Another Springtime Ch. 06 free porn video

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A note to readers: Your reception and interest and responses are very gratifying. Thank you. For those who do not read German, never fear. Where appearing, there is also sufficient in English to give you the gist of the comment as had you read and understood it. My own experience has been that broad exposure to many cultures and art forms has deepened my appreciation for life and the people with whom we all share this incredible journey.

Chapter 6: Into The Valley of Tribulation

It was also a time of more intense interaction than I had ever imagined could be.

She signed up for an American Literature class as well, another step in her increasingly serious study of English and America, and towards a university degree she was beginning to see as something she not only wanted but now could see her way clear to actually accomplish. Her excitement was endemic, and she bubbled and danced about like a school girl… in other words, she was beautifully engaged and delightful to be with.

The interaction on new topics had started, and on that Thursday afternoon, the first week of classes, took a major stride forward. She was quiet and thoughtful after her Lit 101 class and we drove a ways out of town to a little Chinese place we had found and enjoyed Tuesday evening. Finally, she pushed her plate aside for a moment and took a paper napkin and folded it into a little place marker for me and wrote on it in bold letters: ‘Dad.’ With a solemn little gesture she placed it in front of my plate, as if marking my place at a conference or a convention or something.

This was a game, yet not a game. I quickly sensed that she was trying to be light-hearted, but at the same time was very serious about something on her mind, and needed to talk to her father.

‘Yes,’ I responded, in a little deeper tone and trying to accommodate her need, ‘my darling daughter, what is on your mind. I will be happy to listen and try to help where I can.’ From my own experience I knew there was, as a father, a time to talk and a time to listen. Usually much more of the latter was needed, and as little of the first as possible.

That I had read her correctly was immediately evident in her pretty face and she relaxed somewhat with me. Slowly, she started an explanation that seemed to meander and sidestep the main point, telling me about her class and the other young people in it and the prof and the readings, etc. Then, probably gaining confidence in our situation, she began to tell me about him, a tall, sandy haired boy in her class, and how nice he was and handsome, and all that. Then she stopped, stuck.

In the past I had jumped in and attempted to pick up the conversation with my daughter. It had been a mistake then, and would have been a mistake now. This time I was alert and wise enough to let the silence drag out until she found words to say it.

‘He asked me for a date for tomorrow evening to a movie… Father.’ Her words came to me like an electric shock, even though I should have anticipated them sooner or later. Trying hard to listen and not over react, I now sensed, too, in her adding ‘Father’ to the end, as sort of an afterthought, that she was having to work at keeping her thinking focused clearly.

‘And,’ she began again, her voice trembling a little, ‘I have no idea what I should do.’ I was watching her closely and she looked up at me briefly, those big brown eyes full of doubt and anxiety and confusion, hoping she could trust in me to help her.

She was a beautiful, bright, blossoming flower, and with no pertinent experience whatever with boys and men, social or otherwise, as innocent as a babe in the woods, and in a foreign culture. Little wonder that she was uncertain and afraid. On top of that, the easy going sociability in the typical junior college classroom of western American youth could very well and probably had already triggered the flow of hormones in her that added to the confusion and perhaps even scared her.

And, I though to myself again, I had thought I had a hot potato before. I was in up to my eyeballs here for sure, and there were suddenly alligators in the swamp at every hand.

‘Thank you, Christine, for trusting me to help. I will try my very best.’ No speeches here, I told myself, but clear thinking and careful coaxing to make for herself the best decisions she could.

‘The very first thing to concern yourself with is what you want and desire for yourself. That decision will help guide you in all that follows.’

She looked at me intently, then nodded her head in understanding, and waited.

‘Only your decision matters. You may gather information and ideas from others, but ultimately you are responsible for you.’

‘What kind of a person do you want to be and become. You are a girl, a young woman… well on your way to becoming a mature lady. You have already, to some degree, decided what kind of lady you are to become. I have seen it in your manner with me and others, and I admire and respect your decisions very much.’ That was no idle complement either.

‘Then, remember, too, that you owe him nothing at all other than being yourself, a self-respecting lady, honest with yourself and him.

‘You have options. You always have options.’

Now what? She was waiting.

