Palomino Ch. 17 free porn video

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Wesley chucked hay into the corral for the horse. Lance was caulked a leak in the water trough that had caused a huge mud puddle around where the horses would gather ’round for water. Hoof prints were sunk easily four inches deep. Luckily the afternoon sun had been hot the last few days and had hardened the ground somewhat. Still Lance was covered in mud.

Lance squeezed a thin line of caulk along the seam, using a wet finger to smooth it out and then continued along the bottom rim of the trough, having it turned upside down to do so. It had been a few days since the rodeo, and he and Wesley’s blow-out. They rode the next night and came in second, despite their cold shoulders towards one another and hardly a word had been said between the two friends since. Lance knew he had pushed too hard, but it seemed like he was the only one that could really get him to see what was sitting right in front of him. Standing upright, he stretched slightly with a groan and popped his neck before pushing off his hat to wipe at his sweat and then shove it back on top of his head again.

‘I’m just gonna have to break down and get a new trough fer up here…. this is the second leak this summer. Either tha’ er drag it into the barn during winter and heat it.’ Wesley said as he poured oats into the feeder. The sound of the things against the metal would call the horses better than any whistle could ever do. When they heard it, they knew it was food time and they’d come running in.

Lance glanced over at Wesley as he up righted the tank again and dragged it to a new place so the ground could dry completely where it had been. ‘Well not that yer askin’ my opinion or nuthin’ but I think that’s a wise idea,’ he said, grabbing the hose and turned it on as he sprayed out the tank and checked his work. He glanced up in time to see Lacey’s palomino Ice running up with the others. He had enjoyed finally being able to get out with the other horses and be in a herd again. They had had to keep him separated for too long while keeping the secret from Wesley.

Wesley just nodded as he pulled the pitch fork out of the hay as the horses came trotting in, pushing one another as if there wasn’t enough food for them all. He grabbed the gunny sack that’d held the measured amount of oats before Ice grabbed it and rolled it around his arm as he backed off to let the horses in. He turned back to the barn to put the tools away and tossed the sack on to the pile of empty ones. They’d need to weigh and measure out new bags soon. There was only a few days worth left that had been pre-measured out. He peeked out of the barn at Lance. ”ey…. when you’re finished wit that, ya wanna ‘elp me measure out feed fer the cows ‘n horses? We’re gettin’ low’

Lance glanced up, pouring out the contents of the small amount of water he had used to rinse out the trough and then shoved the hose in deep to let it fill up with water while he nodded and headed for the barn. Walking into the barn he moved to where Wesley was and picked up some of the empty gunny sacks and picked up a measuring can and started measuring and filling up bags.

They didn’t talk as they worked, measuring a week’s worth of oats and cache out so they didn’t have to do it later. When Lance grabbed the last sack Wesley leaned back against the big trailer that held the cache up off the ground and kept it fresher and real easy to move if they needed to and he lifted his hat to wipe sweat from his brow ‘So…. who was that gal you were draggin’ around all weekend?’

Lance continued to fill the sack, only glancing up momentarily to eye his friend for a minute. He had been thinking about apologizing … not for what he had done, but perhaps in the manner that he had done it. Hearing his friend start to actually talk seemed to clear the air a bit between them and he grinned a bit, shrugging her shoulders. ‘Eh, just some girl I met a couple of weeks ago. Wendy’s ‘er name … I think.’ His eyebrows furrowed a moment as he thought about it again. ‘Wendy? Mindy? Hell, I can’t remember.’

Wesley just chuckled and shook his head. ‘Ya ‘ave too many to keep track of anymore, eh? Funny ya never find one ya like and stick wit ‘er,’

Lance’s jaw tightened a bit and he seemed to still momentarily in filling the bag but then continued on, shrugging his shoulders. ‘There’s too many to enjoy. Why settle with one?’ He grinned good-naturedly and stood upright, closing the sack and then tossed it over with the rest, shoving his hat back a moment and reached for the bandana stuffed in his pocket and wiped his forehead. This was one topic he didn’t want to stay on long.

Wesley regarded his friend evenly. ‘You ‘ad one once.’ Wesley said it gently, but it got his point across. Lance hadn’t always been this way. He’d been engaged to some li’l gal from Jackson whose daddy sold big farm equipment. Soon after Anne’s accident Lance had broken off the engagement and hadn’t talked about the gal since, or why he’d stopped seeing her.

