On Forgetting Ch. 10 free porn video

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They climbed off the bus and retrieved their packs from the luggage compartment. Dingle wasn’t a very big town, if you could even call it a town. It was more of a small village on the far southwest coast. A throwback to the picturesque simplicity of small-town Ireland, but it had a bus depot at the bottom of the Strand and the Mall, and the two emerged into the bright, seaside morning. There was a brisk, cold breeze coming in from the harbour, and Langdon was glad she packed warm layers for the weekend, they were going to need them.

She dropped her heavy camping backpack and stretched her arms over her head, rising up on her toes. Connor watched as her shirt and fleece pulled up in the front, exposing a flash of soft flesh and bellybutton. A grin crossed his face and as he crept up behind her and slid a hand across her stomach.

Langdon let out a shriek and a giggle as she folded over his hand to protect the vulnerable skin. ‘Your hands are cold!’ she squealed.

He chuckled against the side of her neck. ‘I know. I thought you could warm them up for me.’ A small shiver ran through her and she laced her fingers through his to save herself from the cold. He rested his chin on her shoulder, ‘So where do you have us going from here?’

Her stomach rumbled loudly and she blushed. ‘Well, food first apparently.’

‘Are you on the menu?’ he nipped at the skin on her neck.

She let out a squeak. ‘Behave!’ She turned in his arms and grinned. ‘I figured we could find a place to eat here in town, then rent our bikes and head out toward Fahan. We have reservations at one of the B&Bs out there.’

Connor raised a brow. ‘Do you think they have thick walls?’

Langdon’s eyes widened and her face turned red before she smacked his arm. ‘Connor Kennedy!’ She couldn’t maintain a disapproving expression when faced with his roguish grin and they both dissolved into a fit of giggles.

He dipped his head, brushing his lips against hers. ‘It makes me so happy to see you laugh like that.’

She bit her lower lip and gazed into his warm green-brown eyes. ‘You make me happy,’ she said shyly.

‘Stick with me, kid,’ he murmured, kissing her. Her stomach growled again and they both chuckled. ‘Ok, I get it,’ he laughed. ‘You need food. I best keep you fed.’ He released her to swing his bag up onto his shoulders. ‘You pick, I’ll pay.’ He grabbed her bag with one hand and her hand with the other. She squeezed it affectionately and tugged him down the Strand looking for a place to eat.


It was past midday when Paul got off the train in Tralee and glanced around the station. It was one of the older stations built in the early 1900s and probably never fully renovated. There were pigeons wandering the floor and Paul grumbled, kicking at the birds. Stupid birds, the hell are they doing inside anyway? Rats with wings.

He found the bus desk and rang the bell, barely keeping a frown from his lips as a rather overweight woman trundled over to the window. ‘Can I help you?’ she asked, her voice heavily accented and he guessed she was from Cork.

‘I sure hope you can, ma’am,’ he plastered a warm grin on his face. ‘I’m so sorry, but my brother and his girlfriend came through here earlier today. I was supposed to be here, but my plane was delayed in Dublin and now I don’t know where they’ve gone. I had the bus route written down somewhere and I can’t seem to find it. You haven’t seen them by any chance, have you?’

He slid a picture of Lang and Connor under the divider. The woman picked it up with her pudgy fingers and squinted. ‘Sorry, honey. I don’t think so.’

‘Well, shoot.’ Paul crammed his hands in his pockets and tried to look helpless.

‘It was awfully quiet here this morning. Maybe Sean saw them,’ she suggested and turned over her shoulder, shouting into the back room. ‘Sean! C’mere! You seen two kids come through here this morning?’ She turned to Paul, ‘They’re American as well?’ He nodded. She resumed shouting over her shoulder. ‘An American couple, cute as pie.’ An unintelligible string of words poured from the back room and the woman turned around with a big toothy grin. ‘He said that the two American kids went off to Dingle on the route 503 bus. Does that sound right?’

Paul took the picture back from her and smiled broadly. ‘You know, it does. You’ve saved my hide.’

The woman blushed, ‘No worries, dearie. You need a ticket on the next one?’

He nodded and paid for the ticket, giving the woman a wink before heading out for toward the buses. ‘Stupid bitch,’ he muttered under his breath.


Dr. Maslow massaged his temples as he spoke. ‘It’ll take me a few hours to pull up all of his reports. We don’t catalogue by pathologist the same way with the SHOs. He shouldn’t have been signing off on many by himself, but we’ve been a little understaffed and he was less monitored than he should have been.’

