Smoke Ch. 03 free porn video

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Copyright @ calibeachgirl

All rights reserved, 2011

With thanks to Elliot, Doug and Martine

Remarks with single quotes, i.e., ‘remarks’ are thoughts and not spoken aloud.

Chapter 3: You can’t go home, again

‘Well, are we finally going home?’ asked Mrs. Shocley. ‘My goldfish is probably floating by now.’

‘Yes, but in two days, I need to make sure it’s safe for all of us. Cindy’s husband’s bookie is dead, the four guys, well, they’ve been dead and nobody seems to know or care who we are.’ ‘At least, I hope so.’

Three days later, with souvenirs of little cable cars, bars of Ghirardelli chocolate and postcards of the Golden Gate, they headed south down the 101. After stopping in San Luis Obispo for lunch, they finally reached Redondo in time for dinner at the new Tony’s on the Pier.

While good, Greg felt it wasn’t as good as several in San Francisco. By the time they were home, it was after ten o’clock and exhausted, they were asleep almost as soon as the lights were off.

They half-sat up in the bed, leaning against the pillows. His left hand caressed her right breast through her pajama top while her own hand was busy between her legs, rubbing through the damp cotton.

Their tongues entwined, their mouths moving against each other, her legs wide open… ‘Nothing could be better,’ he thought, ‘than to wake up like this.’

Cindy took his hand away from her top, pushed it into her waistband and down inside. Both hands worked in unison for a while until she finally shuddered and reaching up, pulling his head against hers as her tongue probed deeply into his mouth.

‘Oh, God, oh, God, ohgodohgodohgod….’ she tried to think without succeeding.

The joy of newness drove them on and before either of them realized it, her top was unbuttoned and slipping off her shoulders. She reached back, letting him push the sleeves down and off and her breasts stood proud away from her chest. His heart beat rapidly, trying to keep the blood flowing between his head and his head.

Her hand was caught in the sleeve and she pulled against it, popping the cuff open while his left hand rubbed her nipples, one at a time.

Cindy began a busy rubbing between her legs against the cotton pajama bottom, her fingers outstretched and her thumb pushing down each time she stroked herself.

For a moment, she wondered if she even needed Greg to orgasm as she felt the rush start again. She thought back to her nights in the parking lot and came again.

Her rubbing continued, faster and faster, almost a rote religious experience.

He knelt up and she pulled his ‘jamas down over his hips and down to his knees as she moved her legs apart and knee-walked him toward her.

Before he knew it, his bottoms were off and as he knelt before her, her left hand held his erect cock to her open mouth. She braced herself against his left leg and he put his hand on the back of her head, trying to control her movements back and forth. Those nights in the lot had given her all the practice she needed and Greg moaned as she continued.

Her hand began to slide back and forth from the large tip back to his balls and she kept her eyes closed to lose any distractions from what she was doing. He kept one hand on her head and the other on the back of his hips, trying to keep his balance as she pushed and pulled.

Either his cock really was long and thick or her hands were small, she didn’t know which nor did she care. Not wanting to think too much about it, she had one hand’s width next to his balls and then could have put another hand’s width past that and still had the head out in the open.

She could barely get it into her mouth but she knew that was because she had a small mouth. Her dentist had told her so, trying to fill a back molar.

She pushed herself forward, getting the head in and then the first hand’s worth past her teeth and onto her tongue. There still was a full hand’s worth waiting to see what she was going to do.

Her right hand was tightly pumping now while her head pushed and pulled to its own rhythm and her closed eyes stayed shut.

Greg rubbed the side of Cindy’s cheek, pushing against her skin, he could feel his own cock sliding inside and out of her mouth.

He could feel himself cumming and so could she, she abruptly stopped, pushed him down onto his back and then slid between his open legs with hers wide open. Aiming carefully at his cock, she moved forward and down and pushed herself onto it.

She began a slight rocking motion, fore and back, fore and back and then sped up as she pushed again, using her hands behind her as a brace against his thighs. ‘Oh, God…’ She began her litany to God and His son once again.

As she rocked, her breasts wiggled like firm Jell-o and then with a wet plop, Cindy moved up and away from his cock and rested her pussy on his face and then pushed down onto his chin. He saw that she had shaved, something she must have done before they returned from San Francisco.

