A&G Ch. 02: The Market free porn video

Chapter 2 – The Market
Author’s note: This is the much-delayed second chapter in a series. While it stands by itself, be sure to also read the first chapter in this story – ‘A&G Ch. 01: The Cottage.’
Gabriella slipped out of the castle before the first light of dawn. Her plan had been to leave very early in the morning before even the servants woke. The king and queen were notorious for enjoying a day or two alone together. Since the army’s safe return from battle, and her own safe return Aidan’s arm, their disappearances had become even more commonplace. If the royal couple wasn’t seen by lunch, the castle staff would simply assume the two would be in bed all day.
Of course, that wasn’t the case. Gabriella’s little adventure to the cottage had done little to calm her restless spirit. If anything, it had served to stoke it.
Smiling, she took Aidan’s large hand in hers and flashed the still sleepy king a dazzling smile she hoped would cheer his spirits. He hadn’t been thrilled when she woke him and made her plan known. She hadn’t given him much of a choice in the matter, though.
Today was the yearly grand market when merchants from all the neighboring realms came to hawk their wares. The scene was always so very much like a carnival and the queen refused to witness it from her bedroom window again this year. She was going to take it all in first hand – without the oppressive attentions of her personal guard. Either she would sneak out of the castle on her own, or her husband could come with her to help ensure her safety.
The dress she was wearing when she woke him had his attention almost instantly. A simple, A-line cut belied the voluminous skirt that swirled outward with every step the queen took. Intricate gold beadwork adorned the silk covering her bust, both bringing attention to her perfect breasts and leaving them completely to the imagination thanks to a high neckline. A thin tie back belt gave the dress a form-fitted impression over her hips. Aidan’s favorite detail, though, made him thankful the cool spring morning allowed him to easily convince his wife to wear a cloak. The dress was backless to her waist, the fabric suspended by eight strands of gold beads that draped elegantly across her form.
Her insistence and her surety that she could get out undetected sealed the deal. She threw in the matter of her safety just for fun – it always brought out a side of him she found irresistible.
For his part, Aidan stumbled along after his queen, more than a little unhappy to be up so early. He had enough mornings like this on the battlefield. He rather enjoyed sleeping late when he was sharing a bed with his wife. Still, he wouldn’t deny his queen her little adventure, even if he could – though it wasn’t his idea of fun. He knew that she needed moments like these in order to keep her from doing anything more dangerous. Going out alone outside the city walls was dangerous enough, especially for a noble. When he’d seen the dress Gabriella was wearing and imagined the leers she’d receive, his mind had been made without another thought.
Nevertheless, he played his part well and plodded along behind his wife as any other nobleman might, grumbling all the while. His clothes her were of a fine cut, Gabriella had made certain of that, but he was still no match for her beauty. He was glad that secrecy and privacy, along with the cool morning air, predicated a cloak that hid much of her charms. He wasn’t necessarily a jealous man. There was no need for such a trivial thing when the connection he shared with his wife was so strong. But, he was fiercely protective. He knew some men cared nothing for either social conventions or a woman’s will.
His dark thoughts were gratefully shattered by another brilliant smile from his queen as they left the safety of the city walls and joined the crowds gathering around myriad stalls with colors so vivid they shone even in the muted light of dawn. Aidan reflexively took his queen’s hand in his and Gabriella almost winced at the pressure. If he squeezed much tighter, she’d have to chide him, but she allowed the discomfort for now. It was too nice to be out enjoying the day like a normal person for one. The market was just starting to open, so they wandered aimlessly for a time, taking in the sights and smells.
The queen’s childlike wonder of it all was infectious, and soon Aidan’s crushing grip loosened. By the time the sky was fully lit, they strolled along the makeshift lanes between the stalls swinging their hands with the casual comfort of lovers.
All of the shops were now open and Gabriella tugged away when one in particular caught her eye. She pulled back the hood of her cloak and tossed her hair over her shoulder, giving Aidan a mischievous smile that dared him to chastise her for the move. She was unlikely to be recognized outside the city walls by locals, much less the foreign vendors, but she knew Aidan’s protectiveness would be put to the test if she pushed him much farther.
Luckily, the wares that captured her attention would help to distract her king.
She picked up a small broach, beautiful in its simplicity. She had much finer things in the castle, but something about the moment made it seem worth twice asking price. She turned turn Aidan and lifted it to her bust where it would draw added attention to the sloping neckline of her dress.
