Nocturno Belgrade <update 27.3.> free porn video

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-"Ma, gde bre, jesi li normalna!?"


U ulici D, u klubu L., sakuplja se vesela družina, uvijek raspoložena za Party. Neku noć, tematski Party - CECA, biće u kojem je opredmećena sama erotika, u tijelu, koje uprkos svemu lagano stari (kakva li će ona biti Grany :). Stao sam za bar. Na podiju je već naelektrisano - polugola, znojna tijela uvijaju se i upliću u ritmu nadolazeće orgazmičke eksplozije.

-Džin i tonik, molim.

Muzila je obuzimala sva moja čula, zanosila i uvlačila u svoje neobično kolo. Već je i na šanku postala tolika gužva, da sam se tiskao sa mirisnim tijelima koja su postajala sve toplija. I ja sam se približavao tački ključanja. Sve češće i luđe su me nečije ruke mazile i štipkale, pa sam šarao i ja po kosi, leđima, grudima, guzama, međunožju...neznanaca. Random :) Kurac mi je na granici cijepanja farmerica, nečija ruka se u toj gužvi potpuno zbližila sa njim. Preko farmerica je uspjela svući kožicu i u ritmu Cecih nota mazila moje međunožje i glavicu. Ja sam desnom rukom uhvatio dupe do sebe i mazio ga, trljajući prstima između guzova. Dečko ispred mene se zadvoljno klatio u ritmu, ljubeći se sa vrh djevojkom kovrdžave, kestenjaste kose.

-"Hajdemo u WC, želim da ti popušim!", šapnu mi piskutav glas, bila je to kovrdžava djevojka, koja mi gricnu vrat, pa me pogleda dražesnim vragoslastim smiješkom, i zaputi se ka WC-u. Krenuo sam za njom, i kao nožem prosijecao sebi put. Izašli smo požarnim putem iza kluba. Kad smo zatvorili vrata, zagrli me, još jednom mi gricnu vrat i pođe da se spušta, otkopčavajući farmerice. Nisam ni stigao da je pošteno opipam, ona je već držala moj kurac u rukama i navlačila kožicu.

-"Lepo mirišeš i veoma si ukusan :). Opet se slatko nasmija i zaroni. Posisa ljubavnu vodicu i poče jezikom palacati po glavici, pa naizmjenično usnama.

-"AAAAAH", stenjao sam, i uhvatih je za glavu, a ona ubrza rukom navlačeći kožicu i ustima praveći neizdrživ vakuum. Prsnuo sam. Ona se ne pomaknu ni milimetar. Lizala je glavić i vrh jezika zabijala u njegova usta. Treso sam se u njenim rukama. Zatim je ustala, opet mi gricnula vrat i ponudila mi usne. Prihvatio sam. Dah joj je mirisao na moju spermu, a ispod jezika je malo i sakrila i podijelila je samnom. Reče da se zove Lena. Pozvao sam je unutra, da popijemo piće sa njenim "dečkom".

-"Nije mi to dečko, nemam dečka." nasmija se...
-"Jako dobro, idemo onda unuta... :)"
-"Ne smeta ti što sam CD?"
-"Ma, gde bre, jesi normalna!?"


Ema, Ena, Elenora...

Ljutila se što joj izvrćem, lepo Ime i dajem joj neka nova, koja njoj nisu po volji.

-"Ljuta sam na tebe, zašto me opet zoveš Magi?", napućila je usne srdito.
-"Magdalena, draga moja, hoćeš li prestati da me hvataš za kurac gde god stigneš, bre, jesi li normalna?"
-"Zato što...", pokri lice rukama i zaplaka se.
-"Oh Lena, oprosti dušo!!!", zagrlio sam je, ona se sva tresla...
Izašli smo iz marketa i krenuli prema hostelu C. u centru Beograda. Naravno, ja sam nosio kese :). Ona je vrckala pored mene na crvenim štiklicama, u suknji ispod koljena i svilenim crnim čarapama sa čipkom po sredini zadnjeg lista noguuuuuuuuuh, jebem ti sunac...Dok se penjala uz okrugle vijugave stepenice na treći sprat stare austrougarske zgrade, sa debelim zidovima od pečene zemljane cigle, imala je pokrete kao dame-kurtizane sa Habzburškog dvora, koje su nekada imale toliku moć da sruše čitavo carstvo kojeg ni velike vojske nisu mogle uništiti. Ušli smo u sobu. Stajao sam sa kesama u rukama. Zaključala je vrata i uhvatila me za kurac. Kad je osjetila čvrstinu, baci jastuk na pod i kleknu.

