Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 13 Sultry Genies Naughty Competition
- 3 years ago
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————- Prelude: Very early, about the 6th or 7th Century AD ———————-
From the sparse artifacts and record fragments it can be determined that, of the small group of genie trainees graduating in this one class, most had absorbed the information and direction well, yet there remained a thread of individualism in each. Some were more pliable, other more impetuous, given to act first and think later, some, especially a couple of the girl genies, were anxious to please and seeking to become the best and most welcomed genies they could be.
An existence with little else than subjugation and servitude in the future was not really all that thrilling to some, but the world of their day offered little encouragement and, especially for a woman or a girl in a region overrun by one conqueror after another, security and stability were commodities altogether out of reach. Exposed to such conditions in their training, genies typically chose their fate as the less strenuous and demeaning of the two.
Precisely what differentiates genies from humans remains obscure. Physically and psychologically, the two seem almost identical. Little on the topic has survived in the record, and it seems reasonable to conjecture that they are related in ways of which we have little knowledge. The data is too sparse to be more definite than that.
At any rate, their individualism notwithstanding and some more ready than others, the graduates were designated fourth rate genies and sent off to their various assignments.
—————— Much Further Along, Late in the 20th Century ———————
They had been on the beach now about two hours, he figured, and had explored in sufficient scope and detail for his report, and his notebook was full of sketches after they had conferred. They were the ship’s beach intelligence team, and doing beach intelligence surveys was part of their work. Their ship was a U. S. Navy amphibious warship and would act as primary control vessel for any amphibious assault landings by the U. S. SIXTH Fleet Amphibious Ready Group then deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. They could put a reinforced battalion of combat ready Marines ashore just about anywhere they wanted and whenever ordered by the admiral in London.
These surveys and the resulting reports allowed the staff in London to keep good tabs on beach conditions in the Med, and included a whole lot of detail about beach gradients, ability of the sand to support heavy tracked vehicles, foreshore and backshore conditions, egress routes off the beach, access to local roads, prominent structures, local landmarks, etc., and a pot load of similar technical details. After a number of exploratory beachings in the ship’s own LCVP, a small landing craft, his team had pretty much gathered up what they needed. For precise navigation, the quartermaster had checked a number of local landmarks against the most detailed chart, the two Marine sergeants, the boatswains mate, and his leading signalman had hiked all around to map out logical sites for troop assembly, strong points to be established, a command post and signal station, and supply dumps. They had done this now a third time on this deployment, this time on a sparsely populated beach in Greece. Another two weeks and they would turnover to the relieving Ready Group, probably at Rota, on Spain’s Atlantic coast, and head for the Chesapeake and home.
Returning from a short walk along the water, studying the composition of the coarse sand, he happened upon a small jug or bottle at the water’s edge. He thought it appeared very old, like some antique, it was not more than a hand’s breadth high, round, with a flat bottom and a fluted neck with some kind of plug or stopper in the opening. The jug’s surface was badly corroded, but seemed to be of a very durable material, metal, he thought, from the appearance and heft, and especially the sound as he tapped on it. It seemed attractive and quaint, and, rolling it about in his hand carefully, it felt like something that would be a nice keepsake of these two extended deployments to the Med. He figured he would not likely be back again, as he had orders off the ship when they returned to the States. This interesting little jug would be a clever conversation piece on his desk, he thought to himself, washed off the sand, tucked it in the right hand pocket of his foul weather jacket, and turned back to close the distance to the boat where the others were gathering.
‘This would be a great place for a landing, Lieutenant.’ The one sergeant was more pleased with this site than the last one. ‘Excellent egress between the dunes to a good hard surface road behind. Prime!’ He was thinking of how quickly the Marines could move inland and establish themselves in a crisis situation.
Their quick conference there on the beach, while everyone’s observations and thoughts were fresh, allowed the lieutenant to fill in the blanks, jot down ideas to flesh out the report, and he felt this little foray had been very successful.
