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Hi everyone

To start with, if you are looking for a lot of steamy sex, look somewhere else. What interests me in a story is the build-up of a relationship and the romantic notion that love can be a healing power which is a possibility even for those most fucked up.

Kålrot and Lisa have both parts in ‘A Rolling Chair Gathers No Moss’, but it is not necessary to read that story first. Hope you like this one, comments and votes welcome, have a good life.




‘Huh?’ Kålrot suddenly realized that she was talking to him, and apparently had been for a while.

‘You haven’t heard a word I was saying, right?’ Lisa asked.

‘Guilty.’ Kålrot did not look all that guilty, though. He tried his I-know-I-am-hopeless-but-at-least-I-am-cute smile, it usually worked. Not today.

‘You haven’t looked for a job either, have you?’

Lots of rhetorical questions today. Kålrot considered the definition of ‘rhetorical’. It ought to mean a question where the goal is not to gain knowledge or, like a teacher, control another´s level of knowledge. The goal is instead to gain the upper hand in a discussion, some kind of verbal aggression, but civilized. Or, he supposed, verbal self defence. Were his smiles, then, also rhetorical? Their intent was not expressing amusement, but to placate someone. Could, then, his smiles be considered rhetorical smiles?

‘And I can see damn well for myself that you have not done the dishes like you promised.’

It was a misconception that smiles always were signs of positive feelings. In chimpanzees, for instance, smiling always was a sign of nervousness, of trying to placate someone of higher rank in the pack. Did he consider Lisa to be of higher rank? Well, yes. It was her flat, after all, and her wages from the pet-store paid for the food. Of course it was stupid to not have done the fucking dishes, he had meant to, but that article about beavers had got him thinking and suddenly Lisa was home and pissed.

‘And I can also see you´re not fucking listening to me now. What are you thinking of now, that´s so important?’

‘Well, beavers…’


‘Yeah, I saw this article. Did you know there´s a lot of beavers in this city? Right within the city limits!’

‘Yes I knew that. Everyone who gets outdoors and has eyes in their heads knows that. Kålrot, do you seriously mean that you have neglected to do all those things you promised because you deemed it more important to think about beavers all day?’

‘I just thought about them a little. Then I don’t think I thought of anything at all, and then you were home. I think I had coffee at some point. Sorry about the dishes, I can do them now.’ He started to fill the sink. ‘Did you know that beavers collect branches and stick them in the mud to save them for the winter? Spends all winter below the ice, except when in their nest. But it must be cold, keeping warm by eating cold, wet twigs. I think I´d rather be a hedgehog. To sleep all winter would suit me perfectly.’

Lisa didn´t listen, she was used to Kålrots monologues about whatever happened to turn up in his head. She wished she were somewhere else, somewhere quiet. Or goddammit, that Kålrot were somewhere else. It was her flat, after all.

Lisa felt a stab of deep sorrowpain. She still missed Nils terribly after these years. It was his flat, really, but his family was adamant that Lisa should have it after he died. His flat, his money, even his family was hers now. She felt much more cherished and safe with them than her own so-called family, who were the main reason she still needed therapy.

But things were better and she supposed that this fling with Kålrot was a step forward, towards life. It probably was a mistake though. She wished they were just friends again, like they had been for years. The benefits of being friends with, yeah benefits, were not enough to compensate for all the shit.

She got back to the kitchen and saw Kålrot intently staring at the wall, lips moving. The water in the sink was now cold and he had not washed a single nothing. Fuck. She tapped him on the shoulder, but he did not react. She hit him, and managed to get his attention.

‘This is not working out!’

‘What is not working out?’

‘Us playing house. I like you, Kålrot, and at times I almost love you, but a lot of the time you irritate the fuck out of me.’

‘Yeah. I get that a lot.’

‘I´m sorry, but you need to get out. But no great hurry, I understand if you need time to find something else.’

‘No, no, I understand that you need a bit of space. No big deal, I´ll find something. I always do.’

‘You have any money?’

‘Money? Well, I suppose not, but…’

‘Here, have this.’

‘Hey, that´s real nice of you. Love you, Lisa. See you around.’

