Nocturno Belgrade <update 27.3.> free porn video

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-"Ma, gde bre, jesi li normalna!?"


U ulici D, u klubu L., sakuplja se vesela družina, uvijek raspoložena za Party. Neku noć, tematski Party - CECA, biće u kojem je opredmećena sama erotika, u tijelu, koje uprkos svemu lagano stari (kakva li će ona biti Grany :). Stao sam za bar. Na podiju je već naelektrisano - polugola, znojna tijela uvijaju se i upliću u ritmu nadolazeće orgazmičke eksplozije.

-Džin i tonik, molim.

Muzila je obuzimala sva moja čula, zanosila i uvlačila u svoje neobično kolo. Već je i na šanku postala tolika gužva, da sam se tiskao sa mirisnim tijelima koja su postajala sve toplija. I ja sam se približavao tački ključanja. Sve češće i luđe su me nečije ruke mazile i štipkale, pa sam šarao i ja po kosi, leđima, grudima, guzama, međunožju...neznanaca. Random :) Kurac mi je na granici cijepanja farmerica, nečija ruka se u toj gužvi potpuno zbližila sa njim. Preko farmerica je uspjela svući kožicu i u ritmu Cecih nota mazila moje međunožje i glavicu. Ja sam desnom rukom uhvatio dupe do sebe i mazio ga, trljajući prstima između guzova. Dečko ispred mene se zadvoljno klatio u ritmu, ljubeći se sa vrh djevojkom kovrdžave, kestenjaste kose.

-"Hajdemo u WC, želim da ti popušim!", šapnu mi piskutav glas, bila je to kovrdžava djevojka, koja mi gricnu vrat, pa me pogleda dražesnim vragoslastim smiješkom, i zaputi se ka WC-u. Krenuo sam za njom, i kao nožem prosijecao sebi put. Izašli smo požarnim putem iza kluba. Kad smo zatvorili vrata, zagrli me, još jednom mi gricnu vrat i pođe da se spušta, otkopčavajući farmerice. Nisam ni stigao da je pošteno opipam, ona je već držala moj kurac u rukama i navlačila kožicu.

-"Lepo mirišeš i veoma si ukusan :). Opet se slatko nasmija i zaroni. Posisa ljubavnu vodicu i poče jezikom palacati po glavici, pa naizmjenično usnama.

-"AAAAAH", stenjao sam, i uhvatih je za glavu, a ona ubrza rukom navlačeći kožicu i ustima praveći neizdrživ vakuum. Prsnuo sam. Ona se ne pomaknu ni milimetar. Lizala je glavić i vrh jezika zabijala u njegova usta. Treso sam se u njenim rukama. Zatim je ustala, opet mi gricnula vrat i ponudila mi usne. Prihvatio sam. Dah joj je mirisao na moju spermu, a ispod jezika je malo i sakrila i podijelila je samnom. Reče da se zove Lena. Pozvao sam je unutra, da popijemo piće sa njenim "dečkom".

-"Nije mi to dečko, nemam dečka." nasmija se...
-"Jako dobro, idemo onda unuta... :)"
-"Ne smeta ti što sam CD?"
-"Ma, gde bre, jesi normalna!?"


Ema, Ena, Elenora...

Ljutila se što joj izvrćem, lepo Ime i dajem joj neka nova, koja njoj nisu po volji.

