- 3 years ago
- 24
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Copyright @ calibeachgirl
All rights reserved, 2011
With thanks to Elliot, Doug and Martine
Remarks with single quotes, i.e., ‘remarks’ are thoughts and not spoken aloud.
Chapter 3: You can’t go home, again
‘Well, are we finally going home?’ asked Mrs. Shocley. ‘My goldfish is probably floating by now.’
‘Yes, but in two days, I need to make sure it’s safe for all of us. Cindy’s husband’s bookie is dead, the four guys, well, they’ve been dead and nobody seems to know or care who we are.’ ‘At least, I hope so.’
Three days later, with souvenirs of little cable cars, bars of Ghirardelli chocolate and postcards of the Golden Gate, they headed south down the 101. After stopping in San Luis Obispo for lunch, they finally reached Redondo in time for dinner at the new Tony’s on the Pier.
While good, Greg felt it wasn’t as good as several in San Francisco. By the time they were home, it was after ten o’clock and exhausted, they were asleep almost as soon as the lights were off.
They half-sat up in the bed, leaning against the pillows. His left hand caressed her right breast through her pajama top while her own hand was busy between her legs, rubbing through the damp cotton.
Their tongues entwined, their mouths moving against each other, her legs wide open… ‘Nothing could be better,’ he thought, ‘than to wake up like this.’
Cindy took his hand away from her top, pushed it into her waistband and down inside. Both hands worked in unison for a while until she finally shuddered and reaching up, pulling his head against hers as her tongue probed deeply into his mouth.
‘Oh, God, oh, God, ohgodohgodohgod….’ she tried to think without succeeding.
The joy of newness drove them on and before either of them realized it, her top was unbuttoned and slipping off her shoulders. She reached back, letting him push the sleeves down and off and her breasts stood proud away from her chest. His heart beat rapidly, trying to keep the blood flowing between his head and his head.
Her hand was caught in the sleeve and she pulled against it, popping the cuff open while his left hand rubbed her nipples, one at a time.
Cindy began a busy rubbing between her legs against the cotton pajama bottom, her fingers outstretched and her thumb pushing down each time she stroked herself.
For a moment, she wondered if she even needed Greg to orgasm as she felt the rush start again. She thought back to her nights in the parking lot and came again.
Her rubbing continued, faster and faster, almost a rote religious experience.
He knelt up and she pulled his ‘jamas down over his hips and down to his knees as she moved her legs apart and knee-walked him toward her.
Before he knew it, his bottoms were off and as he knelt before her, her left hand held his erect cock to her open mouth. She braced herself against his left leg and he put his hand on the back of her head, trying to control her movements back and forth. Those nights in the lot had given her all the practice she needed and Greg moaned as she continued.
Her hand began to slide back and forth from the large tip back to his balls and she kept her eyes closed to lose any distractions from what she was doing. He kept one hand on her head and the other on the back of his hips, trying to keep his balance as she pushed and pulled.
Either his cock really was long and thick or her hands were small, she didn’t know which nor did she care. Not wanting to think too much about it, she had one hand’s width next to his balls and then could have put another hand’s width past that and still had the head out in the open.
She could barely get it into her mouth but she knew that was because she had a small mouth. Her dentist had told her so, trying to fill a back molar.
She pushed herself forward, getting the head in and then the first hand’s worth past her teeth and onto her tongue. There still was a full hand’s worth waiting to see what she was going to do.
Her right hand was tightly pumping now while her head pushed and pulled to its own rhythm and her closed eyes stayed shut.
Greg rubbed the side of Cindy’s cheek, pushing against her skin, he could feel his own cock sliding inside and out of her mouth.
He could feel himself cumming and so could she, she abruptly stopped, pushed him down onto his back and then slid between his open legs with hers wide open. Aiming carefully at his cock, she moved forward and down and pushed herself onto it.
She began a slight rocking motion, fore and back, fore and back and then sped up as she pushed again, using her hands behind her as a brace against his thighs. ‘Oh, God…’ She began her litany to God and His son once again.
