Thanksgiving Ch. 1 free porn video

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Every year Hayley would go to the cabin in mountains with her family and spend Thanksgiving. It was a ritual that began with her father and continued with her children. All her brothers and sisters and their families would go up and enjoy the first snowfall of the year. It was always a feeling of returning home after playing in the snow for the day. A hot fire, puzzles, drinking hot chocolate, popcorn and snuggling with each other watching movies or reading a book.

This year would be the first year without her husband. Just recently separated she felt the need to be there with her family. It had been a rough year in many ways, physically and emotionally. Since she made the decision to break away from this relationship it had taken it’s toll on her. She was finally feeling back in the groove with life. Almost ready to begin dating, but not quite. This vacation with her family would rejuvenate her and give her back perspective again. Somehow her family always gave her back and feed her exactly what she needed.

She was the youngest in her family of ten and most of her brothers looked over her. Some she hadn’t seen in years and it was the perfect time to catch up on each others lives. Her brother Peter had brought a friend up with him. Peter had divorced three years earlier and she was there for him. When she saw Peter she ran and hugged him so hard and began to cry. Letting loose some of her pain that she carried emotional baggage. Whenever she was with Peter, he made her feel so good about herself. After she let go, she apologized noticing a man behind him standing with a suitcase. Peter smiled and moved aside announcing that he had brought his buddy from work Trevor. Trevor was tall and dark and under the baseball cap on his head, he had very nice eyes. Trevor walked past Hayley and smiled. His smile just about melted her insides as she wiped her tears. His smile was captivating her, she was having a hard time tearing away as he brushed past her. Then she smelled him, oh, he smelled wonderful. Not too much cologne just enough and it was flattering to his scent. Peter grabbed a hold of Hayley’s hand and pulled him toward her and wrapped his arms around her. ‘Sis, I missed you! Why don’t you call me anymore? and where’s Tim? She told him, ‘we’ll have time to talk later. I’ll have to tell you what’s going on with me.’ She then whispered to Peter, ‘I’ve finally separated from Tim.’ Peter hugged her even harder and said, ‘Congratulations, I wondered when you’d be rid of him.’ Laughing he stood up and asked where he would be sleeping. Grabbing his gear and Trevor following behind looking out of place.

Hayley followed the men to the dorm room. That’s what the family called it. They packed all the singles into one room and it worked. She had her stuff in the corner and told Peter to take the bed close to her so they could talk until they fell to sleep. Trevor set his stuff down where Hayley had said, as he walked into the room. Peter pressed Trevor, ‘Trevor, this is my sister Hayley, the one I’ve told you about.’ Trevor smiled and put his hand out to hers ‘nice to meet you, Hayley, Pete has told me a lot about you.’ She felt his electricity when she shook his hand. Feeling her mouth begin to hang, she noticed and smiled shaking her head agreeing with him. Unable to utter a word while their hands touched. Peter laughed and broke the ice, taking Hayley and pushed her on the bed and jumped on top of her, tickling her till she screamed ‘uncle.’ Standing up and running to the bathroom, telling Peter ‘I’ll get you back, I almost pee’d my pants from laughing so hard.’

Peter and Trevor sat their things down and Peter asked Trevor, ‘What do you think of her?’ Peter responded ‘I love her laugh and smile.’ They continued to discuss how the family was and what would be expected of Trevor while he stayed with them. The entire family loved to laugh and also loved to cuddle and hug one another. Practical jokes were all part of the initiation of the family to see if the person that was staying with them was up to par. Peter was warning Trevor about the little things to look for and how to respond.

Hayley left the boys to talk and settle in and returned to the kitchen. Kitchen detail was her area for the evening meal, it was Mexican night and she was preparing chili verde, rice and beans. To drink they were having margaritas the families favorite. As the family was on their fifth picture of margaritas dinner was ready. Feeding the children first and getting them all set down. Then the adults began to get their plates, Peter and Trevor were the last ones out. They ended up making their plates of food with Hayley and sitting down to eat together. During dinner Trevor slowly began to open up talking to Hayley. Throughout the entire meal, Hayley couldn’t tear her eyes from Trevor’s listen intently to every word he uttered. Feeling as though she was becoming hypnotized by him, his voice was deep and luring. Making her insides flutter roll, she hardly ate a bite but did however drink plenty of margaritas.