Kålrot owned almost nothing. He had a big backpack, a camping mattress and a sleeping bag. Some clothes. A toothbrush. He was used to sleeping just about anywhere, some friend´s floor, outdoors if the weather permitted, or he shacked up with some girl who was feeling maternal. He had lots of friends and his cheerful acceptance of whatever happened was attractive to many girls, at least for a while. Then they parted, almost always as friends.

If he really had to he could sleep at his parents´ place for a while, but that was a bit of a pain since they always went on about all these things he ought to do, like finish school or get a steady job. They were right, of course, and he knew they were right and they knew they were right and they knew that he knew they were right, but that didn´t make it any easier for him to hold down a job. He always fucked it up: overslept, forgot, wandered off.

Kålrot suddenly discovered that he was hungry, and probably had been for quite a while. He didn´t think he had eaten that day. He got himself a kebab and wandered down to the creek to eat it. If he was lucky he might see a beaver.

Next time he thought about anything at all it was getting dark, and the probability of rain was in the air. Luckily one of his favorite sleeping spots was nearby, where the highway crossed he creek there was a wide-enough shelf and the bridge kept the rain away. To get there you had to get through some very thick thickets, which was good. He had never seen any signs of anyone else being there.

Kålrot slept well and long, he always did. He woke up rested and content, like he always did, and did not worry about where to sleep next night or where his next meal would come from. He never did. The rain had done its thing and left and the new day smelled good, apart from the fumes from the highway. There was a good place to take a morning dump in the creek and wash his arse. Everything was working out just fine and he sat basking in the sunlight, not thinking about anything, just existing. He was the effortless zen-master, he sometimes thought, his head was regularly zen-empty and he just as effortlessly lived in the here and now. Planning, though…

To his surprise noises were coming from the thicket. It was a thicket which it was very hard to move silently in and whoever was coming made enough noise to be heard through the ever-present didgeridoo drone of the highway. Was it possible that just one person could make that much noise? Yes, just one person, a pretty blonde.

‘Hello.’ Kålrot said and tried to look as un-threatening as possible. He had a pretty good idea he didn´t look all that dangerous to begin with, but unthreatening is a look you can´t get too much of.

‘Hello,’ the girl said, also in Swedish but with an unmistakable English accent. He was later to learn that hello was all she could say in Swedish.

‘My name is Kålrot,’ he said in English, and from now on conversations are in English and no longer translated Swedish.

‘I´m Jenny.’

‘Nice seeing you. Hardly anyone comes here. I
sort of see it as my private part of the creek, but you´re welcome to come visit, of course. There´s supposed to be beavers in the creek round here. Haven´t seen them, though.’

‘I heard the woodpecker and tried to see it.’

‘Woodpeckers are cunning little beasts, always on the other side of the tree. At least if you look like someone who eats woodpeckers. Like you.’

‘I have heard a lot of lines on the theme of eating peckers, but that was a new one.’

‘I know where their nest is. You wanna see it? If we´re lucky we´ll get to see them feeding their kids.’

‘Sure. Great!’

They noisily made it through the thicket to another corner of it, where an old tree with a hole in the trunk was proud to house the woodpecker family.

‘We have to be quiet and wait a bit,’ Kålrot said. ‘They heard us approach, of course. Even a deaf udder would have heard us.’

‘Adder,’ Jenny giggled. ‘Deaf adder. Udder is the tits on a cow.’

‘Bit of a besserpisser today?’ Kålrot said. ‘But I do maintain that we made such a racket that an udder would have heard us.’

They waited, quietly. Kålrot checked her out, very discretely of course, and lost himself in the cuteness of her left ankle and the small tattoo of a fox. There was something about that tattoo but, as usual, he was unable to focus on where he had seen it, or a fox looking just the same, before. He did what he did best, then – stopped trying and relied on the answer coming to him when it was ready.

Jenny watched him stop watching her (so much for very discreetly) and disappear somewhere else. He intrigued her. She was used to guys trying to impress her or get intimidated, even when they did not know who she was. This Kålrot fellow didn´t seem to give a damn about what she thought of him, and this indifference had nothing to do with arrogance. Right now he was just staring at the supposed woodpecker nest with an infinite patience she found strangely attractive.

Suddenly a biggish bird landed by the opening, and three (she thought) little heads appeared, begging for food. Something yummy-if-you-were-a-woodpecker was handed over and the parent bird was off again. The heads were visible a while longer, staring after their parent and muttering about the low quality of service at this restaurant.

