Shackled Ch. 19 free porn video

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The power that rushed through Emma’s body with the touch of a button was staggering. Her pulse pounded and breath whooshed softly out of her parted lips. She flinched as the explosion hit, leaning further back by instinct, trying to protect herself. The warmth of Liam’s body soothed and thrilled her as well.

For a moment the five stood and watched the show before Emma finally let out a soft laugh and grinned up at Hanson, her brown eyes sparkling with excitement. What a rush! It had been wild and crazy, but she felt alive. It was easy to see how someone could get addicted to that feeling. The adrenaline, the adventure. No wonder Laura was always seeking a fight or a bit of a thrill. No wonder all three women were after Liam. He was all that wrapped in one attractive package.

Shaking his head, he chuckled and ushered her into the car as Bonny moved with purpose, brushing past Liam and sliding into the front seat of the car. Obviously she didn’t want to share any personal space with Emma and she was fine with that. Squeezed between Liam and Laura, Emma slid her hand over his knee and gave is a squeeze.

Laura was grinning and practically bouncing in her seat. The doc had gotten what she wanted. ‘Holy shit. That was a blast! Literally! I like this chick after all. She has a little bang in her.’

Despite everything, Emma laughed and elbowed Laura gently. She winked and smacked the back of Carl’s seat. ‘How about it big guy!! Take us back, so I can do a little digging.’

Emma cringed at the idea, wondering what exactly this procedure would entail. The car set off to their ‘base’ of operations, Liam’s basement and home. Clearing her throat, she glanced over at Laura again. She looked relaxed, happy and at ease with herself. ‘Do you have what you need for the procedure?’

She turned her blond head, dropping it against the head rest and pondered the question. ‘To be honest, not really. It is probably best I do it tomorrow, when I have all my tools and a little anesthetic. Unless you like pain.’

Emma shook her head, ‘No thanks. I don’t like the idea of you ‘digging”

Pursing her lips, Laura made a soft raspberry sound and shrugged, ‘I’ll make it as painless as possible, but there will be some digging involved. ‘

She felt Liam’s hand slide over her own and give it a squeeze, making her realize that she was gripping him tightly. Deciding it was best to drop the subject, she forced herself to relax and slumped against the seat as they arrived at their destination. Everyone climbed out a few doors away from their actual hide out and began to walk. Car dropped a friendly hand on her head and gave her a little reassuring pat. Emma gave him a playful glare, but then grinned. The sweet lug was worried about her and she knew he cared.

‘Home sweet home.’ She murmured softly, earning a cold death stare from Bonny. She ignored the ice princess and slipped passed her and down the narrow staircase. Mrs. Chan greeted with her usual warmth. Behind the others trailed and she figured they had things to talk about and instead fell next to Simon. ‘I made a big boom.’ She said with a grin and giggled.

He cocked a brow and laughed, ‘You’re just full of surprises aren’t ya?’

‘Never thought I would be, but learning to like it.’

With a hot cup of coffee in her hands, courteous of Mrs. Chan, Emma relaxed with her new and old friends, waiting for what would be next on the ‘to do’ list and how Laura would proceed with the procedure.


He didn’t know how it had come to this. Honor. Respect. Service. Duty. These were the tenets he’d lived by for most of his life. But now, it had come to this. The silver-haired man sat in the chair, his lips pursed. He kept them firmly together because he was aware that he might say something wrong.

No, not wrong. He might say something inappropriate, at least for the situation he was in. It wouldn’t be wrong. But it wouldn’t be right. He’d hated ambiguity all of his life. It was part of the reason he’d become a soldier. Right. Wrong. Black. White. Innocent. Guilty. Kill. Or be killed. Yes, ambiguity was not the path he’d chosen. Yet now, everything was ambiguous. Working for these motherfuckers, that wasn’t ambiguous, that was just plain wrong. But….here he was, in a world of gray. He tried to stop thinking of how it had been. It was as it was.


He made a mental note to never use the word ambiguous again.

I can’t even spell it for fuck’s sake.

His thoughts were interrupted by Paul Lindeman.

‘So you’re telling me this Hansen or Flannery or whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is, got into the SPF main administrative building with, not one, but two of his bitches and unshackled himself and then blew up the building and killed over forty officers?’

