Palomino Ch. 15 free porn video

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It was a gorgeous Thursday morning, two weeks later, when the call came that a trailer was arriving with a special package for Lacey. Wide-eyed and scared that someone would catch the rig before she did, she dashed out of the main house in the middle of painting her nails and scrambled for the barn, praying to God that Wesley and the boys were still in the south pasture doing chores. The last thing she wanted to try to explain was why an expensive cutting horse was being delivered that he didn’t know about. Running full speed, she slid into the barn, gasping for breath, blue eyes going wide as she saw Lance walking in through the opposing open doors.

Lance caught sight of Lacey run into the barn then dodge to the side and he furrowed his brows. What had her runnin’ scared like a rabbit? He’d been feeding the calves they’d had to bring in from pasture when their mamas refused to feed them anymore. Betsy was always the cow they put lost babies with. She was a good mama and never turned any calf down. She’d never been able to produce her own, but she did damn fine with those that had bitches for a mama. He scratched the back of his neck as he caught the glint off a vehicle coming up the main road. ‘Miss Lacey?’

Lacey cursed just outside the barn door. What the fuck was he doing here? Glancing up, she saw that the trailer was turning onto the main road leading to the barn and she stepped into the barn once more, chewing on her bottom lip before she looked at Lance. ‘What are you doing here? I thought everyone was out in the south pasture?’

‘They are.I was checkin’ on the calves here. Makin’ sure Betsy took ’em alright.’ He furrowed his brows. Lacey was always a calm and collected girl. ‘Is there somethin’ wrong?’

Lacey started to say something when the trailer pulled up, the gears shifting as it came to a halt and then the horn blew to let them know it was here. ‘Shit …’ she glanced out and then back to Lance and then out again. ‘Just hold on a minute,’ she said exasperated and ran out the barn towards the trailer with a huge grin on her face as the driver of the truck and Tyler stepped out of the big rig.

Lance stood there rather dumbfounded and he semi-behaved, only walking to the door of the barn to peek out. Tyler Roy hugged Lacey as she came running at them all exasperated like. ‘Is this a bad time, Lace? We can come back later.’

Lacey hugged Tyler and then shook her head, releasing him as she walked quickly towards the back of the trailer. ‘No! I’ve been looking forward to this for too long.’ She opened up the hatch where the horse’s head would be, the slant-load trailer having room for more than one horse. When she pulled it open, a gorgeous palomino pushed his nose through the open space and whinnied loudly, snorting and breathing hard, eager to get out of the trailer and stretch his legs. ‘Oh god … he’s gorgeous,’ she cried softly, reaching up to rub his muzzle.

‘What the fuck….’ Lance muttered. He couldn’t stand still any longer. He walked out to join the others. He shook Tyler’s hand firmly, then the driver’s, then looked at Lacey like she’d lost her mind. ‘What the hell is that, and why is it here?’

Lacey glanced over, hearing Lance’s voice and looked both surprised and like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. ‘YOU aren’t even supposed to be here! Go away!’ she accused before shaking her head with an exasperated sigh. And then her attention was drawn back to the horse, her smile returning. ‘Tyler, let’s get him out. I want to see him,’ she said, completely ignoring Lance’s question.

Lance growled. He didn’t like being left in the dark, and he KNEW Wesley wouldn’t be happy. Another horse meant more food.

Tyler rounded the truck and opened the back of the trailer, pulling down the walk. Then he stepped up into the trailer and released the horse from his slant stall and helped him back out a bit before turning him and letting him trot on down the ramp. The horse didn’t even have to have a hand on him. He stopped at the back of the trailer and waited for Tyler to get him and he grabbed the halter, walking him around the side toward where Lacey stood.

‘He loads up nice ‘n easy. He’s a natural showman. Will put on airs in front of a crowd. Loves bein’ watched.’