-"Ljuta sam na tebe, zašto me opet zoveš Magi?", napućila je usne srdito.
-"Magdalena, draga moja, hoćeš li prestati da me hvataš za kurac gde god stigneš, bre, jesi li normalna?"
-"Zato što...", pokri lice rukama i zaplaka se.
-"Oh Lena, oprosti dušo!!!", zagrlio sam je, ona se sva tresla...
Izašli smo iz marketa i krenuli prema hostelu C. u centru Beograda. Naravno, ja sam nosio kese :). Ona je vrckala pored mene na crvenim štiklicama, u suknji ispod koljena i svilenim crnim čarapama sa čipkom po sredini zadnjeg lista noguuuuuuuuuh, jebem ti sunac...Dok se penjala uz okrugle vijugave stepenice na treći sprat stare austrougarske zgrade, sa debelim zidovima od pečene zemljane cigle, imala je pokrete kao dame-kurtizane sa Habzburškog dvora, koje su nekada imale toliku moć da sruše čitavo carstvo kojeg ni velike vojske nisu mogle uništiti. Ušli smo u sobu. Stajao sam sa kesama u rukama. Zaključala je vrata i uhvatila me za kurac. Kad je osjetila čvrstinu, baci jastuk na pod i kleknu.

-"Zar stvarno ne želiš da te više ne dodirujem? Aaa haaa am mmmh!", glavić nestade u njenim ustima, a užitak koji je pristizao do mog mozga mutio mi je pogled. Lena ga je voljela, ali i on nju. Kad god bi je osetio u svojoj blizini, propinjao se, kao ždrebac na zadnje noge, i postajao vreo i ukrućen. Ona je volela tu njegovu toplinu i spremnost kojom ju je dočekivao, a providna, staklasta slatka vodica joj je bila omiljena poslastica.

-"Želim te unutra", rekla je hvatajući dah između poljubaca. Polegao sam je na krevet, a ona mi doda kremu da joj namažem rupicu. Crveni prsten se širio i otpuštao, reagujući na hladnu kremu i moje tople prste. Gurnuo sam kažiprst unutra i pomjerao ga ukrug kako bih je što bolje pripremio za analnu avanturu.

-"Aaaaaa, ahh!", počela je da uzvraća guzom, sama se nabijala na prst, jedan, d**gi, pa još dublje uzdahnu i nastavi zadovoljno uvijati guzom. Umesto trećeg prsta, naciljao sam u nju, dovoljno raširena da primi vrh glavića, ona se guzom malo pomeri prema gore i stade pritiskati. Ušao sam lagano ispunjavajući po milimetar njenu guzu.

-"Ahhhhhhhhh", zastenja, pa stade divlje mješati i nabijati se na moju uzdignutu muškost, koja ju je činila srećnom. Lena je lice zagnjurila u jastuk, a guzu potpuno istrćila, otvarajući mi se. Zatim je legla na leđa. Odmah sam joj ga vratio nazad u rupicu. Huktala je, ljubila me po vratu, grickala, a zatim poče prskati po mom stomaku toplu ljepljivu tečnost, svršavala je. Umirila se, ali ga nije vadila. Držao sam je tako nasađenu i ljubio joj vrat, pa male tvrde bradavice. Pridigla se i prebacila u sjedeći položaj. Ruke je prebacila oko mog vrata i počela vrtiti kukovima u krug. Jezikom mi je lickala donju usnu i tražila jezik. Zagrlili smo se još čvršće i uhvatili ritam tucanja. Osjećao sam da neću još dugo. Lena je osjetila kada sam se ukočio i počeo sipati seme u nju, samo me još čvršće stegnu rukama i butinama. Tako smo zaspali...


Otišao sam dok je spavala...

Otišao sam dok je spavala, sklupčana na velikom bračnom krevetu sa rukama preko lica, guza joj je virila ispod pokrivača, produžavajući se u prekrasne noge. Uspjela je potpuno očuvati tijelo tinejdžera. Lena ima prelijepe obline i male sisice, sa vazda napaljenim tvrdim bradavicama. Prava leđa i ramena, a prelepo lice sa kratkom zalizanom kosom (bez perike :).

