- 3 years ago
- 42
- 0
They climbed off the bus and retrieved their packs from the luggage compartment. Dingle wasn’t a very big town, if you could even call it a town. It was more of a small village on the far southwest coast. A throwback to the picturesque simplicity of small-town Ireland, but it had a bus depot at the bottom of the Strand and the Mall, and the two emerged into the bright, seaside morning. There was a brisk, cold breeze coming in from the harbour, and Langdon was glad she packed warm layers for the weekend, they were going to need them.
She dropped her heavy camping backpack and stretched her arms over her head, rising up on her toes. Connor watched as her shirt and fleece pulled up in the front, exposing a flash of soft flesh and bellybutton. A grin crossed his face and as he crept up behind her and slid a hand across her stomach.
Langdon let out a shriek and a giggle as she folded over his hand to protect the vulnerable skin. ‘Your hands are cold!’ she squealed.
He chuckled against the side of her neck. ‘I know. I thought you could warm them up for me.’ A small shiver ran through her and she laced her fingers through his to save herself from the cold. He rested his chin on her shoulder, ‘So where do you have us going from here?’
Her stomach rumbled loudly and she blushed. ‘Well, food first apparently.’
‘Are you on the menu?’ he nipped at the skin on her neck.
She let out a squeak. ‘Behave!’ She turned in his arms and grinned. ‘I figured we could find a place to eat here in town, then rent our bikes and head out toward Fahan. We have reservations at one of the B&Bs out there.’
Connor raised a brow. ‘Do you think they have thick walls?’
Langdon’s eyes widened and her face turned red before she smacked his arm. ‘Connor Kennedy!’ She couldn’t maintain a disapproving expression when faced with his roguish grin and they both dissolved into a fit of giggles.
He dipped his head, brushing his lips against hers. ‘It makes me so happy to see you laugh like that.’
She bit her lower lip and gazed into his warm green-brown eyes. ‘You make me happy,’ she said shyly.
‘Stick with me, kid,’ he murmured, kissing her. Her stomach growled again and they both chuckled. ‘Ok, I get it,’ he laughed. ‘You need food. I best keep you fed.’ He released her to swing his bag up onto his shoulders. ‘You pick, I’ll pay.’ He grabbed her bag with one hand and her hand with the other. She squeezed it affectionately and tugged him down the Strand looking for a place to eat.
It was past midday when Paul got off the train in Tralee and glanced around the station. It was one of the older stations built in the early 1900s and probably never fully renovated. There were pigeons wandering the floor and Paul grumbled, kicking at the birds. Stupid birds, the hell are they doing inside anyway? Rats with wings.
He found the bus desk and rang the bell, barely keeping a frown from his lips as a rather overweight woman trundled over to the window. ‘Can I help you?’ she asked, her voice heavily accented and he guessed she was from Cork.
‘I sure hope you can, ma’am,’ he plastered a warm grin on his face. ‘I’m so sorry, but my brother and his girlfriend came through here earlier today. I was supposed to be here, but my plane was delayed in Dublin and now I don’t know where they’ve gone. I had the bus route written down somewhere and I can’t seem to find it. You haven’t seen them by any chance, have you?’
He slid a picture of Lang and Connor under the divider. The woman picked it up with her pudgy fingers and squinted. ‘Sorry, honey. I don’t think so.’
‘Well, shoot.’ Paul crammed his hands in his pockets and tried to look helpless.
‘It was awfully quiet here this morning. Maybe Sean saw them,’ she suggested and turned over her shoulder, shouting into the back room. ‘Sean! C’mere! You seen two kids come through here this morning?’ She turned to Paul, ‘They’re American as well?’ He nodded. She resumed shouting over her shoulder. ‘An American couple, cute as pie.’ An unintelligible string of words poured from the back room and the woman turned around with a big toothy grin. ‘He said that the two American kids went off to Dingle on the route 503 bus. Does that sound right?’
Paul took the picture back from her and smiled broadly. ‘You know, it does. You’ve saved my hide.’
The woman blushed, ‘No worries, dearie. You need a ticket on the next one?’
