn to look at my room, I cannot believe what I see. The bed, sheets turned down, is covered in red rose petals. A vase of pink roses sits on the nightstand. Another vase, filled with lavender roses, rests on the dresser. The table near the window holds another vase, this one filled with yellow roses. And in the bathroom, a large arrangement of purest white roses. You knew they were my favorite flower. I feel like a princess.
I have to call home and let them know I made it here all right. I dial the number, and it rings. It rings again, and again. No one is home! And so, I leave a message, saying that I’m there, I’m okay, everything is wonderful, and that I love them all very much. Although I’m disappointed to not speak with them, it makes it easier for me to get ready for the coming week. I won’t be mommy or wife for the next 7 days. I love those roles, and they are very important to me, but I’m grateful to be able to get reacquainted with myself as just me—no labels or roles. Just me.
So I unpack and change for dinner. Once I’ve washed up, put a little makeup on, dabbed a little perfume in all the right places, and dressed, I meet you in the hotel lobby. The look in your eyes as I approach you is one of adoration and amazement. I’ve always been so puzzled at the effect I have on you. I don’t see it, but you insist that I’m incredible. Well, I don’t argue with you, of course. Your constant compliments and words of love and encouragement have inspired me these past few months. You make me feel so special, as if I were the most beautiful and desirable woman on Earth. My heart beats harder as I get closer to you, my breasts heaving with each breath. You hold out your hands to me. I take them in my own, and look up at you, smiling. Our lips meet, in a sweet, soft kiss. We linger in that position for moment, enjoying the feeling of our lips touching. You place your hands on my hips, and I can tell you’re fighting to keep them from moving elsewhere. Then we hug—a very tight squeeze. You are so wonderful. I think the effect you have on me puzzles you just as much. But I am fascinated with you, and the passion I feel for you is immeasurable.
You’ve made reservations at a little Italian restaurant a few blocks away, so we walk there. We start hand-in-hand, and quickly move to holding each other at the waist. We’re touching, finally, and I don’t want to let go. Right before we cross the street, you stop to kiss me. My legs weaken as you take my face in your hands and kiss me. Normally, I would have been embarrassed at such a display, but with you, it all makes sense. Your intentions are pure, emanating from love and desire, and not a need to show off. We’re the only two people in the world. And as cars swish by, and people navigate around us, I am lost in this kiss. I could kiss you forever. Our lips part, and tongues touch lightly…just a taste. We hug, and you rest your head on top of mine, taking a deep breath.
As we cross the street, I ask you what plans you have for after dinner. ‘I just want to show you around town a little. Is that okay?’ you say.
‘Of course,’ I say, less than emphatically. I’m enjoying the anticipation, but oh how I want to feel you, to touch every part of you. To wake up next to you in the morning. ‘Do you have to work tomorrow?’ I ask.
‘I don’t have any flights scheduled…just some ground work in the morning. Then I’d like to pick you up, and take you to the zoo. They have a good one here. We can watch the river otters together. How does that sound?’ you say.
‘Sounds wonderful!’ I tell you. Then I hesitate, but I have to know. ‘Will you stay with me tonight?’ I ask.
You pause, and then turn to look deep into my eyes. ‘I can’t imagine doing anything for the next 7 days other than being with you, my lady,’ you say, kissing my hand.
‘Okay, now you’re making my ears all hot!’ I scold. But inside, I am thrilled. I adore you.
We arrive at the restaurant, and you pull the door open for me. The hostess seats us at a table in the corner. The dark burgundy room is lit dimly with candles. I look across the table at you, and I smile. You are so handsome. That slight dimple in your right cheek matches mine. And your sweet smile…it melts me. I feel so comfortable with you, as if I’ve known you forever. How can this all be?
You take my hands in yours and squeeze them, looking directly into my eyes. This takes my breath away again…I feel you can see deep within me, and you know my heart and soul as much as I do, and perhaps more. I gasp at the effect your gaze has on me. I want you then and there, and yet, I am able to resist. All I want to do is look back into your beautiful green eyes, and stare forever. We don’t even need to speak. It’s all there, everything we need, in just looking at each other, feeling each other’s skin.
