Harry Potter and Bridget Regan as Professor Regan
- 4 years ago
- 33
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It had been over twenty-five years since I had last seen her.
Somehow, even at alumni reunions or homecoming outings, our paths had never crossed.
She was my college crush during my freshman and sophomore years at the University of Maryland, before I really knew what I was doing from a sexually active standpoint, that is. Sure, I had fucked my share of coeds (well, OK, three), but it was more from dumb luck and circumstance than it was from skill or cunning. And, the classically beautiful Regan Carter Fleming had always eluded my grasp, though she had always been my number one target, such was her timeless beauty and graceful demeanor.
Regan was as regal as her aristocratic name implied. She grew up on the outskirts of the Beltway, the only daughter of a powerful Washington lobbyist and his former runway-model wife, whose stunning looks Regan had inherited, and every slug on Fraternity Row and half of the Sorority girls wanted to get in Regan’s tighty-whiteys. She was essentially unattainable though, due to a variety of facts, rumors, innuendos, and half-truth urban legends.
She was shy (which she was), she was stuck-up (perhaps a little), she was a lesbian (that was the hot one, WAS she?), she was a virgin (probably so), she had a boyfriend (girlfriend?) back home.
That last one was the oddest one, she lived less than ten miles from College Park. Though, back in those days, that was the easy, convenient excuse used by any boy towards any girl who refused to share her charms with the male population. As in, ‘I coulda fucked her, man, but she told me she has a boyfriend at home.’ A loser’s lament, told by one who had a busy post-date self-flagellation session with Mr. Willie Blue Balls.
I, too, was on the short end of the stick when it came to taking my own throws with Regan. I had convinced her to go to a few frat parties with me, and even a trip to Atlantic City for a social function with my frat buddies (yep, an abject disaster), but the best I could show for it was a cold-fish perfunctory goodnight kiss after three dates. It was time to move on, I reckoned, but that didn’t mean I ever stopped fantasizing about her.
That’s why I was literally shocked dead in my tracks when, out of absolutely nowhere, over two-and-a-half decades later, I saw the e-mail inviting me to join her social network on one of the career web sites. Her photo was on her profile, too, and if possible, she looked even better than she had in the early 80’s. She looked like a modern-day Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, jet black raven hair and immaculately attired, her firm, petite body still remarkably intact. I tripped on my tongue reaching for the keyboard to reply.
Several e-mails and then phone calls over the next few weeks followed, where we learned that we were both happily divorced (she had changed her name back to Fleming after the rather contentious divorce) and now once-again single. I was invited by Regan to a dinner ‘meeting’, as she termed it, careful not to call it a ‘date’, near her home in Bethany Beach, Delaware. As I drove down Route 13 from my own home outside of Philly, her words resonated in my mind…’I have a spare bedroom, so plan on staying the night, I insist.’
As a perfect gentleman should, of course I gladly accepted her insistence. Except I was hoping that she was thinking like me. If the night went swimmingly, no spare bedroom would need to be occupied.
I glided up the driveway of a beautiful beachfront house on the south side of the small coastal town, almost on the border of Fenwick Island, just north of the Maryland state line, and immediately saw Regan’s compact frame as she huddled in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest to keep her warm. As I approached her, admiring her still-silky hair blowing over her still-gorgeous face in the chilly winter air, her dark eyes sparkled. My dick hardened immeasurably. ‘How about that GOOD good-night kiss you’ve been waiting for?’ she asked coyly.
We hugged as she moved her mouth towards mine. ‘I’m much better at this now, I’ve had twenty-five years to practice,’ she murmured, no longer shy. We locked in a kiss well worth waiting a generation for.
The soft, slow, gentle, increasingly passionate kiss in the doorway told me instantly that the chances of this being a one-bedroom, cohabitation evening were enhancing by the minute. An Atlantic Coast Bed and Breakfast, if you will.
Regan was elegantly beautiful as always, time had indeed been a friend to her. She wore the quintessential little black dress with a strand of obviously very expensive pearls draped around the flawless skin of her neck and throat.
We made small talk on her couch for a bit, sharing a wonderful glass of Washington State merlot, our conversation serving as extended foreplay. We soon headed down Coastal Highway to a cozy little Italian restaurant in Ocean City, Maryland, Regan allowing me have the pleasure of driving her late-model teal blue Jaguar while I ogled her slender legs in the passenger seat, squirming while trying to disguise my ever-present hard-on, which was behaving in a less-than-obsequious manner.