Blaxland nearly smiled.


He valued his career, but he was tiring of having to deal with these bloated desk jockeys. One day, not now, maybe not even soon, but one day, he was going to rid himself of his own shackles. These weak pasty-faced bastards didn’t deserve him or what or he did for them, but for for now he would play along.

For now….

Blaxland returned from his thoughts and nodded.

‘Yes, sir,’ he said. ‘He did.’

‘How the fuck did he do that?’ asked Lindeman. The Chairman of Pfizaxson knew his company wouldn’t be happy. ‘And a senior officer was left dead on the street with his hand cut off and his eye pulled out. Do you know what that does to public morale?’

Public morale? What about the SPF’s morale?

Blaxland knew the fat Chairman’s ass was on the line over this.

But what was this? What was Hansen and his motley crew working on?

And is there a line wide enough to fit Lindeman’s fat ass on it?

He nearly chuckled.


Fat ass or not, he had to play here and at least humor him. They didn’t understand Hansen and they never would. Hansen didn’t do things that made sense, he just did things. These fuckers would never understand, Hansen did things because they were right. There was a time when Blaxland had done the same, when he’d done what was right. That time was a distant memory now, but he understood Hansen.

He’d made Hansen.

‘We didn’t know he had his team together, sir,’ said Blaxland. ‘It would appear now that he has them all.’

Lindeman sat back in his chair and it creaked under the load of his corpulence. On either side of him were the Chairmen of two other major corporations. They were, effectively, the government. Lindeman was reflective. He knew Blaxland was good, but he needed the problem solved quickly and the Hansen motherfucker seemed to be better than good. He seemed….invincible and driven by a rage of righteousness. If there was something that peeved Lindeman, it was righteousness. Money and power were his only values. The only things that had value.

‘Well, what now then, General Blaxland?’ he said. ‘I hope you’re not going to tell me this Hansen character is unbeatable?’

Blaxland shook his head.

‘No one is unbeatable, sir,’ he said. ‘I created Hansen. I made him what he is now. I can beat him.’

Lindeman looked at him, narrowing his eyes.

‘You….created….him?’ he asked.

‘Yes, sir,’ said the silver-haired man. ‘I created him for you. He was part of what made you what you are today.’

‘Made me….’

‘He worked for you,’ continued Blaxland. ‘For the government. He was part of the unit we set up years ago to…..persuade…..people and states to follow our bidding. You know that. You know all of that. And he was damn good at it. Now you want him snuffed out….for the sake of expediency. Of course, I’ll do it, but remember, he was one of us once…..Sir.’

‘You created this monster?’

‘Yes, sir. Just like you manufactured wars and regional destabilization. Except Hansen cracked. His mind chang


He developed a conscience, sir,’ said Blaxland.


‘Yes, sir. We though we’d changed him, but the neurosurgeon looking after him turned.’


Blaxland wanted to get up and slap the Chairman hard, but he resisted the temptation, instead he balled his hands tightly. He was quickly tiring of the one-word questions, but now wasn’t the time to change things.

Not now.


But not now.

‘Yes, sir,’ he said with a sigh. ‘Laura Black. She was a rebel sympathizer. She saw the opportunity to bring Hansen around to their way of thinking. From what we understand, it didn’t take much to bring him around anyway.’

The men in front of him were silent for a moment. Captains of industry now running the world, with a general in front of them answering their inane questions. Blaxland saw the irony in this, but resisted the urge to smirk.

Wouldn’t happen in the armed forces, generals don’t answer to captains.

‘So,’ said Lindeman, finally breaking the silence, ‘your crack group was actually made up of rebels and they turned your best soldier into a rebel?’

Finally, he thought, an expansive question.


My turn to keep it short.

‘This situation seems to be getting out of your control, general.’

The men on either side of Lindeman nodded their heads. A flurry of jowls and double chins. It looked like a Michelin man impersonator’s convention.

Fucking sycophants.

‘No sir. We’ll have to up the ante certainly, but you were the one who wanted him alive initially….sir. It was only at our last meeting you ordered me to kill them all. We had him at the bar. And Carl O’Shaughnessy. And the girl. We could have had them all. You wanted whoever was with her alive to find out how much information she’d given away. Information, by the way, sir, to which I still haven’t been made privy to.’

