Resurrection! Ch. 02 free porn video

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Discovering another past.

‘Important encounters are planned by the souls, long before the bodies see each other.’ (Paulo Coelho de Souza, 1947—)

Part 03: Our Story.

We took my car, and it was about a fifteen-minute trip to the church, and Dr. Simpkins’ office. He was in his office waiting for us. Upon entering, I introduced my pretty blonde friend, and the Doc started the conversation to put us at ease, considering the subject matter.

‘I understand that you have both had some unsettling … shall we say, memories, and mental flashbacks.’

‘Yes,’ I said first, ‘and Sarah here, called me Michael, straight out of the blue, and later, I called her Claire … it just popped into my brain when I saw her … that name!’

Sarah piped in, ‘I think it might be interesting to try to find out who Michael and Claire were if the even existed, and what happened to them … if anything. I guess that psychics might say that it is something like past lives intruding into current times.’

We both looked at her and she smiled and added, ‘I saw Ghostbusters four times!’

Doc and I laughed, and he began with, ‘Okay, ‘reincarnation.’ That’s what we are talking about aren’t we? David and I discussed it briefly, and I told him that the Church does not have an official position, but a good percentage of the faithful do believe in past lives. I indicated to David, that I do not disbelieve in anything for which there is some body of evidence, however scant.’

He got up to get us each a cup of coffee, and a refill for himself and continued,

‘I think you would be well served by trying to find out who Michael and Claire are, or were. You are both about twenty, and with the vividness of your recollections, I think that it might be something somewhere around your births … that would have to be at least twenty-twenty-one years ago.’

‘You are talking about research, like old newspapers?’ Sarah asked.

‘Yes. That would at least be a place to start. It might be a long road to travel, so it would depend on how much time you can afford away from your studies.’ He said.

‘I have no serious projects coming up, and I have a 4.0 average going, so I can afford a few days this week … to get us started!’ Sarah said.

‘Yes, I can too. I can manage a few days. I will have to call Julie to let her know, but I am in for a little research.’

‘Julie?’ the Doc asked.

‘She’s a friend. She and I are dating right now.’ I answered.

‘Is she involved?’ he countered.

‘Well, maybe, but I want to leave her out of it just for now.’ I looked at Sarah and reiterated to her, ‘Just for now!’

After that, we drank our coffee and talked a little about reincarnation, and some of the stories that Doc told us, which came from parishioners over the years. Especially one about a couple who died in a flash flood in the early1800’s and were reunited in 1945.

‘Oh, that’s so sweet!’ Sarah said with an uncustomary smile.

We both shook the Doc’s hand, and left. I treated Sarah to lunch, to plan our strategy for the research project. We decided to split our forces with her checking the county morgue’s records, and I was to look through old newspapers accounts of disasters, accidents, train wrecks. We decided to meet back at her apartment at about six-o’clock for reports on our progress.

I figured that, if it was our previous lives we were talking about, it might have to be something in local newspapers, so I would check them first. I visited the largest newspaper in town to search their archives, since the libraries would not likely go back twenty years.

I had to wait for the front guard to get off the phone, and then he had to find someone who could help me. It was taking time, and I was getting antsy, and then a young woman came into the lobby, and introduced herself as a customer service rep. she was young and pretty, but likely some years older than me. She was blonde, and a bit bosomy, but with a nice figure.

She took me over to a sitting area in the lobby to talk, and I explained my problem without going into details. She handed me her business card, but wrote her home phone number on it before handing it to me ‘Just in case!’ she said,

‘Diane Silverton, Customer Service Associate’ the card read.

She was all smiles, as I outlined my research needs, and was eager to help. She had me sign in at the guard’s desk, and I followed her through doors, down corridors, and we ended up in a basement-looking area with shelves of file boxes, and a few computers. She had quite a shapely ass, and looked back a couple of times as we walked, and just smiled when she caught me looking her over. Sorry, I’m a guy, right?

We sat together, and poured over a computer screen. I could smell her perfume, and since she was wearing a V-neck sweater, I could see down into her cleavage. Not wanting her to think that I’m some kind of pervert, I tried to keep my voyeurism to a minimum. We searched back, and found that the computerized images only went back ten years. Not far enough.