Their work ashore completed, they walked up the ramp into the boat, and the coxswain raised the ramp, backed the boat off the beach, and steered for the ship. It was a cool, pleasant afternoon, the sun was shining, and he reviewed his notes in his head as he watched his men. Including the two Marines had been his idea, and had worked out well. Their insight in assessing beach conditions was outstanding. Each, signalmen, quartermasters, boatswain’s mates, had added to the total package.
Absently he thrust his hand into his jacket pocket, finding with surprise the foreign object about which he had forgotten, and suddenly wondered what he might have found. Intriguing, but this was not the time to look it over again. It was an attractive little jug, just the same.
The ship was anchored about three miles away, but they had an hour before chow and then he had the second dog watch on the bridge, and he needed to check with his radiomen, too. The challenges of daily work captured his full attention once more.
In his stateroom about 9 PM, after getting off watch, he set the curious little jug on his fold down desk. He could finally relax a little, and sat down, worn from a long day, and for the first time gave himself over to considering seriously what to make of this strange little antique. Extraordinary, he thought to himself, and very unique for sure. He had orders onward to other duty on the west coast, and this would be very attractive on his walnut desk, with a little cork coaster under it. He looked forward to moving on from sea duty to staff work and more schooling.
There was a knock at his door. ‘Mister Kurlander, sir?’
He recognized the voice of his radio messenger. ‘Come in.’ ‘Hello, Sealy. You got the watch this evening?’
‘Yes, sir,’ said the sailor, handing him the message boards, ‘There’s a hot one, sir, and the captain says for me to make sure you see it immediately.’
Lieutenant Kurlander was the communications officer, and the message advised that he should be ready for a special shipment of crypto materials when next they replenished underway, which would be three days away. Fine, no big problem, forewarned was forearmed. He signed off, thanked the messenger, and he was gone.
Six hours away and the bridge watch would wake him to take the 04-0800 morning watch on the bridge, and they would be getting underway at 0730 and heading out to sea. He ought to knock off, and set condition horizontal for some shut eye. The little jug on his desk, however, was engaging, and he picked it up again, drawn to it somehow.
After a minute, he drew his penknife from his pants pocket and scraped away some of the crud around the plug. He laughed to himself when he thought of the plug seeming very much like a hard rubber or some modern composite material. Not likely! With the point of his knife, he nudged the plug until it loosened, and removed it with his fingers.
There was a littl
e whooshing sound and he was surprised beyond imagining at what he saw.
‘How may I be of service, My Master?’ Her voice was soft and submissive.
It was a girl… well, what looked like a girl, anyway. She was something, he thought immediately, out of the Arabian nights, for sure. She was cuter that he had ever seen, big blue eyes, dark, heavy lashes, and a very pretty face. Her brunette hair was long and full down her back, spilling over her bare shoulders.
She bowed her head in subservience to her new master, and waited for his command.
The visual image before him was a surprise, very pleasing and pleasant, but very much a surprise just the same. She was life-sized, and somewhat smallish, petite perhaps. Her torso was bare save for a light blue silk-like piece of material, draped lightly across her very full and perfectly formed breasts. Her waist was narrow, flaring to full hips. There was a gem of some kind in her naval and a chain about her hips, dipping very low in front, from which hung some kind of material he could not determine, since everything below her middle was vague and disappeared in a wisp of vapor oozing from the jug. It was definitely her breasts, however, that grabbed his attention.
He appreciated the delicate features of her face, her long lashes shielded her twinkling eyes from him now as she bowed her head, waiting for him to command her, and his attention drifted easily back to her breasts once more. Her tiny nipples seemed to look upward with a pouty pleading for his attention. Her breasts were splendid, sat high on her chest, and seemed to him precisely the ideal size for her figure. Thirty-six? Perhaps, maybe a little less. Probably at least ‘C’s, he was guessing, maybe a little more, but the more striking thing was that with all that ‘top hamper’ she did not appear the least bit out of balance in her figure. The light blue silk was technically covering her breasts, but in practice the thin, nearly translucent material was little or no covering at all.
