A Bazaar Sweater free porn video

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A small invisible creature with pointy ears, a long nose and very long fingers stalked the halls of the hospice where Mary Graham sat dying. She wasn’t dying precisely at that moment. She was knitting a sweater for her son, but she had been given a diagnosis of terminal cancer from her doctor two months earlier. Now, she sat in a wheel chair in a sunny window working on the back of the neck of the last sweater she would ever knit for her son Alexander. It was a complicated pattern, full of cables and texture, just how she liked her patterns to be. She no longer needed to consult the pattern, though, as she had been working on the sweater for so long that she had the pattern fairly well memorized. Instead, she sat thinking of her son as she knit, knitting a mother’s love into every stitch of the garment.

The small invisible creature stood silently next to the woman listening to her thoughts and watching the memories filter through her mind. He watched as she remembered her son as a small boy playing on a slide. He continued to watch with the woman as her son grew into an awkward teenager. He felt her pride and joy as she watched her son graduate from high school and then from college, grown into a handsome, confident young man. He felt her pain as she watched her son struggle in the world, not with work, for he was brilliant and personable, but rather with his relationships with woman. He watched as she remembered consoling him after each heartbreak and felt pain with the woman as her own heart broke a little each time her son’s did. Finally, he felt her greatest desire. He felt her desire to see her son settled in a loving relationship with a woman who deserved him. The creature and the woman both knew that she would never live to see her desire realized, but he knew that there was something he could do.

The creature extended his long skinny fingers, uncurling them from his palm. He placed his hand palm up in front of his lips and blew gently, sending bits of magic into the sweater the woman was knitting so that, though she might not be there to see it, her heart’s desire might be realized.


Noelle stumbled through the door into the church fellowship hall. She pushed the old door shut against the cold wind and snow flurries that had followed her in. As always, the wooden door squeaked and stuck, but Noelle leaned her 125 pound into it to get it shut.

Breathing deeply in an effort to regain her breath lost to the cold wind and the sticky door, she looked up at the older woman standing behind folding table piled high with children’s clothes. The woman stood behind the table sorting the clothes into various piles.

‘I’m so sorry I’m late, Susan,’ Noelle said, having caught her breath. ‘My car didn’t want to start again today after work, so the cat was sulking and hiding because I was late feeding him. I searched all over the house only to find him waiting by his food bowl. I hate when he does that.’

‘I’m glad you made it ok,’ Susan, the older woman replied. ‘You should really get that car checked out.’

‘I know. I know,’ Noelle replied. ‘I just can’t seem to find the time with the holidays coming up.’ Silently, Noelle amended the excuse to include the large bill that a repair would likely entail.

‘What can I do to help you?’ Noelle asked, hanging up her coat and scarf next to the door.

‘You can start sorting that last bag of clothes,’ Susan replied. ‘Some one dropped it off today. It looks it is mostly men’s clothing.’

‘Are we doing adult clothing this year?’ Noelle asked.

‘Yes,’ Susan answered, still sorting and folding. ‘There was such a demand for children’s clothing last year that the pastor thought it would be a good idea to expand into adult clothing, since the economy is still so bad this year.’

The women chatted amiably about church politics and about the items that had come in for the ‘Last Minute before Christmas Bazaar and Tag sale’. The clothing was destined for the tag sale part of the event.

Noelle brought out another folding table from a stack by the wall and set it up. She found the black garbage bag that Susan had indicated and brought it over to her work space.

The scent of the man who had last worn the clothing wafted up from the opened bag which had been sitting near the heater. Noelle found herself momentarily stunned by the aroma. It was not a foul, sweaty or greasy odor like so much of the men’s clothing they received. Instead, she found the clothes infused with the scents of wood smoke, fall leaves, and just a hint of sexy man. She found the scent intriguing, almost intoxicating. She caught herself just before she brought the first article, a white hand-knit sweater, up to her face. Touching it, she found that she could just about picture the man who might have worn the sweater. She saw him as tall, clearly indicated by the length of the torso and sleeves. He had dark hair, she thought, and rugged, outdoorsman good looks. He would be into camping and hiking, maybe fishing but not hunting.

