My Date With A Teenager free porn video

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(c) Copyright 1998 by ‘A Dave In PA’

My Date with a Teenager

by Dave in Pa.

I could not believe I said that!

What was I thinking?

I must have been crazy. In a restaurant yet, with people around who might have heard.

We were being flirtatious, even suggestive, but I was sure as soon as I said it that I had gone too far, too fast. And regrets were now swirling in my head. Yes, I said it all right…and I certainly could not take it back once I had.

Strangely enough though, she wasn’t upset or mad. She only smiled coyly, almost as if she was glad I said it. Yet, I’ve never been so forward in sharing my thoughts, nor have I ever used that language directly to a date, especially a FIRST date. I was expecting her to be upset, slap me or throw her water at me, but she didn’t. She just kept smiling at me.

‘Do you think you would enjoy that?’ She said cutely.

‘I’m fairly certain I would’ I replied dryly while taking another bite of my food and trying to not to show the panic that was racing threw my mind as a result of my unusual boldness. ‘But you never know until you actually do it.’ I took a drink of water.

‘Hmmmm….then maybe sometime we’ll have to give you the chance to fulfill your desires,’ she countered even more teasingly. She sweetly giggled again.

‘I’m looking forward to it….In fact, I’ve never looked forward to it more.’ I looked at her directly then and chuckled.

‘More coffee, sir?’ The waitress interrupted.

‘huh?….. oh yes, please……. Oh… wait…. no… never mind…. we’d like to get the check and be on our way.’

I looked at her and we both broke into laughter as we realized this was no time to delay over coffee. Yes, I guess I WOULD like to be on my way. If she’s going to let me do what I just asked….I certainly don’t want to wait any longer.

She is so cute, so pretty and so wildly sexy, all at the same time. She’s little more than a girl, but yet the most desirous of any woman I have ever known. Her bronze colored skin and dark eyes gave her the most exotic and intriguing look in the dim light of the restaurant. Very Mediterranean. As I gazed at her I could only imagine the thrill of running my fingers through her thick, long, dark, curly hair and stroking lightly her long, smooth and slender legs that supported her incredible body now covered in a sexy, tight, short, form fitting black dress and high heals. Only in my dreams had I ever imagined someone who stirred my emotions and my desires like her.

Her name is Ryan. Typically a boy’s name, I know. But when you think of it, and disassociate it with it’s usual gender, it is a very pretty name. Ryan. I like it…a lot!

I met her on-line, but I’m not even sure how. She was so cute with her e-mails that I knew almost immediately I wanted to know her and even meet her. But there was this problem. She’s only 19 and I’m 40. ‘Would she have interest in a forty year old?’ ‘Should I even entertain the thought?’ ‘Well, what the hell’ I thought, ‘Lets just see what happens.’

So, there I was, in a fine hotel restaurant in down town Philadelphia with my 19 year old dream lover and it looked like this dream was about to get vividly more real. I was now wishing I had made arrangements to be out all night. I had a time limit that was now pissing me off.

As we left the restaurant and headed toward the lobby I watched her walking from behind. ‘God, what great legs and what a nice ass’ I was thinking. I smiled too as I thought about what others who saw us might be thinking. Me, a white guy easily identified as being in my 30’s, at least, with a very young girl of mixed races, Italian and African. Anyone who was watching our flirtatious behavior in the restaurant and our silly giggling and touching as we walked along the corridor, would have known right away that we were probably lovers and not friends or family. Of course, we were not lovers…at least not yet. But I sure was having fun just goofing around with this incredible female specimen and thinking about being her lover. She made me feel like I was her age instead of the age I am.

As I thought about our age difference I was suddenly hit with doubts. ‘Does she really like older men like she said? Does she really like me? It seems hard to believe. She could be with just about any guy and she’s here with me.’

‘So what’s next?’ she asked as we entered the lobby.

‘Well, you have a couple of choices’ I replied.

‘Oh yeah, what are they?

Of course there was only one choice that I wanted her to make, but I still wasn’t sure exactly where this rendezvous was heading.

‘We can go for a walk outside.’ I suggested.


‘Or we can continue our conversation over some wine in a more relaxed ambiance.’ I said hopefully.

