- 4 years ago
- 30
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‘ I need to get screwed.’ Tanyi Rokir twirled her pencil in her mouth, clutching the phone to her ear. Her friend Liz giggled at that on the other side of the phone. ‘ I’m serious Liz! It’s been so long I’ve started to have erotic dreams of Mr. D.’
‘Well. He has been a faithful companion to you, Tanyi. He has earned the right to star in a dream or two.’
‘True!’ Tanyi acknowledged ‘He has kept me rather warm during those empty nights. And don’t shoot the D as an erotic dream. He’s much better in satisfying a woman than many men I know. 100% staying power and all he cares about is your pleasure.’
‘Mmmh. Now if only he had all the other parts.’
‘ Indeed. Mr. D would need those.’
‘ Whose Mr.D?’ a voice interrupted. It was her boss, Michael ‘Saint’ Hartley.
‘Yeah…gotta go’ she hurriedly hang up the phone. ‘…just a good friend of mine.’ She answered. If her cocoa skin had been lighter he would have noticed a fierce blush on her face. Really… How was she supposed to explain that Mr. D was a vibrator she’d bought over a year ago after breaking up with William, her boyfriend of five years.
Initially she’d thought the battery operated genius was just to tide her over, probably for not more than three months. Three had turned to four, four had turned to six and eventually she’d had to name the gadget. D for Drought. Thirteen months along and Mr. D was still the only ‘any’ she was getting.
The thirteen months probably had something to do with the hunk of a man standing before her right now, looking at her with suspicious eyes. It was thirteen months ago that she’d decided to leave Detroit and come to Atlanta to look for a change. The change had led her to Hartley Eng., the leading road construction company in the city and to the desk of Saint, the owner.
‘If he’s smelling after you, I’m going to him.’
‘Down Boy.’ She stood up from her desk, picking up a file and handing it to Saint. ‘He’s not that kind of friend. These are from the Public Works office.’ Usually Tanyi didn’t find white guys hot but Saint was in a class of his own.
The sound of his deep voice playing on the nerves like a harp. The cute way he smiled, laugh lines around his blue eyes and the dimple on his left cheek coming out to play. His black hair, tussled as if he kept on running his thick fingers through it. The way he walked, strolling into her world as if he owned it. Body like a tennis player with just enough muscle to make her wet her lips. And his shoe size…well let’s just say that he and Mr. D were currently competing for first place in Tanyi’s dreams.
At first Saint had treated her with the calm detachment of an employer till his motorcycle accident four months ago. He hadn’t wanted any of his siblings to know or worry, so she’d ended up being the one taking care of him for three quarters of the five weeks it had taken his broken ankle to heal. He hadn’t actually asked her to, but after seeing him hobbling to work (the buffoon apparently believed that rest was a Polish word he didn’t need to know), and unsuccessfully begging him to call one of his four brothers to help him out, she’d decided to take matters in her own hands.
If you drove a man home every day, cooked at least two meals a day for him, helped him into bed, sometimes kept him company before he went to bed, picked him in the morning, juggled his meetings around so that, he only worked when he wasn’t in pain and the clients never had a clue, you had to get close to him. They were as close to best friends as a man and woman could get.
She’d been released from duty when his twin, Leone, learnt of the accident from a fellow doctor. But ever since then he’d become really protective of her. Maybe it was appreciation. He’d taken to driving her to and from work. When she protested, he claimed that it made no sense for her to waste money and time taking the bus, when her house was on his way to work.
Tanyi kept mum but she knew Saint was doing it because he was under the impression that her neighborhood was a den for rapists and thieves. He didn’t want her walking at night and always made sure that she entered her house before he left. At times when they left too late from the office, she would sleep over at his place in his guest room.
‘How’s the Cage Avenue contract coming along?’ He flipped open the file quickly perusing over it.
‘The guy from Public Works needs you to meet him on Thursday at 10.00 to renegotiate further. But we should get the contract by tomorrow.’
‘Okay! Ask his P.A to run his current figures through us so that we know what we’re working with before the meeting.’
