Kobi's Demise_(1) free porn video

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Kobi swallowed nervously. “What do we do?” Kobi said. “What do you think our options are??” Koga said. “Run?” Kobi said knowing that wasn’t the right answer. “Fight!” Koga said. Koga grabbed a knife and threw it at one of the soldiers hitting him directly in his neck. Rosaline pulled Kobi into a corner. “Listen to me, I understand you’re scared right now but you need to find whatever courage you need and fight. It doesn’t matter what it is you need to do, just do it” Rosaline said. One of the soldiers spotted Rosaline and Syxx charged at the soldier and began fighting him swinging his sword around. Kobi began breathing faster. “Kobi, I need you to relax. Just try and stay calm, Besides all you need to do is remember your training” Rosaline said. Kobi nodded as he drew his sword. His hands trembled as he gripped the handle. One soldier appeared behind Rosaline getting ready to attack her. Rosaline swung downward on the end of her scabbard causing it to fling upward and hit the soldier underneath his chin stunning him temporarily.

Rosaline stabbed the soldier inside the stomach before pulling her sword out of him. “It’s ok, Just stay calm” kobi said to himself. Kobi looked around and didn’t see Syxx anywhere near him and rosaline was fighting some of the other soldiers. Kobi looked to where syxx was again and saw General Bellatrix walking towards him with a sadistic smile on her face. Kobi got even more scared as he didn’t know what to do. “Well well. We meet again little boy” Bellatrix said and licked her lips. Bellatrix raised her lance and pointed it at Kobi. “I’m really going to enjoy this. I hope you’re prepared to bleed” Bellatrix said. Kobi backed up a little bit and bumped into the wall. Kobi turned his head and looked at the wall and noticed General Bellatrix advancing towards him. She grabbed her spear and thrusted it towards Kobi's head. Kobi moved his head and avoided having his head stabbed by General Bellatrix's spear.

Kobi's hands were trembling as he was scared for his life. Kobi swung his sword upward but General Bellatrix anticipated his attack and swiped it out of his hands and disarmed him. General Bellatrix moved in and kneed Kobi in the stomach causing himto fall forward then hit him on his back hard with her lance. "Get me some rope" General Bellatrix said. "Yes ma'am" one soldier said and brought General Bellatrix some rope.

"I've decided not to kill you but keep you instead" General bellatrix said as she began tying Kobi's hands behind his back."KOBI!" Rosaline said. General Bellatrix lifted Kobi up onto her shoulders and walked out of the fortress and set him on her horse. Kobi began stirring inside General Bellatrix's grasp and tried fighting out of it. General Bellatrix grabbed her lance and swung it downward and hit Kobi on his back with the spear and proceeded to tie up his legs as well before throwing him onto her horse. "Now if you squirm it'll only get worse for you" General Bellatrix said as she moved her horse.

General Bellatrix arrived at a camp sight where other soldiers were planning on what to do next for the war. "General Bellatrix your back" one soldier "Do you need any help with that ma'am?" Another soldier said. "Only thing I need right now is privacy" General Bellatrix said and went into her tent and tossed Kobi down. Kobi noticed he was lying on a fur rug and noticed General Bellatrix was right above him. General Bellatrix lifted up her boot and stomped it into Kobi's stomach causing him to lean forward as the wind was knocked out of him.

"I'm going to enjoy breaking you in little boy. Don't worry about the rest of the war, you'll be my personal pet. All you need to do is exactly what I say, As i say it, WHEN I say it" General Bellatrix said. "No. I'll never work for you" Kobi said defiantly. General Bellatrix smiled as if she was expecting this and rolled Kobi over onto his stomach and untied his hands. Kobi tried to fight General Bellatrix's grasp but noticed he wasnt strong enough to overpower her. General Bellatrix moved his hands above his head then stabbed something into his hands.

Kobi screamed as loud as he could as he felt blood fill up in his palms from having a blade stabbed into his hands. "Now, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to train you to do as I say. If you don't then..." General Bellatrix grabbed the blade and pulled it out and stabbed it into Kobi's hands again causing him to scream even more. General Bellatrix stood up and examined Kobi and noticed he was developing well for someone his age. "hmmhmm" General Bellatrix smiled as she grabbed a knife and cut Kobi's shirt in half and ripped the rest of it open to see what type of body he had. She was surprised to see that Kobi had some muscles on his body and noticed they were developing rather well. General Bellatrix proceeded to lift up his shirt more so it was past his chest and began feeling up and down his body slowly.