Dinner lasted perhaps two hours, as we tried to cram nearly thirty years of catching up in a short window of time. We covered careers, families, hobbies, travel destinations, but consciously avoided the true climactic intent, though the sexual tension was escalating with each passing subject as we gazed deeper into each other’s eyes. The restaurant was nearly deserted now, the locals having scurried back to their warm bungalows on this frigid off-season winter’s night.
Curiosity got the best of me as we sipped our second bottle of wine, and I finally popped the question. No, no, not THAT question.
‘So, Regan, why? Why after all this time did you reach out to me?’
Her dark eyes lowered for a split second, so I hurried to reassure her. ‘Not that I’m not thrilled, by the way, I’m delighted to see you again, you were always the prettiest coed at UM, and still could win contests on campus, even today, I’m sure of it.’ She blushed deeply, and my mind flashed back to the vision of the shy girl of long ago as she rebuffed my advances for more than a good-night kiss at her dorm room door.
Regan sighed, took another deep gulp of the delicious wine, and cupped her chin into her downturned palms. ‘Ok, here goes. I turn fifty next month, and I’d been taking inventory of some things I hadn’t done yet.’ She giggled at herself, listening to her own story. ‘Sort of a middle-aged bucket list, if you will.’
I was quiet as a church mouse as she continued. ‘I was painfully shy when I met you, and yes, still a virgin. In fact, I invented an imaginary boyfriend at home for the first two years I was at school just so I wouldn’t somehow blow my cover to my sorority sisters that I still hadn’t had sex.’ She paused, her eyes scanning the distance now for some long-forgotten memory. ‘In fact, truth was, I was scared to death at the thought of having sex, it intimated me, though of course, I was extremely curious. All of the sisters in my sorority would talk about nothing else but sex, so I made like I was getting my share at home with my make-believe boyfriend, to whom I was true-blue.’
She laughed again at her charade. ‘That part was true, anyway, I sure wasn’t cheating on a boyfriend that didn’t exist.’
I had to literally catch myself from leaning over the table to kiss her, and then lift her onto it and make wild love to her right there and then. Nothing is sexier than sexual self-revelation. She continued.
‘Anyway, one night at the end of my junior year, it was just after finals and we were getting ready to go home for the summer. Well, about twelve of us sat in a big circle at an impromptu slumber party of sorts and started telling stories about the men we had dated. The subject got a little more detailed as we drank more beer, of course, and it soon became a game of ‘Who was the best lover you eve
r had’ and ‘Who was the most well-endowed’ Silly, but fun, except I was petrified.’
My own cock twitched wildly in my trousers and threatened to raise the table now in a personal levitation trick, imagining being a fly on the wall for that private group conversation between horny sorority sisters.
Regan took another sip of the wine, this time letting her pink tongue linger on the rim of the glass. ‘I knew you had slept with Krissy Byrnes and Patty Murphy, even before you and I had dated. Hey, it’s a small campus, only thirty thousand or so undergrads, and girls talk.’ She smirked at her own joke. It seemed to suddenly be getting warmer in the small restaurant, even though the logs in the fireplace were dimming.
‘So I wasn’t really surprised when both mentioned your name. The words they used were, and I may be paraphrasing now, ‘huge’, ‘all night long’, and ‘I’ve never cum like that before or since’. It made quite an impression on me, but I was starting to panic because my turn was coming up. What would I say? I didn’t even know what an orgasm felt like at that point.’ Pre-cum leaked from my dick now, forming in a small pool within my boxers.
Regan’s own face was flushed now, and her eyes bore into mine. We were the only two patrons left in the restaurant, but might as well have been the only two people on the planet. She went on.
‘Fortunately for me, Phoebe Wilson was sitting just to my left.’
My face betrayed my seeming stoicism. Phoebe Wilson was a cheerleader and gymnast who had, shall we conservatively say, a rather healthy carnal appetite.
Phoebe knew more positions than a political candidate during election week, even at that tender age, and had probably been through the Terrapin football team’s backfield more times than an opposing pass-rusher. I had the pleasure of, um, ‘dating’ Phoebe for about two months during winter-term semester junior year, and in that brief time, had learned far more in her bedroom than in any classroom.