‘What do you think?’ she asked, though Aidan’s stare made the answer quite obvious.
She was a second from turning to make the purchase when her king’s eyes lifted to meet hers. Never breaking contact with her gaze, Aidan reached out to cup the broach in his hand. In spite of herself, Gabriella bit her lower lip sharply and took a quick breath when the back of Aidan’s large hand brushed over the swell of her breasts.
‘I think it will be very fortunate to have such an enticing home,’ came Aidan’s whispered answer.
Gabriella swallowed hard and quickly turned to get the shopkeeper’s attention so that she could pay. More importantly, she needed to escape her king’s gaze. She wanted more than anything to continue exploring the market, but she also knew that she couldn’t resist Aidan’s advances for long.
She paid for the necklace and made her way back into the lane, doing her best to not share her king’s thoughts for the time being. Her efforts were quickly nullified as they moved deeper into the market. The stalls were much closer together here, and soon she could feel Aidan’s body against hers.
Ever a warrior on the lookout for danger, Aidan’s mind had slipped from Gabriella’s body for the moment. The narrowing lane reminded him too much of a perfect spot for an ambush. He slipped an arm around Gabriella’s waist from behind and pulled her closer, pinning her back against him. Her thick mane teased his face with the scent of lavender and Aidan suddenly became very aware of the sway of his queen’s hips. At ease once more, he nevertheless kept Gabriella close.
‘Where to, next?’ he growled into her ear.
‘The perfume stall over there,’ Gabriella murmured and leaned back just a little to revel in the feeling of his hard chest against her back. She shivered lightly and bit her lip, loving how his strength surrounded her. She pulled away almost as quickly, though, eager to sample the various scents. Her hands roamed over the myriad bottles with their array of different shapes and vivid colors, searching more by instinct than anything else. Her fingers came to rest on a small, pear-shaped glass vial tinted blood red. She sprayed a light dusting over Aiden’s favorite spot on her neck, the scent cool, smooth and little dark.
‘Mmmm. I like that.’ She heard her king say as she felt his strong fingers pull back her cloak a bit to reveal her bare shoulder. Aidan pressed his face in close to more deeply breathe in her scent and the queen’s heart skipped a beat. His beard te
ased her soft skin, raising goosebumps over her neck and shoulders. ‘What is it?’
‘I… I don’t know… ,’ Gabriella stammered, her head falling back and her eyes closing slightly. ‘It’s not labeled.’
She trembled almost visibly and her heart skipped another beat when Aidan’s tongue flicked out in the fastest touch an instant before his lips brushed over her neck.
‘She’ll take three bottles,’ she heard him say as she closed her eyes completely and leaned back against her king. An exchange of coins brought her back to her senses and she felt her skin begin to flush. Before the vendor could take note of her state, she hoped, she rose to take a few steps away from the stall to gather herself once more.
Aiden smiled to himself and left a generous payment on the table, looking over his shoulder to follow Gabriella with his eyes. He took special note of the rising color on her cheeks and neck. Without a second thought, he reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could take too many steps. Gabriella looked back at him with wide eyes and the color of her skin flushed a deeper shade of red. She couldn’t shake his possessive grip if she’d wanted to do so.
‘You smell good enough to eat, Little One.’ Aidan whispered just barely loud enough to be heard over the growing crowd.
Gabriella stared up into his eyes, breathing heavily and biting at her lower lip. ‘There … There are … more vendors,’ she finally managed to whisper. She broke free of her king’s spell and swallowed hard before tugging him toward another stall. Rich fabric hung from rails at eye level. The queen selected a silk scarf, its rich red as deep as the perfume bottles in her husband’s pouch. With a playful flourish she wrapped it tightly around her neck so that it clung to her skin. ‘What do you think?’
Aidan’s eyes narrowed a little and he clenched his jaw, eyeing the scarf closely.
‘It looks very soft,’ he murmured and ran the backs of his fingers over the material, starting with a low, dangling end. His hand brushed against Gabriella’s body, teasing over her breasts. As he reached ever higher, he rolled his hand, fingers spreading wide to touch the silk on both sides of her neck at once. ‘Looks perfect. Feels … right.’