Prošetao sam do kafea. Na uglu je stajala radnja sa donjim rubljem, ušao sam među sav taj čipkani veš i usvakom komadu zamišljao Lenu. Vratio sam se u hostel, ona je još spavala. Ostavio sam kesu iz prodavnice i otišao pod tuš. Postio sam vrelu vodu i stakla zamagliše. Pjena zavijuga po tijelu, a vrelina vode pojača miris kupke. Zatim, osjetih hladnoću po leđima - neko je nečujno otvorio klizna vrata i ušao. Bila je to Lena. Prislonila je stomak na moja leđa, a ruke proturi ispod mojih pazuha. Osjetio sam da je jako uzbuđena. Trljala je ukrućene bradavice o moja leđa, a kita joj ciljala moju rupicu. Sa dva prsta sam namazao ulaz gelom za tuširanje i ona uđe lagano. Kad je ušla do kraja, poče u laganom ritmom prodirati. Ona nikad ne izdrži dugo...prosu se po mojim leđima i guzi. Isključio sam vodu, a ona čučnu i poliza svu spermu sa mene, posebno jezikom oliza čmar, pa provuče glavu ispod mojih nogu i poče da mi liže jaja, stavljajući čas jedno, pa d**go u svoja usta. Onaj vragolasti smiješak joj nije silazio sa lica. Poveo sam je u sobu. Legla je gola na krevet koji je mirisao na našu strast. Njušio sam njeno tijelo, svlačio čipku, ljubio mjesta gdje najviše voli...


Do viđenja, draga moja, doviđenja...

Morala je natrag kući u P. ćuteći je i pakovala svoje stvari u putnu torbu. Šarena torba, satakana od vune, bila je prepuna nabacanih Leninih i mojih stvari. Raspetljavala je naše "haljine". Prišao sam da joj pomognem, stajući tik do nje. Razdvajala je upetljane gornje dijelove...

-"Sjećaš li se akta, koji je prethodio ovom podvigu modnog dizajna?"
-"Ti si blesav! :)". svakako, smajli se u korespodenciji podrazumijeva, ali teško da može, taj figurativni invalid, otipkan i tisuću puta, njezin osmijeh ne može valjano opisati. Jedino možda, da Magdalena, doista jeste članica družbe Srca Isusova iz P., kao i dotična Magdalena članica družbe Isusove, kojoj Prorok (a prorok vidi budućnost i razumije prošlost) oprosti činodejstva pusta od davnine. Našoj se Leni može malo šta zamjeriti: vrckava, zavodljiva, pohotljiva...

Prebacila je ruke oko mog vrata, a guza joj je legla na moju otvrdlu muškost. Jezikom mi je lickala bradu, spuštajući se niz vrat, tražeći krute male bradavice koje su je očekivale...

Poljubi me i ode u toalet da se u(ne)redi. Nakon dvadesetak minuta, izašla je sa torbom na leđima. Na sebi je još imala tamne cvike, farmerice, i crvene starke. Bila je kao neki dječačić. Mahnu mi i uz osmjeh izađe iz sobe. Navukao sam pantalone i bos istrčao za njom do lifta. Ušli smo unutra i krenli dole u predvorje zgrade. STOP! Zaustavio sam lift, primakao joj se i povukao je prema sebi. Osjetila je čvrstinu. Sagla se i izvadila ga iz farmerica. Pređe lagano dva-tri puta rukom po glaviću i stade ga ljubiti, dopuštajući mu prolaz u grlo. Uskoro sam joj sipao u usta, a ona sve je progutals, lijepo oliza glavić i vratila kurac u farmerice. STOP! Lift je krenuo...

-"Do viđenja, draga moja, doviđenja..."


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Pretty Meetings At Office

It was a regular day at work with lots of deadlines and furore. Jinsha was hurrying to get the files to her boss and she concentrated less on where she was walking. She was taking glances on the names on the files and arranging the files while she kept her pace constant to reach up to her destination. She lost her balance couple of times while she walked but it hardly matter as her goal was to get those files to her boss’ desk on time. Suddenly she dashed a person and fell over her knees. She...