Lacey grinned, moving to the horse with soft coos as she let him sniff at her and then rubbed his gorgeous forehead, smoothing the light blonde colored forelock with her fingers before pulling out a treat from her pocket and offered it to the horse. ‘Isn’t he simply gorgeous?’ she asked, to no one in particular and then she grinned to Tyler. ‘Everything go okay? You’ve got all the paperwork?’

‘Ayep… got all your signatures. You’ve got ownership papers and his pedigree. Ya should be good ta go. Glad I could help ya out, Miss King. If ya need anythin’ else, gimme a call. I’m just seven miles away.’

Lacey smiled and nodded, grasping the halter with one hand before reaching out to shake Tyler’s hand with her other one. ‘Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll be calling you again sometime, Tyler. Thank you again!’ She took the envelope with all of the gelding’s paperwork and then glanced to Lance with somewhat of a sheepish grin. ‘Would you mind grabbing me a lead rope from the tack room … please?’

Tyler chuckled. ‘He don’t need no lead rope. Turn ’round and he’ll follow ya. Ya gave him treats. You’ve got a friend fer life there.’ Tyler winked and crawled back into the truck and drove away.

Lance just kind of looked at Lacey like all hell was going to break loose just any second. Especially when Wesley found out this was done behind his back. ‘What’re you thinkin’? Where we gonna keep that thing? I sure as hell ain’t takin’ care of it.’

Lacey led the gelding towards the barn, the horse following just like Tyler said he would, nuzzling her pockets for more treats as she looked at Lance with a sheepish grin. ‘Okay, look … if I told either one of you, you both would have been trying to stop me all this time,’ she admitted, glancing to Lance as he fell into step beside her. She noticed that he was taking in the horse and assessing it quickly with a trained eye. ‘What do you think really though? I mean, about the horse?’

‘He’s kinda lanky. Needs his hindquarters built up.’ He stopped the horse and grabbed the halter, tilting his head up to pull on the upper lip to take a good look at his teeth. He then began to pat down the neck and the chest, over the front legs to test startle point. He then lifted one foot and tested the knees and checked the hooves. Slowly he walked around the animal as the horse just stood there, almost leaning to one side as if bored.

Lacey’s eyebrows furrowed together some as she watched him assessing the horse, watching his every move. ‘What ‘cha mean, lanky? He’s gorgeous.’

‘He’s young…. patient. Got good eyes. Just needs to be built up as he finishes growing. He broke and everythin’?’

Lacey nodded, her smile growing. This horse was far more than just broke. He had a lot of experience under his belt with both cutting and barrel racing, even being as young as he was. She quietly handed Lance the envelope with the horse’s pedigree and papers in it. ‘Take a look, tell me what you think. I need your honest opinion, Lance.’

Lance took the papers and unfolded them to take a look, then looked at the horse, then back to the papers. ‘God… no wonder he’s tall. His sire was 17 hands.’ The horse had found refuge with Lacey again. The two had shared an instant bond and he nudged her chest for attention. Finally Lance folded up the papers again and tucked them in the envelope to hand them back to Lacey. ‘Well, if you’re gonna race him, he needs a bit of conditioning. He’s been out of the runs fer awhile. Look at his haunches and his legs. Li’l practice will build that right up. He might need leg wraps fer awhile ’till we get those spindles built up some. All in all Miss Lacey, I hope you paid fer whatcha got. Let’s go see where
to put ‘im and see about gettin’ you a corral to run in.’

Lacey tenderly rubbed the horse’s muzzle, fingering the soft strands of his forelock and then running her hand back between his ears to shake his mane lovingly. She glanced at Lance kind of wide-eyed as he figured out what she was going to do with him, and then chuckled softly, nodding. ‘So … you’ll help keep my little secret while I get him in shape? Tate’s been working with me every day on Gunthar …’ She and the palomino followed Lance as he led them to a place where she could keep the horse somewhat still a secret, for now.

