The Count of Monte CristoChapter 93 Valentine
- 3 years ago
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‘Like a river, a sonata of sound, Love should lift you without remorse or second guessing.’ I recited casually to myself as I walked down the hallowed college hallways. ‘So often, within the raiment of intellect and desire I loose scope of love.’ I talk to myself often, I use it as a muse when there isn’t a person to fill that void.
I walked into my psychology glass a good fifteen minutes early by my watch, twenty by the college clock. The room was disinfectant white. Even the ‘chalk boards’ were dry erase boards that made the setting feel stale to me. That I was alone in the room only added to the feeling of spiritual repression. As a poet I need to be excited, given sensory input. Driven to add something to the lonely room, I continued my oration.
‘Cold eyes to warm, soft flesh to flush, I only love you more when you blush.’ I liked that, the way it rolled off my tongue. ‘Quiet to shake, stillness to quake…’ No, something was wrong. Intuiting it after a few moments, I tried again. ‘Quiet to break, stillness to quake, I long to hold you when you shake.’ Perfect.
I glanced at the clock. Barely a minute had passed and still I was alone. I racked my brain for something to talk to myself about. Ironic that the class I am taking is abnormal psychology.
‘Two people do not become one. No, that makes no sense to me at all. I believe that when two people know love to its fullest extent, they become more than their separate selves. They transcend the need for self fulfillment.’ The concept was an old one to me, borne on wings of religion, philosophy and poetry. I was just airing my mental laundry.
‘But love is only a concept, a series of singles from the brain. How can you define, measure or rationalize a feeling?’ The female voice made me jump. It was light, engaging and definitely pleasant. I didn’t bother looking around to see whom it was, I was being a romantic and didn’t want to pollute the conversation based on a judgment of her appearance.
‘Ahh, but we devise scales to measure everything. We mediate over anger and depression when you can’t ever really know what someone else is thinking, unless you’re psychic. In order to have a discussion about anything as amorphous as love, you have to set ground rules.’
‘And what are the ground rules?’ She sounded genuinely interested. I was again, pleasantly surprised. Not only did she have a nice voice but she also appeared to be stimulated by good conversation. In my experience with college women they tend to focus on their schoolwork rather than philosophical concepts.
‘Well, what would you like for them to be?’
‘I’d like to think that love allows us to remove our other selfish emotions and move on to mutual exploration.’
I searched the front of the room with my eyes as I thought aloud. ‘Alright, so love is growth. Love is a force that causes us, or allows us, to transcend the normal desires.’
‘Like what?’
‘Well, when I am in love I think less of eating and drinking and other activities.’
‘And having sex?’ She replied quickly, as if judging me.
‘Well, if I am attracted to the person the concept of sex becomes far more romantic. You know the deal, flowers and kisses and gentle, exploring touches rather than the casual fling.’
‘So you think fucking and making love are two separate entities?’ Her adroitness almost made me blush. A thing I had not done in recent years, to my memory.
‘I do. Don’t you?’
‘Definitely. So how do you view Valentines day?’ It was quickly approaching that almost holy time of year and the college was peppered with different Valentine activities so I was not overly taken aback by her mentioning that.
‘Valentines Day shouldn’t be a day of sudden affection, it should be a day of remembrance.’
‘What should we remember?’
‘That love is not a word, or a thought but a state of mind and being. Loving another person is about filling yourself with that feeling no matter what happens.’
‘Quite passionate about love aren’t you? I agree, but think that Valentines Day is also about renewing our commitments to our loved ones.’
‘I wouldn’t know in terms of passionate relationships. I’ve never had one last until Valentines Day.’ The sad loneliness of that statement coming from my own lips was depressing. I resolved to end the conversation. ‘Well, it’s almost time for class. Nice talking to you.’
She did not reply. Instead I saw the tips of carefully tended nails push a piece of paper onto my desk. ‘Call me. I’d like to continue the discussion, maybe over dinner?’
My heart immediately began beating faster. I didn’t even know which girl in the class she was! She could be a huge, motherly figure or a slender goddess for all I knew. I didn’t pay attention to who else was in the room. Despite that, the fact that I, the man, was being asked out was incredibly flattering. ‘Sure, when?’ I tried to keep my voice from trembling.