‘Okay’ she said.

‘Okay, what?’ I replied.

‘The wine thing’ she said eagerly. ‘But I’ll probably get carded.’

‘No…not here you won’t…’re safe with me.’

When we realized how silly that sounded considering, we laughed out loud.

‘Can you trust me in an elevator? I asked her jokingly as I led her toward them.

‘No…..but then I was hoping you weren’t trustworthy’

‘Oh really?…..well, your right!…You can’t trust me in an elevator. But come with me anyway…..I have a surprise.’

We got in the elevator and happily we were alone.

I leaned back on the wall and looked at her. She was so beautiful.

‘Am I to assume you’re taking me to a room in the hotel?’ she said with a smile.

‘Well, ya know….I WAS a boy scout.’

‘Oh really? Some boy scout…..what’s that have to do with it’ she said sarcastically.

‘I’m just being prepared….you didn’t expect less, did you?’

‘No, I suppose not…….It’s part of why I like you older guys. You’re so romantic. So is this room where you’re hoping to do what you told me downstairs you wanted to do?

‘Umm….’ I was sweating a little now…I could feel my face turning red. ‘Think quick!’ I told myself. Say something cool…..or funny….or something!

What exactly do you think I said? I replied innocently as I tried to remain calm and keep the growing bulge in my pants from showing. After all, I did know what she meant.

She stepped closer to me, put her hand up to the side of my face and pulled me toward her as she whispered in my ear, ‘YOU know…say it again…I want you to say it again.’

I put my arms around her and pulled her against me. I gently kissed her cheek and her neck. Then I nibbled at her ear. ‘I want….I want you.’ I whispered.

She giggled. ‘That’s not what you said downstairs. Come on…I want to hear you say it again.’

I smiled and started to get up the courage to whisper it again.

‘Oops.’ I exclaimed, ‘We’re here…our floor.’ And with that the doors to the elevator opened.

As we walked the hallway to the room, I could hardly control myself. I wanted this woman very much. But I kept reminding myself that she could just be teasing…so I shouldn’t get too excited. I opened the door and followed her in. She immediately kicked off her shoes, sat on the king sized bed and said, ‘Okay….where’s this wine you promised?’

‘Right here…..just hold on.’ I replied. ‘I gotta open it first.’

I opened the bottle of white Zinfandel…..what she had once mentioned she liked…and filled two glasses.

‘I have to light the candles first, though.’ I said as I hunted for my lighter.

‘Candles?……hmmm…you do everything right, don’t you?’ she joked.

‘For the right woman I do.’ I said back with a ‘cat that caught the mouse’ expression.

‘So am I the right woman?’
‘Right now you are.’ I said as I chuckled.

‘Oh…so th
at means anyone would do, it’s just that I happen to be here? …Thanks a lot. Ya know….I think I better go.’

She put down her wine and headed for the door. I put my glass down too and ran over to her just as she reached the door. I grabbed hold of her and turned her around. She tried to resist and I could tell she was a bit upset. I pressed myself against her and held her against the door.

‘Ryan,’ I said, ‘That’s not what I mean. I was only kidding.’ But I knew I had said a dumb thing.
‘How do I know?’ she snapped back.

I pulled her away from the door and hugged her. I kissed her cheek and then held her there in silence.

I really didn’t know what to say. Anything I thought of saying sounded like bullshit, but I really DID think she was special and I hadn’t invited her out to dinner only thinking that I was gonna get laid. I really did like her…but how do I prove that? How do I prove to her that I respect her? What should I say? Geez….I was sure I had blown it and I was speechless.

‘Kiss me.’ I heard her say….I think.


‘Kiss me you jerk…before I change my mind.’

I looked deep into her eyes while I put my hands on her cheeks and stroked them gently. Her hair was down in front of her face on one side and I pushed it back away. Her full, wet lips were waiting for me, but I couldn’t stop staring at her. She was so lovely.

I moved my lips toward her slowly and we touched lightly. We kissed so gently, slowly and softly. I held her face closer while I ran my fingers through her hair. Suddenly our lips joined and we kissed passionately, long and hard. My tongue was drawn into her warm mouth where it met with her tongue.

