- 3 years ago
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Discovering another past.
‘Important encounters are planned by the souls, long before the bodies see each other.’ (Paulo Coelho de Souza, 1947—)
Part 03: Our Story.
We took my car, and it was about a fifteen-minute trip to the church, and Dr. Simpkins’ office. He was in his office waiting for us. Upon entering, I introduced my pretty blonde friend, and the Doc started the conversation to put us at ease, considering the subject matter.
‘I understand that you have both had some unsettling … shall we say, memories, and mental flashbacks.’
‘Yes,’ I said first, ‘and Sarah here, called me Michael, straight out of the blue, and later, I called her Claire … it just popped into my brain when I saw her … that name!’
Sarah piped in, ‘I think it might be interesting to try to find out who Michael and Claire were if the even existed, and what happened to them … if anything. I guess that psychics might say that it is something like past lives intruding into current times.’
We both looked at her and she smiled and added, ‘I saw Ghostbusters four times!’
Doc and I laughed, and he began with, ‘Okay, ‘reincarnation.’ That’s what we are talking about aren’t we? David and I discussed it briefly, and I told him that the Church does not have an official position, but a good percentage of the faithful do believe in past lives. I indicated to David, that I do not disbelieve in anything for which there is some body of evidence, however scant.’
He got up to get us each a cup of coffee, and a refill for himself and continued,
‘I think you would be well served by trying to find out who Michael and Claire are, or were. You are both about twenty, and with the vividness of your recollections, I think that it might be something somewhere around your births … that would have to be at least twenty-twenty-one years ago.’
‘You are talking about research, like old newspapers?’ Sarah asked.
‘Yes. That would at least be a place to start. It might be a long road to travel, so it would depend on how much time you can afford away from your studies.’ He said.
‘I have no serious projects coming up, and I have a 4.0 average going, so I can afford a few days this week … to get us started!’ Sarah said.
‘Yes, I can too. I can manage a few days. I will have to call Julie to let her know, but I am in for a little research.’
‘Julie?’ the Doc asked.
‘She’s a friend. She and I are dating right now.’ I answered.
‘Is she involved?’ he countered.
‘Well, maybe, but I want to leave her out of it just for now.’ I looked at Sarah and reiterated to her, ‘Just for now!’
After that, we drank our coffee and talked a little about reincarnation, and some of the stories that Doc told us, which came from parishioners over the years. Especially one about a couple who died in a flash flood in the early1800’s and were reunited in 1945.
‘Oh, that’s so sweet!’ Sarah said with an uncustomary smile.
We both shook the Doc’s hand, and left. I treated Sarah to lunch, to plan our strategy for the research project. We decided to split our forces with her checking the county morgue’s records, and I was to look through old newspapers accounts of disasters, accidents, train wrecks. We decided to meet back at her apartment at about six-o’clock for reports on our progress.
I figured that, if it was our previous lives we were talking about, it might have to be something in local newspapers, so I would check them first. I visited the largest newspaper in town to search their archives, since the libraries would not likely go back twenty years.
I had to wait for the front guard to get off the phone, and then he had to find someone who could help me. It was taking time, and I was getting antsy, and then a young woman came into the lobby, and introduced herself as a customer service rep. she was young and pretty, but likely some years older than me. She was blonde, and a bit bosomy, but with a nice figure.
She took me over to a sitting area in the lobby to talk, and I explained my problem without going into details. She handed me her business card, but wrote her home phone number on it before handing it to me ‘Just in case!’ she said,
‘Diane Silverton, Customer Service Associate’ the card read.
She was all smiles, as I outlined my research needs, and was eager to help. She had me sign in at the guard’s desk, and I followed her through doors, down corridors, and we ended up in a basement-looking area with shelves of file boxes, and a few computers. She had quite a shapely ass, and looked back a couple of times as we walked, and just smiled when she caught me looking her over. Sorry, I’m a guy, right?
We sat together, and poured over a computer screen. I could smell her perfume, and since she was wearing a V-neck sweater, I could see down into her cleavage. Not wanting her to think that I’m some kind of pervert, I tried to keep my voyeurism to a minimum. We searched back, and found that the computerized images only went back ten years. Not far enough.
‘We will have to look at the old microfiche. But we will have to order it from the records department. I can get it here tomorrow by noon. Can you come back then?’ Diane asked.
