Another Genie Story Of Some Sort free porn video

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This is the first story I've dared post. I have no idea if I'll ever post anything more. I wrote it two years ago and haven't been terribly motivated to do much with it since then. It's arguably rather derivative and not terribly good, but I enjoyed writing it. Rather than let it sit on my hard drive indefinitely I figured I'd stick it up here. Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. If not, I don't care. It was written for my own enjoyment and nothing more. This story is very clearly influenced by the work of others, particularly the brilliant Ed Miller, Bill Hart and JR Parz. My apologies for any ideas I've stolen from any of them (and no doubt there are a few). The normal disclaimers apply. Don't read this story if you watch Bill O'Reilly, listen to Rush Limbaugh or voted for Bush. Also don't do anything in it, you immoral bastard. --- ANOTHER GENIE STORY OF SOME SORT My girlfriend Jane was an attractive woman, though she failed to see it in herself. She was not tall or stick-thin like the women in her fashion magazines. Just 5'1", she was short, cute and curvy, with gorgeous D-cup breasts (which she hated), a nice hourglass figure, green eyes and wavy auburn hair. I often think the only reason she was with me (a lanky computer geek) was because her self-image was so poor. She didn't realize how much better she could do if she wished. This, of course, put me in the position of having a beautiful girlfriend despite not being much to look at myself. She claimed to love me, but didn't show it very well. I truly loved her. Therefore, I spent a lot of energy trying to make her happy, to earn that love I wanted from her. When Jane's birthday came around I searched around on eBay for the perfect, unusual gift. After browsing over pages of bondage wear, lamenting that getting her something like that would only cause a fight, I came across one item entitled "Authentic Genie Lamp." The picture showed a stunning little oil lamp. It wasn't the kind of dingy solid brass lamp you see in the old B movies. This was a beautiful, jewel-encrusted treasure, with some ornate scribbling on the side and a color closer to platinum. No bids yet and an asking price of only 50 bucks. Perfect! This was exactly the kind of weird little item that Jane would really like. "Maybe I can even get her to grant me a wish," I chuckled to myself, knowing full well that the lamp would be put on a shelf and ignored just like all the other presents I'd given her. I placed my bid and went off to do some grocery shopping. Two days later, I had won the lamp. After a couple of cryptic emails from the very eccentric seller, payment was made and the lamp was on its way. The seller was really a strange chap, as you might expect from someone selling such an item. His email, though thanking me for my purchase and asking for positive feedback, was full of warnings. "Don't misuse this power," "be careful who you show the lamp to," "leave at least one wish in reserve," stuff like that. He took this thing way too seriously. No matter, I can fake politeness via email. The next day was not a great one. Jane had gone out with some friends after work and I was bored. After 8 hours, I was no longer bored, but angry. Jane came stumbling in at 4 A.M., drunk and belligerent. She had had problems with alcohol since well before I knew her, though they didn't make themselves obvious to me until later in our relationship. By this point, though, I knew that arguing with her would just make things worse. I was laying in bed when I heard her coming, so I just rolled over and pretended to be asleep. I knew that when she was drunk, Jane was a holy terror, capable of saying or doing anything she could to hurt me. Another shitty night. Things were a little strained after that. Jane, though never really affectionate, seemed even more distant. She refused to tell me where she had been that night, angry that I would even ask. I was upset that I seemed to matter so little that she hadn't even bothered to call. Things were not going well. Jane went out with her friends again a couple more times that week, showing up at nearly the same time and in nearly the same condition. On Friday, Jane was out again. When I arrived home from work, I found the package there. "Great," I said, "now I have a birthday present and nobody to give it to. I wish this damn thing was real." I took the box inside and opened it up, predictably dumping Styrofoam packing peanuts everywhere in the process. Wow! This thing really was beautiful. The 50 dollars I'd paid for it was a steal. One side was encrusted with what looked like precious jewels. Rubies, lapis lazuli, opals, emeralds and so forth. There's no way they could be real for what I paid, but they sure looked good. The other side was engraved with what must have been a representation of the Mesopotamian flood epic. Very ornate and very worth my money. I was reluctant to give a gift this nice to someone who clearly couldn't care less about me. Well, I might as well see if it's real, I smirked and rubbed the lamp. Nothing, just as expected. Man, could I have used some wishes. I turned it over and on the base of the lamp saw a bar code sticker! God, what an ugly thing to be on such a nice lamp. A little scraping and it was off and I put the lamp back on the table in front of me. "BOOM!" "What the fuck?" I yelped as I jumped forward. "I said 'BOOM!'" said a deep voice right behind me. Then he chuckled softly. I've always been sort of jumpy and nearly went through the roof at that. Here was a man, about 6'6" in height, wearing a business suit and a turban, suddenly standing about 2 feet behind me. "Who are you?" I squeaked out. This was a very imposing man, one who I would rather not anger. "I'm the genie. Sorry about the 'BOOM!'" I jumped again, which made him smile kindly. "People always want something dramatic to happen when a genie appears. I'm not much into smoke or earthquakes, so I just say 'boom'." Pulling myself together a bit and trying to wrap my head around this bizarre situation, I figured I had better just go along with this guy, whoever he was. "So do I get a wish?" I said softly. "Actually, you get three. Please make it snappy, though. I don't have all day. Everyone seems to think genies just sit around waiting for someone to make wishes, but I actually have a very active social life. I was just about to go out to dinner when you summoned me." This was bizarre. I don't know why, but for some reason it all would have been more believable if he had appeared in a blue fog. Of course I knew what I'd wish for if this was all real, but how could it be? "Um, I don't know what to wish for." I said, reluctant to reveal too much. "Fine, I'm in a rush so I'll make it easy for you. Your first wish is to be able to transform matter, both animate and inanimate, simply by thinking about the form you'd like it to take. Correct?" "Yes, I wish for that." He was right. This is exactly what I wanted to wish for. He closed his eyes for about five seconds, then said, "Done. Please test it