Lindeman sat back in his chair as if he’d been slapped.


‘Sir,’ continued Blaxland, ‘Now we have to step up. We have to fight fire with fire to use an old cliché. We have to get them all. If we leave even one of them breathing, then it won’t be over. It’s never over with them….till they win.’

‘How many of them are there?’

‘At least eight that we know of.’


Back to the one word questions.

‘Yes, sir.’

‘So you’re telling me that the whole of the SPF have to step up their efforts to eliminate the threat from just eight rebels?’

‘They’re not just any eight….’

Lindeman slammed his fist down on the desk. The two men beside him moved slightly. Blaxland guessed it would be the most exercise they’d do for the day. Lindeman’s face was red and the veins in his neck were bulging. Civility and control were deserting him like it always did when his power and wealth were threatened.

‘I want these fuckers dead, Blaxland,’ he shouted. ‘I don’t give a fuck what information may be out there, I want them dead. We’ll deal with the fallout later. Dead. Do you hear me?’


Blaxland nodded.

‘Yes, sir. I hear you. Hard not to.’

Lindeman narrowed his eyes and stared at him. The silver-haired man held his gaze, his face impassive. The fat man relented first.

‘If news of the virus gets out, it will galvanise every rebel group globally.’


‘And,’ continued Lindeman, ‘cost us trillions. Trillions….’ He trailed off. ‘Just kill them.’

Virus? Trillions?

Blaxland could have sworn the last time had been billions.


‘Yes, sir.’

‘Anything you want, ask for it. Anything you need to do, just do it.’

In the depths of his mind, Blaxland remembered a corporation that had said that. It was long ago, when the struggle for the world’s resources hadn’t quite been won yet, but when corporations were making their concerted play for control. He’d been young. Long ago….

That’s what it all came down to. Control. Of people. Of resources. Of the earth.


Just do it.


Hansen rode in the back of the car with Emma squeezing his hand. He knew how she felt. She was excited and buzzing from her first real exposure to the danger and excitement of what he did. He’d never thought of it as dangerous and exciting, but he couldn’t think of anything else he would be happy doing. She’d been on the run with him through some tight situations, but this had been planned and executed to perfection.


It had also shown their hand. Blaxland would know it was them the moment he was informed of the raid, and the surveillance footage would only confirm it. Everything would be stepped up another level.

Step up. One of Blaxland’s favorite terms. It still felt odd that they were going to come up against him. He was almost a….father….

He shook his head slightly as he heard Emma and Laura talk about what they’d just done and what the removal of the shackles involved. Blaxland had been no father. He’d been a mentor and a leader, but there had been too much of the svengali in him. He’d used them in the end, especially Hansen. He did have a sense of responsibility and honor towards them, but it had all been to do with what he wanted. He’d gotten in too deep and then he couldn’t control what had happened to them.

To Jess and Cassie….

They got out of the car some distance from Hansen’s place. It would have to be dumped and they’d have to steal another one later. For now, they were all buzzing from what they’d just done. Hansen had the urge to shoot something. He knew what that meant.


He loved showtime. He loved action. He loved….

It’s done now. You know that don’t you. It now has to meander to its logical end. Blaxland or you.

I know, but it won’t be me and there won’t be any meandering to it. I’ll be going at him like a fucking tsunami.

I would expect nothing less.

Good, because that’s what you’re getting.

He heard a laugh in his head, but they were already inside his place. Emma was still excited from their unshackling. Carl turned around to look at her.

‘You’re a natural at this, doc,’ he said. ‘And Finley, those ball devices you gave us really packed some punch. The common detonator was a great idea.’

The big man shrugged at Carl. ‘Not a problem, but if I’d been there I would have given you the good stuff, didn’t want to give you amateurs too much firepower.’

Hansen enjoyed listening to the banter of his team.

‘Calm down,’ he said to all of them with a smile. ‘This isn’t meant to be fun. And you,’ he said turning to face Emma, ‘are turning into a regular little commando.’

Emma already had a coffee in her hands and she was still flushed with excitement at what they’d done.

Bonnie broke the frivolity.

‘How did you go with finding a lab for our two scientists here?’ she asked Finley.