‘Call me tonight. I have work until 8, but after that I’m free.’ She sounded amazingly spry, as if this was a casual thing for her. Before I could reply students began filing into the room.
The class seemed to fly by, my thoughts no the conversation. I analyzed every line I could remember, making sure that I hadn’t eluded to being something that I was not. It took some effort to keep the thought that she may be looking for just another one night stand out of my mind through the rest of the class.
Unlike the class, the rest of the day crawled by. I drove home and attempted to write, to make a song, to work out and to eat but found all of those activities boring. When eight o’clock came I was a nervous wreck.
My fingers were shaking so badly that when I dialed her number the first time, I accidentally entered the wrong one and got an older gentleman who seemed quite inebriated.
‘Hello is..’ I paused to look at the slip of paper, not sure what her name was, I hadn’t looked until I dialed and even then hadn’t bothered to read the name. ‘Karen, is Karen there?’
‘We don’t have no Karen here. I wanna single barrel of malt liquor on the rocks, ya hear me?’ His slurred words convinced me that I had, in fact, gotten the wrong number. I hung up and tried again.
This time a female voice answered.
‘Hello?’ It was soothingly soft, amazingly effeminate and, unless I was mistaken, also a bit nervous.
‘Is this Karen?’
‘Yes, this is Karen, who is this?’
‘Eric, from class.’
‘Oh…wonderful. Well, where do you want to meet?’
‘Well, about that…Karen, I really don’t have much money right now so I was thinking maybe I could make the both of us something to eat and meet you at the park.’
‘Isn’t the park closed?’
She giggled at that. ‘That would be wonderful, which one?’
I named the park and the time and she agreed. I had an hour to make the both of us something to eat.
I hadn’t planned what I was going to say and I found the idea of making dinner for a woman, the reputed experts of food in the home setting, a bit intimidating. But I hadn’t lied either, I was broke.
Rummaging through the refrigerator I found a few cans of cream of mushroom soup and some tuna. Looking through the cabinet I found some macaroni and cheese. Great, I thought to myself: tuna and mushroom soup, I’m certain to bomb this date!
Recalling a recipe a friend had taught me back in my days of being even poorer than I currently was kept me from panicking. First I began cooking the soup in a frying pan with water then I began cooking the macaroni and cheese. When the macaroni was done I poured it into the mushroom soup, added the tuna and stirred it all up. Once it became a disgusting mixture of noodles and tuna I added the dried cheese. Quickly the entire thing became cheesy. I knew that the casserole I was making wouldn’t win any awards but it was, thankfully, tasty.
That done I bath
ed, dressed and quickly headed for the park. It wasn’t until I was on the way that my heart started pounding unceasingly.
I arrived just before the appointed time. The park was dark, lit only from a few streetlights and the parking lot wasn’t illuminated at all. The park itself was situated south of the main road and with the exception of the lot, was covered with well-tended trees and accessories for children to play on, like swings and Jungle Jims. I hid my car behind some bushes and took the still hot meal to a park table and began looking for her.
Time passed horribly slow. It wasn’t until five past that I began thinking that she wouldn’t show. At ten past I was about to leave. Feeling sorry for myself, I began talking to the air.
‘Bah, dumped, cheated on and used, what else would you expect Eric? Angels fallen, devils free, all these things or horror I see. Quiet broken, tears shed, all I want no is to silence the horrible shouting in my heart and head.’
‘Eric, is that you?’ A voice appeared from nowhere, around one of the many large bushes in the park.
‘Yea.’ She appeared around the bush, walking towards me.
Karen was not perfection, she was not a goddess or model in disguise waiting to seduce a poet, but she was close enough for me. Long, curly red hair framed her freckled face and emerald eyes. Lush, pouty lips that seemed to me to be perfect for kissing were turned upward in a smile as she moved towards me. She was wearing an almost sheer azure scarf around her hips and a matching, though much darker dress beneath. The straps went over her shoulders, making me imagine that with a few simple movements of my fingers I could remove the thing and reveal what were, apparently firm though not large breasts.
I don’t know how I saw so much detail. It was dark and my eyes were heavy with tiredness and then forgotten grief, but I did.