Kobi tried not to make eye contact with general Bellatrix as he took a sharp breath in as her hand arrived at the top of his pants. "I wonder whats down here" General Bellatrix said. "Let's find out shall we?" General Bellatrix took the knife and cut kobi's tights and ripped the rest of his tights off leaving him in his underwear. General Bellatrix yanked his underwear down and looked at Kobi's dick and noticed that it was soft but didnt grow. "Aw looks like someones missing out on some development" General bellatrix said as she stepped on Kobis crotch with her boot. Kobi closed his eyes tightly from the pain. General Bellatrix rubbed her boot into Kobis crotch and noticed he was getting hard from it.

General Bellatrix proceeded to tease the boy and noticed his dick wasn't getting any bigger at all and stayed the same. General Bellatrix smiled contently. "Looks like someones manhood is about to get checked" General Bellatrix said. General Bellatrix tossed her spear to the side and proceeded to take off her armor. Kobi was helpless and could do nothing but sit there in pain not knowing what it is Bellatrix is thinking. General Bellatrix turned around with the top half of her armor gone and Kobi saw her breasts. Kobi swallowed nervously and couldn't help himself but to stare.

"Never seen a pair of big voluptuous breasts before?" General Bellatrix said as she pushed her breasts together and teased Kobi. "Not to worry, you won't be getting any play time with them" General Bellatrix proceeded to take off her skirt. Kobi watched in arousal and in horror as she pulled down her skirt. Kobi looked at General Bellatrix's crotch and noticed a unusually large bulge in the front of her panties. "That can't be right" Kobi thought to himself. General Bellatrix rubbed her crotch and pulled her panties to the side. Kobi's eyes widened as he saw a thick cock swing itself as General Bellatrix freed it from its cramped confines.

"I'm gonna enjoy breaking you in" General Bellatrix said as she got on her knees. Kobi tried to scoot away from her but General Bellatrix pulled Kobi by his legs towards her. General Bellatrix sat on Kobi's upper body pinning him down with her thighs. General Bellatrix grabbed a handful of Kobi's hair and pulled his head to her cock. "open your mouth" General Bellatrix said as she pushed her cock against Kobis mouth. General Bellatrixs grip tightened causing Kobi to open his mouth. General Bellatrix thrusted her hips forward and forced her cock into Kobi's mouth. "Mmm nice and wet... I like it" General Bellatrix said. Kobi looked at her defiantly and bit down on General Bellatrixs cock. "AAAAAHHH!!" General bellatrix gave a unpleasant yell and grabbed the knife that was stabbed into Kobi's hands and pulled it out and repeatedily stabbed him until he let go and stopped biting General Bellatrixs dick.

"You little shit!" General bellatrix said and stood up. "I'll show you for biting me!" General Bellatrix stopped at the knife causing it to dig deeper into kobis hands. Kobi yelled in even more pain. General bellatrix began stomping at Kobi's face. Kobi was helpless in this sitation and was unable to do anything to defend himself. "You're going to pay for that little stunt you pulled" General Bellatrix said. Kobi was losing consciousness from the amount of blood loss he was going through. "Pass out like the piece of shit you are" General bellatrix spat. General Bellatrix placed her armor back on and left Kobi inside her tent alone.

Kobi cried as the pain was too much for him to endure. Kobi eventually passed out. Later that night General Bellatrix returned and removed Kobi's clothing completely and placed a collar around his neck. Kobi began stirring and regained consciousness and saw General Bellatrix standing above him. "I'm going to train you you little shit" General bellatrix said. General Bellatrix pulled on a leash and caused Kobi to lean up. Kobi sat up and looked up at her fearfully. "Now, this is going to be easy. All you do is what i say. If you dont then you get hurt" General Bellatrix said. Kobi nodded fearfully. "Undo my skirt" General bellatrix commanded. Kobi hesitated for a moment with his hands. General Bellatrix pushed him onto his back and forcefully rolled him over and started slapping his ass with a cane. Kobi yelped in pain as the cane hit him hard leaving a mark on his ass.