‘Well,’ said Finley. ‘We did a bit of searching, both through the computer and physically. We think we’ve found one. Simon seems to think it will do.’

The doctor cleared his throat.

‘Yes, it’s an abandoned plastics manufacturing facility close by. They’ve got some equipment there we can salvage and repair and what ever else we need, I’ve been told we can….er….source?’

He looked over to Finley and the big man gave him a wink.

‘Yeah, doc,’ he said. ‘I’m sure we can source anything you need. Jimmy’s still back in his den checking things out at the moment.’

‘How far?’ asked Hansen.

‘About thirty minutes drive,’ said Finley.

Hansen nodded. ‘Good. We won’t be too far apart then. We’ll need two teams.’

‘We’re going to need to distract Blaxland while our two resident researchers get on with finalizing the vaccine,’ said Carl. ‘That’s going to require a lot of f

Hansen thought for a few moments. He knew most of them would want to be out in the field, not protecting Emma and Simon. That would be seen as the ‘boring’ job, but he needed dependable people there that could maintain their concentration over long periods of time.

‘It’s going to be hot everywhere now,’ said Hansen. ‘You all know that Blaxland will be really gunning for us now.’

Everyone nodded their heads slowly.

He hasn’t been doing a great job of finding you has he?

What do you mean?

Well, really, don’t you think you’ve been pretty free to move around without much risk of being caught?

I suppose the SPF presence on the street has been down. What are you saying?

I’m not saying anything. I’m just a voice in your head.

Well you keep being helpful and I may lay off taking the Palazonol.

You can’t do this without me. Stop threatening me.

I’m not threatening. I’m telling.

Bonnie was talking now.

‘He has been quiet though,’ she said, ‘I haven’t seen a marked increase in SPF’s since all this started going down.’ She briefly glanced at Emma.

‘Don’t be fooled,’ said Laura back in serious mode. ‘The guy’s a cunt. Remember, I’m the one who was closest to him and he was an asshole. It’s always all about Blaxland, so any vestiges of loyalty or the like that you have for him, get rid of it. He’s a cunt, pure and simple.’

They were all quiet again. The prospect of coming up against their former commander was not an occurrence anyone could train for. They would all do it, of course, but it was almost like fighting family or close friends.

‘Well, we all know how he plays,’ said Hansen. ‘He’s full of tricks and I’m sure he hasn’t shown us all of them.’

He looked to Bonnie. He wanted more from her. He needed more from her, but she was just standing to the side of the rest of the group, her face cold and impassive.

You need her.

I know that.

Well you’d better fucking sort it out.

I will.

‘Ok,’ continued Hansen, ‘so we set the lab up, fit it out, do the work and then see how we can distribute the results. We have to keep the government and Blaxland distracted, so that means some of us will have to think of a plan that takes them away from where we are.’

He paused for a moment, looking at all of his team except for the missing Jimmy. He was so proud of them all. Each of them would give their life for the other. He could not have wished for more.

‘What do you think?’ asked Carl.

Hansen paused for a moment and then his face broke out in a grin.

Oh no…..

Oh yes!

‘Well,’ he said. ‘You all know me and what I do when I’m confronted by enemy attack.’

Carl whistled.

Laura clapped.

Mrs. Chan sighed.

‘Looks like we better start resourcing more firepower….’ said Finley.

Hansen nodded.

‘I say we go after the drug companies that created this virus in the first place,’ he said. ‘We find their executives and their board members. One by one, not all of them at a time. We make them stew. We make them scared. We make them distract Blaxland. Without Blaxland, those weak bastards couldn’t pull the skin off a baked custard.’

‘A baked custard?’ said Laura, one eyebrow raised. ‘You used to be so inspirational. Baked custard?’

Everyone laughed and Hansen smiled.

‘Well, you know what I mean,’ he said. ‘They’ll be all over the general to protect their asses. That’ll mean less looking for the lab and more looking for us. And we won’t exactly be hiding.’

‘Jesus fucking Christ, I love you,’ said Laura.

Hansen laughed.

‘You just love mayhem. We also have to work out how we can make the biggest public noise about this. Maybe we can get our apathetic brothers and sisters in society to think for once in their meaningless lives. Jimmy will work out how to do that. We can jam state television and communications.’

