Genie 1 free porn video

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Greetings to my friends and faithful readers. If you enjoyed this glowing start to the real story behind the legend of Genie, you can find the rest of this thrilling novel at my E publishing web site.
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Warmest regards Will Buster

I’m sure you’ve seen episodes of “I Dream of Genie” on some comedy channel or other. It’s rather humorous how they portray Major Nelson and Major Healy as Cracker Jack pilots during the Vietnam War and of course they see no military action at all. These two would be Astro nuts probably couldn’t fly a Spitfire, let alone a modern jet. What a waste of personnel to say the least. Well extensive research has been done into the story behind the story and as you might have surmised, the story line in the television series was almost totally bullshit.

The origin of those mystical beings known as Genies is steeped in legend and murky superstition. Our fore fathers viewed them with fear and distrust as stories of their treachery and evil influence quickly overturned any pleasant or favorable influence they may have actually possessed. For centuries these powerful beings with magical powers granted men what they desired and of course the old adage often became painfully true. Be careful what you wish for, you just might fucking get it up the rear, sideways!

This saga, therefore, is the true story behind the silly story that we are so familiar with. Oddly enough even mindless works of fiction have their roots in fact. Whoever did the preliminary research into the events that prompted the television series in the first place must have interviewed somebody who had heard fragments of the real story. So after many long hours and exhausting detective work, the real personage who experienced the lengthy and thoroughly enjoyable encounter with the superbly attractive and affectionate genie finally came to light.

Naturally, it eventually involved a lengthy trip to Southern Georgia where the real Tony Nelson now resides in comfortable retirement, draining mint juleps by the quart and continuously porking his adventuresome and hedonistic sex slave. Life and Genie have been very good to Tony. He’s living longer, fucking a hot pussy almost incessantly and living high of the hog from porn flick residuals and that all important government pension.

Amazingly enough he was in the Air Force but unlike his TV counterpart he was a somewhat overweight, over the hill Lieutenant Colonel who was marking time at Bedford Air Base, looking forward to early retirement. His name was Anthony Cleveland Nelson and he’d gone through two unsuccessful marriages. His first wife left him because she ran into a fast-talking, wealthy Jewish lawyer and the second wife left him because she became totally bored with the stilted military social scene. She went back to mother and eventually remarried a sports car driver. The flighty bitch got lucky when she unexpectedly collected a $500,000 death benefit when her racing hubby ended up plastered to a solid brick retention wall. For some odd reason, a car hurtling at 190 miles per hour wasn’t meant to collide head on into a solid, brick or stone barrier. When it comes to such confrontations, brick and stone will win. Yes, even cement will prevail and it won’t even be close to a draw. After the ensuing explosion, what remained of the intrepid driver could barely fill a coffee cup.

All that being said, Tony was 39 when Martin Luther King got picked off. He glumly watched as Robert Kennedy bit the dust and sighed with mild relief when Nixon somehow snuck into office. Yes, sad to say, our hero was a full fledged republican at the time, although he sometimes did vote for a democrat. His attitude towards government changed dramatically by the summer of 1974 when Tricky Dick finally threw in the towel and slunk back to San Clemente .

His meaningless days at the base were consumed with endless administrative paperwork. It was sheer mind numbing tedium which offered only one tangible benefit. This kind of work kept him far from the dangers of Southeast Asia. Needless to say, after his first two marital disasters, he was reluctant to do any serious dating. His love life was virtually nil. On rare occasions he made his pilgrimage to the “Silver Slipper” to enjoy some hot female stripping to exotic music. At times he even got some much needed lap dancing on the side, but for the most part, he lived almost like Robinson Crusoe. The air base was his desert island and his home was the quiet bungalow cavern where only our high ranking hero took up the silent living space.


Tony’s exquisite adventure all began when he took a lengthy vacation on the South shore near Hyannis on Cape Cod. It was just one week after men walked on the moon and the base was still buzzing about the achievement of the millennium. Life magazine issued a special addition and the news media was still engrossed in the events leading to and during the historic journey. Walter Kronkite never had it so good.
And yes his beloved Red Sox had already begun spinning out of pennant contending orbit to the pitching rich Orioles.

Tony was aimlessly walking along the deserted beach early one bright morning. The air was quite still and the inevitable hissing waves slowly caressed the seaweed embossed shoreline. Gulls squealed overhead as they plunged to the surface, searching for living food. It was very early, just an hour after dawn and on this weekday nobody was up and about yet. It was one of those small beaches, reserved for the guests of summer cottages. Tony preferred the solitude of semi-private beaches. He wanted to avoid noisy crowds and brash, loud aggressive women or the constant bleating howls of spoiled, over pampered brats.

Once and a blue moon when the urge of nature became unendurable, he’d get his rocks off in Boston’s combat zone but other than that he was a relatively contented loner. It was peaceful on the silent, footprinted sand. He was walking about twenty feet from the water line which was still damp from the recent high tide.

His bare feet left small depressions in the yielding, night cool sand. It felt like soft, soothing silk to his insteps as he wandered slowly towards the rising sun. Tony had on an old yellow tee shirt with a hole under the right armpit with the unlikely letters spelling, “Say Hey LBJ”. His short brown hair was mostly covered with a Red Sox cap and the rustic effect was finished off with faded blue jeans. The only thing he had in his pockets was his cottage key.

Once and awhile he picked up the occasional sea smoothed stone and flung it back into the watery deep to watch the insignificant splash momentarily break the perfect rhythm of the incoming surf. As some time went by, he knelt down near the approaching wavelets and quickly built a small sand castle and watched it dissolve as the relentless ocean waters reclaimed the structured sand from the whimsical artistry of his industrious hands.

