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Hi everyone

To start with, if you are looking for a lot of steamy sex, look somewhere else. What interests me in a story is the build-up of a relationship and the romantic notion that love can be a healing power which is a possibility even for those most fucked up.

Kålrot and Lisa have both parts in ‘A Rolling Chair Gathers No Moss’, but it is not necessary to read that story first. Hope you like this one, comments and votes welcome, have a good life.




‘Huh?’ Kålrot suddenly realized that she was talking to him, and apparently had been for a while.

‘You haven’t heard a word I was saying, right?’ Lisa asked.

‘Guilty.’ Kålrot did not look all that guilty, though. He tried his I-know-I-am-hopeless-but-at-least-I-am-cute smile, it usually worked. Not today.

‘You haven’t looked for a job either, have you?’

Lots of rhetorical questions today. Kålrot considered the definition of ‘rhetorical’. It ought to mean a question where the goal is not to gain knowledge or, like a teacher, control another´s level of knowledge. The goal is instead to gain the upper hand in a discussion, some kind of verbal aggression, but civilized. Or, he supposed, verbal self defence. Were his smiles, then, also rhetorical? Their intent was not expressing amusement, but to placate someone. Could, then, his smiles be considered rhetorical smiles?

‘And I can see damn well for myself that you have not done the dishes like you promised.’

It was a misconception that smiles always were signs of positive feelings. In chimpanzees, for instance, smiling always was a sign of nervousness, of trying to placate someone of higher rank in the pack. Did he consider Lisa to be of higher rank? Well, yes. It was her flat, after all, and her wages from the pet-store paid for the food. Of course it was stupid to not have done the fucking dishes, he had meant to, but that article about beavers had got him thinking and suddenly Lisa was home and pissed.

‘And I can also see you´re not fucking listening to me now. What are you thinking of now, that´s so important?’

‘Well, beavers…’


‘Yeah, I saw this article. Did you know there´s a lot of beavers in this city? Right within the city limits!’

‘Yes I knew that. Everyone who gets outdoors and has eyes in their heads knows that. Kålrot, do you seriously mean that you have neglected to do all those things you promised because you deemed it more important to think about beavers all day?’

‘I just thought about them a little. Then I don’t think I thought of anything at all, and then you were home. I think I had coffee at some point. Sorry about the dishes, I can do them now.’ He started to fill the sink. ‘Did you know that beavers collect branches and stick them in the mud to save them for the winter? Spends all winter below the ice, except when in their nest. But it must be cold, keeping warm by eating cold, wet twigs. I think I´d rather be a hedgehog. To sleep all winter would suit me perfectly.’

Lisa didn´t listen, she was used to Kålrots monologues about whatever happened to turn up in his head. She wished she were somewhere else, somewhere quiet. Or goddammit, that Kålrot were somewhere else. It was her flat, after all.

Lisa felt a stab of deep sorrowpain. She still missed Nils terribly after these years. It was his flat, really, but his family was adamant that Lisa should have it after he died. His flat, his money, even his family was hers now. She felt much more cherished and safe with them than her own so-called family, who were the main reason she still needed therapy.

But things were better and she supposed that this fling with Kålrot was a step forward, towards life. It probably was a mistake though. She wished they were just friends again, like they had been for years. The benefits of being friends with, yeah benefits, were not enough to compensate for all the shit.

She got back to the kitchen and saw Kålrot intently staring at the wall, lips moving. The water in the sink was now cold and he had not washed a single nothing. Fuck. She tapped him on the shoulder, but he did not react. She hit him, and managed to get his attention.

‘This is not working out!’

‘What is not working out?’

‘Us playing house. I like you, Kålrot, and at times I almost love you, but a lot of the time you irritate the fuck out of me.’

‘Yeah. I get that a lot.’

‘I´m sorry, but you need to get out. But no great hurry, I understand if you need time to find something else.’

‘No, no, I understand that you need a bit of space. No big deal, I´ll find something. I always do.’

‘You have any money?’

‘Money? Well, I suppose not, but…’

‘Here, have this.’

‘Hey, that´s real nice of you. Love you, Lisa. See you around.’