‘So that’s what ol’ Tate’s been up to. Now I get it. I knew you been ridin’… can see it in yer legs and back and yer posture. Just the way ya stand. Surprised Wesley hasn’t picked up on it. Noticed it in Gunthar too. He seems perkier. Anne used to race him. It took all I had to convince Wes not ta sell ‘im. After ‘while they became fast friends. We’ll keep your fella in here. I’ll work on keepin’ Wes away if ya want me to. See about leg wraps fer ‘im. Don’t want ‘im runnin’ and strainin’ anything. I might be wrong ’bout his strength, jus’ don’t wanna take the chance.’

Lacey smiled as she listened, and walked the gelding into the corral that Lance had found for them. She nodded and carefully removed the halter to give the gelding some freedom, but he seemed content to stick close to her, nuzzling her and butting her with his head a bit as if he didn’t understand why she wasn’t climbing up on his back and trying him out. ‘Yeah … Tate’s been real good about keeping my secret. I want to surprise Wesley with it.’ She glanced over at Lance for a moment. ‘Do you really think he’s going to be upset that I did all this behind his back?’

Lance stood up on the gate and he chuckled. ‘If he gets upset, it’ll be short lived. I dunno what other reactions he might have. Might be good, might be bad. He may be doin’ team ropin’ with me ‘gain, but he still won’ watch the races. Ya might break ‘im of it though.’ He chuckled as the horse got bossier and bossier. ‘Why don’tcha get on up there and trot ‘im ’round a bit? Doubt he needs a saddle. Seems tame as a dog.’

Lacey chewed on her lower lip a bit as she pondered all that Lance had said, but he hadn’t said anything that she hadn’t already thought of. She knew his reactions could be mixed when he saw her barrel race for the first time, but somehow, inherently, she knew that it would help. Every day that she had been working with Tate and Gunthar, it was as if she could feel Anne encouraging her, whispering in her ear that this is exactly what Wesley needed to help put the past finally behind him.

She nodded and smiled to the gelding, moving to his side and rested both hands on the horse’s back. He turned his head a bit to watch her, as if he knew what she was going to do and gave her a nudge. She hopped gracefully three times, and then sprang upwards, her body folding over the horse’s spine, and then wiggled a bit, throwing her right leg over and sat up, scooting forward once to get in the right place. She could feel Lance’s look and didn’t have to glance over to see that he was surprised with how much she had improved.

‘How’s he feel?’ Lance asked as she trotted around the corral. He was mostly watching the horse’s legs and feet. His gait was clean. There was no hitch in his stride, no wavering to one side or the other. He was clean all the way around. ‘See if he’ll back up, Lace.’

Lacey’s hands held lightly onto the horse’s long mane that bounced up and down with his smooth trot. She had a natural seat, and seemed to ride straight on her balance point, making it look like she was one with the horse. ‘He feels good … hardly any bounce at all,’ she said, a bright smile on her lips. And then she sat back a bit, her legs slightly moving in a bounce like motion and the horse began to back up without hesitation, blowing through his nose as his head shook a bit, almost like he was showing off.

Lance smiled. A horse that would back up that smooth on its own was a good horse. Still his stride was clean. There was no hoof tapping, no confusion, no head-throwing or argument. ‘Take him into a lope hon.. I want to see how he handles his head.’

Lacey nodded and sat forward just slightly, her hips rolling and her legs giving him a gentle squeeze. As he started to move, she moved her body in a loping action in which the horse immediately picked up on and went straight into a canter, his blonde mane whipping out from his neck, identical to the blonde mane that whipped out from Lacey’s back. He shook his head slightly and snorted, his playfulness contagious as Lacey moved with him, a huge grin on her face.

Lance watched the carriage of his head, the way his neck moved in tandem with the rest of him. He couldn’t help but notice how the two seemed almost identical in personality and suaveness. She’d picked good. ‘Well… seems ya have a good horse there, Miss Lacey. Whatcha gonna call ‘im?’