Lance shoved the bandana back in his pocket and tossed the measuring can back into the feed room and shut the door, almost as if he were shutting off that line of conversation. ‘What’s next on the agenda?’ he asked, feeling his jaw tighten. The last thing he wanted to discuss was the reason why all that had happened and Anne’s accident again. That was in the past and he intended to keep it there.

‘There was a postcard from ‘er on the kitchen counter. Theresa was ‘er name, wasn’t it? Yea…. was from ‘er. Didn’t read it, but was addressed to ya if Caroline didn’t tell ya.’ Wesley wasn’t going to let it drop this time. The girl had been sending postcards every now and then to try to keep touch with Lance. Lance ignored them. Without Lance’s knowledge Wesley had interfered and sent cards back to let the girl know Lance was still around and not dead, but that was about all he told her.

Lance sighed, his hands resting on his hips as he stood and regarded his friend. ‘Caroline told me,’ he said and then steeled his jaw some. ‘How’d we get on this conversation topic?’

”Cause now it’s my turn ta push. That gal deserves somethin’ from ya Lance. A card, a call… somethin’. Don’t leave ‘er waitin’ on ya…. ’cause she won’t wait forever.’

‘Good. She don’t need ta wait,’ he mumbled, sighing as he looked around the barn, as if looking for something else to do before settling his gaze back on Wesley. ‘I thought we were concentrating on YOUR love life?’

‘If ya don’t still love ‘er… then why ‘ave ya not settled down ‘gain?’ He didn’t let the side-stepping question bother him. It was his turn to push. He should’ve pushed a long time ago and hadn’t.

Lance just looked at him. He wasn’t sure Wesley was ready to hear the real reason, and lord only knew that he didn’t want to do more damage by letting it out. ‘Why don’t cha just let it be? I’m having a good time just the way I am.’

‘Yer gonna get yer butt into trouble one of these days and I won’ be able ta pull yer butt out of it. That gal this weekend wore a weddin’ band. I saw it. Whatchu thinkin’ runnin’ ’round with other men’s wives, Lance? This ain’t the only time ya done it neither. I ‘member that fight up in Ten Sleep over that li’l indian gal. I ain’t fightin’ fer ya ‘gain. Told ya that then… tellin’ ya ‘gain now. Next time your ass sits in the can.’

Lance blew a breath out of his lips and reached up to rub his forehead just beneath the rim of his hat. ‘Ya know the good thing bout married women? No chance of getting all hung up on ’em and then having yer heart ripped out when something goes wrong.’

‘Yea… then ya get tangled with their husbands when they find out and cause all kindsa problems not just fer you.. but her and the marriage too. Ya ever think ’bout that?’

Lance just looked at Wesley for a long time before asking, a pleading look for him to just drop it on his face. ‘Why are we having this conversation again?’

Wesley crossed his arms over his chest and just looked
at his friend. ‘Like I said… it’s my turn ta push a li’l. Ya ain’t gettin’ any younger, Lance. I ‘member ya once had dreams o’ turnin’ that house of yers down the way into a home wit a wife ‘n kids ‘n buildin’ yerself a nice li’l homestead ‘ere. Now yer as flighty as a hen in heat. Wha’ happened to the man who was ready ta settle down?’

Lance sighed heavily and sat down on a stack of hay bales, sweeping off his hat to run his fingers through his slightly damp and sweaty hair. ‘Okay look, I know I’ve been pushing ya and I’m sorry fer it, okay? But I … I just can’t git into that right now. Yer not ready to hear it and I ain’t ready to face it, if ya wanna know the truth.’

‘Fine. But Old man King ‘ad me git yer house re-done first ’cause you were gettin’ married, Lance. She was a sweet li’l gal too. Least get hold a ‘er an’ tell ‘er yer not interested. She deserves at least that.’ Wesley righted his hat and thumbed his nose… it was a habit to keep from sneezing due to allergies and slight hay fever.