-"Zar stvarno ne želiš da te više ne dodirujem? Aaa haaa am mmmh!", glavić nestade u njenim ustima, a užitak koji je pristizao do mog mozga mutio mi je pogled. Lena ga je voljela, ali i on nju. Kad god bi je osetio u svojoj blizini, propinjao se, kao ždrebac na zadnje noge, i postajao vreo i ukrućen. Ona je volela tu njegovu toplinu i spremnost kojom ju je dočekivao, a providna, staklasta slatka vodica joj je bila omiljena poslastica.

-"Želim te unutra", rekla je hvatajući dah između poljubaca. Polegao sam je na krevet, a ona mi doda kremu da joj namažem rupicu. Crveni prsten se širio i otpuštao, reagujući na hladnu kremu i moje tople prste. Gurnuo sam kažiprst unutra i pomjerao ga ukrug kako bih je što bolje pripremio za analnu avanturu.

-"Aaaaaa, ahh!", počela je da uzvraća guzom, sama se nabijala na prst, jedan, d**gi, pa još dublje uzdahnu i nastavi zadovoljno uvijati guzom. Umesto trećeg prsta, naciljao sam u nju, dovoljno raširena da primi vrh glavića, ona se guzom malo pomeri prema gore i stade pritiskati. Ušao sam lagano ispunjavajući po milimetar njenu guzu.

-"Ahhhhhhhhh", zastenja, pa stade divlje mješati i nabijati se na moju uzdignutu muškost, koja ju je činila srećnom. Lena je lice zagnjurila u jastuk, a guzu potpuno istrćila, otvarajući mi se. Zatim je legla na leđa. Odmah sam joj ga vratio nazad u rupicu. Huktala je, ljubila me po vratu, grickala, a zatim poče prskati po mom stomaku toplu ljepljivu tečnost, svršavala je. Umirila se, ali ga nije vadila. Držao sam je tako nasađenu i ljubio joj vrat, pa male tvrde bradavice. Pridigla se i prebacila u sjedeći položaj. Ruke je prebacila oko mog vrata i počela vrtiti kukovima u krug. Jezikom mi je lickala donju usnu i tražila jezik. Zagrlili smo se još čvršće i uhvatili ritam tucanja. Osjećao sam da neću još dugo. Lena je osjetila kada sam se ukočio i počeo sipati seme u nju, samo me još čvršće stegnu rukama i butinama. Tako smo zaspali...


Otišao sam dok je spavala...

Otišao sam dok je spavala, sklupčana na velikom bračnom krevetu sa rukama preko lica, guza joj je virila ispod pokrivača, produžavajući se u prekrasne noge. Uspjela je potpuno očuvati tijelo tinejdžera. Lena ima prelijepe obline i male sisice, sa vazda napaljenim tvrdim bradavicama. Prava leđa i ramena, a prelepo lice sa kratkom zalizanom kosom (bez perike :).