Lacey cantered in circles around Lance, lost in the movements of the horse before Lance’s question sank in. She settled a bit more back, dropping her energy and the gelding dropped into a slow trot and then a walk, blowing through his nose and then jerking his head down a bit to nip at a fly. She glanced over at Lance for a moment and then smiled. ‘I was thinking of calling him ‘Fire and Ice’ … Ice for short.’ She smiled down at him, ruffling his soft blonde mane as he showed off a bit, prancing and then moving back into a walk. She glanced back at Lance. ‘What do you think?’

‘Ice sounds good to me. He seems to like it too. Don’tcha Ice?’ He reached over the gate to rub the animal’s muzzle as he came to a halt near the gate. He really was a tame showman, a show-off to the hilt, and young and as spirited as the girl riding him was. He seemed just what she needed. ‘Yep… that’s a fine animal you’ve got there, Lace. Let’s get him some food and I’ll pull a hose out here and fill that trough. We’ll see about gettin’ ya barrels ta work with… we’ll jest ‘ave ta pack ’em away each time.’

Lacey smiled and slid off Ice, giving him an affectionate shake of his mane and then buried her nose against his skin, inhaling deeply. It probably looked silly, but she loved the smell of horses. Especially one that was all hers. She grinned and then slid through the gate to give Lance a huge hug. ‘Thank you, Lance … I don’t know what to say.’

He smiled and hugged her back. ‘Now don’tchu go gettin’ all soft on me. We got work ta do. Lots o’ it. If there’s any trainer that’ll help ya most, it’s ol’ Tate. I’m just here fer moral support, and ta make sure that animal conditions properly. We’re also gonna see about gettin’ ya a saddle ‘r two. Ones that fit ya. The ones I’ve seen ya in are all men’s saddles, and too big fer ya.’

Lacey nodded and then glanced to Ice as he walked around the corral, sniffing at everything and walking in circles before lowering himself to the ground and made a big show of rolling, sending up a cloud of dust and ruining the beautiful brush job that had been done on him before he had arrived. Lacey just laughed and shook her head. No doubt that he was a man, having to make a mess when he looked ravishing just the way he was!

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"Now?" I squeaked nervously. "Don't you think we better talk about this first?" "No," he said firmly. "Peppermint, these are our friends, and they have to know. Besides, we should tell them before we screw up really bad." He looked at me. "How many times have you almost said something you shouldn't?" I frowned. "More often than I'd like." "Right. That's why they really have to know." He saw my anxious glance toward Wendy, and gently said, "You won't lose her. She loves...

3 years ago
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LeilaChapter 3

Arriving on Elm Street in the Somerville district of Boston, we soon found a small quiet restaurant for lunch. The overhead wasn't expensive and the food was very good. It was American Irish and not traditional Irish fare, but we enjoyed it. From the signs of the trash still on the street, last night must have been quite lively and the merry-makers numerous, but I couldn't complain about missing it because I had found Leila. I hoped that I could convince her to stay with me. With her fine...

2 years ago
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Im Dreaming of a Gray ChristmasChapter 6 Hogmanay

The party was already in full swing when they arrived and the band was mobbed as they walked into the middle of it. Robbie found himself grabbed by Laurie and dragged over to a couch. He was deposited between the twins and then Laurie and Kate took a knee each, cuddling in to his chest. One of the twins put a bottle of beer into his hand but it was somewhat redundant, as Robbie had no easy route to his mouth with all the girls surrounding him. Laurie snuggled up to him and whispered in his...