He had not the slightest idea what he might say. He was in no way certain that he was not dreaming.
‘You have a command for me, My Master? Please command and I shall obey if I can.’ Once again, her voice was soft and submissive, and she waited, head bowed.
With some reservation, he asked gently, ‘Who are you?’
‘I am a fourth rate genie, My Master, and my purpose is to serve you in any way you command. I await your pleasure, My Master.’ Her voice was light and pleasant, and very feminine.
What is going on here, he thought. This is a fantasy beyond imagining.
After a brief pause, trying to gather his wits with this… this genie in front of him, ‘What is you name, genie. How are you known?’
‘I have no name save the one you give me, My Master. I am here to please you, and you only.’
‘Excellent, young lady, and I will welcome your pleasing me.’ Yet, he wasn’t exactly sure how to proceed. What name did he want to give her? He thought Brianna was a classy name for a cute girl… cute genie, he thought. And, what kinds of things could he require of her? Well, one thing sprang into his thoughts immediately, and he decided to try her.
‘Your name, young lady…’ he made his voice somewhat more commanding, trying to get into the game here and tell her what to do, ‘your name is Brianna.’ That seemed decisive enough, and in response she raised her head and looked at him with an appreciative smile.
‘Brianna? Thank you for such a pretty name, My Master.’ Her blue eyes twinkled for him, and he smiled back.
‘Also, Brianna,’ he was warming to the idea of giving her commands, ‘you shall be pleased to present yourself to me each time as you emerge from your little jug and then promptly remove the material about your pretty breasts. Do you understand me?’ She nodded her head in response, and the light blue silk simply disappeared.
They were perfect! No other word could do justice. They were creamy white, larger than many – he thought his early guesswork was pretty close – and with just classic curves, and with the cutest little tips, puffy and with tiny nipples in a soft, dusky shade of pink.
He wanted something more of a performance from her, however. ‘Let’s try that again, Brianna,’ he instructed with a drawl. ‘With your hands, take off the material around your pretty breasts. Do it slowly and with feeling, knowing that I very much like to watch you… and then toss it aside.’
That caught her off guard, and she looked at him questioningly. He just waited for her to comply.
The material reappeared. After a shy pause, she reached a hand behind her and pulled the knot loose, and the silk promptly dropped away in her one hand. Then, in a casual gesture, she reached out one arm and, in a delightfully saucy manner, deliberately let the silk slide off her fingers.
His appreciative gaze triggered pleasurable sensations in her tummy that she had never felt before. Well, she thought they were in her tummy. Of course, she was a novice, a fourth rate genie just starting out on her first assignment, and this was all new to her. The other girl genies in her class had moved on to other things after their first assignments and several had progressed further. For some reason she had been stuck, waiting for some human to call her forth.
And he was a man, too, a very handsome man, she thought, dressed all in brown clothes and wearing a dark green jacket. How strange, she thought. She had never seen this kind of human before… but, then, she had only seen a couple of humans before… and none of them had looked like him, none at all. And now he was looking at her, pleased with what he saw, she thought, judging from the smile on his face.
‘And so, young lady, tell me about your powers, and how do I use your magic services?’
That snapped her back from her meanderings. ‘Oh, My Master, I am only a fourth rate genie, and therefore, my powers are limited by my inexperience, but I shall make every attempt to please you in whatever manner you desire,’ and dropped her head in a slight bow before him.
Was there a double meaning there, he wondered, and was she playing word games with him? No way at the moment to be sure, but the truth would soon come out, he was positive. She had whisked away the blue silk easily enough. Her prominent ‘top hamper’ – those beautiful breasts of hers, with her tiny little pink nipples – was just delightful and beckoning.
