Physical Therapy
- 4 years ago
- 61
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Chapter 1
Zerrick Collier pulled into the back parking lot of St. Anne’s Hospital and saw the sign for the rehabilitation center. He parked as close to the entrance as possible, hoping to navigate the slick pavement with his crutches for the least amount of distance.
He had torn the anterior cruciate ligament and all the surrounding cartilage in his left knee playing basketball two months earlier. After extensive reconstructive surgery whereby the patellar tendon was taken from beneath his kneecap and used to replace his ligament, Zerrick was now ready to begin getting his knee back into shape.
A bitter February wind went right through him as he carefully made his way across the parking lot to the entrance of the rehab center. He now wished he had worn something warmer, but usually the cold didn’t bother him. This day was different.
Shivering after entering the warm building, Zerrick crutched slowly to the reception desk. He was told to have a seat and someone would be with him in a few minutes. Through the glass, Zerrick looked into the rehab center. There didn’t seem to be very many patients there that day, but they were scattered about doing various exercises and weight training. Some were working with trainers while others worked by themselves. There was a running track and Zerrick could see an entrance to a swimming pool in the far corner.
Fifteen minutes later, Zerrick was reading a magazine when he heard his named called. Looking up, he saw a small, slightly built female waiting patiently for him at the door. She looked to be five foot nothing and maybe ninety pounds soaking wet.
Slowly, he got up and walked with his crutches over to her where she held the door open for him. At five feet ten and around one hundred and seventy pounds, Zerrick felt like a giant when he went past her.
‘I’m Theresa Stanton,’ she said in a pleasant voice. Theresa stuck out her hand and Zerrick took it. ‘I’m going to be your therapist while you’re here.’ She glanced at her clipboard.
‘I’m glad to meet you,’ Zerrick replied.
He looked at her more closely. She seemed even more petite than when he first saw her. Theresa appeared to have almost no bust under her loose fitting green polo shirt, but she did have very shapely legs coming out of her khaki shorts. Her wavy brown hair was shoulder length and matched her chocolate brown eyes. She looked to be about his age, no more than twenty five or so.
Theresa looked at his knee which she could see was encased in a bulky brace under his sweat pants. ‘How is it feeling today?’ she asked.
‘Not too bad,’ Zerrick answered. ‘I’m able to put a little bit of weight on it without too much trouble. Dr. Fitzsimmons wanted me to take it easy until I saw you guys.’
Theresa nodded and jotted notes on her clipboard. ‘Well, today we’re going to show you around and maybe put you on a stationary bike to start working on your flexibility.’
He wanted to get started. Zerrick had been very antsy not being able to do anything since the surgery. He wanted to get his knee in shape so he could get back to work on a light duty basis. He was an insurance adjustor. His surgeon warned him that it could take between six and nine months for his knee to get back to one hundred percent.
Theresa walked with him slowly as she showed him the different stations of the rehab center. There were eight stationary bikes, four weight machines, two electronic stimuli machines, and other training apparatus. In the middle of the main area there were six sturdy padded tables where exercises and manipulations took place. She also showed him the swimming pool where most of his early rehab would take place. Theresa introduced him to the trainers in that area, too.
As they walked out of the swimming area, Theresa asked, ‘Did you wear shorts under your sweat pants today?’
‘No,’ Zerrick replied.
‘From now on,’ she instructed, ‘wear shorts. And bring along a swimming suit for your pool work. We have towels here so you don’t have to worry about that. The locker rooms are through that door.’ She pointed to the left.
‘Okay,’ he said.
They were near the middle of the room by then.
‘Go ahead and take off your coat and we’ll do a little bit of work,’ Theresa said.
Zerrick shrugged off his coat and handed it to Theresa, who put it on one of the tables. He then followed her to the stationary bikes.
‘Hop up on the bike and we’ll have you go about five minutes and see how it feels,’ she said.