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Jade Kush Asian Tit Tricks

Jade Kush has an incredible set of Asian tits and she knows it. She squeezes them together as our stud drizzles on a coat of oil to get her ready for some hardcore pussy hammering. He slaps her ass and Jades tight pussy gets wet right away. She feeds him both her nipples, and he runs his tongue along her cans until his cock is hard as a rock. She slobbers on it and then hops on top to get a hard pummeling from below. She moans as our stud penetrates her slit, banging her from every angle as she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 36 Jill and Keisha

December 19, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “What time will you be in?” Elyse smirked. “By noon. Nobody is supposed to be here before then.” “Have fun!” “Have a good morning at work!” She left and I went to find Kara who didn’t teach on Thursday mornings. “Be careful, Snuggle Bear. She could change her mind.” “I will. Are you grading finals today?” “No, lab notebooks. Finals are tomorrow for my Freshman chemistry class. Where are you going to be?” “Probably one of the guest rooms,” I said....

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Why Momma Was Wrong About Women

Men, if you have problems with your woman in relationships, if they walk all over you, if you are always asking yourself after they left you, what you did wrong, after all you treated them good, just like Momma told you to, well I got news for you: Your Momma lied to you. All your early years you probably heard from your Dad to suck it up, stop being a wimp, be a man, don't cry, etc. Meanwhile you heard from your Momma that it was okay to cry, to let it all out, that it was okay to be...

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Suzannes lesson

Suzanne’s lesson.     “What is it this time Suzanne?” “Smoking in the toilets, Sir.” She stood in front of his desk, one hip thrust forward, deliberately provocatively. Mr. French sighed in resignation of an on-going and unfathomable problem. It seemed that he and this particular young lady were having these chastisement meetings rather more frequently than he would like. “Adopt the position.” Suzanne was a problem, a constant problem. At Saint Agnes School for girls, she was the misfit....

First Time
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A Better WorldChapter 10 Labor day

Well, that went well. Fred D. is fine and fully recovered. Mary says that Barbara will be having some major good sex. I checked with Barbara and she is very ready. I gave her a copy of the bliss file that will keep Fred D. in line. I am up early. I wandered to the kitchen to make some coffee. There was Nancy, Joe, and Jean starting to prep breakfast. They seemed in great spirits. I was concerned about Jean. She had hooked with Nancy and Joe last night. A quick scan showed that she had a...

1 year ago
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Sharing my wife with black lover

A few years back, before she became my ex-wife, Peggy and I were new to swinging, and she told me she wanted to experiment with fucking a black guy one time. We made the plans while I was at a convention, and mapped out our ‘story’. She was to ‘accidentally’ run into me as an old college friend, while I was talking to a black guy at the lounge in the hotel, and go from there. We checked in on a Thursday, and went to our ‘separate’ rooms, so no one would think we were together. Our rooms were...

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A pleasurable massage

One day I decided to spoil myself at a Beauty Spa. I booked myself for a 90 minute full body massage. On arriving at the spa at 11h30 the reception greeted me and showed me to the waiting area where I was offered a complimentary glass of champagne. I took a seat and sipped on the champagne while I waited for my masseuse to call me for my appointment. She soon walked into the waiting area and called me. Her name was Kyla she was 21 years old, a medium height blonde, medium build, with blue eyes,...

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Anxious Alicia Chapter 14

When I came to, it was morning. Adrian was gone to work, and the doorbell was ringing again, so I stumbled downstairs and opened the door. “Oh, hi Timmy. Is it that time again? This week has gone by quick. Go ahead and do your thing.” I didn’t bother to hear his response, I just closed the door and made my way to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. I went outside to my patio and sat there as Timmy got himself sorted. I reclined my chair then closed my eyes for a second then this stranger...

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Asian Cum Slut

The night I met Mei in a London club, she was dressed the way you see inJapanese anime. I told her, and she got all offended since she was Chinese,and anyway she could not understand what I meant, or so she claimed.She had on high heeled boots, knee high socks the kind you'll see matchedwith schoolgirl uniforms, a chequered plaid skirt that barely covered herass, and a white shirt that could barely contain her immense 38E bust.She looked obscene - breasts that size on a chink, especially one...