Prošetao sam do kafea. Na uglu je stajala radnja sa donjim rubljem, ušao sam među sav taj čipkani veš i usvakom komadu zamišljao Lenu. Vratio sam se u hostel, ona je još spavala. Ostavio sam kesu iz prodavnice i otišao pod tuš. Postio sam vrelu vodu i stakla zamagliše. Pjena zavijuga po tijelu, a vrelina vode pojača miris kupke. Zatim, osjetih hladnoću po leđima - neko je nečujno otvorio klizna vrata i ušao. Bila je to Lena. Prislonila je stomak na moja leđa, a ruke proturi ispod mojih pazuha. Osjetio sam da je jako uzbuđena. Trljala je ukrućene bradavice o moja leđa, a kita joj ciljala moju rupicu. Sa dva prsta sam namazao ulaz gelom za tuširanje i ona uđe lagano. Kad je ušla do kraja, poče u laganom ritmom prodirati. Ona nikad ne izdrži dugo...prosu se po mojim leđima i guzi. Isključio sam vodu, a ona čučnu i poliza svu spermu sa mene, posebno jezikom oliza čmar, pa provuče glavu ispod mojih nogu i poče da mi liže jaja, stavljajući čas jedno, pa d**go u svoja usta. Onaj vragolasti smiješak joj nije silazio sa lica. Poveo sam je u sobu. Legla je gola na krevet koji je mirisao na našu strast. Njušio sam njeno tijelo, svlačio čipku, ljubio mjesta gdje najviše voli...


Do viđenja, draga moja, doviđenja...

Morala je natrag kući u P. ćuteći je i pakovala svoje stvari u putnu torbu. Šarena torba, satakana od vune, bila je prepuna nabacanih Leninih i mojih stvari. Raspetljavala je naše "haljine". Prišao sam da joj pomognem, stajući tik do nje. Razdvajala je upetljane gornje dijelove...

-"Sjećaš li se akta, koji je prethodio ovom podvigu modnog dizajna?"
-"Ti si blesav! :)". svakako, smajli se u korespodenciji podrazumijeva, ali teško da može, taj figurativni invalid, otipkan i tisuću puta, njezin osmijeh ne može valjano opisati. Jedino možda, da Magdalena, doista jeste članica družbe Srca Isusova iz P., kao i dotična Magdalena članica družbe Isusove, kojoj Prorok (a prorok vidi budućnost i razumije prošlost) oprosti činodejstva pusta od davnine. Našoj se Leni može malo šta zamjeriti: vrckava, zavodljiva, pohotljiva...

Prebacila je ruke oko mog vrata, a guza joj je legla na moju otvrdlu muškost. Jezikom mi je lickala bradu, spuštajući se niz vrat, tražeći krute male bradavice koje su je očekivale...

Poljubi me i ode u toalet da se u(ne)redi. Nakon dvadesetak minuta, izašla je sa torbom na leđima. Na sebi je još imala tamne cvike, farmerice, i crvene starke. Bila je kao neki dječačić. Mahnu mi i uz osmjeh izađe iz sobe. Navukao sam pantalone i bos istrčao za njom do lifta. Ušli smo unutra i krenli dole u predvorje zgrade. STOP! Zaustavio sam lift, primakao joj se i povukao je prema sebi. Osjetila je čvrstinu. Sagla se i izvadila ga iz farmerica. Pređe lagano dva-tri puta rukom po glaviću i stade ga ljubiti, dopuštajući mu prolaz u grlo. Uskoro sam joj sipao u usta, a ona sve je progutals, lijepo oliza glavić i vratila kurac u farmerice. STOP! Lift je krenuo...

-"Do viđenja, draga moja, doviđenja..."


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Dauther pays for Fathers sins

“Come in Megan.” I shouted. Opening the door Megan said “Hi Mr. Stevens how are you?” “I’m fine Megan, it is nice to see you again, and my how you have grown over the years since your Dad started working for me.”Megan had just turned 18, was going to a local college, studying something dumb. She is about 5’ 5” maybe 120 pounds, had dark brown hair and bluish eyes. The jeans and T-shirt she wore highlighted her C cup tits and hot little ass. She looked very fuckable indeed. Megan smiled,...

3 years ago
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The Desire for Another Kiss Reposted

It was now Christmas break for the two of them and although they had many times alone to repeat their adventure, they managed to stay pretty much at arms length throughout the two weeks. The family went up to the mountains like they had for the four years since they had gotten together and Chuck and Joanie seemed to get along just like always, but they each could tell that there was something in the air that kept their conversations to a jesting sort of tone. Joanie had, in addition to...