‘Yes David, they are small sheets of film, about four inches’ square and contain dozens of images—newspaper pages, you view them in a special viewer. It is more tedious, but look at the upside … we get to spend more time together.’
‘Oh, well, yeah, I guess so. Sure. Noon.’ I said.
‘You can call me first to check, if you want.’ Then she smoothed back an errant lock of hair, and said with a little nervousness in her voice, ‘You can use the other number too … if you would like … I am home most nights!’
‘Thanks, Diane, but I have a girlfriend!’ I said a little apologetically.
‘Well, keep the card anyway, David.’ Then moving closer to me, and squeezing her breasts between her arms as she did, with her lips almost on mine, she breathed, ‘You never know!’
‘Alright, Diane I call you tomorrow morning … here!’ I told her as she looked a little disappointed.
She escorted me back to the guard’s desk, and I signed out, and left. I called Sarah on my way to the car, and informed her that I was through here for today, and she told me that she was not having any luck with the morgue, but had more records to go through tomorrow as well, and was calling it a day. It was only three-o’clock, but we decided to meet for an early dinner … or late lunch.
At the restaurant, we talked about our research, and told her about the microfiche I was waiting for, and I also told her about Diane and her obvious interest in me, and my keeping her at bay.
‘David, I want us to join forces tomorrow. It’s not that I don’t trust you … w-well it’s is that I don’t trust you!’ then in a pleading voice she asked, ‘Can we please? The guy at the morgue is seriously creeping me out!’
I laughed, and just to tease her a little I said, ‘Okay, I’ll let you keep an eye on me tomorrow. Might be fun, but I am telling you, Diane might me a little upset, I promised her we could have sex in the file room tomorrow, and she promised not to wear any underwear!’
‘David! Stop!’ she scolded as she slugged me in the arm. When I laughed again, she said,
‘You’re a meanie! Now for sure I’m going. If you are going to have sex with anyone in the file room, it’s going to be with me!’
‘Really?’ I said.
I looked at her with a surprised look, wondering where that was coming from. Then she immediately covered her mouth with her hands, blushed and said,
‘Oh shit! I didn’t mean to say that David, I’m so sorry, I know you are spoken for!’ I laughed at her embarrassment,
‘Sarah, I am not spoken for, Julie and I are just dating. She dates a couple of guys, so we don’t hav
e any kind of special arrangement.’
‘Oh!’ she said brightly with a pretty smile.
‘It would be great having you join Diane and me tomorrow, and get you away from Igor, and out of the crypt.’ I said. Then she laughed musically and replied,
‘Thank you David. My hero!’ then she said teasingly, ‘So, its ‘Diane and me’ now, huh?’
‘We are not a couple, she is just an employee, helping me out … helping us out!’
‘It’s alright either way, David!’ she said, chuckling at my discomfort. Then she looked into my eyes, with a dreamy and happy look. As we finished at the restaurant she asked, lowering her eyes a little,
‘David, honey. I was so creeped out today, um, at the morgue … can you … st-stay over … again … tonight?’ she looked up hopefully.
‘Sure! I’ll have to make a call though.’
‘Oh goodie! Thank you David!’ she said lightly clapping her hands, like a little girl who just got her own way. I laughed, and excused myself for a moment.
‘Hello!’ said Julie when I rang her up.
‘Hi! It’s David. Um just wanted to tell you that I am involved in a research project right now, may take a few days. I can’t tell you about it just now, but I promise I will later.’
‘O-Okay David, thanks for letting me know. Um, does this research project, by any chance, include … that pretty blonde?’
‘Will it include me too?’
‘Maybe, but not yet, I’ll let you know when.’
‘Are you going to be a good boy, David?’
‘Are you going to be a good girl for a few days?’
‘Mmm, maybe! But, I don’t have any strings on you, and you really don’t have any on me. Just let your conscience be your guide, David!’ she said with a giggle, as I laughed and replied,
‘Alright, Julie. Fair enough!’
I returned to Sarah still at the front door waiting, and we left separately for her apartment. She arrived first, and waited by the outside door so I wouldn’t have to be buzzed in, and we went up to her place.
No sooner were we inside than she turned quickly, threw her arms around me and kissed me sweetly. Her breath was so sweet, as her mouth approached mine, and her eyes fluttered closed as her lips pushed into mine.