‘ Sure Boss.’ She said already clicking on her computer to send an e-mail requesting the contract information to Liz.
‘So for real, Tanyi. Who the hell is Mr. D? and don’t think I didn’t hear you talking about the erotic dream thing.’
‘Go bully someone else Saint.’ She said not even looking up. Just then a strong perfume wafted in. They both knew who it was,
‘Cover for me.’ Saint said before he ducked into his office. Claire Atkins drifted into the office, wrapped in cashmere, high heels tapping on the floor like mini-terror drums. Children made up imaginary friends, Claire made up imaginary fiancées. The only problem was this time the fiancé was not that imaginary. This time she’d picked a real flesh blooded man.
It all started when Saint asked Claire out when they were fifteen. They’d broken up when he’d found her blowing one of his friends, but she never went away. The he made the mistake of accepting her booty call several years later. She’d firmly inserted herself back into his life and was currently on the fiancé track.
‘Rokir! Where’s Saint.’ She knew Tanyi hated it when she reffered to her by her last name.
‘Not around. Atkins.’
‘That’s a lie. I can smell him.’ She sniffed the air as if she was a dog or something. ‘ Did he tell you not to tell me where he was. Is he planning a surprise.
‘ Deluded.’ Tanyi muttered
‘I said probably.’ Tanyi smiled gritting her teeth all along. ‘You know how he loves to surprise you.’
‘That he does.’ Claire leaned on Tanyi’s desk conspiratorially. ‘You know the other day. He surprised me with a diamond necklace. Diamond. I mean the necklace was so big I have to lock it up before I leave.’ Oh! Tanyi had heard about that necklace all right. In the real version, Claire had filched Saint’s wallet from his office, gone to a jewelry store and ordered herself a diamond necklace in his name. When he was called to confirm the purchase she had already left the shop with it. He had to pay for the purchase.
‘Okay then. Just call me when he gets back.’ She wafted out of the office, perfume following her. Tany stood up and walked into Saint’s office.
‘Yap.’ She came round to his side of the desk, sitting on the desk beside him on his chair, her legs dangling. ‘You really need to tell her its over.’
‘You know I’ve tried Tanyi.’ His hand automatically sliding to her ankle to stop her from swinging her legs, sending an immediate sizzle up her leg. Tanyi had found it disconcerting when he’d first touched her but she’d learnt that he liked to do that when he was distracted, touch her on the oddest parts of her body. ‘But she’s like this lobster or something. She just won’t let go.’
‘Then stop making me the buffer. You know how she gets on every nerve I’ve got.’ She said sliding off the desk and leaving the office. His touch was a little too good and Tanyi knew there was really no point to it. First he’d never date someone he was working with, it was the first thing he told her when he hired her. Second she was not even his type. She was not blond, not skinny nor a fan of one night stands.
Saint wondered why he found Tanyi so hot. She was not blond, not skinny nor a fan of one night stands. She was a 5’6′ to his 6’1. He’d never dated a w
omen who weighed more than 95 pounds. She had 130 on her. Maybe it was the curves.
Even beneath the oversized suits she wore he knew she had breasts that could make a grown man weep. He’d seen her bend a time or two and made the startling discovery that she had the most perfect ass in the world. No wonder he was currently obsessed with her. But she always sent off these jittery vibes when they were together so he’d decided to bid his time and allow her to get used to his touch.
After work that evening, Saint took her to dinner as he usually did before they left home. Their conversation was easy of course. Somehow they always had something to say to each other. His hand on her waist as they left the restaurant felt proprietal. She put down to her imagination but leant in closer to him.
When they got to her house, he took her up to the door and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Tanyi got into her tiny flat, dumped everything on the coach and slipped into the shower. It had been a hard day. Hartley Eng. was hardly the kind of place you went to twiddle your thumbs and facebook the whole day. She picked a book and settled on her couch for some sweet music and a nice read. Before long she’d slid into slumber.
She was woken up the choking smell of smoke.