Susan saw Noelle sway as she clutched the first article out of the bag and called out, ‘Are you alright, Noelle?’

Noelle started in surprise, surprised to find that she had been daydreaming.

‘What? Oh! Yes, Susan,’ Noelle reassured her older companion.

‘You were swaying,’ Susan said in the sort of tone a mother might use with a child who is trying to hide something. ‘Did you remember to eat today before you came over?’

‘Um,’ Noelle replied, biting her lower lip in embarrassment. ‘No, I don’t think so.’

‘Again?’ Susan sighed. ‘You need to take better care of yourself, Noelle. Go on back to the kitchen. I think there is some cold coffee left over from the committee meeting earlier today. There should be some cookies or pastries left over, too.’

Noelle went into the small galley style kitchen and found the food as indicated. She ate quickly and resumed sorting. Gratefully, she noted that though the clothes still carried their distinctive scent, it was not nearly as intense as it had been.

The two women carried on, sorting and folding, and finally, placing the items into the appropriate boxes for the tag sale.

Noelle had set aside the white sweater when she placed the other items into their boxes. Now she held it up to show the older woman.

‘Would it be ok if I buy this one today, Susan?’ Noelle asked.

‘Yes, I guess so, seeing as the sale is tomorrow. Why do want a men’s sweater, though? There were plenty of pretty ones in the women’s boxes.’

Noelle blushed, thinking of her earlier daydream, but she had come up with a likely excuse for wanting the sweater.

‘I think it might fit my brother, Arthur,’ she said.

‘Oh,’ Susan replied. ‘How is Arthur doing?’

‘He is doing pretty well, but he said the nights in the Afghan mountains can be really cold. This sweater looks like it might be warm.’

‘I heard that they get lots of snow there in the winter,’ Susan said, conversationally, as she retrieved the cash box to collect the money for the sweater.

‘Yes, that’s what Arthur has said.’

‘That will be ten dollars.’

Noelle counted out a five, four singles, and a collection of change to pay for the sweater. She wondered as she did so why she was spending her last cash to pay for a sweater that she was not actually planning on using. She justified the purchase to herself with the thought that she might end up actually sending it to her brother in Afghanistan. Maybe. Some day.

That evening Noelle fell asleep, exhausted, on the sofa in front of a fire in her brother’s house curled up with her brother’s cat and the sweater. She dreamed of a tall, strong dark-haired man. She saw him hiking in autumn, polychrome leave scattered as he walked trails in the brisk air. She saw him leaning in to prod an errant log back into a blazing campfire. She saw him chopping wood in the evening gloa
ming, a powerful torso swinging the axe high at every stroke. She saw him weeping by a casket. She woke in the early morning light of Christmas Eve day, chilled and cramped from sleeping on the sofa, weeping for the unknown dead in the casket of her dreams.


Alexander Graham slammed the phone down into the cradle. He didn’t usually treat his belongings that way, but he was furious. The bitch had gone into his apartment, stolen his clothing and donated it to some church bazaar on the day before they were supposed to have a tag sale. Alexander had listened patiently to his ex-girlfriend’s gloating in the hopes of find out which church bazaar, but he had come up empty. Sarah had wanted him to suffer, though God only knew why. It wasn’t like he was the one who had cheated and then broken up. He would have forgiven her again, in time, but she had decided that since he was no longer a chief financial analyst that he was no longer good enough for her. She had walked and apparently blamed him for the break-up. Why did he always pick the psycho ones?

Alexander paced the kitchen in his parent’s Greenwich home. He had inherited it ten month earlier when his mother had died, leaving him alone in the world. He had thought to sell it at the time as he had been living in New York and had been employed at a prestigious Wall Street bank. His plans had changed drastically when he lost his job during the downturn, and he realized that he would not be able to pay rent on his Manhattan apartment past the end of the year when his severance pay ran out. Even now, he found the cost of living in Manhattan to be extravagant, which is why he was spending most of the week in his childhood home in Connecticut rather than living in his Manhattan apartment.