The inspector in charge nodded. ‘Give me a ballpark figure here.’

Maslow sighed and looked up at the man, his imposing figure made insignificant by the flashing temper in his eyes. ‘At least thirty.’

‘How much money would that make?’ the inspector asked quietly.

‘Your guess is as good as mine,’ Maslow shook his head. ‘I guess if someone could sell them, or had a buyer set up, I would figure at least fifty grand per organ.’

‘That’s quite a profit there.’ He scratched the back of his neck, ruffling the salt and pepper strands in dire need of a trim. ‘Any idea where we could find him now?’

Maslow frowned. ‘He was supposed to be in this morning. He called in sick, but I got the feeling he just wanted the weekend off.’

Inspector Hynes turned to the nearest officer. ‘Put a trace on his phone and credit cards. I want someone at his flat in the next fifteen minutes.’ He turned back to Maslow. ‘Stick close to your phone. If he shows up here, call me.’

Maslow accepted the card from the inspector and nodded miserably, dropping his head into his hands. This was a career ender.


Langdon smiled into the sun as they glided down the coastal road near Ventry. She turned toward Connor and yelled over the sound of the wind. ‘There should be a beach up here soon.’

Connor glanced over his shoulder and shook his head. He couldn’t hear her, the wind in his helmet making it near impossible to hear anything. Granted, the scenery made up for it. The coast of Ireland was gorgeous. Here on the Dingle peninsula, it was rolling hills, green farmland, rocky shores, and Mount Eagle looming in the distance. It was breathtaking. He pulled his bike over as they reached a fork in the road and flashed Langdon a dazzling smile. ‘Sorry, what was that?’

Langdon skidded to a stop next to him and glanced up at the road sign. ‘Well it’s good to know exactly how far we are from Dublin, but is that really necessary?’

Connor chuckled. ‘I’m thinking that way,’ he stated pointed to the right.

‘Really? Why there?’

‘It says ‘Conor Pass.’ That sounds like a place I should be.’ He grinned broadly and Langdon shook her head. ‘So where to, oh wise map guide?’

Langdon squinted at the sign. ‘We should head toward Ventry Cross. There’s a beach there that would be a perfect place to stop for a snack, shouldn’t be more than a kilometre that way.’

‘What is it with you and food today?’ Connor reached out and tweaked her nose with his gloved hand.

Langdon wrinkled her nose. ‘Physical exertion makes me hungry.’

Connor gave her a lop-sided grin. ‘Well, then I’ll have to keep that in mind.’

She stuck out her tongue and kicked her bike back into motion. ‘Last one to the beach is a rotten egg.’

The road came to a rather abrupt end as they passed out of Ventry and right into the sloped dunes of the beach. Connor locked up his bike and helped Langdon do the same. Turning toward the shore, he let out a low whistle and took in the view. ‘Laney, t
his place is amazing.’

Langdon grinned and gazed out over the water, propping her sunglasses up on her forehead. Ventry Cross was situated on the sandy beach of a south-eastern facing cove. The high cliffs at the entrance of the inlet sheltered the small haven from the wind and most of the waves that tended to dominate the southwest of Ireland. Even at the end of January, the sun was warm, and without the wind, it was pleasant provided one was warmly dressed.

She dug a sack out of her backpack and wandered out onto the high sloping sand. She dropped down and waited for Connor to join her, handing him a sandwich from the sack. They ate in a companionable silence, listening to the waves roll into the shore. When they had finished, Connor wrapped his arms around Langdon and pulled her against his side. ‘Ok, travel guide. We ought to get rolling again. I don’t want you catching a chill out here.’

Langdon snuggled against the fleece he was wearing, tilting her head to kiss the underside of his jaw. ‘Well,’ she turned west, gazing down the long beach. ‘Fahan is about five kilometres that way. And I was hoping to see Dun Beag and Caher Conor while we’re out here this weekend.’ She twisted looking east and up toward the village. ‘And about fifty metres that way is our B&B that I was hoping to see sooner.’

Connor turned and squinted up the road, catching sight of a cheery yellow building with large bay windows and a patio overlooking the bay. He grinned and dragged Langdon into his lap, kissing her softly. ‘You’re brilliant,’ he murmured.


Hynes stormed into the flat searching for one of the Garda. ‘Tell me you have good news.’

One of his young officers straightened. ‘Sir, he’s not here.’