"Don't hesitate otherwise it'll be worse for you, got it?" General Bellatrix said. Kobi nodded and was rolled over onto his back again. Kobi leaned up and tried desperately to undo General Bellatrixs skirt but his hands were trembling furiously. Kobi looked up at general Bellatrix fearfully as his hands trembled and saw impatience in her eyes. Kobi struggled more and pulled down her skirt. "Make it grow" General Bellatrix said. Kobi rubbed her crotch and felt her cock begin to stir. "That's it... Use your mouth and suck on it" General Bellatrix ordered.

Kobi pulled down her panties and grabbed her shaft and began stroking it hoping it'd be enough. Kobi looked up and saw anger inside General Bellatrixs eyes. "I said suck it" General Bellatrix said. Kobi hesitantly placed his mouth on the tip of her growing cock and began to gently suck on the tip of her cock. General Bellatrix grabbed his hair and forced him to take more of her cock into his mouth. Kobi sucked General Bellatrixs cock and felt her grip loosen a little. General Bellatrix began to move her hips slowly as she began to fuck Kobi's mouth.

Kobi began to think to himself. "maybe it's not as bad as it seems" Kobi thought. "Maybe if i were to do as she says for the time being she'll take it easy on me" Kobi looked up and saw General Bellatrix enjoying herself as her cock slid across his tongue. Kobi tried moving his tongue. General bellatrix stopped moving her hips as she felt Kobis tongue caress her cock. "mmm... that feels nice" General Bellatrix said. Kobi felt something coming from the tip of her cock and used his tongue to play with this some. "You like the taste of that dont you?" General Bellatrix said. Kobi noticed that the taste wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. it was a little salty but mostly sweet. Kobi focused more on sucking General Bellatrixs cock and moved his head more and tried taking more of her cock into his mouth.

Eager to suck my cock aren't we?" General Bellatrix said. General Bellatrix pushed her hips forward causing her cock to hit the back of Kobi's throat causing him to gag a little. General Bellatrix kept pushing even though Kobi was struggling to breath and began forcing her cock in to the back of Kobi's mouth and force it in to his throat. "Gods you have such a nice mouth... all warm and wet... almost perfect for sucking my cock" General Bellatrix said. Kobi looked up at General Bellatrix pleaing with his eyes to pull back so he can breath. General Bellatrix pulled her cock back and Kobi began panting as he felt air rush into his lungs. General Bellatrix pulled her cock from his mouth. "I'll spare you this one time, but next time I'm going to finish and cum down your throat. Now, show me that ass!" General Bellatrix said as she pushed Kobi onto his back and pulled him closer to her by his legs.

General Bellatrix opened Kobis legs and lifted up his ass a little and sucked on two of her fingers and pushed it into Kobi's ass. Kobi's ass instantly tightened as the strange feeling of General Bellatrixes fingers were a new feeling to him. General bellatrix moved her fingers in and out of Kobi's ass. Kobi felt a stirring sensation inside his body and looked down and saw his own dick was starting to stir. General Bellatrix watched it carefully as it stayed the same length but was harder. "Someones missing out on some masculinity points" General Bellatrix said as she loosened Kobi's ass.

"Now time for the main course" General Bellatrix said as she got on top of Kobi and rubbed her cock against Kobi's loose asshole. "I wonder just how tight your ass truly is" General Bellatrix said. "Let's find out" General Bellatrix pushed her cock wedging it into Kobi's small asshole only to force the tip of her cock in to Kobi's ass. Kobi screamed out in pain as the stretching of his ass caused tears to come to his eyes. "Don't worry, once your my slave you'll be used to this and it won't hurt as much" General Bellatrix said. General Bellatrix pushed her hips more causing Kobi to yell out in pain as General Bellatrixs cock slowly but surely made its way into Kobi's body.