‘I was over there,’ She pointed through the bush, ‘At the other table, waiting. I almost thought you forgot to come and was about to leave when I heard your poetry.’ She was smiling at me. I felt my heart pound when she did that.
‘Me too…’ I said and immediately scolded myself for sounding stupid.
‘I brought dinner. It’s not much, but…I hope you like it.’
‘I’m sure I will.’
Dinner was quiet. Our eyes kept dancing from the food to each other and whenever they made contact we would both either blush or giggle. It was almost as if I was a teenager again. I kept thinking to myself: Don’t mess up. Don’t push her. Don’t do the wrong thing. Don’t fall for this girl on the first date.
I wondered what she was thinking.
When dinner was over she put the plates back into the basket I brought. She didn’t ask for the responsibility, she just did it. That singular, giving act almost pushed me head first into an emotion I wasn’t ready to feel.
‘That was amazing Eric. I didn’t know you could do so much with tuna and macaroni.’ We both laughed at that. And then our eyes met.
Unlike the romance stories you read about or watch on T.V, we didn’t kiss. We just sat there, searching each others face as if finding something long lost. Somehow, in some singularly unexpected way, I knew that I could love this woman. I knew it with all of my being, with a certainty that only poets can know.
She stood up and moved to sit next to me as I came to that realization. Her thigh next to mine, purposely put in contact, was enough to make my entire body shiver with mixtures of heady emotion.
She put her hand on my thigh and looked up at me. It was then I realized how short she was. I am over six feet and the way she had to look up to catch my gaze told me that she had to be only a little over five, if that.
‘Eric…’ She whispered, as if tasting the name. She said it again, ‘Eric…’ savoring the word.
I couldn’t help but kiss her. I cupped her chin with my fingers and drew her face closer as I leaned down, guiding her to me. She didn’t resist. My eyes stayed on hers, searching for the emotions that were surging through her, wondering if she could see the desire and hope in mine. The moment our lips met, flesh against flesh, was more beautiful than any other moment since in my life. I had never felt such boundless pleasure as the sensation of her falling into me as I fell into her, I naturally released all that I was and gifted her with it and, amazingly, I felt her do the same.
Her hand took mine, guided it to her shoulder. She placed her hand over mine, on her warm, porcelain flesh, and pushed the strap off. Then she removed the other. She still didn’t take her eyes off of mine as she pushed her dress down, revealing her breasts. They were, indeed, perky, as I had thought. The nipples tilted up, ever so slightly and were tiny, though erect. The areolas hugged her nipples in a way that made my lips jealous. I looked back at her eyes to see an almost pleading look.
‘Don’t hurt me Eric. Never leave me…ever. Be mine, forever…’
‘You know I won’t Karen.’
‘Make love to me, Eric,’ she whispered so sweetly, with a voice that was so vulnerable that my heart almost broke. I couldn’t help but give her all that we both wanted.
I reached out and stroked her cheeks, trailed my fingers under her chin and over her eyelids. I leaned close and kissed her again, softly, letting our flesh hug as my hands trailed down to her throat. I traced that sensitive flesh with slow, circular thumb motions. Her hands took my hips in an embrace and began stroking my back, urging me closer. Urging me on.
I moved my lips from hers, to her throat. I began kissing, then licking while my hands traversed lower, around the curvature of her breasts. I did not touch them, not yet, I circled them slowly, letting her grow accustomed to the contact. She shivered beneath the touch and murmured, ‘you didn’t tell me that you had your tongue pierced.’
It was my turn to not reply. My fingers moved around and below her breasts, this time not touching her nipples. I began kissing down the slope of her swan’s neck to the tops of her breasts, placing delicate, promises of affection. Her hands moved to my head, ran through my hair and tugged me closer. Clearly she also had a desire to match mine.
After several long moments of tempting her, stroking and kissing all but her nipples, I abruptly engulfed her left with my mouth. Before she could react, I flicked my pierced tongue over the super sensitive flesh rapidly, forcing the metal cap to brush it repeatedly. She moaned in response and tightened her grip on my head. I moved to the other nipple and did it again, only this time I sucked lightly, and then nipped at it with my teeth. Her fingers grew only tighter on my head. I knew then that Karen and I would have hours and days and hopefully years to explore our desires, which, so far, seemed to match completely.
