On Forgetting Ch. 07 free porn video

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I submitted this before the previous chapter has posted, so I have no idea how it was received.

I’ve been travelling and as a result, I haven’t been near internet nearly as often or conveniently as the wireless I’m used to. But I am still planning to finish this ASAP.

Happy New Year!

All feedback is welcome and appreciated!

Thanks for reading,



Langdon felt her left foot leave the ground and she knew that her weight was too far back, there was no way she was going to be able to right herself. She tried to twist, to take the impact of the fall on her hip and hands, but her motion was jerked to a stop as Connor’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the arm. He pulled as he turned away from the street, dragging her across his chest. He shut his eyes firmly as gust of wind ruffled his hair, accompanying the bus passing inches from his back.

Langdon felt his arms tighten around her, the rapid beating of his heart mirroring her own. Finally, she released a pent up breath and disengaged her fingers from his coat, slowly raising her eyes to meet his gaze. He looked so worried. There was tension in every line of his face, and his eyes were a wild, glinting green and amber. She wanted to erase the panic she saw there, but couldn’t think of what say. After a prolonged silence, Langdon released a nervous laugh, glancing around his shoulder to the remnants of the brown paper bag and whipped cream that was splattered on the pavement. ‘I think dessert is ruined.’

Connor forced a smile and wrapped her in a bone-crushing hug. ‘I’ll get you a new one,’ he murmured against her cheek, not relaxing his firm hold around her body.

‘We’re going to miss the light.’

Connor blinked at her, the expression on his face momentarily blank, and fervently backed her into the concrete wall of the corner building. ‘I don’t care,’ he growled, planting a hand on either side of her head. ‘Frankly, neither of those is important to me. You are.’

His expression grew fiercely possessive, and Langdon only had time to suck in a surprised breath as his mouth descended upon her, his lips slanting across hers, hot and demanding. Weeks of tension fuelled by the scare he had just experienced flooded through him and he clutched her tightly, kissing her with devastating emotion. She lost track of which way was up, knowing only the solid warmth of his body where it crushed against hers and the stability of his searching hands. Langdon found the lapels of his coat and held on, no longer trusting her knees to keep her upright.

When he finally released her, his forehead rested against hers as they both caught their breath. ‘I’m starting to think you’re a little accident prone,’ he whispered, his voice hoarse from their kiss.

Langdon barely resisted the urge to snort. ‘Come on, Connor. You’ve known me for years. This is just a string of bad luck.’ A gust of wind caused a shiver, and she slid her hands around his waist and into the warmth of his coat.

‘You’re going to end up with a chill again,’ he said softly.

She smiled up at him. ‘I was about to get into a warm car with ‘blasting’ heat, but someone wouldn’t let me.’

He chuckled at the teasing note in her voice, leading her back toward the crosswalk. ‘At least I didn’t have to jump into a river to save you this time.’

Langdon froze. ‘You jumped in?’ He nodded absently. She tugged on his arm until he turned back to face her. ‘What do you mean, you jumped in?’ she demanded.

He furrowed his brow, ‘When you fell in the Liffey, someone had to pull you out.’

‘And you were there?’

His eyes widened in concern. ‘Laney, you were supposed to be meeting me. You called me, said it was urgent. We were meeting at Foggy Dew on the other side of Temple Bar. I…’ He gripped her shoulders. ‘Laney, you were late, I went to meet you at the bus stop. I had just made it to the quay…’ His hazel eyes glinted with raw fear before he could mask the emotion and turn away. ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’ He strode into the crosswalk.

Langdon couldn’t believe he was walking away from her. ‘Connor!’ she chased after him, catching his hand and letting him tow her across the street to the car. ‘Connor, talk to me, please.’

‘Get in,’ he held the door open for her.

She looked at him with concern, finally dropping onto the bucket seat rather ungracefully. ‘Connor?’ He closed the car door sharply.

She waited for him to settle into the driver’s seat. ‘Connor, talk to me.’

He started the engine. ‘Drop it.’

‘No.’ She reached across the space in the car, her fingertips brushing his jaw line.

Connor jerked away from her touch. ‘Stop it,’ his voice was both soft and dangerous.

Langdon’s brow twisted in confusion. ‘Connor, you have to talk to me.’