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My current relationship with my sister first when my sister came to stay with me after she left her husband. Jacquee, a beautiful girl; about 5’6 and about 135 pounds with beautiful brown hair and the most aluring senseous brown eyes ever issued to a woman. She had been living with me a couple of months and had got to know each other quite well again. Jacquee had taken over the household chores while I was busy working. On weekends we would plan a night out together or spent weekdays working...

1 year ago
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RetributionChapter 8

Gladstone Avenue was dead quiet at two in the morning. There weren’t many houses with their lights on. The only movement on the street was coming from the property Tatiana entered earlier. I still wasn’t one-hundred per cent she lived there. I walked past the house, taking a quick glimpse into the front garden. The two bold goons I saw earlier were still standing by the front door. They were guarding the entrance like a couple of bouncers outside a nightclub. I carried on walking down the...

1 year ago
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Follow a sub through her first day of slave training after being collared by her Mistress

The collaring ceremony and reception had been a great success. It was a small affair but all had a good time. There were only 10 people in attendance, but were very close friends to the Mistress and her newly collared sub. The actually ceremony had been short and sweet, it had been just a mere formality as the two had been together for 2 years now. They signed the formal agreement, which they had drawn up together. It contained limits, expectations, and rules regarding their union. Next the...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Brenda

She felt odd. People were talking all around her, but she wasn't hearing what they were saying. A waiter came by and filled her glass again. Under the table she felt a hand stroking her leg. Something was wrong, but what? She closed her eyes and tried to think. There was someone she needed to see; someone she needed to talk to. The hand was stroking her thigh. She shook her head to try and clear it and the room seemed to revolve, to turn in slow motion. She tried to stand up and fell against...

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Annies Journey Ch 4

For the next several days after last Friday night with Tom and Eric, I was quiet and didn’t feel like having sex which was really unusual. Rob kept asking me if everything was OK and I told him it was, but it wasn’t. I had to have some time to think about what happened Friday night. But finally I had to talk with my husband after I got home from the office one night. I walked into our den and sat down next to him on the sofa and said, “Rob I need to talk with you.” Then I took a deep breath and...

Wife Lovers
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Making Of A Cheating Girlfriend Into Slut

Hi Guys this is Pratap from Pune. This story is about my gf Mona. Damn hot girl very fair with hairs below her shoulders and fucking size of 34-23-35 people used to fuck her with eyes whenever she used to be out. She likes to exhibit her hot body to people. We are studying in Engg college. This is series of story of how I caught my cheating gf and then what happen after that. So coming to first story how I caught my cheating gf. This is 1 yr back story that time we finished exams and having...

1 year ago
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Beth buys a house

When Beth Jones finished collage she got a job as a personal secretary in an insurance company. She was a mousy girl who wore thick glasses and plain dresses. Her parents beat the crap out of her since she was a little girl. Her mom broke her cherry with a hair brush handle when she was two. Her father raped Beth when she was seven and every night afterwards with her mothers approval until she left home. They made their little girl a masochist who loved abusive sex. Collage taught her how to...

3 years ago
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My First Experience With Senior Part 8211 2

Hi, all of indian sex stories dot net . Oh my god, I never knew I will get so much response from the readers. My inbox was full each day. Sorry people I couldn’t respond for all but thanks for your comments which made me pen down more about my experience. And yeah few were lucky enough to sneak peak. I hope those sneak peaks are happy. Oh sorry for fucking your time by telling some rubbish. People who don’t know me read my previous story to know about me. I won’t waste much time telling about...

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321 Stephanies bucket list

Stephanie`s bucket list I am writing this for a lady whom lives in the USA I have only once met her as you will see, and then only for a couple of hours, though I admire her physical courage muchly, she now has medical problems, that she knows will limit her life-span, and though it is not to the point that she has a time limit, (at least if she has she hasn’t told me about it…) but let`s say she knows it`s not going to be a long old age unless she takes it really gently in the future and...