Our kisses grew in intensity and passion as we stood there. Finally we moved over to the bed, and as she laid down, I laid next to her, our arms and legs entwined.

As we kissed I realized how good she smelled. I hadn’t noticed before, but her perfume mixed with her natural scent was so stimulating and I was now feeling the discomfort of an erect penis trapped behind my pants. In my growing passion I could not help but to start rubbing my hands on her body, First her back and then her hips and thighs. I ran a hand up along the side of her body and brushed her breast as I went by to her shoulder and down her arm. I grabbed her butt and pulled her toward my hips and she started to grind her hips on mine. Her short skirt rode up above her hips and I felt her panties ever so lightly covering her ass. She felt so good. My hand returned to her right breast and I cupped it over her clothing. My thumb rubbed gently over her nipple and I could feel its firmness even through her bra and dress. She gasped slightly as I pressed lightly on her nipple and I began to think about getting her completely out of her clothing.

We continued to kiss passionately as I wanted to take in all of her. I was enjoying so watching her face and lips exhibiting such pleasure from the attention I was giving her. I pulled her up to a sitting position and unzipped the back of her dress. I pulled it down off her shoulders and she pulled her arms out of the sleeves. Behind the lacy black bra were the most beautiful, perfect breasts I had ever seen. Her nipples poked firmly at the shear fabric surrounded by her dark, swollen aureole. She pushed the rest of her dress off and dropped it to the floor. Now she sat there in just her bra and panties and my eyes feasted on this beautiful creature that would, hopefully, soon be all mine to consume.

She reached for my shirt and started to unbutton it. I joined in the effort and soon was bare chested before her. She felt my arms and ran her fingers through the hair on my chest feeling my pecs and my ribs.

‘Take them off’, she said quietly and I knew exactly what she meant. I unbuckled my belt and unzipped the fly. She motioned for me to stand up, which I did. As my pants dropped from my waist, I kicked off my shoes. My pants fell to the floor and I stepped out of them. I took off my socks and laid back on the bed next to Ryan. She couldn’t help but notice my erection as my shorts couldn’t quite contain it. Her hands went to work on caressing my body.

She laid next to me and lightly ran her fingernails up and down my legs, careful not to touch my swollen organ. I was getting so excited I wanted to rip off my shorts, grab my cock and jerk-off in front of her. I needed relief so desperately. But I allowed her to continue her magical massage.

With increasing firmness she rubbed my body using her whole hand and fingers to squeeze my arms and thighs and shoulders. I also was caressing her back and ass. She felt so soft and feminine and the thin, silky feel of her panties over her buttocks was really such a turn-on. After what seemed like fifteen minutes of this teasing and tingling, she pulled herself closer to me, pushed me completely onto my back, and kissed me. She pushed her tongue deep into my very receptive mouth as her hand pushed under my underpants and she began to stroke and rub my now aching and throbbing cock. Up and down the shaft she gently rubbed and teased. Then she reached down farther and massaged my balls. Her hand felt so warm and gentle, yet at the same time she knew exactly how to grip firmly to really send me into craziness.

As she stroked me and kissed me, I fumbled a bit but finally unhooked her bra and got it off her shoulders. I was getting too excited, too quickly, so I tried to slow her down. But I was too late to stop her from pulling my shorts down and fully releasing my dick. The coolness of the air and the realization that I was now fully exposed in front of her was almost too much. I tried hard to hold back an orgasm that now seemed eminent. When she finished working my shorts all the way off, I pulled her back up to me and rolled her onto her back.

Her erect and pointing nipples just screamed at me to be molested. I wanted to make love to her tits and devour them. I moved my face down to her chest and held each breast in my hands. I caressed them and gently squeezed them together. Then I began to kiss her chest and lick at the sides and bottom of her sweet mounds. I used my tongue to circle her nipples as I allowed my lips to gently rub against them as if by accident. Occasionally she let out a quiet moan and then a gasp whenever I touched her nipples. Her hips began to move rhythmically against my leg and I could feel the heat and wetness coming from her pussy.