‘No I don’t!’ he shouted, the volume of his voice amplified in the small space of the car. Langdon’s face turned red. Connor never yelled, and he certainly never yelled at her. She bit her lip and looked down at her hands clutched in her lap. She could feel the tears threatening to spill from behind her lashes and turned to look out the window.

Connor struggled to get a grip on his emotions. He felt raw, striped, and torn in multiple directions at once. He spared a glance at Laney and his heart dropped. She was going to cry, he panicked. Don’t cry, please don’t cry. Oh man, how could he explain it to her? If he hadn’t been there, it was doubtful she would have survived. It terrified him. What if he hadn’t been there? What if he had decided to get a drink and wait? What if he hadn’t been as fast as he was tonight? He had come so close to losing her, and if he did, it would destroy him.

Another momentary look at Laney and he felt sick to his stomach. She was pretending to be interested in something out the window, her eyes glittering with unshed tears. The thought crossed his mind that it would be his own damn fault if she did start crying, and the truth angered him. Growling to himself, he threw the car into gear and spun out into traffic.


Paul thumbed through a meagre pile of bills, throwing the wallet back into the bag in disgust. A few euros, that was all he managed out his brilliant plan. It was the second time Connor Kennedy had interfered with his job. That man was stuck to Langdon like glue. Why couldn’t she be dating someone with slower reflexes?

He leaned back against the brick wall of the alley and slid down onto his haunches. He would have to get her alone, somehow drag her away from Connor. That, or Connor would have to go too. Better the two of them than me, Paul thought glumly. Even if he didn’t get it done, there were other people that would. No sense in dying along with them. He tugged the ski mask off and tossed it into the nearby dumpster.

Now the question was how to get her away from Connor… Or how to get rid of them both. Either way, it had to happen soon.


Langdon glumly followed Connor into their flat and watched as he stalked into the bedroom and slammed the door. She dropped on the couch, listening for Connor to return. When the door remained closed, Langdon felt every second weighing on her heart. She slipped off her shoes and coat, leaving them next to the couch and moved cautiously to the bedroom. She peeked in to see Connor sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands.

She pushed the door open far enough to slip inside and with the rustle of her dress against the doorframe, Connor’s head shot up. He watched her cautiously for a few moments. The silence had her shifting uncomfortably, but he didn’t speak until it was only to effectively cut her off from saying anything. ‘Look, I’m going to change, and then I’ll get out of your way.’ Connor pushed himself up from the edge of the bed and shed his suit coat, hanging it on the closet door.

‘Get out of my way?’ she asked softly.

‘Yeah,’ he glan
ced over his shoulder but didn’t meet her confused stare. ‘I’ll just sleep on the couch or something.’

‘Sleep on the couch?’ she took a timid step into the bedroom. ‘Why would you sleep on the couch?’

‘Look, Laney, I don’t want to fight right now. I’ll be out of your way in a minute.’ He ran a hand absently through his hair heading back toward the bed, loosening his tie, and unbuttoning the top button of his shirt.

‘Fight? Connor, this isn’t fighting, this is you shutting me out. What the hell is going on?’ Langdon took a few bold strides into the room. ‘Connor, talk to me.’ The ache in her voice only wounded him deeper and he couldn’t bring himself to face her. He grabbed a pillow from the bed. She bit down on her lower lip to keep it from shaking. ‘Please, Connor.’

Connor spared another glance her way, if for no other reason than to get an idea of how upset she truly was. It was a bad idea. Her body language alone projected a vulnerability that had a wave of fierce protectiveness tensing his shoulders. His brows knit together with frustration and worry and he turned back toward the bed.

She clenched her jaw and stared at the broad wall of his back. She wanted to scream he made her so angry. She finally understood the meaning of the phrase ‘seeing red,’ and a tremor of rage shuddered through her. She could tolerate a great many things, but this was too much.

Connor ran his palm down the length of his face, his fingertips less than gently tracing the line of his mouth. He didn’t know what to say, there was nothing to say. Laney deserved much better than his silence, but he couldn’t find the words. He was so lost in thought that he was completely unaware that Langdon’s distress had transitioned into full-blown anger. The only warning he had of her ignited temper was her small shriek of rage before he was knocked clean off his feet.