4 years ago
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A sailors Homecoming Part 3

A Sailors’ Homecoming. This is Part 3, continuing the story.I was able to get home for a four day Thanksgiving Holiday. It was Wednesday night and mom was at work. Millie was just over her period. We fucked and fucked. We were cutting it pretty close. We were just getting out of the shower together when we heard mom unlocking the front door. We scrambled and were in our own beds when mom bid each of us Good Night as she opened and closed our doors.On Thursday afternoon mom, sis, and I had...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sweetheart Part 1

Part One It was hot and muggy inside the trailer, even though the small window air-conditioning unit was going full blast. The weather reports all said the state was in the middle of a heat wave, though as far as Jeb could remember this time of year was always hotter than hell. A couple summers back he had worked on a roofing crew and on a few occasions had been convinced that his clothes were either going to catch fire or simply melt away. But he didn’t subject himself to that sort...

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Loving wife becomes a slut 1a

Best read after chapter 1..I forgot to add this bit! couldn't help whispering to my open mouthed husband, "That's O.K. isn't it?" as cheekily as I could.His cock was clearly semi erect and his eyes eager and full of excitement as he approached. I knelt up and handed him the camera. Then swept up in a wave of lustful desire, madness and a rush of blood drove me to pretend to over balance. As I fell forward my hand dropped , the...

4 months ago
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A night with my horny ex Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I rang the door bell and waited patiently for him. ‘Is it okay to just crash over at this hour? What choice do I have? The storm’s approaching and the fucking car broke down’, I mumbled. As expected, I was welcome. As soon as I changed into his shirt, which he offered,, he poured a glass of wine for me. ‘How are you?’ I asked. He smiled. The smile was still the same, maybe a bit mature now. ‘I don’t see your girlfriend around?’ ‘She is out...

Real Hookup
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The Gala Dinner

Those of you who have read my blog ‘knee trouble’ will know I have an ongoing arrangement with an older widow who lives close. Since our first encounter there have been several further meetings and fun. However, one from last month is still in my mind. She is a well-known woman in the community thanks to her husband been a member of local government and she outwardly plays the part very well coming across almost as aristocracy although deep down she isn’t.She is very well spoken and for a woman...

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The Princess and the HoundChapter 10

The cage is uncomfortable to sleep in. And thought Kat has earned Beckett’s trust and earned a bed and removal of some of her restraints, she is not out of the clear yet. She has no idea how long it has been—how long she has been here. Certainly enough time has passed that her father would be looking for her, but even then, is there a chance he could find her? Would he even care to look in the first place? Back to the bed ... sure it is soft, but certainly not big enough for her to fit on....

2 years ago
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Revenge Is a Dish Best Served ColdChapter 3 The Confrontation

Ryan slowly awoke from his dreamless sleep. He knew where he was, but something was wrong. He was lying on his back on their bed, the rustic four-post bed that had belonged to his grandfather. He was turned sideways in the middle of the bed. His arms were secured to the right side posts. He had a leather strap secured to each wrist, and around each post was a similar strap just high enough that he could see it. There was a chain that ran between the two straps. He tried to move his arms;...

2 years ago
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Chained and Spanked MotherChapter 12

One day, weeks later than the boys had planned, their sawing and hammering in the cellar ended. A cold shiver shot through Joan, upon their sudden silence. It was late. Peggy was probably pretending to study in her room, and her husband was entranced by the TV. Joan sat at the kitchen table reading the latest book club novel. When the cellar door creaked open, Joan dropped her novel and shot up from her chair, aiming for the living room. “Wait, Momma.” Robert called. Years of being a...

4 years ago
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The Bells Toll for Mary

"You are NOT my mother!" Samantha closed her eyes for a moment, shutting out the image of the rebellious teen. She had been expecting, and yes dreading, that comment. As sure as water flowed downhill, at some point that fact was going to get thrown in her face. She had even told Mark she was ready for it, had her reaction all planned out. She hadn't expected it so soon, though. The sound of stomping feet came to her ears. With a sigh, Samantha opened her eyes to see the thirteen year old...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 15

It was only Tuesday, allowing Joey three more nights with Rachel before her best friend would be coming over to spend the weekend. He would sleep-in while Rachel got up and got ready for school. Joey was usually up and showered by noon. Melinda would be home working on her computer. Joey would walk up behind her, reach around, and fondle her breasts through her clothes. She would lean her head back and allow Joey to kiss her sexy lips, as she passionately returned his kiss. Melinda would then...