You raise your glass to toast us. ‘I’ve loved you from afar for these many months. I am in awe of you, sitting here, in front of me. I feel as if I’m dreaming, but I know I’m not. I feel your sweet, soft skin next to mine, your tender, luscious lips on my own. I know now that my sweetest of dreams has come true.’ I close my eyes, smiling slightly, but trying to keep back the tears. You touch me in ways I’ve never been touched, with your words, your looks, your touch. I am elated to be with you, and I feel I could never express just how happy you’ve made me. I take a deep breath, open my eyes, and raise my glass to yours.
‘To us, and most of all, to you. You are the sweetest person I’ve ever known. You are so extraordinary, and I am so very blessed to have met you, loved you, and become your friend. You are so very special to me. Words just don’t express how I feel about you.
We’ll have to depend on my actions for that.’ And we sip, the dark, silky wine leaving a warmth in its wake. You reach over the table and kiss me, and I can taste the wine on your lips. I will not be able to resist you for much longer. Nor do I want to.
As we eat dinner, we talk about everything. I want to know everything about this life you’ve led. I feel compelled to ask questions that aren’t normally asked. And to pursue points that you’ve closed off. I don’t want to bring you additional heartache, but I want to know, to understand you more. You’ve had such heartache in this life. I feel the tears come again, just thinking about it. It breaks my heart to think of the pain you’ve endured. I cannot stand it, and so the tears come on strong. You look at me, so concerned, and, placing a hand on my cheek, ask, ‘What’s wrong, sweetheart?’
When I tell you, you immediately close that chapter, and shift to humor. That defense mechanism of yours. I smile through the tears. The joy I feel at your attempts to ease my sadness! You are an unbelievable person. We laugh together, and to hear your laughter is priceless to me.
Being with you naturally makes me warm and tingly. The wine simply adds to your intoxicating effect on me. I will not be able to control my passion for you much longer. We decide against dessert, and leave to walk about the city a while. It is dark now, and a little chillier. You walk, with your arm around me, to keep me warm. I am so elated, I feel as if I could fly.
‘For the rest of your stay here, well I don’t want to monopolize your time, but if you like, I could take you up in my plane for a flight…’ you suggest, your voice trailing off in doubt. It sounds as if you don’t think I’d want to do this. How silly of you!
‘Oh, I would love to fly with you,’ I tell you, thrilled at the thought of how free it would feel, to soar above this world, just the two of us. You smile down at me and sigh. I sigh back, and we laugh.
You show me a few of the sights, and then we turn into a park-like area with benches. You sit down on a bench, and pull me onto your lap. Your arms pull me close to you, and I drape my arms around your neck. We look at each other for a moment. And then we kiss. First the lips, so softly. Then you kiss across my cheek to my ear, nibbling gently. You push my hair away from neck, and place small, wet kisses in a serpentine trail down my neck. I moan softly and pull you closer, just holding you, breathing in your scent. I swear, if we didn’t get up and leave right then, I would have pulled you into the bushes and had my way with you right then and there!
And so we began our walk back to the hotel. We talked about everything, whatever topic came to mind. It was a constant dialogue. You wanted to know what I thought about things, and we found our opinions to be very similar. We had always suspected as much, but to be together, and exchange all this in person, well, it’s far different from chatting and using a PC cam. There’s so much more that comes across, for better or worse. I was afraid you wouldn’t think me as attractive after seeing me in person. You were afraid of the same thing. But it’s almost irrelevant. Oh, I am so attracted to you, the way you look. But it’s more than your outside I want. Your mind, heart, and soul are what attracted me to you initially. How lucky I was to see them first. They are far more beautiful than any runway model in this world. And then to see your perfect face, and incredibly sexy body. Well, I am in heaven now. It is more than I could have dreamed.
We reach my hotel, and you stop in front of it. You take my hands, and with a serious look, you tell me, ‘Sweetheart, I want you more than anything right now, but I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything. If you want to stay up and talk all night, that’s no problem with me. Or if you want me to say good night right here, I will.’
visit here to see real homemade porn www.papahaxx.comI was going back from college to home during the vacations. Longarduous train journey, took almost two and a half days. The onlyconsolation was an occasional sexy woman who could possibly be in mycoach, whom I could think about and jerk off. Other than that it wasmainly a fucked up trip with crying and screaming k**s, bullshit beingpassed back and forth among other passengers. As I boarded the train,I was hoping to have at least one babe in...