Langdon launched herself at his back, the momentum carrying them into the bed. Connor almost ended up winded as the corner of the mattress caught him in the stomach. ‘Laney, what the hell?’ he demanded, trying to push himself up. Langdon would have none of it. They tussled, wrestling against the bed and she scrambled to put him in a headlock, twisting one of his arms up behind his back. ‘Damnit, Laney! Let me up!’

‘No,’ she hissed. ‘Not until you’re ready to talk to me.’

‘What?’ he sputtered, twisting in her grip. ‘No! I don’t want to talk, but I’m damn close to paddling your ass. Get off.’ The fact that he couldn’t free his hand surprised him, but her fierce hold did nothing to appease his growing sense of self-righteous anger. ‘Who the hell taught you to wrestle?’

‘I have brothers,’ she growled.

He scoffed. ‘Nice, now let me up.’

‘No,’ she insisted.

‘Laney!’ He shoved hard off the bed, and she lost her hold on his arm, stumbling back a few steps. Connor spun to face her, holding his hands up in a conciliatory manner.

Langdon didn’t care. She was fuming. She tackled him onto the bed, the mattress knocking his knees out from behind as she used her whole body to pin him down. Connor tried to throw her off. She was half his size, but seemed unmovable. ‘Damnit, Connor!’ she cried. ‘Why won’t you talk to me?’ Her voice cracked, and Connor stopped fighting her, finally meeting her gaze for a fleeting moment.

She was shaking, her face flushed, her expression incensed, but the glisten in her eyes betrayed the hurt behind her anger. ‘Laney,’ he said softly.

‘Don’t placate me!’

‘Placate you?’ his voice rose in irritation. ‘Laney, you’re the one sacking me when I’m not looking.’

‘What the hell else am I supposed to do?’ she shouted back. ‘You want me, then you don’t. You yell at me, then you won’t talk to me. I don’t have anyone else to talk to, Connor!’

‘Why do you have to talk about this?’ he tried to wriggle free.

‘Why won’t you?’

‘Anything else,’ he pleaded. ‘I’ll talk about anything else. Ask me whatever you want.’

‘What are you protecting me from?’

‘You almost died!’ his entire body stiffened beneath hers. ‘I saw you running across the bridge. I only looked away for a second. A second! When I looked for you again you were falling. I yelled for someone to do something and no one moved. No body else did anything!’ He couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran through him.

‘So you jumped in?’ she whispered, feeling her temper rapidly wane.

Connor felt her grip on his hands relax and he suddenly shifted, rolling and pinning her shoulders to the bed. ‘Yes I jumped! And you were blue. And you weren’t breathing. And I thought you were dead!’

Langdon watched the expressions wash across his face in rapid sequence: fear, anger, panic, helplessness, more anger. She wanted to take away the pain that had him shaking, that had him holding her in a fierce grip. Everything was her fault. A guilty knot twisted in her stomach. ‘I didn’t know,’ she breathed.

‘No, you didn’t know. You didn’t remember. I never wanted you to remember. I don’t want to remember it.’

‘I’m so sorry, Connor.’ She ran her fingertips across his cheek, easing the lines of tension as he softened under her caress. ‘I wish you had told me.’

‘It’s not your fault,’ he murmured, pushing himself back up to his knees. He felt completely exhausted. ‘I just… I came so close to losing you. I don’t want… I can’t lose you.’ He dropped bonelessly against the pillows. ‘I don’t know, Laney. I don’t know how to deal with this. I’m sorry.’

Langdon scrambled up and threw herself at Connor. He flinched, momentarily expecting her to hit him again, and was mildly stunned as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck. ‘You’re like my own personal knight in shining armour,’ she whispered, feathering kisses along the underside of his jaw. ‘Or a prince charming, or something.’

Connor couldn’t resist the urge to smile. After the intensity of their exchange, he felt himself dissolve into a fit of laughter. He hugged her fiercely, resting his cheek on the top of her head. ‘Would that make you a damsel in distress, then? Ack!’ he chuckled as she warmly kissed where she had just nipped the side of his neck. ‘Fine then, princess.’ He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

‘Are we ok?’ she asked timidly.

‘Are you planning on tackling me again if we aren’t?’