She tasted sweet, with a hint of the wine from dinner. I felt her firm breasts press into my chest, and she moaned into my mouth. She ended our kiss sooner than I would have wished, as her eyes popped open and she smiled sweetly. She giggled, ‘Mmm, very nice David!’
‘And brief!’ I countered. Then she counter-punched,
‘First kiss my dear. If you are a good boy, there might be more! We’ll just have to see!’
As she turned, her ponytail whirled around, and I followed her through the living room and then into the kitchen, and she asked,
‘Coffee? Beer? Wine?’
‘Um, beer I guess! Thanks!’
I watched the material of her jeans stretch over her shapely butt as she bent over to retrieve a couple of beers for us. We sat at the kitchen counter, just talking about our conference with Doc Simpkins, and our experiences with our research. She told me about ‘Igor’ at the morgue. His name was not Igor, of course, that’s just how she decided to refer to him.
He was tall and lanky, and had a weird, short haircut … and dark, creepy eyes. She could sense him always looking at her, and trying to look down her blouse as they worked closer than necessary over the records. He was a fairly nice and helpful guy, but just creepy with a bit with an odd manner. It comes from being alone all the time in that unhappy place, I am guessing.
We decided to do something active, and went for a walk from her place toward the campus. We walked the quad, and at one point, she slipped her hand into mine. It felt nice! I am not a big one for public displays of affection, but it felt right with her.
We slowly walked the quad, and when we reached the other end, there was a broad set of about four steps leading to the auditorium building. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I stopped, let her hand slip from mine, and looked at the pavement. She looked over at me and asked,
‘David, what?’
I got a shiver I couldn’t account for, but shook it off. ‘Nothing!’ was what I said to her, but I became a little quieter as we walked and talked … we walked and she talked!
We walked up and over to the broad steps leading to the ornate front doors of the auditorium. We sat on the top step and just stared out, enjoying our commanding view of the campus. I admired the similar architecture of the various building, obviously mostly build during the same period, in what I was once told was of the Roman Renaissance, neoclassical style.
The red brick trimmed in limestone, quarried locally, lent a feeling of stately academic authority, as they stood like silent sentinels over students scurrying here and there. It was a pretty campus, and although not a large university, it was a comfortable place for me. Sarah looked over at me and said,
‘They really are beautiful, aren’t they?’
‘Yeah, they are! I love coming here just to sit and relax, and to think.’ I said.
She put her hand on my knee, and lightly massaged my inner thigh, ‘David, I am finding much to like about you! Can you handle it?’
‘I could say the same thing about you! I thought you were somewhat cool at first, but you really are a warm and sweet person!’
‘Thank you for that, David! I know what you mean though. I turn people off at first, since I am slow to warm to them … not sure why, maybe I’m too cerebral … too … ‘head-in-the-clouds’!’
‘Well, I’ve gotten past that with you I think, and I only see the warmth and the sweetness. But I am happy that you are that way at first … it makes you more genuine!’
She smiled, and squeezed my knee, I reached over and kissed her. She dropped her eyes and blushed saying,
‘Time to head back, David.’
I rose, offered her my hand to help her up, and we slowly strode out of the campus and back to her apartment. When we got to her door, she turned, leaned against the door with her arms behind her and said,
‘Kiss me again, David.’
I kissed her for a good five minutes in the hallway as her arms came up and around my neck. My hand slid down and massaged her pert breasts and I squeezed them gently. Then she reluctantly broke from our embrace, turned and opened the door.
‘David, will you read to me? Pride and Prejudice, continue where we left off. You have such a soothing baritone reading voice.’
She quickly retrieved the book from the side table where I left it, and pulled me over to the couch. I sat at one end, and she sat next to me with her feet propped up on the coffee table, and her head leaning on my shoulder.
I had the dust cover flap tucked into the book at chapter five, so I started there,
‘Within a short walk of Longbourn lived a family with whom the Bennets were particularly intimate. Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the King, during his mayoralty.’
I looked down to see Sarah cuddling closer to me, and her face had a child-like quality and an inner light that was very attractive, as she listened intently with a sweet smile. I was becoming slightly aroused looking down into that pretty face as I continued reading.
I read several chapters, mostly about the Bingley sisters and their supercilious distain for everyone, except Elizabeth Bennet’s sweet sister, Jane. About Charles Bingley’s growing admiration of Jane, and Elizabeth’s continuing confusion about her feelings for Mr. Darcy, after her chiding him over his earlier arrogant behavior.