He nodded and paid for the ticket, giving the woman a wink before heading out for toward the buses. ‘Stupid bitch,’ he muttered under his breath.
Dr. Maslow massaged his temples as he spoke. ‘It’ll take me a few hours to pull up all of his reports. We don’t catalogue by pathologist the same way with the SHOs. He shouldn’t have been signing off on many by himself, but we’ve been a little understaffed and he was less monitored than he should have been.’
The inspector in charge nodded. ‘Give me a ballpark figure here.’
Maslow sighed and looked up at the man, his imposing figure made insignificant by the flashing temper in his eyes. ‘At least thirty.’
‘How much money would that make?’ the inspector asked quietly.
‘Your guess is as good as mine,’ Maslow shook his head. ‘I guess if someone could sell them, or had a buyer set up, I would figure at least fifty grand per organ.’
‘That’s quite a profit there.’ He scratched the back of his neck, ruffling the salt and pepper strands in dire need of a trim. ‘Any idea where we could find him now?’
Maslow frowned. ‘He was supposed to be in this morning. He called in sick, but I got the feeling he just wanted the weekend off.’
Inspector Hynes turned to the nearest officer. ‘Put a trace on his phone and credit cards. I want someone at his flat in the next fifteen minutes.’ He turned back to Maslow. ‘Stick close to your phone. If he shows up here, call me.’
Maslow accepted the card from the inspector and nodded miserably, dropping his head into his hands. This was a career ender.
Langdon smiled into the sun as they glided down the coastal road near Ventry. She turned toward Connor and yelled over the sound of the wind. ‘There should be a beach up here soon.’
Connor glanced over his shoulder and shook his head. He couldn’t hear her, the wind in his helmet making it near impossible to hear anything. Granted, the scenery made up for it. The coast of Ireland was gorgeous. Here on the Dingle peninsula, it was rolling hills, green farmland, rocky shores, and Mount Eagle looming in the distance. It was breathtaking. He pulled his bike over as they reached a fork in the road and flashed Langdon a dazzling smile. ‘Sorry, what was that?’
Langdon skidded to a stop next to him and glanced up at the road sign. ‘Well it’s good to know exactly how far we are from Dublin, but is that really necessary?’
Connor chuckled. ‘I’m thinking that way,’ he stated pointed to the right.
‘Really? Why there?’
‘It says ‘Conor Pass.’ That sounds like a place I should be.’ He grinned broadly and Langdon shook her head. ‘So where to, oh wise map guide?’
Langdon squinted at the sign. ‘We should head toward Ventry Cross. There’s a beach there that would be a perfect place to stop for a snack, shouldn’t be more than a kilometre that way.’
‘What is it with you and food today?’ Connor reached out and tweaked her nose with his gloved hand.
Langdon wrinkled her nose. ‘Physical exertion makes me hungry.’
Connor gave her a lop-sided grin. ‘Well, then I’ll have to keep that in mind.’
She stuck out her tongue and kicked her bike back into motion. ‘Last one to the beach is a rotten egg.’
The road came to a rather abrupt end as they passed out of Ventry and right into the sloped dunes of the beach. Connor locked up his bike and helped Langdon do the same. Turning toward the shore, he let out a low whistle and took in the view. ‘Laney, t
his place is amazing.’
Langdon grinned and gazed out over the water, propping her sunglasses up on her forehead. Ventry Cross was situated on the sandy beach of a south-eastern facing cove. The high cliffs at the entrance of the inlet sheltered the small haven from the wind and most of the waves that tended to dominate the southwest of Ireland. Even at the end of January, the sun was warm, and without the wind, it was pleasant provided one was warmly dressed.
She dug a sack out of her backpack and wandered out onto the high sloping sand. She dropped down and waited for Connor to join her, handing him a sandwich from the sack. They ate in a companionable silence, listening to the waves roll into the shore. When they had finished, Connor wrapped his arms around Langdon and pulled her against his side. ‘Ok, travel guide. We ought to get rolling again. I don’t want you catching a chill out here.’
