El Paso: MistressLynn free porn video

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Several authors are coming out with stories based on three songs by Marty Robbins: El Paso, Faleena and El Paso City. The story titles will be: ‘El Paso – author’s name’ e.g. ‘El Paso – Jake Rivers’

This is a follow on to our first ‘invitational’ in the fall of 2006 with entries based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ If there is continuing support, we might make this a regular semi-annual event.

Regards, Jake Rivers



‘One night a young cowboy came in
wild as the West Texas wind
dashing and daring
a drink he was sharing
with wicked Faleena
the girl that I loved’

Somehow, the lyrics seemed to fit this quiet stranger. He was just finishing his coffee and apple pie. I had been watching him as I worked: refilling the sugar, salt and pepper containers. The glasses were spotless as I dried them over and over just to be able to peer in his direction. He was the type that drew you to him–like a magnet.

The diner had been slow tonight so when he came in he had his choice of seats. After a brief glance around, he had taken the booth in the corner. Dressed all in black, his duster was shiny from the light rain that still fell. The drops of water on the brim of his cowboy hat sparkled under the lights.

As the stranger came to the counter he pulled out an old-fashioned money pouch from his pocket. Its’ intricate design caught my attention, reminding me of some of the old Western artifacts in the local museum. With nothing more than a nod, his bill paid, he left and blended in with the night. For the rest of my shift, as I went about setting up for the next day, my thoughts went back to him repeatedly.

I wondered about the Carson property outside of town. It had been vacant for a long time and could use fresh blood. Years ago it had been one of the most productive cattle ranches this side of El Paso. Now the barn was in disrepair, the fields were growing wild and most of the windows in the house were broken. Had the place been sold, and if so, could he be the new owner? By the time I closed up, I knew I wanted to learn more about this intriguing stranger.

When I locked up the rain had stopped. Most nights there was someone around to be sure I got home safely, even though it was only a block away. The last time our sheriff had any real trouble, it was just the Mason twins getting liquored up and racing each other down the old highway. The only casualty had been their trucks, which both ended up with blown motors. No, I wasn’t worried around here.

It was a struggle to keep my eyes open long enough to wash off the grime of the diner and slip into bed. Pulling the sheet over me, I snuggled down and went to sleep.

He called out my name. Holding his hand out, he reached for me. My fingers burned when I touched him. The smile on his face matched mine, of that I was sure. It had been five days since we had been together, it felt like forever. I was so heartsick whenever he went away.

Pressing me close to him, his lips met mine in a soft and gentle kiss. I knew the passion he held back, I had felt it many times. Right now, I craved it. Molding myself to his hard chest, my tongue darted across his lips. When he gasped, I slipped it inside his mouth. In seconds, he ground his lips to mine as our tongues danced and mated.

Demanding now to be closer, heat flared as my hands roamed his back. Our hearts pounding, buttons were ripped open and clothing torn off. My nipples were tight and puckered, begging for his mouth to nibble and bite them. I could feel him swell even more as my fingers cupped his cock through his jeans.

The rest of our clothing was torn off in a frenzy. Never stopping our kissing or touching, he moved between my thighs as we fell to the bed. Taking no more time for teasing, his throbbing cock ran over my hard clit. My pussy lips were wet, swollen, and on fire.

Locking my ankles behind his back, I urged him closer. The tip of his cock touching my opened pussy was more than I could take. Tortured moans tore through my throat. My walls tightened

Sweat pouring from him, slamming into my body, his cock exploded, pumping streams of his hot thick cum into me until he collapsed. Lying partially on my chest, we struggled to breathe. Finding the strength to move, he pulled me into his arms. Smiling, he held me while we slept, satiated for the moment.

My body ached and the sheets were damp and tangled when I woke up. Looking towards the window, I could see a hint of daylight through the curtain. Having no plans for the morning, I stretched and sank back into my pillows, trying to bring up some of the dream that nagged at my mind. I sensed it had something to do with the mysterious customer from the diner last night.

Giving up, I dragged myself out of bed and took a shower, then went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. After a light breakfast, I went about my morning chores around the house, getting things done before my afternoon shift at the diner started. Normally work was just something I had to do, but today I was excited

I took extra care getting ready to make sure I looked as good as possible in my uniform.