‘Ah, the simple life of late-eighteenth century England! And, the trouble people can get into without television!’ I chuckled to myself.
I wasn’t sure if my pretty au
dience was still with me after several of the short chapters, so pretending to continue my reading, but I paraphrased a little,
‘…and Elizabeth said to Darcy, ‘Yes, I will come and live with you forever, please bite me, my darling! You may have my neck, but not my body’…’ I heard Sarah giggling, and she said,
‘That’s very interesting David, but I don’t remember that part! Is that just before the Bingley sisters became werewolves?’
I laughed, and told her, ‘Just checking to see if I still had an audience!’
‘I’m still here, but maybe we should take a break.’
She got up and make us some coffee, and quickly prepared some bruschetta for a light snack. We ate, talked about the plot of the novel, the Bennet’s the Bingley’s, and the uniqueness of the main character of Elizabeth Bennet. It is something I know about with my studies in English literature.
I told her that men tend to regard Jane Austin’s novels as books for women, but admitted to finding a few of them very compelling stories, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park, in particular. I noticed that Sarah had both of those novels in her collection, as well as some other very classy works. Her explanation?
‘I don’t really care for television, and have always been a reader. A lot of these books are my Father’s, and I sneak them out on visits home. But David, I have read P&P about four times, and don’t remember any vampires in there anywhere!’
I laughed, ‘Sorry if I spoiled the story for you, but had to check to see if you were still with me.’ Then I looked her in the eyes, and said, ‘I love reading to you, and looking down into your pretty face as I do. I will have to come over often for that pleasure!’
‘I like you a lot, and love to listen to the way you read … you really bring the story alive for me in a very special way. (I knew there was a ‘but’ coming) But, we just met and it is my way to take things slowly at first. I’m sure you understand?’
‘Yeah, I guess I do. It really is smart to do it that way.’
She smiled, and returned to her coffee, looking at me over the rim of her cup. It was getting dark out, but she asked if we could get some fresh air. We walked just around her neighborhood, but we were mostly silent … just walked, and breathed in the night air.
I offered to read to her some more, but she said that she was tired, and we had a lot to do tomorrow. She pulled out a sheet to put over the couch for me along with a blanket, and pillow. She gave me a rather sisterly kiss goodnight, and retired to her room.
I read to myself for a while. When the book slipped from my hand, it’s hitting the floor woke me up and I had to shake my head to come to a little, I decided that it was time to settle in. I stripped down to my knit boxer briefs, and settled into my makeshift bed.
It was dark, except for the moonlight streaming in from the dining room window, and I was settling into a nice dream. After several hours (had to be after midnight), I felt a soft kiss on my cheek. I was trying to separate that real life occurrence from my dream, and awoke. In the moonlight I saw Sarah, nude, as her breasts hung close to my face. She whispered,
‘Stay with me tonight, David!’ Then she quickly retreated to her room, as I watched her very attractively unadorned figure as it was lit by the moonlight as she passed the dining room, and in the dark again as she entered the hallway to her room.
I rose, and felt the beginning of a nighttime erection. I padded into her room, not sure what was coming, and she was in her bed under the covers.
‘David, come in and cuddle with me!’ she said softly and barely audibly.
Since I wasn’t sure what I was being asked to do, I left my shorts on, and slid into the bed. Her body was soft and warm, and I was beyond being able to control the condition of my manhood. I adjusted my erection so it was comfortable inside the confines of my briefs. She turned onto her side facing away from me, and I spooned up behind her, situating my hardening cock comfortably against her buttocks.
‘Mmm, feels nice David!’ she said as I put my arms around her. She wiggled her butt against me, and said,
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Hey friends myself Rahul I am 19 years old and just passed 12th from Bathinda i am regular visitor of iss and quite impressed by the people who share their stories over iss and these stories also encouraged my dare by which i could have the pleasant and the best experience of my life. lets tell you about me i am 6 feet muscular guy and love to play lawn tennis and basically belonged to sangrur but now living as paying guest at bathinda to prepare for medical entrance exam Guys this is the true...