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Every journey has a starting point, but sometimes it’s difficult to tell if there is a destination. Sometimes you just start rolling and you end up someplace you never imagined. That’s true of any journey. Even an innocent bike ride on a warm summer morning. The starting point. A middle-aged man with a wife and kids, not entirely happy but not entirely unhappy either. Happy with most things except between the sheets. It happens to a lot of marriages, after the kids come along. After the partner...
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Hi friends ye meri bilkul sacchi story hai.Mera naam nitin hai meri age 19 years hai or mai Ranchi me rehta hu abhi. Mera email id hai Ye story bilkul sacchi hai maine apne ghar ke pas rehne wali ek aunty ki chut mari thi kuch mahino pehle ye usi ki story hai to ab mai story suru karta hu. Us time mere mami papa ko koi kaam tha isliye wo city se bahar gaye huye the to mai ghar me akela rehta tha khana Pina bahar hi ho jata tha mare ghar ke pas 1 punjabi aunty rehti thi unka koi baccha nahi...
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If there is one thing Kenna James loves; it is cock and especially loves getting to fuck and feel Nathan Bronson’s hard dick fucking her so deep hitting her spot in all the right ways. Kenna is eager to cum over and over. It doesn’t matter in what position it is; chances are that dick will hit the spot that makes her shake and cum hard. Kenna rubs her hands over her big juicy fake tits and runs her fingers over her clit while Nathan drills into her tight pussy. Sorry if Kenna lost...
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Incest“You’ll have to excuse me. I have to go to the washroom,” he said motioning her off his lap. “You’re going to leave me in this state, horny as hell?” “I’m sure you know what to do,” he smiled kissing her and smiled at her exposed front. Tina watched Dan disappear around a corner wall then turned her attention to the table closest to her. With her pose relaxed, she placed her hand on her inner thigh and teasingly moved it up to touch her pussy. Looking at the men at the next table, her...
CHAPTER 1The InterviewHe was busy, but then he liked having a full day’s work ahead of him. Made the time pass and he loved the sense of achievement when he had finished his day’s work without having time to think too much. Caroline edged up to his desk and he realised it must already be 10 o’clock. Time for them to run through what he needed from her during the day. Caroline had been his PA for five years and become pretty efficient at looking after him. But she would be leaving soon to have...
*Warning: I’m N-O-T a professional translator. So I ask you to show some indulgence to inevitable errors which you will find in this text. By hoping, however, that there is not too much! Well, at least, I tried my best! This short lesbian novel is the translation of a text which I wrote in French, there’s some years ago. I sincerely hope you’ll like it. Love you all, folks! Johanne (English version)That makes about fifteen minutes that I walk in the street now. According to the numbers of...
I am a CPA and run my own small business in a farming community. I am, for the moment, married to a beautiful, sexy woman who works part time for her sister who has a local manufacturing plant. A couple of times a year she goes to sales conventions where she and her sister try to sell some of what I call her sisters junk. Other than that she is a stay at home wife. I agreed to let her go with her sister because I felt she needed some family time with her and that gave them a time to get away...
It was Tina Barton's birthday. She, her husband Mark and their son, Tag had gone to pick up her new BMW and dinner at one of their favorite places to eat. She had a couple glasses of wine, her husband some beer and Tag some coke. They were all quite happy when they got home quite late. Tina suggested that Mark made sure that Tag got his shower, brushed and flossed his teeth, and then got him into bed. She told Mark to also get his shower and she would meet him later in their bedroom. In the...
LesbianI skip effortlessly across the trees, humming softly as I flit as quietly as a shadow. My quarry runs below, gasping and panting as he tries to run. To be honest? I get a thrill from this part. I'd already made him paranoid by making noises outside his home, slipping in and moving things around, and a number of other little things. This morning, I showed up at his breakfast table and gave him a thirty second headstart. It's been ten minutes now, and he's slowing down finally. I push a little...