She shook her head. ‘What on earth would make you think I’d do that?’

He smiled wryly. ‘If you don’t tackle me, I won’t spank you for it.’

Langdon scoffed. ‘I suddenly wish I could remember where I put those handcuffs Eoin gave me.’ She sobered and twisted to meet his eyes. ‘So, are we ok?’

He pinched her playfully. ‘We’re ok. Just… Stay out of trouble, alright?’

‘Out of trouble, check.’

He pulled her close again, enjoying the feel of her pressed against the length of his body. ‘Do you mind if I just hold you for the rest of the night? I don’t think I could let go if I tried.’

Langdon nodded, snuggling into his warmth. ‘Hold away, Sir. I don’t need my arms back until Monday.’


After a full week of being banished to the wards, Langdon was chomping at the bit to get back into the operating room. Eoin had volunteered to ‘supervise’ her while she re-acclimated to the routine of the hospital. She was grateful. Eoin didn’t hover or second-guess her, just checked in to make sure she was doing ok, sign off on her charts, have a chat every now and then, and send her home when it was getting late.

Ward work was tedious without operations or Out Patients to break up the monotony. Langdon left the hospital at the end of every shift exhausted from the strain of pretending to know people she couldn’t remember and apparently remembering how to do things she just somehow knew. When she had beaten Connor home, she had fallen asleep on the couch trying to wait up for him. She had woken hours later, wrapped in his arms, curled up in their bed. When Conno
r was off shift before she was, she came home to waiting dinner and his strong encouragement that she get some sleep. And while she did listen to him, she was painfully aware of tension building between them again.

When she had first returned home, Connor’s presence in the bed had unnerved her, but Langdon was finding it hard to sleep soundly without his arms wrapped around her. His smell, his warmth, and the solid weight of him next to her managed to calm her near manic thoughts long enough for sleep. More frequently, she woke with the strong desire to have her way with him. Yet somehow, even the knowledge that he felt the same didn’t help her find the courage to tell him so. After the fight, they had reached an unspoken truce of sorts, and she didn’t want to upset the tenuous peace in the flat. But the sexual frustration that built wound her tight enough to have her on a hair trigger. If she didn’t find some sort of release soon, she was going to explode.

Thankfully, her near flawless patient care over the past few days was sign enough to Prof that, whether or not she had regained all of her memories, she was capable of doing her job well. Eamonn had been waiting for her to get back to the surgical team, and Langdon insisted that they clarify a few things before she started working with him again.

‘Look, Lang, we’re friends now, that’s all there is to it,’ Eamonn said bluntly.

‘Eamo, I’ve never been good at being friends with my ex-boyfriends.’

He laughed. ‘Yeah, well, I’m your boss. You don’t have much of a choice.’

Langdon narrowed her eyes, studying him carefully. ‘You could be full of shit, right? I mean, how do I know you aren’t just telling me whatever you want me to believe?’

‘Honey, if I were lying, I’d come up with something better than ‘we’re just friends,’ ok? Believe me. I’m much more creative than that when I want to be.’ He managed to draw a smile from her, and threw his arm around her shoulder in a companionable manner. ‘Come on, kid. We’ve got some cutting to do.’

Langdon grinned. ‘Finally.’


Langdon shifted her stance to keep the blood moving. As much as she loved surgery, there was a good deal of standing around and not moving. ‘Ms. Murphy, if you could remove the langy-back.’ She did as the professor asked, wordlessly handing the instrument to the scrub nurse. Prof rinsed out the area and swabbed it once more before turning to the senior registrar. ‘Mr. O’Neil, if you’d like to close, I think we’re done here.’ Eamonn O’Neill nodded his consent.

She watched the Prof move off into the sluice room, shucking his gown and gloves as he went. Eamonn looked up from the primed suture kit and gave her a wink. ‘Is he gone?’ Langdon nodded slightly as the second set of doors closed behind their boss. ‘Good,’ he mumbled, handing her the needle and forceps. ‘You close, I’ll watch.’

‘What?’ Lang looked at him startled.

Eamonn grinned. ‘I said, you close, I’ll watch. Come on, Lang. I’ve seen you with your practice kit at home. You probably stitch better than I do.’

‘It’s a practice kit, Eamonn!’