Eventually, she knelt up and he moved behind her, his kisses moving across the back of her neck and below her jaw line while his cock pressed tightly against the crack of her ass.

She moved up onto her feet and leaned into the headboard, bending forward, she hissed, ‘eat me, now, damn it.’

His face disappeared between the back of her thighs and then, finally for both of them, he slipped his cock into her wet, creamy pussy and began to fuck her as strongly as he could. As Greg moved forward, Cindy moved back, only missing a beat once in a while when she thought about it too much. She closed her eyes, again and let nature take over and a gasp escaped her mouth each time he slammed into her.

They fell to their side on the bed, he still inside and trying to continue. She moved her left arm over his and wrapped it around his shoulder while he caressed her ass with what freedom she gave him to move.

For two minutes, he pounded into her and he could feel himself on the verge, again. He stopped, laid her on her back and spread her legs with his hands. He began to lick her once more as his fingers plunged into her wet depths. She held her legs wide, one arm in front of each the crook of each bent knee.

Later, he lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering just what the hell he was doing.

It took a full day to replace the glass on the apartment entrance door, he worked so slowly.

All the while, Greg was cussing out the two men who had broken it but then remembered he had killed them later that same day. A smile crept across his lips. ‘Stupid, dumb bastards,’ he thought. ‘All they had to do was go home and let it rest,’ but he knew they were just following orders. ‘Yeah, same excuse the Germans used.’ He felt no remorse, whatsoever, for the four dead enforcers.

He had considered just replacing the entire door… it would have been easier and quicker but he needed the time to think about things he needed to think about. What WAS he going to do with her?

Cindy had moved into his apartment the same night they arrived and he spent the next three days painting the walls, polishing the floors and taking out an advertisement in the Daily Breeze for her old one. The extra money would pay for the repairs necessary after the night of the ‘Big Shootout,’ as everyone on the street now called it. At the last minute, he cancelled the ad and called up the local Baptist church.

Introducing himself, he asked the minister to ask around for a young couple that might want to live there. He chose the Baptists because as far as he knew, they didn’t drink that much, if at all and he didn’t want a repeat of the events leading up to the ‘Big Shootout.’

He thought about the local Catholics for just a split-second and then shuddered. It was too bad, but given his past with the Church, he had no desire to be reminded of the oppressive archdiocesan hierarch
y and the girl he had once loved… still loved? He was so confused.

‘Homicide,’ Kleis said. ‘Now what? Every time I try and get out of here, the damn phone rings.’

Greg could hear the fatigue in the detective’s voice. ‘It’s Knotts. We’re back, got in yesterday evening… just wanted to let you know. I’m working at the apartment if you want to talk in person, but later this week I’ve got to go see my other properties in Hawthorne and Lawndale.’ ‘Those properties… I should have gone over there, today, before this… but, this damned door has to be fixed… crap, you can’t win, sometimes.’

‘Great. I’ll be over later. Thanks.’ ‘Might as well… having them out of town actually made things easier, not that I’m going to tell him that.’

There was a knock on the doorjamb and he turned, dripping paintbrush in hand. ‘Hello?’

For a moment, he thought it was Cindy returning with a pizza from Tony’s but she wouldn’t have knocked and then possibly the homicide detective.

A couple in their early thirties stood there, waiting.

‘Is it all right to come in? We’re from the church.’ The man, wearing a newish charcoal-gray suit, looked at the apartment from the hallway.

She was wearing a white blouse, unbuttoned halfway, attempting to restrain a bosom that yearned to break free and covered with a baby-blue sweater tossed over her shoulders and a calf-length dark-blue pleated skirt. White four-inch heels gave her legs an erotic lift. There was a cameo broach on her blouse with a woman’s head facing toward the left. ‘No wedding ring,’ he noticed as he completed his inspection.

He wondered where that thought had come from. Ever since his time with Cindy… the passion for life he had before the War had returned full-blast.

‘Well,’ he thought, ‘I did ask for a quiet couple but she’s seems more subdued than quiet. ‘Hi, I’m Greg Knotts, the landlord. Just let me put this down and I’ll get to you in a second.’ He wiped the brush with an old rag and set it down on his paint tarp.

‘Just getting the place ready… and, you are?’