‘I can see that,’ he said, his dark eyes flashing dangerously.

The officer cleared his throat. ‘He took off this morning. Apparently he was upset and stormed out around nine. A neighbour said he only had a small bag with him.’

‘Do we have a picture and a description of what he was wearing?’

‘Yes, sir.’

Hynes nodded slowly. ‘Good. Where did he go?’

The officer glanced around uncomfortably, ‘We’re still working on that.’

Hynes frowned, his mobile ringing and saving the officer from a scathing tirade. ‘Go ahead,’ he barked into the phone. A small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth, ‘Brilliant. Get me the name of someone down in Tralee.’ He ended the call and turned back to the scene officer. ‘Clean this place up and put a man on the street. If he comes back, I want to know.’


Paul kicked the door closed and dropped onto the bed. He had gotten as far as Dingle and hit a dead end. From what he could gather, they came into town, and went… where? They didn’t rent a car, they rented bikes. He had figured they’d be coming back to Dingle for the night. But they weren’t registered at any of the local hostels, hotels, or B&Bs. Now, it was after dark, and his only lead was that they were going to look at ‘the ruins.’

He pushed himself off the bed and dumped a bag of brochures on the floor, rifling through the brightly coloured leaflets. He tossed aside one after another: Fungi the dolphin, The Orchard, Mara Beo Aquarium, Cooleen Theatre, The Marina. He stopped, eying an Irish heritage flyer – Caher Conor. He flipped to the back and read the blurb describing the small beehive cluster.

Paul snorted. It would be just like them to go there. And, he read on, there’s another place about a kilometre closer to Dingle, a promontory fort with multiple ruined walls overlooking the ocean. He would bet money they would go there. He’d just have to get there before them.

He set an alarm and turned to his bag on the floor, removing the semi automatic. He released the clip and studied it before reloading the gun. He was so close to getting free of this debt. So close.


Langdon groaned and rolled onto her back, ‘I can’t believe I let you talk me into fish and chips.’

Connor’s hand slid across her stomach, bunching her oversized t-shirt slightly as he stretched out on the bed beside her, admiring the image she made – relaxing on the bed wearing an old pair of his boxers and a beat up t-shirt. ‘You have to admit it was the best fish and chips you’ve ever had.’

She laid her hand atop his and smiled. ‘If you ever put a pile of chips near me again, so help me, Connor…’

He brushed his lips against hers. ‘You’d eat them in a heartbeat,’ he murmured. She chuckled as he kissed her tenderly.

‘Mmn, true,’ her eyes fluttered back open, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.

He propped himself up on his elbow and ran his thumb slowly across her cheek then along the border of her lower lip. ‘How are you doing?’

‘Aside from a serious food coma…’ His fingers felt so wonderful as they traced along her skin, she wanted to purr. ‘I’m good.’

‘Just good?’ he raised a brow, dropping his hand back to her stomach, plucking absently at the soft cotton of the shirt. He glanced down at his fingers, ‘It’s just, you know, that after last night, I wanted to make sure that you’re ok with everything.’

He raised his eyes to meet hers again and Langdon felt a blush suffuse her skin at the memory. He was always concerned for her, always making sure she was happy, the attention made her blush even more. Then there was something in his eyes as he gazed at her, a vulnerability that spoke directly to her heart. She nodded slowly. ‘Yeah, I um…’ Her face turned a dark shade of crimson as she spoke hesitantly, ‘Last night was fantastic. It felt like you knew exactly how to touch me, where…’

Connor chuckled darkly. ‘To be fair, you have given me months of instruction on the subject.’ Langdon let out a mortified squeak and buried her face in her hands, turning into his chest. He gently tugged on her wrists so he could see her face. ‘So, it was good sex, eh?’

She chewed on her lower lip. ‘Yes,’ she said softly. ‘Was I… I mean, did you?’

Connor crooked his finger under her chin and tilted her lips to meet his, kissing her ever so sweetly, his lips moving gently against hers, heating her blood and tugging a soft moan from her. He rested his forehead against hers, sighing. ‘Laney, there is absolutely no way you could leave me unsatisfied.’ He smiled wryly, ‘Is that all that’s bothering you?’

Langdon shrugged, pulling on the sleeve of his shirt ‘It’s not about the sex being good, Connor, you know?’

He cocked his head to the side. ‘It isn’t?’

A laugh escaped her and she batted his arm playfully. ‘No. It was, but no. I don’t know. I’ve never been in this position before.’