Then quickly I sucked in her whole left nipple and aureole. My tongue kneaded her nipple in my mouth and I teasingly bit softly with my teeth. My left hand grabbed her right tit and I pinched the nipple gently but firmly while I held tightly onto the bulk of her tit. She gasp louder and moaned a through some phrases like, ‘oh…yes…that feels so good…..mmm…..yes keep doing that….’

I kept kissing and sucking and caressing her breasts, chest, neck and arms and slowly moved further down to where I could also kiss her belly. I wanted to go on with this for hours and I don’t think she would have minded. But I also wanted a bigger prize, the taste of this increasingly hotter, wetter, very fragrant young pussy that was grinding feverishly against my naked hips.

I moved my right hand down to pull off her panties as I began to kiss and tongue her navel. As I did she raised her hips to allow me to take her panties completely off and now she too was completely naked. I moved down further and positioned myself between her legs and began to kiss her calves and knees. Slowly I caressed her legs with my hands and moved my kisses further and further up the inside of her thighs. Her pubic hair, neatly trimmed and dark, was so wet it glistened in the soft candlelight. All around her pussy it was already soaking wet and her clit was incredibly swollen.

Just as I moved my hands to the inside of her upper thighs, with the intention of spreading her legs farther apart, and as I was about to kiss her leg just inches from her pussy lips
, she pushed my head away and said, ‘No!’

‘NO!?’ I thought. Oh my god I can’t stop now! I have to eat this sweet, gorgeous pussy or I will die!


‘No.’ she said again, but continued. ‘not until you say it…..I want to hear you say it. Like you did downstairs.’

I couldn’t believe she was gonna put me through this, but I was willing to do anything at that point. Quietly I began to repeat my boldrequest from the dining room, ‘I want to…….’

‘NO silly, I want you to say it like you mean it!’ she instructed with a giggle.

‘Oh shit,’ I thought, ‘she’s such a tease.’

‘Okay’ So I said it with more volume, ‘I want to…’

‘No….no…NO’ she interrupted again. ‘I want you to say it passionately and desperately…like you said it down stairs.’

I gave her an understanding smile and proceeded to start over, kissing her knees and stroking her thighs with my fingers. In a very short time we were back to the point we had been before and she seemed confident I would now say it right. She relaxed, closed her eyes and spread her legs wide. I kissed the back of her thighs right up to her butt. I folded her knees in and wrapped my arm around her leg and I kissed up and down the inside of her leg allowing my cheek to occasionally rub against her pussy. I could taste her juices on the side of her legs and her smell was irresistible. I knew she wasn’t going to let me get any closer until I spoke that fateful request, and I knew that neither she nor I could wait much longer for the inevitable.

I was nervous and uncomfortable at first because it sounded so crude and pornographic, but I began to say it anyway.

‘Ryan,…..I want to taste your pussy.’

She moaned and said, ‘Keep saying it……keep saying it baby’

‘I want to taste your hot, wet pussy.’ I repeated actually starting to enjoy the dirty talk.

I moved my mouth toward her lips and she held me back again.

‘Say it again.’

‘Oh Ryan……let me eat your pussy….I want my tongue in your pussy.’

She moaned in approval, ‘Keep going….more.’

I continued to kiss her legs getting closer and closer to her pussy lips and her mound. I rubbed her legs and hips with my hands.

‘I want to suck in all of your wetness…..I want to suck your clit, baby.’

She was breathing so deep and heavy and a whimper was present with every exhale, but she kept talking back. ‘Oh David, do you really want me? Do…you…..really….want my pussy?’

‘Oh god yes……let me stick my tongue in your hot, sweet, young pussy’

‘I want you to have me,……my….pussy. I want you to have it….’

I kept licking closer and closer eventually rubbing my tongue past her rectum and to the base of her vaginal opening. She moaned even louder and pulled her legs up spreading them to give me full access to her glorious crotch and her pink, swollen pussy. I knew she was ready for me to enjoy the feast as she tried to pull my head further in between her legs. But I wanted to keep teasing her a bit longer. Plus, I was now thoroughly enjoying the dirty talk and I thought she was getting off on it too Every time I spoke she acted like it was causing her pleasure, so I thought I’d continued. ‘I’m gonna eat your pussy, baby……I’m gonna make you cum with my tongue……That’s right, Ryan…..I’m gonna make you come with my tongue in your pussy…….I want you to come on my face.’