As she rocked, her breasts wiggled like firm Jell-o and then with a wet plop, Cindy moved up and away from his cock and rested her pussy on his face and then pushed down onto his chin. He saw that she had shaved, something she must have done before they returned from San Francisco.
Eventually, she knelt up and he moved behind her, his kisses moving across the back of her neck and below her jaw line while his cock pressed tightly against the crack of her ass.
She moved up onto her feet and leaned into the headboard, bending forward, she hissed, ‘eat me, now, damn it.’
His face disappeared between the back of her thighs and then, finally for both of them, he slipped his cock into her wet, creamy pussy and began to fuck her as strongly as he could. As Greg moved forward, Cindy moved back, only missing a beat once in a while when she thought about it too much. She closed her eyes, again and let nature take over and a gasp escaped her mouth each time he slammed into her.
They fell to their side on the bed, he still inside and trying to continue. She moved her left arm over his and wrapped it around his shoulder while he caressed her ass with what freedom she gave him to move.
For two minutes, he pounded into her and he could feel himself on the verge, again. He stopped, laid her on her back and spread her legs with his hands. He began to lick her once more as his fingers plunged into her wet depths. She held her legs wide, one arm in front of each the crook of each bent knee.
Later, he lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering just what the hell he was doing.
It took a full day to replace the glass on the apartment entrance door, he worked so slowly.
All the while, Greg was cussing out the two men who had broken it but then remembered he had killed them later that same day. A smile crept across his lips. ‘Stupid, dumb bastards,’ he thought. ‘All they had to do was go home and let it rest,’ but he knew they were just following orders. ‘Yeah, same excuse the Germans used.’ He felt no remorse, whatsoever, for the four dead enforcers.
He had considered just replacing the entire door… it would have been easier and quicker but he needed the time to think about things he needed to think about. What WAS he going to do with her?
Cindy had moved into his apartment the same night they arrived and he spent the next three days painting the walls, polishing the floors and taking out an advertisement in the Daily Breeze for her old one. The extra money would pay for the repairs necessary after the night of the ‘Big Shootout,’ as everyone on the street now called it. At the last minute, he cancelled the ad and called up the local Baptist church.
Introducing himself, he asked the minister to ask around for a young couple that might want to live there. He chose the Baptists because as far as he knew, they didn’t drink that much, if at all and he didn’t want a repeat of the events leading up to the ‘Big Shootout.’
He thought about the local Catholics for just a split-second and then shuddered. It was too bad, but given his past with the Church, he had no desire to be reminded of the oppressive archdiocesan hierarch
y and the girl he had once loved… still loved? He was so confused.
‘Homicide,’ Kleis said. ‘Now what? Every time I try and get out of here, the damn phone rings.’
Greg could hear the fatigue in the detective’s voice. ‘It’s Knotts. We’re back, got in yesterday evening… just wanted to let you know. I’m working at the apartment if you want to talk in person, but later this week I’ve got to go see my other properties in Hawthorne and Lawndale.’ ‘Those properties… I should have gone over there, today, before this… but, this damned door has to be fixed… crap, you can’t win, sometimes.’
‘Great. I’ll be over later. Thanks.’ ‘Might as well… having them out of town actually made things easier, not that I’m going to tell him that.’
There was a knock on the doorjamb and he turned, dripping paintbrush in hand. ‘Hello?’
For a moment, he thought it was Cindy returning with a pizza from Tony’s but she wouldn’t have knocked and then possibly the homicide detective.
A couple in their early thirties stood there, waiting.
‘Is it all right to come in? We’re from the church.’ The man, wearing a newish charcoal-gray suit, looked at the apartment from the hallway.
She was wearing a white blouse, unbuttoned halfway, attempting to restrain a bosom that yearned to break free and covered with a baby-blue sweater tossed over her shoulders and a calf-length dark-blue pleated skirt. White four-inch heels gave her legs an erotic lift. There was a cameo broach on her blouse with a woman’s head facing toward the left. ‘No wedding ring,’ he noticed as he completed his inspection.