"Just so we're clear, don't even think about fighting back, cause if you try I WILL stab your hands again" general Bellatrix said. Kobi nodded as he cried from the amount of pain his lower body was in. His ass felt like it was being set on fire with how rough General Bellarix was being with her cock. "You're going to take all eight and a half inches of my thrusting womanhood that I got you little slut" General Bellatrix said as she thrusted her hips forward and buried the rest of her cock into Kobis ass. Kobi yelled out as loud as he could from the motion alone. "That's it, struggle! nothing turns me on more than seeing someone squirm and beg like a dog! I want you to hate it! I want to you despize me! I want you to LOATH me fucking you against your will. But know this, Now that I've established my dominance over you by forcing my cock into your ass it'll only be a matter of time before I break you completely! I'm gonna turn you out so much you'll become addicted to me! you'll do anything to get my cock buried inside your tight little ass" General bellatrix said as she slowly began moving inside Kobi.

Kobi tried to muster up some amount of strength to fight General Bellatrix but the pain inside his ass was too much for him to handle. "That's it... struggle with all your might. I'm gonna break you like a wild horse and ride you into submission" General bellatrix said as she began moving faster inside Kobi's ass. Kobi felt his heart begin to race and pant. "Let it out... let out that first moan you virgin" General Bellatrix taunted. Kobi let out a short moan as General bellatrix moved faster and pounded away at Kobi's ass. Kobi felt the pain begin to fade away and began to feel pleasure taking its place. Kobi lied on his back as General Bellatrix moved faster and invaded his ass with her cock. "Why does this feel so good?" Kobi asked. "Because you like how this feels. Deep down you were BORN to become someones bitch and get fucked inside your ass" General Bellatrix said. General bellatrix made each of her movements as deep as she could inside Kobi causing him to moan even more.

"I'm going to ruin your butt little boy. it'll only be a matter of time before I mold your ass to the shape of my cock. I'm going to fuck you so much you'll be BEGGING for me to fuck your ass. You'll be on your knees worshiping my cock like a good little slave" general Bellatrix said as she began to move even faster. Kobi was helpless from the assault and pleasure that was fighting for control over his body. "I'm gonna make your ass so loose i'll be able to push my cock into your ass effortlessly" general bellatrix said. "I can't.... t-take this.... anymore..." Kobi panted. "Then submit to me and pledge your loyalty to me and my cock" General bellatrix said as she re positioned her cock making Kobi moan as loud as he can. "I.... I... I SURRENDER!!" Kobi said loudly. "You surrender what slave?" General Bellatrix toyed.

"I SURRENDER MY BODY... MY WILL... MY ENTIRE BEING TO YOU AND YOUR COCK!!" Kobi said as he wrapped his arms and his legs around General Bellarix's waist and neck. General Bellatrix smiled contently as she turned Kobi into her sex slave. "Hope your ready for your first batch of my cum" General Bellatrix said. Kobi moaned as he came from the pleasure as it washed over him. General Bellatrix moved as fast as she could then pushed her cock balls deep inside kobi and came hard inside his ass. Kobi felt hot liquid shoot out of her cock as it began to fill his ass and pulled General Bellatrix to him almost begging her not to stop. General Bellatrix picked Kobi up and walked him over to her bed and lied him down on it before pulling her cock from his now used ass.

"Don't worry... I still stand by what I said earlier. Now you're mine forever though. Your little friends will never be able to save you from me. Cause right now... you'll forever be my bitch!" General Bellatrix said with a very content smile.


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Josie arrived in San Diego early Saturday evening and called me on the cell from there around 10:30. Our game against the Mexicali Aguilas (Eagles) had just ended. We'd won, 6-3, and I hadn't been called on to pitch. I knew that meant there was an excellent chance I would pitch in relief on Sunday, with Josie in the stands. "If you want, I could come over there tonight," she said. "I've already rented a room for us here, but, hey, it's not very far. I could be there not too long after...

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The PresentChapter 3

The next morning, we were awoken by what sounded like a freight train passing by. When I looked out the window, I could see that about 15 or 20 horses had just been herded into the corral on the far side of the barn. We had overslept. After getting dressed, we stepped out and were greeted by Bruce and his eldest son Carl. “Good morning, folks,” Bruce said, “I see you survived the night. Would you like a bit of the hair of the dog? Or maybe a bit of breakfast?” Suzy spoke up first, “Bruce,...

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New Years Fireworks

It was a beautiful Summer evening in Australia, and the new years festivities were booming. Annie, an eighteen-year-old university student, was getting ready for her night at the harbour. This is where she planned to get drunk and get fucked. Putting on her sleek mini dress, she thought of her ex-boyfriend. Dumping her by email? What a jerk. She definitely deserved better, and hopefully tonight was the night she could get back at him. The dress she wore was black, only barley covered her ass,...