Tony shook his head a little with a grim smile on his face. In five years, maybe less, he could retire and get a decent pension from the U.S. government and look for some other line of work perhaps, however at this point in time he had no idea what to go into. His half assed friend Major Roger T. Healy possessed a loud mouth with a myriad of half-baked ideas. To call Healy a friend was a chore, a reluctant admission that you didn’t have to look for ass holes, they would find you even if they were somewhat likable. Tony found Healy almost pleasant after two or more beers. The middle aged officer thought to himself that if he’d wanted to be born in a perfect world he sure as hell wouldn’t have asked God to put him here, that was for fucking sure.

Then his cool, sharp gray eyes noticed something glistening in the sand from the early morning sunlight. In moments he reached the almost completely buried object. He knelt down and carefully fingered the sand around what he assumed to be glass. There wasn’t any point getting a cut hand on a sharp edge. Slowly he removed more sand and an ornate, milky green bottle was revealed to his intense gaze. It sure looked old like some rare antique you might find hidden away on some dusty forgotten shelf near the rear of some out of the way curio shop. In fact, it looked like something he’d seen in some tourist trap antique shop in Salem. Well, maybe somebody had gotten drunk and accidentally left the thing out here, abandoned and forgotten. It might just be junk in any case.

When he picked it up he found it surprisingly heavy. The fucking thing must have weighed twenty pounds. He shook it a little but he heard neither a rattle nor the slosh of liquid. It looked far too expensive to just throw away or break so he shrugged his shoulders and took it with him. For about ten minutes he walked the beach letting the rhythmic sound of the eternal waves sooth his mind and the crisp, clean sea air fill his lungs. He was at peace with the world, such as it was. With a sigh, he returned to the cottage to check out the heavy green bottle and wolf down some breakfast. The sharp, salty air had at least improved his appitite if nothing else.

One thing Tony had learned over years of trial and error was to make acceptable black coffee and excellent scrambled eggs, laced with onions and green peppers. He topped off this repast with three strips of bacon and slowly ingested the fruits of his limited culinary arts. It pretty much began and ended with this. To be sure he could slap together a decent BLT sandwich, washed down with a coke for lunch. But when suppertime came around he usually opted for a decent supper at some restaurant or at the cafeteria on the base.

As he slowly nibbled on his bacon the green vase insidiously captured his curiosity. He’d left it on the kitchen table as an after thought. The design on this vase was very intricate, very archaic looking and definitely hinted at some eastern or Middle Eastern origin. There were tiny illegible letters of some script that Tony was completely unfamiliar with. He muttered to himself, “Christ! The fucking thing looks like some museum piece. How the hell did it survive the ocean and end up on the beach so intact?”

The more he looked at the mysterious green vase, the more he was intrigued. He got a cloth and carefully wiped it off. That’s when he noticed the darker green glass stopper at the top. Should he open it? What would he find inside? He had thoughts of some written message lodged inside, long out of date and far from it’s intended audience. Perhaps it was filled with gold dust or jewels packed in silken cloth but he doubted it. He never got fucking lucky like that, when it came to the old mazoola. Every dime he acquired was fucking earned. It seemed like he never won a bet or could succeed at card games. He’d never even gotten a break at a horse race. He’d long since resigned himself to the reality that any wealth that came into his hands had to be earned the hard, old fashioned way. He re-filled his cup with more coffee and stared at the enigma in front of him. Should he bring it to a museum? Should he just open the fucking thing?

Again he spoke to himself, quoting Eliot. “Do I dare to eat a peach?”
Almost without his consent, his trembling hand grasped the bottle pulling it closer. His other hand gently fingered the thick, glass stopper and gradually it moved in response to his touch of curiosity. Carefully Tony twisted and slowly pulled out the plug.

For a long breathless moment nothing seemed to happen. A smell of rich, exotic spice assaulted his nostrils. The aroma of sandalwood and incense wafted around him, lulling him into a feeling of contentment. Then it happened! He watched in shocked disbelief as a misty dark brown cloud emerged from the interior of the bottle and gradually took shape. In the back of his mind, Tony was trying to assimilate all this. Come on, this couldn’t be a fucking genie! Such tales were fiction, fabrication or total bullshit! His eyes were telling him a different story however. The image that formed in front of him was gradually convincing his rebellious mind that this unreal event was really happening.

The misty apparition silently solidified. Tony gaped in wonder at the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Her body was barely covered in some silky, sheer material that left very little to the imagination. She wasn’t a ten, she was a breathtaking twelve with superb curves in all the right places.

Her dark green eyes seemed to bore into his as if she were reading his mind. All he could do was stare back, licking his lips at the enchanting loveliness that stood inches from him. Her hair was dark brown and very lustrous. Her coral painted lips accented a dazzling smile that was clearly intended for him.

Finally he got his voice back and croaked the $64,000 question. “Who are you?”

Her voice was musical, accented with the richness of one who has mastered many tongues.
“My name is Genie, and you are my new lord and master. You have freed me from my imprisonment inside that hateful bottle. I am completely yours for as long as you wish. I am magically bound to fulfill your every desire, your every need. You may use my person in any way you wish. I willingly offer the pleasures of my body unto you. I am completely yours master.”

Tony’s manhood was instantly rigid. Such a salacious temptation brought his manhood to stiff attention, ready, willing and most definitely able to thoroughly explore the wonders of this beautiful creature. He couldn’t believe how this entrancing woman was so graciously and eagerly offering her body for the gratification of his every sexual whim. As he stared at her beauty, she pulled aside enough of her clothing to reveal her seeping little slit. With deft fingers, she pulled aside the cunt lips, exposing her love hole for his inspection.

“Anything?” He asked in shocked disbelief.

Her smile was radiance itself as her pearly white teeth flashed in both invitation and acceptance. “Anything master!”