He wondered where that thought had come from. Ever since his time with Cindy… the passion for life he had before the War had returned full-blast.
‘Well,’ he thought, ‘I did ask for a quiet couple but she’s seems more subdued than quiet. ‘Hi, I’m Greg Knotts, the landlord. Just let me put this down and I’ll get to you in a second.’ He wiped the brush with an old rag and set it down on his paint tarp.
‘Just getting the place ready… and, you are?’
The man struck him as being a little wimpy as the young woman took control of the conversation. ‘We’re the Meadows… Angela and… uh, Albert. Reverend Pierce said you were looking for a quiet couple as renters.’
‘Yes. This is a quiet… well, it was until last week, a quiet street and a quiet building and everyone likes it that way, especially me.’ ‘Sure wish I could have said that last week.’
‘Is this the building where…’
‘Yes, it is but the police say the matter is now closed. There will be no more trouble.’ ‘At least, I sure as hell hope so.’
‘Would,’ she asked, smiling, ‘you have told me about that if I didn’t mention it?’ ‘I wonder if he’s married? He could be a pleasant interlude. He’s got that ‘dangerous’ look to him. I like that.’
‘Yes, I would have. I don’t like secrets and believe in speaking my mind. Did Reverend Pierce tell you about the rent and… everything?’ He looked at her, closely. She didn’t seem so… quiet, anymore, more like a volcano seething just below the ground, waiting to explode like that Paricutin covering that little Mexican village back in ’43 and was still erupting.
‘Yes, he did and we’re prepared to take the apartment, that is, if you’re agreeable.’
‘Why don’t you let me clean up here and I’ll talk with you across the hall, how’s that?’
There was another knock. ‘Hello, Greg? I’ve got the pizza.’ ‘And, just who is this woman?’
‘Oh, good. Listen, Cindy, honey, these are the Meadows… they’re interested in your apartment, please set up in the kitchen, would you?
‘Why don’t you join us for lunch?’ he asked them.
‘Thank you, very much.’ She turned toward Cindy, ‘Hi, I’m Angie and this is my brother, Al.’
‘Brother? Well, that explained that,’ he thought. ‘Now wonder she took charge.’
While he went to put his brushes into the turpentine, the others went to his apartment and waited in the kitchen. By the time he got there, still wiping his hands on a paint-rag, the pizza was laid out along with Cokes from the ‘fridge.
‘Greg, Angie says they’ve come here from New York. Al has a job at Douglas and she is looking for a secretary job.’
By the time the pizza was finished, an agreement was reached and the first month’s rent paid. With Cindy’s furniture still there, it was rented as ‘furnished.’
‘If you don’t mind the smell of paint, you can move in tonight, how’s that?’
‘Tomorrow’s just fine, we still have a rented room we have to close out. Thank you for lunch,’ Angie said, ‘and we’ll see you tomorrow.’
After the two left, Cindy looked at Greg. ‘Don’t get any ideas, lover boy, you’re all mine. Are you finished, over there, I mean?’
‘Just have to get the paint cans cleaned up and touch up a few things, but, yes, I’m finished.’
‘Fantastic. You do that and then clean yourself up and I’ll be waiting.’ ‘Keep his mind off that Angie, that’s for sure.’
An hour later, Greg was pushing hard into Cindy, hearing her gasp each time as he pressed forward. Her hands grasped his butt, keeping him from slipping out of her wetness and then she began to shimmy beneath him, finally causing him to spurt several times.
‘I’m safe right now, baby, but you’re going to have to buy some rubbers if we keep this up.’
‘Or,’ he said, ‘we could come to a… I mean…’ ‘Do I really want to tie myself down to a girl I’ve really only met the last couple of weeks? This is just crazy! Sex is one thing, but a baby is something else. The way we’ve been doing it, I’m surprised if she’s not knocked up already.