3 years ago
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Belle Meets Master

Belle Meets Master [part 1 of 2]By: Belleerotique ([email protected])Belle was raised as a good little girl in a small southern town. She had alwaysdone as she was told to do, always been the "good girl". She had always feltout of place though. She had always had dark thoughts about sex and about whatfelt good. She never realized exactly what though until she met her Master.Belle was a tall girl, 5'10" and weighed in at about 165. She looked likea tall curvy amazon, but she never felt...

4 years ago
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Out of Control

There was not a lot of people on the floor in the small area designated for dancing. After all, it was more of a bar designed for socializing. The area was barely even lighted. Alaina loved to dance. So when the guy that had definitely held her attention for most of the night asked her to dance, with that teasing smile of his, she did not hesitate. Before she knew it, she was grinding against him slowly in sync with the music. What was playing was actually only the background to the hum of...

2 years ago
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My Life with a Stranger

Hello everyone. My name is Ruhi. I am 34 years old. I live in Mumbai. I am married and have a daughter. I have a job in an IT company here in Mumbai. I live with my hubby, daughter and in-laws.  This story is about I met on this website. First, let me tell you something about myself. I got married in 2011 and gave birth to a daughter in 2013. My sex life with my husband was not that great. We used to have sex 3 to 4 times a month before my daughter was born. After delivery, it dropped down to...

1 year ago
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AEBN Pissing

There isn't a man on earth that doesn't love slinging ropes on a bitches face. There is nothing like it. Actually, I take that back. There is one thing that provides a very similar joy to cumming on a bitches face, and that's pissing on it.Using Yellow to Make WhitePissing isn't as popular a fetish as busting a nut on a bitches face, but the result is similar. Much like with cum, there are several reasons men like to urinate on a cunt.Many men enjoy the visual of a woman pissing. It’s a subtle...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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The First time i fucked a SSBBW true story

True story . The first SSBBW I ever fucked, was a girl called Claire. All of my previous sexual encounters were with BBWS or chubby girls, but Claire was my first REALLY fat girl. She wasn't the prettiest ssbbw I ever had or the best, but she was the first. I met her on POF. After a little while of chatting to each other, it was clear that we both just wanted to fuck so she invited me to come to her place to spend the night. After a long train journey I finally got to her place and saw her in...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 145

I stood in the wings at the small amphitheater and waited. Hiding had been a problem. There were a lot of people backstage and a lot of performers that were close to Liz. The Milestone Achievement in Songwriting award was the last one handed out and, by coincidence, the songs that preceded and followed the award had been written or co-written by my girlfriend. I had deftly avoided Conny and Melissa before their performance but eluding Chelsea Rome had proven a bit more difficult. It was...

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Courtney and Robin Meet

Courtney and Robin meet Again, here are two characters originally created by other writers of TG fiction-Courtney by Katie Leone and then expanded on by me in a previous sequel to her work. Robin Smith was created by Zoe Taylor in a (so far) three volume trilogy. Since martial arts figures so prominently in many of my stories, and Robin is already established as a student of Kenpo Karate, it seemed a natural to write her into one of my own crossovers. Again, I take no credit for...

4 years ago
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Hollywood and First Time Exposure PT2

It had taken her a long, long while to fall asleep that night seeing as she masturbated for her very first time. The exhilaration, those sensations while she orgasmed, and when she felt that cum as it oozed down her thick sumptuous thighs had her feeling most unusual. However, regardless, Shelly felt incredible! Shelly wanted to do what she’d just done again. Maybe not that night but she’d do it. She knew she’d do that for sure, she told herself. She just knew she would for sure. And then she...

2 years ago
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Become A Slut For A Student 8211 Part I

Hi to all Readers. After my two stories posted in Indian Sex Stories, I am encouraged to tell you one another incident happened to my life. “Hey Sweetheart, How was your first day today in School? “Cuddling me on the bed, Raju asked me. “Nice” I replied. In fact I immediately went in flashback remembering all the events that happened to me today in the school. “It’s going to be great Raju” I said kissing him on his forehead. Raju is my life partner. There is 12 years age difference between us....

