a ing the Bride
- 4 years ago
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SO FAR: Jilted days away from the altar, Bianca White returns to her homeland to become a business problems consultant in Auckland. Business is beginning to take off but her first client Marty Young has become her romantic quarry and at last his interest in her appears about to erupt.
Bianca White regarded as encouraging the response of her client Marty Young that he thought she could be so funny. As well as plying her with Harvey Wallbangers he was inviting her out to the ranch or whatever he called it for Sunday lunch.
‘What time Sunday?’ She didn’t really expect him to drawl ‘Why not come for all day and stay the night.’ This wasn’t a book or a film. She wasn’t disappointed when he said, ‘Ten-thirty onwards will be fine. I’ll give you directions during dinner tonight.’
‘Over dinner’ proved to be fascinating: Marty talked expansively about his educational college, indicating without saying to Bianca he fancied he was contributing usefully to the assimilation of foreigners into their new homeland.
She’d been to this restaurant before – a typical home-style low-budget Italian family eatery where sloppily rendered walls with pictures torn from magazines and framed were offset by jovial hosts, saucy waitresses and surly young sons pathetically posing as real wine waiters plus there was the honest to goodness food. It was exactly the right setting – noisy and friendly with aroams that tempted the nostrils to distraction.
Looking at her client Bianca thought to hear a young man talk passionately about his vocation – well, he was young, a mere four years older than she was – and who doesn’t like men being passionate about something?
The conversation was one-sided then why interrupt? Most of her girlfriends perennially complained their lovers – including husband – didn’t talk enough.
Bianca decided she was determined to take advantage of this opportunity. Why let him drift away just because he was uncommitted to marriage? Someone had to arrest his elusiveness and it seemed appropriate that she did just that even if it meant grooming him for some other woman. Eligible men at thirty should not be left corral-shy.
‘Tomorrow for lunch as well?’ she heard herself saying. Two lunches within two days of tonight’s dinner, this was adding up to a dating frenzy. Keep your mouth shut – he’ll elaborate.
‘Yes, I’d like to introduce you to my partner and our management team tomorrow and to take you through our establishment. I’m thinking of engaging you permanently as a consultant, making your our second outside director. Our legal adviser is currently the only outside director on our board of six.’
‘Your college is large enough to justify a board of six?’
‘Oh yes.’
Well, how big was big? He’d probably been telling her while she was figuring out how to nail him. You are over-complicating your relationship with this man by having runaway thoughts, my girl. Stop it.
‘Okay, I’ll readjust my schedule to ensure I can make lunch.’
‘Go on, you have virtually no appointments tomorrow.’
Clearly it was meant as a joke, she knew that and she knew she had only two appointments tomorrow – one early, the other in the evening. Even so, she blushed.
Oh God, he’d taken her hand and was apologizing earnestly, saying what a callous thing to say to a lovely lady struggling to build up a new business in a competitive environment. She thought that strategically she should milk sympathy and possible hugs by softly weepng but she was um too honest for that. That, of course, but the word she was seeking was staunch. This wasn’t a public relations project, this was an attempt to create and capture romance to really find out if Marty would reveal himself as Mr Right.
Capturing romance? She wasn’t sure she’d heard that expression before but it fitted her situation like a glove.
‘No, don’t apologize – I love it when you make your little quips and spontaneous comments. It’s part of what makes you so interesting.’
‘Interesting, you find me interesting?’ he asked, quite agog.
Jumping jellyfish – he had no idea how hard she was working this evening to attract him to her. Time for the gamble – it could attract or repel.
‘Oh yes, you are a great client but in the social moments we’ve had together I find myself becoming attracted to you.’
‘To me?’
She half expected him to look around to see who she was addressing.
Tactics again: She didn’t reply – she just held out her glass to be topped up and stared at him, riveting a strong look into his jade green eyes. He overfilled her glass and wine trickled over her slightly shaking fingers, He broke their locked gaze to say a naughty four-letter word and began dabbing her fingers with his paper serviette, in his haste spilling more wine from her glass.