Lance rubbed the side of his hand below his nose and across his upper lip. Truth be told, he didn’t want to completely cross the girl off his list but he was too scared to pick things back up. ‘I watched Anne die, Wes … watched her have that wreck and up and die right in front of my face,’ he said finally, his voice low and his eyes cast down. He hoped that the truth didn’t shove Wesley back into reverse but there was something inside that couldn’t hold it back anymore either. ‘Besides you, she was my best friend.’ He continued to look down and slightly to the left, only the top of his hat and his chin showing as he spoke. ‘Then I watched what it did to ya … the way ya shut off everyone and crawled into this hole and ya still ain’t come completely out, even with a gal as great as Lacey loving ya, and ya don’t quite see it.’ He glanced up for the first time, a pained expression on his face. ‘I’ve lived through it once with ya … I couldn’t do it again with a woman that I loved as much as you loved her. So …’ He shrugged some and left it at that.

Wesley steeled his jaw a bit. It stung. It stung bad… but it was true. He’d never thought much what the accident did to Lance. He knew Lance hurt… but he hadn’t thought it’d affected him that deeply, or been the cause of him breaking off the engagement. He swallowed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t quite know what to say. He couldn’t promise anything about not losing a girl. ‘Ya know somethin’ Lance…. takin’ the chance of it all is more than worth it. It’s better ta love once than not love at all. I’ve been blessed with the ability ta love twice… most o’ us don’ ever love even once. There’s a nice gal in Jackson who wants ta love ya if you’ll let her, waitin’ fer yer call or a letter. Not that ya asked my opinion, and it may not hold much water with ya… but I’d give it a try.’ He said it gently, but it was a hard shove… a shove he should’ve made a long time ago. He hadn’t meant to let Lance waste away for three years with the fear he’d lose the one girl he loved.

Lance took his hat off and turned it some in his hands as he pondered Wesley’s words. He knew he was right … maybe that’s why he had just let Teresa’s letters come and never say nothing about it. He loved the girl, and he hurt every time he heard from her but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. ‘Mebbe yer right … I guess I could at least call ‘er,’ he said, slowly shoving his hat back on his head, looking up at his best friend. He couldn’t help but wonder if Wes had heard his own words. He had just proclaimed to love Lacey in a very round about manner, but Lance doubted he even knew what he had said.


Lance looked at the receiver a long while. He’d been sitting at his kitchen table for nearly an hour, pondering on making the call. He’d gotten as far as dragging the phone to the table. He tapped his finger on the worn cherry wood table, his chin set in his other hand as he just stared and thought. What would Teresa say? What would she think? It’d been three years… and when he’d broken off the engagement he didn’t even really have that good of a reason for doing it except to tell her he wasn’t ready. He’d broken her heart. He reached into the breast pocket of his shirt and pulled out the postcard he’d gotten well over two weeks ago. He flipped it over to look at the delicate script of a woman’s hand. ‘Lance, I just wanted to say hello. Write me. Please. ~Teresa’ was all it said. The girl never did say much on her cards. He laid the card down and glanced at his watch before he picked up the receiver with the other hand, turning the dial to call the office she worked in for her daddy.

The phone rang in the western-themed ornate office. Teresa McGill was busy on the other phone with a client so the office receptionist picked it up, her drawl pronounced as she spoke into the receiver, ‘McGill Tractor Supply, this is Susan. How may I direct your call?’

Lance shifted the receiver to the other ear and cleared his throat to keep his voice from squeaking ‘Ah, yeah… this is Lance Finnigan. Is Miss Teresa McGill handy?’ He half-hoped the woman would say no, or that Teresa was sick or something today and wasn’t in the office. He was still half and half on whether or not if he really wanted to talk to her or not. He tapped nervously on the table and looked out the window that was over the sink and the glass doors that led out to the back deck.

‘Just a minute please, she’s on the other line,’ the woman replied before pushing the hold button and turned towards Teresa, motioning towards the phone. Teresa nodded as she spoke into the other phone, jotting down the customer’s order. When Susan passed her a note about who was on the other end, Teresa faltered on the phone a moment, her expressive green eyes going wide. ‘Yes I … I … I …’ she covered the phone receiver for a moment and blinked at the name on the sheet of paper before looking at Susan once again, dumb-founded. ‘I-I’m sorry, could you hold a moment?’ she stammered before putting the man on hold and looked at Susan, her face showing complete shock. ‘Are you sure he said Lance Finnigan?’

‘I think ‘e did. Perty sure. Kinda hard ta mishear that kinda name.’ Susan just turned back to her work.