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Big booty big breasted black boss

Richard's fingers fumbled as he folded the paper in his hands. The origami swan was not turning out as expected and he soon realized there was no hope for the creation. He threw the paper wad at his cubicle wall in defeat. The work day couldn't end soon enough.A glance at his computer monitor revealed only three minutes had passed since he last checked the time. He sighed and leaned back in his swivel chair. Just before he was about to close his exhausted eyes, he heard the office door open. He...

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Play boy from Islamabad

Hi friends. I’m an old reader of desipapa and all the other desi pages. But for the first time I’m going to share mine story with you. First of all I should introduce myself with you. My name is rehan and I’m of 23 and the son of a business man. I’m from Islamabad. Pakistan. It all happened a year ago when I decided to make a computer center. I used to teach the students myself. There are different classes of males and females. One day I was sitting in my office working my office work and I saw...

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My Cousin My Love

How did I get so lucky?", I thought as I sat up and looked to the petite angel laying peacefully at my side. It had been two days since my Cousin, Lauren, had discovered my Love for her and I already knew that we would together forever.I had first discovered my attraction to Lauren five years ago. I was thirteen and my grandparents had invited us to their lake property (a crappy old trailer on an equally crappy lake... we're not rich) which was a rather normal occurrence. Everyone was getting...

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Phil8217s Friend 8211 Part VII

After a while, I slept besides her and was dozing off, I heard her cell ring and she was talking with Mustaq. In between I heard the baby crying she was nursing him, but I continued sleeping feeling relaxed after the heavy work out on her anus. About couple of hours later, I was woken up from my deep sleep when I felt her all over me, sucking and chewing on my nipples slowly going down my stomach and using her tongue on my hairy chest and navel, then lifting my semi erect dick I felt the dry...

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A long awaited meeting 2

I couldn't believe that after months of chatting, and many nights fantasizing about this gorgeous eighteen year old that I finally got to taste her. Even more that she gave me the greatest blow job of my life. She seemed to be a bit more kinky than she had let on in our chats, and I loved it. She stood up from her knees and kissed me passionately. I could taste a bit of my cum still floating around in her mouth, but I didn't mind a bit. We stayed there, our mouths locked together letting our...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Hi Readers I have been reading stories of various types here at ISS but never thought I would have a reality to be a story here and here it is. I am Ravi 40yrs running own business since last 8years obviously after business is stable we tend to look for fun as you have little worries for career. We have advertised for engineers to be employed. I had arranged the interview in a hotel and around 12 people attended of which 5 r girls and 3 of them are great vitals large bases and big boobs....

2 years ago
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DaisyChapter 2

In the morning Daisy awoke fresh and it felt wonderful to be alive. The thoughts of the night were gone for a while. She bathed and dressed and set about her chores. Mama was just setting breakfast on the table when she finally came in. Her brother Bobby and her Pa were already sitting at the table. As she sat down Bobby asked: "What was all that hollering from your room last night? Sounded like a wounded cat!" "Oh ... I had a charley horse." Daisy covered. "Used to get them myself,...

2 years ago
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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 4

The Taking of Rebecca - Chapter 4 Linda calls Rebecca's name. Still in a bit of a fog, Rebecca doesn't reply. Lilith shakes her and Linda says her name again. Rebecca slowly comes back to the real world, the fog in her head starting to lift. Where is she, she wonders? Oh yes, the Master Bedroom. That must be where I am, she thinks as her senses start to recognize the familiar surroundings. "Are you alright, dear?," Linda inquires. Rebecca nods, then nods harder, "Yes, yes...I am...

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Its My PartyChapter 66

The following afternoon. Time: Saturday, March 9, 2019 4 PM Diego was silently thankful he did not miss his required rendezvous time in Jacob’s Bar and Grill. For almost the past week now, he had dutifully been at the entrance store three times a day at eight-hour intervals, and the door to the surface had remained locked. But this afternoon as he stood by the door, it opened and Ricardo waved for him to follow. The two men were sitting together in the Black Mall library a few minutes...