He chuckled, ‘Missing memories aside, you should know that you’ve been in this position before.’ He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

‘Connor,’ she rolled her eyes. ‘That’s not what I meant.’

He waited, watching her as she struggled to find the right words. After a moment, he took her hand, studying each finger carefully as if to give her space to think, relinquishing control of her hand when she seemed to want it back. ‘What did you mean, then?’

A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth and she toyed absently with his fingers. ‘I’m just never the one who’s unsure in a relationship. I mean, normally, I’m waiting for the guy to catch up. And you seem so sure.’

‘I am sure.’

‘This, you and me.’ She restlessly ran her fingers along his palm. ‘This feels right. Like, like I know that I’m supposed to be here. And I trust my gut. I do. Thank God. But being with you, it’s wonderful, and it’s comfortable, and you just look at me and it makes me feel all warm and tingly.’

‘Warm and tingly?’ he captured her hand again, bringing her fingertips to his mouth, kissing each one. ‘Is this something you’ve remembered? Or something that you’ve just sort of stumbled across?’

Langdon sighed, her eyes growing sad. ‘I suppose stumbled across.’ Her eyes flit away, looking anywhere b
ut him. ‘I wish I could remember all the firsts, all the little things, all the dates, all the nights we’ve spent together…’

‘You will,’ he said gently. ‘I know you will. You just need a little more time.’

She cupped his face in her palm, reassured by the look in his eyes. ‘I know,’ she whispered. ‘I know. And I guess… I don’t know. I just. I like this,’ she finished quietly.

He tilted his head to kiss her palm, his eyes closing as she ran her thumb across his lips. When he opened his eyes, he met her gaze with an intense, heated green stare, turning to capture her thumb between his teeth. She smothered a giggle, her cheeks colouring. ‘You like this, huh?’

She laughed as he released her, his hand playing with a stray lock of her hair. ‘We um… We haven’t been here before, have we?’

Connor pursed his lips. ‘Have we been here before? Here?’ he pointed down for emphasis. ‘As in, here in bed?’

‘No,’ she groaned, rolling her eyes.

‘Here?’ he stroked his fingers along her stomach, inching the hem up along her ribs. ‘As in you laying here, driving me slowly insane, looking sexy, teasing me.’ He stooped, his lips tracing a line up her stomach. Langdon sucked in a breath, weaving her fingers into his hair. ‘Or,’ he propped himself back up on his elbow suddenly, raising a brow, ‘do you mean, have I been playing along with this for the past day without letting you know that we’ve been here before?’

She bit her lip and nodded slowly. ‘Well?’

‘Well?’ He bent and pressed his lips to her stomach. Langdon expected a kiss, but instead got a big, wet raspberry.

She shrieked, flailing, and dissolving in a fit of giggles. ‘Stop! STOP!’ she laughed, pushing at his shoulders.

Connor wrapped both arms around her waist, propping his chin between her breasts. He flashed her a devilish grin. ‘Come on, Laney. Do you really think I’d do that to you?’ She shook her head. He turned his head to press a kiss to her t-shirt clad breast. ‘Good, because I wouldn’t. We haven’t been here before.’ He inched up, finding the exposed softness of her neck to kiss. ‘Well, not here, here,’ he hummed against her skin. ‘But,’ he slid a hand under the hem of her shirt. ‘I have been here before.’

Langdon groaned, her body tingling as his hands warmed her skin. ‘And you said I was teasing you.’ She ran her fingers through his hair, playing with the strands that curled at the base of his neck.

He sighed, the sound rumbling deep in his throat. ‘You think this is teasing?’

The smile that spread across his face sent a wave of heat through her in a way that had her shifting restlessly under his stare. ‘W-what do you mean?’ her voice sounded husky even in her own ears.

‘Don’t move,’ Connor growled. He kissed her nose and scrambled off the bed, rummaging in his bag and dousing all but the lamp on the dresser. He returned seconds later, straddling her hips and bending to capture her mouth with his. She sighed, sliding her hands around his shoulders. He pulled back slowly, enjoying the way she clung to him, groaning when she finally had to release him to drop back against the pillow. ‘Do you trust me?’ he asked softly.

She blinked, startled. ‘What?’

‘Laney,’ he brushed a kiss across cheek. ‘I want to… to do something, but you have to trust me.’

Her brow furrowed. ‘What do you want to do?’

