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Hello all, thank you for the wonderful comments, as a novice I greatly appreciate the encouragement and support. Please continue to provide constructive criticism.

Taylor hated driving to work. Normally she would take the train but today she was running late and had she waited for the train she would have been so late. Her boss would have been furious. He was a cranky old man anyway. She stuck to the speed limit and watched and cursed the speeding drivers flying passed her. She was thinking about all the manuscripts she had to read and didn’t notice the smoke coming off the truck ahead. When it blew in through her open window she looked around for the source. Just as she was looking for the source of the smoke there was a loud bang and something went flying passed her window. Taylor looked up to see the truck ahead, the one full of the highly explosive canisters, was on fire and jack-knifing across the highway.

Because she wasn’t speeding, Taylor managed to slow down and pull over. Other cars weren’t so lucky, they crashed straight into the burning truck. Taylor could see the explosive chemicals signs all around the truck and knew the people in the crashed cars didn’t have a lot of time before the whole thing went up. She jumped out and ran towards the cars screaming to the others that had stopped to call for help.

Taylor reached the first car and thanked God that she wasn’t squeamish. The guy had a head wound that was gushing blood. She managed to get him out and told him to get as far away as possible. The smoke was thick now and she could barely breathe. It was also very hot, the very air felt like it was on fire. She heard screaming coming from her left, she couldn’t see very well and her eyes were streaming but she followed the sound. Her legs hit the bumper and she felt her way around.

Every few seconds there was another explosion and she knew time was running out. Yanking on the door handle she found two tiny faces wet with tears. ‘Kids, damnit!’ she thought. They looked young maybe three and about five, there was a woman in the front seat she couldn’t see her very well but she wasn’t moving. She had to get the kids out of there. Grabbing one under each arm she ran. She didn’t know what direction, just prayed she could get the kids clear before going back for the woman.

Once clear from the smoke and flames she saw people running around and she could hear sirens in the distance. She shoved the kids at someone coming towards her and turned to go back for the woman when there was an all-mighty roar and everyone was knocked backwards and off their feet. Taylor looked up at the huge fireball above the truck unable to move or think. When bits of metal started falling left and right she realized that everyone was too close.

She got up, grabbed the kids that the other person had let go in the explosion and started yelling for everyone to get back. Most people took the hint and started running back. Almost dragging the kids she noticed several people with their mobiles out filming the whole thing. ‘Creeps!’ she thought, ‘standing around getting their rocks off instead of helping’. A safe distance away she collapsed to the ground still holding onto the two kids.

The emergency services had started to arrive and were organizing people in terms of injuries. The police were also about taking down names and statements. The kids had gone into shock and refused to let go of Taylor when the ambulance officer came round to check them out. Taylor escorted them to the ambulance and held their hands while they were looked at. The paramedic also patched up some of her cuts and scrapes and told her to get to the hospital to have her lungs checked out.

The fire-fighters were out in force and Taylor was watching them unfurl hoses and start fighting the blaze. One guy in full breathing gear was standing near a truck trying to untangle a kink in the hose. By this stage Taylor was in full survival mode, in slow motion she saw something flying in the fire-fighter’s direction. He had his back turned so he couldn’t see it coming but she new it was going to hit him square on.

Without thinking she leaped from the truck and ran yelling. He couldn’t hear her above all the noise. She didn’t know what else to do so throwing her whole body weight forward she dove for his legs and knocked him to the ground. Seconds later a canister went flying over their prone forms and crashed into the truck. Luke was pissed when he got up and ready to lay into whoever knocked him over when he saw the canister imbedded in the fire truck’s side.

Lifting the girl to her feet he dragged her away and radioed for everyone to clear the area around the truck just in case it exploded. The girl turned to face him ‘You ok?’ she said and them promptly fainted. Luke picked her up and carried her to the nearest ambulance.

Taylor felt like she was swimming in a deep sea and couldn’t quite get to the surface. Every time she tried it was like she was dragged back under so she stopped trying. Much later she realized that she was in a bed but she couldn’t remember how she got there. She remembered the explosion and everything, she even had a memory of a pair of green eyes but she must be confused. She didn’t know what was going on.

