Nocturno Belgrade <update 27.3.> free porn video

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-"Ma, gde bre, jesi li normalna!?"


U ulici D, u klubu L., sakuplja se vesela družina, uvijek raspoložena za Party. Neku noć, tematski Party - CECA, biće u kojem je opredmećena sama erotika, u tijelu, koje uprkos svemu lagano stari (kakva li će ona biti Grany :). Stao sam za bar. Na podiju je već naelektrisano - polugola, znojna tijela uvijaju se i upliću u ritmu nadolazeće orgazmičke eksplozije.

-Džin i tonik, molim.

Muzila je obuzimala sva moja čula, zanosila i uvlačila u svoje neobično kolo. Već je i na šanku postala tolika gužva, da sam se tiskao sa mirisnim tijelima koja su postajala sve toplija. I ja sam se približavao tački ključanja. Sve češće i luđe su me nečije ruke mazile i štipkale, pa sam šarao i ja po kosi, leđima, grudima, guzama, međunožju...neznanaca. Random :) Kurac mi je na granici cijepanja farmerica, nečija ruka se u toj gužvi potpuno zbližila sa njim. Preko farmerica je uspjela svući kožicu i u ritmu Cecih nota mazila moje međunožje i glavicu. Ja sam desnom rukom uhvatio dupe do sebe i mazio ga, trljajući prstima između guzova. Dečko ispred mene se zadvoljno klatio u ritmu, ljubeći se sa vrh djevojkom kovrdžave, kestenjaste kose.

-"Hajdemo u WC, želim da ti popušim!", šapnu mi piskutav glas, bila je to kovrdžava djevojka, koja mi gricnu vrat, pa me pogleda dražesnim vragoslastim smiješkom, i zaputi se ka WC-u. Krenuo sam za njom, i kao nožem prosijecao sebi put. Izašli smo požarnim putem iza kluba. Kad smo zatvorili vrata, zagrli me, još jednom mi gricnu vrat i pođe da se spušta, otkopčavajući farmerice. Nisam ni stigao da je pošteno opipam, ona je već držala moj kurac u rukama i navlačila kožicu.

-"Lepo mirišeš i veoma si ukusan :). Opet se slatko nasmija i zaroni. Posisa ljubavnu vodicu i poče jezikom palacati po glavici, pa naizmjenično usnama.

-"AAAAAH", stenjao sam, i uhvatih je za glavu, a ona ubrza rukom navlačeći kožicu i ustima praveći neizdrživ vakuum. Prsnuo sam. Ona se ne pomaknu ni milimetar. Lizala je glavić i vrh jezika zabijala u njegova usta. Treso sam se u njenim rukama. Zatim je ustala, opet mi gricnula vrat i ponudila mi usne. Prihvatio sam. Dah joj je mirisao na moju spermu, a ispod jezika je malo i sakrila i podijelila je samnom. Reče da se zove Lena. Pozvao sam je unutra, da popijemo piće sa njenim "dečkom".

-"Nije mi to dečko, nemam dečka." nasmija se...
-"Jako dobro, idemo onda unuta... :)"
-"Ne smeta ti što sam CD?"
-"Ma, gde bre, jesi normalna!?"


Ema, Ena, Elenora...

Ljutila se što joj izvrćem, lepo Ime i dajem joj neka nova, koja njoj nisu po volji.

-"Ljuta sam na tebe, zašto me opet zoveš Magi?", napućila je usne srdito.
-"Magdalena, draga moja, hoćeš li prestati da me hvataš za kurac gde god stigneš, bre, jesi li normalna?"
-"Zato što...", pokri lice rukama i zaplaka se.
-"Oh Lena, oprosti dušo!!!", zagrlio sam je, ona se sva tresla...
Izašli smo iz marketa i krenuli prema hostelu C. u centru Beograda. Naravno, ja sam nosio kese :). Ona je vrckala pored mene na crvenim štiklicama, u suknji ispod koljena i svilenim crnim čarapama sa čipkom po sredini zadnjeg lista noguuuuuuuuuh, jebem ti sunac...Dok se penjala uz okrugle vijugave stepenice na treći sprat stare austrougarske zgrade, sa debelim zidovima od pečene zemljane cigle, imala je pokrete kao dame-kurtizane sa Habzburškog dvora, koje su nekada imale toliku moć da sruše čitavo carstvo kojeg ni velike vojske nisu mogle uništiti. Ušli smo u sobu. Stajao sam sa kesama u rukama. Zaključala je vrata i uhvatila me za kurac. Kad je osjetila čvrstinu, baci jastuk na pod i kleknu.