Lance waited on the other end of the phone, each second ticking by, making him want to hang up more and more. Doubt was creeping into his resolve and he was fidgeting. What if she wouldn’t answer? What if she didn’t want to talk to him? What if she’d found another man? Wait… Wesley said something about not keeping her waiting…. maybe she hadn’t… He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, tempted to just set the receiver down, but instead tightened his grasp on it to keep from doing just that.

Teresa sat dumb-founded for a moment and then glanced to Susan. ‘Would you finish this order for me on line 2? I need to take this call from Mr. Finnigan.’ When Susan nodded, Teresa handed her the order form she had been working on and looked at the blinking button for line one. Lance Finnigan … she was both surprised and nervous. She had pretty much given up on ever hearing from him again and felt suddenly foolish for continuing to send him postcards over the past three and a half years. If it hadn’t been for Wesley replying back to her, she would have given up all hope. Picking the receiver back up, she cleared her throat and closed her eyes momentarily, pushing the blinking button, ‘This is Teresa. How may I help you?’ God, that came across as really cold and formal sounding but it’s all she could think of to say at the moment.

Lance jumped. He’d been in a reverie of thought that had been spiraling downward more and more. Hearing a voice had startled him. Oh God… it was Teresa. His heart thumped in his chest and he shifted the receiver to his other ear again. ‘Teresa? It’s Lance.’ He was normally such a forward sort of guy… had no problem with doing the talking… but his voice was small and rather nervous. ‘I… got your

Teresa held the phone to her ear with both hands, her grip tightening around it as she heard his voice for the first time in over three years. It was enough to bring tears to her eyes … he still sounded exactly like she remembered. Turning a bit so that Susan couldn’t see her face, she flicked away a tear before gently asking, her voice not showing any kind of hostility or anger but instead curiosity about what had prompted him to call now, after all this time. ‘Uhm, yeah … which one?’

‘One of ’em…’ he reached for the card to pull it over and look at the postdate on it.’ The one I’m lookin’ at was postdated ’bout three weeks ago. But…. I’ve gotten ’em all…. ’bout every three months ‘r so.’ There was a long silence as he drew his thumb nail over the worn surface of the table, smoothing his fingers over it. ‘….How are you? I’m not disruptin’ yer work am I?’ he suddenly asked, remembering he’d called the office. ‘I kin call back later….’

Teresa sat there for a long time as if she couldn’t really believe that he was on the other end, her fingers toying with the spiral cord of the phone. She couldn’t help but inhale deeply, trying to still her emotions after all this time. No, it’s okay … busy as usual. I’m doing okay.’ She sighed gently and then softly added, ‘I’ve been keeping up with your rodeo’ing. You and Wesley have been doing real well lately.’

Lance smiled a bit. Teresa always had a knack for lightening a tense situation real well. It was part of her charm he liked so much. ‘Yea… finally got the ol’ scoundrel back in the sport this season. We ‘ave a strong bid ta go in to Nationals…’ Again there was a long silence and again he was tempted to hang up. He wound the cord around his finger and before he could even think about what he was saying he spoke. ‘I miss you, Teresa.’

Teresa’s heart jumped at Lance’s words and she reached up to brush away fresh tears that stung her eyes. Susan was starting to glance in her direction and she turned a bit more, fighting to keep her voice from cracking. ‘I miss you too, Lance. I was just starting to give up on you ever getting in touch with me.’

Lance closed his eyes. She hadn’t immediately jumped in to excuses with another man or anything… so that was a good sign. If there was one thing he could trust about Teresa it was that she was always honest and got it all out at the front. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. ‘Look… ah… I hate phones. Ya prolly ‘member that. I’m ‘eaded up ta Jackson here in a few days fer a convention… mebbe I could take ya ta lunch ‘r sumthin’?’

Teresa couldn’t help but chuckle. Yeah, she remembered everything about him and hearing his voice brought it all back vividly. She wanted to jump at the chance to see him again, but at the same time, she didn’t want to come off as eager and pathetic enough that she had been sitting around pining over him the past three years and had nothing else to do. ‘Uhm, yeah … I’ll just have to check my date book and make sure I’m available.’ Leaning across her desk some, she absently ran her finger over the framed picture that still stood on her desk of their engagement picture. Sighing gently she softly added, ‘I’d like that a lot, Lance.’