She couldn’t believe that her life had just gone up in flames like that. Everything but the spaghetti top, pajama bottoms and house shoes she was wearing, all because Jamie Kingston couldn’t smoke his weed on the roof or outside with his gang like everybody else.
She stared at her little flat, longing to go back in. Pick a few photos. What was she going to do? She walked up to one of the women staring at the fire. She didn’t look like she was from their building.
‘Ummm…could I use your phone.’ She was lucky the woman was from a neighbouring building. She was Tina, short for Christina, Tanyi heard her say through her shock. She kept on saying how sorry she was and how such things shouldn’t happen in a country with a government. Tanyi wasn’t really listening all she wanted was the phone.
‘Hello?’ Saint’s irritation dripped from the word. Who the hell called at two a.m. If it was another crank call he was going to hunt the guy down and crack his balls.
‘Saint.’ He knew it was Tanyi’s voice just from how she said his voice. All the seductive honey was there but something was different. He could actually hear tears in her voice.
‘Babe, are you okay?’
‘I need you.’
‘I’m on my way.’ Ten minutes later, Saint’s porches screeched onto their street, drawing the eye of everyone. He couldn’t believe it. Was that Tanyi’s building on fire? What the fuck? He exited the car, his eyes already searching for Tanyi. Where was she? If she was in there he was going in. Fuck the firefighters.
She sat huddled on the stone steps of the adjacent flats watching with teary eyes as the firemen tried to put out the flames. He strode to her side and sat down next to her not saying a word. Somehow he knew that all she needed was his presence.
He took off the jacket he was wearing over his black T and wrapped it around Tanyi then pulled her onto his lap and drew her head to his shoulder. Together they watched the fire. The firemen finally managed to put it out but not before it had consumed a good part of the building.
When it was obviously over, the firemen packed and gone, he stood up and carried her to the passenger side of the car before putting her down and opening the door. She slid inside and he helped her with her seatbelt before walking back to the drivers side and driving off. They were silent all the way to the house., their hands linked together.
When they got to the house, he carried her into the house walking straights upstairs to his bedroom. His bed was already turned down so he simply laid her in the bed and helped her out of shoes and the jackey. He chucked his jeans and t-shirt leaving on only his silk boxers then slid in beside her. Her back was to him, so he spooned her, holding her tightly. She turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist, her head against his shoulder, her right leg over his thigh, wrapping her whole body around him.
‘I’m sorry babe.’ He finally said, tenderly drawing her even closer to himself.
‘Just hold me.’ She finally said. Her first words for the night. Tanyi drifted into sleep her knight’s arms protecting her all night.
* **
She woke up in the middle of the night curled up on her side, her back pressed against something hard. It took a while for her to realize that she was lying in Saint’s arms. His arm was throw over her stomach. It was so hot. Something large and hot was pushing at the crease between her buttocks. It didn’t take much for her to know that was Saint’s cock. It didn’t take much for her to know that the man was packing heat… a lot of it. She pressed her ass back, almost instinctively.
‘Tanyi?’ his voice sounded groggy.
‘Saint please.’
‘Not tonight sweetheart. Not after what happened.’ He tried to soothe her with a hand on her tummy rubbing in a circular motion.
‘Please just touch me. I need…just a little’
‘You don’t need to beg honey. I’m here.’ The hand that was on her stomach slid to outside of her thigh, clamping it harder forcing her to push her ass harder into his dick.
The erotic dance began. He pressed, she pressed back grinding against his cock feeling it growing even impossibly longer. His hand moved to her waist band, dragging her pajama bottoms off of her and leaving her in her lacy boy-shorts. His fingers lazily toyed with the sides of the shorts as if to remove them, but he didn’t. Instead he sensuously trailed his fingers to the front of her clean shaven pussy. Slowly his fingers journeyed downwards. Saint inserted his thigh between her legs to widen the space. Using one finger, he stroked her clit through the silk. Tanyi was moaning now.