-"Zar stvarno ne želiš da te više ne dodirujem? Aaa haaa am mmmh!", glavić nestade u njenim ustima, a užitak koji je pristizao do mog mozga mutio mi je pogled. Lena ga je voljela, ali i on nju. Kad god bi je osetio u svojoj blizini, propinjao se, kao ždrebac na zadnje noge, i postajao vreo i ukrućen. Ona je volela tu njegovu toplinu i spremnost kojom ju je dočekivao, a providna, staklasta slatka vodica joj je bila omiljena poslastica.

-"Želim te unutra", rekla je hvatajući dah između poljubaca. Polegao sam je na krevet, a ona mi doda kremu da joj namažem rupicu. Crveni prsten se širio i otpuštao, reagujući na hladnu kremu i moje tople prste. Gurnuo sam kažiprst unutra i pomjerao ga ukrug kako bih je što bolje pripremio za analnu avanturu.

-"Aaaaaa, ahh!", počela je da uzvraća guzom, sama se nabijala na prst, jedan, d**gi, pa još dublje uzdahnu i nastavi zadovoljno uvijati guzom. Umesto trećeg prsta, naciljao sam u nju, dovoljno raširena da primi vrh glavića, ona se guzom malo pomeri prema gore i stade pritiskati. Ušao sam lagano ispunjavajući po milimetar njenu guzu.

-"Ahhhhhhhhh", zastenja, pa stade divlje mješati i nabijati se na moju uzdignutu muškost, koja ju je činila srećnom. Lena je lice zagnjurila u jastuk, a guzu potpuno istrćila, otvarajući mi se. Zatim je legla na leđa. Odmah sam joj ga vratio nazad u rupicu. Huktala je, ljubila me po vratu, grickala, a zatim poče prskati po mom stomaku toplu ljepljivu tečnost, svršavala je. Umirila se, ali ga nije vadila. Držao sam je tako nasađenu i ljubio joj vrat, pa male tvrde bradavice. Pridigla se i prebacila u sjedeći položaj. Ruke je prebacila oko mog vrata i počela vrtiti kukovima u krug. Jezikom mi je lickala donju usnu i tražila jezik. Zagrlili smo se još čvršće i uhvatili ritam tucanja. Osjećao sam da neću još dugo. Lena je osjetila kada sam se ukočio i počeo sipati seme u nju, samo me još čvršće stegnu rukama i butinama. Tako smo zaspali...


Otišao sam dok je spavala...

Otišao sam dok je spavala, sklupčana na velikom bračnom krevetu sa rukama preko lica, guza joj je virila ispod pokrivača, produžavajući se u prekrasne noge. Uspjela je potpuno očuvati tijelo tinejdžera. Lena ima prelijepe obline i male sisice, sa vazda napaljenim tvrdim bradavicama. Prava leđa i ramena, a prelepo lice sa kratkom zalizanom kosom (bez perike :).

