The Christmas Gift free porn video

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My name is Bill Glen. I’m a sixty-three year old widower, who is living ‘out in the boondocks’. I took moved here eight years ago. To say that my life has been better, may be the understatement of the year. Ten years ago, my wife came down with brain cancer. She died less than a year after the first diagnosis. It was hard to take. A month after that our only child, Amanda, was beaten by her soon to be ex husband. The beating was very severe. Neither I, nor the doctor, had much hope that she would survive. But she did, mostly. Because of the vicious nature of the beating her husband was given a fifty to life sentence. He should be glad the police got to him before I did. He won’t be missed.

Over the next few months my daughter slowly strengthened. Unfortunately, her brain was damaged enough so that she had the intellectual capacity of about a nine year old. That’s not good, but it beat not having her around at all. She needed care, so I moved to my present location and fixed up one room for her, and one for me. It was a rough few years. It was only a year and a half ago that I realized that something wasn’t right. I set up an emergency appointment with my doctor, and brought Amanda in.

Amanda, as it turned out, had quietly suffered a severe case of Lupus. On top of that, she had somehow contracted the measles. I suspect it was picked up when she went to a movie with some friends from church.

We caught the problems too late. It was only four months ago that I buried her next to my darling wife.

Then, only four weeks ago, my only living relative, my younger sister died in an automobile wreck. I was now as alone as I have ever been in my entire life.

It’s now late January. I didn’t even put up a Christmas tree this year. My heart just isn’t in it. My early years were spent in the military. I was trained as a medic in a special forces unit. The training was as rigorous than that given to RPAs. After retiring from the military I worked as an RPA for many years. Now, I just sit here and brood over my losses. I know that I am clinically depressed. Unfortunately, anti-depressants can only do so much to help. They can’t erase memories.

Out here, in the boonies, in our northern planes state my road can easily become impassable for a weeks at a time. You see, I’m the only person who lives on this back road. There’s a five mile section of rough road before you reach my house. Once it’s socked in with snow and ice, my road is the last one on the list of those that are to be plowed out.

Tonight, I’m sitting here in my dark living room watching the snow fall outside. Suddenly I see what seems to be headlights approaching. They are moving too fast for the road conditions. They won’t be able to see the sharp right turn that occurs just eighty yards beyond my house.

You know, an automobile crash in the snow has a sound all of its own. Instead of hearing a harsh crunch, it’s more like a hearty ‘Woompf’ sound. The car had left the road and ended up in a field grown thick with fir trees.

I turned on my outside lights, got into my parka and grabbed my first aid kit. As I left the house, I pulled my larger toboggan behind me as I went to where the car had stopped. Before I got there I could already hear the crying. There was a woman in the car. She looked as if she were in her late thirties to early forties. Once I got her calmed down, and determined that it was safe to move her, I told her that my house was only about a hundred yards away. I put her, and her luggage, on the toboggan. It took me ten minutes to pull the toboggan back to the house. The snow was deep and the load on the sled was noticeable. By the time we had reached my house a mixture of freezing rain and sleet had started to fall. It was rapidly becoming treacherous.

When we got to the house, I got the injured woman and baggage into the house. I then ushered her into the living room.

My first business was to determine how badly hurt she was..

‘My name is Bill. What is your name?’

‘Tanya. I’m not feeling to good.’

Ok, Tanya. If you wanted to look behind you on the wall you will see that I am still a licensed Registered Physician’s Assistant. If you don’t mind, I would like to do a quick once over to make sure that you aren’t badly hurt. Would that be o.k. with you?

She hesitantly indicated that she could go along with that.

I brought out my little black bag and pulled out the simple tools used for a general physical exam. Tanya didn’t look all that good. I got as far as looking in her eyes with my small light when I saw my first problem. Her eyes didn’t contract at the same rate. I checked her head, carefully, and felt the large bump on the left side. She was also running a fever.