She kept moving beneath him, squeezing him with her muscles. ‘What’s he saying? Does he mean what I think he means?’ Realizing there was a new game in town with Angie moving in and the fact that she already had, so to speak, a leg up…
‘Greg,’ she said, running her hands across the tight muscles of his back, ‘I’m falling in love with you.’ She didn’t say anything else, deciding that was enough. Once, before she met Chris, a declaration of love would have been the most important thing she could have told any man but since then, her Friday nights at the bar’s parking lot had hardened her beyond her own recognition.
Greg was a good man, with a steady income from his properties and certainly wasn’t a wimpy man or lover. Someone better wasn’t likely to come along anytime soon, she realized, she’d be a good wife to him, even if she didn’t love him right now. ‘Maybe,’ she thought, ‘if I WAS pregnant, that would be enough for him. Something to think about… maybe, better sooner than later.’
Greg rolled over to his side of the bed and lit a cigarette. He passed it over to her and waited for her to pass it back. The possibility of marriage was something he had almost given up on and here was a young, good-looking woman in his bed, naked and just been loved… ‘well,’ he laughed to himself, ‘fucked.’
She was hoping for some response to her declaration but there was silence. Had she overplayed her hand? She worried. ‘What if he doesn’t even feel close to that and I’ve said too much? But, all that we’ve done? After all I’ve done? Shit!’
The phone rang in the kitchen, interrupting her thoughts. ‘Who could that be? Nobody’s ever called before.’
‘Why not?’ he asked himself, ‘why not?’ He knew he wasn’t in love with her, well, not exactly, anyway. It was more like, really liking her. ‘But… wasn’t it better to like someone and fall in love than to love someone and then never really like them?
‘Couldn’t be any worse than Okinawa, could it?’ ‘Cindy, want to get married?’
In the dimness of the room, he couldn’t see her knowing smile. ‘Even if he does,’ she thought, ‘would it be so bad?’
She answered by kissing his lips open and searching for his tongue.
The phone rang again, waking him.
‘It’s that detective, on the phone, Greg. He wants to know
if it’s all right to come over, now. I guess he called earlier.’ She giggle, thinking of the phone ringing while Greg was ringing HER bells.
‘Well, what do you want to do?’ she asked.
‘Might as well get it over with… Tell him to come over. Thanks.’
‘Sorry to do this to you,’ Kleis said, eyeing Cindy as she walked into the bedroom.
‘Uhh hummm,’ Greg throated. ‘You wanted to talk about something.’
‘Uh, yes… we’re closing the case, officially. Everybody connected with the case is dead except for you and… her.’ He nodded his head toward the bedroom. ‘So, that’s it.
‘I do want to say, though, next time, try and be a little more careful throwing all that lead around. There was an overzealous assistant DA that wanted charges brought up against you for those two you plugged in the back yard but I refused to bring that case forward. That should be the end of it. Just thought you’d like to know. I told him those guys had already fired on you.
‘Here’s my card, just in case something comes up.’ Kleis got up. ‘Well, I guess that finishes my business with you… and her. Looking back on it, thanks for leaving town, it did make things a lot easier. Three less people to worry about… thanks.’
After Kleis left, Greg sat there, staring at the wall. He’d done a lot of that, lately, he realized, sadly. ‘What the hell, might as well get something to eat.’ ‘Cindy! I have to go to the Hawthorne apartments… c’mon, we can get something to eat, later.’ ‘Yeah, maybe some of that pussy.’
The next day, they went looking for rings. That afternoon, she called Suzy with the news.
‘You’re kidding… it’s just been a few days. I wondered where you’ve been. Are you sure you want to tie yourself down? From what you’ve told me, he doesn’t seem to be like Chris but what about our Fridays?’
‘With Chris gone, I have no money, so what am I supposed to do?’ ‘Why doesn’t she understand?’
‘Do you at least like him?’ ‘God, what a little slut.’