He kissed away the creases on her forehead and propped himself up on his elbows, gazing down at her. The expression on his face was tender but serious. ‘I want to tie you up,’ he said softly.

Langdon sucked in a breath, ‘You, you want to…’

‘Tie you to the bed,’ he whispered, bracing himself slightly, expecting a sharp reaction from her.


Whatever response she was expecting, his blush wasn’t it. He winced slightly, ‘Can I just promise that you’ll enjoy it?’

She regarded him carefully, she would never have thought it, but something about the suggestion excited her. Excited and scared. If her hands were tied, she wouldn’t be able to touch him, she wouldn’t be able to kiss him when she wanted, she wouldn’t be able to tease him, but she was damn sure he would be teasing her. He would be able to do whatever he wanted. And she would be vulnerable, absolutely, one hundred percent laid bare. And that was terrifying. And that was exciting. She felt colour creeping into her cheeks as her imagination began to fill in the possibilities.

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Author Note: Thanks for all the great comments and scores you been giving me for my stories lately and while i am running a little behind due to others things clogging my brain, i am working to get caught up. I would really love some serious feedback though, because i write these stories to be either liked or disliked and sometimes silence is nerve racking. Remembering 9-11 and hoping that it never happens anywhere again peace darkstone57 * Reni heard him come in and sat up on the couch...

1 year ago
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Sophias Revenge

Visiting SonyaI enter the hospital to visit my Aunt Sonya, as I have every few days lately. She's in the final stages of cancer, and I'm very sad about that.She's not my real aunt, but she's always been like the mother to me that I wish I had. I don't mean to put my mum down. She has done her best, but when it comes to affection, I don't get any from her. Aunt Sonya has always filled that gap."Is she awake?" I ask the nurse at the station near her room."Yes, she's just had breakfast and a wash,...

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Blockade Runner Chameleons Plasma Rifles Book 1Chapter 2

"That was one of the best meals I've had in a long time," Tarra said as she pushed the plate away. "What was that again?" "Gyros and eggs, with hash browns and toast. Glad you liked it; it took a long time to get the replicator to make the tzatziki sauce right." James took a lot of pride in his culinary programming. There wasn't a lot to do sitting in hyperspace between planet falls and cooking was one of his few hobbies. James checked the passive scans and confirmed that the...

3 years ago
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Rachel and Sam

The world is in flames. Well not literally. Figuratively speaking it’s close to going down the drains. To say we’re fine and we will be fine if we keep ourselves neat, clean and respectful. To say – world is doing fine, but some minor hiccup that we could’ve avoid – would be a little too much. We’ve to have chaos at all times. Chaos makes money. Money runs the world. Countries warring against one another; blatant lies orchestrated between nations to disrupt others and just being plain human....

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 421

Frank always looked on the bright side. He would constantly irritate his friends with his eternal optimism. No matter how horrible the circumstance, he would always reply, "It could have been worse." To cure him of his annoying habit, his friends decided to invent a situation so completely bad, so terrible, that even Frank could find no hope in it. On the golf course one day, one of them said, "Frank, did you hear about Tom? He came home last night, found his wife in bed with another...

4 years ago
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Visit to Mexico Pt VI

Later that evening Carmen returned home with her eldest daughter Theresa.After a few minutes of warm 'hello's' exchanged between Rosa and her oldersibling, Carmen inquired as to Terry's whereabouts. Rosa told her thatthey had gone shopping all afternoon and Terry complained about not feelingwell when they returned so she had gone upstairs to her room to rest.Carmen wasn't overly concerned and decided to get started on dinnerpreparations and solicited her two daughters to help.A couple of hours...

4 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 6

I’m already in Zen, when the bullet leaves the pistol. Dad taught me how to catch spears, but not bullets. I concentrate on the bullet as it leaves the pistol. It almost seems like it is going in slow motion. With my right hand, I snatch the bullet out of the air surprising mom, the guy and myself. Before the guy can react, I run towards him with lightning speed, launch myself in the air, and plant my foot in his face, sending the gun out of his hand and putting the guy out for the...