‘You have to learn sometime, kid.’

Langdon blushed. She hated being called a kid almost as much as she hated the way Eamonn was manipulating her. She took the tools from his hands and muttered, ‘You’ll pay for this later.’

‘Empty threats.’ He grinned and proceeded to talk her through the surgical closure. Thirty minutes later, Langdon was sipping a steaming mug of tea and relaxing between surgeries. ‘See,’ Eamonn winked at her over his mug. ‘Not that scary.’

‘Your face isn’t that scary,’ she mumbled, trying not to laugh.

‘Is that anyway to speak to your boss?’ He pretended to be offended.

‘You shouldn’t patronize your girlfriend,’ she whispered slyly.

The pager on Eamonn’s waistband went off, beeping offensively in the rather calm break room. ‘Aw, hell. It’s the A&E, go see what they want?’

‘Are you asking me or are you telling me?’ she quirked a brow.

‘Your boyfriend is asking, your boss is telling. Quit being a smartass and go check on the new admit.’

Langdon liked the A&E, there was something organised in the chaos of the place. Plus, you would never get bored there. So many different problems, so many different people, so many different procedures. ‘Surgical got a page,’ she announced to the triage nurse at the main desk.

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This story came to me after watching a episode of Supernatural, plus I LOVE the Wishmaster movies. So I thought ‘WHAT THE HELL’ let me give it a shot but I wanted to take go the NAUGHTY way with it. I woke up early on my day off climbing into the shower. I could feel like this was a great day to be alive (not knowing what is going to go down later in the day). Then making a very delicious breakfast eating slow enjoying ever bite. I didn’t have any plans so I deiced to go to the shops down main...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Kenzie Love Baby8230You Brought Him Back For Me

Kenzie Love is a little nymph. Amazing eyes…tits and ass, of course too! We come back late from partying and are fooling around and she starts talking about this black guy she saw at the club. She says it’d turn her on to get fucked by his big cock while I watch her. I have to say, she is getting me going & her hot pussy is soaked just talking about this fantasy. When she goes to shower, I decide to surprise her by bringing Haitian Fresh, the stud from the bar home. Kenzie is so...

1 year ago
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Herman to Hermione

Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 09

IX ‘If someone could give you a pill’ By the time Wendy came home my batteries were thoroughly recharged and we headed straight upstairs for the usual mindblowing fuck. Later on, when she finally made it to the front room, she looked dismayed at the horrible mark on the carpet. (I had tried to do something about it before she came back, but with only limited success.) I told her I had spilt something. ‘What on earth was it?’ she asked. I decided to try the power of FUCK once more. ‘Don’t...

2 years ago
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April Fools Bigamy

What in God’s name was going on, I asked myself as I came to in the shower, a hot jet of water hitting my face. It was ... what day again? Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? I struggled through washing my face and body, before stumbling and nearly tumbling on my out of the shower. I reached vainly for a towel, only to have one rather suddenly used on me by a distinctly feminine hand. “Lauren?” I assumed that it was my fiancée, the same one that I was set to wed Saturday night (after the Sabbath...

4 years ago
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Friends and BenefitsChapter 8

I woke up alone. It took me a little while to remember why I was stretched out on the sleeper sofa. I reached out and caressed the mattress where Sherri had lain. Commotion from the kitchen told me she was still here. I slowly pulled myself to a sitting position, just as Sherri came around the corner carrying two steaming mugs. A beautiful naked woman bearing coffee. I doubted there was a better morning sight possible. "Good morning, Joe. Sleep well?" I nodded. "More soundly than I...

1 year ago
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Cum Crazy

I came home from work today to find my sexy wife laying in bed with wet panties on as I got closer to her I could see white cum all over her thighs. I knew right away that she had been fucking someone right before I got home she knew that I couldn’t resist sucking cum out of her well used pussy. She reached down and removed her panties and offered them to me I stuck them up to my nose and smelled the fresh cum that had leaked out of her pussy and ass and had been trapped in her panties.I took...

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Malan MothersChapter 18

They concluded the call, then Esther opened her door again. The airman was leaning against the opposite wall, waiting for the phone. She offered the handset to him, saying, "Lawyers! They always want to do things the most complicated way. I am now told Jenny and I have to sign forms. I have told her that it will have to wait until I can travel again. Thanks for the phone, son." "You are welcome, ma'am. Lawyers get special treatment. I will wipe any record of the call, ma'am." Thank...