out now so that I don't have to go to the trouble of reading your mind for the next two wishes." I was starting to actually believe this guy was a genie, or else a very good guesser. Might as well try it out either way, it's not like I would lose anything if it didn't work. I looked at his turban and thought about it looking like a fez instead. Almost instantly, it reshaped itself into an exact fez I had pictured. "Oh my God..." I gasped. "Thank you." "You're very welcome and thank you. You have no idea how often people just get their wishes and don't even show the slightest gratitude. Now that you can see I'm for real, could we move on to wish number two?" This was moving a little faster than I could keep up with mentally, but I did have another wish already picked out. "I wish I had the ability to control people's thoughts, feelings and actions and even personalities." The genie closed his eyes for a few seconds again, then said, "Done. And good choices so far. So many people wish for something ephemeral like a car or money. Yours should be fun for life. I assume you'd like to test it out, eh?" With that, he picked up the remote control and turned on the news. The usual prattle was on, with the square-jawed anchorman and blonde anchorwoman making stupid puns and small talk in between fluff news pieces. "Make her do something." prompted the genie. I didn't want to embarrass the anchorwoman or get her in trouble, so I concentrated on something small. ~Tell the audience what you're going to do when you get home tonight.~ I thought at her, figuring it would be unusual but pretty tame. The anchorwoman paused a moment. "Next, the weather. But first I'd just like to say that when I get home tonight I'm going to wrap my naked body in Saran Wrap and suck my husband's dick until he explodes all over me. Now over to Biff Smallshorts with the forecast." The anchorman looked stunned and the anchorwoman just smiled. Oops! That didn't work out how I had intended at all. I blushed and the Genie chuckled as he turned off the TV. "Even I didn't see that coming. You never realize how depraved people are until you get into their minds, I suppose. Well, no real harm done. I'll even bet her viewership increases. Now, on to the last wish." I already had everything I wanted, so I figured I'd use my last wish to help others. "Genie, could I wish to be able to grant wishes to others, like you? Without being turned into a genie or stuck in a bottle or anything like that?" The genie looked a little concerned at that. Reluctantly, he said, "Yes, you can. But be warned, you won't have any control over what wishes you grant. You will have to grant any wish made to you, even idle wishes. It can be very dangerous." I didn't see how it could be all that dangerous. Most people's desires are pretty simple, after all and maybe I could make some people happy. With only a moment's hesitation I stated, "Thanks, but that's my wish." A pause and the genie said, "Done. Please be careful, Will. Not everyone is as good at heart as you are. Now I'm off to dinner. Good luck." With that, the large man disappeared, along with the lamp. "BOOM!" was his final word to me. --- By this time it was about 7 PM. Still some time before Jane will come home, I assumed. I could change that now, if I so desired, but this time I really wanted the time alone to explore my new abilities. The first order of business was to test out my matter transforming abilities more thoroughly. Might as well start with myself. I closed my eyes and pictured a few changes in myself. I was already 6'1" and was perfectly happy with that height, but I was terribly skinny. I bulked myself up a little bit, making my muscles extremely strong and well- toned, but not at all bulky. I removed any propensities to disease. I removed my facial hair permanently, as I disliked beards and shaving is a pain. I made my teeth perfect and whitened them. There were a few other minor cosmetic changes and a number of unseen improvements to my health. Then, I started thinking about my dick. I was fortunate to already have a healthy 8 inches (there are advantages to being tall and lanky), but figured that with this power I might as well make a few changes anyway. I could always change back later if I didn't like them. Taking off my pants and staring at my dick, I upped the length to 10 inches and increased the girth appropriately. Damn, but that felt good. I immediately started to get hard. I decided to increase my cum output so that I could ejaculate up to a quart at a time and gave myself the ability to cum on command, as well as being able to get hard whenever I wanted. I started to stroke myself, amazed at how good my new dick felt. This was pretty incredible, but it seemed a waste to sit around alone masturbating with my new powers. I decided it was time to bring Jane home. I sent her a mental command ~Jane, go home to your boyfriend right now.~, then sat back and waited, idly stroking myself. Half an hour later, Jane walked in, drunk again. I was sitting on the couch, my dick in my hand. "God, Will, you fucking pervert! What, do you just sit here jerking off whenever I go out? Pathetic." She snarled at me, then started to walk to the bedroom. I'll admit it, I was pissed off. I had quite enough of this shit, her coming home drunk and abusive. I didn't have to take it anymore. I didn't feel quite right about changing the girl I love, but I was angry and horny and fed up. ~Jane, you will answer all Will's questions honestly and completely. You will act calm and polite. Go sit next to Will, stroke his dick and talk to him.~ Jane paused for a moment, looking confused. She then walked over to the couch, sat down next to me and started stroking my dick. "Will, what's going on?" she asked demurely. "I'm sorry honey, but I'll be asking the questions tonight." She looked a little frightened. "So, where were you and what were you doing?" You could see Jane struggle. She didn't want to answer my questions, she wanted to tell me to go to hell and that it was none of my business. She opened her mouth to do just that, but what came out was, "I was at the bar. I was dancing with some guy for awhile, then I gave him a blowjob in his car in exchange for a couple lines of coke." Hate flared in her eyes. "What the FUCK?? What have you done to me?" I could feel a heat welling up inside me. I loved this girl. I had been completely faithful to her and intended to remain faithful even with my new powers. She had betrayed me. There was a fire of hate somewhere deep inside me. "Jane, how many people other than me have you had sex with since we've been together?" I asked through gritted teeth. Again, a struggle, though shorter this time. Pained, she spat out, "Two, plus two more guys I just sucked off." You could see the hate in her eyes. "...And all of them better than you." My heart snapped. Had I been standing up, my knees would have buckled under the pain. Here I was, with the love of my life stroking my dick, telling me she's cheated on me repeatedly. Rage exploded through my body. "You fucking bitch! I loved you...." I trailed off as I started crying. I needed to pull myself together. Maybe I could change my own mind, just like I could with other people. I needed to be strong, to not care. I tried pushing a thought to myself ~This doesn't bother me.