‘We will have to look at the old microfiche. But we will have to order it from the records department. I can get it here tomorrow by noon. Can you come back then?’ Diane asked.


‘Yes David, they are small sheets of film, about four inches’ square and contain dozens of images—newspaper pages, you view them in a special viewer. It is more tedious, but look at the upside … we get to spend more time together.’

‘Oh, well, yeah, I guess so. Sure. Noon.’ I said.

‘You can call me first to check, if you want.’ Then she smoothed back an errant lock of hair, and said with a little nervousness in her voice, ‘You can use the other number too … if you would like … I am home most nights!’

‘Thanks, Diane, but I have a girlfriend!’ I said a little apologetically.

‘Well, keep the card anyway, David.’ Then moving closer to me, and squeezing her breasts between her arms as she did, with her lips almost on mine, she breathed, ‘You never know!’

‘Alright, Diane I call you tomorrow morning … here!’ I told her as she looked a little disappointed.

She escorted me back to the guard’s desk, and I signed out, and left. I called Sarah on my way to the car, and informed her that I was through here for today, and she told me that she was not having any luck with the morgue, but had more records to go through tomorrow as well, and was calling it a day. It was only three-o’clock, but we decided to meet for an early dinner … or late lunch.

At the restaurant, we talked about our research, and told her about the microfiche I was waiting for, and I also told her about Diane and her obvious interest in me, and my keeping her at bay.

‘David, I want us to join forces tomorrow. It’s not that I don’t trust you … w-well it’s is that I don’t trust you!’ then in a pleading voice she asked, ‘Can we please? The guy at the morgue is seriously creeping me out!’

I laughed, and just to tease her a little I said, ‘Okay, I’ll let you keep an eye on me tomorrow. Might be fun, but I am telling you, Diane might me a little upset, I promised her we could have sex in the file room tomorrow, and she promised not to wear any underwear!’

‘David! Stop!’ she scolded as she slugged me in the arm. When I laughed again, she said,

‘You’re a meanie! Now for sure I’m going. If you are going to have sex with anyone in the file room, it’s going to be with me!’

‘Really?’ I said.

I looked at her with a surprised look, wondering where that was coming from. Then she immediately covered her mouth with her hands, blushed and said,

‘Oh shit! I didn’t mean to say that David, I’m so sorry, I know you are spoken for!’ I laughed at her embarrassment,

‘Sarah, I am not spoken for, Julie and I are just dating. She dates a couple of guys, so we don’t hav
e any kind of special arrangement.’

‘Oh!’ she said brightly with a pretty smile.

‘It would be great having you join Diane and me tomorrow, and get you away from Igor, and out of the crypt.’ I said. Then she laughed musically and replied,

‘Thank you David. My hero!’ then she said teasingly, ‘So, its ‘Diane and me’ now, huh?’

‘We are not a couple, she is just an employee, helping me out … helping us out!’

‘It’s alright either way, David!’ she said, chuckling at my discomfort. Then she looked into my eyes, with a dreamy and happy look. As we finished at the restaurant she asked, lowering her eyes a little,

‘David, honey. I was so creeped out today, um, at the morgue … can you … st-stay over … again … tonight?’ she looked up hopefully.

‘Sure! I’ll have to make a call though.’

‘Oh goodie! Thank you David!’ she said lightly clapping her hands, like a little girl who just got her own way. I laughed, and excused myself for a moment.

‘Hello!’ said Julie when I rang her up.

‘Hi! It’s David. Um just wanted to tell you that I am involved in a research project right now, may take a few days. I can’t tell you about it just now, but I promise I will later.’

‘O-Okay David, thanks for letting me know. Um, does this research project, by any chance, include … that pretty blonde?’


‘Will it include me too?’

‘Maybe, but not yet, I’ll let you know when.’

‘Are you going to be a good boy, David?’

‘Are you going to be a good girl for a few days?’

‘Mmm, maybe! But, I don’t have any strings on you, and you really don’t have any on me. Just let your conscience be your guide, David!’ she said with a giggle, as I laughed and replied,

‘Alright, Julie. Fair enough!’

I returned to Sarah still at the front door waiting, and we left separately for her apartment. She arrived first, and waited by the outside door so I wouldn’t have to be buzzed in, and we went up to her place.