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Abbys Friend Ch 03

Months had past since Jemma’s enslavement of Abby and Mike and had enjoyed their obedience to her as she continued to cast her deep hypnotic spell over them both. But she was on the look out for more to enslave and to widen her hypnotic control. Tom was 21, 6’2′ with dark, long hair and a broad frame, typical of an American football player. He had a long-term girlfriend, Kate who he was planning on proposing to tonight. He was going round Kate’s house for a quiet evening to watch a film. This...

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The New Neighbour Part 12

At home, the Queening stool now became a regular fixture in our evening schedule. Once Caroline settled on my face for the evening, she would happily spend two or three hours, watching TV while I gently worshipped her nether regions. I was occasionally allowed to masturbate myself, under my apron, but was rarely now asked to tongue her pussy. Instead, she had purchased a small vibrator which she used to stimulate her clit, whilst receiving my ministrations.Next door, I was busy decorating a...

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My Luck

Hi guy’s its Farhan again from Kanpur I got a lot of comments for my last stories. I don’t wanna waste your precious time so here is my experience it’s a real incident. Post your comments @ I am waiting it was 11:45. My sister usually comes home around 12:00, every weekend night, after the parties die out. Sometimes, it seems to me like she is always the last one to leave, that she needs to be the last one there to feel important, or in power. I think she just does this because she”s afraid...

4 years ago
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George and Martha Part 1

Martha was running late. It hadn't been a great day. At 36 years old, Martha was successful and attractive, but her life had taken some turns lately that had left her wondering what she had done to anger the cosmos in such a way as to constantly be throwing more problems onto her shoulders every single day. She had an extremely successful construction business that she had helped her father build, but now, with her father passing away and her husband filing for divorce last year, it...

1 year ago
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First Sex Experience With Cousin Sister

Hi everyone! I’m a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net and I just wanted to share my first sex experience with my cousin sister Shalini who broke my virginity. I used to watch porn with my friends but i was still virgin. Once when I was 19 years old, with my family I went to my grandmother’s house for vacation. Lots of my relatives came there and they all decided to go to a temple for 2 days. My mom knew that i was not interested to come so she asked me to stay with my cousin sister...

2 years ago
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Control A World of BDSM

Your alarm goes off. It's time to get up for work. You yawn and roll over, slapping the alarms off button with that gentle bit of over aggression that only an alarm clock receives. You get up, scratching at your chest and getting ready to scroll through your phone. As you open the curtains of your small apartment to let in some natural light, you see a sight that makes you drop your multi-thousand dollar piece of soon-to-be-outdated pure capitalist smart technology. There is a woman, fully...

3 years ago
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Helping Step Daughter Part 1

The next day I mentioned my find to her and asked if everything was OK and why she decided to shave her area. “I just wanted to try it.” she replied. I had always been the one she talked to about her curiosities instead of her mom so it wasn’t awkward to be talking about her private area. “So what do you think” I asked. “It feels funny” she answered. I told her she would get used to it and how important it was to do it right with a good razor and shaving gel. I told her if she needed anything...

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Beth 4Chapter 14

That Friday evening the four of us were sitting in the Palace. Since I knew Val was out shopping with Beth, I'd suggested that Brad pick me up. The ulterior motive my devious lady had come up with was simple: If Val and Brad seemed inclined, he could give her a ride home. If not, I'd ride back with him and Beth would have more time to talk with Val. A beautiful plan. Now just to see if it would work. Brad had been nervous driving out. "Tommy, do you really think Val will even talk to me?...

3 years ago
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The Gift

Cara could feel the cool tip of the plastic cock as it pressed against the heat of her pussy. She didn’t move a muscle, just waited obediently. She’d never been fucked by a strapon and her heart was racing from the nervous excitement. “Are you ok, love?” the woman’s voice asked firmly from behind her.“Y-y-yes, I think so,” Cara’s voice stammered as she answered. “Good, then we shall proceed.” On all fours, Cara turned to look behind. Her eyes panned but, before she could make out her lovers...