‘I didn’t even know you had been with Phoebe, but, of course, it was difficult to keep track of her inventory.’ Regan’s button nose wrinkled in a grimace. Was it disgust or envy? ‘But her words saved me, they broke up the room in a series of squeals, and a pillow fight broke out afterwards, so that I didn’t have to say anything. All I did was say, ‘Hey, I can’t top that’, and I was off the hook.’
Regan stopped her story right there, waiting for me to respond. Of course, I took her bait, hook, line, and sinker. Regan smirked at me, essentially daring me to bite. So I did. I had to, right?
‘Um, eh, just, uh, what did she say, Regan?’
Regan flicked the raven hair off of her forehead and her smoky eyes blazed into mine.
‘Phoebe Wilson, class slut, said, and I quote, ‘Jack Charles is the best fuck on campus. I would pay to have that big, beautiful dick on my nightstand every night’. If you must know.’
We sat there, letting the words hang in the air for perhaps thirty seconds. Or an eternity, whichever came first. Regan broke the ice, reaching over to take my hand. ‘So, you see, Jack, as I approach my fifties, I’m no longer shy, no longer a virgin, no longer intimidated, but most certainly very curious. It’s been since the early eighties, I know, but some things don’t change.’ She paused, caressing my palm with her impeccably manicured fingertips. ‘Do they?’
Phoebe Wilson’s fantasy nightstand toy danced wildly beneath the cover of the table top. Regan rose, smoothing her dress down over her exposed thighs as she did so. ‘I’m going to the ladies’ room to freshen up. Would you mind pulling the car around?’
I knew I should have just let well enough alone and been the obedient valet, but keeping my mouth shut has never been one of my strong points, I admit. ‘So, will we be needing that spare bedroom tonight, Regan?’ I asked innocently, trying to be coyly cute.
She glared at me, seemingly not enjoying my charm and wit. ‘Probably so,’ she snapped, a flash of anger in her dark eyes. My ego and dick wilted as one in an instant. My big mouth had struck again.
She looked down at me, her tiny frame seemingly dwarfing me now, peering at me as would a scolding teacher to a petulant pupil in a tiny school desk. I cowered in my seat, figuring I had just screwed up everything. And then….Regan said…..
‘Because I plan on fucking you in every room of my house before you leave.’
Her heels clicked on the wooden floor as she sauntered determinedly to the restroom. I watched her pert little ass sway under the form-fitting dress. Some things may not have changed, but Regan certainly had. I LIKED this Regan, I liked her a lot.
I motioned to the splendid maitre’d, who knew enough to leave us alone for the last hour. ‘Check, please, Mario. Molto rapidamente, per favore.’
He was the recipient of a very big tip. Regan would be shortly.
We somehow managed to keep our hands off of the other on the drive home, which only fueled the sexual anticipation. I wasn’t going to make the mistake of opening up my mouth again, and Regan had said all that she needed to say, so we drove in silence as snow flurries started to drift from the sky over the Atlantic Ocean.
I maneuvered her Jag around my own Jeep Cherokee in the driveway and parked it gingerly in the garage. In beach front houses such as this one, the design of the house is usually up on stilts, with the garage being ground-level, as was the case in Regan’s abode.
She took my hand, still silent, as she led me up the flight of stairs to the main floor, allowing me an unfettered ‘updress’ view of her perfect legs for the first time, enough so that I could now verify that she was wearing a garter belt that was attached to the lacy, silk ebony stockings. She walked to the stool in front of the grand piano and sat down on it, crossing her slender legs. Her nipples pointed like teeny missiles through the sheer material of her dress. It was cold, yes, but not THAT cold.
Even though I had noticed the piano while we were enjoying our pre-dinner wine on the couch, until just now I had forgotten that Regan was a sensational piano player. Even back in college she had performed solo classical concerts on campus, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to make any ‘pianist’ comments. She spoke for the first time since she had departed for the ladies’ room in the restaurant. She always was a woman of few words, a rare trait in any woman. I decided not to verbalize that thought, either.
Pointing to the embers dying behind the screen of the fireplace, she said softly, ‘Would you stoke the fire, Jack, please?’
I clumsily pushed the logs around the grates with the bronze toolset rods, trying to feign that I knew that I was doing, and more so, trying not to fall into the inferno as I squatted over it awkwardly. (Hey, YOU try to stoke a fire with a raging hard-on.)
When I turned, the fire successfully raging once again, Regan had risen and without a word, she seductively peeled the straps of her dress from her shoulders, and while still staring right at me, first into my eyes and then down to my bulging crotch, she slowly lowered the zipper on the hip, and shimmied out of the dress with a wiggle.