No sooner were we inside than she turned quickly, threw her arms around me and kissed me sweetly. Her breath was so sweet, as her mouth approached mine, and her eyes fluttered closed as her lips pushed into mine.

She tasted sweet, with a hint of the wine from dinner. I felt her firm breasts press into my chest, and she moaned into my mouth. She ended our kiss sooner than I would have wished, as her eyes popped open and she smiled sweetly. She giggled, ‘Mmm, very nice David!’

‘And brief!’ I countered. Then she counter-punched,

‘First kiss my dear. If you are a good boy, there might be more! We’ll just have to see!’

As she turned, her ponytail whirled around, and I followed her through the living room and then into the kitchen, and she asked,

‘Coffee? Beer? Wine?’

‘Um, beer I guess! Thanks!’

I watched the material of her jeans stretch over her shapely butt as she bent over to retrieve a couple of beers for us. We sat at the kitchen counter, just talking about our conference with Doc Simpkins, and our experiences with our research. She told me about ‘Igor’ at the morgue. His name was not Igor, of course, that’s just how she decided to refer to him.

He was tall and lanky, and had a weird, short haircut … and dark, creepy eyes. She could sense him always looking at her, and trying to look down her blouse as they worked closer than necessary over the records. He was a fairly nice and helpful guy, but just creepy with a bit with an odd manner. It comes from being alone all the time in that unhappy place, I am guessing.

We decided to do something active, and went for a walk from her place toward the campus. We walked the quad, and at one point, she slipped her hand into mine. It felt nice! I am not a big one for public displays of affection, but it felt right with her.

We slowly walked the quad, and when we reached the other end, there was a broad set of about four steps leading to the auditorium building. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I stopped, let her hand slip from mine, and looked at the pavement. She looked over at me and asked,

‘David, what?’

I got a shiver I couldn’t account for, but shook it off. ‘Nothing!’ was what I said to her, but I became a little quieter as we walked and talked … we walked and she talked!

We walked up and over to the broad steps leading to the ornate front doors of the auditorium. We sat on the top step and just stared out, enjoying our commanding view of the campus. I admired the similar architecture of the various building, obviously mostly build during the same period, in what I was once told was of the Roman Renaissance, neoclassical style.

The red brick trimmed in limestone, quarried locally, lent a feeling of stately academic authority, as they stood like silent sentinels over students scurrying here and there. It was a pretty campus, and although not a large university, it was a comfortable place for me. Sarah looked over at me and said,

‘They really are beautiful, aren’t they?’

‘Yeah, they are! I love coming here just to sit and relax, and to think.’ I said.

She put her hand on my knee, and lightly massaged my inner thigh, ‘David, I am finding much to like about you! Can you handle it?’

‘I could say the same thing about you! I thought you were somewhat cool at first, but you really are a warm and sweet person!’

‘Thank you for that, David! I know what you mean though. I turn people off at first, since I am slow to warm to them … not sure why, maybe I’m too cerebral … too … ‘head-in-the-clouds’!’

‘Well, I’ve gotten past that with you I think, and I only see the warmth and the sweetness. But I am happy that you are that way at first … it makes you more genuine!’

She smiled, and squeezed my knee, I reached over and kissed her. She dropped her eyes and blushed saying,

‘Time to head back, David.’

I rose, offered her my hand to help her up, and we slowly strode out of the campus and back to her apartment. When we got to her door, she turned, leaned against the door with her arms behind her and said,

‘Kiss me again, David.’

I kissed her for a good five minutes in the hallway as her arms came up and around my neck. My hand slid down and massaged her pert breasts and I squeezed them gently. Then she reluctantly broke from our embrace, turned and opened the door.

‘David, will you read to me? Pride and Prejudice, continue where we left off. You have such a soothing baritone reading voice.’

She quickly retrieved the book from the side table where I left it, and pulled me over to the couch. I sat at one end, and she sat next to me with her feet propped up on the coffee table, and her head leaning on my shoulder.

I had the dust cover flap tucked into the book at chapter five, so I started there,

‘Within a short walk of Longbourn lived a family with whom the Bennets were particularly intimate. Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the King, during his mayoralty.’