It felt like there was a burning pool in her stomach. Saint pushed the silk to one side. He rubbed her clit with his thumb, fingering it expertly. She couldn’t take this anymore, she turned on her belly to get a reprieve, but he was just as insistent.
Saint turned Tanyi to face him, and finally kissed her, both his hands cupping her face. Finally he got to touch this woman. Sure it felt like he was taking advantage, but they’d sort that out later. He devoured her mouth, his tongue dueling with hers. Biting, nipping, sucking and soothing her all at the same time. With one of his hands urged her thigh on top of his and trapped the other one between his thighs. He pressed his cock insistently on her thigh. He was swollen.
His cock felt so big and stiff. Was that ever going to fit into her tight little pussy? Tanyi knew it was wrong for her to use Saint this way to get over the destruction in her life. But she needed him so badly. He placed his hands on his buttocks and slowly kneaded her plump ass cheeks, caressing and molding them beneath his big hands. Taking his cue, Tanyi drew closer, pushing her thigh further between his, she placed her hands on his buttocks and used his thigh like a live vibrator.
Saint inserted a finger into her pussy. When he tried to put a second finger in, she was too tight so he settled on finger-fucking her with just one finger. She ground on his palm, rocking to the ancient rhythm of sex.
Tanyi was going wild, she needed more. Her hand moved between their bodies easing her hand into the waistband of his silk boxers. She could barely wrap her palm around his ramrod stiff cock. It was so warm and pulsing, so large. She stroked him, up and down. She felt his hand wrap around hers underneath silk, showing her how tight he liked it and at what pace. Slowly they stroked each other. He groaned, she whimpered as they hit the peak together.
She smiled and slept. Tomorrow would take care of itself.
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MasturbationThis adventure began with a job search. I had begun a career change and midlife and found myself in an unusual situation. I answered a job posting for a small company advertising for a shipping manager. The only times that were available was the final interview of the day. I arrive at 4:00pm as directed. The receptionist greeted me and said I would be called back soon. At 4:25 the phone rang , she answered and advised me to go to the end of the hall to the last door on the right. As I was...
Graell's Quest - The Rise of Mordred Blink and move. Something as simple as a blink and a move; how long had it been? Frank flexed a bicep. He chuckled, immensely pleased by the sudden renewed simplicity of moving. The laugh echoed, there was something eerily disquieting about the sound of that chuckle, a low and evil, vaguely maniacal undertone, completely missed by Frank, because chuckling was a regained capability too. He was quite pleased by the way it sounded. What else...
In the next three years the increasingly intimate couple were to meet seven more times in that wood and seven more times Clementine would lie senseless at Amanda's feet after what were always marathon contests, the latest and most bruising of which lasted forty five minutes. By this time George had been posted back to London and Viola had joined him there three months later. The way Viola's affair with Fox had deepened and Amanda had taken over Clementine had been slow and almost...
I woke with a start as I had heard something. I listened and realized that some men were running in the hallway outside our door. The clock indicated that it was five AM, which would be seven at home. I sat up and swung my feet off the bed. Janet sat up and stretched before stopping to shake Fran before going to the bathroom. I put my workout clothes and tennis shoes on. Janet came back into the room and put her new workout clothes on as well. Fran was having trouble getting going this...
This is a story my wife sent me on deployment.Hey, babe here is the E-mail that you have been waiting for! I hope you enjoy it. It was the biggest game of the season; super bowl XLIX (49 if you find yourself unfamiliar with how Roman numeral work). Everyone had a lot riding on this game money, pride, dignity, and of course bragging rights. This was the biggest super bowl rematch in history Seattle Seahawks vs. The Denver Broncos in a head-to-head battle to claim the infamous Vince Lombardi...
My name is Dr. Tiffany Strauss. I'm 32 years old and I have been practicing therapy for about seven years. While I take on many different patients, my office mostly focuses on family dysfunction, teenage depression, and other various younger patient issues. It's a job that I find extremely rewarding, as I know that a person's teenage years are the most crucial times in their life, so when I'm able to set these troubled youths onto a better path, I know that my work has tremendous value. I...