Kålrot owned almost nothing. He had a big backpack, a camping mattress and a sleeping bag. Some clothes. A toothbrush. He was used to sleeping just about anywhere, some friend´s floor, outdoors if the weather permitted, or he shacked up with some girl who was feeling maternal. He had lots of friends and his cheerful acceptance of whatever happened was attractive to many girls, at least for a while. Then they parted, almost always as friends.

If he really had to he could sleep at his parents´ place for a while, but that was a bit of a pain since they always went on about all these things he ought to do, like finish school or get a steady job. They were right, of course, and he knew they were right and they knew they were right and they knew that he knew they were right, but that didn´t make it any easier for him to hold down a job. He always fucked it up: overslept, forgot, wandered off.

Kålrot suddenly discovered that he was hungry, and probably had been for quite a while. He didn´t think he had eaten that day. He got himself a kebab and wandered down to the creek to eat it. If he was lucky he might see a beaver.

Next time he thought about anything at all it was getting dark, and the probability of rain was in the air. Luckily one of his favorite sleeping spots was nearby, where the highway crossed he creek there was a wide-enough shelf and the bridge kept the rain away. To get there you had to get through some very thick thickets, which was good. He had never seen any signs of anyone else being there.

Kålrot slept well and long, he always did. He woke up rested and content, like he always did, and did not worry about where to sleep next night or where his next meal would come from. He never did. The rain had done its thing and left and the new day smelled good, apart from the fumes from the highway. There was a good place to take a morning dump in the creek and wash his arse. Everything was working out just fine and he sat basking in the sunlight, not thinking about anything, just existing. He was the effortless zen-master, he sometimes thought, his head was regularly zen-empty and he just as effortlessly lived in the here and now. Planning, though…

To his surprise noises were coming from the thicket. It was a thicket which it was very hard to move silently in and whoever was coming made enough noise to be heard through the ever-present didgeridoo drone of the highway. Was it possible that just one person could make that much noise? Yes, just one person, a pretty blonde.

‘Hello.’ Kålrot said and tried to look as un-threatening as possible. He had a pretty good idea he didn´t look all that dangerous to begin with, but unthreatening is a look you can´t get too much of.

‘Hello,’ the girl said, also in Swedish but with an unmistakable English accent. He was later to learn that hello was all she could say in Swedish.

‘My name is Kålrot,’ he said in English, and from now on conversations are in English and no longer translated Swedish.

‘I´m Jenny.’

‘Nice seeing you. Hardly anyone comes here. I
sort of see it as my private part of the creek, but you´re welcome to come visit, of course. There´s supposed to be beavers in the creek round here. Haven´t seen them, though.’

‘I heard the woodpecker and tried to see it.’

‘Woodpeckers are cunning little beasts, always on the other side of the tree. At least if you look like someone who eats woodpeckers. Like you.’

‘I have heard a lot of lines on the theme of eating peckers, but that was a new one.’

‘I know where their nest is. You wanna see it? If we´re lucky we´ll get to see them feeding their kids.’

‘Sure. Great!’

They noisily made it through the thicket to another corner of it, where an old tree with a hole in the trunk was proud to house the woodpecker family.

‘We have to be quiet and wait a bit,’ Kålrot said. ‘They heard us approach, of course. Even a deaf udder would have heard us.’

‘Adder,’ Jenny giggled. ‘Deaf adder. Udder is the tits on a cow.’

‘Bit of a besserpisser today?’ Kålrot said. ‘But I do maintain that we made such a racket that an udder would have heard us.’

They waited, quietly. Kålrot checked her out, very discretely of course, and lost himself in the cuteness of her left ankle and the small tattoo of a fox. There was something about that tattoo but, as usual, he was unable to focus on where he had seen it, or a fox looking just the same, before. He did what he did best, then – stopped trying and relied on the answer coming to him when it was ready.

Jenny watched him stop watching her (so much for very discreetly) and disappear somewhere else. He intrigued her. She was used to guys trying to impress her or get intimidated, even when they did not know who she was. This Kålrot fellow didn´t seem to give a damn about what she thought of him, and this indifference had nothing to do with arrogance. Right now he was just staring at the supposed woodpecker nest with an infinite patience she found strangely attractive.

Suddenly a biggish bird landed by the opening, and three (she thought) little heads appeared, begging for food. Something yummy-if-you-were-a-woodpecker was handed over and the parent bird was off again. The heads were visible a while longer, staring after their parent and muttering about the low quality of service at this restaurant.