Alexander pondered how he was going to get his clothes back. He figured he would probably have to buy them back from wherever Sarah had left them, but how was he supposed to figure that out? He thought and paced and finally booted up his laptop. He decided to try every church within a two hour drive of his apartment. He was a researcher by nature so the search for church phone numbers came easily to him. Speaking on the phone to every secretary who answered did not. He had struggled all through school with a lisp that came and went according his anxiety level. He had mostly avoided talking to people once out in the working world by sending email, but today, when he was stressed, he found his lisp was back.

Shortly past noon, Alexander discovered that the only church within two hours of his apartment that was having a tag sale that weekend was one in a town just one town over from his childhood home. He wondered if Sarah had done it on purpose. He hopped into his car and drove off, hoping that at least a few of his clothes had not yet been sold.


Noelle rose stiff and sore from her night on the couch. She showered and dressed carefully making herself ready for the Church bazaar and tag sale. She was pleased that it was Saturday morning, and she did not have to go in to work. She did not have to go in to the tag sale until later that morning either. So, after a plain oatmeal breakfast, she decided to finish decorating the artificial tree she had found in her brother’s basement.

She had found some tinsel and a few ornaments in a box near the tree. Even after adding them, the tree still looked very bare to her eyes, so Noelle returned to the basement to look for more decorations. She found some mistletoe, a wreath, and a few more ornaments in a box that had been stashed in a back corner.

Noelle had just hung the mistletoe when she noticed that the cat was hacking, like he was trying to cough up a fur ball. She walked over to the cat, which was when she noticed two pertinent facts. There was no more tinsel on the lower branches of the tree, and there was a silvery thread hanging from the corner of the cat’s mouth.

‘Oh, no,’ Noelle said to the cat. ‘You didn’t eat that, did you?’

She knew the answer to her own question even as she scooped up the cat and placed him in his carrier for the trip to the vet.

A short while later Noelle walked out of the vet’s office with a large bill and no cat. The vet had wanted to keep the cat for further observation, just to be sure that all of the obstructions had been removed from the cat’s digestive tract.

She got into her car, shivering with the cold and turned the key. Nothing happened. She tried again. Nothing happened. When the engine failed to start yet again, she got out, took her purse and decided that the car could just stay in the vat’s parking lot for Christmas. She would walk. She failed to see the small invisible creature with a long nose and very long fingers dust off those very long fingers and grin triumphantly over a task well done.

So it was that Noelle arrived thirty minutes late, without a car, and half frozen for her shift at the baby clothes table at the tag sale end of the bazaar. Even so, the sight of so many mothers with little babies brought a smile to Noelle’s lips and joy to her heart. She was holding a baby so that the mother could shop, rocking and cooing to it, when Alexander first saw her.

Alexander had reached the church shortly past one in the afternoon and had driven around for a while looking for parking. Eventually, he found his way inside and enquired about any men’s clothing that had been donated. The helpful greeter had directed him to Susan.

‘Yes, Mr. Graham,’ Susan replied to his question, ‘we did receive a donation of a bag of men’s clothing yesterday. I did not unpack it myself, but I believe the person who did just arrived. Let me introduce you to her.’

Susan took Alexander’s elbow and directed him over to the baby table where Noelle was entertaining an infant.

‘Well now isn’t that just a picture?’ Susan mused.

Alexander thought it a rhetorical question and did not answer, though he agreed with her in his head. The young woman with the infant was wearing a chunky purple sweater over a long grey fitted tweed skirt. The clothing clearly had not been chosen to flatter her body, but it did cause a man to look at the woman’s face. Alexander, being a man, looked at her face and was stunned. Her pale features were those of a perfect porcelain doll. Pale clear skin, rosy cheeks, a button nose, perfectly arched brows over milk chocolate eyes, and a rose colored bow at the mouth were framed by light brown hair cut in a bob. Granted, the mouth was making strange shapes to amuse the baby, but Alexander did not think that or the infant detracted from the woman at all.