‘Perhaps you see in him a pleasant, interesting, thoughtful, intelligent young man with whom you would enjoy sharing some time and adventure. Wonderful.

‘It is entirely proper that you ask what his plans are, to what events or activities is he inviting you to accompany him? A gentleman with manners and appreciation for a lady will be happy to tell her and even to ask her ideas and thoughts on the matter.

‘Then you decide how you want to respond.

‘Should the activities not be appealing to you, or his manner or attitude make you feel at all unsafe with him, you may simply decline politely with a friendly smile. A lady might say simply, ‘Thank you for the invitation. Perhaps another time.’ A courteous fellow will accept that and probably come back and ask you another time later.

‘Of course, his invitation may be exciting and fun, and you decide to accept.’

All well and good, but I felt like I was describing a formal courtship on a 19th Century plantation in the southern states. Hardly very useful or applicable as a norm for the rough-and-tumble, catch-as-catch-can social scene in today’s American west. To judge from the magazine stands – yes, a very superficial data source, but the magazines sell, right? – recreational sex was an evening’s casual activity and even date rape was no longer sufficiently racy even to make headlines. Suddenly, this relatively simple protection assignment assumed mammoth proportions, and I felt like I was in deep water well over my head.

She was waiting for me to go on. My spirits were lifted to feel her paying close attention and hanging on every word. In retrospect, I myself hardly perceived how very innocent and trusting she was… I was talking about a topic that was, for her, something akin to rocket science.

Sexuality and physical intimacy were current topics of interest, whether she could categorize her own anxieties as such or not. I could sidestep the subject material… and that would set her up for emotional disaster, which for her would be lurking just around the corner. Whether the young fellow in her Lit class or some other after him, she would, more likely sooner than later, be picked up in the scanning gunsight of a predatory male hot for a roll in the hay with a strikingly beautiful, innocent young virgin he could charm into the back seat with smooth talk and a little cajoling.

Some protector I would be then.

Once again, as with my own daughter before her, I had to face the very significant challenges of a father teaching his children about intimacy without overdoing it, while putting just the right spin on the information to include concepts of integrity
and character and fidelity that would inspire without being preachy and turning them off.

I should have known this would come up.

Dinner was over with, my plate was nearly cleared anyway, and I could not go on further sitting in a booth together in a restaurant. If she was still hungry later we could eat again or whatever, but it was time to move on. I paid the bill and soon we were in the Suburban alone in the early evening’s fading light.

She was still waiting patiently for me to go on. You know, there’s something enchanting about a pretty girl who is so keen on learning and becoming her very best person. After sitting with her a moment and considering how very much her parents must have loved her, I determined to move on as carefully as I knew how.

‘Your own assessment of the young man, Christine, will be absolutely crucial. You may feel attracted to him because of many things… he is handsome, muscular, tall, strong, smart, clever… and sometimes the physical attraction alone can be very, very strong.

‘What I would explain to you, dearest daughter, is that you are now more than ever before two people in one. You are as always a spirit… a thinking, perceptive, creative spirit, making decisions and using the wisdom you have acquired to acquire yet more. Your spirit is residing in a body that is, however, changing dramatically as you mature to womanhood. There are hormones flushing through your system that create new and exciting and thrilling changes that are meant and intended by our Creator to bring you love and pleasure…’ how to express this in just the right way for her? ‘… and satisfaction of an intensity…’ how could I possibly get this point across to someone who had not experienced it? ‘of a magnificence and intensity you can not now even imagine.

‘Christine, I am speaking now as an older man who has in the past enjoyed years of physical intimacy with a beautiful and loving woman. Nothing in our youth – not mine, not hers, not yours – could have prepared us to know how very intense such pleasure can be. Your own father and mother enjoyed such intimacy together, and one of the expressions of their joy in their togetherness is the baby that was conceived in their lovemaking… and the child that was borne and raised in their home, the young lady that sits now before me here in my care and protection.’

She had dropped her eyes to consider her hands clasped together in her lap. Perhaps she was hearing me as I tried to reach her, I could not be sure.