She stood before me in a sheer black bra, her dark-chocolate nipples poking through the lace, begging release, the stockings and garter ensemble snugly hugging her hips and thighs, a nearly transparent pair of black triangular thong panties pulled up into her slit, and the tasteful stilettos, now looking infinitely more alluring on her tapered ankles.
She was magnificent, her body could have easily shamed that of most coeds. She turned around, providing me a birds-eye view of her firm, pert buttocks, with the string of the thong tucked into her ass, serving as a fulcrum between two exquisitely rounded globes, and reached back to unsnap the hook on her bra, letting it, too, fall to the floor, landing directly on top of her dress. Her bare, shapely back curv
ed downward, and I admired the dimple shape of her backbone just above her tight ass cheeks.
She turned once more, facing me now, her hands clasped over her breasts at first, and then dropped then to her hips, letting me admire the breasts that I had longed to see for well over half of my lifetime. I wondered for just a split second if I was the only UM alum to have seen them, but I’m not sure I wanted to know that answer. My mind works in funny ways sometimes when a beautiful, nearly naked woman is standing in front of me, go figure.
Her tits were small but perfectly proportioned to her frame, and the dark, erect nipples rose with each undulation of her chest as her breathing accelerated. Her tummy was flat, like a washboard, her hips thin, and a small tuft of finely-trimmed dark pubic hair formed an upside down ‘V’ right over her mound, serving as a directional welcome mat for the inevitable pleasures to come. Her sweet scent of sex wafted through the air, mixing with the swelling fire’s aroma, and it was clearly apparent that her protruding labia lips were already puffy and swollen with arousal.
‘You’re more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, Regan.’ She smiled broadly at this statement, but again, I couldn’t leave well enough alone. ‘And, believe me, I’ve masturbated hundreds of times envisioning you exactly like this.’
She laughed out loud at my transformation from romantic gentleman to frat boy slug, but strangely enough, her countenance darkened in a lustful expression. My inadvertent confession seemed to further excite her. This truly was a different Regan. Her hand slid down to her crotch and she began to rub her slit which was still covered, barely, by the nearly-not-there thong. I rubbed my own dick in reciprocation. It seemed to be a race as to which would burst first, my cock or her nipples.
Her quiet voice lowered two octaves, huskily inquiring, ‘When you masturbate about me, tell me…..where on my body do you fantasize shooting your cum?’ Her hand snuck under the top of her panty-line, and she pulled the thin lace to one side, exposing herself to me as she inserted a small finger into her glistening slit, patiently awaiting my reply while preparing herself.
I told her honestly, succinctly, taking another slight risk. ‘Your face, Regan. I imagine shooting my cream on your beautiful face. Always. Then watching you lick me clean.’
She closed her eyes and ran a finger of her other hand over her pebble-like nipple, letting her head lean back in imagination. ‘Mmmmm, sounds wickedly tasty. I’ve never had a man cum on my face.’
‘You should add it to your bucket list then.’ I replied quickly. ‘Maybe you’ll get lucky. ‘Tis the season.’
She giggled again, bringing me back in time to when I lived to make her laugh, even once. And now, she stood before me, a mature, classy, beautiful woman wanting to fuck me in every room of her house. Dreams come true. Thank you, Santa.
She walked back over to the piano bench and began to play, turning her back to me as I watched her the small crack of her ass part through the thong string as she sat. She began to play a soft, haunting melody that I didn’t recognize, her ten fingers making love to the keys, her ten fingers like a mouth on the ivory.
I stood for a moment, not knowing exactly what to do, as she began to hum along with the tune, and she turned her head just a bit, almost whispering over her shoulder to me, not missing a note. ‘Take your cock out, Jack. Let’s feel Phoebe Wilson’s nightstand fantasy toy. Rub it on my back while I play. I want to feel your skin against my own.’
This was definitely a new one. I wondered silently if Diana Krall or Norah Jones practiced this way as I stripped, but hey, I was just part of the road crew here, what the fuck did I know?
I walked behind Regan and lifted my cock head and gently placed it onto the curve of her spine, just below her shoulder blade, and she purred like a kitten, leaning back into me. She changed the song as I lightly rubbed her shoulders. I recognized this one, it was ‘Music of The Night’ from Phantom of the Opera, a favorite of mine.
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one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one room.my cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...