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Anita at the nudist beach

Anita at the nudist beach. My sweet wife Ana and I had booked an early summer holiday in the Canary Islands to catch some sun. She liked to sunbathe and swim naked and soon found one of the many nudist beaches. On the sixth day of our holiday we were on the beach at the end of the afternoon and gradually everyone else left until we were alone. We were both stretched out on the sand when a voice suddenly disturbed the quietness. ‘Good afternoon, I haven’t seen you here before.’ Opening my...

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I dont know how this happened

Well I am a gay female and I was over at my girls house that I was madly in love with Heather oh she was a blond and very sexy girl with a nice body to boot. Well we had had sex a couple of time but she was bi sexual and still in love with her ex boyfriend Richy but I had to hide from him. He hate me because I was gay and I had no choice but hide because Heather was so sexy well one nite I was drinkin and hanging with Heather and her sister and Heathers ex Richy called and said he was coming...

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The Magic Show1

By Francis Drake Posted by JackFD, with Francis Drake’s permission. For more my Francis Drake and others go to, have fun. This story is an excerpt from a 60,000 word novel that is currently being written by Francis Drake, and is the second book in the Dragon Slave series with a working title of Preparing Rachel. In this series, a magic house built by wizards many years in the past controls the things around it. The house affects people differently. Most people approach...

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Three Square MealsChapter 7 John gets used to his new ride

John wondered what could be the problem. The After Action Report he had submitted to Federation Command last week, had made it pretty clear what had happened aboard the Corvette. He was unsure what kind of trouble the young Latina could be in, as there was certainly nothing in the AAR that implicated her being responsible in any way. “What kind of trouble?” he asked Alyssa. “Calara said she was being accused of ‘dereliction of duty’. She mentioned something about a possible court martial!”...

1 year ago
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ImmoralLive Nicole Pearl Perfect Ass Cum Covered

Nicole Pearl is a newcomer to the Immoral Live studios. This gorgeous goddess has an ass that would make anyone go insane. Porno Dan can’t wait to grab her sweet booty while fucking her doggy style. But first Nicole wants to have a taste of Dan’s throbbing cock. She swallows his rod all the way down to the balls. She then sits on his face and moans in pleasure as Porn Dan licks her clit. Porno Dan then goes on by pounding her from behind. After some hard drilling, our man skeets all...

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Bus journey sex

I was sitting on the second last seat of a private bus and going back to Hyderabad (India) after staying a week in Mumbai and it was the last stop within Mumbai, a beautiful well figure, healthy and a good height girl with long hair stepped in and started searching for her seat and stop in front of my seat and sat beside me, Wow what a company I thought in mind and we both have a formal smile and said hello to each other, after a while bus started moving and I started looking @ her figure, she...

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K T and FamilyChapter 22 Portents

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Friday night was quiet. The media was camped out, but many of the lightweights had been run off. Friday 11:39 PM ET– Davidspet: Oh my God. Remember that scene from Tuesday? They posted pictures at the club, along with some new rules. The rules are what you expect: more safety precautions and liability waivers. If it were not for the pictures, no one would have noticed. With them—you understand. It was the...

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Anal slut Agathe ganged piss enema fun goes wrong

The following is simply a fantasy story that I wrote about and for a lovely girl on xhamster. I first shared with her this fantasy through xhamster messages as she is explicitly involved as the main character, and she said it was cool for me to post it on here. Whilst I got carried away writing it, for example, the way her tight and cute little butthole gets gang-banged towards the end, I was pleased that she told me she found it a real turn-on and got off on reading it!! You are wearing...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 3 Answerless Tests

The next morning, I found myself wrapped up on my now unzipped sleeping bag with a young girl hanging on each side of me. I was dressed in boxers for sleep while my sister and her best friend had found long t-shirts they used to cover their bodies. They each had a hand on my chest and my hands were resting on their hips as we cuddled under a blanket. Absently I gave each of them a few tender rubs before I sat up and turned the alarm off. Kelsey shifted and growled in annoyance, but neither...