Zerrick got on the bike with a little bit of difficulty while Theresa stood by with his crutches. When he got seated, his left knee was in the upward position and he was in quite a bit of discomfort. He tried to move the knee to start, but he found he didn’t have the strength.
‘What’s the matter?’ Theresa asked, although she already knew the answer.
‘I can’t get it started,’ he replied. ‘It’s too stiff.’
Smiling to herself, Theresa put the crutches aside and moved to the knee. With both hands surrounding the brace, she gently forced the leg down until his good leg was able to continue the cycle. Theresa kept her hands on the knee for a few more rotations until Zerrick got into an awkward rhythm.
The knee was very sore from his non-activity since the surgery and he grimaced each time he had to bend it. Theresa watched him as he continued his struggle. Sweat beads were starting to form above his eyebrows.
It was a nice change of pace for Theresa to get a patient who was around her age and a man, too. Most of her patents were of the geriatric variety and they almost always were female. Most of them had knee or hip replacements and she had to be extremely careful with their regimen. It was nice to have a young, strong individual whom she could work hard.
She liked the looks of Zerrick. He had black hair with eyes to match and below his high cheek bones was a sharp, angular jaw. As dark as his eyes were, they still had warmth about them.
Theresa could see he was fighting through the pain and discomfort and that pleased her. He had a pain tolerance with which she could work.
When the five minutes were up, Zerrick stopped pedaling and exhaled loudly. His knee was throbbing and tired.
‘Okay,’ Theresa announced, ‘now we’ll do it in reverse for five more minutes.’
Zerrick looked at her in surprise. ‘You’ve got to be kidding,’ he exclaimed. ‘It’s hurting enough as it is.’
‘It hurts because you’ve been too easy with it,’ Theresa countered. ‘This rehab of yours is going to hurt, so you might as well get used to it. I’m going to work you hard so that it gets better faster. That’s what you want, isn’t it?’
‘Well, yeah…’
‘Then quit your bitching and do what I ask.’
Theresa looked at him to see if he was going to accept her challenge or quit. ‘Come on,’ she said a bit more nicely, ‘you’ll get through it with no trouble.’
She knelt down as before, wrapping her hands around the brace covered knee. She then started his knee in the opposite direction. This exercise was even more awkward for Zerrick, but he did the best he could. After about three minutes, though, he couldn’t continue and stopped pedaling.
‘Are you okay?’ she asked.
‘It’s just too sore. I don’t have any strength left.’
‘You don’t have much of a pain tolerance, do you?’ She cocked an eyebrow.
‘What do you mean by that?’
Theresa’s eyes narrowed. ‘I’ve got patients in their sixties who can do five minutes after a knee replacement. I think you should be able to do five minutes of reverse cycling.’
‘You don’t know anything about my pain,’ Zerrick hissed.
Theresa’s eyes narrowed even more before she spoke, her hands on her hips.
‘I know you quit when others haven’t. If you haven’t received the clue, let me spell it out for you. I am going to be very tough on you and I am going to be tou
gh on you because the harder you work, the faster you walk or run out of here and not have me on your ass anymore. Is that motivation enough for you?’
She liked challenging guys and pissing them off. It usually made them work harder.
‘Or,’ she continued, ‘you can find another therapist who won’t work you very hard and then it’ll take a year or more before you’re one hundred percent. What’s it going to be?’
With her arms crossed, Theresa waited patiently for his answer. Zerrick returned her stare and silently cursed her for putting him through so much pain. But, he was even more mad about the fact that he knew she was right.
‘All right,’ he grumbled, ‘lead on, dungeon master.’
Theresa smiled slightly. ‘Come on, then, we’ll go to the table now.’
Theresa handed him his crutches as he gingerly lowered himself to the floor. They went to the nearest table and she motioned for him to sit on it.
‘Straighten your leg on the table as much as possible,’ she instructed.