She could hear murmured voices and there was some pain when she breathed but she didn’t want to open her eyes just in case she was dead. She realized it was an irrational thought but there it was. She knew her curiosity would win out in the end so she whispered ‘Please don’t let me be dead.’ And she finally opened her eyes.

‘Definitely not.’ Said a voice next to her. She looked around to see a kind faced middle aged man in a while lab coat smiling at her. ‘Hospital, I’m in a hospital.’ She thought and relaxed. ‘You are going to be fine dear. Just some smoke inhalation, cuts and bruises and a couple of broken ribs. We do want to keep you in for a couple of days just to make sure your lung function recovers though.’ The doctor said and Taylor nodded.

‘Of course she’s going to be ok, she’s a hero!’ Came another voice from the corner of the room. She new that voice, she tried to sit up but the doctor pushed her back down and instead he raised the bed so that she was in a sitting position. When she could see she realized it was her younger brother Sam.

‘What’s this hero business?’ She said and her voice was little more than a croak.

‘Don’t try and talk for a while.’ The doctor said.

‘Cool, I can say whatever I like and you can’t yell at me.’ Sam teased. ‘Anyway you are a bonafide hero. Someone filmed the whole thing and it’s been on every news station in town. There’s this awesome shot of you walking out, fire blazing all around with a kid under each arm. Totally cool. Anyway you are going to make a mint selling your story to every channel.’ He prattled.

‘The kids, are the kids ok?’ Taylor ignored the doctor’s advice about talking.

He gave her a stern look and said ‘Quiet now, yes the children are just fine they keep asking for the ‘angel’ though and their parents asked if they could come around and see you. I’ll tell them they can, tomorrow, now that you’re awake. Now no talking I’ll get a nurse to bring you in a pen and paper.’ The doctor admonished and left.

‘What happened?’ Taylor mouthed to Sam. He filled her in about the truck. Apparently a few canisters weren’t secured properly and metal banging against metal caused a spark and the rest well, she lived it. Almost everyone was ok, thanks to her, only one lady died. Everyone was talking about how she just went in there to help. The cops were also annoyed at all the bystanders filming instead of helping. Taylor felt a little vindicated at her earlier anger.

Sam stood beside her bed and said ‘I know you’re a cool super hero and everything but don’t do that again you scared the crap out of me. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you.’ As he kissed her on the forehead. Fo
r all his bluster Sam was a great guy and he adored her as she did him. They were all they had since their parents died a few years ago. ‘Oh I almost forgot, there’s this guy outside he’s been waiting for you to come round, waiting for ages. He said he’d like to talk to you, is it ok if I let him in?’ Sam asked.

Taylor nodded figuring it might be the cops or arson investigators. A tall, handsome man with green eyes walked in. ‘I know those eyes from somewhere’ she thought but couldn’t place it. ‘Um the nurse gave me this.’ He said and handed her a pen and paper. ‘These I bought.’ He continued and held up a huge bunch of flowers.

Sam took the flowers off him while Taylor was writing. Her note read ‘Not allowed to talk yet. Thanks for the flowers but who are you?’

‘Oh you probably don’t recognize me without the gear, but I’m just another in the long line of people you saved yesterday.’ He smiled.

‘She saved your life too? Way to go sis!’ Sam exclaimed. Taylor realized that he was the fire-fighter that she tackled to the ground right before passing out.

‘I just wanted to come in and personally thank you. Not many people would have done what you did.’ He said.

‘What happened? This wasn’t on the news.’ Sam said. Luke explained all the while casting glances over at her. He couldn’t believe that such a tiny little thing could do so much and knock him on his ass to boot. Sam was shocked and then he started laughing. ‘I taught you that tackle.’ He said.

Taylor smiled at him and wrote back ‘Yeah but I perfected it!’ Which had them all laughing before she started having a coughing fit. Both men went to her side to see if she was ok. She motioned them away blushing at them fussing over her, particularly the fire-fighter. ‘Name?’ she wrote.

‘Damn, sorry I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Luke Sullivan, and you?’ he asked.