Jenny gave Kålrot a brilliant and excited smile and got a Buddha-like smile I return.

‘That was really great!’ she said.

The Buddha seemed to be thinking hard about that.

‘What was great?’

‘The woodpeckers, of course. The feeding.’

‘Oh. I´m afraid I missed it. I goof off all the time.’

‘You wanna go for breakfast? Or have you eaten?’

‘No, I don’t think so. No…so, yes. Breakfast would be great. But I don’t think I´ve got any money. Hey, I had some right here!’

‘Don’t worry, I´m buying.’

‘Ok. Great. Fine.’

‘I´m staying in that big motel over there,’ Jenny said pointing along the highway Stockholmward. ‘Or do you know a better place round here?’

‘No, that´s about it, unless you walk a few kilometers downtown.’

‘The motel it is, then.’ Jenny was debating with herself if she should tell Kålrot who she was. She wasn´t too keen on it, since things probably would get weird, but they would probably meet some of her people at the motel anyway.

‘I know who you are, by the way,’ Kålrot said. ‘You are that pop-girl, Smooch. I remember your fox now, from that video in the bath-tub.’ Kålrot stated this very matter-of-factly and did not seem bothered or awed. ‘I´m a little surprised they let you out without bodyguards or something.’

‘Well, I´m not Madonna. Hardly anyone recognizes me when I´m not in costume.’

‘Kålrot means swede, by the way, as in swede the vegetable-root-thing. Everyone says it suits me since I´m a Swede and a bit of a vegetable.’

‘At least you´re healthy.’

‘Sure. Plenty of fiber. Eat me and shit like a queen.’

‘I´ll bear that in mind if I get too constipated with my own success and fame.’

‘Yeah, money up your arse is hell on your healthy bowel-movements. Never had that problem, at least.’

‘You got a lot of problems?’

‘No, not really. But I seem to irritate the hell out of a lot of people who think I ought to worry, but my experience this far is that everything works out. Like now, I met you and got a breakfast out of it. I do plan to eat a lot, then I won´t have to eat more today.’

‘What about you and problems?’

‘A few, I guess. I shouldn´t complain, living the dream and all that, but most of the time this being on tour is really boring, apart from the gigs. Makes me a bit of a bitch, I´m afraid. One reason they let me wander off alone like this, they get me out of the way so they can relax.’

They were now at the hotel and the breakfast buffet was even bigger than Kålrot had hoped for. Conversation was put on hold for a while, while Kålrot tended to the important task of stuffing his face. Jenny was inspired by his enthusiasm and was able to feel, at least a little, how fantastic it was to eat. She adventurously tried out the pickled herring which is a staple of Swedish hotel breakfasts, but did not like them. Kålrot hoovered her plate for leftovers.

‘You can´t throw away food,’ he said. ‘That´s a sin.’

Some from her crew joined them, the drummer and a sound guy. They were amazed by Mr. Tapeworm´s eating ability and apparently by Jenny´s good mood.

Drummer explained that Jenny was a royal pain in the ass when she was in That Mood, but that she at least had the self-perspective to admit it.

‘She´s been fucking hopeless lately,’ Soundguy said. ‘Haven´t seen her this nice for weeks. Your magic?’

‘If so, stay around,’ Drummer said. ‘Hell, I´ll even keep you fed. It will be the ruin of me, but worth it.’

Keyboards turned up, and Bassman. Guitarguy apparently was too hung over for breakfast. They all had names, which Kålrot promptly forgot. He remembered both Jenny and Smooch, though and felt pleased that he was able to remember two names for one person, where he usually needed weeks to get a name to stick. Big Frog turned up too and did not seem happy about Kålrot being there. Big Frog was the organizer, and this kind of frog had an unerring ability to spot that Kålrot was an entity which did not lend itself to organizing, and disliked him on sight.

Kålrot was feeling nice and mellow. His belly was finally full, Jenny was giggling at his jokes, everyone was nice except Big Frog, and Kålrot didn’t care shit about him. He was sure that Jenny liked him and everyone that he liked, liked that she liked him since it made her happier and thereby less painful to their behinds. Kålrot did not think it was strange that a world-famous (or at least world-semi-famous) pop-star was giggling at him. He was used to girls liking him, at least in the beginning, so why not Jenny?

