Nocturno Belgrade <update 27.3.> free porn video

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-"Ma, gde bre, jesi li normalna!?"


U ulici D, u klubu L., sakuplja se vesela družina, uvijek raspoložena za Party. Neku noć, tematski Party - CECA, biće u kojem je opredmećena sama erotika, u tijelu, koje uprkos svemu lagano stari (kakva li će ona biti Grany :). Stao sam za bar. Na podiju je već naelektrisano - polugola, znojna tijela uvijaju se i upliću u ritmu nadolazeće orgazmičke eksplozije.

-Džin i tonik, molim.

Muzila je obuzimala sva moja čula, zanosila i uvlačila u svoje neobično kolo. Već je i na šanku postala tolika gužva, da sam se tiskao sa mirisnim tijelima koja su postajala sve toplija. I ja sam se približavao tački ključanja. Sve češće i luđe su me nečije ruke mazile i štipkale, pa sam šarao i ja po kosi, leđima, grudima, guzama, međunožju...neznanaca. Random :) Kurac mi je na granici cijepanja farmerica, nečija ruka se u toj gužvi potpuno zbližila sa njim. Preko farmerica je uspjela svući kožicu i u ritmu Cecih nota mazila moje međunožje i glavicu. Ja sam desnom rukom uhvatio dupe do sebe i mazio ga, trljajući prstima između guzova. Dečko ispred mene se zadvoljno klatio u ritmu, ljubeći se sa vrh djevojkom kovrdžave, kestenjaste kose.

-"Hajdemo u WC, želim da ti popušim!", šapnu mi piskutav glas, bila je to kovrdžava djevojka, koja mi gricnu vrat, pa me pogleda dražesnim vragoslastim smiješkom, i zaputi se ka WC-u. Krenuo sam za njom, i kao nožem prosijecao sebi put. Izašli smo požarnim putem iza kluba. Kad smo zatvorili vrata, zagrli me, još jednom mi gricnu vrat i pođe da se spušta, otkopčavajući farmerice. Nisam ni stigao da je pošteno opipam, ona je već držala moj kurac u rukama i navlačila kožicu.

-"Lepo mirišeš i veoma si ukusan :). Opet se slatko nasmija i zaroni. Posisa ljubavnu vodicu i poče jezikom palacati po glavici, pa naizmjenično usnama.

-"AAAAAH", stenjao sam, i uhvatih je za glavu, a ona ubrza rukom navlačeći kožicu i ustima praveći neizdrživ vakuum. Prsnuo sam. Ona se ne pomaknu ni milimetar. Lizala je glavić i vrh jezika zabijala u njegova usta. Treso sam se u njenim rukama. Zatim je ustala, opet mi gricnula vrat i ponudila mi usne. Prihvatio sam. Dah joj je mirisao na moju spermu, a ispod jezika je malo i sakrila i podijelila je samnom. Reče da se zove Lena. Pozvao sam je unutra, da popijemo piće sa njenim "dečkom".

-"Nije mi to dečko, nemam dečka." nasmija se...
-"Jako dobro, idemo onda unuta... :)"
-"Ne smeta ti što sam CD?"
-"Ma, gde bre, jesi normalna!?"


Ema, Ena, Elenora...

Ljutila se što joj izvrćem, lepo Ime i dajem joj neka nova, koja njoj nisu po volji.

-"Ljuta sam na tebe, zašto me opet zoveš Magi?", napućila je usne srdito.
-"Magdalena, draga moja, hoćeš li prestati da me hvataš za kurac gde god stigneš, bre, jesi li normalna?"
-"Zato što...", pokri lice rukama i zaplaka se.
-"Oh Lena, oprosti dušo!!!", zagrlio sam je, ona se sva tresla...
Izašli smo iz marketa i krenuli prema hostelu C. u centru Beograda. Naravno, ja sam nosio kese :). Ona je vrckala pored mene na crvenim štiklicama, u suknji ispod koljena i svilenim crnim čarapama sa čipkom po sredini zadnjeg lista noguuuuuuuuuh, jebem ti sunac...Dok se penjala uz okrugle vijugave stepenice na treći sprat stare austrougarske zgrade, sa debelim zidovima od pečene zemljane cigle, imala je pokrete kao dame-kurtizane sa Habzburškog dvora, koje su nekada imale toliku moć da sruše čitavo carstvo kojeg ni velike vojske nisu mogle uništiti. Ušli smo u sobu. Stajao sam sa kesama u rukama. Zaključala je vrata i uhvatila me za kurac. Kad je osjetila čvrstinu, baci jastuk na pod i kleknu.