‘Tanya, you hit the window with your head, didn’t you?’

‘I think so, but I’m having problems concentrating right now. I’m not sure, but I am sure that I feel dizzy.’

‘I was afraid of that. I’ll be right back. I need to make a phone call.’

I had my friend Jim, with the local emergency squad, on the line.

‘Hi Jim, I think I may need to have someone picked up out here. What are the chances …’

Before I could finish my sentence Jim cut me off.

‘I can’t talk long Bill, we have a major problem on our hands. There was a bus that went off the interstate just outside of town. It was followed by several other vehicles that were following too closely. It’s a bad one. We will be busy all of tonight. What’s your problem?’

‘A car didn’t make the curve on my road, I have the driver, a woman, inside, but she is showing signs of a concussion. On top of that, she’s running a fever. What are the chances of a pickup tonight?’

‘Unless she is obviously dying, we can’t do it. I know your skills, you know what to do. I’ve got to run. You can handle it, Bill!’

I went back to the living room. Tanya, spotted the look on my face.

‘What’s wrong, Bill?’

‘I had hoped to get an ambulance out here for you. You obviously have received a concussion. Unfortunately, there has been a very bad wreck on the interstate and all of the emergency services will be tied up for the rest of the night. I’m on my own to try to help you now. I know what to do, but I also know that it would be better to have you in the hospital where a good neurologist is on hand. With your permission, I will try to help you get through this.’

Tanya looked worried.

‘What’s wrong Tanya? Have I said something wrong? What are you concerned about?’

‘I don’t know you Bill, being isolated here leaves me at your mercy. I know of way too many men who would take advantage of this type of situation.’

‘Tanya, you need not worry. You are my guest at this point in time. I do not pick on guests, or anyone else for that matter. By the way, how did you find yourself on my road tonight? My house is the only one on this road.’

‘I must have taken a wrong turn. I must have mis-counted the roads and instead of going into Cartersburg I ended up here.’

‘Ah, yes, that is an easy slip up. I am going to move you into my guest room. If you don’t want to unpack, there are clothes in the closet that will let you get comfortable and be modest at the same time. I am going to have to keep watch over you tonight. If things turn worse for you, I will have to beg them to get an ambulance out here, or risk trying to drive you to the hospital in my four by four.’

The next fifteen minutes were busy. I left the room so that Tanya could get into a nightgown. I went into the other room to make up some food.

When I got back to the living room, Tanya was on the bed covered up with a down comforter. .

‘Who’s clothes are these?’ Tanya asked.

‘Those originally were my wife’s clothes. When she died, then my daughter used them until she died. I just couldn’t get rid of them.’ My voice was cracking at this point.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know. They
are very good clothes. I saw the LL Bean labels in them. They make wonderful stuff.’

‘Can I have something to help with this headache?’

‘I’m sorry to say that I can’t do that. Many pain killers decrease the blood’s ability to clot. With a concussion, I don’t want to increase the chances of a bleed in your brain..’ However, if you would like something to eat, I am heating up some home made soup. I can bring you in some soup.. It is important to keep you as still as possible for the next day or so.’

I looked at Tanya and realized that she demonstrated a sort of glassy stare that I didn’t like the looks of. I put my hand to her head, and then reached for my bag and got out an electronic thermometer and placed it in her ear. I knew she was a bit warm, but at the beep, I read a temperature of 102.7 degrees F.

‘We’ve got problems. Have you been exposed to anyone who was really sick during the last three days or so?’

‘Yeah, I have. A co-worker of mine came down feeling sick. He developed quite a rash, but shrugged it off. I don’t know if he got over it or not.’

I told Tanya that I needed to look at her abdomen.

Tanya looked at me funny, but moved her nightgown up enough for me to see part of her abdomen..

I then went over and turned on a bright light to look at Tanya’s stomach. There they were! I would recognize measles anywhere. ‘I’ve got to phone my friend about a ride to the hospital, for you, right now.’