‘The treasures that such delightful intimacy promises a loving husband and wife are already evident in your body, Christine. When Jenny was fifteen she was slender and willowy, then her hips began to fill out, her attitude changed to be more feminine, her breasts began to swell and develop, her facial features took on a fineness and delicacy that was striking. She took great interest in her appearance and spent time brushing her long hair. By the time she was eighteen she was no longer a child… she was a young woman.’

Her hands went to cover her mouth and her brown eyes were wide as saucers, and she must have felt naked in front of me.

I just ignored her and pushed on.

‘That transition, Christine – for both the girl and the boy – releases into their systems hormones that drive the changes that make them adults. That is good, that is as it should be… but those gifts of maturity can be easily mis-used and squandered.

‘Yet, she was again a child in a special way. The world of mature adulthood beckoned and seemed very inviting, but she had not a clue as to how to move on. She had to learn new and basic skills and how to deal with the emotions and feelings her body presented to her spirit. Her body craved, demanded stimulation and excitement… it was ready to be a wife and mother and to be intimate physically with a husband who would be the father to her baby. Her spirit needed to be wise and control and steer and guide them into a good and loving relationship.

‘That is for a girl of eighteen perhaps the supreme test of her entire life up to that point.’

Having reached that conclusion I could easily have left the subject there. Had she given me the least signal that she was saturated or her interest was waning, I would have left off. But when I looked at her sitting there, she was looking at me, and it seemed she was drinking in what I was saying as quickly as I could pour.

Where to go from here?

‘You will not, Christine, be able to assess the challenges you face without knowing something about boys and men.

‘It is fair to say that their spirits are experiencing challenges in controlling the demands of their bodies just like a girl faces. Some earlier, some a little later, each somewhat different in their own way, yet all basically the same. They face the same challenges of deciding whether the spirit or the body should dominate. It will come as no surprise to you that some men and boys… like some women and girls… are willing to seek gratification above wisdom… well, at least that is how I feel on the matter. Choosing to gratify passions of the body before marriage and the commitment to each other that goes with that is, in my mind, weak and allows their bodies to rule their spirits.’

She made no move or comment, but her eyes on me never wavered.

‘The male is, evidently by nature, the more aggressive and thus when his spirit allows his body to dominate, he can be… well… predatory. His body demands intimate contact with a girl, but is unskilled and coarse, untempered by the spirit’s restraint which could steer him to true love and rewarding intimacy in marriage. He wants it now!

‘He wants to kiss her… touch her.’ Just how far would it be appropriate to take this lesson, I wondered. ‘He wants to feel her breasts… run his hand up under her skirt.’ Take it just as far as were she my own daughter, I decided, and in a sense I had to treat her so. Her own father could not be there through no fault of his own. In accepting this assignment, did I not in some way assume the task of standing in for him as best I could?

‘He wants to possess her, conquer her, mate with her… and revel in the intense feelings and sensations such activities bring on… in sexual orgasm! The body interprets this as the ultimate fulfillment, because it knows no other.’

I was in deep now. There was no way out but through. Go gently, I told myself, and with care… but with sufficient point to make the point. This opportunity may never arise again.

‘But his need, his passion, though super intense and powerful, peaks and passes quickly and his attention wanders elsewhere. In using a girl so he reduces her to a slave, a toy, a consumable, a passing memory that soon gives way to the next conquest. He is like,’ I turned to her in the seat and looked at her straight in the eye, ‘a wild beast in the forest seeking it’s prey!’

My directness made it’s point, I could see it in her expression. My portrayal was somewhat extreme, and perhaps too severe, but appropriate to make the point clear. She was a little wide-eyed at my words, and I thought that a sign that I was getting my message across, perhaps.

OK, time and place to shift gears, I thought. ‘One of a young girl’s tasks,’ I let the tone of my voice alter and soften the mood altogether, ‘is to develop an effective technique for identifying and dealing with predatory beasts.’

There needed to be a little pause here, perhaps. This was a lot of stuff, and a break may well allow the lesson to be taken aboard in one sitting. I had no way of determining how well she was getting this, yet it seemed so very important to me. It was to her as well, of course, but did she understand that fully? No way to determine that. Happiness in life is such an elusive goal and sexual freedom is widely preached as a doctrine that gets us there. It depends, of course, on how one defines happiness. For me it has always been a great deal
more than just a weekend’s getaway with any girl available at the moment. How could I get this idea across to her?