-"Zar stvarno ne želiš da te više ne dodirujem? Aaa haaa am mmmh!", glavić nestade u njenim ustima, a užitak koji je pristizao do mog mozga mutio mi je pogled. Lena ga je voljela, ali i on nju. Kad god bi je osetio u svojoj blizini, propinjao se, kao ždrebac na zadnje noge, i postajao vreo i ukrućen. Ona je volela tu njegovu toplinu i spremnost kojom ju je dočekivao, a providna, staklasta slatka vodica joj je bila omiljena poslastica.

-"Želim te unutra", rekla je hvatajući dah između poljubaca. Polegao sam je na krevet, a ona mi doda kremu da joj namažem rupicu. Crveni prsten se širio i otpuštao, reagujući na hladnu kremu i moje tople prste. Gurnuo sam kažiprst unutra i pomjerao ga ukrug kako bih je što bolje pripremio za analnu avanturu.

-"Aaaaaa, ahh!", počela je da uzvraća guzom, sama se nabijala na prst, jedan, d**gi, pa još dublje uzdahnu i nastavi zadovoljno uvijati guzom. Umesto trećeg prsta, naciljao sam u nju, dovoljno raširena da primi vrh glavića, ona se guzom malo pomeri prema gore i stade pritiskati. Ušao sam lagano ispunjavajući po milimetar njenu guzu.

-"Ahhhhhhhhh", zastenja, pa stade divlje mješati i nabijati se na moju uzdignutu muškost, koja ju je činila srećnom. Lena je lice zagnjurila u jastuk, a guzu potpuno istrćila, otvarajući mi se. Zatim je legla na leđa. Odmah sam joj ga vratio nazad u rupicu. Huktala je, ljubila me po vratu, grickala, a zatim poče prskati po mom stomaku toplu ljepljivu tečnost, svršavala je. Umirila se, ali ga nije vadila. Držao sam je tako nasađenu i ljubio joj vrat, pa male tvrde bradavice. Pridigla se i prebacila u sjedeći položaj. Ruke je prebacila oko mog vrata i počela vrtiti kukovima u krug. Jezikom mi je lickala donju usnu i tražila jezik. Zagrlili smo se još čvršće i uhvatili ritam tucanja. Osjećao sam da neću još dugo. Lena je osjetila kada sam se ukočio i počeo sipati seme u nju, samo me još čvršće stegnu rukama i butinama. Tako smo zaspali...


Otišao sam dok je spavala...

Otišao sam dok je spavala, sklupčana na velikom bračnom krevetu sa rukama preko lica, guza joj je virila ispod pokrivača, produžavajući se u prekrasne noge. Uspjela je potpuno očuvati tijelo tinejdžera. Lena ima prelijepe obline i male sisice, sa vazda napaljenim tvrdim bradavicama. Prava leđa i ramena, a prelepo lice sa kratkom zalizanom kosom (bez perike :).