Prošetao sam do kafea. Na uglu je stajala radnja sa donjim rubljem, ušao sam među sav taj čipkani veš i usvakom komadu zamišljao Lenu. Vratio sam se u hostel, ona je još spavala. Ostavio sam kesu iz prodavnice i otišao pod tuš. Postio sam vrelu vodu i stakla zamagliše. Pjena zavijuga po tijelu, a vrelina vode pojača miris kupke. Zatim, osjetih hladnoću po leđima - neko je nečujno otvorio klizna vrata i ušao. Bila je to Lena. Prislonila je stomak na moja leđa, a ruke proturi ispod mojih pazuha. Osjetio sam da je jako uzbuđena. Trljala je ukrućene bradavice o moja leđa, a kita joj ciljala moju rupicu. Sa dva prsta sam namazao ulaz gelom za tuširanje i ona uđe lagano. Kad je ušla do kraja, poče u laganom ritmom prodirati. Ona nikad ne izdrži dugo...prosu se po mojim leđima i guzi. Isključio sam vodu, a ona čučnu i poliza svu spermu sa mene, posebno jezikom oliza čmar, pa provuče glavu ispod mojih nogu i poče da mi liže jaja, stavljajući čas jedno, pa d**go u svoja usta. Onaj vragolasti smiješak joj nije silazio sa lica. Poveo sam je u sobu. Legla je gola na krevet koji je mirisao na našu strast. Njušio sam njeno tijelo, svlačio čipku, ljubio mjesta gdje najviše voli...


Do viđenja, draga moja, doviđenja...

Morala je natrag kući u P. ćuteći je i pakovala svoje stvari u putnu torbu. Šarena torba, satakana od vune, bila je prepuna nabacanih Leninih i mojih stvari. Raspetljavala je naše "haljine". Prišao sam da joj pomognem, stajući tik do nje. Razdvajala je upetljane gornje dijelove...

-"Sjećaš li se akta, koji je prethodio ovom podvigu modnog dizajna?"
-"Ti si blesav! :)". svakako, smajli se u korespodenciji podrazumijeva, ali teško da može, taj figurativni invalid, otipkan i tisuću puta, njezin osmijeh ne može valjano opisati. Jedino možda, da Magdalena, doista jeste članica družbe Srca Isusova iz P., kao i dotična Magdalena članica družbe Isusove, kojoj Prorok (a prorok vidi budućnost i razumije prošlost) oprosti činodejstva pusta od davnine. Našoj se Leni može malo šta zamjeriti: vrckava, zavodljiva, pohotljiva...

Prebacila je ruke oko mog vrata, a guza joj je legla na moju otvrdlu muškost. Jezikom mi je lickala bradu, spuštajući se niz vrat, tražeći krute male bradavice koje su je očekivale...

Poljubi me i ode u toalet da se u(ne)redi. Nakon dvadesetak minuta, izašla je sa torbom na leđima. Na sebi je još imala tamne cvike, farmerice, i crvene starke. Bila je kao neki dječačić. Mahnu mi i uz osmjeh izađe iz sobe. Navukao sam pantalone i bos istrčao za njom do lifta. Ušli smo unutra i krenli dole u predvorje zgrade. STOP! Zaustavio sam lift, primakao joj se i povukao je prema sebi. Osjetila je čvrstinu. Sagla se i izvadila ga iz farmerica. Pređe lagano dva-tri puta rukom po glaviću i stade ga ljubiti, dopuštajući mu prolaz u grlo. Uskoro sam joj sipao u usta, a ona sve je progutals, lijepo oliza glavić i vratila kurac u farmerice. STOP! Lift je krenuo...

-"Do viđenja, draga moja, doviđenja..."


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Crystals QuestionsChapter 15

Peter pulled out and came, spraying his come all over her body. Crystal was fascinated by the spurts of white from his tip. The warm fluid splashed all over her, but none came near her open mouth except for a few drops that landed on her cheek. "You were supposed to come in my mouth," she said. "Open wider." Crystal was on her back with her legs apart and nearly flat on the ground. "I'm about as open as I can get." He looked at her sex. And quite a sight. I love your...

4 years ago
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Making Her Mine

I hate doing the laundry, but I can’t afford to buy new clothes everyday so I have no option. The worst part was taking the elevator from the fifth floor to the rec level in the apartment building. Four washers and four dryers to serve all thirty apartments in the building, but I’ve learnt the secret, come down after midnight and I can have the whole room to myself, most nights. Especially on Sundays of a long weekend, normally I just sit and read while waiting for the machines to run their...

1 year ago
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The Interview pt 3

Rachel trembled from the panic seeping into her mind, as her owner talked of his wife and his love for her while he circled looking her over sizing her up. His voice was calming. After her eyes adjusted to the light after the blind fold was removed she could see that he was handsome, and that he did not look like a sick pervert. He had neatly combed black hair and stubble that was just long enough to be soft; he stood more than six feet tall and was dressed in dark blue sweats that had...