Roadie one and two, along with Lightguy, were at their venue, preparing. The rest of them were on their way, but as yet they were on their way without moving, except Bassman, whose task it apparently was to drag Guitarguy out of bed.

‘You go ahead,’ Jenny said. ‘We´ll be there.’

Big Frog did a bit of croaking about that but Jenny would have none of it. ‘Don´t be silly Dan,’ she said. Apparently Big Frogs name was Dan. Dan as in Dan Ackroyd, who had to be famous for something since the name turned up in Kålrots head, but he had no idea why. ‘We´ll be there in plenty of time. And I will not get lost, I have a native guide, remember?’

The unknown celebrity sound-alike very obviously had little faith in Kålrot´s guiding abilities. (Oh ye of little faith) But there was not much he could do about it (Oh ye of little feat) except to look disapproving, which he did. To make a nice pattern of threes Kålrot looked down and noted that Jenny´s feet were quite tiny. Oh ye of little feet.

are we going?’ Kålrot asked.

‘To get your pack,’ Jenny said. ‘You told me you had your pack back by the bridge.’

‘Yeah, right. Thanks. Would have been real bad to forget it. Would not have been the first time either. Get my back pack back back by the track.’

‘You ever forget to put your head back on in the morning?’

‘Frequently. At heart I´m a headless chicken running round not being able to grasp that I´m dead since I´m headless.’

‘Better headless than heartless.’

‘I hope so. I do no permanent damage and I´m cute in small doses. What´s that bird?’

‘I dunno, a small grey one. I´m not really all that birdish. I like looking at them but I hardly ever know what I am looking at. You´ll come to the gig tonight, won´t you?’

‘Sure. I know some who would revoke my cred-nerd-card for going, but fuck that.’

‘Wow! I´m flattered you´ll risk your card for me. You speak good English, by the way.’

‘Thanks. The benefits of doing what my parents would call meaningless things. Like computer-games and music.’

‘You make music too?’

‘No, not really. I play keyboards a bit, but I just play-play, nothing serious.’

They got to the bridge and found the backpack still there. They sat for a while and waited for a beaver, which would have been a neat thing story-wise and a good omen, but no such luck. Jenny snuggled up to Kålrot and they sat on his mattress in the grass, basking in the sun and listening to the continuous drone of cars. They talked idly about things they quickly forgot, the Kålrot way. To Jenny, used to being driven and efficient, this was like going for a holiday. Eventually they stirred and began their walk towards city, where the concert would be.

They were in no great hurry and continued their aimless talking. They saw the world´s ugliest dog, and found it adorable. They discussed what number was most aesthetically pleasing. They discussed politics and seriously debated which muppet would have made the best prime minister. They saw the little grey bird again, or one just like it, and named it the drooping tit. And so on.

When they arrived it took a while to convince the guard that the giggling girl actually was Smooch, which made her even gigglier. Once in place, though, she became quite businesslike, but nicely so.

The next few hours might have been boring for Kålrot since everyone was busy and no one had time for him. But he just didn’t do bored. He found a comfortable chair and watched for a while and then he thought about other things for a while and then he thought about nothing at all for quite a long time.

Then there was pizza delivered and Kålrot munched happily while thinking about animals and if they could really enjoy what they ate. Did grass taste as good to a cow as this pizza did to him? Or insects to a drooping tit. And if so, was the taste the same as for him, just that they enjoyed it, or did it taste differently to them, say chocolate cake.

Then he was full and Lightguy lent him his Nintendo DS and happiness was complete. Pokemon Heart Gold – a nostalgic super trip, and he stayed immersed in that world until Jenny came and told him they were letting the audience in and that he had to come backstage or go sit by Light- and Soundguy.

That was difficult. Choosing was not what he did best, and now he was further confused by Jenny being Smooch in full Smoochy regalia. He did not want to choose, he preferred that things just happened. If they were good he fully enjoyed them, if they were bad he cheerfully endured them. But choosing or doing things to actively make things happen was stressful and Kålrot did not like stressful. Jenny saw the look in his eye, the look of an easily stressed kid suddenly confronted with seven times eight with no previous warning. She turned him around and gave him a push towards Lightandsound and a comforting pat on the ass.