My eyes quickly scanned the room, looking for him, though somehow I felt he wouldn’t be around during the daytime. The best thing about him coming in so near closing time, was that by then the diner was almost deserted. That would make it much easier for me to steal glances in his direction.

With that thought in mind, I found my apron and went to work pouring coffee and serving up the day’s special. The locals came in and out all day, but no one mentioned the Carson place, and no one commented about seeing a stranger in town. It was as if I had imagined him.

After the last of the supper hour customers left, I was able to take a break. Grabbing some change, I went to the old jukebox and punched in the buttons for my favorite songs. I sat down with a cup of coffee and relaxed with the music.

‘Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
Nighttime would find me in Rosa’s cantina,
music would play and Faleena would whirl.’

While daydreaming and listening to Marty Robbins tell his tale of ‘El Paso,’ I didn’t hear the door open or shut, but a sixth sense told me I was no longer alone. Embarrassed to be caught sitting down at work by a customer, I stood and turned towards the door, ready to apologize.

He was just slipping into the same back booth as the night before, with a hint of dust lingering in the air around him. The words died in my throat as in that second I had a flashback of the dream from last night. I saw parts of it, bits and pieces that heated my body. My face burned, as if he could imagine it and see the words in my mind.

His eyes staring at my hands
Teasing his body
Fingers walking down his chest
Stopping at his now tight jeans.

My soft wet tongue on his nipple
Flicking one then the other
Finding strong warm hands on my back
Longing for them in other places as well.

Trying not to make a fool out of myself, I walked behind the counter for a menu and the coffee pot. Taking a deep breath, I pasted on a smile as I made my way over to take his order. I hadn’t even heard his voice yet, but I knew it would be rich and deep, the kind that would send shivers down my spine.

‘Welcome back, cowboy. Coffee’s fresh, can I pour you a cup?’

He slid his coffee mug to the edge of the faded tabletop, nodding his reply, as he pushed back the menu I laid next to him.

‘See anything you’d like tonight?’ My soft-spoken words had a touch of flirting that added to the double meaning.

Eyes the color of steel held mine for what seemed like minutes but was only probably a few seconds. They seemed to read my every thought, bringing a hint of pink to my cheeks.

‘I sure do darlin’. But for now just bring me t
he special.’

I turned back to the kitchen, replacing the pot of coffee before giving the cook his order. Still a bit flustered from the short verbal interaction with this handsome stranger, I found myself filling the sugar containers on the counter. My eyes constantly returned to where he was calmly drinking his coffee, the fine grains scattering as I missed the openings.

The sharp ringing of a bell startled me. A steaming plate loaded with meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans stood ready. Plain fare, but hearty and filling for a working man, and it was tonight’s special. Slipping it onto my arm, I reached for the coffee pot on the way to his table.

‘Here you go, cowboy. Best meatloaf this side of Santa Fe. Need a refill on the coffee?’ I slid the plate in front of him.

His empty mug appeared almost before I finished asking the question. My eyes went to the strong hand that brought it closer. His long fingers had a few dark hairs along the knuckles.

‘Darlin? You gonna stand there with that coffee, or pour me some of it?’

Caught staring, I blushed as I poured the strong, black brew and fled to the safety of the counter once again. Washing up a few dishes, I found my eyes drawn back to him, not able to stop watching. His body was relaxed looking, yet there was an aura around him that said he would protect what was his.

The sound of his plate sliding across the tabletop broke the silence in the room.

‘Any more of that apple pie left, darlin’?’

‘Sure thing, cowboy. More coffee to go with it?’ I remembered how he had seemed to enjoy it with his pie last night, and I wanted him to see I had noticed.

‘You know it.’

Dishing up a large slice of the pie and grabbing a fresh pot of coffee on the way past, I headed to his booth once again. I exchanged his empty plate for the one with the pie and I started to turn back so he could enjoy his dessert in peace.

‘This pie is even better than my grandma used to make. My compliments to the cook back there.’