Lance shifted in his chair. There really was no convention in Jackson this weekend.. he’d used it as an excuse to make the trip. He nodded before he realized he was on the phone and she wouldn’t be able to hear his head rattle. He shifted the receiver again. ‘Alrigh’… I’ll be in Friday afternoon ‘r so. I’ll call ya when I get into town.’ A long silence. ‘…It’s been nice to hear yer voice ‘gain, Teresa… I…. I’m sorry I haven’ called ‘r written.’

Teresa was jotting down the day, making another note to take the day off and get a hair and nail appt that morning, nodding habitually herself as she smiled into the receiver. ‘I’m glad you called, Lance … I’ll talk to you on Friday.’ Before he could say anything else or before she could blurt out something that she might regret later, she gently placed the receiver back into its cradle and just sat for a moment, looking at the phone. Then after a long moment, her smile reached her eyes and she picked up the phone once again to call her hair dresser.

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The Tidy Little Hotel Maid 3-9-2018 I was stuck in a Hotel in South Carolina after my car broke down on the Interstate. Parts for older import models are scarce, expensive, and hard to come by. So, I had to find a place to wait while the part came in from god only know where probably Timbuctwo. It was hot and humid, being the middle of August what else is there? Fortunately, I had a lot of time to kill and let’s face it I really love that car of mine and definitely could use some...

3 years ago
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Im Not a Slut

Lexis was a Senior at Albert Lawrence High School. She had gone there for four years, and had lived in the small neighborhood since she was a baby: she knew everyone in town, and everyone in town knew her. Everyone knew her as a mild, conservative girl. Not too shy or outgoing, she was never identified as "the mousy nerd" or "the drunk party-girl." And she was happy like that. She had had three boyfriends throughout her four years of high school. Her first, John, had dated her for a year,...

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Sucking Mexican Cock in a Pickup Truck

My wife Linda and I moved to the Denver area from Philadelphia for my job ten years ago, when I was fifty years old and she was forty-seven. That was a great move for us professionally, and I have prospered with my company. The problem is that both of us were born and raised in the Philadelphia suburbs and had lived there our entire lives until the move, and we lost our support group of friends and family.My name is Tim, and Linda and I always had a close relationship and a very active and...

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Becoming Sarah Chapter 18

Chapter 1 James Young was walking into his last class of the day, Intro to Women's Studies and he was relieved that it would not be as intense as his core classes. James needed a class which did not dive deep into the subject matter as much as the higher level education courses he had earlier in the day did. The junior in college was talking a freshman weighted course for he needed a culturally diverse class to meet the criteria to graduate from Penn State University, so he signed...

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I like the beach and always had an affinity towards water. On one of my typical walks along the shore I lost track of time as I often do. I walked for hours enjoying the surf lapping at the sand and the sun warming my skin. I found myself walking in an area I didn’t recognize. I had realized it was getting dark. However, I noticed it really wasn’t that late. There were clouds rolling in. It looked like a doozy of a storm. I smiled to myself, I love thunderstorms, lighting and especially rain. ...

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I've always had sexual urges as long as I can remember. Before I grew hair on my pussy I had discovered how nice it feels to touch myself there.I'd grind my smooth little snatch against my fingers, and after a few years I had discovered how to achieve orgasm. Of course at the time I didn't know what it was so each night I'd put a pillow between my legs and dry hump until my pussy would twitch and my body would shudder with pleasure.After a while I'd experiment more and more... sliding a finger...

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Her Brother Having Sex with Kelly

It was March of 1981. Kelly came home for the weekend from college. It was a coincidence that her folks were out of town for the weekend to a bowling competition. Her dad was pretty good back in the day. We wouldn’t have the house to ourselves because her twenty-three-year-old stoner brother, Steve, still lived there. Steve spent very little time in the house though. Kelly and I hadn’t seen each other since Valentine’s Day, so we had some catching up to do.Kelly and I were both twenty-one....

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Home invasion ends in rape and incest

It was about nine o'clock on a quiet winter evening. Abby sat on the couch in the family room of their 4,000 square foot, upper middle-class home in the outskirts of Houston with her two children, watching a comedy movie that wasn't really very good. Abby was 37 and her daughter, Joy was 18 as was her twin brother Billy. Abby was considering suggesting that they try a different channel when suddenly the side door of the house was kicked in and four men burst into the home. Each man...