3 years ago
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My First Lesbian Part 2

Part 2 of: My First Lesbian. Once she had calmed down from her orgasm we packed up our stuff and got dressed and headed to the train station to go back to my place. We walked hand in hand to the station and of course this gave us a lot of stares and whispered conversations behind our backs by those who don't understand. We didn't care, we just kept walking and giggling about what we had just done on the beach. When we got to the station we boarded the train, we found a seat towards the back and...

3 years ago
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Cokecock dilemma

Oh man did a cat just shit in my mouth? Head throbbing…oh ya drank too much passed out at my friend’s party. Wait more info coming in to dehydrated brain, all coming in now: Halloween party at good friends out of town, ok that’s right we are staying in the guest room; wait WE! Ooh ya wife crashed early around 11pm I stayed and partied…HARD! I kind of remember smoking a joint with a friend of this lady I know. I look around the dark room; wife is not in bed… did she say she was getting some...

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Fictional Female Fetish Factory

-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- This is an interactive story about you, a guy, being transformed into a women and forced to perform sexual acts against your will. Just about everyone in the story has the appearance of some famous fictional chick. To help visualize the scene in your head, I've added names in brackets, to let you know who the girl is, even if in the story, you don't know their name! That way, you...

3 years ago
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Interracial Revenge

You and your boyfriend had broken up for a couple of weeks but then you got back together. Everything was going well until one of your friends let slip that your boyfriend had fucked another one of your friends while you were broken up. This made you really upset and you wanted revenge and after a long and hard thought process about it you finally decided a taste of his own medicine. One of his friends wouldn’t do for this revenge to really be effective it would have to be someone your...

2 years ago
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Coeds Slave Girl FantasyChapter 3

So it was arranged. Since I worked in my spare time for the history department archives, I was able to sneak out an old, not particularly valuable sword and sheath. I had a dagger for him and decided that despite reality, he could just wear cutoffs, just so he wore nothing else with them. Al though, decided a real barbarian would wear a loincloth I think he was thinking more of North American Indians than barbarians from early Europe but I didn't argue. He only needed a rope around his...

4 years ago
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amandas Fantasy

amanda's Fantasy Dearest Mistress, Please understand that I have hundreds of fantasies. But You specifically asked for a fantasy from me about You. So, due to U/us becoming so close as of late, this one will probably be one of the greatest fantasies that I have. Please bare with me cause this is likely to become extremely detailed. At least from my perspective it will be. And so it begins.... The day has finally arrived and I am here to finally meet my beloved Mistress for...

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Banged Horny Bhabhi

Hello friend, my name is Rony.I am 24. I love to read sex stories since I was young. When it was not available on internet, I used to read sex story books and now find sex stories on internet. I had read many stories here and wish I also must share my few sex experience with all of you. I am not a writer, so my story will in simple words however, I will try to make it little spicy. I reside in pune and I am a fitness freak person. I used to go for jogging every morning. When I used to come...

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Into The Woods part 2

If requested, ill continue this story and make it into a series. Let me know what you guys want, I am open to suggestions. However, I won't change the entire storyline just to make one person happy. Again, constructive criticism and comments please :)

2 years ago
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Sung Hees New Job Part 2

(Author’s Note: This story, although fiction, is based upon a very real woman, a Korean American who also resides in southern California. The parallels, and there are many, between fictional Sung Hee and our real life heroine are deliberate and intentional. As you read this, know that much of Sung Hee lives in real life.) I did not sleep very well that night. When my alarm went off, I sat straight up in bed. I looked over at my husband’s back, who was still asleep. Fuck! What was I doing?!? I...

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Nickis Journey

I’d beenworking in the pub since I was just seventeen, collecting glasses at first. I was now eighteen and at Uni, but had taken a job there again for the summer. I had got to know some of the customers quite well, by name and of course what they drank. One in particular had caught my eye. John was maybe thirty something, tall and a bit distinguished but with a ready smile and very self confident. We would often chat briefly if I wasn’t busy, and he would catch my shoulder, discretely, as I...