Straight Sex
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 5 The Parent Trap

During the next two days the six Anderson kids were working strongly day and night towards one goal, get their commercial drivers licenses. During these days Stan and Laura were finishing up all preparations at work; Laura was especially spending long hours with Annie Styles and Harry Fuller, making sure the summer interns would be able to handle any delicate situation they were presented with. She learned pretty quickly though that, being part of Lana's OHPF club, the interns were already...

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SkinFlick SlutChapter 5

Rich was even better-looking than I remembered, he was absolutely gorgeous. it seemed like you had to be to work at Beauty and not just as a model. I guessed that so far I'd passed all the tests, even a few that weren't exactly required. I'd only met Richard a couple of times at parties, but he remembered me well when Phil introduced us. I brought in the photographs; he looked them over quickly in the restaurant. "They look great," he said, putting them away in their manila envelope....

3 years ago
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European Nightmare Part VII

"Gee," Jeremiah gasped, half on account of his breathlessness and half as he tried to hold back his laughter, "that was fun! Wasn't it Holly? No? Well I certainly enjoyed it. That was quite a performance from you, all that screaming and wailing." Jeremiah looked down at the poor girl bound beneath him, his eyes drinking in the effects of his attentions. Holly's back was shimmering with sweat with the odd angry red marking indicating where he had brought the paddle crashing...

2 years ago
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MEMORIES 3 Carlas Checkup

Carla and I are having a coffee, a few weeks ago, she told me about her upcoming gynalogical check-upI tell her I wonder what went on actually during those annual intimate sexy sessions with this lady?Carla suggests to my surprise that I tag along this time, as her doctor is an old friend from schoolThe day of her appointment arrives, my wife asks me help her get ready, I wash her from head to toe!As she directs me to I make sure her vagina and anus are completely squeaky clean for her...

4 years ago
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Beauty of the Wood Part One of Two

The honking calls of geese sounded from overhead, a prelude to their splashdown on the lake some distance away. In the circular pool, large, dark shapes cruised just below the shimmering surface of the water. Here and there, a fin or tail appeared, giving further hints of the exceptional size of the fish that dwelled in the secluded pool.The sun shown down bright and warm, slowly evaporating the dew that clung to the leaves and grass. Dara leaned back, lifting her bare breasts toward the...

3 years ago
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Slave To Maid At Hostel

After my 12th exam I joined an entrance coaching center , I always watched femdom porn especially pov humiliation I tried a different kind of porn even gay but none got me hard , but one day which I consider as very important day of my life I accidentally saw a mistress porno I can’t describe how hard I got, ever since wanted a real life experience with a woman. At the coaching center hostel initially I was very determined and tried to forget all this but I couldn’t Then after a week the day...

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the drive home

It had been a long day diving in the south. I was on my usual route home over the mountain where i have to stop for a couple of hours half way up in a local bbq spot, to allow my body to decompress sufficiently to drive over the top. As i sat in my car still in my swimming trunks listening to music and chilling out i noticed a car pull up near me. a couple got out and went to one of the tables where he sat on the table whilst she sat on the bench in front of him. With trees all around us there...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 5

Rick Colby finished peeling the mountain of potatoes Amber Cutberg had set out for him to clean. Roland was out milking his goats and Amber was around the corner in the kitchen proper, busily pouring water into a huge pot to boil the potatoes. He sorely missed his life in the spotlight, raising cattle and being lauded for having the finest stock in the ... well, this world, New Eden. Now, he was a convicted murderer, sentenced to take the place of the girl he'd killed, Ivory Tabor, Roland...

4 years ago
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ReplicoidChapter 6

Jacen arrived home early that afternoon and eagerly rushed up to his room. After finishing with the hyperdrive refittings, Han wanted to take the Falcon up for a test drive with Chewie, Jaina, and Jacen. With some insistant whining, Jacen had convinced his father to let him skip the space joyride with them and go back home early. Entering his dimly-lit bedroom, Jacen was surprised to find his Replicoid sitting on the bed. It made no movement, so it was obviously deactivated. He must have...