‘Oh, yes.’ ‘Oh, yes, I sure do.’ ‘He’s done nothing but take care of me and I’m going to have his baby.’ ‘Oh, yes, I surely am.’
‘A baby? You’ve got to be crazy! You’re too young to have a kid. You’re already pregnant?’ ‘Jesus Christ, now this!’
‘Maybe… I don’t know… it seems like something that would make him happy. That’s all.’ ‘At least, I think so.’
‘Well, you better find out for sure before you do something like that, that’s all I’m saying.’ There was a long silence on the phone. ‘So, when can I come over and visit?’
‘I guess anytime, just call ahead in case we’re going somewhere. Here’s the number: Osborn 5-0862.’ As soon as she said it, she wondered if that was such a good idea. Since they met, she had deferred to Suzy’s whims, each time culminating in cheating on her now dead husband with a cop and God knows how many men in the bar’s parking lot although that, she remembered, was a LOT of fun once she decided to do it.
‘Uh, Suzy…’
‘What?’ ‘Now, what, you little slut?’
‘Promise you’ll say nothing about what we did, OK? I want this to work. I like him…’ ‘for a whole lot of different reasons.’
‘I promise. I won’t screw this up for you.’ ‘Unless I have to, you little…’
Friday night, they were in the living room watching I Love Lucy like an old married couple… ‘Thank God, he doesn’t want to watch the fights.’ In truth, after the War, watching two overpaid fools beating the hell out of each other had no appeal for Greg, whatsoever.
A knock on the door broke him away from his wandering thoughts. Since the outside door was always locked, anyone knocking on the apartment door itself had to have had a key to the building.
‘Hello?’ He asked, reaching for his gun by the door. ‘How long am I going to have to do this?’
‘It’s me, Mrs. Shocley, I brought you a cherry pie.’
Greg opened the door and welcomed the older woman in. ‘How have you been?’ he asked, taking the pie. ‘My, this looks good. Please, sit down, we’re watching Lucy.’ ‘God, I hate Lucy.’
‘Thank you, but I don’t have time, I have a date.’
‘Oh?’ ‘Well, that’s damn interesting.’
‘Yes, it’s with that nice Detective Kleis, you remember, the one about…’
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It was still early and the sun was shinning. I was on my way to San Gregorio, looking forward to spending the day naked and relaxing at my favorite nude beach. Maybe meet someone to talk to, but mostly just relax and enjoy myself. My plan was to stop in Half Moon Bay, buy sodas and snacks to eat, and head to the beach. As I left Half Moon Bay, I spotted a young girl hitch hiking. I pulled over just beyond where she was standing and watched as she ran up to the car. "Can you give me a ride"...
My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and keeps...
Love StoriesI have always known I was bisexual since I was a k**. I have topped but never bottomed, I have attempted bottoming a few times. First time I was 16 my friend and I tried, we didn't have lube and I wasn't streached out properly. A few months ago I bought a butt plug which is 4 inches long and a 8 inch dildo. I lube every night and put the plug in and every other night the dildo. It feels good when I do so. A description of myself, I am a black male, 51, looks to be in my 40's. Slim 5'8, 140 lbs....
Sir called. He said very little, as usual. "Boy, be here at 7:30". He didn'thave to say anymore. He knew that i would arrive, open the door, strip offmy clothes and kneel in the foyer. He knew that i would wait. If he took oneminute or three hours. He knew. His boy would wait. And so, after a day ofnegotiating with colleagues and clients, of being in charge, sometimesenjoying the little victories and sometimes pissed because i didn't win, iwas walking to Sir's townhouse. My cock ached because...
I was 38 years old the first time I experienced another man. I had been toying with the idea for a few years prior to actually acting on my desires. The years prior had been spent surfing gay sex sites and masturbating to my fantasies. I was working away from home and living in my RV when I finally decided to try being with a man. I posted an ad on an adult dating site and was surprised to have so many replies. As things like that happen most were flakes and weren’t interested in doing...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Merlin didn’t summon Smoke for several days as his brain, generally adroit at following scientific concepts, tried to fathom the implications of this astounding revelation ... event ... happening ... thing! His poor stressed psyche was bouncing from pillar to post trying to absorb all that he’d learned so far, and he was so distracted at work that his boss finally called him into the office to ask why. “Something on your mind, Merlin? You don’t seem to be your usual astute and focused self...