IncestI grabbed the buzzing phone off the nightstand. “You’re not going to answer that, are you?” Sarah asked.She was on her back in my bed. Her thick thighs were spread wide exposing her fat pink pussy lips. She was still trembling from the orgasm I’d given her with my tongue. “Of course not,” I told her.I glanced at the phone. Stela was trying to send a video call. Her flight left in a couple of hours. She was in the bathroom of her beach house wearing nothing but a towel. “I need you to...
CheatingDisrespect and the bedroom go hand in hand. It’s hard to explain, but there’s some line between pleasure and humiliation that makes people bust huge nuts, and there are a few reasons that might be.Humiliation creates an enveloping sexual situation. Without it, your mind may wander to your bills or what you have to do tomorrow morning. However, if you’re being horrifically embarrassed, it’s hard to think about anything else but the present moment. How beautiful. No one on their phones, no social...
Scat Porn SitesDonald had every intention of leaving Emma’s bed as soon as he knew she was asleep, but her soft breathing as she began to doze lulled him to sleep too. His hand on her close-clipped mons and his cock between her legs just made him so content that it just happened.When morning comes and he awakes he is a little annoyed with himself, but it feels so right sleep with Emma like this. He realizes that this is the first night he has ever sleep the entire night with someone. He always leaves to...
Love StoriesI kicked the sheets into a tangle and stumbled, bleary-eyed, across our tiny efficiency to turn off the excited morning voices of Karlson & McKenzie cackling from the clock radio. I reminded myself yet again that I needed to get an alarm that didn’t automatically reset every day, annoyed at the 8AM wakeup for a day when my first class wasn’t until 1. Collapsing back onto the foot of the bed crosswise, I yawned and reached between my legs to give the boys a comfortable scratch, the...
The afternoon was turning to evening as Katie, Tom and Sandy relaxed partially dressed on the patio. Sandy was on her third glass of wine, Tom had lost count of beers after his third and Katie was just relaxing between them with the sex she just had running through her mind. Katie broke the silence and asked, does the cum always shoot out of your cock like that? No, not always sometimes it just sort of spurts a short distance but what we are doing is sort of naughty and I got more excited so I...
Derrick and Eric sat in the back of a bar in a corner booth huddled together like two gossiping. “Man I can’t believe what just happened, I wouldn’t dreamt of anything close to that or at least not with you” Eric whispered to his friend. Derrick took a long sip of his Hennessey before answering. “Well things are about to change my friend, and I won’t you along for the ride, are you with me?” Derrick had a serious aura about him, not something that you’d expect after fucking his secretary with...
Group SexHi ISS Readers, This is the story about my Bhabhi. She is very hot and beautiful. She got big boobs and nice perfect rounded ass. She is bit bulky but she is too hot in bed. Now let me introduce myself I am having average body with height of 5’7 and very fond of sex all the times. My name is Arvind and I am Vadodara Gujarat. Any Bhabhi’s or aunties interested in having fun with me. Don’t hesitate to contact me. Everything will be kept secret. Lot of introduction. Let start with story. My...
IncestEliza Simpson carried the letter carefully to her room at the top of the stairs. She re-read the postmark, 'Maidstone, Kent, ' and knew who it must be from. 'Miss Eliza Simpson, ' it read. ' I have been asked to pass on to you a letter from a mutual acquaintance. I only do this in memory of my dear sister. Katherine Wilkinson.' In the envelope was a folded piece of brown paper. Evidently shortages had hit Holland as well, Eliza thought. 'Dearest E... I promised to write and here it...
The doorbell rang and Amber's mind was ripped away from her reverie. Oh! She had almost forgotten she had invited Lisa over today. She looked down at her cunt. It was dripping with her juices and her pink pussy lips were swollen from having just cum. Oh well she thought, no time to clean up. Lisa's here now! Amber skipped to the door completely naked, loving the feeling of the cool air against her wet cunt and upper thighs. She swung the door open and looked down at her friend. ...
John was sitting in his recliner watching his wife Kandy, sitting on the sofa with her long legs curled under her. How could he be so lucky to have a woman like her love him? Especially when he missed many special dates, and spent way too many nights late at the office, she found ways to rekindle their love. Like last night when she gave him that marvelous massage. His cock stirred in his pants as he thought of her touch. There had to be a way he could return the favor.She watched him ogle her...