Susan looked up at the stunned man beside her and a small, private smile formed on her lips. She knew the man beside her was single, or would be shortly after what his girlfriend had done. She knew from the stunned look on his face that he was interested in Noelle, even in that super conservative church lady outfit she insisted on wearing to church functions. Susan also suspected that, despite his recent troubles, the man beside her was a good man. She had a sixth sense about such things. So, after a quick prayer that things between the two might go well, Susan introduced Alexander to Noelle.

‘Yes, Mr. Graham, I did unpack a bag that might be the one with your belongings,’ Noelle told man who might easily have stepped out of her dreams from the night before.

‘Susan,’ Noelle said, ‘If you don’t mind taking Melissa’s baby and minding the table, I think I might be able to help Mr. Graham find what he is looking for.’

‘Of course, my dear,’ Susan said with a bright smile, taking the baby from Noelle.

Noelle walked with the handsome Mr. Graham over to the men’s clothing table where she quickly identified the boxes she had used the night before. She had a photographic memory, which she found quite useful in her secretarial job, as well as in tasks like this one.

‘Why don’t you come around the table, Mr. Gr
aham,’ Noelle suggested. ‘I think these might be the right boxes and it will be more comfortable sorting through them back here.’

‘Unfortunately, it looks like a few of the items may already have been sold, though,’ she added sadly, noting that several boxes were only partially full.

‘I will be happy to retrieve whatever I can,’ Alexander replied. He noted the sorrow in her voice and wondered if it was for him. He also noted the way her long skirt molded around her backside as she bent over the first box. He wondered just how long he could watch those luscious curves without drawing attention. He longed to reach out and touch them, but being a gentleman, he held back.

Finally, he sighed and knelt down beside her to start on a second box.

‘Is this one of your items,’ Noelle asked, holding up a grey button down shirt.

‘Yes,’ Alexander replied.

‘Good,’ Noelle said, ‘now I know which bag was yours.’

Noelle decided not to mention the sweater just yet. She was not entirely sure why, but she thought he might find it weird that she had bought the sweater before the tag sale even began. She was also extremely reluctant to part with it.

Together they made short work of the boxes. Some items had already been sold, but Alexander had been able to find most of his favorite items. It appeared that his ex-girlfriend, Sarah, had only taken the items he wore most often. It was just like her to notice and to use the information spitefully. There was really only one item he truly cared about, only one item that was truly irreplaceable, that was his white sweater.

Alexander thought his heart might break as he gathered up his items and still did not see the sweater among them. Slowly, he rose to his feet and arranged payment with the woman behind the table.

Noelle remained by Alexander’s side as he paid for the items. She saw the weariness in his form. She thought she saw a touch of sadness as well. Suddenly, an image of the sweater flashed in her mind. She knew she had to tell him.

‘Mr. Graham,’ Noelle said, once he had paid and gathered up his purchases.

‘Yes,’ he replied slowly turning his head.

‘I do know where one other item from that bag has gone.’


‘Yes,’ Noelle said, color rising up her pale neck. ‘I bought it myself.’

‘You did?’ Alexander asked, genuinely baffled.

‘Yes,’ Noelle said, ‘I bought a white sweater for my brother.’

Noelle saw joy gleam brightly in his eyes only to fade again. She could not stand to see the sorrow return to such lovely blue eyes.

‘It seems the sweater means a lot to you,’ she said slowly.

‘Yes,’ he said, ‘it does. My mother made it for me when she was dying of cancer last year.’

‘Oh,’ Noelle said, her own eyes misting, the vision of the dream casket suddenly returning.

‘Oh,’ she repeated, ‘I am so sorry for your loss. I would be happy to return the sweater to you, but it is not here.’

‘Thank you,’ he said, somewhat gruffly, his throat constricting with sorrow. ‘I would appreciate it.’

Alexander swallowed and let the moment pass.

‘I have not had lunch yet and something over there smells divine. Would you care to join me?’ He asked finally.

Noelle smiled. Alexander’s heart nearly stopped. She was just so beautiful.

‘I would love to. Let me just let Susan know that I will be taking a break.’