The next day Vera woke warm and comfortable but also confused. She didn’t know where she was or why she had chosen to sleep in her human skin. It took a moment for her to remember the events of the previous night. Going to the bar seemed like a lifetime ago, then the chase and the crash. Vera sat up and removed the t-shirt she was wearing to survey the damage. The scrape was almost completely healed and the bruise was fading fast. One more good sleep should take care of it completely. Vera...
As I walked up to Nancy’s house, I was a little depressed at the fact that I would not be doing any freaky experimentation with Ruth, so I had a little storm cloud hovering above my head. I was quickly snapped out of my bad mood when I was hit with the scent of chocolate chip cookies baking. The front door of Nancy’s house was open, and the smell of the cookies was drifting through the screen door. I came up to the door and rang the bell. Nancy poked her head around the corner from the...
Jenny Sanders looked at the bar breathlessly, a small frown tugging at her red lips. She didn't like how it looked - rundown, holes in the walls and rats scurrying on the ground, however, she had no choice unless she wanted to stay out all night walking back home. Her car had been stolen, her keys forgotten, her cellphone broken... and to top it all off, she didn't even know where she was! Gloomily, the busty blonde walked into the bar, unseeing of the leers and catcalls that were sent her...
100% fiction! I was to visit my famed and sexy Aunt Shinora Risan at her palace in Fantasia Prime, a world in which she created using her arcane magic. I have to admit. I didn’t know much about Shinora. I only saw her one time and I was quite young at that. I couldn’t even remember what she looked like. I arrived at her place around noon on Saturday. She was a hot and voluptuous woman wearing pink and purple linens and decorated with pearls and golden bracelets. She also carried around a long...
IncestAmy and I meet up on Saturday. She's waiting downtown, wearing a big coat and huge sunglasses, and she looks down at me as I get off the bus. She's a lot taller than I remembered, though I don't think this weird transformation had anything to do with my height. I'm wearing a tanktop that used to fit me when I was a boy but now barely covers my nipples, underneath my usual hoodie. It was super warm on the bus so the hoodie is a little less zipped up than I was intending on...
Janet looked around the living room with a wide grin on her face as she took in not only the mess the normally immaculate room was in, but the naked bodies spread around the room as well. She was sitting on the large couch with Susan the birthday girl - who was in her birthday suit - Dave's girlfriend Debbie (whose skin looked almost as pale as her silver-blond hair under her tan), Lizz (who was proudly showing off the slight bulge of her belly), and Lizz's brother Chris (who kept putting...
Mid - late April 1963 I had breakfast with my mother who sent me off with an admonition not to overstay my welcome at Lili’s house. I packed Ring of Bright Water and Tarka the Otter in my duffel bag, along with Under Milk Wood, which I was hoping we could read out loud together – a third voice would make some scenes much easier. It was a typical English spring day with a stiff breeze and showers about. I could hear my mother’s rhyme in my head: March winds and April showers bring forth May...
"If I can have your attention," the green uniformed man said in Spanish, after touching the voice enhancing device around his neck. "I am Lieutenant Jacobs with the Confederacy Marines and this is an extraction." It was my fifth one today. Following the announcement, there was the typical uptick in decibel volume—as desperation kicked in for numerous wannabe concubines. "Where are we again?" I asked, looking around at the newest location, having recently emerged from the...