When he did so, the back of his knee was still almost two inches above the surface. Theresa peered at the gap, measured it, and jotted something on his chart.
‘Here’s one exercise you can do at home. Sit on the floor and flex your thigh muscle so that you can get the back of your knee to touch the floor. Do that for five minutes, three times a day. Understand?’
Zerrick nodded. He flexed his thigh as instructed and tried to push down on the knee, seeing no movement.
‘It’ll take some time,’ Theresa said reassuringly, ‘but you’ll see a difference fairly quickly.
Zerrick nodded again.
‘Now, move your foot towards your butt and we’ll see how far you can go.’
Zerrick moved his foot back, but it wasn’t very far. Theresa took out a measuring device and calculated how many degrees he could bend the knee. She jotted down more notes.
‘By the time I’m finished with you, your heel will touch your butt. I promise you that. You can work on that at home, too.’
She went to a nearby desk and produced a packet of papers. When she came back, she said, ‘Here are some exercises I want to you to do.’ She handed them to him before demonstrating each exercise and telling him how often to do them.
When she finished, she had him pull up the leg of his sweat pants and remove the brace. She handed him a huge bag of ice and a towel and told him to ice down his knee and that she’d be back in ten minutes. She set a timer so that he’d know when to take off the ice.
During that time, Zerrick thought about his session with her. He was still upset about her brusque demeanor and apparent lack of sympathy, but he didn’t want another therapist. If she was true to her word and would have him back in shape in a quick amount of time, he could put up with her being tough. She was going to get his knee back in shape, even if it killed him, he guessed.
The ten minutes passed slowly as Zerrick’s eyes roamed the center. He was surprised to see that he was one of only a handful of patients left. He saw Theresa in a remote corner sipping on a cola and writing notes in patient files. Zerrick thought she was cute, not a real beauty, but nice to look at. She seemed to be very fit and Zerrick always admired athletic women.
When the ten minutes elapsed, Zerrick took the ice and towel off his knee and examined it. It was red, swollen, and misshapen, not much different from when he first came in.
Theresa came to his side quietly, looking over his shoulder at the knee. ‘That doesn’t look too bad. It’s better than a lot of guys who come in here. Dr. Fitzsimmons did a good job, as he always does.’
‘You’ve seen his work?’ Zerrick asked.
‘Oh yeah, we get a lot of his patients. He’s good.’ She looked down at his chart and her watch. ‘Is this a good time for you to come in? I work late on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.’
‘It’s a good time for me,’ he said.
‘Good. Then, we’ll set your schedule as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at five o’clock. You’ll go to the pool first and then we’ll find each other when you’re done. Okay?’
‘Sure.’ he replied.
‘You’re all done for today. Make sure you do those exercises every day, including tonight.’
Zerrick looked at her in exasperation.
‘I know you’ve had a good workout, but you’ll feel better about it when you see the difference in the next few weeks.’ She closed his file and put her pen in her shirt pocket. ‘I’ll see you Wednesday.’
‘See you,’ Zerrick replied, not too enthusiastically.
Chapter 2
As he completed his first month of therapy, Zerrick could see a significant difference in his mobility and range of motion. He had discarded his crutches after the first week of therapy and although his limp was quite noticeable, it wasn’t too bad considering the time since the surgery. He looked forward to his pool sessions where the water provided the perfect resistance while putting the least amount of weight on his leg.
He was doing much better on the stationary bike and he actually looked forward to his sessions with Theresa. She seemed to be loosening up a bit and would smile a lot while around him. And he noticed she had a nice smile, too.
It during his Friday session that fourth week when something strange happened which would change the way he felt about her. It began as his sessions usually did. He spent the first half hour in the pool doing his walking and other exercises. After he toweled off and changed into his shorts and tee shirt, he made his way to the bikes where he began to ride.
For some reason that day, his knee refused to loosen. He fought through the stiffness gamely, but it got no better.