He looked at the sweet concoction on the fork that was half way to his mouth.

‘Well now, since the cook isn’t the one that made that pie, I think I’ll hold off on that, cowboy.’

With his head down, I could see the silkiness of his jet-black hair. A bit unruly and needing a trim, I imagined how it might feel to run my fingers through it. He looked at me out of the corner of those gorgeous grey eyes as he tilted his head to the side. I just stood there, grinning, as it occurred to him what my words implied.

‘Darlin’, if this pie is any indication of how you cook I just might have to marry you.’

If I wasn’t halfway smitten before, the combination of his teasing words and the wink he added would have done it. Giving him a smug grin in return, I walked back to the counter, unaware he was watching me the entire way. A few things still needed to be readied for the morning shift, so I continued with those chores, as my mind went over everything that had happened tonight.

Sounds from the corner alerted me he was finished and getting ready to leave. Hat in hand, he walked towards the old cash register at the end of the counter. I tossed the towel over my shoulder then leaned against the sink where I could admire his casual stride.

Meeting his eyes, I tried to read something in their unusual coloring. A glint of humor reflected back at me, showing his awareness of my perusal. My glance stopped at the money pouch in his hands. I could see five mounted cowboys coming over a hill etched into the worn leather.

‘That’s a pretty unique design there. Makes me wonder what the other side has.’

I gasped at the scene shown as he turned it with great care. A dozen or more riders chased a lone cowboy headed towards a cantina, where a girl stood waiting in the doorway. You could almost feel the urgency of the cowboy to reach her before being gunned down.

‘It belonged to my granddaddy. When I was a little boy he would tell me the story of this girl standing here. He said her name was Faleena.’

‘Out in New Mexico, many long years ago
there in a shack in the desert, one night in a storm
amid streaks of lightin’ and loud desert thunder
to a young Mexican couple, a baby was born

just as the baby cried, thunder and lightin died
moon gave its light to the world and the stars did the same
mother and father, both proud of the daughter
that heaven had sent them, Faleena was this baby’s name.’

My head jerked up. I sensed in his words the closeness he had shared with his Grandfather. It was an insight to the type of man this stranger was, a characteristic I respected. Though I didn’t have children of my own family was important to me. My husband and I hadn’t been fortunate enough to have any before he was killed in a freak accident on the ranch.

The stranger’s eyes were still looking at the design, but he seemed to be lost in thought, probably sitting at his grandfather’s side, listening to more stories. After a couple minutes, he blinked and looked at me, as if he only then remembered where he was.

With a sexy grin and a slight shrug of his shoulders, he pulled out enough money to cover his bill, added a generous tip, and slipped the pouch back into his pocket.

‘You take care now, darlin’. Be sure to save a piece of that pie for me tomorrow night.’

He was almost at the door before the words were out of his mouth.

‘You like peach pie, cowboy?’

My question stopped him in his tracks. One hand was on the doorknob while the other was holding his hat. He looked rugged, all male, his image was stamped in my brain, taking it places I hadn’t let it go for a long time now.

‘If that’s what you’re making tomorrow, then I’ve changed my mind. Save two pieces for me. The two biggest pieces of the pie.’

‘Anything you want, cowboy.’

I winked and grinned to let him know the dual meaning was intended.

‘Darlin’, I knew what I wanted last night already. You don’t think I came back just for the meatloaf do you?’

With that, he was out the door, vanishing into the darkness, leaving me stunned. I didn’t even think he had noticed me when he was in here before, yet if I understood him right, I was the reason he came back. Those thoughts sent chills throughout my body. His words repeated themselves in my head as I just stood there.

Somehow, I finished up for the night and made it home. For once, I was glad there had been no one stopping in the diner for a late night cup of coffee. I only wanted to think of my cowboy. Yes, after he left, I had started to call him mine in my head. Yet, I knew nothing about him, not even his name.

Crawling into bed, I found an extra pillow and hugged it. Closing my eyes, I held it tight, imagining how it could be.

The sun was setting and he still wasn’t home. He would be here, after five days out on the range. I always hated this time of year, when he left with the ranch-hands. The men respected him for working right alongside them, and not just giving them orders.