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Sharing sister in law

Jane was in great shape for her age. SHe had 34c tits, and an hourglass figure. I always wanted to fuck her.When one christmas was upcoming I asked her to come with me to buy under wear for my wife. I was given the courage to do that when she closed a txt to me with xx. I didnt respond but i did ask her to be sure she deleted her txts to me. She replied that she did.I knew the partner would be out so on the day we were to meet I phoned and asked if we were still on. Jane replied "I asked Rod if...

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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 10

I ducked out of sight and leaned back, my backpack a lumpy camel's hump between me and the wall. What should I do? This was a refuge, my safest place, except maybe for the pool, but what if Greg and Kathy hated me after my display? Where could I go but home? Right now that held its own troubled memories. Mom wouldn't be home, I'd be alone with my worries and I was still wrestling with what I'd done over the weekend. Stop it! The Stick snapped. Just stop it! What's done is done! These...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Jillian Janson Madi Meadows Better Than Your Boyfriend

It’s been a bit since Jillian Janson and Madi Meadows have been able to get together. They finally get their schedules to match up for a visit. They decide to hang out in Jillian’s kitchen for some coffee and a catch up. As they’re chatting, the girls reminisce about college and how much fun they used to have. Jillian uses that to segue into talking about Madi’s new boyfriend. Madi eventually confesses that her new boyfriend hasn’t been able to make her cum, which...

1 year ago
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My beautiful Aunty Rachael

My name is David and I am 18. My Parents died in a car crash when I was 5 . My aunt who was 10 years older than me looked after me. Soon she married and we lived together happily until there was this rift btwn her husband Paul. She soon divorced the SOB. Well my aunt was beautiful. She had wonderful firm 36 C tits , lovely eyes hot lips and even a shaved pussy. Very soon enough at 15 when I learned about sex I began to have incestuous feelings for her. I jacked off frequently. Aunt Rachael used...

2 years ago
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Cumfilled Surprise

OK, I like cum. Well, I love cum. All right, all right, I crave cum. I cannot get enough of the creamy white stuff. I love the slimy feel and hot taste as I coax it from the source. This one time, but wait, let me tell you how my fixation started. First, my name is Vanessa. I am now twenty-five and am getting married next month. My fiancé (just LOVE saying that) David and I have not had ‘sex’ yet. Though he had enjoyed my oral talents many times. I have never confessed my obsession for cum to...

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JamesDeen Trisha Parks Layla Price Late Night Orgy

Check out what happens when four porn stars all get together to hang out at night. Yup, you guest it. They all get naked and fuck each other’s brains out. Trisha Parks, James Deen, Layla Price, and Markus Dupree have ended up in a room together after hours. Layla Price takes the initiative and wraps her lips around Markus’ big Russian cock. Trisha joins right in across the room and starts sucking on James Deen’s dick. If you ever wondered how porn stars have sex when not on...

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Mature Nudist Beach Threesome

Mature Nudist Beach Threesome.Courtesy of an anonymous poster on another site.It was when i was about 18 and had just started visiting a local nudist beach.I guess that I was a good looking lad, fit from sport and tanned after the summer. One day I thought I was alone on my bit of the beach in a big dip in the dunes.There was I relaxing, naked in the warm sun but then I saw an older couplewalking towards me, they must have been in their sixties at least - pretty muchnude - and she was still in...

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Objet dArt

Nora stood in the living room, nude with her hands behind her back. In front of her on the floor was a large wooden box, about six feet long and three feet wide. She knew what it was, and she didn't even attempt to hide her nervousness. Master stood on the other side of the box, looking at her face intently. He could see her nervousness, but Nora wondered if he was able to see in her what always went along with the butterflies she got from his having complete control over her - what made warm...

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The Boy Who Owned Women

Marie got out of the cab, feeling a little groggy from her day of travel. She had actually been due home tomorrow from her boarding school but had managed to get a ride from a friend whose parents had come to pick her up. She was not excited about being home, even for the two-week spring reading break. At sixteen, she felt she was finally enjoying her independence. She was at last comfortable in her body, which very much like her mother and little sister, was almost unbelievably big and round...

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Integration Part 2

Integration, Part 2 When I'd had my breast implants put in the previous week, I had naively thought that I could hide them from my co-workers and even my girlfriend, but it had quickly become clear that I had severely underestimated the change they would make. It wasn't that the doctor had put massive implants into me, but she had made them proportional to the rest of my body, and while I am slim and 28, boobs that were correctly proportioned were, in fact, very large. Coupled with the...