2 years ago
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Just the six of us 1

Headlights flashed, spinning wildly and careening towards a tree... the drunk in the other car morphed into a clown, and cackled at him... an explosion of flame and the smell of gasoline... Mike shot bolt upright in bed, screaming and slapping at his chest and legs in a panic, trying to extinguish the flames that weren't there. Wondering why he was beating the shit out of himself, he stopped slapping at the imaginary flames and began to rub his eyes. "Another damn nightmare," said the voice in...

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No Strings Attached 8211 Friends with Benefits

Hi Readers, this is Denny from Chennai. I am a regular reader of ISS for a very long time. Myself, 5’8” tall, light tan skin tone, Athletic body and a satisfying thick size of dick for ladies. I have now somehow managed to post this story about me and my best friend. This is not a fictional story and so little bit up of spicing up might not happen. Prior apologies for I make mistakes in writing, as its first time for me here. Please give feedback regarding any. I am going to narrate to you a...

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The Notsougly Duckling

Margaret, or Maggie, as everyone called her, smiled as her parents told her she was being sent to her Uncle Bob’s farm for the summer. Her parents were archeologists, and during the summers, when they weren’t teaching, they usually went off to some far off place to dig up what Maggie thought of as ‘dead things’. And then Maggie always got sent off to Uncle Bob’s farm. Her parents had been working on their PhDs for the last two years, though, so it had been two years since she’d spent the...

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Emily in the DarkChapter 12 Trouble Finds Us Again

We snuggled again, drifting back to sleep. I heartily recommend Emily’s treatment for insomnia: I slept as if I were in my own bed and had just, well, just been sucked off. And, so I awakened well rested, it appeared to be shortly after sunset. I threaded my way out of the hootch, laced up my boots and armed up again, and tiptoed away to drain my bladder. I returned, and started to clear a patch of bare earth for our breakfast. I had just set up the stove, and set some water to boil, when...

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Fucking the School Slut

During high school this girl was a fucking slut. She was always sucking cocks. People knew she liked having a big dick in her mouth. I always wanted to have her suck me off until i jizzed all over her face, but i never got the chance during high school. Near the end of this school year i got a facebook message from her. We chatted and flirted for a bit. I noticed that just the day before her relationship status was single, so i got stiff as a rock as i replied to her. Eventually we started...

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Centerfold Ch 02

Since we were already naked, we went to Cami’s bed for the night. I’d spent the night in a few women’s beds during my years in New York, but I hadn’t been so happy about the actual going to bed part since I left Iowa. I had the best night’s sleep I’d had in years. When I woke up, she was lying with her back to me. I kissed the back of her neck and told her, ‘Good morning.’ She turned over to face me. ‘It is, isn’t it?’ she responded. ‘You’re the first man I’ve been with since Mike died.’ ...

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Putting a Mouth to Work

This was a first date after all. She didn't want to ruin expectations, or to be too 'easy', either. He was an older man, old enough to be her father, really. What do men like that want? She picked nerviusly over for small, delicate frame. She was only just 21, and he 47. But, after an hour of more deliberating, she huffed to herself and walked out the door. Clutching her purse as she stepped out into the cool night. Her perfectly manicured hands instantly waving down a well timed...

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A new experience

We lived in a small town and I was walking in the woods with my friend shooting our BB guns. I had been having a funny feeling in my groin for awhile. Sort of naughty and unsatisfied. I can't remember why but as we were walking I let my prick out of my bib overalls. My friend saw my stiff prick and asked if I wanted to jack off. I didn't know what that meant but I said sure. He undressed and I was strangely excited to see his cock. He touched it and it swelled and got hard. I undressed to and...

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A Pickup in Four BJs and Muff Dives

My family had all gone in to be CAP tested at the same time since the new laws required everyone fourteen or over to do so. When Dad and I came out with sevens and Mom and sis had high enough sixes dad had already seen the hand writing on the wall. He warned us not to show our cards unless necessary. He saw the disorganized start of protest by religious nuts and other crackpots that had started up right after the president's speech telling us that most of us were going to be eaten by the...