‘Allow me sir,’ said their waitress, arriving with a thick hand-towel.
‘I’m sorry…’ Marty began.
‘Think nothing of it, sir. My family loves it when our customers become passionate. I’ll fetch a finger bowl for you ma’am.’
‘Passionate – me passionate?’ he said as the waitress sped away.
‘The emotion is there, it just needs to be triggered,’ Bianca said casually, looking at one of the awful wall pictures.
The fleet-footed waitress was back and dipping Bianca’s hand into the water. ‘You must enjoy these beautiful long fingers exploring your body, sir.’
Bianca and Marty sat like two stunned mackerel.
‘Long fingers and the quality of epicure are part of a women’s defining assets,’ Marty croaked.
The waitress and Bianca looked at Marty with interest. He turned away embarrassed. The table had a waterproof centre cover so the waitress wiped that clean and said, ‘We are sorry our wine caused an accident. My father says the liquers and coffee will be served without change.’
‘Apart from the pictures, I love coming to this restaurant,’ Bianca said.
‘It’s fast becoming one of my favorites,’ Marty beamed. ‘I must tip that waitress well. She has a lovely face but pity about the hips.’
‘Give her a break, Marty. She’s Italian, though doubtless Kiwi-born and she works in food and her mother probably forbids her to diet. But never fear – she’ll make it on sheer personality and probably can cook like an angel.’
Marty nodded. ‘Well said, Bianca. I must say you’re never boring – you sound almost ruthless at times and yet have to ability to soar and say such a lovely thing as you’ve just said about that girl. I suppose if we knock around a bit like this I’ll find out more about you.’
‘I suppose so.’
Outside the restaurant Bianca ended their awkwardness at farewell time forever. She reached up and kissed him on the lips. ‘Thank you – lovely evening. Lovely kiss. I’m only ten minutes walk from home in well-lit streets and it’s not quite 9:00. So off you go to collect your vehicle and drive safely.’
‘I cannot allow…’
‘This is not negotiable, Marty. Believe me. Now kiss me again and I’ll be off. When unaccompanied I always try to be off the streets by 9:00 at nights to preserve my impeccable reputation.’
They kissed unhurriedly.
‘Marvellous lips, marvelous fingers. What else do you have in that category?’
Bianca giggled and said it was for him to find out, so he’d better stick around.
Marty handed Bianca a slip of paper and waved goodbye, calling, ‘You’ve only seen and public pages of our website. That’s the password to allow you to go deeper.’
Bianca blew him a kiss and walked off, wondering if he was standing to look at her hips. She fell into a bit of a nautical roll but didn’t look back.
Bianca opened the website of the New Arrival’s Induction College, Basil Kennard and Marty Young, joint principals, established 1985. She’d forgotten to ask Marty who Basil Kennard was – presumably the founder as in the staff photograph he looked in his
late sixties. She counted the staff – 43. This was no fly-by-night outfit.
The college ran morning, afternoon and evening courses – the maximum number of students per class was fifteen and the claim was ‘Low student-tutor ratios to facilitate rapid student immersion’.
The fees raised her eyebrows – it wasn’t cheap education, but the shortest class was the initial introductory intensive 5-day course. After that students elected what classes they wished to attend, the minimum number required for a 5-day class to run was eight students.
The password was one Marty was unlikely to forget: the name of his horse and its age – Beckett11. She read the company’s strategic plan and business plan, code of ethics and operations report. Then for the next few hours Bianca worked on a draft marketing report, finishing just before 4:00 which mean by skipping gym she could snatch three and a half hours’ sleep and still open the office on time. Although tired, she was very pleased with her work and thrilled that she had a boyfriend again.
* * *
Driving home after dinner, Marty turned the radio up loud and let his thoughts soar. The most amazing thing had happened – the beautiful Bianca White had taken to him. He shook his head, unable to believe it, a woman like that could virtually align with anyone but she’d chosen him.