Straight SexMichelle had been working for me for a couple months in the store. We sell music and this is a pretty laid back job and what many would consider a great place to work. She was actually an animator just between jobs and I only hired her to be nice to her boyfriend. He was a regular and we talked alot in the store. I didn't particularly care for him, but I liked his money and always enjoyed when he brought Michelle with him. It's not that she was so hot or anything, but she was pretty cute...
Properly start from down to above..When dressed I could never pass as a woman. I am clearly a sissy put into woman’s close. Love being sent out like that. Exposed. Knowing whoever sees me knows just what I am. I have only done that at adult bookstores and at adult theaters. When openly dressed there, either in nothing but lingerie and stockings and panties, or if I go in a skirt, stockings, blouse, bra and breast forms, it is not only clear what I am, but most men who enjoy sissies see it as an...
Maa Ko Choda Hi mera name romy yeah meri pehli sex story hai aur mera pehla sex bhi meri mom ke sath he hua meri umar 19 saal hai mein punjab mein rehta hun mere dad pichle 3 saalo c muscat mein rehte hai aur mera 1 chota bhai bhi hai mein sidha apni story btata hun meri ma ka nam kamini hai voh 42 saal ki aur thodi moti hai magr bht he zyada sexy hai unka figure 40 36 38 hai unka naam vaise mamta hai unhe saabhi guddi bulate hai… Fir 1 din ki baat hai mom apne kamre mein kapde change kr rahi...
“Wh-wait, what are you doing?” I stammer. Liv looks at me lightly confused. “You did it to me. What's the matter?” She says, leaning in closer to me, her lips hovering just above mine. “Don't you want me to?” I'm getting hot now, my heart speeding up. “N-no, it's not that I don't wa-” Liv lunges for me, pressing her lips hard against mine. All thoughts leave my mind, and she slips her tongue into my mouth, rolling it over mine. The kiss slowly starts getting faster and hotter, I'm...
Free Ride Mocs Chapter 1: Feeling the coolness of the air on my face I knew it was far too cold to be walking about the city. This was fine, as it gave me the opportunity to try and find the fabled taxi. I'm sure you've heard the tales of a taxi that drives around the city and changes its clientele in some way. I know that it exist and I know that it switches a person's body with the taxi driver. Thus leaving them trapped in the taxi driver's body forced to watch their old selves...
Back to nature It was a baking hot afternoon in early August. For the past week the south of England had been enjoying a ridge of high pressure which showed no sign of moving and temperatures had soared way above the seasonal average, causing the grass to wilt and yellow, and stimulating the local insects into furious buzzing action. Around the ancient earthworks of the Iron Age hill-fort the air shimmered with the heat, the sun so fierce that this normally crowded beauty spot was almost...
Lesbian"Hi Alex, this is Sean" Timidly, "Hi Sean." "Logan's parents agreed to a meeting tonight." "OK." "You really don't wanna do this, do you." "I do, but, well you know." "There's one stipulation." "What do you mean?" "They don't want any touching between you and Logan, not even a handshake." "Sounds good." "Oh? OK, enough said." ... Everyone feels uncomfortable with the meeting, yet each realize how important it is. When Alex and Sean...
Manuel looked at the time, cursed, then called up Lupi on her cell phone. ‘Sorry Honey, I’m running late.’ ‘Do you want me to cancel?’ she asked her voice scratchy over the line. ‘No… I’ll be home shortly, and then we’ll all go out for lunch. Love you,’ Manuel told her, then hung up the phone. He pushed through his thick black hair and picked up the picture of his wife. Her pretty Mexican heritage showed off her beautiful eyes and dark skin. The white tux he had worn just showed everyone...
I got up at 4:30 this morning to catch a 7:00 flight to Austin for a meeting. I'm not usually a morning person but today, for some reason, I jumped right out of bed and got in the shower. I needed plenty of time to get ready this morning. I shaved my legs, underarms and then my pussy. It had to be smooth for my return home this afternoon. After my shower, the usual preparations were made for the day. Fixing my hair, applying makeup and other miscellaneous tasks were completed. Now I had to...
Working as Engineer for an important construction firm, I often had to contribute efforts with my boss on important projects for foreign nationals. Over the months, as our projects started being successful, my burden of the work also increased voluminously. My boss never really tried to grasp what was going on, though he held piles of valuable information on his laptop. Most of the time, he just wanted me to keep things running, and took credit for the good things whether he was involved or...