The concert was pretty good and Kålrot enjoyed himself, except he needed to pee rather badly since he had not thought about going to the loo since before the pizza. But he cheerfully endured it (not the first time) and he felt proud of Jennysmooch as she sang excellently and obviously had fun on stage. The audience loved her and it seemed mutual. The band was solid and Guitar guy was sufficiently brilliant that Kålrot understood they could forgive his being drunk or hung over all the time.

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It had been a routine day at work, I was coming home in a pretty good mood, feeling I had accomplished a lot and that it had been a pleasant day. Even the ride home had been easy going and enjoyable, something that seems harder and harder to come by with people’s impatience on the road and the road rage phenomena, but even that had gone nicely. Funny how some people have terrible days and then come home and either ruin everyone else’s day too or do just the opposite and make coming home their...

4 years ago
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Yesterday was an average Thursday. Work was not too busy and I finished up a major project under budget. Traffic was a bit lighter than usual which got home a little early - and that always puts me in a good mood. I parked the car in the driveway and caught a whiff of someone's dinner being prepared. Salmon ... clams ... garlic ... My stomach grumbled pleadingly as the heady aromas filled my head. I was choosing whether to cook or get take-out as I walked to the door, but as the aromas...

3 years ago
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As always: Thanks to Boheminxen for editing. Without you correcting my awful grammar, this would be mindless drivel. ‘That insufferable bitch!’ Frank pounded a fist into his desk. ‘Relax.’ Walt slumped into the black leather chair across from Frank. ‘After all, Susan is going for the same executive position on the board of directors as you are.’ ‘So are you, but I don’t see you acting like a child who got their favorite pacifier taken away.’ Frank ran a hand through his hair while he shook...

4 years ago
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Torvaldsland Mysts Ch 01

The slender girl stood in the temple of Kassau, encased in a cap of white fur of the northern sea sleen. It was almost unbearable in the heat of the close confines of those pressed within, the heavy clouds of incense adding to her misery and boredom. She removed the cape to expose blonde tendrils that hung down her back, threaded with filaments of golden wire and scarlet yarn. Glancing around for some diversion, she seemed quite bored with the whole spectacle that was supposed to be paying...

1 year ago
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Heading South

The snow was getting deeper. I could barely see through the swirling clouds of crystals. My headlights were so attenuated by the blizzard that the road was invisible more often than not. For the tenth time in as many minutes I cursed myself for starting south so late. At best, I could only see about ten feet ahead. As a result I was only moving about twenty miles an hour – and that was reckless, but I needed to get to the lodge soon. Normally, I head south as soon as I get laid off. This year,...

3 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 27

Dealing with "the difficult Captain Cromartie," however, proved to be considerably more troublesome than she'd anticipated. "Sure, you can assert your authority over me, " he told her. "You're absolutely right, you hired me and I'm under your orders. Your granddaughter-in-law or whatever has been making that pretty clear right along, making me violate one regulation after the other. I've got two shuttles running at once, I've got an orbit a lot closer in than I like, and it goes on...

1 year ago
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J Porn Pics! Alright, you JAV-lovers, I’ve got a special treat for you fucks today. Can you guess what it is? Well, if you said high-quality pictures of JAV amateur and professional whores, then you’d be right on the money. I went scouring the internet for a quality site with the best galleries out there. And I can tell you that it wasn’t easy. I had to wade through some truly god-awful sites, but I came out with what I think is a treasure trove of fap-worthy content. So it’s time to ditch...

Porn Pictures Sites
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LoriDaddy is naughty

'What a night,' Ken mused. His meeting with Lori, Julia and Kim last night went extremely well. He had laid out his plans for his upcoming party, 'well gangbang', he added with a chuckle. Once again his ego blossomed out of control remembering how the evening went. He had invited his two gorgeous, next‑door neighbors over along with the young woman who lived down the block. Ken reveled at his good fortune, as he was able to get Julia to give him a glorious blowjob. He was truly astounded by the...