He moved his hand gently to her bare shoulder and felt warm flesh and the hardness of supporting bone. She was real and alive and vital. She’d been kneeling before him on the table and he guided her to a standing position on the floor. He searched her eyes again; trying to fathom what was behind her captivating gaze. He saw nothing dishonest or ingenuous like he had when he’d suspected his first wife of fucking the Jew attorney. The brown skinned honey moved her arms around his neck and he quickly sank into her seductive kiss.

Her lips tasted of cinnamon and wild honey and her velvet like tongue flicked suggestively, promising him much more than a mere kiss. Her breath was hot and a low moan of delight arose from somewhere deep inside this new conquest. His hands moved automatically to her barely concealed tits, stripping away the gossamer thin cloth. Large, hard, well-shaped nipples greeted his inquisitive fingers and in moments he greedily clutched her plush mounds of tactile pleasure.

Her moan increased in volume as he explored her silky, tender skin. He moved his hands over her ribs and her soft, flat belly. His heart was throbbing loud in his ears and his prick tingled with excitement. He was going to be able to fuck the living daylights out of this hot, willing piece! Tony groped lower until he reached her wide open pussy-gash. It was slick with aroused wetness and invited further contact. The gorgeous wanton leaned even more against him and her kiss became exceptionally expressive. Tony had one hand groping her tits and the other was slipping fingers inside her moist crack, causing the hot nymph to gasp and cry out into his salivating mouth.

She was his dream come true. The entire scene had an unreal quality to it. Just a few moments ago he’d been alone, finishing breakfast. Now he was about to ravish his own personal sex slave. Her kiss told him that he could take her in any way he wanted and he sure wanted. When he finally moved his mouth to suck her tits she crooned, “Oh master! Please take me to bed! I hunger for you, my new lord! I crave your seed!”

Now that was a classy line if he ever heard one. It had a quaint old-fashioned quality that he found both amusing and arousing at the same time. In moments he pulled the Arabian beauty to his unmade bed, still crumpled and in complete disarray which was the way he usually left it. Neither of them noticed the unkept bed as he ripped the sheer clothing totally off her. Her stunning, voluptuous attributes were completely revealed to his scorching gaze. Tony quickly shed his own apparel, eager to enter this exotic phantom of delight.

Genie’s deep, sea green eyes flashed with love and desire. The eye contact between them was nearly as powerful as the anticipated joining of their excited flesh. Gently he pushed her legs wide apart and further back so he could better orally inspect her musky scented pussy. He knelt down and moved his face to her wide-open holes. The sex-starved air man greedily licked her juicy aperture with his eager lips and slip sliding tongue. The tangy taste of perfumed spices captivated him more surely than a ball and chain could have. Her soft moans and sexy whimpers coaxed him to plunge his tongue even deeper into her lush carnal hole. Tony felt her groin lunge to meet his caressing, tender oral touch. How the hot, seductive siren was responding! His anxious fingers pried her pussy lips open wider so he could taste all of her exposed labia or wiggle his warm tongue mischievously on her swollen clit.

“Oh master! Lick my pussy! Just like that! It feels so good! I’ll give you the perfection of love my lord. Yes master, yes! Oooo! Oooo! Yes! Suck me! Drink me!” Eat the tender fruit of my lust! Oooooo! Master! Master! Slide your tongue into my cunt deeper! Oh fuck! I’m cumming! You make me come so quick!”

He slid his tongue further into her oozing cunt which contracted and shuddered with his invasive touch. Then he teethed teasingly on her exposed clit to tantalize her towards another powerful climax. Tony’s mouth and tongue tasted all over her damp groin and silky thighs. His strong hands guided her slender, perfectly shaved legs even wider apart to facilitate his explorations. Genie’s carnal offering was open and complete. When his thumb entered her tight anus, he knew she would deny him nothing. Her voluptuous, vigorous body was now his newfound playground. His heart raced with the anticipation of sexually plundering every bit of her carnal beauty. He would spurt quarts of his seedy lust into her holes and mouth right now and any other time he wanted. This miraculous, female enchantress was the answer to his unspoken prayers.

Genie or whoever the fuck she was had extremely powerful sexual abilities and his senses were now beyond his control. Her aromatic taste was blowing his mind and her ooooing and aaaahing were driving him to do much more. The beautifully stacked temptress felt so soft, moist and eager. He had to have all of her this instant!

With a loud groan of anticipated pleasure Tony mounted the gasping, willing playmate and slowly slid his painfully stiff shaft into the soft paradise of her welcoming love hole. In moments he lost control as he felt the first joys of her unrestrained vaginal lusts engulf and milk his prick like a soft, steely strong vice.

While his dick strokes increased in speed and ferocity, Tony commanded his new play mate as if he’d owned her for months. “Fuck it bitch! Work it, you hot tramp! Yeah baby! Do me! Just Do it! Yeah, just like that! Oh God you’re such a slut!”

It was a new world to Tony. This mystical darling totally engulfed him with her tight, cramping carnal cavity. He felt her working him with sizzling, urgent pussy grips, as if she were desperate for every inch of his love shaft. The supernatural slut-slave hungered for vigorous, penetrating cock! She greedily clenched his ramming rod with her unbridled, pulsing pussy hole, grinding his flesh towards bliss. She arched her back and lunged her groin to increase the fire of their powerful impacts. The hot vixen kept her sexy legs way back, providing his torso excellent support while he greedily sucked her dainty, wiggling toes. His hands clutched those magnificent breasts that must have been 36 d in shape. When he wasn’t licking or tasting her little toes, he covered her mouth with an open watery kiss. Her tongue flicked on his like it contained an electrical shock. His cock went into overdrive and he savagely slammed his prick through her wanton cervix to increase her sex pain. He fucked Genie as deep as he possibly could, time after time. It was so thrilling to discover the wonders that lurked inside his new found treasure. He pushed her legs all the way back and down so that her groin and fuck hole were completely exposed and open for his aggressive plunges. He slammed into her again and again, rubbing her clit with one hand while fingering her little anal pucker with the other. The blazing bitch kept blasting off with an almost unstoppable sequence of sizzling climaxes as a result of his powerful pile driving fucking.