Prošetao sam do kafea. Na uglu je stajala radnja sa donjim rubljem, ušao sam među sav taj čipkani veš i usvakom komadu zamišljao Lenu. Vratio sam se u hostel, ona je još spavala. Ostavio sam kesu iz prodavnice i otišao pod tuš. Postio sam vrelu vodu i stakla zamagliše. Pjena zavijuga po tijelu, a vrelina vode pojača miris kupke. Zatim, osjetih hladnoću po leđima - neko je nečujno otvorio klizna vrata i ušao. Bila je to Lena. Prislonila je stomak na moja leđa, a ruke proturi ispod mojih pazuha. Osjetio sam da je jako uzbuđena. Trljala je ukrućene bradavice o moja leđa, a kita joj ciljala moju rupicu. Sa dva prsta sam namazao ulaz gelom za tuširanje i ona uđe lagano. Kad je ušla do kraja, poče u laganom ritmom prodirati. Ona nikad ne izdrži dugo...prosu se po mojim leđima i guzi. Isključio sam vodu, a ona čučnu i poliza svu spermu sa mene, posebno jezikom oliza čmar, pa provuče glavu ispod mojih nogu i poče da mi liže jaja, stavljajući čas jedno, pa d**go u svoja usta. Onaj vragolasti smiješak joj nije silazio sa lica. Poveo sam je u sobu. Legla je gola na krevet koji je mirisao na našu strast. Njušio sam njeno tijelo, svlačio čipku, ljubio mjesta gdje najviše voli...


Do viđenja, draga moja, doviđenja...

Morala je natrag kući u P. ćuteći je i pakovala svoje stvari u putnu torbu. Šarena torba, satakana od vune, bila je prepuna nabacanih Leninih i mojih stvari. Raspetljavala je naše "haljine". Prišao sam da joj pomognem, stajući tik do nje. Razdvajala je upetljane gornje dijelove...

-"Sjećaš li se akta, koji je prethodio ovom podvigu modnog dizajna?"
-"Ti si blesav! :)". svakako, smajli se u korespodenciji podrazumijeva, ali teško da može, taj figurativni invalid, otipkan i tisuću puta, njezin osmijeh ne može valjano opisati. Jedino možda, da Magdalena, doista jeste članica družbe Srca Isusova iz P., kao i dotična Magdalena članica družbe Isusove, kojoj Prorok (a prorok vidi budućnost i razumije prošlost) oprosti činodejstva pusta od davnine. Našoj se Leni može malo šta zamjeriti: vrckava, zavodljiva, pohotljiva...

Prebacila je ruke oko mog vrata, a guza joj je legla na moju otvrdlu muškost. Jezikom mi je lickala bradu, spuštajući se niz vrat, tražeći krute male bradavice koje su je očekivale...

Poljubi me i ode u toalet da se u(ne)redi. Nakon dvadesetak minuta, izašla je sa torbom na leđima. Na sebi je još imala tamne cvike, farmerice, i crvene starke. Bila je kao neki dječačić. Mahnu mi i uz osmjeh izađe iz sobe. Navukao sam pantalone i bos istrčao za njom do lifta. Ušli smo unutra i krenli dole u predvorje zgrade. STOP! Zaustavio sam lift, primakao joj se i povukao je prema sebi. Osjetila je čvrstinu. Sagla se i izvadila ga iz farmerica. Pređe lagano dva-tri puta rukom po glaviću i stade ga ljubiti, dopuštajući mu prolaz u grlo. Uskoro sam joj sipao u usta, a ona sve je progutals, lijepo oliza glavić i vratila kurac u farmerice. STOP! Lift je krenuo...

-"Do viđenja, draga moja, doviđenja..."


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On this hot and sunny Friday afternoon, Alec walked home after a hard day of work. He was a gardener and, although his work was seasonal, he enjoyed the job. He looked forward to the fall and going back to school and becoming an architect. Daniel works as an insurance agent; he provides for his family and is proud of his son’s accomplishments and as a father has supported his twenty-year-old son until he can look after himself. Daniel had had a long and difficult day talking to clients, it...

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Just A Brief Affair

In Mark Cahill’s considered opinion, things could be one hell of a lot worse. He was out of his room at the nearby Manhattan veterans’ hospital, sitting in a coffee shop on Lexington Avenue and staring across the small cluttered table into the soft, brown eyes of a very attractive student nurse. At the moment, she seemed to be saying something about school. He’d nod at times, even mumble to show interest, while concentrating on the view.. With a touch of crispness in the early fall air, she...

2 years ago
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Submissive Slut Girlfriend Susie 8211 Part 2

Hi everybody. It’s me again with a new slutty adventure of my dirty girlfriend Susie. For those of you who have not followed my previous stories, Susie is a 5’4” Mynx with a huge pair of luscious tits. Her appetite for dicks is equally huge. She doesn’t like getting fucked with a condom on and loves the feeling of cum being pumped into her. A certified slut. The adventure which I am to narrate emanated from this one time I was fucking her. I started telling her how my friends used to objectify...