1 year ago
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Church GILF fantasy fulfilled

As a young teenage boy, I was raised in a very strict church. There was a family that were members there and the mom was a stunning MILF fuck fantasy for me. Protecting her real name, I will just refer to the now GILF as "Kat". Kat always wore a very long dress but nine times out of ten, she wore a low cut top along with her dress to church. There were times that I would walk into the kitchen during potluck and she would bend over to take food out of the oven and I would see her big voluptuous...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 2 The Beginning of the End Of My Current Life

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: October 5, 2009) Chapter 2 - The Beginning of the End (Of My Current Life) "What do you mean he thinks you're a girl?" Emily asked incredulously. "Well, he did call me a 'young lady' in the hall, remember." "Yeah," she said...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 4

Cockatoo Part 4Return From BangkokIt was late afternoon by the time my flight left Bangkok and dusk beganto fall about halfway back to Koh Samui. Lights from the fishing boatsin the Gulf of Thailand began to glitter like tiny jewels in thegathering darkness. I could make out the dark shape of Koh Tao, and Ishivered at the memory of what had happened down there only a few weeksago. How close I had come to death in the cold, dark water, and how,given a second chance at life, I was determined to...

2 years ago
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Dominant Male Boss Part 1

I'm not proud of this story but I thought some people on here might be interested.I work in an office with tight deadlines and a high pressure atmosphere. One little mistake and you could ruin a whole project. Several of these projects are worth millions of Euro. It's an IT company and we create applications for large corporate organisations.I've been working there 6 years and have grown to like the pressure. Towards the end of a project, I would work a lot of hours and get quite stressed but...

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[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] “Mr. Thomas, you have a student who would like to speak to you at the counter,” Clara said. The tone she took told me it wasn’t my Jennifer, so I got up and went out and saw one of my choir members, Jeremy Nicholls, a high tenor, who is ten years old. “Good morning, Jeremy,” I said. “You know who I am?” he said nervously. “I know everyone in choir and orchestra. Do you need an...

4 years ago
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The Training

Chapter 1 I saw this ad on a D/S website, repeated here without editing: "married for six months, originally from Ukraine, 24 years of age, nice looking and my husband is from UK. He likes to get me trained to be his submissive. Never tried it for real except back home when I was getting my spankings. Need me to be his slut, asks me to dress very daring, and he even watched me with one of our best friends. we both wish a serious man, very experienced, to train me privately and discreetly,...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 16

Mike knew that Kirsten was going to be of a limited and lessening amount of help with the move as the date of the move drew closer. That was a problem, with having to move so close to her due date, but getting her to agree to move at all make it worth the extra effort. Now, she couldn't move quickly enough. As expected, Mike was still having to check the bathroom every time before Kirsten used it, but there still had been no sign of another snake. At least she didn't feel quite so uptight...

4 years ago
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Down The Memory Lane 8211 Part 1 2 3

Part 1 Life is mostly pleasurable and optimally enjoyable during the period we are actively engaged in acts of sex.. All experiments, experiences and explorations must be relished in sex activities..Spoiling time during this enchanting period of life is lost for ever..Do all that you want to the extent possible may you be a boy or a girl..In fact all over the world the act of sex prevails every moment of the day between males,between females and between male & female..The enthralling semen...

4 years ago
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A Mothers Love Chapter one

She found me in the garden, stripped to the waist, swearing like hell as I pulled and strained at what was left of the tree stump."You son of a bitch, you will fucking well come up, you fucking well will!""Having trouble darling?"I grinned at the sound of her voice, it belonged to the one woman in the world who I knew I could trust."Hi mum," I turned round prepared for the usual kiss, "Oh my God."Her short blonde hair was in clumps as if it had been pulled out, one eye was completely shut, the...

1 year ago
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Star Ch 01

The ultimate wish fufillment. Written in the form of an interview with flashbacks. Part 1 of 5 Part 1: Lucky Star Interviewer: I’m talking with the star and co-star of Karen Carragher’s ‘Dirty Work’, her first film since she finished the seven film series of ‘Scholarship Girl’. Karen is also co-producer on this new project. So, I hear you two met before the film was even properly scripted? Karen Carragher: Yes, that’s right. I was doing some research into waste collection and I came across...

2 years ago
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Winters WonderlandChapter 3

Whenever I’m going to meet with a wife beater or a pimp or any potentially dangerous lowlife, I tell Bear. Just in case something happens to me, I’ll know that there will be someone avenging me. And I can’t think of a better avenger. Looking for Mindy Montgomery is my main job these days. The longer she’s missing, the dimmer the prospects for a happy ending. The first Sunday of every month means lunch at my parents’ house. A somewhat mixed occasion for me. Walker loves it. My mother, Flora,...