Jenny gave Kålrot a brilliant and excited smile and got a Buddha-like smile I return.

‘That was really great!’ she said.

The Buddha seemed to be thinking hard about that.

‘What was great?’

‘The woodpeckers, of course. The feeding.’

‘Oh. I´m afraid I missed it. I goof off all the time.’

‘You wanna go for breakfast? Or have you eaten?’

‘No, I don’t think so. No…so, yes. Breakfast would be great. But I don’t think I´ve got any money. Hey, I had some right here!’

‘Don’t worry, I´m buying.’

‘Ok. Great. Fine.’

‘I´m staying in that big motel over there,’ Jenny said pointing along the highway Stockholmward. ‘Or do you know a better place round here?’

‘No, that´s about it, unless you walk a few kilometers downtown.’

‘The motel it is, then.’ Jenny was debating with herself if she should tell Kålrot who she was. She wasn´t too keen on it, since things probably would get weird, but they would probably meet some of her people at the motel anyway.

‘I know who you are, by the way,’ Kålrot said. ‘You are that pop-girl, Smooch. I remember your fox now, from that video in the bath-tub.’ Kålrot stated this very matter-of-factly and did not seem bothered or awed. ‘I´m a little surprised they let you out without bodyguards or something.’

‘Well, I´m not Madonna. Hardly anyone recognizes me when I´m not in costume.’

‘Kålrot means swede, by the way, as in swede the vegetable-root-thing. Everyone says it suits me since I´m a Swede and a bit of a vegetable.’

‘At least you´re healthy.’

‘Sure. Plenty of fiber. Eat me and shit like a queen.’

‘I´ll bear that in mind if I get too constipated with my own success and fame.’

‘Yeah, money up your arse is hell on your healthy bowel-movements. Never had that problem, at least.’

‘You got a lot of problems?’

‘No, not really. But I seem to irritate the hell out of a lot of people who think I ought to worry, but my experience this far is that everything works out. Like now, I met you and got a breakfast out of it. I do plan to eat a lot, then I won´t have to eat more today.’

‘What about you and problems?’

‘A few, I guess. I shouldn´t complain, living the dream and all that, but most of the time this being on tour is really boring, apart from the gigs. Makes me a bit of a bitch, I´m afraid. One reason they let me wander off alone like this, they get me out of the way so they can relax.’

They were now at the hotel and the breakfast buffet was even bigger than Kålrot had hoped for. Conversation was put on hold for a while, while Kålrot tended to the important task of stuffing his face. Jenny was inspired by his enthusiasm and was able to feel, at least a little, how fantastic it was to eat. She adventurously tried out the pickled herring which is a staple of Swedish hotel breakfasts, but did not like them. Kålrot hoovered her plate for leftovers.

‘You can´t throw away food,’ he said. ‘That´s a sin.’

Some from her crew joined them, the drummer and a sound guy. They were amazed by Mr. Tapeworm´s eating ability and apparently by Jenny´s good mood.

Drummer explained that Jenny was a royal pain in the ass when she was in That Mood, but that she at least had the self-perspective to admit it.

‘She´s been fucking hopeless lately,’ Soundguy said. ‘Haven´t seen her this nice for weeks. Your magic?’

‘If so, stay around,’ Drummer said. ‘Hell, I´ll even keep you fed. It will be the ruin of me, but worth it.’

Keyboards turned up, and Bassman. Guitarguy apparently was too hung over for breakfast. They all had names, which Kålrot promptly forgot. He remembered both Jenny and Smooch, though and felt pleased that he was able to remember two names for one person, where he usually needed weeks to get a name to stick. Big Frog turned up too and did not seem happy about Kålrot being there. Big Frog was the organizer, and this kind of frog had an unerring ability to spot that Kålrot was an entity which did not lend itself to organizing, and disliked him on sight.

Kålrot was feeling nice and mellow. His belly was finally full, Jenny was giggling at his jokes, everyone was nice except Big Frog, and Kålrot didn’t care shit about him. He was sure that Jenny liked him and everyone that he liked, liked that she liked him since it made her happier and thereby less painful to their behinds. Kålrot did not think it was strange that a world-famous (or at least world-semi-famous) pop-star was giggling at him. He was used to girls liking him, at least in the beginning, so why not Jenny?