Alexander bought Noelle lunch and they sat chatting amiably. Each found they greatly enjoyed the other’s company and that they had much in common despite having different backgrounds.

‘Oh my,’ Noelle said, glancing at the clock on the wall. ‘I’ve been sitting here an hour. Poor Susan.’

‘An hour?’ Alexander asked, incredulous that so much time had flowed by without his notice. Glancing at the clock, himself, he could see that they had sat and talked for an hour.

‘I have to get back to the table,’ Noelle said, distressed. ‘I was late coming in as it was, and, now, I have just taken an hour for a twenty minute break.’

‘I’ll walk back with you,’ Alexander said, clearing up the lunch dishes. ‘We should discuss how I am to retrieve the sweater.’

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Thank goodness for Boy Scouts. It was there that I learned the Half-Hitch knot (amongst several others) that served me well right now. With a tug in the right spot I released her raised leg, then the same for my toy’s hands. At last this toy had her relief, but she was far from finished, and I supported her as I turned her and lay her tummy down on the bed, her feet still flat on the floor, laying over a pillow. I cooed as I told my property how well she did, and how proud of her I was....

3 years ago
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Dogging First Guy Experience

I'd been curious for a while but I had never acted upon it, but recently that changed.I had a free weekend and found myself at the cinema watching a late film. Upon leaving the cinema I was feeling horny and adventurous, so I googled some local dogging spots when I got back to my car. I set off for the first location which was about 20 minutes away. I nearly missed the turn when I arrived, but I managed to find the most secluded location imaginable. It was just a shame it was so secluded that...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 12 Dinner and a Night Out

Leaving Kassandra’s Temple interior with a spring in my step, I ran into Emily. “Would you like to go to dinner with me?” “Sure, just let me wash up first.” “Ok, I’ll wait here for you.” I waited while she hurried in to the temple. A few minutes later she came out and I was still floating on cloud nine. “You seem unusually chipper.” She commented as we were leaving the grounds. “I was blessed by Mother Browynn and Our Lady responded.” I gave her a large grin. “Oh, that makes sense.” She...

3 years ago
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Worship My Bum

The music washing over me felt soft and cool, but knowing what you were planning to afford me, it was very unlike the blood in my veins that had steadily risen to an inferno like temperature. From your vantage point on the sofa opposite my armchair, I could see you gazing at me in sheer, unbridled lust, and I loved it.I shuffled to the edge, then draped my legs over the two high sided arms so my bum was hanging mid-air over the lip of the fabric. I knew exactly what I was doing as I started to...

2 years ago
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Mother Every WayChapter 3

Afterward, when they had settled in the living room with liqueurs, she nodded owlishly while Vanessa introduced the fiction about their skit for Wednesday Club. And without quite realizing the time had come, she and vanessa were on their way to the bedroom. Helen undressed quickly, glancing at herself in the door-mounted mirror with satisfaction, and put on the skimpy, wrap-around affair Vanessa had suggested as a final teaser. 'Like a miniskirt that shrunk, ' Helen told herself. 'But it...

2 years ago
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Kathys New CleanUp Man

Kathy first met a black man without her husband’s knowledge and had a great time experiencing her first taste of black cock. Kathy told me she loved meeting them and watching the contrast of seeing a huge thick black cock as it slices into her pussy.Kathy still felt guilty about going out with these men and coming home with their seed still inside her belly knowing her husband had no idea his wife was out screwing around.After she told me she was going to stop seeing her black lovers because...

1 year ago
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Sanjay and his Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Since Sanjay was 15 he had always wanted to fuck his mom. Mala was a real knockout, dark brown skin, nice firm ass and two tits that were awesome to look at. They were Indian so Sanjay always thought he would never get the chance to fuck her. So instead he saved incest stories on his computer and printed them out to take them to his room and masturbate on later. It just so happened one day that when Mala was clearing his room and taking his bed covers...