~ and suddenly it was true. I still knew what happened, I was still angry at the betrayal, but the pain that had been coursing through my body was gone. I needed to teach her a lesson. I spoke to her, pushing the thoughts into her mind. "Jane, I love you. I always have and probably always will. But you betrayed me. You acted like a slut and now you're going to go even farther." Sure, I was devastated at the way she had acted, but I was also jealous. I had sat around the house lonely and horny while she was out fucking strangers. "Suck my dick until I am ready to come. Make sure to take it into your throat. When I am about to come, remove your mouth and jack me off so that I ejaculate all over your face. Tell me what a slut you are and how much you want me to debase you. Do everything you can to make me feel good and maybe I'll forgive you for betraying me. From this moment on, every sexual order I give you you will obey, no matter how repugnant you find it." Jane grimaced, hating me more than ever. A moment later, her mouth descended on my cock. She started by licking around the head, gently touching all the most sensitive places. She hadn't done this for me in nearly two years, but was obviously very good at it. A few more licks and kisses and she closed her mouth around my cock. A few bobs up and down, then she descended on it, pushing her lips the entire 10 inches to the base and sucking with a force that nearly made my eyeballs concave. Tears started streaming out of her eyes. She was obviously choking and not being completely heartless, I used my powers to alter her throat so it was easy for her to deep throat a cock of any length without gagging. I had almost forgotten about my matter transforming powers and decided now was the time to have some fun. She continued her ministrations, taking my entire cock down her throat, then slowly releasing it, then thrusting down again, all the while looking at me with hate. Somehow I got off on this power, that someone who so clearly hated me was compelled to pleasure me. The feelings were incredible and normally I would have come very quickly. Thanks to my new powers, though, I had all the time in the world. I used my powers to firm up her body, getting rid of the baby fat she still retained. I made her hair grow longer, down to her ass. Her tits enlarged from their already healthy D-cup to a perfect, firm F, while her ass reshaped, forming a perfect heart shape. All the hair below her head fell disappeared, never to grow again. Her lips puffed up, perfect cocksucker lips. For kicks, I materialized twin vibrators in her ass and pussy, which caused her to let out a tiny moan of pleasure, as well as a look of terror. As the final touch, I decided to dress her. Thigh high black vinyl boots with 5-inch stiletto heels appeared on her, along with a bondage collar and heavily boned black corset, which left her tits and pussy exposed. I'd always had a little fetish for this kind of attire, which she used to laugh off and eventually ridicule until I had shut up about it. While I dressed her, I pushed another thought into her mind ~You love dressing like this. You're not comfortable in any other kinds of clothes.~ That should make things more interesting in the future. By now I was about ready to come. Jane sensed this and pulled her throat off my cock, grasping it in her hand. Jerking it rapidly and aiming it right at her face, she started speaking. "Fuck me Will, I'm just a slut. Nothing but a stupid cocksucker here for you to use. All I am is a hole for you to stick your dick in, a little cunt who's not good for anything but fucking. I want you to abuse me, to make me your bitch slave. Mark me as yours forever and keep me here sucking your cock whenever the urge strikes you. I wish you'd cover me with your cum and make me look like the whore I am." With that I let loose. My mind was drowned in the orgasm, pleasure like I'd never felt before. The first jet contained more cum than I'd ever ejaculated and caught her right in the eye. Then another in her mouth and another and another. I must have kept coming for 3 minutes, drenching her from head to toe in cum. As each jet hit her she recoiled in disgust, but there was no escaping it. Eventually, I was done. She laid on the floor, covered in cum, sobbing and looking like the most depraved whore in the world. I was pretty spent, both from the blowjob and from using my newfound powers. I decided I could stand a nap, so I sent some messages to Jane. ~Be quiet while I sleep. You will not try to harm me in any way. You will not try to leave or contact the outside world. The most important thing in your life is fucking me.~ and for good measure ~Having cum on your skin makes you so horny you have to masturbate yourself to orgasm. The more cum present, the more intense your orgasm will be.~ That should give her something to do while I nap. I pulled up my pants, went to the bedroom and began my nap. "I just wish I knew what was going on." whispered Jane. Her eyes startled open. Chapter 2 Something was wrong. Very very wrong. Even before I was fully awake I knew this. But what was it? Had I done something stupid? I had just had my way with Jane, who I still loved despite her betrayals. And now I had betrayed her. Not that I felt too horrible about this. The betrayal was too fresh, the lies too deep. No, something else was wrong. With me. Something just didn't feel right. I slowly opened my eyes, to see Jane standing over me and odd smirk on her face. Fear gripped me for a moment, but then I got myself under control. I was used to being a slave to her evil moods and she certainly was in one now. But now I had the power. I could make her do or feel anything I wanted. I paused just a moment, then sent to her ~You will not hurt me in any way. You are feeling very horny and want desperately to play with yourself.~ Ha! That would give me a few minutes to think. Jane was still standing there and just smiled. "Sorry, Will, but that won't work on me anymore. I made a few wishes while you were asleep. "By the way, it was really pretty stupid of you to agree to grant wishes indiscriminately like that. Anyone could come along and make any foolish wish that occurred to them. The first two were pretty good, not that I appreciate being turned cock-hungry and stacked like a fucking stripper, but good wishes nonetheless. But that third one... God! What were you thinking?" "Um..." I muttered. This wasn't good at all. "I thought maybe I could help people." I was clearly in big trouble now and just hoped maybe I could reason with her. "Well it was very naive of you, dumbass." She scowled. "Do you really think people put a lot of thought into their idle wishes? Of course not. Everyone wishes for their basest instincts and desires to be fulfilled, but don't think of the consequences." Wow. Jane was really eloquent. Not that she was stupid or anything, but I hadn't known she had this kind of deep insight. "I