Retrieving his presence of mind from its wandering, he asked her about the mechanics of possessing a genie. She must return to her jug, she explained sweetly, when he commanded, and she would come forth immediately when he removed the stopper. Anything he commanded her, she would then attempt to grant. Anything, he thought to himself, left a lot of latitude, and ruled out very little.
He asked whether she had others to serve, and she looked at him oddly. ‘Oh, no, My Master, I am here to serve you alone, and any wish you express I will seek to fill if I can.’
The very thought of her being real was more than one busy naval officer at sea could fathom… let alone wish, though he was trying hard.
‘You are a very pretty genie, Brianna. Does it embarrass you to be bare breasted in front of me?’
‘Your wish is my command, My Master.’ That was a proper statement, and true enough. ‘But, it does,’ she dropped her eyes shyly and couldn’t help a smirky comment, ‘make me tingle inside.’
Hmmm, he thought, she’s a saucy little wench in her own sweet way, even if a genie. Very alluring.
‘Brianna, raise your arms above your head for me.’ She did not hesitate a second, though her motions were graceful, unhurried, and very feminine. Her body was a classic work of extraordinary artistry, and he had never seen anything remotely so beautiful. Photography of bare-breasted women, or women nearly so, is not so rare these days, and few men remain oblivious to them, even thou
gh such was really not his style. He had, therefore, the imagery to allow him to be very discerning and discriminating, and his own rather exacting standards did not keep him from appreciating her exquisite form. Exquisite, indeed, she was flawless! How many artists had sought such perfection in stone and on canvas, and here he has perfection presented to him from a little corroded jug found on a remote beach. Is she for real?
He motioned to her to turn around, and she did so, slowly and with poise, glancing back at him over her shoulder, shy and not at all sure that he was happy with her.
And her shape and form and curve and coloring were exquisite. That was his own evaluation. Aside from that, a personal opinion with so many superlatives might be roundly dismissed as hyperbole. It is a common human error to elevate what one finds beautiful to the ultimate standard of perfection. Understandable, intellectually shallow, but understandable. Nevertheless, where the beauty of this particular young girl’s body is the topic, hyperbole is simply unavoidable. More to the point, superlatives provide the only accurate measure, and they may yet fall short of the mark.
For Brianna, only her inexperience kept her from seeing it in his eyes. He was very pleased, very pleased indeed. No implants, no cosmetics, no monkeying with the design, just a fresh, vibrant girl with a wondrously beautiful figure, including her spectacular ‘top hamper.’
Then, like a bolt of lightning, he realized that only a curtain covered the opening from his stateroom to the passageway beyond, and anyone walking by might knock and enter, especially one of his fellow officers.
‘All right, Brianna, I want you to feel welcome in my life. You make me pleased to have you as my genie.’ Was somebody listening out in the passageway? He hoped not. ‘Return now to you jug, Brianna. I will call on you again soon.’ He was getting into the mindset of ordering his genie about.
‘As you wish, My Master,’ she bowed her head and the wispy vapors about her drew her back into the little jug with a whooshing sound.
He watched the process with interest, considered what lottery might have bestowed this magic upon him. A fantastic voyage of his own making now awaited him, and he carefully replaced the little stopper.
As stimulating as was her presence with him, he had to think about circumstances, what to do with his genie, for instance, and how to keep her safe. The coming days would be challenging, and he needed to get some rest.
Rest? Fat chance now with the vision of this girl… this genie in his head. She was a first rate cutie for sure, very much like his wife before he lost her in the auto accident with that drunk driver. For the first time since her loss, he felt his heart warming a little. Brianna was as choice a beauty as he had ever seen, or ever hoped to see.
After a sandwich in the wardroom, thinking about her, of course, and then a shower to try and relax, he lay in his bunk trying to sleep. She was a real beauty of the first magnitude. She looked like she was about nineteen, well, like a girl nineteen, her eyes twinkled for him, those long lashes and her shy smile were enough to tear him up inside. Her breasts, however, were just too perfect to imagine. When she had turned, they swayed softly, and as she leaned over they swung away from her chest daintily. Beauty beyond perfection!