I looked down to see Sarah cuddling closer to me, and her face had a child-like quality and an inner light that was very attractive, as she listened intently with a sweet smile. I was becoming slightly aroused looking down into that pretty face as I continued reading.

I read several chapters, mostly about the Bingley sisters and their supercilious distain for everyone, except Elizabeth Bennet’s sweet sister, Jane. About Charles Bingley’s growing admiration of Jane, and Elizabeth’s continuing confusion about her feelings for Mr. Darcy, after her chiding him over his earlier arrogant behavior.

‘Ah, the simple life of late-eighteenth century England! And, the trouble people can get into without television!’ I chuckled to myself.

I wasn’t sure if my pretty au
dience was still with me after several of the short chapters, so pretending to continue my reading, but I paraphrased a little,

‘…and Elizabeth said to Darcy, ‘Yes, I will come and live with you forever, please bite me, my darling! You may have my neck, but not my body’…’ I heard Sarah giggling, and she said,

‘That’s very interesting David, but I don’t remember that part! Is that just before the Bingley sisters became werewolves?’

I laughed, and told her, ‘Just checking to see if I still had an audience!’

‘I’m still here, but maybe we should take a break.’

She got up and make us some coffee, and quickly prepared some bruschetta for a light snack. We ate, talked about the plot of the novel, the Bennet’s the Bingley’s, and the uniqueness of the main character of Elizabeth Bennet. It is something I know about with my studies in English literature.

I told her that men tend to regard Jane Austin’s novels as books for women, but admitted to finding a few of them very compelling stories, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park, in particular. I noticed that Sarah had both of those novels in her collection, as well as some other very classy works. Her explanation?

‘I don’t really care for television, and have always been a reader. A lot of these books are my Father’s, and I sneak them out on visits home. But David, I have read P&P about four times, and don’t remember any vampires in there anywhere!’

I laughed, ‘Sorry if I spoiled the story for you, but had to check to see if you were still with me.’ Then I looked her in the eyes, and said, ‘I love reading to you, and looking down into your pretty face as I do. I will have to come over often for that pleasure!’

‘I like you a lot, and love to listen to the way you read … you really bring the story alive for me in a very special way. (I knew there was a ‘but’ coming) But, we just met and it is my way to take things slowly at first. I’m sure you understand?’

‘Yeah, I guess I do. It really is smart to do it that way.’

She smiled, and returned to her coffee, looking at me over the rim of her cup. It was getting dark out, but she asked if we could get some fresh air. We walked just around her neighborhood, but we were mostly silent … just walked, and breathed in the night air.

I offered to read to her some more, but she said that she was tired, and we had a lot to do tomorrow. She pulled out a sheet to put over the couch for me along with a blanket, and pillow. She gave me a rather sisterly kiss goodnight, and retired to her room.

I read to myself for a while. When the book slipped from my hand, it’s hitting the floor woke me up and I had to shake my head to come to a little, I decided that it was time to settle in. I stripped down to my knit boxer briefs, and settled into my makeshift bed.

It was dark, except for the moonlight streaming in from the dining room window, and I was settling into a nice dream. After several hours (had to be after midnight), I felt a soft kiss on my cheek. I was trying to separate that real life occurrence from my dream, and awoke. In the moonlight I saw Sarah, nude, as her breasts hung close to my face. She whispered,

‘Stay with me tonight, David!’ Then she quickly retreated to her room, as I watched her very attractively unadorned figure as it was lit by the moonlight as she passed the dining room, and in the dark again as she entered the hallway to her room.

I rose, and felt the beginning of a nighttime erection. I padded into her room, not sure what was coming, and she was in her bed under the covers.

‘David, come in and cuddle with me!’ she said softly and barely audibly.

Since I wasn’t sure what I was being asked to do, I left my shorts on, and slid into the bed. Her body was soft and warm, and I was beyond being able to control the condition of my manhood. I adjusted my erection so it was comfortable inside the confines of my briefs. She turned onto her side facing away from me, and I spooned up behind her, situating my hardening cock comfortably against her buttocks.