I moved a hand to her dress and tugged it down. Feeling resistance at her hips, I leaned back and laced her fingers with my own, helping her stand. I reached around her hips, pressing my face against her breasts as I did and unzipped the mid-back trap of cloth. Her dress pooled at her feet, leaving her naked before me.
Rather than take the time to look at the rest of her, I sat her back on the table and knelt before her. I looked up into her eyes, made sure she realized that I intended to gift her and reached to part her thighs. My fingers stroked the insides of her legs, moved with sure care and tenderness over velvet skin.
My tongue met that same skin an instant later. It took me several long moments to moisten the insides of both her thighs, enjoying tempting myself with the valley of pleasure I knew waited. I made sure to maintain eye contact so I could watch her reactions. Her mouth was open and her fingers were rubbing her breasts, she was wordlessly asking me to continue. And so I did.
My tongue reached her outer petals shyly. I tempted and teased them, tr
aced and lolled my tongue across them while my hands misbehaved elsewhere. My left hand found her cheek. I began stroking her face softly, ever so gently and she moved her cheek into my hand, nuzzling me. My right hand found that special spot, just below her belly button, right above her pelvis, and began pressing inward and down softly. She gasped in response.
Her hips began undulating as I rolled my tongue between the valleys of her lower lips, searching for the hard nub of desire. When I found it I pressed more firmly on her belly. She moaned louder and arched, almost bucked beneath me. Certain that I was pleasing her then, I rapidly thrummed my tongue and it’s wicked piercing across her rapidly warming flesh. I spanked it with my tongue ring, bobbed my lips around it, suckled it into my mouth, over and over. I kept the process up, adding more pressure as I went with both my tongue and hand.
Minutes into it she began screaming softly in pleasure, ‘Oh Eric, yess..yess, oh Gods, yes!’ She climaxed beautifully, bucking and moaning beneath my attentions. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard.
After she came for me I stood and tugged her dress up her legs. She looked at me curiously, half spent but still quite excited. ‘Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I want this night to be special, for the both of us.’
Understanding flooded her eyes and she kissed me. She licked her lips and mine during that kiss and her hand found the bulge in my pants. When she squeezed me it almost broke my resolve. ‘Teach me to love you, Eric…’ She whispered.
‘Teach me to love you, Karen.’ I replied.
‘I will,’ she said, looking at me with wonderment and longing.
‘I will,’ I said, smiling at her as only a poet can smile. With a look that spoke volumes about how I already felt.
We parted ways reluctantly, promising to talk to each other on the phone as soon as we got home. It had been the best Valentines Day of my life and it was still several weeks away. I wondered to myself then what Karen and I would do for that day, whatever it was, I knew, it would be amazing. Just like her.
While there are many wonderful stories about my and Karen’s blossoming sexuality and exploration they are dim against the bright sun of what fast became the most fulfilling relationship of my life. Karen and I are married now, with two beautiful children and have the most active sex life in the neighborhood. Don’t ask how I know. Remember, lust is great but love, true love, is about giving to another.
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ValentineIThe chair was uncomfortable, high backed like a dining chair with elegantly carved arms but made of some kind of dark, cast metal. The cold of the cushion-less seat bit into the flesh of her bottom and thighs hungrily. Goosebumps were erect all over her body. Even colder were her equally bare wrists and ankles, shackled with heavy steel cuffs to the arms and legs of the chair almost symbiotically for there was not one inch of room to maneuver. For extra protection, a large chain from...
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You know I'm going to say what every single person out there is thinking but lack the testicular fortitude to say. I fucking hate Valentines Day. I'm not even sure if I hate it worse when I'm single or when I'm in a relationship. I mean sure when I'm in single I have to look around at all the happy couples, I have to watch girls go crazy as they get flowers delivered to the office. I have to watch guys nervously make last second arrangements and of course I have to face the fact that everybody...
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It doesn't take long for you to get home after that and I sit still smiling at the door as you walk through the house. Obviously having spotted the rose trail. Opening the door you spot me on the bed and I throw myself down, kneeling with my legs spread wide, my arms out in front my head bowed and my hair cascading over the bed and my arms. I hear you walk over and wrap your arms around my waist pulling me back up into the kneeling position. "This is a lovely surprised Moin Chiot."...