Genie aggressively met his vicious thrusts, swiveling and twisting perfectly to add a searing itch to his inflamed cock tip. The tart gripped her ankles tight insuring that her legs would not impede his continueing possession of her firy pussy. She wanted him to rut all the way into her until his seed was greedily sucked deep into her little visceral vortex. She was a gift from some erotic God! There was no question in Tony’s mind. This animalistic bimbo knew precisely how to fuck and then some. Tony’s heart thudded like some out of control stallion on the gallop. His blood raced through his veins, flushing the skin on his face and keeping his erection at the breaking point. Her experienced hands gently massaged his back muscles. Those gentle fingers expertly traced and retraced every contour that they encountered as they traveled up and down his humping body.

Tony moved his mouth to her smooth calves and kissed them passionately while Genie’s joyous screams filled his ears. He felt her shudder with a powerful climax but she still performed her most wicked vaginal tricks to prolong his pleasure. For a brief moment he released her tits and guided Genie’s dainty, wiggling toes into his mouth and he sucked hard while his dick driving fuck flew into a fierce frenzy.

Genie’s whimpers became a desperate scream. She had to have him as much as he had to have her. “Fuck me master! Please fuck me! Drill me! Take me! Oh God! Oh God! Aaaaaahhh! Aaaaaahhh! Yes master yes! More! Fuck me more! Fuck seed into my cunt!”

Tony was beyond speech. He let his body communicate his raw need for this mysterious, sensuous creature who knew all the paths of sexual depravity better than he knew breathing.

She cried out yet again. “Oh master! I love it! Keep taking me! It’s so deep and hard in my tiny pussy! Oooooooo! Ooooooooo yes! Oh master it’s so good! Faster! Faster! Slam me! Bang me! Ooooooooo! Twist it around! Yes! Master yes! Like that only harder! Squirt your lust into my pussy, master! I want it all~!”

Her jerking, squeezing, squirming carnal flesh drove him over the edge and he erupted into her with a ball searing cock burst. Jerk after jerk released even more globs of cum down her fuck chute. It was heavenly! It was so deliciously wicked! Her hot, squeezing sheath gripped him even harder, forcing every last drop of his cream into her hungry womb!

“God! You fucking bitch! Fuck! You’re so damned hot! I can’t believe this! I’m still cumming!”

Cum kept spurting into her writhing hole. She welcomed his orgasm with naughty twists and turns keeping his cock head itchy with extremely erotic sensations. Tony could feel the years of frustration drain out of him and into that warm, tight orifice. He was lodged deep into wet heat. He left himself inside her, unwilling to leave the cacoon of her simmering love hole.

Finally he relaxed, lying on her naked, sweating body. For a long time they said nothing, listening to the other breathing or uttering quiet moans. His disbelieving hands kept slowly moving over her curvatious body, reassuring him that she was real and there and his, all his. Her skin was perfection in its soft, smooth luxurious texture. Her breasts were jutting out and firm, inviting more handling from his exploring fingers. Her nipples were still stiff, accenting her light brown skin with an exotic dark pink coloring.

Gently she slid her fingers through his damp hair and licked his ear with her soft, wet tongue. She tasted him also, becoming more familiar with her new, virile master. She’d served some masters better than others in the past and this new master she resolved to serve with all her considerable sexual talents. She appreciated his willingness to give as well as receive delight. He’d aroused her to new heights even if he wasn’t built like a Hercules. Not only that but he was relatively young and pleasing to her jaded eyes.

She finally whispered to him. “I will serve you well master. I am all yours for as long as you need me and I hope that will be a long, long time. There is so much I want to show you and do with you. But there’s no need to rush my new beloved. It’s better if we join at a slower pace for now. I’ll show you all my talents and naughtiest lusts. This is just the beginning of wonders, darling.”

He asked with a slightly drowsy voice. “Did you like the way I fucked your pussy slave? Was it pleasing to you?”

Her laugh was musical to his ears. “Oh yes, master! You ignited my blood more surely than a river of volcanic lava. I still burn inside, waiting for your returning touch. I ache for you to fill me with your wet warmth. I love it when you stuff my hole full with your thick and hard cock. I need you more than food and drink my dearest master. It’s so exciting when you thrust so deep inside me. I just love it!”

He smiled into her beatific gaze. “Do you want me again you precious wench?”

“Oh yes master! Any time you’re ready.”

She was so soft and inviting lying underneath him. Tony hadn’t had a really good lay for a long time and he re-stiffened quickly. Her gentle hands guided him inside her again and he ravished his new toy tart MUCH SLOWER THIS TIME. His exploring pecker savored the feel of her mushy, churning cunt walls. The fancy fox worked him with exquisite and very experienced movements. Tony felt his own leavings still squishing inside Genie’s very sloppy pussy with each new stroke. It was warm and wet and so exciting to slowly slide his member inside the hottie’s squirming little hole. Her legs were now curled around his back and her arms encircled him holding him even closer than before. Genie’s bare tits arched upward against his chest and clutching hands. Tony was quickly discovering how much his body needed this utterly depraved fox. He soon found her lips with a deep, searching kiss while his cock rythmatically plunged and circled inside her tightly clenching vaginal orifice. God could this creature fuck! The fancy trickster new exquisite little movements that neither of his previous two wives had ever learned or even imagined during those empty years of unfulfilling marriage.

Genie knew just when to twitch and jerk or suck in a deep thrust even deeper. She made every bit of his dick tingle and ache for more of her exciting caresses. Her motions were addicting him more surely than any illegal drug. Ever so gradually, Tony’s brand new lover coaxed him towards another fireball of delight. It was if she were worshipping his rigid cock as if it were some unholy God, seeking her internal treasures.