The man struck him as being a little wimpy as the young woman took control of the conversation. ‘We’re the Meadows… Angela and… uh, Albert. Reverend Pierce said you were looking for a quiet couple as renters.’

‘Yes. This is a quiet… well, it was until last week, a quiet street and a quiet building and everyone likes it that way, especially me.’ ‘Sure wish I could have said that last week.’

‘Is this the building where…’

‘Yes, it is but the police say the matter is now closed. There will be no more trouble.’ ‘At least, I sure as hell hope so.’

‘Would,’ she asked, smiling, ‘you have told me about that if I didn’t mention it?’ ‘I wonder if he’s married? He could be a pleasant interlude. He’s got that ‘dangerous’ look to him. I like that.’

‘Yes, I would have. I don’t like secrets and believe in speaking my mind. Did Reverend Pierce tell you about the rent and… everything?’ He looked at her, closely. She didn’t seem so… quiet, anymore, more like a volcano seething just below the ground, waiting to explode like that Paricutin covering that little Mexican village back in ’43 and was still erupting.

‘Yes, he did and we’re prepared to take the apartment, that is, if you’re agreeable.’

‘Why don’t you let me clean up here and I’ll talk with you across the hall, how’s that?’

There was another knock. ‘Hello, Greg? I’ve got the pizza.’ ‘And, just who is this woman?’

‘Oh, good. Listen, Cindy, honey, these are the Meadows… they’re interested in your apartment, please set up in the kitchen, would you?

‘Why don’t you join us for lunch?’ he asked them.

‘Thank you, very much.’ She turned toward Cindy, ‘Hi, I’m Angie and this is my brother, Al.’

‘Brother? Well, that explained that,’ he thought. ‘Now wonder she took charge.’

While he went to put his brushes into the turpentine, the others went to his apartment and waited in the kitchen. By the time he got there, still wiping his hands on a paint-rag, the pizza was laid out along with Cokes from the ‘fridge.

‘Greg, Angie says they’ve come here from New York. Al has a job at Douglas and she is looking for a secretary job.’

By the time the pizza was finished, an agreement was reached and the first month’s rent paid. With Cindy’s furniture still there, it was rented as ‘furnished.’

‘If you don’t mind the smell of paint, you can move in tonight, how’s that?’

‘Tomorrow’s just fine, we still have a rented room we have to close out. Thank you for lunch,’ Angie said, ‘and we’ll see you tomorrow.’

After the two left, Cindy looked at Greg. ‘Don’t get any ideas, lover boy, you’re all mine. Are you finished, over there, I mean?’

‘Just have to get the paint cans cleaned up and touch up a few things, but, yes, I’m finished.’

‘Fantastic. You do that and then clean yourself up and I’ll be waiting.’ ‘Keep his mind off that Angie, that’s for sure.’

An hour later, Greg was pushing hard into Cindy, hearing her gasp each time as he pressed forward. Her hands grasped his butt, keeping him from slipping out of her wetness and then she began to shimmy beneath him, finally causing him to spurt several times.

‘I’m safe right now, baby, but you’re going to have to buy some rubbers if we keep this up.’

‘Or,’ he said, ‘we could come to a… I mean…’ ‘Do I really want to tie myself down to a girl I’ve really only met the last couple of weeks? This is just crazy! Sex is one thing, but a baby is something else. The way we’ve been doing it, I’m surprised if she’s not knocked up already.

She kept moving beneath him, squeezing him with her muscles. ‘What’s he saying? Does he mean what I think he means?’ Realizing there was a new game in town with Angie moving in and the fact that she already had, so to speak, a leg up…

‘Greg,’ she said, running her hands across the tight muscles of his back, ‘I’m falling in love with you.’ She didn’t say anything else, deciding that was enough. Once, before she met Chris, a declaration of love would have been the most important thing she could have told any man but since then, her Friday nights at the bar’s parking lot had hardened her beyond her own recognition.

Greg was a good man, with a steady income from his properties and certainly wasn’t a wimpy man or lover. Someone better wasn’t likely to come along anytime soon, she realized, she’d be a good wife to him, even if she didn’t love him right now. ‘Maybe,’ she thought, ‘if I WAS pregnant, that would be enough for him. Something to think about… maybe, better sooner than later.’