Roadie one and two, along with Lightguy, were at their venue, preparing. The rest of them were on their way, but as yet they were on their way without moving, except Bassman, whose task it apparently was to drag Guitarguy out of bed.

‘You go ahead,’ Jenny said. ‘We´ll be there.’

Big Frog did a bit of croaking about that but Jenny would have none of it. ‘Don´t be silly Dan,’ she said. Apparently Big Frogs name was Dan. Dan as in Dan Ackroyd, who had to be famous for something since the name turned up in Kålrots head, but he had no idea why. ‘We´ll be there in plenty of time. And I will not get lost, I have a native guide, remember?’

The unknown celebrity sound-alike very obviously had little faith in Kålrot´s guiding abilities. (Oh ye of little faith) But there was not much he could do about it (Oh ye of little feat) except to look disapproving, which he did. To make a nice pattern of threes Kålrot looked down and noted that Jenny´s feet were quite tiny. Oh ye of little feet.

are we going?’ Kålrot asked.

‘To get your pack,’ Jenny said. ‘You told me you had your pack back by the bridge.’

‘Yeah, right. Thanks. Would have been real bad to forget it. Would not have been the first time either. Get my back pack back back by the track.’

‘You ever forget to put your head back on in the morning?’

‘Frequently. At heart I´m a headless chicken running round not being able to grasp that I´m dead since I´m headless.’

‘Better headless than heartless.’

‘I hope so. I do no permanent damage and I´m cute in small doses. What´s that bird?’

‘I dunno, a small grey one. I´m not really all that birdish. I like looking at them but I hardly ever know what I am looking at. You´ll come to the gig tonight, won´t you?’

‘Sure. I know some who would revoke my cred-nerd-card for going, but fuck that.’

‘Wow! I´m flattered you´ll risk your card for me. You speak good English, by the way.’

‘Thanks. The benefits of doing what my parents would call meaningless things. Like computer-games and music.’

‘You make music too?’

‘No, not really. I play keyboards a bit, but I just play-play, nothing serious.’

They got to the bridge and found the backpack still there. They sat for a while and waited for a beaver, which would have been a neat thing story-wise and a good omen, but no such luck. Jenny snuggled up to Kålrot and they sat on his mattress in the grass, basking in the sun and listening to the continuous drone of cars. They talked idly about things they quickly forgot, the Kålrot way. To Jenny, used to being driven and efficient, this was like going for a holiday. Eventually they stirred and began their walk towards city, where the concert would be.

They were in no great hurry and continued their aimless talking. They saw the world´s ugliest dog, and found it adorable. They discussed what number was most aesthetically pleasing. They discussed politics and seriously debated which muppet would have made the best prime minister. They saw the little grey bird again, or one just like it, and named it the drooping tit. And so on.

When they arrived it took a while to convince the guard that the giggling girl actually was Smooch, which made her even gigglier. Once in place, though, she became quite businesslike, but nicely so.

The next few hours might have been boring for Kålrot since everyone was busy and no one had time for him. But he just didn’t do bored. He found a comfortable chair and watched for a while and then he thought about other things for a while and then he thought about nothing at all for quite a long time.

Then there was pizza delivered and Kålrot munched happily while thinking about animals and if they could really enjoy what they ate. Did grass taste as good to a cow as this pizza did to him? Or insects to a drooping tit. And if so, was the taste the same as for him, just that they enjoyed it, or did it taste differently to them, say chocolate cake.

Then he was full and Lightguy lent him his Nintendo DS and happiness was complete. Pokemon Heart Gold – a nostalgic super trip, and he stayed immersed in that world until Jenny came and told him they were letting the audience in and that he had to come backstage or go sit by Light- and Soundguy.

That was difficult. Choosing was not what he did best, and now he was further confused by Jenny being Smooch in full Smoochy regalia. He did not want to choose, he preferred that things just happened. If they were good he fully enjoyed them, if they were bad he cheerfully endured them. But choosing or doing things to actively make things happen was stressful and Kålrot did not like stressful. Jenny saw the look in his eye, the look of an easily stressed kid suddenly confronted with seven times eight with no previous warning. She turned him around and gave him a push towards Lightandsound and a comforting pat on the ass.