didn't." What the fuck? I wondered if I had accidentally spoken aloud. She smiled, almost sweetly. "No, you didn't. I told you I made a few wishes while you were asleep. I guess you could say they gave me more insight. They also allowed me to read your mind and do several other things I think I'll leave to your imagination for the moment. The funny thing is, I don't even remember what they were. I have the knowledge, but it seems that the wishes themselves remain invisible to the wishers. Logically, I know I must have made wishes for certain things, but it feels like I've always been this way. However, I doubt someone as naive as yourself cares about the minutiae of your 'superpowers'. Maybe I'll explain later, but in the meantime, get up, it's time to go out." "Where?" I asked, fear setting in. "We're going to a bar. I have my very own Genie to play with and I'd like to have some fun. Plus I have these nice new tits and improved fashion sense and might as well get some use out of them." Once again, this wasn't good. I knew Jane was capable of just about anything while drunk and we were going to go to a bar, of all places. With her new knowledge of my abilities and her obvious desire to use them as she saw fit, nothing good could possibly come of this. She looked pensive for a moment before speaking. "There's one problem, though, Will. You're a drag at bars." She smiled as though she had just made a great joke, though for the life of me I didn't know what it was. This was true. I'm not much of a drinker and whenever forced to spend time in a bar I'd mostly sit at a table wishing I could go home. There were few places I would less like to be. "You forgot a couple of things, sweetie." There was that smile on Jane's face again. "One, you'll be unwittingly granting wishes to drunk guys. There are probably not going to be a lot of wishes for world peace, you know. Two, drunk guys mostly are looking for someone to fuck. And three..." I didn't like where this was going. No good can come from a dramatic pause. "Yes?" "Three is that I'm about to make a wish and here it is. There is a woman. Her name is Jeannie. She has long blonde hair, blue eyes, full lips that look like they were made to suck cock and a 38DD, 24, 36 figure. She dresses much like I now do. High heeled fetish boots, short leather skirts and tight tops that show off her tits. She has a voice that oozes sex and moves with a sensual grace. She also has a tattoo just above her left breast that reads 'Make a Wish'. Oh and she does not have the ability to alter her own body. I wish you were the woman I have just described." Oh fuck. A tingling sensation moved through my body and I could feel it changing. It seemed to start from my feet. I could feel them both arch and shrink. I had dainty little feet that were now fit for nothing but the highest of high heels. The change moved up my legs, which were now devoid of hair and extremely sleek and beautiful. I could feel my hips widen and my ass expand. What an ass it must be! Round and firm. My cock slowly started to shrivel, which was an uncomfortable feeling, to say the least. As it shrank and shriveled, my balls disappeared into my body, pushing deeper and deeper inside. I had a cunt and my dick had shrunk and changed into a clitoris. It was a gorgeous cunt, with wisps of blonde hair in a tightly-cropped patch around it. Worse yet, it was wet. The change spread further up my body, giving me a tight toned stomach and tiny waist before striking my chest. First my areolae widened, looking ridiculous on my still-flat chest. They wouldn't look that way for long. Next, my nipples hardened and grew, hard little nubbins. Then the big change happened. It was as though my chest was filling with water and felt like it would never stop. My new tits just kept growing and growing, out to their full DD size. They really were fantastic, round and firm and beautiful. Exactly the kind of breasts I'd love to see on anyone but myself. The tingling seemed to hit my whole head at one. My lips puffed up to ridiculous proportions and my platinum blonde hair flowed down my back. My eyes turned a deep shade of blue and felt like they were actually getting bigger. My nose shrank and turned up ever so slightly. I was truly beautiful, with a body to die for and a face to match. Clothes then started to appear around me, just as Jane had described. Six-inch thigh high boots appeared around my legs and a tight leather skirt that almost displayed my new pussy to the world. A deeply cut halter top appeared on my chest. Finally, a deep burning seared my new breast and the words "Make a Wish" appeared in an ornate script. This transformation was both horrifying and draining. I could barely move and tried to plead with Jane to reverse everything. "Please..." I barely moaned out before quickly shutting my mouth. My voice was sexual and breathy. Anyone who had heard me would think I was begging to be fucked. I just lay there, exhausted. Jane looked pleased. "Well, looks like I must have done a pretty good job. But is it enough? I almost wish I was bi just so I could appreciate it." Her face blanched for a moment, realizing her slip of the tongue, before going blank. A moment later, she was staring at me with more lust than she'd ever displayed towards my male form. "Oooh, you really are hot, baby. Just not quite hot enough. You're still too tall, for one thing." I was about 6 feet tall, not counting the heels I'd no doubt be wearing. "I like my chicks on the short side. I wish you were only about 5'1"." It felt like I was at the bottom of the pool, under a great deal of pressure. A moment later, I was a good foot shorter than my male self. Things were getting out of hand. Jane was too careless with her words and too willing to change me. "That's better, Jeannie. Only one problem remains. You're just too flat. I love big tits on my women. I wish you were at least a G-cup." My tits felt like they were exploding. The changes weren't slow like the first time around, but immediate and drastic. I had a rack that would shame all but the biggest strippers. "Perfect. Oh, one last thing, I wish you had to do anything I say." With that, she chuckled. I don't know why I hadn't tried to escape by that point. I guess I was too shocked by what was happening. But to suddenly realize that I could have made a run from it before and that that opportunity was now closed to me was devastating. Jane walked across the room, standing by the door. "Come over here and introduce yourself." I stood up, oddly not having any trouble adjusting to my new form or balancing on those absurdly high heels. As I walked over to her my hips swayed more dramatically and seductively than Marilyn Monroe could have ever hoped for. "Hi," I said in my sexy new alto. "I'm Jeannie, would you like to make a wish?" Where had that come from? My name was Will and somewhere deep inside I knew it, but I could only come up with the name Jeannie. And if I offered wishes to everyone I met it was going to be a very difficult night. Jane smirked. "Hi Jeannie, nice to meet you. Now follow me, we're going to go get plastered." --- (To be continued?)