Theresa ambled up to him after she saw him laboring from across the room. ‘How’s it going today, Zerrick?’ She asked.
‘It won’t loosen up at all,’ he complained as he continued to pedal.
‘Well, after you’re finished, come over to the tables and I’ll work on it.’
‘Wonderful,’ Zerrick said sarcastically. Theresa working on his knee usually meant pain involved. Oh, she could get it loosened up, but her methods made him grimace more than a few times.
‘No pain, no gain,’ she chuckled as she walked away.
Once he was finished on the bike, he limped over to the padded table where she was waiting.
‘On your stomach,’ she instructed.
He climbed onto the table and lay on his stomach. Theresa got behind him, grabbed his leg, and using her strength and weight, gently pushed forward moving his leg towards his butt. She would ease off after a second or two, then would do it all over again.
Zerrick grimaced every time his leg resisted her force. Although she was gentle, she was persistent in getting the knee working. If the pain got too intense, Zerrick would only have to say ‘time’ and Theresa would immediately ease back.
After a few minutes, Theresa was satisfied with the progress and patted his leg to have him sit up. As usual, her polo shirt was too big, loose fitting, and billowed out at the waist. She was given a man’s small size for her work, but even that was too big. She stood in front of him and bent down to take hold of his ankle for some stretching. As she bent down and forward, her shirt opened and gave Zerrick a perfect view of her braless breasts. They were very small, cone shaped from gravity, and Zerrick’s jaw dropped at the sight.
‘Uh…’ Zerrick cleared his throat.
Theresa looked up. ‘What? Is there something wrong?’
‘What is it?’
Zerrick looked at her eyes and smiled sheepishly. He leaned forward and in a low voice said, ‘I think you should have worn a bra today.’
Theresa’s face reddened slightly, but she kept her composure. Theresa looked down at her shirt and tried to tuck it in better with her free hand.
‘I rarely wear a bra,’ she whispered.
Zerrick looked around to see if anyone was watching.
sa didn’t answer, but began to stretch and manipulate his leg.
‘Why don’t you wear one?’ he persisted.
Theresa continued to work on his leg as she spoke. ‘Because I don’t have anything and they’re not worth looking at anyway.’ She looked down at his knee, avoiding looking at him.
‘They looked pretty good to me,’ Zerrick said softly.
‘Yeah, right.’
‘You don’t take compliments very well, do you?’
Theresa dropped his leg gently and stared at him. ‘Can we talk about this some other time?’ Her eyes were serious and a bit sad. She glanced around the room warily.
‘I guess so,’ Zerrick replied.
She worked him long and hard that day and he didn’t complain once. In fact, they were both pretty quiet during his workout, something that was unusual for them. They usually bantered with each other good natured, he telling her she was working him too hard and she telling him to shut up and quit being such a baby about it.
By the time they finished, only a few of the trainers and none of the patients were in the room. That wasn’t too strange, though. Zerrick was almost always one of the last patients to leave and Theresa was always the last trainer to go home. It was her job to lock up the center on her late nights.
When she handed him his customary bag of ice, Zerrick touched her hand. ‘Can we talk now?’ he asked.
Theresa looked around and then back to him. ‘Take your time getting dressed. Everyone should be gone by then.’ She hurried away.
After the ten minutes was over, Zerrick left the ice bag in a sink by the table and went to the locker room to change. He took a quick shower and dressed, thinking about Theresa and what just occurred. For some time now, he found he was having feelings for Theresa. He thought she was pretty from the first moment he saw her, but because of the closeness they shared during his rehab sessions, he was liking her more and more. When he emerged from the locker room, true to her word, everyone else had gone home.