3 years ago
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Kythes Romp at the Blue Voile

Kythe's Romp at the Blue Voile by Kythe Larsen Marilyn parked her car next to a towering snowbank that was colored red and blue by the neon lights of the club across the street. The Blue Voile appeared from the outside to be yet another trendy night club capitalizing on the current interest in the American forties and fifties. The exterior of the club was done in sheets of corrugated steel hung vertically beneath the pitched roofline covered with hummocks of snow and ice. Long...

1 year ago
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A Weekend with Peg

A Weekend with Peg A crossdressing and bondage fantasy by Brenda Heels - The drive Peg had been an online buddy for years. She has been supportive of CD's in her area, and actively recruited them to join her MSN club. She more than any other had helped re-enforce "Brenda" as a true persona rather than just an online handle. Peg had helped introduce me to other CD's on the web, and was amazing with her understanding of what I was going through. Peg is a woman, (a real one) and a...

4 years ago
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The new Mrs Harris Part 8

The day had finally arrived when Allen was due home, and i hate to admit it, but I was so desperate for a fuck there was very little I wouldn't have lowered myself to. I had already had to change my panties twice, and as i sat waiting on my husband to come home I was running my plan through my head. On the last few occasions I had gone for more than a few days without getting sexual relief, when Allen and I had finally fucked, he had come far too soon and I never got to orgasm, and on...

3 years ago
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Kissing Cousins Part 2

I woke up alone in my bed, Mo had gone to his room. I wanted to crawl in his bed so that he could hold me more, but I knew that it was wrong and what we did was a one time thing and it could never EVER happen again.There was a light knock on my door, “Are you going to school today?” My mom asked through the closed door, she respected my privacy and always knocked before coming in.“No, mom I don't think so, today is my bullshit day, just two art classes and study hall.” Senior year for me was...

2 years ago
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Saucy sauna

It was hot, there was nothing on TV and I was bored. To relieve the boredom I retrieved my stash of sexy underwear. A sexy little see through thong caught my eye, the flimsy triangle of material big enough to cover my rapidly swelling cock. I pulled the panties up my legs slowly getting harder all the time. I lay on the bed and stroked my bulge.My mind wandered, fantasizing about cocks and what I´d like to do with them. I was getting hotter and hotter. I could wank myself for relief but I...

2 years ago
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Promises Pt 03

Chapter 7 Trial Day 5 Your ideology is not how you can use your church to serve God, but how you can use God to serve your church. Janine emerged from the bedroom, bleary eyed and still half asleep to be greeted by freshly brewed coffee, toast and a choice of cereals. ‘Hmmm, this is nice. Thank you for last night, I just needed company, I’d almost forgotten what company without any sexual involvement was like, it was nice.’ ‘It’s I who should thank you, I’d forgotten what it is like to be...

4 years ago
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Family Fuck 8211 Part 3

If you didn’t read previous part of this so go and read it than I assure that your cock and pussy will stimulate Ok so Maa: tune apni fui ko or aunty ko bhi choda voh bata kese Me: mom voh bahut lambi story hain muje bahut bhukh lagi hain pahele kuch kah lete hain to maa hamri nokrani ko khana leke bulati hain tabhi meri di apne b. F. Ke sath bahr ati hain or muje or maa ko nanga dekh leti hai or bolti hai sale gandu apni randi maa ko bhi chod diya tabhi mummy di kain boble pakdkar jor se daba...

1 year ago
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Sex Gangsters

Everyone who can appreciate some good quality porn games will love what sexgangsters.com has to offer. This is actually a game itself, just like one of those flash games that you play in a browser. As soon as you visit Sex Gangsters the story will immediately start, and you are the main character of the kinky tale that is being written.I think that everyone has an idea of what the fuck this game has to offer, but there are some juicier details that you might not know about. Well, that is why I...

Best Porn Games
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Finally Eighteen Part II

The months started to past by. We had gotten married quickly. The move for marriage wasn't based on pregnancy alone, but the perfect intimate setting presented itself, and we took it. We had moved in to a new place, a bigger more friendly unit. We had the baby's room ready, and a name picked out. It was the perfect happily ever after, all we were missing was the baby. I was past my due date, and ready for the baby to make his arrival. I had started to research ways to induce labor, and found...