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 081

“What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now! Kill us, or worse, and destroy everything we’ve worked for!” “Not quite sir, before they could manage it I released another genie and re-instated all our protections.” “Well...

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I was on holiday in Morocco, not in one of the touristy areas like Marrakech but being a bit more adventurous. Currently I was pottering around a village souk way out in the mountains. In hindsight it was probably overly adventurous because there were a couple of guys bothering me a bit. To get rid of them I ducked into what in England would be a junk shop selling all kinds of stuff a bit tatty and dusty. I have spotted that at the counter was a woman and I hoped she would help. Once inside the...

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Stuck With A Genie Or Two

Andy cursed as he rummaged through the old storage unit. It was full of dust, droppings of animals, and who knows what else. "Couldn't your old man auction this lot or something?" he asked his best friend. "This ain't storage wars," Kyle shouted back from behind some boxes. "We are in bumfuck nowhere. Good luck finding bidders out here." Of course, Andy knew he was right. Sighing he did get back to work and started sifting through the boxes. There was his Sunday going down the drain,...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 021

“This is so much fun, don’t you agree, Dan?” Charlie said as they walked through the city. “Loads of fun,” Daniel said. “Oh come on, don’t be like that. Why don’t we go and get you something?” “I’ve got plenty of clothes already.” “So do I, but you can always get more. Now come on, let’s go and check out the market.” Late that afternoon they took the bus back, and parted ways, Charlie carrying her plethora of bags with her, after being unable to convince Daniel to come and carry them for...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 04

“Charlie?” “Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?” Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry’s room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. “Yesterday? But it was like midday?” “You slept all day and night. You were exhausted.” “I’m not surprised. What the fuck did you do to me?” “I made you shoot half a litre of jizz. You passed out after that, so the girls just made love to each-other while you slept.” “Oh my God…Where are the girls, anyway?” “I sent them home to get...