Tanya looked concerned. I grabbed my cell phone and called my friend Jim.

‘Jim, it’s Bill. I need a ride to take my guest to the hospital, and I think I need it ASAP.’

‘No can do, Bill. Only if it is a life or death matter can we send anyone out. Beside that we have filled every bed and cot in the hospital. We’ve been having freezing rain for the last two hours. The Governor has declared a state of emergency. Nobody is moving. Why do you think you need to get the your guest into the hospital?’

‘Measles, Jim. Her temperature is already over 102 degrees.’

‘Let me get Doc. Beamer to call you back. I’m hanging up now.’

‘Did you say measles, Bill?’ Tanya was looking at me with a very concerned look on her face.

‘Yeah, I said measles. Have you ever had them?’


The phone rang. ‘

‘Bill Glen, here.’

‘Hi Bill, This is Ted Beamer. Did I hear right that you have a house guest with the measles?’

‘Yeah, Doc. she’s already just shy of 103 degrees. What would you recommend?’

‘You know what should be done. Try to keep her cool. I suspect that you still keep a small stash of pharmaceuticals at your place. You know, the ones that have gone out of date? Well, I’d recommend that you find out if your guest is allergic to anything, then give her what she can handle at a dose of half again the normal dose. That won’t help against a virus, but will keep an echo infection at bay. Force fluids if you can. Also, give her aspirin or another drug that will help her break the fever. Do not expose her to bright light. Measles can lead to some bad side effects. Keep her on it until someone can get out there to see her.

Will do, doc, Thanks. Since she also has a concussion what can I safely give her to help break the fever?’.

‘Ouch, that’s a tough one. I would suggest acetaminophen. It is less likely to lead to a bleed. Keep a close watch on her. You might also want to lower the room temperature to help keep her cooler.’

‘Thanks Doc. I’ll talk to you later.’

After I hung up the phone, Tanya asked: ‘What did he say, Bill?’

Tanya looked worried. I probably looked worried too.

‘Do you know if you are allergic to any antibiotics?’

‘No, I have no problems with the standard ones..’

‘O.K. I’ll be back in a minute’

I came back in the room with a glass of water, and a large pharmacy bottle. When I sat down, I broke the seal on the bottle and took out three ampicillin tablets for Tanya.. ‘Here’s your first dose of antibiotic. I would suggest that you take them now. If the fever makes you lose consciousness I’ll have to switch to injectable penicillin.

I set the thermostat down to 60 degrees F. I brought a bowl of ice water into the room, as well as two Ice packs. I put a large ice pack and draped it around Tanya’s neck and one on her forehead.

‘Why are you cooling my neck?’

‘The blood that goes to and from the brain has to travel through the neck. If I can force the neck temperature down, it will help reduce the rise in the brain’s temperature.’

Within the hour, Tanya was running a fever in the 103.5 degree range.

Between giving her liquids when she was awake enough, and keeping fresh ice packs on her I settled in for a three or four day stretch of watching. This was as bad as my days in the Seals when we were in enemy territory with wounded comrades.

I had a bed pan in the house, and had to help Tanya use it. She was too wobbly to walk to the bathroom. Three days later, Tanya was only running a 99.6 degree temperature. As she had backed off from the fever she became curious about her surroundings, and what had been going on. I filled her in on things as much as I could.

By the time the roads were clear, Tanya was running close to a normal temperature again. I had called and had a local garage, that I trusted, to come out, get her car and figure out what it would take to fix it.

By the fourth day Tanya was capable of taking care of herself I warned her that I was going to crash. I told her to help herself to food and just let me sleep for the next day or two. I went to my room to sleep. I just lay down on the top covers and I went out like a light.


When I was waking up, I smelled fresh coffee and bacon. I started to get up, and realized that I was now under the covers in my own bed and was completely undressed. I was confused. I got up, put on a robe and slippers and made my way out to the kitchen.