‘Taylor Richards and I am her brother Sam.’ Sam answered for her and the two men shook hands. Sam looked at his watch and almost panicked, he was late getting back to work. Kissing his sister he left quickly.

‘I need to get back too.’ Luke said. ‘Is it ok if I come and visit you again?’ He asked quietly.

‘Sure but you don’t have to.’ she wrote. Luke smiled and walked out. ‘My God he’s gorgeous’ she thought ‘and I’m stuck in a bed looking like death and can’t talk.’

That first day was quiet. The doctor kept everyone away and since she wasn’t allowed to talk it made for a lot of sleep and staring at the ceiling. That evening Luke walked in and sat in the chair next to the bed. Taylor was a little surprized, she didn’t expect him to turn up. ‘Hi.’ she wrote and smiled.

‘This is going to be interesting considering you can’t talk.’ Luke said chuckling. Taylor shrugged. He started making small talk, awkward at first and then easier as he relaxed. Taylor responded with short notes and some generally accepted sign language. He told about his job and work mates. There were some very funny anecdotes that had her laughing herself into another coughing fit. Luke was concerned about this so he stopped the funny stories, didn’t want to cause her pain.

He asked her things she could answer simply and they had been talking for a long time before the nurse came and kicked him out. Luke promised to come passed tomorrow. Again Taylor wrote that he didn’t have to, he just gave her a strange look.

The following day Taylor was told that she could start talking but to keep it to a whisper. This was a good thing since the police came by for a statement. She told them all she remembered and was grateful that they kept the interview short. Sam also came passed on his lunch break and was very disappointed that she was allowed to talk.

In the afternoon her door opened and two little faces poked their heads through. Initially Taylor thought that some kids had just gotten lost but then she heard. ‘Mum, Dad, the angel’s in here, come on!’ and they came in and climbed right up onto her bed. The younger one couldn’t quite make it so she helped him up wincing from the pain in her side. Their parents then walked in and introduced themselves as John and Sue Black. Their children were Jake and Billy, older and younger respectively.

Jake and Billy smothered her in hugs and kisses and peppered her with questions like ‘How come you don’t have any wings?’ from Jake.

Taylor laughed and said ‘When on earth angels don’t show their wings.’ much to the kids’ delight. John and Sue thanked her profusely for saving their life and explained that they were the one’s that told the kids that she was an angel.

‘But there were two angels Mummy.’ Jake piped up from the corner. The kids had left the bed to explore the hospital room. ‘One angel that got us out of the fire and one angel that took Nanny Margaret to heaven.’ He explained. Taylor looked from face to face confused. John explained that Nanny Margaret was his aunt and she often looked after the kids when they worked. She was driving Jake to school when the accident happened.

All the tension of the last couple of days finally hit Taylor and she burst into tears. ‘I’m so sorry I couldn’t get her out, I tried to go back, I …’ Taylor said between sobs.

Sue came and held her hand and comforted her ‘Please, please don’t. You did so much. You saved our babies, you made sure people were safe. We saw the news footage, we saw you going back. You could have been killed. Yes we are sad about Margaret but we thank God every day for you.’ Sue said with tears running down her face.

All three adults were crying by this stage until little Billy said ‘I didn’t know angels could cry. Did you Jake?’ Jake just shrugged, scratching that one up to the many mysteries of the universe. They chatted for a little longer and Taylor found that she got along very well with them. It was almost like they’d known each other for years. Sue promised to bring the kids around when Taylor went home before they left her to rest.

It wasn’t long after they left that Luke turned up. ‘Hi.’ she said shyly.

‘Oh she talks.’ He said in pretend shock. ‘Thank God. I didn’t think I could talk so much two days in a row.’ He said chuckling. They chatted for a while, Taylor filling him in on all the things she couldn’t yesterday. He was telling her another story from the station when he noticed that she was fast asleep. He tucked her in and went to leave but he sat down again.

He really didn’t want to go yet, what if she woke up and needed something he rationalized to himself. ‘That’s what nurses are for, idiot.’ said a voice in his head. He promptly told the voice to shut up as he watched her sleep. Not even an hour later she started thrashing about and moaning in her sleep. She woke up gasping for breath, sweat beading on her brow. ‘The kids, I couldn’t reach the kids, the fire, it …’ Taylor rasped in tears.