Theresa was sitting at her desk making notes in her files. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Zerrick coming toward her. She had mixed feelings when it came to this patient. Against her better judgement, she started having feelings towards him almost from the start. She tried not to, tried not to let her personal feelings interfere with her professional conduct, but she found herself being drawn closer to him. She certainly didn’t intend for him to see down her blouse. She always did have trouble keeping her shirt tucked in all the way. But, it didn’t upset her when he pointed it out to her. In fact, it gave her a little thrill knowing he had seen her breasts, what there were of them.
She always thought about her bust size in disdain. Her mom and two sisters had normal breasts and she always wondered why she got short changed in that department. It often embarrassed her to go to the beach. She knew she had a nice figure, but she was self-conscious about her breast size, or the lack thereof. She even contemplated getting implants, but could never bring herself to do it.
He was coming closer and she sighed. She couldn’t explain rationally why she was attracted to him. He was no more handsome than anyone else with whom she had been involved. He was no bigger or stronger. Maybe it was just the fact that she liked his quiet demeanor and his resolve to get his knee back in shape. Since that first rocky session, she could see he was working harder than any patient she had ever helped. She closed the file, put her pen down, and waited.
She pushed an empty chair his way and he sat down a few feet to her left. They looked at each other for a few seconds before Theresa smiled sheepishly and looked away with her chin on her hand.
‘I didn’t mean for it to happen,’ she said softly, looking back his way.
‘I didn’t figure you did. You’ve always been professional with me. I didn’t want to embarrass you, but I thought you might want to know.’ Zerrick moved forward. ‘You’re not mad, are you?’
Theresa smiled and patted his hand. ‘No, I’m not angry. I’m just wondering how many other times my shirt has flopped open.’ She sighed. ‘It doesn’t matter. There’s nothing there to see anyway.’
‘Au contraire,’ Zerrick said, ‘it was quite a sight for me.’ He grinned at her.
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It all began in my job as a psychotherapist and had numerous women come and see me with complaints of headaches and talk of demanding husbands always wanting sex, that the women did not want to provide. The story was almost always the same, to the same neat pattern. The women would explain that when they met their husbands, when they were younger, usually in their late twenties, that they had numerous lovers to choose from, and they would either choose the most attractive “hunk” or the best...
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Still nude, Amy stepped before her mirror. Winter was officially here, and Amy’s hard-earned tan had faded back to the usual pale to reveal her face full of freckles which she tried so hard to cover up. Something about the collar seemed to attract her gaze; she couldn’t help but stare at it whenever she saw her reflection. She looked… sexual. She had never thought about herself in an erotic sense and it surprised her. It gave Amy an extra submissive look, and she was already quite timid and...
Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life. At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...
Sissy Therapy - Case Study 2 Shelly's latest client is John who is obsessively addicted to smooth, shaved men's asses, ideally covered by skimpy women's panties. Shelly helps him to come to terms with his desires and learn a lot about himself as well. Oh, lots and lots of sex as usual... ;) Hi, I'm a sexual therapist. Sort of. No qualifications, my only experience is what I've gained on the job. This is my second 'case study' which took place a few months after I started. To recap...
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the first real day of summer after a long rainy spring, and the wide concrete path that hugged the Chicago lakefront was packed with people enjoying the warm, sunny weather. Joggers, walkers, bikers, and rollerbladers, all fighting for position on the same crowded path, but everyone was in a good mood and having fun, including me. I was one of the rollerbladers, and not a very experienced one. After watching bladers shoot by me day after day while I was...
Session 5 with Jill Daniels “Thanks for coming in today,” I said to Jill Daniels, smiling at the mother of Mercedes. Normally, I saw Jill on Friday after my session with her daughter and not on Monday. The woman nodded. She lay on the bed beside me. I was working her towards my cuddle therapy. I loved the look in her eyes. She had this wild gleam. Almost haunted. She was realizing things about herself. Things she didn’t think she was capable of feeling. “So, how was the tape?” I asked. I’d...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
[ Diverting momentarily from the previous theme in the 'Daughter's Mother' story-line, let's take a look at a married cuckold undergoing 'chastity training' with a therapy business that specializes in, which his wife has set up for her husband, and see how he is doing with that! (I don't think there actually is such a service, and so this story is 'fictional.' But, it's too bad someone out there doesn't start up a business like that, because the whole cuckold lifestyle thing is becoming more...