After everyone had complimented Hayley on the delicious meal they had finished. The children all ran off to watch a movie while the adults turned up the music in the kitchen and dining room and began to sing and dance. As Hayley stood she found herself quite a bit loose and feeling rather giggly. Peter took her hand and placed a hand around her waste and began to four step with her. Around and around Hayley was still giggling from too many margaritas. Found herself dancing from Peter to Trevor. Once she was in his hands, she felt that energy surge through her body. What she had felt earlier when she shook his hand. It was a shock through her body. She stopped giggling and ran to the bathroom.

Scared from the feeling she felt from him, she stared into the mirror and looked at herself and thought. Why, would he be attracted to me? I’m so average. Then her thoughts moved to, What would it be like to actually have sex with another man. She looked at her medium frame and nice full breasts and cupped them into her hands. Turning sideways looking at herself. I am attractive, why do I let Tim’s comments bother me like that. He always told her how average she was and not very beautiful. Just to strip her from her self esteem and keep her where he wanted her. At home having babies taking care of him. She had been a virgin when she was married and the thought of actually having sex with another man terrified her. It had to be because she had too much to drink, she had better eat something before she made a fool of herself. She headed back out into the dining area.

Peter walked up to her and asked if she was okay. She nodded yes and said, I better eat something. Peter replied, yes you didn’t eat a bite during dinner did you? Why was that? Too busy looking into Trevor’s eyes perhaps? He laughed and hugged her. As they walked into the kitchen she could feel Trevor’s eyes watching her. Without looking she headed for the chips and began to eat. Peter asked, do you think an evening walk would help you my dear sister? I am beginning to feel a bit better, and yes a walk would be just what the doctor ordered.

Peter grabbed their coats and gloves walked over to Trevor and asked him to go with them handing his coat over. They began to walk along the street which had banks of snow pushed to the sides which was like a barricade sheltering them from the cabins surrounding theirs. The night was clear and all the stars were out you could see the moon out it was almost a full moon. So the night was bright bouncing off the snow made it even brighter. The air was crisp and smelled of pine. As the three of them walked down the street they huddled together holding hands. Hayley in the middle with her mitten couldn’t feel that energy surge from Trevor. Good thing since her brother was there Trevor made her insides do flip flops. It had been such a long time since any man has made her feel like this. While they walked Hayley began to tell Peter about her break up with Tim. It was her vo
ice the entire walk, both men listened not saying a word. They walked for quite a while and ended back up in front of the cabin. Peter stopped and gave Hayley a huge hug and said, Sis, I wish you would have called and told me this I hate to see you going through this alone. Hayley replied, I know, but I did have to do this on my own otherwise, Tim wouldn’t have understood why. He always thought you and I were too close and was even jealous of our relationship. Sick eh? Thank you, Peter and she hugged him back. Peter then asked, ‘Anyone up for some coffee?’ Trevor finally spoke and said he would love some, and Hayley nodded. Peter excused himself and said I’ll go make the coffee while you too get to know each other.

Trevor smiled at Hayley as Peter walked back into the cabin. He asked her if he had done something to upset her earlier when they began to dance. Hayley replied, No, I’m sorry the margaritas just rushed too my head and I felt a little ill. Good, it felt good being close to you, he replied. Trevor said, may I be bold for a moment? Sure, please do, said Hayley. Every time I touch you I feel such energy illuminate into me. I know that’s silly, he said. Hayley’s mouth hung open. She said, I have to be honest with you if I may. I too felt that coming from you. Never have I ever felt anything like that from a man. It scared me and that’s why I ran into the bathroom. Both smiling at one another they began to huddle it was very cold and they needed the warmth.