‘Mmm, feels nice David!’ she said as I put my arms around her. She wiggled her butt against me, and said,

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Aunt Miller

Here is a genuine short-hair brunette with nice big boobs and delicious shaved mature cunt. Well, I’m ready to give you an account about the most exciting moment in my lifetime, an unforgettable incident with Aunt Miller.  My name is Marcos, 20 yo, currently living in South America, in Pereira, Colombia.  This story isn’t a castle in the sky, but an authentic one, a genuine event that occurred to me. I’ve always been attracted to my aunt Miller, and she has caused me to jerk off so many times...

3 years ago
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1994Chapter 7 Sammy is Indispensable

Mr. Tom Collingsworth's visit to his new space in our building was heralded as a major achievement for us. Having a member of the board of directors of some of our realty trusts house his company in the headquarters building was viewed as a prestigious event. John Oldham and Suzanne joined me in welcoming Mr. Collingsworth, and they hung around for the complete tour. Daniel McDonald actually wore a suit for the occasion. He proudly pointed out how effectively he had interpreted the...

1 year ago
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Watching Her First Porn

Watching Her First Porn 1 &hellip,There always has to be a first time a girl watches her first porn. Im Tanya and mine was a porn video. I was doing a sleepover at my girlfriend Sissys house and her brother was a pest. He was older and loved to pick on us girls. That night he decided to try and get us all horny. He was always trying to feel up Sissy. She wouldnt let him but secretly liked the attention. I wanted him to try and feel me up, but he wouldnt. He knew my dad would pound his ass if...

4 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 4 Up in the Air

MID-MORNING on Thursday we arrived at the remote East Anglian railway halt, named after the airfield we were heading for, the bomber squadron base that missing pilot Bradford Gold had operated from for about five or six months the previous summer and autumn. The halt could barely be called a station, we had been warned by the station master at the nearest mainline station that the platform was only long enough for the first of the two-carriage rural train to alight. The terrain was flat for...

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Drunken Sister Fuck

I was around sixteen; my sister and I didn’t get along. She was nineteen and thought the world revolved around her. She’s very popular and very hot. People do seem to gravitate to her. She stands around five nine, long reddish brown hair, thirty six c cup, sweet hips, long legs and a ass that draws all kinds of attention. Like I wrote, she’s hot. It was summer time and my sister convinced our parents to let her have a pool party. She could have alcohol as long as everyone was over eighteen....

4 years ago
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Thats Some Fine Police Work There Lou

It had been a quiet Friday night pretty much like any other here in Happy Valley. I had just finished up my end of shift paperwork and was about to mosey on out for the morning when that rat faced bitch Jeri stopped me cold. "Chief wants to see you. Now!" She snarled at me and then proceeded to ignore me and pretended do some filing. That skank couldn't even file her own nails without help, let alone police paperwork. She only kept her job because she was the Chief's niece ... and he was...

2 years ago
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Harvey Summers My Very First Visit

The following is pure fantasy and did not really happen, these words are my own.*There was an ad on craigslist in the M4M section: "Private backyard, free to use for sunbathing; clothing optional, any and all body types welcome."  The small balcony on my third-floor apartment offered a fair amount of privacy but was not situated to where I could achieve an all over even tan.  So I responded to the ad.Harvey was in his seventies, lived altwo-storytwo story home with a high privacy fence.  He...

Gay Male
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Intimacy With Friends Ch 12

Friday evening after Phil arrived, he took them all out to dinner. They had quite a bit to drink by the time they came back home. During the evening, Phil had cuddled up to Joan several times and whispered he wanted to be in bed with her. They were going to take turns on the shower, but Joan got permission from Eric to take a shower with Phil. They were the first to shower. While they were soaping and washing each other, Phil told her that he had missed her terribly. He was so glad to see her...

1 year ago
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The garage repairman Part 2

"Oh yeah thats it lick it man oh Mr Johnson your tongue feels so good." I just kepted licking and eating his man pussy. He moved his hands to the back of his butt and spread his ass cheeks so I could reach his hole better. He was going crazy with desire. I took my right hand and put it between his legs and the rung of the ladder and started to jerk his cock off. Licking and jerking at the same time. He was going mad. "Oh yeah now you have me thats it man." He started to pump his hips with the...

3 years ago
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From This DayChapter 2

The young servant girl blushed. Her own fantasies, though she’d had them for as long as she could remember, continued to embarrass her. She knew that it wasn’t proper of her role, to fantasize about her mistress like this. Her life was one of service, not of pleasure. It was not her place to imagine Sansa naked, or to ever think that she was worthy of being touched by the young Stark girl. Worse, she normally contained these thoughts for when she was alone, touching herself. She’d imagine...