‘Good morning sleepyhead! I thought you were stirring and figured out you would be hungry. My bet is that you like corn pancakes, bacon, and coffee! Am I right?’

‘Yes, how did you know?’

‘That’s where you had the book marks and greasy fingerprints in your cook book.’

‘How did I get into my bed?’

‘I thought you would be more comfortable there.’

‘And my clothes?’

Tanya had a naughty smile on her face.

‘I didn’t see any men’s pajamas around so I assumed that you preferred to sleep a’ la natural, as it were. By the way, you are very well endowed. When I took your clothes off I noticed that you were sporting a very large erection. It looked delicious.’

My face must have turned bright red at that point.

Tanya, said,. ‘I haven’t seen a man blush like that for years. This is so neat.’

‘I don’t know what type of people you are used to, but I have always tried to be a gentleman. I’m not complaining., Your thoughts were good and I thank you for your concern. I don’t know how you would know I was that well endowed. You aren’t an expert, are you?’

‘We’ll get into that some other time. Let’s have breakfast.’

We sat down to eat and I said grace, ‘Blessed are thou Lord of the Universe, who has brought forth bread for us to eat. Bless this food and help us be your servants. In Jesus name, Amen.’

‘I take it you are a believer?’

‘Yes, I am. Does that surprise you?’

‘Well, yes. Where I come from most of the people who call themselves Christians live like pagans.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that. Are you a believer as well?’

‘Yes, but many people wouldn’t think that was possible. After all, I’ve done some things in my past that I’m ashamed of.’

‘Tanya, everyone has done things that they are not proud of. Where do you come from?’

‘California. I decided to find a nicer place to live. I’ve had it with the ‘tinsel town shallowness’.’

‘Were y
ou in the entertainment business?’

‘Yes, but let’s just leave it at that.’ There was a brief pause, and then she continued: ‘I didn’t see any sign of a house as I drove by. Were you in the dark?’

‘Yes, I was.’

‘Could I ask you why?’

After trying to avoid the discussion I described my last few years. I couldn’t really read the emotions I saw on Tanya’s face.

‘How long had you and your wife been married, Bill?’

‘Twenty-two years. The best twenty-two years of my life. Now, with both my wife and daughter dead, and having just lost my only living blood relative, I have little to look forward to.’

I was getting nervous at this point. I must have blushed again.

In response, all I got was a look of concern on Tanya’s face.

‘O.K. I won’t ask you too many more awkward questions. But, I looked through all your video tapes and disks as well as all you books. You seem to enjoy the female form and some mild porn. That’s interesting.’

I must have turned several shades redder.

Tanya must have decided to just let me enjoy the food. The robe that she wore made her look sexier than almost any other women I had ever seen.

When we finished eating, we went into the living room . She sat down on the couch, so I sat facing her from my rocking chair, over near the fireplace.

‘Can I ask you some more questions, Bill?’

‘O.K. what’s on your mind?’

‘Bill, you seem to be a very unusual man. While you slept and I looked around. I recognized the Silver Star on the wall in your den, next to the purple hearts you have earned. . You must have done some incredible things. You have treated me like a lady, which is a new experience for me. Not only have you treated me as a lady, you have been kind and thoughtful, as well. I was moving out into this area to try to pick up my life again. I want to start over, where nobody knows me. I had hoped to find work in Cartersburg. I ended up here instead. You have a nice house, and you are a good man. Would you consider renting your spare room to me? Once my car is fixed I won’t have a lot of money left. If I could rent here, maybe I could find some work in the area and start to rebuild my life.’

I listened carefully. ‘:I would be eager to rent you the room, but I am concerned about propriety. It won’t look good for me to have a beautiful women sharing my house. Now, I can probably live with that, but I don’t want to sully your reputation. I’m not sure it would be a good idea to rent the room from me. Maybe I could find a place for you to rent where you would have a woman for a landlady.’