Greg rolled over to his side of the bed and lit a cigarette. He passed it over to her and waited for her to pass it back. The possibility of marriage was something he had almost given up on and here was a young, good-looking woman in his bed, naked and just been loved… ‘well,’ he laughed to himself, ‘fucked.’

She was hoping for some response to her declaration but there was silence. Had she overplayed her hand? She worried. ‘What if he doesn’t even feel close to that and I’ve said too much? But, all that we’ve done? After all I’ve done? Shit!’

The phone rang in the kitchen, interrupting her thoughts. ‘Who could that be? Nobody’s ever called before.’

‘Why not?’ he asked himself, ‘why not?’ He knew he wasn’t in love with her, well, not exactly, anyway. It was more like, really liking her. ‘But… wasn’t it better to like someone and fall in love than to love someone and then never really like them?

‘Couldn’t be any worse than Okinawa, could it?’ ‘Cindy, want to get married?’

In the dimness of the room, he couldn’t see her knowing smile. ‘Even if he does,’ she thought, ‘would it be so bad?’

She answered by kissing his lips open and searching for his tongue.

The phone rang again, waking him.

‘It’s that detective, on the phone, Greg. He wants to know
if it’s all right to come over, now. I guess he called earlier.’ She giggle, thinking of the phone ringing while Greg was ringing HER bells.

‘Well, what do you want to do?’ she asked.

‘Might as well get it over with… Tell him to come over. Thanks.’

‘Sorry to do this to you,’ Kleis said, eyeing Cindy as she walked into the bedroom.

‘Uhh hummm,’ Greg throated. ‘You wanted to talk about something.’

‘Uh, yes… we’re closing the case, officially. Everybody connected with the case is dead except for you and… her.’ He nodded his head toward the bedroom. ‘So, that’s it.

‘I do want to say, though, next time, try and be a little more careful throwing all that lead around. There was an overzealous assistant DA that wanted charges brought up against you for those two you plugged in the back yard but I refused to bring that case forward. That should be the end of it. Just thought you’d like to know. I told him those guys had already fired on you.

‘Here’s my card, just in case something comes up.’ Kleis got up. ‘Well, I guess that finishes my business with you… and her. Looking back on it, thanks for leaving town, it did make things a lot easier. Three less people to worry about… thanks.’

After Kleis left, Greg sat there, staring at the wall. He’d done a lot of that, lately, he realized, sadly. ‘What the hell, might as well get something to eat.’ ‘Cindy! I have to go to the Hawthorne apartments… c’mon, we can get something to eat, later.’ ‘Yeah, maybe some of that pussy.’

The next day, they went looking for rings. That afternoon, she called Suzy with the news.

‘You’re kidding… it’s just been a few days. I wondered where you’ve been. Are you sure you want to tie yourself down? From what you’ve told me, he doesn’t seem to be like Chris but what about our Fridays?’

‘With Chris gone, I have no money, so what am I supposed to do?’ ‘Why doesn’t she understand?’

‘Do you at least like him?’ ‘God, what a little slut.’

‘Oh, yes.’ ‘Oh, yes, I sure do.’ ‘He’s done nothing but take care of me and I’m going to have his baby.’ ‘Oh, yes, I surely am.’

‘A baby? You’ve got to be crazy! You’re too young to have a kid. You’re already pregnant?’ ‘Jesus Christ, now this!’

‘Maybe… I don’t know… it seems like something that would make him happy. That’s all.’ ‘At least, I think so.’

‘Well, you better find out for sure before you do something like that, that’s all I’m saying.’ There was a long silence on the phone. ‘So, when can I come over and visit?’

‘I guess anytime, just call ahead in case we’re going somewhere. Here’s the number: Osborn 5-0862.’ As soon as she said it, she wondered if that was such a good idea. Since they met, she had deferred to Suzy’s whims, each time culminating in cheating on her now dead husband with a cop and God knows how many men in the bar’s parking lot although that, she remembered, was a LOT of fun once she decided to do it.

‘Uh, Suzy…’

‘What?’ ‘Now, what, you little slut?’

‘Promise you’ll say nothing about what we did, OK? I want this to work. I like him…’ ‘for a whole lot of different reasons.’

‘I promise. I won’t screw this up for you.’ ‘Unless I have to, you little…’

Friday night, they were in the living room watching I Love Lucy like an old married couple… ‘Thank God, he doesn’t want to watch the fights.’ In truth, after the War, watching two overpaid fools beating the hell out of each other had no appeal for Greg, whatsoever.