4 years ago
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Hiring a HousekeeperChapter 1

Bill Black was frustrated. His wife had died a few years ago and he just couldn't keep up with the house. That wasn't the only thing he missed about his wife, but it was what was really irritating him at the moment. He finally decided, after a lot of persuasion, that he needed a housekeeper. Their house had been their dream home. It was a three bedroom ranch style house with an office, two baths and extra thick walls. It was perched on the edge of a national forest on the shoulder of a...

3 years ago
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22 November 2006Chapter 11

Karen led Dan to the bedroom as Vicky went into the bathroom and started a bubble bath in the tub. Dan and Karen embraced and kissed, then she went to the bathroom. Dan sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for her return. “I needed to freshen up,” she smiled. The scent of her chocolate and vanilla-scented perfume met his nostrils. He took her sweatshirt off over her head, her bra hanging loosely from already being unfastened. Dan slipped her bra off her arms, letting it fall to the floor and...

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The first time Abi touched me

It was a warm sunny afternoon in July and I was feeling more happy than I had in a long time. After breaking up with Tom I hadn’t really felt like doing anything. I slipped on my bikini and strolled down to the beach. I sat on the promenade and watched the world go by. The feeling of the warm sun on my skin and cool sea breeze made me smile. ‘What a beautiful day,’ I heard a female voice saying my thoughts out loud. It was a tall blonde girl, early twenties, beautiful, around my age. I smiled...

1 year ago
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Last of Their KindChapter 8

Once she placed herself and the circumstances that preceded it, the killing of the sadist in his van, she sniffed the air for water. Somewhere to cleanse herself and remove the hurt. Unfortunately all she smelled was fetid. Some pond that probably had runoff from the farm, filled with chemicals most likely. So she walked back to the truck stop, figuring the lone van at the edge of the parking lot wouldn’t have been noticed yet. She came onto the parking lot from the back and headed to the...

4 years ago
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Widows Whiskey and Willow SwitchesChapter 4

She sprinkled a pinch of the salt she’d carried all the way from Kansas City over the roasting fish, ignoring the irritating cowpoke stomping behind her. The disappointment at losing her claim rankled, but she was a sensible woman. There were other claims, though none so nice as this one. She held in a snort of laughter when she thought about his crazy idea of marriage. Why he thought it would be a good idea was beyond her! They clearly didn’t suit. She wasn’t cut out for taking another...

2 years ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 13 The Hunger

"Thank you Regent McKensie. I really owe you one." "Don't thank me yet Gregg. I'm only buying you a little time. What you're proposing is either madness or genius, but you'll hail or hang on your own merits." Gregg gulped. The enormity of the task at hand was sinking in now that the ESU regent who co-sponsored the archeological dig in Tunisia had given him the green light. The deadline was fast approaching for him to find a way to save the dig before it got bulldozed to become a...

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Gloryhole cum eaters

One night last week, we stopped into one of those adult bookstores that we frequent. There are a good number of booths in the back but only a few of them have gloryholes. One of them has two which is the one my girl wanted to go into. Little did I know that she had been planning this for some time and had contacted friends of ours from the club we belong to. She told me in the last minute, putting my mind at ease. I was beginning to think that she was going to start sucking strange dicks...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 195

"Daddy," Arlene said to her father as she entered his lab office in the basement, "I have a couple of hours before I have to get dressed for the wedding. Could we start my training now?" The Prime got up, walked around his desk and took his daughter's face in his hands, kissing her firmly. "Now's a perfect time. Let's go talk to the Ship." As they came to the door of the inside garage, Arlene reached for a coat, but Jeff stayed her hand. "It takes only a couple minutes to jog to...

3 years ago
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Happiness at Last

I had been trapped in a marriage that was loveless and sexless for the last 10 years. One evening while on the internet, playing cards, I played a game with a woman who happened to come from my neighborhood. We became on line friends and often talked of our home life. She was married and only a few years younger than me. But her marriage was also loveless and sexless. After we had been playing for a few months, talk got more intimate and suggestive. We cybered and tried phone sex. We enjoyed...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Mast Chudai Puri Raat 8211 Part 1

This is my first story mera naam vj hai meri age 24 hai mera penis ka size 5 inch lambs 3 inch not a hai main direct story pe aata hu ek baar mere saamne wali bhabi ko maine nahate hue dhek liya tha us din se mere man mein unko chodne ka khayal aagaya tha us din se main unse milne ke bhane dhundte raha touch karne ka try karta tha wo note karte hue bhi kuch nhi bolti thi are uska naam to batana hi bhool gaya Uska naam next hai 28 saal 36-28-34 bahut mast figure tide boobs ek din uske ghar pe...