I kept up the talk while I teased her. Occasionally I would now lick at her pussy lips, but I was careful not to touch her clit…yet.

Finally, she had had enough and so had I. I was desperate to plunge my tongue into her soft, silky, wet hole. As she held her legs open I separated her lips with my fingers and began to lick and kiss all along the inside of her pussy and along the sides of her erect clit. She had produced so much fluid that her legs and butt were now very moist and I could actually lap up what was pooling at the entrance to her vagina. ‘Thank god for young pussy’ I thought as I filled my mouth with the taste of her juices. I could feel my cheeks and chin were also now wet as well.

I started gently at first, but increased the rhythm little by little, as I began to give attention to her clit. Every now and then I would pinch it a little between my lips. My tongue would slide along its length and probe between the folds. As I licked at her clit I inserted one and then two fingers deep into her pussy. She moaned louder and shuddered. As my fingers worked inside, and my tongue worked outside, she started writhing almost uncontrollably. I was reminded that my now, dripping with pre-cum cock, was not going let me forget about it, as it was pulsating with the desire to plunge into her incredible body. I would not give into it though, as I was determined to enjoy consuming this pussy as long as she could stand it.

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Date Night

I had the shock of my life when my good friend and neighbor told me that she and her husband had contemplated “spicing up” their marriage. When I asked Dee what that meant, she told me that they wanted to expand their sexual horizons with another couple. Her husband Will had suggested Mark and me.My name is Vicki, I’m twenty-five having been married to Mark for three years. Mark and I were high school sweethearts. We knew each other as friends all through high school but only started dating the...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Date Night

I had the shock of my life when my good friend and neighbor told me that she and her husband had contemplated “spicing up” their marriage. When I asked Dee what that meant, she told me that they wanted to expand their sexual horizons with another couple. Her husband Will had suggested Mark and me.My name is Vicki, I’m twenty-five having been married to Mark for three years. Mark and I were high school sweethearts. We knew each other as friends all through high school but only started dating the...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Date Night 5

This is the 5th story in the Date Night series. I wrote this story for the enjoyment of adults only. Hope you like it. Please send any comments to [email protected] DATE NIGHT 5 Written by 4play In the two weeks that had elapsed since the Mistress Rachel's wild party, my wife Chris had not mentioned a word about the events which had transpired there. While she had obviously had a very exciting time, I had spent much of the party bound and hooded in what was called the Playroom,...

4 years ago
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Date Night

Date night By 2nn WARNING! This story is not for minors or people who don't like sexualwritings, BDSM, homosexuality and such. It depicts extreme slavery,brutal torture, forced feminism, hard core homosexual sex, and a rangeof other sexual activities. If this offends you stop reading now. Kimmie checked herself one final time in the mirror, to make sure thatshe looked acceptable - or rather that she looked perfect; at least asperfect as a worthless and nearly used up sissy bitch could look....

4 years ago
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Three Big Beautiful Teenagers

Three Big Beautiful Teenagers My daughter Vanessa asked, “Daddy am I pretty?” I replied, “Honey, your mother was the girl of my dreams and you are just a younger version of her. Of course I think you are pretty, even beautiful.” Vanessa said, “But I’m fat, Daddy. Everybody says that I’m fat.” I replied, “Then they are all wrong. You are a big beautiful teenager.” Vanessa asked, “What about Tina and Lois?” I smiled and said, “The three of you girls together is more than I...

3 years ago
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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

2 years ago
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Date Night

Not for the underaged. I don't know why, but that's how it is. Those who don't like stories like this will find that this is the kind of story they don't like. Fair warning! Date Night by Vickie Tern "Laurie, this can't be right! I look like a loose woman!" "No, Stevie love, you look like a nice woman. Lipstick and eye shadow don't make for a loose woman, all they do is declare that a decent woman's fit to...