She looked at me with a strange look. It looked like a cross between extreme surprise mixed with a bit of humor.

‘Did I say something out of line, Tanya?’

‘Bill, you keep calling me a lady. How do you know I’m a lady?’

‘Well, as my dad taught me, all women are ladies until they prove that they aren’t. You have not given me any indication that you aren’t a lady, and that is enough for me.’

‘I’ve never heard a man put it that way before, Bill. You are not only a man, but a gentleman. I have met too few gentlemen in my life. I’m willing to take the risk, if you are. I would like to rent the room from you and maybe we could work off some of the rent by cleaning up, cooking, doing laundry and such. What do you say?’

‘I’m game to try it. Would you be willing to go to my church with me? You might find it refreshing to meet a lot more people who are like me.’

‘Sure, if you think they would accept me.’

‘Let me tell you a bit about our church. It is a small community church. Our pastor made some bad mistakes when he was young. He spent time in the state prison, but he met the Lord while he was in there. When he got out he went through Bethel Seminary over in Minnesota. He is a good man. Is he perfect, no! But, none of us is perfect. He, like the rest of the church members are forgiven sinners! We don’t have to prove anything to any other human being. The Lord has accepted us, in spite of who we have been in the past.’

‘Bill, I don’t think your church people would be able to accept me if they knew my past.’

‘I can assure you that you will be accepted. After all, we all carry the baggage of our past with us.’

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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 2 Mommys Gift

This story gets VERY disgusting and brutal. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". These niche things appear in THIS chapter. If any are not your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! Rape Incest Young girl Bondage A bit of farting Foot licking Squirting Gross taste from panties DISCLAIMERS: This is a work of fiction. I do not condone any of the things I write about. All characters are considered 18+, even if a story implies otherwise. I'm not...

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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 2 Mommys Gift

Just reuploading this old series with some edits. See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don't agree with his choices, and you're not supposed to either. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky feelings....

2 years ago
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A Christmas Gift

My wife and I were heading to dinner with friends. The holidays are here, and we both were looking forward to spending an evening with friends; but this time, I have a surprise for my wife. A “gift” I know she will enjoy..She came down the stairs from our bedroom and was wearing my favorite Black Dress. It’s a very, short tight dress that accents her body perfectly. It makes her tits look incredible, not to mention her ass. My wife is 5’ 7”, 135 lbs, 34c, jet black hair. When she wears this...

2 years ago
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Mathew Mats Rogers SeriesChapter 7 Going Home for Christmas

Leaving Evansville and my new found nieces is the hardest thing I have done during this trip. Just the thought of Rebecca and Tracy has me trembling with an emptiness I have never experienced before. Leaving the many other preteens during my trip was sad, but in my nieces’ case, it is so different. Recalling how we spent the last weekend together certainly doesn’t help. Spending the majority of it in bed and enjoying the wonders of sex, is still vivid in my mind. It is a good thing I am still...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Angels Gift

I sat in silence, occasionally and listlessly taking sips from a glass of wine as I watched snow dance in the wind outside the bar windows. It was December 24 and I was alone. Christmas seemed a long way off, more a memory than an event about to happen. I had moved far away from family and friends to take a new position with my employer. Worse, my schedule meant that I wouldn’t be able to get home for Christmas and probably not for New Year’s either. Sitting home watching TV didn’t appeal to me...

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Nicoles Christmas Gift

I had known Phil almost my entire life. We grew up together and might as well have been brothers. Growing up we shared everything. About eight years ago he met and married Nicole. Of course, Phil asked me to be the best man at their wedding. About a year ago, Phil came to me with a question. He and his wife had spoken of their fantasies and one of Nicole’s was to have sex with a very well-endowed male. Phil had known about the blessing/curse that had been bestowed upon me by birth. My erection...