2 years ago
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Beth 1Chapter 1 Friday Night

We were all sophomores and juniors from the same high school. None of us on the A-list when it came to the cliques in school—no cheerleaders or football heroes in our group; nope, mostly theater and music people. Just a bunch of kids who'd get together most Friday nights at a local hangout. This particular Friday we were all decompressing from mid-terms and a general bitch session was picking up steam. I was already getting tired of listening to a couple of the guys griping about the amount...

2 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 4 The Meeting

The attractive young concubine entered the anteroom. "The Colonel will see you now." She stood aside so they could enter the Colonel's board-room. Ensign William Barker looked at Sergeant Ken Kowalski, Private Bob Redburn and young Samantha Redburn. Nodding, he entered first. The four found themselves entering a meeting room occupied by Colonel Michael Deschenes, Lieutenant Colonel Chaz Desrocher, Sergeant-Major Butch Blondell, and from the kilopod transport CSS Grey Goose, still in...

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Best Employee

My wife, Leslie, and I have been married for over twenty years. We also have a home based internet business that has started to take off. We needed to hire someone as she and I were becoming overwhelmed. We hired Linda to help us out. Linda stepped in and had no problem taking some of the strain off the two of us. She was great and she and Leslie soon became good friends. I mean it was like they had known each other forever. We started to have "happy hour" on Friday afternoon, Linda and Leslie...

4 years ago
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Down On My Niece

© Copyright 2004 A Discovery in Denver In my defense all I can say is that I didn't set out to fuck my niece. There are reasons for our incest taboos, after all. But it's not like there's any actual blood between us. I'm an uncle by marriage, and she's a step-kid, so we don't share any DNA. In degrees of consanguinity, I'm probably closer to Kevin Bacon. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I saw Alison a fair bit in the first year we were related, because her...

1 year ago
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Morocco Breeding Vacation 3

[ For A & T. And for all those who believe that interracial harmony and justice, can only be obtained biologically, rather than through the court system, or laws.]I have such vivid memories of when my wife Hanna and I were in Rabat (now five months ago). We both really enjoyed our time there, and sight-seeing the first few days. The atmosphere was so different than Poland in October; warm, but because of the close proximity to the ocean, not uncomfortable by any means. The narrow streets...

4 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 12

Beth and I were reclining by the pool when her parents got home. "Ellie, look at this," Mack said in mock alarm. "The body snatchers have grabbed the occupants of our house and replaced them with these two." "Very funny, daddy," Beth said. I told Mack and Ellie that Beth and I decided to try to get along better — at least for a little while. Ellie looked at me and shook her head. "It looks to me like you two found common ground last night," she said. "If you get my meaning." I...

2 years ago
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Barbaria Act 3 Chapter 3

Iron manacles were attached to the newly-named Xena’s wrists and ankles. Then, by means of pulleys and chains, she was hauled aloft towards the ceiling. There she hung, swaying to and fro, taking the strain of the weight on her arm and leg muscles. Her superb breasts hung pendulously, the dark bush of her mound could be seen, there was a look of maniacal fury, tinged with despair, on her aristocratic features. Princess Venetia did not even deign to look up at her victim. She rose from her...

3 years ago
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A Life With Ariel

A Life With Ariel The limousines pulled up to the large gated home at exactly the proper time.Soon, the guests, five men and five women, were filing in through the doorand taking note of the immaculate and well-furnished interior. The greetings were cheerful amongst the old friends. They had not seen eachother in nearly five years and they were all grateful that their host and seenfit to invite them all at the same time. "How the Hell are you guys?" Paul asked them. And then, one byone, he...

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sex with neighbor aunty

This actually started 2 years ago when I was in my junior college 2nd year in Hyderabad. My parents stay in Dubai, but they want to settle finally in India, so they wanted my education to go on in India itself. I use to stay in a hostel nearby our college. I wanted to change the hostel and I was searching for a small flat or room. One day I saw an ad in a classified page, that a house is available for rent in a very nearer area to my college. It was a good residential area. It was actually a...

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The Spanking Couples Bisexual Spanking Party

The Spanking Couples:  Bisexual Spanking Party        Chapter One:  Bill Discovers his Dominant SideBill could not believe what he was experiencing.  He was pounding his big cock into the ass of his friend and fellow Femdom submissive, Ron.  And, he was enjoying it.  Almost 24 hours ago he and his Femdom wife, Debbie, had won a Cocksucking contest, and were now enjoying the victory.  The prize was that their Femdom friends, Marion and Ron, both had to submit to 24 hours of sexual slavery to he...