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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 02

Chapter Two: Step One: Never Trust Another Genie! To say that the old apartment building was dilapidated would have been diplomatic. It had to be a serious fire hazard, with the roof sagging like that, and most of the paint coming off in dangling strips. But it was the correct address, he was positive of that. There was only one Georgia Street in town and this was it. Well, I wanted to know where she lived, Avery thought, as he made his way up the creaking steps and onto the apartment’s front...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 8

In a medium-sized but well-furnished house, an old man was sat on an armchair, sipping at a glass of wine. His laptop began to ring for a Skype call, and he answered it. “What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now!...

2 years ago
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My Life As A Genie

Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I've come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Genie Jessica

(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 3

Harry awoke the next morning with a smile on his face. Of course, this wasn’t a particularly unusual occurrence. Since finding Sarosa’s lamp 7 months ago, his life had been perfect. His every desire had been granted to him by this magical girl, who desired only to please him. Someone up there must like him, he figured. Harry looked around the bed at the chaos on it. His duvet (Not a problem, since his room was always at a magically perfect temperature) and bedsheet, along with both pillows,...

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************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan May 2003/October 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Reginald was a nerd, a geek, a wimp. He was the man who had sand kicked in his face, who...

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Genies Wish

Genie had been serving his master Aladdin for some time now.Sure he thought of Aladdin as a friend, but as a genie he was never able to make his own fantasies come true. Always having to grant wishesto make other people happy.Aladdin said he would be setting him free and once he did, Genie was going to make his own come true.It took a long time, Genie had to go through all kinds of bullshit because of Jafar wanting more power. But finally Aladdin made his last wish and set him free.Now that he...

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The Genie And Adolph Hitler

The opening of Chapter 1 was originally written by Oren the Otter for a contest a couple of years back - which I humbly acknowledge winning - (I was the only entry so obviously no one felt they could top my story in the contest. :) It was rewritten late in the last millennium. The Genie And Adolph Hitler By Caleb Jones CHAPTER 1 Adolph didn't know what to expect when he opened the box, but this wasn't it. What hovered before him was a wisp of smoke from the waist down. From...

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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 06

Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he’d imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he’d hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the sex he’d have. To some extent, that had come true, since he very much doubted he’d ever have had an orgy with an entire girls’ PE class without magical help. He’d probably not have gotten a girlfriend for a while either, and he was happy to have Sophie. He’d always...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 06

“Are you alright, Master?” Asked Alexis as she walked back into her Master’s bedroom. “Yes, I’m fine,” replied Leonardo. “My soul is cleansed. At least I hope so.” “I still don’t understand why you insisted on getting that priest in anyway.” “Alexis, nearly five decades with you would be enough to test anyone’s faith. But even you cannot determine or even know what lies beyond this life. Think of it as attempting to cover my bases.” “Master, I do not know if there is any sort of...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 11

“Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me or do humans get less intelligent as time goes by?” Alexis...

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The Genie Who Wanted to Be a Girl

————- Prelude: Very early, about the 6th or 7th Century AD ———————- From the sparse artifacts and record fragments it can be determined that, of the small group of genie trainees graduating in this one class, most had absorbed the information and direction well, yet there remained a thread of individualism in each. Some were more pliable, other more impetuous, given to act first and think later, some, especially a couple of the girl genies, were anxious to please and seeking to become the best...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 10

So now, both girls were on their hands and knees on Sophie’s bed. Each girl had one guy fucking her ass, one guy underneath fucking her pussy, and two more guys in front having their dicks sucked. The remained 3 guys were having their cocks jerked off by the girls. All 13 of them were orgasming intensely, the girls’ pussies contracting and the boys’ dicks expelling large quantities of semen. All of them were in sexual nirvana. At around 2am, the humans collapsed into a big, sweaty, cummy...

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Aunt The Genie

Justin’s family went up earlier in the day to visit family and he was getting a ride with his Aunt Krista later in the afternoon. Justin was rather excited because it would be just him and her. Justin has always had sexual fantasies of her; he always was fucking the shit out of her and layering her face in his warm hot cum in his dreams but they have never come true. However he wishes they did he always wanted to be with a older women. Justin was watching some porn before his Aunt came;...

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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 08

“Another ale, my friend,” he said, flicking a coin in the direction of the bartender. “You’re not from around here, are you?” The bartender asked him. “No I’m not, but don’t worry, if all has gone to plan, I’ll be out of here before long.” A few minutes later, a man arrived in a cloak, carrying an ornate box. “Do you have it?” The Englishman asked, excited. “Yes, it is in this box,” the other man replied. “Good…let’s go into the back room. We need some privacy.” They went into the...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 4

"Dan ... Daaaaan..." Daniel heard Charlie's sweet voice, pulling him out of his dream. He opened his eyes, and saw Charlie looking over him, smiling. She was dressed in her school uniform. "Charlie?" "Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?" Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry's room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. "Yesterday? But it was like midday?" "You slept all day and night. You were exhausted." "I'm not surprised. What the fuck did...