3 years ago
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10 May 2007Chapter 1

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mom (Karen), happy birthday to you!” Everyone sang to her. “Hope you make a good wish, Mom!” Brenda smiled. “All I’d ever wish for is to have one more baby with Dan!” She prayed of the impossible. Everyone cheered as she blew out the candles on her cake. Turning fifty held little symbolic importance as her hand touched an empty abdomen that should have a growing baby inside. It was close to six weeks since Karen had her...

1 year ago
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Taken by Force

She stood five feet four tall and was eager to get out of the rain; she hurried down West Street and turned the corner into 46th avenue; ducking into the store entrance to avoid the worst of the rain; she never saw him. They collided and for an instant everything went black but she was aware of his hand having made contact with her large 38 DD breast. She instantly apologised for bumping into him and expected him to respond similarly; but instead he did something she was not expecting; he...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend Visits

The story below is not fictional. It actually did happen over 25 years ago and every time I think of it I have to jack off. My wife and I had been married for only two years when my best friend from high school, Mario, called to ask if he could spend three weeks with us. He was studying in central Florida and wanted to come home to visit some of his relatives. Unfortunately no one had the room for him and my wife and I had a spare room in our apartment. We both agreed to let Mario stay with...

2 years ago
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A Husbands Revenge

A Husband's RevengeI got home early from work that day, and let myself in as usual. I was just about to call out to let Meg know I was home when I heard a soft cry from upstairs that froze me in my tracks. I'd heard that moan before, and I knew only one thing that could bring it about!I slipped off my shoes and crept upstairs, mindful of the fourth stair that creaked. I tiptoed to the bedroom door, which was closed, as I'd expected it to be, judging by the moans and sighs that got louder as I...

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Fucking Up My Life

I pound the steering wheel, impatiently waiting for a chance to pull into traffic. A sheriffs’ car appears several cars down in the opposite lane, signaling a turn into the driveway. Panicked, when a tiny gap appears in my lane, I shoot out onto the highway, saluted by the blaring horn of the driver I cut off. The officer barely looks at me as I pass him. The light is with me, and I see him still waiting to cross traffic as I escape up the side road. One bullet dodged. I promised myself it...

Wife Lovers
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IndiscretionsChapter 23

After lunch, I sat at the picnic table with Brad and Carol. Steve was off playing horseshoes with some of the other guests. I was thinking about our vacation winding down and that we would be going home tomorrow. Brad and Carol were talking, but I was not paying attention. I watched Gail and Marie run into the water, swim out to the raft and back. Even from where I was sitting, I could hear them laughing and holding hands as they came up the beach and sat at a picnic table. I interrupted...

1 year ago
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Tammy tries something new Learns she loves it

Tammy had just moved to the city, she had an hour before the restaurant she worked at closed but was exhausted, Jill the girl who had trained her when she started saw her yawn. "Hang in there girl." she said with encouragement, "I'm trying," Tammy responded, "My boyfriend went on tour with his band 2 days ago and i haven't been able to sleep much." Jill gave her a devious look and whispered in Tammy's ear. "Do you party?" she said it while tapping her nose. "Like coke?" "Kinda like that." Jill...

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Roxannes New Neighbor

Roxanne Tate slid behind the wheel of her new, white, Cadillac Seville. That was one nice thing about living with Ted. He was not stingy. And he liked to not only fuck, but to please her as well. He didn't mind the games she liked to play. She didn't have to work now, but she enjoyed being a nurse. Besides, working for a gynecologist gave her the opportunity of meeting interesting women. She started the car and turned the air-conditioner on, full blast. She paused before driving off. She...

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Wendy52 young cock slut

Hi, my name’s Wendy and I have to tell you I’ve been a bit of a dirty girl. My husband was away, again! I had woken up feeling horny and really a rabbit doesn’t quite “do it” for me. I love feeling a hard cock thrusting into me and being able to grab onto the owner with both hands. So I just got dressed and went to work. I’d spent the day looking at the young men in the office and my pussy was getting wetter. I’m amazed I didn’t have a wet patch from my seat I was so wet. But work isn’t the...