His favorite dinner was ready to heat up for him and two fresh peach pies were on the counter. I knew he would be exhausted when he got back, so I did what I could to make life better for him. Standing on the porch, checking the horizon once again, my heart began to pound at the cloud of dust I now saw. He was almost home!

It seemed to take forever before I saw the first horses. One lone rider broke from the group and headed this way. I ran down the path to meet him when he was almost to the house. Jumping off his horse, he scooped me up, drawing me into his arms.

Our lips met for a hard, deep kiss that told how much we missed each other. My hands ran down his muscular back as I pulled him closer to my aching body. I felt his fingers sliding down, caressing and kneading the flesh as he lifted me into his bulging groin. I moaned into his neck as we sep
arated long

Waking up to a gentle rain, the night’s dream kept floating around in my head, teasing me with bits and pieces of it. Burrowing into the warmth of my blankets, I tried to fit them together, but all too soon they faded away completely. A look at the clock showed me it was time to go about my day.

With the smell of peach pie drifting throughout the house, I thought of the cowboy again. Would he really be back tonight, or was he just passing through? Out here strangers were noticed right away, yet no one had said anything. Where did he stay at night? All these questions, and more, waited for answers.

Boxing up the desserts, I put them in a sturdy basket. When they were safely packed up, I went outside, thankful the rain had stopped earlier. Stopping to breathe in the fresh, crisp air, I wasn’t aware of anything unusual.

‘That basket looks mighty heavy, darlin’. Let me get it for you.’

Although I should have been surprised to find this man waiting at my door, I wasn’t. It even felt right to have him lift the weight of the basket off my arms with a single hand.

‘Good morning.’ He smiled at her. ‘Just on my way in to town, but something’s on my mind that needs attention first.’

‘That something brought you here, cowboy?’

‘Now see, darlin’, that’ it. You can’t call me cowboy forever can you?’

I began to get an idea of why he was here though I waited for him to continue. My smile had a look of confusion in it, laced with what I hoped was enough hesitancy to appear real. He looked confident and sure of himself as he looked into my eyes.

‘The name’s Logan, darlin’. Logan McClure. I bought the ranch down the road and just moved in last week.’

‘It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. McClure. I’d wondered if you were connected to the Carson place somehow. You sure have your work cut out for you there. It always looked so beautiful. I’ve never seen it from any closer than the road though.’

‘Well, darlin’, I can get you an invite to see the place seeing as how I know the owner. But there’s one thing he’ll require first.’

In my mind, I went over our brief conversation and the easy manner we’d fallen into. Not quite sure yet what I was missing, I decided to ask.

‘Mr. McClure

‘It’s Logan. You can’t be calling your date ‘mister’ the whole time now can you? Just like I can’t go forever calling you ‘darlin’.’

My face turned red as I realized my error.

‘I’m sorry, Logan. My name’s Emma Prescott.’

‘Emma. I like it. Nice to meet you Emma. Now that it’s official, we can finalize that invite to the ranch. When’s your next day off work?’

His question caught me a bit off guard, I had thought he was joking before. I found myself telling him my schedule anyway.

‘The next few days are open for me. I have a lot of free time since I only work three to four shifts a week.’

‘Then it’s a date. Ten o’clock tomorrow morning. I’ll pick you up and then you can spend the day checking out the repairs and improvements I’ve made at the ranch so far.’

Speechless, I just nodded my acceptance.

‘Great. Then I’ll see you in the morning. Now, you head back inside and relax, while I deliver these pies for you.’

Without a word, I turned toward my door.

‘Emma? You forgot something.’

Confused, I looked back at him. Logan stood there with a peach pie in his hand, holding it towards me.

‘You really should bring this to the host tomorrow. I heard it’s his favorite.’ His expression was one of total innocence.

With a laugh, I took the pie from him. He walked down the path without another word. When he was a few feet away, I heard him whistling. I stopped just inside my door when he added a few words as well.

‘Came a young cowboy so tall and so handsomely dressed

this one was new in town, hadn’t been seen around

he was so different, he wasn’t like all of the rest.’