It was a snowy February day. The weather hadn’t been the least bit hospitable the last few weeks. Everyone in the area was getting tired and cranky because of it. We had been seeing each other for quite some time and loved being together. Oh sure there were hard times and fights. But we always seemed to get through them. He was perfect for me, and I was perfect for him. I remember this Valentines Day in particular because I had been busy, as had my sweetie. It had been several days since we...
Introduction: A romantic evening with Master. Enjoy, dont pick it to death. Sturing the pot of chocolate again so it doesnt clump I lay out the strawberries and the pineapple, to be dipped and eaten later tonight. The house has been cleaned and I had a couple of bags of rose petals make a small trail to the bedroom. Finishing up I take the small platter to the bedroom along with a long nosed lighter. Setting the platter on an end table in front of the bed ,I light the candles that Ive put...
Jolene woke up early that morning having the symptoms that all women have that time of the month. She felt bloated, her back ached and her breasts were sore but yet she was incredibly horny! She lay in bed lifting her shirt up and exposing her 36b cup breasts. Her dark pink nipples were pert and she touched them feeling them and wanting to almost cum. Damnit, just my luck to be on my period on Valentine's Day of all days, she thought to herself. Touching her nipples gently she moaned softly....
My name is Walter and I'm 39 years old. My niece D.J. turned 14 a year ago and she is very special to me. Every year I give her something special for Valentines, and every year I get a kiss on the cheek from her. I had been lusting after D.J. ever since she was 12, just waiting for her to be grown up enough for me to be her lover. Last year just after she turned 14 (the age of consent in our state) I decided to take her out on her first date. I knew my brother wouldn't let her date until she...
Jolene woke up early that morning having the symptoms that all women have that time of the month. She felt bloated, her back ached and her breasts were sore but yet she was incredibly horny! She lay in bed lifting her shirt up and exposing her 36b cup breasts. Her dark pink nipples were pert and she touched them feeling them and wanting to almost cum. Damnit, just my luck to be on my period on Valentine's Day of all days , she thought to herself. Touching her nipples gently she moaned softly....
FetishValentines By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and a follow up of my Eve stories. Please read them before this as it will make for a better story. I have resurrected and old character that I loved, Thelma Vitner from "A Christmas Story," which I thoroughly enjoyed. It may be downloaded for personal pleasure all other use prohibited unless approved by the author. If you do not enjoy forced feminization and humiliation, do not read. Again, this story is not for the squeamish and...
Please do not copy this or republish in any way without my explicit permission. Some ages, locations, and names have been slightly altered to protect people involved. Both of us in this story are eighteen years old or older. I am a new writer and would appreciate feedback. Enjoy! Also, my stories will not be in order, but are separate incidents or fantasies that I will try to say where it comes into my life. This is a recent story, and I have skipped a lot in between. This was my wish of what...
My husband was useless with Valentines Day. It was something we never normally celebrated. At 48 I had gone past caring. 28 years of marriage does that to a woman. However I will always remember the 14th of february two years ago. For that night I had the most passionate sex possible. But it wasnt with Mike. I fell for my daughters boyfriend.Lee was 19 at the time. He was a lad who was never really right for our Katie. She was lovely, polite and a studious teenager. Lee was a trouble maker....
‘Happy Valentine’s Day Maddie,’ I said softly as I leaned over and kissed my wife of forty-nine years. Maddie was oblivious. Morphine did that to a person, morphine and the last stages of cancer. ‘And Happy Anniversary,’ I added, kissing her again. I couldn’t stop the tear from falling and landing on her cheek. I wiped it, but another took its place. ‘I put your roses on the credenza near the window,’ I said, sitting in the chair I’d come to think of my own over the last month. It only...
I had gone to bed a little groggy the night before, assisted by some Jim Beam and sheer fatigue, as I had worked one hell of a day at Winthrop and Associates, a top-notch advertising firm, before I got home for a Valentine’s Day date with Shelly, my wife of just one year. The date had gone well, partly due to Shelly’s giving nature, where she had actually cooked some chicken-fried steaks instead asking her exhausted hubby, namely me, to do something. Then again, she also used the old “Netflix...