2 years ago
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I Love My Hairy Mom Chapter 2

This is the second chapter of my series “I Love My Hairy Mom.” PLEASE SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS, THOUGHTS, REQUESTS, IDEAS AND ANY THOUGHTS YOU HAVE ABOUT HAIRY BUSH AND HAIRY SONS/MOTHERS. I WILL RESPOND! You can email me by clicking the “Contact” tab on my author profile page. Just click my name on here to get there!All characters are OVER 18 in this story.- Main character (boy/son) is 23 years old- Mother is 47 years oldI Love My Hairy Mom: Chapter III can’t believe what just happened. I just...

4 years ago
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How My Family Deals with the Quarantine

To tell this story I need to go back a few years and explain how we got to this point. My dad cheated on my mom four years ago when I was fifteen years old. Because dad felt the need to fuck his younger secretary, he ripped this family apart, and my brother and I suffered for it in many ways.The biggest way was how my mom reacted. Mom got pregnant with me when she was sixteen years old and gave birth to me when she was seventeen. She would tell me, “Look where it got me to show my love to your...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Kira Noir Second Appearance

With nearly 60 years of combined sexual experiences lodged in their collective brains, listen to some of the crazy stories James Deen, Steve Holmes, and recent AVN performer of the year Markus Dupree can tell! If that wasn’t enough, wait until you witness another story unfold right in front of your eyes! All Mr. Holmes has to do is beckon one of the many sluts in his stable — this time, it’s Kira Noir — to come out from the room in which she’s kept…and then,...

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Milf 2 Boys

Tim and Jeff had hated Billy for the longest time. Ever since grade school they looked down on him with nothing but scorn and envy. They were both bitter, hormonal teenagers, 18 and angry at the world. Since he was little, Billy had led a carefree, happy life.Billy's mother, Amy Robertson, was an attractive woman in her mid 30s, who loved her son very dearly and walked him to school every morning. It was this kind of smothering which led Billy to have quite a sheltered and wimpy personality,...

1 year ago
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Aarandor war ein kleines Inselreich weit von anderen Küsten entfernt. Einst lebten die Menschen, Zwerge und Elfen auf den über vierhundert kleine und große Inseln in Frieden und Eintracht. Sicherlich, es gab gelegentlich Konflikte und Kriege, aber die Zeiten des Friedens waren lang und die Reiche wohlhabend. Doch vor neunzig Jahren überfielen Dunkle Horden die Inseln, unterwarfen viele und überzogen die übrigen mit Krieg und Zerstörung. Es gelang, die Eindringlinge zurückzudrängen, doch sie...

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Carmen Cucks In Front Of Joe

I had been feeling particularly horny one day and as I drove home I noticed a rather nice looking black man and my thoughts went back to my wedding night present and Melvin. I decided when I got home to call him up ( he had given me his phone number ) and have another session with in this time right in front of Joe. As I got home I walked in and saw Joe sitting on the sofa and I went over to him and standing in front of him as he looked up at me, a hard slap across his face followed, "I want a...

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My First Time Giving It

So I was cruising my regular haunts and someone let out a loud whistle, I turned and looked and I noticed a builder pull up in his van. His name was Pete I've played with him a few f times over the past few months, I walked over to him and said hello, Pete was sat in his van feeling his cock, he must have been pretty horny. He told me he had somewhere to go if I was interested, "Oh yes I'm very interested Pete", I told him. I jumped in his van, Pete asked me how horny I was, I shown him the...