4 years ago
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Getting off the Seesaw part two Coercive Control

Things go from bad to worse for Diane as she tries to catch up with Barry. Is he still angry? Has she lost him? Please read part one. Standing in the spare room, where Barry should have been, Diane read the note again. Sorry about yesterday. Sorry to spoil your fun. I have a lot on at work and some issues we need to talk about. I’ll phone you from the hotel. B She held the note in her hand for a minute, reading the few words again and again, turning it over, examining the blank reverse side and...

3 years ago
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Sucking Cock is Better Gay

I "swallow" during my first gay experience. I was eighteen and it was with a much older man, I'd been fantasizing about sucking a man's cock for ages, I'd seen a couple of porn magazines with women sucking cocks and I thought a man's cock was the most beautiful thing and the women all seemed to want to get that cum in their mouths. The though and the pictures made me so horny.I met a man while I was playing hooky from school. It was the start of my senior year and I already had enough credits...

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Mami Ko Pataya

Hi dosto, ye meri pehi kahani hai jo bahot dinose aapko batana chahta tha. . .Pehle to mai aapne baare me bata du, mera naam nitin hai or mai pune (maharashtra) ka rehne wala hu. . . Meri umar 25saal hai, colour likely dark, hight 5’10” hai, or muze naye dost banana, music sun na, sexy movie dekhna pasand hai. . . Aaj mai aapko meri life ka pehla sex ek experience batane ja raha hu, jo ke bahut hi majedar tha. . .Muze humesha college girls se jada shadi-shuda (marriend) aurat hi achi lagti hai....

4 years ago
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Because of the Night Ch 14

Lady Daire was shown into the only room that showed signs of bowing to Laurie’s simple decorative graces. She smirked to herself knowing how stubborn Sir Glen could be, but also knew that Laurie was a formidable opponent. Lady Daire took a seat near the cheerful fire, admiring the delicate details and feminine touches that graced the sitting room. Upstairs, Sir Glen and Laurie were indulging in a bit of private time when the soft knock interrupted their concentration. ‘Forgive me Sir Glen,...

3 years ago
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Atragantadas con su orgullo Spanish

Atragantadas con su orgullo( I ) Desde hacía variosdías, los miembros parecían algo mas alterados que de costumbre.Glizia, me lo había comentado ya mas de una vez. Pero cuando realmenteparecieron alborotarse mas, fue a raíz de mi respuesta a un comentariode Glizia. Días antes, mediantelos mensajes del Club, había comentado ligeramente la idea de quenosotras dos podríamos con 50 de los miembros del Club, a lo querespondí en abierto también, que sí, que era una deducciónmuy buena, aunque...

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The Caning

The third week of Gina Meadows' incestuous affair with her son Ryan had gone much the same as the first two. They had had sex every night and sometimes had sex during the day as Ryan got more and more confident in his sexual abilities.The affair had started after a heated argument culminating in Gina giving Ryan a very hard bare-bottomed belting, which sexually aroused both mother and son. After having sex for the first time that night, Gina suggested the purchase of a cane for future use in...

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4 My Sisters KeeperChapter 4

When I awoke again in Nurse Connor's hospital room, there was a woman seated beside my bed. I'd been positioned on my side this time, so I could see her without moving. She was wearing a doctor's white jacket, and was writing in a spiral notebook. Her name tag read "Dr. Payton." She seemed to be shaking her head as she wrote, her lips pursed in thought. After it appeared she'd finished her writing, she glanced up at me. She did a double-take when she saw my eyes were open, and gave me...

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Hi horny friends! It took a lot of time to gather up enough courage for me to narrate this incident. I swear upon my own self that each and every word that I write is true, it actually happened to me and provided me an opportunity to start this beautiful, fascinating relationship with my own sister. (I am going to change the names here for the sake of privacy). This happened when I was 23 and my sis was 20. I am Amir; live in Pindi, 24 years old, an engineer by profession recently graduated...

1 year ago
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A Little Reward

I pull you close to me your arms grip tightly around my biceps. I kiss you gently at first, my lips brushing against yours. You press your body against mine. I can feel aching desire building within you. I kiss you harder, more deeply now, I bite your lip gently as I move to kiss your neck. Your heart pounds; your breath comes in staccato bursts. Hands and body tremble with anticipation. I know what you want, but I can’t give into your desires yet. No not yet.My hands move down your body, one...

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