4 years ago
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Tempting teacher

Hi, this jj taking you through the ‘teacher’s” series well when I venture into a particular segment it goes on for a very long time. The thinking and visualizing keeps going in the same line if readers are aware it all started with the “lesbian” stories. Well keeping onto the same track this is about a pg mathematics school teacher handling higher classes a divorcee well into her forties 44 to be precise blessed with a son staying with her parents at Bangalore was slowly warming up with a...

2 years ago
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bad day at work

He comes home from another shit day at work." I’m upstairs, I’ll be down in a minute" she calls downHe drops his bag and heads for the bedroom, his girl is there tidying up in her faded scruffy t-shirt and her un sexy white cotton knickers, her hair is up in a pony tail, as he takes off his belt she asks how his day was."Dreadful" he replies.She has her back to him and doesn’t see him approach her, he takes 1 of her hands and places it behind her back and ties it with his belt, by the time she...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Her attention was focused entirely on the mirror mounted in front of her. All she could see was herself, her face, eyes with a look of distracted concentration, and a blue that she had not seen in a while. Mouth slightly parted, she could just make out the hint of pink from the tip of her tongue. Her nose was slightly crooked at the tip, not quite perfectly symmetrical. Her light brown hair was pulled tight to her head in a long braid. Although she could not see it, she could definitely feel...

3 years ago
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Bardhini8217s contract law

This is about how I got secretly seduced by my own teenage student. Bardhini had just turned 18 when I first met her as my student for contract law. She was as it is skillful in legal studies, though far more skilful in her own lustful techniques. I knew very well she was not interested in the subject which I was to teach her. On the contrary she made me wonder whose the teacher and in which subject. I operate my law business from home itself and my wife, Sonu, teaches in a coed’ commerce...

4 years ago
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Accidental AttractionChapter 2

Daphne left for work at eight the following morning, Ron having asked her to be ready to leave at half past one. She made sure she had her mobile with her. Maggie was shocked at the news and totally sympathetic. "You go and visit him every afternoon," she said firmly, "although if you can get back here for a couple of hours afterwards that'd be a real help." Daphne was bowled over by her kindness. At nine o'clock Ron answered the phone. "Mr Woolstencroft?" "Yes." "Peter...

2 years ago
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the birthday gift

It was Thursday June 9. My birthday and it was my first day off in two weeks.With a nurse with mom till Friday June 10 till 8 am it give me 21 hours to do as I like. problem was I was short of cash till Friday 2 pm, so renting a room was out of it, them I remembered the camp site. Within ten minutes I was pack and ready to go and before long I was on my way to Long Bay Beach. One mile of pure beach in a nice cosy bay. With half a mile nothing but nature with only 2 roads in. One to the...

2 years ago
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Real Surprise

It had been about a month now, since I moved out of my parents house into my own apartment which was located in a rather “seedy” side of town but it was close to my work place and that made it convenient for me – and oh yes it was also fairly cheap rental. At 22 this was a major move for me as I had always lived at home and was always under the scrutiny of my – well – very strict parents – so to say the least it was like REAL freedom. Well, it was one night, late, when i was woken up with...

3 years ago
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Am I Going CrazyChapter 3

I checked out the men an' took what I wanted. They was loaded with gold coins, mostly Double Eagles. Later, when I counted it, the total came ta $970. One of the men had a pair of double action revolvers in .44-40 caliber. They were hand made by a real craftsman. Both pistols were nine-shooters an' were a top-break action. I fell in love with them pistols the moment I saw them. They were close enough in size ta my S&W revolvers that I was able ta use the same holsters. I didn't...

4 years ago
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The Creature chapter seven

CHAPTER SEVEN We were walking away from the theatre and about to break into a run, when I heard my mother call, "Roger! Wait!" "Crap! Crap crap crap!" I said to Roger in a whisper. "Sorry," Roger whispered back. "I'll do my best to help you as much as I can here." Mom and Randy caught up to us. I tried to hide behind Roger. First, Mom didn't even recognize me, and asked Roger why he wasn't at the Pizza Hut with me, Ralph. "Ralph's here too," he said. "And he lost his sandals, at the...

3 years ago
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first time half sex wz neighbor

This is real story 6 years ago in africa, im not that good writer but i have tell my real story.I was the oldest in my neighbor, which is i was trusted by the people. All my neighbor girls were so beautiful and hot, i was afraid to talked them, because of their family. And i was liked one girl the closest neighbor and also her parent were very close friend, specially with my mom they were good friends. That is why i been respectful, but their girl make me crazy, everytime she saw me , she...