First Time
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The Pool Party

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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SyntheticChapter 24

The book perched on her collar-bone, concealing the fragile stretch of her neck and the slight swell of breasts. The blanket he had spread over her, late in the evening, had been thrown off during the night. Sawyer cleared his throat. Renee woke instantly, tension flooding her body. Her eyes snapped open and- after meeting his- dropped to his hands. She righted herself slowly, wary as a rabbit might be in the face of a predator. That a simple act required such fear- that she felt she she...

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Thanks For The Loan

Joe's younger brother had recently moved to the town where Joe also lived. Bob and his pretty young newlywed wife, Sandy, had just got settled in and Bob had gone to work at his new job. Sandy had also found a job but the hours were different from Bob's and she needed an car for transportation. They found a car at a reasonable price but still couldn't afford to pay cash for it so they applied for a loan. In a few days the loan company informed them that due to their being new in town and...

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Cousins Are We In Too Deep Part One

We were alone together a lot in each other’s rooms when our families visited, we only lived 6 miles apart so that was frequently. When we were younger, we’d play board games or lay on the floor and talk and as we grew older, no one suspected that other things had begun to happen behind closed doors. We were so innocent and “family,” so no one even had a second thought about Dani and I being alone all the time. We shared our first kiss together and then progressed to feeling each other up as...

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I was obsessed with Tina from the moment I first set eyes on her. She was petite, dark haired and had wonderful hazel coloured eyes that smiled at you. She wore plain clothes, no make-up and projected a “please don’t notice me” persona. I was immediately fascinated by Tina and wanted to go over and chat. The trouble was she was with her daughter and I was with my son and my wife, Jessica. It was the very first day of school for our four year olds and we were huddled together in the school yard,...

Straight Sex
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Fucking My Bhabhi Jaspreet

Hi to all ISS readers. This is my first story here. I m continuously reading ISS from last 5 years but couldn’t get time to pen down my real life story. The story is about me and my tenant bhabhi named Jaspreet. Well I am Aman and I belong to a small town near nawanshahr (Punjab). We rented a portion to a newly wed couple. Husband was 28 years old and working in security department. And wife (Jaspreet) was a house wife. She was very pretty as you all know how newly married Punjabi gals are. I...

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the bathroom4

He sat back in his chair, watching the dinner party go on around him. The Admiral, the host was making his way from guest to guest, thanking them for the birthday dinner. But Peters’s eyes were elsewhere, watching... The red head at the food table. She hadn’t come in uniform, but instead wore a long, fitted skirt and a turtleneck sweater, it was delicious. She turned, and was intercepted by a friend. He watched her make conversation, watched her half-smiles, knew she was bored. Her...

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A Whisper of Silk A Scent of LavenderChapter 4

When Chris returned to work the next day, things were a little tense at first but soon both he and Janet relaxed. Tension was quickly replaced by sexual electricity when Janet had told Chris that they could have a little fun but there would be no touching. Chris was ready to agree to just about anything. They were both busy all day but that didn't stop Chris from stealing several looks between Janet's legs. She would just smile indulgently at him as she went about her business. She was...

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GunfighterChapter 11

A few days later, I got a package from the governors office. Among other things, it contained a shiny new sheriff's badge and a fancy paper saying that I was, indeed, the sheriff of Chaves County, NMT, by appointment from the governor. Included in the papers was a statement that I reported directly to the governor and no one else. There was also the name of a District Attorney I was supposed to cooperate with and the name of a District Judge who was to handle the court cases I was involved...

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When I went to university back in 1980 it was my first time away from home, and I was just a bit over 18 years of age. Unfortunately for me when I arrived at college I was told that due to an admin error my application for accommodation in the halls of residence on the university site hadn’t been processed and so I wouldn’t be moving into the college accommodation. I was told not to worry, the college had sorted out some temporary accommodation for me in the shape of lodgings in a f****y house...

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