Trevor opened his jacket and took her under his wing. Instantly, Hayley felt such comfort in him. The two found the bench and sat looking up into the night sky. Watching the stars and moon light the night. Neither saying a word, it was very romantic Hayley thought. Just feeling so warm and secure with another man she was eased by being in his arms she wanted to feel his lips pressed into hers. Trevor just sat and held her though, no passes nothing but warmth and comfort from him. Hayley asked Trevor his age and he was younger than she was, which was okay but surprised her a bit. Trevor was an engineer for a aero tech company. It was the same company her brother worked and not far from where she lived. Trevor began to open up to her telling her about his past marriages. That his divorce had just been finalize about 3 months earlier. The first marriage was he got married for all the wrong reasons and it wasn’t good. The second he was married for 10 years before he found his wife had an affair with her boss. He admitted to her, that when he first saw her jump into Peter’s arms he was taken by her and then couldn’t tear his eyes from her. Hayley was so flattered, she giggled and didn’t know quite what to reply to him. Trevor then continued not allowing her to say anything at that moment. Trevor admitted that he had seen picture of her and thought she was very attractive from her smile and asked Peter to bring him just to meet you. Trevor’s confessions didn’t stop there, he said, ever since I saw the pictures of you I’ve been fantasizing about you. Hayley was dumbfounded unable to utter a word.

Peter walked out with a thermos of coffee and two cups and a blanket. He saw them huddled on the bench and said, what, no room for me? Seeing the blanket in hand, they both said, over here over here. Laughing Peter walked over and handed them the blanket and set the coffee on the bench. Sorry you two, I’m not going to stay I nephew and niece duty.

The two watched him walk back inside the cabin. Trevor took the blanket and spread it over their laps. He leaned over and took the thermos and opened it and poured two cups. He handed a cup to Hayley and as the two sipped the coffee and watching the heat from the coffee rise. Hayley spoke, ‘Trevor, you make me feel so comfortable and secure. Good, replied Trevor. It’s been a while since I’ve trusted a woman and I trust you Hayley.

Hayley began to wondered if Trevor was going to kiss her like she imagined earlier. Finally, she asked Trevor will you kiss me? Astonished the words just flowed from her brain out her mouth. Trevor smiled and said, would you like me to kiss you Hayley? Yes, I do, said Hayley. Still with coffee cups in their hands, Trevor leaned toward Hayley’s full lips and gently kissed once then again and again. The first time his soft lips touch hers it melted her insides. No longer did she feel the bite of the cold outside. It was everything and more than she had imagined. How was that? Trevor asked. She was floating in another world and felt the urgency to return. Ah ah ah was all she could utter.

Trevor took the coffee cup from her hands and placed it on the bench with his. Took off his gloves and placed his warm strong hands on her face and turned his head and kissed her once again, this time with every peck he began to suck her lips, then her tongue preying for her to open wide for him. The kisses began very softly and gentle and began to build with such intensity and passion.

Hayley had been living the past 10 years with no passion in her life. Trevor’s passionate kisses stirred not only her insides but she couldn’t help but feel her body building and releasing heat. No longer were the two of them huddled to stay warm. They were huddled as one trying to get inside one another. The last time she had kissed anyone in this way was her husband when she was still a virgin. All those terrified thoughts of being with another man just flew out into the night sky. It was so romantic outside kissing under the moon lit sky, she whispered to Trevor. I know we just met, but I want you to make love to me. Those were the words he longed to hear his fantasy was happening and he was going fulfill it. He opened up her jacket and she did his at the same time. Exposing her full soft breasts to the cold air instantly made her nipples erect. He took one look and leaned over and cupped them and kissed each with his mouth. As he did each one he flicked his tongue over them. His touches were very delicate and yet so powerful because of his energy. He moved his mouth down her stomach and unbuttoned her pants and unzipped them kneeling down in front of her pulling them down to her ankles. He spread her legs apart kissing her legs and then feeling with his fingertips finding her golden pot filled with her nectar. Flicking his tongue over her clit while he spread open her lips wide with his fingers on one hand taking the other hand and dipping them into the golden pot and spreading her juices all over up and down. Repetitively he continued his dance with his tongue and dipping his two fingers in and out. He was doing everything as she was thinking it inside her head. All that came out of her were moans.