BDSMDon Matzke’s turn: You’ve probably heard the phrase, “If it looks stupid, but it works, then it ain’t stupid.” Yeah, well, there are some corollaries. The first is, “If it looks stupid and it doesn’t work, then it’s REALLY stupid.” The second is, “If it looks smart and it doesn’t work, then it’s STILL stupid.” A third is a Forrest Gump quote: “Stupid is as stupid does.” Dunno if the second or the third applies to me -- maybe both. My first “stupid” moment was getting hooked up with a...
First came the phone call. It was followed by the gentle tapping on the door of my mobile home, a second later, Wendy is in my arms with her mouth glued to mine. Her strong and slender legs wrap themselves around my waist and I slowly move us toward the bedroom.Once inside, she releases me and commences to slowly shed her outer garments. The rust-coloured blouse falls away to reveal a silky blue bra holding her lush breasts in place. The plain black dress slacks are unfastened and slowly...
Incest"Whataya mean?" she whispered, her hands readjusting her slightly hiked skirt. I bobbed my head in the direction of her staring mother. Juliana slowly looked over her shoulder then back at me. "Don't worry," she sighed, "Just keep dancing.""She's going to fucking kill me," I whispered as I began to sway my hips to the music. Jules shook her head, "Just keep dancing. She won't suspect a thing.""Are you sure?" I murmured, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her into my chest. I could...
TabooLeo Vice marches into the massage parlor, an excited grin on his face. He’s got a gift voucher for a free Nuru massage, given to him as a present from his dear, old uncle. Ryan Keely, the massage therapist on duty, looks over the voucher. It seems like it was JUST about to expire, so Leo’s timing is perfect. Ryan grins and assures Leo that she will take very good care of him, especially since this is his FIRST Nuru massage. He’s in for QUITE a treat, whether he knows it or...
xmoviesforyouI am Javed, 31 years, male from Delhi. My wife Zarine is 29 and we are a married couple of 5 years. I am average built, 5’8, and working as Asst. Manager in an MNC. My wife is 5’4, has huge melons and ass, her figure is 36-34-36. Zarine was very boring in bed during the initial years of our marriage. She didn’t like anal, blowjobs, or 69. The only position she used to allow me during sex was missionary. I often use to get frustrated because of her behaviour but I never thought of cheating...
It was Wednesday and Sarah had a doctor’s appointment. Since Wednesday was laundry day, Keri told her that she would do the laundry. Things at work were slow this week and so Keri took the day off. The house had a laundry chute system with chutes going from the master bathroom and the four guest bedrooms down to the bottom floor’s laundry room. In the laundry room the chute emptied into a larger bin that allowed for the sorting of the laundry into whites and colors and underwear and bedding...
7 Brad ‘A pleasant domestic scene,’ I said, ‘You look good that way.’ She was sitting on the edge of the bed naked, one foot on the floor, one drawn up so she could reach her toenails, which she was painting while I watched. I had no systematic plan for ever increasing dominance over her. We both knew that had been totally established in Saint Louis. There was simply this wonderful freedom of having a beautiful intelligent woman to whom I could do whatever I wanted. When I noticed on her...
I was in a bind. I had my cock rocket loaded with liquid oh-two and clear skies to launch. The only problem was I didn’t like the voice from the space center. Houston ... Can you leave so I can fuck your girlfriend. “I’m not sharing,” I reinforced my position pulling Jess and Adelaide into my hips. “No, not your girlfriend and your secretary, of course not.” Felix laughed. “Dude, Tal and Sher, we’ve always talked about giving it a try, right babe?” “And I’ve blown him once before,” Talsy...
3139 - 1.66Chapter 13ReliefAs she lay there in silence she heard someone coming down the stairs, and when she could see, she saw that it was her master with lotion in his hand. He hadn’t gone to bed after all. He said nothing just spread the white cream all over her sunburned skin. What was this, an act of kindness? Could it be he really cares after all? She didn’t ask, but rather just enjoyed the moment. He left as he came in, complete silence, not a word was spoken.Morning didn’t come...