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1994Chapter 5 Cynthia Submits

Tom Pierce and I compared notes about our trip home. Mine was only a little over a half mile after he dropped me off at the gated community, but I made it sound more grueling than his fifteen miles. I told him about the snowdrifts, how I'd had to knock on three doors before Margaret let me in, and that I'd not ventured out of the house again until that morning when I drove Cynthia to work. What I didn't tell him was how it felt to have Cynthia sleep on top of me, how sensitive her breasts...

3 years ago
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The Rich Bitch Part 1

Chapter 1: The New Gardner It was Adam’s 18th birthday and he was more then excited to be on his own for the occasion. His parents Andrea and Phil, unintentionally made plans to go to Maui for their anniversary the day of. Adam, of course didn’t mind. He had his own plans for his special day and he wasn’t about to play safe. ?? Adam lived in Los Angeles right off the coast overlooking the Pacific. Adam laid out on his chair next to his long crystal blue pool, soaking up the sunrays that...

4 years ago
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A Little Walk

I love autumn nights, the air is cool and the weather is still nice enough to allow for some late night strolls to the park and through near deserted streets.   Another bonus is that the nights are longer which means that I could escape the seclusion of my home earlier to enjoy the freedom of the outside while dressed as I so enjoy doing. For this particular outing I had decided to go with a simple outfit that was as sexy as could be, to the point of almost being sluttish.   My black lace bra...

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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 2

HENRY (6:15 PM) As Steve had put it last night, time for some serious fornication! Bellana fit with us perfectly. She was maybe a month younger than us, so we could treat her as the "baby" ("You do that and you'd better spoil me rotten!"). From the moment we'd danced when we met her, Janet and I both were in love with her -- and she with us! We all meshed together spiritually, and physically we were excellent matches. So nice! As soon as we'd shut the door to Janet's bedroom, we...

2 years ago
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A Cop learns his place

Eric Stone was finally on vacation , he had just finished his last tour for the next two weeks . He was thinking he might take a few days ,go deep into the next county , rent a room and become a cum slut for anybody who wanted him ,although he did have a thing for black bears. He himself was on the chubby being 5'10 and about 225 ,he had brown hair and a dick that was about 4 in . at best. He just couldn't say no to them ,last time he did it he got 3 different guys to come fuck him in his motel...

3 years ago
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The Lingerie Model

The Lingerie Model: When you came to my room at University a poster called "Danielle im Schwarzen Dessus" greeted you. If you haven't seen the picture it was a very popular picture of a blonde woman wearing her hair up in a high bun with puff and wavy ends or at least that was what I thought it was called. Ok, there were other things in the picture. Danielle was in some sort of gallery with a statue of a man in a toga on a plinth behind her. Standing behind her and looking towards...

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Blonde Brunette

written for rachel_a85 So I went to the daycare to pick up my 3yr old daughter and walked in and saw this beautiful blonde bombshell sitting with my daughter playing and i paused for a bit just checking her out and needless to say i started getting hot. She was wearing a short sundress that showed off her amazing 34dd clevage and beautiful long toned legs and she had this amazing long wavy blonde hair with deep blue eyes. She saw me and stood up now im 6'2 and she was just bout and inch shorter...

4 years ago
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Meri Pehli Raat Do Randi Ke Sath

Mera naam jay he me Ahmadabad se hu mera lund 6 inch badanor 3 inch mota hai yeh meri pehli kahani hai jo haal hi me meri saath hui hai. Mujhe sex ka bahot sex hai me roz porn dekh kar mooth marta tha par usme maza nai aata tha phir ek din mujhe teh online sex ke baare me pata chala yeh information mujhe internet se mili, muhe female escort service ka number mila toh mene call kia tabhi ek aadmi ne phone uthaya or bola haa bolo mene kaha muje ladkita chahiye usne bola ho jaega room book karwa...

2 years ago
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TripinChapter 40

Friday night passed with me sitting on the computer watching the a season of Project Runway. Totally by accident I found that I could watch a full season at once, and not be lost at all. It was by far the best way for me to watch TV. I could handle the daily news, but for entertainment, all at once on line was ideal. I might watch the same show over and over but so what, it was alway new to me. I awoke on Saturday morning with enough memory to check the schedule on my computer. That is how I...