The concert was pretty good and Kålrot enjoyed himself, except he needed to pee rather badly since he had not thought about going to the loo since before the pizza. But he cheerfully endured it (not the first time) and he felt proud of Jennysmooch as she sang excellently and obviously had fun on stage. The audience loved her and it seemed mutual. The band was solid and Guitar guy was sufficiently brilliant that Kålrot understood they could forgive his being drunk or hung over all the time.

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It had been a routine day at work, I was coming home in a pretty good mood, feeling I had accomplished a lot and that it had been a pleasant day. Even the ride home had been easy going and enjoyable, something that seems harder and harder to come by with people’s impatience on the road and the road rage phenomena, but even that had gone nicely. Funny how some people have terrible days and then come home and either ruin everyone else’s day too or do just the opposite and make coming home their...

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Yesterday was an average Thursday. Work was not too busy and I finished up a major project under budget. Traffic was a bit lighter than usual which got home a little early - and that always puts me in a good mood. I parked the car in the driveway and caught a whiff of someone's dinner being prepared. Salmon ... clams ... garlic ... My stomach grumbled pleadingly as the heady aromas filled my head. I was choosing whether to cook or get take-out as I walked to the door, but as the aromas...

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As always: Thanks to Boheminxen for editing. Without you correcting my awful grammar, this would be mindless drivel. ‘That insufferable bitch!’ Frank pounded a fist into his desk. ‘Relax.’ Walt slumped into the black leather chair across from Frank. ‘After all, Susan is going for the same executive position on the board of directors as you are.’ ‘So are you, but I don’t see you acting like a child who got their favorite pacifier taken away.’ Frank ran a hand through his hair while he shook...

2 years ago
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Kenyan FantasyChapter 4

Following the excesses of the night at the bar, I just stayed by the pool for the next couple of days. I didn’t see any sign of Jane or Rose, so it was good to relax. I was going back to my room when I bumped into Jane, turns out she hadn’t been feeling well and had spent the last two days in her room. However she said that she was now feeling better and as tomorrow was her last full day, did I fancy going to the beach with her the next day. I agreed to meet her for breakfast first and as...

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Suhagraat Dobara Hubby Vs FatherInLaw

Hi all, this sex story is about me, how my life is colored by my MIL, don’t get afraid this is straight story, how my vagina got filled with high satisfaction. I passed my final exam in my 21st year and was planning for an internship in CA, suddenly one day I got some guest to see me for their son. In our culture we have arrange marriage. I met with guy, it was formal meeting and they selected me. I was in shock and was in big fear of marriage. I called my to be husband and ask him to meet...

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The Untold Story of Sarah Ch 01

I was not one for cheap tricks and theatrics, but I did enjoy to be alone more often then not. My girlfriends would always try to push me to go shopping here, or get my nails done there. None of these things truly interested me. I wanted to be at home. Cooped up in my living room with all the shades closed. I looked forward to that special “me” time. Where I could really get myself worked up by reading my favorite story, or watching one of my hot steamy shows I keep hidden in my closet in some...

4 years ago
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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 24

THE detective and Passepartout met often on deck after this interview, though Fix was reserved, and did not attempt to induce his companion to divulge any more facts concerning Mr. Fogg. He caught a glimpse of that mysterious gentleman once or twice; but Mr. Fogg usually confined himself to the cabin, where he kept Aouda company, or, according to his inveterate habit, took a hand at whist. Passepartout began very seriously to conjecture what strange chance kept Fix still on the route that...

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An exhibitionist wife The Christmas party

Just before Christmas Mrs O attended her companies Christmas party, returning home in a very excitable state and dragged me straight upstairs for an amazing sex session. As i lay back recovering i asked what had got her so excited and was amazed when she told me that she had watched one of her colleagues suck a young guy off at the party!I sat up, not quite believing what i had heard and asked how this had come about and she then told me the following amazing story.Mrs O works in a large...

2 years ago
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A girlfriend of mine, Shamita, and I have a mutual friend, who happened to be an ex of mine who had a fantasy of a three-some. We will call him Amit. Just kidding around we told him we were going to massage his whole body and then we were going to tear him up. Of course he knew we were kidding. That is until we each had a couple of drinks and relaxed a bit. Then what started out as kidding around turned out to be an evening we still smile to each other about. We did begin to give him a body...