4 years ago
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Pecking Order

In human life as in the animal kingdom as a whole there's a pecking order, you obey people above you and order those about below. Now I'm not particularly a dominant person, I say 'yes sir' to my boss whenever he asks me things, but like most men, I would like to have a nice young sex slave to order about. Her name was Janice, a new girl in the pool; I noticed straight away that she always looked down shyly whenever anybody talked to her. She was quite pretty, with an innocent looking...

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Wife in Group Sex

I’d been thinking about this for many months and finally I was going to get around to arranging something. I loved posting pictures of my wife. I loved the comments I got from all sorts of people, young and old, and I loved the horny chat sessions that occurred. It was from these chat sessions that the idea originated - wouldn’t it be really to hot to meet up with one the guys who I knew had been wanking over pictures of my Mrs. And to not only meet with me, but with the wife as well.So that’s...

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Our FIRST Timehellip

I can remember the night it happened like it was yesterday and I still wish today it would happen over and over again. I was sitting in my hot tub alone and naked like any other night, but this night I got a text from a life long friend Steven, asking what I was doing. I told him I was in the hot tub relaxing and asked what was up? He asked if he could stop over because his back could use the use of the hot tub. I told him surely and to stop over. I told him I need to put on boxers since he was...

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Part Time Job by loyalsock

It had been over three weeks now since Lindy and her boyfriend hadbroken up and the sexual tension that had slowly been building up in her plump pussy was now becoming almost unbearable!!! Even her secretary had noticed thatfor the past several days she had barely been able to concentrate on her work!!!Ever since her freshman year at college, she had always had a boyfriend whowould naturally take care of all of her sexual needs, but now for the firsttime in her life, she was going through a...

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Laura and Jim

Laura and Jim are a married couple in their late 30's. Jim works as a clerk at the local home improvement store. His wife Laura was going back to the local community college to get her paralegal degree. Jim has a foot, nylon, and leg fetish and loves it when Laura dresses up in the bedroom wearing sexy nylons and high heels. He'll spend hours worshipping her feet and legs and sometimes he gets so excited, he'll cum on legs and stockinged feet before having a chance to cum in her pussy.Finally,...

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Sissy the Redhead Making of a Slut Part I

Part I She was out mowing the lawn again. That little red head across the street. She was probably thirteen or so. Maybe fourteen, and she had long thick curls of deep red hair. The kind that looks dyed, but isn’t. Her titties were just coming in, but they were coming fast. She must be pushing a B cup by now, only she wasn’t wearing a bra that day, just a tight little baby tee that said “Candy” on it that showed off her tight, flat waist. The shorts she had on didn’t hurt in...

3 years ago
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How Ramya Became A Bitch 8211 Part 4

Vikram came after 5 minutes. I went to him and kissed his lips, but he wasn’t interested in foreplay. He was so desperate to get inside me. He lifted me to his kitchen and placed me on the slab. He lifted my saree till hips and moved my panty away from pussy lips. He put his monster cock in me right away. “Are you that horny?” I asked. He kept fucking me without replying and didn’t even change the position. He exploded in me within 15 minutes. He got dressed and asked, “Shall we go?” “I am...

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 3 Lesson Two Sense of touch

Woke up today a little tired. Worked in the garden all day yesterday. It was for my wife and it is starting to be a lot of work for me. I am thinking of taking it out and just plant grass. Just mow and go. Got up and did my usual morning agenda and plan my lesson for this afternoon. To day may just be interesting. Had lunch and went across the street to the Charles'. Again, I heard the girls in the back giggling. It was a little cool today with partly cloudy skies but still warm. I got a...

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Sow and ReapChapter 38 Let Go of the Old Embrace the New

I was still in Gifu when Noah called me. He had left the day after the opening, while Mokuba and I had remained. It was pre-dawn when the sound woke Pharaoh and I, and the only light in the room was the glow from the ringing cell phone. Noah's voice was thick as if he'd been crying. "Seto. It's ... Mother..." He gasped. "They found her at the family crypt. She ... she's..." I knew immediately what he was trying to say. I had a sudden, uncomfortable feeling of dread. It reminded me of...