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10000 Bet turns into 20000 Blacken

It was just another slow Friday evening. Sitting alone on my couch with a drink flipping through the channels. All alone and bored out of my mind. It wasn't always like this.My name is Peter. I'm a 27 year old white male. I have brown hair, blue eyes, and am 5'7" tall. I am currently separated from my wife of more than three years who's name is Marisa. She is now 26 years old. Marisa and I had started dating when she was 20. When we first met I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She has lovely...

2 years ago
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Mausi ki bur chood dali

Hi, main phir aagaya aapni ek aur sachhi kahani ke sath ye tab ki ghatna hai jab me 11th main padta tha aur meri sabse choti mausi mere ghar aai thi . Us samay main 18saal ka tha aur meri mausi 19 saal ki thi . Mere mammy -daddy dono job karte hai dono ke job per jaane ke baad me aur mausi ghar me akele rah jaate the ek din me school nahi gaya aur ghar me hi tha dopahar me hamdo ke hi bed per so rehe the. Meri mausi bahut sexy figure ki thi uski chuchiyan 34 kamar24 aur gand 36 thi me use...

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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXI

Pyare doston, Main, aap ki juicy Julee pesh karti hun phir se apni chudai ka e ek aur khel jo maine khela tha kareeb 12/13 saal pahle jab main college me padhti thi aur maine apne premi Ramesh ( Ab mera husband ) ko apne ghar bulaya tha chudwane ke liye. Hum dono ne chudai ki aur itni shaandar, itni chakachak chudai ki jo aaj bhi mujhe achhi tarah yaad hai. Aap ko to pata hai ki jab main 18 saal ki thi, tab se chudwa rahi hun. Tab se lekar ab tak maine kareeb kareeb roz hi chudwaya hai. Aap...

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Prodigal SonChapter 6

Two years later The heatwave shimmered, disguising the dust cloud of the approaching seven riders. They were dressed identically. Canvas dusters and black cavalry slouch hats. When they had gotten to about 100 yards from the farmstead, they slowed their horses to a walk. The farm was the usual arraignment, a house probably three rooms. An outhouse for the obvious reasons. A root cellar and a barn. The barn was easily the largest and most important structure on the farm. Two stories and...

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Black CaptainChapter 5

Prudence Harper kept telling herself that she wanted nothing to do with this big Captain Happy, of all the curious and unrespectable names! She fidgeted at the table while he was gone. Then, seeing that he did not return immediately, she helped herself to the curried meats and ate ravenously. She was glad he was gone, glad that the door was closed between them, cutting him off from her naughty, disobedient body. But, oh God, she had to admit as the food made her feel more content, he sure was...

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A hot summers night with Mum

This story is fictional, and is inspired by the video 'Wendy Taylor Role Play' which you can find on xhamster....Back in 1984, we were having an unusually hot, humid couple of weeks at the tail-end of the summer. I was 23yrs old then, and still living at home with my Mum, who had been widowed about 5 years earlier, but at the age of 59, she looked at least ten years younger and - thanks to all the walking exercise she took - had a very well toned body despite having had three k**s.I was engaged...

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My Widow Tution Teacher

I am 22 years old .You can call me S.S.I am not really handsome or playboy type.I am six feet tall with wheatish completion.And not mascular type.I live in Delhi and work in IT company.I am preparing for CAT preparation and i really need to improve my English so i was seeking for a good English tution.I really dont want to enroll in prestigious institutes like T.I.M.E or CL or Tathagat as they pay little attntion to weaker students.So one of collegue told me about a good English tutor who had...

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The Threesome

The Threesome (c) 2005 Abe Froman JP had often pestered his girlfriend for the fantasy fulfillment of a threesome, joking about it whenever the topic came up, or citing every magazine survey in Cosmo or Maxim that hinted that lots of women liked to try it as well. Kelly, his long-suffering girlfriend, seemed to have finally decided that it would be easier to give in that than to keep on resisting. She had made it clear that on their next vacation, a February trip to Mexico, she was...