1 year ago
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Fun at friends house

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Phil and this is a made of story of what I would like to happen. I am in a wheelchair and 19 years old but in this story I am not. To this day I have never had sex but I have a plan in mind. I have had nurses throughtout my years of school and some of them are fucking hot. One has huge fucking tits, she is kinda big and her daughter is hot as well. Her name is Susan and her daughter names is Jackie. I remember when susan has taken care of me...

4 years ago
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Find the Right Talent and Train Them Wella Dream Comes True

Birds do it. Bees do it. Even educated fleas do it. Cole Porter No, Damnit. I don't mean falling in love. Fuck. I can't get laid. Not for lack of trying. I'm a typical perpetually horny young man. Masturbation was a better choice than death by priapism. I'm stuck between my little heads frustrated search for a zipless fuck and my big heads futile search for a story book romance with a strong earth woman mother of my children. My little heads charging for the goal. My big heads...

2 years ago
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Precious Memories Part One My New Mom

When I was eleven, my father had been widowed for about 5 years. My brother and I were cared for by a house keeper my father hired due to his frequent business trips, which typically lasted a couple of weeks. One day, upon returning from one such trip, my dad had someone with him. She was tall, slender bleach-blond beauty from up-state. After briefly introducing his new girl friend to my brother and I, he nonchalantly announced that she would be living with us. This came as a shock to me as...

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No Strings Attached Chapter Nine

It’s Saturday morning and my flight leaves in the afternoon. The three of us wake and make our way to the shower. Last night seems to have invigorated Maria. She has obviously woken feeling really horny and determined to do something about it. We are in the large shower together washing ourselves down. Maria bounds in to join us. Within an instant she is brushing her perky tits and sharp nipples up against me. With one hand she takes hold of my dick and starts to jack me off. I see that...

5 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 19 Monday Evening 602PM

Will stiffened, his eyes becoming slightly wild as he stared back at his girlfriend. “William!” his evening gown-wearing, [Model] mother exclaimed, a beautiful smile that didn’t reach her eyes appearing on her exquisitely made-up face. “It’s been so long!” She held her arms out expectantly, making no move to go towards him. “Give me a hug, dear.” I can’t deny that she looks beautiful, Class or not. Will twitched, and the door closed slightly as he took a step towards his...

2 years ago
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Wow vacation

I liked to go swimming early in the morning and this place had a beautiful secluded pool that was only for our villa. I had been swimming laps for about 10 minutes when I looked up to see Carla watching me. Carla liked to swim as much as I do and she was great on the diving board. I hadn’t seen Carla since the summer before and I didn’t remember her looking like this. She was wearing a white bikini that had a tube top that barely covered her boobs and a string bottom. I stopped swimming...

3 years ago
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My New Stepsister part 3

If you don’t already know about me, here’s a rundown.My name is Mark and I am sixteen. Recently, as in within the month recently, my mom got remarried. With my new stepfather, came his daughter of nineteen. She is the most beautiful woman I know, besides my mom, of course.Due to unforeseen circumstances, we spent our first night together in the same room. Since then we have wrangled a way to stay in the same room.Tatiana, my step-sister, has taken it upon herself to teach me all there is to...

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Wrong Side of Town Ch 02

Thanks to all comments on my stories. This one is going to take a while to get through, so please don’t be discouraged. * They sat staring at each other for an eternity, but was about a minute in real time. She nervously ran her fingers through her hair and sat up a little straighter on the seat. George could see a couple of old bruises around her jaw line, probably from being slapped around. She didn’t look to be in really bad shape, or at least nothing that a change of clothes and a bath...

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My Raincoat Passion

*********************************************************************** This story is for a reader who nearly always leaves a comment....and ALWAYS asks me for a PVC raincoat story......well here it is! Joking aside thank you to all the people who have left kind comments, it spurs me to write! ************************************************************************ So, my passion started in my teens a time when I was all hormones and horny all the time. Our babysitter at the time...

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Interview With GorshinChapter 11

June the 26th, 1906 was a clear, bright, late summer's day in the Baltic port of Libau. Nowadays, the port and town is called Liepaja in the Latvian language but in 1906, it was known by its German name, Libau. Over a year ago the Tsar's Second Pacific Squadron had set out to meet the Japanese Fleet at the Battle of Tsushima on the other side of the World. Now, its shattered remnants began to retrace their route back to the Russian Naval base at Kronshtadt in the Neva estuary. First came...