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sleep Over

Lying on the sofa after everyone had gone to bed, Adam was glad that he had decided to offer to let them stay the night. Yes they had had a drink or two but he had been fascinated with Marianne. He could not believe that she was with Nigel. Marianne obviously cared for him and they must have been a real item once but Nigel had let himself go badly. Goes to show what 20 years will do to a guy if he doesn't make an effort he thought. Nigel just about fell asleep on the lounge after dinner...

2 years ago
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My first car

We all remember our first car, back in college so happy to finally have a driver license out every nightI had drop all my money to get that subaru, i loved that car more than anything else back thenAll summer i gave lift to friends and really had a blast, finally free and i could go anywhereand that summer. at night smoking weed at the park just smoking in my car, enjoying going out to smoke , just in little cute panty and shirt before going back home to watch porntrying to tell myself i was...

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He was laying face down, diagonally across her bed, completely nude. The air conditioner was whispering and he could hear the soft strings of piano music from the CD player like some subliminal message. Although the temperature in the room was moderate his skin was covered with goose bumps and he shivered in anticipation of what he hoped was to come. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed facing him, clad only in a loose fitting robe. Her oiled hands were tracing patterns of ecstasy across...

1 year ago
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My Very First Blowjob

Where do i start....Well back when i was younger i knew a guy named Lupe. I was about 18 and he was about 32. He was a gay guy that everyone in town knew. I skipped school one day and Lupe stopped by. Well anyway i heard a knock on the door. It was Lupe he asked if he could use the bathroom and i said okay and i went to my room. Lupe uses the bathroom then walks into my room. He was a little pissed because his buddy Thomas was not at home. Thomas and Lupe were fuck buddies. Lupe was telling me...

3 years ago
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Gold Member

The Sphinx lay hidden between the pyramids and sand dunes like my clit between the folds of my pussy lips. It was 45oC in the shade, if you could find it. We were busy producing a cheap documentary film on the Egyptian theology of an afterlife for a PBS channel. Michael, my cameraman, was a tall well-build man with long blond hair. He handled his Sony digital video camera as if it was a toy. We were pretending to be tourists to avoid paying bribes to the authorities and to evade their scrutiny....

1 year ago
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First Time Sex With My Maid

Hi Indian sex stories readers. I am Lakshayesh. 18 year old boy from Delhi. I was a regular ISS reader and when I had this sexual encounter with my widowed maid, I couldnt help but share it with you guys. Every girl young or old, every lady hot or cold can write me to I am really looking forward to get reviews from all the readers here on ISS. *** So this happened when I finished my school and was waiting for admission in a good college. Both my mom and dad were doing jobs and were out for...

3 years ago
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The Master in the park

He came from the shadows, close by the tree line. His face was serious, His eyes alive with passion. In his hand He held the Collar, the leash hanging loosely into His other hand. I wasn’t expecting this – not now, not here in the middle of the afternoon, where the people could see. His smile grew as he approached me. All of my thoughts were gone in the instant I saw His eyes… bright with longing, desire and need. I couldn’t think, so I reacted… automatically kneeling to accept the Collar. I...

Love Stories
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Just a day before the wedding

Just a day before the weddingMe and my friend have been best friends for many years. We shared everything. But After he started going out with his girlfriend seema, things were different. When they decided to get married I was the first one to know. I was close to seema as well. If they ever had trouble between them, she would always bring it up to me.But before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. I am married and my wife is amazingly good looking. I am 5'9 decent built...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 16

Millie heard the helicopter as it swooped over the roof, coming in low to land at the pad outside. She had only been back for about a half an hour herself. ……… When Ian told her that Valerie was in an ‘accident’ Millie called the airfield immediately. The trip to the hospital had only taken about 20 minutes, upon arriving she was taken directly to Michael and Valerie. ‘How are they doing,’ Millie asked quietly to the worried looking woman standing between the beds. Tera looked up as the...

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BackroomCastingCouch Angeline 01182021

The lovely Angeline is back! You might remember her from the threesome she shot with us a couple months ago. Cam liked “the short haired girl” so much that he requested she come back. In order to convince her to return, we told her the footage from her threesome video was lost. She was reluctant to come back, but we made it happen :-). In the scene, Angeline is just as bubbly and eager to please as before. This girl doesn’t balk at anything we throw at her and even suggests an...


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