4 years ago
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Horny Teenage Daughter

It was shortly after my sixteenth birthday that Mother walked out on Dad and me. She had been having an affair with another man for over a year. Dad and I lived alone after that. Dad tried his best to make ends meet, working all the hours under the sun. I would prepare dinner when I returned home from school. Dad would get home, eat dinner, shower and then fall asleep watching the TV.One night, I was woken up by strange noises. I walked silently down the hall, towards the noise that had stirred...

1 year ago
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Man to Man Industrial Democracy

The first time I saw him was at the pub after work. We'd all been doing overtime that week. The new model's dies were not working out well and it took a lot more work to get it all assembled. So when I saw him, standing on his leather jacket with a pint in hand, I wanted to punch him. He looked like the only rested man. There was something, can't put it in words, something unique about him. At first I thought he might have been a student slumbing it down with us lowlife mechanics, but his...

3 years ago
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Almost my first time

This is more of me letting something off my chest, then giving you something for your lap.My parents had split up recently, and guests came to live with us. They had a daughter who was just a couple years younger than me, and I was 8. Please don't take this as a tale of something dirty, but hopefully this can be read as a tale of our natural born sexuality.I had certainly seen pictures of naked women, and I sort of understood how they worked, but I couldn't have been more curious. One day we...

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Me my son and wife

Note : This story is completely fictional! well it all started when my wife of 18 years was in the kitchen doing dinner. i was feeling very horny and wanted some fun, so went into the kitchen and put my arms around her and started to play with her big breasts, she didnt stop me so i thought lets go and have some fun so started to kiss back of her neck which i know gets her going. then i thought i would try my luck a bit more and moved my hands down to here pussy and she didnt stop me so i...

3 years ago
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You can blame it on a detour Second Chapter

My pussy started to tingle as I jumped out the truck and shook hands with Nathan, the mechanic.I was sure that this new black guy would be the right man to tow and fix my car; but before doing this, I wanted to check if his black cock was so huge and hard as their friends Alfie and Jack...The huge black guy smiled at me and he asked his friends where they had found this little blonde princess from heaven…Alfie smiled back, saying that the slutty looking lady had a car trouble down the local...

3 years ago
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From Tim to Carissa

"Okay, I'm Tara's here, I'm off, I left my keys on the counter if you need to use my car while We're in Austin, have a good week." Emily says as she opens the apartment door. "Bye" I say pausing the TV and leaning forward. "Bye" Emily says as the door shuts, and thus begins the events that lead up to my new life. My name is Carissa, now at least, back then it was Tim. I couldn't wait for my roommate to leave, the door shut and I was already in my room pulling out boxes. Under the bed,...

2 years ago
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School Wali Nidhi Ki Chudai

Hello sabhi dosto ko mera yani Ravi ka lund khada karke salam. Mera lund 6 inch lamba aur 2 inch hai. Jo har dam assam ki taraf dekhta hai. Mujhe umeed hai, aap sab ko meri ye pehli kahani bahot pasand aayegi. Please kahani padh kar chale mata jana. 30 second laga kar, meri kahani ko like share jauru kar dena. Isse mujhe aapke pyar ka pata chalega. Toh chaliye fir kahani ko shuru karte hai. Mera naam Ravi hai, aaj meri umar 20 saal hai. Ye baat aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai, jab main school me +2...

1 year ago
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A New Taste Part 2

Four days after I had drained Harry’s balls into my stomach I found myself hoping for a chance to please him again. Laying in bed in the early hours I fondled my hard cock as I devised scenarios where I could explore his skinny body and be more intimate than my cockworshipping secret life might suggest I desired. Next morning I was elated to see a message waiting for me. It was’t the usual instruction from Nick, it was from Harry. He wanted to be friends and a little green dot told me he was...

2 years ago
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My wife and a black postman

My wife had been feeling quite horny recently and she couldn’t seem to get enough sex. Even though we sometime had a hot fuck session twice a night, I could tell that there was still something missing. We always had good sex and she claimed she was getting enough but I could tell something was on her mind. We discussed it, and she said that she would like to try something different, but never told me what. Our marriage is a very open marriage, she stepped outside a few times and it...

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