2 years ago
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Date Night Part 5

I had finally managed to fall asleep and woke up at six without the alarm. I didn't have much time, but did as I was told last night. I got out the magazine and quickly milked myself to prevent embarrasment later. Stripping off my panties and nightgown, I ran into the shower. I decided to Nair myself to assist the illusion of femininity. My armpits and legs had been hairless since I started living female at home full time, but it was time to do my arms as well and let the chips fall...

4 years ago
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Date Interrupted

by youbadboy I was home alone getting ready, and had put on my favorite red dress. It was a first date and I was pretty excited. I hadn’t been on like a real date in a long time. I was in the bathroom putting some of the finishing make up touches on, when I heard the front door open then slam. Shit. Shit. That would be my father home from the bar. drunk. I thought I could get out of here before HE came home. I was living with daddy for about a year now because I didn’t make enough to live on...

3 years ago
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Date needed

So, it's was Mike's company's Christmas party and they do this very fancy gala at a ballroom in a swanky hotel. He needed a date. Someone who would impress his boss and be great eye candy on his arm for his colleagues. He wanted a gorgeous woman who would dress elegantly but also slightly sexy. A lady that would be able to have intelligent conversation with his contemporaries, make the men stare and the women be slightly envious. The evening could help his career tremendously and he...

3 years ago
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Date Night

Mary had no luck with men. She was a very pretty petite blonde with a perpetually sunny smile and disposition. Yet all the men she was meeting were some mixture of arrogant, horny, desperate, and/or clueless about how to act on a date or around a woman. The worst of these was the horniness. You want men to have a healthy interest; but the guys she dated almost universally either would start pressuring her to have sex, or were so clearly worried about the question of getting into her pants as...

3 years ago
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Dating Rules for Teenagers

A Parent's Guide to their Daughter's Welfare The early years of your child's life are tough enough, but with the advent of the teen years a parent has to face the added challenge of sex in a permissive society. Setting strict rules to deal with the situation is your job as a parent, but how can you control the behavior of a horny young teenage girl when her hormones are raging and she no longer listens to a word you say? First and foremost, make sure your daughter is on the pill as soon as...

3 years ago
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Date Night 2 A Date Weekend

A DATE WEEKEND After our successful first date, Hannah and I kept in regular contact via email. True to her word, Hannah tried to set up a second date for us to go for a meal together on her side of London for a few weeks hence. However, as so often happens when you are trying to set a date for something you would really like to do, it proved impossible to match diaries. Although we tried juggling other commitments, we just couldn't find a suitable evening that we could both...

2 years ago
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In forest with a teenager

We had agreed to meet at a bus stop, at the edge of the city central. It was a warm summer day and I was arriving by foot. I had had a couple of beers to calm my nerves. When I turned to the correct street, the bus stop was about 50 yards from me, and I noticed a figure sitting on the bench. Long blonde hair... I was so nervous. I had never met a girl this much younger than myself. How would she react to me..? I walked up to the bus stop. We looked at each other for a while, both obviously...

2 years ago
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Date Night Just a start

Date Night The dorm was quiet as always on Friday night when all the other girls would go out with their boy of the week in some cases the guy who asked before any other. Kaylee laid in here room reading over her notes from class as she heard a noise down the hall of her floor. A tall man with blue eyes and dark hair came out of the community bathroom. It was a shock to see a man on this floor even less...

1 year ago
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Date Night Just a start

Introduction: College student meets older male and falls in love I wasnt sure if I had the skills to write a story so leave me a message if you like the start of this story if you do I will keep going. Date Night The dorm was quiet as always on Friday night when all the other girls would go out with their boy of the week in some cases the guy who asked before any other. Kaylee laid in here room reading over her notes from class as she heard a noise down the hall of her floor. A tall man with...

2 years ago
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Date Night Part 1

My wife Brenda had come home a day early from a business trip. She didn't call because she wanted to surprise me. I'm not sure which one of us was more surprised when she caught me getting ready for bed wearing her pink nylon panties, bra and nightgown. I tried to hide my erection in the panties. She told me she wasn't really angry, but now completely understood why I couldn't get an erection to have sex with her. I started mumbling an apology but she stopped me short. Now she WAS...