4 years ago
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Cuckold Girl friend makes me watch

As I watched Mary kiss Lee. I can see her peek over me. She was looking at me as Lee sucked on her neck and down to her huge tits. It turned me on knowing she was enjoying this. By her looking at me moaning with lust in her eyes. She wanted me to know how much she did. I could see her grabbing his huge cock with both hands. Jerking it and lathering it up with soap. Lee's hands and mouth was all over her. Mary turned her body around to Lee's huge cock could rub and grind on her fat juicy ass....

3 years ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 21 Having a Ball

A week later, Tyler and Marsha returned from a brief visit to France. Danny and Ashley were invited to dine with them. It had been a few months since it had been just the four, but Irina had a bad cold and Lynn was cramming for an exam. The dinner was nothing special, just a chance to fill each other in on their lives, but Danny used the opportunity to talk about his plans. “Dad, I’ve been meaning to tell you that for a while, but I’m leaning towards applying to business schools for next...

2 years ago
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Angle evil Cordy

Cordy sits in her room reading a book. Willow had ruin her plans by giving angelus his soul back. Conner was acting up and she was losing control over him. Maybe she could play in his mother complex. She could take away the soul of Angel. She could do it the way Buffy did. She fucked the soul out of him. She could have Conner and Angel fighting each other. They were getting along and that was going to put a damper in her evil plans She knew she could seduce the girl Fred. Seduction was a key...

1 year ago
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A Servant of WisdomChapter 10

Alice was surprised at how much food a garden actually gave you. In a sense, it shouldn't be surprising. As a city girl, she had no information on which to base guesses. Thus, any answer whatsoever would not be what she expected, and she should have expected that. She sat up on her knees, wiping her sweaty brow. That had made no sense. The sun was getting to her. Alice was wearing a hat, at least. A nice big floppy hat, light and comfortable. Tom had woven it for her, from various plants....

2 years ago
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SABINA   SABINAChapter 1 ? The Domme!ByAnne Gray The bright red polish on my nails was easily visible through the tight, clear latex covering my fingers.? Moisture on the tips of the glove glistened in the flickering firelight as I slowly lowered my hand again to continue its feathery light touches along the pouting lips of her vagina. The sound of whimpering escaped passed the gag packed between her teeth and covered by the wide leather head strap.? With my left hand I gently rolled an...

4 years ago
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Finding ShelterChapter 11

Mark and I spent our Saturday as we had so many before — doing nothing but a whole lot of it. We put together some Lego's and read a couple of books. We spent time playing knights and dragons and we built a snowman. We took a nap together on the couch and fixed tuna sandwiches for lunch. All in all, it was a good time for both us. It was almost 8 p.m. when I saw headlights in the drive. The fact that the headlights turned off and so did the ignition led me to believe the Kasey was...

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Honeymoon vacation part one

This is a fictional story how a couple encountered into group sex with other couple and his friend.I am Preethi aged 27 working in a call center at Vizag our family is from the north but stayed in the south for so many years.We are from decent family so I got an arranged marriage with Gaurav who is working at Accenture in Hyderabad. He is 29 years old we just had normal chat before marriage and just saw each other in photos so we have never seen each other.One pleasant day Gaurav family came to...

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I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller :I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

4 years ago
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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

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Virtual Reality

Kelly stared at the paper in her hand with excitement, her heating beating rapidly in her chest. 'I can't believe it!' she thought, her eyes brightening. 'I've actually been chosen!' Nearly skipping in excitement, Kelly quickly reached her phone and dialed the number that she had gotten from the sheet, excitedly declaring her positive response. Now, to get prepared. "Virtual Reality is the most advanced gaming and training technology found on Earth," the man talking to her said. He was leering...

1 year ago
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Equal SharesChapter 26

Monday night. Stan was late — he'd been pulled into a 'five to five' meeting with Percy, much to his annoyance - and didn't get home until well after his normal time. He hurried, but Anne still rang his doorbell before he'd finished getting dressed. "Come in, Anne!" he called, and Anne used her key to open the door. She found Stan sitting at the bottom of the stairs, bare-chested, with one sock on and trying to get the other one on his still-damp foot. She couldn't help but laugh,...