Langdon snuggled against the fleece he was wearing, tilting her head to kiss the underside of his jaw. ‘Well,’ she turned west, gazing down the long beach. ‘Fahan is about five kilometres that way. And I was hoping to see Dun Beag and Caher Conor while we’re out here this weekend.’ She twisted looking east and up toward the village. ‘And about fifty metres that way is our B&B that I was hoping to see sooner.’
Connor turned and squinted up the road, catching sight of a cheery yellow building with large bay windows and a patio overlooking the bay. He grinned and dragged Langdon into his lap, kissing her softly. ‘You’re brilliant,’ he murmured.
Hynes stormed into the flat searching for one of the Garda. ‘Tell me you have good news.’
One of his young officers straightened. ‘Sir, he’s not here.’
‘I can see that,’ he said, his dark eyes flashing dangerously.
The officer cleared his throat. ‘He took off this morning. Apparently he was upset and stormed out around nine. A neighbour said he only had a small bag with him.’
‘Do we have a picture and a description of what he was wearing?’
‘Yes, sir.’
Hynes nodded slowly. ‘Good. Where did he go?’
The officer glanced around uncomfortably, ‘We’re still working on that.’
Hynes frowned, his mobile ringing and saving the officer from a scathing tirade. ‘Go ahead,’ he barked into the phone. A small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth, ‘Brilliant. Get me the name of someone down in Tralee.’ He ended the call and turned back to the scene officer. ‘Clean this place up and put a man on the street. If he comes back, I want to know.’
Paul kicked the door closed and dropped onto the bed. He had gotten as far as Dingle and hit a dead end. From what he could gather, they came into town, and went… where? They didn’t rent a car, they rented bikes. He had figured they’d be coming back to Dingle for the night. But they weren’t registered at any of the local hostels, hotels, or B&Bs. Now, it was after dark, and his only lead was that they were going to look at ‘the ruins.’
He pushed himself off the bed and dumped a bag of brochures on the floor, rifling through the brightly coloured leaflets. He tossed aside one after another: Fungi the dolphin, The Orchard, Mara Beo Aquarium, Cooleen Theatre, The Marina. He stopped, eying an Irish heritage flyer – Caher Conor. He flipped to the back and read the blurb describing the small beehive cluster.
Paul snorted. It would be just like them to go there. And, he read on, there’s another place about a kilometre closer to Dingle, a promontory fort with multiple ruined walls overlooking the ocean. He would bet money they would go there. He’d just have to get there before them.
He set an alarm and turned to his bag on the floor, removing the semi automatic. He released the clip and studied it before reloading the gun. He was so close to getting free of this debt. So close.
Langdon groaned and rolled onto her back, ‘I can’t believe I let you talk me into fish and chips.’
Connor’s hand slid across her stomach, bunching her oversized t-shirt slightly as he stretched out on the bed beside her, admiring the image she made – relaxing on the bed wearing an old pair of his boxers and a beat up t-shirt. ‘You have to admit it was the best fish and chips you’ve ever had.’
She laid her hand atop his and smiled. ‘If you ever put a pile of chips near me again, so help me, Connor…’
He brushed his lips against hers. ‘You’d eat them in a heartbeat,’ he murmured. She chuckled as he kissed her tenderly.
‘Mmn, true,’ her eyes fluttered back open, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.
He propped himself up on his elbow and ran his thumb slowly across her cheek then along the border of her lower lip. ‘How are you doing?’
‘Aside from a serious food coma…’ His fingers felt so wonderful as they traced along her skin, she wanted to purr. ‘I’m good.’
‘Just good?’ he raised a brow, dropping his hand back to her stomach, plucking absently at the soft cotton of the shirt. He glanced down at his fingers, ‘It’s just, you know, that after last night, I wanted to make sure that you’re ok with everything.’
He raised his eyes to meet hers again and Langdon felt a blush suffuse her skin at the memory. He was always concerned for her, always making sure she was happy, the attention made her blush even more. Then there was something in his eyes as he gazed at her, a vulnerability that spoke directly to her heart. She nodded slowly. ‘Yeah, I um…’ Her face turned a dark shade of crimson as she spoke hesitantly, ‘Last night was fantastic. It felt like you knew exactly how to touch me, where…’
Connor chuckled darkly. ‘To be fair, you have given me months of instruction on the subject.’ Langdon let out a mortified squeak and buried her face in her hands, turning into his chest. He gently tugged on her wrists so he could see her face. ‘So, it was good sex, eh?’