It was Sunday and I had made mind to join the church which really did not make any sense because I had to go back to school in August, but due to my research I learned that if I were to join the church I'd have to spend twenty minutes in the pastor's office for a talk. When I learned this my heart swooned for the opportunity. Twenty minutes, alone, with the pastor! Who would not want to be in the same room, breath the same air, talk directly to the one and only Bianca D Rosen? So on this...
LesbianIt was an ordinary Friday night out in Brussels. I had met up with some friends to grab a drink in a newly opened gay bar in centre of town. The premises were rather trendy; the crowd was young, cute and looked smart. People mostly stayed in their respective groups, distinctly cornered in, throwing a look now and then over the room at other boys. Yet they didn’t take the initiative to move over taking the initial contact. The curse of being young: the self-confidence clearly had no...
Introduction: I spend a night with my friend Erika and get the unnexpected. It was a late night and I had just got home from practicing with his band. It was friday, I had nothing to do, like any normal friday night for me. It was 6:30 going to bed early was nothing new I would sometimes I would take naps that lasted 18 hours I called them short comasI took off his blue skinnies and his t- shirt and hopped into his bed as off couse I slipped my hands to rub his 6 inch cock completely shaved....
It’s been a few weeks since masseuse Bailey Brooke started sleeping with Steve, the husband of her boss Maya Divine. Bailey and Steve sext each other naked pics all day long, until Maya catches Bailey snapping a photo of her pussy! Maya reprimands Bailey for her unprofessional behavior at work, but she doesn’t realize the recipient Steve is her husband. Bailey hurriedly texts Steve about the nearly missed disaster as she ducks into a massage room to snap her pussy pic from somewhere...
xmoviesforyou"Get up and get dressed baby. Hector's waiting."From a deep sleep Deb hears the voice. She is confused and has no idea where she is. When she opens her eyes she sees Manny standing by the side of the bed holding her bikini and wrap. It all slowly comes back. Deb was just gang-banged by twenty strangers in a strip joint. She can still feel it in her pussy and ass. Even her jaw is a little sore."Put these on," Manny orders.Deb sits up on the side of the bed and stuffs her oversized tits into the...
It was a nice day in the town of Smallville, Kansas and a boy was stirring in his bed, in a farm. His name is Clark Kent. He would later become superman. Clark wakes up and can't remember who he is or more importantly what his powers are and must start all over. He wakes up and hears " Clark it's time for breakfast" being yelled outside. Should you go and see who it is?
I cum in my Gf bras since 3 years but it was secretly at the beginning. Maby 1-2 years ago I tell to my Gf my fantasy about cum in her bras. She respond it well! A little bit surprise but she like the idea. She had accepted to do a daily masturbation sex routine with me and her bras. We have talked each others to find a good relationship deal : She love lingerie, I love wank... So now each night she choose one bra that she will wear the next day. I put the bra wide open on the bed and she lie...
Joy, her parents and Nicole's father looked at each other. Nick asked, "Is she serious? That she won't come again?" Joy said, "I don't think so. I'll talk to her at school and persuade her to come." Nick asked, "What if she refuses to come?" Martha said, "Then we will find a way to make her come." Dan, still naked, smilingly asked his daughter Joy, "What do we do now?" "Daddy, you have been neglecting me the whole of this evening. Take me to bed daddy." Joy's mother...
She heard to front door close, Dave was home. "Hi babe, how have you been?" he said. "Good thanks honey, how was work?" she replied. "Hard day, still trying to catch up from last week, I'm tired & ready for a rest," said Dave. "You sit down & relax, I'll bring you a beer," she said, smiling to herself. This was what she had dreamed of since she was a little boy. Sitting at her mothers feet, touching her silky stockings, wanting to be just like her. His mother was "good housewife,"...
As Sonia swallowed most of the piss some landed on her face & her 44dd fake tits that Charlie had bought her a year earlier. Two months ago , Arthur had hypnotized Sonia & now she was his favorite submissive. Last night Sonia thought , Arthur had skullfucked her, she had licked his balls , ass & then he fucked her cunt and ass . She must have had at least 5 orgasms , & Arthur had creampied her ass & pussy before he gave her, her usual golden shower. . Arthur was finished with her .For now ,...