Her voice became more seductive. Invitation oozed from her mouth just as surely as the juices flowed from her impaled cunt. “Fuck me nice and slow master! Just keep fucking me! You’re so deep inside me! Ahuh! Ahuh! Ahuh! Yes master! Slow and hard! Aaaaahhhh! Yeah! Just like that! You bring so much joy to your servant master! Eeeeeaaahhhhhhh! I’m cumming! You’re making me cum my sweet master! Yyyeeeessss!”

She renewed a salivating kiss and her tongue lunged into his mouth tasting and licking him, holding him spellbound. Genie fiercely held him even closer to better to fuck his driving shaft. She worked him slow and sure until his frantic strokes told her he was near the brink. Her fiery cunt artistically performed a series of sophisticated, complex wiggling jerks that quickly forced him to yet another glorious eruption.

He groaned into her mouth as his cock juice drained its milky contents into her shuddering guts. She’d released to, matching her climax to coincide with his. They writhed together for long moments, relishing the wonder of each other. With some surprise, Tony realized he’d cum twice into this wanton vixen and it wasn’t even mid morning yet. It was certainly turning out to be a memorable vacation after all. Silently he thanked some God that he’d noticed the strange green bottle on that deserted beach.


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BangBus Scarlett Sommers Model Fucks For Cash

We got lucky today boys. We found ourselves a super model. This chick is HOT. Long legs, perfect body, and pretty face. This chick has some attitude though. We had to put her in check. We flashed some money at her and she came running to us, typical! We paid her 300 bucks and she got in the van and showed us the goodies. She flaunts her perfect tits, and then our man Peter got really horny. Can’t let my boy go out with a boner, this is the BANG bus, not the blue balls bus. We didn’t...

2 years ago
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Queen of JariloChapter 15 Monarch

“Where are we going now?” Walker complained, “are you going to throw me off a cliff to see if I can fly?” The Drones who were serving as his escort were tightly packed around him as they made their way down a sloping tunnel, winding ever deeper into the darkest recesses of the colony. The further beneath the ground they ventured, the warmer and more humid the air became, until Walker was sweating like he was sitting in a sauna. Fortunately, his fatigues had been returned to him that night...

3 years ago
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One For Emily

                               One for Emily.                                                        By DemonMonsterDaveAll the usual disclaimers apply. This story is totally imaginary. If you are too young or impressionable to read it, do not go any further. The author accepts no liability whatsoever. "I want you to keep me," my voice was almost a shout due to my nervousness and rather stressed condition.  I had been building up to it for so long, and it pretty well blasted out.  He didn't...

3 years ago
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Me and Maria

The sun reflected colors off of the pools water onto the body of the lone girl laying by the pool. She had a simple sun hat on. A yellow tank top, blue shorts and sunglasses that reflected the glare from the pool. She was so wrapped up in the book she was reading she didn’t hear me sneak up behind her. I reach down and wrap my arms around her body and whisper “guess who?” in her ear. She laughs softly and spins around kissing me on the lips. “none other than my baby” she whispered back in my...

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Just the Beginning

Yet again, the train ride had taken forever. Really, the trip out to the city doesn’t take that long, but my mind was a million miles away, fantasizing about what would happen once Aaron picked me up from the station. I should have tried to clear my mind, we had only been on a couple dates so far and I didn’t want to show up all hot and bothered. I exited the turnstile and walked out into the station lobby, there was Aaron, looking dashing as ever. He was dressed nicely and hugged me in...

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Owner8217s Daughterinlaw Fucked

Hey guys, I’m Vivek. Back with a bang this time. Just banged my owner’s daughter very hard last Friday. Always wanted to write a personal encounter and here’s my first one. This was started way back a year, when I moved to Bangalore and rent a home as a bachelor in the city. I was always fond of sex. And I always fascinate about married women and their sex life. Because for me they look hotter than usual girls do. I was always looking for an opportunity to bang women if I could find anyone...

2 years ago
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Jacks Education Ch 09

Note to reader: The stories previously posted in the series ‘Jack Awakens’ and ‘Jack’s Exploits’ were originally the opening chapters of a book which I had started writing over the last few months. I have now decided to post the entire book, which traces the sexual development of a high school boy during his senior year, hopefully at the rate of one chapter each week. The stories previously posted have been retitled as ‘Jack’s Education’ in strict chronological order, under the ‘Novels and...

4 years ago
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Chithi Veetil Gilma

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Kamalesh, vayathu 23 aagugirathu, naan chennaiyil velai paarthu varugiren. Corona karanamaaga en official velai illai endru solinaargal. En sontha uuruku appozhuthu sela mudiya villai, bus ethum kidaika villai en veetil chithi veetirku sendru thangu endru solinaargal. Naan neraga chithi veetirku sendren, en chithiku vayathu 28 thaan agugirathu. Thirumanam aagi mundru varudangal aagugirathu, innum avargaluku kuzhanthai illai. Chithi veetirku sendru thanginen. Chithi...

3 years ago
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Night of Video games get serious

Well she called me when she got done with work, and said she was gonna go and change quick, and then stop by. Bout 45 minutes pass and i was wonderin if she was gonna come over at all. I started cleanin the kitchen to pass time. She gets here while i'm takin out trash, and i'm climbin over this snowbank and i called out to her, and bam! I fell right on my face in the snow. Pretty slick huh? So i was a lil embarassed. We stood outside and smoked a cigarette, and talked a lil bit. She was...

3 years ago
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A very nice trip of commission 4 P

It was end-winter/begin-spring about, April i remember it :-P, when i and my sister have an another trip of commission, this time the trip, that of going, it was in bus at difference of the previous trips of commission (recounted in my previously stories :-P) that i and my sister did always in train and my sister had always a nice clothing namely skirt and pantyhose and low shoes :-P, in this trip instead my sister had, from under an anorak, a jeans, and therefore i felt myself less lucky :-P...