Cooking with My Boss My life changed one night when I was simply leaving work with my boss. It had been a good day. I even had a successful flirting session with two ladies, who I supposed where friends. One was an Asian woman, older than me, but very attractive. Her friend, a blond with short hair and pretty green eyes, seemed to be more around my age. My boss had been in one of her moods that day. She ran a small retail store and thought she was queen of the world. I...
Alan picked up the phone and called the front desk and told them he was checking out and asked if they could send someone up right away with the bill. He began throwing his things together almost frantically, his mind racing as he packed. “If they don’t know I’m on to them they won’t be expecting me to leave right away,” he thought. His plan was to pay cash when the bill was brought up and avoid the lobby when leaving the hotel. Then he remembered Savanna. He ran to the door, opened it...
Straight SexAugust 7 th , 8:00 a.m. Los Angeles “Maggie, I want to go over what we have so far,” I said. “Beckey has a warehouse where she is importing dolls filled with pure cocaine from Bolivia. These dolls are not going through customs and are being delivered in small packages and probably to different locations. We don’t know how the money is being transferred but it’s probably cash all the way, and likely being transferred to the ship at the same time the dolls are picked up.” “Alan has gone to...
Straight SexI went back to the office to find out what Maggie had for me. I needed more pieces to the puzzle and without going to Mexico to talk to Alan, Maggie was all I had at the moment. It was not yet 5:00 and Maggie was still at her desk typing into the computer. Without looking up she handed me a folder. “The list of properties you asked for,” she said. I took the file into my office and began to look it over. I discovered that the condo that Alan lived in was owned by Beckwith Importers. ...
Straight SexAugust 5 th , 8:20 a.m. I went into the office early the next morning, anxious to get to work on the Beckwith case. As I entered the office I found Maggie at her desk. “Maggie, I need you to do your thing for me,” I said. “Alan Jankowski, we need to find him. Check for arrests, the morgue, hospitals, etc. Check planes, buses, trains, cruise ships, even rental car agencies. I suspect he is not dead but don’t leave any stone uncovered. I’m going to be out most of the day checking...
Straight SexAugust 3 rd , 10:05 a.m. “Robert Eyestone, private investigations, this is Maggie, how can I help you?” “Is Mr. Eyestone in?” the voice on the phone asked. “He is not in at the moment, can I get your name and number and have him call you?” asked Maggie. “Please, this is Mrs. Beckwith, of Beckwith Importers. My number is 310-555-7600.” “He will call you as soon as he is able. Thank you Mrs. Beckwith.” “Hello, is this Mr. Eyestone?” asked Mrs. Beckwith. “Yes it is, how did you know...
Straight SexHey everyone! My name is Chandni and Im from Mumbai, India. I live by myself in Bandra, and am 27 years old. I am 5 ‘ 9, long brown hair, fair in skin, hazel green eyes, and my figure is 34A- 24 Waist – 36. I have a boyfriend whose name is Raj, and I have been with Raj for now almost 2 years. One night Raj called me, and said “Hey Chandni, Wanna go to a club tonight?” ” Uhm, I don’t know Raj, Im busy and really tired, but i’ll try” I said. I heard a little grunt from him, and I figured that...
IncestA couple or maybe three hours later from the ridge above George-town we could see the dark river, some glowing lamps and a few lighted windows. It must have been after midnight, and Billy had given me the job of counting people and finding Jim Griffith and Mike Ware. We huddled together to keep warm and smoked, chewed some food and stomped our feet. The wind had died down, but it was still very cold. We all breathed out clouds of steam like a herd of beeves. I found the men he wanted and...
Beckwith was putting together a bunch to go down to the bridge and waved to me, "Caleb, he said, "Gus Yore hain't quite thawed yet. Why don't you go with these men and take charge of that bridge." I hated to do it, but I pulled on my coat and wool hat and picked up my rifle. We went out and found our beasts, folded their blankets back over their rumps and clattered down to the creek without seeing a soul along the streets except for our own people. Seemed like the town was empty or...
Then things started happening pretty fast. Mr. Wainright said goodbye to the Swede; then I nodded a farewell to her and durn if she didn't get up on her toes and brush her soft lips against my stubbled cheek. Whooee. I went and called in the bridge guards, and they brought those four extra muskets with them. Somebody fetched the Foster women in their fancy pleasure carriage with the hickory-sprung seats, only one like it in town. Mrs. Foster was wearing a pelisse, plus a red hood with a...