3 years ago
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Playdate with 2 couples

So I responded to an add a of a couple looking for a gang bang. We then had a chat with me to see if I will fit into the party that they are planning. After my "interview" I was given the details of the planned party. So the when the Saturday eve arrived I head of to the residents of this couple. As I arrived I was welcomed by a sexy blond woman. I was the first to arrive and they were waiting on the other people to arrive still. In the meantime we chatted and had a few drinks. As we were...

1 year ago
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Date Rape Aftermath

This story is part of the continuing adventures of Katie and Jeanette, two college-age witches. They are now members of the Mu Phi sorority, and use their powers to help the girls. To fully understand the story, you should read "The Consequences of Date Rape", archived at fictionmania. I've tried to make this story stand-alone, but as a sequel, it really helps if you read its predecessor. The story of Katie, Jeanette, and the Mu Phi sorority is open, should someone wish to...

3 years ago
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Date Night

  I just got off the phone with one of my black boyfriends when I heard my husbands car pull into the driveway. I was talking to James for the past hour and my pussy was still wet in anticipation of our date later this evening. James always makes my pussy wet when we talk on the phone.  My husband sat down for dinner while I hurried in to take a shower. I stood under the hot water allowing the hot water stimulate my already aroused nipples. I’m fairly well endowed and the water was hitting my...

2 years ago
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Date With Married Girl Leads To Sex

Hi all, this is Rahul here. I am not new to this site but going to write a story first time. This is the story I was thinking to do since long back, couldn’t find enough time for it. My email id is Please leave your comments to encourage me. First let me give you a brief intro about me. I am 25 years old, slim built, more than average looking guy. Basically I am from delhi, but living and working in Hyderabad since 2 yrs. I am working in a MNC here, doing usual software stuff, getting paid...

3 years ago
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Date Night 3

This is a story I wrote for the enjoyment of Adults. It is the third one of a series of 7 loosely connected tales. Any comments would be welcome at [email protected] DATE NIGHT 3 Written by 4play My wife Chris and I had been having our DATE NIGHTS twice a month for several years. On these special nights we would put aside all other matters and indulge in playing kinky sex games. While originally she had come up with the idea as a means of keeping me happy, she had been...

2 years ago
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Date with the Doctor

Date with the Doctor. Right at this very moment I’m all sexually excited, tingly and horny. I’ve just this second hung up the phone and it’s confirmed that my hot and horny fuck date with the Doctor will take place later tonight. The telephone conversation did get quite lively and in no time we were discussing what would occur during the evening. I’ve too go to his house all spiced up just for him and we’ll fuck, suck, lick, grope, probe and swap bodily fluids for a few hours, then hopefully I...

2 years ago
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Date with the Doctor

Date with the Doctor. Right at this very moment I’m all sexually excited, tingly and horny. I’ve just this second hung up the phone and it’s confirmed that my hot and horny fuck date with the Doctor will take place later tonight. The telephone conversation did get quite lively and in no time we were discussing what would occur during the evening. I’ve too go to his house all spiced up just for him and we’ll fuck, suck, lick, grope, probe and swap bodily fluids for a few hours, then hopefully I...

1 year ago
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Playdates Act Dos

“Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning?” Tara responded cheerfully. “Shut up,” Lauren answered. “I just had a bad day.” “Why?” Tara asked, pulling away from the curb. She seemed a little more concerned, although her best friend did have a knack for turning something small into the biggest deal on earth. “I failed my Spanish test.” “Oh, Lauren, no.” Tara knew how important it was for Lauren to do well on her last test. “Yeah,” Lauren said glumly. “If I don’t get at least a B+...

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Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...

2 years ago
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Playdates Act Dos

Introduction: Lauren and Tara enjoy another taboo escapade… until theyre caught Lauren was walking down the street when a red Honda came screeching to a stop next to her. Jesus, Tara, she muttered, as she slung her backpack off her shoulder and walked toward the car. She opened the door and slid into the passengers seat. Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning? Tara responded cheerfully. Shut up, Lauren answered. I just had a bad day. Why? Tara asked, pulling away from the curb. She seemed...