4 years ago
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The Dead Zone chapter 05

“That’s a live signal. Source unknown.” Cait confirmed as she scanned the signal. There was no IFF metadata which meant either they didn’t have one or were choosing not to broadcast it. “That means they’re within range to establish a realtime connection with us.” “It’d have to be close, to be another ship.” “We don’t really know what’s actually out here. But yeah, those are the odds.” “Do we answer?” “At this point I don’t think we have anything to lose.” Cait said, a metal finger paused...

4 years ago
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Beth at my mercy

Beth's birthday was coming up and we planned a special way of celebrating. We went to a nice dinner and a show. The night started off very nice. When we got back to her apartment she invited me in. She lead me back to her bedroom. We started kissing and stripped each other. Right when she reached for my cock, I moved away and asked her if she wanted to try something different for the night's play. "How different?" she asked. "No pain," I saidShe nodded and I grabbed a bag that I had brought in...

2 years ago
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The Rebel Universe Part I

THE REBEL UNIVERSE (c) 2015 by Anthony Durrant As I ran toward the HMS Precision's airlock, I put on my boots and handed my I.D. to one of the security officers guarding the airlock. "You're Commander Rogge?" one of them asked, and I nodded, then entered the airlock chamber through the door and headed into a turbolift, where I said: "Please take me to the bridge!" The turbolift took me to the top of the Precision's saucer section, and when the doors slid open, I stepped out...

3 years ago
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Joanne Is Desperate For Black Cock

She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Mike had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as she slipped a moist finger inside her. Should she pleasure herself now or later? As horny as she was feeling she decided to wait and let the feeling build up, knowing that her climax would be stronger. It was a warm day and she chose a black bra that gave her big tits plenty of uplift, a t shirt and short skirt. Amazingly she left her...

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My Life AS A Dog The Doggygirl

                                          My Life as a Dog                                    The Doggygirl                                                                              By: Arnold Puttwyn                                                                          Synopsis: A story of innocent young collage girl changes her status from                                                           human to canine an experiment.This is a rewrite of the original story My Life As A Dog....

3 years ago
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Stacee Needs To Keep Her Job

Stacee’s first week in the job has been stressful. She only had a few of her colleges names memorized, and she was still trying to figure out a good balance between answering the phone and entering the data from the piles of paper work she had sitting on her desk. The man that had hired her, Chad, was a tall, blonde man with an athletic build. He was very polite and seemed very smart. Like all men, he had taken a number of glances at her bulging cleavage she has been showing off with her new...

1 year ago
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We started out as a typical family; mom, dad, Bambi, and me. Where we lived was big enough to be called a city instead of a town, but still small enough to feel cozy. We were well off financially, but not rich.Bambi and I got along well when we were growing up. We each had our own friends so we didn't play together very often, but when we did there were usually no issues. We were able to find things to do that were neither too boyish nor girlish.There was this one time when I got my sister very...

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Bandha Barja1

Station jokhon garita thamlo tokhon raat ekta ekta hobe. Ekta buro lokke dekhlam station ek dhare dariye chilo. Amader namte dekhe amader kachhe aste laglo. Baba loktake dekhe chechiye uthlo-“rabi kaku!”. Burota dhukte dhukte elo ar bollo-“sunil baba taratari cholo” ebong sutkesh ta hate niye egiye chollo.amra or pichon pichon jete laglam.baba bollo-“train onek deri koreche aaj!”.rabi bollo-“sabsamay kore” ebong mar buke bonke suye thakte dekhe bollo-“khuki ghumachhe!”.ma muchki heshe...

3 years ago
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Airport Customs

The Airport My wife is an amazingly beautiful woman, particularly if your taste runs towards the teens. Susan is barely 5 foot tall, an athletic 99 pounds, A-cup breasts with what seem to be perpetually hard nipples. Her red, wavy hair extends just beyond her shoulders. She has the creamy white complexion that only a natural red-head can have, with light freckling over her entire body. Despite nearing 30, with the right outfit she could blend in with a group of 14 year olds easily. She’s...

2 years ago
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The Cheating Wife 8211 Part 1

She opened the door with baited breath knowing it was him. “Hello Aunty , mom told to give you this. ” All of 21 he seemed the typical mamma’s boy. Except that she found the messy hair and weird fake smile extremely attractive. Her husband had gone out on work.He would be back in only a few days. “Is didi at home Akhil? I shall thank her personally. ” ” Na na. they went out for some land work to the village. Its just me at home. ” ” oh, then come in akhil have lunch with me.” He sat himself on...

3 years ago
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Cyber to Real

Elise smoothed down her skirt and checked her reflection in her mirror for the tenth time, as the train pulled into the bustling station. She could hardly believe this was about to happen now, after six months of waiting. Finally, finally, she was going to meet the man she had been fantasizing about every night for the last half a year. It had started back in March. Both regular visitors to an on line chat room, one day their paths had collided and both felt they had met their soulmate....

Love Stories
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Having Boy Friend In Girls8217 Hostel Part 2

Hi All. This is Nitya from Hyderabad. I get excited when i share my experiences with stranger. So i want to post my experience and your comment will excite me. Coming to myself, I am 23 old fair normal sized girl with 34 -28-34 figure. Before I meet Jay [My boy friend] i was traditional and shy girl. The relationship with Jay really changed my behavior and dressing style.Thanks for the replies and some of the guys really want to have sex with me which i don’t like. But i can always help you to...

2 years ago
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Lounging for FunChapter 7 Harvesting Dog Cumm

It surprised me when in only about 10 minutes all three males came in their partners. The boys ran to get the small sample tubes for us. The daily harvesting was started. Andy said he had to go out for some business this morning so he would not be able to accompany me until late this afternoon so I gave him a hug and left with the kids. One of the 15 year old boys was left over in the back yard so I asked him if he could be my partner while I was doing my share of the dogs. His attitude...