He got some sleep before going on watch, but not much.
The next days and weeks were as full as had been those before them, fuller now for him with his mind-altering experience with his genie. Between watch standing on the bridge, and managing the communications for the ship, including the coding operations and handling the crypto equipment and materials, the days and nights were filled with things to do and coordinating with others. They fueled again from the oiler for the last time for this deployment, and he received his crypto shipment as advised. Ten days later they turned over at Gibraltar to the incoming ready group. There was a party ashore at the British officer’s club, and that was nice, but through all of this, he had to struggle to keep control of his thinking because she was ever in his thoughts. The first thing when he awoke, frequently through his waking hours – whether night or day – and the last thing before dropping off to his normally exhausted slumber, she was there… her sweet smile, her pretty face, her dancing blue eyes and long lashes, and her magnificently perfect breasts.
Jeanie the GenieCopyright Oggbashan August 2015Edited September 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The information about genies is fictitious. Don’t try any of the information on your neighbourhood genie. September edit is to correct a minor plot...
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Chapter Two: Step One: Never Trust Another Genie! To say that the old apartment building was dilapidated would have been diplomatic. It had to be a serious fire hazard, with the roof sagging like that, and most of the paint coming off in dangling strips. But it was the correct address, he was positive of that. There was only one Georgia Street in town and this was it. Well, I wanted to know where she lived, Avery thought, as he made his way up the creaking steps and onto the apartment’s front...
In a medium-sized but well-furnished house, an old man was sat on an armchair, sipping at a glass of wine. His laptop began to ring for a Skype call, and he answered it. “What is it Johnson?” asked the man. “Sir, we have a problem,” said Frank. “How interesting,” the man said, taking another sip. “Asrah’s been taken.” “WHAT!?” “I’m sorry Mr Brookman, our plan failed. They worked out a way to remove Asrah from my control.” “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!? They’ll destroy us now!...
The opening of Chapter 1 was originally written by Oren the Otter for a contest a couple of years back - which I humbly acknowledge winning - (I was the only entry so obviously no one felt they could top my story in the contest. :) It was rewritten late in the last millennium. The Genie And Adolph Hitler By Caleb Jones CHAPTER 1 Adolph didn't know what to expect when he opened the box, but this wasn't it. What hovered before him was a wisp of smoke from the waist down. From...
Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I've come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI've always told my mother that she works too much.She's a full-time attorney by day, and she somehow finds the time to teach a few evening classes per week at the law school which I attend.As a result, her love life had really suffered. Her workaholic behavior came as a result of the divorce several years ago. Overworking was her way of coping and moving on, and it left her in a cycle of being lonely and longing for the perfect man in her life.The Sex GenieIt was late in the afternoon and I...
(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...
Harry awoke the next morning with a smile on his face. Of course, this wasn’t a particularly unusual occurrence. Since finding Sarosa’s lamp 7 months ago, his life had been perfect. His every desire had been granted to him by this magical girl, who desired only to please him. Someone up there must like him, he figured. Harry looked around the bed at the chaos on it. His duvet (Not a problem, since his room was always at a magically perfect temperature) and bedsheet, along with both pillows,...
This is the first story I've dared post. I have no idea if I'll ever post anything more. I wrote it two years ago and haven't been terribly motivated to do much with it since then. It's arguably rather derivative and not terribly good, but I enjoyed writing it. Rather than let it sit on my hard drive indefinitely I figured I'd stick it up here. Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. If not, I don't care. It was written for my own enjoyment and nothing more. This story is very clearly...
************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan May 2003/October 2013 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Reginald was a nerd, a geek, a wimp. He was the man who had sand kicked in his face, who...
Genie had been serving his master Aladdin for some time now.Sure he thought of Aladdin as a friend, but as a genie he was never able to make his own fantasies come true. Always having to grant wishesto make other people happy.Aladdin said he would be setting him free and once he did, Genie was going to make his own come true.It took a long time, Genie had to go through all kinds of bullshit because of Jafar wanting more power. But finally Aladdin made his last wish and set him free.Now that he...