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Tim the Teenage Part V

Tim, the Teenage Part Five By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 3 - The Horror of the Power (mc, Mm, Mf, Mfm) "Come to me slave," the huge man said. "You're mine now." I felt my legs obey the deep voice, finding myself trapped in a body I couldn't control. It was kneeing before him with my head down in servitude, while my mind screamed at it's refusal to obey me. "So, you found my pet, did you? How did you... Ah, I see. I missed something. Well, at least...

2 years ago
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The House In The Cliffs2

“Wait!” She turned back to see a man stood at the door, wearing nothing but a bathrobe. She took two steps back up the path. “Charlotte, is it?” the robed man asked, holding out a hand. Charlie tentatively grab a hold and shook it, his palms soft, his grip firm. “I’m so sorry, I was in the shower. Please, come in, I’ll be down in a moment” he blushed, clearly embarrassed at the situation. Charlie’s cheeks flushed too, the robe only just covering his backside as he stepped back inside “His...

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Thigh Highs

Who doesn’t like stockings? Stockings are always in fashion, especially when the rest of the babe you’re looking at is completely nude. I always appreciate babes who put their bodies on the line out there and allow us to have fun jerking off to them. There is always so much to enjoy with these amateur girls, and the best content always features these girls in the hottest stockings that you can imagine. Some guys like them as just some kinds of socks that barely reach the ankles, some like them...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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The 10 Best Indian Sex Stories Of May 2021

Dear Readers, we have a list of stories that you enjoyed the most during the month of May 2021. We hope you will enjoy them again and share the stories with your friends as well! 1) By: I stayed with my Muslim aunt and cousin during my vacations. Aunt learned that we were virgins. She taught us how to have oral sex and have a threesome. ‘One night while everyone was sleeping, I woke up to go to the toilet. I used the torch on my phone to go to the toilet in the room. As I was...

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My Hair is Stuck

He and my mother married in college and lived a pretty normal life. They had me and, unfortunately, my mother passed away when I was about 3 years old. I remember very little about her, but I know that my father was devastated when he lost her. He has never dated and insists he won’t until I graduate high school and move away. Let’s start with the obligatory information that everyone needs to know in order to play this out in their mind: My father is in his mid-40s and is about as...

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A TS Friend Part 2

We had few more drinks while sitting at the bar very close to each other. While we were drinking, I told Kim multiple times that I have been thinking about her since I saw her pictures but she laughed those conversations off. I finally told Kim that I wanted to sleep with her which she denied immediately by saying “that is not happening”. She then explained that she already has a boyfriend but went on to explain that their relationship is a little complex. They both have some fun here and...

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Seduced by my Best Friend

I sat on a window seat, over looking the ocean. This house was beautiful, it belonged to my best friend, we were enjoying a summer break, to get away from the hectic schedule of working 9 to 5. We had known each other since we were just 11 years old, and we have stayed best friends ever since. I am 22 years old with ample breasts and pert, young, pink nipples. My figure is curvy but my swishing golden hair covered it, as it ended at the small of my back. As I looked out of the window I felt my...

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Inheriting a Daughter

INHERITING A DAUGHTERPrologue                                                                                May 3, 1908Dear Meg,I find myself in a most tenuous situation, and I’m hoping you can help me out.  As you know from my Christmas card three years ago, my beloved Constance passed away with the cancer.  Since you and I both lost our families when they were drowned in the Johnstown flood, I have had no one to care for my sweet daughter, Eleanor.  Now, it develops, I find that I have...

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DreamweaverChapter 73 Lights Camera

"You must heal yourself, James," she said. "And you must do it quickly, for time is shorter than you know." Beside me Walter had sunk to one knee with his head bowed, "My Lady." "Rise and do as you have been commanded." To say I was shocked to see her would have been an understatement but apparently this wasn't the time to go into it. "How?" "As your Walter has pointed out to you, and you have discovered yourself, you walk in both worlds. You must take your sister into the...

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A Night with Nyna Black

The First Name is your good friend. The Second name is your celebrity crush She regretted the decision for day one but that is what she gets for finally giving in and signing with and agent. She is in a business where you can make a lot of money or go virtually unknown. The fact that she even became a model is nothing more than an accident meeting opportunity. She never thought it would get like this however. Never thought there would be so much attention. Never thought she’d have so many...

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