Larissa could hardly breathe. Her face went burning hot in an instant, and her eyes filled up with moisture as she sat across the table watching the smile quickly fade from her father’s handsome face. His announcement that he was planning to ask Stacy to marry him was meant to be happy news, but it wasn’t. For her, it was the worst possible thing he could have said. Not that his news surprised her very much, but it was the last thing she wanted to hear. The fourteen-year-old brunette could...
I went into the bathroom and got one of Mum’s face-flannel and some warm water then washed her all over. I opened her sex and tried to scoop out as much of my sperm as I could. Somehow I got her to her feet and walked her to her room. She kind of woke up and muttered something indistinguishable when I lay her on the bed and pulled the covers over her naked body. On my way back to my room I noticed her panties in the corridor and a bit further her bra. I followed the trail downstairs and...
El Gato Negro is a neighborhood bar a few blocks from the hospital. For as long as I can remember, it's been a favorite watering hole for off-duty cops, firefighters, paramedics, nurses and a few of the younger docs like myself. Actually, I used to hang out there a lot when I was a paramedic, so I knew a lot of the regulars. It was almost midnight when I stopped by for a couple of beers on my way home. As soon as I stepped in the door, an old friend stood up in the far corner and hollered,...
“47 year old married woman on her hands and and knees, wanting to get mounted and knotted by a large strong male. Owner can watch! Can travel on weekends. Must be discreet. Maybe turn into something on a regular basis. Instantly she got wet thinking about what she was asking for. That’s what watching porn will do to you, she thought to herself. It all started in college when she was finally able to get out from under her parents firm control. Up to that point, they had controlled...
Things returned to normal, Tuesday. Candice and Kathryn felt sorry for Lindsay and me, and they decided ... no, I wasn't asked ... that the next suitable weekend for a 'date' would be Lin's. They also wanted to lay some ground rules to this strange relationship the four of us were having. They could go on dates with others but no intimacy would be allowed, or the person would drop out of the 'pool.' Me? Since I already had three lovely ladies; I, of course, had no reason to date outside...
Routledge Manor sat in about two acres of beautifully manicured lawns and beds, with a pond it was possible to go boating on. It was fronted by two large stone pillars, each surmounted by an impressive stone eagle which appeared to be about to pounce on visitors, with a wide circular gravelled drive leading on to an equally impressive entrance; wide steps leading up to the front doors. Lord Granger, its owner, would have used the place as a weekend retreat, however, rather than going the route...
You will probably be wondering what kind of woman I chose for my fuck buddy and I hope you will be surprised that she was a very short plump lady probably weighing about 100 lbs. and just under 5 ft. It was her wicked grin with a way of making some very amusing innuendo that left you wondering if she was looking to hook up with you. I rarely saw anyone that looked like they were her husband or partner and it was purely by chance that I found an opportunity to ask Jane if she would like a lunch...
I had just spent a very frustrating six months with a man that was not a good fit for me. By the time I was ready to start dating again, I was so sexually frustrated that I didn't feel I was able to be disciplined enough to date someone without hopping in bed with them before I knew if we were a good fit. I also felt like my youth was running out and I wanted to have fun while I can.So, I decided to go against my character and just have a fling while I was looking for Mr. Right. After only a...
Greg and I had resumed our relationship as normal after my experience at Mistress Amber's. I was enjoying being his girlfriend. He treated me so nicely, and we enjoyed our time together. It was the most intense sex life I had ever had with anyone. For the most part he enjoyed being the dominant one, and he was happy to make me his little fucktoy after a nice night out. But it was that line that he didn't want to cross, and that line I felt I needed to cross, that gave us this itch once in a...
CrossdressingJacqueline reached forward with her right hand and touched my thigh. She put her left arm around my neck and plunged her tongue into my mouth kissing me in an incredibly sexy and erotic way. Her hand slowly moved up my thigh as she spread her fingers and started to rub me. Pleasure shot through me. I pulled her red silk blouse out of her black miniskirt and ran my hand up to her right breast. As I fondled her breast, I suddenly felt it moisten from beneath her black satin bra. I had...