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Justin’s family went up earlier in the day to visit family and he was getting a ride with his Aunt Krista later in the afternoon. Justin was rather excited because it would be just him and her. Justin has always had sexual fantasies of her; he always was fucking the shit out of her and layering her face in his warm hot cum in his dreams but they have never come true. However he wishes they did he always wanted to be with a older women. Justin was watching some porn before his Aunt came;...
“Another ale, my friend,” he said, flicking a coin in the direction of the bartender. “You’re not from around here, are you?” The bartender asked him. “No I’m not, but don’t worry, if all has gone to plan, I’ll be out of here before long.” A few minutes later, a man arrived in a cloak, carrying an ornate box. “Do you have it?” The Englishman asked, excited. “Yes, it is in this box,” the other man replied. “Good…let’s go into the back room. We need some privacy.” They went into the...
"Dan ... Daaaaan..." Daniel heard Charlie's sweet voice, pulling him out of his dream. He opened his eyes, and saw Charlie looking over him, smiling. She was dressed in her school uniform. "Charlie?" "Morning Dan. Have fun yesterday?" Daniel sat up, and realised he was in Harry's room. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. "Yesterday? But it was like midday?" "You slept all day and night. You were exhausted." "I'm not surprised. What the fuck did...
Chapter Six: How to Readjust Your Genie If she laid very, very still, she could almost pretend that her skull wasn’t splitting. Suddenly Cypress knew how her father felt, those mornings after he’d had a wee bit too much to drink. Of course, her father had always had her there to bring him a nice big mug of black coffee. She wasn’t even sure that would help this headache, since it wasn’t from a hangover. At least, I don’t think so, Cypress thought. I can’t quite remember what happened last...
3 years later the king was very much enjoying his power, both political and magical. In his private chambers in his palace there was a large bathtub carved into the floor, filled with water that was impossibly pure, aside from various scented oils and the like which had been magically added for the benefit of the king. In the tub were four figures; Tutankhamun himself, and three girls his age. He was relaxed against the sides while one of the girls rode him reverse cowgirl, and the other two...
Chapter Five: Step Two: Avoid Leaving Your Master’s Side at All Costs! The biggest problem, when it came to having dinner with Vivian’s parents, was that for some reason they always want to sit around the table at his place. Sure, there were plenty of other problems, too, but Avery considered this one to be at the very top of the list. On any other occasion, Vivian’s parents liked to go out to expensive five star restaurants for dinner. Why they felt such a strong need to invade his personal...
THE RELUCTANT GENIE By Persephone © 12/15/2010 My best buddy, Lee, joined the Army right out of high school. I opted to further my education so I went to college. Well, community college anyway. A four year school was a bit beyond my folks means and at the time I didn't even have any means at all. Lee tried to get me to join the Army with him to take advantage of all the educational benefits. I told him that a free education wasn't worth a whole lot if you were killed in Iraq...
In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for...
------------------------------- Sophie Swift woke up slowly. She was sprawled out on her bed, and from what she could tell, she was naked. That was strange, she thought. She normally wore her pyjamas. Sophie thought back to the weird dream she’d had last night. She’d dreamt that an old man had given her a lamp with a genie, and that the genie had had sex with her. Twice. With only a break for dinner in between. It was a really vivid dream though. Her pussy was still tingling a little...
Arthur Hayden was probably one of worlds least ambitious people. Not because he was satisfied with what he had but because he was to lazy to put any effort, or to be precise he always believed being lazy was cool and going through life with a very minimum effort was a proof of him being better than other people. Most people who heard of his life would feel that he came out better, considering he lost both his parents at the age of 10 with no living relatives he got in to foster care. Kept...