I was far from clear on what else was needed at the moment. In the pause I reached over and started the car, and we moved out slowly to the driveway and the street home.

‘But you are not…’ she was struggling to say what she could not yet even define, ‘you are not like a beast in the forest.’ Her voice was so very expressive, and a little hesitant, at once stating what she observed and begging for a confirmation that what she felt she discerned was in fact the truth. Her expression was every bit a question as much as it was a statement. To hear her draw such a conclusion on her own, however, was a tremendous reward. Perhaps I was getting through to her.

‘Thank you for the compliment. I try never to be, but it takes constant effort and discipline for my spirit to retain control over my body. I am a man like other men, but I have decided there are values greater than immediate sexual gratification.’

It was not so much a tension between us, but much more a sense of that being enough for the present. The student’s questions were answered for the moment, at least in part, and the teacher was drained.

I looked up at her in the dim light of the parking lot lighting at the motel. She often wore her long hair loose and flowing down her shoulders, especially when we were together. She remembered my earlier compliment likening her hair to a beautiful waterfall sparkling in the sunlight, and very often she pulled her ribbons or her clips free when we got together. Now her hair cascaded down over her right shoulder and breast, and she held her head tilted just so, busy and absorbed in taking on board the ideas I had expressed.

She was an incredibly beautiful girl. Kneeling there on the bench seat with her hands in her lap, sitting calmly erect, and poise and grace came as naturally to her as the morning’s warmth to the rays of the sun… she took my breath away!

A comment like that, as I look over what I am writing, might suggest to some that the visual image of the girl’s beauty is all that is taken into account. So the words might seem to say. There is, nevertheless, very much more to it. Equating a girl’s beauty to her bra size is about as shallow as a man deciding to spend many thousands on a new car because he is infatuated with the hood ornament. It is no surprise to admit that a man makes early on selections based on the visual image of a girl he sees, a highly subjective selection based on criteria unique and specific to the individual man.


At that point, however, a first selection made, the girl’s character and personality, that is, the qualities of her spirit become dominant and dictate, to the discerning gentleman, whether his interest endures or fades. Thus it is that during a courtship – and doubtless the girl is studying the man as well – these more critical and enduring spiritual aspects of her beauty are observed and studied at length in a variety of circumstances. The discerning girl will quickly perceive if the man values her only for her body, and a lady will respond accordingly and seek to free herself from such a liaison. Should it come to that, the man was, in my estimation, no gentleman. Should it be that each finds the other hopeful, honest, interesting, respectful, humorous, intelligent… and, in short, a companion that is intriguing and stimulating to be with, then the courtship continues. By this time we had been more than nine months in close, daily… continuous… but not intimate contact. Well, not physical or sexual intimacy. The visual cues I mention relative to her beauty were by this time much more that just visual. I saw and had come to value in each little mannerism the personable and open and keenly alert person she was… and the glorious promise of the emerging lady she was becoming. The man to whom she would give her heart was going to be one happy man with this stunning creature by his side.

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Another Addicted Story ch 1324

Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. The next section is long to conclude the story. If...

2 years ago
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Another Bad Date

I never knew when I broke up with my boyfriend, that I wouldn’t be able to meet anybody after that. I go on blind dates all the time and I just can’t seem to meet anybody. I’m starting to lose interest with dating completely. I can’t find anybody who I get along with, or any that are remotely good looking. Every week, I go on a few blind dates and they never turn out good. My friends are always trying to set me up and it's a failed disaster each time. My dates are always attracted to me, but...

2 years ago
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Another one of those nights Part 4

Another one of those nights... Part 4 ? by: JennaGirl Once again, I was left wanting and begging... My mouth, smeared lipstick and all had just been sampled by my new masters; who I had been loaned to by my most recent, yet still very new master. Both cocks now appeared before me, still rock hard, glistening with my saliva and smeared with my lipstick and equipped with silver cock rings. "Did the little whore like the taste of our cocks?" asked Master Errict "Oh yes,...