Billy went out into the cold as a couple of farmers came in. Stud explained what was going on to them as people moved around, and the Foster women took up a sheltered position in the high-backed settle near the fire. The cat joined them, purring, and perched on the girl's lap, paws folded inward. Didn't anybody look like they was going to cause trouble so after a bit I asked Annie if she was interested in a quick one while we waited, and she elbowed me in the ribs hard enough to crack one...
The sun was setting behind some pink and gray clouds when we reached Mr. Peter's sturdy brick house. The first floor windows all showed candle light as Beall tied his horse to a weight and set it on the curbstone. "You plan to sit out here and wait?" he asked me. I couldn't figure if he wanted me to say yes so I said no, I'd rather get out of the cold. We went up to the door together and Beall knocked. A well-dressed, old black man answered and said, very polite, that Mr. Peter was at...
"Damn," Billy Beckwith cursed. He jumped up, grabbed Jimmy by the arm and hustled him outside. Some men rushed to the windows and a couple hurried out the back door, but most just stood talking to each other and waiting. In a minute Beckwith stuck his head back inside and yelled, "Caleb!" I went out as Judge Peter said, "Let's have a short recess" and stood up. "Be upstanding," I heard Alex Beall say as the door closed behind me. Griffith had ridden in from the Bladensburg road and...
The front door banged open again, and somebody stuck his head in and yelled, "Billy, they're here!" There was a loud scramble of men grabbing weapons and hurrying out the door while buttoning their coats one handed. Judge Peter said, "Let's take another brief recess. Mr. Morrison, a word, please" before Alex Beall could say anything about standing up. "I would appreciate it very much," Judge Peter said, standing at his desk with his feet planted wide apart and his hands clasped...
"Gentlemen," said Judge Peter. "Enough. I think we will take a short recess here." "All stand," Beall cried too late as there was a mad scramble for the doors. Soon every tree, clump of shrubs and back house in the neighborhood had a crowd of men near it. I helped Judge Peter, robe and all, to the front of the line at the tavern's two-holed jakes, and he emerged gasping. "Haven't been in one that bad in years," he said when he got his breath back. When court resumed, a keg of ale...
Zoe held Alison as she continued to sob quietly. The girl was so upset that her father could read in her thoughts that she would be incapable of following his instructions anytime soon. His connection to Zoe also informed him that she had no interest in him, in fact that was an understatement. His ghostly spirit departed, returning to his body which was lying on the sofa in the family room downstairs. Zoe comforted Alison, continuing to question her softly as to how her little body seemed to...
2006-12-20 5:20:00 (MSK) | litlivewithu.ru weblogs | user: roughrider1532 | performer: Hannah | entry: 50 My head aches so bad. I move it to the side and the pain is splitting. I feel my pillow on my cheek and I feel like a wave of relief. I'm in bed at my Aunt and Uncle's! I think of them finding me there in the family room and feel a wave of embarrassment. Still, I'm out of that dream! I think I must have the flu, a high fever would like explain it all. My stomach convulses and I jump...
Girls With Muscle!? I’m getting mixed feeling here guys. On one hand, I love fit women, I like it when women take care of themselves and their bodies. But on the other hand, when some of them have bigger muscles than me, I don’t really know what to think of that. Welcome to GirlsWithMuscle.com, where you’ll find tons of real images of real women who are packing heat. And by heat, I mean guns. And by guns, I mean their biceps. Holy cow, look at those biceps! I can feel a bit of insecurity coming...
Fetish Porn SitesSex With Muslims! Ah, Czech Muslim porn! Who hasn't dreamt about bending some Muslim bitch over and fucking her like crazy? Come on, it can’t just be me. These babes are seriously hot. Well, at least, I think most of them are. Some of these chicks are dressed up so much that I couldn’t begin to tell you what the ass and titty situation is. But even that’s kind of sexy. The mystery. The unknown. Plus, clothes can be pretty damn hot. Have you ever nutted on the face of some Muslim whore wearing a...
Premium Arab Porn SitesReddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...
Reddit NSFW ListWithdrawal By Cassandra Morgan Some nights are perfect. Some nights are carved out of heaven. This was one of those. It wasn't too cold, and it wasn't too hot. It wasn't rainy, and it wasn't snowing. There were no clouds, so the stars were out, mixing in with the firewood from the Riverfront. If you could order 359 nights a year like this one, life would be perfect. Tonya's eyes glistened like the new diamond ring on her finger. She was laughing, and her face was crinkling up,...