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Mother in law

Don's mom was coming again for the week and Sal was really looking forward to the visit. She was controling and her son did just as she said even in his own home. She liked Sal and thought she needed disipline. This visit was not going to be a good one. She made it clear she was going to teach Sal to be obedient. She was cruel and sadistic. She arrived early Saturday morning and they put her luggage in the spare bedroom. She looked at Sal and told her "You dress like a street whore. Look at...

5 years ago
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My Black Boyfriend

"My Black Boyfriend ""He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor "My Black Boyfriend "??? "??? ??????????????????????????He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor toward him. He sits casually naked in his chair, hischocolate brown muscular body relaxed, and his strong legs spread wide sothat I can see the object of my love, my life. Some of you will think I amperverted, and others of you may even suspect I am mentally ill, but I tell? you I am not. I have...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 35 Something Came Up

The next morning dawned grey and overcast, which made it a good match for my mood. I woke with the realization that my slave would be leaving for home today, and I knew that I would miss her. I also knew that the other women in my life would be missing her, so I would probably be called on to provide some comfort over the next few days. Breakfast was unusually quiet for the two of us, but at one point my love looked out the window and saw Rhonda and her slave sister at the pool. She turned...

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The Sergeants ConcubinesChapter 8

“Oh, damn it! That is one hell of a mouth that your lady has there!” Officer Jason Sanchez declared for Roger’s benefit as Jen swallowed yet another load down her thirsty gullet. “You should try this one, too ... fuck me, I’ve never had a woman let me titty fuck her before!” Officer Aidan O’Neal exclaimed as he came all over Ninve’s lovely bosom. “Well, that’s the last one for the day, I guess, but I wouldn’t mind a taste of Annbrith, if that’s okay,” Ninve suggested, making Roger chuckle...

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The WalkIn

The Walk-In By GSElvis Staying up late, listening to Mahler, was no way to live. Jonathan's nightly routine was to turn out the lights, put a single lighted candle in the middle of the room, and let the dark music wash over him in waves. It was an affectation, something he did because he enjoyed it and there was no one there to stop him. For an hour or so, he closed his eyes and his soul sang along with the brooding music's power. Then, far too late, he went to sleep. And...

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Discussion QuestionsChapter 5 Getting used to the aftermath

I got called upon to satisfy Stacy and Deb after a very sexy breakfast. Somehow I completed three servings of Eggs Benedict without scorching pans or serving up raw eggs. As I ate, one or the other would be straddling my lap feeding me with my cock embedded in their hot pussy. Both women kept up a steady stream of just the kind of seductive and erotic dirty talk that I love, so I was harder than steel again. When we'd all eaten, I led the women to our bedroom, and I continued to eat, only...

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Me my friends fuck my mom

my Friends and I fuck mom I was 14 when I entered high school and had two good friends, Dennisand Jerry. Dennis was a bookworm and worked at a local supermarket.He was our source of our "girlie" magazines. Jerry was taller, athletic and more extroverted. He was the source of our "true sexstories." In total, we were three horney friends who thought a lot about pussy, but were not getting much.My friends didn't come to my house much, but every once in awhile they would come over to do homework...

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My Lost Shaker of Salt Part II

This story includes all sorts of sexual combinations between two men and two woman. If that's not your thing, move on. The characters don't use condoms but you should.Day TwoSometime during the early morning hours, I felt someone nursing my dick. Was I in dreamland. When I felt my cock get hard, I knew it was no dream. But maybe it was a dream, I don't know. When I next had the sensation of an erection, it was merely my morning wood. When I cracked my eyes open, Melissa was dressed and Silvio...

Group Sex
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Heads You DressChapter Two

CHAPTER TWO --- PANTIES & PURSE 1 So, it started simple enough with panties, but for both Jason and Debs there were going to be some devastating discoveries. However, in those early days it was fun and his expense, of course. Jason wore panties to work and on his days off. The choice of underwear was simply taken from him. He found he didn't mind, even though he didn't quite understand why he was suddenly being told what to wear. When he challenged his wife and...