A knock on the door broke him away from his wandering thoughts. Since the outside door was always locked, anyone knocking on the apartment door itself had to have had a key to the building.

‘Hello?’ He asked, reaching for his gun by the door. ‘How long am I going to have to do this?’

‘It’s me, Mrs. Shocley, I brought you a cherry pie.’

Greg opened the door and welcomed the older woman in. ‘How have you been?’ he asked, taking the pie. ‘My, this looks good. Please, sit down, we’re watching Lucy.’ ‘God, I hate Lucy.’

‘Thank you, but I don’t have time, I have a date.’

‘Oh?’ ‘Well, that’s damn interesting.’

‘Yes, it’s with that nice Detective Kleis, you remember, the one about…’

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Every night was a struggle for Rina.When she wasn’t focusing on an assignment or study for exams, she was procrastinating, and nothing seemed to grasp her attention more than the sound of her housemate, Rebecca, laughing obnoxiously into her phone.Every night like clockwork, a tirade of nonsense would overwhelm any hope of concentration. Even if she tried studying earlier in the day, the same thing would happen: Rebecca loudly chatting and complaining to her girlfriends, or talking dirty and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 11 Herbs story

Herb Stewart received the disturbing call from his son Stan. He analysed what was happening and set in motion all of the preset plans that had been made by the pack. The pack had been attacked so everybody had to know. Those doing it had some esper ability. Very little had to be actually mentioned, just the names of the plans being followed, the names of those captured and the number and disposition of the enemy. If the pack had not been so organised, very little of this could have been...

2 years ago
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Danas Revenge Part 1

Dana's Revenge Part 1 ? by: Tweak "Dana, I'm sorry. But I don't think that we should be together anymore." "What, do you mean John? Are you breaking up with me?" "Dana, I just think it would be best for both of us if we spent time apart and saw other people. At least for a while." "What the hell does that mean? What do you mean spend time apart and see other people?" "Calm down, Dana." "What the hell. You are breaking up with me and you can't even come out...

2 years ago
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First Online Hookup

Every once in awhile I get horny enough to hop on a male for male hook up site and browse around, luckily for me most of the guys on the website are older so it’s nice jackoff material too. I usually just browse around till I’m horny enough that I’m on the edge of cumming then jack myself off to take care of it. This day was different though. I log in to the website and within about 5 mins, an older man in his 50s messages me asking me how my day was. I was horny as hell that day so I told him...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 1 Beginnings and DiscoveriesChapter 11

Andrea found the Prince in good spirits today. It had already been a month since he was wounded and he was up and getting around pretty well. While she didn't come every day, she did come almost every other one. They couldn't go back to where they were if she was hiding from him. His arm should have still been in a sling, but he only seemed to wear it when he felt like it. His and Andrea relationship was almost back to where they had been before that first kiss. Andrea knew, from some...

3 years ago
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Betli Must Be PlayedChapter 4 In The Desert State

Paul: We worked hard, sometimes even twelve hours a day to start the brand new logistic center and to train the new staff. Four months later our efforts fructified and the plant was working all right. For the past three months we had been fixing the mistakes and now finally everything was in order. My lawyer also did a good job on my divorce and I was free four months after my leaving for Arizona. We played Robber Ulti on a Sunday monthly. When everything worked well Pablo got three weeks...

4 years ago
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As you stand overlooking this new World this new chance at a future where humanity lives and prospers as a strong independent race whether it gets there by destroying any other races they might come across or forging alliances, One way or another you will Save Humanity you will bring it back strong and because of that you will be forever remembered as the greatest Human to ever live, the only one with the resolve, patience and will to do the impossible in never before explored space, the one...

3 years ago
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Part 2 Of My First Time

Part 2 of: My First TimeDawn was holding me tight to her amazing body and I could not take my eyes off of her beautiful wet pussy. She moved my hand off her nipple down to her pussy. I was unsure what to do with her husband Jim watching us. Dawn told me it was ok to explore her body and to enjoy myself. With that my fingers where all over her pussy rubbing and fingering. She was so very patience, as she moved my hands around her body. While she new I was very hard and so excited she didn’t...