She chewed on her lower lip. ‘Yes,’ she said softly. ‘Was I… I mean, did you?’
Connor crooked his finger under her chin and tilted her lips to meet his, kissing her ever so sweetly, his lips moving gently against hers, heating her blood and tugging a soft moan from her. He rested his forehead against hers, sighing. ‘Laney, there is absolutely no way you could leave me unsatisfied.’ He smiled wryly, ‘Is that all that’s bothering you?’
Langdon shrugged, pulling on the sleeve of his shirt ‘It’s not about the sex being good, Connor, you know?’
He cocked his head to the side. ‘It isn’t?’
A laugh escaped her and she batted his arm playfully. ‘No. It was, but no. I don’t know. I’ve never been in this position before.’
He chuckled, ‘Missing memories aside, you should know that you’ve been in this position before.’ He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
‘Connor,’ she rolled her eyes. ‘That’s not what I meant.’
He waited, watching her as she struggled to find the right words. After a moment, he took her hand, studying each finger carefully as if to give her space to think, relinquishing control of her hand when she seemed to want it back. ‘What did you mean, then?’
A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth and she toyed absently with his fingers. ‘I’m just never the one who’s unsure in a relationship. I mean, normally, I’m waiting for the guy to catch up. And you seem so sure.’
‘I am sure.’
‘This, you and me.’ She restlessly ran her fingers along his palm. ‘This feels right. Like, like I know that I’m supposed to be here. And I trust my gut. I do. Thank God. But being with you, it’s wonderful, and it’s comfortable, and you just look at me and it makes me feel all warm and tingly.’
‘Warm and tingly?’ he captured her hand again, bringing her fingertips to his mouth, kissing each one. ‘Is this something you’ve remembered? Or something that you’ve just sort of stumbled across?’
Langdon sighed, her eyes growing sad. ‘I suppose stumbled across.’ Her eyes flit away, looking anywhere b
ut him. ‘I wish I could remember all the firsts, all the little things, all the dates, all the nights we’ve spent together…’
‘You will,’ he said gently. ‘I know you will. You just need a little more time.’
She cupped his face in her palm, reassured by the look in his eyes. ‘I know,’ she whispered. ‘I know. And I guess… I don’t know. I just. I like this,’ she finished quietly.
He tilted his head to kiss her palm, his eyes closing as she ran her thumb across his lips. When he opened his eyes, he met her gaze with an intense, heated green stare, turning to capture her thumb between his teeth. She smothered a giggle, her cheeks colouring. ‘You like this, huh?’
She laughed as he released her, his hand playing with a stray lock of her hair. ‘We um… We haven’t been here before, have we?’
Connor pursed his lips. ‘Have we been here before? Here?’ he pointed down for emphasis. ‘As in, here in bed?’
‘No,’ she groaned, rolling her eyes.
‘Here?’ he stroked his fingers along her stomach, inching the hem up along her ribs. ‘As in you laying here, driving me slowly insane, looking sexy, teasing me.’ He stooped, his lips tracing a line up her stomach. Langdon sucked in a breath, weaving her fingers into his hair. ‘Or,’ he propped himself back up on his elbow suddenly, raising a brow, ‘do you mean, have I been playing along with this for the past day without letting you know that we’ve been here before?’
She bit her lip and nodded slowly. ‘Well?’
‘Well?’ He bent and pressed his lips to her stomach. Langdon expected a kiss, but instead got a big, wet raspberry.
She shrieked, flailing, and dissolving in a fit of giggles. ‘Stop! STOP!’ she laughed, pushing at his shoulders.
Connor wrapped both arms around her waist, propping his chin between her breasts. He flashed her a devilish grin. ‘Come on, Laney. Do you really think I’d do that to you?’ She shook her head. He turned his head to press a kiss to her t-shirt clad breast. ‘Good, because I wouldn’t. We haven’t been here before.’ He inched up, finding the exposed softness of her neck to kiss. ‘Well, not here, here,’ he hummed against her skin. ‘But,’ he slid a hand under the hem of her shirt. ‘I have been here before.’