This is a Valentine’s Day contest story. Please vote. * Employer faced with laying people off in economic tough times, hires more people instead. ‘What am I going to do? I just don’t know what I should do. What am I going to do?’ After spending many sleepless nights troubled by his floundering business, ironically, it was Valentine’s Day, 2010, when Edward Benedict had an inspired idea. From that one idea, he developed his financial strategy and future business plan to have ready and in...
I was feeling very pleased with myself that Saturday morning. Valentine’s Day was just one week away and the shop was much busier than usual. I watched, from my office upstairs, as customers streamed in and out of the shop; singles and couples alike with thoughts of romance and sex. Adult shops like mine had taken a bit of a battering over the last few years. Online shopping had decimated most High Street trade over the last few years but Adult shops were particularly vulnerable because...
BDSMTim had driven down so that we could fly out together. Sitting on the plane, I thought about how I had come to be here. After those great days in Chicago, he had begun calling me, and we had become close. I found him as gentle and considerate about most things as he was in bed. What was more, with a few carefully chosen images, he could light me up over the phone as easily as he did in person. Of course, I was at that point where his voice was enough to make me lubricate and begin to go there....
**Many thanks to Aries77 for a great editing job!** Shelly Landford said goodbye to her best friend, Lisa, and set the phone into its wall-mounted base. Shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, she stepped over to her back door and peered through the small square window. She shook her head. Lisa is crazy for going on a night like this.’ Shelly grimaced with her thoughts. Bar hopping just isn’t worth the risk. That is exactly what she’d explained to Lisa when her friend had tried...
6:59 AM on a Sunday morning. Elisa giggled as she curled up under the plush comforter, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling. This was the first Valentine’s Day in twenty-nine years that she was spending it with someone whom she really loved. It was Robby Jennings. Her college sweetheart. They parted company when both were in their junior year, citing different goals, dreams, and the usual difference in ideals when you are learning about yourself. But she never forgot him. She grinned as she...
© Naoko Smith 2016 Grateful thanks to Bramblethorn, and to Bramblethorn’s wife, for reading and commenting at very short notice on the story and helping out with suitable suggestions for young Victorian ladies’ wardrobe items and sports activities. I had the idea for this story when I read on the Authors’ Hangout that doctors used to use vibrators in Victorian Britain to cure hysteria in upper class ladies. It was said that the vibrator had been invented because doctors were getting an early...
Hailey aka Karma was working on Valentine’s Day because she was one of the few dancers at Enticing Nights who actually didn’t have anyone to spend the day with. While getting ready for what was sure to be a slow shift since a lot of dancers didn’t show up, the owner Devon Cander walked in. ‘Where is everyone?’ he asked in a deep sexy voice she loved so much. ‘Not here.’ she replied sarcastically. ‘Smart ass.’ ‘Yeah, but you know you love it.’ ‘You do have a fine ass.’ he commented in a...
[author’s Note: this story starts slow and ended up longer than I expected. There is no graphic sex, hence the reason it is posted in romance. Thanks for reading and please enjoy.] Frank Johnson was a drone – one of the many thousands of worker bees that commuted into Manhattan each morning to toil with the others. His contribution by itself was insignificant, but together all the individual parts made up the whole that was the engine of prosperity. Frank was one of about 2000 people who...
“I’m sorry, Baby.” Brushing a few strands of her auburn hair out of the way, Lee kissed Lynn’s forehead and smiled. “It’s okay. I’m just going to the store, and he’s been pretty good about that lately. It’s a pain to get him dressed for such a short trip, but I’ll live.” Her voice right on the edge of a sob, Lynn softly said, “I hate it. I can’t do anything to help. I just feel worthless.” Trying to suppress a sigh, Lee held her hand for a moment, squeezing it. “You’re just having a rough...
Well, here we go, Mark thought as he heard the bathroom door open. Tessa slowly made her way to the bed on feet sore from a long day at work. She gave her long blonde hair a shake, dislodging a few strands that were caught under the thin straps of her top. Five years married, the sight of her in pajamas still made his heart race. When he smiled at her, she responded with a weary grin of her own. “Thanks for doing the dishes tonight,” she said as she sat down on the bed. He climbed in next to...