A Mother's Lottery Win By Julia Thomas Chapter 1 My mother and father had got divorced and we were living in a small village just south of Birmingham in the UK. I am 10 years old and my name is Andrew Carter. Since the divorce I had not seen my father because he had run off with another woman and had taken everything and left my mother totally penniless. My mother had continually tried to get a job to no avail. We both have lived in the house for some twelve months. I...
Celia sighed as she thought back on her horrible day. First she was late for class because her car ran out of gas, then she got a D on her French midterm, it was raining buckets all day, and, to top it all off, she just overdrew her bank account in order to pay the rent on her tiny little apartment. She couldn't even afford to pay the heating bill. All in all, things could have been going better. As she got home she went straight for the fridge and grabbed a beer. Taking a big sip, she plopped...
Mind ControlCarol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault, a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...
Straight SexThe victims of the armed robbery at the popular piano bar told the police and media that one couple left through the kitchen immediately after the armed robbers left. They described the couple as a distinguished looking man and a woman who looked like a model. That couple is us and the police want to talk to that couple to be sure they weren't involved in the robbery.That won't happen.I am the woman's boss and her divorced husband is the legal representative of a union known for strong arm...
ThreesomesMarie, you do not know how many Black Men you screwed last night because you drank a little too much and got pretty stoned. It must have been several because you smell like a New York whore and your legs, thighs and pussy are tender and sticky with cum. You guess you passed out on the bed in the guest bedroom after all of the fucking because you just awoke and that is where you are right now. The sun is just beginning to rise. You arms and legs are handcuffed to the bed. You are completely...
November 24, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Before going downstairs to breakfast, Heather texted the parameters for next Thursday’s competition to the Go5, Dad, the Moms, Celeste, and Meka: “Casual and at least a bit daring.” After breakfast, we girls got our homework done, leaving us free to play all weekend. The Paleceks arrived around 11, and Gracey and I were closest, so answered the door. “It’s great to see you. Come on in!” “Thanks, Gracey,” Kalina started, but Civia already had Gracey...
Here is another fantastic story that my friend Cherie told me about what happened after the Halloween Costume party. Enjoy: I related the story of the Halloween party to my husband, who was not at the party. When I got to the part about the dog fucking me, he was speechless. After I was gang banged by all those guys and they let their Rotty have its way with me my husband was furious! Not with me but with my friend who took me to that party knowing full well her boyfriend’s Bike club would...
After my adventure at the bathhouse with the sexy couple (see Bath House Bi Fun) all I could think about was that sexy couple I hooked up with. The wife gave me her business card and told me to call her. I wanted to call her that night, but managed to hold off for 2 days. The card she gave me was from an uptown law firm. The wife's name was Laura and she was a criminal lawyer. The card had a number written on the back so I decided to try that number. Laura answered on the 1st ring. I...
Hi ISS Readers…This is my first story…No sorry Its ma Personal Experience. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bibin from Cochin.2 years back when I was studying in ITI…I’m very eager to hear sex stories, and whatever related to sex. Once when we friends discussed some stories A name came into our discussion. Her name was Ancy(Fake).I heard with more interest. She liked night talks and one of my friends had it. He said she’s damn hot. I asked him How do u know it. Did you see her, Don’t made...
Hai mera naam hai Rahul aur mai iss stories kafi saalo se pad raha hu yeh meri pehli story hai aur real story hai. I am 21 yrs old aur engineering pad raha hu mai dikne mai acha khasa lagta hu lekin meri thodi height kam hai ab story pe aate hai yeh ghatna 1 saal pehle gati thi ham ek kiraye ke ghar mai rehte hai unke owner Christian the unke 4 santhan jisme 2 ladka aur ladki hai sab ki shaadi ho gayi lekin choti beti ka divorce ho gaya let me introduce her uska naam Anna tha woh dikhne zyada...
Our Wedding night as Sarah planned was a wonderful night as our bodies responded brilliantly working as one unit and as I increased the in and out movements she reciprocated by moving her hips and pelvis to create enough friction our bodies began to emit a rather loud sucking noise which turned us on even more. So much in fact I had to slow my fucking pace as I didn,t want to cum too soon! I felt that Sarah deserved a proper climax after her planning to make this a night to remember. Sadly with...