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A Fascinating Sex With A Wonderful Lady

Hi friends, this is Vishal again. I had posted before a sex story about my fun with my previous girlfriend. After our breakup I was just alone and searching for sex like a mad dog and finally I got my heroine. But it did not last long as she was shifted to her home town. So I thought to explore some new fun and finally I got that. If someone wants to spent a nice time with me then mail me on As stated in the previous story, when I was transferred to patna (bihar), I had rented a room in a...

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Adventures of a Texas Ranger Chapter Two

Jim remembered there was a small cafe just down the street and he was making a beeline for it when his attention was drawn to angry shouts coming from the sidewalk ahead. He recognized the man coming toward him on foot as Mayor Dixon. The mayor was a middle-aged man who Jim had usually seen impeccably dressed in a nice store bought suit. At the moment though, he had his nightgown half stuffed into his pants and his suspenders were flopping around his legs. "My mare's gone; I've been...

3 years ago
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My New Sissy Life

I was so stunned I was unable to speak. I only thought things like this existed in my fantasies and could never actually exist in the real world. It had been three weeks since I found an ad posted online seeking two submissive males for ‘training.’ I read the description which said, ‘Attention sissy boys! Have you ever wished that you were a trained sissy slut? Of course we both know the answer to that! I’m sure as you were pathetically scowling the web to find things to excite your little...

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DONNAThe Headmaster

My main problem in school was talking in class, I don’t know why but I did every time even though the teachers warned me, this particular day was no exception, the teacher warned me again, but because I was stupid I carried on, but he’d had enough.“Donna OUT” as I stood up embarrassed, I left the classroom and stood outside. At the end of the lesson when everyone had gone Mr. Kay came out and said “We’re going to see Mr. Cole, our headmaster. As I sat outside his office Mr. Kay knocked and went...

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The Blindfold Game

“Have you ever had any… kinky fantasies?” I asked my boyfriend one day. We were lying in bed together one Sunday morning, still breathing hard from our last orgasms. The rain was coming down outside, and it was a perfect day to spend wrestling in the sheets, and enjoying the inherent laziness of the day.  Marc, my boyfriend of the past three years, rose up on one elbow. “Well, that depends. What do you mean by kinky?” I grinned and rolled over to face him. “You know… something you’ve always...

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 3 Party

It was a Friday, two weeks before Christmas, and Joey dreaded the upcoming holidays. The year before he and Tess had been cooped up in their hospital room and they had missed the whole pre-Christmas excitement. It wasn't until they were driven to the Di Rosa estate that the fact registered in their heads that they would celebrate Christmas. This year was different. They lived by themselves. There was no mother to bake cookies with them, no father who would complain about the size of the...

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Double Delight ndash Pt 1 Mom Seduces Son On His Birt

This happened when I was eighteen and my mother was around forty. From c***dhood, I never called my mother ‘mom’ or ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’. I always used to call her by her name Neetu (her name is Neeta). That was because she was youngest in the family at her generation and I was used to listening to everyone calling her ‘Neetu’.Now, coming to the actual story.As my eighteenth birthday was approaching, I could observe a distinct change in the behaviour of mom, especially with me. These days, she used...

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JulesJordan Sybil Stallone Anal Holy Shit How Big Are These Tits

Beautifully big breasted Sybil Stallone takes Manuel’s cock deep in her ass. Sybil works as a dominatrix and is annoyed by her submissive bitch boy not listening to all of her commands today. She’s complaining to Manuel while she tells him all the nasty things that she did to the little bitch boy to punish him for being a terrible slave. Manuel gets turned on after hearing about her day so Sybil decides that it’s time for them to have a little fun and relax. Sybil wraps her...

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Dating Kelly Part VISpring Break Part 2

My eyes slowly opened and I blinked in the harsh caribbean sun. I glanced around and remembered things the way you do after waking up from a deep sleep. I was in a hammock slung between two palm trees near the beach of the resort my family was staying at. I gradually noticed that my arm was asleep and I looked down to see that my girlfriend Kelly was sleeping next to me, her petite body nestled into my bulkier one and wedged on top of my arm. Still somewhat asleep, I enjoyed the peaceful scene:...

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