Hurricane! Sloan Harper is trying to prepare for the massive category 4 hurricane that’s on its way to Florida, but her dumb-ass, good-for-nothing boyfriend is nowhere in sight! As a matter of fact, when she calls him to see where the fuck he is, he tells her he’s out playing poker with the boys! But just after she hangs up with that fool and tries moving their outdoor furniture herself, her boyfriend’s pal Peter strolls in looking for her man. Hmm, that’s fishy, because he’s one of the...
xmoviesforyouLet me start from the beginning. Tom and I were best friends. We spent most days of our days, together at the beach, or just hanging out. How we got to the point where we started to experiment sexually grew over time. He would comment here or there, always saying he would suck my cock or I could suck his, but really I thought he was joking. Well, at least at first. All those comments, so often, made me think about it more and more. I was, or became, curious. We were just teens, just horny...
As soon as the car exited my apartment, I told Divya to remove the zip of the jacket. She looked at Mayank with puppy eyes and asked – Mayank, your colleague wants me to remove my jacket’s zip. Should I? I’m practically naked. Shall I expose my body to him? He said yeah ok and adjusted the rearview mirror. The car has a Magnetic window sun shield which is a zipper-type one that can be closed and opened. No one can see through it especially during nights. She now pulled down the zipper...
I took a drag from my cigarette as I waited on my ride to appear. Looking around it was pitch black outside with only a waning moon and a few stars to light my way in the night. I had been waiting for about ten minutes when headlights finally appeared on the road in front of me, illuminating the sidewalk I was standing on and the stop sign beside me. I could barely contain my excitement. I had been waiting for this moment for a while. I had been fantasizing about it for around five years and I...
Jason and I have been sexually active with each other for over four years, but have never actually "gone all the way." Now, a week after our eighteenth birthday, our mom is taking off for the weekend and we are going to consummate our long love-affair by FINALLY fucking.Mom left early this morning, leaving me and Jason alone in the house until Monday. He made me a really nice breakfast and when we were eating we got to talking about what we were going to get to do that day. I got really nervous...
"I can't," the pretty young brunette said softly to the tall short haired blonde woman standing beside her beside the bar. "I'm not into girls," she laughed nervously, " and besides that I'm married." She held up her left hand and showed Shelly a small diamond ring and matching wedding band. She was in her early twenties and was much too young, Shelly thought, to be married. The two women had been talking for nearly two hours and Shelly had bought three rounds of drinks for them both.The hotel...
Tilly joined me in bed the next morning. Emma was with her. They'd let me sleep in once more. Then they'd let Mindy take me to the bath unit so I could deal with nature and so that I could clean up. They kept everyone else away. However, instead of letting me get dressed and go off to breakfast, they had Mindy bring me back to bed. They were waiting for me when I got there. The bedding had been changed and the window flaps were open and rolled up. The aroma of the previous night's...
The following story takes place in a fictional small town in Eastern Germany, sometime in the late 1990s. Due to the German school system of that time (starting relatively late, and leading until 13th grade for those who want to attend university), most students were 18 or older during their last two years of school. This is also the case for all school students in this story. Please forgive my mistakes, I am not a native speaker of English. This story is fictional. Any similarities to real...
Kelly and Liz had been friends since they moved in down the hall from each other in a cramped college freshman dorm building. They both loved to party and go crazy and have fun as much as possible. Liz had started dating Greg about a month into the school year and from that point on the three of them were always hanging out, partying, and drinking together. Kelly, who is 5'6" and thin but very curvy with C cup breasts and long dark hair, considered herself to be bisexual, finding both men and...
Group SexArriving in my hotel after the long flight from Europe, I suddenly found myself feeling very horny. I needed some relief. Maybe a shower would help, I thought to myself as I stripped away my traveling outfit. My skirt slipped down my legs and pooled at my feet. I stepped free, my already bare feet slipping carelessly away from the skirt. I took a few steps toward the bathroom as I unbuttoned the white, just almost see-through blouse. It was on the floor just in front of the door to the...
This is about a mom’s life in shambles. Janet was a pretty brunette, she and her husband Roy had two young sons. Roy was a salesman for a chemical company, so he did a lot of traveling. Janet wasn’t the prettiest woman, but her body more then made up for it. She had 40 dd’s a bubble butt short well-toned legs and a great smile. Her youngest had started 1st grade so she was alone most of the day. She was unaware that two dropouts who worked at the local supermarket had been scoping her out...