Back inside, I stored the pie for the next day. I felt I could trust Logan even if I didn’t know anything about him. Some of my friends had told me before that I was too trusting. Every bit of intuition I had told me he was an honest, hard-working man, and I was going with my instincts. This felt right.

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Now that Jason had found a way to make a unit which would return from wherever it was going he began construction of a new and larger unit. This new unit would provide enough space for a video camera, a small control computer, and a larger battery to handle the increased power consumption from the added components. Once the new unit was completed he was ready for a more detailed exploration of his new discovery. In addition to the video camera, Jason had also added a circuit to monitor the...

4 years ago
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Fucked A Unknown Girl In Her Apartment

Hello ISS readers.. I am Rihan rai and I live and delhi.. If any girl or lady wants to get fucked and want some fun then mail me at Meri kahani start hoti hai iss pe story likhne se. Maine jbb apni 3rd story likhi to uske kuch din baad mjhe ek ladki ka reply aaya. Then we started chatting. Her name was shruti. Then she asked me to share our whatsapp no. I gave her my no. Thn she texted me after 2-3 hrs. As we dont know anything about her except names. Fir hamne ek doosre ko or janna start kiya...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Best Friend

After Christmas Break his second year, Matt finally broke it off with his bitch of a girlfriend when he caught her cheating on him for the second time. Having loved her very much despite the way she treated him, he was pretty depressed and lonely after losing her, but fortunately Elisa was there to comfort him and made him feel better. From then on, Matt and Elisa’s relationship developed to a whole new level; they talked on the phone quite frequently, sometimes for hours at a time, and told...

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Mummy Ne Gair Mard Se Chudwaya

Hi friends, aaj main apni mummy ki chudai ki ek aur kahani le kar aaya hu. Aap sabne meri pichhli kahaniyon ko padha aur dher saare mails kiye, uske liye thanks. Aap sab jante hain ki meri mummy ek chuddakar lady hai aur unke kai mardo ke saath shaaririk sambandh ban chuke hain. Aap sab ne meri pichhali kahaniyon mein padha ki kaise meri mummy ko unhi ke devar Sibu chacha ne gaon mein choda. Uske baad woh meri mummy ko barabar chodate the. Yahi nahi, unhone gaon ke hi do mardo se meri mummy ko...

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Back room wife bang

Dawn wore an unusually revealing black dress that evening. It was shorter than anything Brad had ever seen her wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential professional contacts, he was reluctant to have her wear it at first. But Dawn, who had a shapely but very petite 102-pound body, seemed to be very comfortable and confident in the tight, low-cut dress. In fact, seeing his wife in the dress stirred some reoccurring fantasies in Brad as they shared a bottle of...

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A Swimming Pool Encounter

My divorce had left me in pretty bad shape. I was overweight, flabby, tired and generally going downhill. I was drinking too much and eating rubbish food. One look in the mirror as I got out of the shower one morning shocked me. It was time for a complete change. If I wanted to see sixty, I needed to make some radical changes.Weight and lethargy were the first things I needed to tackle. I stopped the takeaways, the KFC and the ready meals. I rediscovered my love of cooking. I really cut back on...

4 years ago
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She is Hot and knows it

Now that my wife Sherry KNOWS how sexy she is, she has become a different person than the one I have lived with for 30 years. She has begun to dress sexy all the time. Her tops are lower cut, her jeans a little tighter. When she exercises, she has wears short shorts. Dresses and skirts have become more prevalent, and she shows a lot of leg. Everything is more revealing and sexier than before her realization. It was early summer, and Sherry had a nice tan. Today was Saturday, and she planned...

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The Making of a Gloryhole Gurl Part 2

Making of a Gloryhole Gurl! Part 2By Kristy I wasn’t sure where she went, but I lost contact with her after a couple months. All the bars and all the prostitutes never seem to get me off the way Christina did. I would cruise the streets for hours hoping to find her and go home without doing anything. My life without this very special gurl was depressing and went on like this for years. Then a few years ago I heard about a local park where guys would cruise for sex. Wait a minute I’m not gay!...