2 years ago
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Naptime. The girls were asleep downstairs. Allen and I, in a lazy state from a lunch of chicken nuggets and french fries (the girls' choice), were sprawled out next to each other on the couch, yawning and gazing at the TV.Just another rainy Sunday afternoon playdate. Allen and I had been doing this for the past two months, giving ourselves a chance at a moment of peace while the girls play with each other, on days when his wife and my girlfriend were scheduled to work.We met through our women,...

1 year ago
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I'm going to try and make this quick. This is a fucked up sarcastic fantasy, and if it turns you on, um, wow.I'm chatting on some sleezy alt site with some chippie who is obviously a cop. Cute misspelling and cartoon references that showed he studied.I dance around the issue for weeks. I'm not sending any dick pics, asking for specific info like age etc. I was real cagey. I'm not into that sort of thing but i got another agenda, so eventually i agree to meet.I know what this is. I've made...

3 years ago
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We are in the lounge and sitting on the couch! I am wearing my suit and silk boxers and you are wearing a short skirt and low cut top! God you look so good!We start by having a drink and then I take your foot and just catch a glimpse of your black thong! As I move your foot up on to my lap and start to massage it I cant stop thinking about you black thong! I start to get very randy I am starting to get very hard and you can feel it on your foot and just smile to yourself, which I don't see! I...

3 years ago
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The usual caveats apply. This is a copywrited work of transgendered fiction and may not be reproduced anywhere without the express consent of the author. LITE is closer to my original plan; the first attempt, still not finished, having morphed into a monster approaching novelette status. The characters took over and changed the plot completely. If enough people [hell, anyone at all] appreciate this effort, I will submit the longer version with some of the glossed over elements...

2 years ago
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© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I knocked, waiting patiently, and finally I hear her slowly unlock the door. She had never seen me before so it was nice to see a smile appear from those beautiful lips. She invited me inside after saying hello and asked me to sit while she got ready as I had just woken her up from a nap. She was tall. Tall and pretty, almost taller than me but I liked that fact. It looked like she had just pulled on some thin...

1 year ago
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Swingers Date Club aka SDC Swingers aka! Not every website that you visit in order to feed your endlessly lustful appetites has to be an orgiastic smorgasbord of whores and porn and all-out fuck fests with anal gaping and deepthroating and double penetration galore. Consider for a moment that you might take some time out of your day to become a little more enlightened about sexuality. Have you ever stopped to consider that possibility? That you might educate yourself on the nature of...

Hookup Sites
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TS Dates! One of the great things about being the internationally famous Porn Dude is that bitches always want my cock. I find it when I’m out and about, and I also find it online, and I always want it with no strings attached. Speaking of strings attached, the broads on this dating site come with that extra bonus bit dangling between the legs. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and shemales of all fuck-legal ages, is exactly what it sounds like.The header on TS Dates calls it a Premium...

Hookup Sites
4 years ago
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Date Night With Uncle Dave

Introduction: Uncle Dave invites me to go on a date with him and his hot girlfriend. My young horizons have begun to expand. Wow! Uncle Dave just asked me to go out with him and his new girlfriend! The idea had me fairly dancing around my room. I mean, I just turned 13 and most guys didnt even look at me twice. I was skinny and except for puffy nipples, I was flat as a pancake still. So, I guess I was maybe fantasizing about going on a real date. Uncle Dave was kinda good looking, you know, for...

1 year ago
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Date Night 4

This is a story that I wrote for the enjoyment of adults. Hope you enjoy it if you're 21 or more. Any feedback or comments can be sent to me at [email protected] Date Night 4 Written by 4play It had been two weeks since our wild weekend with Rachel and Jerry. They and my wife Chris had turned me into a total sex slave, using me for their sexual pleasure. I was made to dress like a woman and sexually used as a woman. My ass had been dildo raped by both women as well as Jerry's...

2 years ago
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Date Night for Nancy

My Wife, Nancy, and I have an open marriage; she can have all the sex she wants to have and I can have all that she gives me permission to have. Nancy makes no secret about our open arrangements and openly flirts even when I'm with her. The other night Nancy, her mother, and I were at dinner when Nancy spotted a guy she was interested in. Her mother thought he was cute so the flirting was on. Eventually he came over to our table with some after dinner drinks for Nancy and her mother and a...

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