Langdon groaned, her body tingling as his hands warmed her skin. ‘And you said I was teasing you.’ She ran her fingers through his hair, playing with the strands that curled at the base of his neck.
He sighed, the sound rumbling deep in his throat. ‘You think this is teasing?’
The smile that spread across his face sent a wave of heat through her in a way that had her shifting restlessly under his stare. ‘W-what do you mean?’ her voice sounded husky even in her own ears.
‘Don’t move,’ Connor growled. He kissed her nose and scrambled off the bed, rummaging in his bag and dousing all but the lamp on the dresser. He returned seconds later, straddling her hips and bending to capture her mouth with his. She sighed, sliding her hands around his shoulders. He pulled back slowly, enjoying the way she clung to him, groaning when she finally had to release him to drop back against the pillow. ‘Do you trust me?’ he asked softly.
She blinked, startled. ‘What?’
‘Laney,’ he brushed a kiss across cheek. ‘I want to… to do something, but you have to trust me.’
Her brow furrowed. ‘What do you want to do?’
He kissed away the creases on her forehead and propped himself up on his elbows, gazing down at her. The expression on his face was tender but serious. ‘I want to tie you up,’ he said softly.
Langdon sucked in a breath, ‘You, you want to…’
‘Tie you to the bed,’ he whispered, bracing himself slightly, expecting a sharp reaction from her.
Whatever response she was expecting, his blush wasn’t it. He winced slightly, ‘Can I just promise that you’ll enjoy it?’
She regarded him carefully, she would never have thought it, but something about the suggestion excited her. Excited and scared. If her hands were tied, she wouldn’t be able to touch him, she wouldn’t be able to kiss him when she wanted, she wouldn’t be able to tease him, but she was damn sure he would be teasing her. He would be able to do whatever he wanted. And she would be vulnerable, absolutely, one hundred percent laid bare. And that was terrifying. And that was exciting. She felt colour creeping into her cheeks as her imagination began to fill in the possibilities.
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We had been texting and sexting since our last rendezvous. Allie was so much fun and so sexy, that I would get hard every time I thought of her - the timing of which wasn’t always convenient for such a reaction I might add. Since her company had put her on an out of town assignment for the entire month, my brain was constantly churning to figure out how to get together again. She was working about three hours away, so the logistics pretty much required an overnight fling. That wouldn’t be an...
Straight Sex“What is the World of Old?” Sister asked with her growling, hissing voice. Sybil wrapped her arms around her knees as she pulled them up on the deep and soft couch that was part of the yacht’s main lounge. “I think I heard the term a few times, but I don’t know. Martha, who left her seat to get herself a Hot Chocolate stood by the brass and dark wood appointed, robot attended bar. “I am sure I have heard the term once or twice, but without consulting GalNet, I can’t recall where or in what...
————————————————– May the golden butterfly lead you throughout your reading of the journey of the last MacEirc royal bloodline ————————————————– Chapter 1 The story began when Coinneach was just a little boy. The servant picked him up and kissed him once on the cheek. Tears streamed down as she cradled his tiny body in her arms. Together they penetrated through the chilling mist of the border-crossing bridge, leaving the lines of carriages due for another transit post in Beinn Dearg....
Millie found out the whole sordid story of Boots and Jasper quite by accident. She'd gone to the general store, to pick up some flour and lard. Bessie Robinson, the mayor's wife, was there, engaged in gossiping about whether or not Melissa Thistledown, a local rancher's wife, was simply gaining weight or pregnant again. When she saw Millie she squared her shoulders and approached. "There is something I wish to discuss with you, dear," she said, confronting the teacher. "Yes?" said...
Hi readers! I received a lot of emails for more stories! So This time it’s a fantasy story of mine since my partner went back home for a month! I’m 21, with wheatish skin tone, average body, average cock, and a big ass! I live with roommates, so a lot of time i pass in my room fantasizing gay sex and watching erotic stuff online! This is one of my fantasies! Since we have so many international students in my college, we get to hangout with people from all the countries. It was last day of the...