3 years ago
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Another Slaviversary

Another Slaviversary 1 - The Slut's Slaviversaryby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail (dot) comI had been pre-rinsing the cookware to load into the dishwasher when little boy came in and set the table dishes next to the sink. "After you have the dishwasher running Mistress would like to have a word with you in the living room.""Yes Master. Please let Mistress know that the slut will be with her shortly.""Good slut." Little boy gave me a shit-eating grin; he knew what it was Mistress wanted me for....

4 years ago
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Another Eye Opening

I have been out on my own now for over six months. Since the last time I wrote, my neighbor from across the way has moved. He sure was entertaining for a few weekends. But I did not always use my voyeurism for sexual pleasure.I did have a few of the single women that I know over for sex and one woman over more than once. Then she decided that she would leave a few things at my place. However, each time she left her things, I would find her the next day or so and give them back. She got the...

2 years ago
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Another visit with Karl and Francine but with a different twist

My name is Robert.  I was born in a smelly little oil town in south-east Texas.  Currently, I live on the North Sea coast of Germany, near the border with Holland.  I am the propreiter of an international software consulting firm.  That is what brought me to Europe in the first place.  I met and married a German woman and we have two children.  My now ex-wife ran off and married a Dutchman, so the kids and I live here alone, and that is why I am still here.  I wanted to tell you this, because...

3 years ago
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Another AirBNB Booking

I love playing games with Lisa, she is so good at the roles and we enjoyed a quiet evening until I got an alert from Anika that an enquiry had come through for another AirBNB booking. I logged on to see the following message:“Good evening, sorry for short notice but need to book your room for tomorrow evening, too s**tty and forgot, I am a 23yo medical student and in town for a conference on Tuesday and loved your easy going and friendly profile. I do drink (will bring wine) and smoke (happy to...

2 years ago
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Another wild gangbang at the beach

The second night of our vacation at Jamaica was the same…Tyrone came to our hotel after dinner and told us we could go again to have a walk by the beach side.I knew what he did want to mean: another wild bunch of niggers would be waiting in line to fuck my sexy wife at the sandy beach…And I was right. As soon as we got the same place at the beach like the night before, a group of six black men surrendered us.Tyrone said they all were his friends and my wife could enjoy as many black cocks as...

2 years ago
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Another breeding conference

White wife, 45EE-36-45 gave birth to her twins when she was 55 and 4 months of age, all went well, two young (18 & 19 year old) boys each fathered one of the fraternal twins. It's now 11 months later, wife is now 56 and 3 months of age, took awhile to lose her baby fat but she's now down to her pre-baby size as per measurements above. She'll be attending another conference on her own starting tomorrow. First time away from her new twins. She asked me if the circumstances presented...

2 years ago
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Another occult partymore Tales of the Evil FagHag

Just another new-age party ( more Tales of the Evil Fag-Hag) At age forty, Joan Davies managed to marry well and become known in local circles as a chic, society lady who also practiced astrology. Using her artful skills as entertainment (or benefit) for certain favoured friends and guests mostly; invitations to her Friday night social gatherings were much sought after within her upscale peer group. A respected member of society, she always tried to present the...

2 years ago
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Another Morning Surprise or two

Another Morning Surprise, or two... by Janet Harris 2007 As you'll remember, I fell asleep after a long day as Jenny, not knowing if I would wake up again as her or as someone else, since that is what had happened the night before. Well, the next thing I knew, I was staring at the green digits of the alarm clock I had owned as a man, feeling rather disappointed. My first thoughts were "What a vivid dream!" but then I began to reflect on all that had happened to me the day before....

2 years ago
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Another Strip for a friends Mum

Well as I told you about how I stripped for my friends Mum at her 50th birthday party and how another friend asked me if I would do it for his mum’s birthday, well it was nearly a year later and he asked me would I do a strip O’ gram for his Mum and her friends on her 50th birthday! They were having a Ladies night out for her birthday and he wanted me to strip for her, he was going to be there to video it and see what his mum would do. She was a very prim and proper Lady that would not watch...