It had been a long time without sex. Too long. Life had been busy lately and it was time to set things straight by ridding themselves of all their pent up sexual desire. Amy booked a room at the Hotel Del Coronado for Valentine's Day, with no other plans than to fuck her lover all night. She packed all the tools she would need for this adventure; her lingerie, her bullet, and her new vibrator that Eric had purchased her on a recent trip. Stockings, heels, garters, and fishnet. It was just one...
BDSMWell, here we go, Mark thought as he heard the bathroom door open. Tessa slowly made her way to the bed on feet sore from a long day at work. She gave her long blonde hair a shake, dislodging a few strands that were caught under the thin straps of her top. Five years married, the sight of her in pajamas still made his heart race. When he smiled at her, she responded with a weary grin of her own. “Thanks for doing the dishes tonight,” she said as she sat down on the bed. He climbed in next to...
Group SexWell, here we go, Mark thought as he heard the bathroom door open.Tessa slowly made her way to the bed on feet sore from a long day at work. She gave her long blonde hair a shake, dislodging a few strands that were caught under the thin straps of her top. Five years married, the sight of her in pajamas still made his heart race. When he smiled at her, she responded with a weary grin of her own."Thanks for doing the dishes tonight," she said as she sat down on the bed.He climbed in next to her...
Linda had planned a great night in so she had said. We had not been on the same schedule for some time and it was a long time since we had time to had any time to enjoy each others bodies. A nice intimate dinner and she hoped with the right mood that it would get a whole lot more intimate as the night progressed.I had got the call that everthing was ready and when I arrived in the dining room there she was. What a surprise, a new dress, electric blue and very tight fitting showing of her ample...
As I woke up in my bed and turned to avoid the light coming from a window in the room, I found a rose bouquet on my night stand. I was amazed to see that, and I grabbed it. It had a card too.I read that card. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mom. From your loving son, James,” James was my step-son. He was nineteen years-old; a good looking young guy. He was tall, short hair, and had nice body. After the death of his dad three years ago, he decided to go to hostel while I took care of business. He had...
IncestYou tell me to be a good girl and go to the bedroom, take off all my clothes and wait for you. You tell me to light the candles and not to lie down, but to sit on the edge of the bed, with my legs spread wide. You come in some minutes later, shirt open, no pants, caressing your cock, playing with your balls. You tell me to watch you get hard, but I am not allowed to touch you or myself, I am to keep my hands on the bed where you can see them.You stroke your cock faster and faster, telling me to...
It was Valentine’s day and when Sarah got home from work and opened the door to her apartment and saw the rose petals, she knew her fiancé, Dan, must have something special planned. Sarah followed the trail of rose petals and she knew they would lead to the bedroom.When she got to the bedroom, she expected to see Dan naked on the bed or something but there was nobody in the room that she could see. Sarah decided to change into something sexy for when Dan did get home. Dan liked it when she...
Threesomes"I'm sorry, Baby." Brushing a few strands of her auburn hair out of the way, Lee kissed Lynn's forehead and smiled. "It's okay. I'm just going to the store, and he's been pretty good about that lately. It's a pain to get him dressed for such a short trip, but I'll live." Her voice right on the edge of a sob, Lynn softly said, "I hate it. I can't do anything to help. I just feel worthless." Trying to suppress a sigh, Lee held her hand for a moment, squeezing it. "You're just...
Well, here we go, Mark thought as he heard the bathroom door open. Tessa slowly made her way to the bed on feet sore from a long day at work. She gave her long blonde hair a shake, dislodging a few strands that were caught under the thin straps of her top. Five years married, the sight of her in pajamas still made his heart race. When he smiled at her, she responded with a weary grin of her own. "Thanks for doing the dishes tonight," she said as she sat down on the bed. He climbed in next...
This is a Valentine's gift to my beautiful mate, she agreed to let me put it up here for some odd reason. I'll probably write more down the road and for an idea of what the characters look like I put descriptions in another file called Toby and Jo. He could feel something was different the moment he came in the door, of course the scent of his favorite scented oils might have been the first indication but there was also the feeling he only got when Jo was going to pounce on him from some...