4 years ago
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Emma Ch 21

XXI Occasionally, Emma and Charlotte would meet together after work at a naturist cafe a short walk from their flat. It was not a particularly large cafe, and Charlotte often found it a little too cool for wearing no clothes, but it was a very intimate place and Charlotte enjoyed sitting with Emma just holding her hands and sometimes gazing into her beautiful eyes. Sometimes, the clientele were entertained by a musician who would sit naked on a chair playing a guitar and singing. Sometimes he...

1 year ago
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Panties for Sale Chapter 7

“We.” she announced, plopping down at the kitchen table and grabbing her boots. “Are going out for lunch. And then we're going shopping.” I had just finished getting dressed and had come walking back into the kitchen. After we had both gotten cleaned up I had mentioned making some late lunch but she had other plans. “Are you serious?” “Uh huh.” She flashed her smile at me and with her tongue poking out her lips she gave her boot a final yank. I slid into the other chair and reached for...

3 years ago
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My colleague

We have known each other since we were 18 and both have successful careers in differing fields and disciplines but have shared a common interest in sport, food and much else. She is independent, brilliant and focussed. From time to time her body reminds her that it too has needs and she first mentioned these to me in her final year at university. She was aroused and finding concentration difficult and suggested she needed simple silent no questions asked sex but also needed to feel safe and...

2 years ago
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The life of Josh

As for my social status..well, it wasnt great back then. I studied programming and hung around all sorts of people, but many people disliked me. It might have been because of my honesty. I was never afraid to say what I thought. At the age of 17 I though it had to be the best year of high school ever, but it didnt stop then. A year would have been too short a time for all that happened. ------------------------------------- Part 1 Driving my car, thinking about god knows what, I...

4 years ago
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Reverse Summoning Part 2

After breaking all the bonds her, no, his house had to her, Wyrm summoned Alice to him in the master bedroom. It was quite filthy, with her clothes and spellbooks thrown haphazardly around and a thick layer of dust covering the tops of the cabinets and dressers. All of the servants had quit after her parents had died, and Alice wasn’t all that interested in cleaning the manor when she could be working on magic. Alice walked to him and dropped to her hands and knees and bowed her head. Without...

2 years ago
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Swapping of moms 2

Hello lundo ke sartaj aur choot ki maharanio kese ho sab. Choot aur lund se maje liye ja rahe he ke nai chalo me ab apne maje batata hun jesa ki mene pahle bataya tha ki rahul aur uski mom mere ghar per a gaye the aur ham charo me meri mom aur rahul and uski mom bilkul nange ghar me ghoom rahe the mere papa us time out of station the hamne kuchh der ek dusre se maje lene ke baad hum sab mere wale rooom me chale gaye aur phir humne apna khel suru kya chudai meri mummy mujhe boli ki beta tu anty...

4 years ago
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Being watched at the parking lot

That warm afternoon Anita and I were at a parking lot in the airport, waiting for picking up my mother-in-law and take her home.Ana’s mom was flying from Buenos Aires and she would spend a couple weeks with us. My wife was happy to have her nice mother at home…We had arrived there one hour before the scheduled plane landing time.Ana and I just walked down the airport facilities and later we decided to wait in our own car.My sexy wife was wearing tight jeans that hugged her firm ass...

3 years ago
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Peeping Tom Part 1

Introduction: The following story is true. Well some of it is true. Ok, the only part that is true is that I did have a paper route and I did maturbate a lot when I was 13. Everything else is purely from my dreams. Onlyl my second story attempt, and the first one that I think I can make into a series. If you have negative remarks, make them constructive please, dont just say that it sucks. Thats an opinion, not a criticism. Hope you enjoy it. I had an early morning paper route. It was a good...