2 years ago
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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 34 and Chapter 35

CHAPTER 34 - You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you were meant to be. Ellen, Beth, and Nancy stood watch over his bed in the hospital holding hands and staring down at the shattered body of Heather who looked like a mummy covered from head to toes in bandages. Derrick walked into the room and asked, "What happened? I heard Heather had been in a car accident." Ellen sobbed, "Not exactly. He was shot three times while...

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Hot For Teacher Chapter 4

After sitting through yet another tortuous class of dealing with immature, moronic, one step away from juvie teenagers, it was finally time. I was going to have her. I watched anxiously as the other students shuffled their way out of the classroom, until it was just her. She was sitting in her desk looking like an angel. The sunlight was streaming in through the windows, highlighting her golden hair and making her skin glow. She looked utterly ethereal. I was transfixed. I could feel my body...

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Being Photographed For Portfolio

It was the end of a long day at the office. I flew in to Chicago on the early red eye flight to assist with a class action case. I only left the office at nine pm and dinner was take-away Sushi while walking back to the Sheraton. It’s now eleven pm and I am sitting in the business services office on level two of the hotel. I could not get the wireless internet working in my room and I could not get myself to relax watching TV so I came down here to catch up on emails.I am still dressed in a...

5 years ago
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Wechat Se Mili Kuwari Choot

Hello dosto, Yeh meri pahli kahani hai, so plz bhul chuk maaf krna.. Mera naam anant hai or me delhi ka rahne wala hu. Meri age 25 yrs hai. Me ek multinational company me job krta hu. So baat aj se lagbhag 2 saal pahle ki hai jab job se aane ke baad fresh hoke me apne bister pe let ke wechat use kiya krta tha. Wechat me bhi mast features hai jese ki “shake” So ek din mene wechat me shake kiya or ek ladki ko request send ki Thodi der baad uss ladki ne meri request accept kr li or hamari chat...

3 years ago
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Waking up gay

You stretch and open your eyes. Sun is shining, birds are singing. What a wonderful sleep! Ever since your girlfriend left you, the bed has always felt empty, but that was phenomenal! Finally moving on from that bitch and ready to move on. You brush off your covers, letting the air hit your naked body. Sleeping naked is healthier for you; or so that one Facebook post told you, and your always ready to have some naughty fun. You look around your room, but something seems a little peculiar...

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aunty and nephw

Hi Friends. This story is about a love that generates within the family. It’s between me and my aunty (mom’s elder sister) from Kozhikode, Kerala. Let me explain the whole situation.My aunty’s name is Priya married and has 4 daughters. 2 of them already married and the other 2 are studying for higher degree. Aunty is in her 40′s and still gorgeous.I dont know how to explain her. She usually wears sarees when she goes for outing. Her sarees are usually low neck. We can see her huge cleavage if...

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Exposing sister in the Library Part II

Exposing sister in the Library - Part II Posted by Paul606 For the next few weeks, Jennifer and I were nearly inseparable. I’m glad my mother’s work picked up, and that my father was still out of town, or someone surely would have noticed how much our relationship had changed, and how whenever we were alone, we would look flushed and even a little sweaty when someone came to find us. My older siblings were off to college, which meant that for most of the time when we were not at school or...

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MrLuckyPOV Samantha Mack Tit Fuck Frenzy With Samantha Mack8217s Gigantic Juggs

Samantha Mack has incredibly tremendously huge tits and loves to put them to good use. This busty MILF babe has dark black hair, deep eyes and breast size that is damn near immeasurable. With her red lips and gigantic boobs, she is ready to suck and tittyfuck like never before. Her massive melons deserve loving attention and that’s exactly what they receive. She keeps everything nice and wet as she gives a blowjob from heaven before engulfing this dick between her soft knockers and using them...

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Peeping TomChapter 5

Saturday. The BIG day had finally arrived. The sun well up when I woke, having slept in just a bit as I wandered into the kitchen and started the coffee. I returned out onto the deck, enjoying the feel of the early morning sunshine, looking about. Strangely, I saw no one, and heard nothing. I stood for a moment, the sound of the coffee maker bubbling away until it had finished. I walked back inside, poured myself a cup, and went back outside again. Still nothing. Still no one. It was almost...