Marty tried to think of what had attracted her, it couldn’t be the sex because they hadn’t been any. His mind went on an erotic detour thinking about having sex with that gorgeous woman. Perhaps she wasn’t so gorgeous and that’s why no-one else wanted her? Nah, that was ridiculous.
A grinding mind came up with a few likely things:
-he was her first client. -she felt sorry for what Gloria had done to him. -they interacted well. -they appeared to be compatible. -his farmlet,’Young Meadows’, had horses she could ride. -new Arrivals Induction College would be a big account for her. -she was looking for a good guy, he was a great guy. -Bianca thought sex would be great with him. -She assumed he wanted those long fingers exploring his body. Oh yeah, to be truthful he’s looked at that body of hers in a calculating way a couple of times.
Sex, just sex, or do I want more than that, even more than a complete and intimate friendship? Marty looked into the darkness ahead, split by an illuminated pale gold channel created by the headlights of his vehicle as he waited for tumbling thoughts to settle into some sort of pattern. The wait was a little frustrating because considering that poser had produced more questions: Was marriage even a faint thought in her mind, was she the right woman for him to court, what hope had he of taking her as a bride? This irritated him, why was he bothering with these uncertainties, taking his mind away from the exciting central consideration: she might be interesting in having sex with him?
Question: how do I find out? You make the right moves, dumb cluck.
He turned into his driveway and wound the driver’s window down to hear the welcome of three hungry dogs. He always enjoyed being welcomed home as that made him feel he was not alone.
In bed Marty thought of Bianca and that last kiss they had on the sidewalk, that was a memorable kiss, like he was remembering it now. Bianca had probably gone into the website as soon as she arrived home. He hoped so as it would give her a better ‘feel’ for the college in case she was thrown curly questions. There was a mood of unrest among staff as they knew Basil intended resigning as soon as Marty found a replacement business partner. So far the search had been unsuccessful and by now Bianca may have read his memo to staff about that.
At noon Marty saw Bianca drive up and rushed out to welcome her. As she opened the car door she warned, ‘Don’t kiss me other than on the cheek, Marty. With your difficulty finding a replacement for Mr Kennard it is likely staff will be rather nervous, they won’t want to see you bringing in a consultant with whom you are acting as if you are having an affair.’
‘Oh I wish,’ he grinned. ‘But sharp comment, I had a similar thought last night when thinking of you.’
‘You think of me when I’m not with you?’
‘Your unseemly behavior with me last evening, Miss White, has triggered an affair of the mind.’
‘That’s cute comment, Marty. Now give me a sweet kiss on the cheek and don’t grope.’
‘Grope? I wouldn’t dare, but please allow me to carry your carton – what’s in this?’
‘A draft marketing proposal for your college including a section devoted to restructuring.’
‘What? When did you do this?’
‘When you were in your bed having fanciful thoughts about me. What you have there are nine copies – you said I’d meet eight new faces at the meeting so the extra one is for you. There is an executive summary so there’s no need at this preliminary stage to read the whole report to get the gist. I wrote it last night, finishing at 4:00 this morning.’
‘Good God.’
‘No, Good Bianca.’
Marty introduced Bianca to Basil Kennard, an affable man who looked strained, ready for retirement. The partners took Bianca on a quick tour and then into the boardroom to meet other members of senior management.
The college occupies the former head office and production plant of a long gone food processing company in premises that had been substantially upgraded by the previous owners – a national accounting firm now housed in one of the city’s tallest office towers. The frontage looked impressive, being finished in glazed dark brown brick. There was plenty of parking for students and the air-conditioned classrooms were well lit with modern furniture – altogether a modern teaching facility helping to justify the high fees.
Because New Zealand only has just over 4 million people, it’s immigration figures are small – averaging annually around 80,000 permanent/long stay people of whom around 25,000 are returning New Zealanders, giving the college a net inflow of immigrants of around 55,000 to target for enrolments. But it also attracts students from the tens of thousands other people arriving including long-stay tourists, international students and people on short term work permits. The college and several like-minded institutions compete within these inflows for students.