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Caught Wanking 4 Home Alone Again

They were both cock-hungry but were planets away from being on the same page. That was good for me as she would then come over more often than not and complain about him, before ending with us fucking each other’s brains out. Then one day there was a huge argument next. Doors were slammed with a lot of yelling, then sudden silence. Then there was a pounded on my door. It was Gina, with her kids. “I sorry but I’ve had enough of the faggot shit, I will be going away to mom’s for a month to...

2 years ago
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I Sometimes Say the Dumbest ThingsChapter 8

It wasn't long before I found out who John had spread the glad tidings to. It was less than half an hour before my door opened and Chuck came in. He stepped inside my office and saw the way that I was dressed and exclaimed, "Well I'll be damned! I thought sure he was pulling my leg!" There was no doubt in my mind how this was going to end. Chuck knew the minute he saw me in this slutty dress that John had been telling the truth. He stared at my exposed breasts for a moment and then he...

1 year ago
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Debbie gives a perfect blow job

I looked at Debbie as she got up from the sofa and went into the kitchen. Everyone from the party had, either left or had gone to bed. It was late now and as I followed Debbie into the kitchen she stopped and turned towards me. We had been waiting for a while to be alone, and now finally we had the opportunity. I moved closer to her and I put my hands around her waist. I leaned forward and we both kissed. Her hand reached down between my legs and she began to feel me getting aroused through my...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 13

I was surprised the next morning when Miguel, Maco, Jesus, and Lupe joined us for breakfast. It turned out they always joined the Hacienda for breakfast, before leaving for Las Cruces. Alejandro watched with interest as Miguel and Maco greeted Anna. He seemed relieved that we were indeed cousins of all the Garcias. As we were preparing to leave, I told Alejandro to help protect his sister and the Hacienda while we were gone and got a grave nod in return. I gave Anna a big hug and kiss. As I...

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The Maury Show

I was sitting on a stool at my favorite bar after work, nursing the single beer I allowed myself, while I waited for the bowling alley next door to open. There was a really pretty dark haired woman sitting at the other end of the bar trying to catch my eye. Finally, Sam the bartender put another beer in front of me, and I declined it. "It's not on the house Ted, it's from the lady at the end of the bar," he said. "Thank her for me, and give her money back to her. You can put it on my...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 432 42000 Marks Flying Family

Friday, July 11 (Continued) to Tuesday, July 15, 2008 My other-dimensional moms had been no more than slightly nervous on their first flights, and had quickly gotten used to them so much that they would suggest going to the Cascades for breakfast if the weather forecast for the next morning was suitable. This Mom being such a wimp was either a dimensional difference or her lack of faith in me was the explanation. My parents' characters could vary across the dimensions - Dad's did when it...

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The Touch Ch 25

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Pt. 25 A Damsel in Distress Saturday was a grey, much cooler day with periodic bouts of drizzle and so we were not terribly busy at the garden centre which did at least enable everybody to concentrate on necessary day to day tasks in the growing areas and tidying and filling up the displays. There was only one postal delivery on Saturdays and...

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Hers To Punish

Lauren woke to a gentle breeze that flowed into the bedroom where the aftermath of marathon sex filled the air. It didn't matter that she was thoroughly satisfied, after hours of sleep her body still showed signs of desire. The essence of her mistress, the one she called Domina, made her body ache and burn with smoldering heat. Her torso grew red, and while she blushed she realized that her mistress slept soundly beside her. She should be asleep too because her body bore the markings of a sated...

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Lisas New Lover

Lisa and I had been living in our new condo about six months when we met the guy who had moved into the unit next to ours, his name is Dave and he seemed like a pretty decent guy. One of the fantasies Lisa and I had talked about was moving into a new place, making good friends and having sex with a neighbor. It seemed Dave was a perfect choice, he worked as a construction contractor and being recently divorced had just bought the condo next to ours. Lisa and I would pillow talk about him...