3 years ago
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Macula by Princess Pervette They were in a locked chest in my parents' attic. The chest had belonged to my eccentric Uncle Doug. He had been a distinguished classical scholar until he mysteriously disappeared years ago when I had been a boy. I was home visiting my folks and had gone up to the attic to look for something I had left with them. It had been years since I had been up there, so I spent some time just looking around at all the old stuff, and that's how I discovered the...

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Burying the PastChapter 6

Memphis FBI Office It had taken them a while to get back, with a two-hour stop at the hospital so the kid’s cuts and scrapes could be cleaned and the one broken leg set in a cast. He also had a broken rib and some nasty bruises, but considering he’d been literally blasted out of a second story window, he’d gotten off lighter than he could have. They’d used the time well, pulling fingerprints and all the records they could find on him, from his visa and schooling in the US to online...

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Australian StoryChapter 6 Discovery

Saturday 31-Mar 2007 On Saturday night, Chris sat down and looked at the notes that he'd made the night before, the list of things he knew about Shahia. It was painfully short. - Shahia's family used to have lots of money, now they don't have enough He was pretty sure that he was right about that. She used to go to St Joseph's. He had nosed around on the net and found that it cost about $15,000 a year to go there. It didn't matter how you looked at it; that was a lot of money. But...

3 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 30

Peter did indeed tell Sharon the next morning about 'du gwraig'. Her eyes shone with excitement and happiness. "I thought you might have a gift when I first looked into your eyes," she said and then laughed. "Between us we might manage to keep that husband of mine out of harm's way" Peter was very moved by a drive over Salisbury Plain seeing all the tumuli and tree clumps. "I can almost hear it speaking to me," he said wonderingly to Louise. Stonehenge had a remarkable effect on...

3 years ago
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Desperate MeasuresChapter 4

Monday morning Janet called the school and told the guidance counselor that Maria would not be in classes that week due to a sprained ankle. She had not heard a sound from her daughter all-night and peeked in to see that she was all right. When Janet opened the door she saw the empty wine glass on the nightstand and knew that Maria had flagrantly disobeyed her. Throwing on a housecoat, Janet slipped out to the backyard, and with a sharp steak knife, cut off a long thin branch from the maple...

1 year ago
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Filling My Womb After 7 Years 8211 Part I

Hello guys I am Mano from TN. I am a female of nearly 40 years and I am a widow too. Sadly this society made me a hatred specimen. It took me many years to come out of that shitty prison called as society. I was in a big heaven when I got married. My hubby made me and took me to heaven all the time s when he fucks me. But when he gone I was so stressed but whenever I feel like I want to have sex. There was a big threat before me it’s that society. But as time goes by I searched for job and...

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First experience with super hot gay sex

Nobody knows I have sex with men. Except those men themselves, of course. I am a tough successful businessman, happily married for 22 years to a beautiful wife and father of a beautiful three of a kind offspring. I am secretly an effeminate bottom who wants to blow men and get fucked by them. In my youth I never really engaged in homosexuality, I fell madly in love with all kinds of girls and I liked them a lot. However, I have never been in love with a man; I've never even come across a man I...

1 year ago
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Harm Lord

Magnus agora estava frente a frente com o garoto até o mesmo tinha salvado, num no entanto garoto agora estava com uma aura divina e parecia ser alguém completamente imponente e poderoso. Magnus ao ver esse poder que emanava do garoto se paralisou no local e ficou sem reação. O garoto então sorrio e veio até Magnus flutuando. Garoto: Eu realmente agradeço por ter me salvado, com mais que isso não fosse nescessário, mesmo assim fosse fez. -O garoto fala com uma voz serena. Magnus estava...

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The Governor had always taken his job very seriously. He sat behind the desk in his office, watching impassively as the latest inmate was led in. "Stand on the line!" the female guard instructed her. She didn't resist the order; she just tried to clear her thoughts of every emotion, and stood looking straight ahead of her. "Jackson, Natalie: Charged with attempted armed robbery; detained on remand, pending a preliminary hearing," the guard continued. The Governor looked Natalie up and...