Hayley, had never had a man just dive into her like Trevor was doing. It was his first touch that made her almost scream out into the cold night air, but withheld it as he continued his ritual on her. Her husband was not good at it and didn’t like doing it, this was obvious by the touches of Trevor’aholds tongue. It wasn’t long before she grabbed a hold of his head and told him and told him, Trevor oh I can’t hold back, I’m going to cum. Trevor continued with his executed movements and slowed his pace. He could feel her body begin to shake and wanted this to last a long time for him. It was a huge wave that hit her she let out a small yelp. He slowed his pace on her but didn’t stop. Her body shook making the orgasm last longer than ever before. Five minutes passed by and he was only touching her clit with his tongue barely not flicking it, but kissing it ever so gently. It was the loving feeling that warmed her all over his energy of warmth and love was filling her. Finally, the orgasm had somewhat stopped, but it left her craving more of him. Just what he wanted too.

Both had forgotten that they were even outside in the snow. The heat from them was warming one another. Trevor lifted his head and looked into Hayley’s eyes and told her, ‘I want to make love to you Hayley.’ I want it to be right though. My urges are telling me to jump on you right now, but my heart wants you.

Hayley understood what he meant and told him, that she too wanted that. She asked, will you please kiss me again? Trevor moved back up to her mouth and kissed her the same as he had the first time soft small kisses leaving her wanting more. She could taste her juices inside his mouth and kept pressing further. Feeling her hands guiding him and pulling him back up onto the bench. She stood up and pulled up her pants, then moved onto his pants taking the belt loose, unbuttoning them, unzipping and moving them down far enough to extract his rather large engorged penis. She was very impressed at his size, she had only ever seen picture of men’s penis’s and she looked at it and told him, It’s so beautiful. The way the moonlight hit it as it stood up straight, almost as if it was a staff made just for her. Trevor never had a woman ever tell him his cock was beautiful. He knew he wanted her more than ever now.

Hayley was impressed at the beauty of his stance of his cock. It was full and perfectly round and just the right size to give her splendor when inserted inside her. All she could think was to watch her hand stroke up and down on his shaft and keeping it warm in the cold night air. She quickly moved her lips over as she saw the precum glistening on top of her fingers. Licking in small fast licks, progressing to her entire mouth surrounding it. Taking in bit by bit trying to engulf his entire sexual shaft. As she stroke him further inside her mouth, she began to flick her tongue around the head. Continuing to guide him in a straight path of filling her throat with his hot love. It had been only since this morning since he masturbated dreaming of her doing this very thing to him. He grabbed her hair just to make sure she was really there and when he did he let go and exploded inside her mouth. Moaning with his thrusts deep into her throat one then again and again and again. He never knew he had so much in him. It was so built up in his fantasy of her that finally able to release it was more beautiful and satisfying than he could have imagined. She swallowed every drop and continued to play with his cock moving her head up and down feeling the last little shutters of ecstasy.

Trevor took her head in his hands and guided her back up to meet his lips once again. She still had the flavor of his cum in her mouth as he began to suck her tongue with another long passionate kiss. When the kiss ended she gazed down and still saw his cock standing at attention. At the same time he too saw his erection still full even in the bitter cold. He took it and put it back into his pants. Hayley thought as he did it, why did he do that? Would he make love to her in the dorm that night? Her body ached for him, and wanting him made her desires only teasing haunting for the remaining part of the evening. He kissed her once again and said ‘I want you but only when the time is right.’

The walked back inside the cabin everyone turned and looked see. Hayley laughed and said to her family, yes, I’m much better no more margarita’s for me. I’ll now bow out and say goodnight, so goodnight everyone. Trevor took a chair beside Pete, she could see a smirk on Pete’s face as she walked by.