Explaining this to Bianca during the inspection tour, Basil said the college had a through-up of more that 500 students a week with some of those being students taking more than just the one class a day.
‘Our goal is to accelerate newcomers to assimilate into New Zealand culture to the depth they desire,’ Basil said.
‘Yes, I note that’s the board’s Mission Statement,’ Bianca said. Basil raised an approving eyebrow.
After the luncheon Marty spoke about his reasons for engaging Bianca as a consultant, with emphasis on marketing. ‘We have thirty percent of our premises not being used so we need to assess whether we should expand and into what direction. I propose setting up a five-person working party comprising myself and Bianca. I’d like you people to nominate the other three persons at our next meeting.’
Bianca found Marty to be a strong, non-nonsense speaker and everyone seemed intent on listening to him, this indicated good leadership qualities and his people seemed keen to speak with him during the buffet lunch, which was of excellent quality, no wine was served. Bianca fully approved.
Bianca was invited to speak after Marty had delivered a résumé of her CV.
‘I have written a discussion document which I emphasize is in draft form, at this stage anything in it is up for debate either today or as we progress with further meetings. I apologize in advance for any errors created through assumptions I have made when I had not even stepped into this college, I worked off the website.’
Bianca began distributing the discussion paper asking everyone to take a minute or two and read the executive summary on pages four
and five.
‘This document is a draft titled ‘Image and Positioning’. I have academic knowledge about those two vital topics in marketing and establishment success but you people have the experience at the coalface, we bring knowledge and skills together through positive discussion. I’d ask that you don’t seize on some comments as red herrings because at this stage that’s what they are – comments through to suggestions for discussion. For example, my suggestion that the college’s stated mission be changed to ‘Learn the New Zealand Way’ and that theme be stated when any document or booklet is updated or any promotional film-strip or advertisement or poster is reviewed.’
‘I also believe our discussion should look at comprehensive reform, rather than just production of a slicker marketing program. That means a new name for the College – I’ve suggested the Introducing New Zealand College of Learning. Perhaps you guys can come up with something that hits the bull’seye or we may even have to consult specialists in logos and names. Please read the executive summary, I’ll resume in two minutes from now.’
The meeting ended thirty minutes later to allow staff to return to duties at the resumption of classes for the afternoon session.
‘About all that’s happen is you’ve been introduced to them and you’ve got us thinking,’ Basil said.
‘Getting people thinking is an achievement in itself,’ Bianca responded and turning to Marty listened to his comment she knew had to come: ‘This suggested name change for the college took me by surprise.’
‘At this stage it’s only a suggestion, in my view everything should be up for discussion with Basil as symbolizing the old guard moving out.’
‘Don’t forget Mavis Anchor – she was my first recruit.’
‘Basil, I gained the impression she would prefer me not being here.’
Basil smiled. ‘Yes, that’s to be expected if you know Mavis, but I sensed two or three others were swinging her way.’
‘Yes, I’d agree with that Basis,’ Marty said earnestly. ‘We must ensure at all times we allow any dissenter on any point to speak for a reasonable period. These people are tertiary teachers and administrators who hold dearly to democracy and fair hearings.’
‘That’s fine,’ Bianca smiled. ‘We should settle the naming question quickly – whether it’s to proceed or not. If a new name is adopted, reregistering with the education authorities and the like will take time.’
Accompanying Bianca to her silver Lexus, Marty sensed her disappointment. ‘The reception was negative but remember you will received some support and from here on your role is principally that of facilitator. I won’t kiss you – three of them are at the second floor windows, watching. Not good, I’m afraid.’
Where was the support? Bianca sighed as she drove off, giving the reflective Marty a little wave, you and I could lose this one heavily. Clearly the conservatives who reflected Basil held sway. The damn place was more like a learning institution that a creative centre of modern learning. She wondered when any of the curriculum had been reviewed substantially, or even a little.