Love Stories
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The Teachers Submission

// credit for this story is due to the original author, apparently TOD. The Teacher's Submission by TOD Chapter 1 Let me take a brief moment to introduce myself..... and tell you of my shame. My name is Mrs. Barbara Jones. I am 35 years old; married to a rather submissive man named Jim and teach Jr. High math. I also serve as the department head. I do not have what is considered a knock out body but I can turn a man's head when I dress to please. I weigh 119 pounds; my...

1 year ago
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Ring Master First RingChapter 8

The back door crashed open as Ling and Ding came through in fighting stances, looking to kill someone. I just hoped it wasn't me. I looked at Ling as she looked around and asked, "Master! Are you alright? We felt something was wrong and that you were afraid" she hesitated a moment as she looked at May and June, "I'm sorry Master, you seemed almost terrified." "What the..." Now they all know. I've been holding it in check, hoping against hope that they wouldn't find out, but that...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Adrian Hush Addicted To Dick

Adrian Hush is new to the porn scene, and she is ready to act out all her fantasies. She says that she has been watching a lot of asslicking scenes recently, so of course, ass licking will be par for the course with our stud today. She slurps and slobbers, giving him a wet rimjob while she sprawls out on the couch. Sexually speaking, Adrian is addicted to dick, and watching her take our studs cock in her mouth proves this girl cannot get enough. She turns around to take a huge meat injection...

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A night on the yatch

My name is Susan and I am 25, 5'8" shoulder length shocking red hair, a good figure and 34C breasts. I'll be honest, I married my hubby for his money, Jack is 62, although he's fit, he's passed his best when it come to sex, he tries but admits he can't please me enough. It started when we flew out to his yatch which was in the South of France, we were to have a few days out there during which time he had several business people to see. During that first night on board he was hopeless to say the...

4 years ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 15

“Eddie, this is such a beautiful sight. Just look at all those happy women frolicking naked in the pool. I envy you - my young protege. You will live a long and illustrious life filled with love, and the joy many children.” “Thanks, Reverend Dick. We’ll have to declare you a grandfather to all the babies born here at Masters Naturist Ranch.” “I would be honored to serve in such a capacity. I am even more excited about our plans for the future, now that you’ve taken over direction of our...

3 years ago
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Unexpected roommate

His eyes slowly opened to the new day, light pored in from the open blinds as the cold morning air crawled through the slightly opened window. His body clicked and contorted as he stretched and twisted his hips and shoulders. Sitting up he clicked his neck and pressed a button on a black tube. It began to echo out music as he stood and walked to his closet. Opening the smooth white door he pulled out a change of cloths. Resting them on the radiator he walked into a nearby bathroom as he...

2 years ago
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The Cherry PopperChapter 2

As she dried herself off after her shower Cindy noticed that her nipples were still erect and sensitive enough to shoot jolts of pleasure through her body every time she brushed them with her towel. She was trying to decide if she had time for another cum when someone knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey Cindy," Cindy's sister Janet called through the closed bathroom door, "are you going to take all morning in there? Sue and I need to get ready for school too you know." "Just a couple...

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I couldn’t let him touch me. Every time he tried, I would instantly freeze up, my cheeks would flush, my heart would race so hard it ached and my ribs would feel bruised. I was scared, not of him, but of the way he could make me feel. Nobody is supposed to make me feel again. Not after the last one. I’m not supposed to try again, this wasn’t supposed to happen. But here I am ... trying ... again. I was scared that if I let him inside of me, not just my body, but my heart and soul, it would...

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strapon guy part 2

part 2this one is a little shorter but i'm trying to build a story here :)Still being a little lightheaded from the great sex we just had, I was reading a magazine on the kitchen counter. I was standing but I had to bend over a little because the counter was a little bit to low. I heard Linda (that's here name) walking towards me. I didn't pay to much attention to here because the articles where really interesting. Suddenly I felt something looking for my asshole. I looked behind me and saw her...