Gay MaleHello iss readers me rocky from mumbai apke samne aur 1 nae story leke aaya hu. Thanks for the feedbacks to all brothers, girls and bhabhi. Yes meri sab story asli hai aur me koe bhi aunty ka number kisi se share nae karunga to please mujhe koe bhi number k liye mail na kare. Wo koe rand nae hai jo unka number dete rahu. I belive in privacy. Me koe professional writer nae hu isliye story me galti hue ho to mail feedback me batae. You can mail me on for the feedback. Koe bhi girls aunty aur...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I still remember the vision as I replay it in my memory. The summer sun had sent the blistering heat down to the pavement, turning the cement around the large swimming pool into an inferno for those brave enough to walk around with bare feet. As usual for a mid-July day, the pool area was covered with people. Small children were crowded in the pool itself and offered sounds of shouting, laughter and splashing water. Adults were crowded around the pool...
IncestSo this is my first story hope you enjoy it, please comment and give me pointers, advice and anything else you can think of. Much appreciated enjoy the story. I crossed and uncrossed my legs repeatedly, watching as the clock slowly ticked away. The countdown to end the torture of math class was on. The teacher’s voice seemed to drone on and on. I tensed as the last minute ticked by BRIIINNNG. I was the first one up and out of my desk ready to leave the tortures of the classroom. I made her way...
It was the night of tim's birthday, he had become a teenager and to celebrate the occasion, he invited his two best friends jon and joe, over for a slumber party. The plan for the night would be to order in pizza, watch a few movies and make prank calls to some of their mates. The night started as planned, they ordered pizza and they started to watch american pie. They were quite into the movie when jon pulled a movie out of his bag, it was an unlabelled cd and jon told tim to put it into the...
GayKeys in hand, she approached her apartment door and fumbled with the lock. Two more failed attempts at inserting the key only frustrated her. She was so tired. She didn’t need this tonight. She sighed deeply and rested her forehead against the door to steady her as she tried once again to focus on the damn lock. Kim was a 25 year-old college grad student. It was almost midnight , and she had been working at the restaurant since early that evening. She was wearing a short, tight, denim skirt...
Hi this is KoolKafe again here on ISS I have shared my previous stories on this site that about my whore maid varsha in part 1, 2 and 3 respectively. I bring to you another part of it you can email me your comments at the below email which I will mention. You all might be know that hot bitch whore the bihari maid who use to satisfy me in all thing I want to get satisfied. You all know her figure it is 38-27-44 that is a very nice piece of ass she has. Now a days I am lonely without her as she...
Masseuse Abella Danger is at her massage parlor when she realizes that the roof is leaking. Annoyed that she just had it fixed a few weeks ago, she calls the handyman service again. A short time later, Dean Van Damme walks into the massage parlor with his ladder and toolbox in hand. Abella greets him at the door. Telling him that she’s just got some paperwork to catch up on, she assures him that she shouldn’t get in his way. He sets his ladder down and starts climbing up the stairs....
xmoviesforyouDisgusted, Mitch hung up the phone, placed it back in the pocket of his Armani tuxedo and let out a sigh. He and Max would have to talk about troop discipline. The call had originated from the secure line in the bunkhouse. It was only to be used in extreme emergencies. Whoever was manning the phone hadn't even had the courtesy to apologize for interrupting his evening with such foul language. By tomorrow morning, the man would either apologize or end up in an unmarked grave. Mitch would...
I have evil thoughts. That’s the truth of it. So maybe I shouldn’t do what I do but I never act on it, who knows it might be normal, maybe. I’m a teacher and in real life I find myself in awkward situations. It’s fine I can deal with it but like I said...I have evil thoughts. There was this girl in my class who prided herself on being the weird one. She had a crooked grin and a plump face and usually had her brown hair up in a ponytail. The school has a uniform policy so she usually wore a dark...