The clinic was an unobtrusive white stucco structure surrounded by gnarled oak trees on an obscure back road. There were several cars parked in front but it gave the overall appearance of being unoccupied. The smell of late summer was in the air, with just a hint of fall breezes – my favorite time of year. I was getting on in years and just started retirement a few short months earlier. My wife continued to work to secure her retirement, having entered the work force only after my two...
Author’s Note: Hi folks, firing another one out here. If it hasn’t been said before, I am saving what I think is my better work for later submissions. This one is kind of all over the place, something I poked at here and there over the years. I finally managed to salvage it together into something presentable. I wasn’t even sure which category to put this, though. NonConsent? Exhibitionism? Mind Control? I chose the latter, please forgive if you disagree after reading the story. Again, I...
“Doctor Gerard, this is Mrs. Brown, our client for the next two days.” Julienne introduced me to a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties. Her short black haired, brown eyes and pale skin oozed sensuality but her droopy shoulders tried to hide her firm breasts and sexuality.“Good morning. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable.” I took Mrs. Brown’s hand and led her to the couch. She wore her conservative grey business suit, designer shoes and handbag like a suit of armour against the...
Group Sexmy first effort. All comments welcome but please be a bit gentle! THERAPY Doctor Adam Steele let out a deep sigh as he glanced down at the mess of papers on his desk. On top of the heap was the file of his next patient. His sessions with Lina often left him with graphic images that made the rest of his day almost unbearable. Grimacing with shame he recalled an occasion last month when he’d dashed to the bathroom mid session and found himself wrapping his hand round his painfully hard cock...
ReluctanceA big problem for those who are young, single, hot, rich and kinky is finding an outlet for their sexual appetites but not end up in the National Enquirer, messy relationships or in secret government databases for later coercion or fundraising. The word is that well connected elites have worked with Concierge Healthcare providers who already serve them with high-end sports injury and other therapies to develop private sexual clinics that can cater to those appetites. It is true but you won't...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Family's Incestuous Therapy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Group Session 2 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels It had been a week since I'd seen Jill Daniels and her daughter Mercedes. I was eager to hear how it went. They were both smiling as they walked in and began stripping off their clothes, joining me being naked in my office. If this worked out, this would be our final session. It made me so...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 1 with Mercedes Daniels The click-click of the metronome echoed through my office. I sat cross-legged on my chair, my skirt riding up enough to show the tops of the beige, thigh-high stockings I wore. I had my e-ink tablet on my lap, ready to take notes as my patient sat on the cream-colored loveseat across from me. Mercedes Daniels looked...
Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...
Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...
"Doesn't everybody desire sexual pleasure?"This was the best opening I could muster in my first meeting with the counselor. Dr. Timothy was selected by my wife, Lou (short for Louise), of s*******n years."To some degree everyone desires sexual pleasure, Richard. Tell me why do you desire pleasure?"Lou had arranged the meeting after determining I needed help. In an intimate moment, I suggested we expand our sex life by adding a little spice—such as another woman. Lou didn't react right away, but...
Replacement Therapy By Cheryl Lynn This is a copyrighted fictional story. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This is a forced feminine/dominant female story featuring sections of both physical and mental sexual cruelty. Such actions are not condoned by the author and just part of a story. If you do not like such stories then Do Not read or comment as you have been warned. Constructive criticism on style and grammar are welcome....
Replacement Therapy II By Cheryl Lynn This is a copy written story by the author. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. Permission to download for personal use only is granted. Any other use without the permission of the author is strictly forbidden. This story contains forced feminization and punishment it is definitely NOT sweet/sentimental. If such fiction is not to your liking then do not read or post negative comments as...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 16, 2010) Chapter 3 - Family Therapy "That was your mom," Dad said while hanging up the phone as we approached the car. We had just left the set of 'The Tonight Show'. "She said that Kevin and his family have arrived. You...