1 year ago
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A Real Life Sex Story

Her bra was white satin and pushed her breasts into a fantastic cleavage. She reached behind her back, unfastened the clasp and covered her breasts with her arm as she slid the bra off. Then slowly, tantalizingly slowly, she dropped her arm away to reveal her beautiful pert breasts. Fondling her breasts and licking her lips, she dropped to her knees. Erotic short sex story – it started with a text It was an ordinary day. I was on my cell phone, searching for features. I sent a text to a number...

3 years ago
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Tried Seducing My Elder Sister 8211 Anitha

Hi, this is Santhosh, aged 24 yrs from Bengaluru native from Vellore. We live in a rented house with a hall, a kitchen, and a bedroom, I am staying with my elder sister Anitha aged 26, my mom and my younger sister Kavitha aged 22 as my father has expired. This is my real sex story. This is my first sex story, lengthy, hoping to be approved, Coming to the sex story which is from my teenage lust. I studied in a govt school where our friends of four use to bunk our afternoon class in a week to see...

1 year ago
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Plans Changed

Tessa used me every night and everyday. One day I was sucking on her tits and we were both naked. Our friend Jackie walked in and took pictures of us naked. I looked at Tessa and she looked at me. " Don't do anything or else. . . . You will do anything I say whenever, wherever. " Tessa and I both nodded our heads. We went to get dressed, but Jackie wouldn't let us. She told us to climb into dog cages in the back of her truck. The drive there was cramped and long. I couldn. t believe where she...

3 years ago
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Camping Trip Part 1

Hey Guys:) this is my first time posting a story so don't be to critical. This is the sexual part of my story called Death Gate. It's basically about a girl encountering a guy who slays demons. Enjoy. Clouds parted the skies to reveal the ever-glowing sun as a young girl stepped out of the vehicle. She had wavy golden hair and liquid onyx eyes and tanned skin. “Hunter, come help unload the truck,” her mother smiled. “Alright,” Hunter lifted two bags of clothes and brought them inside the...

3 years ago
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Price of Past Miracles Ch 04

Most of Megan Richards’ dreams for the future had been shattered… the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day… one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she’d always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father… Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she’d not inherited her smarts from him… except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas Seldon, was also very...

1 year ago
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41 year old Betty Alder was lying on her bed and starring up at the ceiling and trying to piece together exactly how she had come to be here. Just one week ago she had been living a relatively normal life as the wife of a local businessman and the mother of a 15 year old daughter. Now, here she was on her back with her legs spread while an 18 year old teenager named Chad Miller was slamming his cock into her wet pussy as her daughters' best friend, Meg Willingham suckled on her breast. She...

2 years ago
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Jody and Brooke

Teaching college is sort of a weird business. The faculty gets older over a 30+ year career, but the students are always 18-22. The faces change, but their age does not. So like many of my male colleagues, as I got to middle age, I began being attracted not only to the gorgeous students, but also their moms. Many of the moms returned the attention, if only to relive a little of their flirtatious selves from their past college days. I met Brooke and her mom Jody during freshman...

2 years ago
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Into the Alley

As the sexual being that I am, thinking more like I have a dick than a vagina, if you know what I mean. I often find myself, lost in erotic daydreams. Sometimes completely random, uninspired. Others, inspired by my surroundings. Something as innocent as a stranger, reaching past me in the supermarket to grab something off a shelf. Their arm, inches away from my neck. Maybe I’ll imagine them wrapping that cut bicep and forearm around me, passionately pulling me in close. That’s just the...

4 years ago
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Clit growth

I am a 25 year old woman i have long silky blonde hair, 5 ft 6 and a big set of creamy white breasts to match.But one day i went to this new night club I walked through the doors and it seemed strange. The atmosphere felt different as I looked around I saw very strange cocktail making the fluid looked like toxic waste then one moment I was stood there then the next I was kissing the floor.I woke my eyes were bleary and ears was buzzing, I looked up and saw the most attractive specimen of a man...

3 years ago
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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

2 years ago
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My Education A Total Fantasy Continues

The next Friday, Madeline said, “By the way, let’s have a real sexual night tonight. What do you say?” “Are you kidding,” I said, my excitement building. “I’m always in for that.” “OK, so be home at 7 and have a sandwich on the way, “ she said.”I will have things ready when you get home. We are going to try something very different tonight. It will fulfill one of my greatest fantasies.” “Can you give me a hint?” “Think back to last Friday. That is all I will say,” She said. With that I...