As she moved into the dorm room she jumped on her bed her head began to fill with Trevor what he had said to her wanting her for so long. How come this was the first time she knew about it. Peter should have said something to her, but then again she had not been available to him either. She had not been attracted like this to any man not even with Tim the only man she’d ever had sexually. All those feelings of Trevor began to float in her stomach like butterflies. Oh, how could I have done that she began to think. Her head was unbalanced like he put her under a trance. She was so glad it didn’t go that far with him, she would have regretted it. As she fell to sleep the words of Trevor’s haunted her ‘I want you only when the time is right.’ When would that time ever be right? She thought before she fell into a deep sleep.

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A Virginal Crush

It was 12 years ago, the summer of 2007. I was sixteen and a half years old and my life had been in a bit of a turmoil recently following my mother's remarriage: Mum, my new step-dad and I had all moved in together in the previous October. Once we'd settled in, we all decided to hire an apartment in Spain for a two-week break.I had developed a bit of 'a thing' about my step-dad. He wasn't a great example of a hot, well-built man, but there was something sensual about him. Mum looked so...

2 years ago
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A wet spot in Anas panties

Just as I was entering home that evening, I received a message from Anita, saying she was doing some late shopping with her girlfriend Helena.I knew she was a bad liar, since I had met Helena on my way home and this bitch was in front of her own house with her husband…I took the time alone to get online watching porn until I heard her arriving.I met Ana at the door and it was obvious she was hiding something. She said she had eaten something with Helena at the mall. She added that she needed to...

3 years ago
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21 March 2009

Chapter 1 “Mom, now I know why my right foot was so wet walking through the slush yesterday,” Jennifer said going to Lisa. “Look.” She showed her the sole of her sneaker, the rubber split from instep to edge. “I guess you need a new pair of running shoes.” “Can we go shopping as a family and Daddy can wear his lounger pants and hoodie for us and let his cock and balls sneak out?” Dan and Hanna walked into the kitchen noticing Lisa holding a running shoe. “I need new shoes. Can we go...

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All grown up part 1

It has been about 3 years since we all moved into our own house and my sister even with her stunning looks and drop dead gorgeous face she could not hold down a relationship. The boys she went out with were all not very open minded and ended the relationship by the time they got the bedroom and over the months you could see she was a little down because of it.when she was 21 years old she found a boyfriend and he was the friendliest of the lot she had met and we all got along quite well. After...

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Quick and Nasty

I was sitting in the locker room after a hard workout cooling down before taking a shower. Randy, came out of the shower room drying his hair and humming some burlesque song. I tried to move but my body just wasn't ready. I just happened to look up in Randy's direction and idly watched as he started dressing. He reached into his locker and pulled out a pair of black silk panties, he stepped into the panties then looked over at me and paused as he pulled them to his waist. While I had been...

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Introduction to Sissies V

Introduction to Sissies V By latexslut "But I wanna help," cried babysissy, stomping her high heeled foot. "She's my roommate." "Now yet, babysissy," Mistress Satin said firmly but kindly. "After. Nursesissy and Bunny know how to do this. You would make a mess of things." The gurls named Bunny and Nursesissy had left the couch and were now sashaying over to him. John Phillips took a step back. And then another one. "sissyuseless," Mistress Satin said to him. "You will...

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It Could Really Be That Good

When Tubby came home that evening from his rounds (we live in the country) I let him in and fed him. I then decided that I needed to take a shower. While in the shower I started to think about what my friend had been talking about. "I know you do not believe me but it feels so, so good. Most dogs have huge cocks and they know what they're doing. And then, when they get to their climax, they form this knot that is about four inched wide and they shove that in your pussy! It gets...

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Zym Mai Pyaar

Hey friends mera naam karan rajput hai mai delhi mai rehta hoon.Meri age 25 yrs hai.Ye meri 1 story hai.Koi gulti ho toh mujhe maaf karna dosto.Kisi bhi bhabhi.Ladki ko apni chut , gaand or muh ki pyaas bhujani ho toh mujhse sampark kare.Mera mail id hai. Ab aate hai story per.Ye story sachi ghatna hai.Jo 4 saal purani hai.Hua yun ki graduation complete karne ke baad.Mujhe koi part time job ki talash thi .Toh job ke silsile mai mere dost ne kha ki uske father ka ek gym hai usme mujhe part time...