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The Best Conference Part III

For the next couple of days, I spent my days at the conference and my evenings with Catherine.When we saw each other at the conference, we would exchange pleasantries and maybe chat briefly. Of course, I used the opportunity to have a little fun.The last morning when I saw her between sessions, I told her to find a bathroom to fuck herself in. When she was on her way I called her, and told her to keep me on the phone.She told me when she had found one, that there was no one in there, and I...

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ExtramaritalChapter 9Trouble in River City

As the guests left the cookout, Zach took Carol aside and spoke to her. "I want you to spend the night with me, if that's something you're interested in." "I thought you'd never ask," said Carol. She wanted this, but didn't know if Zach was serious before when he mentioned catching up on lost time. "I had hoped you'd remember, but I couldn't be sure and I didn't want to have to ask you. Of course I'll stay. I still have one hole you haven't explored yet and it needs filled." "Oh yeah? Be...

Group Sex
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Cassy Gives Herself

Before being married, I was living in a house with two artist students. My then girlfriend lived in her own house share. Ours was a very large house with spare rooms we’d use for studio space, open areas for communal get togethers and all in all we were a happy group of three young guys, committing to our creative lives and generally having a good time. We decided after some time that one of the smaller, unused rooms may as well be used for another flatmate to reduce our expenditure. The word...

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Me and Lora

Mom answered the phone so I went to my room to get dressed. She knocked on the door and said Lora had called and I was to call her before I left. Lora??? Lora who and what does she want??? So I get dressed and go to the phone and mom has wrote on the note pad Lora 693-4344. So I called. A woman answered " Hello?". "Hello, is Lora there?" I asked. "This is her, hey I was wondering if I could ride with you to town? My Datsun broke down on the way home from school." she...

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History 300Chapter 4 Empires Rise

"You can't not go, Lizzie!" Sally grabbed her friend and pulled her into an alcove between lockers. Her snarl sent another freshman hurrying down to the next water fountain. "It's the party. There won't be anything this big for months. This is our last chance to show the school where we intend to stand in the food chain for senior year!" "That's just it Sal," Liz sighed, "I don't care where I stand. It's not like you're going to stop being my friend and none of the boys left...

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By Tooth and ClawChapter 18

Two days passed before I came fully awake; I'd become partially conscious a few times to eat or drink but not for more than a few minutes. The room I was in was dimly lit, rain pattering on the window and roof merrily and urging me to return to sleep. I laid there for a while, listening to the sounds of people moving about. By the scents around me, I knew I was in Mathias's house still and that someone was making lunch or maybe dinner. The smell of cooking meat called to me and, moving...

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Aunty and me

Hello dost aaj mai apko eak meri age 24 ki hai new romantic likh raha hoi ya kahni Mar Dost Ajay Ke Maa ke hai Ajay ka gahr ma Ajay ke Maa or saas or Sasu ratha hai ajay Delhi ma padtha hai mara or ajay ma gahri dosti hai ajay ka father ak business man hai ajay ke bhoot sunder 35 saal ke young lady hai nipple teak hai gadnd mooti hai. Story ma aksar ajay ka ghar jaya kartha tha aksar aunty ke kam ma help kardata ak din ma ajay ka computer sa ajay sa baat kararha that u ajay ke ghar k baar ma...

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I would like to share with you the experience I have just been through in as much detail as possible. I will not disclose the names of the locations for various reasons. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Bryce. I'm 22 years old, and have just graduated from a state university. I'm originally from a suburb of a city about 200 miles from my college, both in the same state. I'm 6 ft tall and weigh about 165 pounds…pretty "normal" build. I have brown hair, blue eyes, and am...

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The ExtraChapter 8 Sierra

TWO MONTHS LATER, Abi was singing as she worked in the kitchen, rolled, turned, floured the pastry and rolled again. So she didn’t notice the girl until late. She was surprised to see a very pretty young girl walk past the Coach House kitchen window and around to the unlocked kitchen door. At her old apartment, there were occasional fans who would congregate outside, but only at the times when she had a higher profile on the show. When her character was about 15, her on-screen mother died in...

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