Reunited Friends A Story by EskimomanMy heart was pumping as I walked down the short driveway to number 23. That was the address given to me by Jo whom I had not seen in 20 odd years. It was a nice house from the outside, detatched, discrete, with a well maintained garden. I wondered who tended the gardens - did Jo have a boyfriend, or a gardener, or both, or were they the same. My mind was in turmoil. It was out of the blue when the email arrived in my inbox. Quite unexpected. I had not seen...
The light was very dim inside, the only illumination coming from the streetlight that seemed miles away down the street. The older, decrepit building had indeed been an apartment at some point, although since then had fallen into great disrepair. The front door inside was off it's hinges and lay against the wall at an angle, the wood of it long since rotted through by termites and was dotted in what appeared to be bullet holes. Heading towards the shaky looking stairs, I noticed the graffiti...
Monday was rough. There is good reason why even Elites usually take at least a day off to 'let go' after working with a client. Going to class probably kept me from brooding alone in my room all morning. But Rachael's knowing, yet vaguely sympathetic, looks certainly didn't help. I'd long ago learned to mask my true emotions, and I doubt even The Girls noticed that I was a bit more reserved at lunch or that my comebacks were more pointed than usual. With a final on Wednesday, life...
"Withered roses, forget, what they wept for day after day." I was an author. Not someone special no, but I guess for whatever reason, God gave me a special task. It was in November I started writing this book. It was something I thought the girls at my book club would like. Chapter 1 His name was Aaron. He was young man. Thin, but strong, or should I say strong boned. He lived with his two parents. His father was going old and senile. His mother was young and very concerned...
Eve raps the door so tentatively that her knuckles hardly graze the surface of the splintering wood. She knows Villanelles will make her wait so she idly runs a hand through her hair, fluffing it up to enhance the volume and so that a few stray locks hang in her face ever so slightly. “Goddamn it, Eve,” she mutters to herself; why is she always trying so hard to look good for Villanelle?Behind the door, Villanelle adjusts the lapels of her suit jacket, thumbing the burgundy velvet with a...
LesbianMeg. The doorbell rings once, it's eleven am on a Tuesday- I'm not expecting anyone nor do people often call completely randomly. I wonder for a moment, then go to the window and glance down onto the street. A man is stood on my steps, dark tousled hair and a tanned forehead is all I can gauge from him. Then he looks up and my heart stops beating. It's Connor. I rush downstairs in my robe, I can't believe he has found me. After all this time- I open the door and gasp. It's not Connor but the...
IncestThis is the sequel chapter to Reunited, in order to gain context, please read the first chapter for more pleasure... Meg. His cock is throbbing in my mouth as I hold his hips closer, looking up, I can only see a gorgeous young man in front of me. He is someone I had never laid eyes on before now but is biologically my son. I break my mouth away from his manhood, gasping as I stare at the muscle in front of me, coated in my lustful spit. What am I doing? Oh god, what have I done? I look up to...
IncestIt was six in the morning when my smartphone started ringing. It was Jennifer’s number. Thinking the worst, that maybe something’s happened, I immediately grasped the smartphone pressing the answer button and putting the device to my ear, calling out. “Hello.” “I thought you was going to come for breakfast this morning?” It was Jennifer. I could hear people chatting in the background. “Jesus Christ it’s only six. I’ve set my alarm for eight. I was going to come around at nine.” “Nine? We...
“Whoop ... whoop ... whoop ... Bang ... bang ... bang” “What the fucking hell is going on?” I muttered. I’d just walked into the bank. Looking up from my phone I discovered a solid wall where the teller windows should be, and swinging around I found the entrance door was now blocked by a solid shutter. Yelling and screaming caught my attention next. Then two very loud bangs - I knew that they were gun shots. “Oh fuck” I gasped “This is not good”. Then I saw him. A short bald-headed guy in...
First off im 27 year old male married this is my first time cheating/pissplay/latina girl/ i was at my job i work at a hotel i was just getting done its 4am there was this collage party thing they were hosting im in fire stairway and im walking down the steeps.i hear moaning and laughing i turn the corroner theres this drunk latina girl had to be no more than 20 she was about 5-8 dark hair darkeyes lightskin skinny maby 130lbs atleast c cup tits nice round ass and a thick hairy pussy...