Gloom hovered over her like a tiny rain cloud. Then she wailed, ‘Oh God’ knowing a similar reception awaited her this evening from the stalwarts of one of Auckland’s ‘true blue’ schools where the underpinning word behind entire institutionalized philosophy was ‘tradition’. She banged the steering wheel and a minute later was stopping at a small shopping strip to drown her frustration in a double shot black coffee.
Bianca called her ‘temp’ who would have been waiting at least 30 minutes for her overdue employer. She had been warned that Bianca may be late so had taken sanctuary in a nearby coffee shop where she said she was attacking ‘a sensational cream cake.’ Bianca said give her another twenty minutes as she had to reach her apartment to park in the basement and then walk the short distance to the office.
Bianca handed the woman ten dollars to cover afternoon tea. Gwen protested, saying no she couldn’t accept the money and then took it before Bianca could react. Typical, Bianca thought grumpily – at least some transactions are efficient because recipients know what’s good for them. Not like teachers entrenched in their comfort zones and dealing with adult students walking on to foreign soil who’ll be prepared to accept anything thrown at them. This is a lesson, she thought grimly, I must stick with clients who have a degree of sophistication and purpose in life.
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Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...
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Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church. Lori was...
Super-Sister #7: Claire Ross, Alias Super-Bride! By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the...
HistoricalInterview With a Bride By Cassandra Morgan "Well, Kim, you're certainly pretty enough. But do you think I have room in my family for every sissy in the city?" I folded my hands into my lap. I didn't say anything. I stared at the floor. "No, Mistress," I said. "Just room enough for me." Anita smiled softly. She always had a soft spot for a new sissy. It was a weakness. She liked new. New lips. New attitudes. New flesh. But this one was different. She had come on her own,...
FATHER AND MOTHER OF A BRIDE by enduringshades A SPECIAL DAY I am sitting in my living room all dressed to the nines. The car is not due for another half hour, but I am very excited and I couldn't wait to get ready. I've been preparing for this special day for six months now. I have been dieting and exercising, learning how to dance and planning and deciding what to wear. I am really pleased with my outfit. Since my twenties, it is one that I often daydreamed about wearing if I...
Regina smiled broadly as she entered the secluded cabin nestled among the tall ponderosa pines. At 24, she had a considerable amount of sexual experience compared to that of the 21 year old man that she married that same morning. Their courtship had lasted nearly eight months, and although they had engaged in sex play, she had not allowed him to have intercourse with her, saying that she would only allow that with a man to whom she was married. Their sex play had consisted of everything but...
Sold as an American Bride By Jena Corso Michael and James were having a great time at their business conference in Moscow. After three days they had begun to make the business contacts they felt they needed if they were going to succeed in opening the Russian branch for the firm. On our fourth night they were beginning to adjust to the time difference and enjoying dinner and a few cocktails when Michael received an unexpected phone call. As Michael hung up the phone he stared at...
The American Bride In the early days of Michaelmas Term, when the showers of summer have given way to the glorious, cool, sunny days of October, the Thames Valley takes on a mellow autumnal atmosphere. The grass is still green, the trees still in leaf. Roses still bloom before the cottages and families still walk along the towpaths, enjoying the fine weather. The days grow shorter. The farmers attend to the haying and harvests, and on especially clear days one can see for miles,...
I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years Now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday. That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met. As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...
I just got home and the light on my answering machine was blinking, usually not a good sign the person could not reach me on my cell. It was Mike and he needed me to fill in for another guy who could not make a wedding this weekend. It was Thursday and I had to leave for Vermont tomorrow after work if I wanted to make it. I had know Mike since 6Th grade and we both used each other for emergency situation, especially if it was to get laid or his date or mine needed a buddy to go on a double...
Shelly stood before the mirror viewing her bridal gown of white satin, intricately trimmed within tiny mother of pearls in addition to white lace. In less then one hour she would be Mrs. Austin Weston her sweet heart and one true love from high school. Her blue eyes sparkled with anticipation, her lips lined in the softest pink lipstick, while her cheeks showed just a hint of blush, her dark chocolate brown hair cascading in delicate curls down her back, Meg, her maid of honor placed a diamond...