4 years ago
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Another Punishmnt

Another Punishment By Cassandra Morgan Mary Jane Williams dropped her telephone and stormed through her house with nowhere to go. She wasn't a kicker, or the cat would have been at risk. She wasn't a plate-thrower, or she would have gone thought a place-setting for four. But she was a pacer, and so Mary Jane stalked through her house, from room to room, as if to try to escape her problems. Or, to be precise, her problem. Mikey. Damn it. Couldn't she get one good kid? Just one?...

4 years ago
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Another little horny princess

Hello to all ISS readers. Thanks for the hot response you gave to both my stories, Sex Game At It’s Peak and Blind Room Game. Before continuing with the nigh incident with my elder sister Mehak I would like to narrate you another real sex encounter of mine which took place with my Bua’s daughter Chinky. Again, my little angel Guddu was in a way involved in getting me close to Chinky, another little angel aged 18. Chinky had developed a nice pair of breast for her age with a perfect figure too...

2 years ago
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Another Friday Evening at Miss Marks House Part Two

The Head Mistress continued to listen to the younger red-haired woman sniff and sob into the cushion for a while before she began to wipe the cooling antiseptic wipes over every inch of Amber’s red, hot and sore bottom. Miss Marks paid particular attention to the series of twelve deep red lines that had been left by her cane and she gently ran the cold wipes over them, smiling as she heard Miss Fox wince as she applied a little pressure to them.Amelia carefully touched the woman’s thighs with...

2 years ago
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Another Love Part 17

We left very early on a Saturday morning and drove over to the North West of England. The journey was uneventful and we made good time. As we had plenty of time until check-in my military training kicked in and I insisted that we drove the route from the hotel to the club. We turned into an industrial estate and drove past two-story flat-roofed office buildings before the sat nav announced that we had reached our destination. All we could see was another two-story office block, although this...

3 years ago
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Another Bad Date

I never knew when I broke up with my boyfriend, that I wouldn't be able to meet anybody after that. I go on blind dates all the time and I just can't seem to meet anybody. I'm starting to lose interest with dating completely. I can't find anybody who I get along with, or any that are remotely good looking. Every week, I go on a few blind dates and they never turn out good. My friends are always trying to set me up and it's a failed disaster each time. My dates are always attracted to me,...

3 years ago
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Another Welcomed Guest 15

-------------- Zeus - King of the Greek gods. Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister, and wife of Zeus. Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus. Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus. Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus. Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality. Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity. Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom,...

1 year ago
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Another Surprise Gloryhole Visit

“So, uhhh… that happened,” I said.“Yup,” my dad replied.We sat in silence for a moment, both staring out the window at the hood of his truck. He shifted into gear and pulled out of the parking lot of the sex shop without a word. Recently I had taken to attending the glory hole at said shop, and things were going well until my dad came in for a blowie. I didn’t know it was him when I started. That’s kinda the whole point of glory holes, you don’t know who you’re sucking or getting sucked by....

4 years ago
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Another Addicted Story ch 68

It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. If you don't like any of the themes, you don't have to read it. I hope you enjoy the story. Addicted by Pariahsol ---------- Chapter 6: Flashback Daddy Duties After hearing what my vivacious 16 year old just told me I remembered a conversation that I had with Philip Johnson, the starting defensive end at IU, all those years ago. He had a baby girl the same month as Barbara was born. We were at Visions Gentleman's Club...

4 years ago
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Another Loving Liaison from Past Years

I was a science teacher working in Indonesia. She was a Chinese lady who taught at the same school, but in the junior section. So we were colleagues who met daily in the teacher’s common room. We also met almost every week at the endless birthday parties that our students used to throw. Parents always insisted that some teachers were invited to these parties to ensure that things did not get out of hand. So I had plenty of opportunity to dance with her and to appreciate her petite beauty. She...

3 years ago
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Another Addicted Story ch 68

Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. If you dont like any of the themes, you dont have...

4 years ago
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Another trip to the gay park part 2

I pulled down my shirt and headed down the trail to my next adventure. Enjoying the open sex along the way has my cock leaking lots of pre-cum. I found another bench to sit on to watch the sites and of course I had to stroke my dick while i did so. I had a couple of twinks and guys sits beside me to help my stroke my dick or suck on it a little. I motioned for a tranny to come over to me and when she did I lifted her skirt, took her man clit in my mouth and let her fuck my face until I was able...