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Size Queen Wife Chapter 5 Hypnotic Compulsion

Karen found Brandee on the sidelines of the football field. The sexy nurse was watching the second-string players run drills."Brandee, where have you been? I've been looking for you all week.""Oh, hi, Karen. Here mostly. Working on the study. You did tell me to make it a priority.""I need to speak with you. It's about that gift card you gave me. That masseur was totally inappropriate!""Ah, that must be Justin. I was hoping he'd be working. Mr. Big Hands. Isn't he just a doll?""He's disgusting...

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New Me Old Me Part 3

 .Two drops of Chanel n°5, right behind the ears, before wearing my excuse for a dress.Colin kept messaging me: he was very worried about me joining the party since I was clearly not ok and about how I changed my mind after I spoke to my... lover of mystery."What happened? Did he force you to come here? Are us gals likely subject to be threatened by him?"Oh Gawd, he knew nothing about me and the hunky boss, thankfully!I was ready to go.Kind of.Last look to my couch before leaving: it would...

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Brad Nancy and Shari 2

It is now friday afternoon and am sitting on the couch drinking my first cup of coffee. I am thinking how my life has suddenly changed after seeing the recording that Shari had shown me and the sex that we had. I should be nervous about confronting my wife about her cheating on me, buy I am not at all nervous. My mind is more on Shari and what we did. We had sex but there was more to it than that. It was something that happened, it was not just sex to get even with them for cheating on us,...

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Princess Learns to Please

It all started as a bit of fun. I had just found a new job and was sharing an apartment with my friend, Lena. She was around the same age as me, twenty-two, but she was studying a college degree and spent most nights out partying with her friends, leaving me alone in the apartment. I wandered past her door one night and noticed a sexy thong laying on the floor by her bed. Something drew me to it, and I stepped inside the room, picking it up to feel the lacy material against my fingers. Before I...

Oral Sex
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A memory from university

I recently ran into some old friends and we got to talking about college, we were doing the standard thing where is this one and that one when someone mentioned Debbie. I had not thought about her in a long time but the memories are shot but sweet.As I have stated in the past college in the 80's was heaven. Debbie was in my finite mathematics class. Yeah she had big hair and was tall about 5'8" so she always wore flats. She wore the stretch leggings a lot with hose under and that was what...

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The Rules Of Etiquette

“Didn’t the earth move for you?” he asked with humour in his tone. “Yes, oh yes!” she mocked, and planted a kiss she hoped would finalise whatever this was turning into, whatever this new thing was, that had begun to surface every time they had sex. The questions. The last time, he had asked what he might do to please her more. She had seriously considered his question but had genuinely felt that he already satisfied her generously each time. ‘Perhaps it was him, who was bored or unsatisfied...

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The Mother in Law Elle Chapter 5

They pulled up outside Elle's house in a taxi, he was in the passenger seat, Elle was in the back seat with Kath. Kath was passed out and had her head in her mother's lap.Following his dance, with Elle, they had returned to the bar and found Kath downing shots of tequila with several of the bridesmaids. It hadn't taken long for her to start feeling the effects of the alcohol, and so the three of them had left the reception. He had to hold Kath up as she couldn't quite manage to stay upright on...

Oral Sex
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2020 normal fun

He is my fwb since the start of collegeall it took was one night his gf away and drinking a bit too much for me to get him pounding his hot bbc in my sissy holesAlone at my appart my new sexy pink string under my sweat pants my hole plug and eager to meet my friend hot bbcOne day i saw his gf toy laying on his bed, he joke about her gf loving to suck him bouncing on her toyi immediately imagine her tits out, sit on the pink cock toy sucking mike nice bbcand i smile saying he is lucky a bit shy...

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Until We Meet Again

I took one last moment to brush all the kinks out of my hair, and made sure it was silky smooth and completely straight. My fingers were a little bit red from the hot strands of hair, but it was all worth it. I glanced into the mirror one last time. My little sun dress splashed with color and had vibrant flowers printed on it. The deep purple bow that tired around my tiny waist gave the dress a fairly daintier image. I mean, first impressions are what matters, Right? Technically, this wasn’t...

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