2 years ago
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The Yellow Sundress Ch 13 Presentation

13 - Presentation Adam had declared himself fully healed though his tightened waist was giving him grief. He felt he could hardly breathe, and he could only eat sparingly. At least his new breasts were a consolation. One evening, maybe it was some hormonal reaction, he was so looking forward to sex that night that there was no way he could force his tackle into his socket, he was already swollen. They made love, but it was hurried on his part and over too quickly and long before she...

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The Sleepover Pt6

"It worked," Lauren shrugs as mom lathers soap on her hands and starts washing her daughter's lovely breasts."I'm flattered, really," mom says, gently lifting Lauren's breasts and washing the undersides. "But what about our agreement that no one should know? Did you tell your brother why you needed dad out of the house?" Lauren nods."He won't say anything!" Lauren assures her but mom looks skeptical. "He and I have the same secret," Lauren says, locking eyes with mom."What?" mom looks perplexed...

1 year ago
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BBC Cub And The Office Cougar

We just met last week, Jason thought as he admired the lusty photo of the slick mature pussy on his phone. The photo came to him from an older woman he had been lusting over since he met her. Her name is Camilla, 43, brunette with beautiful thighs that would drive any man insane in the pants. Their paths had been thrust together one afternoon while at a local coffee shop. Camilla had just received her triple espresso macchiato from the barista when the cup spilled causing her to fall backwards...

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Work Experience for Heather

I never expected to be enjoying some pussy pie in my kitchen. Being 60 years old and widowed for the last 5 years, pussy pie was the furtherest thing from my mind. Besides, my late wife Beth, who I’d been married to for 35 years, had a very limited range of sexual experiences that she wanted to participate in. We were both virgins when we married, and we had been completely faithful to each other right through our marriage. Sex happened in bed at night and in the missionary position, and oral...

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Inpregnation by BBC

I sit here in my panties, a cute litttle negligegh; and wig awaiting what my black bull will cum and do to me in the next few moments. His cock is large and my pussy is small. Oh how it will hurt before if feels so good and right. Last time he came by he ripped my hole and made me bleed. Its only been a week but i want more. I need more.Its always bareback. Thats something you should know if you are new to BBC. They are going to fuck you big black and bareback. When they do, you wont be able to...

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The Scandalous Stewardess 7

"The Scandalous Stewardess"Chapter 8 "That was fantastic, Peter, just fantastic. I don't know when I'vebeen fucked quite so breathless," the exhausted blonde said sincerely. But her mind was filled with dark thoughts of revenge em the virileresort owner for the way he had treated her--like a filthy whore! Itwasn't enough him to give her a savage ass fucking; he made her lick hiscock clean right afterwards, then suck his huge cock off while hekneeled over her with his big hands knotted in her...

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Eager Wild WifeChapter 8

Bart came through the door, stopped in his tracks. "Well, I'll be a Goddamn..." His face broke into a broad horny grin. His eyes quickly found Tiffany's gorgeous ass. "Damn!" Dreamy-eyed, Tiffany turned her head and smiled drunkenly at Bart. "Hi," she giggled. "I was just getting acquainted with your brother." "I can see that," Bart said. He waved to his brother. "I told you she was dynamite." His spent cock still buried inside Tiffany's pussy, Larry grinned. "She's better...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 3

Monday, May 24, 2010 Oh, God, those nipples! Jake thought. And he was not the only one thinking it. Every boy in eighth-grade social studies thought the same thing except for little Hal. Hal was a late bloomer and indifferent to the sight of Mrs. Harrison’s breasts in her tight sweater. Well, there was Owen. Owen’s drives were just as strong as the other boys, but it was not girls he was interested in. Mrs. Harrison moved from the left side of the blackboard to the right as she continued...