3 years ago
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Milf and The builders Part 3 The New Career

Gemma woke up the next morning wondering how that had happened last night. She knew deep down that it was because she was such a slut that she’d do anything to get off including being controlled by a group of arsehole chavs. She’d had a lot of men over the years and enjoyed pushing her limits further but not that far. She got up and walked downstairs and made a coffee she stood looking out of her kitchen window when her phone buzzed. She’d rang in sick to work so it wasn’t them. She picked it...

2 years ago
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 43

The alarm sounded, waking Rob and causing Elaina to moan in her sleep. She was still on top of him, although he had fallen out of her during the night. She groaned and lifted her head to look at him bleary eyed. "Good morning," she said, smacking her lips. She rolled off and stood up. "Ow, ouch!" she whined, pulling at the front of her panties. "All your stuff leaked out of me and glued my panties to my hair!" Trying to keep a straight face, Rob said, "Nothing like a dose of reality...

1 year ago
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I never liked plain vanilla ice cream - or chocolate, for the record.Take me to the Caribbean with a few scoops of creamy coconut with crunchy frozen chocolate bits, chewy candied pineapple chunks, I’ll sprinkle spiced rum and squirt cream on it, then we’re talking.Garnish my summer evening with strawberry ice cream, made of fresh strawberries with the tiny seeds and juicy fruit-flesh, dark chocolate chunks, floating in a coupe of prosecco.Or pure, innocent vanilla with fresh mint and roughly...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 8

Captain Amy 'Rolling Stone' Stone, USAF Sunday, 12:20pm I banged my fist on the computer desk in frustration. "Six times I've checked now and still no response." I muttered in disgust about the situation. "Six times! This should not be possible." I seriously wanted to shove the computer through the bulkhead. "What's wrong?" Anna 'Thunderfeet' Cork asked. She had a concerned look on her face. "Is the stress of the routine finally getting to you?" "I can't reach Jacob to...

1 year ago
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eduction of a girlfriend

Tous les personnages de ce jeu ont au moins dix-huit ans. Ce jeu est pornographique, son utilisation est limitée aux personnes ayant atteint ou dépassé l’âge légal pour consommer de la pornographie dans leur état ou pays. Bienvenue dans « Eduction of a girlfriend », c’est un jeu linéaire avec de petites décisions qui n’interfèrent pas beaucoup avec l’histoire principale mais la fin est différente en fonction de votre score, cela sera expliqué plus tard dans le jeu, si vous voulez avoir un score...

2 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 8

Anastasia had inexplicably awoken well before the sun kissed the tops of the spires of the palace. The false dawn was still and hour away and it was almost two hours before her maidservant would be knocking at her door with breakfast. Something had disturbed her sleep to the point that when she awoke she found herself wrapped up in the linen of her bed coverings. She had a light sheen of sweat on her brow and her breathing was coming fast and shallow. She also felt disorientated, and it took...

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I now look back with fond memories of that summer when I was delivering papers in the old part of the city where the houses were large and the women were mature. The one that I will always remember is MsPaddySpurs, she was about 56, 5 Foot 4 in Black Nylons, 124 pounds, reddish brown hair, pouty Red Lips, hour-glass figure and 36DD breasts which were always cradled in a sexy Bra. The reason I remember her is that when I came around to collect she was always wearing Black Nylons, a Tight Skirt...

3 years ago
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Blown Away By Madhuri

Hi All, This is other story from me with my 2nd encounter with madhuri. I describe my 1st meeting with madhuti in my1st story Mysore gal met Bangalore met do read and give comment on So after  1st meeting we continue to chat and call in night and some time during days time We used to chat on all the topic and discuss our 1st meeting and what all the thing we enjoyed most. I told i loved fucking her tits and most amazing experience was when she gave me blowjob. So she replied i know how to...

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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 3 FutaMommy Joins Truth or Dare

Chapter Three: Futa-Mommy Joins Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Shannon Baker Cum leaked out of my pussy. Girl-cum. Futa-jizz. The slumber party at Britney's had gone wild thanks to that scented candle burning away on the end table. The air filled with Lavender Relax. My futa-cock throbbed to the beat of my heart. I had a big, throbbing clit-dick. It was so impossible and yet I didn't care that a scented candle had somehow given...

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Senior Year Ch 01

Passion In James County II Chapter 1 Bobby Draper was looking forward to the beginning of his senior year at Jamestown High School. The only negative part of having school start again was that it meant his girlfriend, Paula, had to return to the college she attended, which was in another town. ‘We’ll see each other on vacation,’ Paula told him the day she left. Bobby missed Paula, even though she’d only been gone a few days, but there were other women on his mind, too. During his summer...

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Mami Ne Mere Sharm Ko Dur Kiya

Hi dosto, mera naam adarsh changed hai main apne ghar par 3 bhaiyo me sabse chhota hu, mere ghar me mom dad aur hum 3 bhai hai ye story tb ki hai jab main 12th ke exams ke bad anpi nani ke ghar rahene ko gaya, Mere nani ke ghar par nani nana, aur bade mama mami, aur unke 4 bacche, aur chhote mama airforce me kam karte hai, aur wo garmiyo me ek Mahine ke liye waha rahene ko ate hai, undono ke do bacche hai, badi ladki 4 year ki thi aur chhota beta 1 year ka tha, ye story mere chhoti mami ke...