Luke sprung up squished into the bed and held her to him. He was careful of her injured ribs as he stroked her side and said ‘Shh, it’s ok, just a dream, the kids are fine, you got them out. I’m here, its ok. Shhh’. He held her until her breathing returned to normal. When Taylor calmed down enough to realize that it was just a nightmare she knew that she should stop holding onto him, but she couldn’t bring her self to do it. She felt so safe in his arms, so comfortable that she slipped off to sleep. Luke stayed there holding her until the nurse came in and sent him away.

The next morning Taylor woke up looking for Luke. ‘I’m going mad’ she thought completely embarrassed with her behaviour the night before. The doctor came in and checked her out pronouncing her fit and well and able to leave at lunch time. He also suggested some time with a psychologist to deal with any possible reactions to the accident. Taylor said she would consider it.

She was getting dressed in clothes that Sam had brought her wondering how she was going to get home when Luke walked in. ‘Anyone need a taxi service?’ he quipped. Taylo
r looked at him puzzled. ‘Sam called me and asked if I could drop you off home. He said he would be there later with dinner so you didn’t starve to death. His words not mine.’ Luke explained with a smile.

‘Ok.’ Taylor said as she tried to get her jacket on and winced in pain.

‘Let me help.’ Luke said as he stood closer and held the jacket up for her to get her arm through. She couldn’t help but think of the previous night in his arms and she blushed furiously.

‘Thanks.’ She said avoiding his eyes. Luke drove her home. She noticed that her car was in the driveway and her bag was on the counter inside. She asked Luke how her things got there.

‘Oh Sam made sure everything got back here. Except the clothes you were wearing, they were kind of destroyed by the smoke and football tackles so they had to toss them.’ He explained laughing. ‘Are you going to be ok?’ he asked.

‘I’m fine.’ she said shyly.

‘Ok I need to get back to work. I’ll check in on you in a couple of days. Yeah, yeah I know, I don’t have to.’ He waved her off before she could protest. She found her self smiling as he left.

Sam had been incredible. He made sure that the media stayed away. Or the very least couldn’t find her. He also set up with her boss that she could work from home for a couple of weeks. He had to threaten him with going to the media and telling them that he was being inconsiderate to a local hero and allowed him to imagine the negative publicity. Her boss then consented to courier the manuscripts back and forward and she could video conference with authors and the rest of the staff.

She was immensely grateful, she liked her editing job and didn’t want to loose it, but she didn’t think she was ready for the general public yet. The nightmares continued and she was having trouble sleeping over the next few days. True to his word Luke turned up a couple of days after she’d dropped her home. She looked pale and tired he noticed. ‘Not sleeping huh?’ he asked concerned.

‘I’m fine.’ She said stoically.

‘Don’t.’ He said ‘How come you haven’t been to see the pysch? Sam said the doctor recommended it.’ He continued.

‘So you and my brother have been talking about me behind my back.’ Her eyes narrowed at him.

‘Hey, he’s just worried about you. We both are. There’s nothing wrong with getting help. I do, after particularly bad fires. You know just to get it all out.’ He admitted. Taylor was shocked. She didn’t expect that this big, strong fire-fighter would go for all that head meddling stuff, maybe there was something to it.

‘I’ll go.’ She said quietly.

‘Good.’ He stated firmly. They chatted for a while but Taylor was struggling to keep her eyes open. Unbelievably she fell asleep again. Luke chuckled as he gently picked her up and took her to her bed. He lay her down and covered her.

‘Don’t go.’ She murmured softly. Luke shrugged and lay down next her putting his arm around her pulling her closer. Luke nodded off himself but woke early and left before she got up. It was the best night’s sleep she’d had in a while. ‘Great, can’t sleep? No pills required – just sleep with a hot fire-fighter.’ She berated herself.

The days passed quickly, Sam was a constant presence until she told him to stop smothering her. She did end up going to the psychologist and admittedly she did feel a little better getting things off her chest. Her ribs were also feeling better, allowing her more movement. Luke would come by every couple of days and she wondered when he would get over being nice for saving his life.