3 years ago
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Another AirBNB Booking Part 2

I got up to refill the glasses and fire up another smoke, Lisa sat in my chair while I poured out the wine, Mel looked directly at my now immense bulge and requested that I stand in front of her while she filled out the form for my medical inspection.We did the blood pressure and how that was ok was beyond me as most of my blood was in my dick and then she got the stethoscope going and placed it on various parts of my body until she got just to my waistband where she stopped and hesitated, my...

3 years ago
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Another long girls night out for Ana

Another long girl`s night out for AnaFriday night Ana told me she had been invited by some girlfriends to go out dancing. She chose to wear an incredible dress to go out: this one was red, and sexy as hell. The straps were thick, but the top was really a kind of bra with skirt attached…Furthermore, the dress was backless and the fabric came together in a "V" at the top of the skirt portion, the point of the "V" hovering just over the crack of her ass. I was sure that anyone would be able to see...

4 years ago
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Another Morgantown GangBang Part 1

Another Morgantown Gang-Bang Part 1I was given a troubleshooting gig in Morgantown, WVA for a month. When I found out about it the first thing I did was to try and arrange a little gang bang with some friends. This would be nice because, although I was there for at least a month, I’d only be working 3 or 4 days a week at the actual location. Every minute of the remaining time was all mine! By the time I was ready to leave on the little trip I had 5 guys lined-up and ready to fuck. I eased-in my...

3 years ago
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Another Convert

Another Convert by Coral Marsh As the car which had been tailgating him for the past few minutes sped by, Mark wondered seriously about how some drivers ever got their licenses - especially Mini drivers - driving that fast in such atrocious weather conditions in the dark was suicidal. As it was, his own caution made it unlikely he would make it to the coach on time, he thought, as he drove through the pouring rain. If this atrocious weather continued, a further 20 minutes at...

1 year ago
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Another Genie Story of Some Sort

This is the first story I've dared post. I have no idea if I'll ever post anything more. I wrote it two years ago and haven't been terribly motivated to do much with it since then. It's arguably rather derivative and not terribly good, but I enjoyed writing it. Rather than let it sit on my hard drive indefinitely I figured I'd stick it up here. Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. If not, I don't care. It was written for my own enjoyment and nothing more. This story is very clearly...

3 years ago
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Another Trait Swap Ring Story

liza was a trickster. She loved to play jokes on her friends. It was just part of her nature. She would do something and then when the shit hit the fan, she would deny responsibility. She was so good at it that no one knew it was her. Some might have suspected, but it was never proven. She hid this dark side with a sweet disposition that everyone loved. Of course her family knew her best and they were sick of Eliza's tricks. When in doubt, they always assumed that Eliza had...

2 years ago
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Another Level For Timmy Part one

Another level For Timmy (Part one) It was Christmas eve and Madge had gone over to Ruth and Timmy's for dinner and to open presents and spend the evening. Ruth was a bit saddened to hear that Madge was going to be moving away to a new town soon. And she had also been chatting with Madge over coffee about Timmy's little problem of liking to wear ladies things even though she didn't wear much in the way of classic feminine clothes. Then Madge admitted to catching him in her nylons,...

2 years ago
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Another Day in the Life The Applicant

~*~*~*~*~ Following a disastrous 4 years from the first women president, a backlash forms. All manner of workplace equality laws are eliminated. Lawsuits become a thing of the past. Almost overlooked, prostitution is legalized. Women executives are gradually phased out while the best recent female law school graduates can do is office administration. Gradually, the best paying of these jobs require a sexual relationship with their employer. Suddenly, all of them do. This is the dystopian...

4 years ago
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Another Escape Ch4

Another Escape Ch.4 Author's note: Here is the latest chapter of the 'Another Escape' series. Very very late, I know. It's the best I could do especially having to take care of someone sick in the family. Enough of my petty excuses. I hope that you'll enjoy this one. Drop a comment or two in the review section if you don't mind. Thanks and cheers! WARNING: This story contains TG, incest and dark themes. DNA Igor Kolarov was only six when he became an orphan. Both his...

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