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Fantastic Train Journey

Hi, this is 22nd story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married Male from Patna Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am female. If you like the story, please say so via mail This story is 11 yrs old. I was going to Mumbai to join College of Arts to learn painting after graduation. I boarded Guwahati Dadar Exp at Bhagalpur and took my seat in two AC. A very beautiful newly married woman along with a boy, who seems to be her brother were seating...

4 years ago
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that one girl part 2 the coffee

Images were streaming through my head as i lay there,rolling around to try to get some sleep before the next day.The first was the picture of the first girl i had ever had a crush on,her name was tara and she worked at the local hairdresser, she was around my age at the time, only 2 years older than myself Probably doing a work exeriance.She was smart,funny,pretty and there was something about the way she washed my hair before it was cut that got me blushing and that...

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The Red Dress

The Red Dress By Cherysse St. Claire Baseball. Hot dogs. Apple Pie. Mom. We have all heard these little homilies used to describe classic Americana; the things, big and small, that make us what we are. But what about that other quintessential American tradition? No, not sleazy talk shows; Shopping! What could be a more red-blooded, all- American tribute than taking to the malls on a whim and a charge card? There I was at Water Tower Place, in the shadows of the John...

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Two Moms

Note : This story is compltely fictional! Being 27 and not knowing who your real family is or was, has always been a problem for me especially after finding out I was adopted as a baby and this got harder for me after my adopted mother told me my life story I couldnt be happier growing up with my family - thinking how lucky I was in the way I was reared, having whatever I wanted especially as financially there were no problems and I had grown very close to my adopted parents especially m mother...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 18

I spent the rest of the night sitting in front of the laptop with the Chrome browser open Googling for ... well it seemed like everything, because there was so much I felt ignorant about. I did remember to throw Edwina's casserole in the oven. There was a post-it note on top with the cooking instructions. Probably something 27 year old Cooper would have needed, but a casserole is a casserole for a man my age, so in the oven for an hour at 350. I had some tomatoes and cheese that I had...

3 years ago
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A Big Mistake

Chapter One Medicine Hat, Alberta June, 1978 Neil watched Stephanie leave the school with Joanne and Iris and as they walked down the steps and strolled toward the bus stop. He couldn’t help but feel horrible after what had happened. How could he have acted like such an idiot? He had never behaved in such a manner before this. What had ever possessed him to make such an erroneous mistake? Earlier that day Stephanie had been pretty coy, but he was sure he had interpreted her signals correctly....

Straight Sex
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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part IX

He stood at her foot gaping at her gorgeous body tainted with turmeric stain and half opened as said before. Meanwhile she just swayed nursing her tired limbs after a long ritual with her left hand covering her eyes and forehead unaware that her BIL who had forced her into sex in presence of his wife cum her hapless sister, threatening to abandon her if she refused sex with him and to safeguard her sister well being She had allowed the monster to force his cock into her virgin cunt even though...

4 years ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 7 Tokin Toga Party

"Come on sleepyhead. it's time to get up and go to the party." Mindy said quietly as she gently shook Chase awake. "Wha? What time is it?" Chase asked blearily. He noticed that the sun was slanting low through the blinds. He was exhausted. He was never a good napper, when he woke up, he was usually useless for the rest of the day. "It's a quarter to eight, the party starts in fifteen minutes." Mindy bounced out of bed and put on her sandals. "We need to go pick up our...

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My First Ride Of Spring

I woke early. I only had a few days left to my vacation, and up until now it had rained most everyday this week. I poured myself a coffee and went out on the deck. It was still a bit chilly, but the sun was coming up and there didn’t appear to be any clouds in the sky. Being the 3 rd week in April it was about time we had a nice day, so far it was a wet chilly spring.It’s going to be a good day for a ride.I finished my coffee and went inside to take a shower and shave. I grabbed a clean T-shirt...

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Constructing New Friendships Part 2

The following is fictional. Names, and locations have been made up and are not meant to depict real people, living or deceased. These stories also depict dangerous, unprotected sexual encounters. In this day and age of killer STDs, please be careful and wear protection! Only YOU can keep yourself healthy.This is an adults only story. If you are u******e in the community you live in, please do not go any further. Thank you and happy reading!Note: This is one of the first stories I wrote for my...

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