Sue called often and she also spoke to the boys. That day Sue called and asked if she was up to having them around after school. Taylor was delighted. They arrived in a whirlwind of energy. All kisses and hugs and chatting. Taylor laughed at their antics and stories from school and pre-school. Kids being kids they eventually sprawled in front of the TV and watched cartoons.

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My New Horny Aunty At His House Hard Fuck

Hello friends, my name is Vijay singh I am from patiala Punjab my age is 20 body shape is well and my cock size is 7inch long and 3 inch mota hai aap logo ne meri pehle ki two story read ki hogi jis me mai ne apni padoe ki aunty aur un ki beti ko choda tha jis ke karan muje bahut mails aai meri id per boys and aunts and girls ki jis me se ek mail patiala ki hi aunty ka aaya tha unho ne likha tha ki wo muj se milna cahti hai bt mai ne un per wiswas nahi kiya kyu ki abhi unknown thai mai ne kaha...

2 years ago
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Gangbang in the alleyway

My boys and I had just finished a game at the local park. We were unwinding with a few drinks in the alley away from prying eyes when the little whore strutted past, with a bit of a wiggle in her walk. I called out, “hey baby, want a date?” She gave a little chuckle, but quickly walked on. Her reaction annoyed me a bit, so I got up and started towards her as she walked deeper into the alley. “Hey, it’s polite to respond to people you know.”She just looked back at me and said, “I’m in a hurry.”...

4 years ago
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Young Mistress takes Man to Hotel

This story is a true one, it just has not happened yet. Mistress L will recognize herself in the first paragraphs.For the rest of you, this is a story of a young woman and an older man meeting in a hotel room. I have written this scenario a few times before, so if you are just looking for a hot story to go with the picture...scan down to where they get to the hotel. That is where things get.... boiling!!~~~~~~~~~~~There had been a flurry of PM’s and texts going by all the previous day and...

2 years ago
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the boys of england pt 2

“What?” said his mother “I thought I’d take Aaron on holiday with me”, said Jake with lots of excitement. “We knew you would take your best friend” his dad mumbled, “so we already asked him and his parents who said if you wanted Aaron to go on holiday with you then he could”. “All you need to do is go round to Aarons house and tell him, as we leave in a week”. So off Jake went, taking the long walk round to Aaron’s house in the scorching heat. As he approached the driveway, he...

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My sisters Husband

My sister Lauren has been married to Jacob for almost ten years now, and she loves him and worships the ground he walks on. They have two c***dren together and they have the perfect relationship... or so it would seem, you see for the past four months I've been sleeping with Jacob, she does not know what we do but I know she would just freak out if she did.It all started when one day I went to Lauren's house to collect some important documents that she forgot. She called me and asked me to do...

4 years ago
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At a PriceChapter 18 Cleanup

They had a busy couple of weeks. They finally got into town on Saturday, and Marty found himself being put to work with the Bentley boys. When asked what he could do, he informed them that he was a lousy carpenter, but he could lay a brick, weld and was great with sheet-metal. He soon found himself on a team fixing the sheds that had been blown down or damaged. They had copped it worse than most of the houses. Mary had to pose as Old Mary, so she got put on the team to keep the boys fed and...

2 years ago
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OK, I'm not really sure why I'm writing this, I don't think I'm feeling guilty but that could be one explanation for this missive. The other is that I want to pass on a good idea that worked out very well for me and I don't see any point in keeping the idea secret. I don't know which is the closest to the truth, and really I don't care. You, gentle reader can make up your own mind. This story really started one Friday night at the beginning of spring. I had been out for the evening,...

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Teen Maid

I am regualar reader of ISS from Kolkata. Roz stories padte padte apni story bhi share karne ki icha ho gayi. Main apne dost Bimal ki shadi main banaras gaya tha. Us samay meri umar 21 saal ki thi aur mera badan bhi bahut gathila aur sundar tha. Mere dost ke yahan saadi main bahut chahal pahal thi. Uske bahut se ristedar bahar se aaye the. Hum bhi char dost kolkata se banaras gaye the.Uske yaha ek 18 saal ke naukrani kaam kar rahi thi. Uska naam mina tha. Wo gazab ki sundar thi. Saadi main...