1 year ago
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Caught in the Act

Heather Collins was furious. She was sure her husband Scott was having an affair with his secretary Marcy. Oh sure, the young redhead tried to hide her voluptuous figure and sexy allure behind conservative dress and professional manor. But Heather knew better. She and Scott had been married happily for five years, but the very day Marcy was hired, she had a feeling about the girl. For the first few days after the redhead showed up, all Heather could think about was her husband screwing his new...

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Chav Slut

It was a Friday night in November last year, I had planned to meet the lads down town for a few beers but my plans changed when I got to the bus stop. When I walked up to the bust stop I could see two chav girls sat there drinking some kind of alcopop. I immediately didn't like them, I thought why are they wasting their life freezing their asses off drinking in a bus stop? The first girl was a brunette. Her hair was slicked back tight into a ponytail, she had large hooped earrings in and too...

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Donna the Devoted Dog LoverChapter 3

Donna woke up that lazy Sunday morning with a sour taste in her mouth and a dull pain in her sensitive bottom that convinced her she had gone overboard with anal antics the night before. Unfortunately, she had drunk so much blood-red wine that her speech was still slightly slurred and she had great difficulty in lighting up a much-needed cigarette to push the fogbanks from her brain. Her pair of well-trained black male Dobermans was resting with their chins on their paws waiting for her to...

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EchoChapter 5

I heard the front door shut and footsteps in the entry way, so I closed the book, with my finger marking my place, and was rising from the couch when they walked in. The expression on her face was less than welcoming, but I smiled warmly. “Wayne, this is my daughter Liesl, Liesl, this is Wayne. There is only six months between you, so I am sure you will find you have things in common. I would really like it if you two could become friends.” Dennis said, smiling at each of us. “I have a...

3 years ago
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30 Before 30

30 Before 30 By RogerGirl "Happy birthday, baby!" Chloe says to me as I wake up groggily in our suite. I roll out of bed and make my way into the bathroom. I stare into the mirror and notice I look like a mess. My makeup is smeared; the veil I'm wearing is torn and crumpled; and other than the veil and a garter, I am completely naked. As I look at my reflection, I can't help but think how much I've done in the past week. You see I'm not really a woman and before this week I've...

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Beautiful Partnership

Mina knew she was gorgeous. As she stood looking at her image, she looked at her tits. She reached up and held the pert “babies” as I named them. Okay, she kind of liked the name as she bounced them with the palms of her hands. “ Hi Babies” she said, a smile nearing her lips. “ Feeling frisky tonight?” She giggled as she held each in her hands. Finally the full smile appeared. “ Yep, I will not mind it when he undresses me, but my question is… What should I wear, what should I put on to adorn...

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Ticked off a friend

I have a few friends that I have done dares with in the past.  These two, K and C respectively, have witnessed me do things I have never been willing to do in front of anyone, usually at my request so I could overcome my shyness.  Allowing them to do this has led to them becoming more viscious with their dares, more creative and evil it seems as we go along.  Both K and C were very shy and sheltered when I had first met them, but after willingly being their 'dare slave' for years, they seem to...

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I sat with my coffee, gazing out of the window at nothing, my thoughts were filled with my upcoming fortieth birthday.   My thoughts seem to be fixated on what I had missed in those years, places not visited, offers not taken up, and chances not taken. Life had become lacking in excitement. Now on my second husband and with the current one not giving me enough of what I craved. Forty seemed to be near the end of my road. Cheer up, I thought to myself. Shopping therapy will help. I leapt to my...

1 year ago
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Wife took up dancing classes

Linda has always been keen on looking good and over the past few months had been taking dancing classes. It was something she wanted to do and was able to drop into classes in the city before heading home after work. As the weeks passed by Linda had moved from taking the one class to taking two or three, saying she was really feeling the benefit and that she might even treat me to a little routine the class had been working on.It was a couple of weekends afterwards that Linda had a little glint...

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