3 years ago
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The Naming of a Rat

==========[ PROLOG ]========== This is my first LitE submission. It is a true story which I wrote almost ten years ago, about a conversation I’d had with a woman I was dating at the time. We were in our late 40s/Early 50s, and had met on match.com after I had just been divorced by my ex-wife. There is no sex in this story, but I wanted to share it here on LitE, so I am placing it in the ‘Non-Erotic’ section (although whether or not it is erotic is subjective, but if you are looking for...

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Freeze FrameChapter 4

I woke up with a fairly bad hangover. My head was pounding, I remembered the events of the previous day with shock and confusion. I had been sitting in the student bar openly kissing a guy and girl and enjoying it. Then Nat had gone and arranged for the four of us to meet for coffee on Sunday. As a result of this strange incident my dreams had been interesting, to say the least. Strangely, most had involved little Caitlyn, rather than as I might have thought, the muscular Shaun. Maybe my...

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CHAPTER 30: WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT – THE COVEAfter helping Tom push the houseboat back away from the shallows and waving ‘bye’ to Jayson, I turned around to head for shore and smiled. Tim had the three beach towels laid out on the beach, the other towels on the cooler and was holding out a can of beer to Tom and me. He then sat down in the shallows and we followed suit. Cody was prancing around us, splashing as he did. He would come up to me and lick my arm and the top of my thigh but his real...

1 year ago
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Sex With Younger Sister Sangeeta

I am basically from a village but i stay in Bangalore city because i am doing my engineering from here. I spent my childhood in village and after 10th i came to Bangalore. I never had any kind of sexual feeling towards Sangeeta but it happened all of sudden. . I won’t bore you much and directly coming to story. . . . I am 5’7″ and my sister is around 5’4″ but i don’t know about her figure. I am a good looking boy but physically not much well-built but average but my Sangeeta is a damn hot girl...

1 year ago
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Adnan Mamoo Aur Mahboob Ke Saath 8211 Part IV

“Adnan jaldi se meri gaand maarlo nahi tau Ghazi washroom se baher na aajaye.” Mein tau tayar hi tha. Mahboob ko bahir balcony mein leyjaker aur jhuka ker usski khoob gaand maari. Doggy style mein abbhi gaand maar ker room mein aaye thay ke Ghazi bhi shower leker aagaya. Aur itna chikna lug raha tha. Ke mera Lund ko masti aarahi thi. Ke kiss tarah isski virginity ko pharrey. Mager Mahboob ko daikhker khamoosh raha. Kooch dair baad mein ne Mahboob ko kaha. “Mahboob. Ke baher jaaker canteen se...

4 years ago
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To Hell with Men

Dru is a pettie 22 year old woman with large breast, strawberry blond hair, and blue eyes. She had been use to dating assholes and was getting sick of it. "Why do men only care about the size of a woman's breast? All they want to do is fuck me and leave me." She would think to herself. "To hell with men! I'm done with them for now. But how do I still get to go out to the bars and not get hit on by them?" She keep thinking about this while cooking and eating dinner then figured to go out...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 25

The week seemed to fly by. Ken woke Monday morning, feeling good after sleeping in. He, Jane and Sandy had made love until pretty late. They got up and went down stairs where Ari and Bill had fallen asleep after she'd seduced him. Bill woke up in the study to find himself surrounded by naked woman with Ken offering him some coffee. His brain had screamed RUN, but no one, not even Sandy, seemed fazed by the fact that he was naked and that he and an equally naked young girl draped over his...

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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 26

It didn't take very long on Monday morning for Steve and Gwen to realize their lives had changed dramatically. Classmates Gwen had known since first grade asked for her autograph. Girls flirted shamelessly with Steve. Jordan had been a celebrity when she first attended Sparta, but her stock had risen even higher. Ms. Walker summoned Gwen, Jordan, and Steve to her desk when they entered the homeroom. "Correct me if I'm wrong. The fact that CBC aired your benefit concert last night meant...