Instant Bride By Miriam Grey I had been looking forward to this weekend. I hadn't had a chance to relax in months and I'd planned to do nothing for two glorious days. Of course, it didn't work quite the way it was supposed to do, but nothing ever does, does it? Firstly, I was intending to sleep until Saturday afternoon at the earliest but the insistent ring of the doorbell ruined that. Glancing across I saw the time emblazoned in red on my alarm clock. Shit, who calls at seven...
(c) 2005 by Penelope Street The darkness of the Wheeling Tunnel swallowed our sedan. In that instant, my chest felt as hollow as the mountain through which we drove. The light at the end of this particular tunnel looked far from inviting. That glare ahead, I knew, was Ohio. Sure, we still had a couple more hours of driving to go, but this was the final border. I looked to the driver’s seat and Lynn, my lover. Her eyes were forward, as they had been throughout the whole of West Virginia....
crossdresser – transsexual – sissy – bride – slut – wedding night – lingerie – oral – stockings – analBecoming Sara has been the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life. Between the clothes and living as her all the time, to becoming the thing men fantasize, it has been an amazing transition.While I had some good friends, girls like myself that I met at one of the trans bars in town, I did lack male friends. I was never a sociable person, very much an introvert but since I have...
Hi everyone, this is Karishma again. Now I am here with a new sexperience which took place on Jan 1, 2017. Coming to the story. It was 31st Night, I went to a party with my friends and enjoyed a lot over there. While I was returning back, It was 3 in the morning and no vehicles were seen on the road. I had left my scooter in a garage for servicing. Due to that, I had to stand in the road asking for a lift. No vehicles came. I was losing my hope and began to walk slowly towards the beach. It was...
Gambor's Bride. This tale is pure Sci Fi and for the fun of it. Peace Belle. Theodore to escape death in a raid is found in a dress. He is made into Fiona and a bride. My Name is Fiona. When I was born, my name was Theodore. My tale starts when I was about 12. It was then the forces of King Bodkin stormed my village. I was making the evening meal when it happened. Since I had a small frame and I wanted to live, I hid in my sister's room. My sister left six years prior and my...
It's true that my marriage is somewhat different than most. I have been dominating my young spouse for several years now, since before we were married. One of my female friends introduced me to her younger brother, Lonnie, who was only twenty years old at the time. I was thirty two. I liked him immediately - perhaps you could say I saw potential. Lonnie was living with his sister, Kay, while he was attending the local college. She asked him if he would like to go out on a date with...
My fantasy begins on my wedding day: I am 23, dressed in a virginal white wedding gown & veil, getting married to a wonderful man. "Tom" is a miner, and he has invited virtually every friend he has ever known! The wedding reception is held in a huge dining hall that Tom managed to rent "for a good price." It looks pretty run-down and seedy, but we are both so happy that it doesn't matter. Unfortunately, none of my friends and family could make it, so it is just me, Tom and about 200...
A Day as a Bride The following is a true story but some names have been changed. My name is Shari Williams and this is my story of a once in a lifetime dream come true for me. I was visiting a nearby town on business, and as luck would have it there was a bridal shop across the street from my hotel. After knocking off work early one day I decided to stop by and look around. When I walked in I was greeted by Candice and her mother Helen. They run the shop together. They said feel...
MY BROTHER THE BRIDE by BobH (c) 2009 I am the word. I've always loved my twin brother, Michael - he's my brother, after all - but there was a time when I didn't like him very much. That time is not now, I'm glad to say. No, now he's perfect. Mikey's getting married today and I'm here offering sisterly support as he gets ready for the big event. He's nervous of course, but looking at him I can't help but feel proud of him and of how he's grown into such a beautiful person over...