2 years ago
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My interest in bra’s began when I was nineteen, I remember getting ready to go to bed and washing up. Mom just left the shower and I saw her white lacy bra hang out of the red wicker hamper and I picked it up. I don’t know why her white silky and lacy bra turned me on but it did and that bra found its way into the back pocket of my jeans and the bulge covered by a flannel shirt. When I thought of the times I saw a bit of moms boobs, well that only made romancing her bra a lot nicer. When I...

3 years ago
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Blind Love Ch 07

Sorry this has taken so long – I’ve been reading lots of stories for inspiration, and this is my first time writing any kind of sex scene, so feedback is appreciated (good or constructive). Enjoy! ——————————————- ‘Touch me.’ Daniel’s brain took a moment to process what Sophie had just said to him, even as other parts of his body reacted instantly to the mindblowingly sexy combination of her words, her whisper, and the way her warm breath tickled his ear. ‘Are you sure?’ he asked,...

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Seducing 2 married sister8217s

Yudi from Agra; I am 18 year’s old. I have two elder sister’s; Swati didi is about 24 year’s old; she married just three month’s ago; now day’s she lived in Faridabad and Shilpa didi is about 29 year’s old; she married five year’s ago; now day’s she lived in Agra just two kilometer away from our house; didi had a girl of 6 month. Swati didi’s body is very attractive but her face is not good looking; she is 5 feet 6 inch tall; she look’s very sexy with her boobs which are 36 in size and buttocks...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 11

With Wendy's announcement you go ahead and down your glass of rum. "Well this is going to be a busy night. There had better be a lot of lube available." Wendy comes to you and kisses holding you behind the neck. Then she begins running her fingers over the shaved part of your head. "You're going to be getting a lot of lube baby, don't worry." Then she looks at the officers around the table. "Can you make sure that the rest of the crew is well fed and has some rum as well. You can...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Leanne Lace Come On Up

Max Dior is feeling randy and he has a hankering for the sexiest hottie of all. After browsing all the available options, he sends a text to an escort service requesting Leanne Lace. Once his ask is in, he sits back and waits until Leanne walks into his apartment dressed in high heels, a sexy dress with thigh-high stockings, and a kitty cat mask. Strutting up to Max, Leanne pulls out his hard dick and starts lapping at him like the cat she is cosplaying. Leanne is magical with her tongue and...

3 years ago
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10 Days in a 70 Acre Wood

10 Days in the 70 Acre Wood Plot & Cast: Setting:                The private domain of our antagonist. Set amongst the hardwoods, mountains and a                       rushing river in West Virginia. Only one access road goes in and out and it’s guarded with               three electronic guard gates. No other homes for miles about. A compound made up of                       the Main House, the Guest House and the Dairy Barn. Antagonist:        Harry – a self-made multi-millionaire with both...

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I screwed up 2

I SCREWED UP !! 2In part 1 I told about burning my shop down, and tellinga friends wife Heather, " jokingly" I think, not sure but said, " Spank me for being dumb"!!Well she did!! I woke up and had a bad taste in my mouth. Went to move and realize I m tied over the arm of a couch? My arms, back, legs hurt, but not like my ass! It has a burning feel to it and my hole feels full? I t takes a couple minutes to remember what happened. I feel a hand on my ass, I tense up but Heather kneels down...

4 years ago
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Becoming my Best Friends Crush Ch 1

“Geez, Nathan, you’re practically drooling!” Jake said. “What?” I said, taken by surprise. I looked aside quickly. Had I given myself away? Jake pushed the bottle forward. “Such a lush - you look hypnotized. Here, have some.” I took the bottle and took a swig. It was a close call. Jake and I had been friends for years, since we were young kids. We got along, joked around, shared secrets. I couldn’t remember when I started realizing my true feelings for him. I...

1 year ago
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My Very Own Tentacle MonsterChapter 2

I was so mad! I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs! But my dorm room walls were pretty thin and I could hear my next door neighbors when they were loud. I knew if I screamed they would hear me and I didn’t want to have to explain myself to a nosy neighbor. I know someone would ask. Having kept this crazy secret bottled inside only seemed to make it worse. I needed an outlet, but couldn’t find one. It had been a week since I had my encounter with the Tentacle Monster. Part of me...