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pt 2 my conservative wife

CONT from pt.1The next morning I woke up early and was still horny because I never did cum, but remembering evertyhing that happened lastnight kept me horny,I rolled over and started playing with marta,hoping to get her into the mood so I could get a quicky.But she wasn't having any of it.So I got up and told marta that me and mike were going to get some breakfast tacos,We leftand on the way,I told mike about what me and marta had talked about,I said that the reason she had worn that sexy...

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Parent Teacher Conference Ch 02

It had been a few weeks and Colette and I were doing great. The sex was unbelievable and Danny was actually doing really well in school. He was spending the new semester with his grandparents so that meant we had the place to our selves. Of course she had actually never seen my house before but all that was going to change. I really wanted to make love to her in my own bed. Things were looking really good for me. The only problem was Stan, Colette’s ex husband. Or shall I say hopefully soon...

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Julies New JobChapter 4

When I woke up in the morning I saw that Jon had gone out. I decided that I would take a shower and be ready to make love to him when he got back, if he was ready to do that. As I was on my way to the bathroom I turned and went to the front window. Looking out I saw nobody at all. I left the door in normal 'motel lock' mode so that Jon would be able to get back in and went into the bathroom. As I turned on the shower, I heard a knocking at the door. Thinking that it was Jon I hurried to the...

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Second ChanceChapter 32

The Angela matter took up most of my waking hours. That there was someone else like me was a monumental piece of information, and no matter how I tried, I couldn't make sense of what that meant as far as my role in the universe. Of course, the universe could be using hundreds of people like it was using me, thousands even. I had no reason to think that I was the only one. That was stupid on my part. Angela had my mind going a million miles an hour contemplating all the potential scenarios...

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I am a slut for my master Part 2

I am back with my second story about me and my mistress having lots of hot sex Knock Knock Knock... A guy came to the door while we were watching our video of what we did last night (she had a video camera who knew). I answered the door naked, it was a 18 year old student from my high school that I help study in math he said "O sorry I must be here at a master will let me help you study", he came in and saw what we were watching, I could see the buldge in his pants, I went over to my mistress...

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Vampire Nights 3

Darla spent most of the day distracted as she thought about Edward and the message he had left for her on the bathroom mirror. Her thoughts drifted to the memory of his lips against her bare skin and the feeling of him throbbing inside her as they had fucked passionately under her flowing shower the night before. She caught herself smiling at nothing near a dozen times throughout the day, and even when she was focused there was a persistent tingle between her thighs as she worked. Even her...

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Summer Vacation with her hot cousin

Introduction: Hopefully this ones better than my last. It was the first day of summer vacation. Christina and her family were in California visiting her family. Nat had gotten up early that morning regardless, almost out of habit at this point. He knew his cousin would still be asleep so he went down stairs to make them some breakfast. Christina woke up and rubbed her eyes. She sat up in her bed and looked out the window. What time is it? She said to herself. She stood up and looked at the...

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21Naturals Amber Deen Upload my Orgasm

Amber Deen convinces Tarzan to take a little break from the keyboard and come dial her digits for a few minutes. The lusty platinum blonde has all the equipment he needs: sexy natural breasts, beautiful full booty, and a slim babe figure. He leans in to lick her pussy while she purrs with pleasure at his skill. Amber is hungry though, and thankfully Tarzan offers his big dick to be swallowed by her deep throat. Spreading her bubble butt wide, she takes him deep inside her pussy as he thrusts...

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Sister in Law II

I caught one bad review of my original story and it was probably deserved. The story is true but I changed and shortened it in case the sister in law in question read the story. As I thought about it the chances of that are nil to none so I am including more details to making it as close to real as I can remember :   My wife of many years, Karen had decided that sex was no longer something that she wanted to do. I wasn't ready to give up on it yet and every girl I saw started to...

Wife Lovers
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Incident at Pima MesaChapter 9

In late afternoon of the next day, Miranda told Ellen she would love some company and asked if Ellen would come to her room after supper, Ellen was still shaken and embarrassed after last night and wasn't sure she could face Miranda even though she thought she had slipped away unseen when Miranda had come to the door. However, lacking any logical excuse and feeling a strange sense of excitement, she agreed to stop by as soon as she got Elijah to bed. Miranda answered the timid...