Aidan could see that his queen was trembling. Her eyes were wide and her body tense against his. He knew he could have her, but he’d made a promise. With a glance down to Gabriella’s heaving breasts, he relaxed his grasp on her throat.
That was all that the queen needed to gather herself. She pulled back a step, thankful that this end of the market was still relatively empty due to the early hour. Taking a handful of coins from their purse, she tossed down more than enough to pay for the scarf and pulled Aidan farther along, trying desperately to focus on her plan for the day.
‘Wh … what should I try next?’
The king shook his head and considered, for a brief second, letting his queen have some distance. This teasing back and forth was wearing his patience thin. If he’d caught sight of the blush he knew was likely rising on her neck under the new scarf, he might not have been able to control himself. Another tug on his arm broke him from his reverie.
‘What do you see, Aidan?’
He almost laughed aloud when he realized the stalls Gabriella must have thought had caught his attention. The first wouldn’t be a problem. It fit in perfectly with the queen’s frivolous shopping trip. The second would be a harder sell.
‘There,’ he pointed ahead and to the left. ‘More jewelry in that one. And next to it we can get you some new riding boots.’
‘Riding boots?’ the queen echoed and gave a little pout. That was far too sensible a purchase for this outing. Hoping to change Aidan’s mind after selecting a bauble or two, she glided over to the jewelry vendor and selected a beautiful necklace. A simple, exquisite pendant hung from a long, elaborate chain. She pulled the new scarf away and draped the necklace around her neck so that the pendant rested directly between her full breasts. ‘This?’
‘No. Not that one.’
Aidan’s voice was steady, almost too calm when he took the necklace from her and picked up another. It was very similar to the first, but with a brilliant ruby at its center. Moving behind his queen and pressing close, he reached over her head to set the necklace in place. The light touch of Aidan’s fingertips on her neck sent a shiver down Gabriella’s spine, and she became keenly aware of the heavy pendant as it settled in her cleavage. It was all she could do to keep from shuddering visibly.
‘I want it,’ came her king’s growl.
Gabriella’s eyes widened and a familiar flush spread over her skin.
‘Wh… what?’
‘You heard me, Little One,’ Aidan whispered and placed the softest of kisses just below her ear. ‘And I always get what I want.’
Aidan pressed even closer as he reached out to pay the merchant, imposing his form on Gabriella. Once gold exchanged hands, he was on the move again. The king guided his queen to the next stall and directed her to a seat so that he could pick out a pair of boots that seemed to fit her in both size and style. His selection in hand, he knelt down in front of Gabriella’s seat and took her left food in his strong hands. With great care, he removed her shoe and slide hose up and over her foot and calf. With hardly a glance at possible onlookers, Aidan draped his queen’s skirt appropriately and placed her foot on his shoulder so that he could better adjust the hose.
The blush on Gabriella’s cheeks had just begun to fade when it came racing back as Aidan’s fingertips teased mercilessly over her thigh. Wide eyes locked on her lovers’ and she became dimly aware that she was holding her breath. She watched in fascination as Aidan took a book and guided her foot into it, his strong hands gliding over her calf muscles and under her knee. All the way to the back of her thigh.
‘How does that feel?’
‘Aidan,’ was all a furiously blushing Gabriella could manage to strangle out as she gripped his shoulders for support.
Aidan smiled knowingly and nodded, pulling the boot off and giving it to the vendor to wrap up and send to the castle.
‘I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough shopping. I could use a break.’
Not bothering to wait for a reply, he took her hand in his and pulled her from her seat to guide her through the market once more. To Gabriella’s surprise, they were moving farther away from the castle. She flushed for what must have been the hundredth time today when she realized the depth of her disappointment at having so much room between them and their bedchamber. Then she noticed that she was being led to a quaint inn at the head of the road leading up to the castle and her skin took on an even deeper hue.
She waited impatiently as Aidan spoke to the innkeeper about a room. He returned after a few moments with a bottle of wine in hand and led her up the stairs. Gabriella clung close, burying her face into the king’s shoulder. She was breathing heavily, her skin was hot and bothered. Anticipation had her on edge, but she was determined to remain calm for as long as possible.
Aidan wasn’t making it easy. He paced around her with a slow deliberation, opening the bottle to take a drink as he walked. For their part, his eyes drank in every detail of his queen’s appearance, noting the rosy tint to her flesh.