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Master MasterChapter 10

It had been a long time since I had last flown, and I had forgotten how much it sucked. The flying itself is ok, but airports are in some special circle of Hell all their own. Then, of course, there was the worst part... SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I don’t know what was worse, the sound of Lorraine chewing her gum or the sight of her doing it with her mouth open. From the very moment we had gotten into the car, she seemed to make it her mission to annoy me. The whole car ride, we had argued over...

3 years ago
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Realms of Eden B4 First Battle

Act 1 — High Seas Chapter 1 – Paul’s horror Newly promoted Sergeant Paul Keane, Paulie, to his friends, slumped into the recliner lounge in his small but comfortable quarters at the base north of Townsville. He eyed the bottle of rot gut sitting on the table beside him, a present from the captain of his squad and grabbed it up pouring a quarter of the contents down his throat as he reclined the chair to its limit. The liquid burned his gut and throat and he almost coughed the whole lot back...

2 years ago
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The Condo SwappersChapter 6

Ann Marshall strolled into the employment office and took a seat with the other applicants. The atmosphere appeared gloomy as sad and depressed looking people awaited their turn to be interviewed. She tried to look cheerful, hoping it would make her standout among the others, giving her a better chance to get a job. One by one, they took their turns with the interviewers. Some departed happy, successful in their attempt to gain employment, while others left, dejected. Finally it was her...

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The game show

In "the game" men and women compete for immense prizes, but the prize for losing is always horrible Some of the typical prizes include large amounts of money, houses, sex and on special occasions, slaves. Men often compete for a chance to impregnate a woman since the women who compete are often chosen for being attractive. "the game" is made up of multiple events, but these vary from episode to episode and so does the theme. game mode will improve your experience with the story, but it isn't...

4 years ago
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ChameleonChapter 6

The rest of the week was kind of a letdown, since we were all primed to make our big public debut, but we didn't run into anything to make a big deal about. Every night, there was something needing our attention, but it was not the kind of thing that the public would get excited about. But, as we knew it would, our time finally came, just not the way we expected. We were headed toward home. This night had been the almost boring routine of stopping petty robberies in service stations and...

1 year ago
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Finding Masturbation 2

Once I learned how to masturbate as I explained in "Finding Masturbation" I started getting myself off every night. Usually I would print out some story from a website about a teenage babysitter who was watching teenybopper (10-12) year old boy and they would wrestle and she would notice that he was hard, which would get her horny and they would fuck. Or a story where a brother wakes up in the morning with a hard on and starts to jerk it off but his older sister walks in and sees the...

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First Time Together pt2

As she stood, we shared a kiss and a hug. I massaged her ass cheeks as we swayed together in the middle of the hotel room. I pushed her back onto the bed and grabbed her legs. It was time to repay the favor. I stood above her and held her legs together high in the air as I kissed her calf and massaged her thighs. I then began to rub my hardening cock into her ass and pussy just as a tease. I kissed my way down the back of her legs to her ass. I still held her legs high and proceeded to...

4 years ago
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Miranda The Price of Modeling

Miranda is a beautiful young Vietnamese girl, just turned 17 years old. Energetic and outgoing, the young stunner stands 5'6" with light brown hair and eyes, adorable B-cup breasts, long legs and a shapely figure just on the cusp of blossoming into full womanhood. She's the type of young woman who ignites fantasies in men that make them feel like kid-touchers, but who know in their heart that if they were able to be alone with Miranda in a locked room, they'd teach her every lesson she...

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Educating the TwinsChapter 19

Thursday was difficult. First, my body was letting me know in no uncertain terms that it was ready to do it all over again. My skin was super-sensitive, my boobs felt very heavy, and I somehow knew that the only thing that would make them feel better would be a pair of hands holding them. I couldn't get my nipples to go down at all (visible nipples is a big fashion no-no). Fortunately it was cold enough (for northwestern Georgia) that I could stick a few layers of tissue over them and wear a...

2 years ago
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New age new experiences

i had gone out basically everyday with my friends, made a huge circle of them too, got my first smoke of weed and loved it, made trouble around the area, skateboarded around town, enjoyed the dying days of sun and the warmth of the twilight air. Yeah, these were the best days of my life and yet i still found nothing. As my friendships grew and grew others just disappeared without a trace, I had noticed tat some of my closet friendships were dying, and yet i didn't even attempt to rescue...

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