I met him at the library, in my writers group. It is hard to find good men, and that is a problem that only gets worse as we get older. All the good ones are taken, one way or another. He is older than I am, but that’s okay. A mature man is probably good for me. Goodness knows I’ve had my share of losers over the years. I wasn’t blessed with a good eye, when it came to picking men. My high school sweetheart was killed by a drunk driver when he was 17. I was devastated at the loss. ...
Story by: MoneyDating a bad girl can be fun, I however got stuck with the most insane girl who plays one on TV thanks to me running into Miranda Cosgrove during a dating slump. And she wanted to help us both getting a pretty girl for me and a guy for Jennette McCurdy to get her random impulses under control, it worked to some degree. Where she was happy and calm around me but sometimes she wouldn’t take no for an answer when it came to having sex. The past few days were quiet with Jennette...
Viele Monate hatte ich das Glück, ganz oben im Haus in meiner gemütlichen Dachgeschosswohnung komplett meine Ruhe zu haben, da die Wohnung neben mir leer stand seit ich eingezogen bin. Dass das nicht von Dauer sein würde, hatte ich mir gedacht. Und so kam eines Tages ein Brief, in dem mir die Renovierungsarbeiten mitgeteilt und sich im Voraus für damit einhergehende Unannehmlichkeiten entschuldigt wurde. Der Tag kam und die Bauarbeiter klingelten, um sich der Höflichkeit halber kurz...
Q&A A few days later, Jen got a second draft of the questions about David’s and her marriage in the mail. These were his and hers compiled. “I’ve put these in some sort of order,” he wrote on a cover letter, “and put our questions together when I thought they were the same. I’ve left a little space for you to write (or type) in your answers. If that’s not enough, use a separate numbered sheet of paper and put the number, circled, on the question sheet. We’re not aiming for concision,...
Hey folks! This is a continuation of my first story . If you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend you to read it.coll To give a short intro about me: I am a 19-year-old guy with a slim body, 5’11” height and surprisingly an 8-inch cut cock with a huge pink mushroom head. Without wasting any more of your time, I’ll get into the story. A journey with my aunt in the crowded car led to me passionately making out with her. But what I didn’t know is that all the time while I was enjoying my aunt,...
IncestPhyllis is your average mature lady. 61 nothing special to look at a fat belly and saggy boobs. I met her on a dating site and found out that she was a widow who had not had a man for a few years. After a few online chats she invited me to visit her at her little ground floor flat. After a little while chatting we had a bit of a cuddle and I started to feel her tits through her top. She was soon moaning softly and took hold of my hand and placed it between her legs. I started to rub her cunt...
As limited as my youthful sexual experiences were, I had several encounters worth remembering - even reliving. First, a little background - I was raised in a strict religious environment which I still abide by for the most part. I just have a large sexual appetite and enjoy having sex to much not to. So, for me to have sex before marriage at all is taboo among my friends and family. I think it's one of those things where you want to do something even more because you know you aren't supposed to...
First TimeAs usual Katie had phoned her up to book her for Friday night babysitting. While she was getting ready her phone rang, it was Katie: “Hi sweetheart, would you mind staying over at our place tonight? It’s probably gonna be later than usual tonight and it would be easier if you just stayed.” “No problem” answered Nathalie “I’ll just back some overnight stuff and be right over.” She arrived over at the Dawson’s house at just after 8pm. Frank and Katie were still getting themselves ready. “The...
Part of the afternoons I spent in Sapphire's office working on these notes and several times I saw the king but he totally ignored me and I knew better than to approach him, even if I technically wasn't a slave at that moment. At first I looked up every time someone entered the room but after a while I became engrossed in my writing and oblivious to the comings and goings. "Good afternoon Carol," a familiar voice greeted me. Brenda and Ken Wilson stood before my desk; the friends that got...