‘You want so badly to be naked for me, don’t you?’
Gabriella couldn’t hold back a tremble when Aidan stepped closer, causing her blush to spread far beneath her gown when he leaned forward and took a deep breath through his nose. The king closed his eyes and the feral smile Gabriella knew so well crept onto his face. She parted her lips to respond but found herself unable to speak.
‘Yes. I’m certain of it,’ Aidan answered for her as he opened his eyes once more.
As much as Gabriella wanted him, a fact she could never hide, it always mad
e her bashful to hear him speak so directly. She bit her lip, not knowing what to say. Aidan knew her too well. Instead of replying, she glanced away quickly, thankful when her hair fell to hide her heated face.
‘Look at me, Gabriella,’ the king admonished. His voice was soft, reassuring, but full of power, causing the queen’s breath to catch in her throat. Her eyes flashed to Aidan’s, widening when she noted the dagger in his hand. When he’d pulled it from the hidden sheath at his back, she wasn’t sure. All she knew was that he never drew a blade he wasn’t prepared to use.
‘Don’t ever look away again,’ came the rich baritone voice once more, and Gabriella fought to keep from shivering when Aidan used his dagger to brush the hair back from her face. The suppressed reaction became a startled jump when the king flicked his wrist downward. The cold metal teased over the heated flesh at the hollow of her throat without leaving a mark on her skin.
Her clothing was not so lucky.
Gabriella’s cloak fell to the floor, its ties snipped by her husband’s handiwork. Another quick strike sent blade over her shoulder and she felt fabric shift. While her dress was still in place, she did need to glance downward to know that more cleavage was showing between her heaving breasts. The king had cut the top strand at the back of her gown.
‘Aidan,’ was all she could manage to whisper.
‘I’ll ask again. You want to be naked for me. Don’t you?’ Aidan took another drink of wine and pointed to the dress with his dagger. ‘Take it off. I want to watch you getting naked for me.’
Eyes heavily lidded with lust managed to widen yet again, and the flush painting Gabriella’s cheeks began spreading over her body. Her hard nipples ached as they strained against the gown’s fine fabric. Reaching up slowly, the queen began to drag the material down. Aidan’s expert cut made it fall away easily with the slightest tug, and Gabriella swallowed hard as her breasts became exposed to her king. Wasting no time now, she shifted her hips back and forth until the dress slithered away, leaving her completely naked. A wicked smile crept across her features as it became obvious to Aidan that his queen had been wearing nothing beneath her gown all morning.
She was rewarded with a soft growl of appreciation and the steely gaze of a predator sizing up his prey. The king’s eyes raked across her skin, drinking in every detail as if seeing her for the first time.
‘You are absolutely stunning, Ella.’
Aidan sheathed his dagger and began to pace around the queen.
‘I have such an adorable Little One. Perfect,’ he murmured through shallow breaths directly behind her. Gabriella was trembling. Her heart felt as if it might explode any second. She knew that Aidan must be exerting considerable will to remain so calm. The queen parted her lips to tease him toward action, something to get past this tortuous teasing, but nothing more than a gasp came out.
Aidan stepped close and reached around her to lift the wine bottle to her lips. Gabriella accepted the offer gladly, taking a long sip of wine in the hope that it would calm her nerves. As she swallowed, a few drops escaped the corner of her mouth and trailed down her neck. The sensation made her shiver back against the king and she tilted her head to the side, exposing one of Aidan’s favorite spots on her body.
‘Show me more,’ he whispered into her ear and snaked his free arm around her waist, pinning Gabriella back against him. Dimly, she noticed Aidan had lowered the bottle and the cold glass was pressing between her breasts. She let out a soft moan a second later when her husband’s beard teased over her shoulder and neck. His tongue followed right behind as he slowly licked the wine from her skin. The myriad sensations made her tense and jerk, but she needed more. As usual, the king knew her well.
‘Show me where you really want my tongue,’ Aidan whispered in her ear.
Gabriella mewled in delight and writhed back against Aidan, her hands slowly sliding down her body. She gripped her breasts, kneading them briefly, pressing them against the bottle as she traced fingertips over her nipples. Her hands didn’t stay there long. She wanted the king’s mouth everywhere. She reached lower, down across her belly to a spot on her hip with a perpetual bruise that matched the one on her neck. Then lower still, she traced over her mound.

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