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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda

Hi readers i am vicky sharing with a beautiful & hot story of my freind sumit and her sexy mom sohini. Sumit was my classmate and we are very close freind to each other. Mera unke ghar regular jana ana tha aur mai unke family member ki tarah tha. Mai unki family ke har function ko attend karta tha. Sumit ki mom ka nam sohini tha wo bahut hi sexy lady thi, itni khoobsurat ki noor uske badan ke har hisse se tapakta tha gora rang, kale kale gunghrale bal aur balon ki lat jo uske chehre par thi...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 90

Flashback – Ben – Back at the formerly captured hospital Colonel Maggie called George back and ordered, “George, make sure you do whatever it takes to keep that prisoner alive.” George relayed the command to me and I said, “Fine with me.” And I promptly tied the fucker to one of the support columns in the hospital. Then I explained, “Now he can’t jump out a window.” George asked, “Do you think we should remove the tazer probes?” I shocked the fuck out of our prisoner and he passed out...

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The Cable Slave Chapter 3 Camera Lights Action

I sat naked on a chair in the middle of the room and listened to the instructions on the phone. I didn’t even think about whether I should obey or not. Being blackmailed was a good excuse if I needed it, but for me it was entertainment. I felt safe. All this was happening in my own house when I would have been bored and alone. Deep down I knew this was way more fun than watching porn on my computer or doing the laundry in the nude. 'We need a cover story for you so that your husband doesn’t...

2 years ago
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A Night in the ChateauChapter 2

After a couple of minutes, Rebecca slipped her tongue out of Sarah’s mouth, and whispered “Don’t worry my darling, I will make your first double penetration really special”. Rebecca stood up and moved behind Sarah who felt Rebecca’s hand on her back, pushing her forward so that her breasts were pressed against Tony’s chest. Then she felt Rebecca’s fingers easing lubrication gently into her back passage, slowly spreading it around her rectum. Sarah was starting to tense up at the prospect of...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 56

We sailed the next day from Oak Hall with a full crew of a hundred and sixty men and women that included me and my party. The Sea Nymph was provisioned for the trip and fitted out to deal with anything we might run into along the way. While I had been off gallivanting about Temasek and the waters surrounding it, Tagus had seen to it that ballistae were mounted on the main deck. The Sea Nymph now carried two ballistae in the bow and two on each side of the ship, stationed just about amidships....

1 year ago
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Mom Made Me

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was 16. My parents were divorced and I lived with my sweet ass. I always had a hard on when I was around her. Watching her run and seeing her tits bounce or wrestling with her and feeling her against me, well let's just say I masturbated a lot. Her room was dimly lit from a streetlight and sometimes I would sneak in when she was sleeping and hope that she was on her back and had the covers thrown back. Hoping to get a look at her tits or her great...

3 years ago
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Chudaai Ka Mazza

Hi 2 all my ISS reader! here aashique 21yrs male 4m ,Amravati college student & working also, very healthy & fair with white skin, I’m a regular readers & g8t fan of dis site, because it is d best site providing such a erotic stories. in my life there is 1 story now being a fan of dis site i decide to share with all ISS fans. aunties, bhabis & gals 4m Bangalore can contact me on . for safe & satisfaction sex. I promise it would b very very pleasureful & safe, because I’m also 4m very good...

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Extremely Sexy Office Lady

This is the story about a lady working in a office, how i dealt with her, I love the way she does her job very well. Now for a while let’s through some lines about me to you … Hai to all the ISS Readers…. I am from India. i am Arun (name changed) I am from Karimnagar Telangana . I am good looking tall and my dick size is 7 inches in length. I am 31 years old. Any ladies interested in sex, privacy is assured. Mail me at I love the ISS the way the authors describe their story. I just thought for...

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Forbidden Fruit

Your name is Simon, you?re in your late twenties and you just lost your job. Due to outsourcing, downsizing, cutbacks, economy, and a half dozen other bullshit reasons your asshole boss gave, you've been let go from the dead end cubical job you had for a couple years. Well you have to pay the rent somehow, so you check the local paper. You noticed there's an opening at the local Youth Center. You don't have much experience working with teens, but at this point you?re desperate, so you set up an...

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Teenager of the Year Book four

Authors note: Thanks to everyone reading this who's stuck with the series so far. I'm working on releasing new chapters more frequently. Your support is what keeps me writing. This story does make reference to events that transpired in Platinum Chef: Part IX by Chefness. By all means, please check out her work and leave comment. That said, I've made sure to cover any relevant information here, so you won't feel like I'm only telling half a story. Lastly, please leave a comment or...

2 years ago
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 11 Sorcerer 3

For the record, all that Savren was required to do was light a candle. However, it wasn't just the candle that was lit. The flame burned brightly for the briefest moment like a new star, then it melted the candle, the candlestick holder, the table, twenty six flagstones, three statues, incinerated a tapestry, and singed the tips of his Master's hair. The scorch marks alone would take weeks to scrub off the walls and ceiling of the casting chamber. Lady Esmerelda stood with crossed arms and...

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My First Few Swingers Meets

After moving permanently to London in the early 1990s as a single guy I was looking for a relationship. However, I found it hard meeting women, especially that wanted to have sex with me. I went to soho once or twice a month to go into the adult cinema but then discovered the peep shows. I found watching naked women gyrate around great and the more money you put into the slots the more daring they got. However the best was an open stage on which women would come out and you paid 15 minutes to...

4 years ago
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First Experience with Older Man

I remember my first time. I met a man about 20 years older than I was at a book store. As I got in my car he asked me for a lift and I said okay because I knew the neighborhood. As we drove back he reached his hand in my pants and started squeezing my balls. I told him to stop, and then he just started rubbing the head of my cock. I told him to knock it off. Once we got to his place he asked me in for a drink, I told him as long as he can control himself I can have a few beers.We went up the...

2 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 4 Setting Oneself Up

Everyone was up and out early the next morning. Megan and Ryan had stuck around just long enough for Alex to have a discussion with her and Lauren about what they should try to accomplish after he left. He also took a cue from his interactions with Tommy, Jenny Cox's husband. He suggested Ryan work with the spouses, boyfriends and families of his followers in Houston to help them adjust to their women's new role in his mission. Ryan seemed to like the idea, getting enthused about helping...

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