1 year ago
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My first threesome

My first encounter with sex was with a boy when I was nineteen, he was rough and hurt me so I gave him up, Just after that I met John, we were at a wedding and of course we danced and Talked a lot, John was a very good conversationist the best I have ever known, We dated two more times and then John told me he was a voyeur,(I didnt know what That was) so John told me, he said he has always been one and he gets a kick out of looking up women's skirts etc but said he wasn't a peeping tom, he...

First Time
1 year ago
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Five Years Later

"Hello, Maya. It's been a long time." It had been five years since I had said a word to her, since that terrible, awful day when she walked out of my life, our marriage. Five years of pretending to forget her, trying like hell to. "Are you surprised to see me here? Probably not as surprised as I was when you left me." Even as the words left my mouth, I knew I was lying. I had known it was coming. Hindsight 20/20 and all that, the signs had been there. She had been distancing herself,...

2 years ago
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Father in law catches us in the barn

Unlike my other stories this one is not 100% true. its just one of my fantasies. though there are a lot true parts, you'll just have to guess what is and isn't true. Enjoy!When my husband Charles and I, Lynlee, were first married we moved into a mother-in-law apartment attached to my father-in-law's, his name is Eric. Eric's wife, my mother in law, unfortunately passed away when Charles was young. So Eric had been single since.Eric had a very nice home and 5 acres of land to go with it. My...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 154 Soccer Game Versus a Salem Team

Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) I drove to the school, and then got on the bus with the rest of the team and our coach. There was a great deal of laughter and high spirits during the 45-minute trip north to Salem, as this was the first real game we'd gone to with the expectation of beating our opponents' socks off. I'd only played two games since I'd discovered my proximity sense. There was no special anticipation before the first of those two, because no one had known that my...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Julz Gotti Big Ass With Stepbro8217s Cock

Thick Julz Gotti hits on her step brother and lets him know she loves black dick. She seduces and sucks him off as the mom in in the kitchen. She goes complete berserk once the mom leaves to do some errands. She chases him to the kitchen where she takes off her shirt and makes out with him. With her perfect big tits hanging she tells him to get on the floor. She bounces her big ass on his face before she starts fucking him. We see her big tits and big ass bounce from cowgirl, doggy and...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Val Steele Pretty Girl Just Wants To Be Appreciated8230

Val is in a really good place right now. Work is going really well, she’s acing her classes in college, and her favorite band even came out with a new album. Life is great! And you know whats the Cherry on top? She even met a great guy, Mike! Mike is handsome and charming and has a great personality…he’s everything Val ever wanted! Well….not EVERYTHING. Mike isn’t the best at returning calls or texts (its like hes always busy with something) and his job makes him...

1 year ago
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Learning to love sex 3

I suppose I used to think that my life would be simple. I thought I would meet a nice boy one day, bring him home to introduce him to my family, and then get married. Sex didn't really come into my calculations at all. I had always been taught that sex was something you did after you got married.Suddenly, I find myself with two boyfriends, sex, and still no marriage. I don't know what I'm going to do. Things are a lot more complicated than I thought they were going to be. You see, the two boys...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Natalie Brooks College Goes By In A Flash

Natalie Brooks is having a great time at college, and she wants to share all the fun she has been having with her loving stepbro. He picks her up in his car, and she tells him all about it. It turns out, her favorite part of the whole thing has been the flashing! Of course, when Natalie gets home, she tells her mom a whole different story. But when she and her stepbro finally get a minute alone, Natalie assures him he has nothing to be nervous about when it comes to college. She shows him all...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present

Smiling and in a post orgasmic daze, Joanna uploaded the file to her laptop. Her long blonde locks kissed her breasts and her legs were splayed open, displaying the wet trembling slit in between. Today was a special day. Her boyfriend, Alejandro, was out of the state for a business trip but that didn't stop her from remembering that it was his birthday. He had only been gone for two days and would be gone for the next two weeks or so. The location was high up where cellular reception was hard...