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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 06

Chapter Six: How to Readjust Your Genie If she laid very, very still, she could almost pretend that her skull wasn’t splitting. Suddenly Cypress knew how her father felt, those mornings after he’d had a wee bit too much to drink. Of course, her father had always had her there to bring him a nice big mug of black coffee. She wasn’t even sure that would help this headache, since it wasn’t from a hangover. At least, I don’t think so, Cypress thought. I can’t quite remember what happened last...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 071

3 years later the king was very much enjoying his power, both political and magical. In his private chambers in his palace there was a large bathtub carved into the floor, filled with water that was impossibly pure, aside from various scented oils and the like which had been magically added for the benefit of the king. In the tub were four figures; Tutankhamun himself, and three girls his age. He was relaxed against the sides while one of the girls rode him reverse cowgirl, and the other two...

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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 05

Chapter Five: Step Two: Avoid Leaving Your Master’s Side at All Costs! The biggest problem, when it came to having dinner with Vivian’s parents, was that for some reason they always want to sit around the table at his place. Sure, there were plenty of other problems, too, but Avery considered this one to be at the very top of the list. On any other occasion, Vivian’s parents liked to go out to expensive five star restaurants for dinner. Why they felt such a strong need to invade his personal...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 10

In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for...

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The Reluctant Genie

THE RELUCTANT GENIE By Persephone © 12/15/2010 My best buddy, Lee, joined the Army right out of high school. I opted to further my education so I went to college. Well, community college anyway. A four year school was a bit beyond my folks means and at the time I didn't even have any means at all. Lee tried to get me to join the Army with him to take advantage of all the educational benefits. I told him that a free education wasn't worth a whole lot if you were killed in Iraq...

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A Girl and her Genie

------------------------------- Sophie Swift woke up slowly. She was sprawled out on her bed, and from what she could tell, she was naked. That was strange, she thought. She normally wore her pyjamas. Sophie thought back to the weird dream she’d had last night. She’d dreamt that an old man had given her a lamp with a genie, and that the genie had had sex with her. Twice. With only a break for dinner in between. It was a really vivid dream though. Her pussy was still tingling a little...

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My life after a genie

Arthur Hayden was probably one of worlds least ambitious people. Not because he was satisfied with what he had but because he was to lazy to put any effort, or to be precise he always believed being lazy was cool and going through life with a very minimum effort was a proof of him being better than other people. Most people who heard of his life would feel that he came out better, considering he lost both his parents at the age of 10 with no living relatives he got in to foster care. Kept...

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Judge Jury And Genie A Day In The Live Of The Fickle Genie

The early midday sun startled me as I left my building. Like every day. I should have gotten used to it. But still every day I winced at the bright sun and needed a moment for my eyes to adjust. I definitely wasn't a morning person. And yes I was aware of the irony. After I could see again without tears coming to my eyes I started walking to my 'work'. Not that I had to walk anywhere to do my work. I just preferred to be found in one spot. As I walked on the sidewalk I heard the sound...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 11

“What do we do!? What do we do!?” Charlie asked, panicking. “Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me...

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Genie 1

Greetings to my friends and faithful readers. If you enjoyed this glowing start to the real story behind the legend of Genie, you can find the rest of this thrilling novel at my E publishing web site. Not only can you purchase all styles of erotic fiction on this site at a significant discount, but you can also make money by sponsoring this site like many of my free to join members already do. If you have a talent for...

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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 09

“Good morning Mistress, would you like some breakfast?” Sophie turned around, to see Alexis sat there on a chair, holding a tray, with a big plate of pancakes and syrup. “Alexis?” She said, yawning. “I told you to go into your lamp.” “You once told me that you consider me your best friend,” Alexis said. “Best friends don’t always do as they’re told.” “You’re also my genie, and you have to do what I say.” “Fine, if you’re going to be like that, I’ll just leave, and take these delicious...

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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 04

Chapter Four: What You Don’t Know…Sucks The sunlight was coming in at an odd angle. Avery was used to it coming directly across his face in the morning, but he could feel the heat of it on his feet instead. Startled awake by this odd change, he found, upon opening his eyes, that he was sleeping on his couch. God, I had such a crazy dream last night, he thought, rolling over onto his back and forcing his eyes open to slits. Cypress was a genie! And a hot genie, at that… But wait just a minute....

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The Genie and I Chapter 2

I think it came down to one vote for slutty schoolgirl, so here we are! Chapter Two The office faded away, and I was once again left in the inky black void, staring into what looked like a distant star. I groaned. The genie leaned over me. "You look tired. Work can be very tiring, I guess." "Please... either just let me wake up, or let me go," my voice was hoarse. "Where would the fun be in that? I can keep you informed though: this isn't a dream. I'm very, very real,"...

3 years ago
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A Girl and Her Genie

Sophie Swift woke up slowly. She was sprawled out on her bed, and from what she could tell, she was naked. That was strange, she thought. She normally wore her pyjamas. Sophie thought back to the weird dream she'd had last night. She'd dreamt that an old man had given her a lamp with a genie, and that the genie had had sex with her. Twice. With only a break for dinner in between. It was a really vivid dream though. Her pussy was still tingling a little bit. Sophie opened her eyes, and saw...