For my 8th birthday, my parents brought me to see a play about a cat who wore boots and was a hero to many people. I adored the play, and when we returned home, I reenacted it as often as possible with the cat my parents gave me. I used him like a doll, dressing him up, and pretending he was an invincible force of justice. A strange thing happened, one day, I looked around and realized that there were hundreds of cats watching me. I blushed and curtseyed. Imagine, a simple girl like me...
Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Five: The Changeling's Bride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xandra – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds “My husband,” I whispered into Chaun's ears as I lay draped over his body, my naked breasts rubbing into his ebony skin, his cock hard inside me, his seed swirling through my once untouched depths. “Husband?” he asked. “Of course” I giggled. “My love. My husband.” It was so wonderful to say...
I stood in front of the mirror appraising myself in my bridal gown, making sure everything was properly fit and put on. Was I forgetting anything? Veil, check Bouquet, check, Garter, check, Makeup, not too much, check. It was all perfect, beautiful and I was ready to make my vows to the man I loved. The wedding was a small event, only family and our closest friends were invited. Eric and I didn’t want, or have the money, to spend on anything larger. We didn’t want to cater to any guests we...
Male Order Bride It was a hot night. He was sitting in the back yard in his bathing suit by the pool, relaxing with a cool rum. His folks were on holidays for a month in Europe so he was home alone on summer vacation. His neighbor, a 45 year old Latin woman came by. He always thought she was hot. She was tall, very slim, had remarkable blue eyes and long black hair that went down to her waist. She was wearing a short black leather mini skirt that left little to the imagination. It...
The Prince Bride By Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Prince Charles Once upon a time, in a far off kingdom, the castle was buzzing like a beehive with preparations for a grand celebration. All of the nobility from far and wide soon would be arriving to attend the christening of King Henry's and Queen Charlotte's first born son and heir to the throne, Prince Charles. The royal pair had been trying for many years to conceive a child and, having finally secured the royal succession, no...
I stood in front of the mirror appraising myself in my bridal gown, making sure everything was properly fit and put on. Was I forgetting anything? Veil; check Bouquet; check, Garter; check, Makeup, not too much; check. It was all perfect, beautiful and I was ready to make my vows to the man I loved. The wedding was a small event, only family and our closest friends were invited. Eric and I didn’t want, or have the money, to spend on anything larger. We didn’t want to cater to any guests we...
ReluctanceAuthors Note: This is my first attempt at writing anything. Constructive criticism is welcome, but please be gentle ;) The Devil's Bride - Sophie Elizabeth The day was finally here. Stood at the front of the church, watching my soon to be wife walking towards me on her father's arm, with her three bridesmaids behind her and she looked amazing. In an ivory, strapless, princess cut wedding dress and her hair in delicate, cascading curls, with a beautiful yet subtle...
Copyright© 2002 October 4, 1894 My Dear Abigail, I have dispatched you this note by hired messenger, lest it fall into the hands of Mr. Anthony Comstock and his zealous minions in the Postal Service. I assume that by now you have seen Ruthie's article in the Fall issue of the "Hamilton Foundation Journal." Guidance and advice for the young bride, indeed. "Morally upright matrons are always attentive to clever and inventive methods of thwarting and discouraging the amorous...
Picture this if you will. A church sanctuary decorated in yellow and white (the school colors) flowers of various species and arrangements tastefully arranged down the aisle and across the altar. Standing at the altar were the minister, best man (Alex) and me. Lined up in the vestibule of the church were 16 of the most beautiful cheerleaders in their yellow and white uniforms ready to march down the aisle. The pews were filled with all our invited guests, some of which I recognized. There...
Three days later, several events happened that furthered Anson's wedding plans. Firstly, Mr. Carling had his first day with neither pain nor laudanum. To be sure, the stomach wound still hurt, but it was tolerable to the point that he did not need pain relief. Under these conditions, Colonel Maynard was able to interview Carling and ask him for permission to woo Mrs. Thorpe, a permission that was instantly granted. Another consequence of this development was that Mrs. Thorpe would be willing...