BDSMShe picked him out of the line. He was strong, angry, and fierce. She smirked, running her hand along his jaw as he snapped at her. His arms were pinned to his sides, wrapped in rope, tied to a bar that held his ankles still. He was chained to the spot unable to move more than his head. His body was arched back along the post in the ground, holding him both immobile and displayed. She tossed the slaver-woman a bag of gold and an address to deliver her new acquisition. Then she walked away....
Sprawled out on the couch, repeatedly swiveling around at every sound of a car door thinking you would come through the door into our abode… impatience making me restless. I took solace in the fact that you had a shit day, I had a shit day, and we both knew what would come to fruition as soon as you got within reach. I had decided at one point that it would be a good idea to slip on my knee-high hooker heels, sleek black leather with a 6 inch heel that still only raised my height enough...
Hello young sexy Women (housewives) and Girls, my Email ID is . Yeh story ek young sexy looking maid-servant ki chodai ki hai. Uska naam Meena tha. Uski shaadi kayi saal pehle hui thi lekin uska husband shaadi ke turant baad hi usko chhod kaar job karne ke liye Punjab chala gaya aur wahan doosari woman ke sath shadi kaar liya. Humare old uncle and aunt ke baut old hone ke kaaran Meena unke saath full time said servant thi. Who unke ghar ka saara kaam including cooking karti thi. Meena bahut...
As usual, I got up too late, so I immediately began to prepare to go out with friends. It took me about two hours to get ready, but luckily I did. I ran out of the house and immediately caught the bus to the center.As I expected... we were stuck in traffic. I sent an SMS to a friend that would be about 10 minutes late. After all, it's not so much.I'm there. At last... Straight from the bus stop I ran to my friends. They had plans to drink beer outdoors, so a moment of late is not the end of the...
He took advantage of a break in the storm, pulled his jacket lapels around his neck as a feeble defence against the snowfall and trudged the short distance. She watched his progress with mild curiosity as he shovelled his swank Italian shoes through the mini snowdrift. However, her interest increased when she realised he was approaching her door. Sliding off her glasses, she squinted into the mirror to check her make-up. It’ll have to do. Her furtive hand slipped the spectacles into her...
My name is Peter and I have become a stereotypical manwhore. But I wasn't always this way. In High school I played soccer and I was a perennial standout, but as many people know soccer don't get you laid or popular. I really didn't understand my predicament because I was 5'11 175 pound jock. Years of soccer sculpted my body into twisted steel, coupled with my messy brown hair and hazel eyes I should have been a stud. Unfortunately, I was a class clown and a little bit immature for my age. While...
Ryan sat on the bus, fuming. He didn’t look around him, just stared out the window. The note was still crumpled in his hand. He didn’t have to look at it. It was locked into his memory, but he smoothed it out anyway and looked at it. Dear Ryan, I’ve had a lot of time to think over the weekend. I take full responsibility for everything that happened. I am the adult. I did not act like one. I don’t know what I was acting like. But I know that I can’t be around you, and my nieces can’t be...
This incident happened when I was on work to Bangalore. I as put up in a good hotel, the day I arrived there I was shown my room, it was a double room with nice view of the city, I first ordered some coffee and unpacked, I was tired from the long journey and wanted to take a good hot bath, when the door bell rang, I opened it and my coffee was there, I undressed and had my coffee, and lay down for some rest, I must have slept for quite some time when again the door bell rang, I put on a towel...
They strolled on the beach for a few minutes before Jake took Angie into his arms for a kiss. She looked up, locked eyes with him, and quietly asked him to take her to the room and make love to her. Back at the room, Angie went to the bathroom while Jake lit the candles Vicki had left for him. When Angie came out, the romantic flickering of a half-dozen candles lit the room. Angie smiled her appreciation and threw herself into Jake’s arms. He kissed her and she returned the kiss with...
So there I was face-to-face, well face-to-chest because he was a lot taller, with the same man that I've been fantasizing about for 3 weeks. I was able to see him perfectly now since we were in the light and I was pleasantly surprised. He stood about 6' tall with a nice build. He had a nice tan which accented the white hair on his head and barreled size chest. He was wearing a tank top, which fit him well, and the same style of running or fitness shorts that he wore before. He looked down at...