Wife Lovers
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Telephone Mans Christmas Gift

Christmas vacation had been lame thus far. I'd spent most of my time sitting around the house with very little to do aside from watching television and wacking-off. As Christmas day was still a week off, my parents were still working regular hours, leaving the house at 7:00 am and not returning until 6:00 pm. I pretty well had the entire house to myself that week. After waking at 10 am on Tuesday morning, I hopped in the shower to clean up. Just as I was stepping out of the shower I heard the...

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Christmas Gift

This story was inspired by the 1946 film, "It's a Wonderful Life". Here it was almost a month before Christmas and I had no spirit at all. Christ, I had always had great Christmas spirit loved to give rather than receive. This year I had nothing, all my children were scattered, me and the wife had parted ways not in a good way, though we were still married. I figured what the hell, without them it just wasn't Christmas or hell for that matter a life,...

2 years ago
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Sherrys Magical Christmas Gift

It was nearly midnight on Christmas Eve and Sherry was slumped in a chair in the sitting room of her small cottage, lit only by the embers of the dying fire. She was feeling totally out of sorts, facing a Christmas Day on her own once again, which wasn’t at all what she had planned. ooOoo Sherry was a secondary school teacher specialising in Natural History at a large comprehensive school in a rundown area of town. She had studied Biology at university, quickly discovering that she was...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Maid Christmas Gift

Hi everyone hope all is well .As all old readers know me, for new readers I’m romil from ahmedabad gujarat. Last story me kafi mail aye girls k b jinme se kai logo ko satisfaction de chuka hu aur sex chat b kar raha hu I’m with good physics average looks and most important having a tool which is capable to satisfy any girl or aunty . Koi b ladki aunty bhabhi ya koi çouple jo intended ho muje mail kare privacy and satisfaction guaranteed so coming to the story which happened before a week,...

5 years ago
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The Memorable Christmas Gift

Hello dear friends. I am Arnav from Pune. I am back with another experience of mine. After the publication of my previous story ‘The Anniversary Gift’, I received a lot of feedback from my readers. And I would love to thank them all for their praise and support. Let’s begin with my experience. I am Arnav from Pune, a 24-year-old guy, 6 feet tall and a pretty well-experienced masseur. After my story was published, I received an email stating that the story was nice and asked if it was real....

2 years ago
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Her Christmas Gift

He gazed at her from the corner of his eye. Her ankles were crossed and her fingers were curled around the coffee mug that she held close to her body. Steam rose gently from the cup and caressed her face with surprising tenderness, bringing back many fond memories for him. In the multicolored embrace of the Christmas tree lights, her sweater looked black, but he knew it to be a soft and inviting shade of red. Her jeans were similarly discolored and the denim clung to her shapely thighs, slowly...

3 years ago
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Another pussy for Christmas

Another pussy for Christmas ***** In "A pussy for Christmas," Paul asked for a pussy for Christmas, without realising that "pussy" has a double meaning. In this sequel Paul, now Paula, visits her cousin Joseph, who turns out to have a very similar wish. (You don't really need to read "A pussy for Christmas," but it helps. If you want to, just click the author link at the top of this page and it should be easy to find). ***** Paula looked into the bathroom mirror and...

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Another Christmas tale

Another Christmas tale Chapter 1 Ron. Ronald or as he preferred to be called Ron, sat on the edge of his bed and as usual he'd managed to force himself to get up and face the world, he stretched a little in an attempt to alleviate some of the usual aches and pains that came with his age. Standing up he went over to the old oak dresser that his wife Marjorie had so loved, he picked up a framed black and white photograph of them both in much happier times and kissed it. "Oh just...

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The Magic of Christmas

The Magic Of Christmas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers "Oh so you are awake?" said his mother poking her head in his room. "Morning honey. I hear the tv on." "Yeah, I didn't sleep so well," said Brayden rubbing his eyes. "Too excited about Christmas," said his mother coming in. "Well that and what I told you last night," sighed Brayden. "I still feel horrible." "Well not that I want to be negative on Christmas but you should honey," said his mother folding her arms....