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Bar Buddies

Bar Buddies Steve was one lucky man, balls deep in his new girlfriend. She moaned and clawed his back in sexual ecstasy. The two couldn't get enough of each other. Ever since that fateful night when his roommate Paul became a sexy blond goddess now named Paula. The two of them had stayed home drinking like any ordinary night. After a few games of drunken chess, the two headed to bed but something stopped them. A magic beyond comprehension brought them together. Paul started furiously...

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Fixed IdeaChapter 7

They never talk about what happened in the bathroom. In fact, Rory vehemently denies it ever happening. After having that strange dream the night before, Chance isn’t all too sure it did happen either. It certainly felt real, but so had the dream. At this point, he isn’t even sure the incident with the bowl of oatmeal even happened. So for the rest of the day he decides to give his sister a bit of a break. This is the first weekend that he is here and the first of a long summer. He doesn’t...

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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina

I’ll never forget the first time that I saw her. I was invited by a friend to a party in San Francisco that was crawling with gorgeous girls many of whom went to the same modeling and fashion school in the city. It seemed like they were all trying to compete for who had the sexiest outfits and shortest dress. She was wearing a black mini skirt with a white thin blouse tied up high above her stomach, showing off lots of skin and her perfectly flat tummy. Her spiked platform heels accentuated her...

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Mind Swapping Chapter 05

Mind Swapping Chapter 5 I awoke late on Wednesday morning. I crawled out from between Carol and Barbara's still sleeping forms. It was my turn to fix breakfast and I was going to have pancakes and coffee ready before they woke up. But, first, I needed to go to the bathroom. I tinkled, washed my hands and checked my appearance in the full length mirror. Since my long blonde hair was slightly tangled, I gave it a few brush strokes. I applied a dab of pink lip stick to my full lips and...

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Black Magic Part 2 Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Author's Note: This is the second part of a long Giles/Willow story. No sex yet (yes there is sex, it's already written), but I prefer the slow burn.~Part 2~Willow was surprised when she arrived at Giles' apartment and didn't see any cars she recognized from the group. She didn't think too much of it, simply rang his doorbell and tried to quell her anticipation, smoothing wrinkles from her billowy dress out of nerves more than anything else. Giles was sitting in his living room, trying his best...

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Gold Digger Color of Gold

‘Uncle Miles,’ the twenty-five year old young woman in the lab coat said. ‘Hey Louie, Beware of fat men bearing gifts.’ he added. He had intentionally used the masculine version of her name. ‘Granny’s donuts, my god you are amazing. You do know my name is Louise,’ the young woman chastised him while biting into a strawberry jam filled donut. ‘I know my kid brother wanted a boy and tried everything he knew to make you into a tomboy.’ Miles replied. ‘Well that explains why I became a nerd...

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Developing a Taste For It Prelude

“Are you crazy, Adrian?” she said in that stuck-up tone she often used. “Are you on drugs?” “Oh, c’mon, Cathie, don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.” He said as he poured the martinis. “It’s not like we would be cheating on each other or anything.” “Oh, sure!” she said as she crossed her arms and looked away from him, “YOU get two girls, and I’m supposed to be okay with it?” She took a long pull at the frosted glass and set it down. “You listen to me carefully, Addie,” she pointed an...

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Cumshots That Changed the World

James stood up, infuriated, pointing at the end of the table to the staid group of suits that sat nervously. “Fine!,” he bellowed. “Find me a dozen 18-year old Russian girls who speak fluent English, aren’t in the industry, and are willing to let a perfect stranger fuck them in the ass every day for the next five years!” “Mr. Whitmore,” one of them began, holding up a hand. “That would be highly...” “Just do it! If you mother fuckers want my cum,” he gestured at his waist, the...

4 years ago
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My Sisters Boyfriend Part 5

On the way home I thought hard about what had happened these last few weeks. I realized that what I thought of as a summer fling had become something more for Jason. The way he’d kissed me just now -- the way he often kissed me when we weren’t in bed --  suggested that he had developed serious feelings for me.Did I have serious feelings for him? Did my feelings for Shana leave room for any?  I kept thinking about those questions over the following days.  There was no doubt about the strength of...


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