1 year ago
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A Visit To My Aunt

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey, I'm Jacob. I'm 19 this year with a 7" dick that I shaved weekly. And my aunt, who is 37 and single with nice 32C cup tits and nice curve with nice round ass and long slim legs. I always visit my aunt weekly since i was young. But this time is different. when i reach, the door was unlocked so i just call out 'aunt!' before entering. My aunt, Jenn, was wearing a low cut dress and writing at her table. i went over to greet her again but she was...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 2 As the Waning Moon SetsChapter 13

I made my way from the inn to the market east of there, where Clive had said they had been ambushed. When I arrived, there was a bustle of activity, normal for a market of this size, as well as a grouping of soldiers on the far side. I suspected that was where the attack had transpired. I weaved my way through the crowd until I arrived at the other side, where three soldiers were investigating the area. “Good afternoon gentlemen, what exactly happened here? Do you have any idea who did...

4 years ago
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A NICE sister PART 1

My sisters: Jill is 24, tall, slender, brunette, dark brown eyes, wears her hair very long and straight; she's got beautiful mid-sized but pointed tits and large puffy nipples. She has a tattoo on the small of her back and one around her navel. She may not be hot in a 'centerfold' sense, but all of my friends think she's the hottest girl in town. They're probably right. She's smart, in college, and has a very serious relationship going with another student. Jenna is 18, short dirty blonde hair,...

4 years ago
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Unwilling Victim of Seduction 3

Victim of Seduction 3It all started weeks ago when I discovered my daughter's laptop in her room. I accidently bumped it and the display came on. Soon, I discovered that Emmie was posting short videos on the internet -- videos of her offering her lovely naked D-cup breasts to the camera. And then she returned home and I... I don't understand how it all happened, but Emmie... Emmie sucked my dick and made me cum! God, I feel so guilty and ashamed! Somehow I let her do it, and I... I...I...

2 years ago
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Leaving a Mark

The patrol car rolled up silently, unnoticed by the scruffy man leaning against the parking meter. He was engrossed in a conversation he was holding with another man, this one neatly dressed in a suit and tie. A young police officer in the passenger seat leaned out of the open window and said, "Hey fella, there's no panhandling allowed." After straightening up from his resting position against the parking meter, the man turned to face the police car behind him. His relieved partner in the...

2 years ago
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B5 Chapter 3 Jordan Transformed

Chapter 3: Jordan TransformedJordan awoke later in the afternoon. Her first perception was that she was in a different room than Dee Dee's lab, where she had started the day. Where she was now certainly didn't bear any resemblance to a laboratory. It looked more like a hospital room. As her senses cleared, Jordan could tell that she had been propped up on some pillows in a sort of semi-reclining position on the bed. At first, Jordan couldn't quite move her waist and hips very easily. She...

2 years ago
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How I Became A Slut part 5

It was the last Saturday in October. I got up that morning (I guess it was still morning somewhere). Ashley told me she had a fun day planned for me. She told me to wear a tight crop top, running shorts and flip flops. Bra and panties were not allowed. After I got dressed I found she was dressed the same way. We went out to her car and took off out of College Station toward Houston. I kept asking what the plan was but she wouldn’t tell me. We got to IH10 and were about 30 minutes outside of...

1 year ago
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Sharing My Japanese Wife

Some years ago when I was a single guy in my late twenties living and working in Japan for a few years I met a twenty-two-year-old Japanese woman named Keiko who I fell in love with, and for three months we had a passionate romantic relationship, then, as planned, she left for Sydney, Australia to study English and I was to meet up with her there later in the year after I tied up loose ends. Keiko was sexually experienced but only with one man and had just come off a long-term relationship with...

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Isabella Part 4 Double Penetration

"Come on, Andy. Take that big cock of yours and fuck your sister's throat. Shove it all the way in. Make me gag and choke on it. Don't you want to see your slut sister struggling to breathe as you take what you want from her?" With her hands still bound she had to use her teeth to pull his fly down. Just listening to her obscene words had brought his cock from slightly bulging to raging hard-on. The moment his cock was free of his pants, Andy grabbed Isabella's head and shoved it into...

3 years ago
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Summer Drive

I just arrived home from my morning workout sweaty and feeling great. Craving a shower, I head to the bathroom leaving a trail of clothes across my bedroom floor. Standing naked in front of the mirror I admire my hard body that I’ve worked so hard to maintain. Tugging on my cock it becomes semi-rigid. I stop knowing what’s on the agenda for the day. Satisfied, I begin to shave the important areas of my body then jump into the shower. Afterward, I dry myself and fix my hair. Once again, standing...

Straight Sex

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