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Mary Christmas Everybody

Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...

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Mary Christmas Everybody

A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...

4 years ago
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A Christmas Wish Mishap Twin Bullies

(Merry Christmas everyone. This is last years Christmas story from up on my Patreon: A new Christmas story, along with two additional parts to this one is already up on my Patreon, so if you're interested go and have a look.) Intro Valerie and Vince had been very close all their lives, not surprising considering they had shared the same womb for nine months. They had a very good bond often knowing how the other felt without them even...

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The Daddy Who Hates Christmas

I know what you’re thinking. It’s Christmas time, so that means lots of snow with carols and an unlimited supply of hot chocolate. But in reality, with mother nature never being able to make up her mind. It’s a semi chilly boring night, filled with the usual run of the mill people, scurrying about spending all their money. On the plus side, I have the night off, and I’m able to spend it with my beautiful baby girl as she lounges around in a loose tank that her mouth-watering breast keeps...

1 year ago
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Booby Christmas

Are you looking forward to a merry Christmas this year? Of course, you are! But how is that supposed to happen when you have to deal with family over the holidays? Fuck, you can’t even say ‘the holidays’ without some dipshit falling over and having a heart attack because you used the phrase ‘the holidays’ instead of Christmas.Do you know what stands between you and a peaceful, fantastic Christmas? Well, people! People ruin everything. So instead of dealing with people over Christmas, the...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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The Christmas Wish

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....

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The Chauffeur 49 Christmas

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 Chapter 1 As my eyes opened on Christmas morning, I felt as if a weight had been lifted. As usual, Dakota was all snuggled into me and Jill had her back to my back. I woke both my sleeping beauties with little kisses. I started first with Jill. She wore herself out the past couple of days getting Diane ready for the wedding. I gently kissed her neck, her shoulders, and her chest. My fingers gently glided over her beautiful body. It took a few minutes but...

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My First Christmas in Slavery

My first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season  It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...

2 years ago
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Imagine If Christmas Was Different

Here we are at the precipice of, yet, another happy holiday season and, after so many of us have looked forward to and experienced the excitement of Christmas as children, we had the fun and the joy of buying toys for our children, and, later, were allowed to spoil our grandchildren with generous gifts. Now that we are older and mired neck deep in a poor economy that threatens to ruin the holiday for too many of us, a holiday season that used to be fun, has suddenly become a tiresome chore, a...

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A Christmas tale The fourth

A Christmas Tale (the fourth) Kyorii Chapter 1 Goodbye to a Childhood Friend. It was late October, the trees in the graveyard were giving up their final leaves to the brisk autumn breeze as Linda Anders stood well back from the main group of mourners at the graveside, she watched the vicar read from a large screen tablet in his hand as the coffin was lowered into the ground by the funeral director's staff. Linda sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as the coffin vanished from...

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A Slave for Christmas

A Slave for Christmas A Slave for ChristmasSynopsis?I could scarcely believe the other girls in the office hated me that much, but there I was on a stage, naked, manacled and gagged waiting to be auctioned as a house slave for the Christmas to New Year period. And I?d had no say in the matter.? A Slave for Christmasby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by...

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Christmas Creep

© 2011 All rights reserved Author’s note: Here’s my story for the Winter Holidays contest. I hope you enjoy it, and votes and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Thanks to LettersfromTatyana, MugsyB and Annanova and my husband for encouragement and beta reading. ================================== Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. ‘I can not believe this.’ ‘What?’ His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. ‘This!’ He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to...

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Blue Christmas

‘Well, if you really need someone, I suppose I could do that—if you really need me.’ Clara tried to make her reluctance quite clear, but Elizabeth was having none of that. She just cheerily plowed along, working on getting Clara on the road to fill in for no-shows among the volunteers at the soup kitchen where Elizabeth was working that evening. Nothing had put her off—not Clara’s remark that it was already dark, not her observation that it had begun to snow—not even her noting that it was...