Hello dosto kese hein aap sab aap ki choot aur lund.aaj me apko jo kahanai batane ja raha hun vo abhi do din pahle ki hi he jesa ki mene pahli do story me bataya tha ki kese rahul ne aur mene ek dusre ki mom se sex kiya tha(mom swapping name of the prevous story) aur sex karne ke baad rahul apni mom ke sath apne ghar chala gaya tha aur usi saam ko mere papa jaipur se a gaye. Raat me kareeb 11 baje me apne room me beth kar muth maar raha tha ki tabhi papa ne mujhe awaaz di ki raza ao khana...
She crawls out of bed slipping on her fluffy bath robe and pulls her long blonde curls into a ponytail before making her way downstairs to the kitchen. Her daddy is sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading a fishing magazine. The very same table that he had fucked her on last night, she remembers how his cum had leaked out of her pussy to pool on the table underneath her. She feels her face flush and quickly walks over the fridge to pour herself a glass of orange juice. He looks up...
I watched Andrea drive away with a heavy heart. There was no denying that she had affected me. I thought I was a whisker of falling in love with her! It was pointless, as she could never know. Telling her could have placed her in an invidious position. Her parting comments told me that she had feelings for me, but could not declare them. Bringing it out into the open it would make it fact, not speaking of it could allow the pretence that it wasn't so. I felt guilty. I should not have allowed...
(episode 13)My heart was set on getting a big group of my friends together to go to Florida for spring break like we had done the year before. And I especially was looking forward to some special fun with my girlfriend Jennifer. But events never turn out the way you plan, our desires are often crushed.Despite Jennifer coaxing me into new sexual experiments like the little vibrator in my ass incident, anal licking and making videos of our love making, some tensions between us had developed...
College SexUnintentional continued. I was 2 days after Linda and I had had our good time, when the security guard stopped by my desk in the server room. She, not too many security guards in this job as must were retired police or detectives, and said “there is some security footage you need to see”. I replied “ok should I come to your office”? She said “no this is something personal, I have deleted the entire day, and saved the part you need to see on a USB”. “So if you could stop by my room 301, across...
Day 3: (Faster than the speeding bullet.) The steady rhythmic hum of the passenger car nestled about him. The dull regular 'clackity-clack' as the train's bogies made their way across countless trestles beneath. So oddly soothing in its way as one came to terms and accepted. That after a time, it had almost Lulled Tenchi in to a kind of daze. Last night had been complete and utter hell, his thoughts wandered briefly backwards. The events of the previous day insuring a state of total...
I: Coming Home Introduction: This is the sequel to Riding the Ponies. Twenty years after their marriage, their daughter returns home to new discoveries. Chapter 01 – HomecomingOlivia is not an ordinary young woman. While most young girls dream of receiving a pony for Christmas, she had more horses at her beck and call then she knew what to do with. Mostly because her parents owned riding stables. From early c***dhood she had ridden with her parents at every opportunity. The scent of fresh...
It’s not often that an article begins with the ending, but in this case, the end of the story is very important. My visit to Lady Ashley - Nurse Mistress was excellent! She is a true professional and knows exactly what to do in a medical scenario. By her own admission, the medical scenario is her favorite. And, through at least 10 years of experience fraught with many disappointments and money spent foolishly, I can tell you that there’s every truth to the adage, “You get what you pay for.” A...
This had to be one of the ugliest groups of people ever. Anna and her new groom hardly had any attractive female friends or family. There were a few of your average bar sluts dressed up in short backless dresses that made me hard, but they didn't seem all that interesting, and they all had big jock boyfriends with them. I was not having a good time. Not only was I at a wedding surrounded by people I didn't know and had seemingly no chance for a good time, but I was pretty upset about this...
Two days later, a nine page report arrived for Diane. One short paragraph from the head Princess and a very detailed report from each of the five watchers. Diane read the report through three times and then took it to Abby's room. She had Abby read through the whole thing sentence by sentence, aloud. At the end of every line, Abby stopped, closed her eyes and seemed to relive what they had seen. Both Abby and Diane were wet and sweaty when she was done. "Well, Abby, is that just about the...