FantasyThe early midday sun startled me as I left my building. Like every day. I should have gotten used to it. But still every day I winced at the bright sun and needed a moment for my eyes to adjust. I definitely wasn't a morning person. And yes I was aware of the irony. After I could see again without tears coming to my eyes I started walking to my 'work'. Not that I had to walk anywhere to do my work. I just preferred to be found in one spot. As I walked on the sidewalk I heard the sound...
“What do we do!? What do we do!?” Charlie asked, panicking. “Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me...
I think it came down to one vote for slutty schoolgirl, so here we are! Chapter Two The office faded away, and I was once again left in the inky black void, staring into what looked like a distant star. I groaned. The genie leaned over me. "You look tired. Work can be very tiring, I guess." "Please... either just let me wake up, or let me go," my voice was hoarse. "Where would the fun be in that? I can keep you informed though: this isn't a dream. I'm very, very real,"...
Greetings to my friends and faithful readers. If you enjoyed this glowing start to the real story behind the legend of Genie, you can find the rest of this thrilling novel at my E publishing web site. Not only can you purchase all styles of erotic fiction on this site at a significant discount, but you can also make money by sponsoring this site like many of my free to join members already do. If you have a talent for...
“Good morning Mistress, would you like some breakfast?” Sophie turned around, to see Alexis sat there on a chair, holding a tray, with a big plate of pancakes and syrup. “Alexis?” She said, yawning. “I told you to go into your lamp.” “You once told me that you consider me your best friend,” Alexis said. “Best friends don’t always do as they’re told.” “You’re also my genie, and you have to do what I say.” “Fine, if you’re going to be like that, I’ll just leave, and take these delicious...
Chapter Four: What You Don’t Know…Sucks The sunlight was coming in at an odd angle. Avery was used to it coming directly across his face in the morning, but he could feel the heat of it on his feet instead. Startled awake by this odd change, he found, upon opening his eyes, that he was sleeping on his couch. God, I had such a crazy dream last night, he thought, rolling over onto his back and forcing his eyes open to slits. Cypress was a genie! And a hot genie, at that… But wait just a minute....
Sophie Swift woke up slowly. She was sprawled out on her bed, and from what she could tell, she was naked. That was strange, she thought. She normally wore her pyjamas. Sophie thought back to the weird dream she'd had last night. She'd dreamt that an old man had given her a lamp with a genie, and that the genie had had sex with her. Twice. With only a break for dinner in between. It was a really vivid dream though. Her pussy was still tingling a little bit. Sophie opened her eyes, and saw...
Chapter Three: Even Genies Get it Wrong Sometimes There was a hierarchy among the society of the djinni. Those at the top, like Ephasia, had it easy in life. How could your life not be easy, when you were the daughter of the djinn who ruled Iifa, and the sister of the future ruler? And there were those who fell somewhere in the middle, like the many young female djinni who attended Ephasia. They were lucky enough to have a cushiony spot in life. Tending to the daughter of Iifa’s ruler was a...
“Give him some time,” Antonella said, the van driving away quickly. “He’s had quite the shock. We’ll need him conscious though for the journey.” “What journey?” Daniel asked. “Right now that guy is almost certainly phoning his superiors, meaning he’s about to realise he’s been fooled. He knows who Harry is, meaning he could find his house, and from there, find yours, Charlie. You can’t go home.” “Of course we can!” Charlie said. “I’m sorry, but it’s not a good idea. I’ve put protection on...
Jerusalem, 1195 AD. In a tavern, an English traveller in his early 30s was waiting for a man to arrive with a delivery. Something for which he'd searched for over a decade. Something which, if his contact had been successful, was going to change his life forever. "Another ale, my friend," he said, flicking a coin in the direction of the bartender. "You're not from around here, are you?" The bartender asked him. "No I'm not, but don't worry, if all has gone to plan, I'll be out of...
Matt had his typical Saturday morning lay-in the next day. Though to be fair, recent events had left him rather exhausted, what with the large amount of sex he’d been having. Not that he was complaining in the slightest. When Matt eventually got up, he got dressed, and started walking downstairs. He could hear giggling from downstairs, followed by his sister saying “Fuck, he’s coming”. Matt walked into the living room, and found Becky and Jamie sat on the sofa, trying to look innocent....