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Christmas Story One

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...

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A Fiction Mania Christmas Carol

With some deep apologies to Charles Dickens. A being whose talent I am no where near. But as promised, a Fiction Mania Christmas Carol. The Time: A Christmas time a few years ago. Region: Salem. A large City in the North East United States. Place: Ye Old Irish Inn. A corner bar and grill. Mike was grumping about how to pay for Christmas. Jake was moaning how he had to work Christmas Day. Sue, Jane, and Nicole were upset on the boss's attitude. He almost canceled the pay bonus and...

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Christmas Creep

Joe Naylor stared at the department store display. "I can not believe this." "What?" His girlfriend, Noelle Winters, gave him a puzzled look. "This!" He made a sweeping gestures with his arm to indicate the shelves. "It's October fifteenth and they're putting up Christmas decorations!" He scowled at the Santas, elves, miniature trees and other Yuletide paraphernalia that sat mere feet from more appropriate seasonal wares. Pumpkins, witches, and skeletons grinned at him from their...

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Mary Christmas

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Mary wraps herself up in lights as a Christmas present for Paul = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * * * * * * * * * * * * Mary read the text on her smart phone. ‘Boarding, see you around ten.’ Paul would be home for Christmas. She normally didn’t mind the amount of travel he did with his job, but the just-before-Christmas annual company planning meeting had always irked her. Paul was always gone for the three days before Christmas. He had...

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Itrsquos Not Christmas Without You

By SchneiderVerseAfterDarkSam and Cat’s ApartmentChristmas EveSam wore a thin cotton red spaghetti strap tank top and green silky boxers (presents given to her by Cat for and to wear during the holiday and understanding her hatred for the word ‘panties’) as she lazily walked into the back second bedroom of Cat and hers shared apartment. After the couple had returned from Tori, Freddie and Jade’s Christmas party, Cat had instructed her to change and relax in the living room for a bit until ten...

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A Christmas tale The firth

A Christmas Tale (The Fifth) Chapter 01 Walter and Laura Walter. "An introvert yes he's definitely a bit of an introvert," I say to my wife as I look out of the window into next door's back garden. "Who is dear?" I look over to my wife of nearly sixty years, she's currently standing at the sink and is straining cooked black currents through a muslin cloth. "The young lad next door; Graham I believe his name is." "Oh yes I watched him the other day, I think he was building...

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How To Survive Christmas Alone

Are you alone and lonely for the holidays? Don’t you wish that Ronco would invent something to make you feel not so alone and sell it on TV for, oh, I don’t know, $19.99 and if you called right now, you’d get a second one for free? Yeah, well, go fish, life doesn’t work that way. A friend in need is a friend indeed doesn’t always go along with you sow what you reap. Sometimes, life just happens and you suddenly find yourself in uncharted territory and alone, be it a move to a new city or...

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The Christmas Surprise

Christmas Surprise By Margaret Jeanette Tori Hansen was on the way to her mother's to make Christmas candy. It was three weeks until Christmas and it was a tradition for her and her mother to make candy for Christmas for her, her mother and her sister Tanya. She arrived at her mother's house and when she was in she found her mother feeling under the weather. Her mother asked if they could put off making the candy until next Saturday. She told her that it was okay and that she was...

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The Cat who Came for Christmas

On a cold and rainy Christmas Eve, in a small house by a large patch of woods, a small but close-knit family sat drinking hot chocolate and cider around the fireplace. In the corner stood a modest Christmas tree, glowing with colored lights, glass balls, and tinsel. Underneath the tree was a small pile of presents. Outside, the wind soughed in the trees and rain pattered against the window, but the family was snug and warm in its little house. There were just three of them: a mother, a father,...

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