1 year ago
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My First Passionate Love

she opens her shirt, drops her slip down and removes her Bra. And there it goes she takes my palm and places it on her beautiful 34 inch boobs and I am like on 7 heavens. So I happen to fall in love with this amazing girl friend, when I am 21 and she is 19. It was love at the first sight and didn't really expect that she would propose me before I could. Love at first sight is exciting and certainly one of the best things we have in life, from romancing to our first kiss, and slowly being so...

2 years ago
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gang bang

A guy on the site wanted to meet up. I said ok if he could bring a couple of mates - in for a penny, etc. On the day we'd arranged I went upstairs & took off my clothes. I tied my ankles to the bedposts, then laid back & fixed my wrists to tight ropes on the bedhead. Tied spread-eagled and helpless I waited for the guy - Stuart - and his couple of mates to turn up.After maybe an hour I heard the front door open. I could hear people in my living room, calling my name. Suddenly...

1 year ago
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How my panty fetish began

This story begins like many others young dum and full of cum, my stepmother would put me to bed and then get in the shower. Use to be I would fall asleep listning to the sound of the water. As i got older i would stay up and right after she got out of the shower and my stepmother and father went to bed I would get up and watch tv, but one day I noticed, the most beautifull pair of cotton panties with the biggest wettest stain I have ever seen in panties. My curiosity got the best of me so I...

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Best Grampa part 1

When I was around 18 I would usually go to my grandfather's house. Since helived only a few blocks from my house i would do so often. I would go therealot because my father left my mom when i was young, she also thought itwould be good for me the have a "father figure" in my life. I just likedseeing him alot because he had similar interests in alot of things. Butalso I stayed with him alot was because I thought he was alone sincegrandma died years earlier I would often sleep over his house alot...

2 years ago
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Doc and the French WhoreChapter 2

I was laid up in the hotel room for nearly a week while my shoulder healed up. Fortunately, the slug had just furrowed a path on the surface and did not stay inside my flesh. I had seen all too many of such minor wounds wind up putrefied and causing a loss of limb and even loss of life. Kate was my constant companion and I have to express the shameful lack of gratitude on my part because I found her to be far too grating on my nerves for relaxed thought and calmness of spirit. I guess I felt...

2 years ago
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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 12

We were cuddled together on the couch, and I felt his hands gently caressing my back. I snuggled closer and rested his hand on his chest. I admit I giggled inside the first time I was told Ralph’s name, thinking back to the book I had read so long before. We had been dating for about a month now, and he agreed we would take things slow. Of course, it also helped that Ralph was an older guy, he was 37. We met because we shared a History class, he was one of those adults that just liked taking...

2 years ago
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Birthday Blowout

Jan is a family friend she is a bigger framed lady with a cracking sense of humour we had know her forever she turned 50 a few weeks back and we attended her BBQ birthday party I woke up on her sofa the next morning with a cracking hangover far too much cider. Steve a neighbour of Jan's was stirring in the chair and I could hear movement in the kitchen next to us, Jan came into the living room with a couple of coffees "glad to see you are both alive" she said as she sat down next to me. We...

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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 2

7/26/2006 Late in the evening, his patience begins to wan. He begins to stand up, when he spots the lovely creature, Raveena Walker. She goes in to the place called Serenity. As he turns to walk away, he spies the one called Lilly going in to the same place. He hurries to the entrance of Serenity. He peeks in the window. Ms. Walker and Lilly are sitting together in the back of the restaurant. He decides to go and reintroduce himself. He walks in to the restaurant. A large roly-poly gentleman...

4 years ago
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Mind on Marissa

It was Saturday night, and my parents were going out with friends for a night of food, drinking, and probably swinging. I’m Steve, a 17 year old about to enter my senior year in high school, and like most high school boys, I cherished the times my parents vacated the house. It was still fairly early in the evening, my cell phone showed 7:15, but it felt much later. I woke up around five this morning to get to work, and didn’t get home until after six. I was sore in multiple places, and...

3 years ago
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Best Sales Job In The World 04

SUNDAY MORNING WITH MARGOT Saturday had been a day when Cliff and Margot worked hard and played hard. It had ended with more great sex. Margot didn’t even ask to stay in Cliff’s room it was assumed that she would. Sunday morning Cliff woke up with his normal morning erection and this time he fucked Margot until she pleaded with him to stop and give her pussy a rest. He rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. As he stood in front of the toilet urinating Cliff wondered what it...