In Therapy (part of the HH genre) TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about women...
I arrived at my non NHS clinic for specialized therapy. Greeted by the TV nurse I was shown in to the front reception area. I was informed that I would now have to go to the pre preparation room to be got ready for the Dr and the treatment. This was down some steep steps into a cold room kitted out with a patient waiting cage, a rack and a table. Next to the table was an array of items that were to be fitted to me. I was ordered to strip naked by the nurse. It was quite cold and being naked...
I licked my lips for a moment. "You want to invite me in with you two?" "Yes, you seem to like what you see, and you've put up with our fighting enough," Kate replied, leaning towards me and kissing me. "I wouldn't mind you joining us," she added, before grabbing a blanket and wiping my chest. "Care to join me, Stephen?" she pondered, prior to leaning down to my jugs. "Oh, you just went up even higher, Kate, yes, lick that nipple and make me feel good," I moaned, placing a hand on her head....
IncestThis story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read . Day by day, Savita was turning into a sex addict. Everything she came across reminded her of the pleasure of physical relationships. She was wet and aroused all the time. Even when she used to pick up eggplant for making some dishes, all that came to her mind was the amazing juicy dicks she had sucked. Spatulas made her crave hard spanks. TV series made her recall every sexual adventure she had accomplished....
"And how does that make you feel, Bob?" "It used to make me angry, Ann, but now I just ignore it." "Bob, it would be better if you addressed me as Dr. Culver. Therapy is more effective if you take it seriously. A casual approach isn't good for either of us." "That's fine by me. Henceforth you may call me Mr. Canfield." "If you wish, but I've found using first names puts a patient more at ease." "I'm not a patient, I'm a customer. I'll go along with whichever you prefer,...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
A big problem for those who are young, single, hot, rich and kinky is finding an outlet for their sexual appetites but not end up in the National Enquirer, messy relationships or in secret government databases for later coercion or fundraising. The word is that well connected elites have worked with Concierge Healthcare providers who already serve them with high-end sports injury and other therapies to develop private sexual clinics that can cater to those appetites. It is true but you...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Mother and Daughter's Naughty Session By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Group Session 1 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels “Mercedes, honey, please, strip naked,” Jill Daniels cajoled her daughter. The older woman, a sexy MILF with curly-brown hair and large breast, was already naked. She had her thighs pressed tight together like she was hiding her pussy, but she seemed open about the rest of her nudity....
Now I loved my wife, but her rich parents had spoiled her rotten and also ignored her for her whole life. She complained about everything, fix the light bulb, don’t swear, wash our cars, go to the store were out of sugar. I was ready to divorce her. But after we went to my nutty friend an unconventional Psychologist he concluded she had been ignored by her parents. She needed a lot of personal attention to overcome her personality problems. He said try this new therapy, treat her like a...
Tales from the Frog-lady: Couple therapy by Sylvia Wechsel Chapter 1 - Introducing the Silvas Eduardo is the first one to wake up. He is still in that half sleep, half awake phase in which dream and reality mix, but even in this state he realizes something feels strange. In the 10 years of his marriage with Adriana, he slept in the same side of the bed, so the image he has from his bedroom is pretty much the same everyday. Now things seem to be out of place. It takes about 15...
This story contains sexual situations and should be read by adults only. Comments welcome. This is my first ever story of erotic fiction. The Therapy Session - Part 1 By Renee Elay Chapter 1 "I can't fucking believe this!" She stared up at me from the bed, naked and beautiful, her eyes filling with a mocking disdain that unsettled me to the core. Her name was Sharon, or at least I thought that's what she'd told me at the bar when I picked her up at closing time. She was...