2 years ago
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NedChapter 4 Dad Then Carrie

And so we fucked and sucked and licked, moaned and groaned and screamed, came and came and came, and pissed and kissed, until Dad returned from California. I also wore Mom's bikini panties when I had no gym class. One morning, before school, before Dad came home, I fucked Mom and then she wore her panties through breakfast before I put them on, damp with my cum which had leaked out of her, to go to school. Shit, they felt really hot. That first night when Dad came home, I was back in my own...

3 years ago
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Strangers in the night

There was a place I'd been to a couple of times where gay and bi men met for outdoor anonymous sex. I heard the cops had arrested a few guys for indecent public behaviour, so I phoned a friend to see if he could recommend somewhere less dangerous. He told me of a place that was new but very quite as word hadn't got round yet. I decided to see if anyone was there. It was about an hour drive and I arrived just gone midnight.I parked up and there was just one other car there. I got out of my car...

3 years ago
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My Awakening rewrite

This is the story of my first-time wearing women’s panties. I was raised by my grandma. She was a real conservative woman who believed the bible word for word. As a result, I was extremely sheltered from the shows I watched and music I listened too to clothes and even the kinds of friends I could have. One day I was sitting in my room playing video games when my grandma had come in. “Matt, she said, I have some bad news. Your great uncle John passed away this morning”. My great uncle...

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Fancy Dress or Undressed

I shocked myself a bit when I said it out loud. Mostly I’d been attempting to amuse my friend Rob. He had a huge talent for, and interest in, inappropriate comments. But he had perhaps mastered the art of making such comments sotto voce, or at least quietly enough to not be heard by the person referred to. Just for a moment, I hoped that Sarah hadn’t heard, but she turned and approached me. I expected to be slapped in response. When I looked around, it seemed that Rob had also mastered the art...

2 years ago
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In The Hole

In The Hole Chapter 1 Beginnings by roccodadom44 [email protected] Warning: my stories contain snuff, gay, underage, incest, and every other kink, please be an adult and turn the station if this offends you, peace  roccodadom                Always had the fantasy, me and a teen boy,not obsessed, time to time see a cute kid, think its one of few kinks I havent experienced. Maybe turning forty did it, divorced for years, playing the field, lots of women, a few men, I was agressive bi,...

3 years ago
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Magic InkChapter 19

We did not rush off to my parent's for Christmas break this year. I was at a critical point in my studies of Magic and I needed time and quiet to complete them. The six days between 14 and 19 December allowed me to finish what I had been working on for the past several months. On the morning of Tuesday, the 20th of December, we loaded the Rolls and headed for my parent's house. It was a pleasant drive, as the Rolls is a excellent road car. We got waves and honks from quite a few on the...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kendra Spade If Daddy Isn8217t Home to Fuck Kendra Spade8217s Ass After Class She8217s Going To Find Another BBC

When Kendra Spade wants the D she’s not willing to wait. Kendra’s back at her place after class and gives Jax a call to let him know she’s horny. He says that he’s busy right now and won’t be able to make it over to later which really pisses Kendra off, she’s going to get fucked now whether it’s with him or not. Jax isn’t going to let that happen, he gets out of his bed totally naked and runs out the door. As he’s running down the street without his clothes, Jax jumps on an electric scooter to...

2 years ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 13 The Wedding and The End

So, the ending to this story has taken foooooreeever... But I am so glad I actually get to finish it for you all! I have just been so busy doing my own thing, that this was further down my list of To-Do's, but, I hope you enjoy it! Sorry to leave you hanging for so long! Love, Ashley ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: The Wedding and The End I got ready for the wedding on autopilot, and definitely found myself moving much faster than I...

1 year ago
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New Neighborhood With A Beautiful Neighbor

Hi ISS readers, my name is Rahul. I am 26, Single, I’m basically from Mysore. Now shifted to Mangalore a beautiful city in Karnataka. This story is about how I had a beautiful time with my new neighbor Ashwini. This is my first story after a year, and I am super excited to post this. So, let’s get into the story. This happened a month ago, Our house was a 2-story building. We stayed on the first floor and the owner was on the ground floor. My room was on the corner of the house. Ashwini’s...

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