"Oh, Josh-ee that feels so nice!" cried the most beautiful girl in my graduating class, as she rode me; her huge breast engulfing my head while my lips were tightly affixed to her left nipple. She then pulled my head out of her immense tit flesh to soul kiss me; alternating kisses and phrases of encouragement every fifteen seconds or so. Of course out came my dominant streak. "You're mine, Reenee! I'm taking you! You're mine forever!" "Oh, Josh-ee!" she moaned. "Oohhh ... I feel...
At Sophie's suggestion, Matt went home that evening. They didn't want to risk anyone suspecting that he had a genie, so they decided that he should probably keep away from her in public for a bit. Matt agreed, although he'd have much rather he didn't have to. Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he'd imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he'd hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the...
Chapter Two: Headmistress's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...
When Matt had woken up on Tuesday morning cuddled up to a nude Sophie, he’d enjoyed it greatly, and it was something he’d definitely wanted to repeat as often as possible. This morning, Matt had the pleasure of waking up with not one nude girl, but 4, all of whom had wanted to get in on the group cuddle. Matt opened his eyes, and examined the current positions of everyone. He was laid on his back, with Sophie in pole position, cuddled up properly with him. On his other side was Kelly, who...
David was annoyed. He was annoyed for a number of reasons, the most of which being that he had to spend the day with Donna the old lady from down the street. Why did he have to spend his day with this woman? The answer was another one of his annoyances he had been suspended from school, again. It was October and David being 14 had just started high school. David had been tall for his age most of the time growing up and also a little chubby. He wasn’t round and tall like some of those...
I was normal 20 year old boy. i was 5ft 6, had a chubby body. I had a good thick 7 inch cock though. I was a very horny boy though, but girls dont go out with tiny chubby boys. I didnt like any girls in my college though, i had my eyes on someone close to me. My step sister, Irina. She was 18 and had a curvy body, 36-32-38. I wanted to fuck her and its not like i didnt try, i tried my best to seduce her but nothing worked infact things got bad. She didnt wanted to indulge in sexual activities...
In the year 2012, 15-year-old Sophie Swift was confused. She'd felt an irresistible compulsion to go inside a mansion, where she'd met a nude man and girl. The man had told her that this girl was his genie, and that he was giving her to him. And now all that was left was a lamp, sat on the floor. She approached it with caution, not really understanding what was happening. She reached out a hand to touch it. It felt cold. Dormant. Sophie put the lamp in her bag, and walked home. Whatever...
Note: This story has some heavy sex. Like the movie Romeo & Juliet (1968) it fits. If because of laws, age or religion you should not be reading this then don't. If you are just looking for sex just read the first part. Don't go beyond her waking up. The magic is magic and works the way I say it does. Just Another Genie Story By shalimar I was taking another vacation alone. Again Marsha, my wife of 10 years did not want to come along with me. It is getting to be a habit, and...
Genie Rules By Sue Kidder "You have three wishes, Master Jack," the genie said. "But only three, and only you may make them." "Great!" I said. "I assume that a later wish can undo an earlier wish?" "Yes," the genie replied. I had always wanted to see what it would be like to be a woman, but I never wanted to make a career of it. This way I could try it, then return to my male self and still have a wish left. So... "For my first wish I want to become a beautiful...
HumorChapter Seven: Virgin Deflowered By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania Buckley:...
As they’d said they would, they also sorted out the UN. Aside from Frank, everyone was completely back to normal, remembering nothing at all about the genies. Frank was back in his normal job, although he retained possession of Barakaat for now. Although they’d been told they were welcome at Antonella’s home any time, Charlie, Daniel and Harry decided that they just wanted to go home. They made it home thanks to their genies’ magic, and just went to sleep in their own beds, alone. For the...