While eating breakfast I couldn't seem to take my eyes off my mother and I was amazed at my good fortune in having a relationship with such a sexy lady. Finally my constant staring and smiling got to Mom and she couldn't resists asking me what it was that was so intriguing and amusing. "The fact that you are so beautiful and lovely makes it hard to look at anything else and then, when I think about your being mine, I can't possibly do anything else but smile in pure joy." Mom seemed to...
As I drove to mom's house, I'm not sure if I saw the road. All I could picture was her in those see-through panties. I already knew what her pussy looked like. I don't know what the allure was to seeing it in those panties. Whatever it was, my mind was a lust-filled fog and my cock was painfully hard.I got to her house, turned off the engine (I think) and almost ran to the front door. I stopped and opened it slowly. I saw clothes strewn about the living, skirt, top, bra. I saw her...
IncestWhen I was 18, I was living with my 24-year-old sister. She has a very high paying job as a fashion designer, and lives in her own house with a pool. I got kicked out of my parents house, so my sister let me move in with her temporarily until I get a job, and I get enough money to get back up on my feet, and get a place of my own. My sister and I have always been good friends, and have gotten along well throughout our whole childhood. We hardly ever got into any major fights. And we always were...
IncestTyler and Jade were BFF in 3 rd grade. They are once again stuck together when the bathroom door jams at the party. Now Jade the school slut and super nerd Tyler find that they still have a lot in common… including a deep lust for each other. Horny and curious, Jade discover his big dick fits perfectly in her aching wet pussy. It feels so good she begs Tyler to cum deep inside her cunt. They’re so caught up in each other they miss finally escaping the bathroom, only to once again...
xmoviesforyouI got up the next morning and walked Renee to her car before heading to work. The problem that was developing was that each time Renee tried one of these new crazy things with me, she thought I would just be with her from then on and leave Amanda alone for good.She had a difficult time understanding that she still had a boyfriend and as long as that was the case, I would never just be with her. If she left him, I honestly probably would've dated her exclusively. I liked her and she was...
I woke up from 'that dream' again. It's only been a week, but already it's become 'that dream.' It's just like that video she sent me. Well, not just like. In this dream, it's my stiff prick that the lovely lady slobbers all over. Oh, it's a lot like that video, but not quite. She sucks my cock and slaps it against her rosy cheeks. She speaks all manner of obscenities that would make a sailor blush. Her husband becomes the enamoured onlooker feverishly tugging his cock. Just like the video so...
BisexualSeit einer Woche Ausgangsperre.Auch die Puffs sind zu. Klaus hat Angst. Angst seinen Job zu verlieren. Angst nicht mehr ficken zu können. Die Stadt ist ausgestorben. Kein Mensch auf der Strasse. Keine Mädchen zu sehen. Tot. Traurig geht er durch die einsame Strasse. Da sieht es sie. Blonde lange Haare. Runder Mädchenarsch in hautengen Jeans. Buchfrei trotz kühler Temperatur. Weisse Jacke, ziemliche Oberweite. Pömps die klack klack einen festen selbstbewussten Schritt auf das Pflaster tagen. Nur...
I was busy in the kitchen washing up when a council worker knocked on next doors door. Now I knew they were away so I said "Sorry they're out at work", the lady said to me "Ok thanks but maybe you can help". She was a big girl, probably 22 stone, around 40 years old, 5'5", big tits as with all bbw's. She said she worked for the council and she asked if I'd answer some questions.As she came round, she was massive, she had a white blouse and a black skirt on, which made her look bigger than what...
I'm not gay right now but I used to masturbate with couple of my male friends in early teen years when we were discovering our bodies. There was one friend who is 3-4 years younger than me. When there is no parents at our home, I used to call over him to watch my fathers porn VHS' which I found them in a secret in his wardrobe :) I was calling him cause he is a babyboy and he has a girl's smooth ass and a very small dick. After a while starting to watch porn, we used to take our dicks out and...