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The Medical Alternative

Kaylie was a bad girl. Often she was in trouble as a kid. Her parents always thought she would grow out of it, but things only got worse when she hit high school. Now she had barely graduated. Her parents worked hard to send her to college, hoping if she could land a good job someday, she'd be alright. You can imagine her parent's horror when she was booted out of school before the end of her first semester. Back at home, her mother was more infuriated than ever. They had done...

3 years ago
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First Sex Awesome Experience

Hello, Friends i m Pankaj mai Gujarat ka rehne vala hu so koi b bhabhi aunty interested ho to muje mail karna mai iss regular read karta hu but kabhi maine sex nahi kiya tha aise hi 2-3 ladkiyo ko kiss matlab forplay tak samjo. ye baat hai ek sal pehle ki hai. Ek aunty thi jiske sath maine pahle baar sex kiya dosto uski ager 35 or kya mst lag rahi thi usko dekh te hi deewana ho jata tha. uska naam tha Mital. maine kabhi uske bare me aisa socha b nahi tha vo hamare paas me hi rehti thi. bas...

1 year ago
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Hottub and a naked night of skinny dipping

The holiday had been going very well so far and we have enjoyed the week we have already spent here exploring and doing all the things you would expect from tourists and then at night retreating to the two side by side cabins we had rented. Tonight though Amy and myself had decided to stay out a bit later and have a few drinks, all night Amy had teased me, whispering into my ear the things she wanted me to do to her later so by the time we had left the bar I was about ready to tear her clothes...

4 years ago
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Tied up at the hotel

One by one five men entered. They circled around the hotel room bed where I lay with my legs and arms tied to the corners and watched me hungrily. She walked in with fire in her eyes watching me pant in desperation as the men were undressing and stroking their cocks at the sight of my body that lay spread before them. She walked up to the foot of the bed and mounted each knee just at the edge so that she was kneeling between my legs. She bit her lip as she removed her white lace bra, leaving...

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He is always ready

He is always ready..This morning when I got up, I had one thing on my mind. I needed real sex. I only had one man in mind that I knew could give it to me. Without hesitation, I texted Paul. “Hello! what time do u get off work?” I didn’t have to wait long for a reply. “Around one. Why?”“U have time for me today?” “For u always. U want to come for a visit?” “That will be nice, but I can`t stay long thou.” “What can I get u to drink?” “Nothing thank u. I`ll see u after one then.” The thing about...

Quickie Sex
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xdresser roxxis mistress is my wifes sister

For a long time now i have wanted to see a mistress but as i am married its hard to get the money to pay for the services of a professional so i have not been able to fullfill my fantasy that was until last week. The adult store i go to to get all my sex toys has a billboard and people put up a picture and what they are into sexually .Its basically so like minded people can meet to explore there sexuallity . I went home took some sexy...

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Eric and Percy

So one day I was reading in the small park that our town has, I knew that he lived nearby but I don’t usually see him there. “Hey Zac, Emily here says that you’re the fastest person on the track team,” I turn to see who is talking to me. It’s Percy and his friend Emily who was on the track team with me when I beat the oldest school record. “I was wondering if you wanted to race sometime? I think I might be able to beat you.” “Uh, I’ll race you but Emily is right I am the fastest on the...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Life Of An Indian Husband Who Loved His Wife

I met her at the college. Her name is Riya and she was so beautiful. We were in a relationship for 3 years. I loved her like I have never loved anyone. But we never had sex as she was a bit averse to the idea always. Riya is 2 years older than me. She has a light brown skin with ample breasts tapering down to a very small waist. Riya had a typical hourglass figure. She was always been very uncertain in her life and I had always accepted that. One day, I asked her to marry me. She looked at me...

2 years ago
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Fucking The Office Assistant and Her Daughter

When i had finished fucking her daughter we lay back in bed whilst her mum stood looking at us.Her daughter said,'Don't just stand there mum,come and join us'.She walked over to the bed,took off her jeans and climbed in beside me.I couldn't believe it.I know had mother and daughter either side of me.The daughter grabbed hold of my cock and began to slowly wank it before saying to her mum,'Come on mum.Why don't you suck his cock whilst i wank it.That way he will soon be nice and hard and ready...

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