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My Senior Year

It was my senior year I was dressing in our locker room after volleyball practice, and all I could think about was my lunch time getaway under the bleachers where I had just given one of the boys his first blow job. I had only been with guys at this point and even though I had only been giving blow jobs so far I had earned a bit of a reputation. I did not mind the reputation I had made for myself though because I enjoyed it more than them most of the time. As I was getting dressed I did not...

Oral Sex
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Evelyn couldn't remember ever being so sad and all alone. Why had Anthony been taken from her she morosely wondered as tears coursed down her cheeks, streaking her mascara and makeup? It wasn't fair. She had no one. Even though it had been over six months, she still felt so helpless and alone. She had no one to comfort her. To console her. And she was so lonely, she ached. What could she do, she asked herself? This couldn't go on much longer, or she might do something drastic. Do something...

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KristinChapter 5

At 9:30 the next morning, I presented myself at Jonathan Wilkerson’s office. I was welcomed by his secretary, a brunette with “Becky” on her nameplate. She greeted me and buzzed the office. Wilkerson told her to show me right in, so she rose from behind her desk and led the way. I was used to seeing short skirts on the students, but hers might have been the shortest. It barely covered her crotch. Moreover, she was quite tall, with a gorgeous pair of legs that went on forever. Jonathan...

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Bholepan Ka Najayaz Faida Uthaya

Hello to all me dear readers. Hum pinky agarwal aur devilzbadboy aapke saamne ek sachi ghatana le kea aye hai. Ummid hai aap isse pade. Kyuki humme porna vishwas hai ki aap yeh kahani pad ke bahat enjoy karenge. Yeh kahani lower cast ke logo pe aadharit hai jo iss tarah ke vardaat kafi enjoy bhi karte hai. Yeh kahani hum behan bhai apne guru sultan sinha ko samarpit kar rahe hai. Ab aapka zaada samay zaaya na karte hue hum seedhe kahani mai aate hai. Yeh kahani hai ek 18 saal ke umar ke ladki...

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I Dream of Angels Pt 01

If someone were to ask just who ‘she’ was, I wouldn’t be able to answer, as I hadn’t the slightest clue. A hallucination? Some kind of angel? For the past five years, I would greet each morning with the last warm fingers of a dream clinging to my mind. I’d roll on my side, and lying next to me would be a girl of my age, but with beauty unmatched by anyone else on the planet. With liquid smooth skin as soft as ripe fruit, a complexion shade like that of molten bronze and silver mixed together,...

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Forge of StonesChapter 4

Under a livid sky When they had eaten and after Amonas conferred with Philo, the burly man said he would be back soon. Hilderich had relaxed somewhat, but he could not for the life of him fathom the two men. It might be just as well, he thought. He wanted to believe that when he had seen whatever it was they wanted to show him, perhaps they would stick true to their word and release him, let go of him and consider him a friend. The chances though, were slim. He wasn't sure exactly how a...

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The GymnastChapter 2

Greg was sincere in his desire to help his teammates and the other younger athletes. He stopped his workout and took the time to talk with each of them, answering their questions as best he could and, when appropriate, actually demonstrating a technique. Greg was one of the few gymnasts whose strength was such that he could mount an apparatus and move to any single element position without the necessity of prior motion or momentum. He would jump, move to the correct position and then say,...

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The Country Club Life

I'm a 28 year old fit woman and I'm proud of my looks. I have two c***dren but I've focused on keeping a flat stomach and a tight ass. We live in a large two story home with a pool in the backyard and a separate pool house.My husband is a successful company man and he's on the fast track to success.You';d think my life is complete, but there are some frustrations.I'm fairly sure my husband is having affairs with the college interns he claims he needs. He spends at least two evenings each week...

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Office Girl

As I sat there staring at the monitor, watching the stats of the call center people taking the calls, how long they were on the phone with the different clients, how long they were logged off when they went on their breaks I just basically just started vegging out. I began thinking about the many people I was managing. As a call center manager it was my job to pay attention to the stats on the screen and if someone either took too long on a break or was on the phone too long I had to go over...

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I Kissed a GirlChapter 8

The scene in the Conrad and Spencer households were remarkably similar. Mothers and daughters working together clearing up breakfast dishes and putting the kitchen back in order. Once that chore was accomplished both teenagers retired to their respective rooms and sat down at their computers. Maryann and Elizabeth each went on to their next cleaning task. For Maryann that was changing the bed linen. She heard the music coming from within and put her hand on the door knob to Becky's bedroom...

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