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Tranny gets his holes fucked

His name was Paul. He replied to my craig’s list ad with a picture of his cock next to a shampoo bottle for comparison. His dick was bigger than the bottle, with a huge mushroom head. I wanted him immediately. I drove to his house, and he let me in. We sat on the sofa and made small talk, while he rubbed my pants leg with his big hand. I was a bit nervous, but horny as hell, so I was glad when he began undressing me. With Paul’s encouragement, I removed my shirt, exposing my chest....

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Amber reluctantly got to her knees in the pine needles. It was another one of their "dates". The cuffs holding her hands together behind her back hurt. She looked forward and watched as he unzipped and pulled out his penis. The rumor at school about his size was true. He had a big cock. Amber should know, she had been forced to suck it for him at least a dozen times now. "You know what to do, Amber" he said pointing it at her face. Amber leaned forward and took it into her mouth. It would...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 55

Sunday would have been one boring day, had it not been for Gus's bike. I took the bike to the park. The park had a designated bike trail. It was not one of those walking tails, which allowed bikes. It was designated just for bikes. I checked with the Tryon Parks and Recreation department before I drove to the access parking lot. I found that Gus's bike qualified as a bike, not a motor vehicle. So I put on my thermals, then made myself a bowl of cereal. First I added about an ounce of...

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ManuelFerrara Melina Mason Big Tit Slut Gets The Raw Treatment From Manuel

Melina Mason, the blue-eyed brunette with break neck curves, goes all out in this scene from Manuel Ferrara’s “Raw #36”. Our very fortunate Frenchman gets down to business quickly with an already nude Miss Mason. Her huge, plump melons fill up the camera lens while she gives Manuel a BJ. Melina points her round ass in Manuel’s direction and he pounds her doggy-style. She then consumes Ferrara’s cock with her pussy as Manuel locks her legs, forcing her to slide up...

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How I Lost My Virginity

******* This is the true story of how I lost my virginity ********* Thought that I would share this, haven't told anyone before **** Please comment to tell me what you thought of my first time ******** Add me as a friend if you want to ask any questions ******It was the end of September 2012, I was your usual 19 year old guy studying at university but had not yet had sex (was hoping that it would have happened by now). A couple of my friends were invited to a flat party at one of their friend's...

2 years ago
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Married Delhi Hot Milf On Tinder

Hi, chicks and chocks. How you all…this is Kunal Bhatia again back with a sexy encounter. As some of you know me by my last stories I even got some emails from some horny girls I usually reply to everyone, for new readers is my mail id. Anyone interested in chatting can mail on this. I will be available all on mail.I am a hot looking boy, single, decent, educated, well maintained and hot dirty and horny in bed. I am from Delhi.Coming to my story I got this Delhi milf from tinder best fuck and...

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The Visable Writer

Synopsis: What would happen if the fiction you wrote became fact? Jerry finds out when he asks for a computer to write his stories on. His mother can't afford one so she gives him his Great Uncle's old Oliver #3 Visible Writer and Jerry finds out what it means when your writing becomes visible. THE VISIBLE WRITER By Persephone I begged and I pleaded but it didn't do me any good. As my mother put it, "You can't get blood out of a turnip Jerry." I knew what she meant. Since...

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Fun with a neighbour

This one has kind of a long intro, but stick with it....We'd lived in our street for a few years now, and we got on well with our neighbours. On one side we had an elderly lady who pretty much kept to herself and on the other a married couple, Sandy and Dave. They had a 15 year old daughter, a 6 year old daughter and a 4 year old son, while we had a 6 year old daughter and a 4 year old daughter. Our k**s got along really well and their younger k**s went to the same school and playgroup as...

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Into the Womb

I opened the mail, and well, it was porn. The writing was mediocre and the editing had some issues, but most notably it seemed to be about a mother having sex with her own son. While that certainly wasn’t my favorite genre, I couldn’t honestly say I hadn’t thought about it occasionally on a fantasy level. I didn’t find my actual mother attractive in any way, instead my thoughts were always about pretty fantasy mothers guiding their boys in natural ways. Because of this I thought it was...