2 years ago
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Country BoyChapter 18

Larry and Rachel happened to be on Earth when the next surveillance ship from the Galactic Civilization broke from supra light speed and began an approach to Earth. Detectors immediately detected it and alerted Earth Defense. They immediately alerted Larry. Lander was still with Larry wherever he went. He knew the contact protocols and language so contact was possible using both English and the common Galactic tongue. All Earth forces were placed on alert in the unlikely event the...

1 year ago
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The Artist Is A WizardChapter 2

For two days, I stayed away from my studio. I did nothing but think of what had happened. I had no choice! I could not get it out of my mind. Pictures did not just start moving! No one I had ever heard of talked to their drawings... and especially, no one had ever had them talk back! Well, except in fantasy novels, fairy tales, or maybe the movies. But this was real life! I was living it, damnit! I didn't really have anyone to talk to about all this. Honestly! It was not something you...

3 years ago
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Seducing The School Janitor

I was still living at home with my mom and her new live-in boyfriend Doug. He was such a fucking pervert. I just had to get the hell out of there. My mom had put on weight since her divorce from my dad, and she was nearing forty. The only things she had going for her was that she owned her own house, and had a steady job. She met Doug maybe six months earlier, and I think he really just pushed his way into our lives. He was, of course, unemployed, but got disability checks for some supposed...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Alteration

Synopsis -------- Wife wakes up with a penis. She loves it, and helps me get used to it. Story ----- I wake with a sudden shock and my eyes open wide. It takes a few seconds to come back to reality from my dream world. I am in my bed, and a cock just went in my ass! That's exactly the type of thing that wakes you up in a hurry. I won't need any coffee today! It's been a few weeks since my wife changed. We don't know why or how it happened. One morning, she woke up with a...

3 years ago
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My Name Is AndiChapter 2

“Gramps, what the hell? How long have you been listening?” Alice asked. Grandpa made a show of thinking for a moment then said, “I got here around the time of Andi asking if it was always that hot. I get the feeling it’s a good thing I didn’t get here any sooner.” Grandpa looked at me then at the fish in his hands. He moved kind of funny when he coughed, and from the look on Alice’s face, she must have noticed the movement too. “So are we going to eat any of those fish tonight or are we...

3 years ago
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A young black lover

He lives in the city and has no wheels, so I went and got him and brought him home. We talked about music for a bit and then i took him into a bedroom, where we both got naked, and he let me take some pics of him stretched out on the bed. I love pics, I take them all the time. He took a couple as well.So I got between his legs and took his cock in my hand and started licking. He is not cut and his head was covered in foreskin, and I teased my tongue in between his cockhead and foreskin, and was...

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Heros Reward

The pressure on Matt’s privates disappeared and soon followed by the feeling of his pants being undone, his zipper being pulled down and his underwear being pulled down exposing his manhood. His dick started to grow and harden as a gloved hand began to stroke its shaft. “Not bad so far” the voice returned as Matt neared full erection, “I’m almost impressed.” And as Matt felt the warm breath of the mouth nearing the head of his dick he heard “Wait, use this,” accompanied by some...

2 years ago
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My first blowjob from a guy

For years I've always fantasised about being with another man but never had the guts to try, I love eating pussy and I love the feel of pussy around my cock, I've always loved anal sex too. I've found myself looking at other cocks getting turned on. So anyway I'm 35 years old I have a decent sized cock that I have been told I'm big at 8 inches and thick, my ex girlfriend and I opened up a lot of our dirtiest fantisies even one I didn't think I'd like, we had a big sex marathon and a good old...

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Sexual awakenings true story

I didn’t have an older brother to give me any pointers when it came to matters of sex. I engaged in banter with my friends but none of it was very instructional. I just went along with it, pretending I understood what was being said. But I was pretty naïve. When I started to get erections I knew what they were but I didn’t know exactly how it all worked. I knew guys put their hard penis inside a girl’s vagina but that was about it. I certainly knew nothing about masturbation. I’d had a couple...

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