It all started one morning when my wife came home early from work and caught me jacking off. She had stood at the door watching me stroke my cock and playing with my balls, I don't know how long she had been standing there.All I know is that I had just shot off a load of cum and was licking it off my hand when I noticed her standing there. To my surprise she came into the room and stripped off her clothes. She got on top of me and stuck her cunt over my mouth.I could smell sex on her and knew...
R.U.S.A. by Erin Tyler It may seem like we were ignoring it, but we weren't. It was an ever- present thought, always in the back of our minds. Each of us continued our day-to-day affairs to distract ourselves: The Mistress taught me her craft; I learned from her, and kept up with my other friends; Alan watched his daughters; the ABCs explored their little world; Gary watched the store; Miki-chan kept her body steady and her mind sound; and hundreds of other stories like ours played...
Introduction: Hello and thank you for coming by to read. Once again, this story is completely fictional. I have never nor do I know anyone who has ever experienced anything like this. This is purely a fantasy based story. There are sensitive subjects such as slavery, sexual abuse, and rape in this story. If youre uncomfortable with that, please turn back now. Hope you enjoy! Early that morning, Kurt woke up to his alarm. He took a long hot shower, then enjoyed a croissant and some fruit for...
There really was little I could do to change things, I realized. I hadn't told anyone but Marie that I was gay, but that was part of how she saw me. Who knew if she'd let anyone else know? Or if anyone had overheard part of our conversations? I was sucking the first guy's dick regularly still, always in his car, always getting off in mine, after, been buttfucked by another, so I wasn't lying exactly. I kept watching more sissy porn, but in my mind, I was imagining being fucked in all those...
By Stifflittlepoints Before I begin, I want to be honest and share that I desperately want to be a part of my sister’s club. I know that term is dated, but I can’t think of any other term that would fit that group. I just started high school and the one thing I wanted was friends that could show me around the new school and teach me what I needed to do . . . to be accepted. I have to admit, I had been bugging my sister Leah all summer about this, and I had just about given up, but her horny...
If you are like me and consider yourself to be an online castanova or even just a sneek peeker. Mabe you have heard the name hotjuicylipz .She is a model on I think she is from Georgia... very thick,very sweet,and very sexy, I watched her in free chat for a couple of days....And i was hooked. Before you know it I was spending all of my free time with her.I noticed that i even started having feelings for her now wait before you judge me I know how this must sound.This lovely brown...
Winter Carnival It hadn’t come last year, but you had heard about it – the Winter Carnival that pitched its tents in the valley just the other side of the river that ran below the University. You had heard about it from the kids. It seemed strange. In the middle of winter, a carnival. But one morning as you walked from the big old Victorian house on one hill to school on the other, you heard banging and a clamor and you turned and there it was – the snow had been plowed off the large field...
Mother Son Tube! It takes a lot of sack to create a tube site that has such a narrow niche. Of course, any porn webmaster that wants to play it safe would want to churn out a tube site that hits all the marks. That would make a lot of sense. But any webmaster worth their weight knows that if you want to stand the fuck out, you have to take the risk and go niche.That’s the gamble that the minds behind Mother Son Tube are taking. And I have to fucking say it; I think their gamble fucking paid...
Incest Porn SitesTonya was sitting at the dining table with books and notebooks spread out in front of her, studying. Her last exams for the year were coming up the next day, and she was pouring over every subject, determined to do well so she could get into her first choice college. She had a pair of earbuds in, listening to music as she worked. She was wearing a cropped, spaghetti strap tank top without a bra, and the shape of her nipples was clearly defined in the thin, grey material. Her long, dark brown...
The Hall at Drumboe Castle, or more properly Manor House, wasn't as large as that at Glenveagh Castle, as it would only be cozy for a mere forty people. Currently, it was set up with a single table that would seat eight. Like the rest of the house that we had seen, this room had a walnut wainscot with painted walls which were a light rose color. There were multiple plaster moldings some eight inches high around the room at ceiling level which was only ten feet high. There was a chandelier...
It had been close to two weeks since our new neighbors had moved into the upstairs apartment. They decided to stop by and introduce themselves. The mother, Kimberly, had just been promoted to a six-figure income job in high-end management at a downtown firm. Her and her husband, Matt, decided they'd use a portion of the new income to get Matt's new home computer business off the ground, and place a nice chunk into a savings account for their daughter Nichole. Nichole, however, was just...