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Veros Secret Desire

Vero's Secret Desire By billy69boyMy name is Vero, short for Veronica. I am a 19 year old university student, in my second year. I have always liked boys, and I have already had many steady boyfriends, as well as several fuck buddies. They are easy to come by at all the dorm parties that seem to go on constantly. I don't consider myself to be a slut or a nympho, but I do like a stiff cock on a Friday night, after drinking and dancing with my school mates. Living on campus means you can get...

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19 Manga and Ankle and Spider Oh My

Manga no Hentai! 11:57 A.M., Saturday, July 4, 2015 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Two children, a boy and a girl, each nine years old, sat naked under a fig tree, looking over a skirt with a broken zipper, an ice cream scooper with a defective mechanism, and one more item which commanded their immediate attention. Paula Akron was excited as she examined this new treasure her boyfriend, Paul Macon, had brought her from the recycle bin. It was like a small magazine, with tears and...

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The Island

Day 30:Last night my GPS failed. I don’t know why, but my position is in the Mojave desert since 3:25 PST. And this is quite unlikely, because I am on the Pacific! At least when I started four weeks ago, in Belgium, I headed towards it and after crossing the Indian Ocean I reached it 3 days ago. Day 31:The weather is still bad. Cloudy. So, no sextant to determine position. It’s new moon, so no hint from there either. My compass tells me I am heading SSE. I should make it to Tahiti in 3 days....

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I've been thinking recently about something that happened while I was at University, and I have to wonder exactly what happened.I had been going out with a girl, Kara, for a few months and she was often at my place. One evening, in particular, we were sat in the living room (the only room with a TV) bot dressed in nothing but our dressing gowns. The shows on TV were pretty boring, but as we sat there my hand was running across Kara's exposed thigh, hers rested on mine.Her dressing gown d****d...

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The Rape of Bucha

Oleksandra was watching the soldiers around her, casting a glance in the direction of her friends Sofiia and Anastasiia, who quietly watched the soldiers preparing the gallows on which the three girls were sentenced to hang for partisan activities. Oleksandra bit her lip seeing the thick log being positioned between the two trees, the soldiers taking lengths of rope from the small truck, making nooses and tying them to the long at regular intervals. I am only sixteen, she thought wondering...

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Arrow Forbidden Desires 2

Oliver opened the doors to his home around 9:15pm. It was a huge risk targeting Victor Zsasz during the middle of the day instead of at night. In his vigilante persona, Oliver obviously preferred the cover of darkness. He preferred to work in the shadows, to help hide himself and his agenda. But Zsasz was also an expert at using the darkness as a shield, so Oliver had to target him at his most vulnerable. Besides, had he waited, the killer would have likely found another innocent victim that...

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Pussy Fingering At High School Dance

Hi, My name's Venessa. This is my story of my senior year in high school. It starts at a party/dance at my girlfriend's house... I walked in the door of my friend’s house and immediately smelled the scent of hundreds of grinding bodies and heard the deep bass of the music. As I entered farther into the house I pulled up my bra to cover more of my ample yet tight 36C breasts. I was wearing a very low cut tank, and a loose bra. My skirt barely skimmed the top of my thighs, and just hearing the...

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Record Breaking Vacation

Record Breaking VacationAs a writer, it’s hard to find just the right opening line that will pull the reader in long enough to entice them to continue reading. I’m really not a writer, but have an amazingly erotic story to tell that happened a few years back, while on vacation in the Cancun area of Mexico. At the time my wife Carmen and I had embarked on our annual winter escape to the warm shores of the Mayan Riviera on the Caribbean.This trip was a little different than our previous...

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Carpenters Inside Work

Life had become hard for her since the divorce but she pushed ahead, telling herself there was a man out there for every woman. Her friends, her parents, and even one or two business associates agreed to that but for Julia life just wasn’t going that way. That is until four or so months afterward, when she had planned to have an addition put on the back of her home, and she knew they were coming that day and so she planned on being there when they got there that day. It was early, only 7:00...

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