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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 03

Chapter Three: Even Genies Get it Wrong Sometimes There was a hierarchy among the society of the djinni. Those at the top, like Ephasia, had it easy in life. How could your life not be easy, when you were the daughter of the djinn who ruled Iifa, and the sister of the future ruler? And there were those who fell somewhere in the middle, like the many young female djinni who attended Ephasia. They were lucky enough to have a cushiony spot in life. Tending to the daughter of Iifa’s ruler was a...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 05

“Give him some time,” Antonella said, the van driving away quickly. “He’s had quite the shock. We’ll need him conscious though for the journey.” “What journey?” Daniel asked. “Right now that guy is almost certainly phoning his superiors, meaning he’s about to realise he’s been fooled. He knows who Harry is, meaning he could find his house, and from there, find yours, Charlie. You can’t go home.” “Of course we can!” Charlie said. “I’m sorry, but it’s not a good idea. I’ve put protection on...

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A Boy and his GenieChapter 8

Jerusalem, 1195 AD. In a tavern, an English traveller in his early 30s was waiting for a man to arrive with a delivery. Something for which he'd searched for over a decade. Something which, if his contact had been successful, was going to change his life forever. "Another ale, my friend," he said, flicking a coin in the direction of the bartender. "You're not from around here, are you?" The bartender asked him. "No I'm not, but don't worry, if all has gone to plan, I'll be out of...

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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 07

Matt had his typical Saturday morning lay-in the next day. Though to be fair, recent events had left him rather exhausted, what with the large amount of sex he’d been having. Not that he was complaining in the slightest. When Matt eventually got up, he got dressed, and started walking downstairs. He could hear giggling from downstairs, followed by his sister saying “Fuck, he’s coming”. Matt walked into the living room, and found Becky and Jamie sat on the sofa, trying to look innocent....

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My Former Succubus 2 A Holiday to RememberChapter 4 How to Make a Sex Genie and How to Make a Succubus

"Oh, Josh-ee that feels so nice!" cried the most beautiful girl in my graduating class, as she rode me; her huge breast engulfing my head while my lips were tightly affixed to her left nipple. She then pulled my head out of her immense tit flesh to soul kiss me; alternating kisses and phrases of encouragement every fifteen seconds or so. Of course out came my dominant streak. "You're mine, Reenee! I'm taking you! You're mine forever!" "Oh, Josh-ee!" she moaned. "Oohhh ... I feel...

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A Boy and his GenieChapter 6

At Sophie's suggestion, Matt went home that evening. They didn't want to risk anyone suspecting that he had a genie, so they decided that he should probably keep away from her in public for a bit. Matt agreed, although he'd have much rather he didn't have to. Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he'd imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he'd hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 2 Headmistresss Naughty Desires

Chapter Two: Headmistress's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

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A Boy and his GenieChapter 5

When Matt had woken up on Tuesday morning cuddled up to a nude Sophie, he’d enjoyed it greatly, and it was something he’d definitely wanted to repeat as often as possible. This morning, Matt had the pleasure of waking up with not one nude girl, but 4, all of whom had wanted to get in on the group cuddle. Matt opened his eyes, and examined the current positions of everyone. He was laid on his back, with Sophie in pole position, cuddled up properly with him. On his other side was Kelly, who...

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A genie and three wishes

I was normal 20 year old boy. i was 5ft 6, had a chubby body. I had a good thick 7 inch cock though. I was a very horny boy though, but girls dont go out with tiny chubby boys. I didnt like any girls in my college though, i had my eyes on someone close to me. My step sister, Irina. She was 18 and had a curvy body, 36-32-38. I wanted to fuck her and its not like i didnt try, i tried my best to seduce her but nothing worked infact things got bad. She didnt wanted to indulge in sexual activities...

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A Boy and his GenieChapter 12

In the year 2012, 15-year-old Sophie Swift was confused. She'd felt an irresistible compulsion to go inside a mansion, where she'd met a nude man and girl. The man had told her that this girl was his genie, and that he was giving her to him. And now all that was left was a lamp, sat on the floor. She approached it with caution, not really understanding what was happening. She reached out a hand to touch it. It felt cold. Dormant. Sophie put the lamp in her bag, and walked home. Whatever...

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The Genie Part 1

David was annoyed. He was annoyed for a number of reasons, the most of which being that he had to spend the day with Donna the old lady from down the street. Why did he have to spend his day with this woman? The answer was another one of his annoyances he had been suspended from school, again. It was October and David being 14 had just started high school. David had been tall for his age most of the time growing up and also a little chubby. He wasn’t round and tall like some of those...

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Genie Rules

Genie Rules By Sue Kidder "You have three wishes, Master Jack," the genie said. "But only three, and only you may make them." "Great!" I said. "I assume that a later wish can undo an earlier wish?" "Yes," the genie replied. I had always wanted to see what it would be like to be a woman, but I never wanted to make a career of it. This way I could try it, then return to my male self and still have a wish left. So... "For my first wish I want to become a beautiful...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 7 Virgin Deflowered

Chapter Seven: Virgin Deflowered By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania Buckley:...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 12 END0

As they’d said they would, they also sorted out the UN. Aside from Frank, everyone was completely back to normal, remembering nothing at all about the genies. Frank was back in his normal job, although he retained possession of Barakaat for now. Although they’d been told they were welcome at Antonella’s home any time, Charlie, Daniel and Harry decided that they just wanted to go home. They made it home thanks to their genies’ magic, and just went to sleep in their own beds, alone. For the...

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